S 0038 1637021
S 0038 1637021
S 0038 1637021
1 Hahnemann Clinic, Richmond, California, United States Address for correspondence Roger Morrison, MD, Hahnemann Clinic,
1220 Brickyard Cove Road, Point Richmond, CA 94801, United States
Homœopathic Links 2018;31(1):18–24. (e-mail: HMCrichmond@gmail.com).
Abstract The ‘Clinically Verified Materia Medica’ is a work in progress. It is based on cured cases
Keywords only rather than the opinions of the author or other trusted authorities. Only remedies
► Clinically Verified of which at least three well-documented cured cases could be found are included. The
Materia Medica basis for this project is a trove of seven to eight thousand cured cases from the practice
► Cured cases of Roger Morrison and colleagues as also from journals and e-journals. In this article, a
► Lac lupinum case of Lac lupinum by Nancy Herrick is presented as an example.
type of patient felt perhaps even more estranged from often piercingly accurate—he is not easily misled by phonies
normal culture—as if the energy required to make his of any sort. His nativistic sympathies may lead him into
perspective understood by normal culture simply wasn’t shamanistic journeys or a profound respect for such tradi-
worth it. In both groups, the most common self-perception tions. Do not be surprised if the image of a wolf arises as a
is of being an ‘outsider’. power animal guide. Indeed, more than half of the cases
mentioned dreams or visions of wolves or even carried
Rebellion fetishes of wolves—this is a higher percentage than in any
The patient does not like being restricted in any way. other animal remedy. Furthermore, the patient is very likely
Injustice is often a huge issue for him. He may rebelliously to have an intense dream life—as if a large part of his
and emphatically speak his mind on most topics and can land consciousness exists in the dream world.
himself in trouble—and even wind up estranged from his
family who sees him as needlessly opinionated and stubborn. Children
Often, he identifies with oppressed peoples—native Amer- Of the six children’s cases reviewed, four were brought in for
icans, indigenous peoples, gypsies—who are outsiders like the treatment of behaviour problems and aggression. Several
himself. There may be a type of haughtiness in some of these of the adult cases revealed similar issues during their own
patients—‘I’m above you humans, anyway’. childhood. The children were argumentative, restless, could
scarcely sit in their chairs and were frequently in trouble for
Endangerment poorly controlled temper or even tantrums. Though intelli-
About a third of the cases (generally those who could be gent and creative, these children had trouble convincing
• Almost equally divided between warm and chilly patients, • Tight, constricted sensation in heart.
but almost all felt more energetic in cooler weather. • Asthma.
• Desire open air. • Recurring bronchitis or croup.
• Complaints alternate sides. Worse: Cold wind.
• Foods: • Pneumonia.
– Desires: Sweets. Spicy. Ice cream. Fish. Meat. Milk. – Worse: After romantic disappointment (two cases).
– Aversion: Salads. Milk. Meat. • Breast swelling before menses.
• Appearance: Several cases had a prominent grey streak in
the hair. Hair not exactly unkempt but rather untamed. Back
Three cases wore images of wolves. • Severe lumbago and sciatica with cramping or shooting
pain and numbness or twitching.
– Worse: Standing. Lifting. Exertion.
• Though never a chief complaint, five cases suffered with • Back pain extending: Up to neck. To hip. Legs.
vertigo. • Neck pain extending to headache.
Worse: During headache. Upon rising.
• Vertigo with faintness.
• Sore joints especially limbs.
• Migraine headaches were present in half of the cases. • Cramping or numbness with pain.
– Sensation: Nail-like. Crushing. • Foot pains.
• Eczema on feet or in antecubital region. Boy: I forgot to clear the dishes from the table. My mom gets
angry. Sometimes I’ll just put them in dishwasher. Some-
Sleep times I’ll get really angry and think, why do I have to do that!
• Nightmares.
What do you feel?
• Disturbed sleep and hard to fall asleep.
Boy: I don’t know. The nearest target for my anger is my family.
• Child goes into sleep with parents; can sleep only with
I don’t want to do what they say and I’ll go into my room.
• Somnambulism (two cases).
How do you express your anger with them?
• Unrefreshed sleep.
Boy: Get into a kind of yelling. I yell, ‘Leave me alone’.
Acne. Addiction. Allergy and hay fever. Anxiety disorder. Mother: He’ll say, ‘I don’t see why I should do it. It’s your job’.
Asthma. Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder. No matter how ridiculous the statement is, he defends
Eczema. Gynaecomastia. Hepatitis. Insomnia. Irritable himself. He’ll say, ‘I already removed one plate’.
bowel disease. Lumbago. Migraine headache. Oppositional It’s so illogical.
behaviour disorder. Pancreatitis. Reflux esophagitis. Reiter’s He’ll lie on the floor playing with the dog. We’ll say, ‘Why
syndrome. Sciatica. Seasonal affective disorder. are you playing when you’re supposed to be doing your job
Somnambulism. clearing the table’? He’ll say he’s too tired. He gets distracted.
Others can’t see the wisdom of his ways and he always acts
What do you love to do? He’s totally addicted to computers. It had a terrible effect
Boy: Play soccer, hang out with my family. on him. It made him meaner. He got inured to the violence.
Dislike the most? He was attracted to ‘the zone out’—a disconnect. We pulled
Boy: Clearing the table. Chores. the plug. We have no TV or no computers now. We go Waldorf
School now.
Mother alone in the room now: During my labour with him and a doula there was no
progress. After 20 hours of labour the obstetrician gave me
He is psychic, intuitive, empathic. He has something of the fentanyl. I went in 5 minutes to totally dilated.
healer in him. He’ll go straight to the wound and walk Difficult to wake him from sleep. He’s not there. He has no
directly to it. He’s called several medicine men to him in idea where he is. It’s almost like sleep walking. He doesn’t
his early life, including one from Peru. remember anything and I can’t reach him.
At an early age, he saw and heard many things. At a lodge, His life was traumatic from the beginning—many deaths
he’d see spirits in headdresses, etc. At 3 to 4 years old he in his first 2 years. The emotional climate was very stormy
asked, ‘who are those people talking in the living room’. I and chaotic at our home. His great grandmother died in
couldn’t see them. One had a low spirit and one had a high mysterious circumstances in the first month of his life. His
spirit he said. A Hawaiian worker’s wife came and he recog- grandmother developed multiple myeloma right away. Five
nised her. She had done an exorcism of three spirits pro- friends died: one suicide, one accident. Shocking news and
foundly attached to him years earlier. (The mother is involved shocking separation from loved ones.
in shamanism and psychic phenomena.) For a year after that I was not present. This was his early
light. I swear I can see things whip by. It’s like a white spirit. Mother: I see a lot of fears coming up. He’s very afraid of the
I’ve seen them since I was 6. dark. He had this when he was 3 years old. He has to sleep
with the light.
Analysis He is open, honest, connecting, more able to talk about his
When we analysed this case during a seminar, the first point feelings.
made by the participants was about the miasm: Almost every- Dreams: Wild boars. Another—chased by a psycho-killer
one noted Tubercular miasm because of the child’s opposi- but not killed.
tional nature, his feeling of being restricted, anti-authoritarian, He has been very even.
his sense of suffocation, he cannot sustain his energy or limit He started Aikido.
his activity. That was the core of the case.
The next point is that this child is clearly in a different Anger?
world (like his mother). Yet he is so charismatic and people Mother: Much less. It is as if something has relaxed. There’s
oriented. He has sudden outbursts and even violence. He was more spaciousness inside him for alternative reaction. Fine
destructive of the things you wanted the most. The Typhoid with school work now.
miasm patient destroys whatever is in front of him. With
Tubercular miasm patients, there is more malice involved. In Claustrophobia?
this case, ruthlessness comingles with great compassion and Same. Great fear of open water. Scuba diving and snorkel-
sensitivity. (See ‘Miasms of the New Millenium’ by Nancy ling are totally out of the question.
Herrick and Roger Morrison.4) What about his tendency for slamming doors, the rigid
On the first page of the Lac lupinum proving in ‘Animal Minds, Boy: I want to take a nap. [He sits on the same chair with his
Human Voices’ by Nancy,5 ‘the wolf is the voice of the spirit mom, arms around her.)
world. Shamanic connection, crying to the moon. In the proving,
there were hardly any physical symptoms. It was all dreams. One Are you better?
of the big dreams involved fear of water. That was this patient’s Boy: I didn’t notice till I started thinking about. I’m control-
big fear. It is believed that the wolf was a precursor to the whale ling it better. When it happens, I don’t have to get rid of it.
and dolphin. There is some deep connection to water in this
remedy: drowning, flooding, of being in the water, held under Crave now to eat?
water, having bridges fall from under you. He definitely had a big Boy: Same stuff. Not macaroni so much—I still like it.
connection with wolves. He loves them.
Mainly, he needed to be the authority. He is the α wolf, Mother: His taste has broadened a lot.
though he has this tremendous tenderness toward the young.
It is not unusual that a child would say that he wanted that Boy: We ate squash with sugar. I would never have tried it before.
kitten to come home to be with his family. And yet once the
kitten was so sick he rejected it. Wolf packs will often leave Follow-up Many Years Later
the sick. If a member leaves the pack, they may not be Mother: He is doing great. He has done great for years. Now
welcomed back. Maybe that is why he no longer had interest he is 15. Besides Lac lupinum MK he used a 12C as needed.
in the kitten once he was dying’.
One strong characteristic in this case was his spiritual
fascination. Most violent, destructive children are not so References
1 Morrison R. Desktop Guide: To Keynotes and Confirmatory
connected in the spirit world.
Symptoms. Berkeley: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 1993
2 Hering C. Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. [10 volumes;
Philadelphia, PA: American Homeopathic Publishing Society, J.M.
Stoddart. 1879–1891.] New Delhi: Reprinted B. Jain Publishers;
Two Months after Lac Lupinum 1M 1988
3 Morrison R. Clinically Verified Materia Medica. Point Richmond,
Mother: He’s doing great. This morning he said, ‘I’m doing
CA: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 2017
quite a bit better’.
4 Herrick N, Morrison R. Miasms of the New Millennium – New
Insights into the Ten Miasms. Point Richmond, CA: Hahnemann
Boy: I wouldn’t have noticed it except in retrospect. I don’t Clinic Publishing; 2014
get angry as much. Like yesterday doing my report. Now I say, 5 Herrick N. Animal Mind—Human Voices. Berkeley, CA: Hahne-
‘Just stay calm and let it pass through you’. mann Clinic Publishers; 1988