DIN 3971 1980-07 Bevel Gear Parameters
DIN 3971 1980-07 Bevel Gear Parameters
DIN 3971 1980-07 Bevel Gear Parameters
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Other relevant Standards
m DIN 868 General definitions and parameters for gears, gear pairs and gear trains
::> DIN 3998 Part 3 Denominations on gears and gear pairs; bevel and hypoid gears and gear
"'c: pairs
DIN 3999 Symbols for gear teeth
DIN 7182 Part 1 Tolerances and fits; fundamental terms
This Standard contains the definitions and symbols used for bevel gears and bevel gear pairs
with intersecting axes as well as the definitions of the corresponding parameters .
In addition, certain definitions relating to hypoid gear pairs are explained in Sections 5 and 8.
The definitions and parameters contained in DIN 868, and which also apply to bevel gears
and bevel gear pairs, are only explained when this appears necessary in the interests of a
0 self-contained structure of this Standard.
Apart from the definitions and parameters for external straight bevel gears, the correspond-
ing parameters for helical and spiral bevel gears are indicated without, however, dealing
Q. with the special features of the various manufacturing processes.
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c:o Continued on pages 2 to 23
ic For Explanations see page 24
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Sole nle rlghta of Gennan Standards (DIN-Norman) ere with Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin 30 DIN 3971 engl. Preisgr. 12
08.81 Vertr.·Nr. 0112
Page 2 DIN 3971
Page Page
m for a mean value, for quantities on the mean cone In systems with a limited stock of characters (teleprinters,
distance data processing equipment) it may be found that for angle
n for quantities on a normal section data the unit symbols for degree, minute and second can-
t for quantities in a transverse section or in the tangen- not be reproduced by the superscript signs 0 ' " . For such
tial direction cases DIN 66 030 provides for the unit names to be rep-
resented as follows:
v for a virtual equivalent cylindrical gear or a comple·
mentary cone deg or DEG for degree (angle)
y for any flank point or tip distance mnt or MNT for minute (angle)
P for the crown gear or standard basic rack tooth profile sec or SEC for second (angle).
0 for quantities on the generating tool For still further abbreviation of unit names, d, m and s
are recommended, e.g. 17d27m27s.
1 for quantities on the smaller gear of a gear pair
2 for quantities on the larger gear of a gear pair
* for designating a factor with which a quantity is ex-
pressed in fractions or multiples of the normal module 2 Definitions and parameters
or the number of teeth, or an allowance factor on the reference cone
All definitions in this Section relate to the bevel gear
1.3 Units devoid of allowances and deviations. The equations thus
The following Standards or Codes are to be observed: apply to the nominal dimensions of the gear teeth.
DIN 1301 Part 1 Units; unit names, unit symbols The nominal dim.ensions of a bevel gear tooth system are
clearly determined by
DIN 1315 Angles; Definitions, units
the reference cone, and
VDE/VDI 2605 Circular pitches and plane angles; basic
definitions for angle measures, angle the teeth of the basic crown gear,
dimensions, an9le standards and their plus the addendum modification where necessary.
Accordingly it is appropriate for the quantities dealt with 2.1 Reference cone, reference cone angle o
in this Standard to be stated in the following units: The reference cone is tbe datum surface (reference surface)
module and all lengths in millimetres (mm), for a bevel gear, see DIN 868. Its axis is at the same time
the axis of constraint of the gear (gear axis).
length deviations, length allowances and length toler-
ances in micrometres (f.lm), The angle between the gear axis and a reference cone
envelope line is the reference cone angle o. Its value is
angles, which serve for stating magnitudes, in degrees (0 );
calculated according to Section 5.1.
for calculation by computer it is advantageous to use
decimal subdivision of the degree,
2.2 Reference circle, reference diameter d
angles which are to be used in equations between quanti-
The reference circle is any section perpendicular to the
ties, or which result from such equations, in radian (rad),
gear axis and passing through·the reference cone envelope.
angle deviations in milliradian (mrad) or in microradian Its circumference is equal to the product of the number
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Figure 1. Parameters on the root cone, reference cone, tip cone and back cone assuming
coincidence of the reference cone apex, tip cone apex and root cone apex
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Outer reference
Figure 2. Parameters on the root cone, reference cone, tip cone and back cone assuming
non·coincidence of the tip cone apex with the reference cone apex and root cone
Page 6 DIN 3971
Back cone
Figure 3. Parameters on the root cone, reference cone, tip cone and back cone assuming
that the envelope lines of the root, reference and tip cones are parallel in an axial
The cone distance R is the tip distance on the reference 2.5 Angular pitch and pitches
cone. The cone distance corresponding to a given reference 2.5.1 Transverse pitch angler
circle is found from
The transverse pitch angler is that angle,lying in any refer-
d ence circle plane of a bevel gear, which results from divi-
R=--- (5) ding a complete circumference into z equal parts:
2 • sinl5
For design and manufacture the following cone distances 2·n
r = - - in radians, (9)
are important: z
2.4.1 Outer cone distance Re
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The outer cone distance Re is the length of the envelope 360 in degrees.
, =_ (10)
lines of the reference cone bounded by the outer reference z
circle, see Figs 1 to 3.
de z • mw
R =--=-- (6) 2.5.2 Reference circle pitch Pt
e 2 • sinl5 2 • sinl5
The reference circle pitch Pt is the reference circle arc be-
2.4.2 Inner cone distance Ri tween two successive right-hand or left-hand flanks at the
The inner cone distance Ri is the length of the envelope tip distance R. Its nominal size is
lines of the reference cone bounded by the inner reference
circle or the outer cone distance diminished by the face- d d • 7t mn ·n
width b, see Figs 1 to 3.
Pt = -2 • r =-z- = mt •n = -cosp
-. ( 11)
Ri = • sinl5 = Re- b (7) the relevant tip distance R or reference diameter d and
2 the helix angle Pwith subscript being given.
For facewidth b see Section 3.5.7 .. For helix angle (spiral angle) p see Section 3.5,6.
2.4.3 Mean cone distance Rm
The mean cone distance Rm is the length of the envelope
lines of the reference cone bounded by the mean refer- 2.5.3 Normal pitch Pn
ence circle or the outer cone distance diminished by half The normal pitch Pn is the arc length between two suc-
the facewidth b, see Figs 1 to 3. cessive right-hand or left-hand flanks on the reference
cone in the normal section of the gear teeth; it is stated
dm z • mum b
R =--= =R -- (8) in such a way that the tip distance R is disposed in the
m 2 • sin<5 2 • sinl5 • cosPm e 2 middle of the pitch.
For helix angle (spiral anglelPm see Section 3.5.6. Pn =Pt • cos P= mn • 7t (12)
DIN 3971 Page 7
This is a calculation quantity which is generally not an involute tooth system has as its path of contact a circle
integer. on the sphere of radiusRp; enclosed between this circle
and the crown gear reference circle is the transverse pres-
3.3 Module m sure angle a, see Fig. 6. The crown gear of the spherical
The module m is the basic quantity for the length dimen- involute tooth system has tooth flanks which are convex
sions of a bevel gear tooth system. !t is stated for a given in the root region and concave in the tip region.
Root surface
Path of contact
Crown gear
reference circle
Path of contact
spherical involute
Spherical involute
Figure 5. Crown gear with octoid tooth system Figure 6. Spherical involute tooth system
3.4.1 Standard basic rack tooth profile generally used The addendum and dedendum can be equal to the corre-
The standard basic rack tooth profile generally used for sponding quantities according to Section 3.4.1 or they
bevel gears corresponds to the standard basic rack tooth may be determined according to Section 3.4.3.
profile for cylindrical gears with involute tooth system
to DIN 867, see Fig. 7. 3.4.3 Standard basic rack tooth profile
The datum line according to DIN 867 is disposed in the with tooth depth alteration
crown gear reference plane if there is no addendum mod ifi· With a standard basic rack tooth profile having tooth
cation. depth alteration the addendum haP and the dedendum htp
N o t e : In most of the methods for generating bevel to be stated from the basis of the datum line (independ·
gears separate tools, which can be set independently of ently of one another or jointly) are larger or smaller than
one another, are used for the right-hand and left-hand the corresponding quantities according to Section 3.4.1.
flanks. Hence, such bevel gears do not need to be made
with a standard basic rack tooth profile in which the nom· The following apply
ina/ dimension of the tooth thickness is equal to that of for the addendum
the spacewidth and equal to half the pitch; their standard
basic rack tooth profile may have tooth thickness and/or haP= h~ • mp, (16)
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3.4.2 Standard basic rack tooth profile where hd> ~1 and hfi, = hp- hd>, see Fig. 9.
with tooth thickness alteration,
tooth thickness alteration factor x 5 3.4.4 Addendum modification,
With a standard basic rack tooth profile having tooth addendum modification coefficient xh
thickness alteration the tooth thickness on the datum If a standard basic rack tooth profile according to DIN 867
line is larger by the value 2 · x 5 • mp (for positive tooth is used and if the datum line is not in the crown gear refer-
thickness alteration) than the tooth thickness ofthe stand· ence plane, it is usual to speak of addendum modification.
ard basic rack tooth profile according to Section 3.4.1. The distance of the datum line from the crown gear refer-
Hence the tooth thickness is ence plane is the addendum modification the magnitude
of which is expressed by the addendum modification
mp•1t coefficient xh in fractions of the module mp:
Sp = - -- + 2 • x 8 • mp (14)
2 addendum modification= xh · mp.
and the spacewidth is The coefficient xh is positive if the datum line is above
mp•1t the crown gear reference plane (outside the reference
ep = - - - 2 • x 8 • mp (15) surface in the case of a bevel gear) and negative if it is
2 below the crown gear reference plane (inside the refer-
see Fig. 8. In equations (14) and (15) the sign of the tooth ence surface in the case of a bevel gear), see Fig. 10 and
thickness alteration factor X 5 has to be observed. Fig. 11.
DIN 3971 Page 9
Datum line
haP= h~. mp
htp =hip· mp
h~ = ~1
hip = liP - h:p
mp • 1t Spacewidth on the crown gear reference mp•1t
ep = -2-- circle sp =ep=---
ap = 20° Flank angle Other quantities as in Fig. 7
hp = 2 • mp + cp Tooth depth Figure 9. Standard basic rack tooth profile with tooth
Addendum depth alteration
haP= mp
h1p = mp + cp Dedendum
Cp = (0,1 ... 0,3) • mp Bottom clearance mpflj .,.2xhl' tan()(p)
Datum line
mp·n Developed crown gear
sp = - -- + 2 • x. • mp reference circle
ep = - - - - 2 • x.
N o t e : The addendum modification is stated for the 3.5.2 Crown gear angular pitch r p
tip distance R of the standard basic rack tooth profile. The crown gear angular pitch rp is the centre angle at the
Depending on the manufacturing method it either in- crown gear centre which is enclosed by two crown gear
creases steadily towards the centre of the crown gear or radii running to adjacent right-hand or left-hand flanks,
is constant at all tip distances. In the second case it is see Fig. 12. It is given by
therefore simpler to speak of the addendum modification
of the complete basic crown gear versus the reference mPt • 1t 2 • 1t
rp=---=-- (21)
cone of the bevel gear. Rp Zp
Because the reference cones of the gears have to coincide
with the pitch cones of the gear pair (see Section 3.4) a 3.5.3 Tooth thickness half angle 1/Jp
bevel gear with positive addendum modification is always (on a straight bevel gear)
mated with a bevel gear having equally large negative The tooth thickness half angle 1/fp of a straight bevel gear
addendum modification (gear train at reference centre is the centre angle at the crown gear centre which is en-
distance): closed by the tooth centre line and an adjacent right-hand
(19) or left-hand flank of the standard basic rack tooth profile,
see Fig. 12. It is given by
3.5 Parameters in the crown gear reference plane
3.5.1 Crown gear reference circle, crown gear radius Rp (22)
1/Jp = 2 • Rp
The crown gear reference circle is determined by the
number of crown gear teeth Zp and the module mPt exist-
ing on its circumference. Its radius (crown gear radius)
Rp is given by
Zp • mPt
Rp = -=--2--=..:. (20)
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Figure 12. Straight, helical and spiral teeth on the crown gear
DIN 3971 Page 11
3.5.4 Tooth space half angle 'lp A tooth system is right-hand (left-hand) if, on viewing the
(on a straight bevel gear) upright tooth from the apex of the cone, the tangent to
The tooth space half angle 7Jp of a straight bevel gear is the tooth trace is disposed to the right (left) at the refer-
the centre angle at the crown gear centre which is en- ence point observed.
closed by the tooth space centre line and an adjacent 3.5.7 Facewidth b
right-hand or left-hand flank of the standard basic rack
The facewidth b is the portion of a reference cone envelope
tooth profile, see Fig. 12. It is given by
line lying between the outer and inner end faces of the
ep teeth, see Figs 1 to 3 and Fig. 12.
7Jp = 2 • Rp
3.6 Tip surface and root surface, tip cone and root cone
3.5.5 Datum tooth traces, reference tooth traces The tip surface and root surface are generally surfaces
The datum tooth traces (reference tooth traces) are the which are conical with regard to the crown gear axis or
lines of intersection of the crown gear tooth flanks (bevel cone axis; they are designated as the tip cone and root
gear tooth flanks) with the crown gear reference plane cone.
(with the reference cone). Depending on the form and The envelope surfaces on the basic crown gear determine
disposition of these lines, see Fig. 12, the following are the variation of the tooth depth along the facewidth. Since
distinguished: the tooth depths of the basic crown gear transfer directly
to the bevel gear, their parameters coincide with those of Straight teeth, the bevel gear in Section 4.3.1.
straight bevel gears
3.6.1 Tip angle 0 8 , addendum angle ~.
With straight teeth the datum tooth traces are straight
lines passing through the crown gear centre. The angle enclosed by the gear axis and a tip cone envelope
line is the tip angle 08 , see Fig. 1.
With straight bevel gears the prolongations of the (straight)
reference tooth traces pass through the reference cone The addendum angle~. is the angle in an axial section
apex. between the tip cone envelope line and the reference cone
envelope line (the crown gear reference plane in the case He I i c a I teeth, of a crown gear), see Figs 1 and 2.
helical bevel gears
With helical teeth the datum tooth traces are straight lines 3.6.2 Root angle Of, dedendum angle ~f
touching a circle concentric with the crown gear axis and The angle enclosed by the gear axis and a root cone enve-
lying within the tooth system. lope line is the root angle Of, see Fig. 1.
With helical bevel gears the reference tooth traces are The dedendum angle~~ is the angle in an axial section
helices on the reference cone envelope surfaces. between the root cone envelope and the reference cone
envelope line (the crown gear reference plane in the case S p i r a I teet h,
of a crown gear), see Figs 1 and 2.
spiral bevel gears
With spiral teeth the datum tooth traces are curves having 3.6.3 Bevel gears with tapering tooth depth
various forms in the crown gear reference plane, depending Simple geometrical relationships result when the tip cone
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
on the manufacturing method used. Typical forms include apex and the root cone apex coincide with the reference
the circle, involute, cycloids and sinoids. cone apex in the crown gear reference plane. In this case
With spiral bevel gears the disposition of the reference
o.=o+~. (24)
tooth traces is derivable from the .datum tooth traces.
The parameters for the datum tooth traces and reference of= o- ~~. (25)
tooth traces result from the manufacturing method. and the tooth depths are proportional to the tip distanceR,
see Fig. 1.
3.5.6 Helix angle (spiral angle)p, In this case the bottom clearance is not constant. To
right-hand and left-hand teeth obtain a constant bottom clearance over the facewidth
The helix angleP is the acute angle formed at a tip dist· it is necessary for the tip cone apex to lie within the refer·
ance R between a tangent to the datum tooth trace and ence cone when the root cone apex and reference cone
the line through the tangent contact point to the crown apex coincide. This usually leads to the following being
gear centre, see Fig. 12. In the case of spiral bevel gears adopted
the helix angle is also termed the spiral angle. Oa1 = o, +~f2 (i.e. ~a1 = ~f2) (26)
On a bevel gear the helix angleP is the acute angle between
a tangent to the reference tooth trace and the reference Oa2 =02 + ~f1 (i.e. ~a2 = ~f1 ), (27)
cone envelope line through the tangent contact point. On
see Fig. 2.
straight bevel gears the helix angle Pequal to zero.
N o t e : This design allows the use of larg(!r tool radi-
The helix angles of a bevel gear may alter with the tip using without the risk of meshing interference at the inner
distance R.ln this case the characteristic helix angles and end of the tooth.
the disposition of the tooth traces shall be stated, for
example The versions according to equations (24) to (27) are to
be regarded as limiting cases of the geomet-rical design
the helix anglePp on the crown gear reference circle, or between which other versions are feasible, e.g. "inclined
the helix angle Pm at the mean cone distance, or root cone line" in which the root cone apex does not
the helix anglePe at the outer cone distance. coincide with the reference cone apex.
Page 12 DIN 3971
For bevel gears with tapering tooth depth it is usual to If the standard basic rack tooth profile is given in the
adopt as the standard basic rack tooth profile only the normal section then the transverse tooth thickness St is
cylindrical section through the basic crown gear, and hence calculated from the normal tooth thickness sn as follows
the transverse module as the datum length. Sn
s =-- (29)
3.6.4 Bevel gears with constant tooth depth t cosP
Simple geometrical relationships also exist when the tip where
angle and root angle of a gear are equal. In this case the mp•7t
tooth depth is constant over the entire facewidth; this Sn = - - + 2 • mp • (x 5 + xh • tanap). (30)
means that it is the same at each tip distance. 2
The tip angle and root angle may be the same as the refer· For the tip distances according to Sections 2.4.1 to 2.4.3
ence cone angle, see Fig. 3. In this case the tip surface and it is necessary to distinguish the following: the tooth
root surface of the basic crown gear are circular surfaces thickness se on the back cone, the tooth thickness si on
parallel to the crown gear reference plane. the inner cone distance and the tooth thickness Sm on
In the case of bevel gears with constant tooth depth the the mean cone distance.
normal section through a tooth at the mean diameter of The tooth thickness on cones other than the reference
the basic crown gear is usually taken as the standard basic cone can only be calculated in conjunction with the
rack tooth profile, and hence the normal module as the manufacturing method concerned, or approximately by
datum length. way of the equivalent cylindrical gear teeth (see Section
With the tooth thickness allowances A 1 (upper allowance
Ase, lower allowance Asi) referred to the reference circle
4 Additional definitions the tooth thickness limits are found as
and parameters on a bevel gear St(e,i) = St +As (31)
All definitions in this Section .relate to the bevel gear
devoid of deviations. The equations thus apply to the No t e : It should be noted in this connection that the
nominal dimensions or the limiting dimensions of the allowances generally have negative signs so that the tooth
tooth' system. thickness limiting sizes are smaller than the nominal di-
4.1 Parameters for the tooth profile
4.2.2 Spacewidth et
4.1.1 Pressure angle a Y
The spacewidth et is the length of the reference circle arc
The pressure angle a y at any flank point Y is formed by at the tip distance R within a tooth space.
two tangents erected in this point to the spherical surface et=Pt-St (32)
surrounding the apex, one of these tangents intersecting
the gear axis whilst the other is tangent to the tooth flank. Corresponding to Section 4.2.1, the following are to be
distinguished: the spacewidth ee on the back cone, the
With helical and spiral bevel gears a distinction has to be
spacewidth ei on the inner cone distance and the space-
made between the pressure angle a yt on the spherical
width em on the mean cone distance.
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Only with small numbers of teeth may it be necessary to 4.4.3 Equivalent cylindrical gear teeth
calculate the normal chordal tooth thickness allowances. If a complementary cone with its teeth, which result from
For this purpose it is usually sufficient to convert with intersection with the cone, is developed into a plane the
the aid of the allowance factor Ai"
which gives the ratio result is a virtual equivalent cylindrical gear with involute
of a normal chordal tooth thickness allowance A ito the teeth which can be regarded as an approximation of the
tooth thickness allowance As. The allowance factor is bevel gear teeth. The equivalent cylindrical gear teeth can
be used for investigating the meshing conditions and the
* A& s, tooth flank forms; quantities on this virtual tooth system
A-=-=cos- (35)
s As d are designated by the subscript v. The quantities mainly
involved are as follows:
4.2.4 Height ha above the chord st
The height i "a above the chord Si is stated at tip distance R e f e r e n c e d i a m e t e r dv
R in the middle of the tooth perpendicular to the refer· The length of the cone envelope line between the com·
ence cone envelope line. Starting from the tip circle of plementary cone apex and the reference circle of the bevel
the complementary cone it is found as gear at the tip distance R is half the reference diameter
-h = h + d
a a
-2 • ( 1 - cos-
s,) • cosd (36)
dv of the virtual equivalent cylindrical gear tooth system.
d =- (41)
For a straight bevel gear the values for the transverse sec· v cosd
tion !t and can be measured direct. In the case of helical N u m b e r o f t e e t h Zv
and spiral bevel gears the measurement is generally made
on a normal section, so that the nominal dimensions have The number of teeth Zv is that number of teeth which,
to be determined first, for example from the equivalent multiplied by the reference circle pitch Pt, yields the
cylindrical gear teeth. circumference of the reference circle of the virtual equiv·
alent cylindrical gear tooth system.
4.3 Parameters for tooth tip and tooth root
dv • 7t Z
4.3.1 Addendum ha, dedendum ht z =--=-- (42)
v Pt cosd
The addendum ha and dedendum ht are stated from the
reference cone and ar~ determined by the corresponding No t e : In the case of helical and spiral bevel gears it is
quantities of the standard basic rack tooth profile. necessary to distinguish between the number of teeth zv
For bevel gears having the tip cone apex coincident with arising in the plane of the developed back cone~ and the
the reference cone apex the following relationship exists number of teeth Zvn ruling for a normal section of the
ha = R • tan"a (37) virtual equivalent cylindrical gear tooth system.
For bevel gears having the root cone apex coincident with
the reference cone apex the following relationship exists The following can be taken as an approximation:
ht = R • tan "f (38)
z =-----
4.3.2 Tip circle, tip diameter da vn cosd • cos3p
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The tip circle is that circle on the tip cone on whose cir·
cumference at tip distance R the tooth tip edges lie, see T i p d i a m e t e r dv~
Figs 1 to 3. For example, at tip distance Re the tip diam· The length of the envelope line between the complemen·
eter dae is tary cone apex and the tip circle of the bevel gear is half
dae =de+ 2 • hae • cosd (39) the tip diameter dva of the virtual equivalent cylindrical
gear tooth system.
4.3.3 Root circle, root diameter dt (44)
The root circle is the circle on the root cone at tip dist·
ance R, see Figs 1 to 3. For example, at tip distance Re R o o t d i a m e t e r dvt
the root diameter dre is
The length of the envelope line between the complemen·
dte =de- 2 • hte • cosd (40) tary cone apex and the root circle of the bevel gear is half
the root diameter dvt of the virtual equivalent cylindrical
4.4 Parameters on the complementary cone gear tooth system.
4.4.1 Complementary cone
dvt = dv- 2 • ht (45)
The complementary cone is that cone surrounding the
gear axis whose envelope lines are disposed perpendicular B a s e d i a m e t e r dvb
to the reference cone envelope lines at a given tip dist·
ance R. For approximate representation in drawings and for the
manufacture of templates and patterns the virtual equiv·
4.4.2 Back cone alent cylindrical gear tooth system is usually regarded as
The complementary cone whose envelope lines meet the an involute tooth system with parameters according to
reference cone at right angles in the outer cone distance Section to and a standard basic rack tooth
Re is termed the back cone, see Figs 1 to 3. All parameters profile according to Section 3.4. The corresponding base
on the back cone are designated by the subscript e and diameter dvb is found from
parameters on another complementary cone by the appro·
priate subscript. dvb = dv • cos a. (46)
Page 14 DIN 3971
Auxiliary face 2 face
Figure 13. Reference face and auxiliary face on a bevel Figure 14. Reference face and two auxiliary faces on a
gear, Example 1 bevel gear, Example 2
Back face
Auxiliary face
For any shaft angle E the following apply volved. The pinion is usually designed as a normal cylin-
drical gear with involute teeth and the mating gear as a
sinE crown gear with constant tooth depth. The two gears are
tan «5 1 = ,., (4g)
COS.w+U to be regarded as bevel gears with continuously altering
sinE addendum modification. The crown gear has a small face-
tan «5 2 = - - - - (50) width to avoid undercutting and pointing of the teeth. It
cosE +- is usually designated as a crown gear.
For shaft angle E = goo 5.4 Traction flank, thrust flank
1 With spiral gears the loading conditions are generally more
tan «5 1 =- (51)
u favourable when the concave pinion flank transmits the
tan «5 2 = u (52) drive, i.e. when the direction of rotation and the tooth
trace direction (spiral direction) of the driving pinion are
The shaft angle E of a hypoid gear pair is that crossing the same. Application in automotive transmissions has led
angle of the two gear axes which faces the tooth engage- to this flank of the pinion tooth being adopted for trac-
ment. tion operation and the other flank for thrust operation.
The differentiation between traction flanks and thrust
5.2 Offset a flanks has in the meantime become generally accepted
The offset a of a hypoid gear pair is the crossing distance and independently of the drive direction the following
of the two gear axes. designations are used
For a bevel gear pair a = 0. on the pinion the concave flank as traction flank
the convex flank as thrust flank
5.3 Contrate gear pair, crown gear
on the crown gear the concave flank as thrust flank
The contrate gear pair (see DIN 868) having conical pitch
the convex flank as traction flank.
surfaces is mainly used in light precision engineering when
relativel-y large ratios and a shaft angle E = goo are in-
Flank No 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Pitch No. 1 213 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021
a n rl-r; :n
u u uIU ll -
" u
nn IT t '
J" ~ rt. ~ 11
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
\ l !J
1\ - C\1
r j'"1.. u-
a) Individual pitch deviations {p drawn as vertical b locks
between the flank numbers 1\ ~
Rp pitch fluctuation "",.'!!c:
fu pitch error (in this case between pitches No. 20 c In In ""'
11 ij ~
and 21, i.e. on flank No. 20)
b) Cumulative pitch deviations referred to flank No . 21,
drawn as staircase diagram
F P total pitch deviation \ ""c:
c) Pitch-span deviations over spans of k = 3 individ ual
pitches each, drawn as vertical blocks in the mid die of
the spans I /
d ca.
d) Cumulative pitch-span deviations, calculated fro m the I/ II..
span deviations of Fig. c, referred to flank No. 21,
drawn as staircase diagram (with correspondingly large
step width)
Figure 16. Graphical representation of circular p itch l J
deviations (example: z = 21)
Page 16 DIN 3971
the individual values measured and the average of all z 6.2.1 Deviations of the transverse profile
measured values. Deviations of the transverse profile are the flank deviations
6.1.2 Pitch-span deviations in transverse sections. They are determined at specific tip
(cumulative pitch deviations) F pk distances.
A pitch-span deviation (cumulative pitch deviation) Fpk The following are distinguished:
is the deviation of the actual dimension of a pitch span T o t a I p r o f i I e d e v i a t i o n Ft
over k individual pitches from its nominal dimension. The total profile deviation Ft of a tooth flank is the dist·
Assuming that the uncertainty of measurement is suffi· ance between the two nominal profiles touching and
ciently small, it is also found as the algebraic sum of the k enclosing the tooth flank within the profile test range.
individual pitch deviations comprised in the span: N o t e : In a test diagram according to Fig. 17 the total
(53) profile deviation Ft is the distance, read off at right angles
to the trace direction, between the line AA and the line
A~' parallel thereto which are drawn through the outer-
In the deviations of all pitch spans are calculated on the most points of the test diagram within the profile test
basis of a given reference flank or from the individual range. The lines AA and A~'present the nominal profiles.
deyiations f P according to equation (53) and potted versus
the corresponding tooth numbers, the resulting cumulative P r o f i I e f o r m d e v i a t i o n ft
pitch deviations according to Fig. 16 bare obtained. The profile form deviation ft of a tooth flank is the dist·
The values plotted in Fig. 16 b represent the position ance between the two imaginary averaging profiles which
deviations of the tooth flanks on the reference circle in touch and enclose the actual profile within the profile
terms of an imaginary zero-deviation circular pitch having test range.
z uniformly distributed pitch points-one of which coin- No t e : In a test diagram according to Fig. 17 the profile
cides with the reference flank. From the series of these form deviation ft is the distance, read off at right angles
values it is possible to find all z individual pitch deviations to the trace direction, between the lines 8'8' and 8"8"
and all pitch-span deviations as differences. which touch and enclose the recorded actul!lprofile within
DIN 3971 Page 17
Trace direction
Test range L --
Profile Tooth trace Generator
CD Total profile deviation Ft Total tooth trace deviation Fp Total generator deviation FE
® Profile angle deviation fHa. Tooth trace angle deviation fHp Generator angle deviation fHE
® Profile form deviation ft Tooth trace form deviation /j3t Generator form dl!viation fEt
Test range Profile test range La. Tooth trace test range L 13 Generator test range LE
BB Averaging actual profile Averaging actual tooth trace Averaging actual generator
the profile test range. The lines 8'8' and 8"8" are para/· The following distinctions are made:
leis to the line 88 which is drawn as an averaging line
through the test diagram. T o t a I t o o t h t r a c e d e v i a t i o n Fp
The total tooth trace deviation Fp' of a tooth flank is the Profile angle deviation fHa.
distance between the two nominal tooth traces which
The profile angle deviation fHa. of a tooth flank is the
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
touch and enclose the tooth flank within the tooth trace
distance between the two nominal profiles which intersect test range.
the imaginary averaging profile at the starting and finishing
Note: lnatestdiagramaccordingtoFig. 17the tooth
points respectively of the profile test range. The profile
trace total deviation Fp is the distance, read off at right
angle deviation f Ha. is normally stated in JJm as the length
angles to the trace direction, between the line AA and the
assigned to the profile test range.
line A 'A' parallel thereto which are drawn through the
No t e : In a test diagram according to Fig. 17 the profile outermost points of the test diagram within the tooth
angle deviation f Ha is the distance, read off at right angles trace test range. The lines AA and A 'A' represent the
to the trace direction, between the lines C'C' and C"C" nominal tooth traces.
which are parallel to the line AA and which intersect the
averaging line 88 at the starting and finishing points of T o o t h t r a c e f o r m d e v i a t i o n fpt
the profile test range. The tooth trace form deviation fpt of a tooth flank is the
distance between the two imaginary averaging tooth traces T r a n s v e r s e
which touch and enclose the actual tooth trace within the
pressure angle deviation fa
tooth trace test range.
The transverse pressure angle deviation fa is the differ·
Note: lnatestdiagramaccordingto Fig. 17 the tooth
ence between the actual transverse pressure angle and the trace form deviation fpt is the distance, read off at right
nominal transverse pressure angle. It is found by conver- angles to the trace direction, between the lines 8'8' and
sion from the profile angle deviation fHa and for this 8"8" which touch and enclose the actual tooth trace
purpose consideration must be given to the bevel gear within the tooth trace test range. The lines 8'8' and 8"8"
manufacturing process and the measuring method. are parallels to the line 88 which is drawn through the
6.2.2 Deviations of the tooth traces test diagram as the averaging line.
Deviations of the tooth traces are the tooth trace devia- Tooth trace an g I e de v i at ion fHp
tions tangential to the reference cone or to a cone coaxial The tooth trace angle deviation fHj} of a tooth trace is
thereto having its apex coincident with the reference the distance between the two nominal tooth traces which
cone apex. intersect the imaginary averaging tooth trace at the start-
Page 18 DIN 3971
ing or finishing points of the tooth trace test range. The Wobble in gear teeth results from the axis of the pitch
tooth trace angle deviation fHj3 is generally stated in 1-1m cone on which the teeth were generated not coinciding
as the length assigned to the tooth trace test range. with the gear axis; instead the axes intersect, cross one
N o t e : In a test diagram according to Fig. 17 the tooth another or are parallel with one another.
trace angle deviation fHj3 is the distance, read off at right
angles to the trace direction, between the lines C'C' and 6.4 Tooth thickness fluctuation R 5
C"C" which are parallel to the line AA and intersect the The tooth thickness fluctuation R 5 is the difference be·
averaging line 88 at the starting and finishing points of tween the largest and smallest tooth thickness sofa gear.
the tooth trace test range. The normal chordal tooth thickness fluctuation Rs can H e I i x a n g I e d e v i a t i o n generally be put equal to the tooth thickness fluctua-
( s p i r a I a n g I e d e v i a t i o n) fp tion R 5 •
The helix angle deviation (spiral angle deviation) fp is the
difference between the actual helix angle and the nominal 6.5 Backlash fluctuation Ri
helix angle. It is found by conversion from the tooth trace The backlash fluctuation Ri (circumferential backlash
angle deviation fHj3 and for this purpose consideration fluctuation Rit• normal backlash fluctuation Rinl is the
must be given to the bevel gear manufacturing process difference between the largest and smallest backlash oc-
and the measurement method. curing in a gear pair in the installed condition.
A helix angle deviation is termed positive if the actual
helix angle is larger than the nominal helix angle; in the 7 Working deviations
opposite case it is negative. In a working test gear teeth are meshed with their mating
6.3 Concentricity deviation F r, wobble of the gear teeth teeth and the combined effects of their individual geomet-
The concentricity deviation is the difference in position, rical (individual deviations) on the working action are
measured at right angles to the reference cone envelope determined as the working deviation, see Fig. 18.
line, of a measuring element (e.g. a measuring ball) which In the single-flank working test two bevel gears are meshed
is inserted successively into all tooth spaces and which with one another at the prescribed shaft angle and apex
contacts the tooth flank near the reference cone, the gear to back distance with either the right flanks or left flanks
being rotatably mounted for this purpose in its guidance in continuous engagement (single-flank engagement. The
axis. The largest difference between the measured values si~gle-flank working deviations of the right flanks of a
occuring at the gear periphery is designated as Fr. It is gear are generally different from those of the left flanks.
appropriate to make the measurement near both the outer From a given starting position the deviations in the angle
and the inner cone distance. From these two measure· of rotation, that is to say the deviations in the angular
ments the wobble of the tooth system is found. positions of one of the gears compared with the theoreti·
revo Iut1on
. o f t he test gear
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
I &
~ d- ~ I'¥ 'I' IIV v 1\¥1:\li I
v ~~
~Q. "
40 v
_j Pd
~ t
20 Ll.. l.Jp...;f -v v v v v v
! ~ --- ~ ~t\.
1 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Tooth No.1 25
Chart feed direction
cal positions as given by the mating gear and the gear ratio, 7.2 Cumulative working pitch deviation F(,
are determined. This requires a reference measuring system The cumulative working pitch deviation F ~ is the long-
in which the zero-deviation angular positions (theoretical undulation component in the test diagram of the single-
positions) can be implemented. flank working deviations. This component can be obtained
The working deviations can be attributed to a bevel gear from the test diagram produced during the single-flank
(the test gear) if the mating gear used is a master bevel working test by drawing in an "averaging line" with which
gear whose deviations are negligible compared with the the short-undulation components are suppressed. The
deviations of the test gear. "averaging line" has an essentially sinusoidal character-
If the deviations of the mating gear are not negligibly istic of one cycle per gear circumference. The cumulative
small (e.g. in a working test on two gears of a gear train) working pitch deviation Ff, is the difference (determined
it is only possible to assign the working deviations to the radially or in the ordinate direction) between the highest
gear pair jointly. and the lowest point of the averaging line, see Fig. 18.
A two-flank working test, see DIN 3960, is generally not
7.3 Individual working deviation f(,
meaningful for bevel gears because the intended trans-
mission of rotary motion only takes place at the prescribed Individual working deviations{(, are the short-undulation
shaft angle and at specified apex to back distances. Any components in the test diagram of the single-flank work-
alteration of these sizes simulates deviations which are ing deviations. They result from the differences between
non-existent and existing deviations are suppressed. the recorded test trace and the "averaging line" accord-
ing to Section 6.2. The periodicity of the short-undulation
If for special reasons it is nevertheless decided to apply
components per gear circumference agrees in many cases
the two-flank working test in which, according to the
with the number of teeth of the test gear. These compo-
type of measuring instrument used, the alteration of the
nents may, however, also contain the effects of undula-
shaft angle or the alteration of the tip distance of a refer-
ence cone is measured on the mated bevel gears, then the tions in the profile form deviations or tooth trace form
deviations. The individual working deviation f~ is the
definitions of the two-flank working test according to
DIN 3960 are applicable as appropriate. difference between the highest and the lowest point in
the trace of the short-undulation components, see Fig. 18.
The two-flank working test allows mainly concentricity The cumulative working pitch deviation F~ and the indi-
deviations to be determined. vidual working pitch deviation f~ together yield approxi-
mately the single-flank working deviation F;.
7.1 Single-flank working deviation Fi
The single-flank working deviation Fi is the fluctuation 7.4 Single-flank working error fi
of the actual angular positions compared with the theoreti- The single-flank working error fi is the largest difference
cal angular positions. It is found as the difference (sum which occurs in the angular position deviations within an
of the absolute amounts) of the largest leading and the angle of rotation corresponding to the duration of a tooth
largest lagging angular position deviation compared with engagement, see Fig. 18.
a starting position within one revolution of the test gear.
In a circular test diagram the working deviation Fi is the
difference between the largest and the smallest distance 8 Position deviations
and allowances for a gear pair
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
Gear axis 2
(theoretical position =
actual position) Gear axis 1'
(actual position)
Figure 19. Position deviations of the gear axes of a bevel gear pair
Page 20 DIN 3971
position of gear axis 1, and plane I which is at right angles 8.3 Contact pattern
to plane II, encloses with gear axis 2 the nominal shaft As a result of desired and undesired deviations in the gear
angle E and intersects this axis at the root pointS of the teeth as well as deviations in the gear positions and as a
crossing distance of the two gear axes. The position of consequence of operating factors a tooth flank will not
gear axis 2 is thus assumed to be devoid of deviation; the be contacted by the mating flanks in all points of its active
deviations are referred to gear axis 1 the actual position range. The contact pattern denotes that area of a tooth
of which is denoted io Fig. 19 by 1'. flank in which contact with the mating flanks takes place.
N o t e : The position deviations remain the same if the To identify the position of the contact pattern on a tooth
position of gear axis 1 is regarded as devoid of deviation flank the following designations are used, see Fig. 20:
and the deviations are referred to gear axis 2. tip (contact pattern lies on the tip),
root (contact pattern lies on the root),
outside (contact pattern Iies on the outer end of the
8.1 Shaft angle deviation fr,. tooth),
shaft angle allowance A r.
inside (contact pattern lies on the inner end of the
The shaft angle deviation fr, is the difference between the tooth),
shaft angle of the two gear axes in their actual positions
and the theoretical value of this angle, see Fig. 19. centre (contact pattern lies in the central of the tooth
The permissible shaft angle deviations give the shaft angle
inclined (contact pattern extends obliquely over a tooth
allowances Ar,.
To identify the form of contact pattern the following
8.2 Axis intersection point deviation designations are used:
(offset deviation) f •• axis intersection pad type,
point allowance (offset allowance) Aa elliptical or semi-elliptical,
The axis intersection point deviation fa of a bevel gear trapezoidal,
pair is the crossing distance of the two gear axes in their wedge type,
actual positions, see Fig. 19. linear type,
The offset deviation fa of a hypoid gear pair is the differ- short,
ence between the crossing distance of the two gear axes
in their actual positions and the theoretical crossing dist- full,
ance. narrow,
The permissible axis intersection point deviations (offset deep.
deviations) give the axis intersection point allowances Some example of contact patterns and their designations
(offset allowances) A •. are given in Fig. 21.
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
Tooth centre
·oe /
\(\~~ ·-----;;---::--~~\
Tip ·oe tooth end
f """"'-Root __
Convex tooth flank "'" ~
Tooth centre
Figure 20. Designations on the tooth flanks of a spiral bevel gear
DIN 3971 Page 21
Trapezoidal centre contact (tapering to tip) Trapezoidal centre contact (tapering to root)
Wedge type centre contact (tapering to tip) Wedge type centre contact (tapering to root)
One-sided linear contact on convex tip, elliptical One-sided linear contact on concave root, ellip-
centre contact on concave flank tical centre contact on convex flank
Alphabetical index
The figures following the entries are the Section numbers.
Addendum 4.3.1 Individual pitch deviation 6.1.1
Addendum angle 3.6.1 Individual working deviations 7.3
Addendum modification 3.4.4 Inner cone distance 2.4.2
Addendum modification coefficient 3.4.4 Left-hand teeth 3.5.6
Allowance factors 4.2.3
Mating crown gear 3.1
Allowances for a gear pair 8
Mean cone distance 2.4.3
Angle units 1.3
Module 3.3
Angular pitch 2.5
Apex to back distance 4.5.1 Normal backlash fluctuation 6.5
Auxiliary plane distance 4.5.3 Normal chordal tooth thickness 4.2.3
Axis intersection point allowance 8.2 Normal chordal tooth thickness allowances 4.2.3
Axis intersection point deviation 8.2 Normal pitch 2.5.3
Normal tooth thickness 4.2.1
Back cone 4.2.2
Number of crown gear teeth 3.2
Backlash fluctuation 6.5
Number of teeth
Base diameter
Basic crown gear 3.1 Octoid teeth 3.4
Bevel gears with constant tooth depth 3.6.4 Offset 5.2
Bevel gears with tapering tooth depth 3.6.3 Outer cone distance 2.4.1
Circular pitch deviations 6.1 Parameters in the crown gear reference plane 3.5
Circumferential backlash fluctuation 6.5 Pitch 2.5
Complementary cone 4.4.1 Pitch cone 3.4
Complementary cone angle Pitch error 6.1.5
Concentricity deviation 6.3 Pitch fluctuation 6.1.4
Cone distance 2.4 Pitch-span deviation 6.1.2
Constant tooth depth 3.6.4 Position deviations for a gear pair 8
Contact pattern 8.3 Pressure angle 3.4, 4.1.1
Contrate gear 5.3 Profile angle deviation
Crown gear 5.3 Profile form deviation
Crown gear angular pitch 3.5.2 Reference circle 2.2
Crown gear radius 3.5.1 Reference circle pitch 2.5.2
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32
Further Standards
DIN 867 Basic rack of cylindrical gears with involute teeth for general and heavy engineering
DIN 3960 Definitions and Parameters for cylindrical gears and cylindrical gear pairs with involute teeth
DIN 3966 Part 2 Information on gear teeth in drawings; information on straight bevel gear teeth
DIN 3975 Definitions and Parameters for cylindrical worm gear trains with shaft angle 900
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Page 24 DIN 3971
This Standard contains the terminological principles national Standards. This makes the relevant national publi-
which are of importance for manufacturers and users of cations more readily understandable worldwide. In the
bevel gear trains and for the theoretical treatment of bevel interests of these efforts it has also been necessary to
gear teeth. Compared with the previous issue of this Stand· modify certain symbols and subscripts for the new issue
ard (May 1956) the definitions and parameters have been of DIN 3971.
completely revised with the result that consideration is
now also given to bevel gear pairs with helical and spiral Important changes to symbols are as follows:
teeth. Among other changes this has entailed new defini- e instead of I for the spacewidth,
tions for the standard basic rack tooth profile which now
p instead of t for the pitches,
reflect the differing modes of operation of the gearcutting
machines. It was, however, not possible to deal with the '7 instead of A. for the tooth space half angle,
special features of the respective manufacturing processes ~ instead of x for the tip angle and root angle,
-more especially for spiral teeth. For this purpose refer- E instead of oA for the shaft angle.
ence should be made to the relevant information provided As regards the subscripts, the following alterations need
by the gearcutting machine manufacturers. to be emphasized:
The general definitions for gears and gear pairs dealt with a instead of k for parameters at the tooth tip,
in DIN 868 also contained definitions for bevel gears and
e instead of a for parameters on the outer cone dist-
bevel gear pairs. These definitions are only discussed here
in cases where this was deemed necessary from the view-
point of giving this Standard a self-contained structure. t instead of s for parameters in a transverse section,
When using this Standard it may therefore be necessary v instead of r for parameters on the back cone,
to consult DIN 868 also. In this Standard reference is P instead of p' for the crown gear or standard basic
likewise made to certain definitions from DIN 3960 which rack tooth profile.
are also applicable as appropriate to bevel gear teeth.
As customary in production engineering, definitions in- A further important point is that the subscript 0 (zero) is
corporating" ... fault" have been avoided in DIN 3971 now used for parameters on the generating tool; previously
also, and instead definitions featuring" ... deviation" or this subscript denoted parameters on the reference circle
" ... allowance have been adopted. For example, "pitch or reference cone. It is now laid down that parameters on
fault" and "shaft angle fault" have been replaced by the reference cone are to be stated without subscript or
"pitch deviation" or "shaft angle deviation", and "tooth only with the subscript of the corresponding tip distance
thickness fault" by "tooth thickness allowance". It has R; for example, de denotes the outer reference diameter.
also been necessary in some cases to use other symbols For denoting parameters on a cone other than the refer-
for these parameters. ence cone the corresponding subscripts are to be used,
whilst for parameters at any flank point or tip distance
The international Standards and Recommendations on
the subscript y is to b& adopted (for example: dye or day).
the terminology of gear teeth which appeared some years
ago, and more especially ISO 701 -1976 and ISO/A The terminology compiled in the Recommendation
ISO/A 1122-1969 is listed in German in DIN 3998
Normen-Download-Beuth-DHHI Germany GmbH-KdNr.7701357-LfNr.6654395001-2014-06-02 10:32