LB3 Unit Test Welcome A

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Unit Test Welcome A

2 Complete the sentences with some,

Grammar any, a/an or no.
1 Complete the conversation with the 0 There’s a lamp in my bedroom, but
present simple or present continuous it’s broken.
form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Look! I’ve got a
photos of my house on my phone.
Martin: Hi, Emma, what 2 There aren’t any
are you doing (you/do) stairs in Martin’s house.
here? 3 I live in a flat on the fifth floor, but
Emma: I1 there’s some lift.
am coming
(come) to the There are a lot of stairs to climb!
sports centre every Friday. 4 I haven’t got a desk in my bedroom
It 2 is was
because there isn’t
(be) great! any space for it.
Martin: What sports 3 are you
5 There’s an old
mirror in the hall in my house.
Emma: I usually play tennis. But ___/5 marks
tonight I 4 am
playing (play)
badminton with Luke and 3 Complete the blog with the past
Jodie. simple or past continuous form of the
Luke: She 5 is playing verbs in brackets.
(play) really well. Do you?
Martin: No, I don’t. I 6 am wasn't Luke and I 0went (go) to the shopping
(not be) good at all! centre yesterday. It’s really big and it’s
Luke: 7
are you want got a lot of different shops. While we
(you/want) to play a game are looked (look) at
with us? computer games, we 2 are
Martin: But I 8 am not know saw (see) Emma and
(not know) how to play! Jodie. They 3 are bought
Emma: No problem. We’ll teach (buy) a present for Jodie’s brother
you. because it’s his birthday next Saturday.
Martin: And I 9 am wearing Last year, she 4 is got
(wear) my jeans. (give) him a sweater, but he 5 isnt
Luke: I’ve got some extra shorts. liked (not like) it.
You can borrow them.
Martin: That 10 is ___/5 marks
sound (sound)
great! Thanks.

___/10 marks

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Vocabulary 5 There’s a hole in the bedroom /
kitchen / ceiling. Can you see it? It’s
4 Match the adjectives from the box to above the TV.
the descriptions. There is one extra 6 Can you put your dirty plates in the
adjective. curtains / dishwasher / washing
● bad-tempered ● big-headed
● bossy ● clever ● generous ___/6 marks
● honest ● lazy ● mean
● polite ● shy 6 Read the descriptions and write the
words. The first letter is given.
0 Tom gets good marks at school.
clever 0 This person puts out fires and
1 John never buys things for other rescues people. f i r e f i g h t e r
people. mean 1 This person flies a plane. p _i _ l_
2 Lucy never gets up early and she o_ t
doesn’t work hard. 2 This person looks after the home.
lazy h________
3 Philip always says ‘please’ and 3 This person is an animal doctor.
‘thank you’. polite v _e _t
4 Sam often buys things for other 4 This person works in a hospital and
people. generous looks after you. n _ u_r _s _e
5 Anna never copies or lies. 5 This person works in a shop and
honest helps you. shop _ a _ s_ s_i _s _t _
6 George is always angry. bad a_n _t
temped 6 This person works in a recording
7 Suzie always tells people what to studio. He helps bands make
do. bossy music. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
8 Dave thinks he’s brilliant. big
___/6 marks
___/8 marks

5 Choose the correct words.

0 There’s a loft / basement / balcony

at the top of my house.
1 We put milk in the freezer/ fridge /
sink to keep it cool.
2 You can see your face in a wall /
ceiling / mirror.
3 Most people keep coats and shoes
in the hall / window / carpet of their
4 Don’t walk on the carpet / mirror /
lamp in your football shoes. You will
make it dirty.

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Function 8 Write the question words to
7 Complete the questions with words complete the conversation.
and phrases from the box. There are
two extra. A: Why don’t we look at the clothes in
Top Girl?
B: OK, I need some new jeans.
● What time ● What ● Who A: 1
why are you
● Why ● Whose ● How much wearing a hat?
● How far ● What sort of
B: They’re too tight. I want some
0 A: What’s your name? baggy jeans.
B: It’s Holly. A: I saw some baggy ones in here.
1 A: who mobile B: Really? 2 where are
phone is this? they? I can’t see them.
B: It’s Tom’s. A: Over there. Next to the door.
2 A: wath sort of B: Oh yes. 3 how many
books do you like? are they?
B: I like adventure stories. A: Let’s see … £25.
3 A: how far did you B: Hmm. I like these blue ones, but I
get to school this morning? also like the black ones.
B: I was there at ten to nine. which ones do
4 A: what time is it you like?
from your house to the park? A: The blue ones.
B: It’s two kilometres. B: Oh look, there’s someone I know!
5 A: why are you A: who is it?
wearing a hat? B: It’s my teacher!
B: Because it’s cold.
___/5 marks
___/5 marks
Total: ___/50 marks

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