JSEA Install Grounding & Stick Earth Building
JSEA Install Grounding & Stick Earth Building
JSEA Install Grounding & Stick Earth Building
4) 3)
6.3. Pencemaran lingkungan/ 6.3.1. Buang sampah dan material sisa ke tempat Pekerja
lingkungan kotor pembuangan sampah yang telah disediakan
6.4. Area kerja menjadi kotor dan 6.4.1. Lakukan housekeeping setelah selesai Pekerja
berantakan bekerja
Form EHSF 2701
By my signature below I hereby state that I have read and understand the Job Safety & Environmental Analysis on the previous
page/s, and will abide by any and all conditions and restrictions stated therein
Name Company Contractors No Date Signature