10 Minute Social Audit - Ad Grid
10 Minute Social Audit - Ad Grid
10 Minute Social Audit - Ad Grid
Social Media Manager The Boss Owner Solopreneur
1 10 Minute Display URL:
Want to get a Do you manage
higher return from social media
your company’s accounts for
social media clients?
Use this Social
Use Social Media Media Audit (it Want to get a higher return
Audit (it only takes only takes 10 from your investment in social
10 minutes!) to minutes!) to media? As an entrepreneur,
grade your efforts grade your the investment of your time
and identify efforts and and money can be costly (but
Do you manage social media opportunities to get identify worth it)…
accounts? more followers, opportunities to
increase get more Use this Social Media Audit (it
Use this Social Media Audit (it engagement, and followers, only takes 10 minutes!) to
only takes 10 minutes!) to drive more traffic. increase grade your efforts and identify
grade your efforts and identify engagement, opportunities to get more
opportunities to get more Figure out what’s and drive more followers, increase
followers, increase working and DO traffic. engagement, and drive more
engagement, and drive more MORE of it so that traffic.
traffic. you can tie results Figure out what’
back to your s working and Figure out what’s working and
Figure out what’s working and investment of time DO MORE of it DO MORE of it so that you
DO MORE of it (and less of and money into (and less of can tie real results back to
Text: what doesn’t)! social media. what doesn’t)! your social media efforts.
10 Minute Social 10 Minute Social
Headline: 10 Minute Social Media Audit Media Audit Media Audit 10 Minute Social Media Audit
2 Get A Grade Display URL:
Want a way to
“grade” a
potential client’s
social media
strategy? (so
that they can
hire YOU to
How do you “Score” as a
social media manager? (Are Use this 10
you an A++ Student)? Minute Social
Audit to What’s your business’ Social
Use this 10 Minute Social generate an Media "Grade"?
Media Audit to actually grade actual grade
your current social media that relfects The higher the grade, the
efforts. Want a way to their current higher the return on your
"grade" and assess social media social media efforts (yes, it’s
Grade the profiles you the performance of state. Use this possible to actually track
manage and use your “A+” as your social media grade to identify revenue back to social media)!
a way to ask your boss for a manager? weaknesses in
raise and promotion! their current Use this 10 Minute Social
Use this 10 Minute social strategy Audit to grade your current
If you’re score isn’t up to par… Social Media Audit that YOU can social media efforts and
use this audit as a way to to give them a fix (you know, identity opportunities to
reveal gaps in your social GRADE and track the reason they increase your return on
strategy that you can improve their performance should hire you investment:
Text: upon. Grade yourself below: over time: :))!
"Grade" the "Grade"
performance of potential client's
What's your Social Media your Social Media current social What's Your Business' Social
Headline: Manager "Grade"? Manager strategy Media "Grade"?
Create A
3 Report Display URL:
Do you perform
Social Media
Audits for
An audit is a
great way to
You should receive start
a weekly report conversations
from your Social with potential
Media Manager to clients and
Social Media Managers… ensure their social reveal holes in
want a way to justify a RAISE strategy is not only their current
or PROMOTION to your boss? working… but strategy that Is your social media strategy
(You deserve it)! actually YOU can fill (if actually doing anything for
IMPROVING over they hire you, of your business? OR are you
Use this 10 Minute Social time! course). just randomly “posting” stuff
Media Audit as a REPORT online…
that you can turn into your Send this 10 Download this
boss weekly. Minute Social Audit 10 Minute Use this 10 Minute Social
to your social Social Audit and Audit as a weekly report for
Use this report to show your manager today and use it as a your business. Use this report
progress over time and how ask them to report report to to track your progress over
your social media efforts are back weekly so that generate more time and uncover opportunities
positively affecting the YOU can track their clients for your to affect your business’ bottom
Text: business’ bottom line! progress: agency! line with social media:
Weekly Report For For Agencies: A
Social Media Managers... Your Social Media Social Media Business Owners: Use this to
Headline: Want to Justify A Pay Raise? Manager Audit Template Track Your Social Efforts
Grade Your
4 Competition Display URL:
How does your
agency's Social
Media “score”
rank in
comparison to
How does your competitors?
business' Social
Media “score” rank Use this 10
in comparison to Minute Social
your competitors? Audit to “score” How does your business'
How does your Social Media your current Social Media “score” rank in
“score” rank in comparison to Use this 10 Minute social media comparison to your
your competitors? Social Audit to strategy AND competitors?
“score” your current the strategy of
Use this 10 Minute Social social media your Use this 10 Minute Social
Audit to “score” your current strategy AND the competitors. Audit to “score” your current
social media strategy AND the strategy of your social media strategy AND the
strategy of your competitors. competitors. See what they’ strategy of your competitors.
re doing that
See what they’re doing that See what they’re could be See what they’re doing that
could be working for you, and doing that could be working for you, could be working for you, and
where you’re winning the race working for you, and where you’ where you’re winning the race
(hey, it's fun to brag and where you’re re winning the (hey, it's fun to brag
Text: sometimes)… winning the race… race… sometimes)…
Headline: Your Social Media Score vs. Your
Social Media
Your vs. Your
Social Competitor's
Media Score
Your SocialScore
vs. Your
Score vs.Score
Your Competitor's Score
Ad type:
Know Your
5 Goals Display URL: