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L6 Conceptualization of Document

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Lesson 6: Document set up: Conceptualization of document

Desktop publishing
1.Introduction to desktop publishing:
Desktop Publishing (DTP) is the creation of electronic forms of information such as
documents, presentations, brochures, books, or even website content using computer
programs. DTP has evolved to be an important component of creating and
disseminating information as it allows an amalgamation of various tasks that are
generally performed independently at printing presses such as layouts, typesetting,
graphic design, etc.

Examples of desktop publishers:

Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Quark Express etc.

2. Purpose of DTP software

3.Advantages of Desktop publishing: Some advantages of DTP are

discussed bellow:
 In terms of Fonts and Layout of the Document:
Whether you are designing the document related to ad or multi-lingual item, it is
important to add some great elements. For instance, if you are designing a book,
adding a large number of graphics and pictures will create a visually appealing look.
One of the best things about DTP packages, even if using Microsoft Publisher is you
get multiple frame options in the form of text or image. You can even import some
latest versions of frames from online to use it for the document. From fonts to layout,
DTP has some amazing collections to use in the document. Another important
benefit of using DTP for documents is you can see the result on the screen and check
how the final document would look like.

 Advantages for Magazines and Newspapers:

The role of DTP in newspaper and magazines is immense. The user can optimize the
page layout of the page of the newspaper and magazine. DTP software features
automatic restructuring of other elements. If you want to see if the image looks better
in the bottom corner or top right corner, you can easily do it. DTP gives full freedom
to the users when it comes to framing and creating the appealing appearance of the

 Highly Beneficial for Brochures and Marketing Materials:

For designing team working on creating brochures, flyers and catalogues, DTP is
highly beneficial. The software helps in adding up the creativity by all means. The
tool offers an easy to adjust the colours, spacing, and contrast of the document. The
main aim is to create visually appealing marketing materials that will induce
customers to read. With some advanced features added to DTP tool, it has further
created excitement to use and add creativity to the document.

 The Mix of Text and Graphics:

Adding up only text on the marketing material or any document doesn't create
excitement to read. Unlike traditional word processing program, DTP has features
allowing mixing the text with graphics. The user can create a text flow liquid like
around graphics which will give a unique look to the marketing material.

 Enhanced Overall Appearance with Page Layouts:

During the designing of the page, the designer has to arrange and re-arrange
text/graphics of the page according to the requirement. This is to create an
impressive image of the document and enable the reader to read the document. By
using DTP, the designer can improve the layout of the page for creating a fine
balance between the contrast and space. An enhanced appearance of the page layout
will help in sales of the booklet and other materials.

 Reducing the Production Costs:

There is no huge infrastructure required to install the DTP process. A computer,
printer, and software- these three components will complete your need. However, a
creative and well-trained DTP user is important who can design creative documents
and produce promising output. Moreover, with the advancement taking place, the
user has to be trained to use tools like- Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, and
Photoshop. A DTP outsourcing company with a team of professional will enable
you to get the best design. By this, your overall production costs fall down.

 Communicating with DTP Specialist:

It is important to get the best out of the DTP specialist. DTP services in
India connect with the clients to know their requirement and accordingly work on
the project. As a client, it is important to have clear communication about the design
work expected. Some of the things to discuss are-

 The design software to be used

 Font, layout, and colour required for the materials
 Deadline for the project
It is important to establish a strong communication with the DTP specialist to ensure
that the final version of the project is impactful.

4. Disadvantage of Desktop publishing:

1. It has allowed really bad design, layout, and typography to proliferate because
people think they can do it themselves (competently) simply because they have
the software.
2. It has reduced the number of skilled desktop publishing jobs because
employers think the software makes it possible for anyone to competently do
the work (and thus they assign it to less costly staff).
3. Not all desktop publishing software is the same, and most people don’t realize
the exponential difference in ability between, for example, Microsoft Publisher
and Adobe InDesign.
4. For freelancers doing this work, the lower cost of the tools (computer +
software) has led to a glut of competition. This has also led to the people in
need of these freelancers to have to deal with an enormous range of
competence. I can’t tell you how many design projects I’ve had to “rescue” for
clients who’d previously worked with a completely inept freelancer.
5. Depending on your perspective and needs, the software is not cheap. The
Adobe Creative Cloud subscription is $80 (US) per month. If you’re a
professional, this is a no-brainer; if you’re not, this can be challenging to
6. The software can be enormously and deceptively complex. In addition to what I
mention in #4 above, I’ve also “rescued” many projects from people who
thought they could do it themselves.
7. Some people who have become reasonably skilled/talented in one area of
desktop publishing think they are in all areas. Designing, laying out, and
typesetting a book, magazine, poster, flyer, and catalog are all very different.
Sure, there are certain fundamental principles that span those formats, but
each has its own unique set of challenges to address to be effective. So, when
your friend says, “Yeah, I can create your book,” and all she/he has worked on
is brochures, be graciously skeptical.

Word processing software

5. Introduction to the various applications in MS office:
The initial version of MS office only comprised of a few applications which included MS
Word, MS Excel as well as PowerPoint. However, with the passage of time, other new
applications were also added in the suite such as MS Access and Outlook. MS Office is not
only installed in computers run on Microsoft Operating System but even in Mac
Computers, iOS and Android OS.

Top 6 Microsoft Office Applications of Desktop

a) Microsoft Office word: Out of all the different components, the Microsoft Word
Processor is the most common and widely used application all throughout the
world. The MS Word made typing of words and other documents very easy.
Almost all content writing works and official documents or letters are typed in
MS Word. You can save your written document which can serve as a re
b) Microsoft Office Excel: When Microsoft Office Excel was initially

introduced by Microsoft, it had to face a stiff competition from Lotus 1-

2-3 but outclassed it eventually. It is an application which is based on a

spreadsheet and available on both Windows as well as OS X.

c) Microsoft Office PowerPoint: The introduction of Microsoft Office

PowerPoint has made the work of presentations very simple. With the

help of Microsoft Office Application, you can design creative and

engaging slides by not only adding the texts but also adding graphics

and other files such as images and videos. You can decorate the slides

and make them colorful and just put up a nice presentation in front of a

client to showcase your portfolio or sample.

d) Microsoft Office Outlook: Microsoft Office Outlook is yet another

important and useful program which contains a number of vital features

such as client calendar; address book, e-mail and task manager.

However, it is different from Outlook Express and so do not assume

both to be the same. Its main purpose is Windows Messaging.

e) Microsoft Office Onenote: Microsoft Office OneNote is a free unique

program where you can easily gather all personal information such as

bank account details, financial deals, and medical details and so on

and store it safely. In addition, you can also note down small details

and information about events and meetings.

f) Microsoft Office Access: Microsoft Office Access is a database

management system which acts as a merger of Microsoft Jet Database

Engine and Graphical User Interface (GUI) as well as software

developing applications. It can store the data in its own configuration. It

can connect you with data from other applications.

6.Introduction to Microsoft WORD

Microsoft Word 2013 is a word-processing program that is used to

create professional-looking documents such as reports, resumes, letters,

memos, and newsletters. It includes many powerful tools that can be

used to easily create and edit documents, and collaborate with others.

This handout provides an overview of the Word 2013 user interface and

covers how to perform basic tasks such as starting and exiting the

program; creating, saving, opening, closing, editing, formatting, and

printing documents; applying styles; and getting help.

 Starting Word: You can start Word 2013 from the Start menu or

by double-clicking an existing Word file. When you start the

program without opening a specific file, the Start screen appears,

prompting you to open an existing document or create a new document.

To start Word 2013 from the Start menu:

1. Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office 2013,

and then click Word 2013. The Start screen appears (see Figure 1).
2. In the right pane, click Blank document. A new, blank document

opens in the program window.

Figure 1 – Word 2013 Start Screen

 Screen Elements

1. File Tab: The File tab will bring you into the Backstage View. The

Backstage View is where you manage your files and the data about

them – creating, opening, printing, saving, inspecting for hidden

metadata or personal information, and setting options.

2. Ribbon: An area across the top of the screen that makes almost all

the capabilities of Word available in a single area.

3. Tabs: An area on the Ribbon that contains buttons that are organized

in groups. The default tabs are Home, Insert, Design, Page Layout,

References, Mailings, Review, View and EndNote X7.

4. Title Bar: A horizontal bar at the top of an active document. This bar

displays the name of the document and application. At the right end of

the Title Bar is the Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons.

5. Groups: A group of buttons on a tab that are exposed and easily


6. Dialog Box Launcher: A button in the corner of a group that launches

a dialog box containing all the options within that group.

7. Status Bar: A horizontal bar at the bottom of an active window that

gives details about the document.

8. View Toolbar: A toolbar that enables, adjusts, and displays different

views of a document.

9. Zoom Button: A button that magnifies or reduces the contents in the

document window.

10.Quick Access Toolbar: A customizable toolbar at the top of an active

document. By default the Quick Access Toolbar displays the Save,

Undo, and Repeat buttons and is used for easy access to frequently
used commands. To customize this toolbar, click on the dropdown arrow

and select the commands you want to add.

Fig: Screen Elements

7.Features and uses of Microsoft Word

Features and uses of Microsoft Word :
a. Microsoft Word Templates Features and uses

 Templates: – In MS Word are pre-defined professional designs for users. In which

all the page layout, fonts, colors, graphics, outline, text boxes, etc. word processor

user get by default. To insert template you need to go File Menu -> New then you

can see available templates and office.com template. MS word application contains

so many templates such as business cards, educational layouts and graphics, event

planner document and event management templates, flyers, invoices templates,

invitations templates, many types of forms, resume templates, etc. This is the most

beneficial feature of Microsoft Word Application. Because of even less Microsoft word
literate users can use Microsoft word without the knowledge of other menus and

b. Microsoft Word Home Menu Features and its Uses

Microsoft word home menu contains all the basic standard formatting options such

as font settings, paragraphs, styles, and editing.

 Clipboard: – In Microsoft Word Home Menu Clipboard is the first category

menu which is used to store copied material temporarily. Such as text and

picture or any object in Microsoft Word. The uses of clipboard function are

that user can copy, replace, place the text from one section to another section

of the page.

 Font: – In which the user can set the font style according to the nature of the

document. In MS word home menu user can set and change font size easily.

They can fill color background behind the text, users can set text

transformation to uppercase, lowercase and in Title case, etc. any line can be

underlined and italic based on the document style.

 Paragraph: – Paragraph sub-menu is another great feature in MS-word that can be

used to align paragraph, highlight features and important points by using bullets and

numbers. MS Word users can also set the line spacing to improve the readability of

the document.

 Style: – If users don’t know anything about the font, paragraph formatting

then they can use the style category menu under the home menu. In which

any text can be highlighted according to the pre-defined style. E.g. heading

size, subheading size, etc.

c. Insert Menu Features in Microsoft Word and Uses

 Insert mean in MS Word to insert something from outside into the page. Such as

pages (cover pages, blank pages, and page break), Table, picture, clip art, shapes,

smart art, hyperlink, header and footer, text boxes symbols)

 Pages (Cover Page, Blank Page, and Page Break): – In MS-Word, Page sub-

menu contains three main features.

Cover page: This feature can be utilized at the start of the document or it

will be used on the first page of the document. Such as students, teachers,

professional, writers can insert cover page in stories, assignments, notes, and

articles etc. to highlight the title for the written story, notes, description, and author


Blank page: Blank page option provides the user for inserting any blank

page after the cursor. For example, if you want blank page after writing the first

paragraph on one page then you can click on this option.

Page break: Page break is similar to blank page option (You can use the

same key: Ctrl+Enter) but it will start a new page after the click. But the difference

between a blank page and page feature is that you can insert the blank page at the

cursor position, where page break starts the next page at the current position.

 Tables Menu uses in Microsoft Word: – The use of the table menu is that you can

insert or draw a table in the document. You can insert a table, draw the table, convert

text into a table, and insert a quick table (pre-designed tables). This is the most

important function in the Insert menu that is mostly used to design or draw calendars,

reports, and invoices and used while creating forms, labels, newsletters.
 illustrations: – Illustrations menu is used to insert the picture, clip art,

shapes, smart art, chart, and screenshots. The uses of illustrations menu in

Microsoft word that it will help users to visualize the documents view to

readers. The purpose of using these visual appealing options is to explore the

creativity in readers mind while reading printed word file or pdf document.

 Picture menu: Page menuis used to insert a picture from your computer hard

drives or from desktop to the current position of your cursor. You can also

insert picture anywhere in the text box, word art and in smart art etc.

 Clip Art: it used in MS word to insert Art clips such as drawings, movie clips,

sounds that illustrate the concept written in the document.

 Shapes: Shapes feature is used to insert rectangular, circle, arrows, charts,

lines, symbols based on the demand of the document.

 Charts are used to illustrate and compare data in MS word by using Bar, Pie,

Line, Area, and surface mostly used charts in MS word. We can insert excel

chart into MS word.

 Links: –Insert menu category contains a hyperlink, bookmark, and cross-

reference function.

The hyperlink is used to create the link from text to any file, picture, videos,

website. For example, if you want your reader to find more information about certain

cause or solution then you can link that source from using hyperlink option. Such as

when you search on Google for something then all the list of search results are also

Bookmark A bookmark in Word works like a bookmark you might place in a

book: it marks a place that you want to find again easily. You can enter as many

bookmarks as you want in your document or Outlook message, and you can give each

one a unique name so they’re easy to identify.

Cross-reference is similar to Hyperlink option that is used to refer the user to

headings, tables. you find such option in E-books in which table of content of eBook

is connected to the pages and figures.

 Header & Footer: – Microsoft Word users can use header and footer option to insert

text, image, and symbol that is important to appear at the top and bottom of each

printed page. After adding content such as graphics, page number, author of the

book, title of book, date and time. Microsoft Word automatically inserts the same text

with correct page number and other graphics on next pages or on the each printed


 Text: – Text category in Microsoft word under the home menu is used to insert

TextBoxes, Quick Parts, Word Art, Drop Cap, Date &Time and any kind of object.

Uses of Text are very great for book writer, students and for teachers to insert

preformatted text boxes anywhere in the document to highlight important words,

sayings or main points of written paragraphs.

 Quick parts are used to insert a reusable piece of content including field, document

properties such as author name, the title of a document, comments, company name,

etc. such options are mostly used by news editors, books, and magazine editors.

 WordArt is a good option to create and decorate a slogan, quotes in the documents

in Microsoft Word. WordArt is also useful to insert decorative text in invitation cards,

happy birthday greetings and other kinds of funny or less professional documents.
 Drop Cap is used in books, letters, notes and new stories or newsletter to display

first letter larger at the beginning of the paragraph.

 Object: – Object is an advanced feature of Microsoft Word that is used to insert any

object into the document and also by creating in real time. Such as you can insert

paint program functionality by creating a bitmap image in real time, excel

spreadsheet, videos, and power point presentations mean you can insert the

embedded object.

 Symbols: – In this option, you can insert mathematical equations and can do plus,

minus by using a table. Also, there is a symbol option that is used to insert a special

character or symbol that is not commonly available on the keyboard.

d. Features and uses of Page Layout Menu in Microsoft Word:
 Page layout menu in Microsoft word gives various uses for the user to set themes,
page setup, page background, paragraph and arrangement in the document.

 Themes: – In Microsoft Word, a theme is a set of pre-designed document designs

fonts, headings, effects. By the use of theme option in Microsoft word, the user can

change the overall design of the page such as fonts, effects, and colors.
 Page Setup: – Page setup is the most important option and the users start after
creating a new document.
 Margins option is used to set blank spaces from edges towards inside from outside.
Margins are page edges that are outside the main content of the document. The
margin will help us to define the paragraph starting point and ending point.
 Orientation used is to set page layout from Vertical to land scape or Portrait to
Horizontal. A simple way to understand the uses of orientation in Microsoft Word is
that it will allow the users to switch the page layout according to text writing flow.
 Columns option in Page Setup is used to split the text into two or more columns.
Generally, this option is a classical text formatting style that is very beneficial in news
printing, newsletter, and nobles.

 Page Background: – The uses of page background in Microsoft Word is to give

extra effects or protection effects to the document such as the watermark, page

color, page borders.

Watermark is used to insert ghosted text behind the text in the middle

of the document. This is a very beneficial option that indicates that document is

confidential, urgent and need to be treated carefully.

Page Color option is used in Microsoft Word to set the color

background of the page. Microsoft word document default color is white with the

black text color.

Page Borders feature is very beneficial to add the border styles with colors

and art around the page. Also, it is used to add text color background by using

shading option that will come in printout too.

 Arrange: – The uses of an arrange feature in Microsoft Word is to arrange

document text professionally and efficiently. The most important option is the

Wrap Text.

Wrap text is used to align inserted images, word Art correctly with text. For

that, if you want to insert text around the inserted image then you can select

a square option in Wrap Text.

e. Features of Reference Menu in Microsoft Word and It’s Uses

Reference menu and options mean mentioning, or referring the source of

information. In this I will define Footnotes feature:

 Footnote: – Footnote in Microsoft Word is used to add the special text or

written text reference in the document at the end of the page.

 But endnote is different and but the output is similar. Endnote will come at the end

of the paragraph. Endnote is used after the paragraph but the footnote is used at the
end of the document. The font size of the endnote and footnote is small than other

written text.
f. Microsoft Word Mailings Menu Features and It’s Uses

In Microsoft Word Mailings Menu Mail Merge is the most powerful feature that is

used to send bulk emails and printouts letters, document for thousands of people or

print out thousands of copies with a different name, address, and email fields but

with the same subject or company name.

This option is very beneficial to send a newsletter, reports, notifications,

updates. to team members by Manager, to customer from banks to reader, from

blogger and to students from Teachers. Also, mail merge is used by the printing

press to print envelopes with the same subject line but with a different name on each

printed page.

g. Microsoft Word Review Menu Features and Uses

Review functions and features uses are to examine, testing and for proofing of the

written document in Microsoft Word. You can compare the two documents and also

you can add a comment to certain lines or word.

 Proofing: – Uses of proofing feature is to check the spelling and

grammatically mistakes in the document.

 Comments: – Comments option output is similar to ToolTip. For example when you

move your mouse to “Window Button” it notify the user with the text “Start Button” this

is similar to comments. If you want to add more expression or more thoughts behind

any used word in the document you can use comment option.
I• View Menu Features and Uses MS Word

View menu uses are related to document views such as full screen, web layout, print

layout, zoom, windows arrangement, and macros.

 Document view: – Document view menu features are used to view the

documents in various styles.

Full-screen reading view used for reader and document designer to

view the document in reading view in which all the pages are looking like

you’re reading a book. Also, the full-screen reading view is helpful to design

and see the pages settings and visibility of text clearly.

Web layout is used to see the document as a web page. The uses

are for students and designer to view the text in web layout.

 Outline: is used to see the document heading, body text in levels. You can

use this menu to edit the heading, body text, and document structure. You

can also add control for sub-headings.

 Draft: is used to edit the text quickly.

 Show feature is used to show grid lines to see the document text spacing, word


 Ruler or Ruler Bar is most useful and very important for document margins.

Indents are important to align correctly by the use of the ruler bar. The ruler

option in ms word is similar to the scale that we used for drawing in schools


 The split feature is used to split the page with ruler bar in between the text.
 Macros use in Microsoft Word is to automate repeated task such as font size, color

size or series of commands and instructions in a group. You can run macros that will

automate the formatting of other text in the document.

j. Format Menu Features and Uses MS Word:

Format menu is used to edit font size, color and to present object appearance with

extra effects. Such as when you insert an image on the document format option will

be a highlight on the Menu Bar. Which indicate the user that they can adjust color,

brightness, border style and other image effects such as picture shadow, cropping,

wrapping in Microsoft Word.

This option is very important for Microsoft Word students, word operator to learn this

practice as much as possible because it will be used in assignments, newsletter,


8. Microsoft word office button:

In Word, the upper-left corner of the window is this Microsoft Office button. On clicking this button,
a drop down menu appears which can be used for creating a new file, for opening an existing file,
for saving a file, and for performing many other tasks.

What this Microsoft Office button performs was previously there in the File menu in the older
versions of MS Word 2007 File Tool.

Using this Microsoft Office button, it is possible to create a new document, to open an existing
document, to save or save as any document, to print a document, to send (through email or fax) a
document, to publish or close a document etc.

9. How to work with toolbars & toolbar buttons in MS


One of the most convenient features of Microsoft Word is the ability to customize the
tools that you work with. You can customize any toolbar by adding, deleting, moving,
or grouping toolbar buttons to suit your needs.
Microsoft Word includes several built-in toolbars, including the two default toolbars
that are visible when you start Word: the Standard toolbar and
the Formatting toolbar. The Standard toolbar includes command buttons with which
you can quickly access many of the frequently used commands, such
as Save, Open, Copy, and Paste. The Formatting toolbar provides quick access to
text-formatting commands, including Bold, Italic, Underline, Numbering,
and Bullets.

 How to create a new toolbar

1. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.

2. Click the Toolbars tab, and then click New.
3. In the Toolbar Name box, type a name for your new custom toolbar.
4. In the Make toolbar available to box, click the template or open document
where you want to store the toolbar.
5. Click OK.

The Customize dialog box appears.

6. Click the Commands tab. Click the category that you want to select your
button from. Under Commands, drag the button that you want to the new
7. Click Close.

 How to delete a custom toolbar

1. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.

2. Click the Toolbars tab.
3. Under Toolbars, click the custom toolbar that you want to delete, and then
click Delete.

Note You cannot delete a built-in toolbar. When you select a built-in toolbar in
the Toolbars list, the Deletebutton is unavailable, and the Resetbutton
becomes available. If you click the Reset button, the built-in toolbar returns to
its original default appearance.

 How to add a button to an existing toolbar

1. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.

Note You can also open the Customizedialog box by clicking Customize on
the Tools menu.

2. In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab. Under Categories,
select the category from which you want to add a button. The Categories list
displays categories of commands, organized by menu name or by type.
The Built-in Menus category provides options for changing menus.
3. Click a category to change the list of commands that appear in
the Commands box, on the right side of the Customize dialog box.
4. To add a button to a toolbar that is displayed, drag the button from
the Commands box to the toolbar.

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