To The Filipino Youth by Jose Rizal PDF

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Jose Rizal

The poem is a classic in Philippine

It is the first great poem in Spanish
written by a Filipino.
It has nationalistic concepts that the
youth are the fair hope of the motherland.
Effective Communication
Interpersonal Relationship
Ability to manage emotions
Ability to cope with stress
Creative thinking
Critical thinking
Problem Solving
Self Awareness (and Self Management)
Unfold, oh timid flower ! Lift up your radiant brow,
This day, Youth of my native strand !
Your abounding talents show Resplendently and

 the knowledge and understanding of one’s self

 the ability to have a clear picture of one’s strengths

and weaknesses, values and attitudes towards life,

needs and desires, and aspirations in life
 the ability to accept one’s self, no matter how

imperfect it may be
Critical Thinking
Fair hope of my Motherland! Soar high, oh genius great,
And with noble thoughts fill their mind; The honor’s glorious seat,
May their virgin mind fly and find More rapidly than the wind.

 Disciplined intellectual criticism that combines

research, knowledge of historical context, and
balanced judgment
 The ability and willingness to question the way things

are, and not to readily accept

 things at face value
Creative Thinking (Learning New Skills/Technology Adaptation)
Descend with the pleasing light
Of the arts and sciences to the plain, Oh Youth, and break
forthright The links of the heavy chain
That your poetic genius enchain

 The ability to see beyond the actual and direct

 The ability to think outside the box
Empathy (Teamwork)
See that in the ardent zone,
The Spaniard, where shadows stand, Doth offer a
shining crown, With wise and merciful hand
To the son of this Indian land.

 The process of understanding and caring about the

needs, desires and feelings of other people
 The ability to see things from the perspective of
others, and understand what others are going
Ability to Cope with Stress (Planning & Organizing)
You, who heavenward rise On wings of your rich
Seek in the Olympian skies The tenderest poesy,
More sweeter than divine honey;

 The ability to shorten the length of time that one

experiences stress and negative emotions, and
minimize their adverse effects.
Ability to Manage Emotions
You of heavenly harmony, On a calm unperturbed
night, Philomel’s match in melody,
That in varied symphony Dissipate man’s sorrow’s

 Ability of the individual to rise above the confusion

brought about by emotions and feelings.
 Ability to maintain self-control and rationality
despite the psychological problems caused by
emotional changes and stress.
Problem Solving (Initiative)
You at th’ impulse of your mind The hard rock animate
And your mind with great pow’r consigned Transformed
into immortal state
The pure mem’ry of genius great;

 The ability to develop solutions for internal or

interpersonal problems and conflicts
 The capability to have a complete picture of the

problems, by analyzing the root causes of the

problems, and coming up with an objective
assessment of related issues and concerns.
And you, who with magic brush On canvas plain
The varied charm of Phoebus, Loved by the divine
Apelles, And the mantle of Nature;

 The ability to effectively use creative and critical

thinking in determining the options or courses of
actions to follow
 The capability to:
analyze the issues that need to be decided on
weigh the pros and cons of each option
choose the course or courses of actions based on what an individual
believes to be the best of all the possible choices
Effective Communication
Run ! For genius’ sacred flame Awaits the artist’s
Spreading far and wide the fame Throughout the
sphere proclaiming With trumpet the mortal’s name

 Involves the sharing or exchange of thoughts and

 Entails openness and readiness to share one’s ideas,

desires, needs and fears with other people.

Interpersonal Relationships
Oh, joyful, joyful day, The Almighty blessed be
Who, with loving eagerness
Sends you luck and happiness

 relationships with parents, siblings, friends, and peers,

partners and all other people that a person gets in
contact with.
 Enable individuals to have an honest and truthful self- awareness
 Help individuals gain psychological capacity & achieve holistic
self development
 Enable individuals to develop healthy self-image and establish
appropriate relationships with other people, community and the
 Empower individuals to think critically and make effective
 Strengthen an individual’s capacity to do what one knows is right

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