Group 3 Soil Pollution

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Soil Pollution

Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is defined as the buildup in soils of persistent toxic compounds, chemicals,
salts, radioactive materials, or disease-causing agents, which have adverse effects on plant
growth and animal health (Environmental Impact Assessment, 2017)

Causes of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution can be natural or due to human activity. However, it mostly boils down to the
activities of the human that causes the majority of soil pollution such as heavy industries, or
pesticides in agriculture.


Before World War II, the chemical nicotine chemical present in the tobacco plants was used
as the pest controlling substance in agricultural practices. However, DDT was found to be
extremely useful for malaria control and as pest control of many insects during World War II.
Therefore, it was used for controlling many diseases.

Hence, post-war, people started using it as pest control in agriculture for killing rodents,
weeds, insects, etc and avoiding the damages due to these pests. However, everyone gradually
the adverse effects of this chemical which led to the ban of this chemical in many parts of the world
including India.

Moreover, pests became resistance to DDT due to the chemicals regular use. Hence this
led to the introduction of other harmful chemicals such as Aldrin and Dieldrin. Pesticides are
synthetic toxic chemicals that definitely kill different types of pests and insects causing damage to
agriculture but it has many ecological repercussions.

They are generally insoluble in water and non-biodegradable. Therefore, these chemicals
will not gradually decompose and keep on accumulating in the soil. Therefore, the concentration of
these chemicals will increase when the transfer of these chemicals take place from lower to higher
trophic level via the food chain. Hence, it will cause many metabolic and physiological disorders in

Chlorinated Organic toxins

The harmful effect of DDT and other chemicals led to the introduction of less persistent
organic and more-biodegradable substance such as carbamates and organophosphates.
However, these chemicals act as harmful toxins for nerves, hence they are more dangerous to
humans. It led to pesticides related to the death of field workers in some agricultural fields.


Slowly, the industries began production of herbicides like sodium arsenite (Na3AsO3),
sodium chlorate (NaClO3), etc. Herbicides can decompose in a span of few months. However,
even they affect the environment and are not environmental friendly. Even though they are not as
harmful as organo-chlorides but most of the herbicides are toxic. They are known to cause birth

Furthermore, research suggests that spraying herbicides causes more insect attack and
diseases of plants in comparison to manual weeding. One thing to note here is all the above
factors occupy just a small portion of the causes. Majority of the causes is related to manufacturing
activities in chemical and industrial processes that are released in nature or environment.
Inorganic Fertilizers

Excessive use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers leads to acidification of soil and contaminate
the agricultural soil. Also known as agrochemical pollution.

Industrial Pollution

The incorrect way of chemical waste disposal from different types of industries can cause
contamination of soil. Human activities like this have led to acidification of soil and contamination
due to the disposal of industrial waste, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, dumping oil and fuel, etc.

Inferior Irrigation Practices

Poor irrigation methods increase the soil salinity. Moreover, excess watering, improper
maintenance of canals and irrigation channels, lack of crop rotation and intensive farming gradually
decreases the quality of soil over time and cause degradation of land.

Solid Waste

Disposal of plastics, cans, and other solid waste falls into the category of soil pollution.
Disposal of electrical goods such as batteries causes an adverse effect on the soil due to the
presence of harmful chemicals. For instance, lithium present in batteries can cause leaching of soil.

Urban Activities or Industrial Activities

Lack of proper waste disposal, regular constructions can cause excessive damage to the
soil due to lack of proper drainage and surface run-off. These waste disposed of by humans
contain chemical waste from residential areas. Moreover leaking of sewerage system can also
affect soil quality and cause soil pollution by changing the chemical composition of the soil.

After-Effects of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is not only the problem in India but it is a global problem. It causes harmful
effect on the soil and the environment at large. Contamination of soil will decrease the agricultural
output of a land. Major soil pollution after effects are:

Inferior Crop Quality

It can decrease the quality of the crop. Regular use of chemical fertilizers, inorganic
fertilizers, pesticides will decrease the fertility of the soil at a rapid rate and alter the structure of the
soil. This will lead to decrease in soil quality and poor quality of crops. Over the time the soil will
become less productive due to the accumulation of toxic chemicals in large quantity.

Harmful Effect on Human Health

It will increase the exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals thus increasing health threats to
people living nearby and on the degraded land. Living, working or playing in the contaminated soil
can lead to respiratory diseases, skin diseases, and other diseases. Moreover, it can cause other
health problems.

Water Sources Contamination

The surface run-off after raining will carry the polluted soil and enter into different water
resource. Thus, it can cause underground water contamination thereby causing water pollution.
This water after contamination is not fit for human as well as animal use due to the presence of
toxic chemicals.
Negative Impact on Ecosystem and Biodiversity

Soil pollution can cause an imbalance of the ecosystem of the soil. The soil is an important
habitat and is the house of different type of microorganisms, animals, reptiles, mammals, birds, and
insects. Thus, soil pollution can negatively impact the lives of the living organisms and can result in
the gradual death of many organisms. It can cause health threats to animals grazing in the
contaminated soil or microorganisms residing in the soil.

Therefore, human activities are responsible for the majority of the soil pollution. We as
humans buy things that are harmful and not necessary, use agricultural chemicals (fertilizers,
pesticides, herbicides, etc.), drop waste here and there. Without being aware we harm our own

Therefore, it is very important to educate people around you the importance of environment
if they are not aware. Prevention of soil erosion will help to cease soil pollution. Thus, it is our small
steps and activities that can help us to achieve a healthier planet for us. Therefore, it is essential for
industries, individuals and businesses to understand the importance of soil and prevent soil
pollution and stop the devastation caused to plant and animal life.

Simple Solutions for Soil Pollution

1. Make people aware of the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

2. Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities.
3. Avoid buying packages items as they will lead to garbage and end up in the landfill site.
4. Ensure that you do not litter on the ground and do proper disposal of garbage.
5. Buy biodegradable products.
6. Do organic gardening and eat organic food that will be grown without the use of pesticides.
7. Create dumping ground away from residential areas.
Several creatures survive under the land too. Disrupting the harmony of the land is disrupting
their habitat. This has led to several creatures reaching the endangered status like Gilbert’s
Potoroo in Australia.

Treatments for Soil Pollution

Soil pollution can be problematic on a number of levels. Plants growing in contaminated

soils may take up toxins and die, or worse, people or animals may eat them and become
poisoned. Humans or animals may also touch or breathe in pollutants and become ill.
Contaminants don't necessarily originate at their current location; they might have been spilled
or dropped onto the soils or migrated from other locations. Depending on the pollutant,
sometimes the soil can be treated and the contaminants removed, or at least contained.

Using Plants to Remove Pollution

Plants assist in decontamination by helping soil micro-organisms degrade the pollutant

or by immobilizing or extracting the pollutant. For example, soils polluted by water-soluble
metals such as zinc, nickel, arsenic, selenium and copper are sometimes extracted by plants
and then smelted or disposed of as hazardous waste. Smelted plants are harvested and
burned, and the metals extracted, sometimes with an acid solution. However, the remediation is
only as deep as the plant’s roots, plants may be active only during certain seasons, pollutants
may harm the plants and plants may simply transfer pollutants from the soil to the air or water.

Digging up Polluted Soils

Polluted soils are sometimes excavated and either treated, disposed of or replaced with
clean soils. Excavation is used where there is buried debris or old drums of chemicals. “In situ,”
or on-site, treatments may include chemical, biological, electrical or thermal treatment. “Ex situ,”
or off-site, treatments may include the same methods, but treatment occurs off-site. These soils
can be returned to the original site but are usually just left at a landfill.
Flushing Soils

Some polluted soils are treated by flooding them with a solution that moves the
contaminants to an area where they can be removed. Water, or water along with additives, is
used. Water alone may be used when flushing out excessive salts, for example. The additives
used are determined by the type of pollution; acidic additives are used when zinc or certain
organic contaminants are involved, but alkaline or base additives are used to treat some metals
and phenols. Surfactants help oil and water mix, and are used when contaminants are oily.

Other Methods

Incineration is sometimes used when soils are polluted with petroleum products, PCBs
and other contaminants that are difficult to remove. Soils can be incinerated in situ or ex situ.
Some polluted soils can be contained by placing a large waterproof cover over the area to
prevent rain water from being absorbed into the soil and causing the contaminants to spread.
Vacuum extraction is used when pollutants are gaseous, such as those produced by petroleum
products. Vapors are captured and treated before being released.

Strategies for Monitoring and Remediation

Many soil remediation techniques have been developed and applied in the field scale of
contaminated sites of rural soils, including excavation, attenuation by mixing, chemical
stabilization, soil washing, phytoremediation, and thermal desorption. The most popular
remediation techniques used in Asia, as well as new strategies for monitoring of soil quality and
food safety for human health, are as follows:

Dilution technique. If the heavy metal concentration is lower in the subsurface soil than that in
the surface soil, deep plowing and consequently mixing the two layers can significantly
decrease the metal levels to meet pollutant regulation.

Chemical stabilization or chemical washing techniques. This technique involves the

application of chemical amendments to decrease the mobility or solubility of metals in the
contaminated paddy soil and thus decrease the metal uptake of plants.

Phytoremediation. This consists of depolluting contaminated soils with plants able to contain,
degrade or eliminate metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil and its derivatives, and
various other contaminants, from the media that contain them.

New aspects and strategies of soil remediation. Some fundamental principles in the
development of remediation strategies in developed countries include: precautionary principle;
risk-based philosophy for identifying, prioritizing and assessing the need for remedial action;
necessity to prevent future pollution; and 'polluter pays' principle, with a mechanism for helping
innocent landowners.

Laws and Regulations


In partnership with stakeholders, the law aims to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and
ecological solid waste management program that shall ensure the protection of public health
and environment. The law ensures proper segregation, collection, storage, treatment and
disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adaptation of best eco-waste products.


Five-year Soil Survey and Conservation Act.

It is the policy of the State to survey, protect and conserve soil and promote the wise utilization
of soil and water at the earliest possible time in order to safeguard the usefulness of those two
vital resources and thereby insure stable farm production which is basic to our economy and the
general well-being of our people.
Organic Agriculture Act of 2010

It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote, propagate, develop further and
implement the practice of organic agriculture in the Philippines that will cumulatively condition
and enrich the fertility of the soil, increase farm productivity, reduce pollution and destruction of
the environment, prevent the depletion of natural resources, further protect the health of
farmers, consumers, and the general public, and save on imported farm inputs. Towards this
end, a comprehensive program for the promotion of community-based organic agriculture
systems which include, among others, farmer-produced purely organic fertilizers such as
compost, pesticides and other farm inputs, together with a nationwide educational and
promotional campaign for their use and processing as well as adoption of organic agriculture
system as a viable alternative shall be undertaken.

Senate Bill No. 1236


An act promoting soil and water conservation technologies and approaches for
sustainable land management in the philippines and for other purposes

Importance of Environmental Chemistry

Environmental chemistry is the study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in
nature. It involves the understanding of how the uncontaminated environment works, and which
naturally occurring chemicals are present, in what concentrations and with what effects. Without
this it would be impossible to study accurately the effects that humans exert on the environment
through the release of chemical species and the effects of chemical species to the biodiversity
in return.

Those who study Environmental Chemistry are called Environmental chemist. They monitor
what is in the air, water, and soil to study how chemicals enter the environment, what affects
they have, and how human activity affects the environment. They monitor the source and extent
of pollution and contamination, especially compounds that affect human health, and they
promote sustainability, conservation, and protection.

Moreover, Chemists help us understand how to render wastes harmless (simple neutralization
for example), how to remove harmful substances from waste waters (fluorides and dissolved
solids for example) and helps us know the reactions that occur in our atmosphere from air
emissions. Chemistry is a tool for removing harmful constituents from ground water and air
emissions also.

Environmental chemists can be involved in analytical testing or new product development in the
lab, or work with users of chemicals in the field, and safety and regulatory issues in an office.

On an average day an environmental chemist must be able to understand and use knowledge
from other disciplines, including biology, geology, ecology, sedimentology, mineralogy, genetics,
soil and water chemistry, hydrology, toxicology, math, and engineering. Because the
environment is so complex, environmental chemistry is a very interdisciplinary field, and
environmental chemists work with many other kinds of scientists. Most environmental science
and protection technicians work for state or local governments or in private consulting firms.

Applications in Civil Engineering

Environmental Chemistry is an important fundamental topic for civil engineers, e.g. in

understanding the properties of building materials, the natural environment (atmosphere and
solutions) and the reaction of building materials with the environment (corrosion of metals,
durability) and many more.
Most building materials that are used for erecting a new building are man-made or

 To produce cement limestone and clay are made to react at high temperatures. The
individual elements Ca, Si, O, Al, Fe rearrange themselves to form reactive cement.
When mixed with water this cement will harden to become hydrated or hardened

 In the production of concrete grit or stone particles as well as water are added to
cement. In order to make the properties of concrete, e.g. its flowability or hardening
speed, meet the special requirements of a building project, concrete additives are used.
These additives also use chemical processes to change first the fresh concrete and later
on the solid concrete.

 Lime mortar or cement mortar - often used as tile adhesives, floor fillers or plaster in
the construction of interiors and the making of facades - are also the result of chemical

 The most different types of engineering Plastics are used in the construction industry
as well. Concrete components, floors, roofs and facades are sealed or soundproofed to
protect them from damages.

 Wood cannot become a long-lasting building material unless wood preservatives are
used to protect the building components against pest infestation. And also flame
inhibitors that make wood and woodworking materials flame resistant cannot dispense
with chemical substances.

The life cycles of all buildings are limited irrespective of the diligence and precautions
that were applied during their erection. Manifold environmental influences act upon buildings
and are likely to damage their structure. Hereby not only mechanical stress (e.g. a high traffic
volume) plays an important role but also chemical deterioration mechanisms. Due to the
chemical reaction of alkaline concrete and carbon dioxide from the air, for example, the building
material carbonates, its ph-value decreases and steel that is embedded in the concrete may

Penetrating moisture and salts can trigger various deterioration mechanisms such as the
efflorescence of salts which has a considerable blast effect, the conversion of beta phases into
weaker substances or the corrosion of structural steel. In addition to this, component damages
often result from chemical reactions that modify the original material and thereby strongly affect
the strength of a structure or its aesthetic value.

To enable useful counteracting the damaging mechanisms have to be recognized first.

After this identification process, effective countermeasures can be developed. Corrosion
prevention not only has to consider the mechanical stress buildings are exposed to but also the
chemical impact on buildings and structures.

Damaged structures can often be rescued by restoration and renovation. For these
purposes the building industry knows a range of products that is equally large as that available
for the construction of new buildings.

Environmental Chemistry is an important aspect that goes beyond the purely functional
aspect of construction chemistry is the interaction of construction chemical products
with people, their health and the environment. A responsible use of the applied materials and
additives means that the effects of these substances after the initial construction period are
taken into consideration

Building without chemistry is not feasible. The better we understand the chemical
processes involved, the clearer we can target at influencing them and the better and the more
durable the results will be. This is the reason why it makes sense for all architects and civil
engineers to concern themselves with the chemistry of building materials.

References for:

Soil pollution
Causes & After-effects

Solutions, Treatments and Remediation

Laws and regulations

Environmental Chemistry

Applications in Civil Engineering

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