Bahir Dar University 1
Bahir Dar University 1
Bahir Dar University 1
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), this gives developers the tools to build and host web
applications. To quickly develop and operate web or mobile applications over the Internet.
Software as a Service (SAAS). The end customer is purchasing the use of a working application
and the software is accessed over the public Internet.
Many of the current cloud end customers use price as their primary decision criterion. The result of many
providers competing to deliver a very similar product in a highly price-competitive environment is termed perfect
competition by economists
Vendors are able to provide cloud computing at rock-bottom prices by limiting access to infrastructure resources
or choosing lower-priced, lower-performance (and potentially older) infrastructure.
For example, ingress and egress bandwidth are often charged separately and using different rates; overages on
included baseline storage or bandwidth quantities are charged at much higher prices than the advertised base rates;
charges are applied to the number of IOPS (input/output operations per second) used on the storage system;
Cloud-computing service providers typically define an SLA (service-level agreement) as some guarantee of how
much of the time the server, platform, or application will be available.
Cloud 2.0, this second-generation value-based cloud is focused on delivering a high-performance, highly available,
and secure computing infrastructure for business-critical production applications, much like the mission of today’s
corporate IT departments.
The number one problem that Cloud 2.0 providers face is supplying their enterprise customers with storage that
can match the performance and reliability they are accustomed to from their purpose-built data centers at a price
point that is significantly lower.
SLAs are the name of the game in Cloud 2.0. Enterprise customers typically have obligations to provide services to
their customers within a contracted SLA.
Cloud 2.0 must include automation. This capability allows both the cloud provider and the customer to obtain
some unprecedented benefits:
• Very high service levels. The system is managing itself, and humans get involved only as needed, both at the
service-provider and customer-level processes.
• Problems and solutions become methodological rather than random. This allows you to fix all
instances of a problem with a code change.
• Automatically scalable infrastructure. This allows the customers to pay for only what they need when they
need it without additional systems administration effort to maintain service levels.
• Automatic disaster recovery. Automation handles the manual tasks of failover to a backup data center, as
well as failing back to the primary data center.
• Minimize staffing. The automation framework uses feedback from the monitoring system to automatically
address common solutions to common problems, as well as automatically execute repetitive processes. Escalation to
staff occurs only when the automation framework can’t address a fault.
• Power savings. The automation framework concentrates the workloads onto the minimum number of servers
necessary to maintain service levels, and turns off the rest.
II. Objective
To have virtually shared servers that is data centers provide software, platform, infrastructure,
policies and many resources.
The proposed intrusion detection framework begins with the collecting the event level log files
analyzed in terms of their characteristics and statistical behavior in order to identify the
significant features for the detecting the intrusion in cloud virtual machine monitoring systems.
The intrusion detection experiments are conducted using Weka data mining tool and to estimate
the performance of the suggested work utilized four dissimilar measures namely, precision,
recall, accuracy and false positive rate.
In this research, they have presented data mining based intrusion detection system virtual
machine monitoring in cloud environment. The system starts with investigating the
statistical behavior of virtual machines, then gratitude of important features and applied data
mining method to categorize the event log profile data into intrusion profile. Through
LogitBoost classifier achieved 97.90% accurateness.
The main issues
The main idea to have this one
1. Gupta, D., & Gupta, S. (2017, October). An efficient approach of trigger mechanism through IDS
in cloud computing. In Electrical, Computer and Electronics (UPCON), 2017 4th IEEE Uttar
Pradesh Section International Conference on (pp. 68-72). IEEE.
2. Singh, D., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., & Modi, C. (2016). Collaborative ids framework for cloud.
International Journal of Network Security, 18(4), 699-709.