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Lazy Learners

Vaibhav (16103472)
Komal (16103474)
Raj (16103475)
● Data Mining technique based on machine learning.
● Used to classify each item in a set of data into one of a
predefined set of classes or groups.
● More easy way to understand this :

Assigning an object to a certain class based on its similarity to

previous examples of other objects.

● Lazy Learners and Eager learners

Lazy Learners
● Just store Data set without learning from it.
● Start classifying data when it receive Test data.
● So it takes less time learning and more time classifying data.
● Example : k-nearest neighbor, case based reasoning
K-Nearest Neighbour
● This algorithm is typically used when we don’t have any prior
knowledge about the distribution of the data
● Nearest neighbor algorithms are based on learning by analogy,
that is, by comparing a given test tuple with training tuples
similar to it
● k-Nearest Neighbor stores all instances correspond to training data
points in n-dimensional space
● An object is classified by a majority votes for its neighbour classes
● The object is then assigned the most common class among its K
neighbours which is determined using a distance function

● Calculate the distance between a new example (E) and all

examples in the training set
● The Euclidean distance between 2 examples:
An example: Suppose we want to test whether a special tissue
paper is good or bad. We have 2 attributes: Acid durability and
strength. We get a test sample with X1=3 and X2=7
We calculate the Euclidean distance of the input with the training
samples that we already have
For k=3 we sort the distances and determine the nearest
We gather the Y coordinate of the nearest neighbours. Applying
simple majority to determine the category for the input

This algorithm is typically used for pattern detection

Some applications include credit ratings, text classification,

predicting voting patterns
Case-Based Reasoning

● Case-based reasoning is the process of solving new problems

based on the solutions of similar past problems.
● When a test tuple is given to classify it, a case-based reasoner
will first check if an identical training case exists. If it is found,
then the accompanying solution is returned.
● If no identical case is found, then the case-based reasoner will
check for the training tuples which have identical components
that are similar to the test tuple.

● The main advantage gained in employing a lazy learning

method is that the target function will be approximated locally,
such as in the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
● lazy learning systems can simultaneously solve multiple
problems and deal successfully with changes in the problem

● The large space requirement to store the entire training

● Lazy learning methods are usually slower to evaluate.
● Particularly noisy training data increases the case base
unnecessarily, because no abstraction is made during the
training phase.
● Larger training data also entail increased cost.
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