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66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel. Copyright ©2015 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.



Yuichiro Nagai
The University of Tokyo, Japan, nagai.yuichiro.01@gmail.com

Mukund Kadursrinivas Rao*, Hideaki Shiroyama†, K.R. Sridhara Murthi‡,

Motoko Uchitomi§ and Baldev Raj**


Today, increasing number of counties in the Asia Pacific region is using outer space with various purposes.
Many countries are also aspiring to acquire indigenous capability for space activities. Moreover, increasing
private/commercial activities are seen in this region, which is creating competition in the market for technology,
applications and services. Security needs are also major drivers of space activity in many countries.

Under the umbrella of Space Policy and Law Network in Asia Pacific (SPLANAP), University of Tokyo
(Japan) and National Institute of Advanced Studies (India) have taken up a joint study to research and prepare a
report on space policies of the Asia Pacific region, especially including Japan, India and many other space faring
nations in this region. As the first step of this joint project, the team has undertaken a comparative analysis of space
policies in Japan and India. Japan and India are leading space faring countries in this region.

In Japan, promoting advanced technology innovation and scientific research has been the major policy
objective. In addition, space utilization, as well as industrialization of space are also primary drivers for the space
policy objectives since the enactment of Basic Space Law in 2008. In this regard, Japan has faced policy challenges
regarding how to promote space utilization and industrialization and how to coordinate policies and goals of various
stakeholders. There is a compelling need for a new thinking for space strategy based on the recent changes in Japan’s
space policy.

On the other hand, India has long history in “space for national development” and has actively used space
systems like communication satellite and remote sensing satellite to meet various social needs, which include
disaster monitoring, natural resources management, tele-education, tele-medicine, national communication,
navigation services and so on. India has also developed some mechanism for policy coordinating between space
agency and user organization. In recent years, India has also actively pursued space exploration program, including
ambition for human space flight. In a recent study by NIAS, a clear need for a comprehensive national space policy
in India has been established.

In this context, this paper presents the results of the comparison of space policies and governances in Japan and
India and examine commonalities/differences, characteristic, relative strengths/challenges. This comparative analysis
contributes to clearly identifying policy challenges faced by the both nations and getting clue to resolving those
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India (mukund.k.rao@gmail.com)

The University of Tokyo, Japan (siroyama@j.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

National Institute of Advanced Studies/Jain University, Bangalore, India (krsmurthy09@gmail.com)
The University of Tokyo, Japan (uchitomi.motoko@gmail.com)
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India (baldev.gr@gmail.com)

I. INTRODUCTION military superiority between the two super powers

then is transformed today into multi-dimensional
Outer Space has been a source of curiosity and endeavors of large number of actors, both from the
inspiration for human kind since time immemorial. governments and private sector, impacting the social,
Since the launch of Sputnik, more than 50 years ago, economic, and scientific and security dimensions of
the roles and meaning of space for humanity had been global human society. Space has become a part of
widely diversifying. What started as a competition for daily life for a majority of the citizens of the globe.

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In the Asia Pacific region, space activity is GOVERNANCE
prevalent in almost 41 nations of the region with a
wide range of national and regional applications. It is II.I Historical Overview of Japan’s Space Policy
also clear increasing numbers of the Asia Pacific
countries are using operational space activities – While Japan has a long history of space activities
satellite communications, earth observation imaging since 1950s1, it was not until 2008 that the Basic
and navigation applications. Security needs are also Space Law was established.2 Japan has made various
major drivers of space activity in many countries; achievements in space activities so far. However, it is
spin-offs from militarily developed technology bring often said that Japan had lacked a comprehensive
in substantial funds for space programmes – which space strategy until the enactment of the Basic Space
ultimately benefit civilian space. Law3. Indeed, Japan had considered space activities
as a part of science and technology policy and had
Policies and legal regimes could be profound and largely focused on technological development to
national-regional- and global cooperation in space is catch up advanced spacefaring nations. The Basic
required. Space Governance is also be a major factor Space Law, therefore, is often considered as a turning
to address and would voluntary codes of conduct be point of Japan’s space policy.4
more suited one has to see. The threats of space
militarization also will impact policy definition even Japan’s space effort was started in 1950s by a
as use of space for human security and anti-Earth scientific group led by Professor Hideo Itokawa of the
activities will increase in a cooperative manner. University of Tokyo. He started to develop a very
small “pencil” rocket in 1955. His team also
University of Tokyo and NIAS are presently successfully launched a solid-propellant sounding
engaged in a joint research (under the Space Policy rocket, K-6, in 1958 as a Japan’s contribution to
and Law Network in Asia Pacific (SPLANAP) International Geophysical Year (IGY). Professor
banner) on the current and projected space policies Itokawa and his team had a strong desire to develop
and programmes of the Asia Pacific region – autonomous space technology by own effort5.
specifically including Japan, India, China and many
up-coming and rising spacefaring countries in the Professor Itokawa’s team evolved into the
region. Such a policy-analysis study could identify University of Tokyo’s Institute of Space and
key issues of national policies and build a case for a Aeronautical Science (ISAS) in 1964. 6 As a
comprehensive “AP Regional Space Policy” - university-based scientific and technological research
addressing the long-term strategy of cooperation and institute, ISAS continued to independently develop
policy development. Some of the key area for the solid-propellant rocket and scientific satellite. In 1970,
policy research would be to address regional ISAS successfully launched the Japan’s first satellite,
cooperation and applications – especially in the Ohsumi, with L-4S rockets developed by them. This
context of maritime security; space governance; achievement made Japan the forth nation to launch a
industry collaboration; earth observation satellite by its own effort. Since then, ISAS has
Applications; satellite communications for education played a leading role in Japan’s space science efforts
and health; disaster management; manned space by sending more than 30 spacecraft to earth orbit and
exploration; assessing role of space for improvement beyond7.
in quality of life and many other areas.
During 1960s, Japan also formed its space policy
To begin with the study has analyzed the space and organizations. In 1960, National Space Activities
programmes and policy perspectives of Japan and Council (NSAC) was set up within Prime Minister’s
India. In future it is intended to expand this analysis Office as an advisory body for space activities and
to include the space policies of other nations – China, replaced by Space Activities Commission (SAC) in
Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. 1968. In mid 1960s, Japan recognized the
and academically develop an over-arching framework significance of space applications for society, such as
for a regional space policy cooperation. communication, broadcasting, and weather
monitoring. Therefore, Japan needed to develop a
This paper presents the results of the comparison space launch vehicle capable of sending application
of space programmes and activities in Japan and India satellites to geostationary orbit.
and examine commonalities/differences,
characteristics and relative strengths/challenges. To this end, apart from the efforts by ISAS, Japan
established the National Space Development Agency

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66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel. Copyright ©2015 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.

(NASDA) in 1969 with the aim to develop liquid-

fueled space launch vehicle and application satellites. Moreover, Japan’s space policy had long been
Unlike ISAS, NASDA carried out this effort with the independent from military and security objectives. In
technological assistance from the United States. 1969, the Diet adapted a resolution concerning “space
Based on the 1969 Exchange of Note with the United development for exclusively peaceful purposes.”
States and its revisions (1976 and 1980), NASDA Because of its peaceful constitution, Japan uniquely
developed N-I, N-II, and H-I rockets (ancestors of H- interpreted “peaceful purposes” as “non-military,”
IIA and H-IIB rockets) based on the U.S. Thor-Delta rather than “non-aggressive,” and prohibited the SDF
rocket technology8. from using, owning and operating space.12 Therefore,
unlike other spacefaring nations, Japan’s space
In parallel, NASDA also made efforts to develop industry did not benefit from security needs. This was
application satellites (communication satellite, also the reason why Japan’s space policy came to
broadcasting satellite, and weather forecasting focus on government-funded “non-military” R&D
satellite) with the assistance of the United States program, as well as space science and exploration
during 1970s-80s. These efforts were also carried out missions, since 1990s.
though close cooperation among NASDA, user
organizations, and space industry. For example, At that time, however, security environment in
NASDA closely cooperated with Nippon Telegram East Asia was becoming uneasy. In particular, North
and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT) and KDD Korea’s missile program was recognized as a major
and Mitsubishi Electronics in order to develop security concern in Japan. In this situation, North
communication satellite series. Similarly, NASDA Korea launched Taepodong missile in August 1998,
also developed broadcasting satellites by teaming up which flew over the Japanese territory. This event
with Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) and shocked Japanese politician and citizens, and had
Toshiba. Meteorological satellites were also them recognized the need to have “its own eye” to
developed through the cooperation among NASDA, monitor North Korea’s missile program. Responding
the Meteorological Agency, and Nippon Electronic to the crisis, Japanese government immediately
Corporation (NEC). In 1978, SAC issued a fifteen- decided to introduce Information Gathering Satellite
year space strategy entitled “the Outlines of Space (IGS) in December 1998. 13 Under the principle of
Development Policy.” With an eye on the “peaceful” space activities set forth by the 1969 Diet
significance of “adequately and effectively meeting Resolution, however, the Japan Defense Agency and
various social needs,” this document set forth a goal SDF were not able to operate IGS as a military
of promoting space applications in such areas as reconnaissance satellite system. Therefore, IGS was
communication, broadcasting, and weather introduced as a multi-purposes crisis management
forecasting etc.9 satellite system, which can be widely used for both
security and civil purposes. It was also decided that
In 1990s, however, Japan’s space policy faced Cabinet Office, rather than Japan Defense Agency,
serious challenges. In the situation that trade friction maintains and operates IGS by establishing Cabinet
between the United States and Japan was getting Satellite Intelligence Center (CSICE).
serious, the United States criticized Japan’s unfair
satellite procurement protocol as industrial protection In early 2000s, there was a major transformation
policy. As mentioned above, NASDA had closely of Japan’s space policy governance. In 2001, as a part
cooperated with Japan’s space industry to develop of administrative reforms, Science and Technology
and build application satellites during 1970-80s. Agency (STA) exercising jurisdiction over NASDA
Responding this strong criticism by the United States, and the Ministry of Education overseeing ISAS were
Japanese government decided to open its government merged to become the Ministry of Education, Culture,
procurement market for non-R&D satellite to Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). In
international tender. This so-called the 1990 U.S.- consequence, Japan’s two space organizations,
Japan Satellite Procurement Agreement had a serious NASDA and ISAS, were also consolidated into a new
impact on Japan’s space policy because international space agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
competitiveness of Japan’s satellite industry was still (JAXA), in 2003. This administrative reform also
insufficient to fully compete with U.S. satellite transformed Japan’s space policy making. SAC,
industry. In consequence, Japanese government which had played a central role in Japan’s overall
needed to procure most of non-R&D satellites from space policy making since 1968, was placed under
the U.S. companies. On the other hand, NASDA and MEXT in 2001. This movement reduced the role of
Japan’s space industry came to focus on the SAC only to the supervision of JAXA’s activities.
development of R&D satellites11. Instead, Council for Science and Technology Policy

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(CSTP) chaired by the prime minister was organized and allows the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and SDF
to oversee and formulate Japan’s overall science and to use, own, and operate space systems for security
technology policy, including space policy, at the top and defense purposes in accordance with Outer Space
level14. Treaty in 1967 as well as Japan’s pacifist
JAXA continued to focus on the R&D space
programs, as well as space science and exploration The 2015 Basic Plan on Space Policy places more
mission including the contribution to International emphasis on the use of space for security purposes
Space Station (ISS) programs, largely from the than ever before. It stresses the need to strengthen
perspective of Japan’s science and technology policy. Japan’s security capability by actively using space
The development of new technologies (R&D) itself systems for communication, information gathering,
became the main goal of Japan’s space policy without positioning, and navigation. For example, QZSS is
any scenario of using them for Japan’s society. On the now expected to contribute not only to the civil area
other hand, Japan’s space industry (satellite but also to the security field.19 MoD is now willing to
manufacturing and space launch services) has been procure X-band Defense Communication Satellite
reliant on government-funded R&D space program. through Private Finance Initiative (PFI).20 Japan also
About 90% of demands for Japan’s space industry seeks to improve ISR capability by strengthening
come from government because of its insufficient space-based information gathering systems like IGS
international competitiveness. During the period, and other remote sensing satellites.21
Japan recognized the need to alter the situation: needs
for promoting space application for both in the civil Second, the promotion of space utilization in
and security fields and strengthening international public and private sectors is also a major space policy
competitiveness of Japan’s space industry. objective in Japan. The Basic Space Law re-focuses
on the promotion of space utilization in the civil area
II.II Policy Changes after the Basic Space Law in after a long interval. The 2015 Basic Plan on Space
2008 Policy seeks to facilitate the use of space systems for
communication, broadcasting, remote sensing, and
The Basic Space Law was passed by the Diet in positioning as critical social infrastructures. These
May 2008. This law set some new objectives of Japan’ space assets are expected to contribute to resolving
space activities: (1) improving the everyday life of global issues such as disaster management and
Japanese citizens, (2) strengthening national and climate change. According to the 2015 Basic Plan on
international security, (3) encouraging Japan’s space Space Plan, Japan seeks to create seven-satellite
industry, (4) promoting international space constellation of QZSS and to start its operation by
cooperation and space diplomacy, (5) Advancing 2023.23 Weather forecasting satellite (Himawari) and
science and technology. With these objectives of environmental monitoring satellites (GOSAT series
space activities in mind, the Basic Space Law aims to and GCOM series) are also expected to be launched
strategically and comprehensively carry out Japan’s in the near future. Japan also plans to conduct
space activities research and development for advanced
communication satellite and remote sensing
Under the Basic Space Law, Japanese technology (Advanced Optical Satellite / Advanced
government formulated the Basic Plan on Space Radar Satellite).
Policy in 2009 and has so far revised twice in 2013
and 2015. The latest version of the plan, decided in Besides, the 2015 Basic Plan on Space Policy also
January 2015, sets forth some objectives of Japan’s aims at creating new industry and services by using
space activities: (1) ensuring space security, (2) diverse information derived from space (satellite
promoting practical use of space in civil areas, and (3) imagery and positioning data, etc.). 24 Space-based
strengthening industrial base, as well as science and information has potential for creating new values in
technology, regarding space activities.15 various fields such as agriculture, fishery industry,
maritime safety and management, personal navigation,
First, security space is now becoming an and so on. Micro/small satellite also has a great
important space policy objective in Japan. 16 The potential to create new businesses and services.
article III of the Basic Space Law stipulates that Creating new space-based businesses will contribute
“space use and exploitation shall be carried out…. to to improvement of everyday life of people, economic
maintain peace and security in our homeland and the growth, creation of new job, and development
world.” 17 This redefines the principle of “peaceful industry.
purpose” as “non-aggressive,” not “non-military,”

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Third, Japan’s space policy also aims at the perspective of global trends, cost effectiveness, and
promotion of space industry. Space industrial base, as expected social benefits whether Japan should
well as science and technology, has been recognized participate in the future international space
as the foundation of Japan’s independent space exploration program.30 Now, Japan’s efforts in space
capabilities. The Basic Plan on Space Policy, science and exploration need to find the adequate mix
therefore, directs the government to maintain and of rationales in other areas like industrial interests and
strengthen the international competitiveness of diplomatic gains in order to justify the programs.
Japan’s space industry.25

Because Japan’s satellite industries was mostly II.III Space Policy Governance of Japan
reliant on government-funded R&D space programs,
they had little experience in obtaining the order for Since the establishment of the Basic Space Law,
satellites in private and global markets. In this Japan has again experienced a major transformation
situation, Japan’s satellite industry had little of space policy governance. The Basic Space Law
opportunity to improve its international mandated the establishment of Strategic Headquarters
competitiveness and cost effectiveness. Now, for Space Policy as a top-level space policy decision-
Japanese government tries to change the situation by making body 31 . Chaired by the prime minister, it
supporting commercial space activities in private consists of all ministers. Its objective and role is to
sector. For example, the MoD will procure its own X- comprehensively and strategically promote space
band Defense Communication Satellites by means of activities at the top level of the whole government.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The Basic Plan on
Space Policy also urged the government to promote In 2012, Japanese government also set up the
diplomatic efforts to support the overseas Office of National Space Policy (ONSP) under the
development of Japan’s space industry and the Cabinet Office (CO). The role of ONSP is to
creation of new market abroad. 26 For example, a effectively coordinate Japan’s overall space policy
Japanese satellite company received an order for two among various ministers and to make plans for space
remote sensing satellites from Vietnam though the programs and budget from a comprehensive
Official Development Assistance (ODA). perspective. Also, the Committee on National Space
Policy was established in 2012 within CO as a space
In addition, Japan also tries to facilitate the policy advisory group consisting of seven experts
commercialization of space launch services. Japan from outside of the government. Now, the center of
entered into the business when the Mitsubishi Heavy Japan’s overall space policy formulation and
Industry (MHI) and JAXA successfully launched H- coordination is at CO.
IIA rocket loaded with Korean satellite, KOMSAT-3,
in May 2012. Since then, MHI has received orders for The role of JAXA was also expanded. In line with
commercial space launch services from Canada in the principles of the Basic Space Law, the Law
2013 and UAE (Dubai) in 2015, as well as from a concerning JAXA was amended in 2012. One of
Japanese satellite communication company (SKY major changes was to enable JAXA to work as a core
Perfect JSAT Corporation) in 2014. Japan seeks to implementation agency to provide necessary technical
accelerate this trend by developing a more cost supports to overall Japan’s space activities, including
effective, new space transportation vehicle, H-3 defense related activities. JAXA is now also expected
rocket in the future. Japanese government also intends to provide private sector with necessary supports for
to support and facilitate the efforts in private sector to industrial promotion. Therefore, competent ministers
start new business by consolidating the legal system exercising jurisdiction over JAXA were newly added
and policy framework such as Space Activities Act in 2012. In addition to the ministers of MEXT and the
and Satellite Remote Sensing Act (data policy)27. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication
(MIC), which have been supervising JAXA, the
As Japan’s policy has been emphasizing on space prime minister and the minister of Ministry of
application in the civil and security areas and Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) became a
industrial promotion, “realizing social value (for competent minister of JAXA in 2012 to promote
example, contribution to national security and the space application and to support commercial space
improvement of international competitiveness of activities.
Japan’s space industry, etc.)” become an important
factor in overall space policy making. 29 The 2015 Recently, as the importance of space activities as
Basic Plan on Space Policy states that it should be diplomatic tools grow, the role of the Ministry of
carefully considered from a comprehensive Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is also expanding. In 2012,

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MoFA created a new office, Space Policy Division, unmanned moon exploration by Kaguya.
under the Foreign Policy Bureau. Its purpose is to
play more active roles in international society though ! Japan took an initiative to establish APRSAF
international space cooperation and space and has played a leading role in regional space
diplomacy32. cooperation effort.

Now, various ministries and agencies become II.V Looking Ahead

involved in Japan’s space policy. All ministries are
also expected to be potential user of space. In security The 2015 Basic Plan on Space Policy sets forth the
field, the role of MOD will also be more and more future plans for next 10 years (2015-2024). The plan
increasing in Japan’s space activities. Japan’s space places more emphasis on space applications in the
policy governance structure is becoming very both civil and security areas. Security is now given
comprehensive and complex. Therefore, effective high priority of space policy.
coordination of space policy among these various
stakeholders is very important. In the security area, the future plans include:
increasing number of Information Gathering Satellite
II.IV Achievement Metrics (IGS), Improving Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
and Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA),
As of 2015, there are many accomplishments in introducing X-Band Defense Communication
space activities in Japan. Satellites. Japan also examines the possibility of using
QZSS, small satellites, dual-use satellite, and
! Japan has so far implemented 100 space launch commercial satellite for security purposes.
missions, of which 88 missions are successfully
accomplished. In the civil arena, many missions are expected to
be conducted within next 10 years, which include: the
! Japan has independent space access though completion and operation of seven-satellite
some space transportation systems, including constellation of QZSS, the development of Advanced
both liquid-fueled system (H-IIA) and solid Optical Satellite and Advanced Radar Satellite, the
propellant rocket (Epsilon). Japan decided to launch and operation of Himawari 8 and 9
develop indigenous space transportation system, (meteorological satellites), environment monitoring
H-II, in 1984 by using only domestically satellites such as GOSAT-2 & 3 (greenhouse gases
developed technology. Japan is now planning to monitoring) and GCOM-C (clime change monitoring).
develop next-generation core space Japan also conducts R&D for next-generations
transportation system, H-3. satellite communication.

! Japan has cutting-edge satellite capabilities The 2015 Basic Plan on Space Policy also plans to
which includes remote sensing, weather create and operate seven-satellite constellation of
monitoring, environmental monitoring, ocean QZSS until 2023. Under the current policy, QZSS is
observation, positioning, communications, and expected to be used not only for the civil area but also
scientific spacecraft. However, their for the security needs.
international competitiveness in market at home
and abroad is relatively weak. Creating new space-based businesses and
strengthening existing industrial capability are also
! In 1984, Japan decided to participate in U.S. very important goal of Japan’s space policy. To this
Space Station. Later, Japan has participated in end, Japan will establish Space Activities Act and
International Space Station as the only nation Satellite Remote Sensing Act in 2016.
from Asia and contributed to the program.by
developing Japanese Experimental Module Space science and exploration, including human
(JEM), Kibo, of ISS. Japan also has developed spaceflight program, are also important elements for
and launched resupply vehicle, H-II Transfer the future of Japan’s space activities. How to strike a
Vehicle (HTV). 9 Japanese astronauts have so balance between space application (including
far traveled to space 17 times in total. security) and space science & exploration? This is
one of the space policy challenges Japan is now
! Japan has been credited with various facing toward the future.
achievements in space science and exploration,
including asteroid exploration by Hayabusa and

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III. INDIA’S SPACE PROGRAMME AND given programmatic and financial autonomy to plan,
GOVERNANCE oversee and implement India’s space programme. The
Space Commission also brings in the necessary inter-
Indian space activities originated from purely ministerial interfaces required for the use of space
scientific interests of a large scientific community in within government ministries and user agencies.
1960s with the sounding rocket launch experiments.
The early space efforts owe much to the vision given Indian government has also established inter-
by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai - “……to be second to none ministerial user groups to coordinate satellite
in the application of advanced technologies to the real communications programmes; remote sensing
problems of man and society”. This extraordinary programmes and space science and education
vision was based on realism and pragmatism and with activities. These interfaces help in defining user and
deep insights into the then socio economic context of national needs but also in addressing efficiency of
the country. Soon, by late 1960s, India had accreted a available space inputs.
programmatic concept of basic experiments on the
technology and user-development front to found a ISRO is organised into various competence
“end-to-end” systems concept that was very critical centres that address specific areas of space
for space systems. The mantra of self-reliance that Dr technology – satellite design/manufacture; rocket
Sarabhai gave became the life current that enabled development; mission operations; launch complex;
space program to overcome numerous challenges in space applications; remote sensing applications;
learning and experimenting with new technologies. education and training; space science etc. Antrix
Corporation is a wholly-owned commercial and
III.I Indian Space Governance Structure marketing arm of ISRO. About 16,000 people are
employed by ISRO and its sub-units.
The structure of Indian space activities has been
founded on principles of efficiency, flexibility and Various industries collaborate with ISRO –
autonomy and the organisation structure is driven by mainly as sub-contractors; universities and research
a mission-orientation. Right from 1970s, when Indian institutions undertake R&D in space; ministries and
space accreted under Indian Space Research state governments have space cells to address specific
organisation (ISRO), high-level of political, needs. This, itself brings in another 5-6000 people
administrative and public support has been forth- into the space-umbrella.
coming to a very-high-level. With the determined Thus, over the years, a wide network of
thrust to scientific temper and developing indigenous laboratories, programmes, human resources,
scientific capabilities, the Indian government founded industrial capabilities, research programmes and
the space governance structure in ISRO and brought global outreach has been enabled successfully.
together a team of professionals of high-level
competence and commitment – Prof Satish Dhawan III.II Indian Space Programme and Policy
was given this role and from 1970s started the Indian Perspectives
saga of space.
(Much of the material below is extracted from a
Indian space activities is directly under the Prime paper presented at 65th International Astronautical
Minister of India – thereby giving space activities the Congress, Toronto, Canada - FUTURE INDIAN
high-level authority and over-arching governing SPACE - RENEWING POLICY DIMENSIONS
umbrella of the whole Indian government in support. (IAC-14.E3.2.7)34
This “high-positioning” brings tremendous flexibility
and autonomy but poses a very high-level of From a policy analysis, the Indian space program
accountability for results and delivery. To illustrate, evolution can be broadly categorized under three
just on September 7, 2015, Prime Minister of India distinct phases:
conducted a review where how governance activities
can effectively use space products and the future • The proof of concept demonstrations of the use
space utilisation was discussed – thereby bringing the of the vantage point of Space for addressing the
highest focus for space utilisation amongst ministries country’s developmental needs and these were
and users. exemplified by the Satellite Instructional
Television Experiment (SITE), the Satellite
An apex Space Commission, comprising of the Telecommunications Experimental Project
Chairman of ISRO and top administrative officers of (STEP), and use of Landsat satellite data for
Indian government and technical experts, has been natural resource management applications. The

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space segment was procured with international

cooperation. By early 1970s, India was on its Towards 2010s, India had challenges to
way to develop its first satellite – Aryabhata and comprehend because of failures of GSLV – even as
started the “grand plan” of an indigenous end-to- PSLV emerged as a reliable launch vehicle for 2t
end space technology development capability. class spacecraft and the work-horse for ISRO. But the
• The experimental phase saw the development of successive failures of GSLV have posed tremendous
an end-to-end experience in the realization of challenges which are being systematically overcome
space systems - experimental earth observation in recent times. Yet another challenge that faced India
satellites like Bhaskara I and Bhaskara II; India’s was the gap in satellite communication transponders
first experimental geostationary satellite APPLE that started stifling the service segment of DTH,
and the initial space launch vehicles such as social broadcasting, data communications – and more
SLV-3 and ASLV characterise this phase. It so in terms of slowing down technology development
facilitated competence building at the core level. in newer areas (like Ka-band and large class satellites
Thus, by late 1970s and in 1980s, India invested etc).
considerably in building laboratories and
facilities and also initiated a 3-pronged In 2011, ISRO took upon a new challenge of a
programme – Indian communication satellites in foray to Mars in the 2013 orbit-window for Mars. The
INSAT; Indian EO satellites in IRS and Indian Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) was successfully
launch vehicle programme through the Polar and launched in November, 2013 and manoeuvred to
Geo-synchronous launch vehicles. enter into Mars orbit and conducted its experiments of
• The operational phase was then taken up with an imaging and measurements. But more significantly,
understanding of and analyzing the complex MOM established the fact that India can successfully
interplay of - evaluation of alternate approaches undertake long-duration planetary missions and had
to arrive at the most optimal solutions; decide on gained the basis experience in this regard.
exercising buy or build options parallel
indigenous development plan to achieve self- In 2015, ISRO successfully launched the
reliance goals. This phase resulted in indigenous GSLV and placed GSAT-6 satellite in
establishment of National Systems such as (i) orbit and established its capability to design, develop
Indian National Satellites (INSATs) / GSATs for and operationalise geo-synchronous launch capability
communications, broadcasting and weather and access GTO orbits with heavy satellites.
observations (ii) Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
Series and (iii) Polar satellite Launch Vehicle, Thus, one can see that over the past 50 years,
PSLV - all examples of operational space India has made significant progress in space
systems that have to meet stringent operational technology – achieving projects, missions,
service performance criteria. programmes and developing new applications.

By early 2000, India had achieved a technological III.II.I Policies for Satcom and Remote Sensing Data
maturity of space systems and utilisation and this
challenged it to envision missions to far-away Moon Towards end of 1990s, India had a mature satellite
and thus came about Chandrayaan-1 – which communications programme through its INSAT
originally started (in 2000) from a simple question system and a remote sensing satellite through its IRS.
“Can we go to the Moon?”. Soon by 2002, India also Much of the space development and utilisation was
started planning for its own Positioning Satellites pushed by ISRO with a visionary drive that envisaged
systems in Indian Regional Navigational Satellite a foundation of national-anchoring for Indian space
System (IRNSS). but a growth in commercial and privatisation
activities – for it was envisaged that it would be just
Yet another aspect that emerged in mid 1990s and impossible for ISRO to take up efforts to meet the
early 2000s was forays of Indian space products into growing demands that would emanate from 2000s
the global market place – through Antrix Corporation and ahead. Thus, ISRO took up considerable think-
which marketed Indian space capabilities globally and tank activities to have a 2-pronged strategy of
thereby capitalizing revenue models for Indian space. protecting national space interests and at same time
Most of the developments and manufacturing were preparing for large-scale commercial demands.
organised into various units of about 16000 strong
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) with It was during these times that the Satellite
contract-mode industry-interfaces – which helped in Communication (Satcom) Policy was taken up and
the overall development process for ISRO. adopted by Indian government in 1999 and the

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Remote Sensing Data Policy (RSDP) was taken up development communications and e-governance
and adopted by Indian government in 2001. services. Gap in demand-supply – growing
demand for satellite capacity is a challenge
Satcom Policy35 • DTH preference on Indian Satellite Systems
• The operations from Indian soil using foreign
The SATCOM Policy was adopted by India in satellites under certain conditions
1999 but its evolution started from 1997 time-frame.
The Satcom Policy-1999 was based on then technical It was envisaged in 1999 that Satcom Policy
developments in satellite technology as well as in the would ultimately bring great benefit to India by way
associated/alternate communications technologies and of big boost for DTH business, VSAT services, robust
the aim was to develop a vibrant satellite connectivity for education outreach across the country,
communications regime for India that catered to reliable telemedicine connectivity, increased capacity
national and commercial needs. leasing and a great growth in Indian ground
equipment manufacturing. It was also envisaged that
The main goals of the Satcom Policy-1999 were ultimately the Satcom policy-1999 should help
as follows: position Indian Satellite Systems, both from public
and private sectors including JVs for communication
• build national capabilities in satellite satellite ventures and also bring in a variety of new
communications by way of a healthy and thriving value-added services.
communications satellite, ground equipment and
satellite communications service industry AND The corner stone of the SATCOM Policy36 was
sustained utilisation of Indian space capabilities - the preference to be given to Indian Satellite Systems
satellites, launch vehicles and ground equipment (ISS) while giving service licenses – thereby ensuring
design “protective cover” for INSAT and other Indian
• Make available INSAT systems for social- registered private sector satellites for Indian services
applications development and ensuring that against any “market on-slaught” from global
INSAT system benefits a larger segment of the commercial systems. However, the pragmatism of
economy and population the Satcom Policy is that it does not in any way
• Encourage and promote privatisation of satellite prohibit the use of foreign satellite systems – which,
communications in India by way of encouraging after a due process, can be treated on par with ISS for
private sector investment in space industry and service licensing in India. This has not happened –
also attracting foreign investments mainly due to deficiencies of appropriate procedures
in implementation.
Some of the innovative aspects of the Satcom
policy-1999 were to change the paradigm at that time The Satcom policy is silent on orbit-spectrum
and included: situation for Indian interests including needs of
private satellite systems. There is a problem that there
• authorizing capacity of Indian National satellites are not many such slots available globally for use and
(INSAT) to be leased to non-government (Indian coordination has become complex and inordinately
and foreign) parties on commercial terms. This time consuming. Unfortunately, even as of 2014,
was essential so that commercial services could additional orbit-spectrum resources for expansion of
ride on INSAT – envisaged to spur the DTH and much needed infrastructures are eluding solution.
VSAT market in India to a large extent.
• allow Indian parties to provide services including Remote Sensing Data Policy37
TV up-linking through Indian satellites – thereby
to open up a variety of TV channels in India. The Remote Sensing Data Policy (RSDP) defines
• co-ordinate and register satellite systems and the Indian regulations for acquisition, dissemination
networks by and for Indian private parties. The of satellite images in India - earlier, RSDP-2001 and
intent was clearly stated but this has not now RSDP-201138 governs how satellite images are
happened till now. to be acquired and distributed – allowing upto 1m
• satellites for government use to be made images to be openly dissemination to users. The
available by Department Of Space. However, RSDP embeds the concept of “regulation” to address
there have been severe shortages in transponders the dissemination for 1m images.
available from DOS for social applications and
thus impacting educational satellite services, tele- Thus, the RSDP-2001 provided the earliest
medicine services through satellites, state “framework” for a comprehensive imaging policy –

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for the first time remote sensing was identified as a detrimental to Indian cause/users and was soon
“public good” and the concept of national rendered irrelevant. Therefore, in RSDP-2011 a lower
commitment to continued imaging programme bar for “non-discriminatory access” to 1m was
through IRS was included. The RSDP introduced the promulgated – but then fully retaining all other
concept of “one-window” access to any image (Indian aspects of RSDP-2001.
or foreign satellite) - which today appears to be
against “free market” concept. Another concept that The impact of RSDP has not been quite as
RSDP-2001 started was of “regulatory use- envisaged – neither did the “protective regime” in
determination” (mainly to stave off the hard-block of early 2000s help stave the challenge of foreign 1m
private sector access to 5.8m images “could become a images because US 1m images became widely
security concern”) whereby images upto 5.8m would popular as against 5.8m/2.5m images and very limited
be “available on non-discriminatory basis” but images 1m images from IRS systems; NOR did it help
better than 5.8m would be “regulated” for private develop and position Indian private RS systems for
sector users on case-by-case basis. The RSDP-2001 satellites and distribution. With NRSC the “sole
carried yet another major aspect – images would be agency” for distributing images, it has become further
screened to obliterate some geographic regions (then monopolistic as it adopts IRS-centricity and pushes
called Vital Areas/Vital points) so that such “map- 2.5m and limited 1m images – thereby denying Indian
erasing” methods also are applied to images. The users 0.3m level images for national development. At
RSDP also required foreign satellite images TO BE the same time, Indian is unable to match the
routed through the national agency – National resolution quality of US commercial systems (that
Remote Sensing Centre (then Agency), NRSC. have reached 0.3m level in global market) and has
plans for a 0.5m imaging IRS in 2017 time-frame.
It is clear that in RSDP-2001 was adopted when Policy reforms distinguishing government
Indian imaging corresponded to 5.8m and the procurement markets that combine multiple
availability of Indian 2.5m or 1m was in still in objectives and the private markets need to be
“planning stage” – while 1m images from IKONOS, considered, balancing the benefit from open
in 2000, made way into the image market, including competitive systems.
in India. Thus, even though the RSDP clearly
emanated from the competitive challenge of US 1m III.III Indian Space Achievement Metrics
images against the Indian 5.8m IRS system in the
Indian market – it was certainly a protective regime As of 2015, here are some metrics of the past 40
for IRS till it could also match with commercial 1m years and over the past 8 Five Year Plans (1974-
image availability from IRS systems (which happened 2015):
only in 2006).
• A cumulative budget of about INR 930 billion
But there was a major path-way crafted in RSDP- has been formally allocated in 40 years of eight
2001 in the concept of “licensing” RS satellites and 5-yr plans by Indian government.
RS data acquisition/distribution in India – creating
that “window-opening” for future Indian private RS • As against the committed allocations, the actual
satellites and Indian private agencies to utilisation has been INR 543 billion.
acquire/distribute any satellite images in India. Such
privatisation was envisaged even way back in late • Approval for 200 missions has been accorded by
1990s and was embedded into RSDP-2001. However, Indian government but 124 missions have been
till 2014 no such licensing application has been accomplished - out of which 14 missions have
encouraged and NRSC has continued to be the single been failures.
“monopolistic” data provider. However, of late
market-talk indicates few private players considering • Independent access to space through a reliable
licensing applications for acquiring or distributing and operational PSLV launch vehicle and a
foreign satellite images in India – though the stage of proven operational indigenous Geostationary
private Indian RS satellites is still far away. launch vehicle, GSLV incorporating an
indigenously developed cryogenic upper stage
By 2005-06, India also launched 2.5m and 1m
images but by then the larger proliferation of 1m • World class satellite capability that cover a wide
images from US commercial satellites had also variety of applications satellites – INSAT, IRS
happened. Thus, the 5.8m thresh-hold of RSDP-2001 and IRNSS for telecommunications, broadcasting,
as “regime for non-discriminatory access” was found weather observations, remote sensing and

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navigation and scientific spacecraft including public-domain document. Indian space is still guided
orbiters to the Moon and Mars. by Vikram Sarabhai vision of “……applications to
the real problems of man and society” – which still
• Wide use of INSAT communications systems serves as a national space policy tenet and has been
have resulted in the wide outreach of TV signals guiding the developments over past 44 years. The
(from early 1980s onwards) to almost whole of programmatic definitions of Indian Space are made in
the country and growth of large-scale DTH and the Five Year Plans of the Indian Government.
VSAT data communication business.
Presently, in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-
• The availability of low-priced and easily 2017) 39, Indian Government has allocated INR 39
available IRS images (from about 20 IRS billion and has approved 58 missions over the 5 years
missions) and a great thrust to use of images and period. The plan also makes forays into heavy
geographical information techniques proliferated communications satellites, advanced EO and weather
IRS data into many governance and national satellites, achieving operational status of geo-orbit
building activities – by way of inventory and launch systems, advanced missions for exploration of
maps of natural resources, critical support to Mars, lander on Moon and IRNSS constellation and
disaster management activities and studies for human space-flight programme.
environmental monitoring.
Looking ahead, ISROs direction seems to be
• Weather and ocean services modelling have undertake the missions that have been approved and
derived a great boost from the availability of planned in 12th FY Plan and further recently
INSAT and Oceansat images/data on a variety of articulated by Chairman, ISRO towards
ocean and atmospheric data – thus consolidating “…..developing heavy lift launchers, reusable launch
the scientific services of meteorological vehicles, cryogenic engines for low cost access to
department and Earth Sciences. space and use of composite materials for space
applications” AND “.. aim is to be future-ready to
• Forays in planetary missions have been made maintain an edge in technology .. and enhance
through Chandrayaan-1 and MOM-1 to establish them”40
the technological capability of Indian space to
undertake far-reaching planetary exploration and At various times, ISRO has also publicly
also undertaking advanced scientific studies. acknowledged to develop industrial capability and
involve Indian industries for its national and global
• Unique missions for astronomical observations – programmes. The shortage of communication
Astrosat and operational Positioning Services – transponders and easy availability of remote sensing
through IRNSS constellation have been planned images have triggered many industries to look at
but are yet to be launched or fructify. private-sector space activities – but these are yet to
take off in a major way mainly due to lack of policies
• Global commercial operations of Indian space in that can enable a national space eco-system with
52 commercial/foreign satellites on its PSLV; industry and commercial activities.
sale of IRS images and value-addition services
and, more lucratively, transponder lease business The challenge is also in future activities of human
in India are estimated to have resulted in revenue space-flight programme – not just technologically but
earnings of about INR 100 billion over the past also from investment and sustenance point of view.
20 years, although only a part of the capacity Public acceptance of such programmes can be forth-
created was available to the commercial activity. coming but the technological aspects along with
It must be noted that this estimated revenue organizational structures are yet to be defined and
earnings includes an after-tax profitability of fructified – though study level activities have been
anywhere between 10-14% - thereby, meaning just funded.
that the net-earnings were well over INR ten
billion in profits for the commercial activities Within India, the need is felt for a holistic
undertaken. National Space Policy – basically looking far ahead
and creating a roadmap that will look 30-50 years
III.IV Looking Ahead ahead but also knit and integrate the various elements
into efficiently-performing assets for Indian
India does not have a formal National Space capability.
Policy that has been legislated or formalised into a

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IV. SIMILARITIES AND UNIQUENESS – JAPAN governance activities. Japan has a greater
AND INDIA SPACE ACTIVITIES technological drive in successful manner.
• Both programmes have operational capability to
It is not our intent to critically analyse and access space through their own indigenous
examine the space programmes of Japan and India. launchers – Japan has manufacturing and
Such a critical analysis has to be subject of a long- operational cryogenic capability and India is in
standing research project and spread over time and process of operational capability and operational
interactions – something we have not been able to do satellite manufacturing capability for
as of now. communications, remote sensing; positioning,
planetary missions etc.
However, in our research we have observed • India has a great outreach in space applications
similarities and individual uniqueness that for societal development and addressing national
characterise both space programmes and it is our development – natural resources management
intention to document these observations. We hope and mapping/inventory, disaster management,
this will help various researchers to understand the education, health, TV broadcasting, voice/data
evolution of space programmes and also help many connectivity, meteorology and climate;
researchers in Asia Pacific region (and the world) to environment monitoring, security and many other
look at development of space programmes. areas. Japan had main aims for space applications
in meteorology, broadcasting and communication.
We also hope that this research can contribute to Recently emphasis move toward climate/
possible areas of cooperation between Japan and environmental monitoring, disaster management,
India in the field of space – especially because and security. Japan restructured the space
similarities are many and uniqueness can be leverages governance mechanism beginning with the
by one another. administrative reform in 2001 and finishing with
the establishment of Office of National Space
Some of the salient points to mention are: Policy (ONSP) under the Cabinet Office (CO)
and the Committee on National Space Policy in
• Both Japan and India have a long heritage of 2012.
space activities – almost starting off at same • Japan government has adopted a Basic Space
time-periods in very early 1960s Law in 2008 and set Basic Space Plan which was
• Inspiring individuals gave the starting leadership recently modified in 2015 – which defines the
and vision- setting – Prof Hideo Itokowa in Japan national direction for space. India is yet to have a
and Dr Vikram Sarabhai (and later by Prof Satish formal national space policy but is directional by
Dhawan) for India. In both programmes the 5-year approved goals and programmes of Indian
beginnings were in sounding rockets for government. In our assessment, we see
atmosphere research. tremendous activities for a holistic space policy
• Strong political support were forthcoming to both being undertaken in both countries – involving
programmes – in both countries the Prime many agencies/researchers.
Minister themselves have provided political and • Privatisation of space is yet to develop in both
programmatic leadership. nations – in terms of private investment and
• Formation of national space agency – with sub- development and ownership of space assets. The
units for various space elements is common to eco-system for such a development is yet to
Japan and India – NASDA/JAXA in Japan and evolve. However, major industries in both
ISRO in India. nations are involved in the national space activity
• Clear separation between civil and defence through ISRO and JAXA, respectively. In Japan,
purposes in Japan and India. But recently there is industries develop whole systems – total satellite
increasing interconnection between civil and development or launch development and so on –
security needs in Japan. this is yet to be seen in India where industries are
• Autonomy and flexibility has been the hallmark still in sub-system mode.
through very high-level space • International Cooperation is the hallmark of both
council/commission that have provided the space programmes – through active bi-lateral,
programmatic and financial directions. multi-lateral and opportunity cooperation. Japan
• Both programmes have justification of national is well dove-tailed into international space
capability and national development. Here we see, mission – International Space Station; ESCAP;
India more thrusted to national development and APRSAF; GEO mission contributions and global
planetary science mission profiles.

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• Indian space activities are extremely cost- platform through industry involvement and at space
effective and are successful with least agency-level to leverage costs is tremendous.
Significant similarities among the objectives of
the policy, the policy drivers and paradigms are
V. CONCLUSION pushing renewal of policy environment for outer
space in Japan and India. This creates tremendous
Japan and India have an operational space opportunities and potentials for cooperation in policy
programme spawning >50 years of development. discourse on contemporary concerns like space
With vision and determination, both programmes security, space science/ human space flight operation,
have matured into success at various levels and are and space industry cooperation for strengthening
playing a major role in the AP region. Right now, space infrastructure needs of both countries as well as
both programmes are working to define the future the region, joint missions that address humanitarian
course and long-term strategy and adapting to the concerns as well as technological advances that
global scenario of space development. promise ‘New Space’ developments.

Policy definition is in the regime of both national Policy studies can be one great opportunity for
– Japan is further evolving the Basic Space Law and collaboration between like-minded institutions in
Indian is working for a space policy too. With large India and Japan – especially extending the University
mission profiling ahead of both nations in next 10-20 of Tokyo and NIAS collaboration.
years, it is only through good and pragmatic policies
that both nations can sustain their forward march and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
also contribute to humanity for improving society and
developing its people. The authors wish to express gratitude to National
Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) and the
Japan and India are major nations in AP region University of Tokyo (UoT) Policy Alternatives
and together can play a major role in regional space – Research Institute for engaging in this high-value
in terms of complementing and supplementing space cooperation and allowing us to undertake this policy
capabilities for the societal and commercial analysis study. In particular, the authors express deep
development of space in AP region. They have gratitude and thanks to Dr K Kasturirangan, Dr
tremendous capability to “pool” and cooperate to Roddam Narasimha and Dr VS Ramamurthy – with
reach space products to many nations in the region – whom we discussed various aspects. Mr Sridhara
through bi-lateral cooperation and multi-lateral Murthi would like to acknowledge Jain University for
framework. High-level political collaboration has his involvement and for extending support for this
been initiated by the governments of India and Japan study.
– Space Technology Cooperation for realising joint
missions, joint industrial ventures etc are potential This study is also partly supported by the research
candidates for cooperation. fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
(MoFA). The authors also wish to express thanks to
The extremely high level technological MoFA.
capabilities in EO, space science, planetary missions,
positioning etc. indicates that a India-Japan joint The authors wish to acknowledge the help
space mission is of high potential making – this will provided by SPLANAP network.
be a great boost to space activities at the regional and
global level. We have discussed and taken inputs from very
many experts in NIAS, ISRO, JAXA, UoT - it is
Both countries also have considerable industrial difficult to mention all of them but the authors wish to
capability and this can be one major area for acknowledge the “thought-body” of all experts that
industrial collaboration between the two nations. The have been engaged and contributed.
potential for Japan of using Indian space capability

James Clay Moltz, Asia’s Space Race: National
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