Test 2 Uitm

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Chapter 4 EDM

Machining processes that involve chip - Electrical energy is used to generate electrical
formation have a number of limitations: spark
 Large amounts of energy - Materials removal occurred due to the thermal
 Unwanted distortion energy of spark
 Residual stresses - Two different types of EDM exist based on the
Non-traditional machining (NTM) processes shape of the tool electrode
have several advantages 1. Ram EDM/sinker EDM
 Complex geometries are possible 2. Wire EDM
 Extreme surface finish
 Tight tolerances
 Delicate components
Four basic groups of material removal using
NTM processes
1. Mechanical
2. Chemical
3. Electrochemical
4. Thermal
ECM Process
 removes material by an electrochemical
 The tool is the cathode and the workpiece
is the anode
 Shape of workpiece is the mirror image of

Working Principle

- EDM system consists of a electrode and the

workpiece, connected to a power supply (pulse
DC) and placed in a dielectric fluid.
- The gap is filled by a die-electric fluid, which
Advantages Disadvantages ionized after collision with accelerated electron
from tool at inter electrode gap.
- Poorly machinable - Initial tooling can be - The ionization of die electric fluid creates a
materials may be timely and costly conduction path (plasma channel) and
processed - Environmentally produced spark.
- Little or no tool wear harmful - The spark produces tiny crater in the
- No burr & no by-products workpiece by melting & vaporization
distortion of - High temperature also melt & vaporize the
the holes tool (wear)

Principle of Operation
- Electrical energy is dissipated as the thermal
energy of the spark.
- Heat flux leads to extreme rise in temp.
(>10,000deg C)
- Material removal occurs due to instant
vaporization of the material & melting
Dielectric Fluids EBM
The functions of the dielectric fluid are to: - The energy source is high-velocity electrons,
1. Act as an insulator until the potential is which strike the workpiece surface and
sufficiently high generate heat
2. Provide a cooling medium - Used for very accurate cutting of a wide
3. Act as a flushing medium and carry away the variety of metals
debris in the gap - Surface finish is better and kerf width is
i.e. kerosene, distilled and deionized water narrower than in other thermal cutting
Electrodes - Requires vacuum condition
- Electrodes are made of graphite, brass, copper
or copper–tungsten alloys
- Can be shaped by forming, casting, powder
metallurgy, or CNC machining techniques
- Tool wear is related to the melting points of
the materials involved
- Lower the melting point of the electrode, the
higher is the wear rate


- Similar to contour cutting with a band saw - The source of energy is a laser which focuses
- A slowly moving wire travels along a optical energy on the surface of the workpiece
prescribed path will cut the workpiece - The highly focused, high-density energy source
- Wire is made of brass, copper, tungsten, melts and evaporates portions of the workpiece
molybdenum, zinc- or brass-coated or in a controlled manner

Process Capabilities
- It is used for drilling and cutting metals,
nonmetallic materials, ceramics, and composite
Advantages Disadvantages materials
- Applicable to all - Produces a hard - Laser-beam machining is being used
materials that are recast (resolidify) increasingly in the electronics and automotive
fairly good electrical surface industries
conductors - Surface may contain - Also used for welding, small-scale and localized
- Hardness, toughness, fine cracks caused by heat treating of metals and ceramics, and
or brittleness of the thermal stress marking of parts
material imposes no - Fumes can be toxic USM
limitations - ultrasonic machining (USM), also called
- Fragile and delicate ultrasonic grinding, high-frequency
parts vibrations delivered to a tool tip, embedded in
an abrasive slurry, by a booster, create accurate
cavities of virtually any shape; that are,
“negatives” of the tool.
- this method is non-thermal, non-electrical, and
non-chemical, it produces virtually stress-free
shapes even in hard and brittle work-pieces.
- Ultrasonic drilling is most effective for hard
and brittle materials; soft materials absorb too
much sound energy and make the process less Features of CNC system
efficient.  Machine control unit (MCU
 Axis drive relay
 Translation axis screw
 Controllable drive motor
 Feedback device

Chapter 5
Cnc(Computer Numerical Control)
- a method of automatically operating a
manufacturing machine based on a code of
letters, numbers, and special characters

Using CNC to :
Eliminate operator errors (provided machine &
tool operate correctly)
Lower labor cost
Flexibility in changes of component design
Complex design
Repeatable precision and accuracy

CNC machining can be found in many fields:

 Aerospace Flow of CAM :-
 Automotive
1. Develop or obtain the 3D geometric model
 Medical
of the part, using CAD.
 Architectural 2. Decide which machining operations and
 Art cutter-path directions are required
(computer assisted).
3. Choose the tooling required (computer
4. Run CAM software to generate the CNC
part program.
5. Verify and edit program.
6. Download the part program to the
Advantages of CNC over NC appropriate machine.
 Part program store memory 7. Verify the program on the actual machine
 Part program downloading or editing and edit if necessary.
 Simulation using tool path 8. Run the program and produce the part
 Tool offset data
Chapter 6
Jigs & Fixtures

Locating Pins

- A jig guides the cutting tool, in this case

with a bushing.
- Milling fixtures in position through
countersink hole on the workpiece

To apply pressure and press it against the
locating components

Objective Clamping & Locating

- Objective when mounting a part in fixture for
 Accurate position
Advantages  Restrict all 6 degrees of freedom so that
 increase productivity the part cannot move
 assure the high accuracy of the parts METHOD USED: 3-2-1 principle
 provide for interchangeability
 less skilled labor Drilling Jig
 Improve the safety at work  Use to drill holes
 To obtain positional accuracy of the hole,
Component hardened jig bushes are used to locate &
 Rigid body (plane or box type) guide the tool
 Locating elements (pins)
 Clamping elements (clamping screw)
 Tool guiding elements for jigs (bushes)

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