NCP Postnatal
NCP Postnatal
NCP Postnatal
ADMISSION HISTORY– Mrs. Farmana came to MMIMS&R hospital’s OPD on 26 November 2019 with chief complaints of:
Amenorrhea since 9 months
Lower abdominal pain since 1 day
Decreased fetal movements since 1 day
Disturbed sleep since 7 days
PRESENT CHIEF COMPLAINTS– Mrs Farmana complaints of:
Mild Pain in sutures since 3 days
Breast tenderness since 2 days
Disturbed sleep since 3 days
Weakness since 1 day
Past medical history- There is no significant past medical history of hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, jaundice etc.
Present medical history- Client came to MMIMS&R hospital’s OPD on 26 November 2019 with chief complaints of Amenorrhea since 9
months, Lower abdominal pain since 1 day, Decreased fetal movements since 1 day and Disturbed sleep since 7 days. After the physical and
obstetric examination and investigations like ultrasonography, hematological tests and urine examination, the client is diagnosed as G2 P1A1
with period of gestation 40 weeks with decreased fetal movements and shifted to antenatal ward.
Past surgical history- There is no significant past surgical history of accidents, falls etc.
Present surgical history- Mrs Farmana is not having any significant present surgical history.
Menarche- at 16 years of age
Menstrual cycle- 28- 30 days
Regularity- Regular
Duration- 3-4 days
Dysmenorrhea- Mild dysmenorrhea
L.M.P- 16 -2- 2019
E.D.D- 23- 11- 2019
G1 2017 Spontaneous abortion ( May 2017)
G2 2019 Multi gravida Uneventful Full term normal Normal and Healthy Baby is healthy and
vaginal delivery with healthy cried immediately
right medio-lateral after birth and fully
episiotomy under local immunized till date.
Hygiene- well-groomed and hygiene is maintained
Dietary pattern- Mrs. Farmana is vegetarian
Sleep- disturbed sleep at night i.e. 4-5 hours of sleep due to pain in episiotomy sutures and frequent breast- feeding of baby.
Elimination- normal bowel and bladder habits and there is no complaint of burning micturition and constipation.
Social relation- client is having good inter-personal relationship with all of the family members.
Alcoholic/ smoker- client is non alcoholic and non-smoker.
1 Tea with biscuits Khichadi Tea with biscuits Dal with roti
2 Bread with tea Dal with roti Tea with biscuits Porridge with milk
3 Bread with tea Dal with roti Tea with biscuits Dal with roti
2 Shaista begum Mother in law 50 years Female Married 8th pass Home maker Backache
3 Mr. sultan Husband 25 years Male Married 12th pass Private job healthy
4 Mrs Farmana Self 24 years Female Married 10th pass Home maker G2 P1A1 with
period of
gestation 40
weeks with
decreased fetal
6 Baby of Farmana Son 1 day old Male Single - - Healthy
History of second trimester- quickening felt at the end of 6th month. Injection tetanus toxoid covered at third month and fourth month.
History of hyperthyroidism. No history of leakage per vaginum, or bleeding per vaginum, blurring of vision, fever, rash or pedal edema.
Ultrasonography done and was normal .History of iron and calcium intake.
History of third trimester- No history of leakage per vaginum, or bleeding per vaginum, blurring of vision, headache, fever, rash or pedal
edema. Ultrasonography done at 7th month and was normal .History of iron and calcium intake.
HISTORY OF NATAL PERIOD- newborn was born by normal vaginal delivery with right medio-lateral episiotomy under local anesthesia
with birth weight of 2.600 kg and cried immediately after birth.
26-11-2019 TSH 2.14 milli IU/L 0.35- 5.50 milli IU/L Normal
27-11-2019 Volume 20 ml -
Color Pale yellow -
Albumin Nil -
Sugar Nil -
RBC Nil - Normal
Pus cells 4-6 -
Epithelial cells 2-4 -
Casts Nil -
Crystals Nil -
27-11-2019 Ultrasonography Single live intra-uterine pregnancy with period of gestation 40 weeks.
1 Tab Gramoceff Cefixime 200mg Oral BD Antibiotic Assess for infection at the beginning of
Generation- 10 am and 10 and throughout the therapy.
cephalosporin pm Obtain specimen for culture and
sensitivity before initiating therapy.
Observe client for sign and symptoms of
anaphylaxis. Discontinue the drug and
notify the physician if symptom occurs.
Monitor bowel function. Diarrhea,
abdominal pain and bloody stool should
be reported to health care professionals.
2 Tab Rantac Ranitidine 150mg Oral BD Antacid Assess client for epigastric or abdominal
Pharmacological 10 am and 10 pain and frank blood in the stool, emesis
class- H2 pm or gastric aspirate.
receptor Inform client that smoking interferes
antagonist with the action of histamine antagonist.
Encourage client to quit smoking or at
least not to smoke after the last dose of
the day.
May cause drowsiness and dizziness
caution client to avoid activities require
alertness until response to the drug is
Advice client taking OTC preparations,
not to take the maximum dose
continuously for more than two weeks
without consulting health care
3 Tab Lyser D Diclofenac 10 mg oral OD Analgesic Caution client to avoid concurrent use of
Sodium, and 10 am alcohol, aspirin, acetaminophen, other
Serratiopeptidase NSAIDs, or OTC medications without
consulting physician.
Instruct client to notify health care
professionals promptly if unexplained
weight gains, swelling of extremities,
nausea, vomiting, fever or flu like
symptoms occurs.
Caution client to wear sunscreen and
protective clothing to prevent
photosensitivity reactions.
May cause drowsiness and dizziness
caution client to avoid activities require
alertness until response to the drug is
Temperature- 99o f
Pulse- 78 beats/min
Respiration- 22 breaths/min
Blood pressure- 110/60 mmhg
Body curve- normal
Movements-normal body movements, no tics and tremors present.
Height- 5’3”
Weight-55 kg
Color- wheatish colour
Moisture- present
Temperature- normothermic
Turgor- elastic turgor present
Edema- absent
Lesions- absent
Hair and Scalp- client was having black hair with smooth texture with normal distribution of hair and there was no pediculosis or dandruff
Alignments- proper alignment present
Eyes lids- eyelids were symmetrical, and meet completely when eyes are closed. No ptosis or lash loss present
Conjunctiva- Both palpebral and bulbar conjunctivae are pale in color with many minute capillaries. Conjunctiva is moist with no ulceration
or foreign object
Pupils- pupil is round, equal and reactive to light and accommodation.
Vision- Mrs. Farmana is having normal vision, and there is no history of double vision or blurring of vision.
Sclera- sclera is white in color and there is no yellowish discoloration of the sclera
Eyebrows and eyelashes- the eyebrows and eyelashes are symmetrical with normal hair distribution and there is no eyebrow or lash loss
External ear- normal, no discharge, redness or crust formation present.
Hearing- normal hearing in both the ears.
Nose in normal in shape and size, nasal mucosa is moist and no discharge or deviated nasal septum present.
Thyroid gland- normal, no enlargement and tenderness.
Lymph node- normal, no enlargement and tenderness.
Inspection- chest is normal in shape as anterior posterior diameter is less than that of lateral diameter.
Palpation- on palpating the chest there was no abnormal mass nodules were present.
Percussion- on percussion the findings were normal, no fluid or air filled cavities present.
Auscultation- on auscultation normal breath and heart sounds were present.
Shape- normal
Symmetry- both breasts are symmetrical
Discharge- absent
Milk Secretion- present
Engorgement- present
Inspection- abdomen is normal in shape and linea nigra and striae albicans present
Palpation- Normal, uterus is well contracted
Fundal height- 15cm.
Auscultation- normal bowel sounds that is 5 times/minute
Extremities are normal in shape and size and symmetrical and range of motion is present.
Bladder and bowel movements are present .Mother pass urine after 1 hour of delivery .she has no complaint of urine retention and constipation.
Biceps reflex- normal, flexion of arm
Triceps reflex- normal, extension of arm at elbow
Patellar reflex-normal, extension of lower leg
Achilles reflex-normal, plantar flexion of foot
Jaw reflex-normal, wide opening of mouth
Plantar reflex-normal, slight wrist extension
Supinator reflex-normal, downward bending of toe
2. TEST FOR SENSATION: normal, mother is able to feel the touch and differentiate between hot and cold temperature.
Mrs Farmana was calm and conscious and oriented to time, place and person. All of the vital signs were stable except for the blood pressure as
mother was having decreased blood pressure due to deficient fluid volume. Client was having breast engorgement and pain in episiotomy sutures.
Lochia rubra was present with average bleeding. No fresh complaints found.
Length-48 cm
Weight- 2.55 kg
Head circumference- 32cm
Chest circumference- 30 cm
Vernix caseosa- present
Lanugo- present
Color of skin- pink
Head circumference- 32 cm
Size and shape- normocephalic
Fontanel- normal, no bulging or depression present.
Position- normal, no low set ears present.
Pinna- normal elastic recoiling present
Discharge- absent
Lips and palate- pink lips and no cleft lip or palate present
Epstein pearl-absent
Oral thrush-absent
EYES: Normal in symmetry and alignment, pupil is reactive to light and no ocular abnormality present
Shape- normal
Placement- normal
Patency- patent
Septum- no deviated nasal septum present
Discharge- absent
Chest circumference- 30 cm
Size and shape-normal in shape and size
Respiratory rate- 40 breaths/min
Heart rate- 130 beats/min
Abdomen circumference- 28 cm
Umbilical cord- clean and healthy, no discharge, redness or inflammation present.
Liver- no hepatomegaly present
Spleen-no splenomegaly present
Shape and symmetry- normal in shape and symmetrical.
Polydactyl/ syndactyl- absent
Range of motion- normal
Hip Joint- no dislocation present
Glabellar reflex: Normal, baby closed his eyes when tapped on node root.
Corneal reflex: Normal, baby immediately closed his eyes when object is brought near to his eyes.
Sucking reflex: Diminished, sucking reflex was poor on first day as baby was unable to suck the breast.
Rooting reflex: Normal, when stroked with tip of the finger baby turned to the similar side and opened his mouth.
Grasp reflex: Normal, baby grasped the finger when placed on his open palm.
Moro reflex: Normal, baby was startled when he heard a loud clap simultaneously extended out his legs and arms.
Extrusion reflex: Normal extrusion reflex.
Doll’s eye reflex: Normal, when head was turned to one side, baby slowly adjusted his eyes to the similar side.
Tonic neck reflex: Normal tonic neck reflex
Dancing reflex: Normal, when baby was held upright he appears to take steps.
Babinski reflex: Normal, when sole was stroked, baby made fan like structure of toes.
NURSING ASSESSMENT: Baby is healthy and active and all the findings are normal and there is no significant abnormality present
while doing the assessment.
DELIVERY NOTES: baby was delivered on 29 November 2019 at - 10.00am and cried immediately after the birth. APGAR score for first
minute was 8 and at 5 min it was 9.
Advice the
mother to gently To soften the Advised the mother
message the breast tissue. to gently message
breast and clean the breast and clean
the nipple before the nipple before
feeding the baby. feeding the baby.
1. Risk of hypothermia related immature compensation for changes in environmental temperature as evidenced by monitoring vital signs.
2. Imbalance nutrition less than body requirement related to poor infant feeding behavior as evidenced by newborn examination.
3. Risk of aspiration related to poor swallowing and sucking reflex as evidenced by observation.
4. Risk of infection related to immunological immaturity as evidenced by observation
1. Objective data: Risk of To maintain Assess the To know the Assessed the Day 1: Normal
It was observed hypothermia stable and general baseline general condition body temperature
that the baby is related normal condition of the data. of the baby to get was maintained as
at risk of immature temperature. baby to know the baseline data. evidenced by
hypothermia compensation the baseline monitoring vital
related to for changes in data. signs.
Monitor vital
change in environmental To know Monitored vital Temperature- 97 f
temperature. temperature signs of the any signs of the client
as evidenced baby every four deviation every four hourly. Day 2: Normal
by monitoring hourly. from the body temperature
vital signs. normal was maintained as
Educate the To educate Educate the mother evidenced by
mother about the mother about the early monitoring vital
the early signs so she can signs of signs.
of hypothermia: identify the hypothermia: skin Temperature-
skin cold, poor early signs cold, poor feeding 96.8 f
feeding habits, of habits, decrease
decrease hypothermia activity.
activity. Day 3: Normal
Advice mother To maintain Advised the body temperature
to properly the normal mother to properly was maintained as
cover the baby body cover the baby and evidenced by
and do the temperature do the clothing monitoring vital
clothing of the baby. according to the signs.
according to the season. Temperature- 98of
Advice the To maintain Advised the
mothers to the ambient mother to switch
switch off extra room off extra fans and
fans and close temperature. close the windows.
the windows.
Educate To minimize Educate mother to
mother to the risk of perform hand
perform hand infection washing every time
washing every before touching the
time before baby to prevent
touching the infection.
baby to prevent
Regarding diet
Regarding hygiene
Advised the mother to maintain personal hygiene
Advised the mother to pay more attention to perineal and breast care
Advised the mother to daily change clothes and wash and dry them in direct sunlight
Advised the mother to keep baby clean, dry and warm
Advised the mother to perform hand washing each and every time before handling the baby.
Advised the mother to daily perform post-natal exercises like deep breathing exercises, pelvic floor exercise, foot movement etc.
Advised the mother to take adequate rest and sleep.
Advised the mother to lie with closed legs
Advised the mother to frequent urination
Advised the mother to frequently breastfeed the baby
Advised the mother to avoid tight fitted bras and instead wear nursing bras
Advised the mother to avoid lifting heavy weight
Advised the mother to avoid sexual intercourse for 6-8 weeks
Mother is advised to use contraceptive method for birth spacing
For Baby
Advised the mother to observe for cord bleeding, color, general condition, cry, feeding pattern and passage of urine and bowel
Advised the mother to clothing should be according to the season
Advised the mother to breastfeed as early as possible after delivery
Advised the mother to pay special attention towards the care for cord
Advised the mother to maintain a daily weight record of the baby
Advised the mother to observe for sign and symptoms of jaundice
Advised the mother to maintain an immunization card for baby
Advised the mother to exclusive breast feeding for 6 months
Advised the mother to expose baby to the sunlight for 10-15 min
Advised the mother to avoid top feeding and pacifiers
Advised the mother to strictly avoid any customs like giving honey to baby.
Time Meal
Morning snacks 1 cup of tea/ 1 glass of milk and 4-5 soaked almonds
Breakfast 2 Paranthas with fillings of spinach or dal or potatoes or carrots or beans or cottage cheese, with curd
I bowl of Poha with lots of vegetables with 1 glass of fresh fruit juice.
2 slices of whole grain bread with 2 egg omlette with 1 glass of milk
I Nadiya Rashid, student of M.Sc. nursing first year was posted in postnatal ward under the supervision of Mrs. Simarjeet mam (Assistant Professor). Mrs farmana,
a 24 years old female was assigned as patient to me. She came to the hospital with 40 weeks with decreased fetal movements on 26 november 2019 at 1.30pm and
delivered a male baby on 29november 2019 Time of birth- 10.00am with right medio lateral episiotomy. After the delivery the vital signs of the client were stable.
Both baby and mother are healthy. During this posting I have learned a lot about postnatal mother and care during postpartum for both mother and baby.
Dutta’s D.C. “Textbook of obstetrics”. Seventh edition. Published by New central book agency (P) ltd. Chintamoni das lane, Kolkata
India.2013. Page no. 148-153
Rama AV. “Textbook of Maternity nursing”. 19th edition. Published by wolters kluwer. New Delhi. 2014. Page no. 233-240
Lippincott and Wilkins.” Drug handbook’’. 32nd edition. Published by wolter and kluwer. New York. 2012. Page no. 283-285, 1169-1170,
Banka, P. (2017). Indian Diet Plan for Mothers after Cesarean Delivery (confinement care after c section). [online] Dietburrp. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2017].
Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: • [Accessed 25 Sep. 2017]. (2017). Postpartum nursing diagnosis | Nanda Nursing Diagnosis List. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2017].