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(Updated on 11th December 2019)

The objective of the thesis programme is to test the student's ability to handle all aspects of an
architectural project independently and come up with a solution that is not only satisfactory but also
original and creative.

Students must ensure that their studies are appropriate, thorough, and comprehensive, and that the
results of these studies are reflected in their design solutions. Students are also advised to explore
multiple options at every stage of their design process and to ensure that their designs comply with
relevant statutory codes and regulations.

In addition to the drawings and study material that is to be seen and discussed at each review, students
are required to also bring with them to each and every review all previously shown and discussed

For reviews 1, 2, and 3 and for interim discussions with the internal panel member all drawings and
study material should be manually drafted.

Students are required to work on their report and submit them from the 2nd review onwards for
assessment at each review.

Students are required to meet their supervisors at least once a week (but preferably twice a week), with
sufficient progress in their work, failing which they may not be allowed to appear for their review
before the review panel.

Students should also, along with their supervisors, meet their internal review panel member at least
once (but preferably two or three times) between reviews, to record their progress.

The assigned review dates will not be altered to suit students' needs.

Minimum expectations at each review:

First Review (starting 3rd week of December 2019):
The student's demonstration of the depth and completeness of understanding attained through study of
written material, case studies (with emphasis on live case studies), and discussions with experts and
resource persons, the detailed building program that the student proposes to follow, along with detailed
site information, an indication of how the student proposes to use the site, applicable planning
regulations, building rules, and standards, the student’s design objectives, and the student’s design
Check List:
1. A summary of what the student has learnt from literature studies, case studies, and
discussions with experts and resource persons. Wherever applicable this should be
supported with plans, elevations, and 3D sketches.
2. A comparative analysis of the case study findings (this should be based on a minimum of 3
live case studies for each typology) together with the conclusions drawn from the case study
3. A summary of what has been learnt from the special study.
4. A summary of the student’s own design objectives.
5. The rules, regulations, and standards that will apply to this project.
6. The building program with detailed area statement.
7. A description/record of the process through which the site has been selected.
8. Detailed information on the selected site, along with a site plan to scale, with detailed
measurements, levels, and a contour model.
9. An analysis of the site showing how best it could be used, taking into consideration not only
the site, but also the context in which it is located, the climate, the planning and building
regulations, and the needs of the project.
10. Notes, diagrams, sketches etc. to show how process flow charts, proximity studies, zoning,
circulation, stacking, massing, form, materials, etc. have been considered while exploring
various concept proposals.
11. Drawings, sketches, and block models to explain the concept proposal that has been
identified for further development.
All drawings / sketches / notes at this review should be hand drawn / hand written but
photographs of buildings and site context may be included.
Please note that the study component shall not be extended beyond the first review.

Second Review:
The student shall explain the considerations influencing his design, the various concepts that have been
explored, and demonstrate the process and the stages through which the final concept has been chosen.
The student shall also have carried forward and done preliminary design development of the chosen
Check List:
1. Sketches, block models, notes, and drawings to illustrate the development and refinement of
the selected concept proposal.
2. Stacking diagrams and supporting visuals to explain the design.
3. Site plans illustrating adherence to relevant bye-laws and regulations.
4. Single line building drawings, to scale with dimensions.
5. Block model of building(s) on site, both to scale.
6. Draft of thesis report based on progress up to Review 1.
All material shown at the previous review should be available at this review also. And, all
drawings / sketches / notes at this review should be hand drawn / hand written.

Third Review:
Drawings of suitable scale and in sufficient detail to explain the building design, inclusive of structural
and service concept.
Check List:
1. Developed building plans with structural concept, and indication of the necessary services.
2. Block model(s).
3. Site plan, floor plans with gridline and furniture layout, elevations, sections (all double line,
with dimensions) and drawings indicating structural gridlines.
4. The indicated structural system should already have been reviewed by H.O.D. or his
nominated assistants.
5. Finalised thesis report based on progress up to Review 1 and the comments on the draft
report made at Review 2.
6. Draft thesis report based on progress between Review 1 and Review 2.
All material shown at all previous reviews should be available at this review also. And, all
drawings / sketches / notes at this review should be hand drawn / hand written.

Fourth Review:
Further development of the drawings already shown and discussed at the third review (modified
/corrected if applicable) so that they explain the student's design solution in full, inclusive of the
structural solution and service integration.
Check List:
1. One site plan indicating compliance with all building bye-laws, roads, driveways,
pathways, landscaped areas, location of buildings and utilities, parking facilities,
segregation of traffic, etc.
2. Another site plan indicating services including electrical, water supply, drainage and water
harvesting, sewage treatment and disposal, fire safety, etc.
3. Double line floor plans with furniture layout, structural grid, and showing all services
relevant to the typology.
4. Detailed elevations and sections to suitable scale.
5. Enlarged part elevations and sections of critical areas to suitable scale.
6. External perspective / axonometric / isometric views of the building indicating the
surrounding context.
7. Internal views.
8. Finalised thesis report based on progress up to Review 2 and the comments on the draft
report made at Review 3.
9. Draft thesis report, including the project drawings in A4 size, based on progress between
Review 2 and Review 3.
All material shown at all previous reviews should be available at this review also.
Drawings may be computer drafted for this review.

Fifth Review:
Students should ensure that all design development is completed before Review 4 and that between the
Fourth Review and the Fifth Review they need to work on only tweaking and refining their designs,
their service integration, and their presentation drawings and on refining their final thesis report. The
list of submissions for the Final Review will be given separately before the Fourth Review.

Please note that what is listed above is only the minimum expectations at each review. Students should
try to exceed these expectations. Also, the submission of thesis reports (finalised / draft) at each of
the reviews as indicated is mandatory.

Thesis Co-ordinators:
Mr.. P. Balaji 9551494556
Er. G. Thanigaivelan 9944076622
Mr. C. Saravanan 9841669217
Mr. A. Rajasekar 9841206111

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