Analysis of Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Among
Analysis of Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Among
Analysis of Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Among
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Errors in language learning have always been the centre of attention, and knowledge of
grammar has become one of the most actively discussed questions in language and
intense community interest, evident in media discussions, especially by those who are
concerned with the standard of English language learning and teaching. When educators
used the audio lingual approach (ALM), errors were not tolerated at all. However, with
has changed because errors are now considered a part and parcel of second language
acquisition. Errors committed by the learners revealed the true state of second language
learners’ proficiency of the new language they are learning at a particular point in time.
Apart from that they also revealed what the second language learners do not know and
some rules enough to use them like the basic rules of SVA and to know how to apply the
rules in forming sentences. As for students at the upper level, they probably need to be
able to understand the rule of SVA in depth and discuss the grammatical problems with
their teachers.
Researchers like Bhatia (1974) and Maziani (1984) as cited by Munir Shuib
(1991) indicate that agreement presents a problem to ESL learners. This is supported by
Surina and Kamarulzaman (2009) when they claim that majority of the students in
Malaysia still have problems with their subject-verb agreement in their writing. They
Agreement, the subject must agree with the verb. Singular subject is
followed by singular verb and, plural subject takes a plural verb. This
Simple Past Tense, the main verbs, ’was’ and ‘were’ need
components in grammar and this will determine what action needs to be taken in the
teaching and learning ESL grammar. This study can contribute to the teaching and
learning ESL grammar. It can be used as a guide for teachers to decide what remedial
action has to be taken in order to overcome the difficulties faced by ESL learners in using
subject-verb agreement. In addition, the findings of this study may help teachers to
revise and devise more suitable instructional materials and procedures to make teaching
Literature review
certainly because English is not the learners’ mother tongue as the learners’ first language
can either be Malay, Chinese or Tamil. It is significant for this study to look at
interlanguage to show how far the interference of mother tongue language is evident in
the learners’ writing product. The term interlanguage was first used by Selinker in 1972.
According to Ellis (1986: 47), various alternative terms have been used by different
systems and Corder (1971) to idiosyncratic dialects and transitional competence. The
terms reflect two related but different concepts. First, interlanguage refers to a structured
system, which the learner constructs at any given stage in his development. Second, the
term refers to the series of interlocking systems (i.e an interlanguage), which forms what
Corder called the learner’s built-in syllabus (i.e the interlanguage continuum).
By the late 1960s, second language learning began to be examined in much the
same way that first language learning had been studied for some time. Learners were
looked on not as procedures of malformed, imperfect language replete with mistakes but
acquisition, creatively acting upon their linguistic environment as they encounter its form
and functions in meaningful contexts. By a gradual process of trial and error and
hypothesis testing, learners slowly and tediously succeed in establishing closer and closer
Dorn (2000) states that the sentences created by words and phrases are the
essential blocks of meaning that allow us to communicate thoughts. If these are not
constructed carefully, they can make reading difficult. He further states that major basic
usage and grammar slips in written English are those associated with verbs. Based on the
fact that subject-verb agreement area is very important to express ideas especially in
writing, where non verbal communication is absent, the students really need to master
this rule in order to write effectively. As a result, they can convey their message clearly
and effectively. By writing a piece of work that is error free, it shows that learners have
mastered the English grammar rules and it will give a good impression to others who read
their work.
Subject-verb agreement is one of the structures that is introduced very early to the
students (Nor Arfah, 1988). However, they still face problems in acquiring the correct
form of the structure. According to Celce-Murcia and Freeman (1983: 10), “In spite of
the early introduction and superficially simple rules of the subject-verb agreement, they
still pose problems for ESL learners at all levels or proficiency”. Malaysian ESL learners
tongue or the language acquired first) which is Bahasa Malaysia, there is no such rule
plural require the same form of verb. Surina and Kamaruzaman (2009) provide the
following as examples:
Abu dan Amin pergi ke kedai. Abu and Amin - plural subjects
This is supported by Bahiyah and Basil Wijayasuria (1998) where they find that
Malay learners have difficulty in the subject-verb agreement because Bahasa Malaysia
does not differentiate between persons and, therefore it is not necessary for verbs to agree
with the subject. In English, however, this is essential in the present tense and with the
verb ‘be’. Because of this, it creates confusion among learners who tend to make errors in
their writing. Although the subject-verb agreement structure was introduced early to
students i.e. when they were in the primary level, they still face problems in acquiring the
correct form of it. Celce Murcia and Freeman (1983) as cited by Nor Arfah (1988), state
that in spite of the early introduction and the superficially simple rules of the subject-verb
agreement, they still pose problems for the ESL learners at all levels or proficiency. Some
As the example shows, the learner failed to employ the correct rule of subject-verb
agreement where a singular subject requires a singular verb. The learner’s writing should
Hughes and Heah (1989) state that some examples of the typical mistakes made by the
Foreigners are people who comes from another country. (people who come)
Everybody were watching to see what would happen next. (Everybody was)
In addition, Munir (1991) in his research on the various types of agreement in English,
claims that the subject-verb agreement (especially the number agreement) appears to be
the most problematic area faced by Malaysian learners of English. Some examples are:
As the examples show, the learner fails to employ the correct rule of subject-verb
agreement. The learner should always remember that a singular subject requires a
singular form of the verb and a plural subject requires a plural verb. Thus, the learner
should write:
The theoretical approach that is used in this study is what is known as Error Analysis
(EA). Error Analysis assumes that the learners make a major element in the feedback
system of the language teaching and learning process (Corder, 1967). It also assumes that
errors are not ‘unwanted forms,’ but evidence of the learner’s active contribution to
second language acquisition (Ellis 1986:54). Errors provide information which could be
used to sequence items for teaching or to devise remedial lessons (Ellis 1986:51).
(1992:150) states that errors are shown to provide insights into the child learner’s
employed by children acquiring their mother tongue and by those learning a second
language is a way the learner has of testing his hypotheses about the nature of the
language he is learning. To analyze the errors made by the subject, the researchers
employ Corder’s Error Analysis procedure (Corder 1974, as cited by Ellis, 1986: 51-52)
a. A corpus of language is selected. This involves deciding on the size of the sample,
the medium and the homogeneity of the sample (with regard to the learners’ ages,
b. The errors in the corpus are identified. Corder (1967) points out the need to
distinguish ‘lapses’ (i.e. deviant sentences that are the result of processing
limitations rather than lack of competence). He also points out that the sentences
can be ‘overtly idiosyncratic’ (i.e. they are ill-formed in terms of target language
each error.
d. The errors are explained. At this stage, an attempt is made to identify the
e. The errors are evaluated. This stage involves assessing the seriousness of each
In the present study, all the five steps above were strictly followed. After the sample was
obtained, all errors related to subject-verb agreement were identified. Then, they were
classified into various categories and assigned appropriate grammatical labels. This will
teaching course majoring in English Language Studies. They are from a teacher’s
training college in a northern state of Malaysia. The trainees possessed degrees in the
related field and attended their postgraduate teacher training course at a teachers’ training
college. The respondents had at least 16 years of experience in learning English language
The instruments used for data collection are two types of essays – factual and
argumentative. Below are the two topics selected to represent the two modes of writing:
Before asking the respondents to write, they were informed that the results will not affect
their grade for the current semester. However, the results might benefit the institution
later in terms of teaching and learning English grammar. The respondents were asked to
write the essays in two different sessions. They were given 40 minutes to complete each
essay. The essays were later analysed and classified into five categories: The essays were
marked by an expert in the field of TESL with 15 years of experience. The errors were
categorized into
These five categories of subject-verb agreement are used as the basis for error analysis.
Moreover, these five categories include the general rule and also the sub-rules of subject-
verb agreement. The frequency of errors in each category was then calculated and
After analyzing the errors produced by the respondents, it is found that they had errors in
all 5 subject-verb agreement categories investigated in both topics. The result of the use
Table 1: Total Number and Percentage of SVA Errors
20 21 12 0 2 1 36 4018 36/4018
20 22 12 1 2 1 38 4063 38/4063
Table 1 indicates the findings of errors produced by the respondents. The findings
show that the respondents produced almost the same amount of errors with regards to the
‘Education for Survival’, the majority of the students produced more errors in this
category (58%). The same goes to the second topic ‘College is better than school.
The Errors
a. With modern and up-to-date education, we can ensure that our people is equipped
c. Now, people is not looking for appropriate job but a stable one.
The errors committed by the respondents are errors of subject-verb agreement of person.
The respondents are still confused with the use of matching the plural noun or subject
with plural verb and to associate the singular noun or subject with the singular verb.
a. With modern and up-to-date education, we can ensure that our people are
c. Now, people are not looking for an appropriate job but a stable one.
Table 1 also indicates that the respondents have problems with subject-verb agreement of
number. 33% errors were committed in the first mode of writing (factual) and 31.6% in
the second mode of writing (argumentative). This category is the second most committed
errors found in the essays written by the respondents. In subject verb agreement of
number verb may change forms depending on whether its subject is singular or plural.
For example, a singular, first-person subject requires a different form of the verb, to be,
e. Doctor will be able to overcome daily problems and have a better life than a
The examples above show that respondents have misused the verb ‘have’ in sentence
3 and 5. In sentences 1 and 2, the regular plural verbs are used instead of singular verbs
as the subjects (Islam and Knowledge) are in singular forms. The 4th sentence indicates
the wrong use of ‘be’ verb ‘is’ instead of ‘are’ because the subject ‘changes’ is a plural
agreement with indefinite expression of amount. Under this category, the respondents
were found to make 5.6% errors while writing the first topic and 5.3% in the second
Expressions of time, money and distance usually take a singular verb. For example:
Expressions using the phrase number of depend on the meaning of the phrase:
They take plural verbs when they are used as indefinite quantifiers (see rule 1 above):
When fractions and percentages modify mass noun – the rule says use singular
verbs. Also use plural verbs when they modify plural nouns and either singular or plural
verbs can be used when they modify collective nouns. Therefore, in sentence 1‘money’
functions as a singular noun and thus, needs to be followed by a singular verb – ‘does’.
When indefinite words with a singular meaning such as ‘each’, ‘every’ and ‘any’ are the
subject word and when they precede the subject word, they take a singular verb. This
subject and needs a singular verb with the inflection of ‘s’ – ‘needs’. As for sentence 3,
‘everybody’ indicates a singular subject and should be followed by a singular verb –
proximity produced by the respondents. Table 1 show that this is the least error
committed by the respondents, 2.8% in the first topic and 2.6% in the second. Below are
b. The government have provided enough facilities to ensure its citizens satisfied.
to the idea of number rather than the presence of grammatical marker for that idea. In
British English, for example, collective nouns such as government are often treated as
Sentence 1, the verb ‘has’ is used to refer to ‘the government’ and this is not accepted
based on the explanations given by Quirk and Greenbaum (1990). While sentence 2 has
the right plural marker ‘have’ but later in the sentence the writer has changed the marker
to singular ‘its’.
From the findings discussed earlier, general remedial actions should be recommended.
Since the subject and verb are the two most important components in constructing correct
and complete sentences, students should be made aware of the importance. Thus, more
emphasis should be given to it in the teaching and learning ESL grammar. This is
especially crucial as the respondents of this particular study are postgraduate teacher
trainees majoring in English Language. They need to equip themselves with good
students should be exposed to online learning where they can access websites on English
which include idioms, phrasal verbs and vocabulary. English Club is also an interesting
website for learning and teaching English. The website offers fun English lessons that
include games, quizzes, projects and chats. The learners should be encouraged to use all
available websites which are free of charge to learn more about English grammar in a
activities. In developing linguistic resources, ESL/EFL learners can benefit greatly from
learning how various grammatical features and grammatical systems are used in authentic
written texts (Frodessen, 2001). According to Frodessen (2001), analysis of such texts
can help learners who are already familiar with prescriptive grammar rules but who still
definite and indefinite articles and present-perfect and past-perfect verb forms. Text
analysis can also benefit learners with mostly implicit knowledge of grammar rather than
recommended that the teachers should include the differences between grammar rules in
the students’ L1 and L2 so that they are aware that there are such differences and later
The findings of the study reveal that even at the level of postgraduate studies (majoring
in English) learners still face difficulties in subject-verb agreement. They were found to
make mistakes in all five categories of subject-verb agreements namely: the subject-verb
of subject, the agreement with coordinated subject and the notional agreement and
proximity. It is thus important for remedial actions be taken to curb this problem.
Students should be encouraged to use online learning by completing the quizzes and
exercises available on English grammar. They should also be made aware of the
differences between their mother tongue’s and English grammar so that they will not
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Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
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Dorn, D. 2000. Building Essays: A reader centered writing guide. New Jersey: Prentice
Ellis, R. 1986. Understanding Second Language Acquisition, Oxford: Oxford University
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Munir Shuib, 1991 An analysis of Malaysian learners’ English agreement errors.
Unpublished M.A. Dissertation, University of Essex.
Quirk, R and Greenbaum, S. 1990. A Concise Grammar of contemporary English.
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Nor Arfah Haji Ahmad. (1988). The performance of Malay High School Students on
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