Lecture Notes On Chern Simons Witten Theory
Lecture Notes On Chern Simons Witten Theory
Lecture Notes On Chern Simons Witten Theory
Lecture Notes on
Sen Hu
Princeton University
World Scientific
Singapore .New Jersey. London 'HangKong
Published by
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ISBN 981-02-3908-4
ISBN 981-02-3909-2 (pbk)
viii Prejacc
fields and not just to particles, was in marly ways the greatest and most,
difficult achievement in twentieth century physics. It is the basis for most
of our present-day understanding of nature. B u l il is a hard siibject, that,
has developed in fits and starts and that despile valiant attempts is still
largely out of reach mathematically. The gauge theory approach t,o the
Jones polynomial and its generalidions places them in this central, yet as
of now, mathematically inaccessible part of the physical and mathematical
What can mathematicians gain by trying anyway, or at least by learning
something of what physicists have to say, even if it cannot yet, be fully
justified nialherriatically? The combinatorial defiriitions of the knot and
three-manifold invariants are beautiful, but they are only one side of the
story. Quariturri field thcory exposes a relation of these same invariants to
gauge theory on the one hand, to conformal field theory arid stable bundles
on R.ierriann surfaces on the other hand, as well as l o olher mathematical
theories like Dorialdson theory and t,hc thcory of affine Lie algebras that also
have a natural quantum field theory setting. Knowing all sides of the story,
or as much as we can learn, is worthy in itself and may well be necessary
for understanding applications of the knot and three-manifold invariants.
I hope that the present volume by Sen Hu (which is based in part on
lectures I gave at Princeton University in the spring of 1989) will help make
this subject more accessible to curious mathematicians. Hopefully, the ex-
planations given here will help mathematical readers (who may also want
to consult Michael Atiyah’s book The Physics and Geometry of Knots) de-
velop a wider understanding of this subject and its relations t o physics. And
perhaps it will impel some to help develop a more complete mathematical
exposition of this subject than is now possible.
By E. Witten
July 22, 2000
Preface vii
C h a p t e r 3 Q u a n t i z a t i o n of C h e r n - S i m o n s A c t i o n 27
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Some formal discussions on quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Pre-quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.1 M as a complex variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.2 Quillen’s determinant bundle on M and the Laplacian . 32
3.4 Some Lie groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4.1 G = R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4.2 G = S1 = R / 2 x Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.3 T*G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.5 Compact Lie groups, G = S U ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5.1 Genus one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5.2 Riemann sphere with punctures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5.3 Higher genus Riemann surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.5.4 Relation with WZW model and conformal field theory . 39
3.6 Independence of complex structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.7 Borel-Weil-Bott theorem of representation of Lie groups . . . . 44
Bibliography I93
Index 197
Afterwards 199
Chapter 1
Examples of Quantizations
1.1 Quantization of R2
For N = 2 this is exactly soluble and it was used to explain several laws
of Kepler. Lagrange reformulated the above equations into a variational
8 1 Ldt = 0,
d DL dL .
-(-) = -l 1. = 1, ,.., N (1.2)
d t aqi 8qi
gives thc Ncwton equa.tions (1.1).
If we introduce new variablcs pi = % arid lel II = Cipiq1 - L be n
furictiorl of q l l q i y , p l , ...,p~~ thcn Eulcr-Lagrange equations can be re-
writleu as
is a transformation induced by
or @ preserves the two form w = C i d p i A dqi, then for the new coordinates
& I , ...)Q N , P I ,..., PN, the equations have the same form.
In its abstract form classical mechanics can be formulated as follows:
Canonical formalism : Let ( M 2 n , w ) be a symplectic manifold. For
each H E C o o ( M a nR) , one can associate a Hamiltonian vector field X H
on M 2 " , such that
dH(.) =~ ( X H , . ) .
C"(R2, C ) -+ H e r ( L 2 ( R ) L
, 2(R))
Here H e r ( L 2 ( R )L2(R))
, denote the space of Hermitian operators. There
are two ways of realizations.
( A ) : 31 = L2(R),consisting of functions of a:, $(x).
p : * -+ -2-. .
One can verify that [p,z] = -i, here [,I is the Poisson bracket induced
from the symplectic form w.
(B): X'= L ~ ( R ' consisting
), offunctions o f p , 4 ( p ) .
4 Examples of Quantizations
I H , u] = H a - aH = --a,
x,a * x ,i a * ) 2 X , ”’
gives a basis of ’?f with cigenvalues $, $, ....
lZ2 .
For example, x = e-? IS a ground state, then a*”x will be
1 1
= -(p + ZZ),r =
fi a
-((p - iz),
w z d~ A d p = -id2 A d z .
So iu’ is a form of type ( 1 , l ) .Now consider the space
31 = {halomorphic functions on C } .
Let z act on X by multiplication and Z act by &. We define the inner
product on % to be
3 = qc,q,
11811; = e-yS(I)12.
Then (C,II.II) is a Ilermitian line bundle. The metric wc defined can be
characterized by the property that it is compatihle with a unitary conncc-
tion whose curvature is the ( 1 , l )form w.
Here compatibility means
Holomorphic representation of symplectic quotients a n d i t s quantization 7
F = iddlog 11s11:.
p : U(1) + Diff"(R2"),
where DiW (R'") stands for diffeomorphisms of RZnpreserving the sym-
plectic form w .
8 Examples of Quantizations
dp : g + Sympw(R.2n) ,
where g is the complex Lie algebra C of U(1). SympW(R2n)is the space
of symplectic vector fields, i.e. vector fields of' thc form ( - H y , H , ) and
H : R'" -+R is n Hamiltonian function. In this case the symplectic vector
field is:
It generates a flow
dz; -
_ dFi -
- Z' - = - z ' 8 1
dt " dt
and z;& is a first integral.
The moment, map is:
p ( z ) = C ( Z i Z ; - - 1)
zi + x z i , x E C " .
We see that
Holomorphic representation of symplectic quotients and its quantization 9
C"//S' = (C")S."C*,
@ :G -+ Diff, ( M 2 " ) ,
@ ( g ) * ( w ) = w , g E G.
By differentiating @ we have
d@ : g + SympW(M2").
Again SympW(MZn) is the space of symplectic vector fields which can
be identified with the space of Hamiltonian vector fields, i.e. i, H I with a
smooth function H : M2" -+ R. Here i,H is obtained by
W(.,i,H) = dH(.).
: TM2n + g*,
10 Examples of Quantizations
for every E E g.
In the case that H 2 ( g ) = 0, or H 1 ( M Z n )= 0, we can always integrate
the above one form and get a function:
J : M2n -+ g*
such that d J = j .J is usually called the moment map of the action.
Here are more examples:
1) Rotational action
We have the symplectic manifold M = T*V,V = R3, with the symplec-
tic form w = d a , a = p d q . SO(3) acts on V by rotation.
One can calculate the moment functions by
Plq3, M3 = PlqZ - P 2 q 1 .
2) Natural action of V ( n 1) on CP"
Here the action is givcn by
( u ,2) -+ u.2.
One can verify that l h e following furicliori defines the moment map:
p : CPn + U ( n + 1)*
p x + k',
X / / G = x=.=.
/Gc. (1 3)
Here XS.'. arc the set of semi-stable points in X, i.c. thosc point z in X
such that invariant polyiiorriials are bounded away from zero on the orbit
Let u s illustrate it by OIK more example. Consider the circle adion on
( R 2 " , ~whose
) cornplexificatiori is Ihe action C * which acts on ( C n , w ) as
1.2.4 Grassmanians
Given a vector space V over C of dimension N ,the Grassmanian G ( k ,N ; C )
is defined as the space of k-dimensional subspaces in V . It, can be reprc-
sentated by k linear independent vectors e l , ..., ek C V . Let B c C k N =
V x V x ... x V be the space of k linear independent vectors. B is an open
, ) acts on B .
dense subset in C k N . G L ( kC
G ( k ,N ; C )= B / G L ( k , C).
p =0 e l , ..., ek orthonormal.
G ( k ,N ; C ) = pL1(0)/U(k).
Holomorphic r e p r e s e n t d o n of sympkctic quotients arid i t s yuantization 13
~i -+ h i , bj -+ X - l b j , X E U(1).
0 = d a l A daz A dhl A d b z .
Vl = ((a,1,a2,0,0) E c".
c2+ z+ + CPjl.
Zero sections are genus zero holorriorphic curves.
For T < 0, the set of semi-stable points is
2- = (V' u V2)/CC,
cz+ z- + CP:,.
We see that there is a transition. T h e singular locus is switched from
a-space t o b-space. Such a trarisitiori is called a flop in algebraic geometry,
Our point here is that Z+ and Z- came from the same space symplectically.
So we expect the quantum theory the same for the two cases. This is the
rationale of persistence of quantum theory of space time with respect t o
changing of topology in a-models/ string theory.
We map coordinates functions to operators on H as follows:
Hulornorphic r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of s y m p l e c t i c q u o t i e n t s a n d i t s q u u n t i z u t i o n 15
11~11: = e--zz1s12,
(sI2 is the Euclidean metric on the fiber. Then the curvature of this metric
R = r ( M 2 n ,c ) ,
that is the space of holomorphic secttiom of the chosen line bundle. There
are natural opcrat,ors such as multiplication by a section or differentiation
by a covariant derivat,ive.
3) Quantization of a symplectic quotient,
Leh X be a complex manifold which acts on by a compact group G
holomorphically. From the Geometric Invariant Theory we have
16 Examples of Quantizations
Our main interest is in gauge field theory. The discovery of a gauge invariant
Lagrangian by Yang arid Mills is a breakthrough in gauge field theory.
For three-marlifold, Chern-Simons Lagrangian is also invariant under gauge
transformatiori up to an integer. It is important to emphasize that the basic
variables are gauge equivalent fields. In this section we will describe the
moduli space of classical solutions for Chern-Simons action. It is the space
of flat connections with some useful additional structures.
Du := du $- [ A ,u ] ,A ( € )= A - E D U .
bp(u) = i D U W .
Tr((-Du) ASA)
F, = dA, + A, A A,
=F + E D B+ O(E’),
So bF = D6A.
~ D = k lTr(uAF)
~ W
Moduli s p n c e of classical s o h t i o n s of Chertz-Simon8 a c t i o n 19
This means that t h e curvat.ure P = d A A A ,4 is the moment map.
By syrnplectic reduction we get the syrriplectic quotient, which sits in the
space of gauge equivalent field , p-'(O)/C, i.e. the space of flat connections.
For each of such a connection A arid a Loop C in C. we have holonomy
Jc'l'rA. This determines a representation p : r l ( C ) + C . It is riot difficult
to SCC that the rcprcsentation also determines A up to gniige t,ransformation.
Hence we have
R o ( C ; E @ g )%- R 1 ( C ; E @ g )S 0 2 ( ( C ; E @ g )
Chern-Sirnons action
Tk(AA dA + j2 A A A A A ) ,k E Z’,
taking values in R/2.rrZ.
Here G is a Lie group with Lie algebra g on which we endow with a
non-degencrate quadratic form,
( a , b ) = ‘l’rab
6 = { maps A4 + G}
each of them corresponds to a change of trivialization of the bundle E +M .
The gauge group 6 acts on the space of connections A via
( g ,A ) + yAy-’ + dgg-’.
One can verify that Chern-Sirrions functional is invariant under the ac-
tion of gauge transformations up to ail integer which corresponds t o the
homotopy class of the gauge transformation. So it is a functional Over the
space of gauge equivalent connections valued at R/2nZ.
Remark: Pick a four manifold B with aB = M , extend E , A over H ,
then we have
LC.S (AL) =
417 / T r ( ( A + c B )( d A + t d I I ) + 32 ( A + f H ) A (A t e B ) A ( A + ( B ) )
Du Du du
AD+ A0 + 6-,
-= -
l3t dt
+ [Ao,u],
a + a + tDu
So after getting rid of A0 and t we have that the gauge group becomes
a gaugc group on the surface and the moduli space becomes
M = p-'(O)/G ,
where p : A + g' , a -+ P' = da + a A a is the moment map. On A, therc is
a natural symplectic structure above.
22 Classical S o l u t i o n s of Gauge Field T h e o r y
V B = 0 , v E = 0,
aB l3E
V x E = 0,-
- v x B = 0.
There is a duality to this equation, i.e. it does not change with respect t o
the transformation (ElB ) 3 (--B,E ) . This duality leads t o an important
recent development of Seiberg-Witten theory.
There are also continuous symmetries. It is H. Weyl who made this
apparent in terms of gauge symmetry. It is actually a U(1) gauge theory.
To achieve this, we write E and B as components of a matrix:
d F = 0, d ( * F ) = 0.
€or any surfacc C c R4.This i s t h e first Chern class which can be intepreted
as flux in physics.
2.2.2 Yung-Mills e q u o t i n n s
Very interesting things happen when wc change the above gaugc group U ( l )
t,o a non-Abelian group, say S U ( 2 ) . Yang and Mills made the change in
the mid-fifties to explairi iso-spin in physics, It turns out that thc sctting,
which express syrrirrietry vcry well! is most important.
Lct E + M bc: a principle bundle with a Lie group G as its fiber.
Let A be a connection, i.e. A = C a w a T abe a g valued one form where
Ta are generators of the Lie algebra g and w, are one forms. A gauge
transformatmiong is a G valued zero form, i.e. a section of the bundIe. g
acts on the space of connections by A' = gAg-' gdg-l. +
Given a connection A ! we consider the covariant derivative D = d A. +
We have F = D A = d i l A A A is a two-form: it is the curvature of
A . A gauge transformation g transforms A into A' whose curvature is
F' = gFg-l. We say that F transforms covariantly. Another remarkable
property of F is the Bianchi identity DF = 0.
Principle bundle arises naturally in geometry and in physics. In both
cases one needs to choose local coordinates. Different coordinat,es are re-
lated by gauge transformations! and geometric or physical quantities should
be gauge invariant or covariant. The following functional on the space of
connections, Yang-Mills functional, is gauge invariant,
DF = 0 ,D(*F)= 0.
By the same reasoning plus Bianchi identity, the second Chern class
c?(E)= & ‘ ~ Y ( F A F )is also a topological invariant. It is also the Pontrya-
gin class of E . The second Chern class Q ( E )for an instanton is called the
instanton number which is a topological invariant.
The Yang-Mills functiorial can be viewed as a functional over the space
of gauge equivalent field. Bolt showed that the Yang-Mills functional is a
perfect Morse function over the space of gauge equivalent field, and from
this he determined cohomologies of the classifying space of the space of
gauge transformations [Atiyah-Bott (1982)I.
It is interesting to note that the Chern-Simons action C.S. of d M and
the second Chern class or Pontryagin class c z ( E ) of M are related by
dC.S. = c@).
Vector bundle, Chern c l m s e s nrid Chern- Weil theory 25
D : r ( E ) -+ r ( E @7 ' * ( M ) )
D ( f s ) = df @ s -t f D s .
3.1 Introduction
From the last chapter we sce that the classical solutions of Yang-Mills over
a Rierriann surface or Chcrn-Simons over C x R is the moduli space
Mg = Hom(.rrl(C),G)/G.
Here G is any compact semi-simple Lie group with an invariant quadratic
form ( , ) = &Tr, k E Zs on its Lie algebra g. There is a natural symplectic
28 Q u a n t i z a t i o n of Chern-Sirnons Action
L = Lie(T*G) Y gab + gG
{ a , b } E L , a , 6 , E g , ( { a ,b } , { a ' , b ' } ) = b ' ( a ) - b(a'). This construction leads
to Rcidcrmcistcr torsion or TI invariants. If WE replace T'G by Super T * G ,
it gives Casson invariant [witten- ass on],
4) Compact semi-simple Lie group, c.g. G = S U ( 2 ) .
This construction leads to a series of knot invariants including Jones
5) Non-compact semi-simple Lie group, e.g. S L ( 2 ,R),S L ( 2 ,C ) with a n
invariant quadratic form which are integral and nowdegenerate. 'l'his con-
struction seems to have iriteresting connectioris to Thurston's gcometriza-
tion program.
itt ten].
We convidcr quaritization for a special tiircc manifold M 3 = S x [0, 13.
The phase space is now thc space of connections A on C. A is an affine
syniplectic space with syrnplectic form w(a,,$) = sc
T k ( a A @ ) .Gauge group
acts on A symplcctically.
Remark: We also learned in t,hc last chapter that the space of classical
solutions M is the space of flat connections. For each flat connection A
we have a covariant derivst'ive d~ = d A . Thc tangent space of M is
the space of first cohomology H i A ( C ,E @g ) . M is also a symplectic variety
with respect to the syrnplectic form w above and one can easily check t,hat
w only depend on dA-cohornology classes. This way we push the symplectic
form down t o a syrnplectic form on the syrnplectic quotieat.
As we have seen in Chapter One it is pretty easy t o quantize an affine
symplectic space. W e use holomorphic quantization here. To do t,his we
need to have a complex structure on A . There are natural complex struc-
tures coming from a choice of complex structure J : TZ:-+ T C , J 2 = - I d ,
of the underlying surface C. The induced complex structure on A is noth-
ing but t o claim the (l!0) part of the connection A = -4,dz ilzdZ t o be
holomorphic. With this complex structure the quantization is quite simple.
T h e Hilbert space is then the space uf holomorphic seclions of the trivial
line bundle L = A x C.
We wish to say a few more words on the bundle C. We define functional
derivative or a connection on A to be
- I 6
So the curvature for this connection is -iw. And formally the first
Chern class of the line bundle L is iw. We post the first condition on the
big Hilbert space Y! E r ( A ,.CBk) as,
30 Quantization of Chern-Simons Action
-q = 0.
Recall that what we want to quantize is the space of gauge equivalent
connections d/G. The idea is to quantize affine space of the space of con-
nections and then select the gauge invariant part, i.e.
= r h o i (d/Gc C@').
The space A/& is nothing but the space of holomorphic bundles over
the surface C. According to a theorem of Narasimhan-Seshadri, the space
of stable holomorphic G c bundles is the same as the space of flat G con-
nections on C. This explains why the Hilbert space is rhol(M,L@').This
is a well defined Hilbert space even though other Hilbert spaces above are
ill defined.
To get I ' h o l ( A l L@'")' we need to get the condition to select gauge in-
variant sections. It is given by
This follows from the fact that F is the moment map for the symplectic
action of the gauge group on the space of connections. The above gives a
rough idea on how to construct the Hilbert space. We will give rigorous
construction of the Hilbert space in the following section. There is an
Pre-quorzii+ziition 31
importan issue of how the Iiilbert space varies as complex structures varies.
We shall address $his problem in section 3.5.
3.3 Prc-quantization
3.3.1 M as a c n m p l e z v a r i e t y
'l'he moduli space is
M = IIom(.rrl ( Z ) . G)/G.
For each A E M . define its covariant derivative d,t = d -4.Since
d i = 0 for a flal connectiori, it induces a cohorriogy on de Rham complexes.
Gauge fields are then better expressed in terms of cohornology classes. 'l'he
tangent space of M is T M = iYjA(E, E @ g). It's dimension is
degU degE
rank li
<- rank E '
Hence the moduli space is the space of holomorphic bundles over C
with respect t o a choosen complex structure. This space has a natural
32 Quantization of Chern-Simons Action
3.4.1 G = R.
The moduli space is
SDme Lie groups 33
M E = Hom(nl(C),R) = H’JC, R)
with the standard quadratic form w . It can be quantized by the usual
methods as described in chapter 1.
w E H’l’(Jac, Z ) -+ H2(Jac,R)
is the first Chern class of C.
To quantize Jac(Z), we consider the Hilbert space
34 Qunntizaliura o j Claern-Sirnoras Action
s)' - fi. .
3 - 'J.
3.4.3 T*G
In this case the moduli space is
M:' = Horn(?rl(C),?"G)/G,
= T*(Hoin(nl(C),
G)/G) = T * ( M g ) .
3.5.1 Genu.9 o n e
f=yk ) 0 Ot - k
M:' = T / W = C'/Zz,
where T c G is a maximal torus and W is the Weyl group.
To quantize it, the Hilbert space is
36 Qunritization of Chern-Simons Action
C" (Y'/W).
fl = 1,
/3 = u 2 + 1+ a - 2 ,
f4 = u3 + u2 + u-2 + u-3,
i u ( G , k ; P , : R ,=
) Hom(Ki(C - U P i ) , G)/G
%(E; P, Q ) = RG
38 Quantization of Chcm-Simons Action
It is the conformal block N$ = (& @ Rj @ Rk)G.
e) s = 4
= r(G x G x G,L)GLxGR
Compact Lie groups, G = SU(2) 39
- rjk
N Sjk
.. @J Niji;..
The sum runs over all first Ic 1 representalioris of S U ( 2 ) .
For higher genus surface, we decompose the surface C into three punc-
tured spheres by using a maximal set of simple closed ciirves. For each
decomposition of the Riemann siirface, there is a dual graph I’. We as-
sign to each edge c a weight f ( c ) E Pk = (0, 1/2, ..., k/2}. I t obeys three
1)lf(.1) - f(cz)l 2 f ( C 3 ) 5 f ( C 1 ) -tf ( C z ) ,
+ +
2)f(c1) f(c2) f ( C 3 ) E z,
3)f(Cl)+ f(C2) + f(c3) I k.
Each admissible weight is an clement of basis of the Hilbert space.
Now the surface is a disk. The moduli space is the space of flat con-
nections. The gauge group consists of gauge transformations which is an
ident,ity on t,he boundary. Since the disk is simply connected, we can find a
gniige transformation U such that after applying tjhe gauge transfornlation
we have the connection is zero. So we have A' = lJAU-l+dUU-l = 0. Arid
t,he connection can be represented as A; = --lJ-'&W, for some U : D + G.
The moduli space for the case of disk is then the loop group module the G
action by conjugation, i.e. M = L G / G .
'I'here is a canoriical syrriplectic structure coming from its representation
as a flat connection, w = JTr(cr A p). One can also construct, a line bundle
L over LGIG and a coririection on this bundle whose curvature is w . To
quantize, we have the IIilbert space 31 = r h o l ( L G I G ,Lk)).LGacts on LG/G
by right translation. IIence this gives a projective representation of the loop
group. One might wonder why a version of infinite dimensional Borel-Weil-
Bot,t t,heorem gives many interesting representat,ions of loop groups as well
its affine Lie algebras.
'l'he Chern-Simoris acliori reduces to:
It sat isfics :
Recall in Sec. 3.3 we constructed a natural line bundle L over the sym-
plectic quotient as Quillen's determinant bundle. Lct V be the connection
corning from Quillen metric whose curvature is w , i.e. VSVjs - V j V i s =
k w i j s , where s is a section.
Recall that the Hilbert space is
Since we have a large gauge group acting on the space of affine con-
nections we nccd to push down the connection into a connection 011 a
line bundle on A/Gc. For a nice derivation of the above connection and a
complete proof that the connection is projectivcly flat please see [Axelrod-
DcllaPictra-Witten]. We shall write down thcir formular presently. Hefore
doing that we shall explain how to describe deforrriations of a complex
structure in our case.
The tangent space of the moduli space is
I : T O J+ T110,I I + I j = 0.
The deformation is given by
6* = 6 + -(ViSJijVj
2t + 6 J i j ( V i l o g H ) V j + -21-k *k*+ h J l o g H ) ,
44 Quantization of Chern-Simons Action
whcrc wc take the Haar measure on G and 1WI the number of Weyl charn-
Q(ExpH) = t = ExpH, H E h,
where H E h, c E W = N ( G , T ) / T , d = f CCYEA+(G) a, ( a ( b ) H
, ) is the
natural pairing. In particular, this implies that the highest weight deter-
mines all characters and hence the representation.
It is remarkable that all irreducible representations of a compact con-
nected Lie group can be constructed geometrically from the work of Borel-
Weil-Bott. We outline it as follows.
Again let T c G be a maximal torus. It can be shown that G / T is a
natural symplectic variety. G / T is also a complex variety whose complex
structure comes from G c / B c , B c the Borel subgroup. One can construct
a natural line bundle over G/T whose first Chern class agrees with the
natural symplectic form. G acts on G / T by translation and hence on the
space of cohomology of sections of the line bundle. This induces a linear
representation of G. More precisely] we have the following.
Let X E h* be an integral valued linear functional.
46 Q u a n t i z a t i o n of Chern-Sirnons A c t i o n
48 Chern-Sirnons- Witten Theory and Three Manifold Invariant
:=O,i= l , 2,..., n ,
8 zi
whcre @ is a section of the Hilbert space vector bundle. The fundamental
fact is that the left hand first order differential operators are commutative.
Hence it gives a projective flat connection. The commutativity follows from
the following two facts about Rij,
[nab,n,d] = 0, u , b , c, d distinct,
Reyrese7itation of mapping class group a n d three manifold invariant 49
R e ~ w , , . . . , ~ = o C y ,=
j A(i11
...j ik)Cy.f,
where A ( i i , . - . , & )= Aj(a,l,...,, k ) - C,=lhj(a,p),Aj
A ( i i ,...,i k )
= 'B.
Q 7 , f = I ~ J ~ ~ (C7,j . , , +higher
~ ~ order holomorphic terms) is a solu-
tion of Knizhik-Zamalodchikov equations.
Next we consider a torus. The Hilbert space is given by Verlinde basis
{ vg v1/2, . . . I L S ~ , ~ where
~ } , 'ui is an integrable highest weight representation
Tvj = exp 2 x G j A j - ~ ) v j1 5
, i,j 5 n.
S,T are called switching operators. It gives a representation of the
modular group S1,(2,Z) which is the mapping class group of the torus.
a2 b3
bl b2
We use t,hc same notation to denote Ilehn surgery along those curves.
It is known that this set of Dehn surgeries generate the full mapping class
group. The sct {a;, d,, F;} are disjoint simple closed curves. Thc dual graph
for this set of simple closed curves is A. We will constmct a projective
representation of the mapping clays group with respect to this dual graph.
In this dual graph, {ail&, c i } correspond to edges. The action of map-
ping class group with respect to X is very easy, they just change the weight
of the corresponding edge. For example, we have
= exp2.rrJrri(A,(,,
TueY(p),f - G)t7(”),J.
To describe actions of l we have to use switching operators. /31 Pg acts
Rqrcsenlatdon UJ mapping class g ~ o u pand three manijdd irauuriurd 55
on the Hilbert space of once punctured sphere. We have ,& = T,, SblTal,
where Bl acts on conformal blocks with dual graph I-1 f j b l ) = j l .
For 15 k 5 g , we have
T = diag(1, i).
P :M , +GL(ZK(Y))/rK.
Let e7,0 be the vector in Z K ( 7 ) with admissible weight, f : edge(y) +
PI<,siich that f ( a ) = 0 for any a E edge(7). We have:
~rc(h)e,,o P K ( ~ ) o o ~ ~C +
, oj + n P K ( h ) f , o e , , f .
From our previous work, for two differed decompositions of the surface
y(p1),y(pz), we have Z ~ ( y ( p 1 )= ) Z ~ ( y ( p z ) and
) , the isomorphism send
the vector ey(pl),o t o e y ( p 2 ) , o . So we see that p ~ ( h ) o does
o not depend on
a choice of marking.
Thcrc is an important operation on Heegard decomposit,ion. Let M =
Vl u h V2 be a Hecgard decomposition of genus g and let S3 = D1 U,
Dz be the standard decomposition of S3, where DIand D2 denote solid
tori. Ry considering the connected sum of these IIeegard decomposition,
we obtain a Heegard decomposition of M # S 3 = M . We deriote by fi :
OVl #dD1 + aV2#aD2 the corresponding attaching homeomorphism. This
gives a Heegard decomposition of genus g 1. We called this elementary
Stabilization. It is known that Hcegard decompositions of a three manifold
differ from each other by a numbcr of clcmentary stabilizations.
It is easy to show that
Crrlctilatiuris by topuluyical quariturri field t h e o r y 59
Z(W -
- Z(Ml) Z ( M 2 )
with the knot at four points. The manifold itself can be representated as
M = M L U M R with
~ M R the three ball and M L the rest of the three ball.
MR and M L share the same boundary C = S2 - {.z~,z2,t3,z~}.Consider
the Feymann path integral on M R , M L , we have vectors II; E ' H R , x E X L
respectively. Notice that X L = a;.The partition function is then Z ( L ) =
If we replace M R with two other different ways of strings, we would get
two other vectors $1, $2.
Since dirri'lfx = 2, we have the three vectors $ , $ I , & which satisfy a
linear relation: ad+&1 +y$z = 0. If we niultiply the above by x,we then
+ +
have a Z ( L ) P Z ( L 1 ) yZ(L2) = 0. This is called the skein relation. It
is known that this relation is enough to compute knot invariant. Because
we can project a knot into a plane and apply this relation, the number of
crossings is decreased eventually.
The novelty here is that we have achieved a three dimensional interpre-
tation of skein relat,ion without projecting a knot into a plane. Invariants
defined this way are intrinsic and natural.
4.2.4 Surgery
T h e construction of surgery is t h e follow~ing.Consider an embedded torus
C in a manifold M ,the manifold can be represented as a union of the
solid torus and the test of the manifold with common boundary E. We
then consider an element p E S L ( Z , Z ) , and we glue the two manifolds
62 Chern-Simons- Witten Theory a n d Three Manifold Invariant
with boundary C after we apply for p to the torus, then we obtain a new
manifold. This construction is called surgery.
In Chapter 3, we calculated the dimension of the Hilbert space for a
torus. Consider a simple closed curve on Ihe torus. After collapsing the
curve we have twice punctured sphere. The Hilhert space is generated by
irreducible representations. or level k intcgrable highest weight representa-
tions of the loop group.
The mapping class group of the torus SL(2,Z) a c t s on the Hilbert space,
K = p* : ?P l, We can express it as follows:
where u; is a set of basis of 'H. This is good enough to calculate the change
of partition function with respect to surgery.
For the loop group, we define the character of an integrable highest
weight representation a as:
Z(X x Sl)= T
,, (1) = dim3lx
Calculations by topological q u a n t u m f i e l d theory 63
m m
Consider cutting the link at, Ri into two pieces and applying the multi-
plicative formula, wc have
z(s3;L ( & , Rj, & ) ) =-
lm!f+w m+G
Fig. 4.11 Algebras t o tangles
f 3 - 6..
- 93wj.
i i i
(A @ l ) A = (1 @ A ) A ,
(E @ 1)A = 1 = (1 @ € ) A ,
( i d @y)A = c = (7 @ id)A.
A’(u) = R A ( a ) R - l ,
A brief survey o n quantum group m e t h o d 67
(p- ,--ah)
[h,]. = 25, [ h ,y] = -2y, [x,y] = s2 - s-2 ,
2 2
A(z) = ~ @ s ’ + s - ~ @ x , A ( y=) y @ ~ ~ + s - ~ @ I y , s =
( a-S) .,s(y) = - S y.
The most inlercsting oncs are those s at, the root of unity, s = e x p ( 5 ) .
It gives modular Iiopf algebra.
T,et [ k ] = p - 3 - k If { e o , e l , ..., eN-1} gives an N- dimenslorial represen-
tat,ion of sl(2, C ) ,then we have N-dimensional representation ofUP(s1(2,C ) )
68 Chern-Sirnons- Witten Theory arid T h r e e Manifold Invariant
dx, : XEl + X C , .
According to Atiyah, such morphisms should satisfy the composition
4x = dx,4x, >
where dx2 : %c, + YE, is a morphism associated with a manifold M:
with boundary C2 U C3 and 4~ : X c , -+X c , is the morphism associated
with the manifold M 3 glued from M: and MZ at their common boundary
We will construct such morphisms through path integrals.
72 Renormalired Perturbation Series UJ Chern-Simons- Wittera T h e o r y
$hIJ : H +8.
The morphism satisfies the composition law:
#JI,tl+t2 = $hl,tldI:ta.
So there exists an operator H on %, such that
#I,t =e ,
II is called the Hamiltonian.
If the one-dimensional manifold is a circle then we have the morphism
(e-”*)(z”) = 1 d Z 1 K ( X t 1x
, /;t)*(z‘).
/I /
K(Z , z , ; t ) = (z”, e - t % ’ ) .
Here are more identities:
I I1
I+’ >= S(z - 2 ), Iz >= S ( x - X I 1 ) ,
V(3:)1z1>= V ( X ) d ( X - X I ) = V ( X 1 ) 6 ( Z- z/),
According to Fourier ,
74 Renormalised Perturbation Series of Chern-Simons- Witten T h e o r y
/I I
I, I
Ct(z , z ) = { maps ( z , p ) : [0,1] t R.2n, s.t. ~ ( 0 =
) X I , ~ ( t=)2").
/I I
The integral over C t ( z , x ) gives phase space version:
--t*H tS
e a = Fourier trans. ~ 7 ,
+ x2) - ip-dz
= ( p , z ) A ( p ,x ) ~ '
e v ( p r L x. , l t r . In such a subspace,
m= Jm
1 1 1
= K%lP+ (7
) ) Znn 2
After Ray and Singer, given an operator 0 > 0 and S$n = A,&, we
define C ( s ) = EX'; formally (' ( s ) = C;Xl log A;, so
det 8 = e-<'(').
det(T0)) = exp(-(io(0)j = exp(---(r-"u(s)))ls=0 = do(')det 0 .
d e t d = II,(n2 + (-)')).
And in < function regulation,
Asymptotic expansion a n d Feynman diagrams 77
det 0 = ( -)'cO(') det 0'
If II%
converges, then in C function,
And the operator 0" with eigenvalues n2 for n = 1 , 2 , ... has the C function:
1 1
f ( 2 y ) = f(P,) + --Cx;xixj
+ -cxiajk2ixjxk
+ ...
near P,.
And we also wish to pick up coordinates x; so that we have the measure
1 %
dP = dx( 2...dx
a)F '
dx 1.. .dxn 1
I Q ( t )= exp it(f(P,) + --CX~xixj
+ ...)
with B" a small neighborhood of Pa.
To evaluate I " @ ) , let yi = f i x * ,
A s y m p t o t i c expansion and F e y n m a n dingrnrlis 79
Note that
80 Renormalized Perturbation Series o j Chcm-Simons- Watlen Theory
I(t)= dpeitf
dpi is the transverse measure of Xi/G of the orbit space of a component Xi.
Let px be a measure on X , we want t o construct a measure ,UX/G on X / G .
For this we need to pick up a section s : X/G -+ X . Let W = s ( X / G ) . The
tangent bundle to W in X splits,
TXW = T ( W ) V(W). +
On a vector space R a measure is a vector x E ATOP(R). ATOP(T~ ( w ) )2
ATop(T(W)) x AToP(V(W)).
The G action gives a map 4 : G -+ V, G = Lie(G). F'IX a measure on
G,z E ATop(G), then d ( x ) E ATop(V) = p v . The desired measure pw is
defined by px = pv x p w .
Let s be defined locally by equations hl = ... = h , = 0 . Then
82 Renormulized f'erturbrrtiora Series of Chern-Sirraona- Willerr Theory
Here iJa is the left, invariant vector Geld on G, 2 E fiber over X / G . 'l'liere
is a unique g such that gz E W = s ( X / C ) . Arid
For the materials above please see Faddeev's book for more details
Our goal is to get topological invariants for a thrcc manifold M', Lel G'
be a compact Lie group, k E Z+. Let A E A be a connection arid A be the
space of connections. We knew that the gauge group B acts on the space of
connectioris. Wc denote A / 4 as thc space of gaugc equivalent conncctions.
The Chern-Sirrions Lagrangian is
W R , ( C ~=
) TrR,Pexp
s,. A.
SC" = 12 f&CbCC.
Here c is a zero form. The first iclcntitsy above expresses thc variation
of a conneclion under an infinitesinal gauge transformation. The second
equation states that local gauge transformation satisfies Maurer-Cartan
The partition function is now:
J Z>cexp(iTrCDiDic) = det(D*D).
Then we have
where L = (*D D*) is a twisted Dirac operator acting on forms. It
maps even forms to even forms and odd forms to odd forms and L- is the
restriction of L to odd forms, (, ) is the natural inner product
L-H) = /M
Tr(BA DB) + s M T r ( BA * D * 4)+/'r.r(4 * D * B ) .
We know that (4,d')= (d', 4).When M is a closed manifold, by ap-
plying Stokes theorem, we have
86 Renormalized Perturbation Series of Chern-Simons- Witten Theory
/ V H D e D e r x p ( - 2f ( ~ ~ , C - I I ) (c, A c ) ) .
We then have
Noticc that:
J' dEdcexp(uCc) =
J' d&( I + u ~ c =) U ,
Partition j u n c t i m and topological inwariants 87
Here v ( A a )= lim,,o C,signv, Izi, I-', or formally ? ( A a )= $C,signvi.
The q invariant is related to Chern-Simons functional by $ ( q ( i z O )-
q ( 0 ) ) = * I ( A a ) : where { ( A " ) is the Chern-Sinions action of A" and
~ ( 0 IS) the q invariant of the trivial gauge field A = 0. Q ( G ) is the Casimir
for G. For example. we have c z ( S I ' ( 2 ) )= 2 M .
Finally, we have the formula €or the leading term as well as the formula
€or Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory,
T* -
- 1J-l
is the torsion invariant o f A u .
To define self-linking integrals arid i l u non-bbelian geriaralizations we
need a framing of the knot so thal one can consider t.he case z,y, z on the
knot to coincide. For a given knot ii', consider a normal vector ficld on
K . Imagine moving the knot, slightly in the direction of the vector ficld we
then get another knot K ' . Tlic sclf-linking number of Ii' can Lc clefiried as
t.he linking numbcr of I< arid I?. Such a definition dcpcnds on a choice
of a normal vector fidd which is caILcd a. framing of a knot. It is easy to
see that the choice only depends on homotopy classes of the normal vector
'rhe changing of framing is mcasurcd by an intcgcr s. It likcs to t w i d K '
around I<)s limes. The yartitioii function changes as 2 -+ cxp(Zxish)Z,
where h is t.lie coriformal weight. So wc know IIOW it changes under different
framing. In this sense, a choice of framing does not. t,ruuble 11s.
For Abclian theory wc have hi = $.
Thc Dehn t w i s t , around a marked
point acts as eZKi", .
88 R e n o r m n l i z e d Perturbntion Series of Chern-Sirnons- Wittera Theory
Z ( M )=/VAes/MTr(AAdA+ y2 A A A A A ) n T r R , P e x p
- 4Ti
_-k Link (C1,C,).
In general one can expand holonomy of Wilson line in terms of iterated
path integrals from K. T. Chen [Chen]:
= /DAeEIC"
The integral is over the space of gauge equivalent fields. The construc-
tion of pertiirbatim series depends on a choice of rcgulization scheme. If
we use high derivative regulization scheme in t,he Lorcntz gauge, we add
following terms to the original Lagrangian,
where we have
Igh 1 d3X(dp?DpC).
The term 1,f is the Lagrarigian multiplier for lhe constraints d*A = 0.
The term l g h is the determinant of the Laplace operator. The original path
integral is thcn rcplaced by:
J 'DAPc"?e''o"
6ca -
- l
-c b cc , d F = d , & p = O .
Assuming we have an infinitesimal diffeomorphisrn rU -+ xu - A", it
acts on all the fields above and the diffeomorphisrn symmetry is:
6cU = X"daca + -&x'ea.
To verify that Itot respects diffeomorphisrn symmetry it is crucial to
observe that d commutes with diffeomorphisrns.
5.4.2 The F e y n m a a r u l e s
The Feynman rules are:
I . T h e gluori propagator:
G1(z,y) = L_'
Gzjz,y) =
13- 13 + ULZ' '
counter term which survive after taking the limit is the Chern-Simons term.
This expalins why we can only have the coupling constant shifted.
Chapter 6
6.1.1 1ntrod.uctzion
A knot is an embedding of a circle into a t,hree-dimmsional space, say
K : S1 3 S3. Two knots K l , X a are equivalent, if their complcmcnts in
S3 are homeomorphic. So when we talk about a knot, we arc rcally talking
about a three manifold, i.e. the complement of a circle in S3.
There are two natural ways t o construct knot invariants. One way is
what we have been doing based on Chern-Simons-Witten quantum field
theory. For any three manifold consider a principle bundle with gauge
group G and all gauge fields indexed by the three manifold. We then
average over the space of all gauge fields with Chern-Simons Lagrangian
as their weight. If such an average make sense it would give topological
invariants. In previous chapters we explained how to do this from several
points of views.
There is another natural construction For a given knot K : S1 + S3,
we consider all embeddings GJ : Ii + S3 in the same topological class.
We then do an average with respect to all such embeddings. Again if the
average make sense then it would give topological invariants because they
do not depend on particular embeddings. Witten proposed to do this via
open string theory, or topological sigma models. We shall give a brief
introduction here. For more details, please see Witten’s paper [Witten-
string]. For the latest development please see Vafa’s recent paper iVafa].
96 Topological Sigma Model a n d L o c a l i z a t i o n
Witten argued that this integral makes sense as an open string theory.
It is a topological field theory. The theory does not depend on t : so the
perturbation series in t is exact. Usually topological sigma models can be
understood by using localization principle. In this case the moduli space
is degenerate. However it can be understood by using triangulation of
Teichmuller space. Witten also argued that it is equivalent to large N
expansion of the Chern-Simons gauge theory.
= C, local expressions
where X , = {X(l<) = 0)) are components of the fixed point set of the G
action, and X is any o m form. It is true because we can take a large t limit
and the integral localize to the fixed point set of the G action. We will
justify this in Ihe following sections for several interesting cases.
However in the case of field theory, w e will be in the infinite dimensional
setting. In the cme of open string theory the space X will be the space of
fields. The group G will be replaced by the group of symmetries acting on
98 T o p o l o g i c a l S i g m a Model a n d L o c a l i z a t i o n
Tr(A A A A A ) = AS A A: A A : .
where k = x.
Let, Zq,/,he t,hc pa.rt,ition function of an open string theory on a world-
sheet with g handles and h boundaries. Witteri argued that
p :G -+ Diff(X).
dp : g -+ Vect(X).
Example (Atiyah and Bott): Let Tnbe a torus which acts on X freely,
then H + ( X ) = H ' ( X / T ) .
In general we may have fixed points for the action. Let Q be a top
equivariant differential form. We will find that the integration of Q usually
reduce t o an integral over the set of fixed points.
1 : H;;(X) +. c.
If we only integrate the X part, we would have
/ : HE.(X) -+ H&(pt).
s, s,
a= aetDX.
1 t2
- aexp(tdX - -c,(x(v,))')
vol(G)( Z X C ) ~ / ~ 2E
Atiyah-Bott’a residue formula und Duisterrnaat-Heckrnan Jormula 101
2, is determined by local data of IY and the action near X,. We call the
above formula the localization principle.
Let i + 0, the above integral will localize at zeros of g(V,V ) . i.e. the
zeros of V , At ari isolated point P of V , the Hessian of g(V,V ) is non-
degenerate, large t limit is a Gaussian integral. This way, we derive Atiyah-
Bott’s fixed point formula.
In the following we derive the original residue formula of Bott for sym-
metries preserving complex structures.
Definition (Holomorphic Vector Bundle): A vector bundle E i M with
a complex vector space as their fibers over a complex manifold M is called
a holornorphic vector bundle. The complex structure on M induces an
almost complex structure J : T c M Q, J 2 = - I d . Let T?”)M = Ker(J +
i ) , T $ ” ) M = Kcr(J - i ) . Then we have T c M = ‘Tg”’M @ T$’”]M. We
called vectors in T g S 1 ) Mtype ( 0 , l ) vectors and vectors in T$’”M type
(1,O) vectors. Similar decompositiorls car1 be made for TCM and their
tensor products. We then have a notion of type ( p , q ) tensors.
Let <, > be a Hermitian structurc on E , i.e. a metric on E whose
restriction on each fiber is a quadratic form of type (1,1). Let { s i } be local
102 Topological Sigma Model a n d Localization
C p @ ( L ) / c n ( L=
) @(M)
Here p ranges over zeros of X and L = Lx I T p ( M ) c, n ( L ) = det L.
In the proof, Bott expresses @ ( M )as an exact form away from zeros of
X. So the integral is localized to zeros of X which then can be evaluated by
local considerations. For a complete elegant proof see: R. Bott, Michigan
Journal of Math. 14 (1967) 231-244.
where e ( P i ) is the product of the weights of the circle action in the tangent
space at Pi.
Proof The G action on X has a moment map p . We pick up an almost
complex structure J on X such that w is of type (1,l) and positive, i.e.
g ( v , v ) = w ( w , J v ) > 0 , v # 0. Set I = ( p , p ) and X = $ J ( d l ) . Critical
points of ,u arc zeros of A . p - ' ( O ) is the set whcre ,u achieve a b s o l u t ~
minimum. Assuming that p - ' ( O ) is a smooth manifold on which G acts
freely, then M = p-'(O)/G is a smooth manifold with a natural syrriplectic
structurc. Contribution of ,u-l(O) is
where L = & J d2x1 * PA^^ and * is the star operator with respect t o a
choseri metric.
If we introduce a scalar field C#J with values in g , t,hen the above iritegral
can be written as
S, exp(w + to)
where E = t - 2 Co<r quqryur,yOr = #(Con C r ) .Again M is the space of
flat coririections on C which are absolute minimals of Yang-Mills functionals.
Next, we consider a sphere with three boundaries C1, C2, C,. Kaively
the partition function is Z = xR1,R2,R3
W R ~ , R ~ , By
R ~ the
. consideration of
Casirnir which is the same for all invariant polynomials one gets that Rl =
Rz = R S . Hence the partition function is: Z = x R ~ ~ I I $ l Q ~ ( A I ~ , ) .
For a closed surface C of genus g, we cut the surface into 29 - 2 disjoint
copies of three punctured spheres along 39 - 3 disjoint simple closed curves.
By using the orthogonality relation of group characters which correspond
to states R , we have
e2acz (R)
Z ( C )= c w y e x p ( -
2 1
z(s1x I ) = exp(- )>
Z(S1 x I ) = Z ( C , ) x Z ( D ) .
representation K, is c a ( ~ , )=
Hence the partition function is:
is a unique representation R, of dimension n. The quadratic Casiniir of
we normalize it to c2(R,,) = $.
89- 1
&g-l =
229-1 (-1 + c
e x p ( - y 1).
This agrees with the formula by localization principle from the following
consideration. The Eular-Lagrangian equation of Yang-Mills is D f = 0. If
f # 0, being covariantly constant, this gives a reduction of the structure
group of the connection to a subgroup Ho that commutes with f. Solutions
are therefore flat Ho connections twisted by constant curvature line bundles
in the U(1) subgroup generated by f. In the case of G = S U ( 2 ) , we get an
SU(2) bundle with a covariantly constant splitting as a sum of line bundles.
From the classification of line bundles, it follows that the conjugacy class
o f f is given by
j=2xm( 0 -i )
with m E Z . The value of I at such a critical point is I,,, = 9.
shows that it agrees with the formula by localization principlr.
An allernative Lttgrangiarl is
is the same as two dimensional Yang-Mills because one can integrale 4 the
same wa.y as in one dimcnsion:
112 Topolvyicul Sayma Mvdei and Localiralion
c 1
J dvr'r''
This gives invariance under subdivision.
= r.
A) Family of Connections
CI. shall uae arbitrary frame f i e l d 8 t o develop the Riemannian
Hence J(M) can be computed through an arbitrary frame field by the left-
hand side of the last equation.
8 ) Proofs of t h e Theorems
i a aymaetric and that the matrix GC. where G = (gij), has trace zero.
Sehauten proved (4, p . 921 that the three-dimensional manifold
H i8 C O n f O r U J a l l y f l a t , if m d only if c 0, i.e. c i j k 0.
by (217).
We consider a family of metrics g i j ( T 1 aud put
dgi -gihdlml)hk*
&h +C(~!.L
- m +
uhere q - &/&. By the 6econd equation of (216) and the equation (217)
ue find h = 0. This proves that jHT ia independent of T, and hence Theorem
It f o l l o u s that
of t h e above htEgrEd.
Converrely. at a c r i t i c a l p o i n t of
ue muat have Tr(VC)
f o r dl symmetric v satisfying ~ r ( ~ o - 1 ) O. Hence c is a m u l t i p l r of
- 0
G-' o r CC I s a multiple of the unit matrix. But GC has trace zero. Hence
i t muat itaalf be zero and ve haye C 0 . Thin proves Theorem 7 . 2 .
33 (1991) 781-902
We present a new construction of the quantum Hilbert space of Chern-
Simons gauge theory using methods which are natural from the three-
dimensional point of view. To show that the quantum Hilbert space
associated to a Riemann surface Z is independent of the choice of com-
plex structure on Z , we construct a natural projectively flat connection
on the quantum Hilbert bundle over Teichmiiller space. This connec-
tion has been previously constructed in the context of two-dimensional
conformal field theory where it is interpreted as the stress energy tensor.
Our construction thus gives a (2 + 1)-dimensional derivation of the basic
properties of ( 1 + 1 )-dimensional current algebra. To construct the con-
nection we show generally that for affine symplectic quotients the natural
projectively flat connection on the quantum Hilbert bundle may be ex-
pressed purely in t e r n s of the intrinsic Kahler geometry of the quotient
and the Quillen connection on a certain determinant line bundle. The
proof of most of the properties of the connection we construct follows
surprisingly simply from the index theorem identities for the curvature
of the Quillen connection. As an L-xample, we treat the case when Z has
genus one explicitly. We also make some preliminary comments concern-
ing the Hilbert space structure.
Several years ago, in examining the proof of a rather surprising result
about von Neumann algebras, V. F. R. Jones [20] was led to the discovery
of some unusual representations of the braid group from which invariants
of links in S 3 can be constructed. The resulting “Jones polynomial” of
links has proved in subsequent work to have quite a few generalizations,
and to be related to two-dimensional lattice statistical mechanics and to
quantum groups, among other things.
Received by the editors November 6, 1989, and. in revised form, January 23, 1990. The
first author’s research was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate
Fellowship and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The second author’s research was supported
in pan by National Science Foundation Grant 86-20266 and National Science Foundation
Waterman Grant 88-1 7521.
Tsuchiya and Kanie [38] recognized that the Jones braid representa-
tions and their generalizations coincide with certain representations of
braid groups and mapping class groups that have quite independent ori-
gins in conformal field theory [4] and that have been intensively studied
by physicists [ l l ] , [40], [23], [31]. (The representations in question are ac-
tually projective representations, for reasons that will be clear later.) The
conformal field theory viewpoint leads to a rigorous construction of these
representations [34], [39].
Conformal field theory alone, however, does not explain why these par-
ticular representations of braid groups and mapping class groups are re-
lated to three-dimensional invariants. It was conjectured [2] that some
form of three- or four-dimensional gauge theory would be the key to un-
derstanding the three-dimensional invariances of the particular braid traces
that lead to the Jones polynomial. Recently it has been shown [41] that
three-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory for a compact gauge group
G indeed leads to a natural framework for understanding these phenom-
ena. This involves a nonabelian generalization of old work by A. Schwarz
relating analytic torsion to the partition functions of certain quantum field
theories with quadratic actions [32], and indeed Schwarz had conjectured
[ 331 that the Jones polynomial was related to Chern-Simons gauge theory.
Most of the striking insights that come from Chern-Simons gauge theory
depend on use of the Feynman path integral. To make the path integral
rigorous would appear out of reach at present. Of course, results predicted
by the path integral can be checked by, e.g., showing that the claimed
three-manifold invariants transform correctly under surgery, a program
that has been initiated in [30]. Such combinatorial methods-similar to
methods used in the original proofs of topological invariance of the Jones
polynomial-give a verification but not a natural explanation of the three-
dimensional symmetry of the constructions.
In this paper, we pursue the more modest goal of putting the Hamil-
tonian quantization of Chern-Simons gauge theory-which has been dis-
cussed heuristically in [42] and in [7]-on a rigorous basis. In this way
we will obtain new insights about the representations of braid and map-
ping class groups that arise in this theory. These representations have
been constructed, as we have noted, from other points of view, and most
notably from the point of view of conformal field theory. However, three-
dimensional quantum field theory offers a different perspective, in which
the starting point is the fact that affine spaces and their symplectic quo-
tients can be quantized in a natural way. Our goal in this paper is to give a
rigorous construction of the representations of mapping class groups that
are associated with the Jones polynomial, from the point of view of the
three-dimensional quantum field theory.
Canonical quantization. The goal is to associate a Hilbert space to ev-
ery closed oriented 2-manifold Z by canonical quantization of the Chern-
Simons theory on Z x R . As a first step, we construct the physical phase
space, A‘. It i s the symplectic quotient of the space, s f , of G connec-
tions on Z by the group F of bundle automorphisms. It has a symplectic
form w which is k times the most fundamental quantizable syrnplectic
form wo : here k is any positive integer. A is the finite-dimensional
moduli space of flal G connections on Z. We then proceed to quan-
tize .X as canonically as possible. We pick a complex structure J on
Z. This naturally induces a complex structure on A‘, making it into a
Kihler manifold. We may then construct the Hilbert space &“,(C) by
Kahler quantization. If 7 denotes the space of all complex structures on
A , we thus have a bundle of Hilbert spaces X ( C ) -+ F.This “quantum
bundle” will be denoted 2$. For our quantization to be “canonical” it
should be independent of J , at least up to a projective factor. This is
shown by finding a natural projectively flat connection on the quantum
bun d 1e.
The essential relation between Chern-Sirnons gauge theory and confor-
mal field theory is that this projectively flat bundle is the same as the
bundle of “conformal blocks” which arises in the conformal field theory
of current algebra for the group G at level k . This bundle together with
its projectively flat connection is relatively well understood from the point
of view of conformal field theory. (In particular, the property of “dual-
ity” which describes the behavior of the XJ(2) when Z degenerates to
the boundary of moduli space has a clear physical origin in conformal field
theory [4], [40j. The property is essential to the computability of the Jones
polynomial.) The conformal field theory point of view on the subject has
been developed rigorously from the point of view of loop groups by Segal
[34], and f’rom an algebra-geometric point of view by Tsuchiya et al. [39].
Also, there is another rigorous approach to the quantization of A‘ due to
Hitchin 1181. Finally, in his work on non-abelian theta functions, Fay [8]
{using methods more or less close to arguments used in the conformal field
theory literature) has described a heat equation obeyed by the determinant
of the Dirac operator which is closely related to the construction of the
connection and may in fact lead to an independent construction of it.
We will be presenting an alternative description of the connection on
Z ( 2 )which arises quite naturally from the theory of geometric quanti-
zation. In fact, rhis entire paper is the result of combining three simple
( 1) The desired connection and all of its properties are easily understood
for Kahler quantization of a finite-dimensional affine symplectic manifold
at . In that case the connection 1-form is a simple second order differential
operator on d acting on vectors in the quantum Hilbert space (which are
sections of a line bundle over &’ ).
(2) By geometric invariant theory we can present a simple abstract ar-
gument to “push down” this connection “upstairs” for quantization of g ‘
to a connection “downstairs” for the quantization of A‘. Here, is the
symplectic quotient of ~4 by a suitable group of affine symplectic transfor-
mations that preserves the complex structure which is used in quantizing
A? .‘The one-form d for the connection downstairs is a second-order
differential operator on 4.
(3) Even in the gauge theory case where the constructions upstairs are
not well-defined since at is infinite dimensional, we may present the con-
nection downstairs in a well-defined way. We first work in the finite dimen-
sional case and write out an explicit description of 8 . We then interpret
the “downstairs” formulas in the gauge theory case in which the underlying
affine space is infinite dimensional though its symplectic quotient is finite
dimensional. As is familiar from quantum field theory, interpreting the
“downstairs” formulas in the gauge theory context requires regularization
of some infinite sums. This can, however, be done satisfactorily.
What has just been sketched is a very general strategy. It turns out
that we have some ‘‘luck‘‘-the definition of d and the proof of most
of its properties can all be written in terms of the Kahler structure of
dl and a certain regularized determinant which is independent of the
quantization machinery. Since these objects refer only to A? , our final
results are independent of geometric invariant theory. One consequence of
this independence is that our results apply for an arbitrary prequantization
line bundle on A?, and not just for line bundles which arise as pushdowns
of prequantum line bundles on a’.
The infinite dimensionality of the affine space that we are studying
shows up at one key point. Because of what physicists would call an
“anomaly”, one requires a rescaling of the connection 1-form from the
normalization it would have in finite dimensions. This has its counterpart
in conformal field theory as the normalization of the Sugawara construc-
tion [ 141, which is the basic construction giving rise to the connection from
that point of view. This rescaling does not affect the rest of the calculation
’For physicists, geometric invariant theory is just the statement that, in this situation, one
gets the same result by imposing the constraints corresponding to B invariance before Or
after quantization.
except to rescale the final answer for the central curvature of the connec-
tion. This reproduces a result in conformal field theory. From our point of
view, though we can describe what aspects of the geometry of the moduli
space lead to the need to rescale the connection, the deeper meaning of
this step is somewhat mysterious.
Outline. This paper is quite long. Essentially this is because we re-
derive the connection several times from somewhat different viewpoints
and because we describe the special case of genus one in considerable
detail. Most readers, depending on their interests, will be able to omit
some sections of the paper.
For physicists, the main results of interest are mostly in 552 and 5,
and amount to a ( 2 + I)-dimensional derivation of the basic properties
of ( 1 + 1)-dimensional current algebra, including the values of the central
charge and the conformal dimensions. This reverses the logic of previ-
ous treatments in which the understanding of the ( 2 + I)-dimensional
theory ultimately rested, at crucial points, on borrowing known results
in ( 1 + 1)-dimensions. This self-contained (2 + 1)-dimensional approach
should make it possible, in future, to understand theories whose ( 1 + 1)-
dimensional counterparts are not already understood. On the other hand,
a mathematically precise statement of the majority of results of this paper
is given at the beginning of 54. This discussion is essentially self-contained.
In 51, we present a detailed, although elementary, exposition of the
basic concepts of Kahler quantization of affine spaces and their symplectic
quotients. We define the desired connection abstractly. As an example, in
the last subsection we show explicitly how for quantization of the quotient
of a vector space by a lattice, the connection is the operator appearing in
the heat equation for classical theta functions.
The remainder of the paper is devoted to making the results of 51 ex-
plicit in such a way that they essentially carry over to the gauge theory case.
In 52 we discuss this case in detail and construct the desired connection
in a notation that is probably most familiar to physicists.
In 53 we present a more precise and geometric formulation of the re-
sults of 52 in notation suitable for arbitrary affine symplectic quotients.
We derive a formula for the connection that may be written intrinsically
on M . This derivation is, of course, only formal for the gauge theory
In 54, we state and prove most of the main results. Using an ansatz
suggested by the results of 552 and 3 and properties of the intrinsic ge-
ometry of & , we find a well-defined connection. The properties of the
intrinsic geometry of M which we need follow from the local version of
the families index theorem and geometric invariant theory. Using these
properties, and one further fact, we show that the connection is projec-
tively flat. (Actually, there are several candidates for the “further fact” in
question. One argument uses a global result-the absence of holomorphic
vector fields on A-while a second argument is based on a local differ-
ential geometric identity proved in $7. It should also be possible to make
a third proof on lines sketched at the end of $6.) This section is the core
section analyzing the properties of the connection and is rigorous since
all the required analysis has already been done in the proof of the index
In $5 we shall concentrate on the gauge theory case when C is a torus.
We give explicit formulas for our connection and a basis of parallel sections
of the quantum Hilbert bundle A?(X), We also show directly that our
connection is unitary and has the curvature claimed. The parallel sections
are identified with the Weyl-Kac characters for the representations of the
loop group of G . This result is natural from the conformal field theory
point of view, and was originally discussed from the point of view of
quantization of Chern-Simons gauge theory in [7].
In 56 we make some preliminary comments about the unitarity of our
In $7 we develop an extensive machinery allowing us to prove in a sys-
tematic way the one identity left unproved in 54. Our discussion, however,
is incomplete in that we have not checked some details of the analysis of
The appendix contains further formulas relevant to 55.
We would like to thank M. Atiyah, V. Della Pietra, C. Fefferman, D.
Freed, N. Hitchin, C. Simpson, and G. Washnitzer for helpful discussions.
Most of this section is a review of concepts which are well known, al-
though possibly not in precisely this packaging [22], [36], [37], [43].We
review this material in some detail in the hope of making the paper acces-
la. Symplectic geometry and Kiihler quantization. To begin with, we
consider a symplectic manifold d , that is, a manifold with a closed and
nondegenerate two-form w . Nondegeneracy means that if we regard w
as a map from w : T d + T * d , then there is an inverse map up’:
7*& .--t T@ . In local coordinates, a’ , if
(1.4) 1% %I = I‘;,,glps’
where [f,glPB denotes the so-called Poisson bracket
Therefore, the symplectic vector fields that can be derived from Hamilto-
nians form a Lie subalgebra of the totality of symplectic vector fields.
Essentially by virtue of (1.4) the Poisson bracket obeys the Jacobi iden-
so that under the , IPB operation, the smooth functions on d have a Lie
algebra structure. It is evident that the center of this Lie algebra consists
of functions f such that df = 0 ; in other words, if d is connected, it
consists of the constant functions. The smooth functions on &? are also a
commutative, associative algebra under ordinary pointwise multiplication,
and the two structures are compatible in the sense that
of 2’(as a unitary line bundle with connection) may not be unique; given
one choice of 2 , any other choice is of the form 2‘ = 2 @ S , where S
is a flat unitary line bundle, determined by an element of H 1 ( d, U ( 1 ) ) .
The problem of prequantization has a solution for every choice of 3 .
Let i?? be the group of diffeomorphisms of the total space of the line
bundle 9 which preserves all the structure we have introduced (the fibra-
tion over d ,the connection, and the Hermitian structure). Let
H L 2 ( d 2)
, be the “prequantum” Hilbert space of all square integrable
sections of 3 . Since i?? acts on 9 , it also acts on H L 2 ( d ,2). An
element, D ,of the Lie algebra of i F is just a vector field on A lifted
to act on 2 . Acting on H L z ( d , 9) , this corresponds to a first-order
differential operator,
(1.8) D = V, + ih.
Here T is the vector field representing the action of D on the base space
&‘ and h is a function on d .The conditions that D preserves the
connection is that for any vector field u we have
We will describe the second approach; it is the approach that will actually
be useful in what follows.
Pick a complex structure J on M , invariant under affine translations,
such that o is positive and of type (1 , 1). Then one can find n linear
functions z' that are holomorphic in the complex structure J such that
(1.18) c r ~= +idz' A dZ'.
(1.20) p ( T i ) t p = -I/.
That this representation is unitary follows from the identity
features and then properties that are special to affine spaces. To begin, we
review some basic definitions to make our notation clear.
An almost complex structure J on a manifold d is a linear operator
from T d to itself with J 2 = - 1 , i.e. a complex structure on T d . On
T d @ Q2we can form the projection operators nz = f [ 1 - iJ) and K~ =-
$( 1 iJ) . The image of K, is the subspace of T d C on which J acts
In general, any real tensor can be thought of as a complex tensor with the
indices running over i and 7 which correspond to a basis for T d 8 Ctl .
We also assume that J is compatible with w in the sense that
w ( J v , Jw) = w(v , w) for any v , w E T d . This amounts to the as-
sumption that
J' w =-0J
JJ,",, = - w i , J J k .
This is so exactly when w is purely of type ( 1 , 1) .
( I .28) 0 = [V;,VT]
induces a holomorphic structure on -7,the local holomorphic sections
being the sections annihilated by 8;.In particular, since w is of type
(1 , I ) , the prequanturn line bundle 2 ,
which is endowed with a unitary
connection obeying
(1.29) P I ,V , l = -q,,
is always endowed with a holomorphic structure. It is this property that
enables one to define the quantum Hilbert space ZQIJas H : 2 ( d , 9).
Vuriarion of complex struclure. In general, given a symplectic manifold
sf with symplectic structure w , it may be impossible to find a Kahler
polarization-that is, a complex structure J for which w has the proper-
ties of a Kahler form. If however a Ihihler polarization exists, it is certainly
not unique, since it can be conjugated by any symplectic diffeomorphisrn.
To properly justify the name “quantization”, which implies a process in
which one is seeing the underlying symplectic geometry and not properties
that depend on the choice of a Kahler structure, one would ideally like to
have a canonical identification of the as J varies. This, however,
is certainly too much to hope for.
In many important problems, there is a natural choice of Kiihler polari-
zation-for instance, a unique choice compatible with the symmetries of
the problem. We will be dealing with situations in which there is not a
single natural choice of Kiihler polarization, but a preferred family F.
For instance, for d affine we take 7 to consist of translationally in-
variant complex structures such that w is a Kahler form. In such a case,
the spaces ZQ!-, = @>(sf, 2) are the fibers of a Hilbert bundle ZQ
over 3 , ZQIS a subbundle of the trivial Hilbert bundle with total space
the projectively flat connection 6 to identify ZQlbJ with ZQIr, we
get a unitary operator 41 : TQIJ XQl . We consider the association
$ + $1 to represent a quantization of the symplectic transformation @
if the 61, are invariant (at least projectively) under parallel transport by
f Q. In this case we say that 4 is quantizable. It is evident that the
syrnplectic transformations that are quantizable in this sense form a group
'27'' ; for any J , 4 + 41 is a projective representation of this group (the
representations obtained for different J 's are of course conjugate under
parallel transport by dZQ ).
Repeating this discussion at the Lie algebra level, we obtain the follow-
ing definition of quantization of functions h whose flow leaves L7 invari-
ant. (For d affine, h is any quadratic function.) Let 6 J = T V h ( J )E
T J S be the infinitesimal change in J induced by h . Le; 6 be the triv-
ial connection on the trivial bundle Zpr . The quantization of h can be
written as a sum of first-order differential operators on r(Y , Zpr) ,
The first term is the naive prequantum contribution. The second term
represents the fact that the prequantum operator should also be thought
of as moving the complex structure. The third term is our use of 6% to
return to the original complex structure so that h is just a linear transfor-
mation on the fibers of Zpr . To check that (1.30) leaves the subbundle
XQ invariant we observe that acting on sections of ZQ
in { 1.31) follows from the facts that nFv annihilates holornorphic sec-
tions and that 8% takes holomorphic sections to holomorphic sections.
The second equality follows from (1.9). Equation (1.31) shows that
preserves holomorphicity as desired.
The requirement that is independent of complex structure is the
statement that
( 1.32) a%h = 0.
If S q is projectively flat this implies that quantization is a projective
Connection for quantizulion of a8ne space. We now turn to the case in
which d is an affine syrnplectic manifold and 2 7 consists of translation-
ally invariant complex structures. We take a' to be global affine coordi-
nates. By the uniqueness theorem for irreducible unitary representations
of the Heisenberg algebra we know that the projectively flat connection
~ 5 % must exist. It may be defined in several equivalent ways which we
shall discuss in turn.
1. We first present a simple explicit formula for ~ 5 % and then show
that it corresponds to any of the definitions below. The connection S q
is given by
52-( C = d - @ y
(1.34.2) 8' = MQVtVl with
& = - b ( s J w - 1) 4-.
- _
Here 6 J is a one form on Y with values in H o m ( T 9 , Ts') . We call
8"' the connection one-form for d2Q. It is a second-order differential
operator on a ' acting on sections of 2. We use the superscript ' u p ' to
distinguish it from the connection one-form which we will construct for
quantization of the symplectic quotient A .
To demonstrate that 6% preserves holomorphicity and is projectively
flat, we need the variation with respect to J of the statements that .I2 =
- 1 and that J is o-compatible (1.26),that is,
Using these identities as we11 as the fact that V has curvature -iw , it is
easy to check that S q preserves holomorphicity (so that it does in fact
give a connection on the bundle ZQover Y ). To calculate the curvature
Rdzp = (6“$*PI2we first observe that 4” A bup = 0 because holomorphic
derivatives commute. To calculate SdKpwe must remember that the
meaning of the indices 1 and 7 change as we change 1 . One way to
account for this is to use only indices of type i and explicitly write x,
wherever needed. Using the formulas
(1.37.1) dx, = - - 6 J
(1.37.2) 6iTF = + - 6 J ,
we find
(1.38) R f Q = -66” = -B6JL+Jji - = - i T r ( n z 6 J h S J ) .
This is a two-form on Y whose coefficients are multiplication operators
by constant functions, i.e., 8% is projectively flat as desired.
2. The essential feature of the connection that we have just defined is
that 8”’= 6 is a second-order differential operator. The reason for
this key property is that in quantization of an afine space, the Lie algebra
of the afine symplectic group is represented by second-order differential
operators. Indeed, a change 6 J of complex structure is induced by the
flow of the Hamiltonian function
i j
(1.39) h = - + ( w J G J ) j j aa .
In the discussion leading to ( 1.15), we have already defined the quantiza-
tion of a quadratic function
(1.40) h = h,a‘a’ + h p ‘ + h,
by symmetric ordering,
(1.41) p ( h ) = d = h,+(d’&J + &%} + hid’ + h,.
This preserves holomorphicity for any complex structure J and gives a
representation of the quadratic Hamiltonian functions on . Accord- &“elJ
ing to (1.30) (dropping the constant), dup= 6 - SRpe is to be simply
ih - ip,,(h) , with h in (1.41). This leads to the definition (1.34) of the
connection 8% .‘
2Note that ( I .30),with a constant included, holds true for arbitrary h , and not just those
of the form (1.39). By properly including the “melaplectic correction” we can actually find
a flat connection and arrange for all unwanted constant factors to vanish.
3. One natural candidate, which exists quite generally, for the connec-
tion on TQ is the "orthogonally projected" connection for XQconsidered
as it subbundle of the trivial Hilbert bundle Rpr. It may be defined by
where fab‘ are the structure constants of f7. The comoment map is given
by functions Fa whose flow is Ta . Invariance of F under the connected
component of f7 is equivalent to the statement that F is a Lie algebra
For each A E a? , F,(A) are the components of a vector in the dual space
gv . We may view F as a map from a? to gv . Viewed this way it is
called a moment map.
Since the moment map and (0) c 3 are g invariant, so is F-’(O).
The quotient space A = F-’(O)/f7 is called the symplectic or Marsden-
Weinstein quotient of d by 27 With mild assumptions, A is a non-
singular manifold near the points corresponding to generic orbits of Z? in
F - ’ (0) . We will always restrict ourselves to nonsingular regions of A ,
although we do not introduce any special notation to indicate this. We
have the quotient map:
’This quotient plays a role in elementary physics. If a ’ is the phase space of a physical
system, and .F as a group of symmetries, then d is simply the phase space for the effec-
tive dynamics after one restricts to the level sets of the conserved momenta and solves the
equations that can be integrated trivially duc to group invariance. Alternatively, if the F,
are constraints generating gauge transformations of an unphysical phase space, then M is
the physical phase space left after solving the constraints and identifying gauge equivalent
The second to last equality in (1 -57) is due to the fact that, for holomorphic
sections, .Yc-invariance is equivalent to F-invariance. The F-action on
XQ is just the prequantum action. It is invariant under parallel transport
by 13%.
Thus we may identify pQwith a subbundle of XQ which is preserved
under parallel transport by 8% . Therefore S% restricts to the desired
projectively flat connection S 4 on the subbundle 6.
Of course, the
Hermitian structure of PQis the one it inherits as a subbundle of ZQI
In finite dimensions, this is a complete description of the projectively
flat connection on pQ; there is no need to say more. However, even in
finite dimensions, one obtains a better understanding of the projectively
flat connection on A$ by describing it as much as possible in terms of
the intrinsic geometry of A . Moreover, the main application that we
envision is to a gauge theory problem in which S’ and E are infinite
dimensional, though the symplectic quotient A is finite dimensional. In
This Hilbert space pQIJ is, in classical terminology, the space of theta
functions for the polarized abelian variety (A‘,2) .
Classically, one then goes on to consider the behavior as J varies in
the Siege1 upper half plane R , which parametrizes the affine Kahler po-
larizations of d . Thus, the quantum Hilbert spaces PQlJ, as .I vanes,
fit together into a holomorphic bundle PQ over R .
Since the work of Jacobi, it has been known that it is convenient to fix
the theta functions, in their dependence on J , to obey a certain “heat
equation”. While it is well known that the theta functions, for fixed J ,
have a conceptual description as holornorphic sections of the line bundle
9, the conceptual origin of the heat equation which fixes the dependence
on J is much less well known. In fact, this heat equation is most natu-
rally understood in terms of the concepts that we have introduced above.
The heat equation is simply the projectively flat connection d% on the
quantum bundle pQover 12 which expresses the fact that, up to the usual
projective ambiguity, the quantization of A is canonically independent
of the choice of Kahler polarization j . The usual theta functions, which
obey the heat equations, are projectively parallel sections of 2Q. The fact
that they obey the heat equation means that the quantum state that they
represent is independent of J .
Actually, the connection d 4 as we have defined it in equation (1.34)
is only projectively flat. The central curvature of this connection can be
removed by twisting the bundle 9 by a suitable line bundle over R (with
a connection whose curvature is minus that of 8% ). The heat equation as
usually formulated differs from d 4 by such a twisting. In the literature
on geometric quantization, the twisting to remove the central curvature is
called the “metaplectic correction”. We have not incorporated this twisting
in this paper because it cannot be naturally carried out in the gauge theory
problem of interest.
In the rest of this subsection, we shall work out the details of the relation
of the heat equation to the connection d 4 . These details are not needed
in the rest of the paper and can be omitted without loss.
Prequantization of A . A prequantum Herrnitian line bundle on .&
with connection with curvature - i o is, up to isomorphism, the quotient
of d x C under the identifications
( A , v ) ( A + A, e , ( A ) v ) ,
(1.66) 0 = V7s(Z, A ) =
(1.68) d = 6'
[ + -(AL-
where the second line takes into account the dependence of the coordinates
A' and A' on Z . Substituting this expression and the formulas for V, ,
w , and 6 J into (1.67) gives a formula for 6% acting on sections of 6
realized as functions s satisfying (1.60).
A more convenient formula, from the point of view of making contact
with the traditional expressions for theta functions, however, is obtained
by changing the trivialization of 9= d x C so that holomorphic sections
are represented by holomorphic functions of Z and A . Such a change in
trivialization corresponds to a function g : R x d + U2 satisfying
-1 e(z
( A L - A')(AL - A') ,A).
Combining the equations (1.64), (1.65), and (1.72), we find after a short
1 &' i
(1.73) 6 Q = d - -Tr(IrnZ-ld("o)Z),
A . In this section, we will aim for simplicity rather than precision and
rigor. The precision and rigor will be achieved in later sections (which are
independent of this one). Our goal in this section is to explain as directly
as possible and without any unnecessary machinery the precise definition
of the projectively flat connection that is used for quantization of A , for
the benefit of readers who may have use for the formulas. Also, we will
explain in a language that should be familiar to physicists how one sees
from this (2 + 1)-dimensional point of view a subtlety that is well known
in (1 + 1)-dimensions, namely the replacement in many formulas of the
"level" k by k + h , with h being the dual Coxeter number of the gauge
Preliminaries. Let G be a compact Lie group, which for convenience
we take to be simple. The simple Lie algebra Lie(G) admits an invariant
positive definite Killing form ( , ) , unique up to multiplication by a
positive number. If F is the curvature of a universal G-bundle over the
classifying space B G , a choice of ( , ) enables us to define an element
1 = ( F , A F ) of H 4 ( B G , R) . We normalize ( , ) so that A/27r is a
de Rham representative for a generator of H4(BG, Z)E Z , This basic
inner product ( , ) is defined in down to earth terms in the appendix.
Let E be a principal G-bundle on the surface C . Let A be a connection
on E . Locally, after picking a trivialization of E , A can be expanded
(2.1) A= C A " . T,,
where T, is a basis of the Lie algebra Lie(G) of G . We can take T, to
be an orthonormal basis in the sense that (T, , Tb)= dab. In this basis the
Lie algebra Lie(G) may be described explicitly in terms of the structure
constants fab' :
(2.2) 9 Tbl = fabcTc*
Defining fabc = f a b dcd, invariance of ( , ) implies that fabc is com-
pletely antisymmetric.
One has
(2.3) fab'fcd = 2dad ' 7
for E ~ r ( a d ( E ) ) .
The zeros of the moment map F-' (0) thus consist of flat connections,
and the quotient A = F'(O)/F is therefore the moduli space of flat
connections on E , up to gauge transformation. If G is connected and
simply connected, M is simply the moduli space of flat G bundles over
C. If, however, G is not connected and simply connected, there may be
several topological types of flat G bundles on C, and A is the moduli
space of flat bundles with the topological type of E .
The general arguments about symplectic quotients apply in this situa-
tion, so that the symplectic structure wo on d descends to a syrnplectic
mapping class group. We will now sketch how this construction arises from
the three-dimensional point of view. This will be discussed more precisely
elsewhere. To start with, we choose an element of H 4 ( B G , Z) . This al-
lows us to define an R/2aZ valued "Chern-Simons" functional of connec-
tions on G bundles over three-manifolds with boundary, as discussed in
[ 6 ] . The functional S obeys the factorization property that e'S(Mo3E09Ao) =
~ ' if the three-manifold Mo with bundle E, and
~ ' E (I , A ~I ) . 1 e'S(M2vE2vAz)
along with
lz d7dz = i&)
(2.24) Lz'b(z 1 w,= D$'b(z, w).
They are sections, respectively, of K,@ad(E,)@ad(E2)"and R , @ a d ( E , ) g
ad(Ez)",over Z x E; - A , and obviously obey (for A a flat connection)
(2.25) D;Lzab(z> w )= -Dizra(,(Z w )= dab&,(Z
I > w)-
The point of this formula is that arbitrary derivatives with respect to A,,
appearing on the left, are expressed in terms of derivatives .9(i,in finitely
many directions that correspond exactly to the tangent directions to A .
We also will require formulas for the change in the ,l(;)‘(z) and their
complex conjugates x ( i ) o ( z )under a change in the flat connection A .
There is some arbitrariness here, since although the sum
This choice is natural since A , does not appear in the equation obeyed by
the I(;)(in other words this equation depends antiholomorphically on the
connection). Varying (2.28) with respect to the connection and requiring
that the orthonormality of the ,I( ;) be preserved then leads to
Given the formulas for the symplectic structure and complex structure of
a’ , (2.37) is an almost precise formal transcription of the basic formula-
equation ( 1.34)-for quantization of an affine space. However, for finite-
dimensional affine spaces, one would have t = 1 , as we see in ( 1.34); in
the present infinite-dimensional situation, it is essential, as we will see, to
permit ourselves the freedom of taking t # 1 .
where we have blindly used (2.36); the meaning of this formal expression
that involves the value of a Green's function on the diagonal will have to
be discussed later. With the help of (2.39) and (2.40), one finds that upon
moving S / d A t ( ( z ) to the right and setting F = 0 one gets
(2.45) 9=
s, dzdzDica(z)h;(z).
Let us introduce the current Jzc(z) = 6, h:( z ) c ( z ) and the stress tensor
d d
where the symbol ( )’ means to take an expectation value with the kernel
of the kinetic operator Dz projected out. Interpreted in this way, the
desired Green’s functions on the diagonal have been extensively studied
together with the group laws S(0, g) = 1 and S ( 4 1 + ~g2),= S(41J e4Zg).
S ( d 2 ,g) . Here, JgR is the scalar curvature density of the metric g . The
crucial property of S(4, g ) is that it is independent of the connection A .
We conclude that under a conformal rescaling of the metric, the current
expectation value defined in (2.49) is invariant. On the other hand, the
expectation value (2.50) of the stress tensor transforms as
parts, and using (2.28). It follows more conceptually from the fact that
the connection may be written in a form intrinsic on A (see $4) and from
the fact that H and the Kahler structure on A% depend on the complex
structure J on C only up to isotopy.
Properties to be verified. Let us state precisely what has been achieved so
far. Over the moduli space A of flat connections, we fix a Hermitian line
bundle 9 of curvature -i& with an action of the mapping class group,
The prequantum Hilbert space is r(&,9). The prequantum bundle
over Teichmuller space 7 is the trivial bundle 4r = r ( J ,2) x L7.
The connection S - t b (with the regularization defined in (2.49), (2.50))is
rigorously well defined as a connection on the prequantum bundle. What
remains is to show that this connection has the following desired proper-
(i) The quantum bundle pQover 7 is the subbundle of %r consisting
of holomorphic sections of the prequantum line bundle; that is, &QIJ, =
H0(&, , 9). We would like to show that (with the correct choice of the
parameter t ) the connection S - t@ on <r preserves holomorphicity and
thus restricts to a connection on pQ.
(ii) We would like to show that this restricted connection, d 4 , is pro-
jectively flat, and that it is unitary for the correct choice of a unitary
structure on A$.
Of course, for symplectic quotients of finite-dimensional affine spaces,
these properties would be automatic consequences of simple “upstairs”
facts that are easy to verify. The reason that there is something to be done
is that here the underlying affine space is infinite dimensional. Since we do
not have a rigorous quantization of the “upstairs” space, we need to verify
ex post facto that the connection 13% has the desired properties. Except
for unitarity, which we will not be able to understand except in genus one
(see $ 5 ) , this will be done in $53, 4, and 7. The computations will be done
in a framework that is expressed directly, to the extent possible, in terms
of the intrinsic geometry of the moduli space A . These computations
could be carried out directly in the framework and notation of the present
section, but they are simpler if expressed in terms of the intrinsic geometry
of A%. However, we will here describe (nonrigorously, but in a language
that may be quite familiar to some readers) a small piece of the direct,
explicit verification of property (i). This piece of the verification of (i)
is illuminating because it explains a phenomenon that is well known in
conformal field theory, namely the replacement of the “level” k by k h +
in many formulas.
The anomaly. In (2.30) and (2.31), we have introduced bases 9(i, and
g ( m ) of T ( ’ > ’ ) Land T ( ’ ” ) L , respectively. The symplectic structure
This can be verified directly using (2.18) and the orthonormality of the I ’s
(and the fact that a section of 9 over A is the same as a %-invariant
section on JZ? ).
Now, property (1) above-that the connection 6 - tb preserves holo-
morphicity-amounts to the statement that, at least when acting on holo-
morphic sections of 9 ,
The analogue of (2.56) would of course be true for symplectic quotients
of finite-dimensional affine spaces. For the present problem, (2.56) can be
verified directly although tediously. In doing so, one meets many terms
that would be present in the finite-dimensional case. There is really only
one point at which one meets an “anomaly” that would not be present in
the finite-dimensional case. This comes from the term in t[g(m), 81 with
the structure
Terms of the same structure come from two other sources. As we see in
(2.42), the last term in the connection form d is a second-order differ-
ential operator 8,.In computing @(,) @,], one finds with the use of
2.55 a term
(2.60) -
In the absence of the anomalous term (2.59), the two terms (2.63) and
(2.60) would cancel precisely if t = 1 . This is why the correct value in
That the connection form is proportional to l / ( k h ) rather than l / k ,
which one would obtain in quantizing a finite dimensional affine space,
is analogous to (and can be considered to explain) similar phenomena in
two-dimensional conformal field theory.
The rest of the verification of (2.56) is tedious but straightforward. No
further anomalies arise; the computation proceeds jusl as it would in the
quantization of a finite-dimensional afine space. We forego the details
here, since we will give a succinct and rigorous proof of (2.56) in 54.
Abstract. It is shown how coupling to gauge fields can be used to explain the basic
facts concerning holomorphic factorization of the WZW model of two dimen-
sional conformal field theory, which previously have been understood primarily by
using conformal field theory Ward identities. We also consider in a similar vein the
holomorphic factorization of G / H coset models. We discuss the G / G model as a
topological field theory and comment on a conjecture by Spiegelglas.
1. Introduction
The WZW model of two dimensional conformal field thcory [I] is a quantum field
theory in which thc basic field is a map g:C+G, 2' being a two dimensional
Riemann surface and G being a compact Lie group, which for simplicity we will in
this paper take to be simple, connected and simply connected. The basic WZW
functional is
I ( g ) = 8~ I5 d 2 6 ~ e i j T r ( g - l a i g . g - ' a i g ) ~ i T ( g ) ,
~ ~ (1.1)
where m i s the left and right invariant three form on the G manifold defined by
w = -Tr(g-' dg A g- ' d g A g - dg)
' . (1.3)
190 E. Witten
T(g)is well defied (independent of the choice of B and the extension of g over B)
modulo the periods of w.In these formulas, “Tr” is an invariant quadratic form on
the Lie algebra of G which we take to be the smallest multiple of the trace in the
adjoint representation such that the periods of w are multiples of 2x. (For
G = SU(N), “Tr” is simply the trace in the N dimensional representation.) The
condition on the periods ensures that the WZW functional I ( g ) is well-defined as a
map to C/27cZ, so that e-r(g)is well-defined as a complex valued functional on the
space of maps Z-G.
The Lagrangian of the WZW model is L(g)= kl(g),where k is a positive integer
called the “level,” and the partition function Z of the WZW model is formally
defined as a Feynman path integral,
Z = J D g e - L = JDge-“. (3.4)
2 depends, of course, on the metric e of C which enters in the definition of I.
Conformal invariance of the WZW model means that apart from a relatively
elementary factor given by the conformal anomaly, Z depends only on the complex
structure determined by p .
The WZW model is essentially exactly soluble; the ability to solve it depends on
its holomorphic factorization, first investigated by Knizhnik and Zamolodchikov
[53. Holomorphic factorization of the WZW model means that locally on the
space of complex structures one can write 2 = fs, where the are holomorphic
functions on the space of complex structures. Globally, as advocated by Friedan
and Shenker [ 6 ] , one interprets this formula to mean Z = ( J f j , where f is a
holomorphic section of a certain flat vector bundle Y’ over moduli space equipped
with a hermitian form ( , }. (The conformal anomaly means that these statements
require a somewhat more precise formulation.) The flat bundles that arise in this
way have been extensively studied [7,&] and have been seen to have a natural
origin in gauge theories [9-12]. To date, the existencc of a holomorphic
factorization of the W Z W model has mostly k e n understood using conformal
field theory Ward identities, this being the original point of view of Knizhnik and
Zamolodchikov. The purpose of the present paper i s to use gauge theories - or
more cxactly, coupling ofthe WZW model to gauge fields - to deduce the existence
of a holomorphic factorization. Many of the key steps have been previously
exploited by Gawedzki and Kupianen 113,141. See also the work of Bernard [l 51
on the heat equation obeyed by characters of afine Lie algebras. Themain novelty
which motivated me to write the present paper is the integration over the gauge
field and use of the Polyakov-Wiegmann formula to prove that the partition
function has a holomorphic factorization; see the derivation of Eq. (2.28). Our
treatment will be formal; we will make no claim to analyze the quantum
Gauged WZW models have been extensively studied [l6-18, 141, mainly with
the aim of giving a Lagrangian description of the GKO coset models [19] (whose
prehistory goes back to the early days of string theory 1201). After developing our
approach to holornorphic:hctorization of the WZW model in Sect. 2, we will apply
the same methods to holomorphic factorization of coset models in Sect. 3
(recovering obscrvations of Moore and Scibcrg [Zl] and Gawedzki and Kupianen
[I 3, 143, and then we wiH consider the special case of the G/G cosct model, where
sharper statements can be made, as this theory is actually a topological field
theory. The GIG model has been investigated by Spiegelglas [ 2 2 ] .
The WZW action functional I ( g ) is invariant under the usual action of G x G (often
called G, x G,) on the G manifold. An element (a,b) of G, x G , acts on G by
g - + u g b - ’ . ’ Given a Lagrangian with a (global) symmetry, it is usually possible to
“gauge” the symmetry, introducing gauge fields and constructing a gauge
invariant extension of the original Lagrangian. In particular, gauging the WZW
model means generalizing the theory from the case in which g is a map C+G to the
case in which g is a section of a bundle X+.Z with fiber G and structure group
G , x G , or a subgroup. Letting A be a connection on such a bundle, one aims to find
a gauge invariant functional I ( g , A ) (whose variation with respect to g or A is
required to be given by a local formula) which reduces, for X the trivial bundle and
A=O, to I(g).
In the case of the WZW model, such a gauge invariant extension does not exist.
There is no problem in gauging the first term in (1.1)- one just replaces derivatives
by covariant derivatives. However, the Wess-Zumino term T ( g ) does not have a
gauge invariant extension unless one restricts to an “anomaly-free’’ subgroup F of
G , x G , (and considers bundles X+Z with structure group F). The condition for a
subgroup to be anomaly free can be stated as follows. For any subgroup F of
G , x G,, 9, and 8, (the adjoint representations of G , and G,) are F modules.
If Tr, and Tr, are the traces in 8, and 9,,then the condition for absence of anoma-
lies is that for any t, t ’ E 9 (the Lie algebra of F )
Tr,tt’-Tr,tt’=O. (2.1)
(As will be clear in the appendix, this statement is equivalent to the statement that
the class in H3(G,R)represented by (0has an extension in Ha(G,R), where HZf i s
the F-equivariant cohomology.) In the appendix, we will review the derivation of
(2.1)for the benefit of readcrs not alrcady familiar with such matters and to clarify a
few gcomctrical points. Some readers may want to consult the appendix first, but
this should not be necessary for readers who are familiar with gauged WZW
models or are willing to verify by hand a few easily verified formulas.
We will also be interested in gauged WZW actions in cases in which (2.1) is nut
obeyed. In such a casc, onc cannot construct a gauge invariant I(g, A ) , but one can
find a “best possible” I ( g , A ) , such that thc violation of gauge invariance is a
multiple of a standard “anomaly” expression that depends on A but not on g. [A
topological explanation of why it is possible to do this will be given in the
appendix, where the detailed formula for I ( g , A ) is also explained.]
Wc will adopt the following convcntions: z will be a local complex coordinate
on Z, d2 z is the measure Idzdrl, and the components of A are defined by A = A,dr
+ A,dZ. We sometimes use the Levi-Civita antisymmetric tensor density E ~ Jwith
E‘’ = - 8’‘ = i. (That is, for one forms u and b, we write J u A h = 5 d2zcijaihj.)Our
z b
orientation conventions can be most efficiently and usefully explained by saying
that the variation of the Wess-Zumino term under 6 g = -gu is
192 E. Witten
For simplicity, we will in this paper consider only the case that G is connected and
simply connected, so that a G bundle over Z, is trivial.
To begin with, we consider the case that F = G,. In this case, (2.1j is not obeyed, so a
gauge invariant functional I(g,Aj does not exist. However, we take
1 1
I(g, A) =I(g)+ 2.1r d2z Tr A,g-' 8,g - - j d2z Tr &A,, (2.3)
4n E
and second
6 k
+ &&A,- "
Equation (2.7) is proved simply by acting with the left-hand side on the integral
representation of Y', and differentiating undcr the integral sign. Equation (2.8)is a
consequence of the standard anomaly Eq. (2.5). By differentiating under the
integral sign, one finds that the left-hand side uf (2.8) eyuats
[-LD 1-
DA,(z)’ DA,(w)
k 6(z, w).
which in view of (2.12) can be written in a way that does not refer to the complex
These equations are closely related to the basic formulas that appear in
canonical quantization of 2 + 1 dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory, as
explained, for instance, in Sect. 2 of [11] or in [lo]. Let d be the space of
connections on (the trivial F bundle over) C. d has a symplectic structure that can
be defined purely in differential topology, without choosing a conformal structure
on C. It can be defined by the formula
where a, and a, are any two adjoint-valued one forms representing tangent vectors
to d.“Prequantization” of d (in the sense of Kostant [23] and Souriau [24])
means constructing a unitary complex line bundle 9 with a connection whose
curvature is -iw. Equation (2.10) can be regarded as a formula defining a
connection on the trivial complex line bundle 9= d x C over d (which we take
with the standard unitary structure). This connection according to (2.11) has
curvature -ikw. The factor of k means that 9, with this connection, can be
identified as Y e t ,with Y the basic prequantum line bundle.
Hence (2.10) and (2.11) actually describe prequantization of d,with the
symplectic structure kw. The notion of prequantization obviously does not depend
on a choice of polarization or complex structure, and indeed, though (2.10) and
(2.11) are written in terms of a local complex coordinate on C, they are actually
entirely independent of the conformal structure of C. Y ( A )is best regarded not as a
“function” on d but as a section of the prequantum line bundle Z e k .
The complex structure enters when one wishes to quantize d.A choice of
complex structure on C determines a complex structure on d - in which the A , are
holomorphic and the A , are antihdomorphic. This complex structure is a
i 94 E. Witten
(The second term is the contribution of the classical “rnomcnt map.”) We can thus
see the meaning of (2.13) or (2.14) - !P is gauge invariant, as a section of LfBk.
The two conditions we have found that Y is holomorphic and gauge invariant
By now we have defined, for every complex Riemann surface Z, a vector space I/
consisting of holomorphic, gauge invariant sections of the line bundle PBk over
the space ,dof connections. A natural Hermitian structure on Y is given formally
4x r
C o m p a a ( 2 . 6 ) and (2.22),it is evident that in fact x is the complex conjugate of P,
r ( A )= W A ) .
We now come to the key step in the present paper. We use these integral
representations to compute IY12:
J DA m Y ( A )
‘y‘2= va@j d
vol (G)
J DgDhDA exp - k I ( g ) k l ( h ) -
- J d2z Tr A,g- d,g
27L H
k k
+- I d2z TrA,ii,h h - ’ + 2x
27L J
~5r d 2 z TrAJ, (2.23)
196 E. Witten
Notice that the integrand is invariant under gauge transformations of the form
Sg=-gU, Gh=uh, SA,=-D,u. (2.24)
This follows from the cancellation between (2.5) and (2.21).
We can perform the integral over A, using the fact that the exponent in (2.23) is
quadratic in A and the operator appearing in the quadratic term is a multiple of the
Gaussian integration over A gives
So far, we have considered the surface 2' with a ,fixed complex structure. At this
level, Z(Z) is a number; Y is a vector in a fixed vector space !I Equation (2.28) is a
relation between them. In this form, the relation is not very remarkable. It gains
interest when one permits the complex structure of .E to vary.
We will work over thc space Y of all conformal classcs of metrics on 2. Evcry
conformal mctric Q determincs a complcx structurc. For any given Q. wc can dcfinc
a vector space V, consisting of holomorphic and gauge invariant sections of the
* We can assume a regularization in which the determinant of a multiple of the identity is one.
With an arbitrary rcgulariration, such a determinant is a factor of the form erx''), whcrc c is a
universal constant, indrpcndcnt of Z, and x(Z)is the Euler characteristicof 2. Such a bctor can be
rcmovcd by adding to the WZW action a multiple nf J I/pR, where R is the scalar curvature of a
metric p that is compatible with thc complcx structurc of Z
Holomorphic Factorization of WZW and Coset Models 191
It is now just a matter of differentiating under the integral sign to show that
Y ( A ;e) as defined in (2.6) is annihilated by V(l-o). This has essentially been done in
[13]. We have
S“.o)Y = J D g e - k r ( A * g-
) ~ J d2z&,,e2” Tr(g-’D,g)’),
so that
198 E. Witten
with some expansion coeficients f , . Equation (2.35) means simply that the fk(e) are
anti-holomorphic functions on Y in the usual sense. Consequently, (2.28) amounts
to an expression
The current is
SAz 2n
The fact that
K , = - (n,kj. Tr J t , (2.40)
which obviously was the main point in the derivation of (2.35), is known as the
(classical form of the) Sugawara-Sommerfield construction. It is well known that
when J , is defined as a quantum operator, T r J i must be defined with some point
splitting or other regularization; this has the effect of replacing k by k + h (h being
the dual Coxeter numbcr of G). Scc [13, Eq. (49)] for some discussion of this in the
present context.
Obviously, our discussion has been purely formal, and we have made no
attempt to pruve that the key statements, such as the statement (2.28) of
holomorphic factorization, survive the quantum anomalics. A proper treatment
would have to address theconformal anomalies that affect both 2 and 'P and show
that the left- and right-hand sides of (2.28) have the same conformal anomaly and
are equal.
Finally, the gauge invariant functional
that appeared in the exponent in (2.23) deserves some comment. Let G' be the
compact, connected, and simply connected group G'= G x G . The pairfg,11) : C+G
x G can be rcgarded as a map of C to G'. The G' WZW actiun i s just I(R, h) =I(g)
+ I(h). Let F be the subgroup of G). x G Rconsisting of clcmcnts of the form ((1, u),
(C', 1)). In other words, k' acts by ( g , h ) + ( g a - ' , u h ) . rhen F is an anomaly free
subgroup of Cl x C i [in the sense that (2.1)is obeyed]. Therefore a gauge invariant
action I ( g , h , A ) , reducing to I ( g , h ) at A = & exists. It is precisely (2.41). Our
computation of holomorphic factorization amounted to demonstrating that if
ZJZ) is the partition function of the WZW model with target G, and ZGr!F(X) is the
partition function ofa gauged WZW modcl with targct C' and gauge group F. then
Z,(Z) =z,,m I (2.42)
Holomorphic factorization has its origin, from this point of view, in the fact that
when one computes the action (2.41) of the gauged G I F model, it turns out to be
the sum of a functional of g and a functional of h. Since exponentiating the action
(to get the integrand of the path integral) turns sums into products, this leads to the
ability to factorize Z,.,,,(Z) in the fashion that we have described.
So far we have considered gauged WZW models only as a technical tool in order to
understand ordinary WZW models. The gauged WZW models are, however,
interesting models of conformal field theory in their own right. For every anomaly-
free subgroup F of G , x G, (that is, every subgroup obeying the condition in (2.1)),
one has a corresponding gauge invariant generalization of the WZW action,
which, upon quantization, leads to a conformal field theory model. The models
that arise this way are equivalent to coset models, as has been shown by several
authors cited in the introduction.
The most standard examples of anomaly-free subgroups of G, x G , are the
following. Let G,,, be the diagonal subgroup of G,, x G, (acting by g+aga-',
a E C). Let H be any subgroup of Cadj.Such an H is always anomaly free.
Let B be an H-valued connection. Since H is an anomaly-free group, a gauge-
invariant extension I(g,B) of the WZW action I ( g ) exists. Explicitly, it is
The arguincnt could a1w he expressed In terms of il certain anomaly free subgroup of GLx C;
where G'=C x G. This formulation would proceed in paratlel with the last paragraph of Sect. 2
200 E. Witten
gauge invariant action I(g, A, B ) extending the WZW action does not exist, since
the subgroupF ofG, x G, is not anomaly free. Analogous to (2.3), there is instead a
best possible action, uniquely determined by requiring that the violation of gauge
invariance is independent of g and of the conformal structure of Z.This action is
I 1 .
I(g, A , B ) = l ( g ) + - J d'z TrA,g-'d,g- - 1 dZz trB,d,g.g-'
27L E 2n E
+ 27l1 zj d'z
- TrB,gA,g-'- - 1d2z Tr(A,A,+B,BJ.
4n E
Gg=ag-gu, 6 A i = - D i u 9 6Bi=-Dia (3.4)
(here u and v are zero forms valued, respectively, in the Lie algebras of G and H), we
S l ( g , A, B ) = - j d2z Tru(d,A,- i?=-4,-CZB,
471 2
+ Q,)
- j Tru(dA-dB). (3.5)
471 1
Before proceeding, let us make a few comments on the global structure. If G has
a nontrivial center Z(G),then Z(G),diagonally embedded in G , x G,, acts trivially
in the WZW model (since g=ago for u t Z(G)).The symmetry group that acts
faithfully in the WZW model is hence really ( G , x G,)/Z(G).Similarly, F = H, x G,
does not act faithfully; the group that acts faithfully is F ' = ( H , x GR)/Z,whcre
Z = H n Z ( G ) . To make thc most precise statements in what follows, it is best to
think of the pair ( A , B ) as a gauge field with structure group F',The group of maps
of 1 to F will be called p.The complexilication of F' will be called F& and the
group of maps of Z , to F& will be callcd The groJpF of maps of? to H, G, and
their cornplexifications H,: and G , will bc called H,G, A,, and G,.
Now, as in Sect. 2, we introduce the holomarphic wave function
X(A,8)= J D g e - k " d J . B ' . (3.6)
x obeys certain conditions anatogous tn those studied in Sect. 2. To exhibit these,
we let d be the space of F-valued connections on I,W the apace of H-valued
connections,and O = d x g . We want to considere asasymplectic manifold, with
thc symplectic structure given by the formula
1 1
o(a,,h,;a,,b,)=- JTra,~a,-- (Trb,~b, (3.7)
271 P 2n i.
(Here the a,and bj are respectively one forms with values in thc Lie algebras of G or
H . The pairs (u,, b,) and(a2,6,)define tangent vectors to V .The "Tr"in the second
expression on the right of (3.7) is the quadratic form on the H Lie algebra that is
induced from the embedding of H in G.)The minus sign before the second term in
(3.7) is characteristic of coset models. Prequantization means construcling a line
bundle Y over V with a unitary connection of curvaturc --iw.
Rather as in Sect. 2, the line bundle over V that is relevant is the trivial line
bundle endowed with a connection described by the following formulas:
D S - k
DA, 6A, 4a A''
D - 6 k
~ - - -A , ,
DA, 6A, 4x
D - S k (3.8)
_ _ - + -&,
DB, SB, 471
D 6 k
4x Bz .
DB, 63,
Computing the curvature of this connection, we see that the trivial line bundle
endowed with this connection is isomorphic to 9 0 Q k ,which is how we will refer to it
henceforth. The action of the gauge group (that is, the group ofmaps of Z to G x H)
on W lifts to an action on POQk.The lift is described at the Lie algebra level by the
obvious generalization of (2.17); the G action is generated by the operators
D ik ..
D; __ - -&"F,j(A), (3.9)
DA, 4a
and the H action is generated by
As in the discussion of (2.14), this equation means that x is gauge invariant in th_c
appropriate scnsc: it is invariant under the natural lift of the action of the group F
of gaugc transformations 10 an action on sections of Y@jk.
If H (or G) is not connected and simply connected, describing a lift o f thc gaugc group to act on
Yak requircs morc than the lift of the Lie algebra described by these l ~ r m u l a sThe
. lull story is
naturally described using the gauge theory approach to prequantszation of the space ul
conncctions 127-291 and will not bz explained here, Lhough the exisccncc nf a natural lift is
essential later when we consider the role of thc ccnter or G
202 E. Witten
Let W be the space of holomorphic sections of TBk which are invariant - such
as x. We will devote this subsection to a detailed characterization of W Wis a finite
dimensional vector space which can be give_nthe following concrete descripti0n.h
holomorphic section_of 2’@’k which is F invariant is automatically also Fc
invariant. Let &‘=V/FCAccording to the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, 9is the
moduli space of flat F’-valued connections on Z, up to gauge transformation. W
gets a complex structure from its interpretation as the quotient of the complex
manifold V by the complex group Fc. The holomorphic line bundle SBk over %‘
pushes d_own to a holomorphic line bundle, which we will call by the same name,
over 8. Fk invarisnt sections of 6p@’over V are pullbacks of sections of pBk over
9, so W = H o ( 9 , T * k ) .This is the space identified in [21,14] as the space of
conformal blocks of the coset model.
W is finite dimensional, since 9 is compact. In fact, if 2 is trivial, then W = A
x A”,where A=d/& and A*=S/&. As is apparent from (3.111, the complex
structure on A is the standard one, and the complex structure on is the
opposite one. We will refer to A”with the opposite complex structure as 2.If 9cLl
is the standard prequantum line bundle over A and 2,*,,, is the standard
prequantum line bundle over -f (and we denote their pullbacks to x &” by the
same symbols), then 5YBk= 2’:f@5?&-k’. The minus sign, of course, comes from
the minus sign in the second term in (3.7). [As Y(21 has curvature of type (1,l): it is
naturally holomorphic both in the standard complex structure on A- and the
opposite one.] Consequently, if Z is trivial,
W = H O ( 9 , 8 @ k ) = H * [ * R Ix 2 - , 9 $ ; @ 9 & - k ~ )
= P(&,
Lf;)(-kI), (3.13)
The space of conformal blocks of the WZW model with target group G, studied
in Sect. 2, was
v, =H * ( A , qy) . (3.14)
Likewise, the space of conformal blocks nfthe WZW model with target group H is
vrr H%v, q:;).
=; (3.15)
Here we take JV with its standard complex structure, and a positive tensor power
of Y(2,.
Upon reversing the complex structure on A‘ and 9’‘2), we see that, if hF is
the dual vector space to V,, then
v,. =HO(2, Y *( - L’) . (3.16)
Consequently, if 2 is trivial,
w7=vc@qp~ (3.17)
Now, we want to find the appropriate statement that holds when Z is not trivial.
First of all, the natural projection of F 4 F ‘ induces a natural map i : PAP”. i is not
quite an ernbcdding; the kernel consists of constant gauge transformations 62
elements of the center of E. i is also not quite surjective; the quotient Z ’ = p i i ( F )
consists of “twists” by elements of Z in going around closed one-cycles in Z
(described explicitly at the end of this subsection), so in fact 2;‘ = Hom(N,(Z, a, Z).
Thus we have an exact sequence
O-ti[P)+P - Z’-0. (3.1 8)
(It is convenient to divide by vol(G). vol(8), and not by vol(P), which differs from
this by a factor of #Z, the number of elements in Z.) We want to show that the
partition function of the GIH coset model is
ZG,H(4 = lXIZ ' (3.23)
The reasoning required is very similar to that in Sect. 2, so we will be brief. One first
introduces a conjugate WZW model, with gauge group G, x H,. The action, for
h : C +G, and A and B gauge fields of G, and H,, is
1 1
+- 2n I
J d2z Tr A,hB,h-' - - J dZzTr(A,A, + B,B,) . (3.24)
4n 2
We thus get an integral expression for x(A,B):
x(A,B )= j" Dh e-kr'(h,A,B). (3.25)
Combining (3.6) and (3.25), we get
204 E. Witten
Writing out the exponent on the right-hand sideof(3.26) explicitly, one sees that
it is quadratic in A. The integral over A is Gaussian, therefore. After doing this
integral one finds that, using the Polyakov-Wiegman formula, the integral over g
and h collapses to an integral over f = gh. The remaining functional integral is
precisely the definition (3.2) of the partition function Z,,,(Z) of the G/II model,
completing the formal proofof(3.23).These steps proceed precisely in parallel with
the corresponding points in the derivation of (2.28), and will not be elaborated
It remains to consider what happens when the complex structure of 1 varies,
Again, the parallel with Sect. 2 is so close that we can be brief. When the mrnplex
structure of ,Z varies, W varies, as the fiber of a vector bundtc W Over the space Y
of complex structures on E. w' has a projectively flat connection, gwcn by formulas
analogous to those of Sect. 2. The holomorphic structure of f 'is defined by saying
that a section z(A, B ; pj is holomorphic if it is annihilated by the (0,lj part of the
In this section, we will consider the special case of the G/H coset model for H = C.
This casc is particularly simple, being a topological field theory, and as a result
sharper statements can be made. The understanding of these statements also
illuminates the "ordinary" models, even the original WZW model, as we will see.
The action of the G/G model is the familiar G/H action,
specialized to the casc H = G . Thus, B is now a gauge field valued in the Lie algebra
of G . ( E is of course gauging the adjoint subgroup of G, x GR,so the covariant
derivative of g will be Dig= aig [Be g].) The main novelty of the case G = H is that
this model is a topological field theory, in the sense that (for instance) the partition
is independent of the metric of C. We will first prove this directly, and then
reformulate the argument in the language of holomorphic factorization.
For the direct proof, we note that under an infinitesimal change in the metric of
C,the action of the gauged WZW model changes according to the following
+ J d z z 6 ~ , , ~ 'Tr(D,g-g-')"),
" (4.4)
and we must show that this vanishes. To do this, we will show that the integrand in
(4.4) is a total derivative in function space. In fact, since the variation of the action
in a change of the connection B is
Assuming that one can integrate by part in function space, the left-hand side of(4.6)
vanishes, and this means that the first term on the right-hand side of (4.4) can be
discarded. The second term on the right-hand side of (4.4) similarly vanishes since
4.1. Factorization
The attentive reader will note that the key fact in the last paragraph was the
Sugaward-Sommerfield construction (2.40), which also played a key role in the
analysis ofholomorphic factorization of general WZW and coset models. In fact, it
is illuminating to recast the above argument in the language of holomorphic
206 E. Witten
+- 1dzz Tr B,gA,g-
2n E
- ~
4x x
d2z Tr(A,A, + &,B,f. (4.8)
The novelty, compared to the case of arbitrary H , is that ROW there is a kind of
symmetry betwcen thc Gr. and ci, gauge fields B and A : (4.8) is invariant under
reversing the complex structure (or equivalently, the orientation) of E,exchanging
g with g - l , and exchanging A and B. [Alternatively, if one exchanges g with g-'
and exchanges A and B, while leaving the orientation of Z fixed, then (4.8) is
complex conjugated.] We want to 5ee the consequences of this.
Just as in the general case of arbitrary ff,onc introduces the holomorphic wave
X(A,B) = 5 Dg p - w A , R ) . (4.9)
The general arguments specialized to this case show that the norm of x is
Ix12= z C ! m (4.10)
and that x is anti-holomorphic,
p1,0'* =0 . (4.11)
The novelty is the symmetry between A and B, which reverses the complex
structures, and so makes it apparent that must also be holomorphic,
V(0,1'* = 0. (4.12)
Equations (4.11) and (4.12) can both be proved by using the general definition
(3.27) and (3.28) of the connection and differentiating under the integral sign, as in
the proof of (2.35).
Equations (4.11) and (4.12) together mean that x is covariantly constant, and
hence 1x1' is a constant. From the factorization Iaw(4.10) we thusdeduce again that
Z,&) is independent of the metric.
To probe more deeply, we now recall the genera! description in Sect. 3 of the
vector bundle W in which holomorphic factorization of the coset model takes
place. We had
x E WXJG*lZ' > (4.13)
v, = H O ( A , 9"k) , (4.14)
VH= HO(./V, Y O k ) .
Setting H = G and interpreting V,@ V,, as Hom( V,, VG),we have
x E (Hom(vG,v,))z'. (4.1 5)
Now, Hom( V,, VG)contains a canonical (and 2-invariant) element, the identity
map 1 ; it is natural to ask whether x = 3 .
This is proved by replacing each of the three copies of x that appear in (4.17 ) with
the integral representation (4.9); performing the Gaussian integral over B, and
using the Polyakov-Wiegmann formula Gust as in the original proof of holo-
morphic factorization in Sect. 2.2).
Equation (4.16) means that x is the orthogonal projection operator onto a
subbundle Y ’of Y“ (whose inclusion in Y is compatible with the projectively flat
connection on Y lsince y, is covariantly constant). It will be evident presently that
holomorphic factorization can be carried out in Y‘. One expects that x = 1 and
, the methods of this paper do not seem to suffice for proving this.
V ’ = f ^but
The fact that x is covariantly constant means that if e,(A; e) is an orthonormal
basis ofcovariantly constant sections of Y ’ ,then x(A, B ; e)= 1 Qiiei(A;p)epB;e),
with some constants Qi,? The fact that x 2 = x (and x = 1 when restricted to V’,
definition of V ’ )means that Qi.j = 6,. So
Now we will see what we can learn about the original WZW model, and general
coset models, by applying our knowledge of the G / G model. The reason that one
can learn something interesting is that, upon returning to the definition (4.9) of x,
and noting that I(g,O,O) is the original action of the WZW model, we see that the
partition function of the WZW model is
ZG(C)= x(0,O;e) . (4.20)
In view of (4.18), we get therefore
m E. Witten
This formula expresses the partition function of the WZW model in terms of
quantities that naturally arise in quantizing the moduli space d of G-valued
connections, namely the orthonormal parallel sections ei(A;Q).
As a check, let us verify that (4.21) is compatible with the earlier description of
Z,(c) as the norm squared of a holomorphic section of T :
Z,(Z) = 1 YIZ. (4.22)
Recalling the definition (2.6)of Y , we see that Y ( A ;e)= ,y(A,0; e),so from (4.18) we
get dimc’ -
‘W;el = 1 44 deAO; el. (4.23)
i= 1
with fj an orthonormal basis of parallel sections of YT&. Formulas of this type were
suggested in [13, 141. If one takes H to be the trivial group (with only the identity
element), then (4.26) reduces, as it should, to (4.21j.
The purpose of this appendix is to clarify the geometric meaning of the classical
gauged WZW actions on which this paper is based. Some readers may wish to
consult this appendix before reading the body of the paper (see also [4,29, 301).
The problem can be clarified by formulating it in more generality than we
actually need. We consider an arbitrary connected manifold M with a closed three-
form w whose periods are multiples of 2n, so that w is related to a class in H 3 ( M ,Q.
We let ,Z be an oriented two dimensional surface without boundary. To simplify
the considerations that follow, we assume that r r , ( M ) = x 2 ( M j = 0 , so that a
is an equivariant extension of w if and only if the An obey (A.5) and (A.6) and
transform in the adjoint representation of F .
Now let us specialize to the case ofactual interest in this paper in which M is the
group manifold of a simple, compact, connected, and simply-connected Lie group
G, and
w = --Tr(g-'dg)'. (A.10)
Mureover, F is a connecled subgroup of G , x G,. The embedding oPF in G,> and
G R is determined by an embedding of Lie algebras which we can writc as
T,+IT,,L, T.,R l ' (A.l I j
The vector fields V, are described by the formula
& =IEn(Th.Lg-gT,,,)- (A.12)
One has
i,~= dL, (A.13)
Tk,A ) = m -
E A" A
T r (T,, g- + T,.R g - 'd d .
-- A" A Ab Tr(T,,.g- l&,Lg- q,Rg-lT,&). (A.16)
Even when (A.15)does not vanish, (A.16) is the closest that there is to a gauge
invariant extension ofr(g,A), in the sense that the variation of (A.16)under a gauge
transformation depends only on A and is independent of g. This fact, which played
an important role in the body of the paper, reflects the fact that the 1, obeying (AS)
exist for any F ; only the validity of (A.6) depends on F. This means that although
an extension W of w obeying DW = 0 may not exist, w always has an extension such
DW E S*(F). (A.17)
(And such an 6 is unique if one wishes a formula that works universally for any F.)
This relation precisely ensures that the violation of gauge invariance depends on A
and not g.
Geometrically, the reason that (A.17) has a solution is as follows. The
equivariant cohomology of G is the cohomology of the homotopy quotient G//F
= G x ,EF. If one computes the cohomology of G / / F from the spectral sequence of
the fibration G//F+BF, one sees (since w is a three dimensional class, and the non-
trivial cohomology of BF begins in dimension four) that the only obstruction to
existence of an equivariant extension W of w comes from H4(BF). In fact, the
invariant quadratic form on the F Lie algebra that appears on the right-hand side
of (A.15) represents the obstruction class in H4(BF), via the Chern-Weil
homomorphism. The cohomology of BF is isomorphic to S*(F), so the ob-
struction is an element of S*(F).
The gauge invariant generalization of the WZW Lagrangian is
with * the Hodge star operator, d , the gauge-covariant extension of the exterior
derivative, and r(g,A ) given in (A.16). The first term depends on the conformal
structure of Z, and the second has a topological origin that we have attempted to
elucidate in this appendix. The properties of the WZW model depend on a peculiar
interplay between the two terms, some aspects of which we have seen in this paper.
All the particular formulas for gauged WZW Lagrangians given in this paper are
various specializations of (A.18).
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Communicated by A. Jaffe
194 Bibliography
198 Index
partition function, 78
Pontryagin classes, 20, 24
principle bundle, 22
projective flat connection, 38, 43
self-dual, 34
200 Aft emardds