Violle2007 PDF
Violle2007 PDF
Violle2007 PDF
doi: 10.1111/j.2007.0030-1299.15559.x,
Copyright # Oikos 2007, ISSN 0030-1299
Subject Editor: Pia Mutikainen, Accepted 8 January 2007
Cyrille Violle, Marie-Laure Navas, Denis Vile, Elena Kazakou, Claire Fortunel,
Irène Hummel and Eric Garnier
Cyrille Violle (, Marie-Laure Navas, Denis Vile, Elena Kazakou, Claire Fortunel, Ire`ne Hummel and Eric
Garnier, CNRS, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, UMR 5175, 1919, Route de Mende, FR-34293 Montpellier Cedex 5,
France. MLN also at: Montpellier Supagro, 2 Place Viala, FR-34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France. DV also at: De´pt de Biologie,
Univ. de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (QC), Canada, J1K2R1.
In its simplest definition, a trait is a surrogate of organismal performance, and this meaning of the term has been
used by evolutionists for a long time. Over the last three decades, developments in community and ecosystem
ecology have forced the concept of trait beyond these original boundaries, and trait-based approaches are now
widely used in studies ranging from the level of organisms to that of ecosystems. Despite some attempts to fix
the terminology, especially in plant ecology, there is currently a high degree of confusion in the use, not only of
the term ‘‘trait’’ itself, but also in the underlying concepts it refers to. We therefore give an unambiguous
definition of plant trait, with a particular emphasis on functional trait. A hierarchical perspective is proposed,
extending the ‘‘performance paradigm’’ to plant ecology. ‘‘Functional traits’’ are defined as morpho-physio-
phenological traits which impact fitness indirectly via their effects on growth, reproduction and survival, the
three components of individual performance. We finally present an integrative framework explaining how
changes in trait values due to environmental variations are translated into organismal performance, and how
these changes may influence processes at higher organizational levels. We argue that this can be achieved by
developing ‘‘integration functions’’ which can be grouped into functional response (community level) and effect
(ecosystem level) algorithms.
Trait-based approaches are widely used in ecological defined at higher organizational levels (Fig. 1). Despite
and evolutionary research. Historically, the term ‘‘trait’’ some attempts to fix the terminology (Lavorel et al.
has naturally moved from the common language to a 1997, Semenova and van der Maarel 2000, Dı́az and
more scientific one in different disciplines (e.g. quanti- Cabido 2001), there is currently a high degree of
tative genetics, physiological ecology, functional ecol- confusion in the use, not only of the term ‘‘trait’’ itself,
ogy, population demography, evolutionary physiology, but also in the underlying concepts it refers to.
life-history evolution). Following Darwin’s (1859) A further complication has arisen with the introduc-
proposal, traits were initially mainly used as predictors tion of ‘‘functional traits’’, an expression coined with
(proxies) of organismal performance. Over the last three the emergence of functional ecology as a discipline
decades, developments in community (Grime 1974, (Calow 1987, Keddy 1992a). Current attempts to
Petchey and Gaston 2002, McGill et al. 2006) and devise functional classifications of organisms (Noble
ecosystem (Chapin 1993, Grime 1998, Lavorel and and Gitay 1996, Woodward and Cramer 1996, Lavorel
Garnier 2002, Eviner and Chapin 2003) ecology have et al. 1997), define the functional diversity of commu-
forced the concept of trait beyond these original nities (Walker et al. 1999, Petchey and Gaston 2002,
boundaries, and trait-based approaches are now used Mason et al. 2005) and assess species effects on
in studies ranging from the level of organisms to that of ecosystems (Lavorel and Garnier 2002, Eviner and
ecosystems. Within each discipline, diverse types of Chapin 2003), all advocate the use of ‘‘functional
traits are thus used to assess inherent components traits’’. McGill et al. (2006) even proposed that
involved in the explanation of complex processes functional traits should be the corner stone in a
Level of organization Challenge of
interest Inherentcomponents
Inherent components Examplesoftraits
Examples of traits
Population Finite rate of increase Death
Demographic traits
? Immigration
Fig. 1. Pathways linking the challenge of interest of different organizational levels, through their related inherent components, to
some examples of traits found in the literature. Without trait-based information, scaling-up to higher organizational levels needs
complex integration information (I). Thus fitness components of an individual determine the components of the finite rate of
increase (l) of the population (II P). Occurrence and frequency of species at the community level encompass components of l
through complex integration (e.g. biotic interactions) (IP C). Finally, scaling-up to ecosystem properties can be done by
combining functional property of each species of the community (IC E). Using traits as proxies of a process at a particular
organizational level can sometimes be done without such integration function. For example, at the ecosystem level, ecosystem
productivity (one component of ecosystem functioning) shows a strong positive relationship with plant height (an effect trait)
(Saugier et al. 2001).
rebuilding of community ecology. However, as it is the level (four leaf traits, three traits describing the stature
case for ‘‘traits’’, the definition and use of ‘‘functional of the plants and seed mass), while three were measured
traits’’ remains ambiguous, as we will show below. at a plot level (standing biomass, vegetation cover and
The aims of this paper are to propose unambiguous canopy height). In the second one, Eviner (2004)
definitions of ‘‘traits’’ and ‘‘functional traits,’’ and to characterized the influence of plant standing biomass,
suggest a framework on how traits could be used to soil conditions and microbial phosphorus, all defined as
address current issues in community and ecosystem ‘‘plant traits’’ (see Table 4 of Eviner’s paper for details),
ecology. Although some concepts and examples will be on ecosystem properties such as litter characteristics,
drawn from animals, the main focus will be on plants. labile carbon inputs, and on soil temperature and
moisture. In both studies, the dependent variables
were defined at the ecosystem level, and were explained
Plant traits: definitions by some ‘‘traits’’, considered as independent variables.
However, as the lists above show, plant ‘‘traits’’
Two recent papers dealing with the impact of plant characterized the features of individuals, whole com-
functional diversity on ecosystem properties are repre- munities and even soil conditions. Lumping such
sentative of the degree of confusion in the use of the different features under the same word ‘‘trait’’ therefore
term ‘‘trait’’. In the first one, Petchey et al. (2004) mixes very different components of community struc-
tested how different indices of functional diversity ture: the number of individuals per unit ground area
could explain differences in biomass production. These and the characteristics of these individuals (see ‘‘Inte-
indices were calculated using a number of so-called gration functions’’ below) and, in the case of soil
‘‘traits’’: eight were measured at the individual plant conditions, their environment. Obviously, the factors
influencing e.g. the number of individuals are likely to is required to define a trait. At the population level, we
be somewhat different from those influencing their suggest to stick to the terminology used by e.g. Caswell
characteristics. We argue that using the same term (1989) and use ‘‘demographic parameters’’ instead of
‘‘trait’’ to designate such different aspects of a commu- traits. At the community or ecosystem level, we suggest
nity can only lead to an unproductive confusion in the to use the term ‘‘property’’ to designate any feature or
identification of the underlying mechanisms controlling process such as community diversity, standing biomass,
community structure and ecosystem functioning. Kill- decomposition or soil resource availabilities.
ingbeck (1986) argues for four criteria to validate an This definition of a trait requires further precisions:
appropriate term: (1) unambiguous, (2) descriptive, (3) (1) the particular value or modality taken by the trait at
as simple and short as possible, and (4) frequently used any place and time is called an ‘‘attribute’’ (Lavorel et al.
to describe the [feature] in question. These examples 1997); (2) within a species, the trait, either continuous
show that, as currently used, ‘‘trait’’ apparently con- or categorical, may show different attributes along
forms to criteria (3) only. environmental gradients (Fig. 2) or through time; (3)
Given the wide range of research fields that use the the attribute for a trait is usually assessed for one
term ‘‘trait’’ (Fig. 1), suggesting a proper definition population (average of attributes of a set of individuals)
appears far from trivial. In many cases, a trait is defined in space and time (i.e. for a single value of the x-axis of
at the level of the individual (Table 1, 2). Noticeable Fig. 2). This has two consequences. First, there is not a
exceptions include traits defined at the plot/ecosystem single trait attribute for any particular species (Fig. 2).
level as discussed above, and ‘‘demographic traits’’ Assessing intra- vs inter-specific variability of traits is
defined at the population level. To avoid confusion, clearly of interest in this context (Garnier et al. 2001,
we suggest that traits be used at the level of the Cornelissen et al. 2003, Roche et al. 2004). Even
individual only, with the following definition: a trait is categorical traits such as life-form or the ability to fix
any morphological, physiological or phenological fea- atmospheric nitrogen, which are generally considered as
ture measurable at the individual level, from the cell to inherent to the species, may actually vary with environ-
the whole-organism level, without reference to the mental conditions: for example, it is well known that
environment or any other level of organization. This nitrogen fixation is inhibited at high soil nitrogen
definition implies that no information external to the availability (Hartwig 1998). Second, information on
individual (environmental factors) or at any other level the local environment where the trait has been measured
of organization (population, community or ecosystem) is essential to interpret the ecological/evolutionary
Table 1. Examples of traits used in the literature, with the function, component or process they are supposed to capture the levels of
definition and application, and selected references.
Ecophysiological trait Relative fitness Individual Individual Resource uptake and utilization
(e.g. leaf size, photosynthetic rate)
(Ackerly et al. 2000)
Functional trait See Table 2
Life-history trait (1) Relative fitness Individual Individual Insect adult body (Honek 1993)
(2) Phenology Individual Individual Lifespan, time to first reproduction
(McIntyre et al. 1999)
(3) Demographic traits and finite Individual Population Clutch size, age at maturity in bird
rate of increase ecology (Saether and Bakke 2000)
of a population (l)
Demographic trait* Finite rate of increase of a Population Population Rates of birth, death, immigration
population (l) and emigration (Caswell 1989)
Vital attribute Vegetation replacement sequences Individual Community Ability to establish and grow to
(Noble and Slatyer 1980) maturity in a community (Noble
and Slatyer 1980)
Biological trait Species distribution (survival Individual Community e.g. growth form, leaf area, fruit
ability in an environment) size for distribution of hydrophytes
(Willby et al. 2000)
* many views of ‘‘demographic traits’’ have been found in the population ecology literature. We restrict the term ‘‘demographic
traits’’ to population-level measures which directly condition the finite rate of increase (l): age- or stage-specific rates of survival,
reproduction, growth, development, etc (‘‘vital rates’’ in Caswell 1989, 1996). One of the aims of population dynamics is to explore
the sensibility of the population rate of increase to changes in any of the vital rates through changes in organismal traits which are
called ‘‘life-history traits’’ (or sometimes ‘‘demographic traits’’ sensu lato). With this restricted definition, the level of definition of
demographic traits is only the population one
Table 2. Examples of plant functional traits found in literature, with the function, component or process they are supposed to
capture the levels of definition and application.
Functional trait (1) Physiological process (e.g. photosynthesis, respiration) Individual Individual
(Calow 1987) (physiological view)
(2) Life-history process (e.g. germination, growth, reproduction) Individual Individual/
(Weiher et al. 1999) (demographic view) population
(3) Individual fitness (Reich et al. 2003) (fitness-related view) Individual Individual
(4) Performance measures (Geber and Griffen 2003, Individual Individual
McGill et al. 2006) (performance-related view)
Performance trait Fitness components (growth reproduction, survival) (Geber and Individual Individual
Griffen 2003)
Response trait Response of a plant to environmental changes (Keddy 1992b, Individual Individual
Lavorel and Garnier 2002)
Effect trait Effect of a plant on ecosystem functioning (Dı́az and Individual Ecosystem
Cabido 2001, Lavorel and Garnier 2002)
Hard trait Function s.l. at any organizational level (Hodgson et al. 1999, Individual Any organizational
Weiher et al. 1999) level
Soft trait Hard trait (soft trait is more easily measurable than the hard Individual Individual
trait itself) (Hodgson et al. 1999, Weiher et al. 1999)
Functional marker Function s.l. at any organizational level (more easily Individual Any organizational
measurable than the function itself) (Garnier et al. 2004) level
The ‘‘performance paradigm’’ constitutes a very useful vegetative biomass at the end of a growing season.
framework, which has been introduced only very Recent advances in plant ecophysiology have gone one
recently in plant ecology (Ackerly et al. 2000, Geber step forward, and identified the underlying M-P-P traits
and Griffen 2003). As argued by McGill et al. (2006) which had the strongest impacts on RGR (Poorter and
who advocate the use of unified ‘‘performance curren- van der Werf 1998, Shipley 2006), one of them being
cies’’ to improve our understanding of plant commu- specific leaf area (cf. Fig. 4B). The M-P-P traits may be
nity, acknowledging the importance of individual inter-related (Fig. 3): among a wealth of examples, one
performance is central in ecology. We suggest that the such relationship is that between specific leaf area (the
three components of plant fitness (growth, reproduc- ratio of leaf area to leaf dry mass) and net photosynthesic
tion and survival) be assessed by the measure of only rate observed both at the leaf (Fig. 4A) and whole-plant
three performance traits: vegetative biomass, reproduc- (Fig. 4B) levels. The search for relationships between
tive output and plant survival (Fig. 3). Vegetative M-P-P traits and performance traits is an on-going quest
biomass represents the net cumulated outcome of all in plant ecology (Ackerly et al. 2000, Geber and Griffen
growth and loss processes, reproductive output can be 2003), at the cross-roads of ecophysiology, ecological
measured by the seed biomass plus the reproductive genetics and community ecology.
accessories and/or the number of seeds produced, and The identification of performance traits imposes a
plant survival is assessed by a binary variable (an hierarchy among plant traits, which can be important in
individual is dead or alive in the environmental statistical analysis (Arnold 1983), using for example
condition considered) or a probability (in this case, structural equation modelling (Ackerly et al. 2000, Vile
information about a cohort of individuals is needed). et al. 2006a). More generally, it may prove useful to
The value of these three performance traits is influenced address particular questions such as the identification of
by morphological, physiological and phenological suites of quantitative traits to explain ecosystem
(M-P-P) traits, operating from the cell to the whole functioning (Eviner and Chapin 2003) or plant
plant levels (Fig. 3). strategies (Vile et al. 2006a), or to assess functional
In the case of vegetative biomass, a convenient diversity based on the clustering of plant traits (Petchey
framework may be used to unravel relationships and Gaston 2002).
between M-P-P traits and performance traits. Vegeta-
tive biomass at any time t (VMt) can be written as:
The special case of functional traits
VMt VM0 eRGRt (1)
‘‘Plant functional trait’’ is a currently widely used
this simple equation shows that VM0, the initial plant expression in plant ecology (Dı́az and Cabido 2001,
mass (e.g. seed mass in the case of annuals), RGR, the Lavorel and Garnier 2002, Hooper et al. 2005), but its
relative growth rate, and t, the duration of active growth, actual meaning varies substantially among authors
potentially play a role in the determination of the (Table 2). It may be understood as a surrogate of a
M-P-P trait 1
M-P-P trait 2
Vegetative biomass
M-P-P trait 3
Reproductive output Plant performance Individual fitness
M-P-P trait 4
Plant survival
M-P-P trait k
Fig. 3. Arnold’s (1983) framework revisited in a plant ecology perspective. Morpho-physio-phenological (M-P-P) traits (from 1
to k) modulate one or all three performance traits (vegetative biomass, reproductive output and plant survival) which determine
plant performance and, in fine, its individual fitness. M-P-P traits may be inter-related (dashed double-arrows). For clarity, inter-
relations among performance traits and feedbacks between performance and M-P-P traits are not represented.
function (e.g. specific leaf area: see above) or as this
s )
-1 -1 leaf
function itself (e.g. photosynthesis) (Fig. 4A), with the
difficulty to agree on the actual meaning of function
Net photosyntetic rate (nmol CO2 g
Plant traits and environment
2 Environmental factors can be considered as filters
r = 0.78**
(n = 12)
constraining which individuals bearing specific attri-
butes of ‘‘response traits’’ are able to be sorted out and
10 15 20 25 30 persist in a community (Keddy 1992b). Different sets
2 -1
Specific leaf area (m kg )
of response traits to environmental factors such as
resources and disturbances have been recognized in
Fig. 4. Relationships between specific leaf area and processes plants (Chapin et al. 1993, Grime et al. 1997, Lavorel
measured at three different organization levels. (A): leaf level and Garnier 2002, Ackerly 2004). For example, age at
(drawn from data taken in Wright et al. 2004); (B): whole maturity, seedling relative growth rate, growth form,
plant level (drawn from data taken in Wright and Westoby
shoot height, are response traits to fire (Lavorel and
2001); (C): community level (drawn from data taken in
Garnier et al. 2004); in this latter case, specific leaf area is Garnier 2002).
weighed by the abundance of species in the communities Following animal ecologists (Irschick and Garland
(community functional parameter). Pearson correlation coef- 2001, Irschick 2003), we propose that the response of
ficients (r) and number of data points (between brackets) are the whole-organism performance to an environmental
given for each relationship. Significance levels: **, p B/0.01; variable be called an ‘‘ecological performance’’. Thus an
***, pB/0.001. Note that the quantities on both axes are ecological performance can be defined as the optimum
equivalent and expressed in comparable units across the three and/or the breadth of distribution of performance traits
organizational levels. along an environmental gradient (Fig. 5). Examples
Optimum individuals per unit ground area) by information at the
individual level (plant biomass, one of the three
performance traits as discussed above). More complex
Performance trait
Ecological perfomance
integration functions have been proposed and used to
scale-up from plant traits to communities (McGill et al.
2006) and ecosystems (Garnier et al. 2004, Kerkhoff
and Enquist 2006), and their precise form will depend
on the property under study. Below, a general frame-
work showing how this scaling-up could be done is
Environmental variable presented, using ‘‘functional response and effect algo-
rithms’’ as proposed by Naeem and Wright (2003).
Fig. 5. Graphical definition of an ecological performance. An From a theoretical perspective, understanding and
ecological performance can be defined as the optimum and/or
predicting the functioning of an ecosystem (the highest
the breadth of distribution of one of the three performance
traits along an environmental gradient; see text for more organization level described in Fig. 1) requires the
details. knowledge of the identity of species, the number of
individuals of each species and of the attributes of these
species (Fig. 1). A first step is therefore to assess the
include environmental tolerances (e.g. to shade,
relative abundance of species i in a community j (Ai,j),
drought, heavy-metals, or herbivory), habitat or ecolo-
which is a function of the demographic parameters
gical preferences (e.g. Ellenberg’s numbers, Ellenberg
(DPi,j) of each population composing this community,
1988). These are sometimes called ‘‘traits’’ (e.g. shade
and the performance traits (PTi,j) of the individuals
tolerance, Huston and Smith 1987, frost tolerance-
from these populations. This can be written as:
McGill et al. 2006, habitat or ecological preferences by
species abundance, Pywell et al. 2003), but according to
the definition given above, this should not be so, since
external (here environmental) variables are required for
g f (PT ; DP ) dt
ij ij (3)
(Garnier et al. 2004, Vile et al. 2006b, Quétier et al. (e.g. plant-soil feedbacks, complex biotic interactions,
unpubl.). Ecosystem properties therefore depend on functional complementarity; Dı́az et al. 2007).
effect traits (ET) weighted according to the relative Acknowledging that species traits have potential
abundance of species. The term ‘‘community-aggregated impacts at higher organization levels protracts the
trait’’ has been proposed to define this community-level concept of ‘‘extended phenotype’’ i.e. the effects of
feature, but this is not in agreement with our definition genes at levels higher than the population developed
of trait, which should be restricted to the individual in a perspective of a community and ecosystem genetics
level. Therefore, by analogy with the ‘‘demographic (Whitham et al. 2003). The framework of integration
parameter’’ which is a population-level feature based on functions proposed here at the species level can easily be
aggregation of individual level features, we propose the extended to any group of individuals sharing the same
term ‘‘community functional parameter’’ (CFP) for traits (e.g. genotypes, populations, functional groups)
such a community-aggregated feature: or being at the same demographic or ontogenic stages.
nj In this case, the probability distributions of traits in the
CFPj Ak;j ETk;j (4) community are required. The main advantage is that
k1 this integration might be done without taxinomic or
genetic information and that it takes into account inter-
where nj is the number of species sampled in community
individual variance, an important aspect of functional
j, Ak,j is the relative abundance of species k in
community j, and ETk,j is the effect trait of species k diversity (Petchey and Gaston 2006). Overall, this
in community j. For example, community-aggregated suggests that approaches recently developed in commu-
specific leaf area has been shown to be related to specific nity and ecosystem ecology apply to the emerging field
above-ground net primary productivity of herbaceous of community/ecosystem genetics.
communities (Fig. 4C). This shows that information on
community structure (local abundances of species) and
functional identity of species (specific leaf area) can be Conclusions
combined into integration functions (IC E in Fig. 1) to
explain the functioning of ecosystems of known com- Plant traits are increasingly used to address questions
position. Integration function might be non-linear when from organisms to ecosystems and beyond. For the con-
the effects of species composition on community cept to be functional, we suggest to stick to the termino-
dynamics and ecosystem functioning are not additive logy summarized in Table 3. The main points are:
Terms Definitions
Individual level:
Overall definitions:
/ Trait / Any morphological, physiological or phenological feature measurable at the
individual level, from the cell to the whole-organism level, without reference
to the environment or any other level of organization.
/ Attribute / Value or modality taken by a trait at a point of an environmental gradient.
/ Functional trait / Any trait which impacts fitness indirectly via its effects on growth,
reproduction and survival.
/ Performance trait / Direct measure of fitness. In plants, only three types of performance traits are
recognized: vegetative biomass, reproductive output (e.g. seed biomass, seed
number), plant survival.
Interactions with environment:
/ Response trait / Any trait the attribute of which varies in response to changes in environmental
/ Ecological performance / Response of the whole-organism performance, assessed by one or more
performance traits (maximum, mean or variance), to an environmental
/ Effect trait / Any trait which reflects the effects of a plant on environmental conditions;
community or ecosystem properties.
Population, community and ecosystem levels:
/ Demographic parameter / Population feature which directly conditions the finite rate of increase (l) of the
population: age- or stage-specific rates of survival, reproduction, growth,
/ Community or ecosystem property / Any feature or process measured at the community or ecosystem level
/ Community functional parameter / Any feature resulting from the community-aggregation of functional traits
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Acknowledgements The ideas in this paper come from 85: 2215 2229.
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S. Lavorel, C. Roumet and A. Kerkhoff provided useful
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