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Jurgen M.


Protocol Engineering

J. M. Schneider
Protocol Engineering
A Rule-based Approach

W. Bibel
Automated Theorem Proving

E. Eder
Relative Complexities of First Order Calculi

F. KurfeB
Parallelism in Logic

Vieweg - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
JOrgen M. Schneider

Protocol Engineering

A Rule-based Approach

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufualune

Schneider, Jiireen M.:

Protocol engineering: a rule based approach / Jiirgen M.
Schneider. -Braunschweig ; Wiesbaden : Vieweg, 1992

Verlag Vieweg, P.O. Box 5829, 0-6200 Wiesbaden

Vieweg is a subsidiary company of the Bertelsmann Publishing International.

All rights reserved

o Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1992

No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system

or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior
permission of the copyright holder.

ISBN-13: 978-3-528-05243-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-322-83979-4

DOl: 10.1007/ 978-3-322-83979-4
Foreword v
---------- --------

It is now over twenty years since the first efforts were made to interconnect
computers for the exchange of data. In the 1970s proprietary networking
architectures, such as IBM's SNA, were developed and installed at many
customer sites worldwide. At the same time the ARPANET in the United States
became a research vehicle providing many new insights, in particular into
packet switching technology and routing algorithms.

In the 1980s the Interconnection of heterogeneous eqUipment was a domi-

nating issue: ISO published the Reference Model for Open Systems Intercon-
nection (051) and many new standards for the protocols of layers 4 to 7. In
parallel the INTERNET community developed a new generation of protocols,
the TCPliP protocol stack, in order to enable worldwide data interchange for
scientists. Powerful workstations and PCs are now installed on many
desktops because decentralized computing is often much more user
friendly and cost effective than traditional mainframe computing. Yet access
to shared information and resources is still required, creating a strong
demand for interconnecting heterogeneous computers. Applications such as
electronic mail, file transfer, Client/server configurations and manufacturing
automation are now in widespread use, with computer eqUipment from dif-
ferent vendors. The network has really become the computer.

In recent years the incredible advances in optical fiber technology have

created a new physical medium for data transmission, with very high band-
width and a very low bit error rate. The physical medium has increased in
speed much faster than the computer. Originally most communication pro-
tocols were designed for relatively slow communication links and relatively
fast CPUs. Thus the complete protocol stacks will now have to be revised for
the new generation of high-speed networks. Due to the high data rates,
these new networks will be able to support innovative applications. An
example are interconnected multimedia workstations, integrating audio and
video data streams with classical data communication. These advances in
both networking technology and new applications generate new communi-
cations architectures and protocols at an increasing pace. In the future
more and more protocols will have to be developed. The complex task of
designing and implementing these protocols correctly requires the aHitude

of a good engineer: the use of a formal specification technique with well-

defined syntax and semantics. a design methodology. and a toolkit to
support the protocol designer.

This book presents a novel approach to protocol engineering. It is based on

experience gained with earlier techniques. such as extended finite state
machines. process algebra and Petri nets. The author gives a clear intro-
duction into these techniques and Illustrates their advantages and disad-
vantages. Then the new model of Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) is
presented in detail. and operational semantics are defined. Using these
operational semantics implementation concepts and runtime mechanisms
are developed that facilitate the simulated execution of CRS specifications.
The author describes the realization of these concepts. a program accom-
plishing the translation of a CRS specification into executable form. and an
integrated toolkit .for protocol engineering. including its implementation on a
workstation. An outlook concludes the book. The connection establishment
phase of the X.25 protocol is used as an example throughout the text. illus-
trating very clearly the various features of formal specification techniques
and their implementation.

The book is an excellent introduction into the field of protocol engineering

in general. and rule-based specification in particular. It also contains a
comprehensive discussion of implementation issues for non-procedural
specification languages which is hardly found anywhere else in the litera-
ture. The author works at IBM's European Networking Center in Heidelberg.
and practical applicability of his ideas is as important to him as theoretical
soundness. The book is intended for advanced students as well as for prac-
titioners. To profit most from the text. the reader should have a basic know-
ledge of computer network architecture. and in particular of layered
communication systems. Familiarity with predicate calculus or rule-based
systems would also be helpful.

It is hoped that this book will contribute to an improved understanding of

communication protocol development as an engineering task. based on
formal models and supported by appropriate software toolkits.

Mannheim. March 1992 Wolfgang Effelsberg

Foreword vii

Not long ago, the interconnection of computer systems was a highly
complex task requiring considerable effort. Today, computer networks have
become part of our daily life and are of vital importance for many organ-
izations. Although the speed of this remarkable evolution has always been
high, the future prospects of computer communication encompass an
increasing number of new applications that are even more breathtaking
than those developed in the past, including, for example, multimedia docu-
ment exchange, video conferences, or cooperative work over large
geographical distances. However, despite the enormous advances in phys-
ical interconnection and transmission technology, the complexity of real-
izing these applications is still high due to the growing demands for
extensive cooperation between heterogeneous distributed systems based
on increasingly powerful communication services.

Distributed computer systems use protocols to provide communication ser-

vices. Improving and automating the design, implementation and testing of
communication protocols in order to manage the complexity of today's and
future communication services has been the scientific challenge for the
work described in this book. The approach presented is an attempt to trans-
late the view of a protocol as a set of rules into methods and tools. It
reflects the author's ideas for tackling apparent problems of protocol devel-
opment today, based on formal description techniques and tools. The pres-
entation is intended to identify existing problems, characterize possible
solutions, as well as positioning the proposed approach amongst others
aiming at the same goals. As such, the text provides useful information to
protocol developers, computer scientists interested in communication
system design, as well as students at an advanced undergraduate or grad-
uate level. For professional engineers, this book is both introductory and
illustrative with respect to the principles and the application of formal

The organization of the text is as follows. After giving an overview of the

general architectural concepts and the development life-cycle of communi-
cation systems, existing formal description techniques are assessed to moti-
vate the need for adopting a new approach. The technique itself, called

"Communicating Rule Systems (CRS)". is presented in detail and an opera-

tional semantics is defined. Using the operational semantics. implementa-
tion concepts and runtime mechanisms are explained that facilitate the
simulated execution of CRS specifications. A possible realization of these
concepts and a tool accomplishing the translation into executable form is
described. Then. the general architecture of an integrated tools environment
for protocol engineering is presented and the implementation of large parts
of this environment is illustrated. Finally. an outlook on the future relevance
of formal techniques and associated tools for the development of distributed
applications is given.

This book is the published version of my doctoral dissertation. which I com-
pleted at the University of Kaiserslautern. in Germany. in 1991. The thesis
was written while I was a PhD student at the IBM European Networking
Center (ENC) at Heidelberg. Germany. between 1988 and 1991. During this
time. I enjoyed an extremely stimulating atmosphere and was able to
extend my personal knowledge considerably in a number of different ways.
I am grateful to Dr. Lothar Mackert for enabling this opportunity for me. for
all the inspiring conversations we had and. in particular. for his trust and
friendship over the years. I am also indebted to my advisor Prof. Dr. Jurgen
Nehmer. By attending his classes I learned most of what I know of distrib-
uted systems and his continuous support and guidance has always been a
source of encouragement. Many thanks also go to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang
Effelsberg for the help and constructive comments I received during and
after his time at the ENC.

My thanks and recognition are also richly deserved by Dr. Georg Zorntlein.
who went through this text several times. His accuracy. patience and tech-
nical contributions enormously improved the quality of the thesis. My ideas
probably never could have been formulated in an understandable way
without the generous help of Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott. who tried hard to
correct my English wording. The fact that he is already aware of my grati-
tude because he also had to read this acknowledgement section is a
typical case of how far generosity can be exploited. Among the many
other people who contributed to the successful completion of this work I
would particularly like to thank my fellow PhD students at the ENC. I appre-
Preface ix

ciated learning about the Dutch way of life from Rolf Velthuys during our
conference visits and by sharing the same room for three years, which was
a unique experience that I look forward to telling my grandchildren during
cold evenings by the fire. It was also a pleasure for me to recognize that I
was never observed more closely and imitated more amusingly than by
Udo Bar at the celebration of my PhD. Finally, Dr. Stefan Pappe showed us
all how to manage PhDs the easy way.

It was the character of the daily work at the ENC, in an international envi-
ronment with students coming from a number of different countries that
made the time spent there particularly rewarding. Many thanks for their
contribution to my work go to B. Bar, F. Clarius, W. Eschebach, H. Janssen, 1.
Mangold, D. Miller, J. Monnery, S. Roorda, U. Scheere, E. Spriet and 1.
Stullich. Acting as their supervisor was valuable for my personal education,
which was also permanently supported by Prof. Dr. Gunter Muller, who
headed the ENC at that time, and kept me under constant pressure to
develop my abilities beyond those of an acceptable football player. I also
acknowledge the help of my colleagues at the University of Kaiserslautern
and the good relationship we maintained. I would particularly like to
mention Ralf Reske, who organized social events very well. My thanks also
go to Dr. Reinhard Gotzhein and Prof. Dr. Horst Muller for their assistance in
the formal semantics part of the thesis.

My family has always been the backbone of my life. At times, they contrib-
uted more than I did to the success of this work. My parents always sup-
ported me and made my studies possible. My constant preoccupation with
the problems of my thesis and the many hours I spent writing at my desk
required a lot of love and patience from my wife, Rosemarie. I gratefully
acknowledge her tolerance regarding my sometimes frantic behavior, as
well as all the highest priority interrupts generated by our son Jens.

I dedicate this book to the memory of my cousin, Dr. Gerhard Wagner, who
has been a model for me all my life and without whose encouragement I
would probably have never started this work. It was God's will to call him
before he could see its completion.

ludwigshafen am Rhein, February 1992 Jurgen M. Schneider

Contents xi

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 2
1.2 Communication Systems 5
1.2.1 Structuring Principles 6
1.2.2 Architectural Concepts 12
1.3 Protocol Engineering 14
1.3.1 Life-cycle 15
1.3.2 Tool Support 17

2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques ........ 21

2.1 Informal Specification .. 22
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 29
2.2.1 Estelle and SOL 31
2.2.2 Numerical Petri Nets ......... 44
2.2.3 LOTOS 49
2.2.4 Z 57
2.3 Comparative Assessment 62

3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems 65

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 66
3.1.1 Type Definition and Operations 68
3.1.2 Type Equivalence 82
3.1.3 Encoding Rules 83
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 86
3.2.1 Rule Systems 88
3.2.2 Gates 93
3.2.3 Structuring Mechanisms 96
3.2.4 Abstract Data Types 101
3.2.5 Assessment 103

3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS ............ . 105

3.3.1 labelled Transition Systems (LTSs) 105
3.3.2 Basic and Communicating Rule Systems 106
3.3.3 Interleaving Semantics 117

4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques 125

4.1 Executable FDTs 125
4.1.1 Estelle, SOL, and PASS 126
4.1.2 Petri Nets 129
4.1.3 lOTOS ... 130
4.1.4 logic interpreters 132
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 136
4.2.1 Validation environments 136
4.2.2 Implementation environments 140
4.2.3 Testing environments 142
4.2.4 Integrated environments 146

5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems 149

5.1 Executable CRS 149
5.1.1 Implementation Concepts 150
5.1.2 Runtime Environment 168
5.1.3 Compilation 176
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 196
5.2.1 Architecture 197
5.2.2 Kernel .. 200
5.2.3 Shells ..... 204
5.2.4 Selected Application Tools 211

6 Conclusions ... . ... 223

6.1 Summary of Results ..... . 223
6.2 Implementation status and Early Experiences 225
6.3 Prospects and Future Work 227
References 229
Index 245
Contents xiii

1. Communication system interconnecting open systems 6
2. Communication system as a collection of subsystems 7
3. Decomposition of communication services . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
4. Layered communication system as defined by the OSI Basic
Reference Model 9
5. An (N)-Iayer in a layered communication system 9
6. Mapping between data units in adjacent layers . . . . . . . . . .. 11
7. Formal development process 16
8. X.25 protocols ............. 23
9. Use of X.25 to provide the OSI connection-oriented network service 24
10. Network service primitives 24
11. X.25 packets 24
12. X.25 PLP CALL REQUEST and DATA packet formats 26
13. X.25 PLP call setup state diagram 28
14. Time sequence diagram for call setup in the X.25 PLP 28
15. X.25 DTE in Estelle 35
16. Estelle module header and channel definitions for X.25 PLP 35
17. Creating an X_25_DTE in Estelle ......... 36
18. Estelle ("PASCAl") type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PlP
packets ........ 36
19. Estelle module body for X_25_DTE (in part) ............... 37
20. X.25 DTE in SOL 40
21. SOL process for X_25_DTE ....... 41
22. SOL type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PlP packets ... 42
23. High-level Petri net graphical representation .......... 45
24. Modelling different communication modes with Petri nets 47
25. X.25 DTE as Numerical Petri Net 48
26. Representation of agents in a process algebra 50
27. Syntax of behavior expressions in Basic LOTOS ............... 52
28. X.25 DTE in LOTOS 54
29. LOTOS process for X_25_DTE ............................... 54
30. LOTOS (ACT ONE) type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PLP
packets ......... 55
31. X.25 DTE in Z 59
32. Z operation schema for X_25_DTE 59

33. Z type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PLP packets 61
34. Abstract, local and transfer syntax in communication systems 67
35. ASN.1 module definition frame example ....... 69
36. Simple type examples ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72
37. Type examples constructed with SEQUENCE ..................... 75
38. Type examples constructed with SET .... . ....... 76
39. Type example constructed with SEQUENCE OF ................... 77
40. Type example constructed with SET OF " ..... 78
41. Type examples constructed with CHOICE ... 80
42. Subtype examples 81
43. Basic encoding rules .... . ......................... 84
44. Encoding of the identifier field 85
45. CRS network service configuration ............ 87
46. CRS specification of the network service configuration . . . . . . . .. 87
47. Syntax of rule system specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89
48. CRS specification of X.25 DTE .......................... 89
49. Syntax of rules ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 91
50. CRS specification of X.25 PLP call setup initiation ....... . 91
51. CRS specification of X.25 PLP duplex and expedited data transfer 93
52. Syntax of event expressions 94
53. Syntax of gate specifications 94
54. CRS specification of X.25 PLP gates ... 95
55. CRS specification of X.25 window mechanism 97
56. Syntax of contexts ... . . . . . .. 98
57. Syntax of views ....... . ............... 98
58. Context and view structure of the X.25 PLP specification in CRS .... 99
59. Contexts and views example for X.25 PLP data transfer specified
with CRS .................... . . . . . .. 100
60. Syntax of ADT specifications '" 102
61. Syntax of abstract operations .. 102
62. CRS specification of ADT DataQueue 103
63. Example of LOTOS semantics expressed as "PROLOG" rules ...... 131
64. Example control clause in a logic program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 135
65. Distributed test configuration " . . . . . . .. .......... 146
66. CRS implementation concepts 151
67. X-ASN.1 implementation concepts ............... 154
68. Structure blocks ..... . . ..... 155
Figures xv

69. structure tree for the X.25 CAll REQUEST packet type 156
70. Structure trees ............. . 157
71. Data blocks ........ . 157
72. Data tree for an X.25 CAll REQUEST packet 158
73. Data trees 159
74. Rule sets of the CRS inference machine 160
75. WES set of the CRS inference machine 163
76. Run set of the CRS inference machine 163
77. Protocol automaton of the synchronous CRS gate machine 165
78. Protocol automaton of the asynchronous CRS gate machine 168
79. Architecture of the local CRS runtime environment 171
80. Rule system control block 173
81. Rule control block 173
82. Gate control block 175
83. Event control block 175
84. Compiling CRS specifications into executable form 177
85. Example of X-ASN.1 extended "C++" code 178
86. "C++" classes for X-ASN.1 expressions and variables 179
87. Example gate header file 181
88. Example gate source file ..... . ..... 182
89. Example rule system header file 184
90. Example rule system source file 185
91. Dependency graph example for conjunctions 190
92. Dependency graph for disjunction 191
93. Example rule functions 192
94. Example ADT header file 194
95. Example ADT source file 195
96. Example configuration source file 196
97. Integrated tools environment . . .. 199
98. CRS and X-ASN.1 based kernel . . .. 201
99. Rule-based shell .. 205
100. State-based shell 207
101. Event-based shell ...... . . ........... 209
102. Behavior simulator ...... . 213
103. Test case development tool 216
104. Test case validation tool .. 220
Figures xvii

About the author

Jurgen Mathias Schneider, son of Karl and Hildegard Schneider, was born
on April 17, 19M, at ludwigshafenjRhein, Germany. He went to school at
ludwigshafen until completing the "Abitur" in 1980. From 1981 to 1987 he
studied computer science at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany,
focussing on operating systems, communication and networking. After his
diploma thesis about protocol conformance testing in 1987 he started
working towards a PhD in the area of protocol engineering and the devel-
opment of communication services based on formal methods and tools. In
1991 he joined IBM as a research staff member of the European Networking
Center at Heidelberg, where is currently working on systems and network
1 Introduction

Due to the increasing availability and stability of computer networks of

various sizes, more and more information processing tasks are realized as
distributed applications. Ongoing advances in hardware technology facili-
tate the provision of decentralized computing power and enhanced com-
munication networks. Various motivations for distributed processing exist:
reduced costs, improved performance, fault tolerance, modular system
design, flexibility, and extensibility [Nehm85] [Slom87].

In a distributed application, several processes running on different auton-

omous computer systems cooperate to accomplish a common task. To
achieve synchronization and data transfer between application processes,
physically distributed computer systems are interconnected by a communi-
cation system. The communication system comprises hardware and soft-
ware equipment facilitating the provision of communication services to
application processes. In order to realize these services, distributed compo-
nents of the communication system exchange messages according to a
fixed set of rules using fixed message formats. These rules and formats con-
stitute a communication protocol. The activities of protocol design, vali-
dation, refinement, implementation, and testing are summarized by the
term protocol engineering.

Efficient design and correct implementation of protocols is crucial for com-

munication systems and for the services they have to provide. The more
sophisticated these services are, the more complex are the protocol engi-
neering tasks, but development of application programs is simplified con-
siderably. Another aspect complicating the implementation of
communication systems is heterogeneity. Connecting computer systems
from several vendors, using different hardware, different architectures, and
running different operating systems, poses a lot of additional problems, but
also enables many new distributed applications. In order to achieve this
ambitious goal, standardized communication protocols have to be used
and protocol implementations have to conform to standards to guarantee
2 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
The complexity of the services expected from a communication system
have grown steadily over the last decade. Today's communication systems
not only have to provide access to various physical media and cater for
reliable data transfer, but also support remote operations, transaction proc-
essing, office document interchange, manufacturing messaging, and many
other new functions. In general, a clear trend towards powerful applicatlon-
oriented communication services can be observed.

The fact that standardized protocols are becoming more and more impor-
tant puts additional burdens on implementors, who are now concerned with
conformance and interoperability in heterogeneous environments. Commu-
nication hardware and software has to be developed carefully in order to
achieve and maintain high quality of products. New networks employing
optical fibers allow transmission speeds orders of magnitudes higher than
with copper technology. These networks will trigger new distributed applica-
tions requiring new communication services and new protocols.

As a consequence, protocol engineering will become more difficult and

cost-sensitive. To cope with the increasing complexity and new require-
ments of current and future communication networks, an Improved method-
ology for the development of communication protocols is needed.
Development and maintenance of communication hardware and software
demands such a large effort that automation of development steps is desir-
able. Developers must be provided with a comprehensive set of powerful
tools to increase the efficiency of their work and the quality of final pro-

Possible automation and tool support are considered to be the main bene-
fits that can be derived by employing formal approaches. In a formal
approach, different development activities and their interrelations are
defined by an underlying methodology. The fundamentals and results of
development steps are documented as formal descriptions. In this way,
input can be processed and output produced by tools supporting the devel-
opment activities. These tools may work automatically, or under the guid-
ance of a user.
1.1 Overview 3

This thesis describes the provision of tool support for protocol engineering
based on a formal methodology. The initial step In this methodology is to
get from an informal description to a formal specification of requirements.
Further steps consist of refining and implementing the specification and
finally testing the implementation. In order to facilitate these steps, suitable
formal description techniques (FDTs) and tools have to be employed. The
feasibility and efficiency of the initial step is crucial to the applicability of
the whole scenario and depends on the techniques used. A rule-based
formal description technique (Communicating Rule Systems (CRS» is
adopted in this thesis and used to illustrate basic ideas. Rules are consid-
ered to be excellent means for capturing protocol knowledge in a human-
understandable way. It is shown that they are also appropriate for realizing
tool support.

Formal description techniques have also been developed by standardi-

zation bodies to solve the ambiguities inherent to natural language stand-
ards. Since the beginning of protocol standardization, such ambiguities
have caused many problems for implementors due to possible misinterpre-
tations. Despite the advantages promised by the standardized FOTs, their
industrial acceptance is still low. Some of the early approaches to formal
description have been impressive examples of how formal techniques
provide only limited help if they either complicate or oversimplify matters.
Reservations of potential users are intensified by ongoing discussions of FDT
experts about misconceptions that have been found in the design of the
standardized FDTs.

In chapter 2, the reasons why the work conducted in the framework of this
thesis was not done with one of the standardized FDTs are explained. An
evaluation is presented that also includes popular non-standard FOTs'. The
suitability of the FDTs for specifying communication services and protocols
was investigated, as well as assessing properties of their underlying models.
In particular, the following techniques are considered: Estelle and SOL (state
machines), NPNs (Petri nets), LOTOS (process algebras), Z (predicate logic).

The ferm "formal description technique (FDT)" is used in a broader scope in this thesis
(detailed in chapter 2) and is not confined to standardized techniques.
4 1 Introduction

Specification examples covering parts of the X.2S packet level protocol are
presented to illustrate basic language features. Before discussing FDTs,
informal specification aids and their shortcomings are summarized. The FDT
evaluation is concluded with a comparative assessment of the techniques.

Although many of the ideas presented in other chapters of this thesis are of
general nature, their realization would have been more difficult or even
impossible with the techniques evaluated in chapter 2. In chapter 3, the
adoption of CRS for specifying communication services and protocols is
described. Modifications made to the original approach presented in
[Neum88] are explained. One major modification is the replacement of CRS
data type constructs by the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. i), as
standardized in [1508824]. ASN.1 typing mechanisms offer considerable
advantages because they are tailored to describe data structures frequently
used in communication systems. Since the Incorporation of ASN.1 into pro-
gramming languages or specification techniques was not foreseen by the
standard, several extensions to ASN.1 were necessary, resulting in an
Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1). The application of
both CRS and X-ASN.1 is illustrated with the X.25 packet level protocol.
Formal CRS semantics is given by using Jabel/ed transition systems at the
end of chapter 3.

How protocol engineering can be supported by tools based on FDTs Is illus-

trated in chapter 4. E.g., various tools supporting different development activ-
ities in the formal development process can make use of executable
specifications. Ideally, all tools are provided in a common software environ-
ment. However, most existing tool environments are still focused either
towards protocol validation, implementation, or testing.

Chapter 5 describes protocol engineering with CRS. An operational

approach is taken, based on the executability of initial and refined specifi-
cations according to the semantics defined in chapter 3. An implementa-
tion model, runtime environment, and compilation into an executable form
are explained for CRS and X-ASN.1. The result of this compilation is an
internal representation of the specification knowledge that is interpreted by
the runtime mechanisms and provided to tools. A general architecture is
proposed to integrate protocol engineering tools in a software environment
1.1 Overview 5

that allows for use and mutual exchange of specification knowledge. The
realization of such an environment based on the CRS and X-ASN.1 execution
mechanisms is detailed.

The main results of the work presented in this thesis are summarized in
chapter 6 and some conclusions are drawn. Possible future directions for
the application of FDTs in distributed system design and realization are out-

The remainder of this Introduction serves to clarify basic terminology and

understanding of communication systems and their formal development
process. In section 1.2, the layered structure of communication systems and
derived notions according to the OSI Basic Reference Model [IS07498] are
explained. The architectural concepts established by this conceptual
model have been subject to many discussions between implementors. In
the formal approach, architectural concepts have to be considered care-
fully because in formal description techniques these concepts have their
individual representations. A section on architectural concepts clarifies the
view taken in this thesis. In section 1.3, the formal development process of
communication systems is outlined. The different development activities and
their Interrelationship are explained. Possible tool support for each step in
the process is indicated.

1.2 Communication Systems

Communication systems, as described in this thesis, are concerned with the
interconnection of autonomous, physically separate heterogeneous com-
puter systems. Whether these computer systems represent a loosely coupled
computer network or form a distributed system is not relevant to the investi-
gation of providing complex communication support. Thus, the general dis-
cussion about what constitutes a distributed system (see for example
[EnsI78] [Slom87] [Tane88] etc.) is outside the scope of this thesis.

A general model for communication systems which has gained much

recognition and has become widely accepted was published by the Inter-
national Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984, called the Open
6 1 Introduction

Systems Interconnection (051) Basic Reference Model [1507498]. Systems

that use the internationally standardized protocols of 051 in their communi-
cation with other systems are called open systems because they are 'open'
to connect to any other open system in the world. The structuring principles
and basic architectural concepts of communication systems according to
the 051 Basic Reference Model are Introduced in section 1.2.1. The interpre-
tation of architectural concepts is further detailed in section 1.2.2.

1.2.1 Structuring Principles

A typical configuration of open systems is depicted in Figure 1. A part of
each open system is responsible for data processing, whereas other parts
offer data communication services. The latter are connected to physical
media in the form of various communication networks, ranging in size from



.......... " ...... ~,... ..~ ...... ,., . '" ,- , ....... .. ...................................... ......
, , ~ -

Figure 1. Communication system interconnecting open systems

1.2 Communication Systems 7

local area networks (LANs) to metropolitan and wide area networks (MANs,
WANs) (see for example [Tane88]).

The separation between data processing and data communication tasks in

an open system is further detailed in Figure 2. A number of application
processes realize information processing for the distributed application.
Communication services are provided to application processes by commu-
nication subsystems in each open system. The collection of all communi-
cation subsystems yields the complete communication system' .

In order to reduce complexity, communication systems are modelled as

layered systems. The whole communication system is decomposed into a
hierarchy of layers of manageable complexity. Each layer consists of a
number of distributed entities that make use of the services of the next
lower layer to execute a communication protocol and to provide enhanced
services to the layer above. The first step of this decomposition is shown in
Figure 3 (compare [Viss86bJ), yielding a number of application entitles in



-_ .. --
..... -
.. ---- .. '
.. -

Figure 2. Communication system as a collection of subsystems

• In Figure 2, and in following figures, dotted lines are used to indicate logical rather
than physical interconnection.
8 1 Introduction



Figure 3. Decomposition of communication services

each open system and underlying lower layers. The collection of all appli-
cation entities in an open system constitutes the application layer sub-
system. Application layer subsystems existing in each open system together
form the application layer.

The decomposition process is continued layer by layer. For reasons of sim-

plicity, the number of layers should not get too large. The 051 Basic Refer-
ence Model divides a communication system into seven layers and
establishes a framework for additional standards describing the individual
layers (see Figure 4). Readers not familiar with the purpose of each layer
are referred to [1507498], or may study the individual layer standards for
complete information. A very good overview is provided in [Effe86].

Further modelling is required for the interaction of entities situated in adja-

cent layers and for the communication between distributed entities of the
same layer. To explain these concepts, an arbitrary single layer is regarded
in isolation and referred to as the (N)-Iayer. The number N indicates the
position of the layer in the whole architecture. The purpose of an (N)-Iayer is
to provide the (N)-servlce to the next higher layer «N+1 )-Iayer), as
depicted in Figure 5. To achieve this task, several (N)-entities exchange
1.2 Communication Systems 9



Figure 4. Layered communication system as defined by the OSI Basic Reference Model


CN - 1)- SAP


Figure 5. An (N)-Iayer in a layered communication system

10 1 Introduction

information according to rules defined by the (N)-protocol, using the

service of the next lower layer «N-i)-service, (N-i)-Iayer).

An (N)-service is provided by the (N)-Iayer at one or more (N)-service

access points «N)-SAPs) in form of a set of service primitives (SPs). An
(N)-SAP is associated with an (N)-address that uniquely identifies it; SPs
exchanged at SAPs may convey parameters, but nothing is stated about the
subtleties of their realization in real systems. Several (N)-connectlons may
run through one (N)-SAP and are identified by connection endpoint Identi-
fiers (CEPs) that have to be unique in the scope of one (N)-SAP. An (N)-
connection with more than two connection endpoints is called a
multi-endpoint connection.

Entities situated in the same layer, but located in different open systems,
are called peer entities. Peer entities communicate by exchanging protocol
data units (POUs) of well-defined format, according to the (N)-protocol. POUs
are not directly transmitted (except for the physical layer), but passed to
the next lower layer as an SP parameter. Entities situated in adjacent layers,
but located in the same open system, interact in terms of Interface data
units (IOUs). In an IOU, upper layer POUs are included in a service data
unit (SDU), together with some Interface control Information (ICI). The
lower layer entity interprets the ICI and adds some protocol control infor-
mation (PCI) to the SOU to form the lower layer POU. At the receiving side,
the PCI header is stripped off and interpreted by the peer entity. The SOU
information is passed to the higher layer. The mapping between these dif-
ferent kinds of data units in communication systems is visualized in
Figure 6.

There are many problems that may have to be overcome in each layer.
Flow control mechanisms are usually required for entities within the same
layer and between entities in adjacent layers. Sequencing mechanisms
have to be present if the underlying layer does not guarantee to deliver
data in the same order as submitted. In case of corruption, duplication, or
loss of data, error detection must be assured. Multiple connections in one
layer may be mapped onto one connection in a lower layer
(multip/exing/demultiplexing), or several connections in a lower layer may
be used to support one connection in a higher layer
1.2 Communication Systems 11



Figure 6. Mapping between dolo unils in adjacenllayers

(splitting/recombining). One (N)-SDU may be mapped onto several

(N-1)-PDUs (segmenting/reassembling), or multiple (N)-SDUs fit into one
(N-1)-PDU (blocking/deblocking). Finally, multiple (N)-PDUs may be
mapped onto one (N-1)-SDU (concatenation/separation).

The introduction of architectural concepts to model 051, as summarized in

this section, was one of the major contributions of the 051 Basic Reference
Model. Although these notions are widely used now, [1507498] fails to give
precise meaning to all of them [Viss86b] [Svob89] [Gotz89]. The Intention
was to stay on a high level of abstraction and leave as much freedom as
possible for implementors, but as an effect, vague and ambiguous interpre-
tation of these elementary notions has led to differing realizations. In the
next section, the interpretation of architectural concepts used in this thesis is
described. Providing precise definitions is, however, difficult without a formal
framework. The discussion should serve to reveal basic properties and to
establish a basis for assessing representations of architectural concepts in
12 1 Introduction

1.2.2 Architectural Concepts

The concepts and notions summarized in the previous section are basic
architectural concepts' of communication systems. It is emphasized in
[IS07498]. that the OSI Basic Reference Model should not be interpreted as
an implementation specification. but as a conceptual framework. However.
the level of abstraction at which the architectural concepts are introduced.
and their use in the natural language text, allows differing interpretations.
These differences run the risk of incompatible choices by different
implementors [Svob89]. In order to avoid misinterpretations, clear under-
standing of architectural concepts is of utmost importance [Gotz90a]. The
basic architectural concepts can be described as follows:

• A communication system consists of a hierarchy of layers. Each layer

can be regarded as an abstract machine that implements a set of func-
tions to provide a service to its user. Service users are only interested in
the functionality provided by a layer. not in the way it is implemented.
Several layers may run in parallel and may be realized as one or
several system processes, collections of modules and procedures, or
may be built in hardware.

• The functionality of a layer is described by its service definition. A

service is defined by

1. a set of service primitives (SPs) exchanged at service access points


2. restrictions on the local ordering of SPs at one SAP;

3. restrictions on the global ordering of SPs between two or more SAPs;

4. dependencies of SP parameters.

Some model of the internal behavior of a layer may be used to describe

the service. However, only external behavior in terms of SPs is relevant for
the service definition.

, The following general definition of architectural concepts is given in [Brin88a]:

"The class of informal and widely used objects and operations that are subject to
specification" .
1.2 Communication Systems 13

• The service primitives (SPs) are the input/output events of a layer. To

exchange an SP, an interaction between a service provider and a service
user is required. Each SP may convey a number of parameters that are
passed from a service user to a service provider and vice versa. SPs may
be realized as procedure calls, system calls, interrupts etc.

• Service access points (SAPs) symbolize the location where SPs are
exchanged between a service provider and a service user. The seman-
tics of communication at SAPs is not fixed. In principle, synchronous or
asynchronous communication mode is possible. Properties of SAPs may
comprise reliability, capacity, order preserving, context-dependency etc.
(compare [Gotz89J).

• The active elements in a layer are called entities. Entities are respon-
sible for realizing layer functions. They communicate with peer entities in
other systems by using a communication protocol. To achieve this com-
munication, each entity is connected to one or more SAPs of the lower
layer and uses the lower layer service. Enhanced services are provided
at SAPs of the next higher layer. The number of entities in a layer is not
fixed; entities may also execute in parallel. Protocol entities may be
realized as single processes, procedures, or as part of those.

• A protocol is a set of rules and data formats governing the communi-

cation between peer entities. These rules and formats constitute a distrib-
uted algorithm facilitating the provision of the layer service. A protocol is
derived from the service by decomposition into a number of protocol
entities and an underlying service. A protocol is specified by

1. the definition of the service to be provided;

2. the definition of the lower layer service;

3. the definition of PDU formats both in an abstract (decoded) form, as

well as a bit-level representation (encoded form);

4. rules describing the mapping of SPs and parameters to PDUs and

PDU fields and vice versa, the admissible sequences of events within
the layer, and the associated internal protocol actions;

5. rules describing protocol actions upon internal conditions (timeouts,

buffer limitations, hardware errors etc.).
14 1 Introduction

Protocol actions are usually implemented by programming language

statements or hardware instructions. Protocol data formats are imple-
mented by programming language type definitions, or generated and
recognized by dedicated hardware circuits.

• Associations between one or more higher layer entities established by

the layer underneath are called connections. Normally, protocols and
services allow for several connections running through a single SAP. Con-
nections are means to decide which entity is to be addressed when
sending and receiving data. Connections may allow for point-to-point,
multicast, or broadcast communication.

As may have become apparent from this discussion, the definition and
understanding of architectural concepts for communication systems is a dif-
ficult subject due to the high degree of abstraction required in the frame-
work of open systems. The application and use of FDTs has stimulated and
influenced international agreement on semantics of architectural concepts.
The representation and meaning of architectural concepts in different FDTs
is an important issue.

1.3 Protocol Engineering

Software development in general was considerably improved both in terms
of quality and productivity by more rigorous approaches to software engi-
neering. One of the results was the identification of a so-called "software
life-cycle" in which program development was split into different phases,
known as requirements analysis, design, implementation, and testing (see
for example [Lisk86]).

The increased complexity and new requirements of open systems revealed

weaknesses in the informal approach to software engineering for communi-
cation protocols. Most of the problems resulted from ambiguities in the
initial reqUirements description, incompleteness and incorrectness of the
design specification, structural deficiencies in the implementation, and limi-
tations of ad-hoc approaches in the final testing phase.
1.3 Protocol Engineering 15

A formal development methodology not only defines several consecutive

development steps, but relates the input and output of each step by means
of mathematical notions (for example, functions and relations). In this way,
the meaning of development steps is fixed. During the development ser-
vices and protocols have to be described at varying levels of detail in order
to suit different needs. The role of FDTs in the development process is crucial
since they are the key to providing powerful tool support for each single
step. Tools facilitate rigorous analysis of a design, automated validation,
code generation, and test derivation.

Formal methods have proved to be fruitful for protocol engineering,

although their application has turned out to be difficult [BochSOa) [RudiSS).
One reason was, and still is, a lack of education and training in the use of
formal techniques and in the conduction of a formalized methodology, as
outlined in section 1.3.1. Another reason is that it is only after spending time
and effort in fundamental research that common agreement on such a
formal methodology is beginning to emerge. This leads to an improved
understanding and better design of tools, summarized in section 1.3.2, that
are intended to support the different development activities on the basis of
formal descriptions.

1.3.1 Life-cycle
The general formal development life-cycle is presented In Figure 7 (see
also [BochS7a) [BrinSSa) [DrobS9) [Turn90) [Sidh90a). The initial task In this
life-cycle is the definition of system requirements. Clear understanding of
desired functionality has to be reached. Then an architecture may be
designed that satisfies the requirements. This is either done in a completely
informal way using natural language and pictures, or semi-formally by
applying graphic- and table-based techniques.

The next goal is the formalization of the system requirements, resulting in a

high-level formal specification describing the functional behavior of the
system. In communication systems, this specification is referred to as the
service definition. It precisely defines all possible sequences of external
interactions with service users.
16 1 Introduction


~ 0

Figure 7. Formal development process

The availability of a formal specification facilitates rigorous analysis of the

specified system. The activity of valIdation alms at checking specific prop-
erties as given in the requirements definition and Investigating general
system properties, such as consistency, completeness, and absence of
deadlocks. Another approach is verification. Here, the goal is to prove that
the specification is free of errors and guarantees all the desired properties
In all situations. The term verification is used In a sense according to
[BochSOa] [liskS6], involving logical reasoning based on the specification

Usually, the initial high-level specification cannot be Implemented directly. It

has to be refined structurally (for example, into a number of components)
and/or functionally (resolving options, adding internal details), maintaining
some form of equivalence to the top-level specification [Brin90]. In general,
this activity may be repeated several times and is called stepwise refine-
1.3 Protocol Engineering 17

ment. Thus, a communication service definition is refined into a protocol

specification and further into an implementation-oriented system specifi-

The final specification reached has to be realized on a physical system.

This activity is called Implementation and its outcome is the goal of the
whole process. If a sufficiently high level of granularity has been reached,
implementation structures may directly reflect the structure of the final
system specification.

The remaining activity is testing. Testing is important because of the tech-

nical or practical infeasibility of formal verification during all steps of refine-
ment and implementation. It can be applied to the validation of
intermediate specifications against their predecessors, or checking Imple-
mentations against specifications. Testing an implementation against the
initial specification means performing "black-box" testing, referred to as
conformance testing in ISO standards [1509646]. other forms of testing, for
example, "grey-" or "white-box" testing, require knowledge about the
internal structure or realization of the system components, which is available
in some of the intermediate system specifications.

Finally, all or part of the development process has to be reassessed for the
purpose of maintenance, modification, performance improvement, or addi-
tion of system reqUirements.

1.3.2 Tool Support

Tools usage during requirements analysis is largely restricted to general
purpose tools, such as word processing systems or graphic workstations.
They help to produce natural language documentation containing figures,
diagrams, and tables. Semi-formal techniques using a fixed set of graphical
symbols with an associated meaning may also be appropriate. By
employing formal techniques, system descriptions are unambiguous. After
the formalization step, architectural concepts like entities, interaction points,
connections etc., used informally during requirements analysis, have con-
crete representations in the formal language chosen [Gotz89] [Brin88a]. Lan-
guage constructs used for the description have precise syntax and
semantics and can be processed by tools. Tools used during the
18 1 Introduction

formalization process are structure-based or graphical editors, parsers, and

static analyzers, which check language syntax and static semantics.

Specification validation tools are dynamic analyzers that can be classified

into exhaustive analyzers and simulators, according to [Boch87a]. They
use mechanisms for interpretation or symbolic execution of specifications,
based on formal semantics of the specification language (see for example
[Logr88] [Saqu89]). A well-known validation method for state-oriented tech-
niques is reachabllity analysis, which works very well provided the state
space is limited. However, the problem of "state space explosion" affects its
practical usefulness for many real protocols. Simulative validation is often
carried out interactively by the protocol designer checking the most critical
paths in the specification. More thorough simulations may be set up and
guided by heuristics or probabilities [West87].

The activity of verification may be supported by theorem provers or proof

assisting tools [AujI89] [Boot90], but even then the activity remains very time-
consuming and often infeasible for the specification as a whole. Sometimes,
it is applied for the most critical sections, or employs a simpler model that
may be sufficient for verifying basic properties.

Stepwise refinement can be guided by a set of transformation rules and

may be automated by tools implementing these rules. Automation of this
activity is approached by inventing various specification styles together
with theories about semantic-preserving transformations between them. At
the time being, considerable complexity is faced when realizing such tools
(see for example [Eijk90a]) and the identification of styles is often a matter
of debate. However, validation of refined specifications would become obso-
lete if refinement was done automatically and preserved some form of
equivalence. A weaker form of tool support for stepwise refinement is given
by tools assisting an interactive designer. Such tools can make proposals,
based on general design rules, that have to be assessed and modified by
the interactive user.

The activity of Implementation can be supported by code generators if the

final specification has reached an adequately low level of abstraction
[Boch87b] [Vuon88] [Flei89] [Eijk90b]. The amount of code that can be gen-
1.3 Protocol Engineering 19

erated automatically varies from simple code frames to complete control

structures. Recent activities show that the implementation of protocol data
structures and encoding/decoding functions may also be automated (see
for example [Gora88aJ [Sche89J [Neuf90J). Parts of the overall code
depending on operating system. communication subsystem. memory man-
agement. or application-specific interfaces have to be added by hand.
Tools for the implementation step usually rely on language-specific transla-
tors and compilers. Support packages for interprocess communication.
buffer allocation. interrupt handling etc. can be used.

As has been recognized quite early. tool support is of particular importance

in the area of testing. Meaningful tests may only be performed and evalu-
ated against some formal specification. Several theories for the derivation of
tests have been developed and implemented in corresponding tools based
on the models of FSMs. EFSMs. Petri Nets. and process algebras [Sidh89J
[Ura187J [Baum90J [Alde90]. These tools generate test sequences and test
data. criteria for test selection and verdict assignment. and also allow test
execution (see for example [Chan90J [StoI90J). However. a lot of problems
concerning. for example. test data selection. test coverage. and test
purpose generation still have to be solved [Dwye90].
20 1 Introduction
2 Protocol Specification with Formal
Description Techniques

At present, various means have been proposed for specifying services and
protocols for the different layers in a communication system. The specifica-
tions form the basis for design validation and serve as references for
implementors. For validating the correctness of implementations, tests can
be derived from specifications. According to [Lisk86], a specification can be
considered an abstraction from a set of implementations. The primary
purpose of the abstraction is to focus on the functional requirements of a
system that can be met in various ways by possible implementations
[Yiss86b]. To achieve this purpose, specifications need to be general
enough so that they do not exclude admissible implementations unneces-
sarily, but also have to be restrictive enough to rule out unacceptable ones.
Desirable properties of specifications include preciseness, consistency, com-
pleteness, and structured ness (compare [Brin88a]).

For a long time, the architectural concepts of communication systems were

not described as rigorously as today. Many specifications focussed on the
protocol, without taking service aspects or interactions between entities in a
stack of protocol layers into account. With the definition of the 7-layer 051
Basic Reference Model a conceptual framework has been established that
provides the terminology and background for specifying the services and
protocols of individual layers in a communication system. The architecture
and terminology of the Basic Reference Model are used in the ISO and
CCITT specifications of the 051 layers. These specifications are expressed by
means of natural language text, augmented with pictures, tables, and dia-
grams. Such informal specification elements are illustrated in section 2.1 by
briefly summarizing the X.2S packet level protocol (PLP), which is then used
as an example throughout this thesis.

Formal modelling of services and protocols was mainly motivated by the

fact that design errors in natural language specifications or misinterpre-
tations due to ambiguities could only be detected late in the implementa-
tion process. In order to correct these errors, large parts of existing
22 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

programs had to be rewritten, which was very costly. A suitable formal

model allows validation of the design and provides a precise reference for
implementation. The most popular formal models applied to protocols
include state machines, Petri nets, process algebras, and models based on
logic. Complete formal description techniques (FDTs) have been devel-
oped based on these models to provide Intellectual tools for specification. In
section 2.2, FOl candidates being based on different models are investi-
gated to assess their suitability for specifying communication services and
protocols. A final comparison of the evaluated techniques is provided in
section 2.3.

2.1 Informal Specification

Specifications expressed by means of natural language, pictures, diagrams,
and tables are called informal specifications because these specification
mechanisms have no fixed syntax and no formally defined meaning.
Natural language descriptions of communication protocols explain the posi-
tion and objectives of the protocol (probably by relating it to the 051 Basic
Reference Model), before focussing on the details of how the objectives are
met. The PDU formats and the meaning of individual fields are described.
The appropriate situations for sending or receiving PDUs are explained and
the allowed values of PDU fields are indicated. The relationship between the
protocol and the service is established by natural language text and illus-
trated by figures.

Some typical elements of an Informal protocol specification are recalled in

this section using the X.25 packet level protocol (PLP) as an example. The
cClrr (Comite Consultatif International de Telegraphique et Telephonique)
recommendation )(25 was first defined in 1976 and has been revised by
CCITT several times until today. The X.25 PLP has been adopted by ISO in
[1508208] and is today a widely known connection-oriented network layer
protocol used by many national carriers and private institutions. It serves for
managing communication between two user OTEs (Data Terminal Equip-
ment) from the CCITT terminology. Each OlE is connected to a OCE (Data
Circuit-terminating Equipment) providing access to a packet-switched
2.1 Informal Specification 23

X.2S protocols

loyer 1: X.21. X.21 bis

loyer 2: LAP, LAPS
loyer J: X.25 PLP


Figure 8. X.2S protocols

network' (see Figure 8). Together with the local and the remote DCE, the
network can be regarded as the underlying service provider passing pro-
tocol messages between DTEs. These messages are called packets in the
X.25 PLP. Two forms of connections are supported by the protocol. namely
switched virtual calls (SVCs) and permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). SVCs
are set up before data transfer and are cleared afterwards. PVCs are similar
to a leased line and require neither setup nor clearing. A so-called logIcal
channel is associated with each SVC and PVC by the protocol. The use of
the X.25 PLP to provide the OSI connection-oriented network service
(OSI-CONS) [IS08348] has been standardized in [IS08878].

The relationship between the OSI-CONS and the X.25 PLP is illustrated in
Figure 9 [IS08878]. Network service users (transport entities) interact with
network entities in the underlying layer (network service provider) in terms

4 The DTE-DTE case is not used in this thesis.

24 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

\ ,
if \ .
I TL Entity I /f \\ I TL Entity
I •
~ .. \ \.\ I ..~
:' I
"~- ..! -----
~-.\ -- ----
--------- - - - I-- -
~- -,.,

l "NL Entity I
"Nl Entity I
.... \ J
! ,.•
\ \. I

-\\ //

Figure 9. Use of X.2S to provide the OSI connection-oriented network service

of network SPs. The network entities exchange packets (X.2S PDUs)

according to the X.25 PLP in order to provide the service. However. there is
no precise semantics behind the pictorial elements. that. for example.
defines the possible parallelism between the different entities and describes
their interaction and communication. This may lead to misinterpretations.

As an example consider the situation where the network service user issued
an N-GONNECT-request primitive and an INCOMING CALL packet arrives.
Depending on the actual sequence of events the network entity may have
passed the CAlL REQUEST packet to the DCE and a "call collision" occurs. In
[1508878]. paragraph 6.2.1. it is stated: "When an NL entity receives an
INCOMING CALL ... packet. it signals an N-CONNECT-indication ... primitive ...
to the NS user.". However. in the "call collision" case this violates the
network service. The text accompanying Figure 9 in [IS08878] is incom-
plete with respect to this situation.

Figure 10 summarizes the network SPs. In standards. such tables are also
used to list SP parameters and to indicate whether parameters are manda-
tory or optional (see [IS08348]). The types of SP parameters are described
informally by enumerating possible values or characterizing possible
ranges. The X.25 PLP packet types are given in Figure 11. In [1508208]. the
2.1 Informal Specification 25

connection N-CONNECT-request
establishment N-CONNECT-indication
data transfer N-DATA-request
connection N-DISCONNECT-request
release N-DISCONNECT-indication
Figure 10. Network service primitives

connection CALL REQUEST

establishment INCOMING CALL
(call setup) CALL ACCEPTED
data transfer DATA

connection CLEAR REQUEST

(call clearing) CLEAR CONFIRMATION


Figure 11. X.2S packets
26 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

structure of each packet is described by pictures similar to the ones shown

in Figure 12. Additional information about the types of packet fields and
their individual encoding is given in the text.

Figure 12 shows the format of the CALL REQUEST packet (left-hand side of
the figure). The parts drawn in bold lines represent the packet header con-
tained in all X.2S packets in the first three bytes. The first four bits constitute
the so-called "general format identifier". which is constant for all packets
except DATA packets. The number of the logical channel the packet
belongs to is contained in the second half of the first byte (group number).
and in the second byte of the packet header (channel number). The 12 bits
provided allow for 4096 logical channels. However. use of channel number
o is reserved. The third byte contains the packet type identifier. which is an
individual bit pattern for each packet. The "general format identifier" in DATA
packets contains important information for the DTEs executing the X.2S PLP
(see right-hand side of Figure 12). The "Q-biY' can be used to distinguish
between qualified and non-qualified data. the "D-biY' can be used for
requesting receipt confirmation of data packets. The numbering scheme

0 0 0 1 I group number
01 0 1 Madulo I group number

channel number channel number

packet type ( 0000 1011 )

I 1 P (R)
IM I P (S) I 0

calling address length I called address length

colling address

coiled address

facilities length


user data


Figure 12. X.25 PlP CAll REQUEST and DATA packet formats
2.1 Informal Specification 27

used for packet sequence numbers (modulo 8 or modulo 128) is encoded

in the following two bits. The packet type identifier of DATA packets is
encoded in 1 bit which is set to zero (for all other packets, the last bit of the
packet type identifier is set to one). The remaining seven bits contain the
number of the next data packet expected ("P(R)"), the "M-bir' indicating
whether more data follows, and the send sequence number of the packet
("P(S)"). Sequence numbers allow transmission errors to be detected, for
example, loss or duplication of packets. A sliding window is maintained
separately for both directions of data transfer to regulate the flow of data
between a DTE and a DCE.

An example of ambiguity in the informal X.25 PlP specification is the fol-

lowing: the dotted lines in Figure 12 indicate that PDU fields have variable
length. This includes length "0" and implies that both addresses may be
absent in the CAll REQUEST packet. In [IS08208], paragraph 5.2.1, it is
stated: "The CAll REQUEST packet may include the called-DTE address and
the calling-DTE address.". In fact, it cannot be precisely deduced from
neither the text, nor from the picture, whether no addresses, only one
address, or both addresses are all legal alternatives.

During an execution of the X.25 PlP, DTEs are in different states. In each
state, several packets may be sent or received. In order to define the pos-
sible incoming and outgoing packets for all states of the protocol, state
diagrams are used. In Figure 13, the state diagram for the X.25 PlP call
setup phase is shown. From a service user's point of view, internal protocol
states are not of interest, but possible sequences of SPs are. An explicit
representation of sequence information is provided by time sequence dia-
grams. In Figure 14, the time sequence diagram for call setup in the X.25
PlP is shown. Vertical bars are used to illustrate the interfaces that data
units have to pass through and arrows indicate data flow. Time proceeds
from the top to the bottom of the diagram. The connection establishment is
initiated by a network service user with an N-CONNECT-request primitive. A
CALL REQUEST packet is sent by the network entity and delivered as an
INCOMING CAll packet to the receiving side. An N-CONNECT-indication
primitive is passed to the remote network service user, who responds with
an N-CONNECT-response primitive. A CAll ACCEPTED packet is sent and
delivered as a CAll CONNECTED packet. An N-CONNECT-confirm primitive is
28 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

Figure 13. X.25 PLP call setup state diagram

passed to the network service user, signalling that the requested connection
has been established.

Figure 14 describes partially the mapping between network SPs and X.2S
packets according to [IS08878]. The CCITT X.2S PLP had been defined

User Pro'llider Pro'llider User
NSAP X.25 Interface NETWORK )(.25 I "tarof.c. NSAP

N-ClNf:cr request
V ----------- Il«XImG CALL ...
N-CINf:cr IlIdlcatllll


A ClLL IXIINJlC'l'ZIl ::...r

AIHlIKCT canfllS f'-l'

HIItrac! Service Prl.ltlves --l>

XJ!6 lW:XET!I -{>

Figure 14. Time sequence diagram for call setup in the X.25 PLP
2.1 Informal Specification 29

before the ISO network service and, consequently, before the mapping
between the service and the protocol. This does not correspond to the
development cycle as presented in chapter 1, but has historical reasons.
The mapping of SP parameters to packet fields and vice versa is given in
several individual paragraphs and clauses of English text in [1508878]. The
meaning and intended use of packet fields has been described using
many sentences spread over different sections of the document [1508208].
In general, such natural language descriptions are easy to read, but as
already illustrated, readability does not necessarily induce intelligibility. In
fact, ambiguities cannot be avoided in natural language text and important
information may be missing. Besides these shortcomings, the fact that
informal specifications cannot be processed by tools supporting validation,
implementation, and testing of services and protocols is a major drawback.
Formal models and FDTs have been invented to overcome this problem.

2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs)

A description of an object is a symbolic representation of the object in
some description language. Formal descriptions are descriptions by means
of a language that possesses the following two properties:

1. a formal syntax, which is a set of rules prescribing all the symbols that
can be used and the expressions that can be constructed in the lan-

2. a formal semantics, which are rules for the unambiguous Interpretation

of language expressions on the basis of a mathematically defined
semantical model.

Such languages are called formal description techniques (FDTs) (compare

[Viss86b]) and are used to produce formal specifications.

The requirements for specifications explained at the beginning of this

chapter demand corresponding properties for FDTs. Several existing FDTs
have been investigated in the framework of this thesis. In order to judge the
suitability of these FDTs for specifying communication services and proto-
cols, the following general criteria have been used (compare [Brin88a]
[BoI087] [Brin87] [Viss86b]):
30 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

• formal definltlon, which refers to the existence of a formal syntax and a

formal semantics. The underlying formal model of an FDT should facili-
tate the development of analytical theories for validation, implementa-
tion, and testing, as well as simplifying tool development;

• expressiveness, which demands language constructs that allow con-

venient description of a wide range of properties or functionality. The
"modelling power" of a technique is important, but also its practical
applicability for specifying complex systems;

• abstraction, which means to what extent Implementation-independent

specifications are supported by the underlying model and the constructs
of the language. Since only functional requirements should be defined
by specifications, the technique should be free of details that are only
relevant to implementations;

• compositlonallty, which requires language features for composing indi-

vidual parts of a specification in various ways to form a whole system. If
systems are complex, it should be possible to decompose them into
smaller units that can be described separately. However, it must still be
possible to deduce the overall behavior of the system from the behavior
of the components;

• structure, which means that specifiers should be provided with mech-

anisms to organize formal descriptions in an adequate way. It should be
possible to aggregate related aspects, separate unrelated ones, distin-
guish phases of different behavior, or support readability by defining a
suitable structure;

• Intelligibility, which demands that language constructs and underlying

models are simple enough to be understood after a relatively short
training period. To be applicable in practice, FDTs must be understand-
able for all members of a development team and not only for a few
formal description experts.

Another aspect which is particularly important for the ideas presented in this
thesis is
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 31

• constructivlty, which is the ability to interpret formal descriptions algo-

rithmically". Constructive formal descriptions can be executed in terms
of the underlying semantical model (operational specification). In this
way, the specification directly leads to an executable system satisfying
the functional requirements.

Besides these general criteria, the intended application area must be kept
in mind when evaluating the suitability of FDTs. For example, powerful con-
structs for the parallel composition of specification parts do not contribute to
the suitability of a technique for describing sequential systems, whereas for
specifying concurrent activities they are crucial. In general, the formal
semantics of an FDT should be unambiguously related to the architectural
concepts of the intended application area [Viss86b] [Turn87] [Gotz90b]. In
[Turn87], the link between FDT concepts and architectural concepts of the
application area is referred to as the architectural semantics of an FDT.

The evaluation of several existing FDTs with respect to the general criteria
and with respect to the application area of communication systems is pre-
sented in the following sections. The selected FDTs use different underlying
models and have been applied frequently to the specification of communi-
cation services and protocols. To illustrate the basic characteristics of the
selected FDTs, the underlying models are explained first. Setting up a virtual
call in the X.2S PLP is used as a common example and partially described
in all techniques.

2.2.1 Estelle and SDL

The formal description technique Estelle was developed within ISO and
became an international standard in 1988 [1509074]. It is intended to be
used for specifying distributed concurrent systems and, in particular, 051
services and protocols. An elabarate tutorial is provided in [Budk87]. The
development of SDL (Specification and Description Language) began
within CCITT in 1968. in order to provide a specification tool for telecommu-
nications equipment to be used in many national and private institutions, a

" In [Brin88a], an FDT is called constructive if there exists an interpretation algorithm for
the symbolic execution of specifications.
32 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

pragmatic approach was taken. As an effect, different versions of the tech-

nique had been in use many years before SDL was standardized in 1987
[CCZ100]. Both Estelle and SDL are based on the model of extended finite
state machines (EFSMs).

Extended Finite State Machines

Several notions of the concept of state machines exist (see for example
[Hopc79]). The 'ones most suitable for modelling protocols are state
machines with Inputs and outputs. A finite state machine (FSM) with inputs
and outputs is defined as

M=(Q, I, 0, 0, A., q), where

Q is a finite set of states,

is a finite set of inputs (input alphabet),

o is a finite set of outputs (output alphabet),

0: Q x I -+ Q is the transition function.

A.: Q x I -+ 0 is the output function,

qeQ is the Initial state.

In this definition, outputs are associated with transitions and depend on the
input and the current state (Mealy machine). Alternatively, the output func-
tion A. may also be defined as A: Q -+ 0, associating outputs with states
(outputs depend on states only, Moore machine). Mealy and Moore
machines are deterministic: subsequent states are uniquely determined by
the current state (and the input). If the transition function 0 is defined as a
relation 0: Q x I -+ P(Q) (P(Q) denoting the powerset of Q), the state
machine is called nondeterministic. FSMs are graphically represented as
state diagrams (see for example Figure 13) or as state tables.

When applied to protocol specification, input and output symbols of an FSM

represent SPs or PDUs and states model internal states of a protocol entity. A
state remembers the input/output history of an FSM in so far as it is needed
to determine subsequent behavior. In this way, possible input/output
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 33

sequences of an FSM are described. However, the FSM specification does

not cover all protocol aspects, but focuses on the sequencing of events and
protocol actions (protocol behavior). Additional information is usually given
by natural language text or by using extended models.

The model of an extended finite state machine (EFSM) is derived from

initial ideas presented in [Boch77]. In an EFSM, states are augmented with
context variables that do not "contribute" to the FSM. To differentiate state
objects, the terms major state variables and minor state variables are
also often used. The inputs and outputs of an EFSM are associated with
parameters. The transitions of an EFSM depend on the major state and the
input, but also on predicates over minor state variables and input parame-
ters. Additionally, transition actions may alter values of minor state variables
and assign values to output parameters.

For the purpose of communication, several mechanisms have been pro-

posed for interconnecting state machines. Direct coupling of transitions in
adjacent state machines is one possibility. At the other extreme, there is the
concept of a channel existing between a pair of state machines. Channels
mayor may not have buffering capacity. If buffering of interactions takes
place, queueing models are often employed (for example, FIFO queues).

An Estelle specification describes a hierarchically ordered set of EFSMs,
called module Instances (or tasks), running in parallel and communicating
via message passing. Minor state variables, predicates, and actions of
EFSMs are represented as "PASCAL" variables, functions, statements and pro-
cedures. The "PASCAL" programming language is almost completely incor-
porated in Estelle and is also used for type definition. Communication
between tasks is achieved via bidirectional channels connecting two Inter-
action points of different module instances. An unbounded FIFO queue Is
associated with each interaction point, buffering messages (called Inter-
actions) at the receiving side.

A module definition in Estelle consists of a module header and several pos-

sible module bodies. The header defines the external interface of module
instances and contains formal parameters, external interaction point decla-
34 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

rations, and export/import statements allowing a restricted use of shared

variables between parent and child modules. The body contains child
module declarations, initialization statements, and transition descriptions
defining the behavior of the module. The textual nesting of module defi-
nitions and module instance declarations defines the static task structure
of an Estelle specification. Module instances may also be created and
deleted dynamically during state transitions. Either static or dynamic task
creation is followed by explicitly connecting interaction points to establish
communication links between module Instances. The communication struc-
ture obtained In this way may also be changed dynamically during state

As an example, the module header definition of an X.25 layer 3 protocol

machine (X_25_DTE, depicted in Figure 15) is given in Figure 16. By substi-
tuting parameters, module instances created using this header are associ-
ated with a particular logical channel (see Figure 18 for the type
definitions). Module Instances receive network SPs from a network service
user through the queue associated with the Interaction point NSAP and send
corresponding SPs back to the network service user. X.25 PLP packets are
sent to and received from the X.25 network through the interaction point
Packets. The corresponding channel definitions are illustrated in Figure 16.
Each direction of message transfer is associated with a role that tasks using
the channel may take.

As is apparent in the example, Interactions may convey parameters. The

types of parameters and of variables used in an Estelle specification are
described in "PASCAL" (see Figure 18). For managing several logical chan-
nels independently and in parallel, a parent module may be defined in the
specification or arrays of NSAP and Packets interaction points may be used.
A parent module with several children represents a subsystem in Estelle and
may itself be passive. Active and passive module instances can be attri-
buted differently in Estelle as process or activity, system process or
systemactlvlty. Attributing system parts affects possible parallelism, called
synchronous and asynchronous parallelism in Estelle. For details, see
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 35

Network Service User


Figure 15. X.25 OlE in Estelle

In order to create a module instance. a module header is associated with a

module body in an In It-statement (see Figure 17). The interaction points of
the task are connected to interaction points of other tasks by using
connect- (for sibling tasks) or attach-statements (for child tasks). All module
instances created run in parallel according to their attributes. During
dynamic execution of the system. module instances may be deleted or
communication links may be redirected by using release-. dlsconnect-.
and detach-statements .

• odule X_25_DTE activity ( LC : Logical_channel_number ):

ip NSAP Network_service_access_point ( PROVIDER ):
Packets: X_25_network_access_point (DTE ):
channel Network service access point ( USER, PROVIDER );
by USER - N_CONNECT_req-( "_CR_SP : "_CONNECT_request );

by PROVIDER: "_CONNECT_ind ( N_CI_SP : "_CONNECT_indication );

channel X 25 network access point ( DTE, DCE );

by DTE-: Call_request (-CR_POU: CALL_REQUEST );
by DCE : Incoming_call ( IC_PDU : INCOMING_CALL);

Figure 16. Estelle module header and channel definitions for X.25 PLP
36 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques


init dte_l with X_25_DTE_body;

connect dte I.NSAP to

connect dte=I.Packets to

Figure 17. Creating an X_25_DTE in Estelle

called_address : ARRAY [1 .. MAX ADO] OF CHAR;
calling_address : ARRAY [1 •• MAX=ADD] OF CHAR;
receipt confirmation selection: BOOLEAN;
expedited data selection : BOOLEAN;
quality_ot_service Network_quality_of_service;
user_data : ARRAY [1. .MAX_UDAT] OF OCTET

header : Packet header;
calling dte address length - : INTEGER;
called dte address length : INTEGER;
called-dte-address- BCD STRING;
calling dte address BCD-STRING;
facility length INTEGER;
faci 1ity-field Facil ities;
user_data ARRAY [1. .16] OF OCTET

Packet_header = RECORD
q_bit BOOLEAN;
d bit BOOLEAN;
modulo ( modulo 8, modulo 128 );
lc number INTEGER;-
packet_type_id OCTET

Logical_channel_number = (8 .. 4895);

( free, pending, busy);

Figure 18. Estelle (HPASCALH) type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PLP packets
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 37

Module body specifications are separated in three parts:

• a declaration-part, in which constants, types, variables, procedures,

channels, modules etc. are declared;

• an initialization-part, which is used for initializing variables, creating

module instances, and connecting interaction points;

• and a transition-part, in which possible transitions of the extended state

machine are defined.

Figure 19 illustrates how a module body for module header X_25 _OlE is
specified in Estelle. Main states are enumerated following the state-keyword.
Minor state variables, types, and procedures may be declared. The initial
transition executed after creation takes module instances into state pI. The
dynamic behavior of module instances is defined in the transition part of a

state pI, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;

initialize to pI;
LC_status := free;
froll pI
to p2
provided LC_status = free
CR PDU.header.q bit := FALSE;
CR-PDU.header.d-bit := N CR SP.receipt confirmation selection;
CR)DU.header.lc_number := LC; - - -

output Packets.Call_request ( CR_PDU );

LC_status : = pendi ng;
Figure 19. Estelle module body for X_25_DTE (in part)
38 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

module body specification (following keyword trans). A transition from state

pI to state p2 may be performed after receiving an N_CONNECTJeq inter-
action at interaction point NSAP. The when-clause in a transition specifica-
tion refers to the interaction at the head of the interaction point queue.
Constraints on minor state variable values and interaction parameters can
be given in the provlded-clause. Timing aspects are expressed using the
delay-clause. All these clauses together form the transition condition. The
state reached when performing the transition is defined with the to-clause.
Transition actions are given as a list of "PASCAL" statements between begin
and end. These statements describe the mapping from SP parameters to
PDU fields and vice versa or modify minor state variables. An interaction is
sent with an output-statement. The complete behavior of the extended state
machine is given as a list of transition specifications (probably nested).

Protocol entities are represented as module instances in Estelle and

extended state transitions describe the rules of a protocol. A service is speci-
fied as the input/output behavior of a system being composed of several
communicating module Instances. Layers in a communication system are
represented as a hierarchy of subsystems and tasks. SPs are exchanged
via channels, with interaction points modelling SAPs. PDUs may be sent and
received as interactions or may be represented as structured interaction
parameters. A child module can be created for each new connection.

The Estelle semantics is formally defined in [IS09074] using transition

systems. A specification can be composed of individual parts by declaring
module variables and connecting their interaction points. The abstraction
and expressiveness of Estelle specifications are, however, considered to be
too low. This is mainly due to the employment of a programming language
for "specifying" transition conditions, transition actions, and for describing all
data types. The resulting specifications tend to restrict possible design
choices severely and are close to implementations. Overspecification can
hardly be avoided.

The architectural semantics of Estelle is also often criticized in the context of

communication systems [Viss86b] [Cour87]. The fact that transitions cannot
be interrupted requires a non-blocking send for output interactions. As a
consequence, unbounded buffers are needed at the receiving endpoint and
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 39

the communication mode is purely asynchronous. No other communication

modes for exchanging interactions exist in the [IS09074] definition, but
others have been proposed in the literature because pure asynchronous
communication leads to a number of problems. For example, a slow
receiver is not able to impose backpressure on a fast sender; synchronized
use of interaction parameters (for example, controlled release of connection
endpoint identifiers) cannot be achieved; many potential "cross-overs"
(messages crossing each other on the channel or waiting in the tail of the
input queue) have to be handled explicitly in the specification because
they may cause inconsistencies (especially for service aspects) (see also
[Gotz89] [Cour87] [Viss86b]).

The distinction between synchronous and asynchronous parallelism in

Estelle is of limited relevance for distributed systems. Often, the
process-concept is not used in applications of the technique. Structuring
the specification is mainly done with modules and "PASCAL" mechanisms
(functions, procedures). Transitions may be nested on a textual level, but
semantically the transition part is a flat list. The delay clause can be used
for characterizing timing conditions of transitions, but it has no real-time

SDL is similar to Estelle in many respects, but uses a graphical syntax
(SDL/GR). It is only recently that a textual syntax (SDL/PR) has been devel-
oped to ease the distribution and machine processing of SDl specifications.
An SDL system is composed of a number of blocks that are connected via
channels. Blocks can be further substructured into several smaller blocks,
leading to a hierarchical system structure. At the lowest level, a block is
defined by one or several processes, which are the parallel units. Whereas
blocks define the static system structure, processes are created dynam-
ically and are deleted after their termination. The channels connecting
blocks can be refined within block substructures; the messages being con-
veyed are called signals in SOL. On the process level, signalroufes are
attached to channels. The semantics of channels and signal routes are dif-
ferent. Whereas channels cause an unspecified but perceptible delay for
signals, signalroutes pass signals without any delay from source to destina-
40 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

tion. Each process has a FIFO queue attached to it that buffers the incoming

A small SOL system representing an X.2S DTE by one block and one process
is depicted in Figure 20. The SOL symbol for a block is a rectangle, proc-
esses are drawn as 8-cornered boxes. The block X_25_manager is con-
nected to the environment via the channels NSAP and Packets, representing
the communication links to the network service user and the X.2S network.
The signal lists in brackets specify what kind of signals can be sent and
received via these channels. All signals have to be declared using the text
symbols included in the diagram. The process X_25 _DIE is parameterized
by a logical channel number (l c) and has two signalroutes (SP, Pack)
attached to the corresponding channels (NSAP, Packets).

Figure 20 is both an SOL system diagram and a block diagram, showing

the block structure of the system and the process structure of the blocks.

~Il- [SP2] SIGNAL ~
, [SP1]


SPI - N....CONNECTJoq....
SP2 - N_CONNECT_ind....

Pack [Pack2] [Pack1]

.... Packets
X_25_DTE ( Ic )

Pack1 - ColLrequeat ....
Pack2 - Incomin9-coll, ...

Figure 20. K25 DIE in SOL

2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 41

The process X_Z5_DTE has to be further refined in a process diagram,

which is shown in Figure 21. After creation, the process X_Z5_DTE is in state
pI. The input signal N_CONNECTJeq may be received in that state provided
the status of the logical channel is correct. The assignments to parameters
and minor state variables are given in a task symbol. The signal
Call_request is sent and a transition to the state pZ is performed. Subse-
quent transitions from pZ, as well as alternative transitions from pI have to
be specified for the process X_Z5_DTE to represent the rules of the X.25 PlP.

SOL employs an algebraic approach for specifying data types of parame-

ters and variables. Users of the technique can utilize a standard type
library, containing a number of predefined types, and are also provided
with syntactic abbreviations. Some examples are given in Figure 22.

FPAR lC Integer; DCl
LC_Btatua LC.JItatuB_tYPB - fro.;
N_CfU;P f<LCONNECT_requeat;

~ CRJ'DU I hoado, I q...JolI :- FALSE

CIU'OU I hoodorl 011 :-
ILCR.ASP I rocolpLcon",matlaruo'octl.n
CR..PDU I header 1 Ict..numb.r:- LC
LCJtatu. :- pendlnv

CalLrequeat ( CILPOU )

( p2 )

Figure 21. SDL process for X_25_DTE

42 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

called address Charstring;
call ing address Charstring;
receipt=confirmation_selection Boolean;
expedited_data_selection Boolean;
quality of service Network_quality_of_service;
user_data - Octetstring;

header Packet header;
calling dte address length Integer;
called dte address length Integer;
called-dte-address- BCDString;
calling dte address BCDString;
facil ity length Integer;
facil ity-field Faci 1ities;
user data OctetString;

NEWTYPE Packet_header
q bit : Boolean;
d-bit : Boolean;
modulo : Modulotype;
lc number Integer;
packet type id : Octet;
NEWTYPE Modulotype
LITERALS modulo_B, modulo_12B;

NEWTYPE LC status type

LITERALS free,-pending, busy;

Figure 22. SOl type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PLP packets

One or several processes contained in one block can be used to represent

a protocol entity in SDL [8e1i89]. The rules of the protocol are reflected in the
transitions and internal behavior of the processes. Different blocks con-
nected via one or more channels define a service, whereas complete layers
or communication subsystems are represented using block substructures.
SPs are exchanged in the form of signals and parameters being conveyed
may represent PDUs. A new process can be created for each connection or
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 43

several signalroutes may be used. SAPs are represented as bidirectional

channels, a representation which does not exactly match the intended
meaning of this architectural concept.

Most of the criticism for Estelle also applies to SDL: a low level of
abstraction, only asynchronous communication, limited structuring facilities
for state transitions etc. In contrast to Estelle, SDL allows ADTs to be defined
and makes no explicit use of a particular programming language. Other
SDL characteristics are considered drawbacks compared to Estelle: only one
common input queue for each process, no spontaneous transitions,
deterministic selection of inputs. These characteristics complicate
implementation-independent specification and appropriate extensions have
been proposed for SOL in [Hogr89b].

Many of the SDL features cause controversial discussions when applied in

practice. The graphical syntax is intelligible for specifications of small
systems and the specifications are constructive. However, complex real-
world protocols require process diagrams extending over many pages (or
screens), and mixed with many text symbols. Some of the predefined
constructors and generators for algebraic data type definition need thor-
ough understanding of the underlying theory to be used properly. The SDL
timer facility has considerable impact on the overall SOL semantics. On
expiration, a timer signal is appended to the input queue of a process, thus
interfering with the medium. With a reset operation the timer signals are
removed from the input queue, regardless at what position they are, vio-
lating the FIFO property.

It is only recently that SOL has been influenced by academic research

[Hogr89a] and a formal semantics defined [CCZ100]. This influence resulted
in some clarifications and in the introduction of the algebraic data type
concept. Unfortunately, the application of SDL for more than 20 years
without having syntax and semantics formally defined has led to various
SOL dialects in the past. Tool environments often use different versions of the
44 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

2.2.2 Numerical Petri Nets

Petri net models have frequently been employed for describing the concur-
rent execution of a protocol by several entities. Starting from
condition/event nets originally developed by Petri in 1962, a large number
of different net classes have been invented and used. Condition/event nets
are composed of places and transitions that are connected by directed
arcs to form a bipartite graph. The places hold one token at most and
tokens are simple in nature (not structured and without properties). The
occurrence of transitions only depends on the presence of tokens at input
places and tokens are moved to output places when the transition occurs.
The modelling capabilities of condition/event nets were soon considered to
be too simple for many Intended application areas. The model was
extended by allowing multiple tokens to exist at places and to be moved to
other places during the occurrence of a transition. This led to
place/transition nets. A further useful generalization allows for several
token "colors". Individual tokens may belong to different token classes,
leading to colored nets or high-level Petri nets (HLPNs) (see for example
[Jens87] [MueI88]).

Hlgh·/evel Petri nets

A hlgh·level Petri net (HLPN) (without capacity) is defined as

N={P, T, F, C, W, ma), where

P is a set of places,

T is a set of transitions ( P n T = 0),

F s (PxT) U (TxP) is the flow relation,

C is the data set function (or color function), assigning
a data set Cp to each peP and
a data set (of parameters) C, to each teT,

W is the weight function, assigning

a multiset W(p,t)eM(CpxC,) to each (p,t)eFn(PxT) and
a multiset W(t,p)eM(C,xCp) to each (t,p)eFn(TxP),
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 45

ma e M(pxCP) is the initial marking, where

CP := U{ Cp I peP} and CT := U{ ~ I teT }
(M(S) denotes the multiset of a set S).

HLPNs are usually represented as bipartite directed graphs, with expressions

attached to vertices and edges (see for example Figure 23). The places
are drawn as circles and boxes represent the transitions. A transition is
enabled, if its transition condition and input condition are satisfied and
tokens are located at each input place for the current marking. When the
transition occurs, tokens are removed from input places and are created at
output places according to the net definition; a new marking is obtained
(atomic step).

Concurrent activities of protocol entities and inherent parallelism is mod-

elled well by HLPNs. The rules of a protocol are represented as transitions
that, during their occurrence, consume inputs and produce outputs as
defined by the net structure. The possibility of using different token colors
and expressing conditions on transitions and input parameters allows the


Input condition deotroyed token.

~ron.ltlon condition]
lren.ltlon operation.

created token.


Figure 23. High-level Petri net graphical representation

46 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

specification of parameter dependencies. Powerful methods for analyzing

general properties of net specifications, such as reachability, invariant con-
ditions, deadlocks, liveness etc., are available from net theory.

Numerical Petri Nets (NPNs) [Whee85] are a form of HLPNs being applied
for specifying services and protocols [BiII88] [Diaz86] [BiII86]. The graphical
representation illustrated in Figure 23 corresponds to the graphical syntax
of NPNs [BiII88].

In NPNs, tokens are tuples of variables. The arcs can be inscribed with func-
tions and expressions, leading to complex enabling and firing rules. In
addition, a set of global data variables can be associated with a net spec-
ification. Only a number of simple data types are provided (Integer,
Boolean, Enumerated, String). Two different capacity functions are given,
restricting the number of tokens for a specific color and the total number of
tokens at places, respectively.

To continue with the X.25 PLP example, there is no distinguished solution

among the different possibilities for modelling an X.25 DTE by an NPN. The
rules of the X.2S PLP have to be represented as transitions, SPs and PDUs are
to be represented as tokens. The protocol entity is defined as a subnet of a
complete net describing the behavior of the network layer. The service pro-
vided by the layer is the input/output behavior defined by transition
sequences and observed as deletion and creation of tokens at particular
places. In general, plenty of possibilities exist for modelling layers, services,
and protocols by NPNs [Diaz86].

To further illustrate the various net mechanisms that can be used for speci-
fying distributed systems, two small nets are shown in Figure 24, modelling
different communication modes between system parts. In net (a), a shared
place is used to connect the entities PI and P2 represented by two places
and one transition each. In order to communicate, one entity puts a token
on the shared place and the other may remove it from there (asynchronous
communication mode). In net (b), PI and P2 are coupled by a shared tran-
sition and tokens removed from one input place may be moved to either
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FOTs) 47

P1 P2 P1 P2

(0) (b)

Figure 24. Modelling different communication modes with Petri nets

output place when the transition occurs (synchronous communication


A transition of the NPN representing an X.25 OTE is given In Figure 25

(without capacities). The shared places NSAP and Packets are used to
model the communication with the network service user and the network,
respectively. A network service user puts an SP in form of a token on the
NSAP place to initiate the establishment of a connection. The token Is a
tuple of variables, each variable represents an SP parameter. Whether the
X.25 OTE is ready to accept the SP is modelled by the place SPs holding a
token for each SP that can be received In a given net situation (local
service constraints). The transition NConReq is enabled if tokens are present
at both of the input places for an actual marking and the global variable
LC_status has the correct value. When the transition occurs, a tuple of vari-
ables representing the CALL REQUEST packet is put on the place Packets
and a "Ca 11_connected" token is generated for the place PDUs. Similar to
the place SPs, the place PDUs holds a token for every packet that Is
expected from the network in a given net situation. The global variable
LC_status is set to pending.

Although the modelling power of NPNs is high, the representation of basic

architectural concepts of communication systems is not straightforward.
48 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques


l.CJtatuI· pendln;

• NSAP Packets

cd,cg String
rC,ed Boolean
QO& Integer
- { <"N_CONNECT_req">} Ud String
q,d Boolean
- {<"InCOI1InQ...c"II">' mod El1I.I1IIIr.. tad
<"C1ear.lndlc..tlon">} Ie Integer
ptl String
mo(NSAP) - { }
cgl,cdl Integer
cd,cg String
mo (Packets) - { } fl Integer
f String
Ud String

FIgure 25. X.25 DTE as Numerical Petri Net

First, basic concepts like entities or SAPs require several places and/or tran-
sitions to be represented, due to the very general mechanisms that nets
offer. Second, the variety of adequate possibilities for describing a system
can cause confusion. Each new net has to be understood from the begin-
ning by Its lOW-level primitives because abstraction mechanisms are

HlPNs (and NPNs) are formally well-defined and powerful methods exist for
analyzing nets. Compared to normal place/transition nets, the expressive-
ness of NPNs is better, but certain reqUirements can sometimes only be
described by larger nets with several transitions and places. Data typing
facilities are severely limited. On the other hand, nets are implementation-
independent specifications expressing concurrency and causality well.
Compositionality can be achieved in various ways: by identifying places
and/or transitions of individually developed nets or by introducing subnets
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 49

connecting components (see for example [VogI89J). However, the latter

strategy may change the overall meaning of the net specification consider-
ably. Net specifications are interpreted in terms of their transition system
semantics and are constructive in nature. The intelligibility of large nets is,
however, considered critical because of the complex dynamic behavior.

2.2.3 LOTOS
The formal description technique LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering
Specification) was developed within ISO between 1981 and 1988 [1508807]
(in parallel with Estelle). A process algebraic approach was taken and the
algebraic data type language ACT ONE was adopted for abstract data type
definition. A comprehensive tutorial on LOTOS is provided in [BoI087].

Process Algebras
The process algebraic approach to the specification of communicating
systems was Initiated by Milner with CCS (Calculus of Communicating
Systems) presented In [Miln80]. The basic idea Is to describe a system only
by the behavior that can be seen (or experienced) by an external observer.
Systems are composed of several communicating agents Interacting with
each other and with the external environment. Communication takes place
as an indivisible unit of synchronized interaction (called actions). The
behavior of agents is described by behavior expressions that are subject
to algebraic laws. Several related approaches (for example [Hoar85]) use
the notion of processes instead of agents.

Agents are often graphically represented as boxes, with the set of possible
actions drawn at the sides (see Figure 26 for an example). The observable
actions determine the alphabet A of an agent. The unobservable (internal)
actions of an agent (for example, internal communication between two
components) are represented with an internal action symbol. The behavior
of an agent is specified by an associated behavior expression (see
Figure 26) that is constructed from predefined simple behavior by applying
a fixed set of compositional operators. These operators can be used to
combine agents sequentially or concurrently and to specify alternative or
recursive behavior. The number and characteristics of predefined simple
behaviors and available operators distinguish different process algebras.
The syntax employed is also different in many cases.
50 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

a- I-C


A = {a, b, c, d}
actions =Au { i } A= ((a; b ; A) [] (j ; c ; d ; stop) )

Figure 26. Representation of agents In a process algebra

The behavior of an agent is often visualized by an action tree (see

Figure 26). In an action tree, edges are labelled by actions. Nodes corre-
spond to initial or intermediate behavior expressions, leading to an implicit
notion of "states" (node labels have been omitted). The example agent A
in Figure 26 is able to perform an arbitrary number of 'a' and 'b' actions in
sequential order. Alternatively, the agent may decide to perform an internal
action, partiCipate in actions 'c' and 'd', and remain inactive forever. This
behavior is represented as a behavior expression given underneath the
action tree in Figure 26. The syntax of LOTOS has been employed as sum-
marized in Figure 27. When an agent is composed in parallel with other
agents, their common actions have to be performed synchronously (they
observe each other). All other actions may take place in arbitrary order,
only confined by the order given for the individual agents. In this way, con-
currency is modelled by arbitrary interleaving.

The semantics of operators and behavior expressions in a process algebra

are usually given by a set of axioms and inference rules. The inference
rules determine how behavior expressions transform into others after actions
have been performed and communication has taken place. Strong alge-
braic laws can be postulated for the operators and are the basis of pow-
erful process algebraiC calculi. The notion of observational equivalence is
of particular importance for verifying specification-implementation relations
between agents.
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 51

In protocol specification, actions are associated with SPs or PDUs and

consist of a SAP identifier, identification of the SP or PDU, and parameter
values. Ordering constraints are defined by the behavior expressions of
agents modelling protocol entities and service providers. The execution of
particular actions may depend on parameter values. Parallel composition of
agents yields a layer or a complete communication system.

In LOTOS, communicating agents forming a system are called processes. A
specification defines a hierarchy of processes, where process behavior is
expressed by combining subprocesses exhibiting simpler behavior until the
specification can be expressed directly (inaction, action prefix. choice,
successful termination). Composition operators are provided for sequential
composition (enabling, disabling) or parallel composition of processes
(pure interleaving, full synchronization, general case). Processes being
composed in parallel communicate by participating in a synchronous
event. The notion of a gate is used as a synonym for event labels and sym-
bolizes the abstract location where the interaction takes place. Interactions
performed at internal gates can be hidden from the outside world by using
the hiding-operator. The symbol I is used to denote an internal event.
Existing process definitions can be instantiated in other process definitions.
In this way, recursive behavior can be achieved.

The syntax employed in Basic LOTOS is summarized in Figure 27 [BoI087].

Basic LOTOS is the subset of the language dealing with a finite set of pos-
sible events to express process behavior, without using data parameters. In
Full LOTOS, data parameters are associated with events and processes may
communicate data values during an interaction. Data values are also used
for instantiating parameterized processes, defining generalized choices and
guarded expressions, or passing information to subsequent processes.

In the following example, 9 is a gate, E is a value expression, and Bl and

B2 are processes. Value communication between Bl and B2 may take three
different forms in Full LOTOS:
52 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

B1 B2

(1) value matching 9 ! E1 9 ! E2 value(E1) = value(E2)

(2) value passing 9 ! E 9 ? x : t value(E) of sort t

(3) value generation: g? x : t 9 ? Y : u t = u

Since several processes can be composed in parallel at one gate and

since these processes have to synchronize their actions (multi-way synchro-
nization). value communication can occur between any number of proc-
esses. In case (1). synchronization is achieved if the values offered by all
processes are equal. In case (2). the value offered is passed to other proc-
esses declaring variables for receiving that value. Since no explicit value is
offered in case (3). a value being suitable for all participating processes is
generated and received by all processes. The set of suitable values may be
restricted by a boolean expression (se/ection predicate). A high level of
abstraction can be achieved by writing the formal description in such a

Name Syntax
inaction stop
action prefix
- unobservable (internal) liB
- observable 9iB
choice BiD B2
parallel compasition
- general case B1 1[911 .... 9nJI B2
- pure interleaving B1II1 B2
- full synchronization Bill B2
hiding hide 91' ... , 9n in B
process instantiation p [911 ..., 9n]
successful termination exit
sequential composition (enabling) B1 »B2
disabling B1 [> B2
Figure 27. Syntax ot behavior expressions In Basic LOTOS
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 53

way that several processes acting in parallel impose their individual con-
straints on data values during synchronization with other processes. This is
called the constraint-oriented specification style. other specification styles
exist and should be used for more implementation-oriented specifications.

A small excerpt from a LOTOS specification of an X.25 DTE is given in

Figure 29. The process X_25_DTE is composed in parallel with other proc-
esses describing the behavior of the network service user and the X.25
network (together forming the process X_25_manager). The process config-
uration is illustrated in Figure 28, where the process X_25_DTE is drawn as a
box. The gates where interactions with the external environment may occur
are drawn at the sides of the box (NSAP, Packets). The parameters of the
process X_25_DTE are the synchronization gate NSAP (for communication
with the service user), the synchronization gate Packets (for communication
with the network), and the logical channel number 1c. The behavior of the
process X_25_DTE is defined locally in the process X_25_manager, as indi-
cated by the where-clause. Three sequentially composed subprocesses are
used, corresponding to the three phases of the X.25 PLP. Successful termi-
nation of the connection establishment phase (process ConEst) enables
data transfer (process DatTra). Either phase may be disrupted by con-
nection release (process ConRe 1).

The process Con Est is able to participate in an interaction at the gate sp

provided that the first value offered in the event expression matches
IN_CONNECTJeq" and the remaining values for the variable N_CR_SP are
passed. Subsequently, an interaction at the gate pack is performed and the
values of the CALL REQUEST packet are passed to the network. Subsequent
behavior according to the X.25 PLP is to be specified using action prefixing,
or alternative behavior can be defined using the choice-operator.

As can be seen in the example, values offered at gates can be complex

expressions composed of variables, constants, and operation symbols. The
variables receiving the value of those expressions must have the same type
and the semantics of the operations must be defined in order to allow an
evaluation. The types and operations are specified with ACT ONE, as illus-
trated in Figure 30. Abstract data types are defined algebraically by
defining a signature (sort symbols, operation symbols, and their domain
54 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

Network Service User


Figure 28. X,25 DTE in LOTOS

and range) and giving the semantics of operations by a set of equations

which relate terms (see for example [Ehri85]).

process X_25_manager [NSAP, Packets] ( lc : Nat) : noextt :=

Network_Service_User I [NSAP] I
X_25_DTE [NSAP, Packets] ( lc ) I [Packets] I
X_25_Network [Packets]

process X_25_DTE [SP, Pack] ( lC : Nat) : noexlt :=

( let lC_status : lC_status_type = free In
( ( ConEst [SP, Pack] ( lC ) » DatTra [SP, Pack] ( lC ) )
[> ConRel [SP, Pack] ( lC ) )

process ConEst [sp, pack] ( lC : Nat ) : exit :=

[lC status • free] ->
(sp I"N_CONNECT_requ ? N_CR_SP : N_CONNECT_request
pack '"Call request
, CR_PDU ( make_header ( false,
receipt confirmation selection ( N_CR_SP ),
modulo_B, -
CR pti ),
.. -:- ): ...
[] ...
endproc •.•

Figure 29. LOTOS process for X_25_ DTE

2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 55

type N CON req is Boolean, Natural Number, CharString, OctetString,

- - NetworkQualityOfService
sorts N_CONNECT_request
NConReq : CharString, CharString, Bool, Bool, NetworkQoS, OctetString ->
N CONNECT request
receipt_conflrmation=selection : N_CONNECT_request -> Bool

forall cd, cg : CharString, re, ed : Bool, ud : OctetString
ofsort Bool
receipt_confirmation_selection NConReq ( cd, cg, re, ed, ud ) } = rc

type Packet header is Boolean, Modulo, NaturalNumber, Octet

sorts Header
make header Bool, Bool, Mod, Nat, Octet -> Header
q bi t Header -> Boo 1

forall bI, b2 : Bool, mod: Mod, no : Nat, id : Octet
ofsort Bool
q_bit ( make_header ( bI, b2, mod, no, id ) ) = bi ;


type CALL_REQ is Packet header, NaturalNumber, BCDString, Facilities,

OctetString, Octet
CR]DU Header, Nat, Nat, BCDString, BCDString, Nat, Facs, OetetString ->
CR pti -> Octet
header CALL_REQUEST -> Header
forall cr : CALL REQUEST, h : Header, cgl, cdl Nat, cd, cg BCDString,
fl : Nat,-f : Facs, ud : OctetString
of sort Octet
CR pti = 'aB'H
ofsort Header
header ( CR_PDU ( h, cgl, cdl, cd, cg, fl, f, ud ) ) = h


Figure 30. LOTOS (ACT ONE) type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PLP packets
56 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

Since LOTOS was conceived for specifying OSI services and protocols, the
architectural concepts of communication systems are represented well.
Processes model protocol entities and can be composed flexibly to form a
protocol layer and to provide a service. SPs and PDUs are exchanged with
interactions at gates representing SAPs. The functionality of a service or the
rules of a protocol are defined by temporal orderings of interactions and
multi-way synchronization constraints. A new process can be instantiated for
each new connection and processes can be parameterized by CEPs.

Formal descriptions in LOTOS are constructive specifications that are inter-

preted in terms of labelled transition systems semantics [IS08807]. An
elegant and powerful theory exists for equivalences between processes,
equivalence-preserving transformations, and testing (see [Eijk89a]). Several
operators are provided for parallel and sequential composition of processes
to form complex systems. The degree of abstraction is high because the
focus is on external observability and nothing is stated on internal details of

Nevertheless, creating LOTOS specifications is considered to be a compli-

cated task. Because of lack of other structuring mechanisms, the process
concept is applied at different levels of detail. This leads to highly recursive
behavior expressions that are difficult to read. The missing concept of an
explicit internal state can force specifiers to describe parameter mappings
between interactions by awkward constructions (let, accept). Scope rules
for variables introduced in event expressions are hard to recognize in the
specification text. The same applies for priority rules of operators.

The concept of multi-way synchronization is considered inadequate for dis-

tributed system design because it will rarely be implemented in practice.
Creating specifications according to different specification styles is part of
the LOTOS design methodology, but is not really enforced by the technique.
Mixed-style specifications can easily be produced, although that was never

The application of ACT ONE for specifying data types requires a substantial
effort. Only limited support is provided by a predefined type library and all
other types have to be defined from scratch. The denotation of values as
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 57

terms composed of variables, constants, and operation symbols is not prac-

tical. Some predefined abbreviations have to be provided to users of the

2.2.4 Z
The Z notation is a general-purpose formal description technique developed
at Oxford University since 1980. It is based on set theory and predicate
logic and has been employed for specifying a variety of information proc-
essing systems [Haye87]. More recently, Z has also been used In the area
of communication systems [Duke88]. An introduction and reference manual
is provided in [Spiv89].

Predicate Logic
A language of formal logic is defined in two steps (see for example
[Mann74]). First, syntactic rules are given that determine the set of well-
formed formulas. In first order predicate logic (FOPL), symbols exist for
constants, individual variables, functions, predicates, quantors, and logical
connectives ('" v, ..." =>, <0>, V, 3). Terms are defined as constants, vari-
ables, or function symbols applied to terms. An atomic formula is either a
predicate symbol applied to terms, or an equality between two terms. A
formula can be an atomic formula, or may consist of formulas combined
by logical connectives.

In a second step, semantics of well-formed formulas are defined. This is

done by introducing interpretations, which are mappings from the variable
symbols to values from a specific domain of individuals, from constant
symbols to constants, and from function and predicate symbols to functions
and predicates over the selected domain. Every well-formed formula pos-
sesses a truth value 'true' or 'false' under a specific interpretation. Alterna-
tively, universally valid formulas can be derived In a deduction system that
consists of a language of formal logic, together with a set of logical axioms
and inference rules. The fact that a formula is universally valid, or valid
under a specific interpretation, can be proven by syntactic derivation in a
deduction system. The formulas that are logical consequences of a given
set of axioms and inference rules can be enumerated and form a logic
58 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

Specification techniques based on logic are often called descriptive tech-

niques, as opposed to constructive techniques, because logic specifica-
tions just define desired properties of a system and are not interpreted
algorithmically (see the discussion on FOl requirements at the beginning of
this chapter). However, algorithmic (procedural) interpretations exist for
certain logic languages (for example, Horn clause logic [Kowa79]). In
general, descriptive specifications are better suited for verifying system
properties (see for example [Krum84]), whereas constructive specifications
are better suited for implementing systems.

A Z specification comprises definitions of mathematical objects like types,
functions, relations, sets etc., and a number of schemas. Data typing mech-
anisms are based on sets. Several basic sets are predefined and new types
can be constructed by using set operations, functions or relations over sets,
cartesian products etc. Schemas provide a framework for declaring a
number of objects that are associated with variables and a number of pred-
icates that describe properties of the schema by relating the variables.

Different parts of a communication system can be represented as state

schemas in Z. In Figure 31, an X.25 OlE is represented by the conjunction of
schemas NSAP, Packets, and DIE_state. The schemas NSAP and Packets
model communication channels by declaring variables (sps, pack) which
hold sequences of messages of an underlying base type. Predefined oper-
ations, such as head and ta i 1, are used to manipulate these variables.
Sending is done by appending interactions at the end of a sequence and
messages are received by removing interactions from the head of a
sequence. The communication achieved this way is asynchronous. The
schema DIE_state represents the state of the protocol entity as a number
of variables and schema Init_DIE describes the initial values for a specific
X.25 OlE.

The rules of a protocol are captured by operation schemas defining pos-

sible actions on state schemas. The operation schema NConReq shown in
Figure 32 describes how establishment of a connection is initiated
according to the X.25 PLP. The upper part of the schema contains the decla-
rations and the lower part (below the separation line) consists of conditions
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 59


I pack :-s-e-q-P-O-U--------------------------------------

8 •• 4895
LC_status {free, pending, busy}
p state {pI, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7}

LC = lc
LC_status = free
p state = pI

(Symbol "~" means "is defined to be")

Figure 31. X.25 DTE in Z

6 X_25_DTE

N_CR_SP : N_CONNECT_request
N_CR_SP = head ( sps' )
p state' = pI
LC_status' = free
sps = tail ( sps' )
CR POU.header.q bit = false
CR-POU.header.d-bit = N CR SP.receipt confirmation selection
C(POU. header. 1 _number = LC - - -

p state = p2
LC_status = pending

(Symbol M" means "conca'tenation" and "<>" means "make sequence")

Figure 32. Z operation schema for X_ 25 DTE

60 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

and actions. Previously defined schemas can be referenced in declarations,

as done for X_25_DTE, which means that all objects defined in the refer-
enced schema are available in the new schema (schema inclusion). Addi-
tionally, all properties of the referenced schemas (described by predicates)
are I\-connected with the predicates defined in the new schema. If the
schema inclusion is preceded by the ~ symbol, the values of the included
objects can be modified by actions. These actions are described by predi-
cates defining a relation between the before-state (primed variables) and
the after-state (unprimed variables). An SP sent by the network service user
is retrieved from the variable sps with the head-operation, provided that the
variables p_state and LC_status have appropriate values. The contents of
the CALL REQUEST packet (CR_PDU) and new values of state variables are
described. A new message for the network is c;onstructed and appended to
the variable pack. State schemas may be used to define types, as illus-
trated in Figure 33. Elements of other schemas can be accessed using a
dot notation (see for example schema NConReq). SP parameters and PDU
fields may also be defined by cartesian products and accessed via
projection functions.

In Z, concurrency is modelled by allowing operations to be performed con-

currently provided they act independently on the system state. However, this
may be difficult to predict for specifiers and it may lead to unexpected
inconsistencies. Z specifications are descriptive because they state only
properties of systems and the usage of predicate logic abstracts from their
implementation. There Is, however, a constructive interpretation based on
the execution history [Duke88]. Any history of the specified system starts in
an initial state and from then on, enabled operations are selected and per-
formed until forever or until no further enabled operation exists. Execution
histories can be stored in schemas and may serve for verifying safety and
liveness properties.

The theory of Z is well-founded in traditional mathematics. The expressive-

ness and the degree of abstraction is high. However, the fact that Z was not
especially conceived for specifying communicating systems complicates its
application in this area. This is mainly due to missing concepts for explicitly
modelling various communication modes and communicating entities. Vari-
ables holding message streams are considered inadequate for representing
2.2 Formal Description Techniques (FDTs) 61

ca 11 i ng address : ADDRESS
receipt-confirmation selection : BOOLEAN
expedited data selection : BOOLEAN
quality_ot_service NetworkQualityOfService
user_data : OCTETSTRING

q bit
modulo {modulo 8, modulo 128}
lc number 9 •• 4995- -
packet_type_id : OCTET

: Packet header
calling dte address length: Z -
called dte address length : Z
cal 1ed-dte-address- : BCDString
calling dte address : BCDString
facility length : Z
facility-field : Facilities
user_data : OCTETSTRING


(Symbol ";;<" means "is defined to be")

Figure 33. Z type definitions for network SPs and X.25 PlP packets

SAPs. Complex systems can be composed of individual parts, but internal

and external behavior is not differentiated within the semantics of Z. To cir-
cumvent that problem, users of the technique defined separate schemas
and refer to them informally as "the external view" and the "Internal view"
[Haye90]. The intelligibility of Z specifications decreases the more prede-
fined and user-clefined mathematical symbols are used. Offen profound
mathematical knowledge is required to understand the specification. The
question arises as to whether this can be expected from implementors.
62 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques

2.3 Comparative Assessment

The main problems encountered with specifications created by means of
natural language text and pictures are that they tend to be ambiguous, are
often incomplete or imprecise, and cannot be processed by automated
tools. These are severe restrictions that have to be overcome. Precise specifi-
cations that can be processed by tools are facilitated by FDTs. However, the
acceptance and application of FDTs in industrial projects is still limited.
While the benefits of using FDTs for the development of new communication
protocols and services are gaining recognition, existing FDTs still have con-
siderable weaknesses.

The degree of abstraction reached with Estelle and SDL Is too low, resulting
in overspecification. No programming language should be employed for
specifying abstract services and data types. Nondeterminism as a means of
expressing alternative behavior is important and should be available. Syn-
chronous communication is appropriate for specifying abstract service
aspects and should be provided as well. FDTs employing state transition
models should offer language constructs that allow thorough structuring of
the transition space. True parallelism within a state machine cannot be

Petri nets have proved to be an excellent formalism for modelling concur-

rency and causality In concurrent systems. Net specifications of concurrent
systems can be analyzed in various ways for checking properties. However,
the description primitives provided by Petri nets are considered Inadequate
for directly representing basic architectural concepts of communication
systems, such as SAPs, entities, or layers. The invention of HLPNs facilitates
more compressed specifications, but still does not offer the appropriate con-
cepts. Adequate data typing mechanisms and a clear concept of modulari-
zation are not provided.

The degree of abstraction and the sound mathematical basis of the Z nota-
tion are appealing, but similar arguments apply as for Petri nets. The repre-
sentation and parallel composition of protocol entities is difficult to describe.
Modelling communication via SPs at SAPs according to the basic concepts
of open systems is not straightforward. This is because the basic architec-
2.3 Comparative Assessment 63

tural concepts of communication systems have to be modelled by users of

the technique using several schemas before adequate representations of
these concepts are available. The notion of external observability is not
reflected in the semantics of Z. Specifications are descriptive and better
suited for formal verification of properties, rather than supporting a construc-
tive approach. Recent proposals have been made to improve the notation
by introducing object-oriented ideas [Ouke90].

From the languages evaluated in the last section, LOTOS meets best the
requirements for an FOT to be applied for specifying communication
systems. The technique focuses on external observability and provides pow-
erful concepts supporting communication system design. The abstraction
from internal states of specified systems is advantageous when abstracting
from particular implementations, but also poses considerable problems.
Parameter dependencies, local and global constraints, and protocol rules
are difficult to formalize without the concept of an internal state if they are
of realistic complexity. Multi-way synchronization is considered inadequate
for describing communication between distributed processes. Although pro-
viding an excellent semantical basis, the algebraic style of writing abstract
data type speCifications has to be improved for LOTOS in order to be appli-
cable in practice.

The results of the evaluation of existing FDTs has been the motivation to
search for an alternative approach that tries to combine the advantages of
the existing techniques while avoiding their main drawbacks. The new
approach is presented in the next chapter.
64 2 Protocol Specification with Formal Description Techniques
3 Protocol Specification with
Communicating Rule Systems

A rule-based approach to the formal description of communication services

and protocols is presented in this chapter. The technique is called Commu-
nicating Rule Systems (CRS) and can be applied to the specification of
concurrent, distributed systems. Rules are employed to model the behavior
of communicating system components. The basic ideas of the technique
were introduced in [Mack87] and a first language definition was given in

CRS was conceived to combine advantages of existing techniques (see

[Mack87]) and is based on several of the concepts explained in chapter 2.
The approach is extensional, focussing on the behavior that can be seen by
an external observer, but an extended finite state machine (EFSM) model is
used to describe possible behavior sequences. The state space is given by
a number of objects that can be defined using data abstraction. A formal
framework based on first order predicate logic (FOPL) and employing a rule
paradigm is provided to define and structure the transition space.

In this thesis, the focus is on the application of CRS to the development of

communication systems, whereas in [Neum88] CRS has been presented as
a technique to describe the parallel execution and communication of
knowledge-based systems. Applying CRS to the area of communication
systems is appealing for several reasons explained in the following secHons.
Many authors like to characterize communication protocols as sets of rules
(see for example [Krum84] [Nehm85] [Slom87] [Tane88] etc.). The experi-
ences gained from applying CRS to several real protocols resulted In a
number of modifications and extensions to the language definition given in
[Neum88]. One major change was to adopt the Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN.1) standardized by ISO and CCITT as a substitute for the former
CRS type concept. This was done because ASN.1 meets the requirements of
a data description technique for communication systems. In order to
achieve the integration into CRS several extensions to ASN.1 had to be
defined concerning operations on data objects, resulting in the Extended
66 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1). The mechanisms defined in

[Neum88] to structure the set of rules in CRS specifications have been modi-
fied and extended as well. Finally, an operational semantics based on
label/ed transition systems has been developed.

The resulting CRS language as used in this thesis is presented in the fol-
lowing. The data definition constructs provided by X-ASN.1 are explained in
section 3.1. How rules and rule systems can be specified is described in
section 3.2, including an assessment according to the criteria developed in
chapter 2. The operational semantics is given in section 3.3. A number of
examples taken from the X.2S packet level protocol (PLP) [1508208]
[1508878] are provided as illustrations of the various concepts introduced in
this chapter.

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One

The Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) evolved from the ccm recom-
mendation X.409 as part of the application layer standard for message
handling systems to an international standard of its own. The development
of the language has been aligned between the ISO and ccm standardi-
zation bodies. Advanced tutorials on ASN.1 are provided in [Gora87]

In order to achieve correct operation of a protocol, the participating protocol

entities need precise information about the data structures to be
exchanged. Since protocol entities are located in physically separate
systems and are realized in different hard- and software environments they
have to agree on the structure of the data they want to exchange in a way
independent of their local representation. Following the 051 model, the
nature of the data changes from simple byte sequences in the lower layers
to complex structured objects in the upper layers. For describing the
abstract structure of data objects exchanged by application processes an
appropriate data description language is needed.
3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 67

ASN.1 can be used to describe the structure of data independently of the

local representations, programming languages, and implementation strate-
gies employed for the different protocol entities. ASN.1 specifications just
define the abstract syntax of data objects; various forms of representing
these objects in different systems are possible (local syntax). The syntax
used for transmitting the data is called transfer syntax and is derived from
the abstract syntax by applying a set of encoding rules. Different sets of
encoding rules may exist for different protocols. Currently, ISO has standard-
ized the so-called basic encoding rules for ASN.1 in [IS08825]. The conver-
sion from local syntax to transfer syntax and vice versa is called
encoding/decoding and is done by corresponding routines in each system,
as illustrated in Figure 34 [Gora88b]. System A and System B in Figure 34
are using local implementations of a data type described in ASN.1,
employing "MODULA" and "C", respectively, as implementation languages.


DownloodSegment ::= SEQUENCE {

} moreFollows BOOLEAN

~~OCOI"\j / "',
locol ~
\pre!entotio j epre~entotiO!

System A \ ,/ System B
" //

Encoding/Decoding Encoding/Decoding
A t--f T T t--f B

TYPE DLSeg- typedef struct {
RECORD char .Id dota;
loodDt : ARRAY [1..512 J OF CHAR; T
) lnt more:
more : BOOLE AN; dlseg;

Figure 34. Abstract, local and transfer syntax in communication systems

68 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

ASN.1 was intended to be used for the implementation-independent

description of application layer PDUs. However, the notation has much
broader scope. The abstract structure of lower layer PDUs can be described
as well (different encoding rules may have to be used) and the ASN.1 nota-
tion may also be applied to defining the structure of SPs and SP parameters
[Schn90c]. The important aspects to be described for PDUs and SPs are the
ordering of data, presence or absence of parameters, identification of fields,
and the encoding/decoding of values. This information is crucial to the par-
ticipating parties and difficult to express using common specification or pro-
gramming languages. The constructs provided by ASN.1 have been
conceived for specifying the structure of data to be exchanged in commu-
nication systems. They allow the definition of optional fields, different
orderings, various string types, named numbers and bits, and many other
useful structures. However, the imbedded use of ASN.1 in specification or
programming languages was not intended by the standards committees.
Consequently, the ASN.1 standard defines no means for accessing and
manipulating different components of ASN.1 typed objects. The ASN.1 exten-
sions considered for integrating the notation into CRS (X-ASN.1) are
explained together with the standard ASN.1 constructs in the following.

3.1.1 Type Definition and Operations

Like most type concepts available in programming languages, ASN.1 pro-
vides a basic set of predefined types, called simple types, and a set of
mechanisms for constructing structured types. The simple types include
boolean values, integer and floating point numbers, and various forms of
strings. Type constructors exist for defining ordered or unordered sequences
and sets of values from previously defined types. Another constructor allows
the definition of types as a choice of several existing types. New types may
also be built as subtypes of existing types by restricting ranges or enumer-
ating possible values.

ASN.1 type and value definitions have to be encapsulated in a type

module. The syntactic framework is illustrated in Figure 35. The types and
values that can be referenced in other modules are given in the export list
and the types and values being used from other modules are given in the
import list. The requirement to put type and value definitions into a module
enforces the modular construction of data structures for communication pro-
3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 69

Figure 35. ASN.1 module definition frame example

tocols. Several modules can be created for different protocol layers, service
Interfaces, functional units, or other aspects of grouping.

The notion of a type is used in ASN.1 to summarize a set of values. The

ASN.1 value notation defines how values of different types are denoted. No
operations are associated with ASN.1 types in contrast to data types in pro-
gramming or specification languages. Adding operations to each of the
ASN.1 types and type constructors Is the Intention of X-ASN.1. Thus, the ASN.1
constructs as described in [IS08824] are fully supported by X-ASN.1. In addi-
tion, a number of operations is defined for each type that can be specified
with ASN.1. In the following, the abbreviation X-ASN.1 is used when referring
to the resulting data definition language as a whole.

When talking about data types where the representation of values and the
implementation of associated operations is fixed, the notion concrete data
types is often used. Data types that are defined without using a specific
representation and implementation are called abstract data types (ADTs)
(see for example [Clea86]). The basic idea of ADTs is to separate the use of
a type from its implementation. By defining possible operations on ASN.1
types, predefined ADTs are provided to users of X-ASN.1. For the type
constructors this results in a generiC type concept. Completely new ADTs
may be defined (if required) using data abstraction in CRS (see section 3.2).

Nothing has been said so far about another ASN.1 facility: the macro nota·
tion. By using macros, a user of the technique is able to extend the prede-
fined ASN.1 syntax and to introduce completely new type definition
constructs. Thus, the ASN.1 macro notation means much more than the
textual substitution available in assembler languages. Since the syntax of
ASN.1 is not fixed if macros are used, analysis tools for the language are
70 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

very hard to implement. No mechanism exists to define the meaning of

new syntactic constructs introduced by ASN.1 macros. The ASN.1 macro
notation has been criticized by many authors (for example (Gora88a]
(Neuf90]) and will probably be reconsidered by the standardization bodies.
In this thesis, the ASN.1 macro facility is not used.

The simple types, structured types, and subtypes that can be defined using
X-ASN.1 and the possible operations available are explained in the fol-
lowing. Some type definitions for data structures used in the X.25 PLP are
given as examples.

SImple types
The following simple types are provided by X-ASN.1:

values TRUE, FALSE

operations .., (negation), A (logical-AND), v (Iogical-OR), => (impli-

cation), - (equivalence), IF-THEN-FI and IF-THEN-ELSE-FI

comments The usual logiC operations are provided, the conditional

operations are considered to be useful as well.

examples Figure 36 (1);

values all integer numbers

operations +ilI (addition), -ill (subtraction), •ill (multiplication), DIV

(integer division), MOD (remainder of integer division), <ill'
:::;;ilI' >ilI' ~1nI (relational operations)
comments No lower and upper bound is given for integer numbers
since the representation is left open. The usual arithmetic
and relational operations are provided. In addition, partic-
ular integers can be associated with identifiers (named

examples Figure 36 (2);

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 71

values all floating point numbers

operations (addition). -rea' (subtraction). ·rea. (multiplication). / (divi-


sion). <real' Sreol' > rea" ~real (relational operations)

comments No lower and upper bound is given for floating point

numbers since the representation is left open. The usual
arithmetic and relational operations are provided.

examples Figure 36 (3);


values sequences of bits

operations && (bitwise-AND). II (bitwise-OR). ! (bitwise-NOT). CONCATbft

(concatenation). SUBST~, (substring). LENGTH bl (length)

comments The length of the string can be restricted by using the SIZE
construct in the type definition. The concatenation opera-
tion takes two string arguments and delivers the concat-
enated string as the result. The substring operation takes
one string argument. the starting position. and the length
of the substring to be delivered as the result. The length
function takes one string argument and delivers the
number of bits in the string. In addition. particular bits can
be associated with identifiers (named bits).

examples Figure 36 (4);


values sequences of octets

operations CONCAToct (concatenation). SUBSTRoct (substring). LENGTH oct


comments The length of the string can be restricted by using the SIZE
construct in the type definition. The concatenation opera-
tion takes two string arguments and delivers the concat-
enated string as the result. The substring operation takes
72 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

d1 0 bit type ::= TRUE
d2 O=bit=type ::= FALSE
~ d1 = FALSE
d1 v d2 = TRUE
d1 A d2 = FALSE
(2) Sequence_numbers ::= INTEGER
Window_sizes ::= INTEGER {small_default(2), large_default(8)}

p s Sequence numbers ::= 1

p-r Sequence-numbers ::= 8
w=s Window_sTzes ::= small_default
p_s + PJ = 1
( (p_s - p_r) < w_s ) = TRUE
( (p_r + 1) MOD w_s ) = 1
(3) Throughputs ::= REAL

tp1 Throughputs ::= (48, 18, 2)

tp2 Throughputs ::= (12, 18, 2)

tp1 * (2, la, a) = (96, 18, 2)

tp1 / tp2 = ( 4, 18, 8)

(4) Packet_type_identifier ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(8))

{bit7(7), bit6(6), bit5(5), bit4(4),
bit3(3), bit2(2), bit1(1), bit8(8)}
pti Packet_type_identifier ::= '88881811'B

LENGTH(pti) =8
! pti ='11118188'B
pti II ! pti =' 11111111' B
(5) User_data ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8 •• 128))

ud1 User_data ::= '68656C6C6F'H

ud2 User_data ::= '2821'H

LENGTH(ud1) =5
LENGTH(ud2) = 2
SUBSTR(ud1, I, 2) = '6865'H
CONCAT(ud1, ud2) = '68656C6C6F2821'H
(6) P_state_type ::= (p1(l), p2(2), p3(3), p4(4), p5(5), p6(6), p7(7)}

Figure 36. Simple type examples

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 73

one string argument. the starting position. and the length

of the substring to be delivered as the result. The length
function takes one string argument and delivers the
number of octets in the string.

examples Figure 36 (5);


values as given in the enumeration list


comments Each value of an enumerated type is identified by a

name and associated with an integer number (encoding

examples Figure 36 (6);

values null


comments The 'empty' type in ASN.1. The value 'null' indicates no

contents. It is used as a placeholder for fields that have to
be refined by other type definitions.


These simple types are similar to most simple types in specification and
programming languages. The indices of operation names are omitted in
specifications (overloading) because the operations can always be identi-
fied by the context in which they are used. A number of character string
types (PrintableString. IA5String etc.) are derived from the general OCTET
STRING type and predefined in [IS08824]. The same operations as defined
for OCTET STRING are also defined for these character string types.
74 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

structured types
Structured types can be defined in X-ASN.1 by using type constructors that
facilitate the construction of data structures frequently required in communi-
cation systems. Complex types can be formed by combining existing types
in various ways.

The following type constructors are provided by X-ASN.1:


values Given a number of types, the constructed type contains

all values being tuples of values with one component
from each given type (cartesian product).

operations -seq .el (selection), IS_PRESENT,eq (for optional fields)

comments Types constructed this way are similar to records in pro-

gramming languages. The order of the components is
important, but components may be declared as being
optional by using the OPTIONAL construct (optional com-
ponents may be present or absent In values of such
types). Particular components can be accessed with the
selection operation by using the individual selector identi-
fiers given in the type definition (dot notation). Since
selector identifiers may be omitted in X-ASN.1 type defi-
nitions, the position of the component in the type defi-
nition can be used as an alternative selector (starting with
position number 1 for the first component). Given a partic-
ular selector as an argument, the operation IS_PRESENT
can be used to ask for the presence of the corresponding
component for a given value. Selection of an absent field
yields an undefined result.

examples see Figure 37;

values Given a number of types, the constructed type contains

all values being sets of values with one element from
each given type.
3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 75


header Packet header,
packet type identifier BIT STRING (SIZE(8» DEFAULT '99991911'B,
calling dte-address length INTEGER,
called dte address length INTEGER,
called-dte-address- BCD_STRING (SIZE(9 .. 15»
calling dte address BCD_STRING (SIZE(9 .. 15»
faci 1ity length INTEGER,
user data OCTET STRING (SIZE(9 .. 128» OPTIONAL

::= { header { q bit FALSE,

d-bit FALSE,
modulo indicator modulo 8,
logical channel group number 9, -
logical-channel-number 1
}, - -
packet type identifier '99991911'B,
calling dte-address length 5,
called dte address length 5,
called-dte-address- "12345",
calling dte address "67899",
facility_length 9,
user_data '68656C6C6F'H

cr pdu.packet type identifier = '99991911'B

cr-pdu.header~logical channel number = 1
I S=PRESENT(cr_pdu, facilities) = FALSE


header Packet_header,
more_bit BOOLEAN,
packet type identifier BIT STRING (SIZE(I» DEFAULT '9'B,
user_data - OCTET STRING (SIZE(9 .. 4096»

Packet header ::= SEQUENCE {

q bit BOOLEAN,
modulo indicator ENUMERATED { modulo 8 (I), modulo 128 (2) },
logical channel group number INTEGER, -
logical=channel=number INTEGER

Figure 37. Type examples constructed with SEQUENCE

76 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

operations ....1, .e/ (selection), IS_PRESENT.el (for optional fields)

comments Types constructed this way are similar to records in pro-

gramming languages, but the order of the components is
not important. Components may be declared as ~ing
optional by using the OPTIONAL construct. Particular com-
ponents can be accessed with the selection operation by
using the Individual selector identifiers given in the type
definition (dot notation). Since selector identifiers may be
omitted in X-ASN.1 type definitions, the position of the
component in the type definition can be used as an alter-
native selector (starting with position number 1 for the first
component). Given a particular selector as an argument,
the operation IS_PRESENT can be used to ask for the pres-
ence of the corresponding component for a given value.
Selection of an absent field yields an undefined result.

examples see Figure 38;

N_CONNECT_request := SET {
ca 11 ed address OCTET STRING,
calling address OCTET STRING,
receipt-confirmation selection BOOLEAN,
expedited data selection BOOLEAN,
quality of service Network Quality of Service,
user_data - OCTET STRING - -

n_cr_sp N_CONNECT_request ::= { called_address '63616C6C6564'H,

calling address '63616C6C696E67'H,
qual ity=of_service { ••• },
user data '68656C6C6F'H,
recelpt_confirmation_selection FALSE,
expedited_data_selection TRUE

n cr sp.receipt confirmation selection = FALSE

n=cr=sp. (4) - - = TRUE

N_DATA_request := SET {
user data OCTET STRING,
recelpt_confirmation_selection BOOLEAN

Figure 38. Type examples constructed with SET

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 77

values Given a single type, the constructed type contains all
values being sequences of values from this type.

operations Dle<llnd (indexing), LENGTH,eq

comments Types constructed this way are similar to dynamic arrays

in programming languages. Particular elements are
accessed by indices (starting with index number 1 for the
first element). The LENGTH operation delivers the length of
the sequence. An index that is greater than the length of
the sequence yields an undefined result.

examples see Figure 39;

values Given a single type, the constructed type contains all
values being multlsets of values from this type.

Data_packets := SEQUENCE OF DATA

dps Data_packets ::= { { header { .•. },
p r a,
more_bit TRUE,
p s 1,
packet_type_identifier 'a'B,
user data '68656C'H
}, -
{ header { ... },
p r a,
more bit FALSE,
Ps - 2,
packet type identifier '9'B,
user_data - '6C6F'H

LENGTH(dps) = 2
dps[1] = { header { ..• },
p r 9,
more bit TRUE,
p s - 1,
packet_type_identifier '9'B,
user data '68656C'H

Figure 39. Type example constructed with SEQUENCE OF

78 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

operations E (membership), U (union), n (intersection), \ (differ-

s;: (subset), c (proper subset), LENGTH set

comments Types constructed this way are similar to sets in program-

ming languages. Since X-ASN.1 does not require the ele-
ments to be different, the mathematical notion of
multisets is even more accurate. The usual set operations
are defined on values of such types. The LENGTH opera-
tion delivers the number of elements in the set.

examples see Figure 40;


values Given a number of types, the constructed type contains

all values being an alternative from one of the given
types (discriminated union).

operations .cho,sel (selection), IS_ALTERNATIVEcho

comments Types constructed this way are like variant records in

programming languages. Particular alternatives are
accessed with the selection operation by using the indi-
vidual selector identifiers given in the type definition.
Since selector identifiers may be omitted in X-ASN.1 type
definitions, the position of the component in the type defi-
nition can be used as an alternative selector (starting with
position number 1 for the first component). Given a par-
ticular selector as an argument, the operation
IS ALTERNATIVE can be used to ask whether the corre-

Data_primitives ;= SET OF N_DATA_request

dsps Data primitives ;;= { { user data '68656C6C6F'H,
- recelpt_confirmation_selection TRUE}

LENGTH(dsps) = 1
{ user_data '68656C6C6F'H, receipt_confirmation_selection TRUE} E dsps = TRUE

figure 40. Type example constructed with SET OF

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 79

sponding alternative was chosen for a given value.

Accessing other alternatives yields an undefined result.

examples see Figure 41.

The X-ASN.1 type constructors allow the flexible definition of the abstract
structure of data objects being exchanged between entities in a communi-
cation system. The constructs provided cater for the fact that some parame-
ters of SPs and fields of PDUs are often optional, vary in size, may come in
a different order, or may take several alternative forms. The operations
defined in combination with the type constructors are generic and prede-
fined for all types built with these constructors. The indices of operation
names are omitted in specifications (overloading). The notion of
parameterized types (or polymorphic types) is also often used for such a
typing mechanism [Card85].

A concrete representation for values of X-ASN.1 defined types is given sepa-

rately (supporting data abstraction) by a set of encoding rules (see section
3.1.3) and no specific implementation of the operations is required. The type
definitions in X-ASN.1 may be nested (components of structured types may
be structured again) and recursive types can be defined as well (optional
components of structured types can be of the same type again). A number
of useful structured types is predefined by ASN.1 (GeneralizedTime,
ObjectDescriptor etc.) and provided to users of the notation. For details, see

Subtypes comprise a subset of the value set of a parent type (called base
type in the following). Different constructs exist for the specification of those

• multiple values

values enumerated following the base type

examples Figure 42 (1);

80 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

ca 11 request CALL REQUEST
incoiiiing call INCOMING CALL
call_accepted CALL_ACCEPTED
call connected CALL_CONNECTED
clear request CLEAR REQUEST
clear-indication CLEAR-INDICATION
clear-confirmation CLEAR-CONFIRMATION
data - DATA -
interrupt INTERRUPT
interrupt confirmation INTERRUPT CONFIRMATION
receive ready RECEIVE_READY
receive=not_ready RECEIVE_NOT_READY
reset request RESET REQUEST
reset-indication RESET-INDICATION
reset=confirmation RESET-CONFIRMATION
restart request RESTART REQUEST
restart-indication RESTART-INDICATION
restart-confirmation RESTART-CONFIRMATION
di agnosti c DIAGNOSTIC
reject REJECT
registration_request REGISTRATION_REQUEST
registration_confirmation REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION

x25 pdu X25 PDU ::= cr pdu

-:see Figure 37 -
x25 pdu.cr pdu.packet type identifier ='00001911'8
IS_AlTERNATI VE (X25_pdu. call_request) = TRUE

n_connect_request N_CONNECT_request
n_connect_indication N_CONNECT_indication
n connect response N_CONNECT_response
n-connect- confi rm N CONNECT confi rm
n-data request N-DATA request
n-data-indication N=DATA=indication
n=data=acknowledge_request N_DATA_ACKNOWlEDGE_request
n data acknowledge indication N DATA ACKNOWLEDGE indication •
n=expedited_data_request N=EXPEOITED_DATA_request
n expedited data indication N EXPEDITED DATA indication
n-reset request - N-RESET request -
n-reset-i ndicat ion N-RESET-i ndicati on
n-reset-response N- RESET-response
n-reset-confirm N-RESET-confirm
n-disconnect request N-DISCONNECT request
n=disconnect=indication N=DISCONNECT=indication

Figure 41. Type examples constructed with CHOICE

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 81

values including all values from the base type

examples Figure 42 (2);

• value range

values all values from the base type in the specified range

examples Figure 42 (3);

values all values from the base type satisfying the size require-

examples Figure 42 (4);

values enumerated following the base type (which must be a

examples Figure 42 (5);


values as given for the base type with or without optional com-

examples Figure 42 (6).

(1) Oefault_window_sizes:= Window_sizes(2 I 8)

(3) Modulo 8 sequence numbers := 8.. 7

Modulo=128_sequence_numbers := 8 •• 127
(4) User_data ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(e .. 128»
(5) Numbers:= IA5String
(FROM("9" I "1" I "2" I "3" I "4" I "5" I "6" I "7" I "8" I "9"»

Figure 42. Subtype examples

82 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

The operations on subtypes are defined by restricting the operations

defined on the base type to the subset of values given by the subtype.
Specifying the set of values for an SP parameter or PDU field as a subtype
allows more rigorous static type checking to be done.

3.1.2 Type Equivalence

For the definition of equivalence between two X-ASN.1 defined types a weak
form of name equivalence is used. Pure name equivalence means that two
types are equivalent if and only if they have the same name. This is
opposed to structural equivalence, where two types are equivalent if they
have the same underlying structure [Clea86].

For X-ASN.1 the principle of name equivalence has been weakened as


• types are also equivalent if they represent just renamings of the same

• subtypes are also equivalent to their base type or to other subtypes if

they share the same base type;

With this definition of type equivalence, two given values of equivalent types
may be tested for equality. The operation = (equality) is defined for all
X-ASN.1 defined types and returns a boolean result.

The benefits of ASN.1 as a type definition language for FDTs to be used in

the area of communication systems have been recognized by other authors
as well (for example [Boch90a] [Thom90]). In [Boch90a], a detailed
description of the principles employed in a tool performing a translation
from ASN.1 to ACT ONE is given. A formal definition of denotational seman-
tics for ASN.1 with operations is provided in [Thom90]. The functions
described give meaning to ASN.1 types (and associated operations) by
mapping them to algebraic type definitions in ACT ONE. This work has not
been duplicated in this thesis.
3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 83

3.1.3 Encoding Rules

For each X-ASN.1 type information is given either explicitly or implicitly on
how to encode values of that type. This is achieved by using tags and con-
stitutes an important part of the transfer syntax. A tag consists of two parts,
a tag class and a tag number. Tag numbers may be any positive integer
number, whereas tag classes always belong to one of the following classes:

UNIVERSAL Universal tags are the implicit tags defined by the ASN.1
standard for each simple type and for each type
constructor (for example BOOLEAN has the tag "UNIVERSAL
1" and types constructed with SEQUENCE have the tag
"UNIVERSAL 16"). Universal means that tags of this kind
are unique in all contexts.

APPLICATION Application tags are defined by a particular application

protocol standard. The tags chosen for the defined types
are unique in the scope of that application, but may be
reused in other applications.

PRIVATE Tags belonging to this class have been assigned by

private parties and are unique in some private domain

context specific Tags belonging to this class are specific to the context
they appear in, for example, in a type definition or a
module. These tags are denoted by the tag number only,
the tag class being omiHed.

In the explicit form, tags are wriHen in square brackets and aHached to
types in the type definition. If IMPLICIT is used in the type definition only the.
explicit tag is encoded.

For the mapping between an abstract syntax specified with ASN.1 and a
concrete transfer syntax, encoding rules are used. Different sets of encoding
rules are possible, leading to different concrete representations of an
abstract syntax. Currently, ISO has standardized one set of encoding rules,
the so-called basic encoding rules (BER) for ASN.1 [IS08825]. In order to
illustrate the way encoding rules work, the BER are explained briefly.
84 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

In BER, the structure of encoded values can take two forms: definite length
or indefinite length. Both forms are depicted in Figure 43. Each form can
be separated into three parts: (1) type identification, (2) length information,
(3) content. In definite length encoding, the actual length of the contents
field is calculated and precedes the contents field. If the length is smaller
than 127, one byte is used to encode the length, otherwise several bytes
are used (the first byte indicates that the length is encoded in the following
bytes). If definite length encoding is not appropriate (for example, for
strings or structured values), the indefinite length form is chosen. In indefinite
length encoding, the length field preceding the contents field indicates that
the contents field Is terminated by a special "end-of-contents" pattern. The
actual length of the contents field is not calculated in advance.

The type identification part for both encoding forms is structured as shown
in Figure 44. The first two bits of the identifier octet are used to encode the
tag class ("00" for UNIVERSAL, "01" for APPLICATION, "11" for PRIVATE and
"10" for context-specific). The next bit indicates whether primitive encoding
or constructed encoding is used. In primitive encoding, the contents field
represents an encoded value of a simple type according to encoding rules
for all simple types. In constructed encoding, the contents field represents a


number of octets
in the contents


indicates thot the indicates that there

contents octels are ore no further encodings
terminated by in the contents
end-of-contents octets

Figure 43. Basic encoding rules

3.1 Extended Abstract Syntax Notation One (X-ASN.1) 85

Identifier Octet

Bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


0= primitive
1 - constructed

Figure 44. Encoding of the identifier field

value of a constructed type and is again of the form "identification-Iength-

content" (the encoding rules are applied recursively). Finally, the last five
bits of the identifier octet contain the tag number distinguishing types of the
same tag class. If the tag number does not fit into five bits, an extended
form of encoding is used.

Thus, encoding rules define a mapping between abstract structures and

concrete representations (in both directions). The BER are completely based
on the simple types and on the type constructors of the ASN.1 notation. The
structure of the data objects described in the abstract form guides the
encoding without using any semantic information about the contents of the
fields. Encoding/decoding routines may be implemented in a generic
fashion or may be generated individually for particular ASN.1 specifications
to automate the Implementation step. On the other hand, there may be pro-
tocols using a very specific encoding of PDUs. In the X.25 PlP, for example,
tags have to be put into the third byte of an encoded packet for packet
type identification and into the first byte of each encoded facility for facility
identification [Sche90]. Some integers are encoded in 8 bits and 4 bits, for
others only 2 bits have to be used. Binary coded digits require 4 bits and all
boolean values are encoded in one bit. Such encoding rules are difficult to
reuse, but abstraction from the representation is nevertheless achieved and
facilitates the specification task from a functional point of view.
86 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS)

A communication system composed of several protocol entities in a number
of layers is represented in a CRS specification by several hierarchically
ordered rule systems. These rule systems run in parallel and establish
events at gates to achieve synchronization. The events occurring at gates
may convey parameters for the purpose of communication between rule
systems. Gates are abstract means to symbolize the location where the
events occur and they are the only objects that can be shared between
rule systems. The behavior of a rule system is defined by the possible
orderings of externally visible events at gates.

In order to describe the externally visible behavior of a rule system, the

extended finite state machine (EFSM) model is used. Corresponding to that
model, a rule system consists of a set of state objects and a set of rules
defining state transitions. Each rule is specified by two first order predicate
logic (FOPL) formulas characterizing the start condition and the effects of
the rule. In start condition predicates, communication events may be
requested at gates, whereas in effects predicates, communication events
may be offered.

An example of a communicating rule system configuration is depicted in

Figure 45. These rule systems model two network service users, two network
entities, and the network. Each rule system consists of a set of objects and a
set of rules (depicted as cyclic arrows). The network service is provided to
the rule systems Network_userl and Network_user2 at the gates NSAPl and
NSAP2 by the combination of the rule systems Network_entityl, Network,
and Network_entity2. The gates are used to model network SAPs and
internal interaction points (Packetsl, Packets2). The configuration of rule
systems and gates corresponds to the picture used in [IS08878] (see
Figure 9 in chapter 2) for illustrating the use of the X.2S PLP to provide the
OSI connection-oriented network service.

The rule systems Network _ent ity 1 and Network_ent ity2 represent two
instances of an X.2S OTE. Thus, the behavior of each of the rule systems
Network_entityl and Network_entity2 corresponds to the specification
example used throughout chapter 2. A CRS specification of the configura-
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 87

Rul.. . .

4. CD".
CD". II.
NSAP2 4,.

Colli ObJ.aU 001. .11

... G- Rule.
G- <7


Figure 45. CRS network service configuration

tion depicted in Figure 45 is shown in Figure 46. The rule system

Network_serv i ce is composed of several other rule systems and gates that
are instances of parameterized rule system and gate specifications. Several
rule systems may share a gate if the same gate instance is given to the
rule system instances as an actual parameter. By composing rule systems
with common gates, a large system can be described as a hierarchy of
interacting smaller components. In this way, composltlonallty is supported

RULE_SYSTEM Network_service;

NSAPI, NSAP2 Network_service_access_point

Packetsl, Packets2 : X 25 network access point
Network userl Network_service_user (NSAPI)
Network-user2 Network service user (NSAP2)
Network-entityl X_25_DTE (NSAPI~ Packetsl, I )
Network-entity2 X_25_DTE (NSAP2, Packets2, 4995)
Network- X_25_network (Packetsl, Packets2)

Figure 46. CRS specification of the network service configuration

88 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

at the rule system level. The behavior of the whole system is determined by
the behavior of the components.

In order to describe the behavior of the active components, several smaller

rule systems and gates may be composed again. When the decomposition
is completed, the behavior of a rule system will have been specified using
only rules and passive state objects. The object types and the various con-
structs for specifying rule systems, rules, and gates that are available in CRS
are explained in more detail in the following. The same example as in
chapter 2 is used for illustration by refining the rule system specification
X 25 OTE.

3.2.1 Rule Systems

Rule systems are active parallel components in a CRS specification. The
behavior of a rule system is defined in a rule system specification as out-
lined in Figure 47 (using an extended Backus-Naur Form). A rule system
specification can be parameterized and it can be used for creating rule
system instances with different actual parameters substituted for the formal
parameters in the formal parameter list.

Each rule system instance Is based on an EFSM. Major and minor state
objects are declared following the keyword STATE and may be of different
types. The possible transitions of the EFSM are specified using rules that are
defined in the RULES-part of a rule system specification. In order to express
the start condition and the effects of a rule, auxiliary objects and predicates
may be used that are listed following the keywords DECLARATIONS and
DEFINITIONS. Useful constant values can be defined following the keyword
CONSTANTS. A number of operators are provided by CRS that allow the spec-
ification of relations between rules acting independently on the rule system
state. These relations are defined in the SYN-part of a rule system specifica-

In Figure 48, an outline of a rule system specification is given that models a

network entity (see Figure 46) as an X.2S DTE. The gates representing the
network SAP to which the entity is attached and the internal interaction point
to the network are formal parameters (Nsap, Packets). An additional formal
parameter is used for associating instances with a particular logical
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 89

{<constant name> = <constant_value> ;)
{<state_variable_name> <state_variable_type> ;}
{<declaration_variable_name> <declaration_variable_type>;)
{<auxiliary_predicate_name> «formal_parameters» ~ <formula> ;)
{<rule_name> <synchronization_operator> <rule_name> ;)

Figure 47. Syntax of rule system specifications

RULE_SYSTEM X_25_0TE Nsap Network_service_access_point;

Packets X 25 network access point;
LC Logical_channel_number );

r state R_state_type INITIAllY rI;
p state P_state_type INITIALLY pI;
(state O_state_type INITIALLY dI;

next to send Sequence_numbers;

last-ack received Sequence numbers;
next-to receive Sequence-numbers;
las(ack_sent Sequence=numbers;

send_queue OataQueue;
receive_queue OataQueue;


N CR SP N_CONNECT_request;



Figure 48. eRS specification of X.25 DTE

90 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

channel (LC). The state objects r _state, p_state, d_state determine the
major states of the rule system corresponding to the " restart", "call setup
and clearing", and "data transfer" states used in [IS08208]. Minor state
objects are declared for holding flow control information, user data to be
sent and received etc. Auxiliary objects are required for event parameters,
intermediate results etc. Some examples are given in Figure 48.

The object types and the rule paradigm employed in CRS are further
detailed in the following two sections.

In CRS, objects may be used as state objects or as local objects of rUles'.
The scope of state objects extends over the whole rule system, whereas the
scope of local objects is restricted to the start condition and effects formula
of a particular rule. Each object in CRS is of an object type. Depending on
the nature of the object, object types describe the abstract structure, the
possible operations, or the observable behavior of the object. According to
their object types, objects used in CRS specifications can be classified into

1. passive objects, being of

• X-ASN.1 defined types or

• abstract data types (ADTs);

2. active objects, being

• gate instances or

• rule system instances.

Rule systems using only passive state objects are at the lowest level of a
rule system hierarchy defined by a CRS specification and are called basic
rule systems. Rule systems that are composed of active objects are called
communicating rule systems. This technical distinction is important for
defining the semantics of CRS in section 3.3.

, The term 'object' is used in a broader scope here, and not restricted to the object-
oriented interpretation.
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 91

<rule name>;
COND: <start condition formula> ;
EFFECTS: <effects formula;

Figure 49. Syntax of rules

The rule systems Network_ent ityl and Network_ent ity2 are examples of
basic rule systems. The state objects are of X-ASN.1 types (see section 3.1),
except for send_queue and receive_queue, which are instances of the ADT
DataQueue (see the rule system specification for X_25_DTE). How ADTs are
specified in CRS is explained in section 3.2.4. The rule system
Network_service specified in Figure 46 is an example of a communicating
rule system.

The syntax of CRS rules is shown in Figure 49. Each rule is identified by a
name and described by two formulas specifying the start condition and the
effects of a rule. The start condition is a predicate on the rule system state,
event occurrences, and requested event parameters. The effects predicate
defines a relation between the rule system state before the effects are
established ("old state") and the state afterwards ("new state"). A prime (')
is used in the effects formula when referring to an object of the old state.
Additionally, the effects formula describes event occurrences, event offers,
and offered event parameters. A rule may be started if the start condition
holds. A rule that has been started but not yet ended is called "running".
When a rule ends, actions establishing the specified effects are performed
atomically. Starting and ending a rule are two separate actions, occurring
at different points in time. After its termination, a rule may be started again
if the start condition is satisfied. As an example, a small part of a rule
describing the initiation of a connection establishment by a network service
user (resulting in the initiation of the X.25 PLP call setup procedure) is given
in Figure 50. In the start condition of the rule n_con_req, the

COND: p_state = pI 1\ Nsap.N CONNECT req (N CR SP);
EFFECTS: p_state = p2 1\ Packets.Call request (CR-PDU)
A CR_PDU.user_data = N_CR_SP.user_data;

Figure 50. CRS specification of X.25 PLP call setup initiation

92 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

N_CONNECTJeq event is requested at the gate Nsap (see Figure 52 for the
syntax of event expressions) and requirements on the object p_state are
expressed. In the effects, the CallJequest event is offered at the gate
Packets and the values of event parameters are specified; a new value for
p_state is given. In this example, the local objects N_CR_SP and CR_PDU
have been used as event parameters. The scope of these objects is local to
the rule n_conJeq, but the value of N_CR_SP is remembered from the start
of the rule until execution of the actions establishing the effects. Thus, the
values of local objects are available for specifying the effects of a rule and
for describing offered parameter values, depending on received event
parameter values and state objects when the rule was started. Components
of objects of structured X-ASN.1 types are accessed using the X-ASN.1
selection operations as defined in section 3.1.

In order to describe how the X.25 PLP is used for establishing a connection
at the request of a network service user, the rule n_conJeq has to be speci-
fied in much more detail and several other rules are required for processing
the responses from the remote side (see [Mang90). Rules represent auton-
omous pieces of knowledge about a rule systems' behavior. In the area of
communication systems, rules are considered to be an excellent means for
capturing protocol knowledge and for supporting IntelligIbility of large pro-
tocol specifications. Each rule can be understood on its own and does not
immediately affect other rules, which reduces the complexity of the specifi-
cation task and simplifies extended or modified specifications. If several
rules can be applied in a certain state, the choice of which one to select is
nondeterministic, which realizes control abstractIon. By using predicate
logic, start conditions and effects of rules are specified in an
implementation-independent way.

Normally, most of the internal actions of basic rule systems are sequential
in nature. Therefore, rules in a basic rule system are mutually exclusive by
default. However, internal parallelism of rules inside one rule system is
sometimes useful. In CRS, three operators are provided for specifying
internal synchronization requirements. These operators can be used to
explicitly allow for parallel or privileged execution of rules. The
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 93

• semiparallel operator (~) is used for specifying that a rule can be

started even if another rule is already running;

• parallel operator (II) is used for specifying that either rule can be
started even if the other one is already running ("semiparallelism in both

• prior operator (-<) is used for specifying that one rule has a higher pri-
ority if the start conditions of both rules are satisfied.

An example of the application of the internal synchronization operators is

given in Figure 51. In the formal description of the X.25 PLP, rules describing
the process of fragmenting, sending, receiving, and reassembling data are
allowed to run In parallel (duplex data transfer). Whenever it is possible to
send or receive normal data and expedited data, the rules for expedited
data transfer are given priority.

Internal synchronization in CRS is not only useful for specifying protocols,

but for distributed systems in general because rule systems are regarded as
distribution units. Whereas rule systems use gates to communicate, rules
inside a rule system are able to exchange information by using state
objects. The first mechanism may be used to model message passing,
whereas the second describes a form of shared memory. The distinction
between these two communication mechanisms is crucial in distributed
system design (see for example [Nehm87]).

3.2.2 Gates
In CRS, gates are special objects shared by rule systems for the purpose of
communication. They may be considered as an abstract notion for the

fragment_data II send data;
send data " receive data;
receive_data " reassemble data;
send expedited data -< send data;-
receive_expedited_data -< receive_data;

Figure 51. CRS specification of X.25 PLP duplex and expedited data transfer
94 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

<gate_name> • <event_name> ( <parameters> )

Figure 52. Syntax of event expressions

location where communication events occur'. More than two rule systems
may share one gate, but events always occur between two rule systems. In
order to refer to an event in a specification an event expression is used
(see Figure 52). An event expression in the start condition of a rule repres-
ents an event request, whereas an event expression in the effects part
represents an event offer. An event of a certain type occurs at a certain
gate if an event offer of that type is made by one rule system and an event
request of that type Is made by another rule system. Additionally, the
offered event parameters have to satisfy the constraints imposed by the
requesting rule system. If the event occurs, the parameter values are passed
to the requesting rule system.

In a gate specification, possible event types and their parameter types are
defined, employing the syntax shown in Figure 53. In the
DECLARATIONS-part, the data types of event parameters are given. In the
EVENTS-part, possible event types are listed together with their individual
event parameters. Several gate instances may be created and allow for
the occurrence of events of the event types defined in the gate specifica-
tion. As examples, gate specifications for the gate types

GATE (A) SYNCHRONOUS <gate_name> ;


{<event_name> ( <event_parameters> ) ;}

Figure 53. Syntax of gate specifications

, Other FDTs also use the term 'gate' (lOTOS). or similar terms like 'label' (CCS).
'channel' (Estelle) or 'port' (TCSP).
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 95


Network_service_access_point; X_25_network_access_polnt;

N CONNECT req (N CR SP); Call request (CR PDU);
N=CONNECT=ind (N=CI=SP); Incoming_call (IC=PDU);

Figure 54. eRS specification of X.2S PlP gates

Network_service_access_point and X_25_network_access_point are

given in Figure 54. The data types of the event parameters are specified in
X-ASN.1, as illustrated in section 3.1.

In an extensional specification, possible events at gates are an important

piece of information. Gate specifications define the structure of the inter-
action domain of rule systems sharing gate instances. In the area of com-
munication services and protocols, gates are used to model SAPs or Internal
interaction pOints of protocol entities.

Rule systems may communicate at gates either synchronously or asynchro-

nously. The communication mode is defined in the gate specification (see
Figure 53). At synchronous gates, only event occurrences are seen by an
external observer. When the event offer and the event request coincide, the
offering and requesting rule systems participate in a two-way rendezvous.
Asynchronous communication mode is characterized by buffering events at
gates. In this case, the event offer and the event occurrence can be
observed. Event offers are buffered as sets, assuming infinite buffering

Providing both synchronous and asynchronous communication increases

the expressive power of an FDT (interpreting this criterion as explained in
chapter 2). In a technique providing only the synchronous communication
mode, asynchronous communication between components can be mod-
elled by introducing an explicit buffering component. However, it contributes
96 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

to abstraction and intelligibility of specifications if communication primi-

tives for both communication modes are provided, so that the details of
such buffering components can be omitted.

3.2.3 Structuring Mechanisms

The rule system concept is the preferred structuring mechanism in the first
phase of designing a complex system and it may be repeatedly applied to
identify loosely coupled system components [Velt90]. At some stage of the
design, however, basic rule systems remain and behavior Is specified by
using rules. These rules can be given in the RULES-part of a rule system
specification as a flat list (flat rule system).

The behavior of a basic rule system may still be complex. The experience
gained during specification case studies for existing protocols revealed a
lack of structuring mechanisms that can be applied to the set of rules in a
rule system specification [Monn89] [Mang90] [Velt90]. As a result, additional
concepts have been developed for structuring the rule set. In particular, the
following mechanisms are provided by CRS:

• definitions (auxiliary predicates),

• contexts,

• views.
If these mechanisms are applied to specifications, structured rule systems
are obtained. Structured rule system specifications are easier to develop
and more intelligible than flat ones. The semantics of structured rule
systems is defined by describing how an equivalent flat rule system can be
constructed that results from expanding all definitions and resolving all con-
texts and views. These mechanisms are explained in the following.

Auxiliary predicates are defined in the DEFINITIONS-part of a rule system
specification. A predicate name is defined and a list of formal parameters
may be given. The body of an auxiliary predicate definition is specified as
a formula with state objects and parameters as free variables.
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 97

An example is given in Figure 55: an auxiliary predicate is defined that

holds if the sliding window used for flow control in the X.25 PLP is open'.
AHention must be paid to the fact that the sequence numbers marking the
upper and the lower edge of the window are increased "modulo 8" or
"modulo 128" (as indicated by the state object cycle_size). Since a
sliding window is maintained for both directions of data transfer in the X.25
PLP, the auxiliary predicate wi ndow_open can be used to specify necessary
conditions for the transmission and reception window.

Auxiliary predicates can be used in start condition and effects formulas of

rules and achieve more compact and intelligible specifications. If mean-
ingful names are chosen, the purpose of the predicate can be deduced
from the name of the predicate and rules can be read like prose. The
semantics of these definitions is as follows: each occurrence of an auxiliary
predicate is textually replaced by the predicate body after substituting
formal parameters by actual ones. This is called expansion of auxiliary

Contexts and Views

Contexts and views are two orthogonal structuring mechanisms that can be
arbitrarily nested. Contexts are used to group logica"y related rules by
extracting common parts of their start condition and effects formulas to form


(upper_window_edge >= lower_window_edge)
(upper_window_edge - lower_window_edge) < window_size
(upper_window_edge + cycle_size - lower_window_edge) < window_size

Figure 55. CRS specification of X.25 window mechanism

, Note that the formula' IF a THEN b ELSE c ' is equivalent to ' a "b v -,a" c '.
98 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

CONTEXT <context name> ;

COND: <context condition formula> ;
EFFECTS: <context=effects_formula>

Figure 56. Syntax of contexts

context condition and effects formulas. The syntax used for contexts is given
in Figure 56. If the context condition formula is A-connected to the start
condition formula, and the context effects formula is A-connected to the
effects formula of all the rules in the context, an equivalent flat rule system
is obtained. This is called resolution of contexts.

Different views are defined on the set of rules to focus on different aspects
in a rule system specification. This is done by splitting start condition and
effects formulas of rules into several parts and include these parts under the
same rule name in different views defined in the specification. In this way,
the complexity of rule start condition and effects formulas can be reduced
by separating constraints on different state objects, event occurrences, event
parameters etc. Into different views. The syntax used for views is given in
Figure 57. If the various parts of start condition and effects formulas of the
same rules from all views are A-connected, an equivalent flat rule system is
obtained. This is called resolution of views.

As an example of the application of contexts and views, the overall struc-

ture of the rule system specification for an X_ 25_ DTE is shown in Figure 58.
A top-level structure in terms of contexts is chosen and protocol functions
are subdivided into those for Call_setup, Data_transfer, Call_clearing,
and Restart, corresponding to the different phases of the X.25 PLP. The

VIEW <view_name> ;

Figure 57. Syntax of views

3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 99

CONTEXT Call_setup ..•
VIEW Main state and events ...
VIEW User-data handling ...
VIEW Addresses-•••
VIEW Facility handling •••
VIEW Expedited data service .•.
VIEW Receipt confirmation service .••
VIEW Quality-of service .~.
VIEW Timers_and=counters •.•
CONTEXT Data_transfer ••.

CONTEXT Normal_data •••

VIEW Main state and events .•.
VIEW User-data handling •.•
VIEW Recelpt confirmation service ...
VIEW Flow control... -
VIEW Retransmission •••
CONTEXT Expedited_data ...
CONTEXT Reset_service •••
CONTEXT Call_clearing •••
CONTEXT Restart ...

Figure 58. Context and view structure of the X.25 PLP specification in CRS

context Data transfer is further structured into the contexts Normal_data.

Expedited_data. and Reset_service. The contexts Call_setup and
Norma 1_data are split into several views capturing different aspects of the
X.25 PlP (for details see [Mang90]).

An example of how several parts of rules can be spread over different views
for the case of data transfer in the X.25 PlP is given in Figure 59. A common
condition for all rules describing data transfer aspects of the protocol is
given by the requirement on the state object p_state. which must have the
value p4. Similarly. the value of the state object d_state must be equal to
dl for all rules describing normal data transfer. The focus in the view
Main_state_and_events is on the main state objects (r_state. p_state.
d_state) and on event occurrences. The rules send_data and receive_data
are shown in the example. The data to be sent is passed by the network
100 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

service user with the event N_DATAJeq, fragmented into pieces according to
the packet size used, and inserted into the ADT object send_queue
(described by the rule fragment_data which is not shown in Figure 59). The
rule send_data is allowed to start as soon as the send_queue contains some
data fragments, which is expressed by using the ADT operation empty on
the ADT instance send_queue. A DATA packet is sent in the effects part of
the rule send_data and the contents of the user_data field is retrieved from
the send_queue.

The data from incoming DATA packets is inserted into the ADT object
receive_queue as specified by rule receive data and retrieved for reas-

CONTEXT Data_transfer;
COND: pstate = p4;
CONTEXT Normal_data;
COND: dstate = d1;

send data;
COND: ' (send_queue.empty);
EFFECTS: Packets. Data (DATA_PDU) A DATA_PDU.user_data = send_queue. remove;
receive data;
COND: - Packets.Data(DATA PDU);
EFFECTS: receive_queue.insert(DATA_PDU.user_data);

VIEW Flow_control;

send data;
COND: window_open(next_to_send, last_ack_received, trans_window_size);
EFFECTS: DATA PDU.p s = 'next to send
A next_to_send = ('next_to_send-+ 1) MOO cycle_size
A DATA_PDU.p_r = 'next_to_receive A last_ack_sent = 'next_to_receive;

receive data;
COND: - window_open (next_to_receive, 1ast_ack_sent , recep_window_size)
A DATA_PDU.p_s = next_to_receive A p_r_valid (DATA_PDU.p_r);
EFFECTS: last ack received = DATA PDU.p r
A next_toJeceive = ('next_to_receive ;- 1) MOO cycle_size;

END VIEW Flow control;

END CONTEXT Normal data; •..
END_CONTEXT Data_transfer;

Figure 59. Contexts and views example for X.25 PLP data transfer specified with CRS
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 101

sembly by the rule reassemble_data (not shown in Figure 59). The flow
control aspects are specified in the view Flow_cont ro 1. An additional
requirement for starting the rule send_data is expressed in this view by
using the auxiliary predicate window_open defined in Figure 55. The state
objects next_to_send and last_ackJeceived marking the upper and
lower edge of the transmission window are supplied as actual parameters,
together with the state object trans_window_size. In the effects part of the
rule send_data in the view Flow_control, the values of the PJ and p_s
fields are specified and the window edges are updated. In a similar way,
flow control constraints are specified for the rule receive_data and windows
are rotated in the effects part. The other protocol aspects that are important
for the rules send_data and receive_data are specified in the other views
as shown in Figure 58, but have been omitted in the example.

Contexts and views are powerful mechanisms used to structure rule

systems. The formal definition of these constructs is achieved by mapping
structured rule systems to flat ones obtained by expansion and resolution.
Both contexts and views support different forms of composltlonality at the
rule level [Velt90]. Contexts are most often used for grouping related pro-
tocol functions in rule systems. Views are used for separating the specifica-
tion of different protocol aspects.

3.2.4 Abstract Data Types

Abstract data types (ADTs) are specified in CRS by employing a state
machine model similar to rule systems. An ADT specification defines a set of
operations that may be invoked on ADT objects. The operations control the
modification of a set of state objects and are the only means for manipu-
lating them. The syntax of ADT specifications is given in Figure 60. The
different parts of an ADT specification are similar to those of rule system
specifications. However, there Is an OPERATIONS-part instead of a
RULES-part. ADT operations may not be executed in parallel. Therefore, a
SYN-part does not exist. Unlike rule systems, ADTs are passive objects. ADT
operations have to be invoked by active objects in the specification and
may be called in any order. However, only one operation can be per-
formed at a time. By hiding the internal representation of state objects and
the way operations perform the modifications of the objects, data
abstraction is achieved.
102 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

ADT <adt_name> ( <formal_parameters> );

{<constant_name> ; <constant_value> ;}
{<state-variable- name>
{<declaration_variable_name> : <declaration_variable_type> ;}
{<auxiliary_predicate_name> «formal_parameters» ~ <formula> ;}

Figure 60. Syntax of ADT specifications

State objects of ADTs may only be passive objects according to the classi-
fication of section 3.2.1. An operation is specified by two formulas
describing the precondition and the effects of the operation. The syntax
used for specifying operations Is given in Figure 61. The precondition
formula is a predicate on the ADT's state objects and operation input
parameters. The effects formula relates the new state reached after exe-
cution of the operation and the output parameters to the old state and the
input parameters. As in effects parts of rules. primes are used to refer to
state objects before execution of the operation.

In the example given in Figure 62. state objects for the ADT DataQueue are
declared holding the contents of the queue. the maximum size. front
and rear markers. Two other state objects are used to Indicate whether the
queue is empty or full . The operations defined for the ADT DataQueue
allow for initializing the queue (init). inserting and removing data (insert.
remove). and querying the status (empty. fu 11).

<operation name>;
PRE: - <precondition_formula>;
EFFECTS: <effects_formula>

Figure 61. Syntax of abstract operations

3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 103

ADT DataQueue;



size, front, rear : INTEGER;
empty, full : BOOLEAN;



result : BOOLEAN;


init(new size);
EFFECTS: size = new size" front = 1 " rear = I
" empty = TRuE" full = FALSE;

PRE: ~(full);
EFFECTS: contents['rear] = data" rear = ('rear + 1) MOO size
" full = (front = rear) " empty = FALSE;

remove() -> data;

PRE: ~(empty);
EFFECTS: data = contents['front] " front = ('front + 1) MOO size
" empty = ( rear = front) " full = FALSE;

empty() -> result;

EFFECTS: result = empty;
full() -> result;
EFFECTS: result = full;

END_ADT OataQueue;

Figure 62. CRS specification of ADT DataQueue

3.2.5 Assessment
The key goal of CRS is to model a system's externally observable behavior
by employing the EFSM model and predicate logic. The combination of
these two well-established approaches and the use of a rule paradigm
yields a powerful FOT. Additionally. the formal definition of CRS is facilitated
by these concepts. In section 3.3, the semantics of CRS as used in this thesis
is defined by using general labelled transition systems (LTSs).
104 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

Compared to other techniques employing state machine models, the

expressiveness of CRS has been improved. Synchronous and asynchro-
nous communication primitives are provided for the convenience of
specifiers. Different forms of parallelism exist at both the rule system level
and the rule level. The data typing facilities provided by X-ASN.1 are tailored
towards the needs of communication systems, making them extremely
useful in practice. The full power of predicate logic is provided for speci-
fying possible behavior of rule systems. However, restrictions on the form of
predicates may be appropriate in order to simplify the development of

Abstraction is achieved with CRS in various ways. The rule paradigm and
nondeterministic selection of rules realizes control abstraction in CRS specifi-
cations. The abstract structure of data objects is separated from the con-
crete representation by using X-ASN.1 as the data description technique. The
CRS mechanisms allow the definition of ADTs and support data abstraction.
The objects and rules of a rule system are only used to specify the
externally visible behavior of a system.

Several concepts are provided by CRS to support composltlonality at dif-

ferent levels of granularity. Rule systems can be composed in parallel to
form a larger system and the behavior of a single rule system may be
defined by composing several contexts and views. Contexts and views are
composed of a set of rules that work independently on the rule system
state. These mechanisms facilitate the decomposition of complex commu-
nication services and the detailed description of communicating compo-

Imposing a structure on CRS specifications is facilitated by rule systems,

contexts, and views, and also by using auxiliary predicates and gate spec-
ifications. Altogether, a comprehensive set of mechanisms is provided that
ease the task of formally specifying complex communication services and
protocols. A suitable structure increases the Intelligibility of speCifications.
However, the intelligibility of formal descriptions depends on the basic
paradigms of an FDT. Employing rules is considered to be advantageous in
the area of communication protocols in order to bridge the gap between
natural language text and the formal specification of protocols.
3.2 Communicating Rule Systems (CRS) 105

The constructivity of CRS specifications is crucial to the ideas presented in

chapter 5 of this thesis. The possibility of interpreting specifications by auto-
mated tools can be exploited to support the whole development life-cycle
of communication systems. In order to provide such support, the specifica-
tion knowledge has to be adequately represented and offered to develop-
ment tools. This can be achieved with rules in an elegant way.

3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS

Formal semantics can be defined in various ways, the most common of
which are the operational, denotational, and axiomatic styles (see for
example [Loec87J). Originating from theoretical work on sequential pro-
grams, these mathematical approaches have been adapted and extended
by many authors to cope with concurrent systems and communication.

In this section, an operational semantics for CRS is defined based on

Jabelled transition systems (LTSs) as the general formalism. Only synchro-
nous communication between rule systems is covered, although asynchro-
nous communication between rule systems could easily be included.

3.3.1 Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs)

LTSs are a particular type of transition system, first introduced in [Kell76J as
an abstract "conceptual model" for various forms of parallelism. LTSs have
been frequently used to define operational semantics of specification lan-
guages (see for example [IS08807J [IS09074J). Due to the general nature of
this formalism, LTSs can be used to model quite different concurrent systems
and may serve as the semantic basis for a wide range of specification
techniques. LTSs are based on two primitive notions, namely states and
transitions. For each system or model for which some form of global state
and some form of indivisible action causing state transitions can be identi-
fied, a corresponding LTS can be defined [DeNi87].
106 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

Definition 3.3.1.a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

A labelled transition system (llS) is defined as LTS = ( Q, ACT, - -+ ),


Q is a set of states,

ACT is a set of actions,

- -+ is a transition relation, - -+ £; Q x ACT x Q .

For (q, a, q')e - -+ we write q -0-+ q' .

In general, neither Q nor ACT have to be finite. The elements of the set of
states Q are often defined as a cartesian product of several components. If
the transition relation - -+ is a (partial) function - -+: Q x ACT -+ Q, the
resulting LTS is deterministic. otherwise, there may be several transitions
with the same action resulting in different subsequent states [KeIl76]. The set
of actions ACT may contain single events, but also sets of events as ele-
ments. Different semantics of concurrency can be defined in this way.

3.3.2 Basic and Communicating Rule Systems

Parallel components in a CRS specification are given by a finite set RS of
rule systems. Two forms of rule system instances are distinguished in RS
(see section 3.2.1):

1. basic rule systems, using only passive state objects;

2. communicating rule systems, using only active state objects.

The active state objects are rule system or gate instances and the passive
state objects are objects of X-ASN.1 types or ADT objects. Rule system spec-
ifications using state objects of both forms are considered as a shorthand
notation for two rule systems, running asynchronously in parallel, with the
state components being separated into the two corresponding forms.

Considering a CRS specification hierarchy as a tree of rule system

instances, communicating rule systems represent interior nodes of this tree
and their behavior is solely determined by their successors; the RULES-part
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 107

is empty. Basic rule systems represent leaf nodes and their behavior is
defined by rules.

The rule system Network entityl of Figure 46 is an example of a basic rule system.
The rule system Network=service of Figure 46 is an example of a communicating rule system.

Let SV(rs) denote the set of state variables of a rule system 'rs', which are
declared in the rule system specification as

sV1 : type(sv,);

sVn : type(svn);

following the keyword STATE. Let

SV(rs) := { sv" ...• sVn }

StatVal(rs) := DIype( SV1) x ... x Dlype(svn)

where D, denotes the set of values of type y.

Primes (' I ' ) are used in CRS to reference state variables holding values of
the rule system state before the actions establishing the effects of a rule are
performed, whereas unprimed variables denote the state after execution of
these actions. Therefore, the following additional set of variables

I 'SV(rs},~ {' sv" ..., 'svJ

is introduced, where each I sVj has the same type as sVj (i = 1... n).
108 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

Let LV(rs) denote the set of local variables defined in a rule system 'rs' in
the form

following the keyword DECLARATIONS. Let

LV(rs) := {Iv i •...• IVml

LocVal(rs) := Dlype( tv i) x ... X Dtype(tvm).

Local variables are mainly used to save the values of event parameters and
state variables when a rule is started until the effects of the rule are estab-
lished. This is useful because starting a rule (checking the start condition)
and ending a rule (establishing the effects) are considered two separate
actions that might be interleaved with the starting or ending of other rules.
However. some local variables are only used in the start condition and
effects formula. respectively. In this case. these variables represent auxiliary
objects that are introduced to simplify logical expressions.

SV{Network_entityl} = {r_state. p_state, d_state,
next to send, last ack received,
next-to-receive, last ack sent,
send=queue, receive_queue~ ••• }
StatVal{Network_entityl} R state type x P state type x 0 state type
x Sequence numbers-x Sequence numbers -
x Sequence-numbers x Sequence-numbers
x DataQueue x DataQueue x -

{see the type definitions given in Figure 36, Figure 37, Figure 38, and Figure 62.}
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 109

The behavior of a basic rule system 'rs' is defined by the set of rules speci-
fied in the RULES-part. let

denote the set of rules of the rule system 'rs'. Each rule takes the form

CON D: F cond (IS,,) ;

EFFECTS: F eIf.cls (IS, r) ;

where Fcond(rI,) is a formula with free variables in SV(rs) U lV(rs) and Fe/Jecls(n,r)

is a formula with free variables in SV(rs) U I SV(rs) U l V(rs).

RULES(Network entityl) = In con req,
- send data, receive data,
fragment data, reassemble data,
send_expedited_data, receive_expedited_data, .•• J

Feond (Network_entityl, "_con_req) and Feffects (Network_entityl, "_con_req) are given in Fi gure 50.

The set of running rules in a rule system 'rs' is denoted by

IRunRule.(rs) <; RUlES(rs).

After a rule has been started, the values saved in local variables belong to
the execution state of this rule. The set of execution states of rules is defined

RunRuleslocVal(rs) := P(RUlES(rs) x locVal(rs»

110 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

where P(s) denotes the powerset of a set s. In a similar way as for state
variables, let 'lV(rs) denote the set of local variables holding values before
the actions establishing the effects of a rule are performed and lV(rs) the
set of local variables of the effects formula.

The state of a basic rule system 'rs' comprises the values of all state vari-
ables and the execution state of all running rules. The set of all possible
states Q,. is given by the cartesian product

1 Q",~ staNal(,,) x RunRul••locVal(rs).

A typical state is denoted as q" = (sv, rrlv).

A communicating rule system 'crs' is defined by the parallel composition of

a set of rule systems

IR5(C") ,~ frs"~ ..., rsJ.

The set of possible states bl.:" of a communicating rule system is given by

the cartesian product of the states of its components as

I Q,., ,~ Q", x ... x Q", .

A typical state is qc" = (q"1' ... , q",,).
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 111

The set of rule systems composed in parallel in the rule system Network_service is:
RS(Network_service) {Network user!, Network user2,
Network-entity!, Network entity2,
Network) -

The following examples illustrate how states from QNe~~1 are formed.
However, only some excerpts of the whole cartesian product can be shown:

qNetwork enlily10
= (( r I, pI, dI, e, e, e, e, ••• ), ({})
qNe~-~11 =
((r1, pI, dl, e, e, e, e, ••• ),
({(n con req,
(("called", "calling", FALSE, TRUE, {••• }, "hello"},
{{FALSE, FALSE, modulo_8, e, I}, 'eeeeI91l'B, 5, 5, "12345", "67899", e, "hello"},

) ) } ) )
qNeIwOlk_enIily1 2 = ((rl, p2, dl, e, e, e, e, ••• ), ({})
The three examples above refer to states of the rule system Network entityl. The rule
n_con_req can be started in the state qNeIwOlk e~10, n_con_req has been started and is
running in the state qNe~enlily11, and it has been ended and cannot be started in the
state qNe~ enIiIy1 2• These examples are used later in this section, when the requirements
for starting-and ending rules are formalized.

The following examples illustrate how states from QNelwOlk~M1 are formed.
Since the specification of the rule system Network userl-was not given in section 3.2,
the cartesian product is not detailed. However, it-is assumed that the rule
estab 1i sh _connect ion is runn i ng ; n the state qNelwOlk userl l and that ; tis no longer
runn i ng in the state qNetwork_USe,1 2. -

userl l = «... ), ({(establish_connection, ( ••. »}»

qNe~=use'12 = (( ... ), ({}»
The following examples illustrate how states from QNetwork_.ervlce are formed:

qNeIwOlk seMc:e1 = (qNe~ userl l , ••• , qNeIwOlk ~10, ••. )

qNe~='eMoe2 = (qNe~=userI2, ... , qNe~=enltlyll, ... , ••• )

According to the classification, a basic rule system cannot use gate
instances as state objects, but only request or offer events at gates given to
the basic rule system as actual parameters in the instantiation. The gates
given as parameters to a rule system instance form the interface of this rule
system to the environment for both basic and communicating rule systems.
The events occurring at those gates are external events, perceptible by an
external observer. In communicating rule systems, gate instances may be
used as state objects to be shared by rule system instances. The events
occurring at those gates are internal events, not visible for an external
112 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

observer. Thus, two sets of gates are derived from the STATE-part of the
specification of a rule system 'rs':

• Ext_Gates(rs), containing all gates declared as formal parameters

(external gates);
• Int_Gates(rs), containing all gates declared as state objects (internal

The set of gates of a rule system 'rs' and the overall set of gates in a CRS
specification is defined as

GATES(rs) := Ext_Gates(rs) U Int_Gates(rs)

GATES := Ule{l" k) GATES(rsJ,

With each geGATES, a finite set ETYP(g) of valid event types is associated
having the admissible parameter domains EPAR(g,etyp).
Exa.ple: (the gate specifications are given in Figure 54)
Ext_gates(Network_entityl} ~ {NSAPl, Packetsl}
Int gates(Network entityl} & {}

Ext=gates(Network=service} • {}
Int_gates(Network_service} • {NSAPl, NSAP2, Packetsl, Packets2}
GATES(Network entityl} ~ {NSAPl, Packetsl}
GATES - • {NSAPl, NSAP2, Packetsl, Packets2}
ETYP(NSAPl} = {N_CONNECT_req, N_CONNECT_ind, ••• }
EPAR(NSAPl, N_CONNECT_req} = N_CONNECT_request (see Figure 38)

From the gate specifications the set of actions is derived as:

Definition 3.3.2.a

EVENTS := { (g, etyp, epar) I geGATES U {I},

etypeETYP(g) U (interna~,
epareEPAR(g, etyp)}

EVENT_CLASSES := {request, offer, even~

ACTIONS := { (e, eclass) I eeEVENTS, eciasseEVENT_CLASSESj

3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 113

The events occurring at a gate 'g' have to be of an event type 'etyp' that
has been defined for 'g'; events may convey parameters 'epar' from the
parameter domain determined by 'etyp'. An event without parameters is
treated as a special case with an empty parameter domain. Each event
either represents an offer, request, or event. The set of events includes the
Internal event, not visible to the external environment. The symbol I is used
to denote an anonymous gate for the internal event type with no parame-

An element ae ACTIONS is either of the form

a = (aR, requesf), or a = (a o, offer), or a = (a E, evenf) .

Example: (see Figure 37 and Figure 38 for the type definitions)

e1 = (NSAPl, N CONNECT req, ({"called", "calling", FALSE, TRUE, {••• ), "hello")))
e2 = (Packetsl~ Call_request, ({{FALSE, FALSE, modulo_8, e, 1),
'e9991911'8, 5, 5, "12345", "678ge", e, "hello")))

aR1 = e1
a0 1 = e2
aE1 = e 1

aO = (a E1 , event)
a1 = (a R1 , request)
a2 = (a 0 1 , offer)

Transitions (startab/e and endab/e rules)

In CRS, rule systems communicate via events at gates. This form of commu-
nication Is controlled by the rules in a rule system. Rules may request
events in their start condition and offer events in the effects formula.


I requests(rs, r)

be the set of event requests (possibly empty) belonging to the Feond (r>, r)

formula of a rule 'r' in a rule system 'rs'. Each event request is of the form
114 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

req = (g, etyp, lY(req»


g E GATES(rs),

etyp E ETYP(g),
lY(req) is a tuple of local variables in LV(rs) denoting the requested event

Similarly, let

Ioffers(rs, r)

be the set of event offers (possibly empty) in the F.""ct.(rs.r) formula of a rule
'f' in a rule system 'rs', with elements

off = (g, etyp, lY(off»


g E GATES(rs),

etyp E ETYP(g),
Moff) is a tuple of local variables in LV (rs) denoting the offered event

For a logical evaluation, the requests and offers in rule start condition and
effects formulas have to be regarded as propositional variables. To deter-
mine the truth value of the whole formula, an assignment function

S: SV(rs) x LV(rs) x requests(rs, r) x offers(rs, r) --+

StatVal(rs) x LocVal(rs) x {TRUE, FALSE} x (TRUE, FALSE)

is required. This assignment reflects the state of the rule system (state vari-
ables), the execution state (local variables) of the rule, and information
about occurring events.
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 115

requests(Network_entitYl, n_con_req) = {(NSAP1, N_CONNECT_req, (N_CR_SP»}

offers (Network_entitYl, n_con_req) = {(Packetsl, Call_request, (CR_POU»}

The SYN-part of a rule system specification delivers two Irreflexive relations,

called compatibility and priority.

comp" s;; RULES(rs) x RULES(rs)

prior" s;; RULES(rs) x RULES(rs) .

Compatibility of two rules is expressed by using the parallel (II) and semi-
parallel (~) operators. Priority of a rule is defined by using the prior (-<)
operator. If the SYN-part is empty, so are the relations comp and prIor.
Thus, all rules are mutually exclusive and the choice which rule to start
among those that are startable with respect to state and communication
reqUirements is nondeterministic.

Example: (see the specification example given in Figure 51)

= {(fragment data, send data),

(send d~ta, fragme;t data),
(send-data, receive data),
(receive data, send-data),
(receive-data, reassemble data),
(reassemble_data, receive=data)}

~~e~1 = {(send_expedited_data, send_data),

- (recei ve_expedi ted_data, receive_data)}

For starting a rule 'r' in a basic rule system 'rs', the start condition of 'r' has
to be satisfied. Let 'actoffs' s;; EVENTS be a set of actual event offers which
are mapped by an injective function 'q/ to some or all of the event requests
of the rule 'r' (those which evaluate to 'true' in Fcond(rs,r». The requirements on
the given state of 'rs' and given event requests are summarized in the fol-
lowing predicate:
116 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

Definition 3.3.2.b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

startable(r. actotts. q. Jy) :=

Fcond (II,r) (q) A
( 3 <p: <p: actotts -+ requests(rs. r)
A <p injective

A Voff=(gl' etYPI' epar)eactotts

V<p(ott)=(g2' etYP2' Jy(<p(ott))):

(92=91 A etYP2=etYPI A Jy(<p(ott» = epar»

where rs is a basic rule system. reRULES(rs). qeQ,•• actotts £: EVENTS.

The predicate startable expresses that in order to start a rule 'r' in a rule
system 'rs' in a 9iven state 'q' with actual event otters 'actotts'. the start
condition must be satisfied and the actual event otters have to match the
event requests of the rule 'r'. The values of the local variables of the rule 'r'
must be equal to the values of the ottered event parameters.

In a similar way. the following predicate summarizes the requirements for

ending a rule:

Definition 3.3.2.c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

endable(r. actreqs. 'q. q. '!Y. Jy) :=

F",ctr(II.,) ('q. q) A

( 3 <p: <p: actreqs -+ otters(rs. r)

A <p injective

A Vreq=(gl' etyPI' epar)eactreqs

V<p(req)=(92' etYP2' Jy(<p(req»):

(g2=g1 A etYP2=etyPI 1\ Jy(<p(req» = epar»
A (r. 'Jy)e' rrlv

where rs is a basic rule system. reRULES(rs). 'q=(' sv. 'rrlv).

q=(sv. rrlv)eQ,•. actreqs £: EVENTS.
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 117

The predicate endable expresses that in order to end a rule 'r' in a rule
system 'rs' in a given state ' I q' with actual event requests 'actreqs',
resulting in the new state 'q', the effects formula must be satisfied and the
actual event requests have to match the event offers of the rule 'r'. The
values of the local variables of the rule 'r' must be equal to the values of
the requested event parameters. In addition, the rule 'r' must be running in
the state" q'.

The predicates

startab1e(n_conJeq, {a R1}, qNeIwoot<_enIIty1 0, (N_CR_SP))


are sat i sfi ed.

3.3.3 Interleaving Semantics

In this section, the definitions of the LTSs for basic and communicating rule
systems are given based on the notions defined in the previous section.
First, a basic rule system is considered in isolation and its behavior is mod-
elled by a so-called "local" LTS. Then, the "local" LTSs are used to compose
the "distributed" LTS of a communicating rule system.

Recall from Definition 3.3.1.a that an LTS is defined by a set of states, a set
of actions, and a transition relation between states labelled with actions.
Since rule systems are based on the EFSM model, the state space of the LTS
is defined by the state objects. The transition relation is determined by the
rules controlling internal and external actions of rule systems.

As far as the action set of the LTSs is concerned, the definition is not so
straightforward. Generally speaking, the elements of the action set are the
atomic observations that can be seen when observing the system and the
transition relation determines the possible temporal orderings of these
observations. Choosing different forms of atomic observations has a large
impact on the semantics of concurrency [Aceta 7].
118 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

In CCS [Miln80] and CSP [Hoar85]. single events are regarded as the atomic
observations and the resulting semantical model is called Interleaving
semantics. Concurrency between systems performing a set of actions is
expressed by allowing actions to occur in any total order. This view suffices
to model the behavior of most concurrent systems.

However. some authors emphasize that parallelism is more than arbitrary

interleaving and consider sets of actions the atomic observations. Accord-
ingly. the semantical model is called multiset semantics.

In [Acet87]. even multiset semantics is criticized and an enhanced model is

proposed by defining a partial order on the elements of a set of actions in
order to express causal independency (partial ordering semantics).

The semantics for CRS defined in this section is based on the interleaving
model. This is because interleaving semantics is considered to be sufficient
for protocol engineering tasks to be supported in an integrated tools envi-
ronment as presented in chapter 5 of this thesis.

The tool support is based on operational formal descriptions that are exe-
cuted by runtime mechanisms in the kernel of the environment. These
runtime mechanisms are more easy to develop and they work more effi-
ciently if interleaving semantics is assumed. A multiset semantics for CRS
has been defined in [Schn90a].

SemantIcs of basIc rule systems

Using the auxiliary definitions given in section 3.3.2. the behavior of a basic
rule system 'rs' without rule priorities (WP) is described by the following lTS:
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 119

Definition 3.3.3.a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

The labelled transition system LTS"WP for a basic rule system 'rs' without
priorities is defined as

LTS"WP = ( Q.,. ACT". - -t"WP ). where

Q., := StatVal(rs) x RunRulesLocVal(rs)


- -t"WP £; Q., x ACT" x Q., is given by

'q" -a-t"WP q" :=

( 3 a R. actoff:
(a = (a R• request) 1\ actoff = taR} 1\
3 startruleeRULES(rs)\RunRules(rs): 3 !Y,larlrule:
«startable(startrule. actoff. 'q". !Y..arlrute)
1\ V r' eRunRules(rs): comp,,(sta rtru Ie. r'»

1\ rrlv = 'rrlv U {(startrule. !Y..arlrule)} ) ) )

( 3 a o• actreq:
(a = (a o• offer) 1\ actreq = tao} 1\
3 endruleeRunRules(rs): 3 lY..oorule: 3 'IY..ndrute:
( endable(endrule. actreq. 'q". q". 'IY..ndrule' IY..ndrule)
1\ rrlv = 'rrlv \ {(endrule. 'IY..ndrule)} ) ) )

where q" = (sv. rrlv). 'q" = (' sv. 'rrlv).

A step in LTS"WP is either a rule start or a rule end. An action of LTS"WP is

either an event request (a R) of a rule that is started ('startrule'). or an event
offer (ao) of a rule that is ended ('endrule'). In either case. there is only a
single event requested or offered. respectively. In case of a rule start without
an event request or a rule end without an event offer. the action is the
internal action i with event type internal and no parameters. Rule starts and
ends are totally ordered and cannot occur simultaneously. If several rules
120 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

satisfy the requirements for a rule start or end. one rule is selected in a
nondeterministic fashion.

The transitions


are possible steps of LTSNeIw0lk_enlIly1WP'

The degree of nondeterminism for starting rules is restricted if priorities

between rules are included. This is done by the following definition:

Definition l.l.l.b

The labelled transition system LTS" for a basic rule system 'rs' is defined

LTS" = ( Q". ACT". - ~" ). where

Q,. := StatVal(rs) x RunRulesLocVal(rs)


-~" s Q,. x ACT" x Q,. is given by

'q" -a~" q" :-

( 'q" -a~"WP q" 1\

( a=(a R• requesf) =>

(V a/: (' q" -(a R'. requesf)~"WP q" =>
.., prlor,,(startrule"R" startrule"R»»

This definition makes use of the previous one by stating that a transition of
LTS" must be a possible transition of LTS"WP as well. However. the following
restriction is defined: if the transition action 'a' represents an event request
'a R' of a rule that is started ('startrule a /). then all other rules with the same or
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 121

another event request 'aR" that could have been started as well ('startrule"!!,')
must have the same or lower. but no higher priority.

With the specification example of Figure 51. a transition of LTSNe~~ enmy, with
rule send data as the 'startrule' is not possible if a transition wit" rule
send_expedited_data as the 'startrule' is possible as well.

Semantics of Communicating Rule Systems

The LTSs for basic rule systems (LTS,.) are used to compose the LTS of a
communicating rule system (LTScrs) as in the following definition:

Definition 3.3.3.c

The labelled transition system LTScrs for a communicating rule system 'crs'
is defined as

LTScrs = ( ~rs. ACTcrs • - -+ cn ). where

~n := Q.., x ... x ~


- -+00 s;;~" x ACTers x~" is given by

'qc" -a-+ c" qcrs :=

( 3 aR=(gR' etYPR' eparR): a = (a R• requesf) " gReExt_gates(crs)
" 3 rseRS(crs): 'q" -(aR' requesf)-+" q" )
( 3 ao=(go. etypo. eparo): a = (a o• offer) " goeExt_gates(crs)
" 3 rseRS(crs): 'q" -(ao. offer)-+" qrs )
( 3 aE=(gE' etYPE' eparE): a = (aE• evenf) " gEelnt_gates(crs)
" 3 rs,eqeRS(crs): I q"reQ -(aE' requesf)-+<L ··req
" 3 rsolleRS(crs): I qrs011 -(aEI offer)-+" 011 q,s011
" rS,eq i= rsoll )
122 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems

The "distributed" LTScrs of the communicating rule system 'crs' may perform
a transition with an event request (aR) or offer (a o ) at one of the external
gates (event classes request and offer) as the transition action if there is a
component rule system 'rs' making the request or offer during a transition of
its "local" LTS (first two cases in the definition). If the transition action is of
the class event. there have to be two distinct component rule systems 'rsreq'
and 'rsoa' performing transitions with the same event (a f ) tagged as request
for 'rsreq' and as offer for 'rsol" These rule systems participate in a two-way
rendezvous. The behavior of the communicating rule system 'crs' is
described by the possible transition sequences of LTScf$'

With rSreq = Network_entityl, rs ol = Network_userl, the transition

is a possible step of LTSNelwork_,ervloe'

UsIng CRS semantics

The benefits of CRS semantics being defined in terms of LTSs can be sum-
marized as follows:

1. The definitions provide an unambiguous reference for the meaning of

rule system. rule. and gate specifications. The possible behavior of rule
systems and the communication at gates is precisely defined.

2. LTSs are widely accepted as a basic model of concurrent systems. The

notions of states and actions can be used to verify desired properties of
systems being described. Systems can be compared with respect to their
external observability to see whether equivalence relations or preorder
relations hold [DeNi87]. Equivalences and preorders are the mathemat-
ical means to describe the relation between a specification and an
implementation in a formal way [Brin90].

3. The possible set of states and actions and the definition of the transition
relation of an LTS provides complete information for building specification
interpreters and runtime environments for the simulated execution of
formal descriptions. The executability of the specification can be
exploited in various ways by tools supporting the system development
3.3 Operational Semantics of CRS 123

The focus of this thesis is on the last item of this list. A runtime environment
for the CRS language, a way of achieving operational specifications, and an
integrated tools environment for developing communication systems is
described in chapter 5.
124 3 Protocol Specification with Communicating Rule Systems
4 Protocol Engineering with Formal
Description Techniques

The development of communication systems is a complex task requiring

considerable effort in each step from design to implementation and testing.
An outline of a development process based on a formal methodology was
given in chapter 1. During development, the initial requirements, concrete
design, system refinements, implementation, and tests of communication
services and protocols have to be described and documented. In case of
communication in open systems, the requirements are defined by interna-
tional standards. The benefit of using FDTs in order to achieve precise and
unambiguous specifications has been recognized by the standard commit-
tees. The potentials of FDTs for automating development steps by employing
tools to process the specifications is interesting from an implementor's point
of view.

In particular, executable specifications can be employed at several stages

in the development process and specification interpreters often form the
heart of protocol engineering environments. How executability of specifica-
tions is achieved for some existing techniques is outlined in this chapter
and some existing software environments supporting protocol engineering
tasks based on these techniques are described.

4.1 Executable FDTs

During the development of a protocol, executable specifications can be
employed for various purposes ranging from design validation and
checking of refinements to the generation of implementation code frames
and test cases. Executable specifications still contain all implementation
options and may exhibit nondeterministic behavior, whereas in an imple-
mentation, the options have been resolved in a deterministic fashion.
Depending on the FDT, complex runtime support has to be provided for
executing specifications. This is investigated for some existing techniques in
the following.
126 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

The execution of FDTs is based on their individual semantic models. The

single steps and possible execution sequences of specified systems are
given in terms of the primitives of these semantic models (state transitions
and reachability of states, transition occurrences and reachability of
markings, event occurrences and observable behavior, evaluation and truth
values of formulas etc.). Depending on the semantic model used, execut-
able specifications always run in specialized environments that offer ideal-
ized conditions (synchronous events, no loss of messages, unlimited buffer
space, view on global states, discrete timing etc.). Depending on the degree
of abstraction provided by a particular technique, runtime support has to be
realized in order to provide these idealized conditions. Besides affecting the
complexity of this runtime support, the semantic models of FDTs sometimes
have a dedicated paradigm, or style of programming, that is favorable for
achieving executable specifications.

4.1.1 Estelle, SOL, and PASS

Due to the underlying EFSM model and the use of programming language-
like constructs, the compilation of formal descriptions written in Estelle or
SDL into procedural code Is feasible. In general, Estelle and SDL specifica-
tions are close to implementations. The Estelle compilers described in
[Boch87b] and [Yuon88] generate "PASCAL" and "C" code, respectively,
employing a similar strategy. This strategy is suitable for techniques based
on the EFSM model in general and can be summarized as follows:

• For each module specification, a procedure in the target programming

language is generated that can be compiled separately (as an inde-
pendent implementation module if the target language supports mod-
ularization). The procedure comprises code for checking transition
conditions and for executing transition actions.

• The execution state of a module instance is represented by a record

data structure, called a module control block (or module descriptor).
storing the values of all state variables of the module instance. This
control block is passed together with an input interaction and interaction
parameters to the module procedure checking for enabled transitions
(dummy interactions are used to trigger spontaneous transitions). The
type definitions for module state variables. channels. interactions. and
interaction parameters are generated by the compiler.
4.1 Executable FDTs 127

• The selection among module instances with enabled transitions is done

by an overall transition scheduler according to some predefined sched-
uling strategy. For example, a round-robin strategy is employed by the
compiler described in [Boch87b], but other strategies are possible as
well. The tool described in [Vuon88] generates a tree data structure
reflecting the module hierarchy as the central data structure used by the
transition scheduler in order to preserve the semantics of the different
forms of parallelism in Estelle.

• The selection among enabled transitions of a module instance is done

by the module procedure being coded using embedded "case"- or "if"-
statements. It is important that the compilers resolve the nondeterminism
in the specification by taking some fixed strategy (for example, the
textual order of transitions as defined in the module specification

• As part of the module control block, a queue of input interactions is

maintained in FIFO order for each interaction point of the module (or one
common queue for all interaction points). The communication structure is
represented by using pointers to the control blocks of other module

• The module control blocks are created at runtime by corresponding rou-

tines and are updated after each transition. If a module instance is
released its control block is deleted. Initialization routines establishing the
static specification structure are generated from the initial transition spec-
ifications and are called prior to the dynamic execution of the specified

other approaches to the execution of Estelle specifications (not using com-

pilation) exist as well. An Estelle Interpreter called E5TIM is described in
[5aqu89]. The global execution model employed is fully consistent with the
Estelle semantics defined in [1509074], but additionally a rendezvous mech-
anism is provided and parallelism is restricted. The "systemprocess" and
"process" attributes of modules are not supported, only "systemactivity" or
"activity" may be used. The specification is represented as an attributed
syntax tree. During the initialization phase, the tree is traversed depth-first
and all module instances are created. The global state obtained is repres-
128 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

ented as an 8-tuple of semantic functions that map module references to

module headers and bodies, interaction points to connected or attached
counterparts, variable references to memory locations etc. These functions
are realized according to denotational semantics and are implemented
using the functional programming language "Ml".

An object-oriented model for Estelle is defined in [Sije89] and a corre-

sponding simulator called WISE has been realized in "SMAlLTAlK". A hier-
archy of classes and corresponding class behavior is defined for all
possible Estelle objects. Definition classes represent type, procedure, and
transition specifications, declaration classes are used to create variable
and interaction instances, and active module instances and interaction
points are created from activation classes. A particular system consists of a
collection of instances of these classes. During dynamic execution of a
specification, messages are exchanged between object instances to trigger
transitions, update variables, add or remove interactions from queues etc.

Due to the implementation-orientation of Estelle and SOl specifications are

interpreted at a low level of abstraction. The compilers for these techniques
generate deterministic code, thereby loosing important information given in
the specification. The Estelle interpreters are based on "meta-models" of
Estelle semantics defined in the denotational and object-oriented style,
respectively. This additional modelling allows the execution of Estelle spec-
ifications by functional and object-oriented interpreters. However, the
relation to the transition system semantics of Estelle is not obvious [Sije89].

Various experiments on how to achieve executable specifications based on

the EFSM model have also been conducted for the PASS (Parallel Activities
Specification Scheme) technique [Flei87b] [Flei88] [Flei89]. In PASS, a
graphical syntax similar to SDl is employed for specifying the state
machine (PASS graph) of a protocol. A number of tools have been imple-
mented that generate different forms of executable code from the PASS
graph representation. In the "code-driven" form, the PASS graph is translated
into procedural code with entries for each transition. In the "data-driven"
form, the PASS graph is mapped onto a data structure interpreted at
runtime. Surprisingly, no efficiency is lost in the "data-driven" form, but the
code size is reduced considerably. Alternatively, a set of "PROLOG" clauses
4.1 Executable FDTs 129

can be generated from the PASS graph as well. The resulting "PROLOG"
program represents an executable version of a PASS specification. Unfortu-
nately, PASS specifications only capture the state machine aspects (no data
aspects) and only allow deterministic behavior.

4.1.2 Petri Nets

A large number of tools for the simulation and animation of Petri nets exist
today based on different classes and variants of nets. An overview is given
in [Feld87]. The simulators developed for the PROTEAN system (see [BiII88])
and the one used in the PROSIT project (see [PauI8S]) are described briefly,
since they are applied to protocols.

PROTEAN is based on Numerical Petri Nets (see section 2.2.2), whereas

Product Nets have been used in PROSIT. Both net classes are variants of
high-level Petri nets as defined in chapter 2. The net simulators take a net
specification in a textual form as input and, after static analysis, generate
"PASCAL" code that mainly comprises the following parts:

• data structures representing the static net structure (places and transi-

• procedures checking transition conditions and executing transition


• type definitions for token colors and data variables;

• initialization code for establishing the initial marking.

In the PROSIT simulator, places are identified with integer numbers and a
pointer array is used for referencing token objects present at places during
runtime. All token objects that are created and deleted during runtime are
kept in a global object pool. Transitions are represented by the numbers of
connected places, pointers to token objects that are moved when the transi-
tion occurs, and information about the type and number of tokens. The net
markings are stored in a three-dimensional table holding the number of the
marking, the actual object pool, and object pointers for each place.

After the net specification has been compiled, the net components can be
displayed and edited using a graphical editor in the PROTEAN system. The
130 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

specification objects appear one after the other and can be adjusted on
the screen by the user of the tool. When starting a simulation, the initializa-
tion code is executed and the initial marking of the net Is displayed.
Zooming functions are available to focus on specific parts of the net. All
transition conditions are evaluated and the set of enabled transitions is dis-
played (either graphically by highlighting or using color, or textually In form
of a list). The user of the tool selects an enabled transition and the transition
actions are executed, resulting in a new marking. The net markings
reached during net simulation are saved for backtracking purposes. The
whole, or selected parts of the reachability graph of a net can be gener-
ated this way.

For the Interactive use of Petri net simulators sophisticated graphical user
Interfaces are required. In an automatic mode, nets can be thoroughly ana-
lyzed with respect to various properties (reachablllty, Invariant conditions
etc.). The structure of data objects In a net specification is, however, rather
simple in most tools. As a consequence, the net simUlation is done at a low
level of granularity. Generating the reachability graph for protocols of real-
istic size causes both space and efficiency problems.

4.1.3 LOTOS
Interpreters for LOTOS are described in [Legr88] (ISLA) and in [Tret89]
[Eijk89b] (HIPPO). The interpretation is based on term rewriting techniques for
both the behavior and the data part of LOTOS. The semantics of LOTOS has
been defined using labelled transition systems, where the transitions
describe the transformation of behavior expressions after performing inter-
actions. Abstract data types are defined In LOTOS using the algebraic spec-
ification language ACT ONE. Consequently, the semantics of both parts of
the LOTOS language can be directly implemented as rewrite rules.

In the ISLA simulator, the rewrite rules for behavior expressions are Imple-
mented as "PROLOG" rules (see [Logr88]). As an example, the semantics of
the choice-operator In LOTOS is expressed as a "PROLOG" rule in Figure 63.
The interpreter runs on the Internal "PROLOG" representation implementing
the dynamic semantics of LOTOS as defined in [IS08807]. Whenever a value
expression has to be evaluated, an ADT interpreter is called as a subordi-
nate routine, using a "Ieftmost-Innermosr' evaluation strategy. The rewrite
4.1 Executable FDTs 131

Let 'B', 'B1', and 'B2' be behavior expressions, 'a' an interaction.

The semantics of the choice-operator is given as follows:

if B1 -a~ B2 then B1 [] B -a~ B2 .

This is implemented in "PROLOG" as:

infer( choice( B1, B), a, B2 ) :- isaction( a ), infer( B1, a, B2 )

Figure 63. Example of LOTOS semantics expressed as wPROLOG w rules

rules for the ADTs in a specification are generated by a front-end tool after
parsing the specification and checking the static semantics.

The HIPPO simulator (see [Eijk89b] [Tret89]) also uses term rewriting to
compute possible continuation alternatives from a given behavior
expression as the result of a 'menu' function. The user of the tool has to
make a selection and has to supply Interaction parameters before Invoking
the 'next' function. LOTOS semantics in the form of communication trees
are used as the underlying formalism (see [Eijk88]). The tool has been
implemented in "C".

The interpretation of LOTOS specifications based on term rewriting works well

provided that the derived rewrite systems are confluent and terminating.
Confluent means that the choice among applicable rewrite rules and the
order in which rewrite rules are applied do not affect the resulting behavior.
Terminating means that all computations have to be finite. Non-confluent
rewrite systems can be transformed into confluent ones by applying the
"Knuth-Bendix Algorithm", which Is offered as an option in the ISLA simulator.
The termination property of a given rewrite system is not decidable In
general [Joua87].

An alternative approach to the execution of LOTOS specifications Is

described in [Gilb89] [Gilb87]. A "source-ta-source translation" from LOTOS to
"PARLOG" (a parallel logic programming language) is proposed. However,
only the behavior part of LOTOS is translated and "PARLOG" typing mech-
anisms are used for the data part. Even for the behavior part, a direct trans-
lation could not be achieved due to the different semantics of the choice
and parallel operators of LOTOS and "PARLOG". Instead, parameterized
132 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

"PAR LOG" programs have been designed to behave like LOTOS processes
and gates.

Some work has been started recently on transforming LOTOS processes into
state machines [Eijk90b] [Mana89]. The approach has been theoretically
treated in [Karj88]. A prerequisite to accomplishing the transformation is that
the input specification is close enough to an implementation. Ideally, the
specification has been written in a state-oriented specification style
[Eijk90b]. The behavior part and the data part are kept separate. The tool
described in [Mana89] generates a finite automaton for each behavioral
unit in the specification that synchronizes with others. Each LOTOS process is
compiled into a reentrant "c" function that is executed as a separate oper-
ating system process. A complex runtime kernel using system calls to deter-
mine possible mUlti-way synchronizations is required. In the approach
described in [Eijk90b] this was avoided for efficiency reasons. Instead, a
given LOTOS specification is transformed by a tool implementing the LOTOS
expansion theorem. By applying this theorem, parallelism (and thus the
need for communication) is eliminated by introducing nondeterminism. For
the data part, the tool described in [Mana89] derives a rewrite system. In
the implementation experiment reported in [Eijk90b], ADTs have been trans-
lated manually.

Summarizing, the complete translation of LOTOS into an executable lan-

guage is difficult to achieve. The LOTOS transition system semantics can be
implemented directly as rewrite systems that are executed by interpreters.
The execution of specifications is performed on an abstract level by manip-
ulating symbols. However, various implementation problems have to be
solved: termination of ADT rewrite systems, determination of multi-way syn-
chronization, value generation in interactions, and process disruption. The
interpretation mechanisms have to cope with efficiency problems for specifi-
cations of realistic sizes.

4.1.4 Logic interpreters

Logic interpreters execute specifications given in the form of logic pro-
grams. Several experiments have been reported in the literature using
"PROLOG" as a tool for executing logic specifications of communication ser-
vices and protocols (see for example [Cleg89] [Boch86] [Sidh83]). In
4.1 Executable FDTs 133

"PROLOG", logic programs are given as a set of "Horn clauses" (see

[Cloc81]) that may have been obtained from a more general logic specifi-
cation by translation. For example, in the specification environment for the
Z notation described in [Mast89] specifications are translated into a set of
"PROLOG" clauses to form the "domain-specific knowledge base" of the

Confronted with a "goal clause" of the form


the "PROLOG" interpreter tries to reason backwards from the goal to pos-
sible solutions. It searches a clause for which the head of the clause
matches the goal C, normally consisting of a predicate symbol and argu-
ments in form of constants, variables, or terms (for example, C = P( t 1 •
• • •• tm ). A more concrete example is given later. A matching clause
B +- A1 . . . . . A"

is found if either B is equal to C, or if Band C can be unified by applying a

variable substitution to both. In such a substitution, variables are bound to
terms that may be composed of constants, function symbols, and variables.
All variable occurrences in Band C are substituted by the corresponding
terms. If e denotes a substitution (a set of variable replacement rules), and
Be its application to B, ce
its application to C, then

e is called a unifier for Band C <=> Be = ce .

If a matching clause can be found in the logic program, the resolution
inference rule is applied and the goal C is reduced to the subgoals (A 1 •
• • •• An}9. Strictly speaking, the problem of solving the goal C is reduced to
the problem of solving B after applying to both. Then, the goal is to solve
Be by solving the subgoals A1e. • • .• Ane. The computation stops, if
matching clauses of the form

have been found for all subgoals. The "PROLOG" interpreter tries to solve
subgoals from left to right (resolving "AND"-nondeterminism) and searches
for matching clauses in the order given in the logic program (resolving
"OR"-nondeterminism). Whereas the order of solving subgoals (computa-
134 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

tion rule) has no impact on the number and results of successful computa-
tions, the selection of matching clauses Is important. If the computation
does not succeed with a selected clause, backtracking is performed and
the next matching clause is taken. This is done in a depth-first manner and
may lead to infinite loops if recursion on the same clause occurs over and
over again. Breadth-first search was not implemented because of enormous
space requirements. The whole computation is performed on a symbolic
level. Unification. the most time-consumlng step, relies on pattern matching

A procedural Interpretation of "PROLOG" was given in [Kowa79] and may

serve as a complementary explanation of the "PROLOG" interpretation
mechanism. The clause
B +- AI' ••• , An

is interpreted like a procedure

procedure B
call AI'
call A2 ,

The goal clause


is interpreted like a procedure call and unification is used to pass parame-

ters either by value (variables substituted by ground terms), or by reference
(variables substituted by variables). This view emphasizes the fact that
besides knowing whether computations can be terminated successfully, the
programmer is particularly interested in variable bindings established
during the execution of the logic program.

As an example, a simplified "PROLOG" clause for describing one transition

of an X.25 DTE is given:
transition( pI, p2, N_CONNECT_req, Call_request) ~.

The state reached and the output made upon reception of an

N_CONNECTJeq event in the state pi can be obtained using the following
goal clause:
4.1 Executable FDTs 135

<- transition( pl, S, N_CONNECT_req, 0)

where Sand 0 are variables. The "PROLOG" system will find a successful
computation, which states that there Is a transition from the state pI with the
input N_CONNECTJeq. Additionally, the system will find the answer substi-
tution where
8 ={S -+ p2 , 0 -+ Call_request} .

logic interpreters can be used for multiple purposes on the basis of a single
logic program. This feature has been called Invertible execution in
[Boch86]. If the behavior of a protocol entity is specified as a logic program,
different goal clauses can be used to get information about transitions. The
focus can be on output and states, on states accepting a certain input, on
subsequent states from a given initial state etc.

In order to use the knowledge about a protocol specified as a set of

clauses, additional clauses are added to the logic program. According to
[Kowa79], a "PROLOG" program can be separated into

• a logic part and

• a control part,
both given as Horn clauses. The logic part represents the knowledge about
the problem domain, whereas the control part specifies how to use the
knowledge for generating answer substitutions.

An example of a control clause is shown in Figure 64 ([Boch86]). The clause

DoUnt i 1 can be used to compute possible sequences of state transitions
from the Initial - state via a number of intermediate Next- states to the
Final_state. The interpretation may be invoked with several goals: simu-

DoUntil( Initial_state, Final_state,

[Input I Input_tail], [Output I Output_tail]) ~
transition( Initial state, Next state, Input, Output),
DoUntil( Next_state~ Final_state, Input_tail, Output_tail)

DoUntil ( Initial_state, Final_state, [Input], [Output]) ~

transition( Initial_state, Final_state, Input, Output)

Figure 64. Example control clause in a logic program

136 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

lated execution (given an initial state and an input sequence). trace

checking (given an actual state and an observed input/output sequence).
or test sequence generation (input/output sequence from an initial state to
a final state).

logic interpreters are elegant tools for executing specifications with various
intentions in mind. However. care must be taken in the control part of a
logic program when providing clauses to achieve the intended goals
because of their relationship to the clauses of the logic part representing
the problem-specific knowledge. The efficiency of the interpretation
depends on the efficiency of the paHern matching algorithms. Serious prob-
lems are caused by possible infinite computations. Several "non-logical"
constructs have been invented in "PROLOG" ("cut" etc.) in order to avoid the
exploration of infinite paths. The fact that problem-specific knowledge and
control-oriented clauses are mixed in a logic program. and the inflexibility
of the interpretation algorithm are considered drawbacks of "PROLOG" as a
tool for executing specifications of communication services and protocols.

4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments

Software development environments combining protocol engineering tools
are needed to apply a formal development methodology for communi-
cation services in practice. The development support that can be provided
in such environments is outlined in this section and illustrated with some
examples of existing tools.

4.2.1 Validation environments

The step from a specification of the informal requirements of a communi-
cation system to a formal description (formalization. see chapter 1) can be
supported by textual or graphical editors. The formal specifications
achieved this way can be validated with respect to various aspects. Vali-
dation methods have been classified as "simulative" and "exhaustive" in
[Boch87a]. These methods can also be applied to validate refined specifica-
tions against their predecessors.
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 137

The main purpose of simulation environments for FDTs is to provide tools

and runtime support for translating a given specification into an internal
form and to facilitate the interactive validation of the specification by inter-
preting the internal representation. Tools like ESTIM [Saqu89], WISE [Sije89],
VEDA [Jard88], PATE/PACO [Flei88], ISLA [Logr88], HIPPO [Tret89], PROTEAN
[BiII88] are examples of simulation environments for FDTs.

For service specifications, the user of these tools checks whether the speci-
fied behavior reflects the informal requirements by watching interaction
sequences and examining their accordance with local and global service
constraints. Given a protocol specification, the simulated behavior of the
protocol can be compared to the service specification. Particular transitions,
states, encoding/decoding of PDUs and the mapping between PDU fields
and SP parameters may be investigated. In an interactive simulation, a
certain number of interesting situations can be explored to validate specific
properties expected from the specification. In long lasting automatic simu-
lations, the aim is at finding deadlocks, livelocks, or other kind of erroneous
behavior. Such situations may be recognized during a simulation by ending
up in some unexpected state, looping without progress, receiving inappro-
priate or corrupted messages etc. Although complete certainty about
general properties of a specification cannot be reached, the confidence in
the correctness of a design is increased.

The number of alternative paths and situations that may be explored in rea-
sonable time during the simulation of a specification depends on the flexi-
bility of the simUlation tool. Facilities have to be provided for driving the
simulation to areas of interest, for retrieving information in each state, and
for entering data conveniently. In ESTIM and VEDA, a user interface in the
form of a command interpreter is employed. It has been pointed out in
[Jard88] that such an interface is not user-friendly enough. Only closed
systems that do not interact with the environment (the user of the tool) can
be simulated in VEDA In PATE/PACO, an external procedure is called during
execution of each input/output transition. For the purpose of validation this
procedure receives input from and directs output to a human operator. In
order to simulate systems sharing interaction points with the environment,
so-called user-driven transitions can be selected in WISE. The window inter-
face of the SMALLTALK system under which WISE was realized provides the
138 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

appropriate means to display information about module Instances that are

distributed over a number of logical sites. Module instance observers are
windows in which state variable values, enabled or delayed transitions, con-
tents of interaction point queues, and other pieces of Information about
specification objects are displayed. The simulation may be driven by
selecting transitions from menus or by invoking an automatic mode.

Interpreting LOTOS specifications with ISLA or HIPPO allows interactive

checking and validation of possible interaction sequences. A simulation
starts with an initial behavior expression which is expanded in subsequent
steps. The set of interactions in which the simulated system is able to partic-
ipate is displayed when calling the 'menu'-function. The user selects an
alternative and invokes the 'next'-function. After the exploration of a certain
execution path, the user may 'backtrack' to previous behavior expressions.
However, the simulators may become difficult to use for large specifications,
as reported in [Guil88]. Behavior expressions become lengthy (more than
2000 characters for a transport service specification) and data values
represented as ACT ONE terms may comprise many symbols (about 400
characters for a transport SP). Besides being hard to read, it is difficult to
enter such expressions Interactively. However, users can build a library of
shorthands for common values that are recognized by the system to sim-
plify the interactions with the simulated system.

The PROTEAN tool allows stepwise simulation of net specifications using

graphics. However, it may be difficult to get a view on the global state and
keep track of all system-wide changes during transitions. Observing control
and data flow is possible in the zoomed part of the net. The markings
reached during net simulation can be resumed for backtracking.

Logic interpreters offer simulation capabilities at a symbolic level. Interpre-

tation has to be invoked by goal clauses contained in the control part of
the logic program. The flexibility in driving a protocol simUlation depends
on the design of the control part. The user interfaces provided by logic inter-
preters are mostly textual (without any graphic facilities) because there is
no intuitive graphical representation for logic clauses.
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 139

In general, a substantial lack of support for handling data structures (PDUs,

SPs) can be recognized in existing FDT simulators. An environment for
designing and validating PDUs based on ASN.1 is described in [Cleg89],
called ASNST. ASNST comprises several components (all implemented in
"PROLOG") for defining ASN.1 types, constructing instances, checking
instances against their type definition, and encoding/decoding instances.
Using this tool, complete application layer PDUs can be defined and
sample instances can be created and checked against the type definition.
A 'sample editor' is provided which converts the internal tree representation
into the external format and vice versa. ASNST was anticipated as a vali-
dation and testing tool to fill the existing gap in automated processing of
data structures used in protocols and services. However, its use for imple-
mentation is restricted.

As opposed to simulation, exhaustive validation environments support pro-

tocol engineers in checking general properties of specifications. These prop-
erties include

• absence of deadlocks;

• termination or cyclic behavior;

• bounded ness on resources;

• absence of Iivelocks.

A number of exhaustive validation environments have been built during

recent years to process protocol specifications based on the FSM or EFSM
model (special input formats are, however, offen used instead of a partic-
ular FDT): PANDORA [Holz83], VALIRA [Vuon87], PAY [Sabn87], PATE/PACO
[Flei88], PROSPEC [Chow88], SPANNER [Agga88], EDS [Chun88] [Blum83],
PROTEAN [BiII88]. Several variants of reachabllffy analysis are employed by
the tools in these environments. Given an initial global state, all states that
are reachable from this initial state are generated. During the analysis,
states should be detected that cannot be reached or leff anymore
(sources, sinks), or states that are reached over and over again. These
states may indicate deadlocks, Iivelocks, or other errors in the specification.
The main problem with reachability analysis is that the number of states
becomes large, or even infinite, if more than the basic FSM aspects of a
140 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

protocol specification are considered (state space explosion). This problem

severely restricts the usefulness of reachability analysis as a validation
method. Several proposals have been made in the literature for modified
reachability analysis methods (see for example [West87) and have been
implemented in some of the tool environments listed above. An overview is
given in [Sari90).

The environment described in [Karj86) is based on CCS (for protocol

behavior) and LISP (for protocol data structures) and offers the possibility of
defining logic assertions (temporal logic) that are checked during validation
runs of the tool. other environments based on process algebras are
described in [Papp87) and [Yemi83]. In [Papp87), a transformational
approach has been taken to prove the observation congruence of service
and protocol specifications by deriving a common normal form. The CUPID
environment described in [Yemi83) supports "multiple concurrent protocol
representations" and provides validation assistance with tools translating to
different techniques and applying several different analysis methods.

For all these environments, successful applications to real world protocols

have been reported. Besides many problems encountered in the use of
these tools, many misinterpretations, errors, boHlenecks, and unexpected
behavior of existing protocols have been detected by analyzing the pro-
tocol specifications.

4.2.2 Implementation environments

The compilers described in [Boch87b) and [Vuon88) (see section 4.1.1) are
tools for generating implementation code from an Estelle specification. A
comprehensive toolkit tailored towards the semi-automatic implementation
of communication protocols is described in [Flei89) based on the PASS spec-
ification language. Complete implementations are, however, difficult to
achieve. What can be derived from the specifications are the required state
information, the conditions and actions of transitions, and the structure of
interactions. The parts that have to be added to the generated code are the
following (see also [Boch87b):

• realization of interprocess communication;

• interfaces to the operating system;

4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 141

• memory and buffer management;

• administration and scheduling of protocol layers.

These extensions have to be developed manually, but can be provided in

runtime libraries that are used for several protocol implementations (see for
example [Flei87a] [Ding90]). A typical example for a hand-coded part that
is often done separately for each protocol are the encoding/decoding rou-

The main issues that have to be resolved during the compilation of protocol
specifications are layer structuring (threads, processes, procedures etc.),
communication between layers (interrupts, messages, procedure calls etc.)
and nondeterminism (scheduling, transition ordering etc.). A comprehensive
overview of implementation issues for 051 communication systems is pro-
vided in [Svob89]. As reported in [Vuon88], generated code contains fewer
errors and allows cheaper and faster protocol implementation. The effi-
ciency of manually-coded implementations, on the other hand, was not

In the EDS protocol engineering environment, implementation code can be

generated after exhaustive validation of an Estelle specification [Sidh90b].
Most SDL based environments are mainly implementation environments (for
example [Gras90] [Atle90] [Chen90] [Mizu88J). These environments provide
graphical editors and implementation code generators for different pro-
gramming languages ("C", "PASCAL", "CHILL", object-oriented "C"). The
generated code can be compiled and executed by "simulators" provided
in these environments. However, these "simulators" work on a rather low
level of abstraction, similar to debuggers for programming languages. The
approaches to implement protocols from LOTOS specifications are not so
advanced yet. Some implementation experiments are reported in [Eijk90b],
but compilers are still in an early prototype stage [Mana89].

Whereas for lower layer protocols in the 051 model the control aspects con-
stitute the major part of an implementation, the situation changes in the
upper layers. In the application layer, application entities exchange struc-
tured data objects. This data has to be encoded into a common transfer
representation of the open system at the sending site and decoded at the
142 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

receiving side. The automatic processing of data structure descriptions and

the generation of encoding/decoding routines is desirable, but not suffi-
ciently supported in the implementation environments mentioned above.
The use of "PASCAL" data types is not appropriate for describing abstract
data structures that have to be transferred over communication lines. Effi-
cient implementation schemes for algebraic data type definitions are diffi-
cult to find. All the SOL-based tools mentioned above do not support
automatic translation of the data part of SOl specifications.

Promising approaches to the automatic processing of data structure

descriptions for communication systems are based on ASN.1 (excluding the
macro facility). The ASN.1 compilers described In [Neuf90] [8eve89]
[Gora88a] are capable of generating both implementation language data
structures and routines converting from a local representation to transfer
syntax and vice versa. For each ASN.1 type, a corresponding type definition
in the target language is generated. However, the translation is by no
means one-to-one due to those features of ASN.1 that cannot be found in
common implementation languages (see chapter 3). In addition, the proc-
essing of the data according to the protocol (behavioral part) has to be
implemented on the basis of the generated type definitions, which still
demands considerable effort.

4.2.3 Testing environments

Since the final result of a protocol development is a running physical
system, and not a symbolic system representation, a formal verification is
not possible and tests have to be performed. Testing means applying a
finite set of selected test cases derived from the specification to the Imple-
mentation. These test cases may reveal errors, or Increase confidence that
the system behaves correctly if no errors are detected. Several kinds of
testing efforts exist in the area of communication systems, including testing
of functional correctness, interoperability, performance, robustness, etc.

In case of communication in open systems, protocol implementations have

to be tested for accordance with protocol standards (conformance testing).
Here, the goal is to reduce the probability that Implementations are still
unable to interwork, although they have been implemented according to
the same standard. Since numerous implementations are developed by dif-
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 143

ferent providers, testing each implementation against all others is not fea-
sible. Instead, each implementation under test (fUT) has to pass a number
of test cases of a standardized test suite. The importance of international
conformance testing efforts has been widely recognized as being crucial for
achieving the objectives of 051. The ISO and CCITT standards committees
are currently jointly developing a common methodology and framework for
conformance testing [1509646]. Surveys of this work can be found in
[Rayn87] [Sari89] [Linn90].

In general, the different tasks that have to be addressed in protocol testing

are related to

1. test suite development, concerning

a. determination of test purposes,

b. test derivation for each test purpose,

c. test specification in some suitable notation;

2. and test suite execution, concerning

a. test selection for some specific IUT,

b. derivation of executable test cases,

c. test execution and analysis.

For all these different tasks, tool support is desirable and is currently the
subject of intensive research. A software environment for protocol testing
would ideally combine tools supporting all the activities above.

Test suite development is still a manual activity requiring much effort. The
development of standardized test suites for 051 protocols is currently con-
ducted by a number of experts from different institutions. The development
process is, however, quite slow and international acceptance is hard to
achieve. Besides speeding up the development process, automated test
suite development is desirable for at least two more reasons. Firstly, devel-
oping good test suites for communication protocols is a complex task due
to the concurrent and distributed execution of a protocol by several entities
and the various implementation options. Secondly, assuring correctness of
144 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

test cases with respect to the informal protocol standard is difficult. By using
formal descriptions, "quality" measures for test suites can be defined math-
ematically and can be related to the specifications. The test cases gener-
ated from formal descriptions according to formal methods are inherently
correct with respect to the specification.

Generating test sequences from specifications based on an underlying

FSM model is probably most advanced among the automatic test develop-
ment methods. A test sequence is a sequence of input/output pairs that has
been derived from the protocol specification, assuming a "Mealy" machine
model. The goal is to test every transition of the underlying FSM at least
once. The algorithms used to derive test sequences differ with respect to the
assumptions made about the FSM serving as input, as well as for the length
and error detection capabilities of the generated test sequences. A good
overview Is given in [Sidh89], where the most common methods are treated
in detail (transition tours, unique input/output sequences, distinguishing
sequences, characterization sets). Test generation environments pro-
viding tools for these methods are, for example, described in [Burg90]
[Favr87] [Mizu88]. These tools accept an FSM format, Estelle, or SOL input.

One problem with all these FSM-based methods is that they do not take
any data aspects into account. The question may be asked as to why each
transition is tested only once and not several times with varying data
parameters. Testing single transitions is not adequate, but possible event
sequences and parameter dependencies have to be considered. A test deri-
vation algorithm taking both control flow and data flow into account has
been proposed in [Ura187] and realized in a corresponding tool. Protocol
speCifications in Estelle serve as Input and are first transformed into a
normal form. Then, the underlying state machine graph, as well as the data
flow graph representing possible data flow between variables and inter-
action parameters are constructed. The test sequences derived from both
graphs aim at covering all "definition-usage" pairs. This way, errors may be
found that are related to variable usage without some defined value, or vari-
able definitions that are not used by the protocol. Test case derivation from
LOTOS specifications is still not as practical as the approaches described
above. The theory developed in [Brin88b] has been implemented in the
tools described in [Weze90] and [Alde90]. but the canonical testers gener-
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 145

ated represent exhaustive sets of test cases that cannot be executed in

practice. In [Tret90], the theory is restricted to acceptance sets and
reduced acceptance sets, respectively. However, it is still unclear how
these sets can be computed algorithmically [Tret90].

Another problem encountered for test case generation tools is the output
format. Many tools use their own test description languages without any
formal semantics. For international distribution and for gaining mutual
recognition of test results by various parties, different test languages are not
appropriate. Therefore, ISO is currently developing a standardized test nota-
tion called the Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN). The definition
of HCN will become part of the ISO conformance testing standard

Another complex activity in a heterogeneous world is test suite execution .

Ideally, test suites should cover the full range of functions and capabilities
of a protocol or service as defined in the specification. Since developers
are free to make design choices and since they are often allowed to imple-
ment only subsets of the whole functional spectrum, test cases have to be
selected from the test suite for each IUT. The selected tests have to be
translated into an executable form. This translation may result in a program
to be compiled, or yield statements in an executable test language. The
tools described in [Wile89] and [Prob89] are able to process HCN test
descriptions in graphical (HCN-GR) and in textual form (HCN-MP) and to
generate executable test cases. In [Baer89], the development of an inter-
preter for HCN is presented, based on the informal TTCN semantics given in

The ISO standard [1509646] also provides a framework for test case exe-
cution by detining several so-called abstract test methods, which are actu-
ally test configurations. The most important one is the distributed test
method, depicted in Figure 65. The functionality of the tester is divided into
an "upper tester" part, watching and controlling the upper service interface
of the IUT, and a "lower tester" part, exercising control and observation of
the IUT's lower service interface from a remote site. So-called Points of
Control and Observation (PCOs) exist in the distributed test method
between the IUT and the upper tester, and between the lower tester and an
146 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques

,-- f----
Test Coord.
LT Procedures UT


. - PDUs -----.

1 ASPs

Service Provider

Figure 65. Distributed test configuration

underlying service provider. The lower tester resides in the system where the
test is executed and is usually the major component of the whole test tool
(test driver). Normally, the upper tester is a relatively small module which
can be easily ported to different systems (test responder). The test system
is connected to the IUT via the underlying service provider, which may
involve a real network. Various forms of upper and lower testers are pos-
sible, however. A survey is provided In [Rayn87]. Test tools for the test
methods introduced in [IS09646] are described in [Mack88] [Chan90]

4.2.4 Integrated environments

The conclusion of this section on protocol engineering environments is that
the integration of protocol engineering tools for all protocol development
phases has not been properly achieved in most existing environments. This
may be due to the fact that no FDT exists today which supports all the dif-
ferent phases of the development life-cycle equally well. On the other hand,
a more general approach to the representation of the knowledge contained
in protocol and service specifications is required to facilitate the integration
of tools. The use of knowledge-based systems has been proposed, for
4.2 Protocol Engineering Environments 147

example. in [Neum87] and [Shir88]. The rule-based nature of CRS specifica-

tions and the flexibility of X-ASN.1 data structures allow the realization of the
ideas presented in [Neum87] in an advanced fashion. The architecture and
realization of an integrated tools environment based on executable CRS
and X-ASN.1 specifications is explained in the next chapter.
148 4 Protocol Engineering with Formal Description Techniques
5 Protocol Engineering with
Communicating Rule Systems

Several existing FDTs have been evaluated in chapter 2 to assess their suit-
ability for specifying communication systems. Because of deficiencies in
these FDTs. a rule-based technique for the specification of communication
services and protocols has been proposed in chapter 3 (CRS. X-ASN.1). The
advantages of CRS in relation to a number of general criteria for FDTs and
the representation of architectural concepts of open systems have been
explained. This chapter shows the relevance of using CRS and X-ASN.1 for
building tools to automate protocol development. A protocol engineering
approach is described that is based on the constructive nature of CRS spec-
ifications. allowing specifications to be executed according to the opera-
tional semantics defined in chapter 3.

A common characteristic of the protocol engineering environments

described in chapter 4 is that the tools provided focus on particular phases
in the development process instead of supporting the whole range of devel-
opment activities. This is due to restrictions imposed by the techniques and
by their corresponding execution mechanisms. As opposed to many other
techniques. rule-based specifications may be executed with IiHle overhead
by employing well-established principles of rule-based programming. The
rules represent the specification knowledge in a way that is independent of
the intended application. As a consequence. the specification knowledge
can be used by tools supporting the whole range of development activities.
An implementation model and a runtime environment for CRS specifications
is presented in section 5.1. This runtime environment forms the kernel of an
integrated tools environment for protocol engineering. which is described in
detail in section 5.2.

5.1 Executable CRS

As shown in the last chapter. tools supporting different protocol engineering
activities can be realized on the basis of executable formal descriptions.
The difficulty of executing formal descriptions depends on the level of
150 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

abstraction of a particular FOT. Whereas a high level of abstraction is

desired in order to facilitate implementation-independent specifications, it
demands more effort to execute these specifications. In this section, the
principles for executing CRS specifications are explained and some details
for the realization of these principles are given.

5.1.1 Implementation Concepts

The basic idea behind the CRS implementation concepts is that of a pro-
duction rule-based system, or short production system (see for example
[Barr81] [Wins84] [Fros86]). In general, a production system consists of three
major parts:

1. a rule base,

2. a data base, and

3. a rule interpreter.

The rule base is a set of production rules representing knowledge about

the problem domain. Each production rule is of the form

If condition then action.

The data base is used to store information about the problem domain and
Its actual state provides the basis for evaluating the condition part of pro-
duction rules. The actions of production rules may alter the state of the data
base. The rule interpreter usually works In a cyclic fashion and repeats the
following steps In each execution cycle: (1) find all rules in the rule base
applicable to the present state of the data base (matching), (2) select one
applicable rule (conflict resolution), (3) perform the actions of the selected
rule (action). If the rule interpreter starts from an initial state and applies
rules to work towards a goal state, it is called forward-chaining. If it tries to
reason backwards from a goal state to an initial state, it is called
backward-chaining. Since the rules in the rule base are used to infer new
knowledge from existing knowledge, the rule interpreter in a production
system is also called inference machine [Kric88].

CRS specifications can be directly implemented as production systems. The

rules in rule system specifications define the rule base and the passive state
5.1 Executable CRS 151

objects constitute the data base. The mapping between specification and
implementation is illustrated in Figure 66 for two rule systems (RSl, RSZ)
communicating over a common gate (Gate). Each rule system is executed
by an associated CRS inference machine exercising control over the rule
base. In order to facilitate communication between rule systems, each gate
is handled by a CRS gate machine gathering event requests and event
offers from the inference machines and looking for matching pairs.

For an adequate representation of objects in the data base an implementa-

tion concept for X-ASN.1 types and values has been developed based on
so-called structure trees and data trees (see also [Mack88] [Sche89]). A
detailed implementation concept for the efficient organization of the rule
base and for the CRS inference and gate machines has been described in
[Neum88]. These concepts are summarized in the following, before the CRS
execution environment that has been realized based on this concepts is

'0' D

Gate RS2
raque.t r-.qu •• t

. ofr.r offllr

.. 01f.r • ~
requ •• l

+ + +

Figure 66. CRS implementation concepts

152 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

X-ASN.1 structure trees and data trees

In order to transform X-ASN.1 type definitions, Instances, and operations Into
an executable representation, two approaches are possible:

• translation or

• Integration.

In the translation approach, the X-ASN.1 type definitions are translated Into
corresponding types in a target language. Variable declarations are gener-
ated for each X-ASN.1 data Instance and the X-ASN.1 operations are
mapped onto operations, functions, or procedures in the target language.
The ASN.1 compilers described In [Gora88a] and [Neuf90] are typical exam-
ples of tools realizing the translation approach, both using "C" as the target
language. For some ASN.1 types, the translation into "c" Is straightforward.
For example, the simple types INTEGER, REAL, and ENUMERATED have direct
counterparts in "C". Types constructed with the SEQUENCE and SET
constructors are mapped onto structured types in "C". However, there are
also ASN.1 simple types, as well as ASN.1 structured types, which cannot be
translated directly because adequate constructs do not exist in "c" (or in
similar programming languages).

One of the difficulties is given by the OPTIONAL construct in ASN.1. In the

translation approach, a common solution is to generate an additional
integer field for each optional component which holds information about
the presence or absence of the optional component during runtime. other
difficulties arise out of the dynamic structures that can be defined with the
SEQUENCE OF or SET OF constructors in ASN.1. Instances of such structures
may shrink and grow as needed and their size requirements cannot be
determined at compile time. The ASN.1 compiler described in [Neuf90] gen-
erates a special list structure (using "C" pointers to connect the compo-
nents) for dynamic ASN.1 types constructed with SEQUENCE OF and SET OF.
Similarly, the ASN.1 types NUll and ANY, as well as other predefined ASN.1
types for object identifiers or generalized time are translated into special-
ized "c" types. The ASN.1 OCTET STRING type is mapped onto a structured
"c" type that contains additional fields for storing length and contents infor-
5.1 Executable CRS 153

Besides the difficulty of finding adequate representations for the ASN.1 types
in the target language the main disadvantage of the translation approach
is that the processing of data objects according to a protocol or service
specification has to be implemented using the generated type definitions in
the target language. Thus, checking the presence of optional fields, man-
aging list structures, handling strings etc. is the responsibility of the
implementor and is difficult to validate. A library of runtime routines can be
provided to support developers, but some parts have to be generated for
each ASN.1 type module (for example encoding/decoding routines) (see

In the Integration approach, X-ASN.1 is integrated into the target implemen-

tation language as a data definition language coexisting with the data type
concept of the target language. Integration means that X-ASN.1 types can
be defined and used just like types in the target language. Variables may
be declared, values may be assigned, and operations may be invoked on
data instances of X-ASN.1 types. In this way, an abstract syntax definition for
a protocol or service can be used as the local syntax in an implementation.
The representation of the X-ASN.1 data objects and the realization of the
X-ASN.1 operations in the target language is hidden from the implementor.
One way to support this approach is by employing a preprocessing tool
that transforms all occurrences of X-ASN.1 variables and operations into the
representation and realization in the target language, before the implemen-
tation code is compiled. Basic ideas for the representation of X-ASN.1 data
objects in form of tree data structures are presented in the following. An
X-ASN.1 preprocessor using this representation is described later in this

Representing X-ASN.1 type definitions and values in the form of tree data
structures is appealing because of the dynamic properties of X-ASN.1 data
objects. Tree structures are flexible and can be used to represent simple
types (just one node), structured types (hierarchies or lists of nodes), and
nested types (referenced subtrees). Nested types can be defined using
other structured types as components, or using the same type as a compo-
nent. In the latter case, recursive types are obtained and the tree structures
representing them are actually graph structures.
154 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

The idea is illustrated in Figure 67: the X-ASN.1 type definitions are con-
verted into an internal tree representation, called a structure tree (as for the
type Data in the example). Structure trees are available for retrieving type
information at runtime. The values of the different types are represented as
so-called data trees corresponding to structure trees (example value repres-
entations are given on the right-hand side of Figure 67). Generic
encoding/decoding routines can be designed to work for arbitrary X-ASN.1
data instances based on their underlying structure trees holding the type

Each component of an X-ASN.1 type definition is represented by a node in

the corresponding structure tree. The nodes of structure trees are called
structure blocks and contain type information as illustrated in Figure 68.

dolol ::= ( 19, (39J )

Dolo ::= SE~UENCE (

data2 ::= I 19. 1T,39} )

data3 ::= ( 19, IT ,39), F J

figure 67. X-ASN.1 implementation concepts

5.1 Executable CRS 155

parent block INDEX

index 4- -----

r---------- -+ selector

i type
-- ----- -------...... block
! tag information
TABLE size constraints

OPTIONAL indication

- 1----+ sibling blocks

child block

Figure 68. Structure blocks

Different fields in a structure block contain the component selector, the type
of the component (a reference to another structure block), the tag class,
number, and use of the IMPLICIT keyword, information about size con-
straints, and an indication whether the component is classified as optional.
In addition, an index number is assigned to each structure block, so that
the type representations are accessible via selectors from a symbol table,
or via indexes from an index table. The remaining fields are pointers to
parent, sibling, and child blocks in a structure tree.

An example of a complex structure tree is given in Figure 69, representing

the CALL_REQUEST type defined in Figure 37 (see section 3.1). Structure
blocks are drawn as boxes (if the structure block represents an optional
component of the type the box is non-shaded). The structure block indices
are written on top of the boxes. From this representation, it can be deduced
that the CALL_REQUEST type is one alternative of the type X25_PDU con-
structed with the CHOICE constructor. The CALL_REQUEST type is tagged as
context-specific, 11, implicit, and constructed as a SEQUENCE of fields as
given in the child and sibling lists. Some of the fields are of simple types,
others are of structured types again (the structured type FAC I LI TI ES is not
shown in Figure 69).
156 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

2 I
;.;:~ ..!:!;. - -
.y.:........ ~~:

25 JO J2
29 ,31

::.""t'". . . raClIUty_
Mcnltl•• u-.. rJGtA

• rsi7611C I-~
~ Jl{TQ;£R S01I.£/CE
1m 111 • •1£1 c'O .. W III • • "

Figure 69. Structure tree tor the X,25 CALL REQUEST packet type

Figure 70 illustrates the internal representation of a complete X-ASN.1

module. The various types defined in the module are represented as sepa-
rate structure trees. links between structure trees and even cycles may
exist, representing nested type definitions and recursive types, respectively.
A global symbol table contains all type Identifiers and selector Identifiers,
whereas all indices of structure blocks are kept in a global index table.
Application programs and encoding/decoding routines using the type infor-
mation will start with the symbolic information, but may retrieve index
numbers from it. Once the index numbers are available, access to the dif-
ferent nodes in the trees is much faster using the index table. The access
mechanism is transparent to the application and mainly used by the
internal functions working on the tree representations. All type information is
loaded in an initialization phase and the required structure trees are config-

Data trees refer back to their structure trees and are dynamically created
and deleted during runtime. Arbitrarily many data tree representations may
exist corresponding to a single structure tree, which is only represented
once. The nodes of data trees are formed by data blocks, pointing to struc-
5.1 Executable CRS 157

o 1-----I

S8: structure block


Figure 70. Structure frees

ture blocks (see Figure 71). For identifying the structure block a data block
belongs to, the index number of the structure block is used. The value of the
field associated with the data block is some concrete representation in the
case of simple values, or a pointer to a subtree in the case of structured
values. The remaining fields in data blocks are pointers to the parent, child,
and sibling blocks.

parent block

iI structure

index --- -----


- --+ sibling blocks

child block

Figure 71. Data blocks

158 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

The representation of structured values requires several data blocks for the
components to be linked according to the type structure (see Figure 73). A
possible value of the CALL_REQUEST type (see Figure 69 ) is represented as
a data tree in Figure 72. Inner nodes of the tree just carry the structure
block index and pointers to the components, whereas actual value informa-
tion is present in leaf nodes. In the particular instance depicted in
Figure 72, the optional component f ac il it i es of the CALL_REQUEST type
has been omitted. Data tree instances can be associated with an identifier
and written to a file according to an external format. Using the identifiers,
particular data trees can be loaded again at some later stage.

Since data trees point back to their corresponding structure tree, the tag
information stored in structure blocks, together with the value information in
data blocks, may serve as input to generic encoding/decoding routines.
The encoding/decoding is guided by the type structure given in the struc-
ture tree. The routines convert from data trees as the local syntax to byte
sequences in a transfer syntax (for example, defined by basic encoding
rules) and vice versa. Since the type information is passed as a parameter

.V .::1

Figure 72. Data tree for an X.25 CAll REQUEST packet

5.1 Executable CRS 159

simple value

structured value

DB: data block

Figure 73. Dato trees

to the routines, they can be designed in a generic fashion and need not be
generated for each user-deflned type.

CRS Inference and gate machines

The CRS inference machines are based on the principle of forward-chalnlng.
Given a current state of the rule system and a set of possible events, the set
of rules that can be started or ended is determined (matching), one rule to
be started or ended is selected (conflict resolution), and the corresponding
actions are performed. In order to realize communication between inference
machines, eRS gate machines keep track of all outstanding event requests
and offers, and coordinate the attempts of the inference machines to com-
municate. Coordination is achieved by employing specialized protocols for
the interaction between inference and gate machines at the implementa-
tion level. Two such protocols exist, serving for synchronous or asynchronous
communication between inference machines. The CRS inference and gate
machine concepts described in this section have been presented in
[Neum88] and are suitable for implementing the CRS interleaving semantics
160 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

defined in chapter 3. Only one rule may be started or ended at a time in

each rule system and only a single event may occur in each step.

Each CRS inference machine organizes the rules of its associated rule
system in different sets according to the execution state of the rule, as
shown in Figure 74. Rules may be blocked, ready, or running, similar to
processes managed by a dispatcher (see for example [Nehm85]). Besides
the actual values of the state objects, the execution state of all rules and
the values of the local objects of all running rules determine the state of a
rule system. As long as no rule is being started or ended, all rules are in
one of the three main rule sets:

Wstate which contains all rules that are not running and for which the start
condition is false due to a non-qualifying state (Wait for state);



Wstote WES

Figure 74. Rule sets of the CRS inference machine

5.1 Executable CRS 161

WES which contains all rules that are not running and for which the start
condition is true with respect to the current state, but the rules are
requesting an outstanding event or are incompatible with some
running rule (Wait for Event or Synchronization);

Run which contains all rules that have been started, but not yet ended

The inference machine ensures that these rule sets are always maintained
according to their meaning. Consequently, when a rule has been ended
and the actions establishing the specified effects have been performed,
rules may have to be transferred between the sets Wstate and WES (transi-
tions 9 and 10 in Figure 74). Single element sets named Start,
R_commlHed, and End serve as intermediate sets for transferring rules to
and from the set Run. These intermediate sets are needed in case of syn-
chronous communication as will be explained later. Startable rules are
taken from the set WES and are transferred to the set start (1). The accept-
ance of an event by the selected rule is indicated to the corresponding
gate machine.

Before a rule is started, it remains in the start set until the gate machine
acknowledges the acceptance of the event after having informed the
offering inference machine in case of a synchronous event (the details of
the protocol are explained later). A rule is started by transferring it from the
set start to the set Run (2). Once being in the set Run, a rule is called

A running rule with an asynchronous event (or without an event) in its effects
is ended by transferring it directly to the set End (3), performing actions
establishing the specified effects, and then passing it from the set End to the
set Wstate (7) or WES (8), depending on the current state of the rule system.
If a rule offers a synchronous event in its effects and a corresponding event
request is given, the event parameters are passed to the gate and the rule
is transferred to the set R_commlHed (4). If the event offer is accepted, the

- Remember that starting and ending a rule occur at two different pOints in time.
162 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

rule can be ended by transferring it to the set End (6). If the offer is refused,
the rule is transferred back to the set Run (5). A new aHempt to end the rule
Is made when a new event request arrives, or the values of the event
parameters change.

If the three single element sets start, R_commlHed, and End are empty, the
rule system is in an idle state. otherwise, at most one of these sets contains
a rule and no actions can be performed for the rule system until an answer
from the gate machine involved is received. The reception of gate machine
messages may trigger a rule start from the set Start, a rule end from the set
End via the set R_commlHed, or an unsuccessful termination from the set
R_commIHed. Start condition checks and actions establishing effects can
be executed atomically while the rule system state Is fixed.

The set model is further detailed for the sets WES and Run. The WES set
unfolds into three disjoint subsets as depicted in Figure 75. The Ready set
contains the rules having no event request in their start condition (8b, iDa)
and the rules coming from the set Wsyn (12). These rules may be imme-
diately selected for a rule start (1a). Rules are transferred to the set Wsyn
(8c, 10c, ii, 13) if they are not compatible with some running rule (see the
definition of the compatibility relation in chapter 3). Rules waiting for an
event are contained In the set Wevent (8a, 10b) and may be selected for a
rule start if a matching offer is indicated by the corresponding gate
machine (1b). These rules remain in the set Wevent if the event parameters
are not acceptable (15). Rules in the set Wevent are transferred to the set
Wsyn as soon as a rule is started with which they are not compatible (11).
When the conflicting rule is ended, these rules reach the set Ready (12). If a
matching event offer is still missing for these rules, they are again trans-
ferred to the set Wevent (14). If a rule being ended alters the rule systems'
state objects In such a way that the start condition of a rule in the set WES
is no longer satisfied, the rule is transferred from the set WES to the set
Wstate (9a, 9b, 9c). Rules have to remain in the set Wstate if there is a
matching event offer for them, but give a negative response to the gate
machine during transition 17.

Similar to the set WES, the set Run is split into three sets: R_fire, R_wfc, and
R_wfc_p, as shown in Figure 76. Rules with an asynchronous event offer (or
5.1 Executable CRS 163

Figure 75. WES set of the CRS inference machine


Figure 76. Run sel of the CRS inference machine

164 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

without an event offer) are contained in the set R_flre (2b). Rules with a
synchronous event in the effects are collected in the set R_wfc (2a). These
rules have to be ended via the set R_commlHed as explained above (4b).
If the attempt to end a rule is not successful because the offered parame-
ters are wrong, the rule is put into the set R_wfc_p (Sa). If other reasons
prevented the successful termination, the rule is transferred to the set R_wfc
(5b). From the set R_wfc_p, a rule may be selected again for termination
(4a) if there is another matching request. Rules are transferred back to the
set R_wfc (18) if the parameter values have been changed due to another
rule end.

Organizing rules this way leads to increased efficiency of the CRS inference
machines by means of a dedicated search mechanism. No pattern
matching techniques are employed for searching rules to be started or
ended. The different rule sets help restricting the number of rules to be
examined at each step. The overhead of maintaining the rule sets can be
kept small by using efficient implementation techniques for sets. Which rules
are potentially enabled or disabled immediately after ending another rule
can be determined by a static data flow analysis. This information can be
utilized to increase the inference machine's intelligence [Neum88].

In order to implement synchronous and asynchronous communication on

the CRS specification level a gate machine is associated with each gate
instance on the implementation level. Gate machines store event requests
and offers and check for matching events. As soon as a request and an
offer that coincide in their event names are found, the gate machine coordi-
nates the two inference machines concerned according to specialized pro-
tocols for synchronous and asynchronous communication. Each gate, and
therefore each gate machine, can either support synchronous or asynchro-
nous communication, not both.

The protocol automaton of the synchronous gate machine is depicted in

Figure 77. The following states are possible:

idle no matching event requests and offers present, no

new request or offer;
5.1 Executable CRS 165

there is an actual request and a set of matching

offers has to be checked;

one particular matching offer has been selected

and the corresponding inference machine has to
pass the actual parameters;

walt_for_conCrequest actual event parameters have been passed and

indicated to a requesting inference machine;

there is an actual offer and a set of matching




(I rue)

(fal ••


Figure 77. Protocol automaton of the synchronous CRS gate machine

166 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

check_requests one particular matching request has been selected

and the offering Inference machine has to pass the
actual parameters.

The possible incoming messages from inference machines are the fol-

INO REQUEST a new event request arrives;

INO_OFFER a new event offer arrives;

CONF_OFFER an event offer is confirmed and actual parameters

are passed;

CONF REQUEST an event request is confirmed (either positive or

negative) with respect to the indicated actual

CANCEL REQUEST an event request is cancelled because the rule

making the request is no longer startable.

The gate machine sends the following messages to coordinate inference


IND_MATCH_REQUEST a matching request is signalled to an offering infer-

ence machine;

IND- MATCH- OFFER a matching offer is signalled to a requesting infer-

ence machine and actual parameters are indi-

EVENT the occurrence of the event is signalled to the par-

ticipating inference machines;

NO EVENT an unsuccessful attempt to establish an event is

signalled to the offering inference machine.

The protocol for a synchronous gate machine works as follows: in the state
Idle, arriving requests (message INO_REQUEST) are stored if no matching
offers are found (transition 2 in Figure 77). If matching offers are present, a
transition to the state check_offers is performed (1). Then, the message
5.1 Executable CRS 167

IND_MATCH_REQ is issued and the state is changed to

wait_for_conf_offer (3). After receiving the actual event parameters with the
message CONF_OFFER, the presence of a matching offer is indicated to the
requesting inference machine (message IND_MATCH_OFFER) and the state
wait_for_conCrequest is reached (4). However, this state may also be
reached via the transitions 9, 11, and 12, which are performed if an
INO_OFFER message arrives in the state idle and if matching requests are
present. If no matching requests are present, the offer is stored and the pro-
tocol machine remains in the state idle (10). In the intermediate state
request_parms, the message IND_MATCH_REQ is sent and the state
check_requests is reached (11). After reception of the message
CONF_OFFER, the message IND_MATCH_OFFER is sent and a transition to
wait_for_conCrequest is performed (12).

The protocol leaves open several possibilities to continue from the state
walt_for_conCrequest. A positive CONF_REQUEST message may arrive,
causing the event to occur and the message EVENT to be sent to both infer-
ence machines (5). In case of a negative CONF_REQUEST message, one of
the remaining matching offers is checked by performing a transition to the
state check_offers (7). The message NO_EVENT is sent to the offering infer-
ence machine. Alternatively, there may be matching requests remaining for
the offer received (6). The next request is selected and the message
IND_MATCH_OFFER is sent. In this case, the state is not changed. If there
are no matching offers or requests left, the message NO_EVENT is sent and
the state is changed to Idle again (8). A requesting inference machine
which receives a matching offer indication, but finds that the corresponding
rule is no longer startable in the current state of the rule system (the rule is
contained In wstate) returns a CANCEL_REQUEST message. Similar actions
as for a negative CONF_REQUEST message are performed (13, 14). Addi-
tionally, the event request is cancelled at the gate.

The protocol for the asynchronous gate machine is a simplified version of

the protocol just described. The protocol automaton is depicted in
Figure 78. The message exchange between the gate machine and an
offering inference machine is reduced to a single message (CONF_OFFER).
With this message, an event offer is indicated and actual parameters are
passed. The message INO_OFFER is not used. Also, the messages NO_EVENT
168 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

..... __ CONF_OQ
--...._/ ( A requests)

( :3 offers )




Figure 78. Protocol automaton of the asynchronous CRS gate machine

and IND_MATCH_REQUEST have no meaning in the case of asynchronous

communication and they are not used.

These protocols implement synchronous as well as asynchronous communi-

cation correctly as provided by CRS and may· serve for the local or distrib-
uted execution of communicating rule systems.

5.1.2 Runtime Environment

According to the implementation concepts explained in the last section,
runtime support has to be provided for managing structure trees and data
trees, as well as for the execution of rule systems and gates by inference
and gate machines. The runtime environment provides the means for the
simulated execution of CRS specifications in a distributed or local fashion. In
5.1 Executable CRS 169

a local realization, all rule system and gate instances defined in the specifi-
cation are executed in a single address space and communication can be
achieved using shared memory. Basic ideas of such a local realization are
presented in the following. The different components of a local runtime envi-
ronment have been implemented according to these ideas as described in
[Sche89] [Schn87] [Schn89b].

Tree management
For executing CRS specifications which use X-ASN.1 data objects repres-
ented as structure trees and data trees, the runtime environment has to
provide routines for

1. configuring and loading structure trees;

2. allocating and deallocating data trees;

3. navigating through structure trees and data trees;

4. assigning and copying data blocks.

In [Sche89], an implementation of these routines based on "C++" as the

implementation language is described. By employing an object-oriented
language, the tree management functions can be realized in an elegant
way. Object classes defined for structure trees and data trees provide
"constructor" and "destructor" functions that are inherited by specialized
classes for individual X-ASN.1 types. The functions are used to allocate initial
data trees when instances are created from these classes and free data
trees when instances are deleted.

For each X-ASN.1 type constructor a class is defined which provides index
and selection operations, respectively. Runtime checks are performed when
navigating through structure trees and data trees. The value fields in data
blocks can be changed by corresponding assignment functions. Copying
whole data trees is supported, as well as structural assignment and com-
parison, by recursively applying the operations to subtrees. The tree man-
agement routines are called by the generic machines executing rule
systems and gates.
170 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

Generic machines
CRS inference and gate machines can be provided in a generic fashion in
a local runtime environment for CRS specifications by employing the
concept of control blocks'o. The execution state of rule system instances is
represented by rule system control blocks and the execution state of gate
instances is represented by gate control blocks (see [Schn87] [Schn89b]).
The whole architecture of the local runtime environment for the simulated
execution of CRS specifications is depicted in Figure 79.

A generic Inference machine is able to execute arbitrary rule system

instances by working on rule system control blocks. The functionality pro-
vided in the runtime environment comprises:

1. matching.

• determination of startable rules;

• determination of endable rules;

2. conflict resolution:

• selection of rules to be started;

• selection of rules to be ended;

3. action:

• starting rules;
• ending rules;
• updating rule system control blocks.

The different functions work according to the rule set model described in the
last section and implement the actions necessary for transferring rules
between sets. Since many of these functions are independent from each
other they can be realized as separate procedures. By combining these
procedures differently inference strategies can be adapted to different
needs. For establishing events functions of the generic gate machines are

'0 The idea of control blocks is similar to the pseudo processors proposed in
[Nehm85] to implement process management in operating systems.
5.1 Executable CRS 171

....- - - - -..
generic generic
inference gate
machine machine


Figure 79. Architecture of the local CRS runtime environment

A generic gate machine is able to execute arbitrary gate instances by

working on gate control blocks. However, separate generic gate machines
are necessary for synchronous and asynchronous gates. They are imple-
mented according to the protocols for synchronous and asynchronous com-
munication between inference machines explained in the last section. The
functionality provided in the runtime environment comprises:

1. handling event requests:

• accepting new requests from inference machines;

• indicating matching offers to requesting inference machines;
• passing event parameters to requesting inference machines;
• signalling event occurrences;
• cancelling event requests;

2. handling event offers:

• accepting new offers from inference machines;

172 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

• indicating matching requests to offering inference machines;

• requesting event parameters from offering inference machines;
• signalling event occurrences.

Rule system control blocks and gate control blocks are passed between the
generic inference and gate machines by a scheduler In the runtime envi-
ronment. The scheduler is responsible for managing rule system and gate
control blocks after they have been created and for passing them to the
generic machines according to the scheduling strategy used. The sched-
uling strategy should not be fixed for executing specifications, but it should
be possible to adapt it to different needs. These needs may be determined
by an application using the executable specification, or may be derived
statically from the specification.

The information stored in rule system control blocks is summarized in

Figure 80. Each rule set defined for the CRS inference machine is imple-
mented as a list of rule control blocks and references to all rule sets are
stored in the rule system control block. The name of the rule system
instance is given in the rule system control block. Information about which
rules are running is kept in the Run data structure. A boolean array indexed
by rule numbers can be employed for this data structure. Such a represen-
tation is useful for checking the compatibility of startable rules with the
running rules in an efficient way. Finally, the values of all state objects of
the rule system are stored in the rule system control block.

As indicated above, important information about the execution state of a

rule system is contained in rule control blocks (see Figure 81). If a rule is
running, a reference to the values of the local objects is stored in the rule
control block (Lvars). If a rule offers an event in the effects, a reference to
the event parameter values is stored in Parms. A number of boolean Fl ags
in rule control blocks are used to handle the communication with gate
machines. Static information in rule control blocks comprises the name and
an internal identification of the rule, as well as an identification of the rule
system the rule belongs to. The Syn data structure represents the compat-
ibility and priority relations for the rule. Similar to the Run data structure in
rule system control blocks, boolean arrays indexed by rule identifications
can be used. During runtime, compatibility and priority checks can be per-
5.1 Executable CRS 173

l rule J rule I ...
Start ··.... ,

R wfc

R. wfc.J) rule set

R fire
End ...
State _:

Figure 80. Rule system control block

rule name
rule Id
rule .)'.tem name

rulo oyotom Id _cutabl. cod.
ta check the etart
compatibility Info candltlon
..-. ...
prlorlt)' Info on tho ....cutable cod.
otato ta Inotoll the
Coured effeclo
on the
Eol.pred otelo
"'UIelo ...
oOUlelo '!~d~tl~~':'!;~:~~nau.)
CQ"JIYIInt name
IG.-lvent name
executable cade
to chock tho otort
... cutable codl
an tho
c..JMInt name
...n! to compulo tho ro~~.:~~r;~~~:'!~OUO)

1'-lIWInt name
Cov--pred ~vaIU"
Parma - ~dP~
oIQrog.oroo ~
executable code
to compute the
• .t.d parum.
Chec!w>arm. rap aria local

SeUvar. YGlue.
.tarafitl artla
m••• age Indication

Figure 81. Rule control block

174 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

formed using simple logical operations on Run and Syn. If the rule requests
an event in the start condition, or offers an event in the effects, the event
types and references to gate control blocks are stored in the rule control

The Fcond (II. ,) and Fe//ects (II. ,) formulas of a rule are implemented by several
functions and references to these functions are stored in the rule control
block. According to the execution model used by the CRS inference
machine (see Figure 74), the constraints on the rule system state and on
events are separated. Each rule is implemented by five functions:

checks whether the state of the rule system qualifies for a rule
Cev_pred checks whether the offered event parameters meet the con-
straints of an event request;
Set_lvars determines settings of the local variables;
Est_pred performs actions establishing the effects on the state objects;
Eev_pred computes the event parameters to be offered.

The separation of start condition and effects parts into different functions is
possible under the assumption made by the CRS implementation concepts
that event requests and offers in rule start condition and effects parts are
always I\-connected to the constraints on state objects. If no event is
requested or offered, respectively, the corresponding functions are "empty"
and simply return 'true'. The generic inference machine working on rule
system control blocks invokes the functions in rule control blocks to check
start conditions, save local variables, and realize effects during execution of
a rule system. The results of these rule functions and the availability of gate
messages determine whether rules can be transferred between the different

The structure of gate control blocks is illustrated in Figure 82. The execution
state of a gate comprises the state of the gate protocol and the event
requests and offers available. Requests and offers stored in gate control
blocks (Requests, Offers) are those that have been delivered to the gate
by inference machines, but for which matching counterparts have not been
found yet. Lists are used to represent sets of requests and offers. Some aux-
5.1 Executable CRS 175

Requests ...
Offers ·..
... {:::0111 ~~I ...
... ..
Req ·..... ...
8uffwmlpffwn ·.. Requests/Offers Set


Figure 82. Gate control block

iliary sets are used for holding event requests to be checked against an
offer and vice versa (CheckJequests, Check_offers), an actual pair consid-
ered for a match (Req, Off), and requests/offers buffered until the gate
machine returns to the idle state (BufferedJequests, Buffered_offers).
The name of the gate and an indication of whether It is of synchronous or
asynchronous type is static information in gate control blocks.

The elements of the request and offer sets are represented by event control
blocks (see Figure 83). In each event control block, an identification of the
event type is required (event name). Requested or offered event parameters
can be retrieved via a reference to the rule making the request or offer,

Runtime support in form of tree management routines for X-ASN.1 objects,

generic machines for rule systems and gates, and a scheduler controlling
the activities forms the basis for the simulated execution of eRS specifica-
tions in a local environment. This runtime support is independent of the
specification to be executed. structure trees, data trees, control blocks, and

event name
rule control block
rule ...

Figure 83. Event control block

176 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

the information contained in control block data structures have to be

derived from individual specifications. This can be achieved by employing
a compilation approach as described in the next section.

5.1.3 Compilation
The implementation of a compiler generating code for the local runtime
environment from a given CRS specification (incorporating X-ASN.1) is
described in [Clar89] and [Sch090]. After parsing and analyzing an input
specification, an attributed syntax tree and a global symbol table are built.
The code is generated from this internal representation and comprises type
definitions for the state objects of rule systems and ADTs, local objects, and
event types, as well as five functions for each rule and one function for
each ADT operation. Initialization procedures are generated for creating
control blocks and for storing the initial values of the state objects.

The approach taken Is to generate separate modules in the target lan-

guage for each gate, rule system, and ADT specification, and one addi-
tional module for creating the specified configuration of rule system and
gate Instances. The target language used is an extended form of "C++"
code. The extensions are mainly concerned with X-ASN.1 types and vari-
ables, following the X-ASN.1 integration approach as described In section
5.1.1. Some concrete examples are given later. Each module consists of a
header file and a source file. The header file contains statements defining
the interface of the module and the types and procedures exported to other
modules. The source file contains the implementation of these types and

The different steps in the compilation process are Illustrated in Figure 84. A
CRS specification is parsed and analyzed by the CRS compiler front-end
and the internal representation Is built. The X-ASN.1 type definitions used in
the specification are extracted and serve as input to an X-ASN.1 compiler
generating structure tree representations according to the concepts pre-
sented in section 5.1.1. These structure trees are used by the CRS compiler
back-end generating the X-ASN.1 extended "C++" code for the specifica-
tion. The extensions are removed by the X-ASN.1 preprocessor and the code
is translated to plain "c" code by a "C++" preprocessor. The final "C"
5.1 Executable CRS 177

X-ASH.l type definitIon. CRS Ipeelflcotlon

.trueture---+- CRS Complier .

X-ASH.l ... tend.d C++

Pr'proe... or '

C loure. cod.

C Complier

obleet fU ••

tree monollem.nt
lIenerle moeh!n ..
(runtime Ilbrarle.)

•• eeutabl • • p.clflcallon

FIgure 84. Compiling CRS specifications into executable form

sources are compiled and linked with runtime libraries providing the func-
tions described in section 5.1.2 to form an executable specification.

In the following, the principles employed for the compilation of the different
parts in a CRS specification are explained in more detail.

X-ASN.1 preprocessing
In section 5.1.1, the integration of X-ASN.1 into a target implementation lan-
guage and the representation of types and values as structure trees and
data trees has been described. One way to realize this approach is by
employing a preprocessing tool that transforms all occurrences of X-ASN.1
variables and expressions into the target language representation, before
compiling the sources into object code. The tree representation is hidden to
programmers or code generator tools, respectively, using X-ASN.1 as the
178 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

data definition language. The X-ASN.1 access operations and variable

manipulations are transformed into appropriate tree management function
calls by the preprocessor. The tree management functions are provided in
a runtime library. The mixed usage of X-ASN.1 and data definition concepts
of the target language is possible. Such a tool has been implemented as
described in [Sche89].

An example of X-ASN.1 extended "C++" code as generated by the CRS

compiler is shown in Figure 85. Two types are defined in this example, one
using X-ASN.1 (ASN_MY_TYPE) and the other using "C++" constructs
(C_MY_TYPE). The first component of C_MY_TYPE is of the type ASN_MY_TYPE
and can be accessed using the selector identifier asn_my_sel. The variable
mixed_var of the type C_MY_TYPE is declared and used in an assignment
statement, where the value of the X-ASN.1 component is changed. The left-
hand side of this assignment statement consists of a mixed access
expression, starting with a "C++" selection operation and continuing with
X-ASN.1 access operations following the sensitive selector identifier


fl ag BOOLEAN}
typedef struct { ASN_MY_TYPE asn_my_sel;
int i;

II <--------------------->
II "C" access
II <-------->
II sensitive
II selector
// <------------------->
II X-ASN.1 access
// <------>
1/ X-ASN.1
II component

LeftHandAccess ( mixed_var->asn_my_sel, 37, 1, a)= "hello";

Figure 85. Example of X-ASN.1 extended "C++" code

5.1 Executable CRS 179

asn_my_sel. The various parts of this access expression are marked in

Figure 85. The function call generated for this access expression by the
X-ASN.1 preprocessor is given at the boHom of Figure 85. The first argument
of the function LeftHandAccess is a "C++" expression referring to an
X-ASN.1 variable. The other arguments are block indices of the underlying
tree representation (see section 5.1.1) and an indication of the access

The preprocessor works in two phases, called marking phase and transfor-
mation phase. In the marking phase, the X-ASN.1 types and expressions
are analyzed and type compatibility is checked. Type, variable, and
selector identifiers are stored in a symbol table. In the transformation phase,
all X-ASN.1 related statements are transformed into their "C++" counterparts.

The implementation of the runtime support routines for the tree manage-
ment (see section 5.1.2) is also described in [Sche89]. The class hierarchy is
outlined in Figure 86. The most general class is ASN_ EXPR, fixing the repre-

II <----- .,. <----- ...
class ASN EXPR {
DT data tree;
DB data-block;
}; -
class ASN EXPR INT : public ASN EXPR {
public: - - -
void operator = (ASN_EXPR& source); II assignments
void operator = (int i);
int operator == (ASN_EXPR& second); II comparison
int operator int(); II conversion

class ASN_VAR_INT : public ASN_EXPR_INT {

ASN VAR INT (int st index, int sb_index, char * id, boo I emptY)l1 constructor
-ASN_VAR_INT () - II destructor

Figure 86. "C++" classes for X-ASN.1 expressions and variables

180 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

sentation of an X-ASN.1 object by a data tree and a data block. Objects of

the class ASN_EXPR_INT derived from ASN_EXPR inherit this representation.
Operations for assignment and comparison, as well as for conversion to the
"C++" integer type are defined. In this way, all arithmetic and relational
operations are mapped onto their "C++" equivalents. Finally, constructor
and destructor functions for X-ASN.1 integers exist for the class ASN_VAR_INT
derived from ASN_EXPR_INT. All other X-ASN.1 types are handled similarly.
For the constructed types structural assignment and comparison is sup-

Compilation of gates
The compilation process for gates results in a header file and a source file
for each gate specification. The attributed syntax tree built during the
parsing phase serves as the basis for generating these files. As an example,
the header file and source file for the gate Network_service_access_point
(see Figure 54 in chapter 3) as generated by the CRS compiler are outlined
in Figure 87 and Figure 88.

The header file contains type definitions for each event type defined for the
gate (see part I I in Figure 87). The X-ASN.1 type modules which are
required for defining these types are included by corresponding X-ASN.1
preprocessor directives (I). All identifiers generated by the compiler (type
identifiers in this example) are constructed based on the identifiers used in
the specification text. Besides the type definitions, the interface description
of a 'copy'-function is generated for each event type defined in a gate
specification (I I 1). The 'copy'-functions for event types are called by the
generic runtime routines in order to copy event parameter values between
memory areas when requesting and offering events at runtime. The structure
of these memory areas does not have to be known by the generic
machines and the implementation of the 'copy'-functions for event types
can be hidden in the gate source file. Another function declaration is con-
tained in the gate header file for the 'create'-function, serving for the cre-
ation of gate instances (IV). The 'create'-function is called whenever a new
instance of a gate specification has to be allocated and initialized. The
implementation of this function is given in the gate source file.
5.1 Executable CRS 181

At the beginning of the gate source file, the gate header file is included to
make all the type definitions available (see part I in Figure 88). Then, the
code generated for the event parameter 'copy'-functions follows (I I). The
N_CONNECTJeq_ev_coPY-function is shown as an example in Figure 88. Two
generic pointers (from, to) are given as parameters. These pointers refer to
objects whose sizes and structure are unknown outside the function. Within
the function, the addresses passed in the parameters are assigned to local
pointers (pev, from_casted) of appropriate types (N_CONNECTJeq_ev).

The 'copy'-functions serve several purposes in the runtime environment.

Depending on the parameter values given, they return size information, allo-
cate memory, copy values, or free memory. After the code of the 'copy'-
functions, the code generated for the 'create'-function is given in the gate
source file (I I I). The name of the new gate instance is passed as a param-
eter. A new gate control block is allocated (function NEW_SGATE provided by
the runtime environment) and the initial values are supplied.

//-- I -------------------------------------- X-ASN.l preprocessor directives --

$add_asn_type_module ASNl_STANDARD_TYPES
$add asn type module NetworkService
//--:---:----:------------------------------------------------------------- I --

//-- II ---------------------------------------------- event type definitions --

typedef struct {
NetworkService.N CONNECT request *asn n connect req;
} N_CONNECTJeq_ev; - - - -

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------11 --
//-- III --------------------------- external declarations for COPY-functions --
extern int N_CONNECT_req_ev_copy (Gen_pointer from, Gen_pointer *to);

//----------------------------------------------------------------------- III --
//-- IV ---------------------------- external declaration for CREATE-function --
extern PSynGateset CR_Network_service_access_point (char *name);

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV --
Figure 87. Example gate header file
182 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

//-- I --------------------------------------------- include gate header file --

'include Un sap.h"
//---------:--------------------------------------------------------------- I

//-- II ------------------------------------------------------ COPY-functions

int N_CONNECT_req_ev_copy (Gen_pointer from, Gen_pointer *to)
N_CONNECT_req_ev *pev;
N_CONNECT_req_ev *from_casted;

if «from == NULL) && (to == NULL)) return (sizeof *pev);

if (to== NULL) {
from casted = (N CONNECT req ev *) from;
delete from casted->asn n connect req;
free (from casted); - - -
return (6);
/* endif */

pev = (N_CONNECT_req_ev *) .alloc (sizeof *pev);

if (pev != NULL) {
new_Isn_vlr pev->asn_n_connect_req;
if (from!= NULL) {
from casted = (N CONNECT req ev *) from;
*pev:>asn_n_connect_req : *from_casted->asn_n_connect_req;
} /* end if */
*to = (Gen pointer) pev;
return (6);
else {
return (1);

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ II

//-- III ---------------------------------------------------- CREATE-function

PSynGateset CR_Network_service_access_point (char *name)
PSynGateset p;

p = NEW SGATE (name);

p->state = idle;

//----------------------------------------------------------------------- III --

Figure 88. Example gate source file

5.1 Executable CRS 183

Compilation of rule systems

The compilation process for rule systems results in a header file and a
source file for each rule system specification. The various parts of the spec-
ification (STATE, DECLARATIONS, DEFINITIONS etc.) are parsed and an aHri-
buted syntax tree is built (see [Clar89]). The names of parameters, objects,
rules etc. are stored in a symbol table.

The code generation starts from the symbol table and an aHributed syntax
tree corresponding to a specification which is expanded, resolved, and nor·
mallzed. This means, auxiliary predicates, contexts, and views are
removed in a number of passes (see [MiII90]), resulting in a flat rule system
(see chapter 3). Additionally, all formulas used in the specification are trans-
formed into prenex-disjunctive normal form by employing a corre-
sponding algorithm (see for example [Mann74J).

An example of a header file generated from a rule system specification is

given in Figure 89 for the rule system X_25_DTE specified in chapter 3 (see
Figure 48). All X-ASN.1 type modules used are included by X-ASN.1 pre-
processor directives (see part I in Figure 89). The state objects of the rule
system are summarized in a corresponding type definition and another
type is defined for all local objects (I I, I II). An external declaration for the
'create'-function of rule system instances is given (IV).

The types defined in the header file are included in the source file gener-
ated from a rule system specification (see Figure 90, part I). other header
files are included for all gates used by the rule system. Similar to the event
parameter 'copy'-functions given in the source file for gates, 'copy'-
functions for the state objects and local objects of a rule system are gener-
ated (I I). As explained in section 5.1.2, five functions are generated for
each rule in the rule system specification, serving to check start conditions
and to realize effects (I I I). How these functions are obtained is described
later. An example is given in Figure 93 for the rule n_conJeq (see
Figure 50).

Finally, the implementation of the 'create'-function is given in the source file

generated from a rule system specification (IV). The formal parameter list of
this function corresponds to the formal parameter list of the rule system
184 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

//-- I -------------------------------------- X-ASN.l preprocessor directives --

$add asn type module ASNl STANDARD TYPES
$add=asn=type=module X_25=Packets-
$add asn type module NetworkService
$add=asn=type=.odule X_25_DTE
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

//-- II ------------------------------------- state variable type definitions --

typedef struct {
R_state_type *asn_r_state;

typedef X 25 OTE state *PX 25 OTE state;

//-------=--=---=---------=--=---=---------------------------------------- II

//-- III ------------------------------------ local variable type definitions --

typedef struct {
N CONNECT request * asn_N_CR_SP;

} X 25 DTE decl;
typedef X 25 OTE decl *PX 25 DTE decl;
//-------=--=---=--------=--=---=---------------------------------------- III

//-- IV ---------------------------- external declaration for CREATE-function --

extern PRsset CR X 25 OTE (char *name, PSynGaterepr Nsap, PSynGaterepr Packets,
- - - Logical channel number LC);
//--------------------------------=-------=------------------------------- IV --
Figure 89. Example rule system header file

specification. The following actions are performed by the function: a rule

system control block is allocated (function NEW_RS provided by the runtime
environment), memory for the state objects is allocated (using the 'copy'-
function for state objects), and the Initial values are supplied according to
the INITIALLY-clauses given In the specification.

After the rule system control block has been allocated and initialized, rule
control blocks are allocated for each rule (function NEW_RULE provided by
the runtime environment). The rule-specific data is passed in a number of
parameters. Then, the new rule control block is inserted into the Wstate set
of the rule system control block.
5.1 Executable CRS 185

11-- I ---------------------------- include gate and rule system header files --

'include "n sap.h"
'include "x-25 acc.h"
'Include "x-25-dte.h"
11-- II ------------------------------------------------------ COPY-functions
int X_25_0TE_STATE_COPY (PRsrepr prsold, PRsrepr * prsnew)
{ ... }
int X 25 OTE OECL COPY (Gen pointer from, Gen pointer *to)
{ ... -} - - - - -
11------------------------------------------------------------------------ II
11-- III ----------------------------------------------- rule body procedures
II see separate figure
11----------------------------------------------------------------------- III
11-- IV ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE-function
PRsset CR X 25 OTE (char *name, PSynGaterepr Nsap, PSynGaterepr Packets,
- - - Logical_channel_number LC)

p = NEW_RS (name, nr, X_25_0TE_STATE_COPY);

rc = X 25 OTE STATE COPY(NULL, &(p->rspart));
*state=area->asn_r_state = rl;
help = NEW_RULE("n_con_req",
e, 1* number of rule (internal) *1
p->rspart, 1* pointer to surrounding rule system *1
help_vector, 1* internal synchronization information *1
n_con_req_CST, 1* Cst pred function */
n_con_req_EST, 1* Est-pred function *1
NULL, 1* asynchronous start condition gate *1
NULL, 1* asynchronous effects gate *I
Nsap, 1* synchronous start condition gate *1
Packets, 1* synchronous effects gate *I
, 1* asynchronous start condition event *1
1* asynchronous effects event *I
"N_CONNECTJeq", 1* synchronous start condition event *1
"Call_request", 1* synchronous effects event *1
n_con_req_CEV, 1* Cev pred function *1
n con req EEV, /* Eev-pred function *1
Call request ev copy,l* Parameter COPY-function *1
X 25-0TE OECL COPY, 1* local variables area COPY-function *1
n-con req SLY); 1* Slv pred function *1
INS_RULE(&(p->rspart:>Wstate) ,help); -

11------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV --
Figure 90. Example rule system source file
186 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

Compilation of rules
Most of the complexity encountered for the compilation of CRS specifica-
tions is due to the first order predicate logic (FOPl) used for specifying the
start conditions and the effects of rules. According to the implementation
concepts for the CRS inference machine explained in section 5.1.1, code
has to be generated to evaluate the start condition with respect to state and
event constraints, to determine appropriate values for local objects, to
perform actions on the state, and to offer events for each rule. Appropriate
restrictions on the form of predicates used in rule specifications had to be
found in order to make an automatic translation feasible.

As already mentioned above, the start condition and effects formulas of rule
specifications (F cond (I>. r) and F_cis (I>. r)' see section 3.3) are transformed into
prenex-disjunctive normal form (DNF), before the code generation phase
starts. Quantors are not supported. In general, the formulas are then of the

Each Cj (i=1 .. n) is a conjunctive sub-formula of the form

and represents one alternative for satisfying the whole formula. For a Cj to
be satisfied each lj (j=1 .. m) must be satisfied. The lj are called literals and
are of the form

A or -,A.

where A is an atomic formula. Atomic formulas in FOPl (with equality) are

of the form

where t1••••• tk are terms. Terms may be just variables. or some function con-
stant (for example. +. I. etc.) applied to terms. The symbol p represents a
predicate constant (for example. ~. >. etc.).
5.1 Executable CRS 187

The DNF form of formulas is more suitable than a conjunctive normal form
because the implementation concepts presented in section 5.1.1 are based
on the assumption that event requests and offers are always f\-connected
to the rest of the predicate and that state and event requirements are
checked separately. Code can be generated from the DNF for each alter-
native C I ..... Cn• where an interaction expression. if present. has to be part of
every alternative and is always f\-connected to state requirements and con-
straints on event parameters. Most preferably. start conditions and effects
formulas consist of just one alternative CI and several alternatives are
expressed using several rules. instead of v-connected sub-formulas.

The semantics of formulas in FOPL is given by means of interpretations as

already explained in section 2. In the following. a notation similar to the
one in [Mann74] is used. An interpretation I = (D. Ie. Iv) consists of a domain
D and mappings for the constants and free variables in a formula. where

Ie assigns
• elements of D to individual constants.

• value 'true' or 'false' to propositional constants.

• a function over D to function constants.

• a predicate over D to predicate constants.

Iv assigns
• elements of D to individual variables.

• value 'true' or 'false' to propositional variables.

An interpreted formula (association of interpretation and formula) always

has a truth value true or false. An interpretation yielding true is called a
model of the formula.

The domain D of possible interpretations for Feond(rs,r) and Fe"eets(rs,r) is given by

the cartesian product over the X-ASN.1 types of the variables used in the
formulas. The constants. functions. and predicates are mapped onto the cor-
responding X-ASN.1 constants and operations. For the variable assignment
three sorts of variables are distinguished:
188 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

• state variables.

• local variables. and

• auxiliary variables.

The state variables are declared in the STATE-part of a rule system specifi-
cation. Both local variables and auxiliary variables are declared in the
DECLARATIONS-part of a rule system specification. They are called "declara-
tion variables" in the following. Local variables are those declaration vari-
ables that are used both in the Feond (ro. r) and Feileen (1$. r) formula. Auxiliary
variables are either used in Feond (l$.r) or Fe/Jeen(I$,r). but not in both formulas.

The code generated for the five functions implementing a rule serves to
check models of Feond (l$.r) and Felleen (l$.r). respectively. Depending on the par-
ticular function. possible models are partly defined by the state of the rule
system. the offered event parameters. or the values of local variables of
running rules. The missing parts ofa model have to be determined by a
static analysis of the formula. Appropriate values obtained from such an
analysis are propagated into local variables. the new state of the rule
system. or event parameters being offered. The approach taken In [Sch090]
to realize the generation of code for checking (respectively constructing)
models of rule specifications is further detailed in the rest of this section.

Starting from Feond (II. r) and Feileen (1$. r) given in DNF. variable occurrences in
literals (~) are separated into defined occurrences and used occurrences.
In defined occurrences. possible values of a variable are restricted by a
predicate. For example.
x < 5

is a literal. where the value of the variable x is restricted to the set {4. 3. 2•
... } by the < predicate. In general. several defined occurrences of the same
variable may be given in a formula. For example. in the formula
x<5 1\ x>3

the combination of two defined occurrences restricts the value of x to "4".

However. the computation of combined constraints is. in general. a very
complex task. The tool described in [Sch090] recognizes only defined occur-
5.1 Executable CRS 189

rences of the form t1 = t2, where either t1 or t2 is a variable, or both are

variables. For these forms no symbolic computation is required.

In a formula like
x< 5 A X > 3 A Y = x

the first two occurrences of x can be regarded as defined occurrences and

the third occurrence is a used occurrence: the variable x (being already
defined) is used to define the value of the variable y.

Classifying the variable occurrences in a formula this way does not neces-
sarily deliver a unique result. For example, in the formula
x<5 A x>3 A Y=X A y=4

the third literal can also be regarded as a defined occurrence of x and a

used occurrence of y. The first two literals would then be regarded as used
occurrences of x. In any case, the static analysis ends successful and a
model of the formula is determined.

In the literal
x + 1 = 2

the occurrence of x may also be seen as a defined occurrence. Appro-

priate values for x can be found by solving the equation. However, com-
bining several constraints on a number of variables this way leads to
equation systems, which need not be linear. Manipulations of this kind were
considered the cause of too much overhead in the tool described in
[Sch090]. The experience gained during several specification case studies
with CRS in the field of protocols showed that the need to solve equations in
order to identify defined occurrences of variables rarely arises in practice.

Before the code is generated, the Fcond (It. r) and Feffects (IS, r) formulas of a rule
specification are analyzed to find the variable dependencies. During several
passes over the attributed syntax tree of a formula, a dependency graph
is built for each conjunction.

This is illustrated I:;>y the dependency graph of the rule n_con_req shown in
Figure 91 (see the specification given in Figure 50). In the general case (a
190 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

Figure 91 . Dependency graph example tor conjunctions

rule with several v-connected conjunctions), the dependency graphs for all
conjunctions are connected to form the graph for the whole formula in DNF
(see Figure 92). After analyzing the variable dependencies, the code for
the five different functions implementing a rule is generated based on the
dependency graph. If variables remain without a defined occurrence in
neither Fcond (fl. ,) nor Fel/ecfs (fl. ,), no code generation is possible for this rule.
Defined occurrences that are found result in assignment statements,
whereas the used occurrences result in expressions corresponding to the
predicate in the literal.

As an example, the code generated for the functions of the rule n_conJeq
are given in Figure 93. All functions have two parameters holding pointers
to the rule control block (r) and the rule system control block (pm) of the
rule. Within the functions, the addresses passed via parameters are
assigned to local pointers, referring to individually structured objects in
memory. In the n_conJeq_CST-function, the requirements on the actual
5.1 Executable CRS 191

graph ~~=::j_~

Figure 92. Dependency graph for disjunction

state of the rule system are evaluated, and in the n_conJeq_CEV-function,

constraints on event parameters are checked. If no constraints on event
parameters are expressed in the start condition, or If a rule does not request
an event, the function simply returns value 1 (true). The values found for the
local variables are stored into the rule control block by the
n_conJeq_SLV-function (r->lvars). The values of the received event param-
eters are copied from the event control block (r->check_parms). In the
n_conJeq_EEV-function, the values of the offered event parameters are
copied to the event control block (r->parms), and in the
n_conJeq_EST-function, the new values of the state objects are assigned to
the rule system control block (pm->pstate).

The code generated for rules in such a compilation approach is

deterministic and has been statically derived from the rule specifications.
All variable dependencies have to be resolved after the analysis and the
defined occurrences that are found uniquely determine the values of the
variables. Specifying nondeterminism by allowing a range of values is not
possible if the specification is to be compiled into executable form auto-
matically. In this case, the analysis of dependencies fails in the tool
192 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

tnt n_con_re~CST (PRrepr r, PRsrepr pm)


pm_state = (PX_25_0TE_state) pm->pstate:

return(*pm_state->asn_p_state s. pI):

tnt n_con_req_CEV (PRrepr r, PRsrepr pm)


tnt n_con_re~SLV (PRrepr r, PRsrepr pm)

N_CONNECT_re~ev * pev:
PX_25_0TE_decl pl:
pev s (N_CONNECT_req_ev *) r->check-parms:
pl = (PX 25 OTE decl) r->lvars:
*pl->asn_N_CR_SP-s *pev->asn_n_connect_req:
return(l) :

tnt n_con_re~EEV (PRrepr r, PRsrepr pm)

CallJequest_ev * pev:
PX 25 OTE decl pl:
PX)(OT(state pst:
pev = (Call_request_ev *) r->parms:
pl • (PX_25_0TE_decl) r->lvars;
pst s (PX_25_0TE_state) pm->pstate;


tnt n_con_req_EST (PRrepr r, PRsrepr pm)

PX_25_DTE_state pm_state;
pm state • (PX 25 OTE state) pm->pstate:
*p._state->asn=p_state = p2:

Figure 93. Example rule functions

5.1 Executable CRS 193

described in [Sch090]. However, nondeterministic behavior can still be

expressed and made executable using different rules, or different rule
system execution sequences. Taking an interpretation approach allows the
dynamic evaluation of formulas at runtime and simplifies the handling of
structured variables, but is not so efficient. However, depending on the
intended use of the executable specification, interpretation might be more

Compilation of ADTs
The compilation of ADT specifications works similar to rule systems. In
general, the task is simpler due to the following reasons:

• ADT objects, unlike rule system instances, are passive objects and their
operations are invoked from outside the ADT;
• ADT operations are specified by a precondition (PRE) and effects
(EFFECTS), but, unlike rules, their execution is atomic;
• ADT objects are defined using a number of state objects, but, unlike rule
systems, there are no local objects used by rules.

The code generation for ADT specifications also starts from the attributed
syntax tree, where all formulas used in operation specifications have been
expanded and normalized to DNF. In the header file generated from the
ADT specification, a type is defined for the state objects of the ADT. An
example is given in Figure 94 for the ADT DataQueue specified in chapter 3
(see Figure 62). The X-ASN.1 type definitions required for the state objects
are included by a corresponding preprocessor directive (part I in
Figure 94). Then, a type definition summarizing the state objects is gener-
ated (I I). The ADT 'copy'-function and procedures for all ADT operations are
exported to other modules by external function declarations contained in
the ADT header file (I I 1. IV). Finally, an external declaration for the 'create'-
function of the ADT is given (V). The implementation of these functions is
contained in the source file for the ADT.

In the source file generated from an ADT specification, the header file is
included (see part I of the example given in Figure 95). Then, the imple-
mentation of the ADT 'copy'-function follows (I I), which works in a similar
way to gates and rule systems. Every operation defined in the ADT specifi-
cation is translated into a single procedure checking the precondition and
194 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

11-- I -------------------------------------- X-ASN.! preprocessor directives --

$add asn type module ASH! STANDARD TYPES
11--:---:----:------------:--------:--------------------------------------- I --

11-- II ------------------------------------- state variable type definitions --

typedef struct {
} DataQueue_state;
typedef DataQueue_state *PDataQueue_state;
11------------------------------------------------------------------------ II --
11-- III ----------------------------- external declaration for COPY-function --
extern lnt DataQueue STATE COPY (Gen pointer from, Gen pointer *to);
11------------------:-----:---------:-----------------:------------------ III --
11-- IV ---------------------------- external declarations for ADT operations --
extern lnt DataQueue_init (PDataQueue_state pstate, INTEGER new_size);

11------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV --
11-- V ----------------------------- external declaration for CREATE-function --
extern PDataQueue state CR DataQueue ();
11---------------:--------:------------------------------------------------ V --
Figure 94. Example ADT header file

performing actions to establish the specified effects if the precondition is

satisfied. As an example, the DataQueue_init procedure is shown in
Figure 95 (I II). The parameter list of the procedure is the same as in the
specification of the operation. The translation of ADT operations into a single
procedure is possible because of the atomicity of operations. Local vari-
ables and event parameters do not exist for operations, declaration vari-
ables denote operation Input and output parameters. A 'create'-function is
generated for each ADT in the source file (see part IV in Figure 95), serving
for the creation of ADT Instances from within other modules. The 'create'-
function uses the 'copy'-function to allocate memory and to assign the
initial values to the state objects. During dynamic execution of the specifi-
cation, the procedures implementing the ADT operations are the only func-
tions that are invoked on ADT objects.
5.1 Executable CRS 195

//-- I ---------------------------------------------- include AOT header file --

#include "dataqueu.h"
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- I --

//-- II ------------------------------------------------------- COPY-function --

lnt OataQueue_STATE_COPY (Gen_pointer from, Gen_pointer *to)
{ ... }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ II --
//-- III ------------------------------------------- AOT operation procedures --
int OataQueue_init (POataQueue_state pstate, INTEGER new_size)
1f (TRUE) {
*pstate->size = new size;
*pstate->front = 1; -
*pstate->rear = 1;
*pstate->empty = TRUE;
*pstate->full = FALSE;

//----------------------------------------------------------------------- III --

//-- IV ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE-function --

POataQueue_state CR_OataQueue ()
{ ...
rc = OataQueue_STATE_COPY (NULL, &state_area);

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV --
Figure 95. Example ADT source file

Compiling the configuration

Besides modules for each rule system, gate, and ADT specification, another
module is generated for creating the rule system and gate instances used
in the CRS specification and for initializing the data structures of the sched-
uler. The 'create'-functions exported by the individual modules are used to
accomplish this task.

In Figure 96, the code generated for the configuration specified in

Figure 46 (see chapter 3) is shown. The 'create'-functions which are
required are imported from other modules by including the individual
header files (I). Then, the gate instances are created and inserted into the
scheduling queue for gates (GATEQUEUE) managed by the scheduler (I I).
With the gate instances available, the rule system instances are created
196 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

//-- I ---------------------------- include gate and rule system header files --

'include "n_sap.h"
'include "x 25 acc.h"
'include "x-25-dte.h"
//---------:--:------------------------------------------------------------ I --
void initialize_system (void)
{ PSynGateset nsapl. packetsl •• ,. :
PRsset •••• network_entityl ••••

//-- II ----------------------------------------------- create gate instances --

nsapl CR_Network_service_access_point ("NSAP1"):


packets 1 = CR_X_25_network_access_point ("Packetsl"):

//------------------------------------------------------------------------ II --
//-- III --------------------------------------- create rule system instances --
network_entitYl = CR_X_25_DTE ("Network_entityl". nsapl. packetsl. I);
INS_RS (&SCHEDQUEUE. network_entityl);

//----------------------------------------------------------------------- III --

Figure 96. Example configuration source rile

and Inserted Into the scheduling queue for rule systems (SCHEDQUEUE)
managed by the scheduler (I I I). All parameter values that are required to
create the instances are given in the specification. The procedure
1n1t1alize_system is called by the runtime environment before the
dynamic execution of the specification is started.

5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment

In order to apply the development methodology outlined In chapter 1 pow-
erful tool support has to be provided. A variety of tools supporting different
development steps were Identified in section 1.3. The realization of these
tools is facilitated by the formal syntax and semantics of FDTs employed in
the development process, as described in chapter 4. Many of these tools
are based on specification interpreters.
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 197

Apart from the design and realization of each single tool, the integration of
these tools for all development activities into a common environment is nec-
essary in order to support the whole development process. As illustrated in
chapter 4, many existing protocol development tools focus on a single
activity and are only loosely coupled with tools for other activities in existing
environments. Very often the capabilities of an FDT simulator are used to
accomplish additional tasks besides design validation, for example, trace
analysis, test generation etc. However, since these additional tasks were
not included in the design of the simulators, flexibility Is sometimes severely
limited in such tools.

In the following, the general architecture of an integrated tools environment

is presented that combines protocol engineering tools in an efficient and
flexible way. The idea is to support the formal development process
described in chapter 1 in an environment comprising tools for each devel-
opment activity. The interworking of these tools is facilitated by letting them
share common information derived from the formal descriptions. In order to
support this idea by a suitable architecture a logical separation of the envi-
ronment into three different layers is made: kernel, shells, and application
tools. A realization of these layers on the basis of the X-ASN.1 and CRS
implementation concepts and tools explained in section 5.1 is described.

5.2.1 Architecture
The tools identified in chapter 1 (see section 1.3) can be divided Into two

• system tools supporting a formal technique Itself, focussing on the spe-

cific formalism and not on Its application. Examples are specification
language editors, compilers, Interpreters, simulators, etc.

• application tools supporting the application of a formal method to

achieve a particular purpose. Examples are validation tools, verification
tools, test suite generation tools etc.

Application tools support development activities, which are independent of

the particular FDTs used, whereas system tools are tailored towards specific
techniques and provide the means for realizing this support. System tools
should offer a comprehensive set of flexible mechanisms, even permitting
198 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

contrary strategies to be employed in application tools. For example,

system tools for interpretation and simulation may be used by different
application tools. This separation is crucial for the integration of several tools
into a common environment system tools are provided in a kernel and offer
the entire set of their capabilities to a variety of application tools (functional

Another important integration aspect is the following: tools used in all the
phases of communication system development require and produce know-
ledge about the services or protocols they are working on. This knowledge
may be represented differently, together with corresponding storage,
retrieval, and inference facilities. State tables, attributed syntax trees,
reachability graphs, behavior expressions, predicates, and rules are just a
few examples. Therefore, the second basic idea of the integrated environ-
ment architecture is that protocol knowledge is shared by different tools
(knowledge Integration).

The architectural concept proposed for an integrated tools environment

takes both of the above considerations into account (see Figure 97). The
environment kernel comprises all the system tools for the formal techniques
to be used and contains the knowledge base for the communication
system under development. The shells around the kernel offer flexible
access to the system tools and provide flexible views on the knowledge
base. This may be a state-oriented view or an event-oriented view, focussing
on reachability, external observability, parameter dependencies, or desired
properties. The knowledge represented in the kernel and the inference
mechanisms provided are utilized to offer different conceptual interfaces to
the outermost layer of the environment, formed by various application tools.

The shells abstract from the particular techniques and representations

employed in the kernel. This takes into account that each application tool
has a preferred system specification and solves the conflict between state-
orientation and event-orientation. If, for example, the formal technique
employed in the kernel is state-oriented, application tools working on event
sequences may still be integrated into the environment through an event-
based shell. Application tools may combine several shells to accomplish
the tasks of formalization, validation, stepwise refinement, implementation,
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 199

Figure 97. Integrated tools environment

and testing, depending on the degree of abstraction required and the strat-
egies and heuristics used. Such an integrated environment has considerable

• protocol information is consistent for all tools;

• modifying the protocol under development is done centrally;

• individual application tools are easier to develop;

• interworking of several tools is possible;

• the environment can easily be extended.

In the following sections, a realization of the three basic layers of such an

integrated environment is outlined, based on X-ASN.1 and CRS employed in
the kernel. A rule-based, state-based, and event-based shell are described.
200 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

How these shells can be utilized differently is illustrated by investigating

some selected application tools.

5.2.2 Kernel
In the kernel, information about the communication system under develop-
ment has to be represented and processed. The information about services
and protocols is given by formal descriptions in textual or graphical form.
This external format has to be translated into an internal format by a set
of system tools. The goal is to represent the protocol knowledge in an ade-
quate way and to provide mechanisms for knowledge management and

The formal descriptions contain different kind of information. The structure,

contents, and encoding of protocol data is one aspect. Protocol data struc-
tures, data instances, and operations on data items can be described by
means of X-ASN.1 and are managed internally by a corresponding data
management component in the kernel. Protocol behavior, in terms of
external visibility, is another aspect. Behavioral aspects can be adequately
described by using CRS rule systems that are represented internally as pro-
duction systems. An X-ASN.1 and CRS implementation has been described
in section 5.1. A visualization of the kernel based on these implementation
concepts is given in Figure 98.

It has to be noted that additional information about a service or protocol

concerning non-functional aspects, for example, performance, reliability,
security, resources, exceptions etc. cannot be described in CRS or X-ASN.1.
Appropriate constructs and a corresponding semantics for specifying these
aspects still have to be developed. Consequently, there are presently no
means for getting the non-functional information into the X-ASN.1 and CRS
based kernel. Extensions for capturing non-functional aspects in FDTs, espe-
cially performance aspects, are currently the subject of intensive research,
but are outside the scope of this thesis. How data and behavioral aspects
are represented and processed in the X-ASN.1 and CRS based kernel is
further detailed in the following.
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 201



Figure 98. CRS and X-ASN.1 based kernel

Data aspects
A large number of concepts have been developed for representing data In
systems. Despite many differences, all concepts Introduce a clear sepa-
ration between data structures (or data schemes) and data items (Instances
of a certain structure). A data management component has to provide
structuring mechanisms, as well as storage and retrieval mechanisms for
data items [Kort86].

Data schemes for SPs and PDU formats can be created by using the X-ASN.1
type definition constructs explained in chapter 3. The X-ASN.1 complier
described in section 5.1 checks syntax and static semantics, resolves
external references, and converts the type definitions into the internal struc-
ture tree representation used by the X-ASN.1 data management component.
202 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

For each type module the global symbol and index tables are built, serving
for the retrieval of type information from structure trees.

Data instances are represented as data trees composed of data blocks.

System tool support is provided for either interactive or embedded creation
of data instances. An X-ASN,1 data tree editor can be used to allocate a
new instance of an X-ASN.1 defined data scheme and to fill In the values for
the different components interactively. Such a tool is described in [Sche89],
providing a window-oriented interface and performing validity checks
during input. It can be utilized for interactive protocol testing, or for exe-
cuting specifications of systems that are not closed, but share gates with the
external environment (simulated by a user). The state objects, local objects,
and parameters embedded in executable CRS specifications are data
instances that are created by runtime routines (for example, during protocol
validation). The corresponding function calls are inserted by the X-ASN.1
preprocessor. The tree management functions provided by the data man-
agement component allow the access, retrieval, and manipulation of data
trees. Encoding/decoding of data instances is achieved by calling the
generic X-ASN.1 encoder/decoder working on data trees.

In summary, the X-ASN.1 data management component in the kernel pro-

vides a set of functions that can be used in various ways by application
tools supporting different development activities. In order to cope with the
large amount of data being managed, for example, during dynamic state
exploration or derivation of a large number of test cases, data trees may be
stored on disk in an external format and loaded again at some later stage.

Behavioral aspects
A communication service is defined by a set of SPs exchanged between a
service provider and a service user, possible sequences of SPs, and param-
eter dependencies. This view focuses on the externally visible behavior of a
communication system and abstracts from the internal behavior. How a
service is provided by a number of distributed entities is described in a pro-
tocol specification. The protocol determines the behavior of each entity: the
set of possible input events in each state, the actions to be executed in
response to various inputs, and the corresponding output events.
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 203

Using CRS, the relation between input events and output events, possible
event sequences, and possible event parameter ranges are described by
rules defining the behavior of rule systems. An internal state concept is used
to facilitate the description of sequencing aspects. Several rule systems can
be composed in parallel and cooperate to provide a service. The behavioral
information contained in CRS specifications can be represented in form of
production rules in the kernel, as explained in section 5.1. Besides formal
logic, procedures, and frames, production rules are a basic technique for
representing knowledge in systems [Barr81] [Fros86]. In the production
systems obtained with the CRS compiler described in section 5.1, a mixed
form of representing knowledge about behavioral aspects is used. Whereas
production rules capture the input/output relations and spontaneous
actions, rule body procedures represent the knowledge about internal state
conditions and event parameter constraints.

A procedural form of representing knowledge is appropriate for simUlation

and implementation, but sometimes a declarative representation is more
suitable, for example, for verification or test case development. Therefore,
formal logic employed for specifying rules in CRS may also be used for
representing protocol knowledge. Similar to data types and data instances,
the start condition and effects formulas of rules can also be represented in
the form of trees (so-called constraint trees). These constraint trees are
similar to structure trees and data trees, but contain symbolic information
about predicates instead of data values in leaf nodes. This is an alternative
representation of state and parameter constraints better suited for the
retrieval of information on particular state objects and parameters as
opposed to compiled procedures, which deliver the truth value of start con-
dition and effects formulas without any individual information on state
objects and parameters.

The runtime environment in the kernel provides the generic machines to

work on the protocol knowledge and to offer knowledge retrieval, inference,
communication, and scheduling functions. These kernel mechanisms can
be used by application tools to analyze behavior sequences, generate
reachability graphs, check invariant conditions, reason about desired prop-
erties, or perform various other protocol engineering tasks.
204 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

5.2.3 Shells
Experiments with the first prototype Implementations of the X-ASN.1 and CRS
system tools (see [Schn87] [Schn89a]) clearly showed that providing flexible
access to the environment kernel via appropriate interfaces is of utmost
importance for building application tools. The Implementation of an appli-
cation program interface provided in a function library interfacing with
kernel routines was a major step towards a comprehensive integrated tools
environment. This application program interface constitutes the rule-based
shell and is described in more detail in the following.

However, the rule-based shell is not adequate for application tools working
on higber levels of abstraction, for example, for tools working on externally
observable behavior sequences or global states. Therefore, two additional
shells providing complete transparency of the techniques used in the kernel
are described in this section: the state-based shell and the event-based
shell. By combining functions from different shells, application tools can use
different views of the specified system in an Interleaved fashion. The shells
act as bridges between different models and allow advantage to be taken
of one model while avoiding the disadvantages of others.

Rule-based shell
Figure 99 illustrates the application program interface constituting the rule-
based shell of the X-ASN.1 and CRS based kernel. The functions provided
are tailored towards the techniques and work directly on the internal repres-
entations of data objects, rule systems, gates, and rules [Schn89b]. The set
of functions provided by the rule-based shell can be divided Into the fol-
lowing groups:

• Logging functions, which control the data logged during system exe-
cution. These functions may be called at any time to increase the
amount and granularity of information that is written to disk for a subse-
quent analysis, or to decrease the level of detail to speed up execution
when no interesting events are expected. The scheduling of rule systems
and gates, the selection of rules to be started or ended, the events to
request and offer, the transitions of rules between sets, state changes,
and other kinds of information may be logged while working with the
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 205

• Rule system functions, which return information about selected state

objects, contexts and views defined in the specification, running and
non-running rules, and rule start conditions and effects formulas. Func-
tions are provided in this group which can be used by application tools
to determine the set of startable and endable rules in a given state of the
rule system.

• Gate functions, which return information about the state of gates and the
available event requests and offers. There are also functions provided in
this group which can be used to add or remove event requests and
offers at external gates.


. . ffi:r

Figure 99. Rule-based shell

206 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

• Execution control functions, which can be used to invoke system

actions, for example, scheduling rule systems and gates, or starting and
ending rules. Whereas functions from the other groups give information
about possible alternatives, but do not change the current state of the
system, the functions from this group bring the system into one of its pos-
sible next states.

For most of the functions of the rule-based shell, some mechanism for iden-
tifying specification objects has to be used. The names of rule systems,
rules, and gates suffice to interact with application tools, but more efficient
approaches can be taken as well. Also, structure trees, data trees, and con-
straint trees can be exchanged via the application program interface. The
rule-based shell is appropriate for application tools working directly on rules
and other objects that are specific to CRS and X-ASN.1. Therefore, important
data structures managed in the rule-based shell are:

1. structure trees and data trees, control blocks and scheduling

queues (internal structures of the kernel):

2. logging flags, for controlling the logging activities individually for a

number of interesting aspects.

Besides being used by application tools, the functions of the rule-based

shell may be used by additional shells, as explained in the following.

State-based shell
The functions of the rule-based shell are mainly used for retrieving informa-
tion about rule systems and rules defined in the specification and for
invoking state transitions by starting and ending rules. No means are pro-
vided to work on global states of the system, or to step back and take
some alternative execution path after having executed a number of rules.
This kind of support is provided by functions of the state-based shell (see
Figure 100).

Since CRS is based on the EFSM model an explicit notion (and represen-
tation) of states is given by the values of state objects, the execution states
of rules and local objects, and the event offers available at gates. The
internal representation consists of data trees and control blocks. For man-
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 207

Figure 100. State-based shell

aging a large number of states in the state-based shell, data structures

have to be maintained for

1. storing states (referred to as system stack in the following);

2. associating states with identifications (state identification tab/e).

The following functions are provided by the state-based shell:

• The function save_state, which creates a copy of the current state of the
system on the system stack. Copies of the control blocks for rule
systems, rules, gates, event requests, and event offers are required, as
well as copies of data trees representing state objects and local objects.
208 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

An identification is returned by the function, providing a reference to the

saved state.

• The function resume_state, which restores a previously saved state and

resumes the execution from there. All control structures are reset to the
values of the previously saved state.

• The function delete_state, which removes a previously saved state from

the system stack. The associated memory space can be released and
the state identification can be reused.

• The function compare_state, which takes two state Identifications and

checks If the associated representations are equal (all variable values
are equal and all control block information is the same)".

other functions required in the state-based shell are mainly state manage-
ment functions, serving for searching, moving, copying single states etc.
Complete search and backtracking strategies have to be realized by appli-
cation tools according to individual needs. State management and organ-
ization is, however, taken over by the state-based shell. In turn for the extra
effort of implementing backtracking algorithms, application tools can flex-
ibly adjust backtracking strategies to their needs. Experience with
"PROLOG", for example, shows that a predefined fixed backtracking
strategy becomes inappropriate with growing search spaces.

Event-based shell
A lot of application tools work only on the basis of the externally visible
events of a system and do not use any details of the internal model of a
service or protocol specification. Such application tools should access the
kernel mechanisms via an event-based shell. For the X-ASN.1 and CRS
based kernel such an event-based shell has been implemented on top of
the rule-based and state-based shells as described in [Roor90] (see
Figure 101). The functions provided by the event-based shell are the fol-

" Note that this is an equivalence on states which is rather strong with respect to
externally visible behavior.
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 209

Figure 101. Event-based shell

• The function zoom, which restricts further attention of the event-based

shell onto a set of events that are considered interesting by the applica-
tion. In this way, the scope of subsequent searches is limited. The focus
on a particular set of events can be modified by subsequent calls of the

• The function stimUli, which lists all events that can be accepted by the
system in a given state at the external gates. Gates serving for internal
communication between system parts are not considered.

• The function select, which marks one of the possible stimuli as being
selected for subsequent behavior. This function is called for making a
choice, but it does not yet invoke any actions.
210 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

• The function answers, which returns all possible responses after some
specific selection. The list of events returned as the result of the function
contains all events that can be offered by the specified system in the
state reached after the selected event has been accepted.

• The function follow, which instructs the executable specification to

progress the system execution according to one of the possibilities
returned by the answers-function. In this way, the system reaches a new

• The function check, which can be used to compare some presumed

behavior with the possible behavior according to the specification. Given
two events, the function checks if the second event is an admissible
answer to the first event.

In order to find out which events can be accepted (offered) by the specified
system, rules have to be started (ended) and states have to be saved and
resumed (using functions of the rule-based and state-based shells). The
stimuli-function, for example, searches for startable rules that request events
at external gates in their start condition. The answers- function has to start
each rule requesting the selected event separately from the current state.
Then, one of the three following cases applies: (1) the started rule offers an
event at an external gate, (2) the started rule offers an event at an internal
gate, (3) the started rule offers no event in its effects. In case (1), a possible
answer has been found. In case (2), matching event requests from startable
rules in other rule systems have to be found, these rules have to be started,
and the procedure is applied recursively to all states reached. In case (3),
all startable rules without event request in the same rule system have to be
started and the procedure has to be repeated for every state reached.
However, all this internal processing is hidden from the application tools
using the event-based shell.

In order to implement the functions described above, the event-based shell

maintains two data structures, called event info and tree info, which hold
the following information:

1. Event info contains the list of external gates in order to be able to distin-
guish between requests/offers made at internal and external gates. Sim-
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 211

ilarly, lists of actually zoomed and not-zoomed events are maintained.

Finally, the event identified by the selection-function has to be marked in
the list of zoomed events.

2. Tree info is a representation of the behavior tree associated with the

specified system. Each edge in the tree is labelled by an event. Each
node corresponds to a state and contains an identification and addi-
tional information about the rule causing the transition to that state.

In addition to the possible event sequences, the data carried In event

parameters is important. For example, when establishing a connection,
properties of the connection may be negotiated through fields in the
CONNECT and ACCEPT PDUs. These fields are modelled as event parame-
ters. The constraints defined on them are important information for applica-
tion tools. Therefore, the event-based shell has to provide functions that can
be used to query the constraints on event parameters and to check a par-
ticular event with all its parameters for validity. To realize these functions,
the constraint tree concept explained in the previous section can be used.
The stimuli-function, for example, can be extended to return constraint trees
for all the events that can be accepted in the current state. Concerning
responses, constraint trees represent possible parameter ranges and are
returned by the answers-function. To progress the executable specification
into another state, an answer is chosen and the follow-function is called with
appropriate parameter values.

5.2.4 Selected Application Tools

In this section, the design and realization of some selected application tools
for protocol development is illustrated, starting from the different shells pre-
sented in the previous section. The selected tools support the activities of
protocol validation and testing by interactive behavior simulation, auto-
mated test case development, and test case validation against a formal
description. The experience gained with the implementation of these appli-
cation tools while preparing this thesis is the main reason for including an
outline of their design in this section. The goal is to illustrate how interactive
design validation and testing can be effectively supported by automated
tools. In general, the architecture of the integrated tools environment is flex-
ible enough to build tool support for other development activities as well
212 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

(verification of properties, stepwise refinement by automated transformation,

implementation code generation etc.).

Interactive behavior simulation

The CRS simulator gives a protocol engineer the opportunity to analyze an
executable version of the communication system design in an early phase,
at varying levels of speed and detail. In the beginning, attention can be
restricted to the events occurring at the service Interfaces. Service users can
be modelled as rule systems, or can be simulated by the user requesting
and offering events at gates representing SAPs. Later, the behavior of pro-
tocol entities can be checked by looking closer at PDUs and the communi-
cation at the internal gates.

The availability of rule-based and state-based shells around the X-ASN.1

and CRS based kernel (containing the internal representation and the
runtime environment) simplified the development of a specification simu-
lation tool considerably. The remaining task to be accomplished was to
provide a flexible and user-friendly user interface for displaying information
appropriately and for offering convenient means to invoke desired actions.

The top-level windows of the CRS simulator described in [Schn88] are

depicted in Figure 102 for an executable specification of the rule system
configuration specified in chapter 3 (see Figure 46). The user of the tool is
able to create this initial configuration of rule system and gate instances, to
associate a window with each instance, and to position the windows on the
screen. A subset of the state objects can be selected for each instance and
the values of the selected objects are displayed in the corresponding

Function keys allow zooming into selected rule system and gate instances
in order to get more detailed information about rules, or event requests and
offers. The logging flags can be set appropriately to trace the simulated
behavior. Using the menu bar, scheduling and inference machine strategies
can be adapted. The execution mode can be set to follow predefined strat-
egies individually for each rule system and gate instance at the conven-
ience of the user. For each X-ASN.1 defined object the X-ASN.1 data tree
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 213

, ,
Rule System Scheduler 1 Inference Machine Searched Set Actual Rule 100lo I
t Jc=.=:.J
......... '-
Evert' Hdlory • 1'"'-' -' 1 c:=J
EJ 0

. .................

.......... ....... . ".,.Ny2

• • e ____ " _ . _ . _ • • • •

................... ..

TRACING 1T----siJ 1M SS AR ~
('f1-trocV ([2-8 C CY (TJoz...-S> ~ (f5' GoV

Figure 102. Behavior simulator

214 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

editor can be called in order to examine data trees in detail, to modify

values if desired, or to create user-defined event requests and otters.

After scheduling a rule system, the startable or endable rules in the current
state of the rule system are listed in a menu. By making selections from this
menu, rules can be started and ended, which brings the whole system into
a new state. The backtracking features of the state-based she" can be used
to resume the simulation from previously saved states. The events occurring
during the simulation are displayed and stored in an event stack. The user
may also add event requests and otters at external gates for triggering
actions in the executable specification.

With the control facilities described above, a protocol engineer can easily
influence the execution of the specification and drive it to areas of interest.
More or less detailed traces may be produced and analyzed by other tools
after the simulation. The experiences made with a prototype of the CRS sim-
ulator showed that such a tool is a powerful instrument to validate a design
for the most interesting situations and that it is also useful for teaching ser-
vices and protocols to newcomers. However, the execution mechanisms pro-
vided may also be used to set up long-term automatic simulations. Several
strategies may be employed (full reachability, modified reachability,
random state exploration etc.).

Test case development and execution

Testing protocol implementations is necessary to achieve reliability and to
guarantee lnteroperability of open systems. The goal is to increase confi-
dence in the correctness of an implementation and, thus, to increase the
probability that the implementation is able to interwork with other imple-
mentations of the same protocol. In the context of open systems, testing is
aimed at checking the externally visible behavior of implementations and
their conformance to standards (conformance testing). The implementa-
tion under test (IUT) is treated as a black box exchanging primitives at its
external interfaces according to the test configuration used (see for
example Figure 65 in section 4.2.3).

Because of the large number of implementation options and possible com-

binations of primitive parameters existing for real protocols, testing can
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 215

never be exhaustive. The production of test cases and their aggregation into
a complete test suite covering as many protocol aspects as possible, as
well as the related questions about test purpose, test selection, test quality,
test coverage, and test execution are major research topics in protocol
engineering today. Considering the variety and complexity of today's and
future protocols, tool support for test case development becomes Increas-
ingly important since such tools speed up the production of tests and help
to improve test suite quality.

In order to automate test case development, a formal description of the pro-

tocol to be tested is required, providing all the information about correct
and Incorrect protocol behavior in a form which can be processed by tools.
However, fully automatic production (generation) of test suites covering all
protocol aspects is difficult and cannot be achieved by any of the methods
summarized in section 4.2.3. The test generation tools currently known using
FSM descriptions of the protocol generate tests for each single transition in
the underlying state machine, but do not consider complete behavior
sequences, nor do they take any data aspects into account. However, data
aspects become increasingly important and complex in the higher layers
of the 051 model, whereas the control aspects become less important. Test
generation methods integrating data aspects use static data flow analysis
and other techniques developed for software testing. However, all formal
strategies suffer from the fact that it is not possible to include information
about the functions expected from a particular protocol in the test deriva-
tion algorithm. Consequently, the generated tests may be more or less
appropriate, depending on the particular protocol to be tested. A test deri-
vation algorithm delivering canonical testers, which represent test suites for
every possible behavior defined in the specification, shifts the complexity of
test generation to the activity of test selection.

For all these reasons, a test case development tool (instead of an automatic
test case generation tool) operating in an interactive fashion with a test
case designer in the integrated tools environment is considered to serve
existing needs. A first prototype of such a tool has been implemented
according to the configuration shown in Figure 103 (see also [Velt89]). Test
case design is conducted on the basis of an executable reference specifi-
cation of the protocol, excluding the possibility of errors and providing all
216 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

I • algorithms \
I • heuristics \
I • strategies
.1--------- \

Editor (TTCN-GR)

Test Suite (TTCN-MP)

Figure 103. Test case development tool

necessary Information about the protocol to be tested. The user of the tool
retrieves protocol information from the kernel using functions of the event-
based shell.

With the zoom-function, he can focus on a number of test events that are
interesting for achieving a specific test purpose. Then, the stimuli-function
can be used to list the test initiatives together with their parameter con-
straints. One event can be selected with the select-function and a combina-
tion of parameters can be supplied. By calling the answers-function, the
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 217

possible responses of the protocol as defined in the specification can be

determined and the test case designer can invoke the follow-fundion with
one of the alternatives.

The functions of the state-based shell can be used to restore previously

saved states in order to follow one of the other alternatives for developing
another test case. At the end of each test path, verdicts can be assigned
based on the protocol information retrieved from the environment kernel.
The test case designer can be supported by different automated test deriva-
tion algorithms (based on F5Ms, EF5Ms, data flow etc.) implemented in the
test development support tool. Proposals for the continuation of event
sequences or for interesting parameter combinations can be made by the
tool. In order to assess test suite coverage and test suite quality, statistics
about states, transitions, tested events, parameter combinations etc. can be

The output of the test case development tool is displayed in standard TTCN
format (see section 4.2.3) using the HCN editor described in [8aer89]. A test
case in TTCN consists of a tree of test events (see [1509646]). The events in
each path of the tree starting from the root and ending in some leaf node
occur in sequential order; events at sibling nodes represent test alternatives.
Each test event is of the form

peo !I? Event_id (variable_assignments) [boolean_expressions] •

A peo denotes the Point of Control and Observation where the event
occurs. The Event _ i d is usually associated with an SP or PDU exchange
and the exclamation mark (question mark) means sending (receiving) the
event. Values may be assigned to test variables when the event occurs. A
condition in the form of a boolean expression can be associated with each
event (only if this condition is satisfied may the event occur). All declara-
tions of PCOs, events, test variables etc., and the test case behavior tree are
contained in tables of fixed formats. All information required for creating
these tables can be retrieved from the protocol specification represented in
the environment kernel.
218 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

Besides offering an editing facility, the nCN tool described in [Baer89] is

also capable of interpreting TTCN test cases. Together with all the mech-
anisms provided in the kernel, a test tool can be realized that has many
advantages over existing test tools (see [Mack88]). Most of the existing test
tools for protocols have been especially conceived to be applied to one
particular protocol in a stack of protocol layers. The heart of such tools is
often formed by an approved reference implementation of the protocol to
be tested. Reusing the tool for other protocol layers is not possible. In con-
trast to this, the test tool described in [Mack88] is separated into one (or
several) language dependent test processing systems (TPSs) and a lan-
guage independent test support system (TSS). In the TPSs, execution mech-
anisms for test languages (for example, TTCN) are realized. The TSS provides
common services to the TPSs for handling data, managing PCDs, and con-
necting to several communication systems. This test tool design meets three
objectives faCilitating the general usage of the tool:

1. protocol Independence,

2. test configuration Independence, and

3. communication system independence.

Protocol independence is achieved by employing general purpose test

processing languages in the TPSs. Test processing is based on an execut-
. able specification of the protocol used as the reference. The flexibility of
retrieving information via different shells allows the identification of possible
reasons for erroneous behavior in an IUT and the selection of conformance
resolution tests in order to locate an error. Test configuration independence
is achieved by directing interactions through PCDs managed in the TSS.
These PCDs may be connected to an interprocess communication facility or
to external communication channels. Independence of the communication
system is reached by providing several communication system interfaces in
the TSS.

This example of several tools interworking in the integrated environment

illustrates nicely how common functionality is provided in the kernel and
does not have to be replicated in every single tool. The example also shows
the importance of organizing protocol development tools in such a way that
they provide combined support. Especially in the area of testing, the sepa-
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 219

rate standardization of protocols and their associated conformance tests

introduces unnecessary interpretation problems and new ambiguities due to
potential differences between the protocol and the test specifications. Such
a situation cannot arise if tests are directly derived and validated based on
the specification.

Test case validation

Assessing test suite correctness and test suite quality is the key motivation
for an application tool supporting test case validation. Such a tool is cur-
rently under development in the integrated tools environment. Correctness
of a test suite means that there is no IUT implemented according ~o the
standard which does not pass the test suite. Quality of a test suite depends
on coverage, error detection capabilities, and the time required to perform
the test suite. This list is, however, not exhaustive.

Driven by vendors of communication hard- and software, standardization

bodies (ISO, CCIH) have already started producing test suites for standardi-
zation (for example, FlAM, X.25 layer 3 etc.) using the test description lan-
guage TTCN. These tests have been developed manually and distributed
for review by protocol experts and HCN experts in order to gain confidence
in the correctness of the tests. Considering the large amount of test cases
and the complex protocol functions that should be tested, validation tools
are needed.

The review process for test suites includes checking the HCN syntax and
static semantics, as well as validating the correctness of the test suite with
respect to the protocol standard the test suite has been developed for.
Checking the syntax and static semantics of HCN can be automated by
employing parser tools accepting the HCN language (see for example
[8aer89]). Checking automatically whether a test case assigns 'pass' ver-
dicts only if allowed behavior has been observed, 'fail' verdicts only if an
error has been found, and vice versa, is a more complicated and yet
unsolved problem for manually developed tests.

An essential prerequisite of such an automated validation of test

descriptions against the corresponding standard is to have the knowledge
of protocol experts, currently reviewing the tests manually, accessible in
220 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems

software tools. In the integrated tools environment. all information about the
protocol for which a test suite should be validated can be represented in
the kernel. based on a specification of the protocol in X-ASN.1 and CRS. The
TTCN test description is parsed. loaded into the TTCN editor. and checked
against the executable protocol specification by Interpreting the TTCN con-
structs (see Figure 104). The approach is rather pragmatic as long as a
formal TTCN semantics is stili missing. but may be justified by relating TTCN
to the FDTs employed for protocol specification (see for example [Sari88]).
or to more basic models (for example. labelled transition systems).

, • correctne.. \
, • quality \
l - - - -t- - - - -

Test Suite (TTCN-MP)

Figure 104. Test case validation tool
5.2 CRS Integrated Tools Environment 221

Since a TTCN test description consists of a tree of events, a possible strategy

is to check every path in the tree using functions from the event-based
shell. Admissible event sequences, valid parameter ranges, and behavior in
the case of errors as defined in the specification are compared with the test
description. Functions from the state-based shell are used to backtrack to
intermediate states (or to the initial state) and to try the test alternatives. A
major prerequisite for this approach is, however, that ASN.1 descriptions of
test parameters and PDU formats are available. The use of ASN.1 is optional
in TTCN, but simplifies automatic validation considerably. Future extensions
of TTCN concerning "parallel" execution of test case behavior trees are nec-
essary for performing multi-party testing (testing several entities executing,
for example, an application layer protocol in parallel). For the FDTs
employed in the kernel, constructs for describing parallel activities already

While running the test suite validation tool, statistics can be maintained to
gather information about which part of the protocol (service aspects, pro-
tocol aspects, state transitions, parameter combinations etc.) are tested thor-
oughly, and which parts are probably not tested at all. These statistics may
be evaluated afterwards to allow qualitative and quantitative statements
about test coverage (depending on whatever definition of coverage is
222 5 Protocol Engineering with Communicating Rule Systems
6 Conclusions

An approach to the complex tasks in protocol engineering aiming at higher

quality of protocol implementations and reduced development costs has
been presented. In order to achieve this goal the use of formal description
techniques has been advocated and a suitable technique employing rules
has been proposed (Communicating Rule Systems (CRS». The application
of CRS to an existing protocol of realistic complexity has been illustrated.
Concepts and tools have been described facilitating the automatic proc-
essing of CRS specifications in order to support the protocol development
process in an integrated environment. A summary of the main results, the
status of the tool implementations, early experiences, and an outlook on
future work is given in the following.

6.1 Summary of Results

Developing communication systems and implementing protocols on the
basis of natural language specifications leads to a number of problems
caused by ambiguities and misinterpretations. In such an informal
approach, design validation, refinement, implementation. and testing have
to be performed manually. Therefore, considerable effort is required and
errors are likely to be made, especially since applications demand increas-
ingly powerful communication services which have to be provided in heter-
ogeneous environments.

The main benefits gained from applying FDTs in the protocol development
process are preciseness and the ability to employ tools. The formal syntax
and semantics of FDTs improves the understanding of the basic architec-
tural concepts of communication systems and facilitates the provision of
tool support. However, applying FDTs to the development of systems is not
trivial. The formalization step is difficult and appropriate techniques have to
be used in order to achieve a suitable formal description in reasonable
time. Only if the technique correctly represents the basic architectural con-
cepts of communication systems and offers constructs supporting intuitive
and structured protocol specifications, it can be useful in practice. The feasi-
224 6 Conclusions

bility of building tools that process the formal descriptions is crucial since
tool support is the key motivation for the formal approach.

The investigation of several existing FDTs presented in chapter 2 showed

that these FDTs still have considerable weaknesses concerning their archi-
tectural semantics in the area of communication systems, their level of
abstraction, or their ease of use. For some of these FDTs tool development is
a complex task and sometimes the realized tools don't fulfill the purpose
they have been intended for. Not all FDTs support a construdive develop-
ment approach. Since the formalization step demands considerable effort,
FDTs should support a constructive approach and allow to develop tools
which extensively utilize the formal descriptions.

The rule-based formal description technique CRS has been adopted to serve
the existing needs. Employing the rule paradigm aimed at providing appro-
priate means to achieve intuitive and intelligible formal protocol specifica-
tions in relatively short time. Concerning the development of tools, it could
be demonstrated that rules are a general and flexible mechanism for
representing the specification knowledge and that they can be used by
tools supporting various protocol engineering activities.

In order to apply CRS to the specification of communication services and

protocols, a number of modifications and extensions have been developed.
By adding operations to the ISO language ASN.1 an appropriate data defi-
nition language was integrated Into CRS. As a result of the experiences
made with CRS when specifying a number of real protocols, the meaning of
rule contexts was slightly changed and the view concept was added. An
operational formal semantics has been defined for the resulting technique
to establish the basis for developing tools and to relate it to other FDTs.

The interpretation of CRS specifications according to the operational seman-

tics is the basis for a construdive approach to the development of protocols.
Existing implementation concepts for rule-based systems and for data rep-
resentation have been employed to realize a compiler tool and runtime
interpreters for the simulated execution of CRS specifications. The predicate
logic formulas used in the specifications have to comply with a certain form
that allows static code generation.
6.1 Summary of Results 225

By organizing the CRS interpretation mechanisms in such a way that they

can be invoked and used for knowledge processing and retrieval, execut-
able CRS specifications can be exploited by different application tools. The
general architecture of an integrated tools environment has been presented
that combines protocol engineering tools in an efficient and flexible way.
Application tools may use different shells in an exclusive or interleaved
fashion to achieve their goals. The shells abstract from the internal represen-
tation of the formal descriptions in the environment kernel and provide dif-
ferent abstract views on the specified system. Depending on the particular
development activity to be supported, different views are appropriate.

6.2 Implementation Status and Early Experiences

The technique CRS in the form presented in this thesis (Incorporating X-ASN.1
and using an extended set of structuring constructs) has been developed
during several specification case studies. These case studies included a
number of well-known small examples ("Readers/Writers Problem", "Dining
Philosophers", "Alternating-Bit Protocol", "Two-Phase-Commif' etc.), but, more
important, also several existing protocol standards (OSI session layer pro-
tocol, transport layer service, X.25 packet level protocol, and OSI network
service). The speCifications were produced by students who did not know
CRS or X-ASN.1 before they started. Most notably, all the specifications could
be completed in time frames ranging from several days to several months.

About half a year was required by two students to develop the complete
X.25 packet level protocol specification, including X-ASN.1 type definitions
for all X.25 packets and rules for call setup, connection handling, data
transfer, fragmenting/reassembling and retransmission of packets, call
clearing, and the restart procedures. The final specification achieved was
discussed with X.25 experts. It turned out that the rules describing the pro-
tocol could easily be understood and that the specification reflected the
standard very well. An interesting experience during the discussions was
that the experts could sometimes give no answers to the questions arising
out of those parts of the specification that were most difficult to develop.
Most of the times this was because the standard is not precise or contains
no information at all. In fact, the corresponding protocol functions often
226 6 Conclusions

have never been implemented (for example, quality of service,


The local runtime environment for CRS specifications has been implemented
completely, including the generic interpreters for CRS rule systems and
gates, the scheduler, and the X-ASN.1 structure and data tree management.
First prototypes of the CRS compiler and of the X-ASN.1 preprocessor gener-
ating the specification-specific code for the runtime environment have been
completed as well. Most of the specification examples mentioned above
have been compiled into executable form. The transport service specifica-
tion and a subset of the X.25 packet level protocol specification are opera-
tional. The restrictions imposed on the form of predicate logic formulas were
found acceptable for the trial specifications, although some parts of the ori-
ginal specifications had to be adapted in order to allow the transformation
into executable form. The modifications made are a matter of style,
however, and do not change the behavior of the protocols.

One major problem encountered in the CRS compiler described in section

5.1 is how to determine at compile time whether access operations referring
to components of structured variables deliver already defined or undefined
values. A solution has been developed for record structures, but for dynamic
arrays this can only be decided at runtime. Therefore, the implementation
of an interpretation-based approach has been started in order to overcome
the problem and to retain all the information contained in the specification.

A first version of the application program interface constituting the rule-

based shell, as well as the state-based and event-based shells of the inte-
grated tools environment have been completed. After the principal mode of
invocation and the data structures exchanged at the interfaces had been
fixed, the first set of shell functions could easily be implemented. Additional
functions that became necessary in the following could easily be realized.
The concept of 'constraint trees' as explained in section 5.2 is currently
under implementation.

The implementation of the application tools for simulation, test derivation,

and test validation in the integrated tools environment is in progress. The
CRS simulator is already in use and several errors could be found in specifi-
6.2 Implementation Status and Early Experiences 227

cations, leading to corrections or even to a different design. Support for

adding event requests and offers at external gates and for backtracking
during the simulation of specifications still has to be added.

The executable X.25 packet level protocol specification serves as a testbed

for the activities on test case development and validation. Some of the
components of HCN test suites (declarations, behavior trees) can already
be generated from a CRS specification using the test case development
tool. Some work has still to be done concerning the constraints part of HCN
test suites. It is intended to provide test derivation strategies and heuristics in
order to support test case design.

Some of the event sequences prescribed by the X.25 packet level test suite
have already been checked using the test case validation tool. So far, it has
been detected that admissible alternative behavior is missing in some of
the test cases. Support for checking· data constraints also has to be added
in the test case validation tool and some work remains to be done con-
cerning the mapping of HCN types to ASN.1. The experiences made so far
show that the interworking of the tools in the integrated environment poses
no difficulties; rather large parts of the system tools and of the kernel repre-
sentation can be shared.

6.3 Prospects and Future Work

More results from the application of FDTs to the development of real proto-
cols are required before a final judgement on the suitability of formal tech-
niques can be given. The experiences gained so far showed that FDTs have
to be provided together with a development methodology and powerful
tools in order to be useful. If this can be achieved, the prospects are

The area of telecommunication and networking is rapidly expanding and

distributed applications become popular. The protocols that are required to
effectively provide flexible communication services for these applications
are changing. The concept of symmetric end-to-end communication
between peer entities underlying most OSI protocols seems to be inade-
228 6 Conclusions

quate for many applications. Multi-peer protocols, client-selVer models, and

more application-oriented selVices have to be developed. FDTs and tools
will help to design these selVices and protocols, to understand and reason
about the basic problems, and to implement and test the corresponding
communication systems. Extensions to the existing FDT concepts may be
necessary. In CRS, for example, multicast communication mechanisms, or
object-oriented extensions, such as Inheritance and class hierarchies, will
be useful to support the design of distributed systems.

Many new applications are possible given the transmission rates of optical
fibers and the installation of high-speed networks (FOOl, B-ISON etc.). These
networks will also require new protocols and will emphasize the importance
of non-functional protocol aspects. New language constructs, corresponding
semantics, and formal methods for specifying, simulating, and predicting
the performance of communication systems have to be Included into FOTs.
The formal models can be used to identify bottlenecks, to validate perform-
ance measures, and to come up with better Implementations. Extensions to
FDTs have to be developed for specifying timing aspects. This does also
apply to CRS.

Communication In open systems, the field where FDTs are Increasingly

applied, is the key to open distributed processing. A formal development
methodology, FDTs, and corresponding tools can provide valuable support
for the design of open distributed applications and systems. The questions
of how to decompose Into distributed components, how the components
Interact, what are the Implementation choices etc. can be approached by
applying formal techniques. The techniques can also help to separate
Issues at different abstraction levels, to manage design complexity, to auto-
mate development steps, and to support the implementation of distributed
systems. Support of this kind is needed in order to build applications that
make use of the technology already available today.
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A communication protocol 1
abstract data type specification 101 communication service 1
abstract data type (ADT) 69, 101 communication system 1, 5
abstract syntax 67 compatibility 115
abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) 4, compositionality 30, 88, 101, 104
65,66 concrete data type 69
abstract test method 145 configurafton compilation 195
abstracfton 30,96,104 conformance testing 142,214
ACT ONE 49, 53 connecfton 10, 14
active object 90 constraint tree 203
ADT compilation 193 constructed encoding 84
application tool 197,198,211 construcftve techniques 58
architectural concept 11 consfructivity 31, 105
architectural semantics 31 context 96
ASN.1 65,66 context resolution 98
ASN.1 complier 152 contexts 97
assignment funcfton 114 control abstraction 92
asynchronous communication 95 CRS 65
asynchronous gate machine 168 CRS compilation 1 76
asynchronous gates 95 CRS complier 203
auxiliary predicate 96 CRS gate machine 164
auxiliary predicate definition 96 CRS inference machine 159
auxiliary predicate expansion 97 CRS interpreter 226
CRS runftme environment 168, 203
B CRS simulator 212
backward-chaining 150
base type 79 D
basic encoding rules (BER) 67,83 data abstracfton 101
basic rule system 90, 106 data base 150
behavior expression 49 data block 156
data tree 151, 154, 202
C data type 69
canonical tester 145,215 dependency graph 189
communicating rule system 90, 106 descriptive techniques 58
communicating rule systems (CRS) 3, distributed test method 145
65, 223

effects 86, 91, 102 gate 86,93
encoding rules 67,83 gate compilation 180
endable 117 gate control block 170
entity 10, 13 gate specification 94
Estelle 31, 33, 126 generic gate machine 171
event 91,94 generic inference machine 170
event control block 175
event expression 94 H
event occurrence 91 high-level Petri net (HLPN) 44
event offer 86,91,94,113
event request 86, 91, 94, 113
event-based shell 204, 208 implementation environment 140
executable CRS K25 packet level pro- implementation under test (IUT) 143,
tocol specification 227 214
executable specification 125 inference machine 150
exhaustive validation environment 139 informal specification 22
expressive power 95 integrated environment 146
expressiveness 30, 104 integrated tools environment 197
extended abstract syntax notation one intelligibility 30, 92, 96, 104
(X-ASN.1) 66 interactive behavior simulation 212
extended finite state machine interleaving semantics 11 8
(EFSM) 33 internal event 112, 113
extemal event 111 internal synchronization 92
interpretation 187
F invertible execution 135
finite state machine (FSM) 32
flat rule system 96 K
formal definition 30, 101, 103 kernel 197,198,200
formal description 29
formal description technique (FDT) 3 L
formal description techniques (FDTs) 22, labelled transition system (LTS) 56, 66,
29 103,105
formal methods 15 layer 8,12
formal semantics 29 local object 90
formal syntax 29 local syntax 67
forward-chaining 150 logic interpreter 1 32
functional requirements 21 LOTOS 49, 51, 130
Index 247

lower tester 145 production system 150

protocol 10, 1 3
M protocol conformance testing 17
major state variables 33 protocol data unit (PDU) 10
minor state variables 33 protocol engineering 1, 14, 223
model 187 protocol engineering environment 125,
mUlti-way synchronization 52 136
multicast communication 228 protocol formalization 15
multiset semantics 118 protocol formalization tool support 17
protocol implementation 17
N protocol implementation tool
name equivalence 82 support 18
numerical Petri net (NPN) 46, 129 protocol stepwise refinement 17
protocol stepwise refinement tool
o support 18
object 86,90 protocol testing 17
open distributed processing 228 protocol testing tool support 19
open systems interconnection (OSI) 6 protocol validation 16
protocol validation tool support 18
p protocol verification 16
parallel operator 93 protocol verification tool support 18
parameterized type 79
partial ordering semantics 11 8 R
PASS 128 reachability analysis 1 39
passive object 90 rule 86,91
performance measure 228 rule base 150
Petri net 44, 129 rule body procedure 203
polymorphic type 79 rule compilation 186
precondition 102 rule control block 172
predicate logic 57 rule end 91
prenex-disjunctive normal form rule interpreter 150
(DNF) 186 rule set 160
primitive encoding 84 rule start 91
prior operator 93 rule system 86,88
priority 115 rule system compilation 183
process algebra 49 rule system control block 170
product net 129 rule system specification 88
production rule 150, 203 rule-based shell 204

running rule 91 test case execution 214

test case validation 219
S test driver 146
scheduler 172 test processing system 218
SDL 31,39, 126 test responder 146
semi-automatic implementation 140 test sequences 144
semiparallel operator 93 test suite 143
service 8, 12 test suite development 143
service access point (SAP) 10, 13 test suite execution 143, 145
service primitive (SP) 10, 13 test support system 218
shell 197, 198, 203 testing environment 142
simple type 68, 70 time sequence diagrams 27
simulation environment 137 timing aspects 228
start condition 86, 91 tool support 17
startable 116 transfer syntax 67
state 105 transition 105
state diagrams 27 transition system 105
state object 90 tree and tabular combined notation
state space explosion 140 (TTCN) 145
state-based shell 204, 206 tree management 169
structural equivalence 82 tree management functions 202
structure 30, 95, 101, 104 TTCN 145
structure block 154 TTCN editor 217
structure tree 151, 154, 201 type 69
structured rule system 96 type constructor 74
structured type 68, 74 type equivalence 82
structuring mechanism 96 type module 68
subtype 68, 79
synchronous communication 95 U
synchronous gate machine 164 upper tester 145
synchronous gates 95
system tool 197 V
validation environment 136
T variable defined occurrence 188
tag 83 variable used occurrence 188
tag class 83 view 96,98
tag number 83 view resolution 98
test case development 214
Index 249

X-ASN.1 66
X-ASN.1 compiler 201
X-ASN.1 data tree editor 202
X-ASN.1 encoder/decoder 202
X-ASN.1 integration 153
X-ASN.1 preprocessor 177,202
X-ASN.1 translation 152
X.25 packet level protocol
specification 225
X.25 packet level protocol (PLP) 22

Z 57, 58
Relative Com'plexities
of First Order Calculi
von Elmar Eder

1992. vi, 173 pages (Artificial Intelligence, edited by

Wolfgang Bibel and Walter von Hahn) Softcover
ISBN 3-528-05122-1

In this book various proof calculi

of first order predicate logic are
compared to each other with
respect to their relative complexi-
ties in terms of length of shortest
Relative Complexities of proofs. It is proved that resolution
First Order Calculi can simulate step by step one of
the simpler versions of the con-
nection method, but that, conver-
sely, this connection calculus can
not simulate resolution at polyno-
mial cost. It is shown that the
method of tableaux and the con-
nection method are essentially

Verlag Vieweg . Postfach 5829 . 0-6200 Wiesbaden


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