W 6
W 6
W 6
Dr. Tauqir Ahmed 25th Sep. 2019
Week No. 6
Civil Engineering Department, NUCES, Lahore Pakistan
Loads on Bridges : Wind Loading
• The wind pressure load from this horizontal wind is applied to all
exposed surfaces when the structure is viewed in elevation,
perpendicular to the direction of the wind.
Angle of Attack:
• VDZ = design wind velocity at design elevation, Z (mph)
• V0 = friction velocity, see Table
• V30 = wind velocity at 30.0 feet above low ground or design water
level (mph)
• VB = base wind velocity, 100 mph
• Z = height of structure above low ground or water level at which
wind loads are being calculated, > 30.0 (feet)
• Z0 = friction length, see Table
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
Values of V0 and Z0 are determined based on meteorological effects
corresponding with the surrounding land conditions of the bridge. Detail
is given in AASHTO LRFD and are as follow
City – Large city centers with at least half the buildings having a height in
excess of 70.0 feet.
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
Values of V0 and Z0 are selected after deciding the terrain type by using
following table excess of 70.0 feet.
Design Wind Velocity at height Z (VDZ)
The wind pressure can then be calculated using the following equation
NOTE: As a limit, the total wind load on windward chords of trusses and
arches, and on beams and girders, cannot be less than 0.30 klf. The total wind
load on leeward chords of trusses and arches cannot be less than 0.15 klf
Angle of Attack for Wind Direction
Various angles of attack for wind direction should be
investigated to determine which produces the worst case
response in the bridge structure.
For girder and slab bridges with an individual span length of 125
feet or less and a maximum height of 30.0 feet above low
ground or water level, a wind loading of 0.050 ksf in the
transverse direction and 0.012 ksf in the longitudinal direction
can be applied simultaneously.
WL: Wind Pressure on Vehicles (WL)
• In addition to the wind loads that are applied to all exposed surfaces
of bridge superstructures, wind also affects the exposed surfaces of
live load traffic passing over the bridge.
• For any situation in which an attack angle other than normal to the
lane has been found to be the controlling wind direction, WL should be
used as given in AASHTO LRFD Table
WL: Wind Pressure on Vehicles (WL)
The End
Design of Deck Slab by
approximate method
Extreme negative moments are used to design all regions of negative BMs