KMC Project
KMC Project
KMC Project
Babies born with low birth weight are at increased risk of mortality. The global burden of low birth
weight babies is high with 15 million neonates being born preterm each year. Complications from
preterm births result in over one million deaths, comprising 35% of all newborn mortality.
The way forward is to achieve an effective and equitable implementation of all those interventions
for which evidence of efficacy is well established. One of the efficacious interventions is Kangaroo
Mother Care (KMC). KMC has been demonstrated to promote physiologic stability, facilitate early
breastfeeding, provide a thermally supportive environment, reduce the risk of serious infections,
and reduce the mortality of hospitalized, stable preterm and low birth weight infants. This practice
also promotes bonding between infants and their mothers during the first hours and days of life.
The "Every Newborn Action Plan" endorsed and launched by the World Health Assembly in May
2014 includes the goal of scaling up KMC to 50% of babies weighing under 2000 grams by 2020,
and to 75% of these babies by 2025.
This implementation research aims to promote KMC scale up in a district of Haryana. The steps
include formative research to identify barriers and facilitators; designing of scalable models to
deliver KMC across the facility-community continuum; implementation and evaluation of these
models aiming towards wider national or state-level scale-up. Learning at each stage of this process
will be applied to refining and improving the KMC delivery model. This proposal aims to develop,
implement and evaluate a delivery model for KMC. The study will be implemented in two phases:
i) development of a delivery model and
ii) Implementation and evaluation of the model.
The performance of the model will be assessed against a pre-defined success criterion of 80% or
higher coverage of effective KMC at the population level.
KMC will be implemented at three levels, pre-facility, facility and post-facility.
In of civil hospital Sonipat two special chairs are being installed in the Kangaroo Mother Care
Unit,. On which the mother will be able to lie and give milk to her baby. Apart from this, every
chair will be covered with curtains. In addition to creating a good atmosphere, the walls will also
be painted with superior design. One advantage of this is that after feeding the mother's milk, her
other relatives will also be able to put the child lying on the chair and chest.
Now there is no need to intimidate mothers of low birth weight and early babies, because the
Kangaroo Mother Care Unit (KMC) is being built to keep such children safe in the Civil Hospital
Sonipat. Where mothers can not only breastfeed their infant with their chest, but they will also be
able to increase the weight of the child by giving them warmth.
Twenty percent of children with low weight are born every year in the entire state. 15% of these
children are prematurely that is why children's lives are at risk. Because the mother could not
properly feed the milk. This risk is higher for those children who are born during operation during
delivery. But not so, therefore, the decision to set up Kangaroo Mother Care Unit in the entire state
was taken. For this, every district has been given grants according to it. This unit will be set up
from the Grant of 3.40 lakh in the City Civil Hospital Sonipat. .
That is why it is called KMC. The name of this unit is named KMC, ie Kangaroo Mother Care
Unit, because Kangaroo is an animal that keeps its baby from the chest and does not remove it till
it becomes healthy. Kangaroo Female is known as a successful female animal, which takes care of
her child under all circumstances.16 million children die every year in the world Twenty million
children with less weight are born around the world each year. Eight lakh of these children are
born in India. But due to lack of proper care, 80 percent of the children die from the world. Since
kangaroo mother care therapy can be established in less money and it also has a great advantage,
after setting it, the child remains attached to her mother and she gets hot on applying her chest. It
has been researched. The child drinks the milk of the mother and she remains healthy. World
Health Organization also considers KMC beneficial to children, which also reduces mortality rates.