Flow Orifice Calculation
Flow Orifice Calculation
Flow Orifice Calculation
C' =
Cpl =
Cps =
Cg =
Ctl =
Cts =
Cu =
d =
D =
DL =
Dp =
Du =
ρ =
e =
E =
Em =
F =
Fa =
Fg =
Fgt =
Fn =
Fna =
Key =
L =
MF =
N =
Navg =
P =
Pb =
Pf1, Pf2 =
Pp =
Ps =
P1/P2 =
Q =
Qh =
Rh =
Rp =
S =
Pitot tube flow coefficient
the product of multiplying all orifice correction factors
liquid pressure correction factor. Correction for the change in volume resulting from application of pressure. Proportional to the liquid comp
upon both relative density and temperature.
correction factor for effect of pressure on steel. See API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 12, Section 2.
gravity correction factor for orifice well tester to change from a gas relative density of 0.6
liquid temperature correction factor. Proportional to the thermal coefficient which varies with density and temperature
correction factor for effect of temperature on steel
velocity of sound in the gas non-flowing condition
orifice diameter, in.
internal pipe diameter of orifice meter run or prover section, in.
Minimum downstream meter tube length, in.
the difference between the flowing pressure and the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid.
Diameter of the meter bore.
flowing fluid density, lb/ft3.
orifice edge thickness, in.
orifice plate thickness, in.
modulus of elasticity for steel [(30)(106)] psi
liquid compressibility factor
orifice thermal expansion factor. Corrects for the metallic expansion or contraction of the orifice plate. Generally ignored between 0° and 12
orifice calculation factor
relative density (specific gravity) factor applied to change from a specific gravity of 1.0 (air) to the specific gravity of the flowing gas
gravity-temperature factor for liquids
numeric conversion factor
units conversion factor for pitot tubes
Fn (Fc + Fsl) = orifice factor
distance between upstream and downstream transducer.
Length of tube bundle, in flow conditioner, in. (See fig. 3-3)
meter factor, a number obtained by dividing the actual quantity of liquid passed through the meter during proving by the quantity indicated o
Fs =
Fsl =
Ftb =
Ftf =
G, G1 =
Gf =
H =
hm =
hw =
√(hwPf) =
IM =
IV =
k =
K =
t1 =
t2 =
Tb =
Tf =
Tmeas =
UL =
UL1 =
UL2 =
UM =
V =
X =
Y =
Z =
β =
ρ =
FIG. 3-1
pressure base factor applied to change the base pressure to 14.73 psia
pressure base factor applied to meter volumes to correct to standard pressure. See API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapte
supercompressibility factor required to correct for deviation from the ideal gas laws = √(1/Z)
steam factor
orifice slope factor
temperature base factor. To change the temperature base from 60 ºF to another desired base
Flowing temperature factor to change from the assumed flowing temperature of 60 °F to the actual flowing temperature
temperature correction factor applied to displacement meter volumes to correct to stadard temperature. See API Manual of Petroleum Measu
relative density (specific gravity) at 60 °F
relative density (specific gravity) at flowing temperature
pressure, inches of mercury
differential pressure measured across the orifice plate in inches of mercury at 60 ºF
differential pressure measured across the orifice plate in inches of water at 60 ºF
pressure extension. The square root of the differential pressure times the square root of the absolute static pressure
indicated mass, mass measured at flowing conditions without correction for meter performance, counts / K. Also the difference between open
indicated volume, volume measured at flowing conditions without correction for meter performance, counts / K. Also the difference between
ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume
a numerical constant. Pulses generated per unit volume or mass through a turbine, positive displacement, coriolis or ultrasonic meter
Separation distance between elbows, in. (See Fig. 3-9)
Signal Processing Unit, the electronic microprocessor system of the multi-path ultrasonic meter.
transit time from upstream transducer to downstream transducer.
transit time from downstream transducer to upstream transducer.
base temperature, °F
flowing temperature, °F
reference temperature of the orifice plate bore, °F
Minimum upstream meter tube length, in. (See Fig. 3-9)
See Fig. 3-9
See Fig. 3-9
Given Data:
Select 1" orifice from Fig 3-16, since Keyg is closest to that value 201.
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 3-1 -- Size an orifice plate in gas service
Given Data:
Select orifice closest to value from Fig 3-16 for that line size.
examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processin
calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the G
s of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpo
(including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , referenc
alculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site cond
rvice to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Proce
on is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference
ess for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal
mperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditio
operation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
h information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and
ct, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
nt actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.
or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendatio
Given Data:
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 3-2 -- Calculate an approximate flow rate for the orifice using
Given Data:
cu ft/hr @ 14.73 psia and 60°F Qh = 2646 (0.9905) (1.1547) (hw • Pf)1/2
es published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indus
ion spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and
curacy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or n
ing without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or
on based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions e
rate for the orifice using appropriate terms for eq.
o the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors A
oluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference herei
a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
bility to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory
l curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, flui
cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark,
tract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
ount actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.
s, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommenda
Given Data:
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 3-3 -- Calculate the daily gas flow through a 1-inch orif
a nominal 3-inch pipe. The gas relative density is 0.60, the flowing
temperature is 60°F, and the pressure upstream of the orifice is 5 in
Hg. The published ID of a 3-inch pipe is 3.068 in.
Given Data:
examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processin
calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the G
s of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpo
(including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , referenc
alculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site cond
y gas flow through a 1-inch orifice in
ve density is 0.60, the flowing
re upstream of the orifice is 5 inches
e is 3.068 in.
in Hg
n as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with G
nformation is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. R
ility, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
om the use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any oth
sitions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process
d edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
eliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, t
rranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
ng into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitation
, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendat
Given Data:
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 3-4 -- Calculate an approximate orifice size for the given flow rate and line size
Given Data:
amples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing
culation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GP
of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose
ncluding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference t
ulation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditi
ate and line size
Fig 3-4
n as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Ga
nformation is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. R
ility, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
om the use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any oth
sitions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process
and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
imeliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name
warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
king into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitat
ethod, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement,
h damages.
tual control set-point dead-band limitations.
nstitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 3-5 -- Calculate a liquid flowrate for the given orifice setting.
The value of Keyl from Fig. 3-13 is 3345 for an 8.071 in. line
with a 4.0 in. orifice. The value of Fgt is calculated from the Fig. 3-4 equation
Qh = 3345 • 1.2560 • (36)1/2 = 25,207 gal/hr
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
Application 3-5 -- Calculate a liquid flowrate for the given orifice setting.
The value of Keyl from Fig. 3-13 is 3345 for an 8.071 in. line
with a 4.0 in. orifice. The value of Fgt is calculated from the Fig. 3-4 equation
Qh = 3345 • 1.2560 • (36)1/2 = 25,207 gal/hr
es published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indu
tion spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA an
curacy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or n
ding without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or
on based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions e
e to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processor
s voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference he
for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theo
rial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, f
ooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
uch information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, an
act, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
unt actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.
e by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or fav
ad-band limitations.
ement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
Example 3-6 -- The following information was taken from a meter proving report and is used to calculate a meter factor with w
routine meter recorded volumes.
Given Data:
The volume of a steel prover must first be determined then the characteristics of the fluid are used to correct the fluid to standar
corrected prover volume
Prover Corrections:
1. IV = 28631/13188
2. The correction for the effect of temperature on the metered volume, Ctl (Reference No. 4)
3. The correction for the effect of pressure on the metered volume, Cpl (Reference No. 2)
4. Indicated standard volume of meter = Ctl • Cpl • 2.1710
5. MF = gross standard volume of prover/indicated std volume of meter = 2.1316
The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Enginee
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on t
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, thos
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad ass
ulate a meter factor with which to correct the
in. pipe with
in. wall
= 2.1612 bbl
= 1.0003
= 1.0004
= 0.9780
= 1.0078
= 0.9863
= 2.1316 bbl
= 2.1710 bbl
= 0.9789
= 1.0080
= 2.1422 bbl
= 0.9951
es published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing indus
ion spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and
uracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or no
ng without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or r
n based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions et
Application 3-6 -- The following information was taken from a meter proving report and is used to calculate a meter factor with
routine meter recorded volumes.
Given Data:
The volume of a steel prover must first be determined then the characteristics of the fluid are used to correct the fluid to standar
corrected prover volume
Prover Corrections:
1. IV = 28631/13188
2. The correction for the effect of temperature on the metered volume, Ctl (Reference No. 4)
3. The correction for the effect of pressure on the metered volume, Cpl (Reference No. 2)
4. Indicated standard volume of meter = Ctl • Cpl • IV
5. MF = gross standard volume of prover/indicated std volume of meter = 2.1316
shed by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has b
ata Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completenes
mptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of intellectual property.
fits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to , reference to or reliance on the information in thes Publication, whe
not limited to; temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design
alculate a meter factor with which to correct the
in. pipe with
in. wall
= 2.1612 bbl
= 1.0003
= 1.0004
= 0.9780
= 1.0078
= 0.9863
= 2.1316 bbl
= 2.1710 bbl
= 0.9789
= 1.0080
= 2.1422 bbl
= 0.9951
calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
the accuracy, completeness, efficacy or timeliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation m
ectual property.
on in thes Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of su
tailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and a
commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does n