Gear Notes
Gear Notes
Gear Notes
Joel Kammet
Torque is a measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object about some axis. A torque is
meaningful only in relation to a particular axis, so we speak of the torque about the motor shaft, the
torque about the axle, and so on. In order to produce torque, the force must act at some distance from
the axis or pivot point. For example, a force applied at the end of a wrench handle to turn a nut around
a screw located in the jaw at the other end of the wrench produces a torque about the screw. Similarly,
a force applied at the circumference of a gear attached to an axle produces a torque about the axle. The
perpendicular distance d from the line of force to the axis is called the moment arm.
In the following diagram, the circle represents a gear of radius d. The dot in the center represents the
axle (A). A force F is applied at the edge of the gear, tangentially.
Diagram 1
In this example, the radius of the gear is the moment arm. The force is acting along a tangent to the
gear, so it is perpendicular to the radius. The amount of torque at A about the gear axle is defined as
= F×d
We use the Greek letter Tau ( ) to represent torque. The SI (metric) unit of force is the newton, and
the unit of distance is meters. Since torque is the product of force times distance, the unit of torque is
newton-meters. (Do NOT read this as newtons per meter, which would indicate division, but the
hyphenated term newton-meters, or better still, newton·meters, indicating that it is a product.)
So, given a force and a moment arm (distance), we can use the above formula to compute the resulting
torque. For example, referring to Diagram 1, if we are given that the force F is 20 newtons and the
radius d is 3 centimeters (0.03 meters), we can calculate the torque about the axle as
=20 newtons×0.03 meters=0.6 newton⋅meters
Conversely, if we already know the torque acting about the axle of a wheel and we know the radius, we
can calculate the force that is applied along a tangent to the edge of the wheel by dividing the torque by
the moment arm. This is useful because it enables us to determine the horizontal force that the wheel
applies to the floor, pushing the robot forward.
For example, referring again to Diagram 1, if we know that a torque of 0.54 newton-meters is applied
by a motor about the axle at A, and that the radius d is 3 centimeters, then we can calculate the force
applied at the edge, tangential to the wheel or gear, as
0.54 newton⋅meters
F= =18 newtons
0.03 meters
Why is it useful to know the force applied at the edge of a wheel? Because it gives us information
about how rapidly the wheel (and the vehicle or robot attached to the wheel) will accelerate. Newton's
Second Law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it,
and inversely proportional to its mass. This can be expressed by the equation
The greater the force, the faster the object will accelerate. If we double the force, the rate of
acceleration doubles, and so on.
Caution: Acceleration is not the same thing as speed. Acceleration is the rate of change of speed. It is
the rate at which the speed of an object increases. Negative acceleration (deceleration) is the rate at
which the speed of an object decreases. In the metric system, a common unit of speed is
kilometers/second. Accordingly, the unit of acceleration is kilometers/second/second or km/sec2. Read
that as “kilometers per second squared”.
Note that this does NOT tell us how fast the object will move; it does let us determine how quickly the
object gets up to a particular speed.
Gear Ratios and Torque
When a series of gears is used to transmit power from a motor to a wheel, the gear connected to the
motor is called the driver or input gear, and the gear connected to the wheel is called the driven or
output gear. In general, gears situated in between the driver and the driven gears are called idler gears.
The gear ratio is the ratio of the number of teeth on the output gear (the one connected to the wheel)
to the number of teeth on the input gear (connected to the motor).
Since a ratio is just another way to express a fraction, we can also write the gear ratio as:
Output Driven
GR= =
Input Driver
Equivalently, it is the ratio of the circumference of the output gear to the circumference of the input
gear, because the number of teeth on each gear is proportional to the gear's circumference C. Also,
since the formula for circumference is C= D and diameter (D) is twice the radius (R) we can write
D o D o 2R o Ro
GR= = = =
D i D i 2R i Ri
(The subscripts o and i refer to the output and input gears respectively.)
The gear ratio expresses the ratio of the output torque to the input torque. Thus, we can multiply the
torque supplied at the motor shaft (the input) by the gear ratio to find the torque at the wheel axle (the
or more simply:
For example, if the torque about the motor shaft is 8 newtons (newton is the metric unit for torque), the
gear attached to the motor shaft has 16 teeth and the gear attached to the wheel axle has 48 teeth, the
torque at the wheel axle is
WheelTorque=8 newtons× =24 newtons
That's fine if we know the torque at the motor shaft and want to find out the torque at the wheel axle.
What if we know the torque at the wheel axle and want to find out the torque at the motor shaft? We
can multiply both sides of the equation by the RECIPROCAL of the gear ratio:
InputSize OutputSize InputSize
×WheelTorque=MotorTorque× ×
OutputSize InputSize OutputSize
Then, cancelling terms and exchanging the right and left sides of the equation gives us:
Transmitting power through a series of gears can also affect rotational speed. In a system consisting of
only two gears, as they revolve each tooth of the input (driver) gear meshes with, and pushes, a tooth of
the output (driven) gear. If the input gear has fewer teeth than the output gear, then the input gear will
turn through a complete revolution sooner than the output gear. The output gear will rotate more
slowly than the input. This is called gearing down. If the input gear has exactly half as many teeth as
the output gear, the input gear will turn completely around in the same amount of time that the output
gear takes to turn only half-way, so the output gear will rotate at half the speed of the input. Here is an
illustration of gearing down.
On the other hand, if the input gear has more teeth than the output, the opposite occurs. In this case the
output gear will rotate more quickly than the input. This is called gearing up. If the input gear has
twice as many teeth as the output, the input gear will turn only half-way around in the time it takes for
the output to turn completely around, so the output gear will rotate at twice the speed of the input. Here
is an illustration of gearing up.
Given the number of teeth on both gears, if we know the rotational speed of the input gear, we can
calculate the rotational speed of the output gear as follows:
OutputSpeed =InputSpeed ×
Since the input gear is connected directly to the motor shaft, it turns at the same rotational speed as the
motor. Similarly, the output gear is connected directly (through the axle) to the wheel, so the wheel
revolves at the same rotational speed as the output gear.
For example, if the motor rotates at 300 RPM, which means 300 revolutions per minute (300 rev/min),
the input gear has 8 teeth and the output gear has 24 teeth (this is gearing down), the rotational speed of
the wheel can be determined as follows:
rev 8 rev
OutputRPM =300 × =100
min 24 min
On the other hand, if the motor rotates at 300 RPM, the input gear has 24 teeth and the output gear has
8 teeth (this is gearing up), the rotational speed of the wheel will be:
rev 24 rev
OutputRPM =300 × =900
min 8 min
If there are one or more additional (idler) gears between the input and output gears, they can be
disregarded in determining the final speed. It is sufficient to consider the relative sizes (or numbers of
teeth) of the input and output gears.
Note that the up and down in gearing up and gearing down refers to the rotational speed, NOT torque.
It is important to recognize that the fraction in the above equation (InputSize/OutputSize) is the inverse
of the gear ratio, and so the effect of gearing on speed is the inverse of its effect on torque. That is, if
as a result of the gear arrangement the torque increases, the rotational speed decreases. And if the
torque decreases, the rotational speed increases.
Also, note that all references to speed in this section about gearing have been about rotational speed.
This is the rate, in revolutions/minute, at which the components – wheels, gears, etc. -- rotate about
their axes, and NOT the speed at which the robot travels along the floor.
This final section will review how the wheel size affects the maximum speed at which the robot travels.
Notice that term maximum. That is the maximum speed at which the robot will move along the floor.
It assumes that there is sufficient torque to overcome the frictional forces that impede motion. This
section does not address the question of how long it takes to accelerate the robot up to its maximum
speed, or even if it can do so at all. That depends upon the force applied by the wheel horizontally
along the floor, which in turn depends on the wheel size and the torque at the wheel axle, which in turn
depends on the gearing and the amount of torque that the motor can produce. Here, we simply assume
that the wheel has gotten up to “full speed”.
This calculation is simple. Remember that the circumference of the wheel is given by C= d .
As the wheel rotates along the floor, every point on the circumference of the wheel contacts a
corresponding point on the floor. Imagine that you mark the point on a wheel that is in contact with the
floor, also marking the floor at that point, then roll the wheel in a straight line until the original point is
in contact with the floor again, and mark the floor again at that point. It is easy to see that the distance
between the two marks on the floor will be equal to the circumference of the wheel. Therefore we have
an easy way to determine the distance that the robot travels for each rotation of its wheel: it is simply
the circumference of the wheel. If we multiply the distance the robot travels during EACH rotation
times the number of rotations per minute, we will know the distance travelled per minute. Therefore,
the speed that the robot travels is the product of the circumference of its drive wheels (the wheels that
are applying power to the floor) times the rotational speed of the wheels. In other words:
v =C×
In this equation, v represents the linear velocity (speed), C represents the circumference of the wheel,
and ω (the Greek letter omega) represents the rotational speed.
For example, if a robot's drive wheel is 4 centimeters (4 cm) in diameter and it is rotating at 900 RPM
(900 rev/min), the circumference of the wheel is
C= d =3.14×4 cm=12.56 cm
and the robot will travel along the floor at a speed of
rev cm
v =C×=12.56 cm×900 =11304
min min
We can translate this into more convenient units: 4 cm = 0.04 m and 900 rev/min = 15 rev/sec so
rev m
v =C×=×0.04 m×15 =1.884
sec sec