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Bridge Engineering


Dr. Tauqir Ahmed 25th Sep. 2019

Week No. 6

Civil Engineering Department, NUCES, Lahore Pakistan
Loads on Bridges : Wind Loading

Wind Load is calculated either by using wind pressures specified in the

design code.

1- If length to width ratio OR length to height (from bottom of girder to

top of deck slab) ratio is more than 30, then it is recommended to use
actual wind tunnel test of model to investigate aeroelastic instability.

2- If ratio length to width ratio OR length to height (from bottom of girder

to top of deck slab) ratio is less than 30, then the wind pressures are
specified in the design code.
Base Design Wind Velocity (VB)
• The base design wind velocity, VB, as specified by AASHTO is 100 miles
per hour.

• This represents a conservative estimate of the highest wind speeds

that a structure will experience over the design life of the structure

• The wind pressure load from this horizontal wind is applied to all
exposed surfaces when the structure is viewed in elevation,
perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

• All girders, decks, attachments, and other structural components

which are exposed in elevation are subject to the same uniform wind
Angle of Attack

Angle of Attack:

Any analysis of wind loads should include

multiple attack angles to determine from
which direction wind causes the greatest
force effect. .
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
For bridges or parts of bridges more than 30.0 feet above low ground or
water level, the base wind velocity is modified using the following
equation from AASHTO LRFD Article

• VDZ = design wind velocity at design elevation, Z (mph)
• V0 = friction velocity, see Table
• V30 = wind velocity at 30.0 feet above low ground or design water
level (mph)
• VB = base wind velocity, 100 mph
• Z = height of structure above low ground or water level at which
wind loads are being calculated, > 30.0 (feet)
• Z0 = friction length, see Table
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
Values of V0 and Z0 are determined based on meteorological effects
corresponding with the surrounding land conditions of the bridge. Detail
is given in AASHTO LRFD and are as follow

Open country – Open terrain with scattered obstructions with heights

generally less than 30.0 feet. This category includes flat, open plains and

Suburban – Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain

with many closely spaced obstructions with the size of a single-family
dwelling or larger dwellings.

City – Large city centers with at least half the buildings having a height in
excess of 70.0 feet.
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)

Values of V0 and Z0 are selected after deciding the terrain type by using
following table excess of 70.0 feet.
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)

To decide the V30

 Fastest-mile-of-wind charts available in design codes

 Site-specific wind surveys

 In the absence of better criterion, the assumption

that V30 = VB = 100 mph
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
Example: For a bridge structure 40.0 feet in height above the
design water level. The structure is located in an area where
wooded terrain prevails for at least two miles in all directions. The
fastest-mile-of wind is 115 mph for the area in which the bridge is
located. Find the design wind velocity.
WS: Wind Pressure on Structures
The load case for horizontal wind on structures, WS, is based on the
design wind speed and given base wind pressures,

The wind pressure can then be calculated using the following equation

NOTE: As a limit, the total wind load on windward chords of trusses and
arches, and on beams and girders, cannot be less than 0.30 klf. The total wind
load on leeward chords of trusses and arches cannot be less than 0.15 klf
Angle of Attack for Wind Direction
 Various angles of attack for wind direction should be
investigated to determine which produces the worst case
response in the bridge structure.

 The angle of is the skew angle from a perpendicular to the

longitudinal axis of the member.

 For various standard angles of attack, the value of base

pressure, PB, will vary as shown in Table, taken from
Angle of Attack for Wind Direction

NOTE: same expression for PD is applicable here

Angle of Attack for Wind Direction

For girder and slab bridges with an individual span length of 125
feet or less and a maximum height of 30.0 feet above low
ground or water level, a wind loading of 0.050 ksf in the
transverse direction and 0.012 ksf in the longitudinal direction
can be applied simultaneously.
WL: Wind Pressure on Vehicles (WL)
• In addition to the wind loads that are applied to all exposed surfaces
of bridge superstructures, wind also affects the exposed surfaces of
live load traffic passing over the bridge.

• Wind pressure on vehicles is designated as WL.

The WL load consists of an uninterruptible, moving force of 0.10 klf acting

normal to the roadway, located 6.0 feet above the roadway.
WL: Wind Pressure on Vehicles (WL)
To Consider the Angle of Attack

• For any situation in which an attack angle other than normal to the
lane has been found to be the controlling wind direction, WL should be
used as given in AASHTO LRFD Table
WL: Wind Pressure on Vehicles (WL)

For girder and slab bridges with an individual span length

of 125 feet or less and a maximum height of 30.0 feet
above low ground or water level, a wind on live load of
0.10 klf in the transverse direction and 0.04 klf in the
longitudinal direction can be applied simultaneously
Design Example

Find the Wind Force Effect for

given bridge.

• Two span Continious steel girder


• Each span length = 120ft

• Total length of Bridge = 240 ft

• Height form Bottom of girder to top

of barrier = 10.23 ft

• Height of super structure without

barrier= 6.73 ft

• Design wind speed = 100 mph

Ref: US Department of transportation, Bridges & structures section
Centrifugal Force (CE)
Centrifugal Force (CE)
Calculation/Discussion of
Design loads

The End
Design of Deck Slab by
approximate method

NTOE: Previously we studied

• Design of a slab bridge (without girders)

• Design of Deck Slab by Empirical Method

Here, it is required to study about the design of Deck Slab by

Approximate Method
Design of Deck Slab By Approximate Method
This method is also knows
as Approximate Elastic
Method of Analysis and
discussed in AASHTO LRFD
Design of Deck Slab By Approximate Method

 Design strip is assumed as a continuous beam supported at the location of


 Extreme positive Moment is used to design all regions of positive BMs

 Extreme negative moments are used to design all regions of negative BMs

 Multiple presence factors is to be incorporated in finding BM due to live


 Analysis of (assumed continuous beam) can be done by using any method

such as moment distributation method etc, or may use software
Width of Equivalent Strip
Width of Equivalent Strip

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