Taan Kaat
Publication 1119
1st Edition
January 2021
Your comments to
Neodymium - 2-
Table of Contents
Neodymium ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Essence: ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Series-Stage ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Characteristics of Mind........................................................................................................................... 5
Mind .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
General ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Physical .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Symbolism................................................................................................................................................ 7
Neodymiums ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Neodymium-carbonicum .......................................................................................................................... 9
CHEMISTRY.................................................................................................................................................. 18
CASES .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Neodymium phosphoricum: I armored myself since the death of loved ones ...................................... 22
Neodymium - 3-
Neodymium carbonicum: To represent her total self ............................................................................ 25
Neodymium - 4-
Neodymium metallicum
The impression of Neodymium is a kind of hardness. It's not a hardness like coldness,
but more a kind of toughness. They seem closed, difficult ton open up for others. This
is the "armor" quality. The toughness hides their insecurity. When it's their true
character they can look very much in control, as if they have no anxieties. As a child
they become the rascal, doing everything that God and man has forbidden. Their
courage makes it possible to do everything.
When it's a less deep state one sees more the struggle to be tough. They will do
everything, but with feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
Proving independence
Lanthanide 6a autonomy; self, own; deep; control, power, spiritual;
series vision
Proving independence
Proving autonomy: rascal
Hiding themselves: impervious
Hiding behind their autonomy: untouchable
Proving themselves: courage
Challenge of self-control
Proving self-control: tough
Characteristics of Mind
Proving independence
They want to prove their autonomy. They develop the tendency to do strange things,
things that no-one else does. It’s like a statement that they are special and
Neodymium - 5-
independent. They can do weird and funny things, dangerous and forbidden things.
They won’t show their doubts or weakness. They hide the possibility of losing control,
fearing to be hurt. They are very tough. In a way they shout down their fear.
They have to prove that they are autonomous. They will do dangerous and forbidden
things to show that they will decide things for themselves. They'll prove that they're
Wants to prove that the shadow can be conquered. They do all kinds of things to prove
that fear, desires and other negative things can be overcome. They go for it: they
cannot avoid the shadow. They take the bull by the horns, take the boar by the fangs.
After watching the problem for a while, they tackle it, grab it, and defeat it.
Neodymium - 6-
Impervious, closed, impenetrable, inaccessible, untouchable, invulnerable, sealed, tight,
Prove, show, substantiate, live up to.
Frank, open, candid, weird.
Courage, danger, challenge.
Rascal, roguish, mischievous.
The dynamic audacious twin.
Awkward, awkwardness, physical and psychological.
Torsion, twisting.
Delusion that things new for them are new for everyone.
Talent: trust that you can do things never done before, because these things have been
done before innumerable times, so you trust on the spiritual patterns, the
morphogenetic fields.
Dynamic drive or push.
They can watch for a while to understand how things go, how opponents will react, but
then they take a firm grip on the events.
The active, courageous twins.
Criticized by people standing aside.
Sweat: copious << night.
Parkinsonism (2).
Eye problems; strabismus, vertical, divergent; lateral eye muscles; prism lenses.
Chest pressure. Dyspnoea.
Lungs: granulomas, pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Liver problems: necrosis, fatty degeneration; spleen problems.
Colitis, diarrhea.
Kidney problems.
Male: testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles, infertility.
Female: ovaries, uterus, infertility, miscarriage.
Right wrist, left elbow.
Intestinal problems.
Blood: platelets, coagulation problems.
Neodymium - 7-
Myth: Heracles Labour 3: Heracles grasps the wild boar of Erymanthes firmly by his
Differential Diagnosis
Stage 6: after watching carefully, Heracles grasps the fangs firmly. This is the quality
of "going for it", which is typical of Stage 6. They have to do it and will do it, whatever
the danger and the costs. We see also that Heracles watches carefully for a while,
which is more an aspect of Stage 5. But in Stage 5 they keep on watching and
hesitating, avoiding really going for it.
Neodymium - 8-
series stage
Neodymium Lanthanide 6a 3 Proving independence
Proving their autonomy in order to have self-worth
Proving their autonomy and self-worth
Proving their self-worth by being independent
Proving their self-control to their father
Father challenges them to be independent
Father challenges their power
Father is tough
Father is impervious
Proving their self-worth by being autonomous
Proving their self-control to find the essence of life
Characteristics of mind
Proving their autonomy in order to have self-worth
They have to prove their autonomy in order to have self-worth. Being autonomous is proving
that they are worth something. They have the feeling that they have to prove that they are
master of themselves. They do dangerous and challenging things to prove that they have self-
Neodymium - 9-
Father is tough
Their father is often a tough guy, doing all kinds of dangerous things. He will never show his
insecurity. Their father looks unassailable, someone with courage in all situations. He has built a
wall around him that's impervious. It's an armor, that he wears with honor or sadness. But he
doesn't show his inner side.
Neodymium fluoratum
This is one of the hardest and toughest remedy personalities. Both Neodymium and Fluorine
build a wall, a coat of armour around them. Neodymium is tough, hiding his anxiety. Fluorine
feels like an outcast and thus is indifferent of what other people think of him. Fluorine has
retired from society because he feels that people see him as bad.
series stage Neodymium fluoratum
Proving their autonomy on their own
Proving their autonomy through crime
Proving their autonomy when rejected
A criminal rascal
Courageous lonely criminal
Proving to be independent against crime: security guard
Challenge of being autonomous when rejected
Initiated into the inner world without moral judgment
Daredevil to become autonomous and shiny
Proving yourself with sex
Neodymium - 10-
Rascal prostitute
Courage to break taboos
Characteristics of MIND
Proving their autonomy when rejected
They want to prove their autonomy against all odds. They want to prove for themselves that
they are the ones in control and no one else. They have to do that because they have the
feeling that they are someone without value, a nobody. This is often the result of a period of
being rejected, especially if they were rejected as a child.
A criminal rascal
They can also develop in the other direction and become a criminal themselves. They can feel
so rejected by society that they don't care anymore about moral values. They shut off from
their own feelings and those of others and can become hard and slick. But they commit their
crime mostly on their own, proving that they are independent. They can often do their crimes in
a funny way, so that others can laugh about it. They want to prove that they decide what's
moral or not.
Neodymium nitricum
Proving their autonomy to be able to enjoy
series stage
Neodymium Lanthanide 6a 3 Proving independence
Neodymium - 11-
Proving their autonomy to be able to enjoy
Proving their self-control enthusiastically
Proving their autonomy by boasting
Proving their freedom to enjoy life
Forced to be independent as a pushed child
Pushed by their father to prove their autonomy
A tough enthusiast
A boasting rascal
Proving their autonomy to be able to enjoy
They feel that they have to prove their autonomy before they can enjoy life. They feel that they
have to be independent before they have any self-worth that is outstanding.
Boasting rascal
They can be a real rascal, doing all kinds of things that God and man have forbidden. They will
prove to everyone that they'll decide for themselves what's right and wrong. Mostly they won't
do really bad things, but just things that are forbidden. Or they will do all kinds of dangerous
exploits, whatever their parents try to prevent them from doing.
In later stages, when things have gone wrong, they can become very discontented and
revengeful. They will try to prove that others have done wrong to them.
Neodymium - 12-
Anger easily.
Profession: bomb deactivator.
Movie: The Final Cut.
Lung: emphysema, genetic, destructive.
Heart: hypertension.
Neodymium oxydatum
series stage Neyodimium Oxydatum
Proving their autonomy against corruption
Proving their autonomy with handicaps
Proving their freedom with money
Forced to be independent as a neglected child
Forcing freedom to prevent being abused
Hiding so as not to be abused
Demanding rascal
Impervious to abuse
Proving self-control over selfishness
Rascal beggar
Stunt man beggar
Characteristics of Mind
Proving their autonomy against corruption
They feel that they have to prove their autonomy in order to get self respect. They feel
challenged by corruption, by people who cheat with money or values. They have to prove that
Neodymium - 13-
they can withstand the temptation. They want to prove that they are master of themselves
instead of being tempted by the money or power.
Neodymium phosphoricum
series stage
Neodymium Lanthanide 6a 3(6) Proving independence
Having to prove that friendship makes people free
Neodymium - 14-
Proving that their friend is autonomous
Proving that they are autonomous in their friendship
Proving that only autonomous people can be clever
Proving to be able to study on your own
Having to prove that they are not stupid and clumsy
Friends are rascals
My brother is a rascal
Characteristics of Mind
Having to prove that friendship makes people free
They have the feeling that friendship makes people free. They want to show it to the
world, they want to prove that friendship really works. They can feel it as their task to
establish friendship in the world so that everyone will be autonomous, that people will
not be hindered by loyalty.
Neodymium - 15-
Neodymium sulphuricum
series stage
Neodymium Lanthanide 6a 3 (6 ) Proving independence
Proving their love in autonomous ways
Having to prove that love makes people free
Proving that their lover is autonomous
Proving that only autonomous people can really love
Having to prove that they themselves are lovable
My lover is a rascal
Characteristics Of Mind
Proving their love in autonomous ways
The basic problem is how autonomy and love can go together; they handle this by trying to
prove something. They want to prove their love to their spouse. Or they have the feeling that
they have to prove their love all the time but they want to do it in freedom. They get annoyed
when they feel that giving love makes them dependent. They feel that love can only blossom in
Neodymium - 16-
Having to prove that they are lovable
They can have the feeling that they have to prove their love all the time. Their spouse can be
very demanding. It will produce in them the feeling that their love is never enough, that they
always have to give more. But they refuse to adapt to their spouse, because that will give them
the feeling that they are giving up their independence, their freedom. Disease often starts
after they get the feeling that they won’t succeed in proving their love.
They often put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Their marriage must be good and loving.
They or their spouse must prove something. That brings tension into the relationship. It can
take the form of psychologizing, of searching in their mind for all the explanations of the
problem. But they do it in a theoretical way, without really getting in touch with the problem.
The tension can lead to a divorce, the opposite of what they were striving for.
Neodymium - 17-
Neodymium metal has a bright silvery metallic lustre. Neodymium is one of the
more reactive rare-earth metals and quickly tarnishes in air, forming an oxide that spalls
off and exposes the metal to further oxidation. It is one of the rare earth metals.
1. Didymium component: for coloring glass to make welder’s goggles.
2. Colors glass delicate shades ranging from pure violet through wine-red and warm
gray. Light transmitted through such glass shows unusually sharp absorption bands.
3. Salts are used as a colorant for enamels.
4. Alloys.
5. Calibration of spectral lines in astronomy.
6. Lasers (to produce coherent light). Glass containing neodymium is a laser material in
place of ruby to produce coherent light; infrared lasers with wavelengths (1054-1064
nm), e.g. NdYAG (yttrium aluminium garnet), NdYLF (yttrium lithium fluoride), NdYVO4
(yttrium orthvanadate), and Nd:glass.
7. Powerful permanent magnets - Nd2Fe14B. They are cheaper than samarium cobalt
magnets. Much used in headphones
Neodymium - 18-
8. Nd2Fe14B is the most strong commercial magnet of 50-60 MGOe.
9. Nd2O3 is violet red, wine red, used in ceramic coloring and Nd Lasers.
10. 2NdF3 + 3Ca -> 2 Nd + 3CaF2.
11. Color glass; pure violet, wine red, warm gray.
12. Sharp absorption bands.
13. Color enamel.
14. Promote plant growth. Rare earth element are used in China as fertilizer.
R1 H He
R2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
R3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
R4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
R5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
R6 Cs Ba La* Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
R7 Fr Ra Ac**
R6a *Lanthanides> Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Neodymium - 19-
Periodic Table of Elements and the concepts
The periodic system is a table of all existing elements, the atoms, from Hydrogen to Plutonium.
It includes the radioactive elements, such as naturally occurring Uranium and highly radioactive
Plutonium, a product of Uranium. This concept shows that every row and every column has a
specific theme. The 7 rows and 18 Columns have specific themes and concepts. The rows
depict seven levels in Human life from a free soul, birth, growth to death.
society, culture, ideas; arts, science; ripe Middle age Rubidium >
age; elite, special, wonder; hearing. Xenon
Neodymium - 20-
Columns- Stages
The columns of the Periodic table are called Stages and numbered from 1 to 18, starting from left to
right.The theme of the each series is depicted in eighteen stages. They are called stages because they are
stages in each series of life. These Stages reflect the process of life, coming into existence, to full
expression and then disappearing again leading to the next level. Each stage describes a theme, starting.
rising, coming to a peak and then declining to a loss and isolation. The stages in each series relate to the
miasms from Acute to the Syphilis.
Stage 1 start, begin; spontaneous, impulsive, unpredictable, manic; naive, childish, foolish.
Stage 2 observing, observed; timid, shy; passive, refusal; adapting; bewildered, overdone.:
Stage 14 diverting, avoiding; powerless; form, formal, mask, facade; discharged, dismissed.
Stage 16 neglecting, neglected; ruin, ash; ugly, dirt, offensive; seducing; reconciling.
Neodymium - 21-
psoriasis cheek
Rheumatic complaints worse in winter, worse lifting, working, and worse emotional
problems. He is chilly, but works a lot so he is not
bothered by it to often. He likes meat, fish (3).
Therapy: methotrexate gave some improvement, but it
caused hepatitis and he gained thirteen kilo. He uses
Daivonex and corticosteroid without result. PUVA gives
relieve for some months. The specialist now advised
biologics, but he and his wife desire children.
The psoriasis is very thick, crusty and the skin is very
red. It is essentially everywhere on the body; on the face it is large, but it does not
Neodymium - 22-
bother him, people can take him for who he is. He can take many remarks, but if
too blunt he will give his opinion of the person that bothers him.
psoriasis plaque
psoriasis nails
He worked from age of twelve; he was away from home all the time. By working a
lot he avoided home. His parents did not value any of his work; at home nor
otherwise. They only criticized him so he felt trapped at home. At the age of twelve
he worked two to three days a week after school-time and at the age of fifteen 5
days a week. When he did his internship at the age of sixteen he tried to come
home when his parents slept.
When he works he strives for one hundred percent satisfaction of his clients. He is
Neodymium - 23-
dedicated, works hard and gets recognition. The recognition he did not get from his
He recently married; this aggravated the problems with parents, because no one
was good for him as a partner.
He is very social and communicative as long as it does not concern his own feelings
(then he closes immediately).
He says he is closed emotionally since the death of his grandfather. His mother
said: "That is life, you must accept it". He was not allowed by his parents to skip
one day of his job.
Dreams: he has contact with his dead grandfather; they talk, it is a sensible
communication about the questions of life. It helps him a great deal; his
grandfather values his ideas. He also has prophetic dreams.
Physical problems: migraine. It is not frequent, but rather strong. Hammering pain
in the forehead with nausea. Migraine is better with sleep and closing his eyes.
Lanthanides come up strong: he choses his own way, is independent and he has an
auto-immune disease.
Which Lanthanide?
Neodymium: he makes himself untouchable, creating and sensing a huge wall. He
is fighting his independence, trying to prove himself.
Which salt: Phosphor. He is open, communicative, and amiable. Working with zest
and he has ailments and walls himself off since the death of friends: his grandfather
and his friend in his puberty.
I prescribed Neodymium phosphoricum C30, once a week for three weeks.
In the next follow up he has improved a lot. His energy is much better, after
work he has some energy left for social events. He is capable of light work again,
38 hrs instead of 18 hrs. Joint pains 80% better, eruption also 80% better. The
eruption changed into a seborrhea eczema, as he had in in his early youth.
The last consultation he was doing well physically and improved emotionally; the
relationship with his father opened up.
In the following year he called twice for repetition of the medication for minor
setbacks and added that he was doing well.
Neodymium - 24-
Kramer, A.
Homeopathic Doctors Centre Utrecht
Categories: Remedies
Keywords: psoriasis, arthritis, methotrexate, PUVA, corticosteroid, Daivonex,
seborrhea eczema, Neodymium phosphoricum
In October of 2006 I saw Annabel for the first time. She was then a woman of 26
years, fragile but still with a tough constitution.
She had done masters studies for 2 years: women studies and English language
and literature.
The essay is such a big thing for her. All aspects of her life had to be expressed in
the essay in their true perspective; everything in correct proportions.
The essay has to represent her total self.
What a big weight! She collapses under that load.
Then the fear comes that she can’t find the right words and is not be able to
express her meaning.
She has the feeling everything she writes is not clear. She doesn’t even know her
point. “Why I should try? Nobody understands me. Everybody thinks I am stupid.”
Then comes the panic: who am I? And she loses herself.
She also had panic attacks when she was 15 years old.
She also had hyperventilation and vertigo at that time.
She was overtired. She had mononucleosis and missed a great part of the school
year, but she would not repeat her class. So she worked very hard at school. Beside
that she danced semi-professionally and she had a job. Everything had to be done,
because then people would see her and people would want to accept her. Then she
Neodymium - 25-
had worth being there.
When she was16 years old, she had anorexia. In that way she wanted to prove that
she was good enough, was worth being beloved, and show the world she had SELF-
For months the only food she ate was 1 apple a day. Her weight declined to 41
kilos. She had no energy to bicycle up a little hill. Finally she went to the general
practitioner and she got help in a therapy group.
She is very powerful, strong willed.
She is independent, accepts no support from surroundings, and she earns her own
There is a strong urge to be perfect, but she cannot receive compliments. She often
feels inferior to other people, such as, her girlfriend who is getting her doctors
If she cannot write, all other things are worthless, or at least don’t mean anything.
she focuses everything on the essay.
It matters that she dances on a high level. Anyone can organize summer school.
She only wants to be a good girl. Acceptance is important.
Her ‘father’ was a Scot, and died in 2001. Her mother is a Dutch woman.
When she was 10 years, she heard her father was not her biological father.
Her mother was inseminated with donor seed. She was glad of that, because her
father was very aggressive. He abused her when she was 5 and 6 years old. She
fled with her mother to Holland when she was 8 years old.
She has a relationship with an Italian woman, who is very clever. That woman is
now busy getting her doctors degree. Before that, the woman finished all her
studies cum laude and that makes Annabel jealous: that’s she wants for herself.
Her friend is so high in the hierarchy and where is she? Now she has a relationship
with a woman. A man could also be possible. The sex is not important. It has to
match on a spiritual level.
She suffers from nightmares. She is in the middle of a circle, surrounded by people
who are important to her. They say she is stupid and laugh at her. She becomes
smaller and smaller. She feels deceived: How is this possible? We have always had
a good relationship and now you do this to me.
When she has had such a dream she suffers a whole day with feelings of
The basic problem for this woman is how to represent her total self in the essay.
The stress for this blocks her, so she cannot write.
Neodymium - 26-
She is a special woman, not common. In the way she appears, acts, and in doing
two studies. She is an intelligent woman.
She looks like she is very tough.
To prove that she is good and worth being beloved is an issue for her.
Self-confidence and self-discipline are other items that are important to her.
And the essay has to represent her total SELF.
She has her goal. It’s terrible but she has started.
Solanaceae: panic, but I missed the fears, the intensity, the violence
Silver series: problems with expression in writing
Phosphorus salts: fear to be stupid, a problem with study
Sulphur salts: jealous of her partner
Carbon salts: self-worth
Lanthanides in general
Reflection, inner world
Brain: 2 studies
Self, doesn’t accept help, no compliments
Represent her total self
Intellectual development
Free in choice of relationship with a man or woman, only character tells
Stage 6
Study in the finishing year, but the beginning of the writing period
To prove
Lanthanides Stage 6
Initiation of the proof of her personal intellectual work
Worth, the essay has to prove her worth
Feels small
Problems with father when she was 6 years old!
Follow up
Short after taking the remedy she became warm and energy streamed through her
body. She felt quieter, more confident. It was more clear to her what she can do
Neodymium - 27-
and what not. She doesn’t persevere in negative thoughts.
Once she fainted in the same way as when she had anorexia.
And once she suffered from a panic attack, not in relation to writing, but because of
the atmosphere, the warmth.
The writers’ block was removed. She writes a lot, in a more relaxed
way. It doesn’t feel so heavy anymore.
She can better accept compliments. She is not thinking, “my essay will
not succeed, so I’m a good-for-nothing girl. I am worth nothing.”
With her girlfriend it is easier. She can listen better and is not jealous anymore. The
relationship is more relaxed and there is more harmony.
Where she suffered the whole day after such a dream in the past, it now takes a
few minutes and she can go on.
I decided to go further with the same remedy, each month one dose.
After 4 months the writing is not the problem anymore. The fear is gone. She was
not content with her mentor and searched for another. She succeeds and is very
proud of that. Eight months after the beginning she finished her essays very easily.
Before the remedy she felt a big stone in her belly when she had to write. It was
such an unbearable load. But after the remedy she wrote with a great ease: the
chapters flew from her pen.
And her thoughts about the essay are totally different: “The essay says nothing
about me, tells nothing about who I am. It’s just a product, not a representation of
my total self.”
To write the essays was just a piece of cake.
Marked with a 9 and 8,5!
Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Neodymium carbonicum, writer's block
Neodymium - 28-
such is the most prescribed Lanthanide in our practice. This has to do with the fact
that our culture demands that people prove themselves. Situations are stressful,
work has to be done fast, and people are frequently subjected to new challenges.
The idea of calmly doing your job for many years has become a rarity. These
qualities of ‘challenge’ and ‘proving’ are found in stage 6, where we find the
Lanthanide, Neodymium. Neodymium sulphuricum is often indicated for women. In
our present culture, women are gaining their freedom but many of them still have
to fight for it in their intimate relationships. This is one of the basic themes of
Neodymium sulphuricum: they have to prove their autonomy in marriage, they
have to fight for their freedom in relationships. The remedy is really a remedy for
the women’s liberation movement. The following 10 cases show different aspects of
Neodymium sulphuricum. In many of them, we will see the theme of women
fighting for their autonomy and independence, in marriage and love affairs.
Case 1
Woman, 40, premenstrual syndrome.
She is depressed and needs support to maintain her trust in love and relationship.
She is irritable towards her children before the menses. She is a homeopath, having
chosen this profession because of the holistic and individualistic aspects of
homeopathy. She has been divorced, leaving the marriage as she felt limited and
narrowed down. Independence, freedom, self-reliance, and making her own
decisions are very important for her; it is necessary for her to make a connection
with herself, to know who she is.
In this case, we see the theme of fighting (Stage 6) for her freedom and against
limitation (Lanthanides) in her marriage (Sulphur). The Lanthanide themes are also
found in being a homeopath, holistic, individual aspects, and the need for
independence and freedom.
Case 2
Woman, 20, diarrhea.
She easily has diarrhea, < stress, < sauerkraut, fish, tomato. She has acne on her
face and back. She has vaginitis, burning pain. She has amenorrhea, < after using
contraceptives for a while. She likes adventures and challenges. She is an artist,
studying at an academy. She has an aversion to being forced; she wants to go her
own way. She has had a boyfriend but she stopped the relationship because he was
pushing her too much. She had very good contact with her father but her mother
was jealous of this relationship.
The Lanthanide theme is seen here in the desire to go her own way and to not be
forced. The theme of being forced was triggered by her boyfriend, which indicates
Sulphur. Stage 6 can be seen in her desire for adventures and challenges. The
burning pain, the acne and diarrhea confirm Sulphur. The amenorrhea from
contraceptives and a hormonal imbalance, confirm the Lanthanides.
Case 3
Woman, 30, amenorrhea.
She has amenorrhea, < after contraceptives, and she is anxious about being
Neodymium - 29-
infertile. She has a bit of anorexia and is very controlling with food. She has a fear
of becoming obese and unattractive. She has stomach pains and rumbling, <
evening, < lying. She has had a boyfriend but stopped the relationship because he
became too dependent on her. She has an anxiety to commit herself, fearing that
she will miss her freedom. She is apprehensive of starting another relationship, for
fear that it will go wrong again, but she wants to prove that it can be successful.
Her parents had a difficult relationship and she felt their tensions.
The aversion to committing herself or losing her freedom points to the Lanthanides.
It is connected with boyfriends and partners, which indicates Sulphur. The desire to
prove that it will still work is an indication for Stage 6. Hormonal problems, such as
amenorrhea in this case, are also an aspect of the Lanthanides. The anorexia is also
an aspect of Lanthanides: it is the desire for control, an obsessive compulsive
Case 4
Man, 40, arthritis.
He has arthritis of his shoulders, wrists, hands, metacarpal and proximal inter-
digital joints, < tired, < stress, < exertion, <<< after a hepatitis B vaccination. He
works as a nurse and likes to work independently. As a student he wanted to prove
himself. He likes to keep everything under control. In his marriage, he has ups and
downs, he often feels hurt and powerless. After Neodymium sulphuricum, he sees
his wife in a new light, with gratitude, and they have a few weekends with a lot of
talks and emotions and weeping, which clarifies things between them.
Case 5
Woman, 30, ankylosing spondylosis.
She has pains in her hips, sacroiliac joints, and dorsal region; a feeling of cramps
and stabbing as from knives, as if overexerted, < citrus fruits, < turning in bed.
The spondilitis started after an unhappy love affair: she was very much in love but
her partner was not, and he had other affairs. She continued the relationship
despite the advice of all her friends. She felt closed in, standing stiff with her arms
along her body; she could not express herself for fear he would not like her
Neodymium - 30-
The ankylosing spondilosis, as an auto-immune disease, is an indication for
Lanthanides. The disease started after an unhappy love affair, indicating Sulphur.
The way she handled the situation was like a forcing: even when he clearly was not
in love and had other affairs, she still tried to keep the relation going. This ‘forcing’
aspect is typical of Stage 6.
Case 6
Woman, 40, polymyalgia rheumatica.
She has pains in her thighs, lumbar region, sides, and arms, < turning in bed, <
walking, unable to do anything. She has arthritis of her hands, metacarpal and
proximal interdigital joints. She is tired; she wakes at 5 a.m. tired, << from having
worked too hard for many years in healing massage. She is divorced because she is
a lesbian; for many years she wanted to prove with her marriage that she was
‘normal’. She wanted to be independent, to have her own practice and be
autonomous but she could hardly relax.
The polymyalgia
rheumatica, as an auto-
immune disease, is an
indication for
Lanthanides. For many
years, she tried to prove
that she was ‘normal’ by
being married. Proving
oneself is Stage 6; in the
marriage, indicates the
Sulphur aspect. The
desire to be independent
and autonomously is
typical for Lanthanides,
as is her work in healing
massage. Waking at 5
a.m. fits Sulphur.
Case 7
Man, 25, psoriasis.
He has psoriasis – itching and scaling on his elbows, ear, eyebrows, and head; it is
annoying. It started after a party weekend with lots of alcohol and unsafe sex. He is
always looking for challenges, putting himself to the test. He is doing things for the
greater cause, starting companies to make the world better. When he was 6 years
old, his parents moved and he felt homeless. He was bullied until he hit the biggest
of the bullies; since that time, he feels bound by nothing. He likes to be seen as
social and warm, and he likes to help people. His parents divorced when he was 13;
the children were all that held the marriage together.
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He is always looking for challenges, putting himself to the test, which is Stage 6. He
is doing things for the greater cause, to make the world better: a Gold series and
Lanthanides quality. Since he was 6 years old, he feels bound by nothing, again a
Lanthanides theme, but he still wants to be seen as social and warm, which
indicates Sulphur.
Case 8
Woman, 40, ulcerative colitis.
She has colitis with thin, bloody stools, < alcohol, < rich food and cream, < stress.
She has also stomach pain, squeezing and pain and heaviness in her heart; this is
from stress in her marriage. Her husband is jealous, harassing her for days until
she gives in and starts crying. She feels he wants to put her in a cage, a box. She
has been fighting him to be able to do what she wants, to get her freedom.As a
child, she was pleasing others - her parents and teachers – but she was
mischievous too, to her sister.She is a homeopath and likes to have deep contact
with colleagues and friends. She likes congresses, where she can go out and have a
good time with colleagues. It satisfies her need to feel free and to go out. Her
biggest fear is to be held down: that
provokes the bleeding.
Case 9
Woman, 45, hepatitis C.
The hepatitis came from an injection with antibiotics: it gave her liver pain, a
tearing, cutting pain. She has palpitations and her left atrium is dilated. In her first
marriage, her husband controlled everything. He was jealous and kept her home.
She felt like a bird in a cage; it was a tragedy. They had lots of fights and once she
threw a knife at him; he got anxious and she lost all feelings for him. They
divorced. In her second marriage, she is the one making all the decisions.
She felt encaged in her marriage. ‘Encaged’ points to Lanthanides; ‘in her marriage’
indicates Sulphur. The ‘fighting her way out’ and ‘getting into freedom’ is an
indication for Stage 6. The heart problems and palpitations fit Sulphur.
Case 10
Woman, 60, rheumatoid arthritis.
She has pains in her joints: arms, shoulder, hands, and fingers. She has pain in her
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left hip, when walking too long and pain in her sacro-iliac joint when rotating her
leg. She has had many relationships with men, but when it started to become
official she went into resistance, even when she was very much in love. She hated
the idea of being bound to a man, feeling that she would not be able to give him
what he needed and that she would not be free. She hates being given orders and
she has often stood up boldly against authorities on purpose. She hates hypocrisy
and lies.
She does not continue relationships when they become official because then she
would not be free. ‘Not free’ is a sign of Lanthanides, ‘in a relationship’ points to
Sulphur. One could think of Stage 4 in this case because she stops when the
relationship becomes official. ‘Official’ is a concept of Stage 4, but even though she
has relationships that she does not want to offialise, she continues a few steps
further in the relationship. It is more like Stage 6, which we also see in bold
behaviour. Bold is a typical aspect of Stage 6. She goes against authority
(Lanthanides) on purpose, as if to prove her autonomy.
In these cases, we can see many aspects coming together.
The theme of auto-immune diseases, as seen in all the cases, points to the
Lanthanides: ulcerative colitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, rheumatoid arthritis,
psoriasis and ankylosing spondylosis.
The theme of freedom and autonomy is prominent in all cases. This theme is
essential for Lanthanides and it plays a central role in the cases: it is the causative
The theme of service is also prominent. Two cases are of homeopaths, another is
doing healing massage, and another is starting companies to improve the world.
The serving quality is not essential - it is confirmatory, but not always present.
Whether it will be expressed depends on the level of evolution of the patient.
In all cases, we can see problems in relationships and marriage; a key factor for
Nine out of the ten cases are women. I think this is not due to the remedy as such,
but to our culture. Men have already been independent for a long time in our
culture. For women, however, there can still be the need to fight for their autonomy
and independence, in relationships and marriage.
What has not been shown in this article is the type of personality of Neodymium
sulphuricum. They possess an inner strength. They can even give the impression
that they are quite sure of themselves. They have a tendency to hide their
insecurity behind an image of boldness and over-confidence. They often have a
boyish quality. Lanthanides in general have an androgynous quality, so women tend
to look a bit more masculine and they tend to look young.
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Only if we want to:
Categories: Cases
Keywords: auto-immune diseases, freedom, autonomy, service, problems in
Remedies: Neodymium sulphuricum
In October of 2006 I saw Annabel for the first time. She was then a woman of 26
years, fragile but still with a tough constitution.
She had done masters studies for 2 years: women studies and English language
and literature.
The essay is such a big thing for her. All aspects of her life had to be expressed in
the essay in their true perspective; everything in correct proportions.
The essay has to represent her total self.
What a big weight! She collapses under that load.
Then the fear comes that she can’t find the right words and is not be able to
express her meaning.
She has the feeling everything she writes is not clear. She doesn’t even know her
point. “Why I should try? Nobody understands me. Everybody thinks I am stupid.”
Then comes the panic: who am I? And she loses herself.
She also had panic attacks when she was 15 years old.
She also had hyperventilation and vertigo at that time.
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She was overtired. She had mononucleosis and missed a great part of the school
year, but she would not repeat her class. So she worked very hard at school. Beside
that she danced semi-professionally and she had a job. Everything had to be done,
because then people would see her and people would want to accept her. Then she
had worth being there.
When she was16 years old, she had anorexia. In that way she wanted to prove that
she was good enough, was worth being beloved, and show the world she had SELF-
For months the only food she ate was 1 apple a day. Her weight declined to 41
kilos. She had no energy to bicycle up a little hill. Finally she went to the general
practitioner and she got help in a therapy group.
She is very powerful, strong willed.
She is independent, accepts no support from surroundings, and she earns her own
There is a strong urge to be perfect, but she cannot receive compliments. She often
feels inferior to other people, such as, her girlfriend who is getting her doctors
If she cannot write, all other things are worthless, or at least don’t mean anything.
she focuses everything on the essay.
It matters that she dances on a high level. Anyone can organize summer school.
She only wants to be a good girl. Acceptance is important.
Her ‘father’ was a Scot, and died in 2001. Her mother is a Dutch woman.
When she was 10 years, she heard her father was not her biological father.
Her mother was inseminated with donor seed. She was glad of that, because her
father was very aggressive. He abused her when she was 5 and 6 years old. She
fled with her mother to Holland when she was 8 years old.
She has a relationship with an Italian woman, who is very clever. That woman is
now busy getting her doctors degree. Before that, the woman finished all her
studies cum laude and that makes Annabel jealous: that’s she wants for herself.
Her friend is so high in the hierarchy and where is she? Now she has a relationship
with a woman. A man could also be possible. The sex is not important. It has to
match on a spiritual level.
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She suffers from nightmares. She is in the middle of a circle, surrounded by people
who are important to her. They say she is stupid and laugh at her. She becomes
smaller and smaller. She feels deceived: How is this possible? We have always had
a good relationship and now you do this to me.
When she has had such a dream she suffers a whole day with feelings of
The basic problem for this woman is how to represent her total self in the essay.
The stress for this blocks her, so she cannot write.
She is a special woman, not common. In the way she appears, acts, and in doing
two studies. She is an intelligent woman.
She looks like she is very tough.
To prove that she is good and worth being beloved is an issue for her.
Self-confidence and self-discipline are other items that are important to her.
And the essay has to represent her total SELF.
She has her goal. It’s terrible but she has started.
Solanaceae: panic, but I missed the fears, the intensity, the violence
Silver series: problems with expression in writing
Phosphorus salts: fear to be stupid, a problem with study
Sulphur salts: jealous of her partner
Carbon salts: self-worth
Lanthanides in general
Reflection, inner world
Brain: 2 studies
Self, doesn’t accept help, no compliments
Represent her total self
Intellectual development
Free in choice of relationship with a man or woman, only character tells
Stage 6
Study in the finishing year, but the beginning of the writing period
To prove
Lanthanides Stage 6
Initiation of the proof of her personal intellectual work
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Worth, the essay has to prove her worth
Feels small
Problems with father when she was 6 years old!
Follow up
Short after taking the remedy she became warm and energy streamed through her
body. She felt quieter, more confident. It was more clear to her what she can do
and what not. She doesn’t persevere in negative thoughts.
Once she fainted in the same way as when she had anorexia.
And once she suffered from a panic attack, not in relation to writing, but because of
the atmosphere, the warmth.
The writers’ block was removed. She writes a lot, in a more relaxed way. It doesn’t
feel so heavy anymore.
She can better accept compliments. She is not thinking, “my essay will not succeed,
so I’m a good-for-nothing girl. I am worth nothing.”
With her girlfriend it is easier. She can listen better and is not jealous anymore. The
relationship is more relaxed and there is more harmony.
Where she suffered the whole day after such a dream in the past, it now takes a
few minutes and she can go on.
I decided to go further with the same remedy, each month one dose.
After 4 months the writing is not the problem anymore. The fear is gone. She was
not content with her mentor and searched for another. She succeeds and is very
proud of that. Eight months after the beginning she finished her essays very easily.
Before the remedy she felt a big stone in her belly when she had to write. It was
such an unbearable load. But after the remedy she wrote with a great ease: the
chapters flew from her pen.
And her thoughts about the essay are totally different: “The essay says nothing
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about me, tells nothing about who I am. It’s just a product, not a representation of
my total self.”
To write the essays was just a piece of cake.
Marked with a 9 and 8,5!
Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Neodymium carbonicum, writer's block
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