Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching (LLC Resonant Converter and Resonant Inverter)
Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching (LLC Resonant Converter and Resonant Inverter)
Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching (LLC Resonant Converter and Resonant Inverter)
Application Note
This document discusses the principles of resonant circuits and soft switching and describes
application examples of LLC resonant converters and resonant inverters (an inductive-heating
circuit and a discharge tube drive).
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
Table of Contents
Outline: .................................................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................2
1. Resonant circuits ................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Resonant circuits ................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Soft switching (for reducing switching losses and switching noise) ......................................... 6
3.1. Overview of the basic primary-side operation of the LLC resonant converter ....................... 13
3.3. Controlling the output voltage of the LLC resonant converter .................................................. 18
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Resonant circuits ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3.6 Operating mode 1-2 of the LLC resonant converter ..................................................... 15
Figure 3.10 Operating mode 5-1 of the LLC resonant converter .................................................. 17
Figure 3.11 Operating mode 5-2 of the LLC resonant converter .................................................. 17
Figure 3.15 Operating mode 1-1 of the LLC resonant converter .................................................. 18
Figure 3.18 Waveforms of the primary-side current of the LLC resonant converter ................. 23
Figure 4.1 Basic circuit and waveforms for voltage resonance ...................................................... 25
Figure 4.2 Basic circuit and waveforms for current resonance ...................................................... 27
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Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
© 2019 2019-11-12
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
1. Resonant circuits
Resonant circuits are used in power supply circuits for one or more of the following purposes: high
frequency output of voltage or current, switching loss reduction, and switching noise
This application note discusses resonant circuits primarily designed for high-frequency AC
generation. In addition, it discusses soft switching that is mainly used to reduce switching losses.
C Load
(a) Parallel LC circuit (b) Series LC circuit (c) LCC resonant circuit
Figure 1.1 Resonant circuits
The parallel LC circuit of Figure 1.1(a) is used when a load has large impedance. Assuming that
impedance is very large, this LC circuit goes into resonance properly since it can be viewed as
equivalent to a circuit consisting only of an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C). Conversely, suppose that
load is small, C has little effect. Consequently, this circuit does not go into resonance because it is
equivalent to only an inductor connected to GND.
In the series LC resonant circuit of Figure 1.1(b), a smaller impedance value makes it function in a
manner close to a resonant circuit comprising only an inductor and a capacitor, and therefore
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
provides high Q. Conversely, if impedance is large, Q becomes smaller, making the series LC circuit
unsuitable for series resonance.
The LCC resonant circuit of Figure 1.1(c), which is a hybrid of parallel and series LC circuits, works
as a resonant circuit regardless of the value of impedance.
As described above, the optimum type of resonant circuit must be selected according to the load.
Soft switching is used for switched-mode power supplies having a high-frequency transformer such
as isolated DC-DC converters (LCC resonant converters).
Since high-frequency transformers have leakage inductance, they cause a reduction in the efficiency
of switched-mode power supplies when the energy stored in the leakage inductance is dissipated by
the switching of transistors. Soft switching also helps reduce the losses caused by the leakage and
excitation inductances of a high-frequency transformer. In addition, soft switching incurs a minimal
increase in the parts count and cost because the leakage inductance of a high-frequency transformer
can be used as an inductor for resonance.
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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The hard-switching circuit shown in Figure 2.1(a) uses a typical switching technique.
The ZVS topology connects C1 and C2 in parallel with switching devices as shown in Figure 2.1(b).
This circuit achieves switching at zero voltage, resonating with load and other inductances.
The ZCS topology connects L1 and L2 in series with switching devices as shown in Figure 2.1(c).
This circuit achieves switching at zero current, resonating with load and other capacitances.
Because of the reduced di/dt and dv/dt ramps during switching transitions, the ZVS and ZCS
techniques help reduce switching losses as well as the influence on the circuit and the noise
generated by, switching devices.
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Turn-on operation
Next, the following paragraphs discuss the ZVS turn-on of switching devices. When Q1 is on and Q2
is off, Q2 turns on as described below immediately after Q1 turns off. Charge still remains in capacitor
C2 immediately after Q1 turns off. Q2 would perform hard switching if it were turned on in this state.
To achieve soft switching, it is necessary to remove the charge from C2 to allow diode DQ2 to conduct
(vQ=VF) and then turn on Q2. Figure 2.4 shows this sequence:
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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A DC-DC converter (power supply) requires downsizing, high efficiency, high output power and low
EMI noise. To create such a power supply, a circuit topology that combines high-frequency switching
and high efficiency is necessary. Previously, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control was commonly
used for converters. However, the increase in switching frequency has caused problems such as
increased switching loss due to turn-on and turn-off and generation of high-frequency noise.
An LLC resonant converter, which combines a current-resonant operation and soft switching (partial
resonance), provides several desired features such as low parts count, high efficiency, and low noise.
The name “LLC” is derived from the leakage inductance (Lr) and excitation inductance (Lm) of a
transformer and a capacitor (C) that are used to achieve resonance. (For leakage and excitation
inductances, see Supplement 1 and Supplement 2, respectively.) Figure 3.1 shows an LLC resonant
converter, which is composed of a half-bridge (i.e., a square-wave generator) consisting of two series
MOSFETs (Q1 and Q2), a resonant capacitor (Cr), a transformer (T), two output rectifier diodes (D1
and D2), and an output capacitor (Co). In Figure 3.1, N1 represents the number of turns in the
primary winding whereas N2 and N3, which are equal, represent the numbers of turns in the
secondary windings. Lr is the leakage inductance of the primary winding of the transformer.
Generally, a transformer with a low coupling coefficient is used in an LLC resonant converter to
provide large leakage inductance so that the leakage inductance acts as resonant inductance. (For
the coupling coefficient, see Supplement 3.) In some cases, a separate inductor is connected in series
with a transformer. Lm represents excitation inductance.
Even in the presence of input voltage variations, an LLC resonant converter makes it possible to
reduce the control frequency range through the use of two different resonant frequencies: a fixed
resonant frequency (fr) of an inductor-capacitor (Lr-Cr) pair and a resonant frequency (fm) derived
from the inductor-capacitor pair ((Lr + Lm)-Cr) that varies with load Ro.
The LLC resonant converter generates a square-wave voltage at a duty cycle close to 50%, which
is converted into a nearly sinusoidal current with an LLC resonant circuit. Since the LLC resonant
converter suppresses harmonics and allows ZVS soft-switching operation, it is widely used for
applications requiring high efficiency and low EMI noise.
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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The last stage of the LLC resonant converter consists of a full-wave rectification circuit made up of
two diodes, followed by a output capacitor (Co). Schottky barrier diodes with low forward voltage and
fast reverse recovery time may be used as rectifier diodes, or MOSFETs may be used for synchronous
rectification instead of diodes. Since the cathode of each diode is connected to the capacitor (voltage
Vo), a square-wave voltage with an amplitude of ±Vo appears across the secondary winding of the
transformer. The voltage across the primary winding also has a square waveform with an amplitude
of ±N・Vo (where N = N1/N2).
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
3.1. Overview of the basic primary-side operation of the LLC resonant converter
The following paragraphs describe the basic current resonance operation of the LLC resonant
converter. Figure 3.3 shows a schematic and current paths of the primary side. Figure 3.4 shows its
basic waveforms (see Figure 3.5 for more details). This circuit is an LC series resonance circuit, which
exhibits current resonance.
#1. Q1 turns on, passing iQ1.
#2. When Q1 turns off, current (iQ2) flows through the body diode of Q2 in the reverse direction. Q2 is
turned on while current is flowing through the body diode.
#3. When the capacitor current (iCr) changes its direction from positive to negative because of LC
resonance, iQ2 flows through Q2 in the positive direction.
#4. When Q2 is turned off while iQ2 is positive, current (iQ1) flows through the body diode of Q1 in the
reverse direction. Q1 is turned on while current is flowing through the body diode.
At Step 2, current is passed through the body diode of Q2, and then Q2 is switched on when its
voltage has reached almost zero (ZVS). Likewise, Q1 undergoes zero-voltage switching at Step 4.
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
Figure 3.6 Operating mode 1-2 of the LLC Figure 3.7 Operating mode 2 of the LLC
resonant converter resonant converter
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Figure 3.10 Operating mode 5-1 of the LLC Figure 3.11 Operating mode 5-2 of the LLC
resonant converter resonant converter
Figure 3.12 Operating mode 6 of the LLC Figure 3.13 Operating mode 7 of the LLC
resonant converter resonant converter
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Figure 3.14 Operating mode 8 of the LLC Figure 3.15 Operating mode 1-1 of the LLC
resonant converter resonant converter
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For ZVS turn-off, either the MOSFET’s parasitic drain-source capacitance (Coss) or an external
small-value capacitor is used to reduce the VDS rise ramp of the MOSFET during turn-off and thereby
turn on the MOSFET while VDS is low.
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
Application Note
1 1 𝐿𝐿𝑟𝑟
𝜔𝜔 = 2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋 (𝑓𝑓: 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑓𝑓𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟), 𝜔𝜔0 = , 𝑄𝑄 = �
�𝐿𝐿𝑟𝑟 𝐶𝐶𝑟𝑟 𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜 ′ 𝐶𝐶𝑟𝑟
The above equation can be restated as:
𝑣𝑣𝑜𝑜 ′ 1
= 2
𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ′ 𝐿𝐿 𝜔𝜔 𝜔𝜔 𝜔𝜔
1 + 𝐿𝐿 𝑟𝑟 �1 − 02 � + 𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 �𝜔𝜔 − 𝜔𝜔0 �
𝑚𝑚 𝜔𝜔 0
|𝑣𝑣𝑜𝑜 ′ | 1
|𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ′ | 2
2 2
��1 + 𝐿𝐿𝑟𝑟 �1 − 𝜔𝜔02 �� + 𝑄𝑄 2 � 𝜔𝜔 − 𝜔𝜔0 �
𝐿𝐿𝑚𝑚 𝜔𝜔 𝜔𝜔0 𝜔𝜔
An LLC resonant converter has different operating modes above and below the maximum value of
the input/output voltage ratio. The LLC resonant converter exhibits a capacitive operation in the
region below the frequency at which it provides the maximum input/output voltage ratio. In this
frequency region, the upper- and lower-arm MOSFETs are short-circuited. Generally, a capacitive
operation is prevented by operating the LLC resonant converter at a higher frequency. The LLC
resonant converter is not also used in this frequency region because of poor controllability since the
output voltage changes only slightly in response to changes in f in the region where the switching
frequency (f) is higher than the resonant frequency (fr). Figure 3.17 shows the relationships between
the input/output voltage ratio and the switching frequency.
1. When f=fr, Cr and Lr are in series resonance. In this state, Lr has zero impedance, causing Vo’
to be equal to Vin’. Therefore, the output voltage does not change in response to changes in
the load resistance (RO).
2. When fm<f<fr, the output voltage decreases under heavy load (with lower RO’).
3. When f approaches fm, the output voltage increases. This is because, the Lm voltage, which
increases as a result of series resonance between Cr and Lm+Lr, is applied to the transformer.
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Figure 3.18 Waveforms of the primary-side current of the LLC resonant converter
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When the load (Ro’) is heavy (i.e., when Ro’ is small and the load current iO is large)
When ωLm >>Ro’, the parallel circuit of Lm and Ro’ can be considered to consist of only resistor Ro’
as shown in Figure 3.20. Therefore, the resonant frequency (fm) is close to fr that is determined by
the series resonance between Lr and Cr. In this case, the input/output voltage gain (η=vo’/vin’)
remains less than 1.
When the load (Ro’) is light (i.e., when Ro’ is large and the load current io is small)
When ωLm << Ro’, the parallel circuit of Lm and Ro’ can be considered to consist of only inductor Lm
as shown in Figure 3.21. Therefore, (Lr+Lm) and Cr form a series resonance circuit. The resonant
frequency (fm) deviates toward a lower value from fr of the series resonance circuit consisting of Lr
and Cr. When Ro’ is open (i.e., Ro’= ∞), 𝑓𝑓𝑚𝑚 = 1� . Therefore, the input/output
2𝜋𝜋�(𝐿𝐿𝑟𝑟 + 𝐿𝐿𝑚𝑚 )𝐶𝐶𝑟𝑟
voltage gain (η=vo’/vin’) becomes the maximum.
A resonant circuit generates an almost sinusoidal current from a square-wave voltage and feeds it
to a rectifier circuit on the secondary side.
The output voltage (vo') can be changed by changing the switching frequency of the square wave
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Voltage resonance
Figure 4.1 shows a basic circuit and waveforms for voltage resonance. The following paragraphs
describe its operation.
#1 #2 #3 #4
#1. The IGBT is on. Current is flowing to the IGBT via the heating coil (L) from the filter capacitor (C0)
as well as through AC input—rectifier circuit—filter inductor (L0). At this time, energy is stored in
the heating coil (L).
#2. When the IGBT turns off, the IGBT current flowing through the heating coil (L) is cut off, causing
current to flow from the heating coil (L) to the resonant capacitor (C) owing to the energy stored
in L. The resonant capacitor is charged as the energy is released from the heating coil (L) and the
resonance current gradually decreases. Consequently, the IGBT collector voltage increases
#3. During period #3, the IGBT collector voltage decreases from the peak to 0 V. The resonance
current of the heating coil reverses its direction from positive to negative. During this period, the
resonant capacitor is discharged, causing the IGBT collector voltage to decrease.
#4. During period #4, the diode conducts. The diode conducts when the resonant capacitor (C) is
discharged to a voltage equal to the C0 voltage (with the IGBT collector voltage being less than 0
V). The LC resonant circuit resonates around the filter capacitor (C0) voltage. When the IGBT
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collector voltage is less than 0 V, the voltage across the resonant capacitor (C) exceeds the
voltage across the filter capacitor (C0) in the reverse direction, causing the diode current to flow
to the filter capacitor (C0) via the heating coil (L). The IGBT is turned on during this period. The
coil current becomes zero when all the energy stored in the heating coil (L) is released.
Steps #1 to #4 are repeated to pass a high-frequency AC current to the heating coil (L).
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Resonant Circuits and Soft Switching
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Current resonance
Figure 4.2 shows a basic circuit and waveforms for current resonance. The following paragraphs
describe its operation.
#1. QH is off, and QL is on. Voltage is applied to the collector of QH whereas the collector voltage QL
is almost zero. In this state, current flows through two paths: C0—resonant capacitor
(CRH)—heating coil (L)—QL and resonant capacitor (CRL)—heating coil (L)—QL.
#2. QL turns off. This causes the energy stored in the heating coil (L) to be released through the
snubber capacitor (CSH) and the resonant capacitor (CRH). At the same time, CSL is charged. As
a result, during period #2, the QL voltage gradually increases with low switching loss. When the
QL collector voltage exceeds the C0 voltage (by VF), the resonant inverter transitions to #3.
#3. As a result, DH conducts, causing current to flow through two paths: DH―CRH―heating coil (L)
and DH―C0―CRL―heating coil (L). QH turns on while current is flowing through DH.
#4. Current ceases to flow through DH; instead, current flows through QH. Since QH is already on, it
does not cause any switching loss. The resonant capacitor CRL is charged through
C0―QH―heating coil (L) whereas the resonant capacitor CRH is discharged through QH―heating
coil (L). As a result, energy is stored in the heating coil (L).
#5. QH turns off. This causes the energy stored in the heating coil (L) to be released through the
resonant capacitor CRL and the snubber capacitor CSL. At the same time, CSH is charged. As a
result, during period #5, the QH voltage gradually increases with low switching loss. When the QL
collector voltage exceeds the C0 voltage (by -VF), the resonant inverter transitions to #6.
#6. As a result, DL conducts, causing current to flow through two paths: DL―heating coil (L)―CRL
and DL―heating coil (L)―CRH―C0. QL turns on while current is flowing through DL.
Steps #1 to #6 are repeated to pass a high-frequency AC current to the heating coil (L).
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In Figure 4.3, a series resonance circuit consisting of a coil (L) and a capacitor (C2) is formed after
power-on. When the voltage across the resonant capacitor (C2) is applied to the load (i.e., fluorescent
lamp), it lights up.
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Let the primary and secondary self-inductances be L1 and L2, respectively, and the primary and
secondary effective inductances (excitation inductances) be Lm1 and Lm2, respectively. Then,
Lm1 = k×L1 Lm2 = k×L2
Leakage inductances (Lr1 and Lr2) are calculated as follows:
Lr1= (1-k)×L1 Lr2=(1-k)×L2
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