1 Grupa
1 Grupa
1 Grupa
Class: ________________________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words Personality adjectives
in brackets. Adjective + preposition Negative prefixes
0 What are you reading (you / read) now? Word families
1 Have (you / ever / go) to London?
1 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the
2 Where (be / Tim and Helen) today?
underlined adjective. The first letter of each word is given.
3 (it / rain) at the moment?
4 What (your father / do) for a job? 0 I expected my last lesson to be boring, but actually it was
5 (you / like) eating pizza? very i n t e r e s t i n g.
6 What time (your brother / get) to school 1 I think it’s important to be generous – it’s much better than
every day? being m _ _ _ .
7 How long (you / live) in this house? 2 Ted is always so negative about things. Why can’t he be
8 What (Ben / do) now? more p _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
3 Some people think my brother’s a bit lazy, but in fact he’s
very h _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Verb + -ing form or verb + to-infinitive 4 Samantha is usually in a good mood, but yesterday she
1 Choose the correct options. was quite g _ _ _ _ _ .