Learning Motivation and Student Achievement Descri

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Learning motivation and student achievement : description analysis and

relationships both

Article · March 2017

DOI: 10.23916/002017026010


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2 authors, including:

Ari Riswanto
STKIP PGRI Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia


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COUNS-EDU The International Journal of Counseling and Education
Vol.2, No.1, March 2017, pp. 42-47
p-ISSN: 2548-348X- e-ISSN: 2548-3498
DOI: 10.23916/002017026010

Received on 02/22/2017; Revised on 03/05/2017; Accepted on 03/26/2017; Published on 03/31/2017

Learning motivation and student achievement: description

analysis and relationships both

Ari Riswanto*)1, Sri Aryani2

STKIP PGRI Sukabumi - West Java - Indonesian
*) Corresponding author,  e-mail: aririswanto@stkippgrisukabumi.ac.id

Education is very important for humans, through the education throughout the world will
increasingly flourish. However, if faced with the activities within the learning process, not a few
men (students) who have less motivation in learning activities. This resulted in fewer maximal
learning processes and in turn will affect student achievement. This study focuses to discuss
matters relating to the motivation to learn and student achievement, with the aim of strengthening
the importance of motivation in the learning process so that a clear relationship with student
achievement. The method used is descriptive analysis and simple correlation to the 97 students
taking the course introduction to Microeconomics and Indonesian. The conclusion from this
research is the students have a good record if it has a well and motivated as well, and this study
concludes their tie's difference between learning motivation and achievement of students on
two different courses.

Keywords: Learning motivation, student achievement, descriptive and simple correlation


How to Cite: Ari Riswanto., Sri Aryani. (2017). learning motivation and student achievement :
descriptive analysis and relationships both. Couns-Edu: International Journal of Counseling and Education,
2(1): pp. 42-47. DOI: 10.23916/002017026010

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©2017 by author and Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI).

Increased development within a country is an indicator of development and progress within the field of
science and education (Bamiro, 2015). This indicates an important role for the development of science and
technology to the development within a country. The country currently needs to be tuberous on
achievements produced by the process of learning activities at academic institutions, because they some
countries have a fear that the process of learning, and the demands of school will end with achievement
results unsatisfactory (McInerney, Cheng, Mok, & Lam, 2012; Nemeth & Long, 2012), Accordingly,
student achievement in formal academic institutions can be observed from the rank-actualization in
students' learning activities (Joy, Hamilton, & Ekeke, 2013; Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008). Indicators of
learning achievement can be seen on the standard value set by each institution and on changes in the level
of achievement of each student from year to year in all academic subjects in tests and assessments
(Firmender, Gavin, & McCoach, 2014; Lee, Liu, Amo, & Wang, 2013; Shatzer, Caldarella, Hallam, &
Brown, 2013; Swanson, Valiente, Lemery-Chalfant, & Caitlin O’Brien, 2011).

The International Journal of Counseling and Education Vol.2, No.1, March 2017

Additionally, student achievement can describe the level of achievement of students in terms of
knowledge, skills and experience of learning formulated by learning objectives for the school curriculum
(Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008; Nemeth & Long, 2012). The test results were followed by students
reflects the extent to which students can achieve learning goals in each subject in educational institutions,
thus increasing student achievement illustrates the quality of education is getting better. Likewise,
declining student achievement illustrates the quality of education is low (Joy et al., 2013; Lee et al.,
2013; Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008; Shatzer et al., 2013).
Theory that will be used in this research is the theory of learning outcomes expressed by Gagne.
Gauge states that learning is a set of cognitive processes that change the nature of environmental
stimulation, passing information processing and become the new capabilities. Gauge theory shows that
learning is influenced by three main components, namely external conditions, internal and learning
outcomes (Mudjiono, 2009). While the factors that affect student achievement according to previous
studies including students 'motivation (Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008), students' perception of the
school environment (Gietz & McIntosh, 2014), the quality of teachers (Darling-Hammond, 2000;
Heck, 2007; Jennings & Greenberg, 2009; Joy et al., 2013; Kunter et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2013;
Muzenda, 2013; Ottmar, Rimm-Kaufman, Larsen, & Berry, 2015; Wayne & Youngs, 2003), the
attitude of teachers (Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008), learning model used by the teacher; a simulation
model for economic subjects, blended learning, discovery and think pair share (Al-Ani, 2013; Bamiro,
2015; Porter, Riley, & Ruffer, 2004), learning strategies applied by the teacher; Instructional
(Firmender et al., 2014), the class composition (Gottfried, 2012), the type of leadership of school
leaders (Shatzer et al., 2013), motherly support (Swanson et al., 2011), motherly controls (Levpuscek
& Zupancic, 2008; Swanson et al., 2011) and state standards that regulate education (Lee et al.,
This study examines the relationships between the motivational factors of student learning and
academic achievement gained by the student. Contribution of student achievement is supported by the
motivation of students in schools (Heck, 2007; Lee et al., 2013; Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008;
Ottmar et al., 2015). Students' motivation to use the theory of convergence of the development within
the individual is determined by factors originating from within and factors that come from outside
oneself. Motivation is an internal process that is one of the main factors that determines the success rate
of student learning (Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008). Motivation is important in determining how many
students will be learning from a learning activity or how much to absorb the information presented to
them. Students are motivated to learn something will use higher cognitive processes in learning the
material, so that students will absorb the material better. These motivation levels are determined by the
level of meaningfulness of teaching materials and learning activities, which are owned by the students
concerned (Djamarah, 2008).

This research was done in less than one year, then the method used is a crosses sectional method,
the method of research by improving the objects within a certain time or not sustainable in the long term
(Husein, 2011). In this, research uses exemplifying research type and statistics with simple correlation
analysis. By using exemplifying type obtained an overview of the motivation to learn and student
achievement. While statistical analyzes were performed to determine the extent on the relationship
between the variables of learning motivation and student achievement. In this study using other than using
First Data, obtained from the first hand to be analyzed next to find a solution or the problem studied
(Uma, 2006). Sources of First Data in this study are all data obtained from interviews, observations, and
questionnaires taken from PGRI STKIP Sukabumi students who follow the course is an introduction to
Microeconomics and Indonesian Course. As for the incidental data collected by the researchers, the data
published as the journal and other statistics, and information available from the publication or non-
publication either inside or outside the organization, all of which can be useful for researchers (Uma,
2006). This study uses a value documentation Final Exam results as incidental data. Generalization
region consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the

Learning motivation and student achievement : descriptive analysis and relationships both | 43
| Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI) | DOI: 10.23916/002017026010
Vol.2, No.1, March 2017
Available online: http://journal.konselor.or.id/index.php/counsedu Ari Riswanto, Sri Aryani

researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions called Population (Sugiyono, 2015). In this study, the
population is students STKIP PGRI Sukabumi and become Sample's researches were all students who
follow the course is an introduction to Microeconomics and Indonesian Course Academic Year 2016-2017
amounted to 97 students. Descriptive statistics were used to help describe the circumstances (facts)
which are actually from a study. This analysis relates to methods of collecting and presenting data to
provide useful information. Illustrative statistics only provide information in the data held and did not
draw any conclusions. With illustrative statistics, the data set obtained will be presented with a quick, neat,
and may provide the core of the existing data set. Descriptive data analysis conducted to describe the
condition of each study variable, namely: how the motivation to learn (X) and how student achievement
(Y). Hypothesis testing using statistical analysis with analysis tools using a simple correlation analysis.
Correlation analysis is used to determine the amount of learning achievement relationship's dependent
variable (Y) and student learning motivation (X). Before the test simple correlation analysis, first tested
the requirements analysis, including: normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test and multicollinearity

Results and Discussions

Learning Motivation
The results of research related to learning motivation of students in universities, in the course
introduction to Economics in distribution can be explained that out of 97 students who studied 9.28% have
fewer categories; 34.02% had a mild category; 31.96 have an superior category, and 27.74% have a very
superior category. While on the subject of motivation to learn Indonesian students in distribution can be
explained that out of 97 students who studied 8.25% have fewer categories; 43.30% had a mild category;
29.90 have an superior category, and 18.56% have a very superior category.

Theoretically that motivation to learn it is something that drives it, move it, and engage students in
learning (Endang Sri Astuti, 2010). Motivation can be defined as a process whereby goal-directed activity
was investigated and sustained consisting of inherent motivation (the motivation that comes from within a
person) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that arises because of the encouragement from the outside).
Inherent motivation is a motivation that comes from within the individual itself. While extrinsic
motivation is a motivation that emerged from outside the individual and often involves the appreciation of
others. (Omar, Jain, & Noordin, 2013). Likewise, when a person's behavior is triggered internally by
someone for his own benefit or curiosity emerged of itself is called intrinsic motivation. In contrast,
extrinsic motivation is when an individual is affected action of external factors that exist outside it, such as
awards, punishment, or social pressures (Arens, Morin, & Watermann, 2015).

If you look at the results by the associated descriptive motivation showed that 52.58% of all survey
respondents, in this case the student has good and very good notices Danal either follow the lecture course
introduction to Microeconomics or Indonesian. Motivation is growing due to the course using the method
of innovation, creative and fun, in addition to the capacity and capability of lecturers manage and deliver
lectures to be decisive for the success of learning, especially when the motivation to learn student's
womanly main focus. this is in line with research conducted by Levpušc oak, Melita Puklek and Zupanc
ice, Maja, which revealed the results of his research that the students' motivation for achievement is
influenced by parental involvement in educational activities and behavior of teachers who are in the
classroom (Levpuscek & Zupancic, 2008). Moreover, that motivation has a very important effect upon the
attitudes and behavior of student learning and motivation that focus on academic determine student
achievement (Linnenbrink, E.A., Pintrich, 2002).

Student Achievement
The results showed in the distribution of student achievement conditions were taken from the results of
student test scores obtained as follows: of the 97 students who conducted the research as respondents

Learning motivation and student achievement : descriptive analysis and relationships both | 44
Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI) | DOI: 10.23916/002017026010
The International Journal of Counseling and Education Vol.2, No.1, March 2017

showed that 9.28% had fewer categories; 27.84% had a mild category; 35.05 have an superior category,
and 27.84% have a very superior category. Meanwhile, the results of research into the subject show the
distribution of Indonesian student achievement results as follows: of the 97 students who conducted the
research as respondents showed that 10.31% had fewer categories; 34.02% had a mild category; 35.05
have an superior category, and 20.62% have a very superior category.

It theoretically is meant by achievement or often called learning outcomes is the capability of a person
caused by the stimulus coming from the external environment and cognitive processes performed by the
students. Gauge in this case believes that learning is influenced by factors in students and factors outside
the student itself where the two interact. Besides learning consists of three main component's namely
surface conditions that stimulus from the environment where he is in the process of learning, the interior
condition that describes the interior state of the students themselves and the conscious process of
students, as well as learning outcomes that describe verbal information possessed by students, intellectual
skills, motoric skills, attitudes and conscious finesse students. Internal conditions will interact with the
surface conditions during the process of learning and of the interaction, it will behold the learning
outcomes (Syaiful, 2012).

Furthermore, in terms of student achievement on the course introduction to Microeconomics and

Indonesian subjects showed that 59.28% of the students have an superior record and very superior.
Student achievement is right now will not be separated from the current conditions among the students
followed the lecture, whether positively motivated or otherwise, or the students were very enthusiastic in
following all the lectures that have been agreed upon. This is similar to research conducted by Wayne, A. J
& Youngs, P, which describes the results of research that in the case of universities and teacher assessment
tests scores, there is a beneficial correlation in improving student achievement (Wayne & Youngs, 2003).
Furthermore, that there is beneficial and significant correlation between learning creativity, use of
instructional media power point, both directly and indirectly to the learning outcomes (Tirtarahardja, U
dan La Sulo, 2012).

Relations Learning Motivation and Student Achievement

The results of the statistical calculation show that there are differences in the correlation coefficient
between the relationship of motivation to learn in an introductory course micro- economic relations of the
subject of motivation to learn Indonesian. In the course introduction to Microeconomics has a positive
relationship between learning motivation and direction for the achievement of students with a correlation
coefficient of r = 0.81 and entered into the criteria of very high and almost perfect, which means that 81%
of student's achievement STKIP PGRI Sukabumi influenced by the students' learning motivation and 19%
influenced by other factors, this is due to the method of innovation, creative and fun while students attend
the lecture, the lecturer method, collaborative learning and cooperative, besides references used based
technology and the results from previous research by involving students as subject's reviewer lecture
material, This is true of course Indonesian, although the correlation coefficient between learning
motivation and achievement of students with a value of r = 0.79 and entrance into the category of high, it
is because the lecturers in these case educators have high psychological ability in the teaching process and
education so that the capacity of the faculty pedagogical lectures to manage activities optimally and

If you see the results from the correlation calculation above, it can be said that the motivation to learn
is good to have a beneficial relationship to student achievement, especially students who are in the
environment STKIP PGRI Sukabumi. The study reinforces previous studies that revealed that there is an
significant relationship between learning motivation on student achievement (Daniko, 2012; Siska Eko
Mawarsih, 2013) and There is an significant beneficial effect between family environment, school
environment, learning discipline as well as the motivation to study the learning achievement (Aminah,

Learning motivation and student achievement : descriptive analysis and relationships both | 45
| Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI) | DOI: 10.23916/002017026010
Vol.2, No.1, March 2017
Available online: http://journal.konselor.or.id/index.php/counsedu Ari Riswanto, Sri Aryani

This study described of learning motivation students, student achievement, and also the relationship
between the two. This study concluded that the learning motivation of students on two subjects that used
as a reference, the course's introduction to Microeconomics and subjects Indonesian, in the course
introduction to Microeconomics majority of student's mask into class have excellent motivation and
excellent, as are the subjects Indonesian, motivation students classified as well and radically excellent,
although there is a difference in value and an radically small number to the variable motivation to learn.
Further to student achievement, from research conducted at the respondents, it was found that the value of
learning achievement in the two subjects has a tendency stretcher good, and quite a few are classified as
very well. Therefore, it is important the students get the facility in order to generate motivation to learn to
be better. From the research, showed that the simple correlation test results showed that the motivation to
learn in the course introduction to Microeconomics has a relationship with a higher than with the
calculated correlation test on subjects Indonesian. This is in addition because the motivation is built and
developed in the lecture, the competence of lecturers, student interest; learning environments also have a
close relationship in maximizing student achievement.

This paper was written with financial support from a research grant from Campus STKIP PGRI
Sukabumi - West Java - Indonesia, Allocated through Institute for Research and Community Service
(LPPM), Faculty of Social Sciences Education STKIP PGRI Sukabumi to Economic Education Studies
Program, Grant Project No. 009/2016

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| Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI) | DOI: 10.23916/002017026010

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