Organic Product Article PDF
Organic Product Article PDF
Organic Product Article PDF
in the
Faculty of Management & Social Sciences
Department of Management Sciences
c 2019 by Misbah Sakhawat
Dedicated to my parents and siblings for their never ending support and
unconditional love.
Misbah Sakhawat
Author’s Declaration
I, Misbah Sakhawat hereby state that my MS thesis titled “Sensory Market-
ing in Organic Cosmetic Industry of Pakistan: Viewing the Mediating
Role of Green Attitude” is my own work and has not been submitted previously
by me for taking any degree from Capital University of Science and Technology,
Islamabad or anywhere else in the country/abroad.
(Misbah Sakhawat)
Registration No: MMS171016
Plagiarism Undertaking
I solemnly declare that research work presented in this thesis titled “Sensory
Marketing in Organic Cosmetic Industry of Pakistan: Viewing the
Mediating Role of Green Attitude” is solely my research work with no signifi-
cant contribution from any other person. Small contribution/help wherever taken
has been dully acknowledged and that complete thesis has been written by me.
I understand the zero tolerance policy of the HEC and Capital University of Science
and Technology towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an author of the above titled
thesis declare that no portion of my thesis has been plagiarized and any material
used as reference is properly referred/cited.
I undertake that if I am found guilty of any formal plagiarism in the above titled
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draw/revoke my MS degree and that HEC and the University have the right to
publish my name on the HEC/University website on which names of students are
placed who submitted plagiarized work.
(Misbah Sakhawat)
Registration No: MMS171016
First of all, thanks to Allah Almighty for giving me strength and ability to com-
prehend, learn and complete this thesis. It is my proud privilege to express my
sincere thanks to my supervisor Dr. Muhammad Ishfaq Khan. His guid-
ance, constant encouragement and careful monitoring throughout my thesis are so
great that even my profound gratitude is not enough. I also admire the help and
guidance of my senior M. Irshad Burki. I am indebted to my parents for their
support and encouragement. I owe my deepest gratitude to my younger sister
Mahnoor Sakhawat and my parents for their endless love and support.
(Misbah Sakhawat)
Registration No: MMS171016
The demand of green beauty products is increasing in Asian countries due to in-
tense environmental problems associated with the purchase of makeup. However,
the factors to determine green purchase intention of natural beauty brands are
still under discussion. This study aims to bridge the gap by examining the impact
of sensory marketing on green purchase intention of green beauty brands via a
mediating role of green attitude. Further, it explored the moderating impact of
openness to experience on the relationship between sensory marketing and green
attitude. Environmental consciousness was also investigated to moderate the rela-
tionship between green attitude and green purchase intention. Purposive sampling
technique was used and data of 282 female participants were collected to test the
conceptual model. The findings of the study indicate that sensory marketing has
a significant positive impact on green purchase intention of natural beauty prod-
ucts. The study supports the mediating role of green attitude for the relationship
between sensory marketing and green purchase intention. The results did not sup-
port the moderating impact of openness to experience on the relationship between
sensory marketing and green purchase intention. Environmental consciousness is
found to have no moderating impact on the green attitude-green purchase inten-
tion relationship. The study has used the theory of planned behaviour to support
the conceptual model. The findings of the study have great implications to theory,
practice, policy and industry. Limitations and future directions are also discussed
in the study.
Author’s Declaration iv
Plagiarism Undertaking v
Acknowledgements vi
Abstract vii
List of Figures xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Research Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Research Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Research Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.7 Underpinning Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.8 Abbreviated Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Literature Review 19
2.1 Sensory Marketing and Green Purchase
Intention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2 Sensory Marketing, Green Attitude and
Green Purchase Intention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.1 Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.2 Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.3 Smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.4 Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.5 Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 Green Attitude Mediates the Relationship Between Sensory Mar-
keting and Green
Purchase Intention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 Research Methodology 47
3.1 Research Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2 Research Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3 Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 Unit of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.5 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.6 Sample Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.7 Sampling Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.8 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.9 Ethical Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.10 Sample Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.11 Measurement Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.11.1 Sensory Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.11.2 Green Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.11.3 Openness to Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.11.4 Environmental Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.11.5 Green Purchase Intention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.12 Control Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.13 Data Analysis Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4 Results 57
4.1 Data Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2 Reliability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3 Descriptive Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4 Correlation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.5 Regression Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.6 Mediation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.6.1 Total Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.6.2 Direct Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.6.3 Indirect Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.7 Moderation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.8 Summary of Results of Hypotheses Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.4 Hypothesis 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.5 Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.5.1 Implications to Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.5.2 Implications to Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5.3 Implications to Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5.4 Implications to Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.6 Limitations and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Bibliography 75
Appendix I 98
Appendix II 104
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Over the past few decades, human activities are changing the environment on a
global scale. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have depleted the natural
resources and contaminated the natural environment with pollution at dangerous
level (Boztepe, 2012). These environmental changes include climate change i.e.
global warming, depletion of ozone layer, and loss of biological diversity (Stern,
1992). Environmental degradation has become a great threat globally to human
health and public welfare (Rahardjo, 2015). Therefore, consumers are getting
serious towards their environmental attitudes and demand for various products
(Sarigollu, 2008). Adverse climate changes and environmental problems incite
consumers attention towards their consumption behaviour and their relationship
with environment (Chuang & Chiu, 2018).
The concept of green consumption has emerged in the late 1960s (Kim et al.,
2012) but since the last two decades, consumers environmental ethics have been
advanced. Therefore, Joshi & Rahman (2015) emphasized on sustainable purchas-
ing in order to reduce environmental problems. However, the level of consumer
awareness varies with respect to development status of a country and their cultural
differences (Ko & Jin, 2017).
Introduction 2
Green products are gaining popularity in the present era due to increased environ-
mental needs and strict international environmental regulations (Chen & Chang,
2012; Chen, 2008, Alniacick & Yilmaz, 2012; Tseng & Hung, 2013). The advance-
ment of green products around the globe comprehend consumers responsibility
in purchasing green products that may contribute the sustainable development
of society. Green consumption attempts to provide a feeling of both responsibil-
ity and empowerment to individuals in dealing with environmental risks towards
themselves and the overall environment (Connolly & Prothero, 2008).
overcome the environmental destruction and its impact on society (Borges, Santos
& Hoefel, 2019). Prothero et al. (2011) proposed the need of comprehensive and
systematic approach to address the rising problems of unsustainable consumption.
Social marketers and public policy makers look for environmental friendly prod-
ucts that may act as alternatives of environmental damaging products in order to
overcome the negative consumer behaviour towards environment (Alwitt & Pitts,
1996; Wilson, Theodorus & Tan, 2017).
Researchers claim that green marketing is a tool to get a competitive edge over
its rivals (Chen & Chang, 2013; Garg & Sharma, 2017). However, it is difficult to
maintain the credibility of brands through green marketing as marketers are facing
challenges to relate green messages with new brands through green marketing
(Olivia, Segerquist, Wahlstorm & Edwards, 2017). Consumers mistrust the green
claims of green brands and therefore green marketing strategies are less attractive
for companies to satisfy consumers and fulfil their desired objectives (Peattie &
Crane, 2005). Thus, marketers and researchers need to advance their marketing
strategies to engage consumers with natural products.
economies has made it crucial for organizations to provide low-priced green prod-
ucts as a substitute of non-green products (Carrete, Castano, Felix, Centeno &
Gonzalez, 2012).
The consumers willingness to spend more for green products demand marketers
attention to create innovative marketing strategies and to employ substantive ap-
peals to convert a large segment of non-decisive consumers into decisive segment
(Laroche, Bergeron & Forleo, 2001). Green products are also named as eco-friendly
products, environmental friendly products, organic products and sustainable prod-
ucts. Green products refer to those products that are organically produced, recy-
clable and biodegradable. These products are featured as less hazardous to living
organisms and environment (Karki & Shukla, 2018). Green products are getting
popularity in the cosmetic industry and are widely used to overcome the hazardous
impact of consumption and production of chemical products on environment (Wil-
son et al., 2017).
Organic cosmetic industry in South Asian markets is not advanced to the extent as
it is in the west and east Asian countries. However, the trend of using natural care
products is gradually getting upward in Pakistan since last decade. Now people
are switching over to natural beauty products due to the severe health and en-
vironmental problems associated with commercial cosmetic products. Due to the
demand of natural beauty products among Pakistani consumers, many interna-
tional brands are competing in the industry. Following the trend of international
companies, local brands are increasing their product lines and marketing efforts to
compete in the market. Local cosmetic brands lack in gaining consumers trust as
Introduction 5
compared to international brands because they are struggling in getting high qual-
ity raw materials, highly expensive certifications and resources to advertise their
products for a large audience. Still there are few local organic cosmetic brands who
have become successful in gaining the trust of Pakistani consumers. Saeed Ghani,
a chain of herbal personal care products is a popular Pakistani brand in provid-
ing oil based perfumes and other organic skin and hair care products. Luscious
cosmetics is another local brand with a range of organic cosmetic goods getting
a well received response from consumers. Emerging organic brands in Pakistan
include Jo’s organic beauty, Co-naturals, Kishmish organic skin care, Pure desi,
Scoop O Scrub, Yellow berry and Aura. Most of these businesses market their
products through social media sites such as Facebook and instagram due to their
small market size.
The rising health and ecological problems and the increasing awareness of life-
threatening impact of hazardous chemicals in personal care products stimulate
consumers demand for natural personal care products (Ghazali et al., 2017). Due
to severe health and environmental problems associated with conventional cosmet-
ics, the trend of using natural cosmetics is increasing all over the world (Matic,
Puh & Miloglav, 2018).Commercial cosmetic products contain chemicals that have
hazardous effects on human health and environment. Most of the additives are
added in the cosmetics as preservatives, fragrances and to enhance the appear-
ance and durability of cosmetic products. These additives include toxic chemicals
and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, zinc, parabens, phthalates, aluminum salts
Introduction 6
and petrochemicals that are necessary ingredients to increase the quality and ap-
pearance of cosmetics. Use of such chemical cosmetic products can have mild to
adverse effects on human health.These chemicals and heavy metals get in contact
with human body absorbed by the skin, can cause the death of cells resulting in
variety of diseases. Mild reactions such as irritation, itching or dryness of skin
can be avoided by stop using that product again whereas prolonged use of such
chemical products can cause severe diseases such as anemia, osteoporosis, cancer,
asthma, renal dysfunction, migraine and many allergic reactions. Therefore, con-
sumers are becoming aware of benefits of green cosmetic products and the demand
for natural cosmetic products is also increasing among Asian women (Pervin et
al., 2014; Johri & Sahasakmontri, 1998; Ahmad, Omar & Rose, 2015; E & S,
2017). Women are found to be more concerned about makeup and relatively use
more makeup than men (Ma et al., 2018). The purpose of cosmetic products is
to enhance the beauty and improve the appearance therefore women show more
concern about selection of beauty products (E & S, 2017).
Johri & Sahasakmontri (1998) found that colour, fragrance, packaging, brand im-
age, ingredients, no animal testing, skin safety and product value for money are
the common credentials that women look for in the purchasing of organic beauty
products. Besides, enhancing visual appearance, the increasing consumption of or-
ganic beauty products is due to consumers growing concern for health and physical
environment (Pervin et al., 2014; Ahmad, Omar & Rose, 2015).
Our study found the numerous motivational factors in the previous studies that
drive consumers to make organic purchasing. Consumers tend to purchase green
products for selfish reasons such as better taste, good health and superior quality
(Thogerson, 2011). In a survey conducted by Ritter, Borchardt, Vaccaro, Pereira
& Almeida (2015) to evaluate the green consumption of Brazilian consumers, in-
formation and knowledge, green attitude, environmental consciousness and social
context are the profound elements that drive consumers to purchase green prod-
ucts. These include high cost (high price, time and efforts to search for such
products, and performance risk) of getting such products as compared to con-
ventional products (Gleim, Smith, Andrew & Jr, 2013). Research on consumers
Introduction 7
research in India recognizes social norms, social recognition and peer group cohe-
siveness to be the strongest influencing factors in purchasing sustainable products
(Biswas & Roy, 2015). High prices and lack of availability to purchase green prod-
ucts are the most dominant factors that hinder the purchase of green products
(Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang, 2018; Doorn & Verhoef, 2015). Consumers show will-
ingness to pay high price for green products in case of quality green products easily
available to them. Therefore, availability of sustainable products is crucial factor
for organizations involved in manufacturing of green products (Bhate & Lawler,
Research shows that high environmental concern among consumers make them
notice eco-seal more easily as compared to the segment of consumers with low en-
vironmental concern. Therefore, consumers with high environmental concern show
favourable attitudes and intentions for familiar green brands (Bickart & Ruth,
2012). Implicit information and vague claims about green products have intensi-
fied the confusion among consumers and it has made the green brands suspicious
in the minds of consumers. Lack of understanding of the product attributes and
claims refrain the target consumers to make a buying decision (Bhate & Lawler,
1997). Due to green washing (false advertising claims) consumers do not trust the
claims and messages of green products (Alsmadi, 2007).
Ifeanyichukwu & Peter (2018) noted that senses create the impression about the
personality of a brand by exciting consumers personal experience with the brand.
The profound impression of a brand emerged as a result of incorporation of five
senses may create their emotional ties with brands that may lead their purchasing
intention. Sensory marketing offers tangible future experience to consumers (Lee,
Jeong & Oh, 2018) that may emotionally attach them with brands for the life time
(Ifeanyichukwu & Peter, 2018). Combination of sensory stimuli are used by mar-
keters to generate positive attitude of potential customers towards a product and
stimulate their intentions to purchase a product (Phu, 2017). Sensory marketing
is distinguished from mass or relationship marketing as it is about individuals not
about the masses or segments (Hulten, Niklas & Dijk, 2009). Thus, researchers and
marketers need to use multi-sensory marketing to stimulate consumers emotional
connection with green products (Ghazali, Soon, Mutum & Nguyen, 2017).
Sensory marketing incorporates the needs of customers with the features of brand,
thus creates a brand concept that may lead their intention to purchase a brand
(Hinestroza & James, 2014). Customers can differentiate the brands on the basis
of their senses. They use their senses to acquire information about products and
services that guide them to take purchase decisions (Morales, 2010). Marketers
use sensory cues to connect with customers and to generate customer engagement.
It creates additional value for consumers by providing multi-sensory experience to
them (Krishna, Cian & Aydinoglu, 2016).
Wu, Wu, Lee & Lee (2015) reviewed the literature on green marketing and ob-
served that literature on green marketing and innovation is incomplete in several
key areas. Literature on ecological buying, green consciousness and green purchas-
ing behaviour in the Asian context is limited as compared to their counterparts
in western countries (Lee, 2008; Lee, 2009; Khare, 2015; Yadav & Pathak, 2017).
The determinants influencing green purchase intention in one country are not gen-
eralizable in other countries due to the difference in culture, attitudes, behaviour,
Introduction 9
Studies reveal that despite the growing demand of green products, research on
investigating consumers attitude and shopping behaviour of natural beauty care
products is scarce (Ahmad et al., 2015; Matic et al., 2018). Consumers show
uncertain support towards green products (Bahl & Chandra, 2018) and the fac-
tors to determine green makeup purchase intention are still understudied (Ma et
al., 2018). Liobikiene & Bernatoniene (2017) emphasized researchers attention
towards this category in order to reduce the imbalance between growing use of
green beauty products and limited research available on green beauty products.
Thus, there is a need to investigate the factors that influence consumer decisions
for natural beauty products (Pudaruth et al., 2015; Culaso, 2014; E & S, 2017;
Liobikiene & Bernatoniene, 2017).
Marketers common approach of marketing the green products with rational ap-
peals is not sufficient (Lee, 2009) to achieve the desired objectives. Manufacturers
of green products are facing the challenge to make their products attractive for a
broader audience (Doorn & Verhoef, 2015) thus there is a need to add such touch
points that may increase the association between consumers and beauty brands
(Culasso, 2014) therefore the effect of sensory marketing on green purchase in-
tention of customers is a novel association for researchers to explore. This study
aims to investigate the role of sensory marketing in the green purchase intention
of cosmetic consumers.
Despite the effectiveness of senses in the business context, little research is available
on sensory marketing (Moreira, Fortes & Santiago, 2017). Use of sensory inputs in
the formation of consumers attitude and decision making process has gained little
attention by the researchers and marketers (Krishna et al., 2016). Though sensory
marketing is a well-established tool of an experiential marketing, more research is
Introduction 10
The usage of green products is increasing all over the world to reduce the envi-
ronmental problems. Past studies have explored numerous factors to boost the
green purchase intention of green cosmetic brands. However, little is known about
the factors that can predict the purchase intention of green cosmetic brands in
developing countries. Moreover, the current marketing strategies are not enough
to enhance the value of green products.
• Does green attitude mediate the relationship between sensory marketing and
green purchase intention?
The aim of this study is to enrich marketing literature by viewing the impact of sen-
sory marketing on green purchase intention in cosmetic industry. Researchers and
marketers are suggested to consider marketing of different categories of green prod-
ucts to minimize the negative impact of products on environment and to achieve
sustainable consumption (Liobikiene & Bernatoniene, 2017; Yadav & Pathak,
2017). Firms must consider different strategies to motivate consumers to buy
green products in ways that best help them in achieving their marketing goals
(Lu, Chang & Chang, 2013). Second, to investigate the mediating role of green
attitude in the relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase inten-
tion. In the past studies, green attitude is found to be the most influencing factor
in predicting green purchase intention. Third, to view the moderating role of
openness to experience in the relationship between sensory marketing and green
attitude. Forth, to explore the moderating effect of environmental consciousness
between green attitude and green purchase intention. Specifically, the objectives
of this study are to
• Measure that green attitude mediates the relationship between sensory mar-
keting and green purchase intention.
Introduction 12
The study is significant and adds to the literature in several ways. It gives insight
to address the problems associated with the marketing of green products in a de-
veloping country like Pakistan. Consumers preference for eco-friendly sustainable
products make it indispensable for policy makers to understand the demand of
green products and give insight to suppliers of products to expand their market
share in the emerging markets of sustainable products (Biswas & Roy, 2014). The
study is significant for academic researchers as it contributes a quantitative re-
search that measures all the five human senses (see, hear, touch, smell and taste).
This contribution will help researchers in evaluating the role of senses in stimulat-
ing the green intentions of consumers. The study plays a vital role for marketers
in understanding the role of sensory marketing in building green intention of con-
sumers because they can easily transfer their purchase intention towards multiple
companys green products (Yu, Yu & Chao, 2017).
The study attempts to provide the balance between growing use of green makeup
and limited research available in this category by introducing nascent association
between variables that are rarely discussed in the past. Current marketing of green
products is not enough to get the attention of both green and non-green consumers.
Lack of promotion of green products can deter the adoption of green products
by consumers therefore there is a need to advance marketing efforts for green
products (Shamdasani, Lin & Richmond, 1993). Lee (2009) suggests that rational
appeals are not enough to motivate adolescents to purchase environmental friendly
products. Environmental or social messages do not influence the young educated
consumers of Asian countries because these messages are usually delivered with
instructional statements. Lack of innovative and emotional appeals hinder the
Introduction 13
promotion of green products (Joshi & Rehman, 2016). There is a challenge and
at the same time an opportunity for marketers to promote the innovation of eco-
cosmetics by exposing them properly in the market after monitoring the condition
of market and attitude of consumers towards environmentally conscious lifestyle
(Rybowska, 2014).
Our study addresses the demand of inexpensive marketing tool (sensory market-
ing) in developing countries as the methods to promote green products are differ-
ent from developed countries. Managers can upgrade their relationship with con-
sumers by creating their association with brands using sensory attributes. Natural
products have a key strength of natural ingredients, companies should advance the
approach of presenting the natural products by developing the sensorial appeals.
This requires an extra effort in making a green product pleasant in the eyes of con-
sumers that may create personal associations and memories with the brand (Cu-
lasso, 2014). Advertising with innovative appeals is vital for eco-friendly products
to differentiate them with conventional products. The attention seeking features
of green products can enhance the recognition and identification of products in
the store and can pull the consumers intention to purchase these products (Morel
et al., 2012). Therefore, research on reaching consumers by using five senses has
been increasing exponentially in both academia and the corporate world (Krishna
et al., 2016).
Consumers show more willingness to purchase green products that contain green
signatures, thus success of a brand is related to its sensory characteristics (Delmas
& Grant, 2010; Silva, Bioto, Efraim & Queiroz, 2017). It is believed that what is
beautiful is good. To test the wisdom behind this thought a study was conducted
that gives insight to the interaction between aesthetics and product evaluation.
This study shows that when aesthetics and functionality of product are in valence,
it confirms the superiority of brand features that assist consumers to make their
judgements about brand with less efforts (Hoegg, Alba & Dahl, 2010).
product features. This aesthetic sensibility when connect with nature, acts as a
driving force in arousing environmental consciousness among individuals. Once
the individual has attached with nature, they are anticipated to represent eco-
friendly conduct (Wang & Yu, 2018). Keeping in view the importance of aesthetics
in cosmetic industry, our research attributes sensory marketing as an effective
approach to feature green cosmetic brands as superior choice for consumers.
Consumers can shape their attitude favourable towards natural beauty products
when companies will be ready to empower the consumers with updated infor-
mation (Pudaruth et al., 2015). There is a need to empower health conscious
and environmental conscious consumers as they are ready to pay high price for
green products that assure them a sense of security (Jang et al., 2011). Due to
unawareness and lack of communication of green products in the developing coun-
tries, methods to promote green products are different from developed countries.
In the Indian context, local and international marketers are advised to focus on
information-based promotion of green products (Yadav & Pathak, 2017).
Environmental education is the key factor in shaping the attitudes and pro-
environmental awareness among consumers (Corti, Alvarez & Candamio, 2011).
Eco-labeling and environmental advertising are the means to provide information
to consumers to identify the attributes and specification of green products. Con-
sequently, it guides them towards purchase of environmentally friendly products
(Rahbar & Wahid, 2011). Nguyen, Phan & Lee (2017) focus on using persua-
sive advertising appeals in marketing of green products in such a way which can
contribute the well-being of all stakeholders. Exchange of information about the
natural components of cosmetics between the two participants (firms and con-
sumers) contribute to an efficient production of natural cosmetic products (Dim-
itrova, Kaneva & Gallucci, 2009). Alsmadi (2007) suggests that businesses must
consider environmental consciousness to be a necessary component of their mar-
keting strategy.
The theory of planned behaviour was used to answer the research questions and
fulfil the objectives of our research. This study proposes a new framework to
investigate the factors that best explain consumers purchase intention of green
Introduction 15
TPB is widely used model to predict the green purchasing intention. Ajzens the-
ory of planned behaviour states that consumers purchase behaviour is influenced
by their purchase intentions (1991). TPB proposes that a persons attitudes, sub-
jective norms, and perceived behavioural control are the components that carry
out intentions which ultimately lead to behaviour. Most of the previous studies
on green consumption have applied an extension of theory of planned behaviour
to understand the factors that encourage consumers to implement green practices
(Kim & Chung, 2011; Paul et al., 2016; Hsu, Chang & Yansritakul, 2017; Lu
& Chen, 2017; Yadav & Pathak, 2017). Theory of planned behaviour is most
commonly used to predict green purchasing intention (Safari et al., 2018; Kim &
Chung, 2011; Chan & Lau, 2002; Fauzi & Hashim, 2015; Nguyen et al., 2017).
This study proposes a new framework to investigate the factors that best explain
consumers intention of purchasing green cosmetics. Liobikiene & Bernatoniene
(2017) suggests future researchers to consider new categories of green products
and discover the factors that have impact on the purchase of green products as
Introduction 16
the factors to affect the purchase of one category of green products vary from
another category of green products. Hsu et al., (2017) used TPB to explain green
purchase intention in skin care products.
Theory of planned behaviour states that individual attitude, subjective norms and
behavioural control (personality) shapes individual intentions towards a particular
action and these intentions than leads the specific behaviours. Attitudes are the
evaluative statement about someone, something, events, objects and phenomena
based on multidimensional attributes such as individual personality, skills, experi-
ence, interest, involvement and knowledge (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2000; Ajzen, 2001).
There are three components of attitude; cognitive, affective, and behavioural.
Knez & Thorsson (2006) reported attitude (personal factor) as schemata which
consists of knowledge structures, experiences and expectations stored in the long-
term memory that may contribute to stimulate behavioural, affective and cognitive
In the present study Sensory Organism Response (S-O-R) model is used as a mi-
nor theory that represents people reaction over stimuli. In this case all sensory
cues like brand name, logo, color, price and store environment are external stimuli
sensory marketing is the cognitive part of attitude based on individual experiences
and previous knowledge. Along with this cognitive aspect of attitude, consumer
personality in the form of openness to experience is under discussion. When a
consumer has cognition about certain aspects of the market then interaction of
these cognition with consumer personality will develop green attitude of the con-
sumer. Green attitude in the present study is affective and behavioural part of
the consumer attitude because green attitude is directed at environment with the
behavioural intentions to bring a significant change in the environment.
Attitudes are invisible part of personality (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2000; Ajzen, 2001).
Attitudes lead to intentions, but the role of personality cannot be ignored in decid-
ing a particular behavioural intention. According to theory of planned behaviour,
perceived behavioural control (personality) can strongly influence purchase inten-
tion of consumers. Similar results are verified by different studies (Kim & Chung,
2011; Kim, Han, Yang & Choi, 2013; Wilson et al., 2017). Though attitudes are
Introduction 17
the part of personality, but personality traits have strong impact on both attitudes
and behaviours.
Green attitude of consumers will lead to purchase intentions, but these purchase
intentions will vary from consumer to consumer due to individual differences. As
TPB states that personality moderates the relationship between attitude and be-
havioural intentions. Consumer personality in the form of environmental con-
sciousness will affect the green attitude-green purchase intention relationship. Kim
(2009) reported that perceived behaviour control has moderating relationship be-
tween consumers attitude towards organic personal care products and their pur-
chasing intention towards such organic products. Therefore, environmental con-
sciousness being a part of personality is a right variable to moderate the rela-
tionship between green attitude and green purchase intention of green cosmetic
products. Climate changes and severe environmental problems have made it nec-
essary for policy makers to promote environmental consciousness among people
(Johri & Sahasakmontri, 1998).
In line with the theory, green attitude leads to consumer purchase intentions of
green product. Conclusively, sensory marketing interacts with openness to ex-
perience (personality of consumer) to shape consumers affective and behavioural
attitudinal components that results in green consumer attitude and such attitude
leads to purchase intentions. Personality is a significant factor that predicts con-
sumers ethical beliefs. These ethical beliefs are the ethical attitudes of consumers
that significantly influence consumers intention to buy green products (Lu et al.,
2013). Consumer personality in the form of environmental consciousness will af-
fect the relationship between green attitude and green purchase intention. Green
purchase intention varies as a function of personal values. Therefore, marketers
are suggested to adapt their marketing appeals and communication efforts as per
the values of target market. Consumers are better able to respond to ecological
buying when consumers can link their choices of green products with the well-
being of society (Nguyen et al., 2017). The present study aims to fill this gap by
introducing sensory marketing in promoting green cosmetic products. This is how
the findings may be able to respond to the ecological needs of society.
Introduction 18
Literature Review
Green products are gaining popularity in the present era due to increased environ-
mental needs and strict international environmental regulations (Chen & Chang,
2012; Chen, 2008; Alniacick & Yilmaz, 2012; Tseng & Hung, 2013) because they
offer substitutes that are environmental friendly (Moser, 2015). Despite the in-
creasing trend of green products, consumers are confused in understanding the
meaning of green. The understanding of green products varies among consumers
and it also varies with respect to a nature of product and its use. Green products
are considered to be environmental friendly, organic in nature, free of chemicals,
safe and healthy to use. However, the definition of green products, their benefits
to health and contribution towards environment are still mystery for most con-
sumers (Cervellon & Carey, 2011). Green products are defined as the products
that are produced with relevance to the physical environment i.e. land, water
and air (Shrum, McCarty & Lowery, 1995). Green refers to “actions that reduce
the impact on the environment, such as eco-purchasing and recycling” (Wolfe &
Shanklin, 2001, p. 209).
Increasing consumer awareness about health and rising concern about environmen-
tal issues has provoked the attention of consumes towards environmental friendly
Literature Review 20
Green management is a prerequisite for firms to cultivate the green image in the
minds of consumers, triggering the latest trends of environmental protection under
strict environmental regulations. Green image is not only a source of competi-
tive edge for firms, but it fulfils the dual responsibility towards safe environment
and economic development (Chen, 2008). EMS is a great initiative for firms to
implement green practices, the general motives for EMS are to maximize prof-
its, decrease the cost, save the resources and improve the reputation (Chan &
Hawkins, 2010). However, employees green attitude is a preliminary requirement
in implementing green practices in an organization. Chan et al. (2014) confirms
three environmental factors (environmental knowledge, environmental awareness
and environmental concern) that inspire hotel employees intention to implement
green practices in hotels. Green environment inside the organization can stimulate
the green image of organization among its stakeholders.
Purchasing a right beauty product is not an easy task for consumers as it affects
the overall appearance of a person. Eco-friendly consumers not only desire to
look good but also remain in search of those beauty products that are good for
their health and environment. They take active participation in inquiring the re-
liability of organic beauty products through the composition of ingredients and
eco-labelling. Consumers high environmental concern and consciousness have ac-
tivated marketers attention towards product packaging and eco-labelling because
they can dampen or boost the confidence of consumers towards natural beauty
products (Kim & Seock, 2009).
High prices and lack of expertise (Product knowledge and experience) towards
green products are the major factors that hinder green purchasing. Provision of
detailed information regarding green products through a greater no. of verbal cues
have a positive impact on green purchase intention of consumers. Detailed verbal
cues on product packaging can overcome consumers reluctance towards green pur-
chasing. These informational cues not only built green expertise among consumers
but also justify the high prices of green products along with their positive impacts
on environment (Gleim, Smith, Andrews & Jr, 2013).
One of the reasons of lower consumption of green products is that they are not
immediately recognized by the consumers. This is the dilemma of green products
that often they are marketed without green benefits therefore consumers remain
unaware of their value (Ottman, Stafford & Hartman, 2006). This gives insight
towards marketers responsibility to devise such marketing activities that may pro-
vide rich information to consumers about product and position them on top in
the minds of consumers (Martinus & Anggraini, 2018). It has been noted that
information and knowledge about green products can build up the intention of
consumers towards green consumption. The information of long and short term
environmental and economic benefits of green products may induce current or
Literature Review 22
However, consumers desire for green products cannot be satisfied only by environ-
mental benefits, they need a bundle of benefits in one product with both green
and non-green benefits. Effective green marketing can make green products desir-
able by increasing consumer demand of green products through consumer value
positioning (Ottman et al., 2006). Fauzi & Hashim (2015) found that consumers
buy cosmetics and skin care products based upon their internal factors like health
benefits as well as their external factors like environmental benefits, therefore
marketers are suggested to use the combination of internal and external signals
in marketing ecological beauty products. Green products are perceived to satisfy
personal and social needs of consumers, personal needs through functional benefits
and social needs through environmental benefits as they expect more from green
products than non-green products (Dsouza, Taghian, Lamb & Peretiatkos, 2006).
In the study, Maniatis (2015) found that besides, environmental concern con-
sumers also bother about economic benefits and reliability of products. They
will make a choice of buying a product if the product attributes would satisfy all
their concerns instead of products with conflicting attributes. The abstract and
concrete appeals are used to deliver self-benefit associations and social benefit as-
sociations. The abstract appeal describes the general benefits of products in an
ambiguous way whereas, concrete appeal labels the specific benefits of products
Literature Review 23
in a detailed way. The concrete appeals are found to generate more purchase in-
tention of green products when the product shows self-benefits, contrary to this,
concrete appeals are found to generate purchase intentions towards green products
when the product shows benefits to others (Yang, Lu, Zhu & Su, 2015). Product
packaging and labelling convey visible and precise information for environmental
safe products which stimulate consumers to make informed choice in their buying
decision (Dsouza et al., 2006). Eco-labels exhibit the environmental attributes of
products, direct the consumers demand for environmental friendly products and
make them distinct from conventional products (Delmas & Grant, 2014). These
environmental cues grab the attention of consumers in the first glance, make it
easy for consumers to sense the environmental friendly products and fuel their
green purchasing intentions.
Textual information educates the audience about brand attributes and green visu-
als generate the positive perception of brand, trigger their emotional association
with brand and show positive attitude towards brand than those without green
visuals (Xue & Muralidharan, 2015). Green consumers assess the reliability of
green products by looking into products packaging, logo, and labeling of prod-
uct ingredients (Maniatis, 2015). The visual appearance and quality of packaging
should be designed as appealing as you want your customers to perceive a product.
The appearance and packaging of product should be appealing for customers with
the addition of symbolic values that may communicate the functional and envi-
ronmental attributes of green products, give the aesthetic impression and justify
the quality of product (Tseng & Hung, 2013). In studying the consumer reactions
to sustainable packaging, it was observed that visual and verbal design elements
of packaging must be congruent to lead consumers for an effective attitude and
purchase intention of sustainable products (Magnier & Schoormans, 2015). In a
survey conducted by Prakash & Pathak (2017) on young consumers of India, they
found that consumers positive attitude towards ecological packaging lead their in-
tention towards green product purchasing. Marketers should make the shopping
of green products more convenient and display them in an attractive way to grab
the attention of young consumers (Nguyen et al., 2017).
Literature Review 24
Consumers buy green products for different reasons. Green consumption is more
likely to appeal educated individuals who may buy green for themselves or to show
others. It signals social status and thus appeals to those who want to differentiate
themselves from others (Elliot, 2013). To elicit their status motives, consumers
are willing to incur high cost and sacrifice their personal needs over social welfare.
Consumers self-image in the society enable them to choose more green products
than non-green luxurious products (Griskevicius, Tybur & Bergh, 2010). Green
buying does not only serve the aim of environmental protection, acceptance of
these green products in the social surrounding also fulfils their motive of being
seen as green, thereby foster the social status (Koller, Floh & Zauner, 2011). Kim
& Yoon (2017) found in their study that consumers past experience with green
products influence their intention to purchase green products in future. Consumers
show favourable green buying behaviour when they are confident about environ-
mental issues, reliability of green labels, and performance of green products with
respect to their competitors. Marketers should position the green products keeping
Literature Review 25
In the world where brands rule, traditional marketing being a marketing of features
and benefits no longer exists as it focuses on selling a product as a commodity
(Schmitt, 2000). Consumers need persuasive communication to improve their ex-
pectations about the attributes of brand, these expectations boost their attitudes
and encourage their intentions towards buying (Deliza & Macfie, 1996).
Lindstrom (2005) states that our understanding of the world is based upon our
senses that make our memories and emotionally connect us with brands. The
senses connect us with the outside word, through the use of these senses we can
store memories to predict future and make decisions (Gains, 2014). Brands that
communicate their message, using sensory cues leave a strong and long-lasting
impression on customers. Firms use more senses in order to remain successful in
establishing a strong bond with customers which is ultimate a source of compet-
itive advantage. Therefore. marketers need to appeal customers through sensory
cues with all possible sensory dimensions. Sensory marketing offers an ideal back-
ground in creating an impressive brand image as customers form their perception
about brands by experiencing the brand through all five sensory dimensions (Di-
toiu & Caruntu, 2014). After analyzing information models in detail, Krishna &
Schwarz (2014) found that senses help people in acquiring information that may
activate their cognition and reinforce their buying behaviour. Human senses pro-
cess the acquired information that help them in decision making (Moreira, Fortes
& Santiago, 2017). Thus, consumers should have enough sensory appeals to under-
stand the competing attributes of brands that guide them to make a right buying
Literature Review 26
Sensory marketing is an effective promotional tool that stimulate the human senses
and have significant impact on brand image, recall of advertisement and consumer
behaviour (Bhatt, Rajsthan & Bapna, 2018). Sensory marketing is the use of mar-
keting stimuli in the form of sensory information which aims at affecting customer
perceptions and behaviours in a positive manner to obtain the marketing goals
(Phu, 2017, p.6). Krishna (2012) defined sensory marketing as marketing that en-
gages the consumers senses and affects their perception, judgement and behaviour
(p.333). Sensory marketing adds value to the brands by building a synergy be-
tween brands and customers that best incorporate their needs and generates a
higher consumption (Hinestroza & James, 2014). Sensory marketing excites the
human senses to make consumers fall in love with a band before and after the
purchase decision, thus provoke their intentions to purchase a brand.
2.2.1 Vision
Vision is the most dominant sense in marketing among all senses as it is evident
to create first impression of a brand. Extensive research is available on the sense
of sight as it is considered to be one of the most powerful dimensions of sensory
marketing that perceive the distinguish characteristics of goods and services (Hul-
ten, 2011). It is the most prominent sense among all the senses as it provides
maximum information about brands. Our eyes contain huge number of receptors
and visual cues on brands deliver us treasure of information. Packaging of the
product plays a vital role in the development of brand image and communicating
value to customers. It addresses the inclusive needs of customers by providing
rich information through verbal and visual elements. Banachenhou, Guerrich &
Moussaoui (2018) found in their study that verbal and visual elements of packag-
ing have positive impact on consumers intention to buy. Verbal elements include
name, logo, slogan and country of origin etc. whereas, visual elements include size,
shape, colour, graphics and material of packaging. Shape of the product packaging
also has the ability to modify the response of customers towards product (Spence,
Literature Review 27
2.2.2 Sound
Hearing is the remarkable sense that connect us with the world. It is the first
sense to develop in the womb (Gains, 2014). The sense of audition and vision
Literature Review 28
are two main modes of communication (Abe, 2005). Sounds are all around us
and can be heard everywhere, marketers communicate with customers through
sounds. Sound of alarm is used to alert people (e.g., fire alarm warns them of
fire risk), announcements are made to convey information, music is used in the
shopping malls and restaurants to engage consumers, make them spend more time
and persuade them to increase their spending. Mass media are immensely using
visual and auditory channels to reach their customers (Szabluk, Giongo & Linden,
(2015). Auditory cues act as an efficient tool to satisfy the needs of consumers and
to direct their positive associations towards product (Krishna, Cian & Aydinoglu,
2017). Firms deliberately use unique sound expressions such as background music,
jingles, voice, slogans, and tunes to engage customers, seeking an opportunity to
create a signature sound for their brand (Hulten et al., 2009).
After reviewing the literature on sound, Rech (2017) classified sound into three
types. These include (a) music, (b) phonetics, and (c) auxiliary (non-music)
sounds. Music lift the mood of customers, makes them spend more time while
shopping, change their attitudes and spending patterns. Slow and fast music
tempo also affect the pace of shopping and consumers buying behaviour.
Spence & Zimpani (2007) demonstrated change in the perceived pleasantness and
forcefulness of an aerosol spray just by altering the nature of sound (reducing or
decreasing the frequency level), without disturbing the visual and tactile prop-
erties of an aerosol spray. Moreover, the bottle opening and pouring sounds of
beverages are rich source of information for consumes (e.g. temperature, fresh-
ness, carbonation and viscosity of drink). These sounds can be modified into
signature opening and pouring sounds in order to make it a sound that may con-
vey consumer benefits, thus giving them an opportunity to choose a right brand
to address their needs (Spence & Wang, 2015). Similarly, the opening and closing
sounds of cosmetics products can ensure the quality and safety of using organic
cosmetics. Therefore, marketers should emphasize on creating signature auditory
cues of green cosmetics that must approve their claim of providing environmental
friendly products. Thus, leading consumers intention towards purchasing green
2.2.3 Smell
Air is all around us, odour molecules while breathing get into our brain through
olfactory system. Our brain processes necessary information conveyed by olfactory
cues, thus results in creating specific emotions and experiences. Scientific research
is evident that human beings can distinguish between 4000 olfactory stimuli there-
fore smell is used as a marketing tool to increase the willingness of Pleasant smell
is an important part of beauty as it speaks about the human personality. In com-
bination with visual and tactile properties, smell is the most significant sense often
associated with cleaning and personal care products (Schifterstein, 2006). Cosmet-
ics as a symbol of beauty create their allure through pleasant smell and packaging
(Draelos & MD, 2013). Cosmetic manufacturers use scents as an important com-
ponent of cosmetics as it differentiates natural products with artificial products.
Literature Review 30
Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, lemon, mint, and coconut are few natural scents used
by green cosmetics manufacturers. Consumers believe natural products to have
mild fragrance and generally, they associate artificial scents with chemical prod-
ucts that may cause serious skin allergies. Low quality products are associated
with strong scents whereas mild fragrance in cosmetics feel natural (Yang & Chen,
Liegeois & Rivera (2011) found in their study that consumers who are unable to
identify green products based on natural smell, use other sensory cues like colour,
texture and packaging of products. Therefore, cosmetic manufacturers need to
be concerned in designing the packaging and smell of the product that they are
consistent in delivering the message. Scents are used to communicate the message
companies want to deliver to their prospects. The difference in messages from both
visual and olfactory cues may mislead consumers about the product and imprints
a negative impression in their minds (Yang & Chen, 2013).
For fragrance in cosmetic products, cosmetics are divided into two categories i.e.
skin care products and decorative products. Skin care products are used to main-
tain hygiene at a sophisticated level and decorative products are used purely to
accomplish aesthetic goals. Skin care products should have mild fragrance that
may not harm skin. On the other hand, decorative products are intended to per-
fume in a manner that may attract others (Jellinek, 1997). Although the fragrance
Literature Review 31
2.2.4 Touch
According to Peck & Childers (2003b), touch increases individuals confidence and
offers an opportunity to experience a pleasurable sensory attribute of product,
however there are individual differences in Need for Touch (NFT). Consumers with
Literature Review 32
2.2.5 Taste
or decline in the appetite. For instance, Red apple is sweet in taste while, green
apple is considered to be unripe and have sour taste.
The olfactory sense tells the most information about the taste of food. Flavours
can be smelled that may help a person to decide whether the food is scrumptious
or toxic. Smell is closely associated to taste; the sense of olfaction performs dual
roles of exploring the objects both externally and inside the body. This smell-taste
association is evident through a common observation that people often lose their
taste when nose is blocked (Auvray & Spence, 2007). When smell is separated
from taste, taste suffers an eighty percent loss (Lindstrom, 2005).
Most flavours have both taste and smell components, these flavours are used by
food and cosmetic industries. In Pakistani culture, women love to wear lipstick
which starts at the early age of their lives for many women (Ullah et al., 2013).
Lipsticks with natural fruit flavours (strawberry, peach, honey, lemon, coconut,
raspberry, orange, vanilla) are popular among customers. The purpose of providing
tasty fragrances to lipstick is to give customers a pleasant taste sensation (Jellinek,
1997). The sense of taste is typically popular in the food industry and it seems
to be unrelated to other industries, but interestingly gustatory cues are used by
cosmetic industries to appeal the sense of taste for products that are not intended
to be tasted (Lund, 2015). For instance, RevAyur, oriflame and Mac are few
popular brands offering flavoured cosmetics.
Lipstick is the most commonly used cosmetic product among female university
students (Ma et al., 2018). When women lick their lips while eating and drinking,
Literature Review 34
the ingredients of lipstick get inside their body. Therefore, the cosmetic man-
ufacturers must consider the natural ingredients and taste while manufacturing
lipsticks and other cosmetic products. Considering the significance of natural in-
gredients and taste, few cosmetic brands have launched edible cosmetic products
e.g. Urban decay sparkling lickable powder, bloom cosmetics lip gloss, radiant
love butter lotion etc. These edible cosmetics are designed to entertain customers
with the divine taste that are not harmful for health.
When people strongly believe that environment should be protected, they remain
ready to purchase products even at a higher price. This is possible only when
consumers show strong environmental attitude (Casalo & Escario, 2017). Aman
Literature Review 36
et al., (2012) found that eco label, packaging, and advertising influence the percep-
tions of customers that make their green attitudes. Consumers belief and values
influence their attitude, marketers hit their beliefs through one or multiple senses,
which lead them towards buying intention. Peoples priority over environmental
protection and economic growth is based upon the degree to which environmen-
tal attitude has developed among them over time (Konisky, 2018). Liobikiene &
Bernatoniene (2017) reported that green attitude is established among individuals
based upon their concern for environmental problems and methods to protect the
Yadav & Pathak (2017) suggest marketers to work on consumers attitude by ini-
tiating environmental awareness programs in the society. The favorable image
of green products will influence the positive attitude of consumers towards green
products which will play a significant role in creation of green purchase inten-
tion. Organizations who want to implement green practices to satisfy the ecologi-
cal needs of consumers, must select people with ecological attitude because their
right attitude towards environment will affect the environmental performance of
organization (Chan et al., 2014). By knowing the environmental attitudes of tar-
get segment, management can design and develop their product and services that
may help them to achieve their environmental conservation objectives (Grybovych,
Cela, Inui & Lankford, 2005). However, its a big challenge for businesses to incor-
porate environmental attitude in their corporate policies (Johri & Sahasakmontri,
Millock et al., (2004) examined that majority consumers show more willingness
to pay for organic products when they are being offered with attributes of health,
taste and freshness along with environmental and animal welfare attributes. Con-
sumers who have positive attitude towards nature tend to show green purchasing
intention. Such consumers show more interest about quality of product than the
high prices of green products (DSouza et al., 2007).
People with high educational level exhibit high environmental knowledge and con-
cern towards environment that drive positive attitude among consumers which
subsequently lead them towards green purchase intention (Zhao, Gao, Wu, Wang
& Zhu, 2013). People with high environmental knowledge tend to perform more
environmental protection tasks than people with low environmental knowledge.
Environmental knowledge is found to change the attitudes of consumers towards
sustainable behaviour. (Lieflander & Bogner, 2016; Zheng et al., 2018). Con-
sumers environmental awareness play a major role in building consumers attitude
towards green products which influence their willingness to purchase green prod-
ucts (Khare, 2015). Environmental concern and environmental attitude are the
most influencing factor to predict consumers green purchasing behaviour (Kauf-
mann, Panni & Orphanidou, 2012). The increasing number of consumers with
environmental concern influence consumers attitude which subsequently lead their
intention towards purchasing green products (Aman et al., 2012). However, people
living in different cultures and countries may perceive the world and environment
differently due to difference in their environmental attitudes (Knez & Thorsson,
environmental issues. This reflects the consumers positive attitude towards the en-
vironment. While investigating the cross-country differences in the environmental
development of American and Chinese consumers, it was found that attitude has
a stronger influence on green purchase intention of American consumers whereas
subjective norms exert a stronger influence on green purchase intention of Chi-
nese consumers (Chan & Lau, 2001). Magistris & Gracia (2008) reported that
consumers with positive attitudes towards environment show their involvement in
environmental practices which results in their willingness in purchasing organic
food products. A significant positive relationship was found between green atti-
tude and green purchase intention (Mostafa, 2007).
While investigating the consumers intention to buy natural skin and hair care prod-
ucts Kim & Chung (2011) found in their study that consumers attitude towards
organic buying intention increases with increase in their perceived behavioural con-
trol. Environmental attitude shows a significant positive relationship with green
makeup purchase intention (Ma et al., 2018). Consumers positive attitude towards
green cosmetic brands is based on three factors, i.e. packaging of green cosmetic
products, their display in the cosmetic store, prices and recommendations of green
cosmetic products (Singhal & Malik, 2012).
Gunnarsson, Knez, Hedblom & Sang (2016) found that people with high environ-
mental attitude can perceive natural sounds strongly. It plays a significant role in
creating positive perception regarding nature-oriented sounds. Thus, the results
support the idea that consumers green attitude can act as a mediating variable in
exciting consumers green purchasing intention. Ghazali, Soon, Mutum & Nguyen
(2017) suggests that multi-sensory marketing with hedonic characteristics such as
music, smell, texture, and visual aspects can increase consumers desire for plea-
sure and excitement. Therefore, marketers are advised to add sensory appeals
with hedonic values to have a strongest influence on attitudes which will stim-
ulate the consumers emotional connection with organic personal care products.
Ahmad, Omar & Rose (2015) suggests marketers and retailers to focus in creating
positive attitude among consumers related to natural beauty products because
Literature Review 39
Personality traits have been used in the past studies as significant factor in predict-
ing the ecological behaviour of consumers. While investigating the associations be-
tween personality and environmental engagement; Agreeableness, Conscientious-
ness, and Open to experience are found to be the personality traits strongly linked
Literature Review 40
with environmental engagement (Milfont & Sibley, 2012). This study is limited to
openness to experience. “Openness refers to a continuum of individual differences
in processing experience and that the majority of people are intermediate in Open-
ness” (McCrae & Costa, 1997, p.826). Young generation is pro-active as they are
more open towards innovative ideas and ready to test new products (Dimitrova et
al., 2009). “Openness is associated with cognitive processes like implicit learning
that are involved in the detection of correlational patterns in sensory experience”
(Kaufman et al., 2015, p.2). Schwepker & Cornwell (1991) found personality vari-
ables as predictors of consumers ecological behaviour. Green consumers make spe-
cial efforts in purchasing green products. They actively seek information about
new products, exchange their information with others and tend to prefer those
products that can meet their environmental needs (Shrum et al., 1995).
E & S (2017) argue that the use of beauty care products reflects the type of
personality of users. Female consumers who are using the same brand since a long
time are brand conscious. Similarly, consumers who always try new products are
perceived to be socially aware. Ghazali et al. (2017) observed that consumer make
choice of personal care products based upon their interest and personal factors
rather than peer pressure and influence of social groups. Chen (2007) studied two
personality traits (food involvement and food neophobia) as moderating variables
in determining the consumers attitude to organic food. The study reveals that
consumers with a personality trait of food involvement have positive attitude to
organic foods. Contrary to this, consumers with a personality trait of high food
neophobia (unwillingness to try novel food) have negative attitude to organic food.
Peoples attitudes are formed by different kinds of beliefs that are accessible in
memory to make evaluative judgements and corresponding decisions (Ajzen &
Fishbein, 2000). The combination of personal and contextual factors results in
the high or low accessibility of different kinds of beliefs that may guide them to
take behavioural decisions (Ajzen, 2001). Factors to determine green attitude
are unexplored, personality traits can be potential drivers to inquire environmen-
tal attitude (Leonidou et al., 2010). Casalo & Escario (2017) notify changes in
Literature Review 41
The moderating effect of openness to experience has been witnessed through sev-
eral past studies (Baer, M & Oldham, 2006; Chlosta et al., 2012; Zweig & Webster,
2003; Colquitt, Hollenbeck, Ilgen, Lepine & Sheppard, 2002). TPB is the theory
of attitude and personality. In the present study sensory marketing is the cog-
nitive part of attitude based on individual experiences and previous knowledge.
Sensory marketing being a cognitive aspect of attitude and consumer personality
in the form of openness to experience as a moderating variable can develop green
attitude of the consumer. Marketers of green cosmetics can provoke consumers
perceptions, feelings, and aesthetic ideas by using senses as a centre of marketing
to build their attitudes towards organic cosmetics. Thus, we can say that
defined as a degree to which a person is oriented toward concern for the environ-
ment” (Lin & Chang, 2012). Increased awareness of environmental problems and
concern about the better society change the attitudes of people towards ecologi-
cal conscious life which inclined them to purchase ecologically packaged products
(Schwepker & Cornwell, 1991). Consumers having a positive attitude towards
environment are found to have high concern about safety and quality of envi-
ronment (Tantawi, Oshaughnessy, Gad & Ragheb, 2009). Krause (1993) defined
environmental consciousness as “humans concern for the quality of their physical
surroundings” (p.126). Some level of environmental concern was always existed
since man is living on earth, but it has gained special attention with the under-
standing of environmental issues and the level of environmental awareness by the
Maniatis (2015) presented four factors to determine the green consciousness named
as environmental consciousness, economic consciousness, reliability consciousness
and appearance consciousness. Consumers decision to purchase green products is
based on these four consciousness parameters. Their knowledge about environ-
mental protection, eco-labelling, eco-certification of products, environmental and
Literature Review 43
Kim et al., (2011) states in their study that green consciousness is part of con-
sumers belief and values. These values contribute towards formation of individ-
uals environmental attitude that provide him/her guidelines for future actions
(Poortinga, Steg & Vlek, 2004). Fauzi & Hashim (2015) studied the mediating
role of attitude between values and green purchase intention and found that green
conscious consumers are more concerned about harmful effects of chemicals on
environment, their health and beauty. So they are more likely to purchase or-
ganic beauty care products. Based on the study conducted by Lee, Choi, Youn
& Lee (2012), it is found that consumers perception of green products and green
campaign activities strongly influence the environmental consciousness among con-
sumers. This change in environmental consciousness thus reinforce the green be-
haviour intention among consumers.
Research Methodology
A deductive research approach was used because the process of the study moves
from general to specific. The deductive approach starts with an established the-
ory or prior theoretical knowledge which moves towards building a theoretical
framework, generation of hypotheses, testing hypotheses and thus ends with new
knowledge (Spens & Kovacs, 2006).
The study was cross-sectional as the data was collected at a single period of time.
Research Methodology 48
statistical tests and analyses assist in validation of research findings (Giddy &
Webb, 2017).
The unit of analysis refers to “the level of aggregation of the data collected during
the subsequent data analysis stage” (Sekaran, 2003). In this study unit of analysis
were the individuals as there was a need to collect data from female consumers of
green cosmetics.
3.5 Population
Population of the study was the female consumers who ever purchased or used
organic cosmetics in Pakistan.
The sample size for this study was based on threshold as size larger than 30 and less
than 500 are suitable as determined in rule of thumb (Sekaran, 2003). By keeping
in mind the sample size for the study, 370 questionnaires were distributed among
the respondents. 270 questionnaires were distributed by hand and 100 question-
naires were sent via social media. Out of 370 questionnaires, 287 questionnaires
were received. 57 female respondents responded via social media whereas 230
filled questionnaires were received by hand. Five questionnaires were incomplete,
so they were not considered to generate the results. After the elimination of in-
complete responses, 282 usable responses were used to generate the findings of the
study. Thus, the sample size of the study was 282 having a response rate of 76%.
The sample size was appropriate because Coakes (2005) suggested that “a mini-
mum of five subjects per variable is required for factor analysis. A sample of 100
subjects is acceptable, but sample size of 200+ are preferable” (p.154). Consider-
ing this, the sample size of 250 respondents for 50 items was enough. The sample
Research Methodology 49
size of this study was above 250, this sample size was appropriate as Wilson et al.
(2017) used data of 260 respondents to analyse the green purchase behaviour of
Indonesian consumers in the cosmetics industry and Vesselina (2009) got feedback
from 236 participants to analyse customers preferences in purchasing Bulgarian
natural cosmetic products. Similarly, Kim & Yoon (2017) used a sample size of
236 respondents to predict consumers attitude and behavioural intention towards
green products. In order to get rational responses, respondents were convinced
that their information will not be revealed and will only be used for academic
To fulfil the aim of this study, survey was conducted by using a purposive sam-
pling technique. Non probability sampling design, inspite of low generalizablity
offers appropriate and timely information. Purposive sampling is used when there
is a purpose to fulfil and the sample is selected keeping in mind the characteris-
tics of informants that can best serve that purpose excluding those who do not
have the relevant characteristics (Bernard, 2011; Etikan, Musa & Alkassim, 2016).
Purposive sampling is the suitable and practical sampling technique to find the
best informant for the study. It is an effective tool to provide “reliable and robust
data” (Tongco, 2007). We used a purposive sampling technique to get data from
knowledgeable group of society.
The data collection was started in August 2018 and the results were analysed in
February 2019. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to female con-
sumers who have purchased and used organic cosmetics from organic cosmetics
stores like Body Shop, Saeed Ghani, D-Watson and Shaheen Chemist etc. Female
consumers are the most considerable and dominant in purchasing and consuming
cosmetic products than men (Pudaruth et al., 2015; Stuve & Straub, 2016; Ma
Research Methodology 50
et al., 2018). Therefore, this study has focused only on female green cosmetic
consumers to find the significant results. To have variance in the data, data was
collected from female students of different universities located in Islamabad and
Rawalpindi. We decided to target the university students because they were socia-
ble and knowledgeable group of society. Women, minorities and young individuals
show stronger environmental attitude and they are more likely to participate in
environmental protection movement (Konisky, 2018). Ma et al. (2018) recruited
Chinese and international students to explore the impact of consumer awareness
and consumption values on green makeup purchase intention. Similarly, the sam-
pling population of past studies comprised of university students to explore the
purchase intention of green products (Hsu et al., 2017; Kim & Yoon, 2017; Fauzi
& Hashim, 2015 & Ali et al., 2011). Dimitrova et al. (2009) state that targeting
this group is effective as young generation is pro-active and likes to try new and
innovative products. Moreover, their knowledge of natural beauty products pro-
vides an opportunity or challenge to marketers of green products to focus on this
segment. The target location was Rawalpindi and Islamabad as people living in
Rawalpindi and Islamabad are of diverse cultures, coming from various parts of
country for education. Therefore, the sample was justifiable to be a subset/repre-
sentative of entire population of country. Another reason to target students was
their high education level. Less educated consumers of organic cosmetics were
unable to respond well as the questionnaire was in English and it was hard for
them to understand it effectively.
The method of distribution was through both visits of educational institutions and
online through social media. The purpose of study was explained to respondents
through a cover letter. It was insured to participants that the sole purpose of
their participation was to help the study to reveal the truths behind the purchas-
ing intention of green cosmetics. Strict confidentiality of responses was assured to
them, it was made clear to them that their participation was voluntary, and their
responses will be held strictly anonymous. A screening question was added in the
questionnaire in order to cater the true respondents for this study who have ever
purchased and used green cosmetic products. Only female individuals who had
Research Methodology 51
prior experience of purchasing and using organic cosmetics were said to continue
responding this survey. Survey was divided into five sections which were named
as Section A, B, C, D and E. First section which was named as Section A includes
Independent variable (Sensory Marketing), Section B corresponds the mediating
variable of this study (green attitude), Section C contains the moderating vari-
ables of the study (openness to experience and green consciousness), and Section
D contains the dependent variable of this study (green purchase intention). Re-
spondents were asked to respond to items related to five variables of this study
i.e. sensory marketing, green attitude, openness to experience, green consciousness
and green purchase intention. In addition, there was a Section E that covers the
demographics part of the survey.
Participants of the study were insured that their participation is completely volun-
tary, and their information will be kept confidential. Anonymity will be observed,
and data will be used for academic purpose only. They are free to quit and with-
draw their participation at any time.
Demographics include age, education and income level of respondents. The de-
mographics of the study show that majority of the respondents were young with
average ages from 21-25 years. This group constituted 70.21% of the participants.
Age group of 26-30 years constitute 20.56% of the participants. 5.7% of partic-
ipants are of age group 31-35 years and the participants having age above 36
constitute 1.1% of the participants.
Most participants were undergraduate, and they constitute 44.3% of the partici-
pants. About 35.5% of participants were graduate and 18.1% of participants had
education up to post graduation level.
Research Methodology 52
The income level of majority (43.3%) of participants was above Rs.60000. 11.3%
of participants were having an average income level of (Rs.20,000-30,000). About
14.5% of participants had an average income level of (Rs.31, 000-40, 000). The
participants who were having an average income level of (Rs41, 000-50, 000) con-
stitute of 7.8% of participants and 20.9% of participants constituted an average
income level of (Rs. 51,000-60, 000). Six participants didnt report their demo-
Scale of sensory marketing was adapted from Nadiri & Gunay, (2013). It has eight
items. One sample item was “Organic Cosmetics are visually attractive products”.
The scale has Cronbachs alpha reliability of 0.61 which is slightly lower than ideal
Green attitude for all participants was measured by adopting twenty-one items
scale developed by Witt et al., (2014). One sample item was “I like making an
effort to contribute to a better environment”. Cronbachs alpha reliability of this
scale was 0.69 which is near to 0.7.
Green Purchase Intention of all participants was measured by using a three items
scale. It was developed by (Pavlou, 2003). One sample item was “Overall, I am
Research Methodology 54
glad to purchase this product because it is environmental friendly”. The scale has
Cronbachs alpha reliability of 0.74.
All the variables of this study were measured by using a five point Likert scale
where, 1 = SD-Strongly Disagree, 2 = D-Disagree, 3 = N-Neutral, 4 = A-Agree, 5
= SA-Strongly Agree Original English language questionnaire was used and it was
made sure that all respondents are qualified enough to understand and respond in
Sources of Variation
F-Statistic p-Value F-Statistic p-Value
Age 1.63 .181 .351 .789
Education .763 .467 .084 .920
Income .418 .796 1.77 .135
GA = Green Attitude, GPI = Green Purchase Intention
To get the results of data collected from 289 respondents, multiple tests were
run by using software SPSS 21. One-way ANOVA, frequencies, descriptive statis-
tics, reliability analysis, correlation, regression analysis, mediation and moderation
tests were run to check the relationships between observed variables and the im-
pact of mediating and moderating variables on DV. The sequence of data analysis
procedure is mentioned below:
First of all, all the valid questionnaires were arranged for further process. Second
step was to enter the data in a SPSS sheet. All the variables were labeled and
codes were assigned to process the data. After data coding, frequencies table
check was used to find out the missing values. The response of reverse items
in the questionnaire were reversed and the sample characteristics were reported
in the tabulated form. To find the control varibles, One-way ANOVA test was
run. Reliability of each variable as calculated using Reliability analysis. To report
the Means and Standard Deviation of variables, table of descriptive statistics was
made. Association between variables were analyzed using Correlation analysis.
Afterward, linear regression analysis was run to see the impact of independent
variable on dependent variable. Mediation test was done by using PROCESS
Research Methodology 56
Results of the study were analysed using SPSS. Before analysis, items of each
variable were coded and each item was given a unique identification i.e., items of
Green Purchase Intention (GPI) were coded as GPI1, GPI2, and GPI3. Items of
Sensory Marketing were coded as SM1to SM8. Items related to green attitude are
coded as GA1 to GA21. Openness to experience had ten items, these are coded
as OTE1 to OTE10. The items of environmental consciousness were coded as
GC1 to GC8. While punching the data on SPSS, it was analyzed that few values
were remained unanswered. To eradicate this problem, missing values were first
identified then the missing values were replaced with a neutral value 3 so that it
might not affect the results of data. Our items had four reverse questions. The
response of these four items were reversed in order to ensure coherence in the
answers of respondents.
Results 58
with the intended variables. Table 4.1 shows the reliability (Cronbach alpha) for
all measures.
Table 4.1: Reliability of scale analysis.
The standard value of Cronbach alpha is 0.70. Reliability at 0.7 or above is consid-
ered as strong reliability. Reliability above 0.6 is slightly lower than ideal scenario
which is considered as moderately reliable. Reliability value which is less than 0.6
is considered as weak reliability. In this study the Cronbachs alpha reliability of
sensory marketing was 0.61 which is slightly lower than the ideal scenario. How-
ever, this reliability is acceptable because the reliability values from 0.5 to 0.75 is
generally accepted exhibiting a moderately reliable scale (Hinton, Brownlow, Mc-
Murray and Cozens, 2004). Green attitude has the internal consistency reliability
value of 0.69 which is near to standard value. Cronbachs alpha reliability of open-
ness to experience, environmental consciousness and green purchase intention are
0.79, 0.77 and 0.74 respectively that are above standard value of 0.7. It confirms
the internal consistency of scale, so the scale of the study is reliable to proceed
ahead for other analysis.
Table 4.2 represents the descriptive statistics for the observed variables. These in-
clude mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values for each variable.
The minimum value of sensory marketing is 1 and maximum value is 5. Mean
of sensory marketing is 3.65 and standard deviation (possible variation) is 0.568.
The minimum value of openness to experience is 1 and it has maximum value
Results 59
of 4.50. Mean value of openness to experience is 2.09 and the value of standard
deviation is 0.548. Environmental consciousness has a minimum value of 1.38 and
maximum value of 5. It has a mean value of 3.72 and standard deviation is 0.606.
The minimum value of green attitude is 2.10 and it has a maximum value of 4.43.
Mean value of green attitude is 3.57 and it has a standard deviation of 0.329.
Green purchase intention has a minimum value of 1.33 and a maximum value of
5.00. Mean value of green purchase intention is 3.85 and it has standard deviation
of 0.684.
Table 4.2: Descriptive statistics.
Table 4.3 represents the correlation coefficients(r) for the observed variables.
S. No. Variables 1 2 3 4 5
1. Sensory Marketing 1
2. Openness to Experience -.370** 1
3. Environmental Consciousness .504** -.504** 1
4. Green Attitude .425** -.412** .400** 1
5. Green Purchase Intention .459** -.500** .636** .312** 1
N = 282, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05
value shows the degree of association whereas positive and negative sign confirms
the direct or inverse relationship between variables. Positive sign shows the di-
rect relationship between variables. It means when one variable increases, another
variable will also increase. Negative sign shows the inverse relationship between
variables, it means with increase in one variable another variable will start decreas-
ing. The correlation coefficients (r) near 1 predicts strong correlation whereas the
value close to -1 shows the inverse relationship between variables. Results of cor-
relation analysis show moderate (0.2-0.4) and strong level (0.5-0.7) of association
among all variables. Results indicate that there is a significant negative relation-
ship exists between sensory marketing and openness to experience (r = -.370, p
< 0.01). There is a positive correlation exists between sensory marketing and
environmental consciousness (r = .504, p < 0.01). There is a positive significant
relationship exists between sensory marketing and green attitude (r = 0.425, p
< 0.01) which supports our second hypothesis of the study. Sensory marketing
is found to have a significant positive association with green purchasing intention
(r = 0.459, p < 0.01) that provides initial support for second hypothesis of this
study. Openness to experience is found to have negative relationship with envi-
ronmental consciousness (r = -0.504, p < 0.01). It holds a significant negative
relationship with green attitude (r = -.412, p < 0.01) which does not support our
third hypothesis. Openness to experience confirms the negative relationship with
green purchase intention (r = -.500, p < 0.01). Environmental consciousness is
found to have significant positive relationship with green attitude (r = .400, p <
0.01) which provides initial support for forth hypothesis.
It also indicates the significant positive relationship with green purchase intention
(r = 0.636, p < 0.01). Furthermore, green attitude shows significant positive
correlation with green purchasing intention (r = .312, p < 0.01). Thus, it provides
initial support for second hypothesis.
Results 61
Only correlation analysis is not enough to predict the relationship between the
observed variables as it only predicts the association between variables, but it
does not allow us to see how the value of one variable predict the value of another
variable. Regression analysis predict the impact of independent variable (predic-
tor variable) on dependent variable (outcome variable). Thus, we can say that
regression explains the cause and effect relationship between variables. It also cal-
culates the percentage variation in dependent variable due to independent variable
so we can predict that to what extent an independent variable can bring change
in dependent variable.
Table 4.4 presents the regression analysis for hypothesis 1 of this study.
To test the second hypothesis H2 of the study that green attitude mediates the
relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase intention, we used
PROCESS macro through SPSS by Hayes (2013). To analyze the mediation, we
need to establish three effects i.e. total effect, direct effect and indirect effect as
shown below in the model.
The total effect shows the impact of independent variable (Sensory Marketing) on
dependent variable (Green Purchase Intention). The value of β = 0.552 which
shows that one unit change in sensory marketing brings 55% change in green
purchase intention. The value of p = 0.00 which is p < 0.05, shows significant
relationship between variables. The lower limit of bootstrap is 0.426 and upper
Results 63
limit of bootstrap is 0.678 which shows significant value as zero does not fall
between them. Thus, our first hypothesis is confirmed by the results.
Direct effect shows the effect of independent variable (Sensory marketing) on de-
pendent variable (green purchase intention) when mediating variable is present
there. The value of β = 0.47 which shows that one unit change in sensory mar-
keting brings 47% change in green purchase intention. The value of p = 0.00 (p
< 0.05) which shows significant relationship between variables. The lower limit
of bootstrap is 0.34 and upper limit of bootstrap is 0.61 which shows significant
value as zero does not fall between them. Thus, the results are significant.
The indirect effect demonstrates the mediating effect of green attitude on the
relationship between sensory marketing and green attitude. The bootstrap values
give us idea that whether the mediating relationship is significant or insignificant.
The lower limit of bootstrap is 0.00 and upper limit of bootstrap is 0.14 which
shows significant value as zero does not fall between them. Thus, the results are
significant and supports our second hypothesis.
β se p LLCI ULCI
Constant 2.8955 .3933 .0000 2.1213 3.6698
OTE -.1587 .1623 .3290 -.4783 .1608
SM .2943 .1044 .0052 .0888 .4998
Int 1 -.0147 .0448 .7438 -.1029 .0735
OTE (Openness to Experience), SM (Sensory Marketing),
Note: Interactions. int 1OTE*SM
The results of analysis show that (p =.7438) which does not meet the significant
value criteria. This shows that openness to experience have insignificant impact
on the relationship between sensory marketing and green attitude. In addition to
this, the lower limit of bootstrap value is -.1029 and the upper limit of bootstrap
value is .0735 having zero value between them. These values predict that there
is insignificant moderating effect on the observed relationship. Thus, we can say
that moderation does not establish here so our third hypothesis is not approved.
β se p LLCI ULCI
Constant .6202 1.1969 .6048 -1.7360 2.9765
EC .7203 .3227 .0264 .0850 1.3555
GA .2110 .3511 .5484 -.4802 .9021
Int 1 -.0143 .0919 .8761 -.1953 .1666
EC (Environmental Consciousness), GA (Green Attitude) Note:
Interactions. int 1 GC*GA
The results of analysis show that (p = 0.8761) which is greater than significant
value. This shows that green consciousness has insignificant impact on the re-
lationship between green attitude and green purchase intention. In addition to
this, the lower limit of bootstrap value is -.1953 and the upper limit of bootstrap
value is .1666 having zero value between them. These values predict that there is
insignificant moderating effect on the observed relationship. So, we can say that
moderation does not establish here thus, our forth hypothesis is not approved.
Results 65
Table 4.8 provides the summary of hypotheses, indicating that two hypotheses (H1
and H2 ) are established and two hypotheses (H3 and H4 ) are not established.
The study aimed to explore the nascent factors that affect consumers green pur-
chase intention. A new variable of sensory marketing was introduced to see its
impact on consumers green purchase intention of natural beauty products. The
specific objectives of the study were to investigate the impact of sensory marketing
on green purchase intention. Second, to investigate the mediating role of green at-
titude in the relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase intention.
Third, to view the moderating role of openness to experience in the relationship
between sensory marketing and green attitude. Forth, to explore the moderating
effect of green consciousness between green attitude and green purchase intention.
Based on literature, we proposed the hypothesis and data is collected from the
female organic cosmetic consumers of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
The findings of the study conclude that there exists a positive relationship be-
tween sensory marketing and green purchase intention thus our first hypothesis
that sensory marketing has significant positive impact on green purchase intention
is accepted. The results of the study exhibit a mediating role of green attitude
between the relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase intention
which approves our second hypothesis. The results also approved the findings of
previous studies which shows the direct or indirect relationship of green attitude
and green purchase intention. However, the results did not approve our third
hypothesis, where it was assumed that openness to experience has a moderating
role between sensory marketing and green attitude of organic cosmetic consumers.
Discussion and Conclusion 67
Likewise, the results of the study did not establish the moderating relationship be-
tween green attitude and green purchase intention of organic cosmetic consumers.
5.1 Hypothesis 1
5.2 Hypothesis 2
Second hypothesis of the study states that green attitude mediates the relationship
between sensory marketing and green purchase intention. The results of the study
indicate that green attitude is mediating the relationship between sensory mar-
keting and green purchase intention. The findings of the study incorporate with
the hypothesis of the study. Past studies show that environmental attitude has
significant positive impact on predicting green purchase intention. Green attitude
is an important determinant in predicting green purchase intention of Malaysian
consumers (Mei & Piew, 2012). Maichum et al. (2017) found significant positive
influence of environmental attitude on green purchase intention of young Thai
Environmental attitude is based upon consumers beliefs, values, culture and past
experiences. Therefore, marketers are advised to play their role in encouraging
consumers to protect the environment as a responsible citizen. When consumers
will feel concern towards environment and healthy life, they will show more willing-
ness to purchase green products. Alwittand & Pitts (1996) supports the idea that
environmental attitude influence consumers intention of buying environmentally
sensitive products, that influence may be direct or indirect. Thus, our hypothesis
is supported through theory and data as green attitude establishes a mediating
relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase intention in the Pak-
istani context.
5.3 Hypothesis 3
relationship between sensory marketing and green attitude. The findings men-
tioned in the result section show insignificant values, thus statistically moderating
impact of openness to experience on the relationship between sensory marketing
and green attitude is not established.
In most of the past studies, openness to experience have been found as a profound
personality trait that motivates consumers to try innovative products. However,
openness to experience is found to have no moderating impact in the relationship
between the characteristics of workplace monitoring system and employees attitude
towards monitoring (Zweig & Webster, 2003). In another study Baer & Oldham
(2006) found a insignificant moderating impact of openness to experience in a re-
lationship between experienced creative time pressure and creativity. Consumers
attitude to organic products vary according to personality traits of individuals
depending upon their interests, beliefs and values. This may be due to differ-
ent individual characteristics in different parts of world based upon their social
norms, values, and cultural differences. Consumers personality trait of openness
to experience may generate different results outside the Pakistani context. Lack
of awareness of environmental problems and lack of consumers trust on organic
cosmetic brands are few factors that hinder the consumers to try new products.
High prices of green products do not allow consumers to spend much on luxury
products. Moreover, lack of government regulations and deficiency of organic cos-
metic companies to communicate their message and market their products well to
prospects also discourage consumers to take initiative.
5.4 Hypothesis 4
which is greater than significant value. Thus, it shows the insignificant moder-
ating impact of green consciousness on green purchase intention. In addition to
this, the lower limit of bootstrap value is -.1953 and the upper limit of bootstrap
value is .1666 having zero value between them depict the insignificant relationship.
Hence findings do not support our hypothesis 4 and the results show that green
consciousness neither strengthens nor weakens the relationship between the green
attitude and green purchase intention. Ahmad et al., (2015) reported environ-
mental consciousness to be a main predictor that influence the purchase intention
of natural beauty products. Environmental consciousness among consumers is
based upon their individual attitude, lifestyle and ecological needs. The findings
of the study did not match the results of previous findings as government, policy
makers, organic industry is not flourished in this part of world as compared to
other countries. Consumers feel it to be a responsibility of government, lack of
investment and high tax on organic cosmetics did not establish consumers concern
and willingness to purchase ecological cosmetics in Pakistan. Moreover, our local
organic manufacturers are not advanced enough to reach consumers, change their
lifestyles through innovative marketing appeals. The observed relationship did not
establish here but it may generate different results for different target segment or
in another setting.
5.5 Implications
The study has implications to theory as the conceptual model of the study is not
being studied before. The study has introduced a nascent association between
sensory marketing and green purchasing intention of consumers. Use of senses
as a cognitive part of attitude is a distinctive addition to theory in predicting
green practices. Moreover, the study has incorporated the personality aspects of
openness to experience and environmental consciousness in the theory in predicting
green purchase intention. It extends the body of knowledge in luxurious and greed
Discussion and Conclusion 71
Climate changes and severe environmental problems have made it necessary for
policy makers to promote environmental consciousness among people (Johri &
Sahasakmontri, 1998). Pakistan is one of those countries where there are no reg-
ulations for cosmetic products. Use of heavy metals and hazardous chemicals
in the production of cosmetics is very common. Therefore, this study gives in-
sight to policy makers to take notice of international and local organic cosmetic
manufacturers. They should invest on creating educational campaigns to increase
awareness among consumers and to encourage their contribution towards environ-
ment through sustainable consumption. Moreover, the government of developing
Discussion and Conclusion 72
The study has significant implications to boost organic industry in Pakistan and
all over the world. The research overcomes the ambiguities associated with green
cosmetic industry and supports the development of organic cosmetic industry in
the emerging and less developing countries. The study offers an opportunity to
eco-cosmetic industry to represent their true image using innovative marketing
appeals and strategies.
Besides adding knowledge to literature, the study has few limitations which could
be addressed in future studies. The study is cross-sectional, so we are unable to
measure the attitude and intention of consumers over time therefore, future stud-
ies should observe changes in attitude and intention through longitudinal study.
The data was collected from only female consumers of organic cosmetics, so the
study did not contribute to find the green purchase intention of male consumers.
Therefore, for future studies, it is recommended to comprehend male gender for
their green purchasing intention and patterns. Though we try to make the study
generalizable by taking sample from students of different universities of Rawalpindi
and Islamabad but still its generalizability is low. Future researchers are suggested
to replicate this research by taking a large sample from different cities and villages
of Pakistan to make the results generalizable.
The scale of Sensory marketing had Cronbachs alpha reliability of 0.61 which is
slightly lower than the ideal scenario of 0.7. This limitation of the study could be
addressed in future by taking a large sample.
Discussion and Conclusion 73
Our study only encompasses the educated consumers of organic cosmetics living
in cities. However, the large population of country is living in rural areas of Pak-
istan, their awareness about environment and sustainable products leave a question
mark, thus it is a challenge and as well as opportunity for future researchers and
marketers to focus on this segment.
Further, the study only examines green purchase intention of female university
students. Future studies on other female segments i.e. working women, married
women with kids, house wives, their environmental concerns, social and economic
pressures would be effective to explore other factors that marketers need to con-
sider while devising marketing strategies.
For future research, this model can be used in a new context (any other organic
industry and setting having cultural, socioeconomic, geographic and demographic
differences) to evaluate and compare the results of that setting. Furthermore,
researchers are suggested to expand this research model by considering green pur-
chase behaviour of consumers, explore the factors that lead consumers green in-
tention towards green purchasing behaviour.
Our study does not support the moderating impact of personality traits in predict-
ing green attitude and green purchasing intention. To understand the individual
differences of consumers in predicting green purchase intention of consumers, it is
advised to expand research on personality variables and study this model by using
different personality traits as moderating or mediating variables. Future studies
should seek to find possible moderators and mediators to better understand the
relationship between sensory marketing and green purchase intention.
5.7 Conclusion
The study aims to arouse the green purchase intention of consumers towards sus-
tainable products by predicting best suitable marketing strategies of present era in
the organic cosmetic industry. The idea of this research was to enable marketers
to understand consumers by developing a pleasant association between brand and
Discussion and Conclusion 74
consumer through sensory marketing. The findings of the study conclude that sen-
sory marketing is an effective marketing idea to predict green purchase intention
of Pakistani female consumers in the context of organic cosmetics. This confirms
the first hypothesis of the study. Moreover, green attitude is found to be a medi-
ating variable in predicting the relationship between sensory marketing and green
attitude. The literature and our statistical results confirm our second hypothesis.
However, the impact of openness to experience is found to have no moderating
impact on the relationship between sensory marketing and green attitude. Theory
of planned behaviour supports the idea of personality trait in predicting green
behaviour but due to cultural or personal beliefs or lack of concern towards envi-
ronment, the results does not support our third hypothesis. Our forth hypothesis
includes the moderating effect of green consciousness on the relationship between
green attitude and green purchase intention of organic cosmetic consumers. The
literature and theory support the idea but our statistical results nullify the moder-
ating impact of environmental consciousness on the above mentioned relationships.
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Kindly answer each statement by putting a circle around the number that best
reflects your degree of agreement or disagreement with that statement.
S. No. Statements SD D N A SA
1. Organic Cosmetic shops have visually attrac- 1 2 3 4 5
tive products.
2. Materials associated with the service (such 1 2 3 4 5
as pamphlets/statements, posters) are visu-
ally appealing and attention getting at herbal
cosmetic shops.
3. The internal and external decoration of or- 1 2 3 4 5
ganic cosmetic shops is attractive and atten-
tion getting.
4. The auditory (music) system offers relaxing 1 2 3 4 5
and pleasant atmosphere.
Appendix I 99
Kindly answer each statement by putting a circle around the number that best
reflects your degree of agreement or disagreement with that statement.
S. No. Statements SD D N A SA
1. I dont feel a personal bond with nature. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I dont care so much that species are becom- 1 2 3 4 5
ing extinct.
3. By mastering nature, the human being can 1 2 3 4 5
find freedom.
4. I think animal rights are nonsense. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Nature has value only because the human be- 1 2 3 4 5
ing is able to use and enjoy her.
6. I have a deep feeling of connection to nature. 1 2 3 4 5
7. It hurts me to see nature being destroyed. 1 2 3 4 5
8. Changing my behavior will hardly contribute 1 2 3 4 5
to solving environmental problems.
9. The relationship between human being and 1 2 3 4 5
nature should be one of respect, adjustment
and atonement.
Appendix I 100
Please keep in mind your concern about green product brands and then answer
the following questions. Kindly answer each statement by putting a circle around
the number that best reflects your degree of agreement or disagreement with that
S. No. Statements SD D N A SA
1. I feel frustrated when I think of cosmetic 1 2 3 4 5
brands that carry out their business activi-
ties by polluting the environment.
2. When two cosmetic brands are similar, I tend 1 2 3 4 5
to select the one that harms the environment
less, even if it is more expensive.
3. If the services provided by a cosmetic indus- 1 2 3 4 5
try seriously damage the environment, I will
refuse to purchase them.
4. When choosing a cosmetic brand, I always 1 2 3 4 5
select the one with environmental certifica-
tion, even if it is more expensive.
5. I regularly recycle at home. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I often purchase products that use less paper 1 2 3 4 5
or cardboard for packaging.
7. I am conscious about the actions I can make 1 2 3 4 5
to improve the environment.
8. I am usually informed about environmental 1 2 3 4 5
Appendix I 102
Openness to Experience
Please answer the following questions by considering the type of personality you
have. Kindly answer each statement by putting a circle around the number that
best reflects your degree of agreement or disagreement with that statement.
S. No. Statements SD D N A SA
1. I believe in the importance of art. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I have a vivid imagination. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I tend to vote for liberal political candidates. 1 2 3 4 5
4. I carry the conversation to a higher level. 1 2 3 4 5
5. I enjoy hearing new ideas. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I enjoy thinking about things. 1 2 3 4 5
7. I can say things beautifully. 1 2 3 4 5
8. I enjoy wild flights of fantasy. 1 2 3 4 5
9. I get excited by new ideas. 1 2 3 4 5
10. I have a rich vocabulary. 1 2 3 4 5
Please keep in mind your intentions behind purchasing of green products and then
answer the following questions. Kindly answer each statement by putting a circle
around the number that best reflects your degree of agreement or disagreement
with that statement.
S. No. Statements SD D N A SA
1. I intend to purchase the products of this 1 2 3 4 5
brand because of its environmental concern.
Appendix I 103
Section E: Demographics
A. Age:
(a) 20-25
(b) 26-30
(c) 31-35
(d) >36
B. Education Level:
(a) Undergraduate
(b) Graduate
C. Income level
1. Body Shop
2. Saeed Ghani
3. Hemani Herbals
4. Himalya Herbals
7. Co-Natural
8. Pure Desi
9. Alowis
10. Orglow
Appendix II 105