Family 1
Family 1
Family 1
Family is the basic social institution and it is the basic unit of society.its basis is
both biological and social
biological aspect is that family provides for satisfaction of individuals sex urge
further family provides food,clothes and shelter and thus helps individual
satisfy the basic needs
ACCORDING TO MURDOK,family is a social group characterised by common
residence ,economic cooperation and reproduction .
according to Murray and zentner family is a social system and primary
reference group made up of two or more persons living together who are
related by blood,marriage or adoption or who are living together by
arrangement over a period of time
among the kharia the elementary unit of society is family consisting of parents
and their childrens own or adopted .the father is the central figure in the
family ; all authority is vested in him and lineage or descent are traced through
him .All property belongs to him and his sons the kharia family is based upon
monogamous marriage
characteristics of a family
1. The family as a social group is universal and is significant element in man’s
social life
2.It is the first social group to which the individual is exposed
3. Family contacts and relationship are repetitive and continuous
4.The family is very close and intimate group
5. It is setting of the most intense emotional experiences during the life time of
the individual
Telegram Group For UPSC Anthropology preparation
1.REPRODUCTION it is the most important function of the family and it is
through this function family helps society is in continuation
2.SOCIALISATION it is through socialization children born in the family are
taught cultural values,norms,customs and tradition of society .Thus
socialisation helps the individual in development of his personality and helps
the society in transmitting culture from one generation to another
3.economic function economic function of the family is to co- operate with
each other in the maintainance of family as a whole . Fulfilment of economic
necessities of the family members is very important
family also helps in the development of society as a whole
4.religious function for the well being of the individual members the family
performs rituals and offers sacrifice to the supernatural etc
5.political function family is the most important agency of social control.since
there is a emotional relationship among the family members,parents are more
effective in regulating the behaviour of the child and other members of the
family than any other agency of social control
Telegram Group For UPSC Anthropology preparation
Family may be viewed from different view points and so a classification of
family can be obtained as follows
from this point of view family can be divided into 3 types
1.simple or nuclear family
It consists of husband,wife and unmarried children
ex: Munda,santhal and several non-tribal societies
every nuclear family is discontinuous because children after marriage establish
separate household
2.joint family
If two or more nuclear family live together under a common shelter .and share
a common hearth and a common purse then this type of family is known as
joint family
ex: hindu joint family
among nayar of kerala there is a matrineal type of sisters joint family known as
THARAVAD Tthe eldest women is the titular head of the household ,but house
,land and joint property is administered by the eldest brother for the benefit of
the family .the members of the theravad includes sister and their children and
sisters adult brothers
when the nuclear family is found to be extended on all sides by certain
adhesions in the form of relatives of both sides that is husband’s and wife’s
sides .Then it can be declared as a extended family .in most of the patrilineal
societies of india we do find such type of family
in this type of family widowed sister with her children and even the old
widowed father sister may live.
Telegram Group For UPSC Anthropology preparation