CC Concept Map
CC Concept Map
CC Concept Map
Marissa Wiesen
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement on 3/9
Overview of patient:
Pt present to the ED on 3/7 with chest heaviness onset the last couple days. SOB and pain radiating to the left arm which
is severe and worsening. Pt states halfway through his workout his lungs were burning. Also, low back pain onset 1 week
History: obesity, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, COVID + October 2020, acute coronary syndrome, small
subendocardial MI, severe aortic stenosis,
Post op pt reports lack of sensation to bottom of left foot that impairs ambulation
1. Cardiac
2. Peripheral
3. Integumentary
#7 Constipation
Key Problem #1: Key Problem #2: Key Problem #3:
Impaired cardiac tissue Impaired gas exchange Knowledge deficit
perfusion / decreased cardiac
Supporting Clinical Patient Data: Supporting Clinical Patient Data:
1. ABGs showing compensated 1. Patient had myocardial
Supporting Clinical Patient Data:
metabolic alkalosis r/ventilation infarction.
1. EKG shows NSTEMI 2. Need for ventilation post op. pt was 2. Not following healthy
2. Cardiac catherization extubated 3/10 diet
shows blockages: 95% 3. SpO2 = 92% and 93%. Normal but low 3. Patient report chest
LCA, 85-90% RCA, 50% normal heaviness with onset last
mid stenosis and 75-85% 4. Mediastinal chest tube couple days and did not
proximal stenosis of LADC 5. Post extubation day 5, breath sounds come to ED
3. Troponin .361 .499 clear, RR unlabored and spontaneous 4. Pain in lower back onset
4. Chest pain radiating to 1 week ago and did not
left arm come to ED
5. SOB on admission
6. Bilateral lower extremity
edema Key Problem #5:
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #1:
Impaired cardiac tissue perfusion / decreased cardiac output r/y myocardial infarction
General Goal:
The patient will show no signs or symptoms of decrease cardiac perfusion such as chest pain or shortness of
breath and maintain MAP about 70 on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
Patient Responses:
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #2:
Impaired gas exchange r/t need for ventilation post-surgery for 3 days
General Goal:
The patient will maintain oxygen saturation above 92% on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
Patient Responses:
1. Semi fowlers positions and deep breathing increases patient’s SpO2 saturation
2. SpO2 was above 92% with all vital assessments
3. ABGs show metabolic alkalosis. pH=7.44, CO2=46.2, HCO3=31 and Hgb=9.3, Hct=30.1 post-surgery
4. Respiratory rate is regular and unlabored without the use of accessory muscles, nasal flaring. Breath sounds are
clear with not abnormal sounds
5. Patient shows understanding of incentive spirometer use. Also, shows demonstration of understanding
6. Patient has no change in behavior or mental status during shift
7. Patient’s extremities are warm, normal in color for ethnicity. Nailbeds are pink with capillary refill less than 3
seconds. Oral mucosa and tongues are pink and moist
8. Patient ambulated in hallway with assistance and no signs/symptoms of respiratory distress or cyanosis
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #3:
General Goal:
The patient will report 3 lifestyles changes that he should make on day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
Patient Responses:
1. Patient is able to learn about condition and wants to know about a healthy diet
2. Patient shows understanding on heart healthy diet
3. Patient understands immediate restrictions in regard to his condition post-surgery but also the importance of
active lifestyle in the future
4. Patient now understands the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction such as chest pain radiating to left
arm, shortness of breath, nausea etc.
5. Patient states that he will continues his prescribed medication upon discharge
6. Patient shows understanding of the importance of seeking medical care if angina symptoms worsen or change in
the future
7. Patient does not show interest in community resources or support groups but agrees to be compliant with
follow up appointments
8. Patient states that he does not smoke but he does socially drinks once in a while.
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #4:
Inadequate kidney perfusion r/t decrease cardiac output, blood loss during surgery
General Goal:
Nursing Interventions:
1. Encourage fluids of at least 750 during 7 am to 1130 am (our time on the floor)
2. Monitor I&O
3. Monitor labs such as creatinine, BUN, GFR, electrolytes
4. Monitor vitals and MAP for assure good perfusion to the kidneys
5. Assess peripheral pulses for decrease cardiac output
6. Assess fluid balance and weight. Edema. Capillary refill
7. Monitor heart and lung sounds for overload if kidneys cannot excrete the fluids.
8. Administer diuretics per order if needed
Patient Responses:
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #5:
Deficient fluid volume r/t blood loss during surgery, not drinking enough fluids in the hospital, being on a
ventilator for 3 days
General Goal:
The patient will drink 750 ml from 7 am – 1130 am (the amt of time we are on the floor) on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
Patient Responses:
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #6:
Impaired peripheral tissue perfusion/ impaired sensation r/t decrease cardiac output, blood loss during surgery
o Patient has numbness to left foot
General Goal:
The patient will report no numbness or tingling to the bottom of his left foot on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
1. Administer gabapentin
2. Assess capillary refill and peripheral pulses, color of skin in affected extremity, cyanosis
3. Assess fluid volume status such as RBCs, H&H d/t decrease cardiac output/ fluid loss from surgery. monitor for
increases each day post-surgery
4. Monitor patient during ambulation for unsteadiness to promote safety. Use assistive devices such as walker
when ambulating
5. Assess for sensation by light touch and painful/sharp touch
6. Assess vital signs and MAP for good perfusion to extremities
7. Monitor changes in mental status d/t decreases perfusion to all organs
8. Promote active and passive range of motion exercises to prevent venous stasis and further compromise
Patient Responses:
1. Patient has no trouble taking medication but still reports numbness to lower left foot. This is new onset post-
2. Capillary refill is less than 3 seconds on upper and lower extremities. Pulses are 2+, skin color is appropriate to
ethnicity with no pallor or cyanosis
3. Post-surgery RBCs = 3.23 3.63, Hgb = 9.310.3, Hct = 30.133.7
4. Patient uses walker when ambulating and had no alteration in gait. No unsteadiness
5. Patient has both light and sharp touch intact
6. BP = 115/57, HR = 86, RR = 24, SpO2 = 92, and MAP = 72
7. Patient shows no changes in mental status during shift
8. Patient understands the importance of range of motions to promote circulation
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #7:
General Goal:
The patient will have at least 1 bowel movement on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
1. Encourage fluids of at least 750 ml during out time on the floor (7am – 1130 am) and at least 2000 – 3000 ml on
a daily basis
2. Administer stool softeners per orders (Colace) and if need PRN medications for bowels
3. Evaluate patient normal bowel pattern and assess for abnormalities during hospitals stay and post-surgery
4. Encourage ambulation to help with bowel regulation post-surgery
5. Education on fiber in diet (20g/day), food such as barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, fruits. Eating regular meals 3
times a day with snacks if necessary
6. Assess bowel sounds for hypoactivity
7. Allow for privacy during defecation
8. Establish bowel routine in hospital
Patient Responses:
Post coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) x 3 & post aortic valve replacement
Problem #8:
Impaired skin integrity r/t open heart surgery and chest tube sites
General Goal:
The patient’s incision with be clean, dry and intact on the day of care.
Nursing Interventions:
1. Education about incision site. Report if there is pain, redness, irritation, increases drainage from site
2. Keep site clean, dry, and intact.
3. Assess temperature and WBCs for possible infection
4. Assess nutritional status. Important for wound healing.
5. Assess albumin and total protein levels
6. Assess incision site to make sure edges are intact and not separated
7. Encourage mobility to promotes circulation
8. Encourage fluid intake of at least 2000 – 3000 ml a day.
Patient Responses:
1. Patient reports no pain at the incision site except with movement. Also, there is no redness, irritation or
2. Incision is clean, dry, and intact
3. Temperature = 97.6 and WBCs = 11.0 12.8
4. Patient has good fluid intake of 1000 ml during shift but only eat half of his breakfast
5. On admission, albumin = 3.5 and total protein = 6.6
6. Incision site edges are intact with no redness or separation
7. Patient stated he want to ambulate the hallway at the beginning of shift.
8. During shift patient drank 1000 ml of fluids. Patient was not on any IV fluids