AppendixI Attachments
AppendixI Attachments
AppendixI Attachments
Structure Max Ht Total Design Crest Crest Length Lat Lat Lat Long Long Long
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Mine # Lat Decimal Long Decimal
Number (m) Capacity (m3) Elevation (m) (m) Degree Minute Second degree Minute Second
Greenhills Operations Tailings Pond Main Dam C-137 600338 60033801 50.05902 -114.85955 45.0 13,364,000 1,725
Greenhills Operations Tailings Pond West Dam C-137 600338 60033802 50.06415 -114.87170 20.0 13,364,000 1,725
Quintette Plantsite Tailings Dam C-156 900001 90000101 55.01139 -120.99806 52 2400 55 0 41 -120 -59 -53
Quintette Shikano North Tailings Dam C-156 900001 90000102 54.98806 -121.02861 42 841 54 59 17 -121 -1 -43
Bullmoose South Fork Tailings Impoundment C-158 900002 90000201 55.13806 -121.47722 38 4,600,000 1122 55 8 17 -121 -28 -38
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility East Embankment C-172 800001 80000102 49.92861 -125.47694 17 1,300,000 355 380 49 55 43 -125 -28 -37
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility North Embankment C-172 800001 80000101 49.92972 -125.47972 62 1,300,000 355 220 49 55 47 -125 -28 -47
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility South Embankment C-172 800001 80000103 49.92694 -125.47583 42 1,300,000 355 160 49 55 37 -125 -28 -33
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility West Embankment C-172 800001 80000104 49.92722 -125.47833 32 1,300,000 355 440 49 55 38 -125 -28 -42
Quinsam Old TDF North Dam C-172 800001 80000106 0.00000 0.00000 60,000 308 45
Quinsam Old TDF South Dam C-172 800001 80000105 49.93250 -125.48083 11 60,000 308.8 - 309.6 127 49 55 57 -125 -28 -51
Elkview Operations Lagoon A C-2 600337 60033701 49.75251 -114.87424 4 185,550
Elkview Operations Lagoon B C-2 600337 60033702 49.75406 -114.87428 4 295,000
Elkview Operations Lagoon C C-2 600337 60033703 49.75462 -114.87840 19.5 5,075,200
Elkview Operations Lagoon D C-2 600337 60033704 49.74831 -114.87492 57 22,713,700
Elkview Operations West Fork Tailing Facility C-2 600337 60033705 49.75609 -114.79148 80 14,300,000
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 1 C-217 1500601 150060101 49.50248 -120.76112 5.4 3500 1315
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 2 C-217 1500601 150060102 49.50263 -120.76049 6.5 1800 1314.5
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 3 C-217 1500601 150060103 49.50274 -120.76007 6.5 380 1311
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 4 C-217 1500601 150060104 49.50213 -120.76111 2.9 110 1311
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 5 C-217 1500601 150060105 49.50211 -120.76086 2.5 700 1309.5
Wolverine Coal Tailings Storage Facility C-223 1640013 164001301 55.06556 -121.24694 17 2,260,000 852 55 3 56 -121 -14 -49
Fording River Operations North Tailings Pond C-3 1200004 120000401 50.18889 -114.88639 24 3,800,000 1653.3 50 11 20 -114 -53 -11
Fording River Operations South Tailings Pond C-3 1200004 120000402 50.17611 -114.87389 33.6 12,100,000 1634.6 50 10 34 -114 -52 -26
Boss Mountain Tailings Storage Facility Main Dam M-101 1000261 100026101 52.08917 -120.86861 14.5 7,000,000 t 1100 52 5 21 -120 -52 -7
Boss Mountain Tailings Storage Facility North Dam M-101 1000261 100026102 52.09917 -120.87083 5 7,000,000 t 500 52 5 57 -120 -52 -15
Highland Valley Copper Bethlehem Main Dam (Dam No.1) M-11 300010 30001020 50.50789 -120.99740 95 Pending 1700
Highland Valley Copper Bose Lake Dam M-11 300010 30001021 50.51582 -120.97328 34 Pending 1475.1 650
Highland Valley Copper Highland Tailings Storage Facility H-H Dam M-11 300010 30001002 50.52100 -121.07030 86 1,477,971,429
Highland Valley Copper Highland Tailings Storage Facility L-L Dam M-11 300010 30001001 50.55610 -121.18350 167 1,477,971,429
Highland Valley Copper Highmont TSF Dam M-11 300010 30001035 50.43307 -120.91181 47 Pending
Highland Valley Copper Trojan Dam M-11 300010 30001017 50.51190 -121.01053 61 Pending 1441.5 1700
Afton/Ajax/Abacus North Emergency Tailing Retention Pond M-112 300004 30000406 0.00000 0.00000 ?
Afton/Ajax/Abacus Tailings Storage Facility East dam M-112 300004 30000402 50.65139 -120.52306 ? 50 39 5 -120 -31 -23
Afton/Ajax/Abacus Tailings Storage Facility West dam M-112 300004 30000401 50.65056 -120.54000 ? 50 39 2 -120 -32 -24
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Dam No 1 M-114 200026 20002602 54.20937 -126.26332 60.0 28,550,000 1,294.0 1,250
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Dam No. 2 M-114 200026 20002604 54.19795 -126.27121 20.0 28,550,000 1,294.0 600
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Diversion Dam M-114 200026 20002603 54.20335 -126.27545 30.0 28,550,000 1,294.0 1,000
Brenda Tailings Saddle Dam M-12 300173 30017302 49.86462 -119.96190 38 8,980,000 1392.9 945
Brenda Tailings Main Dam M-12 300173 30017301 49.86656 -119.94542 137 8,980,000 1392.9 2040
Table Mountain/Cusac Tailings Facility No 1 M-127 100115 10011501 59.23599 -128.32489 5 ? 59 14 9.58 -129 40 30.4
Table Mountain/Cusac Tailings Facility No 2 M-127 100115 10011502 59.23949 -128.33563 5 ? 59 14 22.16 -129 39 51.72
Mosquito Creek Tailings Storage Facility M-133 100000 10000001 53.11444 -121.59222 6 ~52,000 53 6 52 -121 -35 -32
Carolin/Ladner Creek Tailings Storage Facility M-138 700180 70018001 49.49583 -121.28333 43 ? 978.4 300 49 29 45 -121 -17 0
Goldstream Tailings Storage Facility North Dam M-147 400024 40002401 51.63944 -118.50833 15 ? 691.5 51 38 22 -118 -30 -30
Goldstream Tailings Storage Facility West Dam M-147 400024 40002402 51.64083 -118.50056 21 ? 691.5 51 38 27 -118 -30 -2
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 1 M-148 100267 10026701 59.95472 -134.70556 59 57 17 -134 -42 -20
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 2 M-148 100267 10026702 59.95500 -134.70389 59 57 18 -134 -42 -14
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 3 M-148 100267 10026703 59.95528 -134.70306 59 57 19 -134 -42 -11
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 1 (Upper Tailings) M-149 1600029 160002901 49.94500 -122.58750 ? 49 56 42 -123 24 45
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 2 (TF2-2) M-149 1600029 160002902 49.94500 -122.58750 112,000 t 49 56 42 -123 24 45
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 2 (TF2-3) M-149 1600029 160002903 49.94500 -122.58750 30,000 t 49 56 42 -123 24 45
Valentine Mountain/Ashlu? Tailings Storage Facility M-155 49.941496 -123.41088 12 42,000 t 98 49 56 42 -123 24 45
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Structure Max Ht Total Design Crest Crest Length Lat Lat Lat Long Long Long
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Mine # Lat Decimal Long Decimal
Number (m) Capacity (m3) Elevation (m) (m) Degree Minute Second degree Minute Second
Bolivar/Yew Project? Tailings Storage Facility M-161 49.76037 -123.41118 49 45 37.33 -124 35 19.75
Blackdome Tailings Storage Facility M-171 300007 30000701 51.32139 -122.50694 ? 51 19 17 -122 -30 -25
Nickel Plate Tailings Dam M-173 400002 40000201 49.35507 -120.01995 48.8 8,200,000
Lawyers/Cheni Tailings Storage Facility M-174 200364 20036401 57.34556 -127.14944 ? 57 20 44 -127 -8 -58
Johnny Mountain Tailings Storage Facility M-178 100001 10000101 56.63111 -131.07806 10 193,000 56 37 52 -131 -4 -41
Premier Gold Project East Access Rd Dam M-179 100004 10000402 56.06444 -130.02639 10 2,620,000 336.6 56 3 52 -130 -1 -35
Premier Gold Project Main Tailings Dam M-179 100004 10000401 56.06111 -130.03222 51 2,620,000 336.6 56 3 40 -130 -1 -56
Cassiar-McDame Tailings Storage Pile M-18 100000 10000001 59.32194 -128.18444 0 59 19 19 -129 48 56
Parson Barite Fine Tailings Pond M-180 600251 60025101 51.02528 -115.34917 ? 51 1 31 -116 39 3
Moberly Silica Tailing Pond M-181 600250 60025001 51.37167 -115.03528 ? 51 22 18 -116 57 53
Candorado/Hedley Tailings Tailings Deposit (E side of Hedley Creek) M-183 400003 40000301 49.35083 -120.07944 49 21 3 -120 -4 -46
Candorado/Hedley Tailings Tailings Deposit (N side of Similkame en River) M-183 400003 40000302 49.34778 -120.07806 49 20 52 -120 -4 -41
Samatosum Tailings Impoundment M-184 1500148 150014801 51.16750 -119.80361 30 250,000 [1134.4] 51 10 3 -119 -48 -13
Golden Bear Tailings Storage Facility M-187 100022 10002201 58.19472 -132.32778 5 979.5 ~900 58 11 41 -132 -19 -40
Shasta/Multinational B & Baker Mill Tailings Pond #1 M-189 1300245 130024501 57.27361 -127.10611 26.5 1529 57 16 25 -127 -6 -22
Shasta/Multinational B & Baker Mill Tailings Pond #2 M-189 1300245 130024502 57.27306 -127.10167 10 57 16 23 -127 -6 -6
Snip Tailings Facility Dyke 1 M-190 100008 10000801 56.66361 -131.12444 10 675,000 175 56 39 49 -131 -7 -28
Snip Tailings Facility Dyke 3 M-190 100008 10000802 56.66861 -131.11611 20 675,000 155 56 40 7 -131 -6 -58
Eskay Creek Tom Mackay Lake Tailings Facility M-197 100073 10007305 56.65389 -129.57111 0 ? 56 39 14 -130 25 44
QR Tailings Cross Dyke M-198 1000069 100006902 52.67305 -121.78962 15 1,300,000 t 1031
QR Tailings Main Dam M-198 1000069 100006901 52.67773 -121.79239 30 1,300,000 t 1031
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Main Embankment M-200 1101163 110116301 52.50861 -121.59056 52 83,302,220 963.8 4200 52 30 31 -121 -35 -26
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Perimeter Embankment M-200 1101163 110116302 52.51861 -121.59194 34 83,302,220 963.8 52 31 7 -121 -35 -31
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility South Embankment M-200 1101163 110116303 52.50778 -121.60333 25 83,302,220 963.8 52 30 28 -121 -36 -12
Huckleberry East Pit Plug Dam M-203 200094 20009404 53.67778 -127.15167 40 13,000,000 1040 500 53 40 40 -127 -9 -6
Huckleberry Orica Saddle Dam M-203 200094 20009403 53.67462 -127.18033 9 30,000,000 1079.7
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-2 East Dam M-203 200094 20009402 53.68111 -127.17806 40 30,000,000 1080 600 53 40 52 -127 -10 -41
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-2 Main Dam M-203 200094 20009401 53.67417 -127.19722 110 30,000,000 1081 1800 53 40 27 -127 -11 -50
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-3 M-203 200094 20009406 53.68333 -127.23333 103 ~60,000 995 53 41 0 -127 -14 0
Kemess South East Pit Dam? M-206 1300244 130024404 57.00472 -126.74417 ? 57 0 17 -126 -44 -39
Kemess South Tailings Storage Facility Main Dam M-206 1300244 130024401 57.02194 -126.67139 165 190,000,000 t 1510 57 1 19 -126 -40 -17
Bralorne Main Tailings Dam M-207 300310 30031001 50.78500 -122.83833 11.6 740,000 t 3459 50 47 6 -122 -50 -18
Bow/May Mac/Boundary Falls Roberts Mill Tailings Pond M-209 1400027 140002701 49.05944 -118.70583 12 ~15,000 t 49 3 34 -118 -42 -21
Lumby Project/ Quinto North Tailings Pond TSF1 M-215 4000056 400005602 50.26444 -118.95556 2.3 50 15 52 -118 -57 -20
Lumby Project/ Quinto South Tailings Pond TSF2 M-215 4000056 400005601 50.26500 -118.95500 2.3 50 15 54 -118 -57 -18
HB Tailings landfill Tailings Storage Facility M-218 500032 50003201 49.13111 -117.25111 25 ? 710 240 49 7 52 -117 -15 -4
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #1 M-222 ? ? 58.48917 -125.40917 ~400,000 t 58 29 21 -125 -24 -33
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 North Embankment Dam M-222 ? ? 58.48917 -125.40917 58 29 21 -125 -24 -33
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 North Saddle Dam M-222 ? ? 58.48917 -125.40917 58 29 21 -125 -24 -33
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 South Saddle Dam M-222 ? ? 58.48917 -125.40917 ~100,000 t 58 29 21 -125 -24 -33
Max Molybdenum Tailings Facility Northwest Dam M-226 500770 50077001 50.65085 -117.57378 30 1,304,000 804
Max Molybdenum Tailings Facility Southeast Dam M-226 500770 50077002 50.64913 -117.56898 37 1,304,000 804
Benson Lake Tailings Storage Facility (North) M-228 50.38250 -127.23667 50 22 57 -127 -14 -12
Benson Lake Tailings Storage Facility (South) M-228 50.38000 -127.23722 50 22 48 -127 -14 -14
New Afton Pothook Pit Dam M-229 300614 30061407 50.65194 -120.49639 709 430 50 39 7 -120 -29 -47
New Afton Tailings Disposal Facility South Dam M-229 300614 30061401 50.64528 -120.50944 765 200 50 38 43 -120 -30 -34
New Afton TDF Starter Dam A M-229 300614 30061403 0.00000 0.00000 765 860
New Afton TDF Starter Dam B M-229 300614 30061404 0.00000 0.00000 765 240
New Afton TDF Starter Dam C M-229 300614 30061405 0.00000 0.00000 765 520
New Afton TDF West Dam M-229 300614 30061402 50.64972 -120.51639 765 280 50 38 59 -120 -30 -59
Galore Creek Tailings Storage Facility M-230 100887 10088701 57.13583 -130.54444 57 8 9 -131 27 20
Greenwood (Zip) Tailings Storage Facility M-233 1630157 163015701 49.08684 -118.56600 15.1 125,300 m³ 1197.5 350
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Structure Max Ht Total Design Crest Crest Length Lat Lat Lat Long Long Long
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Mine # Lat Decimal Long Decimal
Number (m) Capacity (m3) Elevation (m) (m) Degree Minute Second degree Minute Second
Red Chris Tailings Storage Facility Northeast Dam M-240 101102 10110203 57.69972 -128.19472 ? 57 41 59 -129 48 19
Red Chris Tailings Storage Facility South Dam M-240 101102 10110202 57.69972 -128.19472 ? 57 41 59 -129 48 19
Myra Falls Lynx Tailings Disposal Facility M-26 800007 80000702 49.57542 -125.60263 58 2,400,000 3396.1
Myra Falls Myra Tailings Disposal Facility M-26 800007 80000701 49.57323 -125.58799 43 11,600,000 t 3391.8
Copper Mountain (Similco) Tailings Storage Facility East Dam M-29 300009 30000902 49.35722 -120.50816 112 2,500,000 925 493
Copper Mountain (Similco) Tailings Storage Facility West Dam M-29 300009 30000901 49.36322 -120.53944 117 2,500,000 925 631
Gallowai/Bul River Tailings Impoundment (previous operation) M-33 1200006 120000601 49.50049 -115.38327 49 30 12 -115 23 9
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 2 M-35 200004 20000402 54.97500 -126.22889 15 48,000,000 305 54 58 30 -126 -13 -44
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 3 M-35 200004 20000403 54.97806 -126.22056 21 48,000,000 460 54 58 41 -126 -13 -14
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 4 M-35 200004 20000404 54.98556 -126.22333 21 48,000,000 305 54 59 8 -126 -13 -24
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 5 M-35 200004 20000405 54.98944 -126.22333 30 48,000,000 70 54 59 22 -126 -13 -24
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 6 M-35 200004 20000406 54.99472 -126.23000 45 48,000,000 460 54 59 41 -126 -13 -48
Bell MainTailings Impoundment Dam 1 M-35 200004 20000401 54.98083 -126.23278 52 48,000,000 1525 54 58 51 -126 -13 -58
Bell Tailings Pond Extension Dam 7 M-35 200004 20000407 54.98833 -126.21861 55 1,000,000 366 54 59 18 -126 -13 -7
Bell Tailings Pond Extension Dam 8 M-35 200004 20000408 54.99361 -126.22361 30 1,000,000 305 54 59 37 -126 -13 -25
Endako Tailings Pond #1 Dam 1-A M-4 900003 90000302 54.04556 -125.07917 68.6 959.5 54 2 44 -125 -4 -45
Endako Tailings Pond #1 North Dam M-4 900003 90000301 54.05833 -125.08667 85.3 115,000,000 960.4 54 3 30 -125 -5 -12
Endako Tailings Pond #2 East Dam M-4 900003 90000305 54.02056 -125.10361 96 10,000 994 54 1 14 -125 -6 -13
Endako Tailings Pond #2 Saddle Dam M-4 900003 90000307 54.01639 -125.11056 79.3 994 54 0 59 -125 -6 -38
Endako Tailings Pond #2 South Dam M-4 900003 90000306 54.01639 -125.10361 112.8 997.6 54 0 59 -125 -6 -13
Endako Tailings Pond #2 Southwest Dyke M-4 900003 90000308 54.01750 -125.12556 6.7 990.6 54 1 3 -125 -7 -32
Endako Tailings Pond #3 North Dam Infill Embankment M-4 900003 90000304 54.05389 -125.11111 17.1 960.1 54 3 14 -125 -6 -40
Endako Tailings Pond #3 West Dam M-4 900003 90000303 54.05333 -125.10750 16.8 966.2 54 3 12 -125 -6 -27
Gibraltar Tailings North Earthfill Dam M-40 900004 90000402 52.57222 -122.26361 18.9 102,206,070 3582.2 ft 52 34 20 -122 -15 -49
Gibraltar Tailings Storage East Saddle Dam M-40 900004 90000403 52.55028 -122.22611 25.9 102,206,070 3580.6 ft 52 33 1 -122 -13 -34
Gibraltar Tailings Storage Main (Cyclone Sand) Dam M-40 900004 90000401 52.56944 -122.28500 106.7 102,206,070 3586.6 ft 52 34 10 -122 -17 -6
Pinchi Lake Emergency Spills Lagoon M-5 1640007 164000702 54.62639 -124.43806 9 ? 54 37 35 -124 -26 -17
Pinchi Lake Tailings Storage Facility M-5 1640007 164000701 54.62722 -124.42694 15 ~1,000,000 ~2000 54 37 38 -124 -25 -37
Alwin/Dekalb (aka Little OK Lake) Tailings Storage Facility M-50 300419 30041901 50.47833 -121.10694 ? 50 28 42 -121 -6 -25
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Structure Max Ht Total Design Crest Crest Length Lat Lat Lat Long Long Long
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Mine # Lat Decimal Long Decimal
Number (m) Capacity (m3) Elevation (m) (m) Degree Minute Second degree Minute Second
Granisle No, 1 Tailings Pond Dam 1 M-6 200039 20003901 54.94083 -126.17500 36.6 4,000,000 300 54 56 27 -126 -10 -30
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 2 M-6 200039 20003902 54.93639 -126.14944 75 30,000,000 1100 54 56 11 -126 -8 -58
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 3 M-6 200039 20003903 54.93444 -126.16556 60 30,000,000 600 54 56 4 -126 -9 -56
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 4 M-6 200039 20003904 54.93944 -126.15917 75 30,000,000 1050 54 56 22 -126 -9 -33
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 5 M-6 200039 20003905 54.93056 -126.16500 21 30,000,000 370 54 55 50 -126 -9 -54
Giant Nickel/Pride of Emory Lower Tailings Storage Facility M-64 400002 40000202 49.48306 -121.45667 ? 49 28 59 -121 -27 -24
Giant Nickel/Pride of Emory Upper Tailings Storage Facility M-64 400002 40000201 49.48111 -121.46167 ? 49 28 52 -121 -27 -42
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 1 M-65 500001 50000101 49.98056 -117.24000 20 ? 49 58 50 -117 -14 -24
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 2 M-65 500001 50000102 49.98194 -117.24194 15 ? 49 58 55 -117 -14 -31
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 3 M-65 500001 50000103 49.98306 -117.24361 10 ? 49 58 59 -117 -14 -37
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 1 M-68 1500125 150012503 50.18833 -120.87833 ? 665 50 11 18 -120 -52 -42
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 2 M-68 1500125 150012504 50.18917 -120.88306 ? 662 50 11 21 -120 -52 -59
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 3 M-68 1500125 150012505 50.18833 -120.88222 ? 663 50 11 18 -120 -52 -56
Craigmont Lower Tailings Facility M-68 1500125 150012502 50.18528 -120.88389 ? 653 50 11 7 -120 -53 -2
Craigmont Upper Tailings Facility M-68 1500125 150012501 50.19306 -120.88972 ? 686 50 11 35 -120 -53 -23
Craigmont West Tailings Facility Dyke 4 M-68 1500125 150012506 50.18861 -120.88861 13 ? 663 50 11 19 -120 -53 -19
Beaverdell North Tailings Management Facility Cell 6 M-71 400004 40000406 49.44083 -119.09611 12 ? 49 26 27 -119 -5 -46
Beaverdell North Tailings Management Facility Cell 7 M-71 400004 40000407 49.44111 -119.09778 10 ? 49 26 28 -119 -5 -52
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 1 M-71 400004 40000401 49.43472 -119.10028 4 ? 49 26 5 -119 -6 -1
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 2 M-71 400004 40000402 49.43556 -119.09861 ? 49 26 8 -119 -5 -55
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 3 M-71 400004 40000403 49.43750 -119.09556 3 ? 49 26 15 -119 -5 -44
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 4 M-71 400004 40000404 49.43500 -119.09639 14 ? 49 26 6 -119 -5 -47
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 5 M-71 400004 40000405 49.43417 -119.09833 8 ? 49 26 3 -119 -5 -54
Mount Copeland Tailings Storage Facility M-72 51.10028 -118.46694 7 51 6 1 -118 -28 -1
Sullivan Active Iron Pond (Emergency Storage Pond) M-74 600001 60000102 49.65401 -115.93580 29 380,000 2070
Sullivan Calcine Dyke M-74 600001 60000113 49.64653 -115.95668 15 ? 518
Sullivan East Gypsum Pond East Dyke M-74 600001 60000103 49.64419 -115.92837 16.8 ? 670
Sullivan East Gypsum Pond Northeast Dyke M-74 600001 60000104 49.65206 -115.92486 10 ? 120
Sullivan Old Iron Pond M-74 600001 60000101 49.70781 -115.95265 12.2 ? 1700
Sullivan Siliceous Pond 1 M-74 600001 60000110 49.65886 -115.91967 16.8 ? 2070
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Structure Max Ht Total Design Crest Crest Length Lat Lat Lat Long Long Long
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Mine # Lat Decimal Long Decimal
Number (m) Capacity (m3) Elevation (m) (m) Degree Minute Second degree Minute Second
Appendix I
Attachment 2
Tailings Dam Inventory Data
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Est. Begin
Est. TSF Effective Currently End Water TSF Years in
Structure Permit Est. Mining Tailings TSF Years in
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Construction TSF Start Holding Storage1 Operation Comments
Number Date Operation Dates Discharge Operation
Start Date Date Water? (Y/N) (year) since 1969
Greenhills Operations Tailings Pond Main Dam 60033801 C-137 13-Aug-93 1982-2010 1983 1983 Y 2014 31 31
Greenhills Operations Tailings Pond West Dam 60033802 C-137 13-Aug-93 1982-2010 1993 1993 Y 2014 21 21
Quintette Plantsite Tailings Dam 90000101 C-156 9-Dec-71 1984 1984 N 1997 13 13 Very low water levels
Quintette Shikano North Tailings Dam 90000102 C-156 9-Dec-71 1997 1997 N 2000 3 3 Very low water levels.
Bullmoose South Fork Tailings Impoundment 90000201 C-158 3-Dec-79 1983-2003 1984 1984 Y 2014 30 30
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility East Embankment 80000102 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1999 1999 Y 2014 15 15
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility North Embankment 80000101 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1999 1999 Y 2014 15 15
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility South Embankment 80000103 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1999 1999 Y 2014 15 15
Quinsam 2N-Pit Tailings Facility West Embankment 80000104 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1999 1999 Y 2014 15 15
Quinsam Old TDF North Dam 80000106 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1983 1983 unknown loc. 2014 31 31 may be recontoured
Quinsam Old TDF South Dam 80000105 C-172 15-May-86 1984-1994 1983 1983 N 1994 11 11 area behind dam is heavily recontoured
Elkview Operations Lagoon A 60033701 C-2 1971 1980-2010 1969 1969 Y 2014 45 45
Elkview Operations Lagoon B 60033702 C-2 1971 1980-2010 1969 1969 N 2010 41 41
Elkview Operations Lagoon C 60033703 C-2 1971 1980-2010 1970 1970 N 2010 40 40
Elkview Operations Lagoon D 60033704 C-2 1971 1980-2010 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42
Elkview Operations West Fork Tailing Facility 60033705 C-2 1971 1980-2010 2006 2006 (N) 2010 4 4 Lat/Long put this facility in the trees…historic?
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 1 150060101 C-217 25-Aug-00 2002-2006 N Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 2 150060102 C-217 25-Aug-00 2002-2006 N Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 3 150060103 C-217 25-Aug-00 2002-2006 N Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 4 150060104 C-217 25-Aug-00 2002-2006 N Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Basin Coal/Tulameen Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 5 150060105 C-217 25-Aug-00 2002-2006 N Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Wolverine Coal Tailings Storage Facility 164001301 C-223 31-Mar-05 2006-Present 2006 2006 N 2014 8 8
Fording River Operations North Tailings Pond 120000401 C-3 1-Dec-78 1972-2010 1971 1971 Y 2014 43 43
Fording River Operations South Tailings Pond 120000402 C-3 1-Dec-78 1972-2010 1978 1978 Y 2014 36 36
Boss Mountain Tailings Storage Facility Main Dam 100026101 M-101 6-Jun-74 1965-1983 1965 1969 Y 2014 49 45
Boss Mountain Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 100026102 M-101 6-Jun-74 1965-1983 1965 1969 Y 2014 49 45
Highland Valley Copper Bethlehem Main Dam (Dam No.1) 30001020 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1964 1969 1964 (Y) 2014 50 45 Very low water levels
Highland Valley Copper Bose Lake Dam 30001021 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1964 1969 1964 Y 2014 50 45
Highland Valley Copper Highland Tailings Storage Facility H-H Dam 30001002 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Highland Valley Copper Highland Tailings Storage Facility L-L Dam 30001001 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1976 1976 [1976] Y 2014 38 38
Highland Valley Copper Highmont TSF Dam 30001035 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1980 1980 [1980] Y 2014 34 34 Very low water levels
Highland Valley Copper Trojan Dam 30001017 M-11 20-Jan-70 1963-2011 1964 1969 1964 Y 2014 50 45
Afton/Ajax/Abacus North Emergency Tailing Retention Pond 30000406 M-112 1-Apr-81 1977-2012 No location Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Afton/Ajax/Abacus Tailings Storage Facility East dam 30000402 M-112 1-Apr-81 1977-2012 1985 1985 Y 2014 29 29
Afton/Ajax/Abacus Tailings Storage Facility West dam 30000401 M-112 1-Apr-81 1977-2012 1985 1985 Y 2014 29 29
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Dam No 1 20002602 M-114 11-Jan-79 1981 - 1994 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Dam No. 2 20002604 M-114 11-Jan-79 1981 - 1994 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Equity Silver Tailings Storage Facility Diversion Dam 20002603 M-114 11-Jan-79 1981 - 1994 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Brenda Tailings Saddle Dam 30017302 M-12 1970 [1970]-1990 Jun-05 1989 1989 Y 2014 25 25
Brenda Tailings Main Dam 30017301 M-12 1970 [1970]-1990 Jun-05 1986 [1986] Y 2014 28 28
Table Mountain/Cusac Tailings Facility No 1 10011501 M-127 1-Mar-79 1979-1999 1987 1987 N 2009 22 22
Table Mountain/Cusac Tailings Facility No 2 10011502 M-127 1-Mar-79 1979-1999 1993 1993 N 2009 16 16
Mosquito Creek Tailings Storage Facility 10000001 M-133 30-Mar-81 1980-1987 1980 1980 [1980] N 2009 29 29
Carolin/Ladner Creek Tailings Storage Facility 70018001 M-138 3-Mar-81 1982-1988 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32 Recent Google Earth imagery is snow covered
Goldstream Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 40002401 M-147 28-Oct-81 1983-1996 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32
Goldstream Tailings Storage Facility West Dam 40002402 M-147 28-Oct-81 1983-1996 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 1 10026701 M-148 1981 n/a 1981 1981 Y 2014 33 33
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 2 10026702 M-148 1981 n/a 1981 1981 Y 2014 33 33
Venus Tailings Storage Facility Pond 3 10026703 M-148 1981 n/a 1981 1981 Y 2014 33 33
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 1 (Upper Tailings) 160002901 M-149 16-Jul-81 1982-1988 1981 1981 2014 33 33
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 2 (TF2-2) 160002902 M-149 16-Jul-81 1982-1988 1981 1981 2014 33 33
Taurus Gold Tailings Storage Facility No 2 (TF2-3) 160002903 M-149 16-Jul-81 1982-1988 1981 1981 2014 33 33
Valentine Mountain/Ashlu? Tailings Storage Facility M-155 23-Jun-83 1984 1984 1984 Y 2014 30 30
Bolivar/Yew Project? Tailings Storage Facility M-161 1984? n/a 1984 1984 Y 2014 30 30
Blackdome Tailings Storage Facility 30000701 M-171 25-Mar-83 1986-1998 1986 1986 Y 2014 28 28
Nickel Plate Tailings Dam 40000201 M-173 1-Apr-86 1987-1996 1987 1987 N 2002 15 15
Lawyers/Cheni Tailings Storage Facility 20036401 M-174 1989-1992 1989 1989 (Y) 2014 25 25 Google Earth imagery is snow covered
Johnny Mountain Tailings Storage Facility 10000101 M-178 17-Jun-88 1988-1993 1989 1989 (Y) 2014 25 25 Yes? Google Earth imagery is snow covered
Premier Gold Project East Access Rd Dam 10000402 M-179 18-Jul-88 1918-1996 1990 1990 Y 2014 24 24
Premier Gold Project Main Tailings Dam 10000401 M-179 18-Jul-88 1918-1996 1989 1989 Y 2014 25 25
Cassiar-McDame Tailings Storage Pile 10000001 M-18 27-Jan-70 1979-1991 1990 1990 N 2009 19 19
Parson Barite Fine Tailings Pond 60025101 M-180 22-Nov-89 1941-1996 1989 1989 N 2002 13 13
Moberly Silica Tailing Pond 60025001 M-181 1984? 1980-2009 1984 N
Mine permits may have been issued for mining of the historic tailings…making this a permit with no TSF or a TSF
Candorado/Hedley Tailings Tailings Deposit (E side of Hedley Creek) 40000301 M-183 1989? 1988-1993
N with no permit. Either way it can be removed from the inventory
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Est. Begin
Est. TSF Effective Currently End Water TSF Years in
Structure Permit Est. Mining Tailings TSF Years in
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Construction TSF Start Holding Storage1 Operation Comments
Number Date Operation Dates Discharge Operation
Start Date Date Water? (Y/N) (year) since 1969
Mine permits may have been issued for mining of the historic tailings…making this a permit with no TSF or a TSF
Candorado/Hedley Tailings Tailings Deposit (N side of Similkame en River) 40000302 M-183 1989? 1988-1993
N with no permit. Either way it can be removed from the inventory
Samatosum Tailings Impoundment 150014801 M-184 15-Mar-89 1989-1992 1990 1990 [1990] Y 2014 24 24
Golden Bear Tailings Storage Facility 10002201 M-187 18-Jan-89 1990-2001 1989 1989 [1990] (Y) 2014 25 25 Google Earth imagery insufficient to determine
Shasta/Multinational B & Baker Mill Tailings Pond #1 130024501 M-189 23-Feb-90 1981-2000 1979 1979 (Y) 2014 35 35 Google Earth imagery snow covered
Shasta/Multinational B & Baker Mill Tailings Pond #2 130024502 M-189 23-Feb-90 1981-2000 2012 2012 (Y) 2014 2 2 Google Earth imagery snow covered
Snip Tailings Facility Dyke 1 10000801 M-190 1990 1991-1999 1990 1990 Y 2014 24 24
Snip Tailings Facility Dyke 3 10000802 M-190 1990 1991-1999 1990 1990 N 1999 9 9
Eskay Creek Tom Mackay Lake Tailings Facility 10007305 M-197 29-Jun-94 1971-2000 2000 2000
QR Tailings Cross Dyke 100006902 M-198 18-Jul-94 1995-1998 1995 1995 Y 2014 19 19
QR Tailings Main Dam 100006901 M-198 18-Jul-94 1995-1998 1995 1995 Y 2014 19 19
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Main Embankment 110116301 M-200 1997-present 1996 1996 1997 Y 2014 18 18
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Perimeter Embankment 110116302 M-200 1997-present 1996 1996 1997 Y 2014 18 18
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility South Embankment 110116303 M-200 1997-present 1996 1996 1997 Y 2014 18 18
Huckleberry East Pit Plug Dam 20009404 M-203 14-Feb-96 1997-2012 Jun-05 2008 Y 2014 6 6 Pit is retaining water…unclear if plug dam is.
Huckleberry Orica Saddle Dam 20009403 M-203 14-Feb-96 1997-2012 2007 2007 Y 2014 7 7 Unclear from Google Earth imagery. MEM to confirm
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-2 East Dam 20009402 M-203 14-Feb-96 1997-2012 1997 1997 Y 2014 17 17 Unclear from Google Earth imagery. MEM to confirm
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-2 Main Dam 20009401 M-203 14-Feb-96 1997-2012 1997 1997 Y 2014 17 17 Unclear from Google Earth imagery. MEM to confirm
Huckleberry Tailings Management Facility TMF-3 20009406 M-203 14-Feb-96 1997-2012 2014 2014 N 2014 0 0 Not yet constructed?
Kemess South East Pit Dam? 130024404 M-206 9-Aug-96 1998-2010 Not yet constructed
Not yet constructed Y 2014
Kemess South Tailings Storage Facility Main Dam 130024401 M-206 9-Aug-96 1998-2010 1998 1998 Y 2014 16 16
Bralorne Main Tailings Dam 30031001 M-207 2-Jul-96 1900-1980 2003 2003 Y 2014 11 11
Bow/May Mac/Boundary Falls Roberts Mill Tailings Pond 140002701 M-209 11-Jul-97 1962-1983 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32
Lumby Project/ Quinto North Tailings Pond TSF1 400005602 M-215 18-Jul-00 1968-1976 1998 1998 N 2012 14 14
Lumby Project/ Quinto South Tailings Pond TSF2 400005601 M-215 18-Jul-00 1968-1976 1997 1997 N 2012 15 15
HB Tailings landfill Tailings Storage Facility 50003201 M-218 10-Apr-02 1955-1997 1955 1969 Y 2014 59 45
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #1 ? M-222 1970-1975 1970 1970 unknown Google Earth imagery insufficient
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 North Embankment Dam ? M-222 1970-1975 1970 1970 Y 2014 44 44 Google Earth imagery insufficient
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 North Saddle Dam ? M-222 1970-1975 1970 1970 Y 2014 44 44 Google Earth imagery insufficient
Churchill Copper Tailings Facility #2 South Saddle Dam ? M-222 1970-1975 1970 1970 Y 2014 44 44 Google Earth imagery insufficient
Max Molybdenum Tailings Facility Northwest Dam 50077001 M-226 7-Nov-05 n/a 2008 2008 Y 2014 6 6 Location uncertain - discovered construction was in 2008 and Google Earth most recent photos are from 2004
Max Molybdenum Tailings Facility Southeast Dam 50077002 M-226 7-Nov-05 n/a 2008 2008 Y 2014 6 6 Location uncertain - discovered construction was in 2008 and Google Earth most recent photos are from 2004
Benson Lake Tailings Storage Facility (North) M-228 1962-1972 1962 1969 N 1979 17 10 Unclear from Google Earth imagery
Benson Lake Tailings Storage Facility (South) M-228 1962-1972 1962 1969 N 1979 17 10 Unclear from Google Earth imagery
New Afton Pothook Pit Dam 30061407 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2008 2008 (Y) 2014 6 6 Pothook Pit is retaining water, but it is unclear if the dam is contributing to water retention
New Afton Tailings Disposal Facility South Dam 30061401 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
New Afton TDF Starter Dam A 30061403 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
New Afton TDF Starter Dam B 30061404 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
New Afton TDF Starter Dam C 30061405 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
New Afton TDF West Dam 30061402 M-229 30-Oct-07 1977-2012 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Galore Creek Tailings Storage Facility 10088701 M-230 4-Jul-07 n/a Not yet constructed
Not yet constructed
Greenwood (Zip) Tailings Storage Facility 163015701 M-233 3-Mar-08 1962-1981 2008 2008 Y 2014 6 6
Yellowjacket Old Tailings Pond 10002802 M-235 10-Jul-09 n/a 2007 2007 N 2010 3 3
Yellowjacket Tailings Pond 10002801 M-235 10-Jul-09 n/a 2009 2009 Y 2014 5 5 Structure is overgrown…..old
Mount Milligan Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 130018804 M-236 29-Sep-06 n/a 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Mount Milligan Tailings Storage Facility Northeast Dam 130018803 M-236 29-Sep-06 n/a 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Mount Milligan Tailings Storage Facility South Dam 130018801 M-236 29-Sep-06 n/a 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Mount Milligan Tailings Storage Facility Southeast Dam 130018802 M-236 29-Sep-06 n/a 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Mount Milligan West Separator Berm 130018805 M-236 29-Sep-06 n/a 2013 2013 Y 2014 1 1
Dome Mountain Tailings Storage Facility (Feasibility Design) 20000601 M-237 26-Aug-10 1991-1992 n/a n/a n/a 2015
Red Chris Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 10110201 M-240 4-May-12 n/a 2014 2014 n/a 2015 1 1
Red Chris Tailings Storage Facility Northeast Dam 10110203 M-240 4-May-12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2015
Red Chris Tailings Storage Facility South Dam 10110202 M-240 4-May-12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2015
Myra Falls Lynx Tailings Disposal Facility 80000702 M-26 6-Apr-70 1967-2011 2008 2008 Y 2014 6 6
Myra Falls Myra Tailings Disposal Facility 80000701 M-26 6-Apr-70 1967-2011 1984 1984 Y 2014 30 30
Copper Mountain (Similco) Tailings Storage Facility East Dam 30000902 M-29 3-Aug-70 1917-2012 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42
Copper Mountain (Similco) Tailings Storage Facility West Dam 30000901 M-29 3-Aug-70 1917-2012 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Est. Begin
Est. TSF Effective Currently End Water TSF Years in
Structure Permit Est. Mining Tailings TSF Years in
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Construction TSF Start Holding Storage1 Operation Comments
Number Date Operation Dates Discharge Operation
Start Date Date Water? (Y/N) (year) since 1969
1971-1974; still
Gallowai/Bul River Tailings Impoundment (previous operation) 120000601 M-33 29-Sep-70 1970 1970
operating? N 1974 4 4
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 2 20000402 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 3 20000403 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 4 20000404 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 5 20000405 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32
Bell Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 6 20000406 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1982 1982 Y 2014 32 32
Bell MainTailings Impoundment Dam 1 20000401 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1980 1980 Y 2014 34 34
Bell Tailings Pond Extension Dam 7 20000407 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1989 1989
(N) 2003 14 14
Bell Tailings Pond Extension Dam 8 20000408 M-35 20-Oct-70 1972-1992 1989 1989 (N) 2003 14 14
Endako Tailings Pond #1 Dam 1-A 90000302 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #1 North Dam 90000301 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #2 East Dam 90000305 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #2 Saddle Dam 90000307 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #2 South Dam 90000306 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #2 Southwest Dyke 90000308 M-4 11-Mar-70 1965-2010 1972 1972 [1972] Y 2014 42 42
Endako Tailings Pond #3 North Dam Infill Embankment 90000304 M-4 26-Nov-80 1965-2010 2010 2010 2010 N 2014 4 4
Endako Tailings Pond #3 West Dam 90000303 M-4 26-Nov-80 1965-2010 2010 2010 2010 Y 2014 4 4
Gibraltar Tailings North Earthfill Dam 90000402 M-40 12-Feb-71 1990-2014 1990 1990 Y 2014 24 24
Gibraltar Tailings Storage East Saddle Dam 90000403 M-40 12-Feb-71 1990-2014 1986 1986 Y 2014 28 28
Gibraltar Tailings Storage Main (Cyclone Sand) Dam 90000401 M-40 12-Feb-71 1990-2014 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42
Pinchi Lake Emergency Spills Lagoon 164000702 M-5 n/a 1968-1975 Y 2014 Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Pinchi Lake Tailings Storage Facility 164000701 M-5 1969 1968-1975 1968 1969 Y 2014 46 45
Alwin/Dekalb (aka Little OK Lake) Tailings Storage Facility 30041901 M-50 1972-1982 Y 2014 Lake - not to be included in the inventory
Granisle No, 1 Tailings Pond Dam 1 20003901 M-6 1969 1966-1982 1966 1969 Y 2014 48 45
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 2 20003902 M-6 1969 1966-1982 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42 Very low water levels
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 3 20003903 M-6 1969 1966-1982 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42 Very low water levels
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 4 20003904 M-6 1969 1966-1982 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42 Very low water levels
Granisle No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 5 20003905 M-6 1969 1966-1982 1972 1972 Y 2014 42 42 Very low water levels
Giant Nickel/Pride of Emory Lower Tailings Storage Facility 40000202 M-64 9-Dec-71 1959-1974 1972 1972 N 2002 30 30
Giant Nickel/Pride of Emory Upper Tailings Storage Facility 40000201 M-64 9-Dec-71 1959-1974 1972 1972 N 2002 30 30
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 1 50000101 M-65 9-Dec-71 1970-1997 1970 1970 (N) 1994 24 24 Google Earth imagery is unclear
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 2 50000102 M-65 9-Dec-71 1970-1997 1970 1970 (N) 1994 24 24 Google Earth imagery is unclear
Silvana/Klondike Silver/Hinckley Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 3 50000103 M-65 9-Dec-71 1970-1997 1987 1987 (N) 1996 9 9 Google Earth imagery is unclear
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 1 150012503 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 2008 2008 (Y) 2014 6 6 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 2 150012504 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 2009 2009 (Y) 2014 5 5 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Craigmont Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 3 150012505 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 2009 2009 (Y) 2014 5 5 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Craigmont Lower Tailings Facility 150012502 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 1996 1996 (Y) 2014 18 18 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Craigmont Upper Tailings Facility 150012501 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 1996 1996 (N) 2008 12 12 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Craigmont West Tailings Facility Dyke 4 150012506 M-68 9-Dec-71 1961-2008 2011 2011 (Y) 2014 3 3 Google earth is not 100% clear on water retention
Beaverdell North Tailings Management Facility Cell 6 40000406 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 (Y) 2005 34 34 To be confirmed by MEM. Google Earth imagery is unclear
Beaverdell North Tailings Management Facility Cell 7 40000407 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1988 1988 N 2005 17 17
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 1 40000401 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 N 2005 34 34
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 2 40000402 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 N 2005 34 34
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 3 40000403 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 N 2005 34 34
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 4 40000404 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 N 2005 34 34
Beaverdell South Tailings Management Facility Cell 5 40000405 M-71 9-Dec-71 1943-1991 1971 1971 N 2005 34 34
Mount Copeland Tailings Storage Facility M-72 1970-1973 1970 1970 Y 2014 44 44 Unclear from Google Earth imagery
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Est. Begin
Est. TSF Effective Currently End Water TSF Years in
Structure Permit Est. Mining Tailings TSF Years in
Mine Name Structure Name / Tailings Impoundment Designation Permit # Construction TSF Start Holding Storage1 Operation Comments
Number Date Operation Dates Discharge Operation
Start Date Date Water? (Y/N) (year) since 1969
Sullivan Active Iron Pond (Emergency Storage Pond) 60000102 M-74 9-Dec-71 1900-2001 Y 2014 Emergency Pond - not to be included in inventory
Sullivan Calcine Dyke 60000113 M-74 9-Dec-71 1900-2001 1975 1975 N 2001 26 26
Sullivan East Gypsum Pond East Dyke 60000103 M-74 9-Dec-71 1900-2001 1969 1969 Y 2014 45 45
Sullivan East Gypsum Pond Northeast Dyke 60000104 M-74 9-Dec-71 1900-2001 1985 1985 Y 2014 29 29
Sullivan Old Iron Pond 60000101 M-74 9-Dec-71 1900-2001 1940 1969 Y 2014 74 45 No evidence of TSF on Google Earth
1. Year in which water storage in the impoundment ended. If ponded water currently exists in the impoundment, even if the impoundment is considered closed, enter 2014
2. Structures in mustard coloured cells are not considered TSF
Appendix I
Attachment 3
Permit Research Data
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Photos from 1984 show Plantsite tailings dam with water. Starter dam constructed before ultimate dam - tailings dam construction ended September 3, 1983 according to The Report on the Construction of the
Plantsite Tailings Dam 1984 Tailings Starter Dam and Associated Works dated September 1983. Photos in Reclamation Inspection Quintette Operating Corporation Permit C-156 dated April 2006, show plantsite tailings pond at low level -
no apparent embankments - also indicates mine ceased operation in August 2000. KCB 2005 Annual Dam Safety Inspection Report states that this tailings impoundment was put into operation in 1984
Permit File indicates that TS Empoundment was amended to Permit on May25, Annual Reclamation Report for 2005 indicates 1) mine operated from 1983 to 2003 2) ceased production April 4, 2003 3) later than 1983 developments included construction of tailigns dam (ie tailings dam
1983. KCB 2013 Dam Safety Review indicates that TSF was operated built after 1983) 4)reclamation of tailings impoundment and tailings embankment has been completed in 2005. Bullmoose Operating Corpotation Tailings Dam Annual Review of Operations dated November
between 1984 and 2003. Also indicates that "since cessation of mining the 2002 indicates 1) in 2002 the dam was built to final desing height of elev. 1122 m, and resloping ot the impoundment ended November 19, 2002 2) the downstream side of the dam had soil cover and will be
Bullmoose 900002 C-158 Y South Fork Tailings Impoundment [1984]
TSF is essentially dry, except in the NE low-lying area. Water ponds in this seeded in 2003 3) a spillway was constructed on the western abutment of the impoundment 4) the 2003 construction season will included sloping of upstream slope of dam and placing growth medium on the
area during spring run-off and rain events. ...a closure spillway was constructed southern facing slope and the top of the dam 5) the remainder of the dam will be seeded in 2003. Spillway constructed and area seeded. Although reclaimed the basin is still capable of 'storing the 1000-year
in 2002 to prevent overtopping. return period design closure flood' according to Klohn Crippon in their 2005 Tailings Facility Closure Monitoring Report,
Permits are dated differently then the summary in Golder's August 8, 1995 Lagoon A prior to 1969 AMEC April 2014 report shows the locations of Lagoons A and B. Diane Rowe indicated this is still operating.
report (File # 11050). It states that Lagoon C, original embankment was
Lagoon D 1972 Permit to operate on July 8, 1993. Seep observed at toe of lagoon dyke on February 23, 2000 (File # 11050) in between C and D.
constructed in 1970 and was raised till 1987. Lagoon D was initially developed
in 1972 and was raised till 1989. These permits might be for additional raise to Lagoon B prior to 1969 AMEC April 2014 report shows the locations of Lagoons A and B.
Elkview Operations 600337 C-2 Y these lagoons. AMEC March 2012 report states in the summary that Lagoons
Lagoon C 1970 Permit to flood on July 8 ,1993. AMEC 2012, lagoon C was restarted in 2010 but was stopped in 2011 as there were no permits.
A and B are bounded by C and D, have no retained fluids and coincidental with
the natural ground. Also, that the WFork facility was fully commissioned in later
part of 2006. WFTF also stated in email dated March 27, 2007 that the facilty
West Fork Tailing Facility [2006] In AMEC March 2012 report.
became functional in spring 2006 (File # 18020).
According to Diane 1) under care and maintence currently 2) there are no tailings ponds, only sediment ponds for fine refuse 3) one of the sediment basin had a failure a year ago 4) the ponds were most likely
Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 1 constructed right after permit issued. According to 2006 Annual Reclaimation Report a 1 million gallon 'water impoundment pond' was constructed in Aug 2005. In 2006 Golder did an investigation for a
No permit numbers found for TSF. AMEC December 2010 report indicates that
proposed waste dump.
3 earth dams (A, B and C) were constructed and were up to about 5 m in
Basin height (File # 5/40 shows the sections). It also stated that mine was in Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 2
1500601 C-217 Y
Coal/Tulameen operation from 2002 to 2006. Approval of Work System and Reclamation
Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 3
Permit issued August 25, 2000 - no amendments mentioned. Also under C-214
when under the name Tulameen. Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 4
Emergency Tailings Storage Pond 5
Wolverine Coal 1640013 C-223 Y Tailings Storage Facility 2006 Starter dyke drawings dated January 2006, emails in 2011 indicated design/raising/construction of dam is ongoing. Diane Rowe indicated that this is a sediment basin for fine coal refuse.
Report to the Chief Inspector of Mines Re: C-3 Permit Amendment Information Request... dated July 24, 2013 indicates 1) there are two existing tailings pond facilities the South Tailings Pond and North
Tailigns Pond 2) `currently` NTP is filled to capacity and the STP is currently used for tailings discharge from process plant. An internal Correspondence from Fording Coal Ltd (the process enngineer) dated
September 2, 1994 indicates 1) the period of deposition in the North Tailings Pond was from May 24, 1993 to August 19, 1994 2) it is anticipated the tailings line dischage and the water will have to be raised
Fording River during the summer of 1995. 2010 Annual Geotechnical Assessment North and South Tailings Pond indicates 1) Constructinon of the NTP was completed in 1971 and was in service until 1979 when it reached
1200004 C-3 Y Permit authorizing surface work issued December 1, 1978
Operations full capacity 2) from 1979 to 1993 the NTP was dewatered and mined creatign more capactiy 3) deposition of tailings within the NTP recommenced in 1993 until it reached capacity again in 1997 4) future use
of NTP is being reviewed. Letter from Chief Inspector of Mines dated October 13, 1983 indicates 1) application to expand South Tailings Facility Phase 2 2) Phase 1 approval was given on March 24. 1977
North Tailings Pond 1971
South Tailings Pond [1978]
No info in permit file. As per 2008 Reclamation Report operation 1965-1972 Tailings Storage Facility Main Dam [1965]
Boss Mountain 1000261 M-101 Y
reopened in 1973 and operated in until closing in 1983. Tailings Storage Facility North Dam [1965]
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Bose Lake Dam 1964 Tailings disposal ended in June 1989 (KCB 2008 Annual Review of Tailings Dams)
Highland Tailings Storage Facility H-H
Historical info regarding TSF construction and operation is limited . Technical Dam
Highland Valley reports only avail dating back to 2009. Not clear in permit and corr files which Highland Tailings Storage Facility L-L
300010 M-11 Y [1976]
Copper TSF were in operation pre-1970s. there is reference to dam contstruction at Dam
the Bethlehem Tailings Storage Facility at least as far back as 1966.
[1980] According to KCB 2011 Annual Review of Tailings Dams, a starter dam was built at this location in 1980 and tailings disposal ended at Highmont in 1984 and a permanent spillway was constructed in 2004.
Highmont TSF Dam
permanent spillway constructed in 1996. Tailings disposal ended in June 1989 (KCB 2008 Annual review of Tailings dams)
Trojan Dam 1964
Reclamation Permit issued April 1, 1981. Field Inspection Reports by Klohn Tailings Storage Facility East dam [1985]
Leonoff Consultants from 1979 indicate construction of the West and East Tailings Storage Facility West dam [1985]
taillings dams were under construction utnil October 1979. Letter from Senior
Geotechnical Inspector issued April 24, 1985 indicated "Annual Review of
Afton/Ajax/Abacus 300004 M-112 Y Tailings Dams for 1984" and " Tailings Dam Construction Report" by Afton
were submitted to MEM". The Dam Safety Review - East and West Dams
issued May 11, 2009 indicated that the mine was in operation from 1977 to
1997 with a temporary shutdown from 1991 to 1994 and tailings desposal
ceased in 1997.
North Emergency Tailing Retention Pond [1985]
Full TSF history presented in AMEC 2005a report titled Tailings Management Facility - 2004 Annual Review - THIS REPORT WAS NOT FOUND. Diane Rowe inciated that this facility is currently under care
2009 AMEC Reclamation Report indicates that mining was between 1980 and Tailings Storage Facility Dam No 1 1980
and maintenance, and not in operation.
1994, Letter form Equity to MEM in May 1981 references dam 1/2 designs and
Equity Silver 200026 M-114 Y suggests construction has begun. Klohn Leonoff report in 1983 indicates Tailings Storage Facility Dam No. 2 1980
construction of dams 1 and 2 are ongoing, and that #3 was commenced in fall
of 1982. It can be noted that the Diversion dam connects TSF #1 and #2 Tailings Storage Facility Diversion Dam [1981]
2001 Dam Safety Review indicates 1) construction of the Main Dam was completed in June 1986 to a nominal crest elev. Of 1392.9m 2) the Saddle Dam was completed to the same elevation in 1989 3)
Tailings Saddle Dam Sep-89
No useful information in the permit file. File phots show dam gently reclaimed mining ceased on June 8, 1990 4) no raising of the Main Dam has taken placed since completeion 5) sink holes observed in the Main Dam were discovered in 1983 ... before construction ??
by 1998. Mine operated from 1970 to 1990. 1978 Klohn Leonoff report
Brenda 300173 M-12 Y
indicates that TD was originally designed in 1972. No reference is made to the
smaller saddle dam Tailings Main Dam [Jun-1986]
Other than an original permit date (1981), no other information in the permit
file. From MEM October 2002 FIR: see copies. 1991 RE Graham report
discusses tailings pond reclamation. 1989 Reclamation report indicates that
Mosquito Creek 100000 M-133 Y Tailings Storage Facility [1980]
mine was shut down in 1987. 2008 MEM inspection report indicates small
pond at TSF. 2003 MEM report indicates that official milling production began
in 1980.
Carolin/Ladner 2008 KP TSF Annual report indicates mine in operation from 1982 to 1984.
700180 M-138 Y Tailings Storage Facility 1982
Creek TSF still contains water.
Letter from Chief Inspector of Mines dated June 12, 1981 approves starter Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 1982
Goldstream 400024 M-147 Y dams (west and north) based on Klohn Leonoff reports dated April 1 and May
19, 1981 Tailings Storage Facility West Dam 1982
Tailings Storage Facility Pond 1 [1981] Approval of Reclamation permit issued January 30, 2001
Very little information in files. Earliest documentation is early 1980s. Case H&S Officer Doug Flynn provided a verbal account of his knowledge which included 1) the mine is located in the Yukon by the mill is located in BC 2) the mill only ran for 35 minutes prior to shaft failure (ie very
study paper in 1999 gives Venus history, but is not consistent with TSF layout. Tailings Storage Facility Pond 2 [1981]
Venus 100267 M-148 Y little tailings in facility) 3) TSF was constructed between 1978 and 1980 4) facility has water cover and specific reclamation works were carried out to formally close the facility
CS Paper also describes TSF remediation using sheet piles and geomembrane
cover, but is not 100% clear on which TSF pond it's dealing with.E63
Tailings Storage Facility Pond 3 [1981]
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
File in closed/confiscated folder. Letter from Peter Peart received by MEMPR on Nov. 19, 1987 indicated the tailings dam incorporated a subdrain system and that it was the final operation in the construction
of this facility. A letter from the Chief Inspector of Mines dated November 23, 1987 indicated that they received the letter mentioned preivously; however, it said that a geotechnical report stating that the
impoundment is considered complete will need to be submitted before they will be able to use the facility. An email from Greg Carriere to Chris Carr dated June 27, 2002 indicated that Greg did an inspection
of the tailings pond, photos showed the pond in use. Environment Canada Regional Pollution Incident Report dated June 22, 1994 indicated mine was unattended and abandoned, in "rough shape" and person
Letter from the Deputy Minister dated Nov. 8, 1983 indicates a reclamation
Valentine (Peri Mehling) thought never a mine at the site, only exploration. Bond confiscated in 1986?? Report of Inspector of Mines that took place October 7, 1985 indicates 1) inspection of the surface area, tailings
M-155 Y program was approved by Order-in-Council on June 23, 1983 and the permit is Tailings Storage Facility 1984
Mountain/Ashlu? dam, mill building and portal areas were conducted 2) tailings dam appeared to be stable and waterlevel was below lowest elevation park 3) no reclamation noted in the tailings pond. The 1983 Reclamation
dated June 23, 1983.
Report dated March 8, 1984 indicates 1) an underground mine was operated previouls from 1932 to 1939 at the site 2) the mine site was logged 3) tailings are proposed to be disposed in a shallw draw 4) an
earthfill dam was constructed during the summer of 1983 to a height of 12 m and a length of 98m 5) the dam provides storage for about 42,000 tons of tailings. Based on Inspection Reports between 1983 to
1984, estimate tailings/water in the TSF in 1984. MINFILE Recod No. 092GNW013 indicates 1) Ospery Mining and Explorations Ltd. reportedly installed a 91 tonne per day mill in 1979 but except for 36 tonnes
milled in 1984 no other production was recorded.
Bolivar/Yew Thurber completed TSF design in 1984. 2009 Inspection report indicates that
M-161 Y Tailings Storage Facility 1984 Located on Texada Island. Yew is southeast of Bolivar
Project? TSF still holds a small amount of water but is mostly overgrown.
Letter from Mascot Gold Mines Ltd. dated December 23, 1986 indicates construction of Tailings Impoundment was completed and they ploanned to pump water into the Tailings Impoundment in January 1987.
Reclamation Permit issued April 30, 1986 was the first permit in the file -
A report/letter dated May 13, 2008 from Ted Fuller indicated mining and milling operations ceased in 1996 and the Mill was converted into a Water Treatment Plant. Nickel Plate Minesite - Data Review and
however Amendment sheet indicates Mine Plan issued April 1, 1986.
Nickel Plate 400002 M-173 Y Tailings Dam 1987 Site Visit for Mtal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage dated January 20, 2006 shows photos of sludge in the tailings impoundment in September 28, 2005.Nickel Plate Mine (Gold Mine) Tailings Area Closure
Amendment for a Tailings Pond Impoundmet and Water Storage issued July 8,
Plan Update Geotechnical Review Comments dated 2/5/10 indicated that there are Dam Safety Report however, no Annual Reports on-site. Used as Waste Management Facility afterwards. No
files/correspondence found on-site indicating when no more water within the TMF - google earth showed 2004 no water and photos in file show water in TMF in 1998.
Lawyers/Cheni 200364 M-174 No Permit in Victoria...sent to PG Tailings Storage Facility From MINFILE - Cheni exhausted resoursed and shut down in 1992
No permit file found, red file indicating 5 folders taken offsite June 3, 2014.
Auguts 1993 photos show tailings dam . Letter date April 11, 1988 indicate
construction inpsection for the tailings dam took place in 1988. According to
Environmental Site Assessment: 2007 Burning and Burial Areas dated October
Johnny Mountain 100001 M-178 Y 15, 2008 mining ceased in 1993 and photos show tailings impoundment with Tailings Storage Facility [1989]
water. Letter July 13, 1990 indicates permission to operate impoundment on
long-term full production basis was never formally given and waste
management permit issued June 6, 1990.Reclamation Permit found on MEM
server, it was issued June 17, 1988
East Access Road Dam and Main Tailings Dam are part of same TSF. No reference could be found in vol. 1, however, EARD was described starting in Volume 2. East Access Dam is part of same TSF as
East Access Rd Dam [1990]
main tailings dam, it was raised in 1991.
There is reference to a 3rd structure i.e. Saddle Dam. MEM inspection report
Premier Gold Volume 1: KP report dated Aug 24, 1989. Seelage concerns for the Main Tailings Embankment. No reference to the construction of the dam. Result of prolonged impoundment of tailings, beach was not fully
100004 M-179 Y August 18, 1995 Volume 2000 - 2005. Initial mine started in 1918 and was
Project developed yet. Westmin Aug 28, 1989 report indicates that main embankment was constructed in 1988 and was completed in November, 1988. Westmin October 5, 1989 report points to some sinkholes in the
operated as underground mine till 1968.
Main Tailings Dam 1989 main embankment. A 8" HDPE pipe was installed through the embankment at this location. Volume 2: MEM Sept 9, 2003 report - seepage at toe in Main Dam occured August 23, 2002. Vol ?. Mchaiina email
dated July 18, 2001 reports and as documented in KC September 20, 2001 report, TSF beach sinkholes that occurred in main embankment. Vol. Jul 01 to Dec 06 Reference to tailings impoundment closure ie.
filter of main dam, beach construction and spillway closure in MEM January 20, 2006 report.
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Not a lot of useful information regarding tailings pond in permit file - may be
good info in offiste Inspection Reports. Incident reports indicate that the mine
may have been inuse in October 1965; however, it appears that no tailings
pond only dumped material. A letter dated May 3, 1991 indicates a sediment
pond was constructed in mid-Appears no tailings pond - site has tailings dump.
November 1990 and a second pond has been deffered. A letter dated August
25, 1998 indicate that liquid tailings were originally pumped into settling ponds
and once pond is full, and water dries out the area is covered in granular
material. A letter dated January 20, 2000 mentions only tailings that are moved
Cassiar-McDame 100000 M-18 Y Tailings Storage Pile [1990]
on a conveyor system indicating dry material (essentially same system handled
tailins of former operation before 1992) - no mention of tailings pond. Email
dated January 22, 2001 - dry mill burned down Christmas Day 2000. According
to the Reclamation Report for 2002 the mine was in operation from 1953 until
1992 when it went into bankruptcy and predecessors of Cassiar obtained
permit in 1994 to re-establish operation. Site of an entire city? Photos from
2001 indicate small tailings pond (?) north of large tailings pile. A Mineral and
Coal Notice of Work and Reclamation Program dated June 10, 2009 indicate
no settlemend pond.
Notice of opening' for the mine completed in 1982. First reference to 'tailings
ponds' (permit #6985) made in Aug 1987 Reclamation Plan which described
waste disposal process: Large rock stockpiled and fine silica placed in
settlement ponds (2) covering a total area of 0.7 Ha which are dredged in the
Moberly Silica 600250 M-181 Y Tailing Pond [1984] Diane Rowe has indicated that this pond has only sediment ponds and piles of tailings
winter and stockpiled at 'back' of plant site. The dikes around the settling
ponds are maintained at min 3' freeboard. 2012 Annual Reclaimation Report
states that tailings pond area reduced to 0.2 Ha at some point b/w 2010 and
2012. May 9, 2013 Mine Permit found on MEM server.
Document dated February 22, 2008 by Diane Howe (found on the MEM server) indicates 1) abandoned tailings from historic Hedley Mascot Mine are actively eroding 2) the tailings are not in a pond,
Reclamation Permit issued June 3, 1988. According to Sept 2010 Rescan Tailings Deposit (E side of Hedley Creek) n/a impoundment etc. it is a dump of tailings, want to stabilize the toe and slope of the tailings 3) tailings from historic operation were diposited between 1904 to 1955 in several areas, and in 1988 to 1995
report 'Review of Water Qaulity and Scoping Level Closure Options' the current reprocessed some of the tailings
operation was constructed to extract ore from old tailings 'piles' which were
400003 M-183 Y originally placed from 1904 to 1955. Recent operation ceased and closure
began in 1996. Only mention of tailings ponds found was in 1995 Annual
Reclamation Report which identified a 'disturbed area' of 11 Ha which refers to Tailings Deposit (N side of Similkame en n/a
the tailings piles themselves. River)
Reclamation Permit issued Oct 20,1989. Approved Work System Mar 15,
1989. Authorization of Tailings Started Dam Nov 23, 1988. Conditional
Authorization of the Stage II Tailing Impoundment Facility May 4, 1990
Samatosum 1500148 M-184 Y (authorized interim crest elevation of 1134.4 m). From Piteau March 1997 Tailings Impoundment 1990
report: "1995/1996 Annual Geotechnical Inspection Report" mine operated
between May 1989 and September 1992. TSF closure works (rediversion,
revegetation, abandonment spillway) completed sometime in 1994/1995
Tailings Dam Construction permit issued Aug 30, 1989. Tailings Storage
Facility Nov 8, 1989. Tailings Stage II Operating Dec 5, 1991. Tailings Stage II
Embankment Raise Feb 5, 1992. Tailings Stage III Operating May 17, 1993.
Golden Bear 100022 M-187 y Tailings Storage Facility 1989
Tailings Embankment Stage IV Construction Aug 13, 1993. Tailings
impoundment closed in 2003 and 'cover' of 'alluvial fan' material placed on
Tailings Pond #1 [1979] Original Tailings pond built in 1979. In 2007 report, proposed to expand Tailings Pond #1
1300245 M-189 Y Reclamation Permit issued February 23, 1990
l B & Baker Mill Tailings Pond #2 [2012] Tailings Pond No 2 built in 1990, is a smaller facitliy and located adjacent to the south of No 1 pond. Draft Report on Baker Mine Dam Safety Review indicates it has only recently been used.
Tailings facility designed by Klohn Leonoff in 1988, Klohn Crippen 1997 report indicates that Dyke 1 was constructed in 1990, tailings empoundment capped in 1999 during mine closure activities according to
Tailings Facility Dyke 1 1990
2001 Report of Reclamation Inspector
Snip 100008 M-190 Y
Tailings facility designed by Klohn Leonoff in 1988, Klohn Crippen 1997 report indicates that Dyke 3 was constructed in 1990, tailings empoundment capped in 1999 during mine closure activities according to
Tailings Facility Dyke 3 1990
2001 Report of Reclamation Inspector
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Correspondence indicates rock waste was put into Albino Lake to create causeway until Tom MacKay Lake Tailings Facility constructed and then it was used for waste rock disposal. Letter from District
Approving Work System and Reclamation Permit issued July 29, 1994. Inspector of Mines dated August 8, 2000 indicates approval to use borrow pit material for Tom MacKay Lake Tailings Pipeline Right-of-Way Construction. Letter from Homestake Canada dated December 17,
Eskay Creek 100073 M-197 Y Amendemnt 1) July 28, 2000 - Tom MacKay Lake Waste Rock and Tailings Tom Mackay Lake Tailings Facility 2000 2001 indicates tailings are being deposited into Tom MacKay Lake; some modifications needed to be made. 2013 Annual Reclamation Report for Reclamation Permit M-197 issued March 2014 indicates 1)
Disposal. construction of pipeline to Tom MacKay was completed in 2001 2) tailings started discharging to Tom MacKay in September 2001 3) routine tailings disposal at Albino Lake discountinuted in about 2001 4)
May 2008 tailings ceased to be deposited in Tom MacKay 5) no reclamation of the tailings impoundments in 2013.
Drawing in Technical Memorandum dated July 13, 2011 indicate Cross Dyke and Main Dam both part of Tailings Pond. Letter from QR Mine Supt/Chief Engineer indicates water in impoundment at the time,
Tailings Cross Dyke 1995
Reclamation Permit issued July 18, 1994. Amendments 1) September 1, 1994 - and they will begin raising dam.
Tailings Impoundment Operating Facilities 2) February 27, 1995 - Approval to
QR 1000069 M-198 Y
construct Tailings Dam 3) August 2, 2002 - Approving Design for Permanent
Closure of Tailings Facility. Tailings Main Dam 1995 Part of same Tailings Dam
2013 Contstruction Record Report FINAL dated December 20, 2013 indicates 1) production began in the fall of 1997 2) operation comprises conventional open pit mining and flotation process 3) 2 existing
tailings and waste rock management facilities 4) the TMF-2 impoundment is contained by TMF-2 Dam, the Orica Saddle Dam and the East Dam 5) The containment dams for TMF-2 were completed in 2007 to
East Pit Plug Dam Nov-08 their final configurations, at a min. crest elev. 1080 m 6) the MTF-2 impoudnment is essentially dewatered and the average tailings elev. within the impoundment is approx. 1075 m 7) The East Zone Pit (EZP)
is contained by the east zone piti and the East Pit Plug Dam 8) the EPPD was constructed in 2012 to a final crest elev. 1040 m 9) the EZP impoundment was filled to planned capacity 10) TMF-3 is the third
impoundment and development is required in support of the Main Zone Optimization
2012 EPPD As-Built Report 2 January 2013 indicates 1) TMF-2 impoundment provided storage for the bulk of mill tailings in addition to storage and eventual permanent submergence 2) the mined-out Main
Zone pit began receiving tailings discharge in early June 2003 3) while the TMF-2 facility was used during prior years for tailings and PAG 4) in January 2005 the MZP and TMF-2 impoundments were merged
Permit Approving Work System and Reclamation Program issued February 14, together 5) EPPD is nearing capacity. TMF - 2012 Annual Review dated May 31, 2013 indicates 1) prior 2005 there had been 2 impoundments seperated by the South Saddle Dam (the Main Zone Pit and
Huckleberry 200094 M-203 Y
1996 Orica Saddle Dam 2007 TMF-2) 2) in Jan. 2005 the South Saddle Dam was breached and the 2 impoundments were merged into one large impoundment 3) the South Saddle Dam was buried by the tailings and water within the
merged impoundment 4) a rockfill cause way was constructed over the South Saddle Dma preventing hte migration of tailings into the Main Zone pit portion where the reclaim barge was located 5) the started
dam for TMF-2 was constructed in 1996-1997 and discharge of tailings into the impoundment commenced in the fall of 1997 6) the starter dam for the East Dam was constructed in 2003 7) a cofferdam for the
Orica Saddle Dam was constructed in Feb. 2006 and the dam was stared in 2006 and completed in 2007 8) the East Plug Dam started dam began in 2008
Report of Inspector of Mines, Geotechnical Inspection for an inspection on June 9, 1983 indicates 1) tailings dam has been constructed 2) Containment is full 3) of the 2 alternative sites, the one to the south of
the existing impoundment is prefered. Report of Inspector of Mines, Geotechnical Inspection for an inspection on September 18, 1989 indicates 1) tailings have been removed from storage 2) small pool of
Bow/May Permit Approving Work System and Reclamation Program. MX-5-12 permit
1400027 M-209 Y Roberts Mill Tailings Pond 1982 water along north end of dyke. Report of Geotechnical Inspector for an inspection on May 29, 2002 indicates 1) no tailings depostion in the relatively small tailings storage facility since 1997 2) Pond surface
Mac/Boundary Falls approving reclamation program - mineral exploration issued May 6, 1980
dry, approx. 0.5m of freeboard. Annual Review of Tailings dated June 8, 1992 indicated tailings have been discharged into tailings pond from 1982 to 1987. No mention of reclamation activities. MEM Office
Memo dated November 6, 2012 indicate they received a Notice of Work in 2012 for underground work - nothing in the file indicates any work has been done since.
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Diane said that there is not TSF, only settlement ponds ?? The Quinto Mining Corp. Lumby Project Tailings Storage Facility by Knight and Piesold Ltd. dated June 1987 indicated 1) tailings from previous
mining and milling were discharged into three settlement ponds to the east side of the valley directly below the mine 2) due to small quantities of ore tailings were only about 1 m (pump house and artesian well
located just south of the south settling pond) 3) the proposed Tailings Facility is proposed to be construced in old settling ponds area but will be extended 150 m north Annual Reclamation Report for 2013
indicates 1) no mining or exploration has occured on property since 1994 2) Tailings ponds have been reclaimed and will be covered with 20 cm of soil in 2014. Letter from ICS dated May 14, 1997 indicates 1)
installation of HDPE tailings pond liner. Annual Reclamation Report for 2011 indicated 1) two tailings ponds were closed according to closure plan 2) ponds were backfilled 3) northern pond had HDP liner that
North Tailings Pond TSF1 [1998] was previously removed and the northern pond consisted of tailings. Draft of The Quinto Mining Corp. Lumby Muscovite Project Reclamation Plan dated June 2006 indicates 1) activity at site between 1968 -
1970 2) property explored in 1971 to 1973 3) In 1974 Coast Interior Ventures Ltd worked intermittently until 1981 and mill was expanded 4) Quinto Mining Corp purchased claims in 1983. Annual Reclamation
Report for 2013 indicates 1) the tailings ponds are dry and vegetated after two years 2) the tailings ponds have been reclaimed and they will be covered the former tailings area in 2014. The Proposal for the
Lumby Project/ Approving Work System and Reclamation Permit issued July 18, 2000. The
4000056 M-215 Y Lumby Muscovite Project received by the MEM on March 30, 1995 indicates 1) tailings storage facility is still proposed at that time and there will only be one 2) KP report attached (dated June 1987) indicates
Quinto site closed in 2011
tailings from previous mine were discharged into a series of settling ponds to the east side of valley direcly below the mine and only a small quantity was ored therefore a small amount of tailings 3) according
to the KP report the tailings facility will be built over the old settling ponds 4) there is a proposed water recovery pond (possibly South TSF??). Mining has not occured since 1994, permit approved 2000??
Report of Inspector of Mines from an inspection that took place November 25, 2005 indicated 1) present PVClines tailings pond has never been used 2) old tailings pond which was covered over to the south of
present pond is reported to have tailigns which were deposited in the mid-70s. Lumby Quinto Mine Site Annual reclamation Report - 2008 indicated 1)exploration and mine development occured between 1968
South Tailings Pond TSF2 [1997]
and 1976 2) PVC lined tailings pond has accumulated water but has never been used for tailing (the northern facility) liner placed over tailings. Area regraded and vegetated (CLOSURE OF THE LUMBY
QUINTO MINE SITE S.E. Ames, Ph.D., M.Sc., P.Ag. )
Permit Approving Work System and Reclamation Program issued April 10,
HB Tailings landfill 500032 M-218 Y Tailings Storage Facility 1955
Letter dated March 25, 2004 from the Deputy Chief Inspector of Mines indicates 1) Permit M-62 issued to Churchill Copper Corp 2) April 5, 1975 mining operations ceased 3) 1976 some cleanup occured 4) by
Tailings Facility #1 1982 all buildings have been removed 5) shortly before 1984 , tailings pond breached and sent tailings down the Racing River 6) November 17, 1987 permit closed and security released therefore Teck had no
2004 Reclamation permit indicates that mining operations ceased in 1975. File reclamation obligations
indicates that road access to mine area completed in late 1960s. Permit File
Churchill Copper ? M-222 Y Tailings Facility #2 North Embankment
222 applies to attempt by MEM and Teck to remediate the site. Teck is doing
so voluntarily Dam
Tailings Facility #2 North Saddle Dam
Tailings Facility #2 South Saddle Dam
2010 Annual Geotechnical Review dated June 30, 2011 indicates 1) TSF is located in a small drainage basin 1 km NE of mill 2) formed by 2 dams 3) diversion ditches located alond both sides and has
emergency spillway located in SE Dam 4) in 2008 Klohn Crippen Berger assumed responsibility of design and construction 5) photos indicate the dams were inuse and were also under construction (raising). A
Permit approving work system and reclamation program issued November 7, Tailings Facility Northwest Dam Feb-08
letter from Deputy Chief Inspector dated November 12, 2008 indicates 1) construction of dam started Oct-Nov 2006 2) March 2007 construction suspended 3) November 2007 MEMPR received letter
Max Molybdenum 500770 M-226 Y 2005. Permit approving operation of the tailings impoundment issued February confirming the tailings impoundment completed to elev. 780 ft.
29, 2008. Ammendment to construct tailings dam to 790 m - July 7, 2010
Tailings Facility Southeast Dam Feb-08 Only correspondence in file is from the Chief Inspector of Mines dated December 10, 2013 indicating their reclamation security is due. Last Annual Report was from 2010
Tailings Storage Facility (North) Talking with Diana, no TSF was built
Limited Files on-site. Letters suggest that an old TSF on site has not been in
Benson Lake M-228 Y Loose file found in box in library indicates 1) operation 1962-1972 for copper and iron 2) previously the Old Sport Mine, 1972 and before 3) had tailings waste 4) emergency tailings pond 0.8 ha 5) (hand written
use since 1972 and that it has essentially been re-vegetated
Tailings Storage Facility (South) report) reclamation of land has taken place a) only mentions 1 tailings pond and reclamation activities, which are revegetation efforts, have throughout the 1970s b) revegetation of tailings pond has not been
Pothook Pit Dam [2008] Approval to construct Pothook dam given September 25, 2008
Tailings Disposal Facility South Dam [2013] Approval to construct TSF fiven November 2008. New Afton Tailings Storage Facility dated January 31, 2014 show South Dam, West Dam, Dam A, Dam B and Dam C to be part of same TSF
Permit Approving Work System and Reclamation Program issued October 30, TDF West Dam [2013] OMS Manual dateed June 2012 indicates 1) Teck Corp. operated a mine in the same area from 1978 to 1991 and it included a tailings pond
New Afton 300614 M-229 Y
2007 TDF Starter Dam A [2013]
TDF Starter Dam B [2013]
TDF Starter Dam C [2013]
No useful information in permit file. Approving Pre-Construction Work 2007 Based on a memo dated August 5, 2011, proposed storing tailings in West More Tailings Management Facility, immediately east of the plant site - proposed configuration of impoundment includes 3 dams, a
Galore Creek 100887 M-230 Y Tailings Storage Facility n/a
Permit issued July 4, 2007. Main dam and two saddle dams. More info on proposed tailings dam construction in Rescan April 2006 EA Application. Have not built anything yet
Approval of TSF given by Chris Carr in email sent February 27, 2009; however, no evidence of construction? Name change amendment issued July 14, 2014 - now Nuakan International Mining Inc. Annual
Approving the Processing of a 10,000 tonne Bulk Sample Permit issued March Reclamation Report for 2013 dated March 31, 2014 (found on the MEM server) indicates 1) The Greenwood (Zip) Mill and tailings facilitiy was constructed under a NoW to Process 10,000 bulk sample from
Greenwood (Zip) 1630157 M-233 Y Tailings Storage Facility 8-May
3, 2008. Lexington-Grenoble Mine between Sept 2007 - May 2008 2) production suspended and all ore processed until the end of December 2008 3) operation is currently under care and maintenance until metal
prices justify its re-opening (site remains stable) 4) between May 2008 and December 2008 input of 52,327 tonnes of tailings into tailings iimpoundment
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Annual Reclamation Report for 2014 dated August 2014 indicated 1) Prize commenced an exploration bulk sampling program which included overburden/placer tailings excavation 2) Prize processed material
in their on-site bulk sample mill in 2008 3) Sucess of the bulk sampling program led Eagle Planins Resources Ltd. apply for a Small Mines Act Permit for continued excavation and received approval in July
Tailings Pond 2009 2010 and then tailings pond was constructed and plant modified 4) No mining has been undertaken since 2009 and does not anticipated resumign production in 2014 5) TSF constructed in 2009 has not been
filled to capactiy so no reclamationhas begun 6) TSF used to hold tailings from bulk sample processeing partly covered in 2009 and 2010 with placer gravels - will be eventually be covered with placer gravel
Mine Permit Approving Mine Plan and Reclamation Program issued July 10, and recontoured
Yellowjacket 100028 M-235 Y
Yellowjacket Gold Mine Geotechnical Assessment dated July 2009 indicates 1) bulk sampling program produced stockpiles, dumps and tailings materials 2) bulk sample sediment pond in area where 'old
Old Tailings Pond [2007] tailings pond' indicated in 2014 report 3) tailings produced from 2009 will be processed in sediment ponds. Figure in 2012 Annual Report Yellowjacket Mine shows southwest Tailings Pond (southwest of Plant)
as 2008 Pond and Tailings Pond north of Pine Creek Main Channel as 2009 Pond and pond north of that labelled as Pond (which according to Google Earth is currently holding water).
Report of Geotechnical Inspector for an inspection that took place August 25, 2014 indicates 1) TSF is a sidehill facitliy that needs continuous embankment on north, east and south sides 2) conprised of 4
dams - North, Northeast, Southeast, South Dams 3) containment on west side of TSf is provided by topographically higher ground except where a relatively short embankment (West Separator Berm) is
Tailings Storage Facility North Dam Aug-13
required to separate the TSF from the open pit as the pit floor is lowered 4) TSF has "high" classification and West Separator Berm is a "very high" hazard 5) Deposition of tailings behind starter dam
Gerneral Reclamation Permit Mineral Exploration issued September 29, 2014. commenced in approx. mid Auguts 2013, and tailings were being deposited in vicitnity of West Separator Berm 6) Sig. freeboard evident throughout the TSF
Amendments September 8, 2009 - Approving Work System for Mount Milligan
Mount Milligan 1300188 M-236 Y
Copper Gold Project and Approving Reclamation Program. Letter in permit file Tailings Storage Facility Northeast Dam Aug-13
indicates Approval to Operate TSF given on June 20, 2013
Tailings Storage Facility South Dam Aug-13
Tailings Storage Facility Southeast Dam Aug-13
West Separator Berm Aug-13
In August 2010 began work inc. re-activation of existing underground mine, 2011 water treatment plant comissioned, sediment control pond constructed. In October 2012 the Company failed to secure
Mine Permit Approving Mine Plan and Reclamation Program issued August 26, Tailings Storage Facility (Feasibility financing and site was put i cate and maintencance. Porject was still in development stage in 2012. The Dome Mountain Mine 2012 Annual Report indicated they are in the process of submitting an application
Dome Mountain 200006 M-237 Y n/a
2010 Design) which includes development of TMF. A Report of Geotechnical Inspector from an inspection on August 26, 2014 indicated 1) proposed TMF was cleared w/in past 20 years and the TMF faciltiy in in permit
application phase and no construction is taking place ( Golder Associates issued a "Tailings Storage Faciltiy Design, Dome Mountain" report dated December 23, 2013 not available on-site)
Tailings Storage Facility North Dam 2014 Red Chris Mine Seepage Review prepared by Arifex Engineering Hydrology Inc. dated September 15, 2014 indicates1) project is still in review/analysis stage 2)
Mine Permit Approving Mine Plan and Reclamation Program issued May 4,
Red Chris 101102 M-240 Y
2012 Tailings Storage Facility Northeast Dam n/a
Tailings Storage Facility South Dam n/a
Myra Tailings Disposal Facility 1984 Mine has been operating since 1966. From 1967 until 1984 tailings were deposited into the south end of Buttle Lake
Myra Falls 800007 M-26 Y Permit Authorizing Surface Work issued April 6, 1970 Construction completed in approx. 2011; however Annual Reclamation Reports indicate it has been used as a tailings disposal facility since 2008. Became main depositional facitliy because Myra TDF is at full
Lynx Tailings Disposal Facility [2008]
According to the 2013 Annual Reclamation Report 1)open pit mining and use of the TMF commenced in 1972 and continued to operate until November 1996 when it suspended 2) mine and tailings area had
Copper Mountain Tailings Storage Facility East Dam 1972
300009 M-29 Y Permit Authorizing Surface Work issued August 3, 1970 remained inactive until 2011 when it was reactivated. Photos from 1981 site visit indicate TMF was in use
Tailings Storage Facility West Dam 1972
Talking with Diane 1) in permit review stage now 2) no dam has been constructed 3) have not disposed of tailings since 1974 and when they operated before that they shipped tailings offsite to AB. The
Gallowai Bul River Bulk Samping Project by EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Dated July 2001 indicates 1) surface mining was carried out during the 1970s by previous owners 2) the tailings pond was from
July 7, 2000 GIR indicates that tailings have been covered and revegetated, Tailings Impoundment (previous the pervious operation 3) the site was reclaimed in the mid 1970s immediately following completion of mining 4) mining ceased in 1973 and reclamation of property was completed by 1976 5) tailings pond
Gallowai/Bul River 1200006 M-33 Y [1970]
other than that, very litle information on the TSF operation) reportedly covered with till 6) during the reclamation a washout occured due to surface runoff across tailings pond, caused a gulley to develop and the remnent gulley is still evident 7) surface water was
subsequently re-directed to Pit No. 1 in a new ditch and repaires were made. No mention of construction date, assume tailings facility used sometime in teh 1970s - apparently reclaimed in the 1979; the extent
and detail of reclamation unknown. MIN database indicates operated from 1971-1974.
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Investigation Report on the Leakage from the Bell Tailings Dam 1989 by the Head of Geotechnical Engineering and Inspector of Mines dated April 2, 1990 indicated 1) in about 1980 tailings placed in main
impoundment enclosed behind 4 dams 2) as pond level rose 2 more dams added along east ridge 3) before filling original impoundment, expanded and needed two new dams dam 7 and 8 4) construction of
dam 7 was completed in1988 5) dam 8 has not started yet. Letter from Geotechnical Inspector dated July 2, 1980 indicates tailings disposal facitliy was in use. Proceedings on March 26 - 29, 1982 Positive
Discharge at Dam #5 by the Senior Geotechnical Inspector dated May 4, 1982 indicates dam 5 was in use. Letter dated Febuary 27, 1987 by Senior Mine Engineer at Bell Mine indicates dam 6 was in use.
Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 2 1980
2002 Enviornmental/Reclamation Report indicates Tailings Expansion Pond was used on a limited basis in 1989. Bell Mine Closure Tailings Pond Spillway Report dated September 1, 1998 indicates the last
inflow to Tailings Pond was in 1996. Current Google Earth view indicates ponding in Tailings Pond area and Tailings Pond Extension area, appears no water is against dams. Report of the Geotechnical
Inpsector dated May 22, 2001 indicates 1) mine closed in 1992 2) all six tailings dams around Pond No. 2 are in stable condition 3) min freeboard exceeds 4m. Dam Safety Review of Bell and Granisle Mines
dated March 2001 indicates 1) the dams were designed in 1971 and the tailings dam extension was designed in 1982
Tailings Pond Extension Dam 7 [1989] Part of the Tailings Expansion Pond, which is northeast of the current tailings pond. Report of the Geotechnical Inspector issued May 22, 2001 indicates 1) the tailings pond extension has 10 m of freeboard
Part of the Tailings Expansion Pond. 1998 Dam Safety Inpsection Report Bell and Granisle Mines indicates Dam 8 was inspected and constructed in 1989. The Closure Cost Estimate Bell Mine dated August
Tailings Pond Extension Dam 8 [1989]
2000 indicates the Tailings Pond Extension will be seeded and fertilized.
Main Tailings Impoundment Dam 6 [1987] From Google Earth appears no water near dam 6. Closure Estimate Bell Mine dated August 2000 indicate Dam 6's toe has been filled in and will be graded, seeded and fertilized.
2009 URS Annual Tailing Review indicates open pit mining at Endako began in 1965. Info in MEM correspondence indicates Dam 1-A (South Dam), and Ponds #1 and #2 were under construction in 1972
Tailings Pond #1 Dam 1-A [1972] (Letter from Chief Inspector). A report completed by Endako suggested the old structures at this location (rock-filled dyke) had stability issues. The mine was closed from 1982 to 1986. According to 2007
Annual Report for Permit PE-1307, the permit which regulated tailings discharge was issued Feb 23, 1973
According to 2012 Annual Tailings Dam Performance Review (Golder, 2013) 'starter dams' were constructed at this location in 1980's but deposition of any significant tailings didn't occur until after 2010. In
Tailings Pond #3 West Dam 2010
2012, TP 1 and TP 3 were merged.
Tailings Pond #3 North Dam Infill
2013 Environmental and Reclamation Report dated April, 2014 indicates 1) Gibraltar Mine operated from 1972 to 1999 then bought out 2) brought back into production in 2004 3) Ore is mined by truck and
Permit Autorizing surface work issued February 12, 1971. Amendments to note shovel open pit method 4) still actively mining granite 5) All structures are part of the TSF. A Tailings Dam Review 1989-1900 report by Klohn Leonoff dated December 18, 1991 indicates 1) construction of the
Tailings North Earthfill Dam 1990
1) Approval for modification of the tailings impoundment system (saddle dam) - first stage (assuming this is the initial construction of the North Earthfill Tailings Dam) of an earthfill dam to elevation 3,550 ft was completed in 1990, and was considered satisfactory 2) the second stage of
December 13, 1985 2) Approving tailings impoundment northeast fill dam embankment to its ultimate crest elevation of 3,565 ft will not be required fo the next several years.
design - September 28, 1990 3) Approval to construct tailings dam to elev.
Gibraltar 900004 M-40 Y
3620 ft. 4) Approving re: design of tailings dam - November 12, 2004 5) Letter dated June 21, 1985 from Gibraltar Mines indicated that they are going to be submitting an application for a Saddle Dam and increase the height of the dam. Letter dated July 29, 1986 from the Chief
Tailings Storage East Saddle Dam 1986
Approving tailings operating level - January 3, 2008 6) Approving increase in Inpsector indicating approval of Saddle Dam.
mill throughput, 7 south dump expansion and TSF diposition plan - February
12, 2013
Tailings Storage Main (Cyclone Sand) Drawings from 1971 indicate Cyclone Sand dam on plans, noted as starter dam on some of the drawings. Letter from the Inspector of Mines dated August 23, 1972 indicated an inspection of the tailings dam
Dam and pond took place, they requested information from the mine regarding post-staring construction.
Permit file not found in it's entirity. Letter from Inspector of Mines in 1996
Alwin/Dekalb (aka
300419 M-50 Y indicates that mine has been inactive since 1982. No specific information Tailings Storage Facility Pre-1982 Talking with Diane 1) has a little bit of tailings in facility 2) mostly used as a water retention structure 3) used by the FNRO as a facility to breed fish
Little OK Lake)
found on the construction date of the TSF/lake
Need TSF reclamation date. DSR Bell and Gransile Mines dated March 2001 indicates 1) Dam 1 was constructed first to form Tailings Impoundment 1 2) no documentation on the design and as-built
infomartion for Dam 1 is availale 3) the main tailigngs impoundment TI 2 provided tailings storage from 1970 to the end of the mine life 4) Geocon (1993) presented hydrologic data and analysis concluded
No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 2 1972
that an emergency spillway at TI 2 not nessessary 5) no special management facilities are required for tailings impoundment 6) vegetation developed on the tailings surface is effective in preventing dusting .
Based on 2000 Reclamation Report dated March 2001, mine production began N. Rose Geotechnical Inpsection of Open Pit Waste Dumps and Tailngs Dams for Bell and Granisle Mine dated August 14, 2006 inidcates 1) Granisle impoundments current have water
in 1966, pond #1 used until 1972, Pond #2 used from 1972 to 1982, a third
Granisle 200039 M-6 Y
pond was began, but never used. Dam #1 is not holding water….when did this
happen? No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 3 1972 need TSF reclamation date
No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 4 1972 need TSF reclamation date
No. 2 Tailings Pond Dam 5 1972 need TSF reclamation date
No, 1 Tailings Pond Dam 1 1966 need TSF reclamation date. Report of Geotechnical Inspector dated May 22, 2001 indicates 1) only small pond exist in central area of Pond No. 2. 2) photo of Pond No. 1 shows it revegetated.
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Mention of inspection for Tailings Storage and Tailings Pond Facilities mentioned in letter dated July 27, 1971 from the /inspector of /mines and Resident Engineer. C.O. Brawner Engineering Ltd.'s November
7, 1985 letter mentions lower tailings dam constructed in 1970. Annual Reclamation Report 2002 indicates 1) mine was opeartig for 15 years from 1959 to 1974 then it was closed 2) decommsioning of the site
began in 1993 3) the remaining decommissioning and reclamation work was completed in the mid 1990s 4) during operations, the tailings dam faces were seeded 5) in 1972 tailings expansion and dyke
construction 6) August 31, 1974 operations were suspended and property left to mainenance and watchmen and in 1976 public road to site closed and removal of equipment took place over the years 7) final
decomissioning of mine began in 1993 8) capping and reseededin on the tailigns impoundmet was completed in July 2000. Giant Nickel Annual Report 2001 indicates 1) seeding of approx. 10 ha of the upper
Lower Tailings Storage Facility [1972] tailings pond completed in 1980 with little sucess 2) 1994 two tailings vegetation test plots covered with till, seeded, fertilized and fenced 3) remaining reclamatino work outlined in the Reclamatino Plan was
completed the summer of 1995 4) a spillway in the south pond near tailings area and an emergency spillway in the lower tailings dam constructed 5) remedial seeding at the tailings area completed summer
1996 6) in 1998 Homesake remediated a seepage area located beside tailings impoundment 6) revegetation in tailings impoundment in 1999 7) no further reclamation activity in tailings site required (same
things was indicated in 2007 Reclamation Plan - no futher vegetation required in 2002). 1995 Reclamation Plan indicates 1) tailings were discharged into the upper western pond and waste water was decanted
Giant Nickel/Pride
400002 M-64 Y Permit authorizing surface work issued December 9, 1971. to the lowe pond 2) an overflow culvert was installed at the north end of the lower tailings dam 3) site observations from 1993 and 1994 indicated ponded water in lower tailings area and slight gullying
of Emory
apparent, extending from upper pond to lower pond
Upper TSF refered to as "old" in letter from C.O. Brawner Engineering Ltd. dated November 7, 1985. In the Homestake Canada Inc. Giant Nickel Reclamation - Summary dated August 13, 1999 indicated 1)
reclamation work began in 1993 and at that time had been closed for 19 years 2) Reclamation Plan submitted to MEM in February 1995 3) mine had operated in the 1930's and inactive from 1938 to 1951, and
was reopened in 1952. The mine was operated by Giant Mascot from 1959 to 1974 when it was closed and property lay dormant. 4) The tailings impoundment areas (upper and lower ponds) was covered with
Upper Tailings Storage Facility ? overburden material, seeded wtih a grasses and legume mix then fertilized.5) Reclamation of tailings area is complete (in 1999). Correspondence in 2000 indicates Interfor would like to log in the tailings/dam
area. Report of Inspector of Mines Geotechnical dated that took place on August 6, 2004 indicates upper impoundment is dry and lower impoundment is partially covered by vegetation wtih a pond covering
central portion. Report of Inspector of Mines Geotechnical Inspection that took place August 15, 1995 indicates 1) upper pond has no pond 2) lower pond is partially filled with tailings and has pond surface
area less than 1 ha.
Upper pond and lower pond photos from 1981. Inter-Office Correspondence dated November 2m 1959 from MINFile indicates 1) No. 1 adit was commenced in 1933 2) when operations closed down in 1937 2
adits had been driven and completed. Report of Inspection of Mines Geotechnical Inspection that took place September 29, 1987 indicated 1) Pond no. 1 dry 2) Pond no. 2 had freeboard of 1 m 3) new
impoundment under construction, maybe Pond no. 3. In a letter dated July 29, 1992 from MEM to Treminco Resources Ltd. MEM asked if now discharging tailings into #3 Pond. Report of Inspector of Mines
Geotechnical dated July 21, 1994 indicates 1) there are 3 ponds 2) Ponds 1 and 2 were dry 3) Pond 3 had a small pond. Report of Geotechnical Inspector of an inspection that took place June 10, 1997
inidcated 1) Silvana Mine has been shut down since April 1993 and Chief Inspector stated mine is closed in April 17, 1997 2) Pond No. 1 shall be reclaimed now as it is full. report of Geotechnical Inspector
Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 1 [1970] from an inspection that took place June 3, 1998 1) Pond 1 has tailings heaped around edge and is dry at surface 2) Pond 2 is dry on surface 3) Pond 3 has surface water located at north end around the 2
decants. Report of Geotechnical Inspector, date of inspection May 12, 1999 (?) indicates 1) Pond 1some capacity remains 2) Pond 2 is full and decants are plugged, should be reclaimed 3) Pond 3 small
Permit authorizing surface work issued December 9, 1971. August 23, 1994 amount of tailings has been released through the decants in side dam crest requires repair. Report of Geotechnical Inpsector, date of inspection July 11, 2000 1) Pond 1 west embankment sloughing due to
Silvana/Klondike CO Brawner Engineering Ltd. report titled "Silvana Mine Waste Empoundment pipe damage and discharge on the downstream embankment slope 2) Pond 2 conditions inactive and shall be reclaimed 3) Pond 3 10,000 tonnes capacity remains. Letter dated March 31, 2010 from Mine-site
500001 M-65 Y
Silver/Hinckley Dyke" indicated that Ponds #1 and #2 are dry. Pond #3 has a small amount of manager for Klondike Silver Corp. mentions the required surface water diversion ditech was constructed in 2008. Reclamation Programme and Report dated November 4, 1971 mentions1) tailings area
surface water. The 1996 report indicates that Pond #3 is dry. located on valley floor 2) old tailings area has been included in the enlardged area "now" in use 3) 11 acres of tailings area
Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 2 [1970] Inspection Silvana Tailings Dam dated June 4, 2001 indicates Pond 2 is full (looks dry from pictures.. how can be full and dry?)
Silvana Mine Closure Cost Estimate Sandon, B.C. dated January 2002 indicates 1) Pond 3 was added in approx. 1987 2) a fourth pond (Pond 4) has been delineated downstream of Pond #3 however it only
receives decanted water at "this" time 2) at the time, tailings discharged into Pond #3 and water that decants off Pond #3 is reciculated via Ponds #1 and #2 to allow for greater retention/settling time prior to
Tailings Storage Facility Pond No 3 [1987]
being released through the Pond #4 area. Silviana Mine Annual Reclamation Report 2011, little information, indicated tailings were placed in Pond #3. Annual Reclamation Report for 1998 dated February 2,
1999 indicated work at the mine is suspended.
Craigmount Mine Tailings Facility 2010 Annual Review Report dated April 7, 2011 1) Construction at Expanded Tailings Facility began in 2006 with Dykes 1 and 2 within mined out portion of old Craigmont
Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 1 [2008]
Tailings Impoundment 2) Dyke 1 completed in 2008. Craigmont Mines 2011 Annual Report dated September 2012
Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 2 Jul-09 Craigmount Mine Tailings Facility 2010 Annual Review Report dated April 7, 2011 1) Dykes 2 and 3 were raise in July and August 2009 2) forms western boundary of Expanded Tailings Facility
Expanded Tailings Facility Dyke 3 Aug-09 Craigmount Mine Tailings Facility 2010 Annual Review Report dated April 7, 2011 1) Dykes 2 and 3 were raise in July and August 2009 2) Dyke 3 forms boundary between Dyke 1 and Dyke 2
Craigmount Mine Tailings Facility 2010 Annual Review Report dated April 7, 2011 1) LTF constructed between 1992 and 1996 2) deposition to LTF ended in approx. 1997Expansion of Lower TSF given May 3,
Lower Tailings Facility [1996]
Craigmont 1500125 M-68 Y Permit authorizing surface work issued December 9, 1971.
West Tailings Facility Dyke 4 [2013] West Tailings Facility was under development in March 2011. Craigmont Mine 2011 Annual Report dated September 2012 1) EFT reached capacity during fall/winter 2011 and WTF was created by Dyke 4
Approval to construct Upper Tailings Facility given September 20, 1996. Craigmount Mine Tailings Facility 2010 Annual Review Report dated April 7, 2011 1) UTF dam initially constructed in 1996-1997 2) first
raise was in downstream direction in 200 with subsequent lifts in 2005 and 2006 3) was used for tailings depossition between 1996 and October 2006 3) is "no longer" in use 4) in March 2011 surface dry but
Upper Tailings Facility 1996 snow covered. Craigmont Mine Annual Water Quality Report Lower Nicola dated March 14, 2013 indicates 1) mine operated as copper/iron/silver/gold producer from 1962 to 1982 2) since 1992 tailings has
been reprocessed through physical and magnetic separation for the production of hematite and magetite and water reclaimed from process discharged to tailings facility in 2011 3) In 2012 construction of
silver/lead ore mill began and tailings from new mill are being deposited into a lined tailings facitliy with the reprocessed tailigns facility
North Tailings Management Facility Cell 7 1988 Operation of impoundment #7 was approved August 29, 1988
According to 1995 Annual Reclamation Report, mining and milling ceased
February 1991. No further mining activity since. September 22, 2002 Report of South Tailings Management Facility Cell 1
Geotechnical Inspector references inspection on July 24, 1989 and that TSF 1-
Beaverdell 400004 M-71 Y 6 were inactive, while TSF 7 was active at the time of the 1989 report. May 4, South Tailings Management Facility Cell 2
2005 Tech Inspection report indicates no standing water in any of the 7
embankments, No information on construction or design dates. -- Permit for South Tailings Management Facility Cell 3
Tech Corp. dated December 9, 1971 (found on MEM server)
South Tailings Management Facility Cell 4
Mount Polley Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel
Mount Copeland M-72 No Permit file found Tailings Storage Facility [1970] Information coming from MINFile database 1) underground exploration commenced in September 19672) decisino to to into production was made in 1969 and installation of a crusher and concentrator was completed in Fe
Part of East Gypsum Pond. Sullivan Mine 2012 Annual Reclamation Report indicates1) total of 14 earth fill structures that create 6 seperate impoundmentshe 2) the two dams (North and South Dams) are part
of the ARD Storage Pond 3) the mine was closed in 2001 4) reclamation work on the tailings areas started in 1990 and was essentially complete by 2008 5) currently only 3 operating impoundments ARD
East Gypsum Pond Northeast Dyke 1985
Storage Pond, the Emergency Storage Pond (within the Iron Pond) and the Sludge Pond 6) the other tailings facilties have been decomissioned and in final stages of reclamation 7) reclamation inc. covering
pond surface and construction of surface water runoff conveyance channels and spillways
Sullivan Mine 2012 Annual Reclamation Report indicates1) total of 14 earth fill structures that create 6 seperate impoundmentshe 2) the two dams (North and South Dams) are part of the ARD Storage Pond
3) the mine was closed in 2001 4) reclamation work on the tailings areas started in 1990 and was essentially complete by 2008 5) currently only 3 operating impoundments ARD Storage Pond, the Emergency
Active Iron Pond (Emergency Storage Storage Pond (within the Iron Pond) and the Sludge Pond 6) the other tailings facilties have been decomissioned and in final stages of reclamation 7) reclamation inc. covering pond surface and construction of
Pond) surface water runoff conveyance channels and spillways 8) . Letter SRK Robinson dated June 7, 1991 indicated the stated dam for the perimeter embankment around the Active Iron Tailings Pond was
constructed in 1975, and since then there has been 3 extensions and the most recent one happened in 1990. New spillway for the ESP was constructed in October 2007. The ESP contained water in 2011 due
to high spring rainfall.
Part of Calcine Pond. 2012 Annual Reclamation Report indicated iron calcine mining activity ceased in April 2011. 2012 Annual Reclamation Report indicates 1) pit walls resloped to stable slope and top
Calcine Dyke 1972
Permit authorizing surface work issued December 9, 1971. August 23, 1994 dressed wotj 25-30 cm of till and seeded.
CO Brawner Engineering Ltd. report titled "Silvana Mine Waste Empoundment
Sullivan 600001 M-74 Y
Dyke" indicated that Ponds #1 and #2 are dry. Pond #3 has a small amount of Part of East Gypsum Pond. Photos from May 1984 shows pond with water. 2012 Annual Review of Tailings Dykes by Klohn Crippen Berger indicates 1) there is a surface water diversion channel 2) that they
surface water. The 1996 report indicates that Pond #3 is dry. East Gypsum Pond East Dyke 1969
are still establishign a possible trend between percipitation and seepage through the tailings dykes
The 2009 Annual Report on Tailings and Waste Impoundments indicates 1)Prior to 1941 all tailings deposited in the Old Iron Pond 2)With initiation of tin and iron concentrate production in 1942, a two-system
pond system was implemented with iron concentrate and tailings placed in the Old Iron Pond and siliceous tailings directed to the Siliceous Pond 3) Iron tailings disposal to the Old Iron Pond continued until
Old Iron Pond Before 1941 1965, after which time it was directed to the Active Tailings Pond 4) Use of the Siliceous Ponds discontinued after 1987 Since then a single tailings flow was produced and discharged to the Active Tailings
Pond 5) the East and West Gypsum Ponds constructed in 1969, the Calcine Ponds 1972 and the Cooling Ponds 1975. 2012 Annual Review of tailings Dykes by Teck Metals Ltd indicates 1) Outhwest Limb of
Old Iron Pond Dyke has been re-sloped in 2007 and extended dth toe with a bern
Siliceous Pond 1 Before 1941 2012 Annual Review of Tailings Dykes by Klohn Crippen Berger indicates 1) surface water diversion channel and spillway are in good condition.
Siliceous Pond 3 [1975] Photos from 1981 showed construction of Siliceous Pond No. 3 extension
Sliceous Pond 2 [1975] Photos from May 13, 1984 shows the beach of the pond
Letter dated September 26, 1969 indicated 1) production began in June 1966 2) the older tailings area known as Good Friday Tailings Facitliy (1967) is now phased out of active use 3) Jumbo Tailings is now
inuse. 2004 Water Quality Monitoring at Little Sheep Creek indicated 1) June 5, 1999 breach occurentin culvert beneath tailings dam. -- Red Mountain - Jumbo and Good Friday TSF dated February 21, 2005
indicates 1) October 1998 installation of finger drains in area of overtopping of the West Limb of the Good Friday dam 2) June 1999, grouting of Jumbo diversino culvert and backfilling of sinkholes in Jumbo
Good Friday Tailings Storage Facility 1967
Impoundment 3) Sept-Oct 1999, construction of permanent diversino channel and spillway for Jumbo impoundment 4) Oct-Nov 2000, construction of Goof Friday Drainage Channel and Spillway 5) July-Sept
Red Mtn 2001, construction of Good Friday stabilizaing berm, installation of seepage collection drains, and decant grouting at Good Friday 6) June-Sept 2002, Good Friday finger drains, spillway berm extension, seep
500456 M-8 Y Permit Authorizing surface work issued January 20, 1970. collection system 7) June-Sept 2003, Good Friday West Limb extension and re-build seepage converyance
Very little information on the tailings facilities in the file - appears that there have been annual reports written but not on-site. Report and photos from Report dated June 8, 1999 indicated 1) large sink holes
Jumbo Tailings Storage Facility 1969 developed in the North Pond (Jumbo TSF) June 4, 1999 2) photos showed the TSF dry on surface but wet within sink hole. Klohn-Crippen Sinkhole Remediation Report dated August 5, 1999 indicates 1) Mine
was abandoned in eatly 1970s 2) final closure of the time site has yet to be completed. \
Based on 1997 Report of Geotechnical Inspector, tailings have not been deposited in facility since about 1989 and the tailings surface is a source of windblown dust; aerial drifting is evident at the south end.
Dankoe 400006 M-95 Y Application submitted to increase capacity of tailings dam in 1990 to MEM. Tailings Storage Facility [1971] The Annual Dam Safety Inspection Report 2011, indicated that no water was reported in any of the piezometers since 1992. The mill shut down permanently at the end of December 1990. The Annual
Reclamation Report 2010 indicated that reclamation work commenced in 1992. Photos found in file indicate tailings dam in use in 1971.
1) Red bold text is associated with incidents