Openstack Laboratory Guide v4.0.3 Ocata Release

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The document discusses the origins, role, services and releases of OpenStack as well as the architecture of the OpenStack training laboratory.

The core OpenStack services discussed are Nova, Neutron, Swift, Cinder, Keystone, Glance.

Some of the technologies behind the core OpenStack projects include the RESTful API, KVM, libvirt, QEMU.

Training Laboratory Guide

Version 4.0.3

(Ocata Release)

Diarmuid Ó Briain

user group

Last updated: 08 May 2017

2 OpenStack Training Laboratory

Copyright © 2017 Diarmuid Ó Briain

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 3

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION TO OPENSTACK..........................................................................................................9
1.1 ORIGINS OF OPENSTACK............................................................................................................................9
1.2 ROLE OF THE OPENSTACK FOUNDATION..................................................................................................9
1.3 OPENSTACK SERVICES.............................................................................................................................10
1.3.1 Nova ‘Compute’ Service.................................................................................................................................10
1.3.2 Neutron ‘Networking’ Service.........................................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Swift ‘Object Storage’ service........................................................................................................................12
1.3.4 Cinder ‘Block Storage’ service.......................................................................................................................13
1.3.5 Keystone ‘Identity’ service..............................................................................................................................13
1.3.6 Glance ‘Image store’ service..........................................................................................................................14
1.3.7 Other Services.................................................................................................................................................14
1.4 BEHIND THE CORE OPENSTACK PROJECTS............................................................................................14
1.4.1 The RESTful API.............................................................................................................................................15
1.5 OPENSTACK RELEASES............................................................................................................................15
2. OPENSTACK TRAINING LABORATORY..............................................................................................17
2.1 ARCHITECTURE.........................................................................................................................................17
2.2 CONTROLLER NODE..................................................................................................................................18
2.3 COMPUTE NODE........................................................................................................................................18
2.3.1 Networking.......................................................................................................................................................18
2.4 PASSWORDS..............................................................................................................................................19
3. OPENSTACK TRAINING LABS PRE-INSTALLATION......................................................................21
3.1 GET GIT.....................................................................................................................................................21
3.2 CLONE THE TRAINING LABS......................................................................................................................21
3.3 UPGRADE THE TRAINING LABS..................................................................................................................21
3.4 CLUSTER TRAINING DIRECTORY VARIABLES.............................................................................................21
3.5 PRE-INSTALLATION CHECK.......................................................................................................................22
3.5.1 Enable virtualisation support in BIOS............................................................................................................22
3.6 OPTIMISE THE NODES...............................................................................................................................23
3.7 ENABLE HEAT SERVICE.............................................................................................................................24
3.8 LOG FILES..................................................................................................................................................24
4. SETUP OPENSTACK TRAINING LABS ON KVM/QEMU.................................................................25
4.1 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................................26
4.1.1 Install KVM packages.....................................................................................................................................26
4.2 GNU/LINUX BRIDGE UTILITIES.................................................................................................................26
4.3 VIRT-MANAGER..........................................................................................................................................26
4.4 BUILD INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................28
4.5 BUILD STEPS.............................................................................................................................................29
4.6 RUN THE STACKTRAIN SCRIPT..................................................................................................................30
4.6.1 Stacktrain.........................................................................................................................................................30
4.6.2 Memory and harddisks....................................................................................................................................30
4.7 USING THE CLUSTER.................................................................................................................................31
4.7.1 Review the running VMs.................................................................................................................................31
4.7.2 Controller node................................................................................................................................................31
4.7.3 Compute node.................................................................................................................................................32

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4.7.4 VM IP addresses.............................................................................................................................................32
4.8 REVIEWING THE NETWORKS CREATED BY THE SCRIPT............................................................................33
4.9 ACCESS THE CONTROLLER NODE............................................................................................................34
4.10 ACCESS THE COMPUTE NODE................................................................................................................34
5. SETUP OPENSTACK TRAINING LABS ON VIRTUALBOX.............................................................35
5.1 BUILD INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................36
5.2 BUILD STEPS.............................................................................................................................................36
5.3 RUN THE SCRIPTS.....................................................................................................................................37
5.3.1 Stacktrain.........................................................................................................................................................37
5.3.2 Memory and harddisks....................................................................................................................................38
5.4 USING THE CLUSTER.................................................................................................................................38
5.4.1 Review the running VMs.................................................................................................................................38
5.4.2 Controller node................................................................................................................................................39
5.4.3 Compute node.................................................................................................................................................42
5.4.4 VM IP addresses.............................................................................................................................................44
5.5 REVIEWING THE NETWORKS CREATED BY THE SCRIPT............................................................................45
5.6 ACCESS THE CONTROLLER NODE............................................................................................................45
5.7 ACCESS THE COMPUTE NODE..................................................................................................................46
6. OPERATING THE OPENSTACK TRAINING TESTBED ON KVM/QEMU.....................................47
6.1 MANAGING KVM/QEMU VMS IN HEADLESS MODE................................................................................47
6.2 STARTING THE VMS.................................................................................................................................47
6.3 POWERING OFF THE VMS.........................................................................................................................47
6.4 SAVING VM STATE AND STOPPING...........................................................................................................48
6.5 MANAGING SNAPSHOTS............................................................................................................................48
6.6 TAKING A SNAPSHOT................................................................................................................................48
6.7 RESTORING TO A PREVIOUS SNAPSHOT...................................................................................................48
6.8 DELETE A SNAPSHOT................................................................................................................................49
6.9 INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE COMPUTE1 NODE........................................................................................49
7.1 MANAGING VIRTUALBOX VMS IN HEADLESS MODE.................................................................................53
7.2 STARTING THE VMS.................................................................................................................................53
7.3 POWERING OFF THE VMS.........................................................................................................................53
7.4 SAVING VM STATE AND STOPPING...........................................................................................................53
7.5 MANAGING SNAPSHOTS............................................................................................................................54
7.6 TAKING A SNAPSHOT................................................................................................................................54
7.7 RESTORING TO A PREVIOUS SNAPSHOT...................................................................................................54
DELETE A SNAPSHOT......................................................................................................................................54
7.8 INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE COMPUTE1 NODE........................................................................................55
8. REVIEWING THE INSTALLATION.........................................................................................................61
8.1 CONTROLLER NODE - DATABASE.............................................................................................................61
8.2 CLIENT ENVIRONMENT SCRIPTS...............................................................................................................64
8.3 IDENTITY SERVICE - KEYSTONE...............................................................................................................65
8.3.1 Controller node................................................................................................................................................65
8.4 IMAGE SERVICE - GLANCE........................................................................................................................67
8.4.1 Controller node................................................................................................................................................67
8.5 COMPUTE SERVICE - NOVA.......................................................................................................................68
8.5.1 API....................................................................................................................................................................68
8.5.2 Compute core..................................................................................................................................................68

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8.5.3 Networking for VMs.........................................................................................................................................68

8.5.4 Console interface.............................................................................................................................................69
8.5.5 Image management.........................................................................................................................................69
8.5.6 Command-line clients and other interfaces...................................................................................................69
8.5.7 Other components...........................................................................................................................................69
8.5.8 Controller node................................................................................................................................................70
8.6 NETWORKING SERVICE - NEUTRON..........................................................................................................70
8.6.1 Controller node................................................................................................................................................71
8.6.2 Networking.......................................................................................................................................................73
8.6.3 Masquerade on virtualBox host......................................................................................................................74
8.7 BLOCK STORAGE SERVICE - CINDER........................................................................................................74
8.7.1 Controller node................................................................................................................................................75
8.8 ORCHESTRATION SERVICE - HEAT...........................................................................................................75
8.9 INSTANCE FLAVOUR..................................................................................................................................77
9. DEPLOYING A VM INSTANCE................................................................................................................79
9.1 DEPLOYING AN INSTANCE.........................................................................................................................79
9.2 CONFIGURE SDN......................................................................................................................................80
9.3 CONTROLLER NODE..................................................................................................................................81
9.3.1 Generate a key pair.........................................................................................................................................81
9.3.2 Security group..................................................................................................................................................82
9.3.3 Create volume..................................................................................................................................................85
9.3.4 Launch a CirrOS instance...............................................................................................................................87
9.3.5 Attach the volume............................................................................................................................................89
9.3.6 Connect to the new instance..........................................................................................................................90
9.3.7 Provider network gateway..............................................................................................................................91
9.3.8 Host public interface........................................................................................................................................92
9.3.9 IP Address on the public Internet...................................................................................................................92
9.4 REVIEW THE INSTANCE.............................................................................................................................92
9.4.1 Controller node................................................................................................................................................92
9.4.2 Compute node.................................................................................................................................................93
9.5 CONFIGURE A VOLUME IN THE NEW INSTANCE.........................................................................................95
10. SCRIPTING THE BUILDING AND LAUNCHING NEW INSTANCE..............................................97
10.1 CLEANING THE NODES............................................................................................................................97
10.2 LAUNCH NEW INSTANCE.........................................................................................................................97
10.2.1 Confirm VM instance...................................................................................................................................100

11. DOWNLOAD AND BUILD A SECOND UBUNTU IMAGE..............................................................101

11.1 COMPUTE NODE – KVM/QEMU..........................................................................................................101
11.2 COMPUTE NODE – VIRTUALBOX..........................................................................................................103
11.3 GLANCE - IDENTITY SERVICE...............................................................................................................104
11.4 FLAVOUR...............................................................................................................................................106
12. ADDING AN ADDITIONAL COMPUTE NODE ON KVM/QEMU...................................................109
12.1 CLONE THE COMPUTE VM...................................................................................................................109
12.1.1 Start clone....................................................................................................................................................109
12.1.2 Connect to clone..........................................................................................................................................110
12.1.3 Reconfigure clone........................................................................................................................................110
12.1.4 Reboot instance and login to see changes...............................................................................................111
12.2 START THE CONTROLLER AND COMPUTE1..........................................................................................111
12.2.1 Adjust host table in the compute1..............................................................................................................112
12.2.2 Adjust the host table of the controller........................................................................................................113
12.2.3 Configure compute2....................................................................................................................................114

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12.3 CHECK THE CONTROLLER FOR COMPUTE2..........................................................................................115

13. ADDING AN ADDITIONAL COMPUTE NODE ON VIRTUALBOX...............................................117
13.1 CLONE THE COMPUTE VM...................................................................................................................117
13.1.1 Start clone....................................................................................................................................................117
13.1.2 Connect to clone..........................................................................................................................................117
13.1.3 Reconfigure clone........................................................................................................................................118
13.1.4 Reboot instance and login to see changes...............................................................................................119
13.2 START THE CONTROLLER AND COMPUTE1..........................................................................................119
13.2.1 Adjust host table in the compute1..............................................................................................................120
13.2.2 Adjust the host table of the controller........................................................................................................120
13.2.3 Configure compute2....................................................................................................................................121
13.3 CHECK THE CONTROLLER FOR COMPUTE2..........................................................................................121
14. KVM/QEMU RESTARTING PROCEDURE AFTER SHUTDOWN................................................123
14.1 LIST AND ENABLE NETWORKS..............................................................................................................123
14.2 START THE NODES................................................................................................................................124
15. WORKING WITH THE HORIZON DASHBOARD............................................................................125
15.1 ACCESSING HORIZON ON KVM/QEMU TESTBED...............................................................................125
15.2 ACCESSING HORIZON ON THE VIRTUALBOX TESTBED........................................................................126
15.3 LOGGING IN...........................................................................................................................................127
15.4 ‘ADMIN’ USER FUNCTIONS....................................................................................................................128
15.4.1 Create a new project...................................................................................................................................128
15.4.2 Create a flavour...........................................................................................................................................129
15.4.3 Create a new user.......................................................................................................................................130
15.5 PROJECT USER FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................131
15.5.1 Create a Security Group.............................................................................................................................132
15.5.2 Create an instance......................................................................................................................................133
15.6 RUN THE NAT_TABLES.SH SCRIPT.......................................................................................................136
15.7 CONNECT TO THE INSTANCE................................................................................................................136
16. CREATING NETWORKS.......................................................................................................................137
16.1 INITIAL CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................................138
16.2 CREATE PRIVATE NETWORK.................................................................................................................138
16.3 CREATE HOSTS ON THE PROVIDER AND PRIVATE NETWORKS.............................................................138
16.4 CREATE A ROUTER...............................................................................................................................138
16.5 ADD A ROUTE ON THE HYPERVISOR TO THE PRIVATE NETWORK........................................................139
16.6 TEST THE CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................................139
16.7 REVIEW TOPOLOGY ON THE HORIZON DASHBOARD............................................................................141
16.8 SCRIPTING THE OPERATION.................................................................................................................142
17. USING HEAT ORCHESTRATION.......................................................................................................149
17.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................149
17.2 HEAT ORCHESTRATION TEMPLATES (HOT)......................................................................................150
17.2.1 Template version.........................................................................................................................................150
17.2.2 Description:..................................................................................................................................................150
17.2.3 Parameter groups.......................................................................................................................................150
17.2.4 Parameters..................................................................................................................................................151
17.2.5 Resources....................................................................................................................................................151
17.2.6 Outputs........................................................................................................................................................ 151
17.2.7 Conditions....................................................................................................................................................151
17.3 CREATING SINGLE SERVERS.................................................................................................................152

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17.4 CREATE COMPLETE NETWORK AND SERVERS......................................................................................158

17.4.1 Networks – child template..........................................................................................................................158
17.4.2 Delete stack.................................................................................................................................................162
17.4.3 Parent template...........................................................................................................................................163
17.4.4 Stack events................................................................................................................................................166
17.4.5 Add a route on the hypervisor to the private network...............................................................................168
17.4.6 Test the configuration.................................................................................................................................169
17.4.7 Review topology on the Horizon dashboard.............................................................................................170

18. APPENDICES..........................................................................................................................................171
18.1 APPENDIX 1 - NAT MASQUERADE SCRIPT FOR HYPERVISOR HOST..................................................171
18.2 APPENDIX 2 – CLUSTER START/STOP SCRIPT....................................................................................172
18.2.1 Running for a KVM/QEMU system............................................................................................................174
18.2.2 Running for a VirtualBox system................................................................................................................175
18.3 APPENDIX 3 - CLEAN NODES SCRIPT FOR HYPERVISOR HOST...........................................................176
18.3.1 Running for a KVM/QEMU system............................................................................................................178
18.3.2 Running for a VirtualBox system................................................................................................................179
18.4 APPENDIX 4 - SCRIPT TO LAUNCH A VM INSTANCE............................................................................180
18.5 APPENDIX 5 - SCRIPT TO LAUNCH A NETWORK WITH VMS.................................................................182
18.6 APPENDIX 6 - STACKTRAIN CLUSTER CREATION SCRIPT – KVM........................................................184
18.7 APPENDIX 7 - STACKTRAIN CLUSTER CREATION SCRIPT – VIRTUALBOX............................................187
19. ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................................................................191
20. BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................................193

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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: OpenStack - Projects navigator....................................................................................10
Illustration 2: Neutron networking........................................................................................................11
Illustration 3: Swift 'Object Storage' service.......................................................................................12
Illustration 4: OpenStack Laboratory architecture.............................................................................17
Illustration 5: KVM virtualisation block diagram.................................................................................25
Illustration 6: virt-manager via SSH.....................................................................................................27
Illustration 7: Deploy an instance.........................................................................................................79
Illustration 8: Floating IP addresses.....................................................................................................80
Illustration 9: Virtual Console................................................................................................................90
Illustration 10: Ubuntu instance..........................................................................................................107
Illustration 11: Horizon login - KVM/QEMU testbed........................................................................125
Illustration 12: Horizon login - VirtualBox testbed............................................................................126
Illustration 13: Admin opening dashboard screen...........................................................................127
Illustration 14: Create Project.............................................................................................................128
Illustration 15: Create Flavour............................................................................................................129
Illustration 16: Create User.................................................................................................................130
Illustration 17: Project User opening dashboard screen.................................................................131
Illustration 18: Create Security Group...............................................................................................132
Illustration 19: Adding rules................................................................................................................132
Illustration 20: Launch Instance - Details..........................................................................................133
Illustration 21: Instance Launch - Source.........................................................................................133
Illustration 22: Launch Instance - Flavour.........................................................................................134
Illustration 23: Add the Security Group.............................................................................................134
Illustration 24: Instance launched......................................................................................................135
Illustration 25: Simple network...........................................................................................................137
Illustration 26: Network topology........................................................................................................141
Illustration 27: Network graph............................................................................................................141
Illustration 28: HEAT functional diagram..........................................................................................149
Illustration 29: Network topology........................................................................................................162
Illustration 30: Network graph............................................................................................................162
Illustration 31: Network topology........................................................................................................170
Illustration 32: Network graph............................................................................................................170

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1. Introduction to OpenStack
Throughout the years, corporate computing has seen many developments, which
have eventually lead to the rise of cloud computing as we know it today. In the 1990s,
corporate computing was centred around servers in a data centre. In 2000s,
corporate computing was largely based on virtualisation. In the 2010s, we have
witnessed the rise of cloud computing to leverage corporate computing. The concept
of cloud computing is very broad, to the point that we can affirm that cloud computing
is a concept rather than a particular technological development. If you ask an end-
user to explain what cloud computing is, and then ask a system administrator the
same question, you will get two different descriptions. In general, there are three
important approaches when it comes to cloud computing:
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): an infrastructure that is used to provide
Virtual Machines (VM)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS): the provider supplies the network, servers,
storage, OS and middleware to host an application
• Software as a Service (SaaS): the provider gives access to an application.
OpenStack belongs to the IaaS cloud computing category. However, OpenStack is
continuously evolving, broadening its scope. On occasion, the focus of OpenStack
goes beyond IaaS.

1.1 Origins of OpenStack

OpenStack started in 2010, as a joint project of Rackspace Hosting and National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA contributed their Nebula
platform, which later developed into Nova. Rackspace contributed their Cloud Files
platform, which later became Swift. In April of 2011, the OpenStack Bexar release
was introduced in Ubuntu. Later that same year, Debian GNU/Linux included
OpenStack Cactus in their distribution. In 2012, Red Hat announced a preview of
their OpenStack distribution as well. Since then, many others followed, including
Oracle, HP, and Vmware (now owned by Dell).

1.2 Role of the OpenStack Foundation

The OpenStack Foundation promotes the global development, distribution, and
adoption of the cloud operating system. It provides shared resources to grow the
OpenStack cloud. It also enables technology vendors and developers to assist in the
production of cloud software. See:

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1.3 OpenStack Services

Illustration 1: OpenStack - Projects navigator

1.3.1 Nova ‘Compute’ Service

Nova is the most important core project in OpenStack. It handles the Compute
environment, the VM instance lifecycle. Nova service is not a hypervisor in itself but
interfaces to a number of different hypervisors like Xen, Kernel Virtual Machine
(KVM)/Quick Emulator (QEMU), VMware, vSphere. Nova installs an agent on the
hypervisor so it is supported on the OpenStack environment.
The Nova service is responsible for spawning, scheduling, and decommissioning of
VMs on demand. It includes Nova service processes that are running on the cloud
controller node, as well as Nova agents, that are running on the compute nodes.

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1.3.2 Neutron ‘Networking’ Service

Broadcast Domain
Instance Instance Instance Instance
1 2 3 4

Compute Compute Compute

#1 #2 #3


Router #1 Router #2
Illustration 2: Neutron networking

OpenStack Neutron enables Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN allows users
to define their own networking between the instances that are deployed. Illustration 2
demonstrates a typical OpenStack environment. In the environment there are a
number of different compute nodes connected by using a physical underlay network
involving routing functionality. The OpenStack user is not aware of the detail of the
underlay. The user can see an abstraction network at a higher level, that is called the
Overlay Network. SDN permits the User to create logical networks that do not require
the consideration of the underlying physical network. In fact the User will most likely
be unaware of the topology of the underlay network.
The Neutron service manages this by interfacing with the physical network
architecture using a pluggable architecture that supports many networking vendors
and technologies.
Furthermore the Neutron service also provides an API for users to define networks
and the attachments into them.

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1.3.3 Swift ‘Object Storage’ service





(b) Data broken into binary objects

(a) (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) (b) (a) (c) (a)
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
node node node node node

Illustration 3: Swift 'Object Storage' service

The Swift ‘Object Storage’ service provides scalability at the storage level. It works
with binary objects to store data in a distributed, replicated way. Hard-drives are
physical devices, they are limited and they are not very scalable.
The Swift service provides scalability by providing an object-based storage model. An
application normally, in order to write data, writes to a file. In an OpenStack
environment, the application writes to a file but not to a hard drive, the application via
the Cinder ‘Block Storage’ service interfaces with Swift 'Object Storage' service over
a RESTful API which is in turn can communicate with many, many storage nodes.
Swift uses a proxy service which, when it receives data from Cinder, creates chunks
of data called binary objects.
As demonstrated in Illustration 3 the received data is broken into three binary objects
(a), (b), and (c). In Swift, binary objects (a) may be stored in the first storage node,
and binary object (b) in the second storage node with binary object (c) stored in the
third storage node. To create fault tolerance Swift includes a replication algorithm
which stores the binary objects on multiple storage nodes. By default it does this
three times but it is possible to do it more times if necessary.
Efficiency is also achieved because, the moment that the application needs to
retrieve the data, it will address the Swift proxy via the Cinder service which uses an
advanced algorithm to determine exactly where the binary objects reside. It then
sends calls to all the storage nodes that are involved, these are capable of working in
parallel. The data will arrive at the Swift proxy, and onwards to the application via
Cinder quickly and efficiently.

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If the storage nodes are for example one terabyte (TB) each and storage is running
low, more Swift storage nodes can simply be added, and the binary objects
rebalanced as set in the Swift storage configuration.
The Swift proxy is communicated with using a Restful API. REST is a standard way
of communicating in an OpenStack environment. The application is not writing a file
to a filesystem, it is using a RESTful API call, which is understood by the Swift proxy.
This API permits the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) functions.
RESTful API is the native language of OpenStack, and that makes Swift the native
choice for object storage in OpenStack.
An alternative to using Swift ‘Object Storage’ service is Ceph. Ceph is a similar
distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance,
reliability and scalability.

1.3.4 Cinder ‘Block Storage’ service

Cinder block storage provides persistent storage to instances. By default, the storage
in the VM instances is ephemeral, non-persistent. In other words the contents of the
VM is lost when that VM is shut down.
Cinder allows administrators to attach additional persistent block devices to instances
such that data can be saved.
The Cinder interface specifies a number of discrete functions, including basic
functionality such as create volume, delete volume and attach. There are also more
advanced functions that can extend volumes, take snapshots, clone volumes and
create volumes from a VM image.
The Cinder service can use different back-ends, as well. It can be local storage like
local Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM), or it can include Swift and Ceph object
storage as well for increased scalability.

1.3.5 Keystone ‘Identity’ service

The Keystone Identity service is a core element in OpenStack and is used to
authenticate and authorise. It also lists all current services and endpoints. To access
Nova for example it must be defined as a service within Keystone. The endpoint
provides a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that provides access to the specific
In Keystone, Users and Roles are created and they are assigned to Projects. A
Project is typically a customer of OpenStack.
If OpenStack is used as a public cloud, different companies that are purchasing
cloud space are distinguished from each-other by the Project which contains the
resources used by that customer.
Within a Project environment User accounts are assigned specific Roles and,
depending on the role that is assigned to a specific user account, users will have
more or less options to do in OpenStack.
Keystone uses a database to store information. The MariaDB database is the default
however other databases can be used like Oracle DB or simply an Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory.

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1.3.6 Glance ‘Image store’ service

Glance Image store service is used to store VM disk images. VMs, which are the
actual instances are not installed each time, instead they are spawned off from an
image. Glance provides the image store. If an administrator wants to boot an
instance, then the instance will be booted from the Glance image store.
For scalability, while it is not strictly necessary, the Glance image store typically uses
either Swift or Ceph Object Storage as a back-end. In small deployments, it is
possible to use local storage as a back-end to Glance, but then everything is bound
to the physical server that contains the physical images which is not very scalable.

1.3.7 Other Services

• Horizon - Provides the Dashboard, which is a web-based user interface to
manage the OpenStack Service
• Heat - Provides a service to orchestrate composite cloud applications, using a
declarative template format through an OpenStack-native REST API
• Ceilometer - It is part of the Telemetry project and provides data collection
services for billing and other purposes
• Trove - Create and manage databases
• Sahara - provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application
• Magnum - provides for Container (CT) orchestration engines such as Docker
Swarm, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos. Magnum uses Heat to orchestrate
an OS image which contains Docker and Kubernetes and runs that image in
either VMs or bare metal in a cluster configuration
• Ironic - a bare metal provisioning program and was developed to deploy
physical machines (and not VMs).

1.4 Behind the Core OpenStack Projects

To operate effectively the core OpenStack services require some basic services that
are vital to their operation.
• Time synchronisation
◦ This ensures consistent time stamps for communication. Keystone issues
tickets that are based on time stamps and without consistent time there
will be no communication.
• Database
◦ By default OpenStack uses the MariaDB database which is used to store
all of the cloud-related information.
• Message queue
◦ The message queue is an essential component that services access to
pass messages in an orderly way between services.

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1.4.1 The RESTful API

REST is a generic method used to provide access to all the OpenStack components.
All of the OpenStack APIs are RESTful, which provides a uniform access. This
makes the work of developers much easier, as the same standards are being used
RESTful API access can be used while implementing commands, but it can also be
used directly with cURL. For example a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) POST
method and OpenStack will return raw information. Other more friendly methods are
available like the command line or the Horizon web interface.

1.5 OpenStack Releases

OpenStack releases are typically twice a year. Each element of a release has its own
version number. The current release is Ocata.

Series Status Release EOL

Queens Future TBD
Pike Under Development Development TBD
Ocata Phase I Latest Release 2017-08-28 2018-02-26
Newton Phase II Maintained Release 2017-08-28 2017-10-11
Mitaka Phase III Legacy Release 2016-04-07 2017-04-10
Liberty EOL 2015-10-15 2016-11-17
Kilo EOL 2015-04-30 2016-05-02
Juno EOL 2014-10-16 2015-12-07
Icehouse EOL 2014-04-17 2015-07-02
Havana EOL 2013-10-17 2014-09-30
Grizzly EOL 2013-04-04 2014-03-29
Folsom EOL 2012-09-27 2013-11-19
Essex EOL 2012-04-05 2013-05-06
Diablo EOL 2011-09-22 2013-05-06
Cactus Deprecated 2011-04-15
Bexar Deprecated 2011-02-03
Austin Deprecated 2010-10-21

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2. OpenStack Training Laboratory

OpenStack Training Labs is a collection of scripts that install a working OpenStack
cluster on a computer. It's an automated, fast, reliable and reproducible way of
following OpenStack install guides to create a cluster using KVM/QEMU or
VirtualBox VMs.
OpenStack training-labs should run on most common hardware (Desktops/Laptops)
out of the box that have a minimum of 8 GB Random Access Memory (RAM). These
notes however are working on an assumption of 16 GB RAM with a 1 TB drive.

2.1 Architecture
Controller Node Compute Node

Keystone Glance Nova Neutron Nova Neutron

Hypervisor ML2Plug-in
(Qemu/KVM) Layer2 Agent (OvS)

Horizon Heat Cinder


enp0s3 enp0s8 enp0s9 enp0s3 enp0s8 enp0s9





Management Provider
Network Network
KVM: virbr1 KVM: virbr2
VBOX: vboxnet0 VBOX: vboxnet1
( (

Private Network External Network

Public Network

Illustration 4: OpenStack Laboratory architecture

Illustration 4 demonstrates the architecture of the OpenStack training laboratory.

There are two nodes each with three networks. A Public network attaching the nodes
to the Internet, a Management network for internal communications between entities
and finally a Provider network to provide an interface for VMs. On the host system it
is necessary to implement NAT Masquerade rules to allow the Provider network
access the Internet. This can be found in Appendix 1.

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18 OpenStack Training Laboratory

2.2 Controller node

The controller node runs the following OpenStack services:
• Keystone, the Identity service.
• Glance, the Image service.
• The management portions of:
• Nova, the Compute service
• Neutron, the Networking service
• Horizon, the Dashboard service.
• OpenStack supporting services like:
• Structured Query Language (SQL) database
• Rabbit Message Queue (RabbitMQ)
• Network Time Protocol (NTP).
The controller node also run optional services like:
• Cinder, Block Storage service
• Swift, Object Storage service
• Heat, Orchestration service
• Telemetry services.

2.3 Compute node

The compute node runs the hypervisor portion of compute that operates instances,
this is typically a KVM/QEMU hypervisor. Many compute nodes can be ran to
improve scale.

2.3.1 Networking
The compute node also runs a Neutron networking service agent that connects
instances to virtual networks and provides firewalling services to instances via
security groups.
OpenStack Training Lab scripts automatically create two networks, a Network
Management network and a Provider, or External network. These are named
differently depending on the hypervisor used.

Hypervisor Management network Provider network

KVM/QEMU virbr1 virbr2
VirtualBox vboxnet0 vboxnet1

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2.4 Passwords
There are many many passwords used in this testbed. Here is a simple list of them
for reference.

Host User Username password

Ada Lovelace alovelace babbage
Note: This represents the user on the host system.

Function Name Database Pass Domain Pass User Pass

MySQL root secrete
RabbitMQ rabbitPass
Ceilometer ceilometer ceilometer_db_secret ceilometer_user_secret
Cinder cinder cinder_db_secret cinder_user_secret
Glance glance glance_db_secret glance_user_secret
Heat heat heat_db_secret heat_dom_pw heat_user_secret
Keystone keystone keystone_db_secret
Neutron neutron neutron_db_secret neutron_user_secret
Nova nova nova_db_secret nova_user_secret

Project name Username Password User role name

admin admin admin_user_secret admin
demo demo demo_user_pass User
CirrOS VM test cirros cubswin:)

Other item Value Notes

Member role name _member_ Member role for generic use
Service Project name service
Mail domain
Metadata secret osbash_training Used by neutron and nova
Telemetry secret osbash_training Used by ceilometer

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3. OpenStack training labs pre-installation

The OpenStack training labs are being continuously updated. It is therefore important
to get the latest build. This can be achieved using GIT to clone the latest build.

3.1 Get git

Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. OpenStack training labs
ada:~$ sudo apt-get install git

3.2 Clone the training labs

ada:~$ git clone git://
--branch stable/ocata
Cloning into 'training-labs'...
remote: Counting objects: 4844, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1587/1587), done.
remote: Total 4844 (delta 3691), reused 4284 (delta 3211)
Receiving objects: 100% (4844/4844), 923.83 KiB | 199.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3691/3691), done.

Rename to OpenStack-lab to be more descriptive.

ada:~$ mv training-labs OpenStack-lab

3.3 Upgrade the training labs

If it is necessary to upgrade the training labs prior to a rebuild of the cluster the enter
the ~/OpenStack-lab directory and initiate a git pull.
ada:~OpenStack-lab $ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 7, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 2), reused 3 (delta 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
547a61b..2043b5c master -> origin/master
Updating 547a61b..2043b5c
tools/generate-labs | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

3.4 Cluster training directory variables

Create a number of variable pointers to the lab root directory ~/OpenStack-lab ,
~/OpenStack-lab/labs and ~/OpenStack-lab/labs/osbash for interactive shells. These
provide constant pointers no matter where on the filesystem it is chosen to locate the

ada:~$ cat <<'EOM' >> ~/.bashrc


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Test the variable by running the ~/.bashrc script again or logging out and back in.

ada:~$ . ~/.bashrc

ada:~$ echo $OS_LAB


ada:~$ echo $OS_ST


ada:~$ echo $OS_BASH


3.5 Pre-installation check

3.5.1 Enable virtualisation support in BIOS
To support Hardware-assisted Virtual Machine (HVM) guests, virtualisation
extensions need to be enabled in the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). In the BIOS
the Virtualise option appears under “Advanced Chipset Features” as one of the
• Enable Virtualisation Technology - x86 architectures (VT-x).
• Enable Intel VT.
• Vanderpool Technology.
Also enable:
• Intel Virtualisation Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d)
Confirm that the hardware virtualisation is now supported by the Central Processing
Unit (CPU) by searching for Virtual Machine eXtensions (VMX) to see if the computer
has an Intel processor or Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) for AMD support if the
hardware has an AMD processor.
Check that the CPU supports hardware virtualisation. 0 means that the CPU doesn't
support hardware virtualisation while > 0 means it does but it still needs to be
enabled in the BIOS. (ie. vmx or svm has appeared x number of times in the output of
the command.

ada:~$ egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo


Check if a 64 bit kernel is running. 0 means that the CPU is not 64-bit. Long Mode
(LM) equates to a 64-bit CPU.

ada:~$ egrep -c ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo


ada:~$ uname -m

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3.6 Optimise the Nodes

Depending upon available resources on the hypervisor host it is advisable to adjust
the memory on the controller node and both the memory and size of the second drive
(dev/sdb) in the compute node. The following table outlines the default values for
each variable in the $OS_ST/config.

Node configuration VM Memory VM CPUs Second drive

config.controller 5,120 MB 1 N/A
config.compute1 1,024 MB 1 1,040 MB

In the case of the controller node it runs many services and therefore the demand for
memory is high so it is recommend using as much as available on the system. Edit
the config.controller file in the $OS_ST/config directory as outlined above. For the
compute node, the install guide recommends a minimum is 2048 MB and the default
is only 1,024 MB, enough to support 1 instance. The second drive which is distributed
between VMs for root disks also needs to be larger. Edit the config.compute1 file in
the in the $OS_ST/config directory.

So in an 8 GB system (8,192 MB) the table below are suggested values to adjust in
the configuration files. That leaves 1,536 MB for the host system memory.

Node configuration VM Memory VM CPUs Second drive

config.controller 5,120 MB 2 N/A
config.compute1 1,536 MB 1 25,600 MB

In a 16 GB system (16,384 MB) the table below are suggested values to adjust in the
configuration files. That leaves 2,048 MB for the host system memory.

Node configuration VM Memory VM CPUs Second drive

config.controller 6,144 MB 2 N/A
config.compute1 8,192 MB 1 204,800 MB

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3.7 Enable Heat service

By default the Openstack training-labs have the heat service disabled. If the heat
service is required carry out this change before running the script to have the
service installed.

ada:~$ cd $OS_ST/config
ada:~$ sed -i.bak '/heat_controller/s/#//' scripts.ubuntu_cluster

ada$ diff scripts.ubuntu_cluster.bak scripts.ubuntu_cluster

< #cmd queue ubuntu/
< #cmd snapshot_cycle -n controller heat_controller_installed
> cmd queue ubuntu/
> cmd snapshot_cycle -n controller heat_controller_installed

3.8 Log files

Testbed Log files will bewritten to the $OS_ST/log directory while the cluster is
ada:~$ ls $OS_ST/log

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4. Setup OpenStack training labs on KVM/QEMU

Virtual Machines
controller compute1 compute2

virsh virt-viewer
virsh virt-manager
libvirt libvirt libvirt

KVM Module libvirt libvirtd

GNU/Linux Kernel

GNU/Linux host OS

Illustration 5: KVM virtualisation block diagram

The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor is included in major GNU/Linux

releases as it has become the hypervisor of choice within the GNU/Linux community
therefore it is available within the various distribution repositories. In actual fact KVM
is a GNU/Linux kernel module that permits programs within user space to access
either the Intel or AMD processor virtualisation features. As a result KVM VMs
actually run as user space processes. KVM uses QEMU, a generic and open source
machine emulator and virtualiser for Input/Output (I/O) hardware emulation. It can
emulate a variety of processors on a guest processor and combined with the KVM
kernel module it can approach native speeds. All combinations of 32-bit and 64-bit
host and guest systems are supported, except 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts.
KVM is managed via the libvirt API and tools such as virsh, virtinstall, virt-clone, virt-
viewer and virt-manager.
KVM is a Type-1 hypervisor that runs directly on x86 hardware. The GNU/Linux
interface makes it look like it is a hosted hypervisor running on it, but infact each VM
is running on the bare metal with the host GNU/Linux OS providing a launchpad for
the hypervisor and then engaging in a co-processing relationship with the hypervisor.
On x86 hardware, KVM relies on the hardware virtualisation instructions that are
embedded in the processors and therefore these advanced chipset features must be
enabled. Using these instructions the hypervisor and each guest VM run directly on
the bare metal, and most of the resource translations are performed by the hardware.
Libvirt provides command line tools under the virsh root command while virt-manager
provides a graphical tool. This lab in the main operates in headless mode, i.e. it
doesn’t require the graphical tool.

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4.1 Installation
KVM requires a number of elements to operate.

4.1.1 Install KVM packages

• libvirt - a C toolkit to interact with the virtualisation capabilities of GNU/Linux.
The library provides a C API for different virtualisation mechanisms and
currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox.
• qemu-kvm - permits the running of multiple virtual computers, each running
unmodified GNU/Linux or Windows images on X86 hardware. Each VM has
private virtualised hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc.
• libguestfs-tools - library that allows access and modification to guest disk
• virt-manager - graphical user interface.

ada:~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin libguestfs-tools

[sudo] password for alovelace: babbage

4.2 GNU/Linux Bridge utilities

Without a bridge KVM VMs will only have network access to other VMs on the same
server and to the host itself via a shared private network To allow
VMs access to the LAN, create a network bridge on the host.

ada:~$ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils

ada:~$ sudo usermod -aG libvirt `id -un`

4.3 virt-manager
It may appear strange but it is important to run the virt-manager. This triggers QEMU
to create a default pool for storage. As the server is headless this must be performed
using Secure SHell (SSH) X11 forwarding.
SSH to the host using the following switches.

-M Places the SSH client into master mode for connection sharing.
-Y Enables trusted X11 forwarding. Trusted X11 forwardings are not subjected
to the X11 SECURITY extension controls.

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ada:~$ ssh -MY alovelace@virtserver virt-manager

Illustration 6: virt-manager via SSH

Set the virsh default connect URI which eliminates the need to use the long-winded
virsh connection command to the KVM/QEMU hypervisor. Enable by running the file.

ada:~$ cat << EOM >> ~/.bashrc

# Variable to set virsh default URI to QEMU


ada:~$ . .bashrc



Now connect to the virsh shell on the KVM/QMEU hypervisor.

ada:~$ virsh

virsh # uri

It is also possible to run virsh commends directly from the shell.

ada:~$ virsh uri


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Check that a default storage pool exists.

virsh # pool-list
Name State Autostart
default active yes

4.4 Build introduction

The cluster is built in three phases:
• Download the OS image.
• Build a base disk, about 40 to 50 minutes.
• Build the controller and compute1 node VMs based on the base disk, about
50 to 65 minutes.
Essentially the scripts download the Ubuntu image, run it up on a KVM/QEMU VM
with some configuration files. The script recovers the Internet Protocol (IP) address of
the base and connects to it over SSH on the standard port 22. It upgrades the VM
and installs the relevant OpenStack cluster software. After the base disk, the
command builds two node VMs (controller and compute) from it.
If you have a previous build and find that it is necessary to rebuild the base disk,
simply delete the disk file in the $OS_ST/img directory. That will force the download
of a new base disk otherwise if the script finds an existing base disk it will simply
bypass that step and go about building the controller and compute nodes and initial
configuration as summarised in the build steps.

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4.5 Build steps

Controller node
• Edit the /etc/hosts file
• Enable osbash SSH keys
• Install mysql
• Install rabbitmq
• Install memcached
• Setup keystone
• Setup Glance
• Setup Nova controller
• Setup Neutron controller
• Setup self-service controller
• Setup Horizon
• Setup Cinder controller
• Setup Heat controller (If enabled in scripts.ubuntu_cluster file).
Compute node
• Setup Nova compute
• Setup Neutron compute
• Setup self-service compute
• Setup Cinder volumes.
Controller node
• Configure public network
• Configure private network.

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4.6 Run the stacktrain script

4.6.1 Stacktrain
The stacktrain python script installs the training-labs.
ada:~$ cd $OS_ST
ada:~/OpenStack-lab/labs $./ --build cluster --provider kvm
INFO Using provider kvm.
INFO stacktrain start at Wed May 3 19:48:26 2017
INFO Asked to delete VM base.
INFO not found
INFO ISO image okay.
INFO Install ISO:

Starting install…

See Appendix 6 - stacktrain cluster creation script – KVM for detail.


INFO Processing of scripts successful.

INFO Cluster build took 1977 seconds

4.6.2 Memory and harddisks

Confirm that the memory and hard-disks are the sizes configured in the
config.controller and config.compute1 files.
osbash@controller:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 6110832 kB

osbash@controller:~$ df -h | grep ^/dev

/dev/sda1 9.0G 2.7G 5.9G 31% /

osbash@controller:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]

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osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 16432844 kB

osbash@compute1:~$ df -h | grep ^/dev

/dev/sda1 9.0G 2.4G 6.2G 29% /

osbash@compute1:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 200G 0 disk

4.7 Using the cluster

By default, the cluster is built in headless mode. As such, the method to access the
cluster nodes is via SSH. Get the IP addresses for each node on the virbr0 bridge
interface to access for management.
Access the shell prompts on the cluster nodes using SSH where the username is
osbash and the password is also osbash. To become root, use sudo.
Optionally it is possible to use virt-manager to access via the GUI tool.

4.7.1 Review the running VMs

ada:~$ virsh
virsh # list
Id Name State
23 compute1 running
25 controller running

4.7.2 Controller node

virsh # dominfo controller

Id: 7
Name: controller
UUID: 8b3ecf79-b414-453e-927a-2887377bdcee
OS Type: hvm
State: running
CPU(s): 2
CPU time: 695.8s
Max memory: 6291456 KiB
Used memory: 6291456 KiB
Persistent: yes
Autostart: disable
Managed save: no
Security model: apparmor
Security DOI: 0
Security label: libvirt-8b3ecf79-b414-453e-927a-2887377bdcee

virsh # snapshot-list controller

Name Creation Time State
controller_-_compute1_node_installed 2017-05-04 00:35:09 +0300 shutoff

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4.7.3 Compute node

virsh # dominfo compute1
Id: 8
Name: compute1
UUID: 7344fcf1-0155-4da1-a53b-6bc7daf86d59
OS Type: hvm
State: running
CPU(s): 1
CPU time: 344.5s
Max memory: 16777216 KiB
Used memory: 16777216 KiB
Persistent: yes
Autostart: disable
Managed save: no
Security model: apparmor
Security DOI: 0
Security label: libvirt-7344fcf1-0155-4da1-a53b-6bc7daf86d59

virsh # snapshot-list compute1

Name Creation Time State

4.7.4 VM IP addresses
The VM IP addresses on the public network are given at the end of the stacktrain
Your cluster nodes:
INFO VM name: compute1
INFO SSH login: ssh osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO VM name: controller
INFO SSH login: ssh osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO Dashboard: Assuming horizon is on controller VM.
INFO User : demo (password: demo_user_pass)
INFO User : admin (password: admin_user_secret)
INFO Network: mgmt
INFO Network address:
INFO Network: provider
INFO Network address:

It is also possible from the hypervisor to access the VMs over the management
VM name: compute1
SSH login: ssh osbash@ (password: osbash)

VM name: controller
SSH login: ssh osbash@ (password: osbash)

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4.8 Reviewing the networks created by the script

During the execution of the scripts two new networks are created. labs-mgmt (virbr1)
is a management network using IP addresses from the private IP address space and labs-provider (virbr2) is the provider network using addresses from
the subnet. It is from this range of IP addresses that VM instances will
receive floating IP addresses.

virsh # net-list
Name State Autostart Persistent
default active yes yes
labs-mgmt active no yes
labs-provider active no yes

virsh # net-dumpxml labs-mgmt

<network connections='2'>
<forward mode='nat'>
<port start='1024' end='65535'/>
<bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/>
<mac address='52:54:00:b9:7c:fc'/>
<ip address='' netmask=''>

virsh # net-dumpxml labs-provider

<network connections='2'>
<forward mode='nat'>
<port start='1024' end='65535'/>
<bridge name='virbr2' stp='on' delay='0'/>
<mac address='52:54:00:52:f6:de'/>
<ip address='' netmask=''>

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4.9 Access the Controller node

ada:~$ ssh osbash@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

4.10 Access the Compute node

ada:~$ ssh osbash@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

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5. Setup OpenStack training labs on VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualisation application, a type-2 hypervisor that
allows for the running of multiple operating systems simultaneously. The only
practical limits are disk space and memory. VirtualBox can run everywhere from
small embedded systems or desktop class machines all the way up to data centre
deployments and even Cloud environments. In this OpenStack Lab one can run
multiple VM instances simultaneously. This allows for the testing of OpenStack and
the lab servers and their harddisks can be arbitrarily frozen, woken up, copied,
backed up, and transported between hosts.
VirtualBox provides both a graphical tool for managing VMs as well as a fully featured
set of shell commands under a root command vboxmanage. For the most part this
lab will use the VMs in headless mode, in other words without the need for the
graphical tool.

ada:~$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox

[sudo] password for alovelace: babbage

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5.1 Build introduction

The cluster is built in three phases:
• Download the OS image.
• Build a base disk, about 30 to 40 minutes.
• Build the controller and compute1 node VMs based on the base disk, about
25 to 30 minutes.
By default, the cluster is built on VirtualBox hypervisor.
Essentially the scripts download the Ubuntu image, run it up on VirtualBox with some
configuration files such that it can login to the base VM using SSH on port 2229. It
then upgrades the VM and and installs the relevant OpenStack cluster software. After
the base disk, the command builds two node VMs (controller and compute) from it.
If you have a previous build and find that it is necessary to rebuild the base disk,
simply delete the disk file in the $OS_ST/img directory. That will force the download
of a new base disk otherwise if the script finds an existing base disk it will simply
bypass that step and go about building the controller and compute1 nodes and initial
configuration as summarised in the build steps.

5.2 Build steps

Controller node
• Install mysql
• Install rabbitmq
• Install memcached
• Setup keystone
• Setup Glance
• Setup Nova controller
• Setup Neutron controller
• Setup self-service controller
• Setup Horizon
• Setup Cinder controller
• Setup Heat controller (If enabled in scripts.ubuntu_cluster file).
Compute node
• Setup Nova compute
• Setup Neutron compute
• Setup self-service compute
• Setup Cinder volumes.
Controller node
• Configure public network
• Configure private network.

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5.3 Run the scripts

5.3.1 Stacktrain
The stacktrain python script installs the training-labs.
ada:~/OpenStack-lab/labs $ cd $OS_ST/
ada:~$ ./ --build cluster
INFO Using provider virtualbox.
INFO stacktrain start at Thu May 4 08:20:22 2017
INFO Creating mgmt network:
INFO Configuring host-only network mgmt with gw address
INFO Creating provider network:
INFO Configuring host-only network provider with gw address (vboxnet1).
INFO Asked to delete VM controller
INFO not found
INFO Created VM controller.
INFO Attaching to VM controller (multi):
INFO Node controller created.

See Appendix 7 - stacktrain cluster creation script – VirtualBox for


INFO Processing of scripts successful.

INFO Cluster build took 958 seconds

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5.3.2 Memory and harddisks

Confirm that the memory and hard-disks are the sizes configured in the
config.controller and config.compute1 files.

osbash@controller:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 6110832 kB

osbash@controller:~$ df -h | grep ^/dev

/dev/sda1 9.0G 2.7G 5.9G 31% /

osbash@controller:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 8175396 kB

osbash@compute1:~$ df -h | grep ^/dev

/dev/sda1 9.0G 2.4G 6.2G 28% /

osbash@compute1:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 50G 0 disk

5.4 Using the cluster

By default, the cluster is built in headless mode. As such, the method to access the
cluster nodes is via SSH. The localhost's Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports
2230 through 2232 are forwarded to the nodes.
Access the shell prompts on the cluster nodes as follows. The username is osbash
and the password is also osbash. To become root, use sudo.
Optionally it is possible to use either the VirtualBox Graphical tool or indeed install
the VirtualBox phpVirtualBox web-based front-end to Oracle VirtualBox to manage
and administer VMs via a web browser. This is particularly useful if the host is a VM
with a cloud provider.

5.4.1 Review the running VMs

ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

"controller" {05b1f2cb-ece0-4797-8466-25babce8d810}
"compute1" {c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d}

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5.4.2 Controller node

ada:~$ vboxmanage showvminfo "controller"

Name: controller
Groups: /labs
Guest OS: Ubuntu (64-bit)
UUID: 05b1f2cb-ece0-4797-8466-25babce8d810
Config file: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Snapshot folder: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Log folder: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/controller/Logs
Hardware UUID: 05b1f2cb-ece0-4797-8466-25babce8d810
Memory size: 6144MB
Page Fusion: off
VRAM size: 8MB
CPU exec cap: 100%
HPET: off
Chipset: piix3
Firmware: BIOS
Number of CPUs: 2
PAE: on
Long Mode: on
CPUID Portability Level: 0
CPUID overrides: None
Boot menu mode: disabled
Boot Device (1): HardDisk
Boot Device (2): DVD
Boot Device (3): Network
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
ACPI: on
Time offset: 0ms
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging: on
Large Pages: on
VT-x VPID: on
VT-x unr. exec.: on
Paravirt. Provider: Default
State: running (since 2017-05-04T08:17:44.087000000)
Monitor count: 1
3D Acceleration: off
2D Video Acceleration: off
Teleporter Enabled: off
Teleporter Port: 0
Teleporter Address:
Teleporter Password:
Tracing Enabled: off
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
Tracing Configuration:
Autostart Enabled: off
Autostart Delay: 0
Default Frontend:
Storage Controller Name (0): SATA
Storage Controller Type (0): IntelAhci
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 30
Storage Controller Port Count (0): 3
Storage Controller Bootable (0): on
Storage Controller Name (1): IDE
Storage Controller Type (1): PIIX4

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Storage Controller Instance Number (1): 0

Storage Controller Max Port Count (1): 2
Storage Controller Port Count (1): 2
Storage Controller Bootable (1): on
SATA (0, 0): /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/controller/Snapshots/
{b773a4db-e313-4870-9b1d-d4f348f016c4}.vdi (UUID: b773a4db-e313-4870-
NIC 1: MAC: 080027571E7A, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected:
on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps,
Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 1 Settings: MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window
(send:64, receive: 64)
NIC 1 Rule(0): name = http, protocol = tcp, host ip =,
host port = 8888, guest ip = , guest port = 80
NIC 1 Rule(1): name = ssh, protocol = tcp, host ip =, host
port = 2230, guest ip = , guest port = 22
NIC 2: MAC: 080027CE124D, Attachment: Host-only Interface
'vboxnet0', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type:
virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 1, Promisc Policy:
allow-all, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 3: MAC: 080027F5D91C, Attachment: Host-only Interface
'vboxnet1', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type:
virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy:
allow-all, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 4: disabled
NIC 5: disabled
NIC 6: disabled
NIC 7: disabled
NIC 8: disabled
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
UART 1: disabled
UART 2: disabled
UART 3: disabled
UART 4: disabled
LPT 1: disabled
LPT 2: disabled
Audio: disabled
Clipboard Mode: disabled
Drag and drop Mode: disabled
Session name: headless
Video mode: 640x480x8 at 0,0 enabled
VRDE: disabled
USB: disabled
EHCI: disabled
XHCI: disabled

USB Device Filters:


Available remote USB devices:


Currently Attached USB Devices:


Bandwidth groups: <none>

Shared folders: <none>

VRDE Connection: not active

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Clients so far: 0

Video capturing: not active

Capture screens: 0
Capture file: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Capture dimensions: 1024x768
Capture rate: 512 kbps
Capture FPS: 25


Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB

OS type: Linux26_64
Additions run level: 1
Additions version: 5.0.18_Ubuntu r106667

Guest Facilities:

Facility "VirtualBox Base Driver": active/running (last update:

2017/05/04 08:17:57 UTC)
Facility "Seamless Mode": not active (last update: 2017/05/04 08:17:57
Facility "Graphics Mode": not active (last update: 2017/05/04 08:17:57


Name: controller_-_compute1_node_installed (UUID: b445f1e1-9d87-

4eeb-8a12-63396456d190) *

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5.4.3 Compute node

ada:~$ vboxmanage showvminfo "compute1"
Name: compute1
Groups: /labs
Guest OS: Ubuntu (64-bit)
UUID: c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d
Config file: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Snapshot folder: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Log folder: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/Logs
Hardware UUID: c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d
Memory size: 8192MB
Page Fusion: off
VRAM size: 8MB
CPU exec cap: 100%
HPET: off
Chipset: piix3
Firmware: BIOS
Number of CPUs: 1
PAE: on
Long Mode: on
CPUID Portability Level: 0
CPUID overrides: None
Boot menu mode: disabled
Boot Device (1): HardDisk
Boot Device (2): DVD
Boot Device (3): Network
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
ACPI: on
Time offset: 0ms
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging: on
Large Pages: on
VT-x VPID: on
VT-x unr. exec.: on
Paravirt. Provider: Default
State: running (since 2017-05-04T08:13:43.496000000)
Monitor count: 1
3D Acceleration: off
2D Video Acceleration: off
Teleporter Enabled: off
Teleporter Port: 0
Teleporter Address:
Teleporter Password:
Tracing Enabled: off
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
Tracing Configuration:
Autostart Enabled: off
Autostart Delay: 0
Default Frontend:
Storage Controller Name (0): SATA
Storage Controller Type (0): IntelAhci
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 30
Storage Controller Port Count (0): 3
Storage Controller Bootable (0): on
Storage Controller Name (1): IDE
Storage Controller Type (1): PIIX4
Storage Controller Instance Number (1): 0

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Storage Controller Max Port Count (1): 2

Storage Controller Port Count (1): 2
Storage Controller Bootable (1): on
SATA (0, 0): /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/Snapshots/
{df360746-7f12-4c50-9b4b-1941cc038ed8}.vdi (UUID: df360746-7f12-4c50-
SATA (1, 0): /home/alovelace/Dropbox/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/compute1-
sdb.vdi (UUID: ee9a4fc3-514a-494a-968e-6eb2ce747f28)
NIC 1: MAC: 0800273A8E0C, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected:
on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps,
Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 1 Settings: MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window
(send:64, receive: 64)
NIC 1 Rule(0): name = ssh, protocol = tcp, host ip =, host
port = 2232, guest ip = , guest port = 22
NIC 2: MAC: 080027608951, Attachment: Host-only Interface
'vboxnet0', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type:
virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 1, Promisc Policy:
allow-all, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 3: MAC: 08002718AA6A, Attachment: Host-only Interface
'vboxnet1', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type:
virtio, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy:
allow-all, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 4: disabled
NIC 5: disabled
NIC 6: disabled
NIC 7: disabled
NIC 8: disabled
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
UART 1: disabled
UART 2: disabled
UART 3: disabled
UART 4: disabled
LPT 1: disabled
LPT 2: disabled
Audio: disabled
Clipboard Mode: disabled
Drag and drop Mode: disabled
Session name: headless
Video mode: 640x480x8 at 0,0 enabled
VRDE: disabled
USB: disabled
EHCI: disabled
XHCI: disabled

USB Device Filters:


Available remote USB devices:


Currently Attached USB Devices:


Bandwidth groups: <none>

Shared folders: <none>

VRDE Connection: not active

Clients so far: 0

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44 OpenStack Training Laboratory

Video capturing: not active

Capture screens: 0
Capture file: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox
Capture dimensions: 1024x768
Capture rate: 512 kbps
Capture FPS: 25


Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB

OS type: Linux26_64
Additions run level: 1
Additions version: 5.0.18_Ubuntu r106667

Guest Facilities:

Facility "VirtualBox Base Driver": active/running (last update:

2017/05/04 08:13:51 UTC)
Facility "Seamless Mode": not active (last update: 2017/05/04 08:13:51
Facility "Graphics Mode": not active (last update: 2017/05/04 08:13:51

5.4.4 VM IP addresses
The VM IP addresses on the public network are given at the end of the stacktrain
Your cluster nodes:
Your cluster nodes:
INFO VM name: compute1
INFO SSH login: ssh -p 2232 osbash@ (or localhost)
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO VM name: controller
INFO SSH login: ssh -p 2230 osbash@ (or localhost)
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO Dashboard: Assuming horizon is on controller VM.
INFO User : demo (password: demo_user_pass)
INFO User : admin (password: admin_user_secret)
INFO Network: mgmt
INFO Network address:
INFO Network: provider
INFO Network address:

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5.5 Reviewing the networks created by the script

During the execution of the scripts two networks are created. vboxnet0 is a
management network using IP addresses from the private IP address space and vboxnet1 is the provider network using addresses from the subnet. It is from this range of IP addresses that VM instances will
receive floating IP addresses.
ada:~$ vboxmanage list hostonlyifs
Name: vboxnet0
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000
DHCP: Disabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0800:27ff:fe00:0000
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0

Name: vboxnet1
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001
DHCP: Disabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0800:27ff:fe00:0001
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1

5.6 Access the Controller node

ada:~$ ssh -p 2230 osbash@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:2230 ([]:2230)' can't
be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2230' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
osbash@localhost's password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

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46 OpenStack Training Laboratory

5.7 Access the Compute node

ada:~$ ssh -p 2232 osbash@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:2232 ([]:2232)' can't
be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2232' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
osbash@localhost's password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 47

6. Operating the OpenStack training testbed on KVM/QEMU

6.1 Managing KVM/QEMU VMs in headless mode
To manage the two VMs in headless mode, on KVM/QEMU it is necessary to learn a
few basic virsh commands.

6.2 Starting the VMs

List the available VMs and check if they are running.

ada:~$ virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type: 'help' for help with commands

'quit' to quit

virsh # list --all

Id Name State
23 compute1 shut off
25 controller shut off

Start the VMs.

virsh # start controller
WDomain controller started

virsh # start compute1

Domain compute1 started

Check the VMs are running.

virsh # list
Id Name State
23 compute1 running
26 controller running

6.3 Powering off the VMs

Power off the VMs as follows.

virsh # shutdown controller

Domain controller is being shutdown

virsh # list
Id Name State
23 compute1 running

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6.4 Saving VM state and stopping

Save the state of a VM and then stop it by executing the command:
virsh # save compute1 compute1.dump

Domain compute1 saved to compute1.dump

virsh # list --all

Id Name State
23 compute1 shut off
25 controller shut off

6.5 Managing snapshots

List the snapshots associated with a VM.
virsh # snapshot-list controller
Name Creation Time State
controller_-_compute1_node_installed 2017-05-03 00:15:54 +0300 shutoff

6.6 Taking a snapshot

It is best to shutdown the VM first because a snapshot taken of a running guest only
captures the state of the disk and not the state of the memory.
virsh # shutdown controller
Domain controller is being shutdown

Create a snapshot.
virsh # snapshot-create-as --domain controller
--name "snap01-controller" --disk-only --atomic
--diskspec hda,file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/snap01-controller
Domain snapshot snap01-controller created

virsh # snapshot-list controller

Name Creation Time State
1493825797 2017-05-03 18:36:37 +0300 running
controller_-_compute1_node_installed 2017-05-03 00:15:54 +0300 shutoff
snap01-controller 2017-05-03 18:37:07 +0300 disk-snapshot

6.7 Restoring to a previous snapshot

To restore to a previous snapshot, in this case controller_-_compute1_node_installed

virsh # snapshot-revert --domain controller --snapshotname

controller_-_compute1_node_installed --running

virsh # list
Id Name State
3 controller running

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6.8 Delete a snapshot

Delete a snapshot by:
virsh # snapshot-delete --domain controller --snapshotname snap01-
error: Failed to delete snapshot snap01-controller
error: unsupported configuration: deletion of 1 external disk snapshots
not supported yet

However as can be seen deletion of external disk snapshots is not supported yet. In
this case delete the metadata associated with the snapshot and delete the snapshot

virsh # snapshot-delete --domain controller --metadata snap01-

Domain snapshot snap01-controller deleted

ada:~$ sudo rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/snap01-controller

virsh # snapshot-list controller

Name Creation Time State
1493825797 2017-05-03 18:36:37 +0300 running
controller_-_compute1_node_installed 2017-05-03 00:15:54 +0300 shutoff

6.9 Increase the size of the Compute1 node

If the nodes were not optimised as described in the setup chapters, it is possible to
change their size afterwards. The default compute1 node second drive and RAM are
both quite small for all but the smallest images. In its default configuration it has 1 GB
of memory, 1 CPU and 1 GB volume for Cinder Block Storage service. (Note:
/dev/sda is for the VM itself and /dev/sdb is assigned to LVM for Cinder).

Here is an example of how the CPUs can be increased to 2, memory to 4 GB and

/dev/sdb to 20 GB.

First shut down the compute1 VM instance and confirm it has shutdown.
virsh # shutdown compute1
Domain compute1 is being shutdown

virsh # list --all

Id Name State
3 controller running
- compute1 shut off

Edit the VM instance XML file and change the maximum and current memory to 17
GB and CPUs to 2.
virsh # edit compute1
<memory unit='KiB'>17825792</memory>
<currentMemory unit='KiB'>17825792</currentMemory>
<vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu>

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Have a look at the compute1-sdb image as it is.

ada:~$ sudo qemu-img info /var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1-sdb
image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1-sdb
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 200G (214748364800 bytes)
disk size: 1.0G
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 0.10
refcount bits: 16

Now resize the QEMU QCOW Image by adding 50G to bring the image up to 20G.
ada:~$ sudo qemu-img resize /var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1-sdb +50G
Image resized.

ada:~$ sudo qemu-img info /var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1-sdb

image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/compute1-sdb
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 250G (268435456000 bytes)
disk size: 1.0G
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 0.10
refcount bits: 16

Start the VM instance.

virsh # start compute1
Domain compute1 started

Connect to the compute1 node and review the reported size of the physical volume
/dev/sdb by LVM, it is still 1 GB.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name cinder-volumes
PV Size 200.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 51199
Free PE 51199
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID uRKbME-24kE-1iHL-paym-TPgg-lelk-8OpH1D

However fdisk reports its true size.

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 250 GiB, 268435456000 bytes, 524288000 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Physical Volume Show (pvs) command reports information about physical volumes, it
also considers it still 1 GB.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvs /dev/sdb
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb cinder-volumes lvm2 a-- 200.00g 200.00g

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Resize the LVM physical volume by forcing LVM to re-evaluate the reported size in
the actual image file.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvresize /dev/sdb
Physical volume "/dev/sdb" changed
1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized

Confirm the change.

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvs /dev/sdb
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb cinder-volumes lvm2 a-- 250.00g 250.00g

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvdisplay

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name cinder-volumes
PV Size 250.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 63999
Free PE 63999
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID uRKbME-24kE-1iHL-paym-TPgg-lelk-8OpH1D

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vgdisplay

--- Volume group ---
VG Name cinder-volumes
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 4
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 0
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 250.00 GiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 63999
Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0
Free PE / Size 63999 / 250.00 GiB
VG UUID 7YI12b-ewAV-BT8j-pydq-5kyo-z6Yn-2d1fV0

Confirm the nova-compute service is operational.

osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 1 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:11:19.000000 |
| 5 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:11:15.000000 |
| 6 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:11:22.000000 |
| 8 | nova-compute | compute1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:11:17.000000 |

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This page is intentionally blank

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7. Operating the OpenStack training testbed on VirtualBox

7.1 Managing VirtualBox VMs in headless mode
To manage the two VMs in headless mode, on VirtualBox it is necessary to learn a
few basic vboxmanage commands.

7.2 Starting the VMs

List the available VMs and check if they are running.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list vms

"controller" {05b1f2cb-ece0-4797-8466-25babce8d810}
"compute1" {c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d}

ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

Start the VMs.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "controller" --type headless

Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...
VM "controller" has been successfully started.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "compute1" --type headless

Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

Check the VMs are running.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

"controller" {05b1f2cb-ece0-4797-8466-25babce8d810}
"compute1" {c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d}

7.3 Powering off the VMs

Power off the VMs as follows.

ada:~$ vboxmanage controlvm "controller" poweroff


ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

"compute1" {c446de73-7089-4cd6-90a3-720e9a27a37d}

7.4 Saving VM state and stopping

Save the state of a VM and then stop it execute command:

ada:~$ vboxmnage controlvm "compute1" savestate


ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

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54 OpenStack Training Laboratory

7.5 Managing snapshots

List the snapshots associated with a VM.
ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" list
Name: controller_-_compute1_node_installed (UUID: b445f1e1-9d87-
4eeb-8a12-63396456d190) *

7.6 Taking a snapshot

ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" take "snap01-controller"

--description "Initial controller snapshot"
Snapshot taken. UUID: 798b7138-6802-49dc-b1c3-86ed7406417f

ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" list

Name: controller_-_compute1_node_installed
(UUID: b445f1e1-9d87-4eeb-8a12-63396456d190)
Name: snap01-controller
(UUID: 798b7138-6802-49dc-b1c3-86ed7406417f) *
Description: Initial Controller snapshot

7.7 Restoring to a previous snapshot

To restore to a previous snapshot, in this case controller_-_compute1_node_installed
just power down the VM, restore the VM and restart.
ada:~$ vboxmanage controlvm "controller" poweroff

ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" restore controller_-

Restoring snapshot b445f1e1-9d87-4eeb-8a12-63396456d190

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "controller" –type headless

Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...
VM "controller" has been successfully started.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "controller" –type headless

Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...
VM "controller" has been successfully started.

Notice that the asterisk (*) has moved to the active snapshot.
ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" list
Name: controller_-_compute1_node_installed
(UUID: b445f1e1-9d87-4eeb-8a12-63396456d190) *
Name: snap01-controller
(UUID: 798b7138-6802-49dc-b1c3-86ed7406417f)
Description: Initial Controller snapshot

Delete a snapshot
Delete a snapshot and notice it removed from the snapshot list.
ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" delete snap01-controller

ada:~$ vboxmanage snapshot "controller" list

Name: controller_-_compute1_node_installed (UUID: b445f1e1-9d87-4eeb-
8a12-63396456d190) *

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7.8 Increase the size of the Compute1 node

If the nodes were not optimised as described in the setup chapters, it is possible to
change their size afterwards. The default compute1 node second drive and RAM are
both quite small for all but the smallest images. In its default configuration it has 1 GB
of memory, 1 CPU and 1 GB volume for Cinder Block Storage service. (Note:
/dev/sda is for the VM itself and /dev/sdb is assigned to LVM for Cinder).

Consider firstly the current state of the compute1 node.

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l

osbash@controller:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 8175264 kB

osbash@controller:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 50G 0 disk

ada:$ ls ~/VirtualBox VMs/labs

compute1 controller

ada:$ ls ~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1

compute1.vbox compute1.vbox-prev Logs Snapshots

There is 1 CPU, 8 GB memory and a 50 GB second drive (/dev/sdb). As an example

increase the CPUs can be increased to 2, memory to 9 GB and /dev/sdb to 60 GB.

First shut down the compute1 VM instance and confirm it has shutdown.
ada:~$ vboxmanage controlvm "compute1" poweroff

Edit the VM instance memory to 9 GB and CPUs to 2.

ada:~$ vboxmanage modifyvm "compute1" --cpus 2

ada:~$ vboxmanage modifyvm "compute1" --memory 9216

As the working image is made up of the base image and the snapshots it is
necessary to clone the VM instance to create a new base.
ada:~$ vboxmanage clonevm "compute1"
Machine has been successfully cloned as "compute1 Clone"

ada:~$ ls ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/compute1\ Clone/

compute1 Clone-disk1.vdi compute1 Clone-disk2.vdi compute1

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Delete the original compute1 instance VM.

ada:~$ vboxmanage unregistervm "compute1" --delete

ada:$ ls ~/VirtualBox VMs/labs


Move the new clone directory to the place previously taken by compute1.
ada:~$ cd ~/'VirtualBox VMs'
ada:~/VirtualBox VMs $ mv 'compute1 Clone' labs/
ada:~/VirtualBox VMs $ cd labs
ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs $ mv 'compute1 Clone' compute1
ada:~/VirtualBox VMs $ cd compute1

Rename the clone files.

ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ mv 'compute1 Clone-disk1.vdi'

ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ mv 'compute1 Clone-disk2.vdi'


ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ mv 'compute1 Clone.vbox'


ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ ls
compute1-disk1.vdi compute1-disk2.vdi compute1.vbox

Edit the vbox file to reflect the new compute1 name and update the vdi names.
ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ sed -i.bak 's/compute1
Clone/compute1/' compute1.vbox

ada:~/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1 $ diff compute1.vbox.bak

< <Machine uuid="{42d461ef-79cf-49a7-a6fd-5bcfcafcd87c}"
name="compute1 Clone" OSType="Ubuntu_64" snapshotFolder="Snapshots"
currentStateModified="false" lastStateChange="2017-05-04T20:51:23Z">
> <Machine uuid="{42d461ef-79cf-49a7-a6fd-5bcfcafcd87c}"
name="compute1" OSType="Ubuntu_64" snapshotFolder="Snapshots"
currentStateModified="false" lastStateChange="2017-05-04T20:51:23Z">
< <HardDisk uuid="{5259ea5f-d2ca-402b-99ba-48cb4199b451}"
location="compute1 Clone-disk1.vdi" format="VDI" type="Normal"/>
< <HardDisk uuid="{5ead5e53-593b-4eba-a228-7d513751beec}"
location="compute1 Clone-disk2.vdi" format="VDI" type="Normal"/>
> <HardDisk uuid="{5259ea5f-d2ca-402b-99ba-48cb4199b451}"
location="compute1-disk1.vdi" format="VDI" type="Normal"/>
> <HardDisk uuid="{5ead5e53-593b-4eba-a228-7d513751beec}"
location="compute1-disk2.vdi" format="VDI" type="Normal"/>

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Register the compute1 VM instance.

ada:~$ vboxmanage registervm /home/alovelace/'VirtualBox

Confirm registration.
ada:~$ vboxmanage list vms
"controller" {85cc5cd8-3392-49bd-bac8-76c4a8bed317}
"compute1" {42d461ef-79cf-49a7-a6fd-5bcfcafcd87c}

Have a look at the compute1-disk2 image as it is, note the size is 1040 MB.
ada:~$ vboxmanage list hdds | awk -v RS='' '/base/'
UUID: 6a0cfecf-fd21-42b0-b91f-58bd7f44c871
Parent UUID: base
State: locked read
Type: multiattach
Location: /home/alovelace/Dropbox/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/base-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 10000 MBytes
Encryption: disabled
UUID: 5259ea5f-d2ca-402b-99ba-48cb4199b451
Parent UUID: base
State: created
Type: normal (base)
Location: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/compute1-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 10000 MBytes
Encryption: disabled
UUID: 5ead5e53-593b-4eba-a228-7d513751beec
Parent UUID: base
State: created
Type: normal (base)
Location: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/compute1-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 51200 MBytes
Encryption: disabled

Now resize the image to 60G.

ada:~$ vboxmanage modifymedium 5ead5e53-593b-4eba-a228-7d513751beec
--resize 61440

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Confirm the change.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list hdds | awk -v RS='' '/base/'
UUID: 6a0cfecf-fd21-42b0-b91f-58bd7f44c871
Parent UUID: base
State: locked read
Type: multiattach
Location: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/base-ssh-ocata-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 10000 MBytes
Encryption: disabled
UUID: 5259ea5f-d2ca-402b-99ba-48cb4199b451
Parent UUID: base
State: created
Type: normal (base)
Location: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/compute1-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 10000 MBytes
Encryption: disabled
UUID: 5ead5e53-593b-4eba-a228-7d513751beec
Parent UUID: base
State: created
Type: normal (base)
Location: /home/alovelace/VirtualBox VMs/labs/compute1/compute1-
Storage format: VDI
Capacity: 61440 MBytes
Encryption: disabled

Start the VM instance.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "compute1" --type headless
Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

Connect to the compute1 node and review.

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l

osbash@controller:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 9207452 kB

osbash@controller:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 60G 0 disk

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However the reported size of the physical volume /dev/sdb by LVM, it is still 50 GB.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name cinder-volumes
PV Size 50.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 12799
Free PE 12799
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID 9XFbcy-WuIl-hBoa-4L4i-SvyL-ay30-M9zfLc

However like lsblk, fdisk reports its true size.

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 60 GiB, 64424509440 bytes, 125829120 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Physical Volume Show (pvs) command reports information about physical volumes, it
also considers it still 1 GB.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvs /dev/sdb
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb cinder-volumes lvm2 a-- 50.00g 50.00g

Resize the LVM physical volume by forcing LVM to re-evaluate the reported size in
the actual image file.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvresize /dev/sdb
Physical volume "/dev/sdb" changed
1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized

Confirm the change.

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvs /dev/sdb
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb cinder-volumes lvm2 a-- 60.00g 60.00g

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvdisplay

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name cinder-volumes
PV Size 60.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 15359
Free PE 15359
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID 9XFbcy-WuIl-hBoa-4L4i-SvyL-ay30-M9zfLc

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osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vgdisplay

--- Volume group ---
VG Name cinder-volumes
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 4
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 0
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 60.00 GiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 15359
Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0
Free PE / Size 15359 / 60.00 GiB
VG UUID ql3SLC-S7Vq-9zVK-dDw9-722w-Ycv2-b28Xp7

Confirm the nova-compute service is operational on the controller node.

osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 1 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T21:22:51.000000 |
| 2 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T21:22:56.000000 |
| 6 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T21:22:47.000000 |
| 7 | nova-compute | compute1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T21:22:54.000000 |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 61

8. Reviewing the Installation

8.1 Controller node - Database
Access the MariaDB database as the database root user. Note that since Ubuntu
16.04 access to the database requires sudo privileges. This is because plugin value
for the root user is set to unix_socket and this socket is only accessible by the
Operating System root user. All other users have a blank plugin value which defaults
to mysql_native_password.
Access the controller node shell.

osbash@controller:~$ sudo mysql -u root -p

Enter password: secrete
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 228
Server version: 10.0.28-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Ubuntu 16.04

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

MariaDB [(none)]>

Here is the changed setting since Ubuntu 16.04.

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT user,plugin FROM mysql.user;

| user | plugin |
| root | unix_socket |
| keystone | |
| keystone | |
| glance | |
| glance | |
| nova | |
| nova | |
| neutron | |
| neutron | |
| cinder | |
| cinder | |
| heat | |
| heat | |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]>

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It is also possible to see a list of databases within the MariaDB.

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database |
| cinder |
| glance |
| heat |
| information_schema |
| keystone |
| mysql |
| neutron |
| nova |
| nova_api |
| nova_cell0 |
| performance_schema |
10 rows in set (0.04 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit


Now using the username and database password for one of the services, say
keystone review the database tables. Note: sudo is not necessary.

osbash@controller:~$ mysql -u keystone -p

Enter password: keystone_db_secret
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 115
Server version: 10.0.29-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Ubuntu 16.04

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

MariaDB [(none)]>

Now listing the databases, only the keystone one is available to this user.

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| keystone |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Change to that database and review the tables within.

MariaDB [(none)]> USE keystone;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

MariaDB [keystone]> SHOW TABLES;

| Tables_in_keystone |
| access_token |
| assignment |
| config_register |
| consumer |
| credential |
| endpoint |
| endpoint_group |
| federated_user |
| federation_protocol |
| group |
| id_mapping |
| identity_provider |
| idp_remote_ids |
| implied_role |
| local_user |
| mapping |
| migrate_version |
| nonlocal_user |
| password |
| policy |
| policy_association |
| project |
| project_endpoint |
| project_endpoint_group |
| region |
| request_token |
| revocation_event |
| role |
| sensitive_config |
| service |
| service_provider |
| token |
| trust |
| trust_role |
| user |
| user_group_membership |
| user_option |
| whitelisted_config |
38 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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8.2 Client environment scripts

To increase efficiency of client operations, OpenStack supports simple client
environment scripts also known as OpenRC files. These scripts typically contain
common options for all clients, but also support unique options. They are on the root
of each VM called:

Review the scripts.

osbash@controller:~$ cat
# The variables in this file are exported for use by OpenStack client
# applications.

# $0 to make it work on zsh

# OpenStack client environment scripts
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin_user_secret
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_AUTH_URL=

osbash@controller:~$ cat

# The variables in this file are exported for use by OpenStack client
# applications.

# $0 to make it work on zsh

# OpenStack client environment scripts
export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=demo_user_pass
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=demo
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
export OS_AUTH_URL=

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8.3 Identity Service - Keystone

The Identity Service provides the following functions:
• User management: Tracks users and their permissions.
• Service catalogue: A catalogue of available services and their API endpoints.
• User: Digital representation of a person, system or service who uses
OpenStack cloud services. The Identity Service validates that incoming
requests are made by the User who claims to be making the call. Users have
a login and may be assigned a token to access resources. Users can be
directly assigned to a particular project and behave as if they are contained
within that project (note in earlier versions projects were called tenants).
• Credentials: Data that is known only to a particular user for the purpose of
identifying themselves, proving who they are. Examples are
Username/Password, Username/API key or authentication token.
• Authentication: The act of confirming the identity of a User by validating the
credentials of that user. These are initially a Username/Password or
Username/API key and the Identity Service issues an authentication token to
the User which can be provided by the User for subsequent requests.
• Token: An arbitrary piece of text used to access resources. Each token has a
scope, describing what resources are accessible with it. Token can be
revoked at any time and are valid for a finite duration. More protocols will be
supported in the future.
• Domain: An Identity API v3 entity. Represents a collection of Projects, Groups
and Users that define administrative boundaries for managing OpenStack
Identity entities.
• Project: A container used to group or isolate resources and/or identity objects.
Depending on the service operator, a project may map to a customer,
account, organisation or project.
• Service: A service such as Compute (Nova), Object storage (Swift) or Image
service (Glance). It provides one or more endpoints through which users can
access resources and perform operations.
• Endpoint: A network accessible address, usually described by a URL, from
where you a service can be accessed.
• Role: A personality that a User assumes that enables them to perform a
specific set of operations. A Role includes a set of rights and privileges. A
User assuming that Role inherits those rights and privileges. In the Identity
Service, a Token that is issued to a User includes a list of Roles that a User
has. Services that are being called by that User determine how they interpret
the set of Roles a User has and to which operations or resources each Role
grants access.

8.3.1 Controller node

Review the domain, project, user, and roles. Make sure to run the admin OpenRC
script first to set the admin variables.

osbash@controller:~$ .

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osbash@controller:~$ openstack domain list

| ID | Name | Enabled | Description |
| 34db125c6a77495695aea728ccd54332 | heat | True | Stack projects and users |
| default | Default | True | The default domain |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack project list

| ID | Name |
| 24789cdee2c0499c86735b8558b6fa0f | demo |
| 666e2166b56a4d56a9df82c30b53b076 | admin |
| 828af05665714667875dd3c3719bffcd | service |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack user list

| ID | Name |
| 3fc36085c8fd4472bf507d03fa50dcd2 | demo |
| 42a30bf1acb64c44bc1ca5fcd0341720 | nova |
| 48e666c381f0466391ae9112e29da579 | heat |
| 5651003d94ad4430ba70c3ec9bb74656 | cinder |
| 5c28737a6e6a45628534778f66dfb966 | heat_domain_admin |
| 5e0d65602514481e8f5e0ed17b7d7941 | neutron |
| 9d4e635f8ada4696b23b9a816ddcbb72 | glance |
| ced53a38098d4904a9acfa4736c527eb | admin |
| ddf90b302f0e44d984e82bc9935220e5 | placement |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack role list

| ID | Name |
| 38b157ee745746a7b7598e926dd72cc8 | admin |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | _member_ |
| bae13400433342b5a0cfeddb3bfe4a9d | heat_stack_owner |
| bf3915a6f6154f07aed78f0c2497b0b1 | user |
| f376b1133a764247bc84d0b4d3e7fe85 | heat_stack_user |

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8.4 Image Service - Glance

The OpenStack Image service enables users to discover, register and retrieve VM
images. Glance offers an RESTful API that enables querying VM metadata and
retrieval of the image. It supports the storage of disk or server images on various
repository types, including OpenStack Object Storage.
The OpenStack Image service includes the following components:
• glance-api
• Accepts Image API calls for image discovery, retrieval, and storage.
• glance-registry
• Stores, processes, and retrieves metadata about images. Metadata
includes items such as size and type.
• Database
• Stores image metadata and you can choose your database depending
on your preference. Most deployments use MySQL or SQLite.
• Storage repository
• Various repository types are supported including normal file systems,
Object Storage, Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store (RADOS)
block devices, HTTP, and Amazon S3. Note that some repositories will
only support read-only usage.

8.4.1 Controller node

Review existing images and add a new image.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| d40c0820-b8f2-4e33-9f58-6f590709c01a | cirros | active |

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8.5 Compute service - Nova

OpenStack Compute hosts and manages cloud computing systems. It interacts with
OpenStack Identity for authentication, OpenStack Image service for disk and server
images, and OpenStack Dashboard for the User and administrative interface. Image
access is limited by Projects, and by Users; quotas are limited per project (the
number of instances, for example). OpenStack Compute can scale horizontally on
standard hardware, and download images to launch instances.
OpenStack Compute consists of the following areas and their components:

8.5.1 API
• nova-api service
• Accepts and responds to end user compute API calls. The service
supports the OpenStack Compute API, the Amazon Elastic Compute 2
(EC2) API, and a special Admin API for privileged Users to perform
administrative actions. It enforces some policies and initiates most
orchestration activities, such as running an instance.
• nova-api-metadata service
• Accepts metadata requests from instances. The nova-api-metadata
service is generally used when you run in multi-host mode with nova-
network installations.

8.5.2 Compute core

• nova-compute service
• A worker daemon that creates and terminates VM instances through
hypervisor APIs. For example:
• XenAPI for XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)
• libvirt for KVM or QEMU
• VMwareAPI for VMware.
• nova-scheduler service
• Takes a VM instance request from the queue and determines on which
compute server host it runs.
• nova-conductor module
• Mediates interactions between the nova-compute service and the
database. It eliminates direct accesses to the cloud database made by
the nova-compute service. The nova-conductor module scales
horizontally. However, do not deploy it on nodes where the nova-
compute service runs.

8.5.3 Networking for VMs

• nova-network worker daemon
• Similar to the nova-compute service, accepts networking tasks from
the queue and manipulates the network. Performs tasks such as
setting up bridging interfaces or changing IPtables rules.

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8.5.4 Console interface

• nova-novncproxy daemon
• Provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a Virtual
Network Computing (VNC) connection. Supports browser-based novnc
• nova-spicehtml5proxy daemon
• Provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a Simple
Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE)
connection. Supports browser-based HTML5 client.
• nova-xvpvncproxy daemon
• Provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC
connection. Supports an OpenStack specific Java client.
• nova-cert module
• A server daemon that serves the Nova Cert service for X509
certificates. It is used to generate certificates for euca-bundle-image.
Only needed for the EC2 API.
• nova-cert daemon
• x509 certificates.

8.5.5 Image management

• euca2ools client
• A set of command-line interpreter commands for managing cloud
resources. Although it is not an OpenStack module, you can configure
nova-api to support this EC2 interface.

8.5.6 Command-line clients and other interfaces

• nova client
• Enables users to submit commands as a project administrator or end

8.5.7 Other components

• The queue
• A central hub for passing messages between daemons. Usually
implemented with RabbitMQ, but can be implemented with an AMQP
message queue, such as Apache Qpid or Zero MQ.
• SQL database
• Stores most build-time and run-time states for a cloud infrastructure,
• Available instance types
• Instances in use
• Available networks
• Projects.

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Theoretically, OpenStack Compute can support any database that SQL-Alchemy

supports. Common databases are SQLite3 for test and development work, MySQL,
and PostgreSQL. SQL-Alchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational
Mapper (ORM) that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed
for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and
Pythonic domain language.

8.5.8 Controller node

Three Compute service components are enabled on the controller node and one
service component on the compute node.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 1 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:21:29.000000 |
| 5 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:21:25.000000 |
| 6 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:21:22.000000 |
| 8 | nova-compute | compute1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-05-04T12:21:27.000000 |

8.6 Networking service - Neutron

OpenStack Networking allows for the creation and attachment of interface devices
managed by other OpenStack services to networks, the Virtual Networking
Infrastructure (VNI) and how it accesses the Physical Networking Infrastructure (PNI).
Plug-ins can be implemented to accommodate different networking equipment and
software, providing flexibility to OpenStack architecture and deployment.
To do this Neutron provides object extractions to mimic its physical counterpart:
• Networks
• Subnets
• Routers
• Security Groups.
Neutron includes the following components:
• neutron-server
• Accepts and routes API requests to the appropriate networking plug-in
for action.
• Networking plug-ins and agents
• Plug and unplug ports, create networks or subnets, and provide IP
addressing. These plug-ins and agents differ depending on the vendor
and technologies used in the particular cloud
• Networking ships with plug-ins and agents for Cisco virtual and
physical switches, NEC OpenFlow products, Open vSwitch (OvS),
Linux bridging, and the VMware NSX product
• The common agents are L3 (layer 3), Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP), and a plug-in agent.

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• Messaging queue
• Used by most OpenStack Networking installations to route information
between the neutron-server and various agents. It also acts as a
database to store networking state for particular plug-ins.
Neutron mainly interacts with Nova Compute to provide networks and connectivity for
its instances.

8.6.1 Controller node

List loaded extensions to verify successful launch of the neutron-server process.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack extension list --column "Name" --network
| Name |
| Default Subnetpools |
| Network IP Availability |
| Network Availability Zone |
| Auto Allocated Topology Services |
| Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode |
| Port Binding |
| agent |
| Subnet Allocation |
| L3 Agent Scheduler |
| Tag support |
| Neutron external network |
| Neutron Service Flavors |
| Network MTU |
| Availability Zone |
| Quota management support |
| HA Router extension |
| Provider Network |
| Multi Provider Network |
| Address scope |
| Neutron Extra Route |
| Subnet service types |
| Resource timestamps |
| Neutron Service Type Management |
| Router Flavor Extension |
| Port Security |
| Neutron Extra DHCP opts |
| Resource revision numbers |
| Pagination support |
| Sorting support |
| security-group |
| DHCP Agent Scheduler |
| Router Availability Zone |
| RBAC Policies |
| Tag support for resources: subnet, subnetpool, port, router |
| standard-attr-description |
| Neutron L3 Router |
| Allowed Address Pairs |
| project_id field enabled |
| Distributed Virtual Router |

08 May 2017 OpenStack Cloud Orchestration netLabs!UG

List agents to verify successful launch of the neutron agents. Four agents are shown

08 May 2017
OpenStack Training Laboratory

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network agent list

on the controller node and one agent on the compute node.

OpenStack Cloud Orchestration

| ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary |
| 086c1e9a-4698-4077-9a23-f41a8bffd3ab | Linux bridge agent | controller | None | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent |
| 368fb404-cf22-4729-a0e3-fa13eb4189ff | Linux bridge agent | compute1 | None | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent |
| 4d139470-26bb-48be-a926-e20383016656 | DHCP agent | controller | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent |
| 52945590-887e-4be6-8dc2-4bdbc7c0d2ab | L3 agent | controller | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent |
| f26821bd-83b1-43ff-832d-d9700e556071 | Metadata agent | controller | None | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent |

OpenStack Training Laboratory 73

8.6.2 Networking
The network configuration uses a provider (external) network that connects to the
physical network infrastructure via layer-2 (bridging/switching). This network includes
a DHCP server that provides IP addresses to instances.
The provider network uses with a gateway on The
DHCP server assigns each instance a floating IP address from the range - All instances use as a DNS resolver. It is
worth noting that on the instance VM itself the floating IP address is not known.
Neutron acts as a NAT router mapping the internal private IP address with the
floating IP address.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list --external

| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 7dff5340-fdfe-4c7b-ba43-17d60bfd0208 | selfservice | 11623486-cb6d-4295-88e1-89ccd004b8f2 |
| a031d902-81fe-4bf3-933d-aec94296d1e0 | provider | c87afd71-864f-47da-afc9-0087c52a13f9 |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack subnet show provider

| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | |
| cidr | |
| created_at | 2017-05-04T14:31:54Z |
| description | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| host_routes | |
| id | c87afd71-864f-47da-afc9-0087c52a13f9 |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | None |
| ipv6_ra_mode | None |
| name | provider |
| network_id | a031d902-81fe-4bf3-933d-aec94296d1e0 |
| project_id | 8209a2ba20634859baea07e34306deda |
| revision_number | 2 |
| segment_id | None |
| service_types | |
| subnetpool_id | None |
| updated_at | 2017-05-04T14:31:54Z |

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74 OpenStack Training Laboratory

8.6.3 Masquerade on virtualBox host

To enable VM instances to access the Internet it will be necessary to enable
masquerading (Network Address Translation (NAT)) on the hypervisor host. The script in Appendix 1 will carry out that function. Create the script in
$OS_LAB and make it executable. Run the script.

ada:~$ sudo $OS_LAB/

[sudo] password for alovelace: babbage
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 MASQUERADE all -- any enp0s3 anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 ACCEPT all -- enp0s3 vboxnet1 anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
0 0 ACCEPT all -- vboxnet1 enp0s3 anywhere anywhere

8.7 Block Storage service - Cinder

Cinder, the OpenStack Block Storage service adds persistent storage to a VM. Block
Storage provides an infrastructure for managing volumes, and interacts with
OpenStack Compute to provide volumes for instances. The service also enables
management of volume snapshots, and volume types.
The Block Storage service consists of the following components:
• cinder-api
• Accepts API requests, and routes them to the cinder-volume for action.
• cinder-volume
• Interacts directly with the Block Storage service, and processes such
as the cinder-scheduler
• Interacts with these processes through a message queue
• Responds to read and write requests sent to the Block Storage service
to maintain state
• Interacts with a variety of storage providers through a driver
• cinder-scheduler daemon
• Selects the optimal storage provider node on which to create the
• cinder-backup daemon
• Provides backing up volumes of any type to a backup storage provider
• Interact with a variety of storage providers through a driver
• Messaging queue
• Routes information between the Block Storage processes.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 75

8.7.1 Controller node

List service components to verify successful launch of each process. In this case the
cinder-scheduler and cinder-volume should be active.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack volume service list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at |
| cinder-scheduler | controller | nova | enabled | up | 2016-12-22T13:19:22.000000 |
| cinder-volume | compute1@lvm | nova | enabled | up | 2016-12-22T13:19:18.000000 |

8.8 Orchestration service - Heat

Heat, the Orchestration service provides a template-based orchestration for
describing a cloud application by running OpenStack API calls to generate running
cloud applications. The software integrates other core components of OpenStack into
a one-file template system. The templates allow for the creation of most OpenStack
resource types such as instances, floating IPs, volumes, security sroups, and Users.
It also provides advanced functionality such as instance High Availability (HA),
instance auto-scaling, and nested stacks. This enables OpenStack core projects to
receive a larger user base.
The service is enabled for integration with the Orchestration service directly or
through custom plug-ins.
The Orchestration service consists of the following components:
• heat command-line client
• A CLI that communicates with the heat-api to run AWS
CloudFormation APIs
• End developers can directly use the Orchestration REST API.
• heat-api component
• An OpenStack-native REST API that processes API requests by
sending them to the heat-engine over Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
• heat-api-cfn component
• An AWS Query API that is compatible with AWS CloudFormation
• Processes API requests by sending them to the heat-engine over
• heat-engine
• Orchestrates the launching of templates and provides events back to
the API consumer.

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08 May 2017
OpenStack Training Laboratory

osbash@controller:~$ openstack orchestration service list

OpenStack Cloud Orchestration

| Hostname | Binary | Engine ID | Host | Topic | Updated At | Status |
| controller | heat-engine | 10d6de5a-beba-414c-9d92-2990dce07ecf | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:29:52.000000 | down |
| controller | heat-engine | bf1fcb5f-4c70-4a30-a9ee-586fc1d3f12a | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:29:52.000000 | down |
| controller | heat-engine | 7b978702-3f97-4de9-b08c-56a2cbcd53db | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:45:44.000000 | up |
| controller | heat-engine | 6f48ea11-8d99-4d1d-a9e3-35ae410c51a6 | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:45:44.000000 | up |
| controller | heat-engine | 82b37328-64fe-4514-9b13-1ef36654833a | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:29:52.000000 | down |
| controller | heat-engine | d8bfd206-4162-4309-a550-0a16311e16c2 | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:29:52.000000 | down |
| controller | heat-engine | 4c019ae1-0122-4b61-bee6-5161b5ccc7fe | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:45:44.000000 | up |
| controller | heat-engine | 75acc47d-c0b9-432c-b2f8-bdafca1d15a7 | controller | engine | 2017-05-04T14:45:44.000000 | up |

OpenStack Training Laboratory 77

8.9 Instance flavour

VM instance profiles are called favours. These flavours specify the virtual resource
allocation profile which includes processor, memory, and storage. The smallest
default flavour consumes 512 Megabytes (MB) memory per instance. For
environments with compute nodes containing less than 4 Gigabytes (GB) memory, it
is recommended creating the m1.nano flavour that only requires 64 MB per instance.
This flavour is only suitable for use with the CirrOS image for testing purposes. Note:
American spelling in command.
Typically the following flavours are established.

Name ID vCPUs RAM Root Disk Size

m1.tiny 0 1 512 MB 1 GB
m1.small 1 1 2048 MB 20 GB
m1.medium 2 2 4096 MB 40 GB
m1.large 3 4 8192 MB 80 GB
M1.xlarge 4 8 16384 MB 160 GB

osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor list

osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 64

--disk 1 m1.nano
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 1 |
| id | 0 |
| name | m1.nano |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | |
| ram | 64 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |

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osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor create --id 1 --vcpus 1 --ram

2048 --disk 1 m1.small
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 1 |
| id | 1 |
| name | m1.small |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | |
| ram | 2048 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor list

| ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 0 | m1.nano | 64 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True |
| 1 | m1.small | 2048 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 79

9. Deploying a VM instance

Instance 5. Nova
- Image 1. Glance
- Security settings 2. Nova
- Networking 3. Neutron – Private network
- Storage 4. Cinder



Illustration 7: Deploy an instance

To deploy an instance the compute node has a running KVM/QEMU hypervisor. This
hypervisor will spin up the VM. There are some other requirements. Where does the
image come from?, the Glance service, security is provided from the Nova service,
networking is provided by the Neutron service and storage from the Cinder service
and finally the instance itself from the Nova service. The Neutron service will need a
private network that will be reserved for that specific Project to run the instance on.

9.1 Deploying an Instance

To deploy an instance, the following steps will be followed:
1. Configure networking
2. Assign floating IP addresses
3. Define a security group in the cloud
4. Create an SSH key pair
5. Create a Glance image
6. Choose a flavour
7. The instance can be booted.

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80 OpenStack Training Laboratory

9.2 Configure SDN

Instance 1 Instance 2

Floating IP addresses

Illustration 8: Floating IP addresses

Networking is an essential part of the cloud environment. Therefore an SDN

environment is created before starting to create instances. This SDN environment
allows instances to connect to a private internal network, and also assign a floating IP
address, so that they can be reached externally.
Illustration 8 shows two two instances: Instance 1 and Instance 2 with private IP
addresses and respectfully. This network behaves like
a network behind a NAT router. The IP addresses and the cannot be accessed directly from the external network. To allow
access to the VM instances the SDN routing function has floating IP addresses, in
this example from the network, that can access the external network.
The floating IP address is an IP address that is reserved for an instance, and is
exposed at the external side of the SDN router. External traffic access the instance
via its floating IP address.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 81

9.3 Controller node

Enable the demo-openrc variables to apply the demo User credentials. This gives
access to the user view commands. Users activity within Projects and the admin has
no visibility of VM instances created by Users, this is because OpenStack is an
orchestration tool and the infrastructure provider has no need to know what their
customers orchestrate.

osbash@controller:~$ .

9.3.1 Generate a key pair

Cloud images typically support public key authentication instead of conventional
password authentication. It is therefore necessary to add a public key to the
Compute service that can be selected when launching the instance. Generate a key
pair, the .pem file will be shared with Users who require access.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack keypair create mykey > mykey.pem

osbash@controller:~$ openstack keypair show mykey

| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2017-05-04T15:02:50.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| fingerprint | 5d:0c:ad:d4:0f:f8:a5:30:18:71:48:ab:db:39:3e:e6 |
| id | 5 |
| name | mykey |
| updated_at | None |
| user_id | 3fc36085c8fd4472bf507d03fa50dcd2 |

osbash@controller:~$ cat mykey.pem


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Set the permissions of the .pem file so that only you can read and write to it, run the
following command.
osbash@controller:~$ chmod 600 mykey.pem

The key is now added.

Download the .pem file to the computer that will connect to the VM instance. In this
case to the host computer at

osbash@controller:~$ sftp alovelace@

alovelace@'s password: babbage
Connected to

sftp> cd OpenStack-lab

sftp> put mykey.pem

Uploading mykey.pem to /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/mykey.pem
100% 1680 1.6KB/s 00:00
sftp> exit

9.3.2 Security group

There exists by default a security group called default.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group list

| ID | Name | Description | Project |
| e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 | default | Default security group | |

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By default this security group default is quite restricted. For the purpose of this
exercise permit both SSH and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group rule create --proto tcp

--dst-port 22 default
| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2017-05-04T15:08:04Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ether_type | IPv4 |
| id | 218a2a04-6d14-4b96-99da-360c534086a5 |
| name | None |
| port_range_max | 22 |
| port_range_min | 22 |
| project_id | e9b0d6e45145454fbc19af345db94886 |
| protocol | tcp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 |
| updated_at | 2017-05-04T15:08:04Z |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group rule create --proto icmp

| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2017-05-04T15:08:44Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ether_type | IPv4 |
| id | 2a5b36ed-2c77-4d32-a486-30eb757628e6 |
| name | None |
| port_range_max | None |
| port_range_min | None |
| project_id | e9b0d6e45145454fbc19af345db94886 |
| protocol | icmp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 |
| updated_at | 2017-05-04T15:08:44Z |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory

osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group rule list default


OpenStack Cloud Orchestration

| ID | IP Protocol | IP Range | Port Range | Remote Security Group |
| 218a2a04-6d14-4b96-99da-360c534086a5 | tcp | | 22:22 | None |
| 2a5b36ed-2c77-4d32-a486-30eb757628e6 | icmp | | | None |
| 50d56ef9-8d7b-4494-91cf-ac7271e92eb1 | None | None | | e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 |
| 5f5cd670-93d1-421b-90ba-32d2b05ff385 | None | None | | None |
| 9de867c5-40cb-472d-b32a-2da94cdd9a70 | None | None | | e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 |
| fd0f827a-f99d-4c9b-b988-4a7bd1fa8bb4 | None | None | | None |

OpenStack Training Laboratory 85

9.3.3 Create volume

Create a 1 GB logical volume that can be attached to a VM instance later. Cinder
uses LVM in GNU/Linux. LVM manages disk drives and similar mass-storage
devices. Volume refers to a disk drive or partition of a disk drive. It was written in
1998 by Heinz Mauelshagen, who based its design on that of the LVM in HP-UX.
LVM can be considered as a thin software layer on top of the hard disks and
partitions, which creates an abstraction of continuity and ease-of-use for managing
hard drive replacement, re-partitioning, and backup. Cinder creates the volume on
the compute node.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack volume create --size 1 1GB-vol
| Field | Value |
| attachments | [] |
| availability_zone | nova |
| bootable | false |
| consistencygroup_id | None |
| created_at | 2017-05-04T15:09:25.737145 |
| description | None |
| encrypted | False |
| id | 10c8ca56-e831-4ada-9a6c-a2ee7b3a03ed |
| multiattach | False |
| name | 1GB-vol |
| properties | |
| replication_status | None |
| size | 1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| source_volid | None |
| status | creating |
| type | None |
| updated_at | None |
| user_id | 3fc36085c8fd4472bf507d03fa50dcd2 |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack volume list

| ID | Display Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 10c8ca56-e831-4ada-9a6c-a2ee7b3a03ed | 1GB-vol | available | 1 | |
+--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+------+-------------+ Compute node

Looking at the block devices on the compute node. Cinder has a volume on the
osbash@compute1:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 9.8G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 9.3G 0 part /
|-sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
`-sda5 8:5 0 510M 0 part [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 200G 0 disk
`-cinder--volumes-volume--10c8ca56--e831--4ada--9a6c--a2ee7b3a03ed 252:0 0 1G 0 lvm

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86 OpenStack Training Laboratory

Using the LVM display commands it is possible to see the newly created volume on
the compute node. Firstly the pvdisplay command shows the Physical Volume, the
vgdisplay command the Volume Group and finally the lvdisplay command the Logical
Volume. On a production system it is possible to have multiple Logical Volumes in a
Volume Group.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name cinder-volumes
PV Size 200.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 51199
Free PE 50943
Allocated PE 256
PV UUID 5ULpY2-FTXz-vxMs-0bvp-0wT8-0pu1-DcMU1O

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vgdisplay

--- Volume group ---
VG Name cinder-volumes
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 4
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 1
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 200.00 GiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 51199
Alloc PE / Size 256 / 1.00 GiB
Free PE / Size 50943 / 199.00 GiB
VG UUID WRJWFo-yWf4-Q92e-J8KV-r8a7-wV3v-Y90T05

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo lvdisplay

--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/cinder-volumes/volume-10c8ca56-e831-4ada-
LV Name volume-10c8ca56-e831-4ada-9a6c-a2ee7b3a03ed
VG Name cinder-volumes
LV UUID rG10wI-W4aB-kMuE-9BY0-XSTi-oNkj-t7tfp2
LV Write Access read/write
LV Creation host, time compute1, 2017-05-04 15:09:29 +0000
LV Status available
# open 0
LV Size 1.00 GiB
Current LE 256
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 252:0

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 87

9.3.4 Launch a CirrOS instance

As the demo user check the flavours available, in this case m1.nano will be used. Get
the ID of the provider network and the available security group and the name of the
OS image that is required.

osbash@controller:~$ .

osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor list

| ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 0 | m1.nano | 64 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True |
| 1 | m1.small | 2048 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list

| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 7dff5340-fdfe-4c7b-ba43-17d60bfd0208 | selfservice | 11623486-cb6d-4295-88e1-89ccd004b8f2 |
| a031d902-81fe-4bf3-933d-aec94296d1e0 | provider | c87afd71-864f-47da-afc9-0087c52a13f9 |

osbash@controller:~$ NIC=$(openstack network list | grep provider | awk

'{print $2}')

osbash@controller:~$ echo $NIC


osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group list

| ID | Name | Description | Project |
| e42fbbc7-2a67-44c0-8f04-399af2c8db38 | default | Default security group | |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack image list

| ID | Name | Status |
| 79d5847b-bfd4-47e8-badf-cec219687d4e | cirros | active |

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Now that the preparatory work is complete, launch the instance.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server create --flavor m1.nano \

--image cirros --nic net-id=$NIC --security-group default \
--key-name mykey cirrOS-test
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | 2ijvoq2cByYi |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-05-04T15:18:32Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a |
| image | cirros (79d5847b-bfd4-47e8-badf-cec219687d4e) |
| key_name | mykey |
| name | cirrOS-test |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | e9b0d6e45145454fbc19af345db94886 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | name='default' |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-05-04T15:18:32Z |
| user_id | 3fc36085c8fd4472bf507d03fa50dcd2 |
| volumes_attached | |

Check the running instance.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a | cirrOS-test | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |

netLabs!UG OpenStack Cloud Orchestration 08 May 2017


osbash@controller:~$ openstack server add volume cirrOS-test 1GB-vol

OpenStack Cloud Orchestration

Attach the volume created earlier to the instance VM.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack volume list

| ID | Display Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 10c8ca56-e831-4ada-9a6c-a2ee7b3a03ed | 1GB-vol | in-use | 1 | Attached to cirrOS-test on /dev/vdb |
OpenStack Training Laboratory

Confim the attachment.

Attach the volume

08 May 2017
90 OpenStack Training Laboratory

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server show cirrOS-test

| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | nova |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | Running |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | None |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | active |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | 2017-05-04T15:18:50.000000 |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | provider= |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-05-04T15:18:32Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | 1138c72cafc9daeb04f20dde16b5f5b4f0d88f2cdf4beb7b0ff05bdc |
| id | f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a |
| image | cirros (79d5847b-bfd4-47e8-badf-cec219687d4e) |
| key_name | mykey |
| name | cirrOS-test |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | e9b0d6e45145454fbc19af345db94886 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | name='default' |
| status | ACTIVE |
| updated | 2017-05-04T15:18:50Z |
| user_id | 3fc36085c8fd4472bf507d03fa50dcd2 |
| volumes_attached | id='10c8ca56-e831-4ada-9a6c-a2ee7b3a03ed' |

9.3.6 Connect to the new instance

Obtain a VNC session URL for the instance and access it from a web browser.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack console url show cirrOS-test
| Field | Value |
| type | novnc |
| url | |

Taking the URL given open a Virtual Console to the new instance.

Illustration 9: Virtual Console

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Alternatively SSH to the new instance.

ada:~$ ssh cirros@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
RSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known
cirros@'s password: cubswin:)

$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Buildroot 2012.05"

It is also possible to SSH using the mykey.pem key file instead of a password. This is
actually the more typical method for accessing VM instances in the cloud. Note that
no password is required in this case.

ada:~$ ssh -i mykey.pem cirros@

$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Buildroot 2012.05"

Test network connectivity.

9.3.7 Provider network gateway

$ ping -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.374 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 2.374/2.374/2.374 ms

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9.3.8 Host public interface

$ ping -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.582 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.582/0.582/0.582 ms

9.3.9 IP Address on the public Internet

$ ping -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=56 time=376.109 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 376.109/376.109/376.109 ms

9.4 Review the instance

Looking at the server instance launched on the controller node and the processes
executed, it can be seen that the Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) in the process
matches the ID of the server.

9.4.1 Controller node

osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a | cirrOS-test | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |

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9.4.2 Compute node

osbash@compute1:~$ ps -ef | grep qemu
libvirt+ 31421 1 3 15:18 ? 00:00:51 /usr/bin/qemu-system-
x86_64 -name guest=instance-00000001,debug-threads=on -S -object
instance-00000001/master-key.aes -machine pc-i440fx-
zesty,accel=tcg,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off -cpu Haswell,+vme,
+osxsave,+f16c,+rdrand,+hypervisor,+arat,+xsaveopt,+abm -m 64
-realtime mlock=off -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid f5b5c757-
bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a -smbios type=1,manufacturer=OpenStack
Foundation,product=OpenStack Nova,version=15.0.2,serial=57d55146-dfb3-
ccf39149241a,family=Virtual Machine -no-user-config -nodefaults
-chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/domain-1-
instance-00000001/monitor.sock,server,nowait -mon
chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=utc -no-shutdown
-boot strict=on -device piix3-usb-uhci,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1.0x2
-drive file=/var/lib/nova/instances/f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-
disk0,cache=none -device virtio-blk-
disk0,bootindex=1 -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0 -device virtio-net-
-add-fd set=1,fd=30 -chardev
pty,id=charserial0,logfile=/dev/fdset/1,logappend=on -device isa-
serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 -device usb-
tablet,id=input0,bus=usb.0,port=1 -vnc -k en-us -device
cirrus-vga,id=video0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x2 -device virtio-balloon-
pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5 -msg timestamp=on
osbash 32203 32182 0 15:46 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto qemu
On the compute node it is possible to use the virsh tool to monitor the QEMU VM
instances. virsh uses the libvirt C toolkit to interact with the virtualisation capabilities
of GNU/Linux and while it supports many hypervisors like Xen, KVM, LXC, OpenVZ,
VirtualBox and VMware ESX, it is its support for QEMU that is of interest here.
Get the domain ID of the instance from the QEMU hypervisor perspective.

osbash@compute1:~$ virsh list

Id Name State
1 instance-00000001 running

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With the domain ID use the dominfo and domstats commands to find out about the
osbash@compute1:~$ virsh dominfo instance-00000001
Id: 1
Name: instance-00000001
UUID: f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a
OS Type: hvm
State: running
CPU(s): 1
CPU time: 52.8s
Max memory: 65536 KiB
Used memory: 65536 KiB
Persistent: yes
Autostart: disable
Managed save: no
Security model: apparmor
Security DOI: 0
Security label: libvirt-f5b5c757-bdb2-4132-8659-ccf39149241a (enforcing)

osbash@compute1:~$ virsh domstats instance-00000001

Domain: 'instance-00000001'

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9.5 Configure a volume in the new instance

Connect to the new instance and find the name of the attached volume.
ada:~$ ssh -i mykey.pem cirros@
$ lsblk
vda 253:0 0 1G 0 disk
`-vda1 253:1 0 1011.9M 0 part /
vdb 253:16 0 1G 0 disk

Build a partition /dev/vdb1 on the volume /dev/vdb.

$ sudo fdisk /dev/vdb

Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or
OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x4b4c2ca7.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Command (m for help): n

Partition type:
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
First sector (2048-2097151, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-2097151, default 2097151):
Using default value 2097151

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/vdb: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes

9 heads, 8 sectors/track, 29127 cylinders, total 2097152 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x4d9ce5ea

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/vdb1 2048 2097151 1047552 83 Linux

Command (m for help): q

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Build a new Linux ext4 filesystem on the partition /dev/vdb1.

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1
mke2fs 1.42.2 (27-Mar-2012)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
65536 inodes, 261888 blocks
13094 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=268435456
8 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8192 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376

Allocating group tables: done

Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

Create a /mnt/1GB-vol mount point for the new volume.

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/1GB-vol

Mount the volume dev/vdb1 on the mount point /mnt/1GB-vol.

$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/vdb1 /mnt/1GB-vol/

$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev 21.3M 0 21.3M 0% /dev
/dev/vda1 23.2M 18.0M 4.0M 82% /
tmpfs 24.8M 0 24.8M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 200.0K 72.0K 128.0K 36% /run
/dev/vdb1 1006.9M 17.3M 938.5M 2% /mnt/1GB-vol

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10. Scripting the building and launching new instance

To speed up the testing process the script from Appendix 3 can be used to build and
launch a new instance. However if this document is being followed it will be first
necessary to clean the nodes of existing work. The nodes can be returned to their
original state with the script from Appendix 2. Install the script in
$OS_LAB and make it executable.

ada:~$ chmod +x $OS_LAB/

10.1 Cleaning the nodes

ada:~$ $OS_LAB/

Restoring nodes to clean state

Powering off both nodes


Waiting for nodes to power down completely

. . . . . . . . . .
Returning Controller node to snapshot 'public_private_networks'

Restoring snapshot c518b257-26c4-433e-8859-f1133e9f4b4d


Returning Controller node to snapshot 'cinder-volume_installed'

Restoring snapshot e852b306-1e42-4408-b36d-76bba90e2aeb


Restarting nodes
Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...
VM "controller" has been successfully started.
Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

Clean running nodes

"controller" {a7878c03-d397-4ca2-bc1c-1cd05570d42d}
"compute1" {ecdba7db-6ce3-4e3a-8cd6-444c49835771}

10.2 Launch new instance

Connect to the controller node and install the script from
Appendix 3 in the home directory. Change its permissions to make it executable.

osbash@controller:~$ chmod +x ~/

Take on the demo User credentials.

osbash@controller:~$ .

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Now launch new instance script.

osbash@controller:~$ ~/

admin-openrc script created

demo-openrc script created

Setting admin-openrc variables

Creating flavour m1.nano

Setting demo-openrc variables

Creating keypair mykey and ~/mykey.pem file

Restricting ~/mykey.pem access rights

Adding port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default security group

| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2016-12-29T12:23:30Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| headers | |
| id | 500d708d-f061-431c-8e75-976be6e12874 |
| port_range_max | 22 |
| port_range_min | 22 |
| project_id | 8b62de81fdb7486486fe11e2bd961301 |
| project_id | 8b62de81fdb7486486fe11e2bd961301 |
| protocol | tcp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | 7d45b7e8-4974-422a-943e-8b5277f659f4 |
| updated_at | 2016-12-29T12:23:30Z |
| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2016-12-29T12:23:32Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| headers | |
| id | f5598cd1-d96c-435b-a944-21e7f383144d |
| port_range_max | None |
| port_range_min | None |
| project_id | 8b62de81fdb7486486fe11e2bd961301 |
| project_id | 8b62de81fdb7486486fe11e2bd961301 |
| protocol | icmp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | 7d45b7e8-4974-422a-943e-8b5277f659f4 |
| updated_at | 2016-12-29T12:23:32Z |

Extracting provider network UUID: 1960a5c6-77eb-47b7-855e-e3a7bf86f183

Creating and launching instance cirrOS-test with:

Flavour: m1.nano
Image: cirros
Network UUID=1960a5c6-77eb-47b7-855e-e3a7bf86f183
Security group: default
Key name: mykey

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| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | aAg6Lr8V3p7q |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2016-12-29T12:23:37Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | 8affc840-ca6d-4084-a776-9858bc12981d |
| image | cirros (e8d18f95-0eb7-48f1-a9be-d2b8e7b869f1) |
| key_name | mykey |
| name | cirrOS-test |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | 8b62de81fdb7486486fe11e2bd961301 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2016-12-29T12:23:37Z |
| user_id | b8caef709ca648c9bf4cb506a5a89bc7 |

Waiting for instance cirrOS-test to become ACTIVE

. .
Creating volume 1GB-vol
| Field | Value |
| attachments | [] |
| availability_zone | nova |
| bootable | false |
| consistencygroup_id | None |
| created_at | 2016-12-29T12:24:02.637033 |
| description | None |
| encrypted | False |
| id | 35332326-f972-4fad-acda-1e11c1a03031 |
| multiattach | False |
| name | 1GB-vol |
| properties | |
| replication_status | disabled |
| size | 1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| source_volid | None |
| status | creating |
| type | None |
| updated_at | None |
| user_id | b8caef709ca648c9bf4cb506a5a89bc7 |

Adding volume 1GB-vol to VM instance cirrOS-test

| ID | Display Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 35332326-f972-4fad-acda-1e11c1a03031 | 1GB-vol | in-use | 1 | Attached to cirrOS-test on /dev/vdb |

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10.2.1 Confirm VM instance

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| 8affc840-ca6d-4084-a776-9858bc12981d | cirrOS-test | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |

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11. Download and build a second Ubuntu image

As practice build another VM. To do so with the training lab requires some adjustment
to the compute node to accommodate a larger image.

11.1 Compute node – KVM/QEMU

On KVM/QEMU change the compute node memory and CPUs (Assuming the
hardware can accommodate the change).

Confirm the current vCPU and memory available at the compute node.
ada:~$ ssh osbash@
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Sat May 6 05:34:27 2017 from

osbash@compute1:~$ lscpu | grep '^CPU(s)'

CPU(s): 1

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 1016164 kB

There is 1 vCPU and 1 GB of memory.

Before working on the memory or the CPUs on a KVM/QEMU VM, shutdown the VM
virsh # shutdown compute1
Domain compute1 is being shutdown

virsh # list --all

Id Name State
65 controller running
- compute1 shut off

Change maximum memory limit and then the memory allocation. The first sets the
limit for memory on this VM domain. It is then possible to dynamically modify the VM
domain memory up to the max limit.

virsh # setmaxmem compute1 6G --config

virsh # setmem compute1 4G --config

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Confirm these changes. (Note: using command from host shell as there is no grep
within the virsh # shell).

ada:~$ virsh dumpxml compute1 | grep 'memory'

<memory unit='KiB'>6291456</memory>

ada:~$ virsh dumpxml compute1 | grep 'currentMemory'

<currentMemory unit='KiB'>4194304</currentMemory>

Before changing the numer of vCPUs, confirm the number of CPUs on the host
system. Obviously it is not possible to use this number as the host’s own
requirements must be catered for.
virsh # maxvcpus

Edit the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file for the VM domain to change the
vcpu placement to 4. This will make 4 vCPU available to the VM domain.

virsh # edit compute1

<vcpu placement='static'>4</vcpu>

Apply the changes to the XML file. (Note: as sudo is required (the XML file is owned
by root) the full form command is necessary). Confirm the vCPUs for the VM domain.

ada:~$ sudo virsh create

Domain compute1 created from /etc/libvirt/qemu/compute1.xml

ada:~$ virsh dominfo compute1 | grep CPU

CPU(s): 4
CPU time: 32.8s

Connect to the VM and confirm also.

ada:~$ ssh osbash@

osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Sat May 6 05:34:27 2017 from

osbash@compute1:~$ lscpu | grep '^CPU(s)'

CPU(s): 4

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 4013452 kB

There is now 4 vCPUs and 4 GB of memory.

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11.2 Compute node – VirtualBox

On VirtualBox change the compute node memory and CPUs (Assuming the
hardware can accommodate the change).
Confirm the current vCPU and memory available at the compute node.

ada:~$ ssh osbash@localhost -p 2232

osbash@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 14:02:36 2017 from

osbash@compute1:~$ lscpu | grep '^CPU(s)'

CPU(s): 1

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 1016164 kB

There is 1 vCPU and 1 GB of memory.

Before working on the memory or the CPUs on the VirtualBox VM, shutdown the VM

ada:~$ vboxmanage controlvm compute1 poweroff


Confirm that the VM compute1 is not running.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

"controller" {27b5dfa2-bff6-4fa7-a706-659175f044ee}

Change memory and number of vCPUs available to the VM.

ada:~$ vboxmanage modifyvm "compute1" --memory 4096 --cpus 4

Confirm these changes.

ada:~$ vboxmanage showvminfo compute1 | grep 'Memory size'

Memory size: 4096MB

ada:~$ vboxmanage showvminfo compute1 | grep 'Number of CPUs'

Number of CPUs: 4

Restart the VM compute1.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm compute1 --type headless

Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

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Connect to the VM and confirm also.

ada:~$ ssh osbash@localhost -p 2232

osbash@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 14:02:36 2017 from

osbash@compute1:~$ lscpu | grep '^CPU(s)'

CPU(s): 4

osbash@compute1:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal

MemTotal: 4046280 kB

There is now 4 vCPUs and 4 GB of memory.

11.3 Glance - Identity Service

Download another operating system image to the controller node, say Ubuntu and
add to Glance, the Image service. Ubuntu OpenStack images are stored at: Download the OpenStack QEMU Copy On Write
(QCOW2) image. The QCOW2 image format is one of the disk image formats
supported by the QEMU processor emulator. It is a representation of a fixed size
block device in a file. Benefits it offers over using raw dump representation include:
• Smaller file size, even on filesystems which don't support sparse files
• Copy-on-write support, where the image only represents changes made to an
underlying disk image
• Snapshot support, where the image can contain multiple snapshots of the
images history
• Optional zlib based compression
• Optional Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption.
Note: While the additional image is downloaded, it may not be possible to run it later
depending upon the system specifications of the training lab built, in terms of
processing, memory etc..

osbash@controller:~$ cd img

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root@controller:~/img$ wget http://cloud-
--2016-12-22 20:41:21-- http://cloud-
Resolving (, 2001:67c:1360:8001:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 319684608 (305M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: 'xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img'

xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1 100%
[======================================>] 304.88M 668KB/s in 8m

2016-12-22 20:50:04 (598 KB/s) – 'xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-

disk1.img' saved [319684608/319684608]

root@controller:~/img$ ls -la
total 325184
drwxrwxr-x 2 osbash osbash 4096 Dec 22 20:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 osbash osbash 4096 Dec 22 16:00 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 osbash osbash 13287936 May 7 2015 cirros-0.3.4-
-rw-rw-r-- 1 osbash osbash 63 Dec 20 10:07 cirros-0.3.4-
-rw-rw-r-- 1 osbash osbash 319684608 Dec 21 12:12 xenial-server-

Create the image as the demo User. Exit from root and set the demo variables via the
demo-openrc script.
osbash@controller:~/img$ .

osbash@controller:~/img$ openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 \

--container-format bare --property architecture=x86_64 \
--file xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img Ubuntu

| Field | Value |
| checksum | aae5d19b4e9744e3d4d633ddb5ae6aae |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T20:54:05Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| file | /v2/images/c4ef4b37-16f5-47a2-8815-146dfa103ac6/file |
| id | c4ef4b37-16f5-47a2-8815-146dfa103ac6 |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | Ubuntu |
| owner | 78f6d3e8398e418ea1d08fba14c91c48 |
| properties | architecture='x86_64' |
| protected | False |
| schema | /v2/schemas/image |
| size | 319684608 |
| status | active |
| tags | |
| updated_at | 2016-12-22T20:54:06Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | private |

osbash@controller:~/img$ cd ~

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osbash@controller:~$ openstack image list

| ID | Name | Status |
| c4ef4b37-16f5-47a2-8815-146dfa103ac6 | Ubuntu | active |
| 6ec356b9-b15f-4592-af46-b4fb09977d16 | cirros | active |

11.4 Flavour
Create a special flavour with enlarged memory and a disk size of 3 GB (Ubuntu
image is approximately 2.3 GB).
osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor create --id 2 --vcpus 1 --ram
2048 --disk 3 m1.medium
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 3 |
| id | 2 |
| name | m1.medium |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | |
| ram | 2048 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |

Build new Ubuntu instance.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server create --flavor m1.medium \
--image Ubuntu --nic net-id=148b32a0-ebe1-4467-ad28-62da39862e2e \
--security-group default --key-name mykey Ubuntu-test
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | None |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | jRTRpXedmt9C |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2016-12-23T08:54:34Z |
| flavor | m1.medium (2) |
| hostId | |
| id | d3943e75-12bd-430e-9199-f7fdc794be66 |
| image | Ubuntu (c4ef4b37-16f5-47a2-8815-146dfa103ac6) |
| key_name | mykey |
| name | Ubuntu-test |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | 040ff9bf6990430d83c71a5765526067 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2016-12-23T08:54:34Z |
| user_id | cfbcd736f86949dbb768dd97b6797486 |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 107

Check the status of the new VM instance.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| d3943e75-12bd-430e-9199-f7fdc794be66 | Ubuntu-test | ACTIVE | provider= | Ubuntu |

Get the Console URL to access.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack console url show Ubuntu-test

| Field | Value |
| type | novnc |
| url | |

Illustration 10: Ubuntu instance

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108 OpenStack Training Laboratory

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 109

12. Adding an additional Compute node on KVM/QEMU

The OpenStack environment can be scaled out by adding further compute nodes. In
this part of the laboratory an additional node compute2 will be added to OpenStack.
Make sure there is adequate memory and drive space available to double the
compute node requirements. In this case the lab was built with original values in the
config.controller and config.compute1 files. If in building the lab they were adjusted to
maximise the available RAM then it will not be possible to do this part of the lab
without rebuilding the cluster.

12.1 Clone the Compute VM

Clone compute1 as compute2. Suspend compute1 while cloning, then execute the
clone command.
ada:~$ virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type: 'help' for help with commands

'quit' to quit

virsh # suspend compute1

Domain compute1 suspended

ada:~$ virt-clone --original 'compute1' --name 'compute2' --auto-clone

WARNING Setting the graphics device port to autoport, in order to
avoid conflicting.
Allocating 'compute2' | 9.8 GB 00:00:32
Allocating 'compute1-sdb-clone' | 1.0 GB 00:00:03

Clone 'compute2' created successfully.

Review the current VMs.

virsh # list --all
Id Name State
65 controller running
67 compute1 paused
- compute2 shut off

12.1.1 Start clone

Start compute2.
virsh # start compute2
Domain compute2 started

Remember this clone is still identical to compute1.

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110 OpenStack Training Laboratory

12.1.2 Connect to clone

ada:~$ ssh osbash@
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 20:12:23 2017 from

12.1.3 Reconfigure clone

Edit the /etc/network/interfaces to reflect the IP address of compute2 node as
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost compute2-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

Edit the /etc/hostname file.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hostname

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 111

Edit the /etc/network/interfaces to reflect the IP address or compute2 node as
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# VirtualBox NAT -- for Internet access to VM

auto ens3
iface ens3 inet dhcp

auto ens4
iface ens4 inet static

auto ens5
iface ens5 inet manual
up ip link set dev $IFACE up
down ip link set dev $IFACE down

12.1.4 Reboot instance and login to see changes

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo shutdown --reboot now

ada:~$ ssh osbash@

osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 20:33:52 2017 from

12.2 Start the controller and compute1

Resume the suspended VM instance compute1
virsh # resume compute1
Domain compute1 resumed

virsh # list
Id Name State
65 controller running
67 compute1 running
68 compute2 running

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112 OpenStack Training Laboratory

It is getting a little monotonous matching up the MAC addresses to the IP addresses

so here is a short program to extract the addresses and match them up.
ada:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/

# program: #

CONTROLLER_MAC=`virsh --connect qemu:///system domiflist controller | grep virbr0 |

awk '{print $5}'`
COMPUTE1_MAC=`virsh --connect qemu:///system domiflist compute1 | grep virbr0 | awk
'{print $5}'`
COMPUTE2_MAC=`virsh --connect qemu:///system domiflist compute2 | grep virbr0 | awk
'{print $5}'`
CONTROLLER_IP=`arp -e | grep $CONTROLLER_MAC | awk '{print $1}'`
COMPUTE1_IP=`arp -e | grep $COMPUTE1_MAC | awk '{print $1}'`
COMPUTE2_IP=`arp -e | grep $COMPUTE2_MAC | awk '{print $1}'`

echo "Controller IP: $CONTROLLER_IP"

echo "Compute1 IP: $COMPUTE1_IP"
echo "Compute2 IP: $COMPUTE2_IP"


ada:~$ chmod +x ~/

ada:~$ ~/
Controller IP:
Compute1 IP:
Compute2 IP:

12.2.1 Adjust host table in the compute1

Add compute2 to the /etc/hosts file of compute1.

ada:~$ ssh osbash@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 20:12:23 2017 from

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 113

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost compute1-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

12.2.2 Adjust the host table of the controller

Add compute2 to the /etc/hosts file.
ada:~$ ssh osbash@
osbash@'s password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 08:57:48 2017 from

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114 OpenStack Training Laboratory

osbash@controller:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost controller-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

12.2.3 Configure compute2

Change the local IP address in /etc/nova/nova.conf.
osbash@compute2:~$ sudo sed -i.bak 's/'

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo diff /etc/nova/nova.conf.bak

< my_ip =
> my_ip =

Restart the Compute service on compute2.

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo systemctl restart nova-compute

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo systemctl status nova-compute | head -3

* nova-compute.service - OpenStack Compute
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nova-compute.service; enabled;
vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-01-05 14:12:27 UTC; 40s ago

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 115

12.3 Check the controller for compute2

Check OpenStack Compute service to see if compute2 has registered.
osbash@controller:~$ .

osbash@controller:~$ openstack compute service list

| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 3 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T21:15:07.000000 |
| 4 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T21:15:00.000000 |
| 5 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T21:15:00.000000 |
| 6 | nova-compute | compute1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T21:15:08.000000 |
| 7 | nova-compute | compute2 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T21:15:06.000000 |

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116 OpenStack Training Laboratory

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 117

13. Adding an additional Compute node on VirtualBox

The OpenStack environment can be scaled out by adding further compute nodes. In
this part of the laboratory an additional node compute2 will be added to OpenStack.
Make sure there is adequate memory and drive space available to double the
compute node requirements. In this case the lab was built with original values in the
config.controller and config.compute1 files. If in building the lab they were adjusted to
maximise the available RAM then it will not be possible to do this part of the lab
without rebuilding the cluster.

13.1 Clone the Compute VM

Clone compute1 as compute2.
ada:~$ vboxmanage clonevm "compute1" --name "compute2" --register
Machine has been successfully cloned as "compute2"

Review the current VMs.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list vms
"controller" {27b5dfa2-bff6-4fa7-a706-659175f044ee}
"compute1" {1a5a56e5-f5dc-4fc6-b588-79256da09962}
"compute2" {42f888bf-9022-4202-b042-acc0a1f5db2b}

Modify the access port.

ada:~$ vboxmanage modifyvm "compute2" --natpf1 delete ssh
ada:~$ vboxmanage modifyvm "compute2" --natpf1

13.1.1 Start clone

Start compute2.
ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "compute2" --type headless
Waiting for VM "compute2" to power on...
VM "compute2" has been successfully started.

Remember this clone is now on port 2233.

13.1.2 Connect to clone

ada:~$ ssh osbash@localhost -p2233
osbash@localhost's password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:


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118 OpenStack Training Laboratory

13.1.3 Reconfigure clone

In the /etc/hosts file edit the entry and add compute2 with IP address
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost compute2-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

Edit the /etc/hostname file.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hostname

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 119

Edit the /etc/network/interfaces to reflect the IP address or compute2 node as
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# VirtualBox NAT -- for Internet access to VM

auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet dhcp

auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static

auto enp0s9
iface enp0s9 inet manual
up ip link set dev $IFACE up
down ip link set dev $IFACE down

13.1.4 Reboot instance and login to see changes

osbash@compute1:~$ sudo shutdown --reboot now

ada:~$ ssh osbash@localhost -p2233

osbash@localhost's password: osbash
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-57-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
Last login: Thu Jan 5 13:53:33 2017 from


13.2 Start the controller and compute1

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "controller" --type headless

Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...
VM "controller" has been successfully started.

ada:~$ vboxmanage startvm "compute1" --type headless

Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

ada:~$ vboxmanage list runningvms

"controller" {27b5dfa2-bff6-4fa7-a706-659175f044ee}
"compute1" {1a5a56e5-f5dc-4fc6-b588-79256da09962}
"compute2" {42f888bf-9022-4202-b042-acc0a1f5db2b}

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120 OpenStack Training Laboratory

13.2.1 Adjust host table in the compute1

Add compute2 to the /etc/hosts file.
osbash@compute1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost compute1-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

13.2.2 Adjust the host table of the controller

Add compute2 to the /etc/hosts file.
osbash@controller:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost controller-lo

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
# controller controller

# compute1 compute1

# compute2 compute2

# block1 block1

# object1 object1

# object2 object2

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 121

13.2.3 Configure compute2

Change the local IP address in /etc/nova/nova.conf.
osbash@compute2:~$ sudo sed -i.bak 's/'
osbash@compute2:~$ sudo sed -i.bak 's/'

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo diff /etc/nova/nova.conf.bak

< my_ip =
> my_ip =

Restart the Compute service on compute2.

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo systemctl restart nova-compute

osbash@compute2:~$ sudo systemctl status nova-compute | head -3

* nova-compute.service - OpenStack Compute
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nova-compute.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-01-05 14:12:27 UTC; 40s ago

13.3 Check the controller for compute2

Check OpenStack Compute service to see if compute2 has registered.

osbash@controller:~$ .

osbash@controller:~$ openstack compute service list

| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 3 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T14:17:24.000000 |
| 4 | nova-conductor | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T14:17:23.000000 |
| 5 | nova-scheduler | controller | internal | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T14:17:24.000000 |
| 6 | nova-compute | compute1 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T14:17:23.000000 |
| 7 | nova-compute | compute2 | nova | enabled | up | 2017-01-05T14:17:19.000000 |

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14. KVM/QEMU restarting procedure after shutdown

To restart the testbed after the host shutdown requires that the networks are enables
ada:~$ virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type: 'help' for help with commands

'quit' to quit

virsh #

14.1 List and enable networks

virsh # net-list --all
Name State Autostart Persistent
default active yes yes
labs-mgmt inactive no yes
labs-provider inactive no yes

Enable the two inactive networks.

virsh # net-start labs-mgmt

Network labs-mgmt started

virsh # net-start labs-provider

Network labs-provider started

Set the networks to auto start in future after restart.

virsh # net-autostart labs-mgmt

Network labs-mgmt marked as autostarted

virsh # net-autostart labs-provider

Network labs-provider marked as autostarted

Note that networks are now active and set to auto start after future reboots.

virsh # net-list --all

Name State Autostart Persistent
default active yes yes
labs-mgmt active yes yes
labs-provider active yes yes

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124 OpenStack Training Laboratory

14.2 Start the nodes

Start each of the nodes.
virsh # list --all
Id Name State
- compute1 shut off
- controller shut off

virsh # start controller

Domain controller started

virsh # start compute1

Domain compute1 started

Confirm nodes are running.

virsh # list
Id Name State
1 controller running
2 compute1 running

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 125

15. Working with the Horizon dashboard

15.1 Accessing Horizon on KVM/QEMU testbed
To access Horizon Dashboard on the KVM/QEMU testbed, it is necessary to browse
from the KVM/QEMU host. As this is a headless server it is therefore necessary to
redirect the browser to the workstation via SSH X11 forwarding.

ada:~$ ssh -Y -M alovelace@virtserver

Welcome to Ubuntu 16.10 (GNU/Linux 4.8.0-32-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

34 packages can be updated.

0 updates are security updates.

Last login: Sat May 6 07:30:50 2017 from

ada:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox

ada:~$ firefox

Illustration 11: Horizon login - KVM/QEMU testbed

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126 OpenStack Training Laboratory

15.2 Accessing Horizon on the VirtualBox testbed

Browse to:

Illustration 12: Horizon login - VirtualBox testbed

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 127

15.3 Logging in
Two accounts are configured: admin with the password admin_user_secret and
demo with the password demo_user_pass. The default domain required for login is
default. These and other passwords are configured in config/credentials.

Project name Username Password User role name

admin admin admin_user_secret admin
demo demo demo_user_pass user

Illustration 13: Admin opening dashboard screen

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128 OpenStack Training Laboratory

15.4 ‘admin’ User functions

15.4.1 Create a new project

Click +Create Project

• Name: The Difference Engine
• Description: A new project via horizon.
Click Create Project.

Illustration 14: Create Project

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 129

15.4.2 Create a flavour

Click Admin/Flavours, then +Create Flavour.
• Name: m1.small
• ID: Auto
• VCPUs: 1
• RAM (MB): 2048
• Root Disk (GB): 2
Click Create Flavour.

Illustration 15: Create Flavour

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130 OpenStack Training Laboratory

15.4.3 Create a new user

Click Identity/Users, then +Create User.
• Username: alovelace
• Description: A new Ada Lovelace user via horizon.
• Email:
• Password: babbage
• Confirm Password: babbage
• Primary Project: The Difference Engine
• Role: user
Click Create User.

Illustration 16: Create User

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 131

15.5 Project user functions

Users within the Project can create instances, networks, etc.. within the overall scope
established by the admin. In fact the admin cannot see the instances established by
the Project user.
Log out and log back in as user alovelace.
Click admin in top right corner and then Sign Out.
Login as user alovelace.

Illustration 17: Project User opening dashboard screen

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132 OpenStack Training Laboratory

15.5.1 Create a Security Group

Click Compute/Access & Security, then Create Security Group.
Name: The Difference Engine SG
Description: The Difference Engine Security group to allow SSH and ICMP.

Illustration 18: Create Security Group

Click Create Security Group.

Once created check the tick box for The Difference Engine SG and click Manage
Rules. Click Add Rule.
Rule: All ICMP Rule: SSH
Direction: Ingress Remote: CIDR
Remote: CIDR CIDR:

Illustration 19: Adding rules

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 133

15.5.2 Create an instance

Click Compute/Instances, then Launch Instance.
Instance name: Engine1
Availability Zone: Nova
Count: 1

Illustration 20: Launch Instance - Details

Click Next.
Click the + symbol beside cirros in the Available section to move it to Allocated.

Illustration 21: Instance Launch - Source

Click Next.

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134 OpenStack Training Laboratory

Click the + symbol beside m1.small flavour in the Available section to move it to

Illustration 22: Launch Instance - Flavour

Click the + symbol beside The Difference Engine SG in the Available section to
move it to Allocated and click the – symbol beside default to move it from Allocated
to Available.

Illustration 23: Add the Security Group

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 135

Click Launch Instance.

Illustration 24: Instance launched

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136 OpenStack Training Laboratory

15.6 Run the script

Establish a NAT for the provider network to access the Internet. Before running the
script set the network, i.e. virbr2 for KVM/QEMU or vboxnet1 for VirtualBox. Also set
the local Internet interface on the hypervisor host.

ada:~$ sudo $OS_LAB/

[sudo] password for alovelace: babbage
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 MASQUERADE all -- any enp0s3 anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 ACCEPT all -- enp0s3 virbr2 anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
0 0 ACCEPT all -- virbr2 enp3s0 anywhere anywhere

15.7 Connect to the Instance

Get the IP address of the instance from the instance dashboard. Confirm connection
to the engine1 VM.
ada:~$ ssh cirros@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
RSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known
cirros@'s password: cubswin:)

$ hostname

netLabs!UG OpenStack Cloud Orchestration 08 May 2017

OpenStack Training Laboratory 137

16. Creating networks

.12 .17
Private network: .1


.102 .103
Provider network: .1


Illustration 25: Simple network

Now that creating instances is mastered consider the creation of networks. The
diagram in Illustration 25 demonstrates a simple network with 4 hosts, two on the
default provider network and two on a new private network which is connected to the
provider network via a router. Here is an explantation of the process for the creation
of the additional private network, hosts, a router and connecting the networks.
Steps to be followed are:
1. Enable the admin-openrc variables
2. Create a flavour
3. Enable the demo-openrc variables
4. Add port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default security group
5. Create private network
6. Extract provider and private network UUIDs
7. Create hosts on the provider network
8. Create hosts on the private network
9. Create a router
10. Add subnet to the router
11. Add a default route to the router via
12. Add a route on the host to the private network.

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138 OpenStack Training Laboratory

16.1 Initial configuration

Before getting into the networking element enable the admin-openrc variables and
create a flavour as demonstrated already on page 77.
Now enable the demo-openrc variables and add port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default
security group as demonstrated on page 82.

16.2 Create private network

Create a private network and assign network information to it.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack network create PRIV-NET

osbash@controller:~$ openstack subnet create --network PRIV-NET \

--subnet-range --gateway --dhcp \
--allocation-pool start=,end= \
--dns-nameserver PRIV-SUBNET

Extract provider and private network UUIDs

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list | grep provider | awk
'{print $2}'

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list | grep PRIV-NET | awk

'{print $2}')

16.3 Create hosts on the provider and private networks

Launch four instances, two on the provider network and two on the private network
as demonstrated on page 87.

16.4 Create a router

Create a router.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack router create router1

Set the router external gateway to the provider network.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack router set --external-gateway=provider

Add the private network subnet to the router.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack router add subnet router1 PRIV-SUBNET

Add a default route to the router via

osbash@controller:~$ openstack router set router1 --route

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 139

16.5 Add a route on the hypervisor to the private network

Add a static route from the hypervisor host to the private network. First determine the
IP address assigned to the OpenStack router provider interface.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack router show router1 | grep
external_gateway_info | awk -F '"' '{print $16}'

Then add the static route to the private network.

ada:~$ sudo ip route add metric 1 nexthop via

16.6 Test the configuration

From the hypervisor host ping the four hosts.
ada:~$ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.960 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.960/0.960/0.960/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.10 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.101/2.101/2.101/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.866 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.866/0.866/0.866/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=235 time=238 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 238.718/238.718/238.718/0.000 ms

Connect to one of the hosts on the private network and confirm connectivity to the
ada:~$ ssh cirros@
cirros@'s password: cubswin:)

$ ping -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=54 time=234.032 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss

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140 OpenStack Training Laboratory

round-trip min/avg/max = 234.032/234.032/234.032 ms

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 141

16.7 Review topology on the Horizon dashboard

Login as user demo password: demo_user_pass and select:
Network > Network Topology > Topology : Normal

Illustration 26: Network topology

Network > Network Topology > Graph : Toggle labels

Illustration 27: Network graph

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16.8 Scripting the operation

The script In Appendix 5 - Script to launch a network with VMs can be used to
completely build the network and the associated hosts.
Make sure as the demo user that there is no existing routers, networks (except for
the default provider network) or hosts. Also remove the entries for SSH and ICMP
from the default security group. As the admin user make sure that the flavour
m1.nano is removed.
Run the script.
osbash@controller:~$ ./

admin-openrc script created

demo-openrc script created

Setting admin-openrc variables

Creating flavour m1.nano

| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 1 |
| id | 0 |
| name | m1.nano |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | |
| ram | 1024 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |

Setting demo-openrc variables

Adding port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default security group

| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:26Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| headers | |
| id | 26576af5-65d7-4e5f-9f3f-055cbbffe34e |
| port_range_max | 22 |
| port_range_min | 22 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| protocol | tcp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | 7f4c8b8c-1f55-4273-bc03-60d2ba39fb42 |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:26Z |

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| Field | Value |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:28Z |
| description | |
| direction | ingress |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| headers | |
| id | 4dd564a0-3615-484f-b915-d22b4df8016d |
| port_range_max | None |
| port_range_min | None |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| protocol | icmp |
| remote_group_id | None |
| remote_ip_prefix | |
| revision_number | 1 |
| security_group_id | 7f4c8b8c-1f55-4273-bc03-60d2ba39fb42 |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:28Z |

Creating private network PRIV-NET

| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | UP |
| availability_zone_hints | |
| availability_zones | |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:29Z |
| description | |
| headers | |
| id | 18a99a37-c0bd-4d8a-bdcd-9fad01c267a9 |
| ipv4_address_scope | None |
| ipv6_address_scope | None |
| mtu | 1450 |
| name | PRIV-NET |
| port_security_enabled | True |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| revision_number | 3 |
| router:external | Internal |
| shared | False |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnets | |
| tags | [] |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:29Z |

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| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | |
| cidr | |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:31Z |
| description | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| headers | |
| host_routes | |
| id | de061a25-190c-4cfa-ac1c-444445e963b6 |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | None |
| ipv6_ra_mode | None |
| name | PRIV-SUBNET |
| network_id | 18a99a37-c0bd-4d8a-bdcd-9fad01c267a9 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| revision_number | 2 |
| service_types | [] |
| subnetpool_id | None |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:14:31Z |

Extracting provider and PRIV-NET network UUIDs

Provider: 1ad8799b-8d9a-4ddd-801f-942da3549ee4

PRIV-NET: 18a99a37-c0bd-4d8a-bdcd-9fad01c267a9

Create hosts on provider network

Creating and launching instance host1 with:

Flavour: m1.nano
Image: cirros
Network UUID=1ad8799b-8d9a-4ddd-801f-942da3549ee4
Security group: default
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | vHKpBFU3szS4 |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-02-17T09:14:38Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | 0905d666-353a-4f92-bfc2-4f4630b69564 |
| image | cirros (6846e263-d0c9-46da-b643-4e95340ddef8) |
| key_name | None |
| name | host1 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-02-17T09:14:39Z |
| user_id | 4bc1f71e027348a6b81ab62f93bbc9d8 |

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Creating and launching instance host2 with:

Flavour: m1.nano
Image: cirros
Network UUID=1ad8799b-8d9a-4ddd-801f-942da3549ee4
Security group: default
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | Z2vUYTLGNhWf |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-02-17T09:14:44Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | da5f5338-296e-4053-b980-bc6718f0d1ab |
| image | cirros (6846e263-d0c9-46da-b643-4e95340ddef8) |
| key_name | None |
| name | host2 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-02-17T09:14:44Z |
| user_id | 4bc1f71e027348a6b81ab62f93bbc9d8 |

Create hosts on PRIV-NET network

Creating and launching instance host3 with:

Flavour: m1.nano
Image: cirros
Network UUID=18a99a37-c0bd-4d8a-bdcd-9fad01c267a9
Security group: default
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | rvyh5M9VUt2R |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-02-17T09:14:48Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | f8f27599-2733-4283-9043-a6451ebd9dfd |
| image | cirros (6846e263-d0c9-46da-b643-4e95340ddef8) |
| key_name | None |
| name | host3 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-02-17T09:14:49Z |
| user_id | 4bc1f71e027348a6b81ab62f93bbc9d8 |

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Creating and launching instance host4 with:

Flavour: m1.nano
Image: cirros
Network UUID=18a99a37-c0bd-4d8a-bdcd-9fad01c267a9
Security group: default
| Field | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| addresses | |
| adminPass | m6aFFtP5FULR |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2017-02-17T09:14:53Z |
| flavor | m1.nano (0) |
| hostId | |
| id | 2c3fbb81-d3b4-4288-9275-31cce7aa5216 |
| image | cirros (6846e263-d0c9-46da-b643-4e95340ddef8) |
| key_name | None |
| name | host4 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| properties | |
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2017-02-17T09:14:54Z |
| user_id | 4bc1f71e027348a6b81ab62f93bbc9d8 |

Server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| 2c3fbb81-d3b4-4288-9275-31cce7aa5216 | host4 | BUILD | | cirros |
| f8f27599-2733-4283-9043-a6451ebd9dfd | host3 | BUILD | | cirros |
| da5f5338-296e-4053-b980-bc6718f0d1ab | host2 | BUILD | | cirros |
| 0905d666-353a-4f92-bfc2-4f4630b69564 | host1 | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |

Create Router: router1

| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | UP |
| availability_zone_hints | |
| availability_zones | |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:15:00Z |
| description | |
| external_gateway_info | null |
| flavor_id | None |
| headers | |
| id | c405742c-7274-4d8e-8343-e5a03751903b |
| name | router1 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| revision_number | 2 |
| routes | |
| status | ACTIVE |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:15:00Z |
Set gateway for router router1

Adding PRIV-SUBNET to router1

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Adding default route to router1 via

Router: router1 configuration

| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | UP |
| availability_zone_hints | |
| availability_zones | nova |
| created_at | 2017-02-17T09:15:00Z |
| description | |
| external_gateway_info | {"network_id": "1ad8799b-8d9a-4ddd-801f-942da3549ee4", |
| | "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": |
| | "d0fa8e34-ced4-4574-934d-824bb92bcc97", |
| | "ip_address": ""}]} | |
| flavor_id | None |
| id | c405742c-7274-4d8e-8343-e5a03751903b |
| name | router1 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| project_id | f5a2b881391e4170b1649c7343e0b361 |
| revision_number | 7 |
| routes | destination='', gateway='' |
| status | ACTIVE |
| updated_at | 2017-02-17T09:15:25Z |

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This page is intentionally blank

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17. Using HEAT orchestration

Template Heat-api Heat


Core Services


Illustration 28: HEAT functional diagram

17.1 Introduction
In section 8.8 the Heat Orchestration service was briefly described. Heat provides a
template-based orchestration for describing a cloud application by running
OpenStack API calls to generate running cloud applications. To do this it uses Heat
Orchestration Templates (HOT). These templates define multiple composite cloud
applications and when passed to the heat-api, they are interpreted and passed to the
heat-engine. The heat-engine creates jobs that are passed to the core services to
create the cloud storage, network and VM instances as defined within the template.
Heat has a second API called the heat-api-cfn which allows it to interpret AWS
CloudFormation templates also.

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17.2 HEAT Orchestration Templates (HOT)

HOT uses YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) which is an easily readable data
serialisation language that is commonly used for configuration files. Each HOT
template in YAML follows this format.

heat_template_version: 2016-10-14

# a description of the template

# a declaration of input parameter groups and order

# declaration of input parameters

# declaration of template resources

# declaration of output parameters

# declaration of conditions

17.2.1 Template version

The heat_template_version tells heat the format of the template as well as the
features supported. From the Newton release, the version can be either the date of
the heat release or the code name of the heat release.
• 2013-05-23  2016-10-14 | newton
• 2014-10-16  2017-02-24 | ocata
• 2015-04-30
• 2015-10-15
• 2016-04-08

17.2.2 Description:
This section provides an optional description of the template.

17.2.3 Parameter groups

The parameter_groups section is used to specify how input parameters should be
grouped and the order to provide the parameters in.
- label: <human-readable label of parameter group>
description: <description of the parameter group>
- <param name>
- <param name>

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17.2.4 Parameters
This section specifies input parameters that have to be provided when instantiating
the template.
<param name>:
type: <string | number | json | comma_delimited_list | boolean>
label: <human-readable name of the parameter>
description: <description of the parameter>
default: <default value for parameter>
hidden: <true | false>
<parameter constraints>
immutable: <true | false>

17.2.5 Resources
The Resources section defines the resources that make up a stack deployed from
the template. Each resource is defined as a separate block in the resources section
with the following syntax
<resource ID>:
type: <resource type>
<property name>: <property value>
<resource specific metadata>
depends_on: <resource ID or list of ID>
update_policy: <update policy>
deletion_policy: <deletion policy>
external_id: <external resource ID>
condition: <condition name or expression or boolean>

17.2.6 Outputs
This section defines output parameters that should be available to the user after a
stack has been created. Each output parameter is defined as a separate block.
<parameter name>:
description: <description>
value: <parameter value>
condition: <condition name or expression or boolean>

17.2.7 Conditions
This section defines one or more conditions which are evaluated based on input
parameter values provided when a user creates or updates a stack. For example,
based on the result of a condition, user can conditionally create resources, user can
conditionally set different values of properties, and user can conditionally give outputs
of a stack.
<condition name1>: {expression1}
<condition name2>: {expression2}

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17.3 Creating single servers

Check if the heat service is operational. The command should return empty line to
indicate there is no existing stack.
osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack list

Consider the available flavours, images and security groups. Their names will be
required when creating the server template.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor list
| ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| f19dab3a-9909-406d-a3fb-9d48fc7a518f | m1.nano | 1024 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True |

If it doesn't already exist add a new flavour. Note that the flavour must be added as
the administrator user.
osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack flavor create --vcpus 1 --ram 512 --disk
1 m1.nano

osbash@controller:~$ .
osbash@controller:~$ openstack image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| 6846e263-d0c9-46da-b643-4e95340ddef8 | cirros | active |

Check the default security group and ensure that it allows SSH and ICMP.
If not then create the rules within the default security group.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group rule create --proto tcp
--dst-port 22 default

osbash@controller:~$ openstack security group rule create --proto icmp


Create a YAML template. This template specifies the flavour, image and public
network (pub_net). These parameters are pulled together under resources declare
based on the parameters selects what needs to be instantiated. The outputs section
specifies output parameters available to users once the template has been
instantiated. This is optional and can be omitted when no output values are required.

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osbash@controller:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/Server.yaml

# This is a hello world HOT template just defining a single compute
heat_template_version: 2016-04-08

description: Hello world HOT template defining a single server.


type: string
description: Flavour for the server to be created
default: m1.nano
- custom_constraint: nova.flavor

type: string
description: Image name
default: cirros
- custom_constraint: glance.image

type: string
description: ID of public network
default: provider
- custom_constraint:


type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- network: { get_param: pub_net }

description: The networks of the deployed server
value: { get_attr: [server, networks] }


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This stack is created using the defaults within the YAML file. It causes the defined
server to be instantiated.

osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack create --template Server.yaml

| Field | Value |
| id | 04769c30-590f-4354-9c68-04158407a283 |
| stack_name | singlestack |
| description | Hello world HOT template defining a single server. |
| creation_time | 2017-02-17T13:23:43Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE started |

Review the actions the heat-engine push to the core services once the template has
been interpreted.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack event list singlestack
2017-02-17 13:23:44Z [singlestack]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Stack CREATE started
2017-02-17 13:23:44Z [server]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-17 13:24:02Z [server]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-17 13:24:02Z [singlestack]: CREATE_COMPLETE Stack CREATE completed

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OpenStack Cloud Orchestration
osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list
osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| 4eddd826-36c7-4a88-b2c6-1534020baa35 | singlestack-server-6nprugl63so3 | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |
OpenStack Training Laboratory

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It is possible to change parameters from the default by specifying them as part of the
osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack create --template Server.yaml
--parameter flavor=m1.small secondstack
| Field | Value |
| id | 77dd9180-1472-4487-b909-ce19f2af5c0b |
| stack_name | secondstack |
| description | Hello world HOT template defining a single server. |
| creation_time | 2017-02-17T13:26:30Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE started |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack event list secondstack

2017-02-17 13:26:30Z [secondstack]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Stack CREATE
2017-02-17 13:26:31Z [server]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-17 13:26:45Z [server]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-17 13:26:45Z [secondstack]: CREATE_COMPLETE Stack CREATE
completed successfully

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OpenStack Cloud Orchestration
osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| c7be5ac2-3137-45e1-bf47-57d10579a9f5 | secondstack-server-psd4jo55kvht | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |
| 4eddd826-36c7-4a88-b2c6-1534020baa35 | singlestack-server-6nprugl63so3 | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |
OpenStack Training Laboratory

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158 OpenStack Training Laboratory

17.4 Create complete network and servers

Reviewing the “Scripting the operation“ on page 142 where a new private network
was created and servers allocated to each. This section looks at how the same can
be achieved using Heat orchestration.

To simplify matters a parent YAML file will be used which will create the servers. It will
also call on a child YAML file to build the networks.

17.4.1 Networks – child template


This YAML file starts with a parameter section describing the public network
(pub_net) as the existing provider. It then defines various attributes required to
establish the private network (pri_net) and the associate private network subnet


The resources section defines the pri_net as a network and generates the associated
subnet pri_subnet by calling on parameters from the section above.

A router is created whose external gateway information is also extracted from the
parameters section, i.e. pub_net pointing to the provider network. An additional
interface is added to the router and the pri_subnet is associated with it.


The outputs section returns the names of the networks as key/value pairs:

Key Value
pub_net_name provider
pri_net_name Extract the name given at create time
router_gw Extract the External Gateway information

If this template is executed on its own then these values can be viewed with the
openstack stack show <stackname>

However if this template is called from another then the values are passed back to
the parent template.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 159

osbash@controller:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/networks.yaml

heat_template_version: 2016-04-08

description: Template that creates a private network.


type: string
label: Public network name or ID
description: Public network with floating IP addresses.
default: provider

type: string
default: ''
description: Private network address (CIDR notation)

type: string
default: ''
description: Private network gateway address

type: comma_delimited_list
default: ''
description: Private network DNS Server address

type: boolean
default: 'True'
description: enable DHCP Server

type: string
default: ''
description: Private network Start IP address allocation pool

type: string
default: ''
description: Private network End IP address allocation pool

type: string
default: ''
description: nexthop address for default route


type: OS::Neutron::Net

type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
network_id: { get_resource: pri_net }
cidr: { get_param: pri_net_cidr }
dns_nameservers: { get_param: pri_net_nameserver }
gateway_ip: { get_param: pri_net_gateway }
enable_dhcp: { get_param: pri_net_enable_dhcp }
- start: { get_param: pri_net_pool_start }
end: { get_param: pri_net_pool_end }

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- destination: ''
nexthop: { get_param: pri_net_nexthop }

type: OS::Neutron::Router
network: { get_param: pub_net }

type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface
router_id: { get_resource: router }
subnet: { get_resource: pri_subnet }


description: The public network.
value: provider

description: The private network.
value: { get_attr: [pri_net, name] }

description: Router gateway information
value: { get_attr: [router, external_gateway_info] }


To prove the network template it is possible to run it on its own before working on the
parent. This demonstrates that to this point everything is operational.
osbash@controller:~$ .

osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack create --template networks.yaml

| Field | Value |
| id | 76c0688f-bed5-44fb-b49b-9da1db0c5cd3 |
| stack_name | netstack |
| description | Template that creates a private network. |
| creation_time | 2017-02-22T13:26:31Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE started |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 161

osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack show netstack

| Field | Value |
| id | 76c0688f-bed5-44fb-b49b-9da1db0c5cd3 |
| stack_name | netstack |
| description | Template that creates a private network. |
| creation_time | 2017-02-22T13:26:31Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE completed successfully |
| parameters | OS::project_id: bdd928b9d2e94a67ad927bc98611917c |
| | OS::stack_id: 76c0688f-bed5-44fb-b49b-9da1db0c5cd3 |
| | OS::stack_name: netstack |
| | pri_net_cidr: |
| | pri_net_enable_dhcp: 'True' |
| | pri_net_gateway: |
| | pri_net_nameserver: '[u'''']' |
| | pri_net_nexthop: |
| | pri_net_pool_end: |
| | pri_net_pool_start: |
| | pub_net: provider |
| | |
| outputs | - description: The public network. |
| | output_key: pub_net_name |
| | output_value: provider |
| | - description: Router gateway information |
| | output_key: router_gw |
| | output_value: |
| | enable_snat: true |
| | external_fixed_ips: |
| | - ip_address: |
| | subnet_id: c52e0181-5431-4bee-8b0d-e76b15750d77 |
| | network_id: 785f5d02-6690-4e0b-99b3-530741eb1d76 |
| | - description: The private network. |
| | output_key: pri_net_name |
| | output_value: netstack-pri_net-lrx3l746npza |
| | |
| links | - href: http://controller:8004/v1/bdd928b9d2e94a67 |
| | ad927bc98611917c/stacks/netstack/76c0688f-bed5-44 |
| | 44fb-b49b-9da1db0c5cd3 rel: self |
| | |
| parent | None |
| disable_rollback | True |
| deletion_time | None |
| stack_user_project_id | ec28c0b118914749b3f84d4d3c866a03 |
| capabilities | [] |
| notification_topics | [] |
| stack_owner | None |
| timeout_mins | None |
| tags | null |
| | ... |
| | |

Note the outputs. Shortly it will become clear that these values are passed to the
parent YAML template.

Key Value
pub_net_name provider
pri_net_name netstack-pri_net-lrx3l746npza
router_gw ip_address:

08 May 2017 OpenStack Cloud Orchestration netLabs!UG

162 OpenStack Training Laboratory

Review the network in horizon.

Network > Network Topology > Topology : Normal

Illustration 29: Network topology

Network > Network Topology > Graph : Toggle labels

Illustration 30: Network graph

17.4.2 Delete stack

Delete the stack netstack before continuing. It was just a test.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack delete netstack
Are you sure you want to delete this stack(s) [y/N]? y

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 163

17.4.3 Parent template


This YAML file parameter section describes the flavour and image that will be used to
create the hosts.


The resources section defines networks by calling on the networks.yaml template.

The outputs seen earlier from that child template are fed back to the parent template.
pub_net_name and pri_net_name are called during the development of the host
resources to give up the values from the execution of the child template.


The outputs section returns the networks of each of the hosts as well as the
external_gateway_info that was gathered by the child template and pass as the key

osbash@controller:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/servers_networks.yaml

heat_template_version: 2016-04-08

description: Template that creates hosts connected to two networks


type: string
label: Image name or ID
description: Image to be used for server.
default: cirros

type: string
label: Flavor
description: Type of instance (flavor) for the compute instance.
default: m1.nano


type: networks.yaml

type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- network: { get_attr: [networks, pub_net_name] }

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164 OpenStack Training Laboratory

type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- network: { get_attr: [networks, pub_net_name] }

type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- network: { get_attr: [networks, pri_net_name] }

type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- network: { get_attr: [networks, pri_net_name] }


description: The networks of the deployed server
value: { get_attr: [host1, networks] }

description: The networks of the deployed server
value: { get_attr: [host2, networks] }

description: The networks of the deployed server
value: { get_attr: [host3, networks] }

description: The networks of the deployed server
value: { get_attr: [host4, networks] }

description: The router gateway information
value: { get_attr: [networks, router_gw] }


osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack create --template

servers_networks.yaml fullstack
| Field | Value |
| id | 53b3f882-1a3f-4b1f-b838-f0e5cbf61002 |
| stack_name | fullstack |
| description | Template that creates hosts connected to two networks |
| creation_time | 2017-02-22T13:49:06Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE started |

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 165

osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack show fullstack

| Field | Value |
| id | 53b3f882-1a3f-4b1f-b838-f0e5cbf61002 |
| stack_name | fullstack |
| description | Template that creates hosts connected to two networks |
| creation_time | 2017-02-22T13:49:06Z |
| updated_time | None |
| stack_status | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| stack_status_reason | Stack CREATE started |
| parameters | OS::project_id: bdd928b9d2e94a67ad927bc98611917c |
| | OS::stack_id: 53b3f882-1a3f-4b1f-b838-f0e5cbf61002 |
| | OS::stack_name: fullstack |
| | flavor: m1.nano |
| | image: cirros |
| | |
| outputs | - description: The networks of the deployed server |
| | output_key: host2_networks |
| | 785f5d02-6690-4e0b-99b3-530741eb1d76: |
| | - |
| | provider: |
| | - |
| | - description: The networks of the deployed server |
| | output_key: host4_networks |
| | output_value: |
| | 638400f6-f050-455b-8059-e60f5877250f: |
| | - |
| | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-pri_net-qt7hvxg47jxx: |
| | - |
| | - description: The networks of the deployed server |
| | output_key: host1_networks |
| | output_value: |
| | 785f5d02-6690-4e0b-99b3-530741eb1d76: |
| | - |
| | provider: |
| | - |
| | - description: The router gateway information |
| | output_key: router_gateway |
| | output_value: |
| | enable_snat: true |
| | external_fixed_ips: |
| | - ip_address: |
| | subnet_id: c52e0181-5431-4bee-8b0d-e76b15750d77 |
| | network_id: 785f5d02-6690-4e0b-99b3-530741eb1d76 |
| | - description: The networks of the deployed server |
| | output_key: host3_networks |
| | output_value: |
| | 638400f6-f050-455b-8059-e60f5877250f: |
| | - |
| | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-pri_net-qt7hvxg47jxx: |
| | - |
| | |
| links | - href: http://controller:8004/v1/bdd928b9d2e94a67ad9 |
| | 27bc98611917c/stacks/fullstack/53b3f882-1a3f- |
| | 4b1f-b838-f0e5cbf61002 |
| | rel: self |
| | |
| parent | None |
| disable_rollback | True |
| deletion_time | None |
| stack_user_project_id | fa39663dc2e84b7696d13891d983a919 |
| capabilities | [] |
| notification_topics | [] |
| stack_owner | None |
| timeout_mins | None |
| tags | null |
| | ... |
| | |

Note the External IP address. A route will need to be made to the
network via this IP address on the hypervisor.

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166 OpenStack Training Laboratory

17.4.4 Stack events

Review the actions the heat-engine push to the core services once the template has
been interpreted.
osbash@controller:~$ openstack stack event list fullstack
2017-02-22 13:49:07Z [fullstack]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Stack CREATE
2017-02-22 13:49:07Z [networks]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-22 13:49:19Z [networks]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-22 13:49:23Z [host4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-22 13:49:24Z [host3]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-22 13:49:25Z [host2]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-22 13:49:26Z [host1]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS state changed
2017-02-22 13:51:08Z [host1]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-22 13:51:08Z [host4]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-22 13:51:15Z [host2]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-22 13:51:24Z [host3]: CREATE_COMPLETE state changed
2017-02-22 13:51:24Z [fullstack]: CREATE_COMPLETE Stack CREATE
completed successfully

netLabs!UG OpenStack Cloud Orchestration 08 May 2017


osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| 11689033-a802-4b4a-b977-65201db5ed5f | fullstack-host1-dnduvazhk67p | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |
| 4971c1d4-532e-4cf3-b4c6-d2512ddb0c25 | fullstack-host2-5tboxr2zq5wt | ACTIVE | provider= | cirros |
| 8e51648c-44c2-424a-a62b-041ceb75a3eb | fullstack-host3-izkubc3b67pq | ACTIVE | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-pri_net-qt7hvxg47jxx= | cirros |
| f25518a1-85b5-4566-9def-a18762a47de5 | fullstack-host4-r3grjbxriho2 | ACTIVE | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-pri_net-qt7hvxg47jxx= | cirros |
osbash@controller:~$ openstack router list
| ID | Name | Status | State | Distributed | HA | Project |
| f5d58527-3758-428c-afab-1e8cf48e0575 | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-router-c2brepuddtje | ACTIVE | UP | | | bdd928b9d2e94a67ad927bc98611917c |

OpenStack Cloud Orchestration

osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list
| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 638400f6-f050-455b-8059-e60f5877250f | fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-pri_net-qt7hvxg47jxx | 69409373-3a6c-49e4-b2b2-bef50e5e64b5 |
osbash@controller:~$ openstack network list

| c52e0181-5431-4bee-8b0d-e76b15750d77 |
osbash@controller:~$ openstack server list

osbash@controller:~$ openstack router list

| 785f5d02-6690-4e0b-99b3-530741eb1d76 | provider
Review the servers and router created.
OpenStack Training Laboratory

08 May 2017
168 OpenStack Training Laboratory

17.4.5 Add a route on the hypervisor to the private network

Add a static route from the hypervisor host to the private network. First determine the
IP address assigned to the OpenStack router provider interface. This can be done
with the last command or
osbash@controller:~$ openstack router list --column Name
| Name |
| fullstack-networks-zj23gzi6zv3n-router-c2brepuddtje |

osbash@controller:~$ openstack router show fullstack-networks-

zj23gzi6zv3n-router-c2brepuddtje | grep external_gateway_info | awk -F
'"' '{print $16}'

Then add the static route to the private network.

ada:~$ sudo ip route add metric 1 nexthop via

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 169

17.4.6 Test the configuration

From the hypervisor host ping the four hosts.
ada:~$ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.79 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.791/1.791/1.791/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.58 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.580/1.580/1.580/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=3.48 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.485/3.485/3.485/0.000 ms

ada:~$ ping -c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=3.67 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.670/3.670/3.670/0.000 ms

Connect to one of the hosts on the private network and confirm connectivity to the
ada:~$ ssh cirros@
cirros@'s password: cubswin:)

$ ping -c1

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=54 time=284.784 ms

--- ping statistics ---

1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 284.784/284.784/284.784 ms

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170 OpenStack Training Laboratory

17.4.7 Review topology on the Horizon dashboard

Login as user demo password: demo_user_pass and select:
Network > Network Topology > Topology : Normal

Illustration 31: Network topology

Network > Network Topology > Graph : Toggle labels

Illustration 32: Network graph

So using Heat orchestration a network with hosts can be build that is for all intent and
purpose identical to that created in Chapter 16 - Creating networks.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 171

18. Appendices
18.1 Appendix 1 - NAT Masquerade script for Hypervisor host
Enable IP forwarding and setup masquerade in IP Tables for Linux netfilter. enp0S3 is
the interface on the hypervisor host that connects to the Internet, it is considered the
outside network for the NAT masquerade. (note if this computer is connected by
wireless it is likely that this interface will actually be wlp4s0). On KVM/QEMU the
provider network is typically virbr2, while on VirtualBox the network is typically
vboxnet1 with the IP addresses for both from the network. It is from
this network that instances are assigned IP addresses from a pool. This address pool
is the inside network for the purpose of the NAT masquerade.

ada:~$ cat <<'EOM' > $OS_LAB/


# program: #
# Author: Diarmuid O'Briain #
# Copyright ©2017 C²S Consulting #
# License: #

# NAT masquerade rules for hypervisor, hosting OpenStack testbed #

# Select interface, typically 'wlp4s0' for WIFI and 'enp0s3' for wired Ethernet

INTERFACE=enp3s0 # Unhash for wired Ethernet interface

#INTERFACE=wlp4s0 # Unhash for wireless WIFI interface

# Select instance private network


#NETWORK=vboxnet1 # For VirtualBox

# Flush iptables

iptables -F
iptables -F -t nat

# Enable IP forwarding

echo "echo \"1\" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Load GNU/Linux kernel modules

modprobe ip_tables
modprobe ip_conntrack

# Add IPTABLES rules



# Print iptables

iptables -t nat -v -L POSTROUTING

iptables -v -L FORWARD



ada:~$ chmod +x $OS_LAB/

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172 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.2 Appendix 2 – Cluster Start/Stop script

This script acts as a start/stop script for the cluster on the host.
ada:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/

# program: #
# Author: Diarmuid O'Briain #
# Copyright ©2017 C²S Consulting #
# License: #


if [[ `echo "$0" | grep './'` ]]; then

command=`echo "$0"|awk -F '/' '{print $2}'`

# Help function

function usage {
echo -e "usage: $command <PROVIDER> <START | STOP> help, -h, -help, --help\n"
echo -e " PROVIDER:: kvm | vbox\n"
echo -e " kvm = Kernel based Virtual Machine/Quick Emulator (KVM/QEMU)\n"
echo -e " vbox = Oracle VirtualBox\n"
echo -e " Start or Stop the Virtual Machines in the cluster\n"

# Arguments from the command line

if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then # Deal with too few arguments

echo -e "\nNot enough arguments\n"
elif [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then # Deal with too many arguments
echo -e "\nToo many arguments\n"
elif [[ $1 =~ (-h|-help|--help|help) ]]; then # Deal with request for help
elif [[ $1 =~ (kvm|vbox) ]] && [[ $2 =~ (start|stop) ]]; then # Deal with legit option
echo -e "\nSelected provider is: $PROVIDER and the cluster will $ACTION\n"
echo -e "\nNot an acceptable option\n"

# Action nodes

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'start' ]]; then

echo -e "Powering up KVM/QEMU nodes\n"
if ! [[ $(virsh net-list | egrep 'labs-mgmt|labs-provider'; echo $?) ]];then
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' net-start 'labs-mgmt'
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' net-start 'labs-provider'
sleep 5
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' start 'controller'
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' start 'compute1'
elif [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'stop' ]]; then
echo -e "Powering down KVM/QEMU nodes\n"
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' shutdown 'controller'
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' shutdown 'compute1'
sleep 5
elif [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'vbox' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'start' ]]; then
echo -e "Powering up VirtualBox nodes\n"
vboxmanage startvm 'controller' --type headless
vboxmanage startvm 'compute1' --type headless
elif [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'vbox' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'stop' ]]; then
echo -e "Powering off VirtualBox nodes\n"
vboxmanage controlvm 'controller' poweroff
vboxmanage controlvm 'compute1' poweroff

# Show cluster

echo -e "Cluster state\n"

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 173

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'stop' ]]; then

while true; do
listout=$(virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list)
if ! [[ $(echo $listout |egrep 'controller|compute1') ]]; then
echo -n '. ';sleep 2
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' net-list
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list
elif [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'start' ]]; then
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' net-list
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list
elif [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'vbox' ]] && [[ $ACTION =~ 'start' ]]; then
echo 'Running VMs'
vboxmanage list runningvms | egrep 'controller|compute1'
echo 'VMs in a shutdown state'
vboxmanage list vms | egrep 'controller|compute1'



ada:~$ chmod +x ~/

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174 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.2.1 Running for a KVM/QEMU system

ada:~$ ~/ kvm start

Selected provider is: kvm and the cluster will start

Powering up KVM/QEMU nodes

Domain controller started

Domain compute1 started

Cluster state

Name State Autostart Persistent

default active yes yes
labs-mgmt active no no
labs-provider active no no

Id Name State
29 controller running
30 compute1 running

ada:~$ ~/ kvm stop

Selected provider is: kvm and the cluster will stop

Powering down KVM/QEMU nodes

Domain controller is being shutdown

Domain compute1 is being shutdown

Cluster state

. .

Name State Autostart Persistent

default active yes yes
labs-mgmt active no no
labs-provider active no no

Id Name State

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 175

18.2.2 Running for a VirtualBox system

ada:~$ ~/ vbox start

Selected provider is: vbox and the cluster will start

Powering up VirtualBox nodes

Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...

VM "controller" has been successfully started.
Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...
VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

Cluster state

Running VMs
"controller" {85cc5cd8-3392-49bd-bac8-76c4a8bed317}
"compute1" {42d461ef-79cf-49a7-a6fd-5bcfcafcd87c}

ada:~$ ~/ vbox stop

Selected provider is: vbox and the cluster will stop

Powering off VirtualBox nodes


Cluster state

VMs in a shutdown state

"controller" {85cc5cd8-3392-49bd-bac8-76c4a8bed317}
"compute1" {42d461ef-79cf-49a7-a6fd-5bcfcafcd87c}

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176 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.3 Appendix 3 - Clean nodes script for Hypervisor host

This script returns the OpenStack lab to a clean state after it has been worked for a
while. Simply select the provider to run.

ada:~$ cat <<'EOM' > $OS_LAB/


# program: #
# Author: Diarmuid O'Briain #
# Copyright ©2017 C²S Consulting #
# License: #


if [[ `echo "$0" | grep './'` ]]; then

command=`echo "$0"|awk -F '/' '{print $2}'`

# Help function

function usage {
echo -e "usage: $command <PROVIDER> help, -h, -help, --help\n"
echo -e " PROVIDER:: kvm | vbox\n"
echo -e " kvm = Kernel based Virtual Machine/Quick Emulator (KVM/QEMU)\n"
echo -e " vbox = Oracle VirtualBox\n"
echo -e " Note: For KVM/QEMU this command must be ran as sudo\n"

# Arguments from the command line

if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then # Deal with too few arguments

echo -e "\nNot enough arguments\n"
elif [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then # Deal with too many arguments
echo -e "\nToo many arguments\n"
elif [[ $1 =~ (-h|-help|--help|help) ]]; then # Deal with request for help
elif [[ $1 =~ (kvm|vbox) ]]; then # Deal with legit option
echo -e "\nSelected provider is: $PROVIDER\n"
echo -e "\nNot an acceptable option\n"

echo -e "\nRestoring nodes to clean state\n"

# Powering off nodes

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]]; then

echo -e "Powering off KVM/QEMU nodes\n"
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' shutdown 'controller'
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' shutdown 'compute1'
echo -e "Powering off VirtualBox nodes\n"
vboxmanage controlvm 'controller' poweroff
vboxmanage controlvm 'compute1' poweroff

# Wait for nodes to power down

echo -e "\nWaiting for nodes to power down completely\n"

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]]; then

while [[ 1 ]]; do
CONTROLLER_STATE=`virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list --all | \
grep -e 'controller\s*shut off' | awk '{print $3, $4}'`
COMPUTE_STATE=`virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list --all | \
grep -e 'compute1\s*shut off' | awk '{print $3, $4}'`
printf "."; sleep 2
if [[ $CONTROLLER_STATE =~ 'shut off' && $COMPUTE_STATE =~ 'shut off' ]]; then
echo -e "\n\nController node and Compute1 node are in a shut down state"

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 177

while [[ 1 ]]; do
CONTROLLER_STATE=`vboxmanage showvminfo 'controller' | \
grep '^State' | awk '{print $2}'`
COMPUTE_STATE=`vboxmanage showvminfo 'controller' | \
grep '^State' | awk '{print $2}'`
printf "."
if [[ $CONTROLLER_STATE =~ 'powered' && $COMPUTE_STATE =~ 'powered' ]]; then
echo -e "\n\nController node and Compute1 node are in a shut down state"

# Return nodes to last working snapshots

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]]; then

echo -e "\nReverting KVM/QEMU nodes to earlier snapshot\n"
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' snapshot-revert --domain 'controller' \
--snapshotname 'controller_-_compute1_node_installed' --running
virsh -c 'qemu:///system' start 'compute1'
echo -e "\nReverting VirtualBox nodes to earlier snapshot\n"
vboxmanage snapshot 'controller' restore 'controller_-_compute1_node_installed'
vboxmanage startvm 'controller' --type headless
vboxmanage startvm 'compute1' --type headless

# Show clean nodes

echo -e "Clean running nodes\n"

if [[ $PROVIDER =~ 'kvm' ]]; then

virsh -c 'qemu:///system' list
vboxmanage list runningvms



ada:~$ chmod +x $OS_LAB/

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18.3.1 Running for a KVM/QEMU system

ada:~$ $OS_LAB/ kvm

Selected provider is: kvm

Restoring nodes to clean state

Powering off KVM/QEMU nodes

Domain controller is being shutdown

Domain compute1 is being shutdown

Waiting for nodes to power down completely


Controller node and Compute1 node are in a shut down state

Reverting KVM/QEMU nodes to earlier snapshot

Domain compute1 started

Clean running nodes

Id Name State
7 controller running
8 compute1 running

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18.3.2 Running for a VirtualBox system

ada:~$ $OS_LAB/ vbox

Selected provider is: vbox

Restoring nodes to clean state

Powering off VirtualBox nodes


Waiting for nodes to power down completely

Controller node and Compute1 node are in a shut down state

Reverting VirtualBox nodes to earlier snapshot

Restoring snapshot 3bbff8c3-8203-4226-8563-9fedc6e444b1


Waiting for VM "controller" to power on...

VM "controller" has been successfully started.

Waiting for VM "compute1" to power on...

VM "compute1" has been successfully started.

Clean running nodes

"controller" {e18abd53-5c5c-4938-84af-ca4e6409a734}
"compute1" {bd283312-4d11-4e8f-9ab2-a08c91de59e3}

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180 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.4 Appendix 4 - Script to launch a VM instance

This script if ran on the controller node after the OpenStack Labs install will create a
VM instance with a 1 GB volume attached. Make sure to run $OS_LAB/
on the hypervisor host to enable routing from the VM instances.
osbash@controller:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/

# program: #
# Author: Diarmuid O'Briain #
# Copyright ©2017 C²S Consulting #
# License: #

# Run this script on the controller node

# Access the Controller node
# KVM/QEMU: ssh osbash@
# VirtualBox: ssh -p 2230 osbash@localhost

# Make sure to run "sudo $OS_LAB/" on hypervisor host

# Variables


echo; echo "Setting admin-openrc variables"

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin_user_secret
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_AUTH_URL=

echo; echo "Creating flavour $FLAVOUR"

openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 $FLAVOUR

echo; echo "Setting demo-openrc variables"

export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=demo_user_pass
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=demo
export OS_AUTH_URL=

echo; echo "Creating keypair $KEYNAME and ~/$KEYNAME.pem file"

if [ -e "$SSH_HOSTS_FILE" ]; then


openstack keypair create --public-key $SSH_HOSTS_FILE $KEYNAME > ~/$KEYNAME.pem

echo; echo "Restricting ~/$KEYNAME.pem access rights"

chmod 600 ~/$KEYNAME.pem

echo; echo "Adding port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default security group"

openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default

openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default

NIC=$(openstack network list | grep provider | awk '{print $2}')

echo; echo "Extracting provider network UUID: $NIC"

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 181

echo; echo "Creating and launching instance $INSTANCE with:"

echo -e "\n\tFlavour: $FLAVOUR"
echo -e "\tImage: $IMAGE"
echo -e "\tNetwork UUID=$NIC"
echo -e "\tSecurity group: default"
echo -e "\tKey name: $KEYNAME\n"

openstack server create --flavor $FLAVOUR --image $IMAGE --nic net-id=$NIC \

--security-group default --key-name $KEYNAME $INSTANCE

echo -e "\nWaiting for instance $INSTANCE to become ACTIVE\n"

while [ "$(openstack server list | grep $INSTANCE | awk '{print $6}')" != 'ACTIVE' ]; do
printf ". "
sleep 2

echo; echo "Creating volume $VOLNAME"

openstack volume create --size 1 $VOLNAME

echo; echo "Adding volume $VOLNAME to VM instance $INSTANCE"

openstack server add volume $INSTANCE $VOLNAME

openstack volume list

echo; echo



osbash@controller:~$ chmod +x ~/

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182 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.5 Appendix 5 - Script to launch a network with VMs

This script if ran on the controller node after the OpenStack Labs install will create
four VM instances with two connected to a private network and two connected to the
provider network with a router between them. Make sure to run
$OS_LAB/ on the hypervisor host to enable routing from the VM
osbash@controller:~$ cat <<'EOM' > ~/

# #
# Diarmuid O'Briain #

# Run this script on the controller node

# Access the Controller node
# KVM/QEMU: ssh osbash@
# VirtualBox: ssh -p 2230 osbash@localhost

# Make sure to run "sudo $OS_LAB/" on hypervisor host

# Create static route to SUBNET on hypervisor host

# Variables

INSTANCE_A=( host1 host2 )

INSTANCE_B=( host3 host4 )

## Function ##

function host_create() {

local _INSTANCE=$1
local _FLAVOUR=$2
local _IMAGE=$3
local _NIC=$4

echo; echo "Creating and launching instance $_INSTANCE with:"

echo -e "\n\tFlavour: $_FLAVOUR"
echo -e "\tImage: $_IMAGE"
echo -e "\tNetwork UUID=$_NIC"
echo -e "\tSecurity group: default"

openstack server create --flavor $_FLAVOUR --image $_IMAGE --nic net-id=$_NIC

--security-group default $_INSTANCE


echo; echo "Setting admin-openrc variables"

export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin_user_secret
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:35357/v3

echo; echo "Creating flavour $FLAVOUR"

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 183

openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 1024 --disk 1 $FLAVOUR

echo; echo "Setting demo-openrc variables"

export OS_PROJECT_NAME=demo
export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=demo_user_pass
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v3

echo; echo "Adding port 22 (SSH) and ICMP to default security group"

openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default

openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default

echo; echo "Creating private network $PNET"

openstack network create $PNET

openstack subnet create --network $PNET --subnet-range $SUBNET --gateway

$SUBNET_UPPR.1 --dhcp --allocation-pool start=$SUBNET_UPPR.10,end=$SUBNET_UPPR.20
--dns-nameserver $DNS $PSUBNET

echo;echo "Extracting provider and $PNET network UUIDs"

PROVIDER_NIC=$(openstack network list | grep provider | awk '{print $2}')

PNET_NIC=$(openstack network list | grep $PNET | awk '{print $2}')

echo -e "\nProvider: $PROVIDER_NIC\n"

echo -e "\n$PNET: $PNET_NIC\n"

echo; echo "Create hosts on provider network"

for i in ${INSTANCE_A[@]}; do

echo; echo "Create hosts on $PNET network"

for i in ${INSTANCE_B[@]}; do
host_create $i $FLAVOUR $IMAGE $PNET_NIC

echo; echo "Server list"

openstack server list

echo; echo "Create Router: $ROUTER"

openstack router create $ROUTER

openstack router set --external-gateway=provider $ROUTER

echo; echo "Adding $PSUBNET to $ROUTER"

openstack router add subnet $ROUTER $PSUBNET

echo; echo "Adding default route to $ROUTER via"

openstack router set $ROUTER --route destination=,gateway=

echo; echo "Router: $ROUTER configuration"

openstack router show $ROUTER

echo; echo



osbash@controller:~$ chmod +x ~/

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184 OpenStack Training Laboratory

18.6 Appendix 6 - stacktrain cluster creation script – KVM

ada:~$ cd $OS_ST
ada:~/Openstack-lab/labs $ --build cluster --provider kvm
INFO Using provider kvm.
[sudo] password for alovelace:
INFO stacktrain start at Thu May 4 00:05:02 2017
INFO Shutting down VM 82f0dccb-4c25-41e4-ab66-3bee9ff62891.
INFO Shutting down VM 82f0dccb-4c25-41e4-ab66-3bee9ff62891.
INFO Waiting for shutdown of VM 82f0dccb-4c25-41e4-ab66-3bee9ff62891.
INFO VM will not shut down, powering it off.
INFO Creating mgmt network:
INFO Creating provider network:
INFO Asked to delete VM controller.
INFO found
INFO Creating copy-on-write VM disk.

Starting install...
Creating domain... | 0 B 00:00:00
Domain creation completed.
You can restart your domain by running:
virsh --connect qemu:///system start controller
INFO Waiting for VM controller to be defined.
INFO Node controller created.
INFO Starting VM controller
INFO Waiting for VM controller to run.
INFO Waiting for MAC address.
INFO Waiting for IP address.
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM controller to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 185

INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Asked to delete VM compute1.
[sudo] password for alovelace:
INFO found
INFO Creating copy-on-write VM disk.
INFO Adding empty disk to compute1: compute1-sdb

Starting install...
Creating domain... | 0 B 00:00:00
Domain creation completed.
You can restart your domain by running:
virsh --connect qemu:///system start compute1
INFO Waiting for VM compute1 to be defined.
INFO Node compute1 created.
INFO Starting VM compute1
INFO Waiting for VM compute1 to run.
INFO Waiting for MAC address.
INFO Waiting for IP address.
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM compute1 to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO Starting VM compute1
INFO Waiting for VM compute1 to run.
INFO Waiting for MAC address.
INFO Waiting for IP address.
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM compute1 to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/

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186 OpenStack Training Laboratory

INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Shutting down VM controller.
INFO Waiting for shutdown of VM controller.
INFO Starting VM controller
INFO Waiting for VM controller to run.
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM controller to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Cluster build took 1977 seconds
Your cluster nodes:
INFO VM name: compute1
INFO SSH login: ssh osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO VM name: controller
INFO SSH login: ssh osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO Dashboard: Assuming horizon is on controller VM.
INFO User : demo (password: demo_user_pass)
INFO User : admin (password: admin_user_secret)
INFO Network: mgmt
INFO Network address:
INFO Network: provider
INFO Network address:

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 187

18.7 Appendix 7 - stacktrain cluster creation script – VirtualBox

ada:~$ cd $OS_ST
ada:~/Openstack-lab/labs $ --build cluster
INFO Using provider virtualbox.
INFO stacktrain start at Thu May 4 08:42:27 2017
INFO Creating /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/base-ssh-ocata-ubuntu-
INFO ISO image okay.
INFO Install ISO: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/ubuntu-16.04.2-server-
INFO Asked to delete VM base
INFO not found
INFO Created VM base.
INFO Attaching to VM base: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/ubuntu-
INFO Creating disk (size: 10000 MB): /home/alovelace/OpenStack-
INFO Attaching to VM base: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/tmp-disk.vdi
INFO Booting VM base.
INFO Starting VM base with headless GUI
INFO Waiting 10 seconds for VM base to come up.
INFO Booting into distribution installer.
INFO Initiating boot sequence for base.
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM base to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Waiting for shutdown of VM base.
INFO Machine powered off.
INFO Detaching disk from VM base.
INFO Unregistering and deleting VM: base
INFO Compacting /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/tmp-disk.vdi.
INFO Unregistering disk /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/tmp-disk.vdi
INFO Base disk created.
INFO Moving base disk to: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/base-ssh-
INFO Base disk build ends.
INFO Basedisk build took 1909 seconds
INFO Creating mgmt network:
INFO Configuring host-only network mgmt with gw address (vboxnet0).
INFO Creating provider network:
INFO Configuring host-only network provider with gw address
INFO Asked to delete VM controller
INFO not found
INFO Created VM controller.

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188 OpenStack Training Laboratory

INFO Attaching to VM controller (multi): /home/alovelace/OpenStack-

INFO Node controller created.
INFO Starting VM controller with headless GUI
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM controller to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Asked to delete VM compute1
INFO not found
INFO Created VM compute1.
INFO Attaching to VM compute1 (multi): /home/alovelace/OpenStack-
INFO Creating disk (size: 1040 MB): /home/alovelace/OpenStack-
INFO Attaching to VM compute1: /home/alovelace/OpenStack-lab/labs/img/compute1-
INFO Node compute1 created.

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 189


INFO Starting VM compute1 with headless GUI
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM compute1 to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Shutting down VM controller.
INFO Waiting for shutdown of VM controller.
INFO Machine powered off.
INFO Starting VM controller with headless GUI
INFO Waiting for ssh server in VM controller to respond at
INFO Connected to ssh server.
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Start autostart/
INFO done
INFO Processing of scripts successful.
INFO Cluster build took 958 seconds
Your cluster nodes:
INFO VM name: compute1
INFO SSH login: ssh -p 2232 osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO VM name: controller
INFO SSH login: ssh -p 2230 osbash@
INFO (password: osbash)
INFO Dashboard: Assuming horizon is on controller VM.
INFO User : demo (password: demo_user_pass)
INFO User : admin (password: admin_user_secret)
INFO Network: mgmt
INFO Network address:
INFO Network: provider
INFO Network address:

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19. Abbreviations
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
Ceilometer Telemetry service
Cinder Block storage service
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRUD Create, read, update and delete
CT Container
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
EC2 Elastic Compute 2 (Amazon basic VM)
XML eXtensible Markup Language
GB Gigabytes
Glance Image service
HA High Availability
Heat Orchestration service
Horizon Dashboard
HOT Heat Orchestration Template
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HVM Hardware-assisted Virtual Machine
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
I/O Input/Output
IP Internet Protocol
Keystone Identity service
KVM Kernel Virtual Machine
L2 Layer-2 bridging/switching.
L3 Layer 3 - Routing
libvirt Toolkit to manage virtualisation hosts
LM Long Mode
MB Megabytes
LVM Logical Volume Manager
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAT Masquerading - Network Address Translation
Neutron Networking service
Nova Compute service
NTP Network Time Protocol
ORM Object Relational Mapper
OvS Open vSwitch

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192 OpenStack Training Laboratory

PaaS Platform as a Service

PNI Physical Networking Infrastructure
QCOW2 QEMU Copy On Write
QEMU Quick Emulator
RabbitMQ Rabbit Message Queue
RADOS Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store
RAM Random Access Memory
RPC Remote Procedure Call
SaaS Software as a Service
SDN Software Defined Networking
SPICE Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
STONITH Shoot The Offending Node In The Head
SVM Secure Virtual Machine
Swift Object storage service
Trove Database service
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UUID Universally Unique IDentifier
vCPU virtual Central Processing Unit
virsh libvirt based command line interface tool for managing guests and the
VM Virtual Machine
VNC Virtual Network Computing
VMX Virtual Machine eXtensions
VNI Virtual Networking Infrastructure
VT-x Virtualisation Technology - x86 architectures
XCP Xen Cloud Platform

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OpenStack Training Laboratory 193

20. Bibliography
OpenStack. (2016). Training-Labs Webpage [online]. Available at: [Accessed:
18 Dec 2016].

OpenStack. (2016). Training-Labs documentation Webpage [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Dec 2016].

OpenStack. (2016). Installation Tutorial for Ubuntu [online]. Available at:
guide-ubuntu [Accessed: 9 Dec 2016].

KVM. (2017). KVM virtualization solution for Linux Website [online]. Available at: [Accessed:
4 Jan 2017]

Libvirt. (2017). Libvirt Virtualisation API Website [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 4 Jan 2017]

QEMU. (2017). QEMU Emulator Website [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 3 Jan 2017]

Oracle. (2016). VirtualBox manual [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15 Dec 2016].

Radez, D. (2015). OpenStack Essentials. ISBN 978-1-78398-708-5. PacktPub.

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