3PL WMS IntegrationORACLE01

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Adobe Captivate Saturday, December 07, 2019

Slide 3 - Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Release 11

Slide notes
Hello, my name is Michael. Welcome to training for Release 11.

In this session, we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud.


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Slide 4 - Agenda

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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value
they bring.

Then, we’ll walk you through a demonstration.

Next, we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

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Third party logistics providers (3PL’s) typically specialize in integrated operation, warehousing and transportation services which can be scaled and
customized to customers' needs based on market conditions.
A warehouse management system (or WMS) is a software application designed to support warehouse or distribution center management and staff. They
facilitate management of available resources to move and store materials into, within, and out of a warehouse, while supporting staff in material movement
and storage.
Coordinating the communication with these systems to support purchase order receipts, returns to vendors, internal material transfers, inventory
transactions, and sales order shipments is a substantial integration effort.
Inventory Management Cloud supports a central integration framework across Oracle Procurement Cloud, Oracle Order Management Cloud, and Oracle
Inventory Management Cloud by way of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) – based web services to support the interactions between 3PL’s and
The web services discussed here today support integration with Procurement Cloud for Purchase Orders, Order Management Cloud for Sales Orders and
RMA’s and Inventory Management Cloud for Transfer Orders and Inventory Transactions.
Using these services, Inventory Management Cloud communicates Receipt Advices and Shipment Requests to a 3PL or WMS for processing. Upon
completion of processing in the 3PL or WMS, Inventory Management Cloud accepts receipt confirmations, shipment confirmations and inventory
transactions from the 3Pl or WMS.

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Slide 6 - Receiving- Send Receipt Advice

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A Receipt Advice is an expected shipment line that an external party is waiting to receive. The expected shipment line can be a Purchase Order,
Interorganization in-transit shipment, Transfer Order inbound shipment or an RMA.
The principal intent of the Receipt Advice service is to communicate expected shipment lines to an execution system such as a 3PL or WMS.
This service constructs the receipt advice in the Service Data Object (SDO) format and hands it off to the execution system.
The execution system can also invoke this service based on their business need.
The service fetches the open expected shipment lines based on different criteria and sends them as a group to the execution system.
The service provides users a mechanism to choose which lines to transmit by providing attributes the user can search on.
The service provides many attributes to filter expected receipt advices:
• PO line number
• PO Schedule number
• Transfer Order number
• Transfer Order Line number
The receiving organization must be provided for the expected shipment lines. Without the receiving organization the service will not generate.
The service does not support blind queries. You need to provide at least one of the following attributes when invoking the service to fetch expected
shipment lines or receipt advices:
• Purchase Order

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• In-transit Shipment
• Transfer Order
• Supplier
• Customer
• Item
• Due Date


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Slide 7 - Receiving- Generate Changed Receipt Advice

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Generate Changed Receipt Advice is a scheduled process which serves as a mechanism to notify the external system about changes to receipt advices
that have been interfaced previously.
It helps users to automate this function using the scheduled process to ensure the changes are communicated in a timely fashion.
When the Changed Receipt Advice service is invoked, the integration status of the line changes to Ready to Interface.


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Slide 8 - Receiving- Accept Receipt Confirmation

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After the Send Receipt Advice service sends the expected shipment lines to the 3PL or WMS, the goods are physically received in the execution system.
The execution system then invokes the Receipt Confirmation service to post receipt confirmation details back to Inventory Management Cloud of those
The Receipt Confirmation service references the document number, line and schedule that were transmitted by the Receipt Advice service.
The execution system can invoke this service directly. The service then will interpret and convert the messages appropriately and create the necessary
records in the receiving open interface tables. The service supports Receipt, Inspect and Put Away transactions for POs Transfer Orders and RMAs.
Manual RTVs (Returns To Vendor) can be modeled as Material Issues transactions using this service. The receiving interface records will in turn be
processed by the receiving transaction processor to automate receipt, inspection, deliver, return, and correction transactions as necessary by invoking the
Manage Receiving Transactions scheduled process. Processing exceptions can be resolved by users
The Execution System will communicate the quantities that were received, accepted, rejected, delivered, corrected or returned against each document.
When the item is lot and or serial controlled, the payload contains the lot and serial numbers that were delivered, returned or corrected.


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Slide 9 - Shipping - Transmit Shipment Requests

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When the shipment line service, “Generate Shipment Request” is invoked with the required input, it searches for and selects shipment lines for sales orders
and transfer orders, builds the shipment request payload and sends the payload to the invoking external execution system.
The Shipment Request payload provides data to allow the execution system like a 3PL or WMS to Pick, Pack, Label and Ship the line.
Sending the Shipment Request to the execution system can be a manual process using the Create Outbound Shipment UI or, it can be automated using a
scheduled process. This provides the get mechanism for systems that subscribe to the publish shipment request event to acquire the actual shipment
requests. It also allows external execution systems to invoke this service without subscribing to any events.
For integration purposes, external execution systems will invoke this service when needed.
In this blind invocation scenario, the service expects the minimum criteria of organization, release rule, or shipment request batch number.
This service will consider the following rules when the shipment lines are interfaced to an external system. Only Ready to Release and Backordered
shipment lines are eligible for this processing. Shipment lines are not assigned to any shipment. Shipment lines are not packed into any container.
Exceptions are logged for the lines that were selected but not interfaced because they were assigned to a shipment or packed into a container.


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Slide 10 - Shipping - Accept Shipment Confirmations

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When the Shipment Confirmation service is invoked with the required input, it will receive and process shipment confirmation messages for sales orders
and transfer orders from external execution systems. This service provides a mechanism for execution systems to post the material and shipping details for
the shipment lines fulfilled using those systems.
For integration purposes, external execution systems can invoke this service when needed. This service will interpret and transform the message, then
create the necessary records in the shipping open interface tables. Processing exceptions can be resolved by users.
This service will accept the shipment confirmation based on the following details and limitations:
• The content and structure of the message is based on the shipment confirmation message payload.
• Some level of customization will be required on the external systems to interpret and populate lookup based and flexfield based attribute values.
• ID attributes such as transaction ID and packing unit ID will not be expected as they will be generated internally.


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Slide 11 - Shipping – Support Shipment Requests and Corrections

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The “Support Shipment Requests and Corrections” enhancement provides a method for the Inventory Management Cloud user to send a shipment request
to the 3PL or WMS by way of a task on the Shipments Overview page.
In addition to a task for creating a shipment requests from this page, a new task is created to allow Inventory Management Cloud users to Manage Shipping
Transaction Corrections in a Spreadsheet.
Clicking this task opens an Applications Development Framework Desktop Interface (ADF DI) spreadsheet where ship confirmation error transactions that
occurred between the 3PL or WMS and Inventory Management Cloud can be reviewed, corrected and uploaded into Inventory Management Cloud tables.


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Slide 12 - Inventory - Inventory Transactions

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The Transaction Manager Service processes material transactions to maintain on-hand balances in Fusion Inventory Management Cloud.
The service supports miscellaneous and account alias issues and receipts, subinventory transfers, inter-org transfers, cycle count adjustments, physical
inventory adjustments and material status updates. This service can be used to control the inventory accuracy at the 3PL or WMS using cycle count and
physical inventory adjustments.
The service inserts data into the transaction interface table and invokes the transaction manager to process the rows that are ready for processing. After the
manager completes its processing, a result is returned to notify the calling application if the manager completed successfully or failed. If the manager
completes successfully, the completed transaction can be viewed on the Review Completed Transactions page. If the transaction processing fails, the error
details as well as transaction data can be viewed on the Manage Pending Transaction page where the data can be corrected and resubmitted to the
manager for reprocessing.


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Slide 13 - Inventory Management Cloud – 3PL/WMS Integration

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3PL’ s and WMS’s are firms and systems that provide services to its customers of outsourced logistics services for part or all of their supply chain
management functions.
The business value provided by using a 3PL or WMS is that a business can outsource the total logistic operations for that business to a 3PL or WMS.
Because of volume, 3PL’s generally have better negotiating leverage with carriers. This allows for minimizing total delivery time and costs. Customer
service can be enhanced through improved delivery.
The payloads of the services provide visibility to expected shipment and receipt detail that can be used to plan import and customs clearance.
A warehouse can accept returns from a customer with authorization from the manufacturer by way of a receipt advice.
Tighter controls can be maintained between Inventory Management Cloud and the execution system for greater transparency to the activities at the 3PL or
Finally, Inventory accuracy can be closely monitored using the Transaction Manager service.


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Slide 14 - Receipt Advice and Receipt Confirmation Flow

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Now, let’s review the business flow of the Receipt Advice and Receipt Confirmation services to show you how these services can be used by your business.


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Slide 15 - 3PL/WMS Integration Receipt Advice Flow

Slide notes
The receipt advice integration process between Inventory Management Cloud and a 3PL or WMS system starts with a Receipt Advice. The scheduled
process Generate Receipt Advice publishes an event to notify the 3PL or WMS system about receipt advices that are ready to be interfaced. A new web
service Send Receipt Advice has been introduced providing the 3PL and WMS system the ability to receive the actual receipt advices with the expected
shipment lines for Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders and RMA’s to be received.
Once the 3PL or WMS system receives the receipt advice, they will perform receiving related processes including the receiving, inspection, and put away. A
new web service Receive Receipt Confirmation has been introduced in this release. When invoked, Inventory Management Cloud will receive and process
the receipt confirmation messages. This service provides the ability for the 3PL or WMS system to send the material and receiving details for the expected
shipment lines received. This service will interpret and transform the message, and create the necessary records in Inventory Management Cloud. These
records will carry all the reference information from the external system to easily identify them for performing any future returns or corrections.
The existing task Manage Receiving Transactions will validate and process the transactions received into the open interface automatically. In the event
there is an error processing the transactions, the Review Receipts Interface provides users with the ability to review and correct pending and error
transactions. These transactions can then be resubmitted for processing. When transactions have been successfully processed the associated document
will be updated accordingly. For example, the status on the associated purchase order document will be updated to ‘Closed for Receiving.’


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Slide 16 - Generate Receipt Advice

Slide notes
The Generate Receipt Advice is a new scheduled process introduced in this release. This process publishes an event with the criteria for lines that are
ready to be interfaced to an external system. The process serves as a mechanism to notify the interested external system about receipt advices ready to be
interfaced. It helps users to automate this function ensuring lines are interfaced in a timely fashion.
Additionally, a new scheduled process Generate Changed Receipt Advice is provided to manage changes. For example, if there was a change to a
purchase order line that was already interfaced but not confirmed, the service will send a changed receipt advice to communicate the associated change to
the 3PL or WMS system.
Receive Expected Shipments is an existing page. However, in this release it has been enhanced to include Integration Status. This page enables users to
perform receipts on expected shipment lines allowing them to record various details. Integration Status values include Ready to Interface, Interfaced, and


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Slide 17 - 3PL/WMS Integration Receipt Advice Flow

Slide notes
The 3PL or WMS system receives the receipt advice from Inventory Management Cloud. The 3PL or WMS system will perform receiving related processes
including the receiving, inspection, and put away. A new web service Receive Receipt Confirmation has been introduced in this release. When invoked,
Inventory Management Cloud will receive and process the receipt confirmation messages. This service provides the ability for the 3PL or WMS system to
send the material and receiving details for the expected shipment lines received. This service will interpret and transform the message, and create the
necessary records in Inventory Management Cloud. These records will carry all the reference information from the external system to easily identify them
for performing any future returns or corrections.


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Slide 18 - Receipt Confirmation

Slide notes
The 3PL or WMS system will perform receiving related processes including receiving, inspection, and put away. The new web service Receive Receipt
Confirmation will be used to receive and process receipt confirmation messages. Inventory Management Cloud will validate and process the receiving

Once the receiving transactions have been processed the Integration Status associated with the shipment line will be updated to ‘Confirmed.’


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Slide 19 - 3PL/WMS Integration Receipt Advice Flow

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Once the receipt confirmation is received from the 3PL or WMS system, the receiving transactions will validate and processed by the receiving transaction
manager. In the event there is an error processing the transactions, the Review Receipts Interface provides users with the ability to review and correct
pending and error transactions. These transactions can then be resubmitted for processing. When transactions have been successfully processed, the
associated document will be updated accordingly. For example, the status on the associated purchase order document will be updated to ‘Closed for
Receiving.' Additionally, the Integration Status on the shipment line will be updated to ‘Confirmed.’


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Slide 20 - Shipment Request and Shipment Confirmation Flow

Slide notes
Next, let’s review the business flow of the Shipment Request and Shipment Confirmation services to show you how these services can be used by your


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Slide 21 - 3PL/WMS Integration Shipment Request Flow

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The outbound shipment request integration process between Inventory Management Cloud and a 3PL or WMS system starts with a shipment request. A
new scheduled process Create Outbound Shipment Request has been introduced in this release. This new process will allow Inventory Management Cloud
users to manually send shipment lines to the 3PL or WMS or they can automate the process using a scheduled process. The Shipment Request service
leverages the existing pick wave release rules to provide criteria used for selecting the shipment lines.
The Shipment Request service enables users to send Shipment Requests to a 3PL or WMS system. Alternatively the 3PL or WMS system can invoke the
shipment request service voluntarily. This can be done at specified intervals to retrieve shipment requests from Inventory Management Cloud. Once the 3PL
or WMS system receives the shipment request, the pick, pack, and ship processes are performed.
The Receive Shipment Confirmation is new web service when invoked with the required input will receive and process the shipment confirmation
messages. This service will interpret and transform the message, and create the necessary records in the shipping open interface tables. This provides the
mechanism for the 3PL/WMS to send the material and shipping details for the shipment lines fulfilled.
A new scheduled process Perform Shipping Transactions has been introduced in this release. This scheduled process will process the pending transaction
records received into the open interfaces. The process will validate the data on the transaction records received from the 3PL/WMS before processing
them. Any errors from the validation step will be recorded and the transaction records will be left in the open interface tables. These interface records with
errors will be available for users to view, edit, resolve the errors, and reprocess.
In the event there is an error processing shipment confirmation messages, the existing task Manage Shipment Message Interface allows users to manage
pending transactions via a spreadsheet interface using (Application Development Framework Desktop Integration) ADFdi technology. This user interface will
be extended to support management of interface transactions and corresponding errors related to shipment confirmations received from 3PL and WMS
Once the shipment lines have been successfully confirmed, the integration status and shipment status will be updated accordingly.


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Slide 22 - Create Outbound Shipment Request

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A new scheduled process ‘Create Outbound Shipment Request’ has been introduced in this release. You can navigate to this task from the Shipments work
area. The scheduled process provides a number of parameters to assist users with identifying the demand to be sent to the WMS/3PL. For example, you
can create a shipment request for by selecting the demand for a given organization or you select demand at a more granular level by optionally providing
the subinventory or order number.
The Manage Shipment Lines page includes a new attribute ‘Integration Status’ in both the advanced search and search results region. There are three
separate integration statuses supported including Ready to Interface, Interfaced, and Confirmed. The integration status is used to track the progress of the
shipment line. For example, once the shipment lines are successfully interfaced to the 3PL or WMS system, the integration status on the shipment line will
be updated to ‘Interfaced.'


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Slide 23 - 3PL/WMS Integration Shipment Request Flow

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The 3PL or WMS system will receive and process the shipment request. The 3PL or WMS system can invoke the shipment request service voluntarily. This
can be done at specified intervals to retrieve shipment requests from Inventory Management Cloud. Once the 3PL or WMS system receives the shipment
request, the pick, pack, and ship processes are performed. The 3PL or WMS system will send the shipment confirmation by invoking the Receive Shipment
Confirmation web service. This service will interpret and transform the message, and create the necessary records in the shipping open interface tables.
This provides the mechanism for the 3PL/WMS to send the material and shipping details for the shipment lines fulfilled.


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Slide 24 - Shipment Confirmation

Slide notes
The new web service Receive Shipment Confirmation will receive and process the shipment confirmation messages. This allows the 3PL/WMS to send the
material and shipping details for the shipment lines fulfilled. The scheduled process Perform Shipping Transactions will process the pending transaction
records received into the open interfaces. The process will validate the data on the transaction records received from the 3PL/WMS before processing


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Slide 25 - 3PL/WMS Integration Shipment Request Flow

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Inventory Management Cloud will receive the shipment confirmation from the 3PL or WMS system. The scheduled process Perform Shipping Transactions
will process the pending transaction records received into the open interface tables. The process will validate the data on the transaction records received
from the 3PL/WMS before processing them. Any errors from the validation step will be recorded and the transaction records will be left in the open interface
tables. These interface records with errors will be available for users to view, edit, resolve the errors, and reprocess.
In the event there is an error processing shipment confirmation messages, users can correct the error using the Manage Shipment Message Interface.
Users can correct and reprocess shipment confirmation messages received from the 3PL or WMS system.
Once the shipment lines have been successfully confirmed, the integration status and shipment status will be updated accordingly.
This completes the 3PL/WMS Integration Shipment Request Demo Flow.


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Slide 26 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today:
For Receiving, there is the Send Receipt Advice Service that allows Inventory Management Cloud to communicate expected shipment lines to be received
by a 3PL or WMS.
Then, the follow-up service to the Send Receipt Advice Service is the Receive Receipt Confirmation service where the 3PL or WMS can communicate
confirmation and receipt details of the expected shipment lines communicated with the Send Receipt Advice Service.
In Shipping, we talked about the Generate Shipment Request service that allows Inventory Management Cloud user to send Shipment Requests to a 3PL
or WMS. Similarly, we discussed a service to support Generate Shipment Requests opposite business function, Accept Shipment Confirmation. Inventory
Management Cloud can receive and process shipment confirmation detail performed by the 3PL or WMS
Also in shipping, new tasks are created on the Shipment Overview page to allow the user to send a shipment request directly from the Shipments Overview
page. Additionally, when the shipment confirmation tractions from a 3PL or WMS have errors, a task is available on the Overview Page to view the error in a
spread sheet, correct the error and re-process the shipment bringing the confirmation details into shipping tables.
Finally, we discussed the Inventory Transaction Manage Service that allows Inventory Management Cloud users to receive material transaction updates
made by the 3PL or WMS to keep 3PL or WMS on-hand balances in sync with Inventory Management Cloud.

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Slide 27 - Implementation Advice

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In this implementation advice section, we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to
know to set them up.


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Slide 28 - Integrate to External 3PL / WMS

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The decision to use an external 3PL or WMS should be made at the Inventory Organization level.

Set up subinventories on the Inventory Management Cloud side in as simplest manner as possible. Set up a Receiving subinventory and one subinventory
for each material status used in the implementation of Inventory Management Cloud.
Locator and packing units’ information is not required because they are not tracked in Inventory Management Cloud.
Inventory Management Cloud is only interested in quantity change transactions to maintain inventory balances.
Only process inventory transactions when the item status has changed or the item is received into or issued out of Inventory Management Cloud. For
Example, when the third party performs material transactions within locations or packing units at their facility, these are not tracked in Inventory
Management Cloud.
Inventory transactions for lot and serialize items are tracked in Inventory Management Cloud and required when issued out of inventory to support install
base and product genealogy.
Be sure to define a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory process to control inventory accuracy at the 3PL using the Transaction Manager Service.
Finally, use security rules to control access to transactions performed in the 3PL or WMS organization.

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Slide 29 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training. All the features covered in this training are automatically available
after upgrade.
A common question asked by customers is, “How does master data get synchronized with the 3PL or WMS?”
The response is that PIM (Product Information Management, Purchasing and CX (Customer Experience) have integration capabilities to support automated
integration for Items, Suppliers, and Customers.


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Slide 30 - Job Roles

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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training. They are warehouse manager, receiving and inspection
manager, and shipping manager.


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Slide 31 - Business Process Information

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The business processes associated with the 3PL/WMS integration are detailed here.
One detailed business process associated with the features is Manage Inbound Materials Management. The activities associated with this business process
are: Communicate Receiving Messages and Updates with Trading Partners and Receive Load. The associated tasks are Receive Receipt Confirmation,
Send Receipt Advice, Generate Receipt Advice and Generate Changed Receipt Advice.
Another detailed business process associated with the features is Manage Outbound Materials Management. The activities associated with this business
process are: Communicate Shipping Messages and Updates with Trading Partners and Manage and Release Pick Waves. The associated tasks for these
business processes are: Manage Shipping Transaction Corrections, Create Outbound Shipment Requests, Generate Shipment Request and Perform
Shipping Transactions.

This concludes this presentation. Thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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