Undergraduate Students' Motivation On English Language Learning at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Wulandari Pranawengtias
Undergraduate Students' Motivation On English Language Learning at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Wulandari Pranawengtias
Undergraduate Students' Motivation On English Language Learning at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Wulandari Pranawengtias
Learning (JELTL)
Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2022, 27-32
E-ISSN: 2723-617X
available online at: http://jim.teknokrat.ac.id/index.php/english-
Wulandari Pranawengtias
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Received: (18 September 2022) Accepted: (17 October 2022) Published : (30 December 2022)
The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that influence the learning motivation of
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students. It also aims to reveal the motivational sub-factors that affect
the student learning process. This study uses a qualitative research method used questionnaire
consisting of 2 intrinsic motivation factors and 3 extrinsic motivation factors, with a total of 30
questions. Questionnaire in the form of 5 Likert Scale. The sample amounted to 30 students from the
majors in sports education, mathematics education, and English education. Data from the
questionnaire were analyzed using statistical procedures and described descriptively. The results
showed that extrinsic motivation contributed more to students' learning motivation (39.66) compared
to intrinsic factors (36.1). The results also show that the extrinsic motivation factor; giving rewards
and punishments (41.4) as well as the quality of lecturers and the teaching and learning process (40.0)
are the two dominant factors that can increase students' learning motivation. Thus, these results have
implications for what to pay attention to in language learning, especially in learning English.
Therefore, the appropriateness of giving rewards or punishments for students and the quality of
lecturers must be improved because it will increase student motivation in language learning.
English is one of the factors for the quality of human resources in the 4.0 era (Mandasari & Aminatun,2020).
To achieve this ability, the government made a policy by requiring English language teaching. The lesson of English is
to start from the middle level to the high level, namely the university. The purpose of learning English is one way to
produce graduates who are able to speak English actively and can compete globally (Mandasari & Aminatun, 2020).
Thus, teaching English must fulfill the factor of how to improve students' motivation, learning outcomes, and English
language skills for university students can improve their ability in the English language. However, in the
implementation of the learning process, students seemed less enthusiastic about attending lectures in class. Therefore,
in the classroom, in the learning process, teachers or lecturers must be able to use media and facilities and also attract
students' learning motivation (Sari & Yudi, 2019). This happens made possible by several factors including the lack of
motivation from students in learning.
Motivation plays an important role in the teaching and learning process. If students have learning motivation, it will
make the learning process very interesting and students will have a positive influence on attitudes and willingness to
learn in attending lectures (Oktaviani & Mandasari, 2018). Students' ability to English. According to Maccklem (2015)
that motivation greatly affects students' self-confidence in learning which will ultimately affect students' attitudes and
behavior to succeed in learning. This proves that motivation is a factor that has a very positive influence on students in
their own learning process in addition to other determinants of learning success such as the ability of teachers and also
the teaching materials used. In learning English there is an assumption which states that people who have a desire,
drive, or goal in learning English tend to be more successful than people who learn without being based on an impulse
compared to people who learn without being based on motivation. an encouragement (Noviana & Ayu, 2022).
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 3, No: 2, 27-32
In the teaching and learning process, the ability of teachers to teach in class is also very influential on the
success of students in learning (Mandasari & Aminatun, 2018). This is one of the determining factors that cannot be
ignored, because it can have a direct or indirect impact on the achievement of learning outcomes. Teaching is an
activity carried out by someone which includes various activities; activities such as helping, guiding, changing or
developing one's skills, behavior, aspirations, appreciation and knowledge (Nabillah & Abadi, 2010).
Based on the above explanation, it is necessary to study to find out how the factors that affect students'
learning abilities in English courses at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Student students, so that the various
problems faced so far in these students can be revealed, for example: 1) What are the motivational factors? Dominant
influence the motivation of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students?. 2) What are the motivational factors that
influence students in increasing motivation to learn English in class?. Thus, the purpose of this study will also refer to
the problems mentioned above, namely: 1) To determine the motivational factors that are more dominant in
influencing the motivation of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students in learning English. 2) To find out what
motivational factors have an influence on Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students in increasing motivation to learn
English learning
English as an international language, mastery of English is needed to increase the competitiveness of every
graduate. Therefore, English has become one of the mandatory subjects in the education curriculum in Indonesia. The
provision of English courses is considered to be able to accommodate educational needs that can equip students to
master English as an international language. The high level of competition and along with the demands of the world of
work, globalization and competition, mastery of English is absolutely necessary. Wahyudin and Rido (2020) stated that
English is needed to be able to compete at the international level; Thus, the use of English is something that must be in
the learning process that is integrated into every other activity.
Motivation is a condition in a person's personality that encourages individuals to carry out certain activities in
order to achieve a goal that is actualized in behavior to get a target (Bernaus & Gardner, 2009). In the context of
learning English as a foreign language, motivation plays an important role, especially in determining the success of the
learning process itself (Ambarwati & Mandasari, 2021). In this case, the existence of motivation provides positive
energy and students' willingness to achieve success in what they are learning (Noviana & Ayu 2022). Meanwhile, Ellis
(2013) stated that motivation in learning English cannot be separated from two things; namely the attitudes and
affective conditions of students that can directly affect the efforts made by students in learning foreign languages.
These affective attitudes and conditions are the driving factors that encourage students to give more effort to learning
so that the goal of learning English can be achieved.
This study uses qualitative methods with research methods using a questionnaire as a data collection
instrument. The questionnaire was adapted and adopted from Gardner (1985) Attitude/Motivation Test Battery
(ATMB) and Motivation Questionnaire from Suryatsa, et al.(2017). The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions which
were made using a Likert Scale to see the motivational factors for learning English in students. The questionnaire
consists of 2 sub-factors of intrinsic motivation and 3 sub-factors of extrinsic motivation. The population in this study
were 30 students of the Indonesian Technocrat University consisting of 10 students majoring in sports education, 10
mathematics education students and 10 English education students. Sampling is done by sending a link to the
questionnaire form via the whatsapp application. Responses from students will be tabulated into an excel table format.
Furthermore, the statistical data from the questionnaires were analyzed descriptively to identify the motivational
factors that influence student learning motivation.
In this section, the results of data analysis from the questionnaire are explained in the form of
tables and descriptive explanations. From the results of data analysis by calculating the Mean of the
five points in the intrinsic motivation factor questionnaire, extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic factor
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 3, No: 2, 27-32
of 12 questions consisting of 6 questions for the category of initial motivation to learn and 6 questions
for ideals. While the extrinsic factor consists of 18 questions with a total of 6 questions in the
categories of rewards and punishments, quality of lecturers, and questions for learning support
No Faktor of Motivation N Mean
1. Intrinsic Motivation
Average 36.1
2. Extrinsic Motivation
Average 39.1
From the results above, it can be seen that there is no significant difference between the two
factors of intrinsic motivation; with each Mean score of 35.6 for the initial motivation to learning factor
and 36.6 for the future goals factor. The extrinsic motivation factor also did not show a significant
difference in the three factors. However, of the three extrinsic motivation factors, the rewards and
punishments factor and also the quality of lecturers showed a high mean of 41.4 for rewards and
punishment, a score of 40.0 for quality of lecturers. Therefore, the strategy of attracting students'
attention by giving rewards and punishments used by the lecturers greatly affects the motivation of
students in giving assignments and the abilities and strategies used by the lecturers greatly affect the
motivation of students in learning in the classroom. While the learning support facilities factor got an
average of 39.1.
Intrinsic Motivation
b. Future Goals
Awareness to get a decent career and have an impact on future employment, makes students
motivated to learn English. Therefore this provides a great opportunity for students to get a job.
One of the factors in intrinsic motivation that shows the high motivation of students is the
question; "Studying English is important because I will need it for my career". Of all participants,
76% of participants agreed that learning English is the main key for them in improving their
careers. However, from the table above, it can be seen that as much as 2% of students each did not
agree that mastery of English can facilitate them in their careers and will have an impact on the
type of work they will get.
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 3, No: 2, 27-32
Extrinsics Motivation
Giving rewards and punishments in the learning process is one of the extrinsic
motivational factors that need to be considered. The existence of gifts or rewards to students is
one of the efforts to increase the willingness to do something. Similar to rewards, the existence
of punishment in the learning process can have a positive and negative impact on a person's
learning motivation (Nuttin & Greenwald, 2014). This can be seen in the results of the
questionnaire where in the question; "I do my English homework because I am affraid of
punishment" 17 respondents (56%) answered strongly agree that their motivation to learn
English is because they are afraid of being punished by the lecturer. Not much different from
punishment, the presence of prizes also increases student motivation in learning; as many as 18
respondents (60%) answered that they agreed that gifts from lecturers and parents were their
motivation to learn English.
b. Lecturer Quality
The quality of the lecturers in teaching is also one of the important factors to increase
students' motivation in learning English. The quality of the lecturers in this case includes the
motivation and the way the lecturers teach and the strategies used by the lecturers (Israwati,
2018). The results of the questionnaire proved that the quality of lecturers and teaching are the
main factors in increasing students' learning motivation, the mean score on the quality factor of
lecturers is 40.0. One of the interesting things from the results of the questionnaire search can
be seen in the questions; My English teacher is present materials in an interesting way, as
many as 24 (80%) respondents answered agree.
Learning support facilities such as classes and a comfortable campus atmosphere and
study partners can also provide motivation in learning. From the results of the questionnaire, it
is evident that learning support facilities are one of the factors that can help increase
motivation in learning English 35,9. The average respondent agrees 82% on the questions;
"My English teacher has a dynamic and interesting teaching style. (use interesting
media/application)". From these results we can conclude that the existence of supporting
facilities such as learning media and interesting learning applications is one aspect that really
needs to be considered by education providers so that it can increase students' motivation and
ability in learning English.
From the findings and discussions that have been carried out by researchers, it can be
concluded that there is a not too significant difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic
motivation to learn English from Indonesian Technocrat University students. However, from the
results of the study it is evident that extrinsic motivation is the main motivational factor in learning
English compared to intrinsic motivation. Of the five motivational factors, it was found that the
factor of
Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL), Vol: 3, No: 2, 27-32
giving rewards and punishments as well as the quality of the teacher had a big impact on the high
motivation to learn English for Indonesian Technocrat University students.
The researcher would like to say thank you to Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Bandar
Lampung, Lampung where the research took place.
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