Orifice Meter Gas Flow Calculations Si
Orifice Meter Gas Flow Calculations Si
Orifice Meter Gas Flow Calculations Si
Workbook Contents
1. The Gas Properties worksheet should be used first to either i) select a gas from a
dropdown list and enter the gas temperature and pressure in the pipe or else ii) enter
the viscosity, ratio of specific heats, critical temperature and critical pressure of some
other gas along with its temperature and pressure in the pipe.
2. If a gas is selected from the dropdown list, then the viscosity, ratio of specific heats,
critical temperature, and critical pressure of that gas will be shown on the worksheet and
will be used for calculations in all of the other worksheets.
3. For a gas not on the dropdown list, the user entered properties will be used in the
other worksheets.
5. Tabs 3, 4, and 5 make calculations for flow through pipes with diameter between
50 mm and 1000 mm, using equations from ISO 5167-2-2300 to calculate the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 3, 4, & 5 are useable only for three types of
pressure taps [corner taps, flange taps and D - D/2 (radius) taps.]
Other requirements for use of the ISO 5167-2 equations
are summarized on the worksheets.
6. Tabs 6, 7, and 8 make calculations for flow through pipes with diameter between
12mm and 40 mm, using equations from ASME MFC-14M-2300 to calculate
the orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6, 7, & 8 are useable only for two types of
pressure taps (corner taps and flange taps.) Other requirements for the
use of the ASME MFC-14M-2300 equations are summarized on the worksheets.
7. Tabs 9, 10, and 11 make calculations with a user specified value for the orifice
coefficient, Co. These tabs are available to use with orifice configurations
for which tabs 3-8 are not useable.
8. To determine a value of Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 30,000
and with the upstream tap located between one and two pipe diameters from the
orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from the orifice plate to the
vena contracta, see: Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
9. For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental and
eccentric orifices, see the section just below
Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
rksheet and
Either (i) select a Gas and enter its temperature and pressure in the indicated
yellow cells below, so that its viscosity will be calculated and used, or else
(ii) enter the gas viscosity in the yellow cell D30 below and that value will be used.
Select a Gas and Enter Temperature (Enter Values in yellow cells only)
reduced temperature. That is: P/Pc < T/(2Tc
Gas Viscosity (Pa-s):
(This is the viscosity value that will be used in all of the other worksheets.)
(This is the Molecular Weight that will be used in all of the other worksheets.)
Calculation of Compressibility Factor of the Gas using the Redlich-Kwong Equation of State:
(Note that P/Pc must be less than T/2Tc for accurate Redlich-Kwong Equation calculations.)
Z = 0.941
Z1 =
Equation Constant, f = Z2 =
Z3 =
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved.
from the dropdown list in cell D21 and enter the gas temperature and pressure in cells H2
and H24. The gas viscosity, molecular weight, critical temperature, critical pressure, and
specific heat ratio will be shown below on this worksheet and those values will be used
in the indicated for calculations in all of the other worksheets.
used, or else
at value will be used. 2. For calculations with some other gas, not listed in the table below, the user must enter
values for the gas viscosity, molecular weight, critical temperature, critical pressure, and
n yellow cells only) specific heat ratio in the indicated yellow cells in column D. Those user entered property
values will be used for calculations in all of the other worksheets. The gas temperature
and pressure must be entered in the yellow cells, H23 and H24.
e calculation of Z with
equation, the reduced 3. For either a gas selected from the dropdown list or user entered gas properties,
less than half of the the gas compressibility factor is calculated with the Redlich-Kwong Equation
re. That is: P/Pc < T/(2Tc) For accurate results P and T values should be such that P/Pc < T/(2Tc).
The sources for the values in this table are: Viscosity: Table 2-312 in Perry's C
0.750 Mol Wt, Tc & Pc: Table 2-141 in Perry's C
1.277 Specific Heat Ratio, k: Table E7.3 in Piping Ha
ng Equation of State: For the Redlich-Kwong Equation of State (used to calculate the compressibility
quation calculations.) Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations, 4th Ed, Section 1.4. Redlich-Kwong Equation
The Redlich-Kwong
"NO", change P and/or T Equation of State:
d/or D15 above. Where:
Z = Compressibility Factor
4.243E-03 T = Gas temperature, K
-5.998E-02 P = Gas pressure, atm
-2.734E-01 Tc = critical temperature of gas, K
-5.832E-02 Pc = critical pressure of gas, atm Subject to: P/Pc < T/(2Tc)
To find the maximum real root, first the parameter C is calculated, where C = (f/3)3 + (
and g = (-27r - 9q - 2)/27. If C > 0, there is one real root, Z = (-g/2 + C1/2)
If C < 0, then there are three real roots, given by: Zk = 2(-f/3)1/2cos[(f/3) + 2p(k-1)/3] +
with f = cos-1{[(g2/4)/((-f3)/27)]1/2}
ow, select the appropriate gas
d gas properties,
rights reserved.
late the compressibility factor, Z) see:
1.4. Redlich-Kwong Equation of State
- Z2 - qZ - r = 0, where r = A2B and
Assumed value of
Measured Pressure Pipe Flow Rate, Q =
Difference, P1 - P2 = 8.3 ( needed to start iterative calculation)
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to use the
drop down list to specify the pressure tap configuration.
(See info about press. tap config. to the right. Note that
D - D/2 taps are also known as radius taps.)
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the flow rate as follows: Place the cursor
on cell G54 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G54, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of Q will
appear in cell G53 and below in cell F66. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of Q to start the iterative process.
Uncertainty of
Calculated Discharge Coefficient, Co ( + ): 0.53%
(from ISO 5167-2:2003 section 5.3.3)
Are all of the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2:2003 equations met?
( See the details of the check on the required conditions below. )
If cell G73 above shows "no" then one or more of the conditions required
for the use of the ISO 5167-2:2003 equations is not met. See the details below.
LIMITS FOR ISO 5167-2:2003
Is Re > 170 b 2 D1 ?
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
in. Hg
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
D - D/2 Taps
ow Rate - S.I. Units References and Equations
mm) and P2/P1 > 0.75
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meters s
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure F
0.001946 m3/s NOTE: The ISO 5167 equations used in this worksheet can be used only for o
o start iterative calculation) pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps, flange taps
0.0 mm
Flange Taps
3447 kPa The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclin
0.9411 ( Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m 3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
0.0125 m b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
0.00012 m2 R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
MW = molecular weight of gas
8300 Pa T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
0.998 g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
z1 - z2 = difference between elevation of pipe centerline at pressure t
25.4 mm
Equations from ISO 5167-2-2300 used in the calculations:
0.8128 Source: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Measurement o
differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Par
0.44 m/s Reference Number: ISO 5167-2:2003
A = (19,000 b/Re)0.8
ollows: Place the cursor If D1 < 2.8 in, then add the following term to C o: + 0.011(0.75 - b)(2
ersions and under
s to "Set cell:" G54, "
alculated value of Q will
an initial estimate
The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in the c
from the ISO 5167 - 2:2300 reference shown above.
To determine a value for Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 30,0
kPa located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see:
0.53% For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental
003 Equations:
conditions required
t. See the details below.
re in the pipe, Pa
nstricted area, Pa
m., dimensionless
as at P1, T1
145 kN-m/kgmole-K
re in the pipe, K
on for Y below
he calculations:
ardization (ISO), Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure
section conduits running full - Part 2: Orifice Plates
M'2 = 2(L2/D1)/(1 - b)
m to C o: + 0.011(0.75 - b)(2.8 - D1)
equations that are shown in the calculations at the left also come
ed circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
s from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to use the
drop down list to specify the pressure tap configuration.
(See info about press. tap config. to the right. Note that Flange Taps
D - D/2 taps are also known as radius taps.)
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the orifice diameter as follows: Place the
cursor on cell G54 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G54, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of Do will
appear in cell G11 and below in cell F65. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of Do to start the iterative process.
Uncertainty of
Calculated Discharge Coefficient, Co ( + ): 0.53%
(from ISO 5167-2:2003 section 5.3.3)
Are all of the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2:2003 equations met? yes
( See the details of the check on the required conditions below. )
If cell G72 above shows "no" then one or more of the conditions required
for the use of the ISO 5167-2:2003 equations is not met. See the details below.
LIMITS FOR ISO 5167-2:2003
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
in. Hg
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
D - D/2 Taps
S.I. Units References and Equations
/P1 > 0.75
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meters see:
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure Flowmeters
mm NOTE: The ISO 5167 equations used in this worksheet can be used only for one of the three
ulation below)
pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps, flange taps, or D - D/2 tap
Flange Taps
The equation for liquid flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclined or vertic
Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Equation
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
m2 Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
Pa P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
mm R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in the calculations at t
from the ISO 5167 - 2:2300 reference shown above.
To determine a value for Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downst
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see: Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engine
For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental and eccentric o
section just below: Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Ha
details below.
L1 = D1 and L2 = D1/2
M'2 = 2(L2/D1)/(1 - b)
0.75 - b)(2.8 - D1)
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to
use the drop down list to select the
pressure tap configuration. Flange Taps
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the pressure difference as follows: Place the
cursor on cell G54 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G54, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of P 1 - P2
will appear in cell G11 and below in cell F64. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of P1 - P2 to start the iterative process.
If cell G55 above shows "no" then one or more of the conditions required
for the use of the ISO 5167-2:2003 equations is not met. See the details below.
LIMITS FOR ISO 5167-2:2003
Is Re > 170 b 2 D1 ?
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
D - D/2 Taps
ure Diff. - S.I. Units References and Equations
) and P2/P1 > 0.75
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meters see:
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure Flowme
8.30 kPa NOTE: The ISO 5167 equations used in this worksheet can be used only for one of
terative calculation below)
pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps, flange taps, or D
0.0 mm
right of it to
27 o
C D - D/2 Taps (also known as radius taps): L1 = D1 and L2 = D1
3447 kPa
0.9411 The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter is:
Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Equ
The equation is shown here (solved for P1 - P2), with a description of the para
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
0.0125 m Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
0.000123 m2 P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
kPa The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in the calcula
0.53% To determine a value for Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 30,000 an
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to find th
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see:
yes For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental and e
section just below: Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engin
03 Equations:
onditions required
See the details below.
stricted area, Pa
m., dimensionless
45 kN-m/kgmole-K
e in the pipe, K
n for Y below
e calculations:
rdization (ISO), Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure
ection conduits running full - Part 2: Orifice Plates
M'2 = 2(L2/D1)/(1 - b)
m to C o: + 0.011(0.75 - b)(2.8 - D1)
quations that are shown in the calculations at the left also come
d circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
slotted orifices, and segmental and eccentric orifices, see the
Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
Gas Flow/Orifice Meter Calculations - Flow Rate - S.I. Units
Small Bore Pipes (12 mm < D1 < 40 mm)
Assumed Value of
Measured Pressure Pipe Flow Rate, Q =
Difference, P1 - P2 = 8.3 kPa ( needed to start iterative calculation)
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to use the
drop down list to specify the pressure tap configuration.
(See info about press. tap config. to the right. Note that
D - D/2 taps are also known as radius taps.)
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the flow rate as follows: Place the cursor
on cell G53 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G53, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of Q will
appear in cell G51 and below in cell F64. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of Q to start the iterative process.
Uncertainty of
Calculated Discharge Coefficient, Co ( + ): 0.75%
(from ASME MFC-14M-2003 sec 8.1.1 - 8.1.3)
Are all of the conditions for use of ASME MFC-14M-2003 equations met?
( See the details of the check on the required conditions below. )
Check on the Conditions Required for Use of ASME MFC-14M-2001 Equations:
If the answer in cell G69 above is "no" then one or more of the conditions required
for the use of the ASME MFC-14M-2001 equations is not met. See the details below.
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
in. Hg
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
w Rate - S.I. Units References and Equations
< 40 mm)
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meter
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressur
0.000314 m3/s NOTE: The ASME MFC-14M-2001 equations used in this worksheet can b
start iterative calculation) standard pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps
0.0 in
of it to use the
Flange Taps
27 o
C The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, in
3447 kPa (Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbo
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
0.0050 m P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
0.00002 m2 Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
8300 Pa MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
0.998 Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
Place the cursor For Flange Taps: Co = [0.598 + 0.468(b4 + 10b12)](1 - b4)1/2 + (0.87 +
and under
et cell:" G53, "
d value of Q will
ial estimate
m3/s The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in th
from the ASME MFC-14M-2001 reference shown above.
To determine a value for Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 3
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see:
yes For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmen
section just below: Figure 10-16 in Perry's C
01 Equations:
he conditions required
. See the details below.
the pipe, Pa
cted area, Pa
the pipe, K
the calculations:
ers (ASME), Measurement of fluid flow using small bore
ations that are shown in the calculations at the left also come
rcular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
m the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
Assumed Value of
Press. Diff., P1 - P2 = 8.3 kPa Orifice Diameter, Do =
(target value) (needed to start iterative calculation belo
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to use the
drop down list to specify the pressure tap configuration.
(See info about press. tap config. to the right. Note that
D - D/2 taps are also known as radius taps.)
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the orifice diameter as follows: Place the
cursor on cell D52 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" D52, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" Gll, and click on "OK". The calculated value of D o will
appear in cell G11 and below in cell F63. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of Do to start the iterative process.
Uncertainty of
Calculated Discharge Coefficient, Co ( + ): 0.75%
(from ASME MFC-14M-2003 sec 8.1.1 - 8.1.3)
Are all of the conditions for use of ASME MFC-14M-2003 equations met?
( See the details of the check on the required conditions below. )
Check on the Conditions Required for Use of ASME MFC-14M-2001 Equations:
If the answer in cell G68 above is "no" then one or more of the conditions required
for the use of the ASME MFC-14M-2001 equations is not met. See the details below
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
in. Hg
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
Diam. - S.I. Units References and Equations
40 mm)
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meters s
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure F
5.00 mm NOTE: The ASME MFC-14M-2001 equations used in this worksheet can be u
rt iterative calculation below)
standard pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps or
0.0 mm
of it to use the
Flange Taps
27 o
3447 kPa The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclin
0.9411 Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, E
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
0.0050 m P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
0.0000196 m2 Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
8300 Pa MW = molecular weight of gas
ollows: Place the For Flange Taps: Co = [0.598 + 0.468(b4 + 10b12)](1 - b4)1/2 + (0.87 + 8.1
ersions and under
t cell:" D52, "
d value of Do will
ial estimate
mm The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in the c
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see:
yes For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental
section just below: Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical
01 Equations:
he conditions required
. See the details below.
ions used in this worksheet can be used only for one of the two
ese equations that are shown in the calculations at the left also come
ce shown above.
edged circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
eters from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
ices, slotted orifices, and segmental and eccentric orifices, see the
Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
Gas Flow/Orifice Meter Calculations - Pressure Diff. - S.I. Units
Small Bore Pipes (12 mm < D1 < 40 mm)
Click on the yellow cell below and then on the arrow to the right of it to
use the drop down list to select the
pressure tap configuration. Flange Taps
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the pressure difference as follows: Place the
cursor on cell G51 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G51, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of P 1 - P2
will appear in cell G11 and below in cell F62. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
of P1 - P2 to start the iterative process.
Uncertainty of
Calculated Discharge Coefficient, Co ( + ): 0.75%
(from ASME MFC-14M-2003 sec 8.1.1 - 8.1.3)
Are all of the conditions for use of ASME MFC-14M-2003 equations met?
( See the details of the check on the required conditions below. )
If the conditions for use of ISO 5167-2-2003 equations are not met and the flow
and/or pipe/meter configuration cannot be adjusted to meet these conditions
then Tabs 9-11 may be used for calculations with a user specified value for the
orifice coefficient, Co. Tabs 6-8 are available for smaller diameter pipes.
Corner Taps
Flange Taps
re Diff. - S.I. Units References and Equations
40 mm)
For background and descriptive information about orifice flow meters s
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure F
8.3 kPa NOTE: The ASME MFC-14M-2001 equations used in this worksheet can be u
terative calculation below)
standard pressure tap configurations shown below (corner taps or
0.0 mm
27 o
C Corner Taps: L1 = 0 and L2 - 0 Flange Taps: L1 = 25.4 mm
3447 kPa
0.9411 The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclin
Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m 3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
0.0050 m P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
0.00002 m2 Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
8278.1 Pa MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
0.983 Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
25.4 mm z1 - z2 = difference between elevation of pipe centerline at pressure t
as follows: Place the For Flange Taps: Co = [0.598 + 0.468(b4 + 10b12)](1 - b4)1/2 + (0.87 + 8.1
ersions and under
t cell:" G51, "
d value of P 1 - P2
initial estimate
kPa The conditions required for the use of these equations that are shown in the c
from the ASME MFC-14M-2001 reference shown above.
To determine a value for Co, for square-edged circular orifices with Re > 30,0
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to
the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see:
yes For information about quadrant-edge orifices, slotted orifices, and segmental
section just below: Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemic
01 Equations:
he conditions required
. See the details below.
ns used in this worksheet can be used only for one of the two
se equations that are shown in the calculations at the left also come
e shown above.
dged circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
ers from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
es, slotted orifices, and segmental and eccentric orifices, see the
Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
Gas Flow/Orifice Meter Calculations - Flow Rate - S.I. Units
User Specified Orifice Coefficient, Co
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
yellow cells only.
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure Flow
5.0 mm Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 6.1.7, Flow Through Orifices
3447 kPa 3) To determine a value for Co, for a square-edged circular orifice with corner ta
0.9411 Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemic
The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, incline
( Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th
0.005 m Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
0.00002 m2 Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
8300 kPa P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
0.998 Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
3.13E-04 m3/s MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
edged circular orifices with Re > 30,000 and with the upstream tap
rs from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstream distance from
Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed.
P1 - P2)(1 - b 2)
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the orifice diameter as follows: Place the
cursor on cell G45 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G45, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of Do will
appear in cell G11 and below in cell F56. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure Flowmeters
m3/s Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 6.1.7, Flow Through Orifices
located between one and two pipe diameters from the orifice plate, and/or to find the downstre
mm the orifice plate to the vena contracta, see: Figure 10-15 in Perry's Chemical Engineer
3) To determine a value for Co, for a square-edged circular orifice with corner taps, see:
C Figure 10-16 in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Hand
The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclined or vertical)
( Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Equation 10-22
Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
m Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
m2 P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
Pa Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
m2 Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
m2 z1 - z2 = difference between elevation of pipe centerline at pressure tap 1 and pressu
ugh Orifices
NOTE: You must use Excel's "Goal Seek" to find the pressure difference as follows: Place the
cursor on cell G43 and click on "goal seek" (in the "tools" menu of older versions and under
"Data - What If Analysis" in newer versions of Excel). Enter values to "Set cell:" G43, "
To value: "0", "By changing cell:" G11, and click on "OK". The calculated value of P 1 - P2
will appear in cell G11 and below in cell F54. The yellow cell G11 needs an initial estimate
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 8.5.4, Flow Measurements
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 10.1.12, Differential Pressure Flowmeters
mm Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Sec. 6.1.7, Flow Through Orifices
The equation for gas flow rate through an orifice meter (horizontal, inclined or vertical) is
( Adapted from: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Ed, Equation 1
m Where: Q = flow rate through the pipe and through the meter, m3/s
Co = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
m2 Ao = orifice area, m2
P1 = undisturbed upstream pressure in the pipe, Pa
P2 = pressure in the pipe at the constricted area, Pa
b = Do/D1 = orifice diam./pipe diam., dimensionless
Pa Z = compressibility factor of the gas at P1, T1
R = Ideal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 kN-m/kgmole-K
Pa MW = molecular weight of gas
T1 = upstream absolute temperature in the pipe, K
Y = Expansion Factor - see equation for Y below
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
z1 - z2 = difference between elevation of pipe centerline at pressure tap 1 and pressur
ows: Place the
ns and under Y = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 b4)[P1 - P2)/kP1 ] ( for P2/P1 > 0.8 )
sure Flowmeters