Cellular IP is a micro-mobility protocol that is optimized for fast handoffs between small cells like pico- or nano-cells. It uses base stations to route packets and handle mobility within the cellular IP network, while relying on Mobile IP to manage mobility between cellular IP networks. Cellular IP supports both hard and soft handoffs to minimize packet loss and handoff latency. It also uses paging caches and route update messages to efficiently locate idle or active mobile hosts and update routing entries.
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Cellular IP is a micro-mobility protocol that is optimized for fast handoffs between small cells like pico- or nano-cells. It uses base stations to route packets and handle mobility within the cellular IP network, while relying on Mobile IP to manage mobility between cellular IP networks. Cellular IP supports both hard and soft handoffs to minimize packet loss and handoff latency. It also uses paging caches and route update messages to efficiently locate idle or active mobile hosts and update routing entries.
Cellular IP is a micro-mobility protocol that is optimized for fast handoffs between small cells like pico- or nano-cells. It uses base stations to route packets and handle mobility within the cellular IP network, while relying on Mobile IP to manage mobility between cellular IP networks. Cellular IP supports both hard and soft handoffs to minimize packet loss and handoff latency. It also uses paging caches and route update messages to efficiently locate idle or active mobile hosts and update routing entries.
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Cellular IP is a micro-mobility protocol that is optimized for fast handoffs between small cells like pico- or nano-cells. It uses base stations to route packets and handle mobility within the cellular IP network, while relying on Mobile IP to manage mobility between cellular IP networks. Cellular IP supports both hard and soft handoffs to minimize packet loss and handoff latency. It also uses paging caches and route update messages to efficiently locate idle or active mobile hosts and update routing entries.
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Cellular IP and Comparison with
other Mobility Protocols
isadvantage oI Mobile IP Mobile P is not appropriate, for fast mobility and smooth handoff because after each migration a local address must be obtained and communicated to a possibly distant location directory or home agent. Even in limited geographical areas, however, the number of users can grow to a point where using fast lookups for per user data bases is no longer viable. Mobility management requires mobile hosts to send registration information after migration. The resulting signaling overhead has significant impact on the performance of wireless access networks. "uestions arises ? How to deal Fast Handoff (Frequent Handoff)? How to Decrease the Signaling Overhead for Registration? How to separate active and idle users? How to extend the Life of the Battery ? Mobility Protocols Mobile P - 1996 Cellular P May 1998 Handoff-Aware Wireless Access nternet nfrastructure (HAWA) July 1999 Hierarchical MP- 1996 Cellular IP CeIIuIar IP represents a new mobiIe host protocoI that is optimized to provide access to a MobiIe IP enabIed Internet support of fast moving wireIess hosts. Micro-mobiIity MobiIity in a Iimited geographicaI area, with hard reaI- time requirements. ProbabIy frequent handovers between pico- or nano- ceIIs. The CeIIuIar IP network is connected to the Internet via a gateway router. MobiIity between gateways (i.e., CeIIuIar IP access networks) is managed by MobiIe IP whiIe mobiIity within access networks is handIed by CeIIuIar IP. Protocol overview Base station is cellular P's universal component which controls routing for P packets and integrates cellular control functionality. The base station also contains the routing and paging caches. Gateway connects the cellular P network to the internet. Gateway also acts as care-of-address to allow mobile hosts access to the internet. Packets will be first routed to the host's home agent and then tunneled to the gateway The gateway "detunnels'' packets and forwards them toward base stations Packets transmitted by mobile hosts are first routed to the gateway and from there on to the Internet MOBILE IP CELLULAR IP #outing Gateway periodically broadcasts beacon packets on the access network. Base stations use the interface they receive from the gateway beacon packets and route packets towards the gateway. Base station routing cache stores the mobile hosts P address. Mobile hosts need to send regular data packets to the gateway to keep a soft-state route between the mobile host and the gateway. A mobile host can make the base station keep it's route mapping by sending empty P packets to the gateway. Cellular IP ase Station #oute Cache Paging Cache (optional) To Gateway To other BSs Local coverage area iIIerences between Paging Cache and #outing Cache A paging cache has the same format and operation as a routing cache except for two differences. First, paging cache mappings have a longer timeout period called paging-timeout. Second, paging cache mappings are updated by any packet sent by mobile hosts including paging-update packets. Routing cache mappings are updated by data and route-update packets sent by mobile hosts. This results in idle mobile hosts having mappings in paging caches but not in routing caches. n addition, active mobile hosts will have mappings in both types of cache. Cellular IP - #egistration Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet (mobile) IP signaling Cellular IP Signaling Cellular IP Network Mobile Station CIP signaling MIP signaling Cellular IP Paging Paging occurs when a packet is addressed to an idle mobile host and the gateway or base stations find no valid routing cache mapping for the destination. f the base station has no paging cache, it will forward the packet to all its interfaces except for the one the packet came through. Paging cache is used to avoid broadcast search procedures found in cellular systems. Base stations that have paging cache will only forward the paging packet if the destination has a valid paging cache mapping and only to the mapped interface(s). Without any paging cache the first packet addressed to an idle mobile host is broadcast in the access network. While the packet does not experience extra delay it does, however, load the access network. dle mobile hosts that receive a packet move from idle to active state, start their active-state-timer and immediately transmit a route-update packet. Cellular IP - Paging Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet Cellular IP Network Mobile Station CIP paging Cellular IP Paging #esponse Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet Cellular IP Network Mobile Station #outing update Cellular IP ata delivery Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet Cellular IP Network Mobile Station andoII Cellular P supports two types of handoff scheme. Hard Handoff Semisoft handoff ard handoII A simple approach that trades off some packet loss for minimizing handoff signaling rather than trying to guarantee zero packet loss. To perform a handoff, a mobile host tunes its radio to a new base station and sends a route-update packet. The route update message creates routing cache mappings en route to the gateway configuring the downlink route cache to point toward the new base station. Handoff latency is equal to the round-trip time between the mobile host and the .rossover base station n the worst case the crossover point is the gateway. Cellular IP ard andoII Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet Cellular IP Network Mobile Station Packet are dropped $emisoIt andoII The routing cache mappings associated with the new base station is created before the actual handoff takes place by send the semisoft packet to new base station, Thus reduces handoff latency. The path to the old base station remains in place until the soft-state cache mappings time out. After the mobile host enter into new base station, the mobile host performs a regular handoff. Cellular IP $emi$oIt andoII Correspondent Node Home Agent BS Gateway BS BS BS Internet Cellular IP Network Mobile Station Before the Handoff taking place the Mobile station send the Semi Soft message to the New base station After Time out $ecurity Only authenticated packets can establish or change cache mappings in a Cellular P access network. By authenticating paging and routing update control messages, malicious users are prevented from capturing traffic destined for mobile hosts. n Cellular P access networks, only control packets are authenticated. Data packets are not authenticated Because Control messages establish and change existing mappings and data packets can only refresh existing mappings. awaii The Hawaii protocol from Lucent Technologies proposes a separate routing protocol to handle intradomain mobility. Hawaii relies on Mobile P to provide wide-area interdomain mobility. A mobile host entering a new FA domain is assigned a collocated care-of address. The mobile node retains its care-of address unchanged while moving within the foreign domain; thus, the HA does not need to be involved unless the mobile node moves to a new domain. Nodes in a Hawaii network execute a generic P routing protocol and maintain mobility-specific routing information as per host routes added to legacy routing tables. Hawaii nodes can be considered enhanced P routers, where the existing packet forwarding function is reused. Contd. Location information (i.e., mobile-specific routing entries) is created, updated, and modified by explicit signaling messages sent by mobile hosts. Hawaii defines four alternative path setup schemes that control handoff between access points. The appropriate path setup scheme is selected depending on the operator's priorities between eliminating packet loss, minimizing handoff latency, and maintaining packet ordering. Hawaii also uses P multicasting to page idle mobile hosts when incoming data packets arrive at an access network and no recent routing information is available. M$ andoII Management in awaii A B C A B C A B C A B A B (2): (0): (0): (3): (1): (0): (4): (0): (5): (0): OB$ isadvantages Mis-ordered packets Adversely impact on application like TCP and Audio $$ andoII management in awaii A B C A B C A B C A B A B (4):A,B (0): *, (0): (3): A,C1.1.1.1-~B (5): (0): (2): (0): (1): (0): OB$ C, B, (6): *, use a technique we term interfacebased forwarding. This requires more descriptive routing table entries. A routing table typically has an entry oI the Iorm (IP address-~outgoing InterIace). In this scheme, the router must be able to route based on an additional Iield, the incoming interIace oI the packet. & andoII Management in awaii A B C A B C A B C A B A B (4): (0): (0): (3): (5): (0): (2): (0): (1): (0): OB$ Data packets are diverted at the cross-over router to the new base station, resulting in no forwarding of packets from the old base station. M handoII management A B C A B C A B C A B A B (4) (0): *, (0): (3):,C (5): (0): (2): (0): (1): (0): OB$ (6): *, The M scheme is very similar to the & scheme. The main diIIerence is that the cross-over router, #outer 0, multicasts data packets Ior a short duration. ierarchical MIP The Hierarchical Mobile P protocol from Ericsson and Nokia employs a hierarchy of FAs to locally handle Mobile P registration. n this protocol mobile hosts send Mobile P registration messages to update their respective location information. Registration messages establish tunnels between neighboring FAs along the path from the mobile host to a gateway FA (GFA). Packets addressed to the mobile host travel in this network of tunnels, which can be viewed as a separate routing network overlay on top of P. The use of tunnels makes it possible to employ the protocol in an P network that carries non-mobile traffic as well. Typically one level of hierarchy is considered where all FAs are connected to the GFA. n this case, direct tunnels connect the GFA to FAs that are located at access points. ierarchical oreign Agents FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 FA5 FA6 FA7 MH HA INTERNET MHFA1 MHFA2 MHFA4 MHIF MHFA3 MHFA6 MHIF MH MH CH MHIF MHFA5 Binding $I#ABL P#OTOCOL $IG I$$&$ IobaI connectivity: The goal of mobility management should ensure continuous and seamless global connectivity. AAA and security: Protocol should support are capable of performing accounting, authentication and authorization (AAA) services. IobaI roaming faciIity: The mobile user may move anywhere throughout the world and still get connected to the nternet whenever he/she likes. StabIe point of attachment: The aim of the new protocol is to provide a single global P address to the mobile node. ReaI-time traffic management: Protocol that should support real-time traffic management in maintaining larger bandwidth and higher speed of operation. QoS support: The new protocol should support integrated QoS management for fulfilling bandwidth requirement of the future 4G networks. $I#ABL P#OTOCOL $IG I$$&$ ynamic address aIIocation: For future pervasive computing environments where we are likely to see the proliferation of networked devices on a large scale, need for auto configuration and dynamic address allocation will be a must because manual configuration proves to be cumbersome and time consuming. ProtocoI Iayers: The protocol should be implemented at the network layer of the OS model. IP Paging support: The protocol should support P paging and must be able to distinguish active and idle hosts. Routing optimization: Route optimization may be adopted such that routes to mobile nodes from their correspondent nodes can be improved if the correspondent node has an upto- date mobility binding for the mobile node in its routing table. $I#ABL P#OTOCOL $IG I$$&$ MobiIity management: Protocol should support the users dynamic mobility, (i.e. the networking infrastructure must ensure that they continue to gain access to network resources and services.) Handoff controI: while in handoff the packet loss should be not be there. Low signaIing overhead: signaling overhead should be low. Latency: The mobility management architecture and the new protocol would be able to seamlessly redirect packets to the mobile node's new point of attachment with minimum latency. Location update: t is a part of location management. Location update procedure would be such that the overall signaling overhead on the home agent is minimized. MobiIe IP H- MIP CeIIuIar IP Hawaii IobaI Connectivity Yes Yes Yes Yes AAA and Security Yes No No No IobaI Roaming FaciIity Yes Yes Yes Yes StabIe Point of attachment No No No No ReaI time Traffic Management No No No No QOS Support No No No No Location Update atagram TunneIing SignaIing message ata Packets SignaIing message Latency High High Low Low MobiIe IP H- MIP CeIIuIar IP Hawaii ynamic Address aIIocation No No No No ProtocoI Layer L3 L3 L3 L3 IP Paging Support No Yes Yes Yes Routing Optimization MobiIity binding No No No MobiIity Management Inter omain Inter domain & intra domain Intra domain Inter domain & intra domain Handoff controI SpeciaI TunneIing and binding for Smooth handoff Hard Hard/Soft 4 path Setup schemes UNF & MSF SignaIing Overhead High High Low Low #eIerence http://comet.columbia.edu Design, mplementation, and Evaluation of Cellular P -Andrew T. Campbell, Javier Gomez, Sanghyo Kim, Andrs G. Valk, and Chieh- Yih Wan, Columbia University, New York Zoltn R. Turnyi, Technical University of Budapest A Comparative Study of Existing Protocols Supporting P Mobility COMPARSON OF P MCROMOBLTY PROTOCOLS -ANDREW T. CAMPBELL, JAVER GOMEZ, SANGHYO KM, AND CHEH-YH WAN, COLUMBA UNVERSTY, ZOLTAN R. TURANY AND ANDRAS G. VALKO, ERCSSON RESEARCH Enhanced Micro mobility Scheme Kwang Jo Lee, Myoung Chul Jung, Jai Yong Lee