PSM Plus
PSM Plus
PSM Plus
The equipment described in this document is not intended to be used in connection with any
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redundancy. This exclusion includes, but is not limited to, the direct operation of any life support
system or any other system whose failure could lead to serious injury, death, environmental
damage or mass destruction.
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All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 5
2. SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY .............................................................................................................. 6
3. CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 SNMP communication.......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Serial cables ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Device compatibility table..................................................................................................... 7
4. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Software components .......................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Installation process .............................................................................................................. 8
4.3 First run ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4 Splash screen ...................................................................................................................... 8
5. USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................ 9
5.1 Tree view .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.1.1 Root location ........................................................................................................... 9
5.1.2 Regions ................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.3 Sites ........................................................................................................................ 9
5.1.4 Icon view and maps overlay .................................................................................. 10
5.2 Devices .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 10
5.2.2 Polling ................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.3 SNMP .................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.4 Serial ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.5 Connection status ................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Event logging ..................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.1 Active events view................................................................................................. 12
5.3.2 Event log view ....................................................................................................... 12
5.3.3 Export event logs .................................................................................................. 13
5.3.4 Additional information............................................................................................ 13
5.4 Simple mode ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.5 Pop-up window................................................................................................................... 14
6. DATA LOGGING ............................................................................................................................. 15
7. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Save service/application system log .................................................................................. 15
7.2 Save and restore configuration .......................................................................................... 15
8. SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 16
8.1 Users .................................................................................................................................. 16
8.2 Email .................................................................................................................................. 16
8.2.1 Setting up and troubleshooting Gmail access for PSM+ ...................................... 16
8.3 Recipients .......................................................................................................................... 16
8.4 General .............................................................................................................................. 16
8.5 Events ................................................................................................................................ 17
8.6 Audio alarm ........................................................................................................................ 17
9. LICENSING .................................................................................................................................... 18
9.1 Adding licenses .................................................................................................................. 18
9.2 Moving a PSM+ installation to another computer .............................................................. 19
10. COMPUTER SHUTDOWNS ............................................................................................................... 20
10.1 Shutdown source ............................................................................................................... 20
10.2 Local shutdown settings ..................................................................................................... 20
PSM+ User Guide 3
List of Figures
List of Tables
(Note: This User Guide is also available through the PSM+ online interface via the “Help > Manual”
PSM+ (Power System Management Plus) is a software product for communicating with power and control
devices. This software enables you to monitor UPS and other devices over various line topologies, and
provides graceful shutdowns to computers.
PSM+ monitors local and remote devices, such as UPS systems, ac-to-dc rectifier systems, and
multifunctional environment monitoring units, using any of several public and proprietary protocols.
Local and remote computer shutdowns are available for various operating systems and their variants. For
some of them, like UNIX and Linux, you may need to manually edit remote shutdown settings. Bulk
VMware shutdown of guests and hosts is also supported, with and without VSphere.
The software includes user management and security features that allow maintenance of the system to be
performed by multiple users, each with their own rights profile. This is especially important for control
centers, where many remote devices are being monitored for events by support engineers, while certain
actions must be performed by administrative staff only.
Another important feature is the logging capability. Each logged event is optionally accompanied by a full
system snapshot that includes all device measurements saved at the moment the event was reported. The
logs can be exported in a form of CSV spreadsheet document, or in a user friendly HTML format.
Event notifications over email can be enabled. Organizational or cloud email servers can be configured.
Notifications can be filtered by their severity.
PSM+ runs on Microsoft Windows systems and requires at least .NET 4.0 framework. This includes all
desktop Microsoft Windows versions from XP onward, and all Microsoft Server versions from 2003 onward.
The software does not introduce special requirements, hardware or software, to the computer or the server
it runs on, except for the case of remote VMware shutdown requirements, for which the VMware PowerCLI
5.0 or newer must be installed.
An Internet connection is required when installing or exporting licenses.
Remote and local systems monitoring is available over either SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) or RS232/USB serial communication.
• If you use the SNMP connection method, verify that the supported remote device (UPS, dc power
system, etc.) has a network communication board or an external communication device, and that it
is accessible over Ethernet to the local computer on which PSM+ is installed.
• In case of RS232 or USB connection, verify that your computer has an unused RS232 port, USB
port, or USB-to-Serial adaptor, and that it has the appropriate serial or USB cable. Several devices
can be connected to one computer in this way, as long as there are enough RS232 or USB ports
μPS-SP series UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 2400 or 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
MST UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 2400 or 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
MP110 / MP210 UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 2400 or 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
Micronet UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
GNet 1, 2, 3, 6, or 10 kVA UPS RS232 or USB Type 2 Megatec 2400 Optional, internal or external RFC1628
Power+ SA 10 kVA UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
Power+ 19" UPS Not available Available, internal (opt. external) RFC1628 or GAMATRONIC-
(The protocol depends on the POWER-PLUS-MIB
network board type.)
Power+ SA 20/30/40 kVA UPS Not available Available, internal (opt. external) RFC1628 or GAMATRONIC-
(The protocol depends on the POWER-PLUS-MIB
network board type.)
Power+ Classic UPS Not available Available, internal (opt. external) RFC1628 or GAMATRONIC-
(The protocol depends on the POWER-PLUS-MIB
network board type.)
MEGA UPS RS232 Type 2 SEC 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
MEGA SA 25 kVA UPS RS232 Type 1 SEC 9600 Optional, external RFC1628
Centric UPS RS232 Type 2 SEC Selectable Available RFC1628
Centric B UPS RS232 Type 2 SEC Selectable Available RFC1628
1UDC+ NET rectifier system Not available Available, internal (opt. external) GAMATRONIC-1U-MIB
G5 environmental monitoring Not available Available GAMATRONIC-SM2-MIB
4.1 Software components
The software consists of two parts – a service and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) application. The service
runs in the background when the computer starts, and performs all automatic actions including monitoring,
logging, notifications, and shutdown actions without the need for the user to log in.
After logging in to the computer, the PSM+ user interface can be accessed by clicking its icon in the system
tray. The interface lets you perform configurations and to monitor remote devices.
PSM+ has a clean and simple user interface. In the main window you can use the tree view on the left for
fast navigation between devices and locations, the varying view in the middle to see selected locations and
devices, and the event view at the bottom to see the events.
5.1.2 Regions
Basic containers in the tree are called regions, and can be created under the root location. Regions can
contain other regions and also sites; however they cannot contain devices. In icon view mode an image can
be shown as a background and child regions and sites can be scattered on top of it manually.
To add a region use Locations → New region. A dialog opens asking you for region name and a parent
node in the tree.
5.1.3 Sites
Sites are final containers for devices. They can be placed under the root location, since it is a container as
well, and also under regions or other sites. You cannot add a device in PSM+ without adding at least one
site first. Sites can contain devices and sites at the same time. Sites also can display their contents as icons
on an image of a map in icon view mode.
To add a site use Locations → New site. A dialog opens open asking you for site name and a parent
node in the tree.
5.2 Devices
Devices can be added to PSM+ using the Devices → New device. A dialog opens with various device
settings, split by groups described below.
5.2.1 General
Here you are asked to enter the device display name, type, location, and description. The device name will
be shown under the device icon in the icon view mode, and in the list view. Location can be chosen from a
list of all existing sites. Device type should be selected from the list, whether this is a standard UPS, modular
UPS, dc rectifier system, or environment monitoring unit. The description is a text field that will only be
shown in the device settings dialog.
There are also two checkboxes in this group. "Save snapshot" indicates that full system snapshot should be
saved for every event (bigger log files). "Disable commands" will remove the "Commands" tab from the
device view, to prevent unwanted actions on the remote device.
5.2.2 Polling
The default polling setting is "Full", which means that each time PSM+ tries to access most types of devices,
it will request all available information, such as voltages, currents and so on. To reduce the amount of
network traffic, “polling type” can be set to "Alarms", and in this case only system events will be read at each
access. This works for both SNMP and serial communication, and can limit the ability to save a complete
system snapshot in the log in case the event status changes.
Setting “polling type” to "None" disables the polling mechanism. If the communication method is SNMP, and
the trap listener is enabled and the "Enable traps" checkbox in the SNMP section of the dialog is checked,
the device will still receive trap notifications for events, if these are set up on the device itself.
Communication type selection lets you choose whether the device is accessible over the network by SNMP
protocol, or through physical serial connection, usually a device located near the computer. Changing this
setting toggles the display between the "SNMP" and "Serial" screens in this dialog.
Polling period, timeout, and the amount of retransmits indicate how often the device will be polled for
information, and when the device will be treated as non-responsive. For less reliable networks you should
find the right balance of traffic and timeouts by altering these settings.
5.2.3 SNMP
If SNMP communication type was selected in the previous group, SNMP options will be shown in the device
dialog. The first thing to provide is the device address. It can be either an IP address or a DNS name;
however it is a common practice to work with IP addresses rather than names. You can also select the port,
which is usually 161 for SNMP communication.
Use the "Enable traps" checkbox if you wish to accept SNMP trap notifications from this device. Sending
SNMP traps is configurable on the remote device itself, usually as a part of configuration you perform to the
network adaptor or the UPS SNMP settings. Make sure the SNMP trap listener is enabled in Settings →
At this stage you should go through security options, which begin with SNMP version selection. SNMPV2
For SNMP version 2 the only available security is the read and the write community strings. Verify they
match the ones selected on the device. Pay attention to the fact that some communication devices have
both "public" and "private" community strings set to "read-only", so you won't be able to send commands
until you change the "private" community string on the device to "read/write" mode. SNMPV3
There are three types of security settings in SNMPv3:
1. No authentication and no privacy
a. Authentication protocol "None"
b. Privacy protocol "None"
For any of these you should provide the security user name and a context name. Furthermore, you may
need to provide passwords for authentication and privacy based on the settings.
5.2.4 Serial
When selecting Serial communication type, the first thing to select is the communication port. This can be a
physical port on the computer, or a USB-to-Serial adaptor, or a direct USB cable to a UPS, which is actually
also a USB-to-Serial adaptor which is built in to the UPS and appears on your computer as a serial port. You
will be presented with a list of available serial ports in the "COM port" select box.
The rest of the settings depend on the device you are going to communicate with. Please see Table 1 on
page 7 for a list of compatible devices in order to select the necessary protocol and baud rate.
In most cases the data bits setting should remain at 8, stop bits at "One", and parity at "None". Do not
change these settings unless instructed to do so by the device manufacturer.
Data logging is designed to let you manually collect information about your devices and/or site conditions
and exceptional events. It saves the entire device data snapshot received in each polling cycle for selected
To enable data logging, select Data logging → Manage data logging sessions and click Add in
the dialog box that appears. In the "New data logging session" dialog select the unit and the time period for
logging. You can also select a time in the future; for instance, from tonight at 21:30 to tomorrow morning at
08:00. The data logging session starts and stops automatically.
System snapshots for the selected device are saved at the interval specified in its polling settings. In order to
see or edit the settings, click on the device and select Devices → Edit device, or use the context menu
option "Edit device" after right-clicking it.
You can export the entire data logged for each session by clicking the Export button. You can do this even if
this session is still in progress. The resulting file will be of the CSV format that lets you perform automated
actions, like building graphs for voltages and other logged values, in a spreadsheet editor of your choice.
All sessions will remain in PSM+ until you manually remove them using the Remove button.
There are a few maintenance operations in PSM+. They are located under the Operations menu.
The Settings menu contains various operational settings for PSM+.
8.1 Users
This dialog lets you add, edit, and remove users from the system. Only Admin user can manipulate users.
There are three control levels:
• Admin – all tasks in the system
• Technician – all tasks except users and license management
• User – only monitoring actions, no access to locations, devices, users, licenses, and shutdown
In order to switch to another user, select File → Logout.
8.2 Email
Use this dialog to configure the email server. This can be either a local server in the LAN, or a cloud-based
server. The settings in this dialog should be advised by the server maintenance personnel, or received from
the IT or cloud support team.
8.3 Recipients
In the recipients dialog you can add email notification targets. A recipient does not have to receive all
events; it is possible to filter both the devices and the event severities for email notifications.
Make sure to configure Email server settings before adding email recipients.
8.4 General
Under this dialog you can find some general options, like the option to enable the trap listener and select its
port. Trap listener is disabled by default; in order to use SNMP traps please enable it. You must make sure
that the port (which is 162 by default) is available on your computer, since other SNMP-enabled applications
can occupy the port for their own use.
8.5 Events
The events configuration allows fine-tuning event settings, by selecting the severity, sensitivity, and status
for each event and for each device type. First select the device type, and then go through the settings for
each event.
• Severity can be one of the three types: Information, Warning, and Critical. Changing this value will
affect event filtering while sending email notifications.
• Sensitivity indicates the amount of polling cycles before the event is accepted by PSM+. This means
that if you set up sensitivity for an event to 3, it will take three polling cycles with this event active in
the device before the event appears as active in PSM+.
• Status can be “Enabled”, “Ignored”, and “For log only”.
• Detailed information about device status is available for each event, through the “Show snapshot”
function. To view the snapshot, in the lower half of the screen, right click on the event line in which
you are interested (Figure 7). In the context menu that appears, choose “Show snapshot”. A pop-up
window appears with the snapshot data (Figure 8).
In the same context menu you can also choose to export the event details as an HTML or CSV file.
Figure 7: Right click on the event line, choose Figure 8: The snapshot data appears
“Show snapshot” in a popup window
PSM+ is provided free of charge with limited features. With the default license the software can
communicate with one device and shutdown the local computer.
PSM+ licensing control is available in Operations → License management. There are three types of
• Devices for monitoring (one by default)
• Shutdown targets
• Shutdown virtual servers
There are more settings for advanced users that can be altered.
When adding or editing a server, there's a Test button in the dialog. After filling in the server and user
details, you can click on it in order to perform shutdown test. This will open a new window with a text
console. Click the Start button to start the test. In this mode no shutdowns will be performed, however
you will see the connection process, and all the guests and hosts names. You can also verify that there are
no errors in the process.
11.2 Installation
During the PSM+ install the service is installed and starts automatically, while the GUI application may
require manual startup for the first time. If you choose to exit from the application, the system service
remains active, as do the monitoring, email notification, logging and shutdown functions. You will loose
GUI popup notifications, though.
11.3 Backup
11.4 Logging
In order to view the snapshot, which includes all device data at the moment of the event, right-click the
event in the log (or enter the "Operations" menu when the event is selected) and choose "Show
snapshot". You can also see the snapshot for each event when you export the log to HTML in the
"Operations" menu.
Q. Why is the date/time for each line accurate only up to minutes in resulting
CSV data and event logs?
A. The date includes seconds, however Excel's automatic formatting hides seconds. To change this,
select the entire column and under "Format Cells" change the custom "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" to
"dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" (just add the ":ss"), and the seconds will also be displayed.
11.5 Interface
Q. Why does the event log view change all the time?
A. The log (both existing and active) is being automatically filtered by selection of regions, sites, and units
in the tree and in the main view. You will only see events from all units under current tree branch. You
can see the entire log for all available devices by clicking on the "All devices" tree root view. You can
click on row headers to have the events sorted as you see fit.
Q. What are the "Locations -> Add map" and "Locations -> Remove map"
options? I don't see any difference when I specify an image.
A. You need to switch to icon view first in "View -> Icon view". In this mode you can select a region
or a site (in the tree view) and add a map to it. This will change the background of the icon view and let
you see your sites and units on a map. Pay attention - the maps are shown full size, so you might need
to change their size in advance to fit your screen.
11.6 Security
11.7 Licensing
numbers and will lead to license expiration. Check with your virtual machine support person for more
Q. If I need to upgrade my PSM+ system, will the license survive the update?
A. Yes, the licenses are kept separately from program files. You can even remove the installation
completely by using the windows uninstall feature and then reinstall it, the licenses will be reloaded
Q. In PSM+, in the section for VMware virtual servers shutdowns, there's a Test
button. What does it do?
A. You can press this button after completing the settings to verify that the virtual servers shutdown
process has been specified correctly. Initially it will open a new log window. After pressing start you will
see the shutdown process of the script. The script is written in such a way that it does everything as
usual except for actually shutting down the servers, however you shall see all the virtual and physical
server names. Look into the script if you want to see how it works; you can do this right in the VMware
shutdown options dialog.
Q. Can I run something special on the remote machine before the shutdown?
A. Yes. On Windows computers, use the Shutdown Agent method and install the agent on the remote
machine. In the agent configuration, add a script to be executed before shutdown or cancellation. On
all machines that support SSH, you can add machine specific script execution right in the shutdown
settings in PSM+.