Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot
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Literature review current through: Nov 2019. | This topic last updated: Nov 27, 2018.
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) includes the following major features (figure 1) [1]:
● Intraventricular communication
The pathophysiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of TOF will be reviewed here.
The management and outcome of TOF are discussed separately. (See
"Management and outcome of tetralogy of Fallot".)
TOF with pulmonary atresia is discussed separately. (See "Tetralogy of Fallot with
pulmonary atresia and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries
The prevalence of TOF in the United States is approximately 4 to 5 per 10,000 live
births [2,3]. This defect accounts for approximately 7 to 10 percent of cases of
congenital heart disease and is one of the most common congenital heart lesions
requiring intervention in the first year of life [4]. TOF occurs equally in males and
females [5].
The exact embryologic abnormality that accounts for TOF is unknown. What is
recognized is that during development, there is anterior and cephalad deviation of
the infundibular septum. This results in a malaligned ventricular septal defect
(VSD), with the aortic root overriding the defect and leading to subsequent right
ventricular outflow obstruction (figure 1). The ensuing right ventricular hypertrophy
is thought to be a response to the large VSD and right ventricular outflow
obstruction with resultant systemic right ventricular systolic pressure.
The degree of aortic override of the VSD can vary widely and is one of the major
factors used by some groups to differentiate between TOF and double outlet right
ventricle. If one defines double outlet right ventricle as the absence of
aortic/mitral valve fibrous continuity, then the degree of override is not relevant to
diagnosis. If, however, one defines double outlet right ventricle as a condition with
greater than 50 percent aortic override, then, by definition, the degree of aortic
override in TOF is limited.
Although TOF may present as part of a known syndrome, this lesion typically
occurs sporadically without other anomalies.
Surveys of patients with nonsyndromic TOF have reported the following genetic
● In one study of 114 patients with nonsyndromic TOF, 4 percent of patients had
mutations in transcription factor NKX2.5., which appears to have a role in
cardiac development [8].
● Down syndrome (trisomy 21). (See "Down syndrome: Clinical features and
The physiologic consequences of TOF are largely dependent upon the degree of
right ventricular outflow obstruction. Since the VSD is typically large and
unrestrictive, the pressure in the right ventricle reflects that of the left ventricle. As
a result, the direction of blood flow across the VSD will be determined by the path
of least resistance for blood flow, not by the size of the VSD. If the resistance to
blood flow across the obstructed right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is less than
the resistance to flow out of the aorta into the systemic circulation, blood will
naturally shunt from the left ventricle to the right ventricle and into the pulmonary
bed. In this situation, there is predominately a left-to-right shunt and the patient
will be acyanotic.
One of the physiologic characteristics of TOF is that the RVOT can fluctuate. An
individual with minimal cyanosis can develop a dynamic increase in right
ventricular outflow tract obstruction with a subsequent increase in right-to-left
shunt and the development of cyanosis. In the most dramatic situation, there can
be near occlusion of the RVOT with profound cyanosis. These episodes are often
referred to as "tet spells" or "hypercyanotic spells." (See 'Tet spells' below.)
● Infants with minimal obstruction are also asymptomatic initially. They may
develop symptoms of pulmonary overcirculation and heart failure in the first
four to six weeks after birth as the initially elevated perinatal pulmonary
vascular resistance falls to normal.
In general, the earlier the onset of cyanosis, the more likely that severe RVOT
stenosis or atresia is present.
In the contemporary era in the United States, most children are diagnosed in
infancy; however, this is not true in regions of the world where access to health
care is more limited. Rarely, and most often in the course of relocation from those
regions, older children with unrepaired TOF may present, usually with some degree
of baseline cyanosis, often limiting their own activities to prevent hypercyanotic
Tet spells — Patients with unrepaired TOF are at risk for episodic hypercyanotic
("tet”) spells in which there can be transient near occlusion of the RVOT with
profound cyanosis. The exact etiology of these episodes is unclear, although there
have been a number of proposed mechanisms, including increased infundibular
contractility, peripheral vasodilatation, hyperventilation, and stimulation of right
ventricular mechanoreceptors [25].
Tet spells typically arise when the infant becomes agitated or upset. They may
also occur in the setting of pain, fever, anemia, hypovolemia, after a bowel
movement, after feeding, or, in older children with uncorrected TOF, after vigorous
exercise [26]. They tend to occur more commonly in the morning and after feeding,
though they can arise at any time [6].
Tet spells are characterized by hyperpnea (rapid and deep respirations), irritability,
inconsolability, and progressively severe cyanosis. An older child experiencing a
tet spell will typically squat to recover. Examination during the acute episode may
reveal decreased intensity of heart murmur. Though some episodes may resolve
spontaneously, prolonged spells can progress to loss of consciousness and
cardiac arrest. Prompt intervention is essential for the acute episode and infants,
and children presenting with hypercyanotic episodes should be referred for
surgical intervention to prevent potentially life-threatening recurrences. Acute
management of tet spells is discussed separately. (See "Management and
outcome of tetralogy of Fallot", section on 'Tet spells'.)
The murmur is due both to the degree of obstruction and to the amount of flow
across the obstruction. In TOF, unlike isolated valvar pulmonary stenosis, the
amount of flow across the RVOT will decrease as the obstruction increases, due to
the shunting of blood right-to-left across the VSD. Thus, as the obstruction
increases, the murmur will become softer. During severe hypercyanotic ("tet")
spells, the murmur may actually disappear due to the markedly diminished flow
across the obstruction. (See "Management and outcome of tetralogy of Fallot",
section on 'Tet spells'.)
The diagnosis of TOF is generally made by echocardiography. Other tests that are
often performed during the evaluation of TOF include electrocardiogram and chest
radiography. Findings from these studies are often suggestive but not conclusive
for the diagnosis of TOF. Cardiac catheterization is sometimes needed to further
delineate anatomy and hemodynamic changes.
Prenatal diagnosis — Improvements in prenatal screening and fetal
echocardiography have led to an increase in prenatal diagnosis of TOF [27-29].
Fetal diagnosis allows for advanced planning for delivery and perinatal
management, which is particularly important if there is evidence of severe right
ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction necessitating prostaglandin therapy to
maintain ductal patency. The approach to screening, evaluation, and pregnancy
management of suspected fetal cardiac abnormalities is discussed separately.
(See "Fetal cardiac abnormalities: Screening, evaluation, and pregnancy
The subcostal views are also helpful to delineate the bounds of the VSD, allowing
particularly good representation of the relationship between the defect and the
tricuspid and aortic valves. The subcostal right oblique view, obtained by rotating
the transducer counterclockwise from the coronal views, is also helpful in
identifying any potential extension of the defect into the supracristal region. In the
rare cases of restrictive VSD in this lesion, this view also defines abnormal
tricuspid valve attachments [30,31].
Pulmonary arteries — The size and anatomy of the main pulmonary artery, the
pulmonary arterial confluence, and the proximal branch pulmonary arteries can
also be assessed in parasternal short axis views. The proximal branch pulmonary
arteries should be assessed as far distally as possible in high parasternal views
and in suprasternal notch long and short axis views, directing the transducer into
the left and right chest (movie 5 and movie 6).
Coronary arteries — The proximal coronary anatomy should be defined
echocardiographically in patients with TOF. In addition to examining the coronary
anatomy in the traditional short axis view, the examination should include
sweeping the transducer anterior to the pulmonary outflow tract in parasternal
long and short axis views (movie 7) [32-34]. This permits the identification of
variations in coronary anatomy, including the origin of the left anterior descending
from the right coronary artery or dual vessel supply to the anterior descending
distribution; in these situations, coronary branches crossing anteriorly complicate
the surgical approach to relief of RVOT obstruction.
ΔP = 4V2
Where ΔP = peak pressure gradient between the right ventricle and the pulmonary
artery (mmHg), V = velocity obtained by continuous wave Doppler interrogation of
the RVOT. The pulmonary artery pressure can be estimated by subtracting this
pressure gradient from the systemic blood pressure. (See "Principles of Doppler
echocardiography", section on 'Relationship between Doppler velocity and
pressure gradient'.)
While the modified Bernoulli equation is not valid in the setting of tunnel-like
and/or multiple levels of obstruction, values obtained with this method correlate
with those obtained in the cardiac catheterization laboratory [35]. In practice, the
contributions of the infundibulum value and branch pulmonary arteries cannot be
separated by Doppler interrogation.
In patients with minimal RVOT obstruction, the gradient across the RVOT will be
low; the estimated pulmonary arterial pressure will be elevated; and shunting
through the VSD, as assessed by pulsed Doppler and color flow mapping, will be
predominantly left-to-right through much of the cardiac cycle. (See "Isolated
ventricular septal defects in infants and children: Anatomy, clinical features, and
In patients with a large left-to-right shunt, left atrial and left ventricular dilation may
be apparent by two dimensional imaging. In patients with more severe RVOT
obstruction, the estimated pulmonary artery pressure is normal, and pulsed
Doppler and color flow mapping demonstrate increasing right-to-left shunting at
the ventricular septal defect during the cardiac cycle.
The ventricular septal defect is best seen from a left ventricular injection in a long
axial oblique projection (image 1). With the AP camera in an RAO projection, one
will often also see the infundibular obstruction from left to right flow across the
VSD (image 7).
Cardiac catheterization can also play a therapeutic role in some patients with TOF.
Balloon valvuloplasty of the pulmonary valve can improve pulmonary flow in many
children; there may also be an increase in pulmonary valve annulus size that may
decrease the need for transannular patch repair [36,37]. (See "Natural history and
treatment of pulmonic stenosis in adults".)
UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and
"Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain
language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key
questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for
patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read
materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more
sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th
grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and
are comfortable with some medical jargon.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We
encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate
patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info"
and the keyword(s) of interest.)
● In the United States, the prevalence of TOF is approximately 4 per 10,000 live
births. TOF accounts for 7 to 10 percent of congenital heart disease. (See
'Epidemiology' above.)
● The pathophysiologic effects of TOF are largely dependent upon the degree of
RV outflow obstruction. The direction of blood flow across the VSD is
determined by the path of least resistance for blood flow and not by the size
of the VSD. If the resistance to the RV outflow is lower than systemic
resistance, then there is a predominant left-to-right flow, and the patient is not
cyanotic. However, with significant RV obstruction, there will be a right-to-left
shunt across the VSD, resulting in cyanosis (figure 1). (See 'Pathophysiology'
The editorial staff at UpToDate would like to acknowledge Thomas Graham Jr, MD,
who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.
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