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Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1

Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I



PS 6/60.1 The following Particular Specification is for Water Works Division. It shall
be read in conjunction with the Section 6/12 of the General Specification.
In case of conflict between these Particular Specifications and Ministry of
Infrastructure Development (MOID) / Sharjah Roads and Transport
Authority (SRTA) General Specifications that may form part of the
construction contract documentation. The more restricted of the
applicable requirements shall control.

PS 6/60.2 Excavation and Backfilling

PS 6/60.2.1 General Excavation

General excavation means excavation, whether bulk or incidental,

required for structures and exploratory excavations and shall not include
Trench Excavation.

The ground shall be excavated by such methods and to such dimensions

and depths shall allow for the proper construction of the Works.

Where nominal "payment" limits of excavation are not shown in the

Drawings or otherwise specified they shall be deemed to be the minimum
net limits which would allow the outline of the completed structure to be
lowered vertically from ground level into its final position. The Contractor
shall make his own allowance for any working space required, any
excavation outside the aforesaid limits which has not been ordered by the
Engineer, whether it be excavated to suit the Contractor's method of
working or unavoidable overbreak or due to his carelessness or error,
shall be held to be Excess Excavation and shall not be measured for

Generally Bulk excavation in cut or fill and necessary access road work
shall be carried out prior to trench or structure excavation and bulk
excavated or filled up level shall form the commencement level of trench

PS 6/60.2.2 Pre-Construction Records

Before an excavation is started:

1. Initial ground levels shall be agreed at suitable intervals with the

2. Surface materials and conditions will be recorded in presence of the
Engineer and where appropriate the owners or occupiers of the
3. The Contractor shall take photographs to illustrate existing damage
or conditions which may prove contentious at the time of

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Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

This information shall be neatly presented and submitted to the Engineer.

To this shall be added details of any existing natural or piped subsoil
drainage or other underground features as work proceeds.

Trial excavations to be carried out along the route of pipeline for location
of all existing services and findings to be presented on drawings with
location, type and levels. All services to be included in final drawings. The
excavations shall not be backfilled without approval.

PS 6/60.2.3 Topsoil and Surfacing Material

Before commencing excavations or filling to an area, topsoil and other

surfacing materials shall be stripped and stored separately from the
subsoil. Subsequent spreading of topsoil or removed to spoil shall be as
directed on site.

PS 6/60.2.4 Land Drains

Where pipelines are to be laid in agricultural land the surface and subsoil
drainage shall be maintained whether natural or artificial. Before
commencing work the Contractor shall ascertain from the owner or
occupier of the land the location of any existing land drains or mole

PS 6/60.2.5 Excavated Materials

All excavated material will remain the property of the Employer unless
designated as surplus to the Contract requirements in which case it will
be removed from site immediately. The Contractor shall dispose of such
surplus or unsuitable material and his proposed tips shall be subject to
the approval of the MOID / SRTA / respective Municipality.

All excavated material shall be deposited so that it will cause as little

damage and inconvenience as possible.

Excavated material for use as backfill shall be as approved. Different

classes of material shall be handled and deposited separately.
Where (natural) subsoil drainage depends on the relative positions of
pervious or impervious strata, special care shall be taken to separate
those materials and replace them in their natural positions.
PS 6/60.2.6 Formation

Damage to the formation shall be prevented by bottoming-up with hand

excavation immediately before placing concrete or pipe laying. Any
damaged formation shall be excavated and refilled with concrete or
selected material as instructed. No permanent works of any kind shall be
constructed on an excavated surface until the formation has been

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Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

PS 6/60.2.7 Inspection by the Engineer

When the specified levels or limits of excavation are reached the

Engineer will inspect the ground exposed, and if he considers that any
part of the ground is by its nature unsuitable he may direct the Contractor
to excavate further. Excavation as ordered to remove unsuitable material
below the specified limits of excavation shall not be held to be Excess

Should the material forming the bottom of any excavation, while

acceptable to the Engineer at the time of his inspection, subsequently
become unacceptable to him due to exposure to weather conditions or
due to flooding or have become puddled, soft or loose during the
progress of the Works, the Contractor shall remove such damaged,
softened or loosened material and excavate further by hand. Such further
excavation shall be held to be Excess Excavation.

PS 6/60.2.8 Rock and Hard Materials

For the purpose of this Contract rock and hard material shall mean those
natural or artificial materials which are so hard that they require
specialized "rock splitting" techniques in order to break them down to
such a size that they can be removed by conventional excavating plant.
Use of pneumatic tools or rippers will not in itself justify rock or hard
material classification. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer as soon
as he encounters rock or hard material for which he intends to claim
payment to permit an assessment to be made as excavation proceeds.
Hard subkha and cemented sand materials shall not qualify for any extra
over payment applicable for the above mentioned materials such as
Hard/rock category

PS 6/60.2.9 Use of Explosives

Explosives shall only be used with approval. Explosives shall be acquired,

stored and used in accordance with the laws of the country and any
licenses shall be held on site for examination at any time. The storage
and use of explosives shall comply with the detailed requirements of the
Engineer. Detonators shall be conveyed and stored separately.

The charges shall be limited so that the amplitude of vibration in any

direction does not exceed +0.1mm at 40Hz frequency of vibration or other
such amplitude and frequency so that the maximum particle velocity does
not exceed 25mm per second. It will be measured at the nearest building,
water or service main or where the works are not within 100m of buildings
or services it will be measured at this distance. The Contractor is to
provide an approved viborgraph such as 'The Cambridge Universal
Vibrograph' or 'I.C.C. Combigraph' capable of giving a vibrogram of
displacement with an amplitude record all on a time base. Alternatively a

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Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

Dawes-Elcomatic recorder or equal approved may be supplied, being

capable of producing a vibrogram of amplitude and/or a record of particle
velocity. Concrete plinths or wall brackets shall be provided to give a firm
standing for the vibrograph when recording is taking place. These are to
be removed when no longer required.

Notices setting out the procedure shall be posted round the site, together
with any other safety requirements. Sufficient watchmen at each end of
the excavation or where directed shall be provided, together with fencing
and other measures for the protection of persons, vehicles and property.
Adequate screens, shields, matting or other measures to intercept
material liable to be blown outside the excavations shall also be provided.

Warning of an impending firing of a charge by a siren shall be given.

Blasting operations shall only be carried out under the supervision of a

competent foreman.

The firing of charges must not unreasonably interfere with or be a danger

to persons or property. The Engineer reserves the right to withdraw
permission for the use of explosives if his Representative is not satisfied
with the precautions taken. If there is street-lighting or plants etc. in or
around the area if blasting, care should be taken see that the operations
are of forces not to damage or affect such plant, street-lighting etc. The
Engineer's and concerned Authority’s representative must be present
during such operations. Proper records of explosives shall be maintained
for inspection of Engineer and Police authorities.

PS 6/60.2.10 Trench Excavation for Pipework

Trench excavation means excavation of trenches in which pipes are to be

laid and the term pipes shall mean pipes of all kinds and for whatever

The line and level of trenches shall be as shown in the Drawings or as

may be directed by the Engineer. Before commencing Trench Excavation,
the route of the trench shall be pegged out accurately and the natural
ground levels and lengths shall be measured and agreed with the

1. The Contractor shall include for clearing the route of the pipeline of
all surface obstructions, grading the route to provide access for his
equipment and personnel, executing all cutting to remove high
points of rises in terrain and in all respects prepare the route for pipe
laying operations, all in accordance with the requirements of good
pipeline construction practice.

2. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the

Engineer, water pipelines shall be laid in trenches with minimum soil
cover as specified in clause 6.04. L.

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

3. The bottom of the trenches shall be properly trimmed-off, bottomed

and prepared to provide a firm and uniform bearing throughout the
entire length of the pipe. Care shall be taken to prevent excavation
below the level of the bottom of the pipe, and portions of trenches
excavated below the grade shall be filled with suitable material and
thoroughly compacted to specific degree in layers of 150 mm by the
Contractor at his own expense as directed by the Engineer at the
Contractor's own expense.

4. Where rock or hard subkha materials are encountered, the

excavation shall be carried below the bottom of the pipe for a
distance of 150 mm which shall be back-filled with granular fill or soft
sand compacted to the proper grade and density.

5. Where pipe trenches are excavated across or along asphalted

roads, sidewalks, stairs and pavements, the Contractor shall
carefully saw cut the edges of the asphalt, stairs and pavements,
remove the hard-core and paving tiles and store them for reuse, or
cart away the spoils to tips as directed and shall comply with MOID /
SRTA / respective Municipality Local Orders and as amended
related to this activity.

6. The sides of trench excavation shall be vertical unless the Engineer

otherwise approved in writing and where this work is in a surface
road or adjacent to a road then the conditions of MOID / SRTA /
respective Municipality Local Orders and as amended relating to
such activity shall be strictly adhered to.

7. Any widening or deepening of trench excavation necessary to

accommodate curves, joints or bends in the pipe or to provide extra
working space for the construction thereof shall be held to be
Excess Excavation and is deemed to be included in the Contractor's

8. Trial holes shall be excavated well ahead of the trench excavation to

such depths as necessary to determine the alignment for the trench.
Trial holes may also be required by the Contractor to determine the
position of underground services, subsoil drains or for any other
reason. Trial holes shall be excavated and reinstated at the
Contractor's expense and the Contract Rates for pipe installation
shall be deemed to include for all trial holes.

All trial holes must be backfilled by same evening, and no trial pit will
remain open overnight. Reinstatement of trial holes also must be
carried out as per the approved procedure, at no extra cost.

9. Hand excavation must be used where existing cables, water mains,

sewers, etc., cross or are in the main roads, where traffic is likely to
be unreasonably dislocated by use of machine, or for reasons of
limited access, or where instructed by the Engineer. In other places,
hand or machine excavation may be employed at the discretion of

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

10. Excavation by machine must not normally be deeper than 150 mm

above the finished grade, unless the Engineer decides otherwise.
The Contractor will be held responsible for making good at his own
cost all additional damage to road surfaces and private lands
caused by the use of mechanical excavators.

PS 6/60.2.11 Width of Trenches

The width of the trench shall be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid and
jointed properly, and the backfill to be placed and compacted as

Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer,

the minimum width of trenches for the pipes of 150 mm diameter and
above shall be equal to the pipe outside diameter plus 600 mm and for all
pipes less than 150 mm in diameter, width of trench shall be OD plus 500

Trenches shall be of such extra width, when required, as will permit the
convenient placing of timber supports, sheeting and bracing and handling
of specials. Extra widths and support wherever necessary shall not be
paid separately but deemed to be included in rates elsewhere.

PS 6/60.2.12 Removal of Pavements

The Contractor shall remove pavement and road surfaces as a part of the
trench excavation, and the amount removed shall depend upon the width
of trench specified for the installation of the pipe and the width and length
of the pavement area required to be removed for the installation of valves,
fittings, valve chambers, thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures.

The width of pavement removed along the normal trench for the
installation of the pipe shall not exceed the width of the trench specified
by more than 150 mm on each side of the trench. The width and lengths
of the area of pavement removed for the installation of valves, meters,
fittings, valve chambers, thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures shall
not exceed the maximum linear dimensions of such structures by more
than 500 mm on each side. Wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer,
existing conditions make it necessary or advisable to remove additional
pavement, the Contractor shall remove it as directed by the Engineer but
shall receive no extra compensation therefore.

The Contractor shall prior to excavation in roads and paved areas mark
out the limit of excavation and saw cut the pavement to produce a vertical
face through bound materials and suitable for the subsequent tieing in of
subsequent reinstatement works. The remaining excavation shall be
maintained as a vertical face and shall be supported where appropriate or
as directed by the Engineer to ensure that no undermining of the
remaining road surface takes place. Where in the opinion of the Engineer
or MOID/SRTA representatives undermining has taken place then a new
edge shall be defined and the surface saw cut and excavated back to this
face for reinstatement purposes and shall be done at Contractor's
expense. All works shall be in accordance with respective Municipality

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

rules and regulations relating to this type of work.

PS 6/60.2.13 Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions

To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate

barricades, constructions signs, torches, yellow flashing lights, revolving
lights and guards as required shall be placed and maintained during the
progress of the construction work and until it is safe for traffic to use the
road. All materials, stock-piles, equipment and pipes that obstruct to
traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by
proper lights. The safety rules and regulations of respective
Municipalities, related Emirate’s Traffic Police and shall be complied
within full at Contractor's expense.

The Contractor shall comply with regulations relating to the placing of

warning signs, lights or flares. In the absence of such regulations, the
Contractor is to place warning signs visible during day-light and yellow
flashing lights or flares visible during darkness in accordance with the
detail approved by respective municipalities and related Emirate’s Traffic
Police relating to the particular location for the road signing.

Where works affect footpaths or access to properties then suitable

alternative routes or provisions shall be made and the public protected,
guided and informed by approved provisions.

Should the Contractor fail to erect any barrier, safety guards, signs, lights
or any other warning signal for protection after being requested to do so
by any authorized person or body, the Employer shall erect such signs
and barriers, etc., which he considers necessary for the safety of the
works and the public, at the Contractor's expense.

PS 6/60.2.14 Trenches Not to be Left Open

Trench excavation shall be carried out expeditiously and, subject to any

specific requirements of the Contract, the refilling and surface
reinstatement of trench excavations shall be commenced and completed
as soon as reasonably practicable after the pipes have been laid and
jointed. Pipe laying shall follow closely upon the progress of trench
excavation and the Contractor shall not permit unreasonably excessive
lengths of trench excavation to remain open while awaiting testing,
commissioning, backfilling, etc. of the pipeline. In any case not more than
500m long trench shall be left open in one section. Greater lengths if
found required shall have the prior approval of the Engineer, and no
trench, in any case shall be left open for more than 3 weeks. The
Contractor shall be responsible for preventing and taking precautions
against floatation of pipes in locations where open trench excavations
may become flooded, and these precautions may include the partial filling
of the trench leaving pipe joints exposed for water tightness testing of the

If the Engineer considers that the Contractor is not complying with any of
the foregoing requirements he may prohibit further trench excavation until
he is satisfied with the progress of laying and testing of pipes and refilling

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

of trench excavation. The Contractor will not be permitted to excavate

trenches in more than one location in any one road at a given time
without the Engineer's written permission.

PS 6/60.2.15 Maintenance of Traffic and Closing of Streets

The Contractor shall carry on the work in a manner that will cause the
least interruption to traffic and he shall not close, or partly close, any road
or street without the written consent of the respective
municipalities/authorities, related Emirate’s Traffic Police and the

After such consent, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide
means of access to all buildings, rights of way, etc., warning signs, lights,
barricades and diversion notices.

All road crossings in open cut shall be adequately shored and timbered,
with arrangements to maintain the flow of traffic as directed by the
Engineer and subject to the approval of respective Municipalities, the
Services Authorities and the related Emirate’s Traffic Police.

Special attention shall be given to the backfilling of road crossings and

the Contractor shall repair and replace road surfacing material by like kind
and quality, maintain and make good all such works as directed by the

The Contractor shall in all respects comply with the requirements of the
Authorities, the Police, the Engineer and in accordance with respective
Municipalities Local Orders and as amended and subject to respective
Municipalities NOC. The Contractor shall at all times maintain free
passage over all roads for all traffic except as provided above.

PS 6/60.2.16 Protection of Services and/or Structures

The Contractor shall be responsible for the care and protection of all
existing utilities such as Electricity cable, ETC, DU cables, sewer pipes,
water pipes, culverts, or other facilities and structures which may be
encountered in or near the area of his work. Temporary support,
adequate protection, and maintenance of all underground and surface
structures, drains, sewers, and other obstructions encountered in the
progress of the work shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense
and under the direction of the Engineer.

Any services or structures that have been disturbed or damaged due to

negligence of Contractor shall be promptly restored to their original
condition, or better, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and subject to
Services Authorities NOC's at contractor's expense.

In the event of any damage to existing structures, facilities and services

during the progress of the work and of the failure of the Contractor to
exercise proper care, the Contractor will be held liable for the cost of all
repairs to said structures, facilities and services.

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

PS 6/60.2.17 Support to Excavations

The sides and/or the bottom of excavations shall be adequately

supported as per provisions of Local Order and its amendments.

Supports shall be properly maintained until permanent work is sufficiently

advanced to permit their removal and shall be left in if specified or as

Trench supports shall be so arranged to permit withdrawal during the

placing of the pipe bedding so as to prevent voids.

Battered sides to trenches or other excavations will only be permitted if

they can be constructed within the limits of the site, without damage or
interference to existing services, properties or structures, without undue
interference with pedestrians and traffic and to slopes which are
sufficiently flat to ensure stability of the ground.

PS 6/60.2.18 Control of Water and Floatation

All excavations including trenches, headings and tunnels shall be kept

free of water. In addition precautions shall be taken to prevent floatation
of partially built structures, completed structures to be filled on
commissioning of the works and unbackfilled pipelines.

Dewatering methods, proposed break tanks may include temporary

drains, intercepting ditches, cut-off drains, sub-drains, sumps, wells,
pumps, well-points or other dewatering equipment and shall include all
other things necessary to keep water out of the excavations or to lower
groundwater around structures liable to floatation.

All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent any adjacent ground

from being adversely affected by loss of fines through any dewatering

The Contractor shall submit methods statements for prior approval of the
Engineer. Method Statements shall include proposals for disposal of the
water arising from dewatering systems.

Under no circumstances will permission be given for the discharge of

groundwater into the existing sewerage system.

If permission is given to use new or existing pipes or culverts which are

not part of the live sewerage system, they shall be thoroughly cleaned of
all silt and any resulting damage made good after use.

All temporary Works for control of water shall be sited clear of the Works,
except where temporary sub-drains under the Works are approved in
which case the pipes shall be laid covered with tarred felt cloth or other
approve material.

Unless otherwise directed all temporary drains and sub-drains shall be

finally sealed with concrete at approved intervals and all temporary

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

ditches, sumps, wells, etc., shall be refilled and reinstated as specified


If lagoons for the storage of groundwater are permitted, they will be

suitably protected with fencing and attended by day and night to prevent
access by the general public and will not be sited adjacent to buildings.
Approved means of preventing the formation of mosquito larvae on the
surface of the lagoons will be employed.

All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent any ground water

from entering mains to be used for the conveyance of potable water.

PS 6/60.2.19 Ventilation

Adequate ventilation and efficient apparatus shall be provided to keep

excavations, trenches, tunnels and headings free from all gases from
whatever source.

PS 6/60.2.20 Backfilling

Backfilling around structures and in pipe trenches, except where filling is

designated on the drawings or specified as "non-structural fill" or
"structural fill" to support structures shall be carried out as detailed below.

Backfilling shall normally be carried out using selected excavated

materials similar to the in situ materials in which the trench or structure is
being constructed. Where the Engineer's Representative designates the
excavated material as unsuitable, suitable material shall be imported.

Material for backfilling may be selected from any part of the site and
methods of selection may include sieving to remove large particles or
methods of hand or machine sorting.

Where the excavation is near an existing structure liable to subsidence,

where part of the works may later be constructed over or near it or in
emergencies the Contractor may be instructed to backfill with concrete.

Backfilling shall be carried out as defined below.

1. Cohesive Soils - Cohesive soils shall be placed in layers not

greater than 150mm thick (compacted thickness) and compacted
such that throughout each layer placed the dry density is not less
than 95% of the maximum dry density of the soil prior to excavation
when tested in accordance with relevant BS 1377 Part 9 Cl. 2.1/2.2

The placement moisture of the soil shall be within ± 2% of the

optimum moisture content of the soil before excavation.

It is to be noted that the cohesive (subkha ) soils or hard materials

from excavations shall be broken down to suitable sizes to be used
for, backfilling, of the top two layers for stability or as per Engineer’s
instructions at no extra cost.

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

2. Granular Soils - Granular soils shall be placed in layers not greater

than 150mm thick (compacted thickness) and compacted such that
throughout each layer placed the dry density is not less than 95% of
that obtained in the vibrating hammer compaction test when the test
is carried out on the same soil at the optimum moisture content in
accordance with relevant BS 1377 Part 4 Cl. 3.7 1990 specification.

Unless otherwise directed the moisture content shall be maintained

and if necessary adjusted by approved means to fall within the
range +/- 1.5% of optimum moisture content determined in the
vibrating hammer compaction test.

For free draining granular soils that have no clearly defined optimum
moisture content, compaction shall be carried out to achieve a
relative density of not less than 95% of the MDD for the soil. During
compaction the soil shall be made as wet as practicable.

3. Testing of Backfill - The Contractor shall provide at his own cost

the services of an approved independent laboratory as is necessary
for the carrying out of all the tests for in situ and backfilled soil
properties and shall maintain with a copy to the Engineer, a daily log
of tests carried out.

Tests to determine the optimum dry density of the backfill material

shall be carried out as directed on site, the frequency depending on
consistency of material and test results.

Unless directed otherwise on site testing for density and moisture

content of in situ soils shall be at the rate of:

a) One test per backfill layer for each structure

b) One test per backfill layer for every 60 linear metres of pipeline

Where a land drain passes through an excavation the backfill shall first be
taken up to form a bed for replacement pipes. The severed drains shall
then be exposed at each side of the trench excavation. This new drain
shall be of similar pipes of the same diameter as those in the existing
drain. Before any further backfilling is done the Contractor shall notify the
owner or occupier to enable him to see the reinstated land drain. The
replacement drain shall be surrounded with pipe bedding material to a
minimum thickness of 150mm before further backfilling.

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

PS 6/60.2.21 Structural and Non-Structural Filling

Structural filling is required in paved carriage ways, hard shoulders,

footpaths and parking areas and wherever a structure is to be supported
on the fill and where settlement is required to be minimized to structurable
minimal. Non-structural filling will normally be carried out to embankments
and other fill areas. Embankments shall normally be overfilled and
subsequently trimmed to the required profiles.

1. Structural Filling - Structural filling shall be carried out using well

graded natural sands and gravel having the following minimum

Liquid limit less than 25%

Plasticity index less than 6

The material shall have a smooth grading curve within the sensibly
parallel to the grading envelope below:

Sieve Size % by Mass Passing

75 mm 100
37.5 mm 85 - 100
10 mm 45 - 100
5 mm 25 - 85
600 m 8 - 45
75 m 0 - 10

Above the water table, locally occurring Subkha materials may be

used for structural filling.

The material shall be laid and compacted to layers not greater than
150 mm thick (compacted thickness) to achieve a dry density of not
less than 95% of the maximum dry density, determined in the
modified vibrating hammer compaction test. The placement moisture
content shall be adjusted to fall within the ± 2% of the optimum
percentage determined in the modified vibrating hammer
compaction test as per the relevant BS specification.

2. Non-Structural Fills - Cohesive Soils selected as being suitable

shall be placed and compacted in layers not greater than 150mm
thick compacted to not less than 95% as per the relevant BS
specification. The material shall be placed at its natural moisture
content unless this is more than 2% below the optimum moisture
content determined in the Proctor Compaction Test in which case it
shall be raised by approved means to a moisture content in the
range of 2% above and below the optimum.

Granular Soils selected as being suitable shall be placed and

compacted in layers not greater than 150 mm thick (compacted

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

thickness) to achieve a dry density of not less than 90% of the

maximum dry density determined in the vibrating hammer
compaction test. The placement moisture content shall be adjusted
by approved means to bring the moisture content within the range
+/- 1.5% of the optimum moisture content determined in the
vibrating hammer compaction test.

Disposal on Site of Unsuitable Materials If the Contractor is given

permission to dispose of excavated materials which are designated
unsuitable for filling or backfill on the site they shall be placed in
regular layers without compaction as directed. If the Contractor is
not given such permission they shall be classified as surplus
excavated material.

Backfilling around structures and in pipe trenches, except where filling is

designated on the drawings or specified as "non-structural fill" or
"structural fill" to support structures shall be carried out as detailed below.

PS 6/60.2.22 Stone Pitching

The sides and bed of the watercourse or embankment shall first be

trimmed to the required profile.

The pitching shall be hand placed, roughly square on all faces, and the
upper (water) face shall be roughly dressed and laid to break joints.
Pitching shall be firmly bedded and jointed in 75 mm thick cement mortar.

PS 6/60.2.23 Reinstatement of Damaged Surfaces and Property

If any pavement, fences, poles, Irrigation system or other property and

surface structures have been damaged, removed, or disturbed by the
Contractor, whether deliberately or through failure to carry out the
requirements of the contract documents, state laws, municipal
ordinances, or the specific directions of the Engineer or through failure to
employ usual and reasonable safeguards, such property and surface
structures shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the Contractor.
If the Employer specifies that the replacements or repairs shall be made
by the Contractor, he shall replace or repair and restore the structures to
a condition equal to that before the work began, and to the approval of
the Engineer, and shall furnish all required labour, plant and materials

PS 6/60.2.24 Reinstatement of Unpaved Land

In general the reinstatement of stripped areas of unpaved land shall be

restored to a condition not inferior to that which existed before the site
was occupied.

The compacted backfill shall be taken up to a level which allows for

settlement. In arable, grassed and similar areas the surface to be
topsoiled shall then be loosened to a depth of 200mm and topsoil
replaced on it to the specified depth without compaction using approved
topsoil of comparable quality to make up any deficiency.

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Areas where grass is to be sown shall be worked with fine tilth, leveled,
graded and rolled with a light roller. The seed shall be sown evenly at the
specified rate of application in the proper season and in suitable weather
conditions, and the areas again rolled. Restoration and re-seeding of any
areas where the new grass is inadequate.

As an alternative to seeding the "dibbing in" at 200mm centres of

"Bugunda" or similar tropical grass tufts may be required.

The grass shall be well watered four times a day and the Contractor will
be required to keep the grass cut short until the Maintenance Certificate
has been issued.

PS 6/60.2.25 Reinstatement of Paved Carriageways,

Parking Areas & Hard Shoulders

There shall be only "one time" reinstatement for asphalted roads and
paved areas and these shall be reinstated strictly in adherence to Local
Orders and regularities and is further clarified as follows:

All affected asphalt surfaces shall be reinstated only 'one time'

reinstatement by the Contractor as per the cross sections pertaining to
the relevant road classification stated in above Administrative Order.

Any settlement in reinstated areas up to a period of one year shall be

treated as defective workmanship and will have to be repaired free of cost
to the client.

All reinstatement must be carried out by MOID / SRTA / respective

Municipality approved road contractors only.

The testing of materials and in-situ test shall be those commonly

employed on MOID / SRTA / respective Municipality Roads Department

PS 6/60.2.26 Reinstatement of Other Surfaced Areas

Reinstatement of surfaced areas other than roads such as pavements or

reservations shall be reinstated with an acceptable wearing surface as
per local Orders and regularities and maintained up to a period of one
year. Any settlement in the reinstated areas during this period will have to
be done at Contractor's expense.

PS 6/60.2.27 Excavation and Reinstatement in Developed Reservations

The respective Municipalities Horticulture Department will remove any

trees, bushes and plants from developed reservations that they wish to
preserve prior to the commencement of work by the Contractor.

The reinstatement of the developed reservations shall be to backfill and

compact the excavations in accordance with Section PS 6/60.2.20 and to
restore the surface in accordance with Section PS 6/60.2.23 and PS

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PS 6/60.2.28 Cleaning Up of Pipeline Alignments

After installation and backfilling of the pipeline and also after restoration of
surfaces, the Contractor shall clean the site and the surrounding ground
and he shall dispose of all waste material, debris, and rock resulting from
his operations. The Contractor shall restore the site and the surrounding
ground to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

PS 6/60.2.29 Non-Disruptive Pipeline Construction Beneath Roads

Where instructed to do so, the Contractor will be required to construct

pipeline beneath roads, and elsewhere, using non-disruptive methods,
such as pipe boring and jacking, which avoid breaking the ground
surface. The Contractor shall submit full details of his proposals for such
non disruptive methods to the Engineer for approval and subject to
respective Municipalities Roads Department NOC for each such

Work on non-disruptive pipeline construction shall be performed only by

contractors, approved subcontractors, who are experienced in the
performance of such work under similar conditions, with the approved
from respective Municipalities for the methodology of operation.

PS 6/60.3 Pipes and Appurtenances

PS 6/60.3.1 General

PS 6/ Scope of Works - The work shall consist of collect,

excavation, testing, flushing, disinfection,
commissioning & backfilling of distribution A.C. pipe
lines, fittings, valves, meters & service pipes (L.D.P.E).

All pipes, fittings and specials shall be supplied by the

concerned agency, unless otherwise indicated in these
documents or instructed by the Engineer.

The Neoprene rubber, soft soap and All other materials

& equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be
suitable for use in respective Emirates and under
conditions prevailing at the site of the works.

All the materials are to be approved by the concerned

agency - water division before ordering.

Important: Where no year is shown following the

specification of B.S., I.S.O. etc, the latest published
edition shall be deemed applicable.

PS 6/60.3.2 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes for Portable Water

PS 6/ General - Asbestos cement (AC) pressure pipe shall

conform to the requirements of BS EN 512:1995. All

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pipes and joints shall be supplied by a single

manufacturer. No internal or external coating shall be
provided. The pipe shall be manufactured by an
established A.C. pipe manufacturer having successful
experience in the manufacture and supply of high
pressure A.C. pipe. Evidence of such experience shall
be provided with the tender offer. The manufacturer
shall be certified to ISO 9000 series. Pipes and Joints
shall be made from a close and homogeneous mixture
essentially consisting of Chrysotile Asbestos Fibers,
Sulphate Resisting Cement and Potable Water
excluding any materials liable to cause ultimate
deterioration in the quality of the pipes.

PS 6/ References - The following standards are applicable

where referenced in the following specifications:

1 BS - EN 512 1995 Pipes & Joints

2 BS 2494 1990 Rubber gasket
3 BS 4027 1996 Cement
4 ISO 2785 1986 Pipe design

PS 6/ Class & Type - AC pipe shall meet the requirements

for Class 18, i.e. test pressure in the factory 18 bar as
per BS-EN 512 up to 1000 mm dia. and 10 bars
working pressure (nominal pressure) for pipes above
1000 mm dia. A. C. pipes and joints class-24 shall
meet the requirement of test pressure in the factory 24
bar. Pipe wall thickness shall meet all design
requirements. Pipe ends shall be plain with beveled

PS 6/ Dimensions - Asbestos cement pipe shall be

manufactured in 3 meter nominal lengths for diameters
300 mm and smaller and in 5 meter nominal lengths for
above 300mm. Allowance for different lengths as per
ISO / BS will be accepted up to 5% only, of each
diameter supplied.

Pipe ends and joints shall have the following principal


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CLASS - 18

Nominal Outside Diameter Calibration Width Of

Diameter At The Pipe End Length A.C. Joint
mm mm At The End Of mm

75 93 110 104
80 106 110 104
100 126 125 120
150 178 125 120
200 234 155 150
225 255 155 150
300 344 155 150
450 508 210 200
500 560 210 200
550 616 210 200
600 668 250 240
700 780 250 240
900 1000 280 270
1200 1320 310 300

CLASS - 24

Nominal Outside Diameter Calibration Width Of

Diameter At The Pipe End Length A.C. Joint
mm mm At The End Of mm

600 688 250 240

900 1026 280 270
1200 1360 310 300

PS 6/ Cement - All cement used in the manufacture of

asbestos cement pipe and joints shall be a high
sulphate resisting cement conforming to BS 4027:1996.
Copies of cement mill certificates shall be submitted
with each consignment of pipe delivered upon request.

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PS 6/ Joints - Asbestos cement pipe shall be provided with

spigot ends to be joined with 'Reka' type couplings
using two rubber rings. Rubber rings shall conform to
the requirements of BS 2494. The joints shall be
capable of withstanding a test pressure of 18 bars
without any leaks when deflected to the angle specified

Nominal Diameter Max Joint Deflection Angle

mm Degrees

Up To 225 5
250 - 350 4
400 - 550 3
600 - 1000 2
1100 - 1500 1

Copies of test reports showing compliance to these

requirements shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval if requested. REKA rubber rings for couplings
shall be supplied in closed bags / containers shielded
from sunlight. Each bag / container shall contain only
one size of rubber rings and shall be marked with a
clear print indicating the diameter and the number of
rings in the bag.

PS 6/ Design Calculations - Pipe design calculation as per

ISO 2785 shall be submitted to the Engineer, if
requested, for review and approval.

PS 6/ Testing - Asbestos cement pipes shall be factory

tested in accordance with section 4.6 of BS-EN 512-
1995. Copies of test certificate shall be submitted for
each consignment delivered. Inspection, sampling and
lot size shall be in accordance with Annex A of BS - EN
512:1995. Lot size for diameters larger than 1000 mm
shall be 200 pipes. All test including destructive type
tests shall be carried out by the manufacturer in
presence of concerned authority’s representative/
consultant before delivery. In addition, routine testing
shall be carried out at accredited laboratories on the
materials delivered to site. Testing and related activities
shall be carried out at no additional cost. The pipes
which are destroyed in testing shall be replaced at no
additional cost as well. For pipe above 300mm dia and
ordered length less than 1/2 Kilometer for each size,
non-destructive test shall be carried out on 2 x sample
size shown in ISO-390-1993E and destructive tests
shall be carried out if requested by concerned agency.
Order more than 1/2 km. for pipes above 300 mm dia.,

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inspection etc. shall be carried out as per BS-EN 512-

For outside U.A.E. manufacturer, all tests including
destructive tests shall be carried out at manufacturer’s
place in accordance with Annex A of BS EN 512-1995.
The manufacturer/supplier shall give 14 days advance
notice. In addition to that, 1 % of total numbers of pipes
of each size and class after delivery to concerned
authority stores/sites shall be tested at local laboratory
for all tests including destructive tests. Any failure shall
lead to for complete rejection of consignment and
concerned authority decision shall be final and binding
to the tenderer. The pipes which are destroyed in
testing shall be replaced at no extra cost. The cost of
transport of pipes and joints for testing and delivery
once again, shall be borne by the tenderer/ contractor.

Failure of Pipes and Joints at the Time of Testing at

Sites in respective Emirate.

During hydro-pressure testing at site after delivery to

concerned authority stores and, if pipes/joints failed
shall be replaced at no extra cost including transport
expenses. The reason of the failure shall be
investigated by concerned authority and concerned
authority decision shall be final and binding to the

PS 6/ Markings - Each pipe and joint shall be legibly and

indelibly marked with the following:

1. Manufacturing standard
2. Manufacturer's name or trade mark.
3. Manufacturing date
4. Home line positions at pipe ends [pipe only].
5. Nominal Diameter (ND) in mm
6. Pressure rating in Bars (Class)
7. Inspection mark.
8. Respective authority – water division

The date of manufacture and company trade mark /

name shall be engraved minimum 2mm deep on the
pipe and shall be clearly legible and shall be to the
satisfaction of concerned authority.

PS 6/ A.C. Pipes (Full Length Calibrated) - Full length

calibrated A.C. pipe shall conform in all respects to
A.C. pipe specifications except that pipe shall be
machined for full length and shall have the following
outside diameter along the entire length of the pipe

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Nominal Outside Nominal Outside

Diameter Diameter mm Diameter mm Diameter mm

500 560 700 780

550 616 900 1000
600 668 1200 1320

All pipes shall be pressure tested in accordance with

BS- EN - 512-1995 requirements after normal
manufacturing. The pipes shall be pressure tested for a
second time after the entire length has been machined
to insure pipes have not been damaged during the
machining works in presence of concerned
authority’s representative. All pipes shall be of 5
meters length.

PS 6/ A.C. Special Joints - A.C. special joints shall be

designed to fit A.C. pressure pipe with the following
outside diameters.

A.C. Special To Fit On Outer

Joint Nominal Diameter Of A.C. Width Of Joint
Diameter mm Pipe mm

75 96 104
80 109 104
100 129 120
150 181 120
200 238 150
225 258 150
300 347 150
500 565 200
550 622 200
600 674 240
700 786 240
900 1006 270
1200 1327 300

The A.C. special joints shall be of class 18 and shall

conform to BS- EN - 512-1995. Two circular black lines
shall be on each joint to differentiate form normal joints.

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The inner and outer diameter shall be written on each

special joint clearly, e.g. 150 - 181.

PS 6/ Samples - The following samples are to be submitted

by the A.C. pipe supplier / tenderer.

1. 225 mm A.C. pipe one meter long with both ends

calibrated - as per specifications.

2. 225 mm A.C. joint with rubber rings- as per

specifications- 1no.

PS 6/ Pipe Data Sheets - Supplier shall fill the Pipe Data
Sheets in section 3 Schedule D of this specification for
each pipe size and class in the contract. The data
sheets shall be submitted with the tender

PS 6/ Storing in Stock Piles at Manufacturer Store - Care

must be taken that the storage surface is leveled and
firm and clear of rocks or solid objects that might
damage the pipes. The pipes shall be stored in
separate stock piles according to their class and
nominal diameter. Any extraneous materials are to be
removed from the area.

Stock pile should not exceed a certain height. This

height is limited for safety and practical reasons as per
the table below. Wooden wedges to avoid off-sliding of
the whole pipe stack, should be placed on both sides of
the first layer in the stack, on the timber bearer.

Storing height h

DN 80-400 450-600 700-1000 1100-1400 >1500

h <2m <2.4m <3.0m <2.8M <2.0M

PS 6/ Transportation of Pipes - A.C. pipes & joints shall be

properly and securely transported from the place of
manufacture to respective authority stores. Where
pipes are transported by truck, the pipes shall be
transported on wooden cradles or skids and shall be
properly protected from contact with metal surfaces by
rubber or wooden spacers or wedges. No stacking shall
be allowed for pipe larger than 900 mm in diameter
during transport.

Where any part of the transport is done by ocean

freight or barge, or other means for pipes imported from
outside the U.A.E., then the following packing
procedures shall be applicable and followed:

All AC pipes and joints shall be transported in full

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wooden crates. Crates shall be provided with

transverse wooden spacer such that the unsupported
span of AC pipe does not exceed 2 meter, inside the
crates. Crates shall be provided with skids to allow
lifting by forklift. Pipes inside the crates shall be
provided with rubber or polystyrene end protectors
around the spigot surface of the pipe. Crates shall be
marked with the manufacturer’s name, the contract no.
and details of contains. Pipes shall not touch each
other inside the crates. No nesting shall be allowed
inside the crates. Pipe 600 mm in diameter and larger,
shall be individually crated. All packing and
transportation expenses shall be deemed included in
the supply rates and no extra payment shall be made
by respective authority. Packing and crating details
shall be submitted with the tender. A guideline sketch is

PS 6/ Unloading - Unloading at concerned authority stores

must be carried out carefully under the control and
responsibility of the tenderer. Care should be taken to
avoid severe impact with any solid object (i.e. other
pipes, ground, etc.).

PS 6/60.3.3 Glass Reinforcement Plastic (GRP) Fittings Specifications

All fittings (including bends, tees, reducers and flanges) used with AC
water pipelines shall be GRP (Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic) fittings
complying with the following specifications:

The following specifications are referenced as applicable:

Reference Description

AWWA C 950-88 AWWA Standard for Fiberglass Pressure Pipes

ASTM D3517-91 Standard Specification for "Fiberglass

(Glass-Fibber-Reinforced-Resin) Pressure Pipes

BS 5480:1990 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GRP)

Pipes and Fittings for use for Water
Supply or Sewerage. Parts 1 & 2.

PS 6/ General - This specification covers the design,

manufacture and testing of glassfibre reinforced plastic
(GRP) pressure fittings for use with Asbestos Cement
pressure Pipe in nominal sizes 80 mm and larger. GRP
fittings and pipe shall be designed and manufactured in
accordance with AWWA C950 and the requirements
herein. All components shall be produced by one

The manufacturer must demonstrate the experience

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and capability to produce fittings of the same diameter

and pressure range as those required. The
manufacturer shall be certified to ISO 9000 series or
equivalent for quality assurance management.

PS 6/ Construction - GRP fittings shall have the following

principal construction:

1. A corrosion resistant, resin rich liner having a

minimum thickness of 0.5 mm. The liner surface
in contact with water shall be reinforced with "C"
glass veil or mat impregnated with Vinylester or
Epoxy Resin The liner shall be continuous along
the circumference of the pipe and shall be of
uniform thickness and composition.

2. A structural wall consisting of continuous glass

filament windings and/or woven rovings and
chopped glass reinforcement, and may include
fine fillers, all impregnated with Isophthalic,
Vinylester or Epoxy resin as required.

3. A resin-rich exterior surface having a minimum

thickness of 0.25 mm.

No dark pigments shall be allowed in the GRP fittings.

Flanged joints, where specified, shall be GRP filament
wound flanges manufactured from epoxy resin or
Vinylester resin and glass reinforcements.

Only epoxy resin shall be used for fittings up to and

including 300 mm dia.

PS 6/ Design Requirements - GRP fittings and flanges shall

be designed in accordance with AWWA C950 for
service at the following conditions:

Maximum operating pressure 10 Bars

Maximum site test pressure 13.5 Bars
Maximum allowable vacuum -1 Bar
Minimum depth of cover 1.0 Metre
Maximum depth of cover 4.0 Metre
Truck loading (Wheel Load) 90 KN
Service temperature (Maximum) 45 Deg. C.

Flange / Flange fittings shall be designed for installation

above ground (in Chambers) without thrust blocks.
Flanged branches on Spigot Tees shall be designed to
resist end thrust from closed valves.

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The pressure rating for GRP pipe or fittings shall be

based on the long term hydrostatic design pressure
established as per section 2.06.8 - 2(a) of this
specification with a design factor of 2.0.

Laminated or Adhesive Joints used in the fabrication of

fittings shall be equal or superior in strength to the
sections they join. The thickness of laminated joints
shall not be less than the wall thickness of the adjoining
pipe section. All hand laminations or windings shall
utilize only one type of resin throughout.

PS 6/ Chemical Requirements - GRP fittings shall not

impart any taste, odor or colour to drinking water. GRP
pipe/fittings shall be certified and listed for potable
water use by the Water Research Centre,(WRC) U.K.,
in accordance with BS 6920 or by the National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF)- USA in accordance with
NSF Standard 14. A certificate shall be obtained from

PS 6/ Dimensions

1. GRP fittings shall be produced in Metric sizes and

shall be classified by their nominal inside
diameter (ND). All standard fittings up to and
including diameter 300 mm used in the
distribution system shall be filament wound on
precision steel moulds. Standard 90 and 45
degree bends of nominal diameter 300mm and
smaller shall be of the smooth radius type, having
a turning radius of 1.5 times the bend nominal
diameter. Fittings diameter larger than 300 mm
may be of the moulded or mitered (manufactured
from GRP pipe sections) construction and internal
surfaces shall be finished smooth. Tangential
flanged Tee shall be used in washout chambers
and shall have a bottom tangential flanged outlet
with main spigot ends. The overall dimensions of
standard fittings shall be as per the attached

2. Spigot Joints, where specified, shall have the

same Outside Diameter (O.D.) as concerned
authority asbestos cement (AC) pipe class 18 to
which it is to be jointed. The joint dimensions and
tolerances shall be equal to AC pipe spigots such
that the joint remains watertight under all normal
operating and surge conditions. The spigot ends
shall be clearly marked with a "homeline"
indicating the proper insertion limit for the AC
couplings. The spigot width shall not be less than
half the AC coupling joint width. Spigot ends shall

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be with beveled edges.

The actual fitting inside diameter shall not be less

than that shown in the table below:

Nominal Diameter (ND) Minimum Inside Diameter

( mm ) ( mm )
80 78
100 98
150 148
225 223
300 298
500 497
550 547
600 594
700 695
900 890
1200 1190

G.R.P. Flanges shall be flat faced and drilled to

BS 4504 PN 10 drilling pattern except for 225 mm
& 550 mm dia for which ISO 7005 / PN 10 and for
450mm dia. DIN2501/PN16, shall be followed.
GRP Flange gasket (full face) design and
thickness shall be as recommended by the GRP
fitting manufacturer. Hand lay-up flanges shall not
be acceptable.

The thickness of GRP flanges shall not be less

than shown in the table below:

Nominal diameter Minimum GRP flange

( mm ) thickness
( mm )
80-100 38
150-200 44
225 45
300 54
500 64
550 68
600 72
700 78
900 93
1200 108

The wall thickness of GRP fittings shall be determined

by the manufacturer to meet the design requirements of
this specification but shall in no case be less than the
minimum thickness shown in the table below:

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Nominal Diameter Minimum GRP Fitting/Pipe

( mm ) thickness
( mm )

80 - 300 5.0
350-500 6.5
550 7.5
600 8.0
700 9.5
900 12.0
1200 16.0

PS 6/ Mechanical Properties - GRP fittings and pipes used

for fabrication shall meet the following minimum
strength requirements.

Property Test Method
per table 10 of
Hoop Tensile Stress for
1. ASTM D2290 AWWA C950 for
GRP pipe
class 150 psi
Per table 11 of
Axial Tensile Stress for
2. ASTM D 638 AWWAC950 for
GRP pipe
150 psi.
Axial Tensile Stress for
3. ASTM D 638 70 MPa
flange/flange. fittings
Initial Hoop Stress failure 3.5 x rated
4. ASTM D1599
for molded fittings working pressure
Dia. 300mm
10000 pa
5. Initial PipeStiffness ASTM D2412
Dia.> 300mm
5000 pa

PS 6/ Visual Requirements - GRP fittings shall be free from

delamination, crazing, dry areas or cracks. Spigot ends
shall be free from end delamination, torn edges and
gouges and shall be finished smooth to ensure
watertightness. All laminates shall be fully cured with a
minimum Barcol hardness of 33 when tested in
accordance with ASTM 2583. The inside liner of the
G.R.P. fittings shall be free of cracks.

PS 6/ Testing

1. Routine Tests - G.R.P. pipes and fittings shall be

factory tested in accordance with AWWA C950 or
BS 5480 at the frequency specified below by the
manufacturer. Test results and certificates shall
be submitted to the Engineer for each

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consignment delivered.
Test Frequency

a. Visual inspection Every Item

b. Dimensions Every Item

c. Hydraulic pressure
@ 20 bars Once per 10
Flg x Flg Items

i) Hydraulic pressure
@ 20 bars Once per 20
spigot items
for dia.

d. Pipe Stiffness for dia.

> 300mm Once per 100
mitered Items

e. Barcol hardness
(resin cure) Every Item

f. Pipe Axial & Hoop tensile

stress Once per 100
Items for dia.
> 300mm

j. Initial hoop failure stress

for molded fittings
(ASTM D1599) Once per
order on
largest size

k. GRP pipe used for fitting

fabrication shall be factory
pressure tested at 20 bars Every pipe

2. Qualification (Type) Tests - The following tests

shall be carried out on actual pipe/fittings
produced by the manufacturer to establish and
accept the design basis for the products. These
tests are not routine quality control tests.

a. Long term hydrostatic design pressure of

the GRP pipes and molded fittings shall be
established in accordance with AWWA
C950 Section 2.4.2.

b. Short term hoop tensile strength shall be

within the ultimate strength of the pipe,
fittings, laminated joints and flanged joints to

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withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 3.5

times the rated working pressure with no
signs of leakage or weep. For flanged joints,
the flanges shall be blinded and the ends
unrestrained during the test.

3. Testing to be Witnessed by Concerned


a. The tenderer/contractor shall intimate when

full consignment is ready for inspection and

b. 10% of total quantity shall be inspected and

tested in the presence of concerned
authority’s representative for the tests
mentioned under serial no.1,2 and 5 of
routine test. The quantity for testing for
serial no. 2,3,3a,4,6,7 and 8 shall be as
mentioned in the column of frequency under
routine tests.

c. Pressure test for G.R.P. pipes used for

fittings shall be witnessed by concerned
authority’s representative; necessary
intimation shall be given to concerned
authority to witness the test.

d. All tests and related matter shall be carried

out without extra charges to concerned

PS 6/ Samples - The following samples are to be submitted

by the G.R.P. fittings supplier / tenderer :

1. 225 x 225x 150 mm G.R.P. Tee spigot / spigot /

spigot - 1 number.
2. 150 mm G.R.P. bend 90  double flange - 1

Note:A detailed check list (for each clause) shall be

submitted by the tenderer along with the tender
documents to confirm his compliance to the
above specifications. And detail of technical
collaborator company with the manufacturer, if
any, shall be furnished along with the tender.

PS 6/ Submittals/Drawings - Prior to start of production, the

fittings manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer
dimensional drawings of each fitting required for
approval. Design calculations, samples and sample
testing may also be required by the Engineer for
approval at no extra cost to the client.

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For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit

before delivery, the recommended gasket details, the
bolt torqueing sequence and maximum recommended
torque for each flange size supplied.

PS 6/ Markings - Each fitting shall be indelibly marked with

the following:

 Manufacture's Name or Trade mark

 Nominal Diameter (N.D.) in mm
 Pressure Rating in Bars
 Manufacturing Date, Month & Year.
 Inspection Mark.
 Respective Authority – Water Division
 Coupling " homeline" position on spigot ends

PS 6/ Tangential Flanged Tee - This shall be used as

washout Tee which shall have a bottom tangential
flanged outlet. Tee shall be spigot x spigot x branch
flange. The size of the Tee shall be as written in the
item. The figure of the product shall be as per drawing
given. The detail of product & Engineering data shall be
submitted. Spigot ends of Tee shall be to suit A.C. joint
of the contract.

PS 6/60.3.4 Valves and Appurtenance

PS 6/ General - All valves supplied shall be suitable for use

with water temperatures up to 50 C and in climatic and
soil conditions encountered in the respective Emirate
area. The nominal working pressure shall be 10 bar.
Unless otherwise specified, all valves and
appurtenance shall be externally and internally fusion
bonded epoxy coated using electrostatic/fluidized bed
process conforming to DIN 30677 or approved
equivalent, with a minimum thickness of 300 micron.
Holiday- free, non toxic and colour code RAL 5015.
Before application of epoxy coating the surface shall be
sand blasted to a minimum SA 2.5 and air blown to
ensure good bond. A certificate verifying the suitability
of the epoxy coating for use with drinking water is
required from the manufacturer endorsed by any
accredited independent laboratory acceptable to
concerned authority. The flange valves shall be
supplied complete with flange gaskets and stainless
steel nuts, bolts and washers. Bolts and nuts shall be
supplied with 2 washers per bolt. The bolt length shall
be such that after the joints are made- up, the bolt
protrudes through the nut, but not more than 12 mm. It
shall fit to G.R.P. flange having thickness as mentioned

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in G.R.P specifications. Unless otherwise detail or

specified here-in, gate and butterfly valves shall be
supplied complete with stainless steel extension
spindles and appurtenances such that the square nut
operation is within 500 mm of the top of the chamber
cover slab. For direct supply to concerned authority,
valve shall be supplied without extension spindle.
Where required, special couplings shall be incorporated
to absorb the weight of the extension spindle at no
extra cost to concerned authority. The stem cap of all
valves and square nut operator in case of extension
spindles shall be in accordance with BS 5163 (as per
the sketch attached).

Unless otherwise specified here in, all attaching

hardware of all valves and appurtenances including the
nuts, bolts and washers for flanged valves shall be
stainless steel in accordance with DIN 17440 or
approved equivalent.

All valves shall be tested to the appropriate test

pressure at the manufacturer’s works and shall be
supported by a test certificate from the manufacturer.
Inspection, function test and strength test shall be
made in accordance with DIN 3230 or approved

The Contractor shall supply the original manufacturer’s

test certificate. The certificate shall relate to the
individual number cast/written on steel plate on each

All coating thicknesses shall be specified in mm or

microns and shall be verified at accredited lab.

Marking of valves shall include the following:

 manufacturer’s Name or Trademark

 Nominal Diameter(s) (N.D) in mm.
 Pressure Rating in Bars.
 Individual Serial Number which relates directly to
the manufacturer’s test certificate on steel plate
 Date of Manufacture mentioned on steel plate fixed
on valve
 concerned authority-water division on steel plate
fixed on valve

All gate and butterfly valves shall be clockwise closing.

Where specified, position indicators shall be provided
on all gate and butterfly valves and shall have

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adjustable end limit stops at both open and closed end

positions to prevent damage by excessive operating

The maximum effort required to operate the valve

against the maximum unbalanced head applied at the
circumference of the handwheel or end of tee-key shall
not exceed 15 Kg. where necessary gearing shall be
provided as specified to achieve this.

All gate and butterfly valves shall be designed to

provide 100 % water tight shut off at all specified
pressures and suitable for installation of electrical
actuators when required. Line valves of 300 mm dia.
and smaller shall be double spigot gate valves with
beveled ends, unless otherwise indicated. The outside
dia. of machined ends shall fit with the AC pipe
coupling supplied to the Contract. Where flanges are
required they shall be drilled to PN 10 in accordance
with BS 4504 except for 225 mm & 550 mm dia for
which ISO 7005 / PN10 shall be applied unless
specified or directed otherwise. Handwheels shall be
provide for all valves when installed above ground,
when operation is within reach. Valve installed out of
reach above ground shall be provided with chain drive
or remote control drive as the case may be. All valves
shall be supplied with stem cap.

All valves shall follow the guidelines presented in

clause 1/12 of General Specifications, Volume 3.1.

Valve shall be manufactured by an ISO 9000 series

certified company who has had several years of
experience in the manufacture of valves and shall have
a fully equipped technical back-up and service facility in
the U.A.E. The manufacturer of the valve shall confirm
the particular application of the valves for the intended
use and shall provide a warranty of minimum 5 years
based on a replacement basis including labour and
material at no extra cost. The warranty shall be issued
directly to respective authority.

Before proceeding with any manufacturing, submit

shop drawing for Engineer’s approval. Describe the
items being submitted. Show dimension, physical
configurations, components and their composition,
coating systems etc. Include material specification lists
which shall summarize the specification features as
called for in these specifications and include such
other necessary data as would provide a complete and
adequate specification for re-ordering any spare parts
or an exact duplicate of the original from the
manufacturer at some future date. Face to face

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dimensions for flange valves shall be as per BS 5163.

PS 6/ Gate Valves - Gate valves shall conform to the

provisions of DIN 3352 Part 4 A &B or approved
equivalent and as further specified herein. The valves
shall be inside screw, non-rising stem, and clockwise
closing wedge valves suitable for underground use and
flow in both directions. 225 & 300 mm dia valves shall
be supplied with two lifting hooks.

The minimum designed working pressure shall be 10

bar. The valves pressure rating shall equal the class of
pipe and shall be not less than PN 10. Valves shall be
designed for the “Closed End Test”. Gate valves shall
be of resilient seal design with bolted bonnet
connection and straight - through port.

The wedge of the gate shall be low clearance - guided

in the body and shall have inner core of ductile iron
GGG50 conforming to DIN 1693 or approved
equivalent , fully encapsulated with a synthetic EPDM
rubber covering on the inside and outside by
vulcanizing. The rubber covering shall have a minimum
thickness of not less than 2.5 mm on both flow sides,
on sealing surfaces minimum thickness shall be not
less than 4 mm with no body metal exposed. The
EPDM wedge rubber (EDK-70) shall be approved to be
used for potable water and be selected to meet the
chemical properties and temperatures of the fluid being
handled by the valves.

The stem shall be manufactured of stainless steel

comply with DIN 17440 or 316L or approved
equivalent, stem thread shall be of the rolled type. The
stem sealing and bearing shall be maintenance free
and shall be designed in the form of a series of ‘O’
rings of synthetic rubber and stem bearing gap sealed
against entry of dust by a wiper rings. The stem sealing
should be replaceable when required.

The body and bonnet be ductile iron GGG 50/40 to Din

1693 or approved equivalent. Stem nut shall be
dezincification resistant brass, CZ 132 to BS 2872.
Manual operation shall be by handwheel or by Tee-key
as shown.

The valves body and bonnet shall be internally and

externally fusion bonded epoxy coated as specified.
Prior to assembly, the entire valve body and bonnet
shall be holiday tested internally and externally at not
less than 3.0 kV to DIN 30677 or approved equivalent.

The end of spigot and flanged valves shall be protected

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by end - protector with plastic cap or rubber cap orany

other suitable measure.

Requirement for an EDK-70, EPDM Rubber

Colour Black
Hardness Sha 70
Tensile Strength Mpa 13
Elongation at break % 300
Density g/cm3 1.12
Range or temperatures in dry C -4 to 120
atmospheric air
Compression set, DIN 53517, 10
24 hours/ 70o C: %

Gear operated valves shall be provided with operating

nuts and Tee-keys as specified. Gear cases shall be
totally enclosed and equipped with indicators to show
valves position and designed for full differential
pressure of 10 bars and shall be with bevel gear except
where specified.

A sample of 100 mm dia. spigot valve shall be

submitted with tender

PS 6/ Butterfly Valves

1. Butterfly valves shall conform to one of the

following standards: - BS EN 593:2004; DIN
3354; AWWA C504 or ISO 5752.
2. Valves shall be rated for PN 10 (10 Bar) service.
3. Valves shall be double flanged type with worm
type manual operating gear with stem cap.
4. They shall be manufactured from the following

Body and Flange Ductile Iron to BS 2789 or Grey Cast

Iron to BS 1452 GRADE 260 and
face to face dimension of valve in
accordance with B.S. 5155 (short).

Disc Aluminium Bronze to BS EN 1982

AB2 or Nikel Aluminium Bronze. It
shall be polished to the approval of
concerned authority.

Internal Body Lining EPDM Rubber Bonded by vulcanizing

process to temperature resistant
100deg.C and suitable for use with
potable water and extended over the

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flange. Thickness of rubber lining:

500-600 9 MM
700-900 12 MM
1000-1200 18 MM

Shaft, Gear Spindle Aluminum Bronze or

Shaft Pin Duplex Stainless Steel

Shaft Bearing Self lubricating type with EPDM 'O'

ring seals or preferably dry design
having no wetness by line. Media
flowing through valve design having
no wetness by line. Media flowing
through valve

Spindle Extension Valve Spindle shall be with extension

upto a minimum of 500 mm below
manhole cover. The valve’s spindle
and its extension arrangement is to
be submitted with manufacturer
catalogue for respective Authority
approval. It shall be from the same
manufacturer of butterfly valve, and
shall be stainless Steel Grade 316. or
aluminum bronze or duplex stainless

Stem Cap Stem Cap as per B.S. 5163-2: 2004

and one extra stem cap to be
supplied for each valve. Cost to be
included with valve. Stem cap shall
be as shown in the drawing.

External Coating Two component polyurethane primers

to the valve body followed by a two
component poly-urethane of blue
colour of dry thickness 100 micron
minimum applied electro-statically.


Cover Housing Cast Iron GG25

Quadrant Ductile Iron
Worm Carbon Steel
‘O’ Ring Nbr
Thrust Bearing Carbon Steel C-70

5. All the valves shall be of high reliability, robust

design and tropicalized in accordance to the
worst prevailing ambient conditions.

6. All the internal & external fastenings such as nuts,

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bolts, screws and fittings shall be of stainless

steel grade 316.

7. Flanges shall be drilled to BS 4504 PN10 rating.

8. Butterfly valves shall be used as line valves for

sizes larger than 300 mm nominal diameter and
for 300 mm or smaller as mentioned in drawing
and/ or B.O.Q.

9. Vales shall have position indicator & shall have

adjustable end limit stops at both open and
closed end position to prevent damage by
excessive operating force. They shall close
clockwise. Position indicator shall be in such a
way that it can be seen from top.

10. Valves shall be supplied with stainless steel nuts,

bolts, washers; Nuts, bolts and washers shall be
of standard AISI GRADE 316.

11. The valves shall have the name of the

manufacturer, type, number, working pressure,
nominal diameter and month & year of
manufacture cast on valve body in an identifiable
top or side position.

12. The supplier shall submit full technical data

sheets, catalogues of the valve in English

13. All the valves shall be designed for no leakage

under flow from either direction tested at a
differential pressure across the seal of rated
working pressure. Each valve shall be subject to
a body pressure/leakage test of 1.5 times the
design pressure before leaving the
manufacturer's works. Test certificate by the
manufacturer is to be submitted.

14. A certificate showing that any rubber lining used

is non-toxic to potable water in accordance to
international standards shall be obtained from an
internationally recognized authority.

15. Nuts and bolts for flange shall be as follows:

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

Nominal Diameter Of Length Of

Diameter Of Bolts No. Of Bolts Bolts
Valve (mm) (mm)
(mm) Per Valve

550 M27 40 160

600 M27 40 160
700 M27 48 190
900 M30 56 210
1200 M36 64 240

Contractor shall be responsible to a certain exact

length and dia of bolts as per requirement.

16. Two lifting hooks to be provided.

17. Valve supporting foot not to be provided at bottom

of valve when valve shaft is position horizontally.

18. The manufacturer should be approved for quality

assurance scheme under ISO 9000 Series /BS
5750 or equivalent national standard. Necessary
certificates from the manufacturers are to be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval along
with tender/quotation.

19. Following documents are to be submitted to

concerned authority along with tender/quotation/
approval through consultant.

a) Original Catalogues & full technical data

sheet in English.

b) Quality assurances certificate under ISO

9000 Series /BS 5750 or equivalent issued
to manufacturer or certificate of approval of
kite mark of BS or similar mark from
respective country to the manufacturer.

20. Gear Spindle and extension for butterfly valve

shall be 50 mm dia or as approved by concerned
authority for valves of size 500 mm and above ,
for valves below 500 mm the same shall be as
per manufacturer’s recommendation or as
approved by respective authority.

21. The gear design shall be such that they are

suitable for operation with electrical actuator if
desired at later date. The design of adaptor for

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that purpose shall be submitted.

22. The gear arrangement for 150 & 100 mm dia

butterfly valve shall be such that when it’s
installed in vertical position, the spindle position
shall be also vertical. These valves shall be used
as isolating valve before air valve.

PS 6/ Air Valves - Air valves shall be designed to (a)

discharge air during filling of pipelines, (b) admit air
during emptying of pipelines, (c) discharge air
accumulated at high points in pipelines during normal

Air valves of two types are called for: [a] Double Orifice
Air valve [b] Single Orifice Air valve.

PS 6/ Double Orifice Air Valve - Double Orifice Air Valves

which shall combine both large and small orifices within
one valve. The large orifice shall be sealed by a
buoyant rigid ball fully and automatically. The chamber
housing shall be designed to avoid premature closing
of the valve by the air whilst being discharged. The
small orifice shall be sealed by a buoyant ball at all
pressures above atmospheric, except when air
accumulates in the valve chamber.

1. The valve will be flanged drilled to BS 4504 PN

10 pattern and shall be supplied with rubber
Gasket stainless steel grade 316 nuts & bolts with
washers at no extra cost.

2. The valve construction shall be without integral

isolating valve.

3. The valve rating shall be PN 10 with all integral

parts suitable to withstand working temperature of
50oC [max.]
4. The valve shall be dynamic type. The effective
sealing pressure required at valve to give
effective sealing at shall be 0.1 bar.

PS 6/ Single Orifice Air Valve - Single orifice valves shall be

of screw down type and of 25mm /50mm size. Single
orifice valves should be supplied with gunmetal cock
and gunmetal nipple if required, the cost of which shall
be included in that of valve.

PS 6/ General Requirements for Both Types of Air Valves

1. Material of Construction

Body/Cover/ Grey C.I. to BS 1452 Grade

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Dust Cover: 220 or other approved


All Working Bronze, stainless steel or

Parts: other non-corroding material
coating: 300 micron epoxy
coating in blue colour. the
material should be certified to
be fit for use with potable
water by an international

2. Detailed catalogues with drawings and graphs

showing air inflow / outflow curves need to be
submitted for approval.

3. The valves shall be supplied with rubber gasket,

stainless steel nuts and bolts grade 316 with
washers at no extra cost.

PS 6/ Installation

1. Each double orifice air valve shall be fixed with

isolating valve whether or not indicated in the

2. The air valves shall be fixed as per plans or as

directed by the Engineer.

3. The valves shall be tested hydraulically after

fixing and any leakage shall be rectified and

4. Single orifice air valve should be supplied with

gun metal cock, gun metal strap, G.I. pipe heavy
duty the cost of which shall be included in that of
the valve.

PS 6/ Check Valves - Check valves shall be of lever and

weight operated type to BS EN 12334:2001 or other
approved standard, with cast iron body and bronze

Check valves shall be flanged in accordance with BS

4504 with flanges drilled to BS 4504 Pattern 10.

PS 6/ Valve Packing - Valve packing shall be manufactured

from pure TEE/PTFE fibers/filamentin square plait or
multi lock braid construction. It shall be lubricated with
a suspensoid of TFE/PTFE before braiding and an inert
softener/lubricant. The packing shall be soft type and
recommended for use with foods. The catalogue and

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sample is to be submitted with quotation/tender/

approval through consultant.

PS 6/60.3.5 Manhole Covers and Frames

Manhole covers and frames shall be manufactured from ductile iron

materials (Spheroidal Graphite Iron) and complying with BS EN 124:

Casting shall be smooth, true to pattern and free from projections,

sandholes, blow holes or other distortions. Manhole covers and frames
shall meet or exceed minimum wheel loading requirements as defined for
CLASS D 400.

In general, all covers and frames used in the Works shall be class D 400
unless otherwise detailed and or directed by the Engineer.

The frame shall be square with a circular clear opening of 600mm

diameter or as sized on the drawings/in the description of item. and shall
be single sealed . The key hole shall be of the closed type. The cover
shall be provided with prizing slots .

The cover shall be badged respective Emirate’s ELECTRICITY & WATER

AUTHORITY in English and Arabic and shall also bear the concerned
authority logo. The pattern shall be as shown on the drawings.

The covers are to clearly have the BS no./ class / manufacturer’s name
and concerned authority logo cast thereon.

Covers and frames shall be grit blasted and coated with suitable heavy
duty abrasion resistant epoxy paint to a minimum Dry Film Thickness
(DFT) of 400 microns in black colour.

Dry Film Thickness of Coating shall be verified at any accredited


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PS 6/60.3.6 Detectable Warning Tape

Detectable Warning Tape shall be of high quality, strong, non-corroding,

acid and alkali resistant, tear resistant and resistant to other destructive
elements found in the sand / soil. Detectable warning tape shall have long
durability for a minimum period of 50 years to maintain its installed width
and message. It shall be free of surface area distortion normally. The
width of tape shall be 300mm dia. Aluminum foil shall be between the
layers of polythene sheets.

The tape shall be Blue in colour and printed with minimum 50mm high
black lettering alternatively in Arabic and English. The tape shall be
imprinted with respective Emirate’s “ELECTRITY AND WATER
AUTHORITY - WATER MAINS BELOW” in Arabic and English. The
complete wording shall be accommodated in 1m length of tape in English,
and the next 1m in Arabic. This will continue for the complete length.
The colours shall be vivid, glossy and permanent with a life expectancy of
50 years. The aluminum foil shall be incorporated so that it can be
detected from ground surface using a buried cable locator such as RD
400 locator manufactured by Radio Detection Corporation.


* 1 meter long sample piece of detectable tape shall be submitted with the
* The Tenderer shall mention the length of each roll.

PS 6/60.3.7 A.C. Pipe Joint Lubricant - Soft Soap

Soft Soap shall be supplied as a lubricant for Asbestos Cement Pipe

Joints, which shall be odourless and washable with water and shall have
a paste like consistency. The soap shall be vegetable based and free
from fish, whale or other animal oils and fats; free from resins and any
poisonous materials. Certificate to that effect shall be submitted by the
manufacturer at the time of delivery. It shall be preferably, supplied in
packing of 20 or 25 kg net. The packing shall be of good quality, plastic
packing is not accepted.

With the quotation/tender, catalogue and technical data, manufacturer’s

name, address, country of origin, and net quantity in each drum, are to be

PS 6/60.3.8 Nuts and Bolts

Nut and bolts shall be of grade AISI 316 Stainless Steel or equivalent.
The grade shall be embossed on bolts. They shall be supplied with two
stainless steel grade 316 standard washers. The bolts shall be full length

PS 6/60.3.9 U.P.V.C. Pipes

PS 6/ Standards - All materials supplied and all works

carried out, shall comply in all respects with the

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requirements of this specification and such regulations

which may be in force. Except where modified by this
specification, materials shall be in accordance with BS
(British Standard) 3506: Unplasticized PVC pipe.

As an alternative to BS Standard indicated above, the

Tenderer may quote for materials in accordance with
his National or International Standards covering UPVC
pipes. In such case difference between BS Standard
and that of the National or International Standard shall
be clearly indicated by the Tenderer in his offer and
one copy of the National standard in English language
shall be attached with the offer.

When BS or National /International Standard are refer

to, the edition shall be that of current at the date of
Tender, together with any amendment issued to that
date. The Tender shall specify when tendering, the
standards with which his offer complies. UPVC pipes
shall be of class ‘C’ and shall be certified to ISO 9000
series. Non ISO 9000 certified manufacturers with
previous successful direct supply experience to
concerned authority may be approved at concerned
authority’s sole discretion for similar sizes supplied

PS 6/ Constructions - All details, dimensions and

instructions shown on any drawings, diagrams and
specifications quoted herein shall be taken as forming
part of this specification. The PVC pipes shall be made
from Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) generally
to the requirements of nominal size 100 mm & 150 mm
dia. of BS 3506. The extruded pipe shall be capable of
being flattened completely between the plates of a
hydraulic press without cracking or splitting. The pipes
shall be corrosion resistant and tough. The wall
thickness of the pipes shall not be less than 3.4 mm for
class ‘B´and not less than 6.6 mm for Class’C’.

The external and internal surface of cable pipes shall

be clean, smooth and virtually free from grooves or
other indentations or projections. The smoothness of
the internal surface of the pipe shall be such that the
pulling through of the cables in long lengths shall be
facilitated without risk of damage to the exterior surface
of the cable.

Each pipe shall have a tapered socket formed at one

end. The socket shall be reasonable concentric with the
axis of the pipe. The spigot end of the pipe and the
socket shall be sufficiently tight interference fit.

Set of end caps and end plugs if included in the scope

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of supply shall be made of the same material as shown

above for UPVC pipes. The caps are to be used at the
spigot end and plugs are to be used at socket end for
sealing of respective UPVC pipes when the pipes are
not in use.

Note:- Tenderer shall submit representative samples

for the UPVC pipes.

PS 6/ Markings - All pipes shall be indelibly marked. The

marking shall show the following legend:

1. Manufacturer’s Name
2. Year of Manufacture
3. Concerned Authority/CW/005/97

Height of the marking shall not be less than 6.5 mm.

Marking along the length of the pipes shall be provided
at least at two different locations spaced equally around
the periphery of the pipe
PS 6/ Drawings & Samples - The Tender shall provide
drawings, samples and catalogues for the UPVC pipes
and accessories offered.
PS 6/ Testing - All tests as per BS 3506, as applicable to
UPVC pipe shall be carried out. The Test certificates
for such tests carried out shall be submitted with each
consignment. Tenderer will be required to submit 2 sets
of test certificates with each consignment.
The Tenderer shall submit along with his offer one copy
of test certificate for similar pipes manufactured by the
UPVC pipe manufacturer in the past.
PS 6/60.3.10 Neoprene Rubber Wrap
Neoprene synthetic rubber shall have shore hardness ‘A’ of 35 - 55. The
neoprene wrap shall be supplied in 10 meters long rolls, 10 mm thick, and
100 mm wide. The rolls shall be supplied in closed plastic bags or other
packing approved by concerned authority.

PS 6/60.3.11 Insertion Rubber

Insertion rubber shall be made from Neoprene / natural rubber with

hardness 90 for sizes above 300 mm dia and Neoprene rubber with
hardness 35 - 55 for sizes of 300 mm or below. Thin insertion rubber shall
be fixed between flanged valves as an insertion between flanges. The
outside and inside diameters shall be as tabulated below. The hole drilling
shall be done as per BS 4504 (PN 10) pattern. For 225 mm dia. insertion
rubber ISO 7005 (PN 10 ) pattern shall be followed.

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Nominal Inner Outer Diameter Thickness Of

Diameter Of Diameter Of Of Insertion Insertion
Valve Insertion Rubber Rubber
( mm ) Rubber ( mm ) ( mm )
( mm )
1200 1333 1455 5
900 1007 1115 5
600 685 780 5
500 584 670 4
225 225 420 3
200 200 340 3
150 150 285 3
100 100 220 3

For 450 mm dia, full face insertion rubber shall be provided and flange
drilling shall be as per DIN2501/PN16.

The technical data of rubber shall be submitted along with tender.

PS 6/60.3.12 Low Density Polyethylene Pipes for House Service Connections

PS 6/ General - This specification covers Low Density

Polyethylene (LDPE) pipes for normal water service.
The outside diameters and pressure class are in
accordance with ISO 161/1 - 1996 (E). The minimum
wall thickness (e) is calculated using the ISO formula
with a working stress (p) of 32 Kgf/cm2.

e = P.d

PS 6/ Classification of Pipes - Pipes are classified by

maximum sustained working pressure in bars. Pipe
supplied shall be Class 10. The maximum sustained
working pressure is based on water at a service
temperature of 300 C.

PS 6/ Dimensions - Pipes shall conform to the outside

diameters and wall thickness given here below:

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Table 1

Nominal Outside Wall Thickness Coil Minimum

Diameter Diameter Class 10 Length Coil
ND Min. Max. Min. Max.
( mm ) ( mm ) ( mm ) ( mm ) ( mm ) (m) kg / coil
32 32.0 32.3 4.4 4.8 150 53

PS 6/ Visual Requirements - LDPE pipe shall be free from

gouges, voids and other defects that would, in the
judgment of the Engineer, impair the serviceability of
the pipe.

PS 6/ Material Composition - Material composition and pipe

material shall be in accordance with BS 6730:1986.

PS 6/ Mechanical Properties - Mechanical properties of

LDPE pipe shall be in accordance with BS 6730:1986.

PS 6/ Sampling and Testing - Sampling and testing of

LDPE pipe shall be in accordance with BS 6730:1986.
Copies of factory test reports shall be made available
to the concerned authority upon request. Witnessing
by the concerned authority Engineer of factory testing
may be required prior to delivery of any consignment.
In case, factory test is waved, the supplier shall carry
out testing locally without extra charges to concerned

PS 6/ Marking - All pipe coils shall be indelibly marked in

blue colour at intervals of not more than 3 meters with
the following:

- Manufacturer’s name
- concerned authority –water division
- The nominal size and class as shown in Table 1.

PS 6/ Lengths and Weights - The pipes shall be supplied in

coils. The coil lengths and minimum weight per coil
shall be in accordance with Table 1.

PS 6/ Acceptance - Each delivery of polyethylene pipe to the

site shall be accompanied by a certificate from the
manufacturer certifying compliance with these
specifications. Any deviations found on random checks
by the Engineer on coil lengths, coil weights, pipe
dimensions and any failure in hydrostatic pressure
tests shall be considered a cause for rejection of the
entire consignment. A sample of 1m length shall be the
provided with tender.

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PS 6/60.3.13 Fittings for Low-Density Polyethylene Pipes

Fittings for Low-Density Polyethylene Pipe

Manufactured from Acetal or Gunmetal. Body with internal taper, grip ring
for end loading resistance. “O” ring for water tight seal. All components
shall have an accredited laboratory certification. The seal of the pushfit
joint is obtained using water pressure as a thrust medium and hence, no
tool is used to obtain a water tight joint. Supplier to be approved to BS
EN ISO 9001-2000 for supplier quality management systems. Fittings to
be compatible with concerned authority, metric 32mm and normal 1”
Materials Specifications


Gunmetal fittings - BS EN 1982:1999 cast gunmetal

Plastic fittings - Threaded: generally Dupont Derlin 107

black 601. Acetal all other fittings;
Homopolymer; Hoechst T 1020 black R2
Acetal Terpolymer.

Components - Grip ring; Acetal polymer “O” ring; EDPM

elastomer to BS 2492 type W, such as
Millflex M28, Victaulic EP52, Exxon
584/111 EDPM or Wooduolle Polymer 09-

The fittings shall be designed for use underground and to handle potable
water at temperatures upto 600C. They shall be capable of test operation
at a pressure of 25 bars without leaking. All fittings shall be manufactured
in Western Europe or North America.

Adapters for connecting polyethylene and G.I. pipe shall be designed with
an inlet for metric size PE pipe and a female threaded outlet to BS
21:1985 or ISO 7/1 for Galvanized Iron (G.I.) pipe to BS 1387.

PS 6/60.3.14 Ferrules and Saddles

PS 6/ Ferrules - Ferrules shall be supplied with a push-fit

outlet for PE. All ferrules shall be designed as a main
stem with a 360 swivel outlet at 90, with control of
water flow via a threaded inner plug. The inlet shall be
a male taper threaded to BS 21:1985 or to ISO 7/1.
The ferrules shall be designed for use underground
and to handle potable water at temperatures of up to
50C. The ferrule shall be capable of working at a
pressure of 21 bars without leaking. The ferrule shall be
easily “shut off” by means of spindle extending from the
top cap.
The design of the ferrule shall further permit use with

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conventional drilling machines which mount on to the

ferrule/saddle assembly and drill the main via the
ferrule stem waterway, dry or under pressure.

The ferrule stem, inner plug and top cap shall be

manufactured of Gunmetal/Bronze to BS EN
1982:1999. The ferrule banjo may be manufactured of
gunmetal/bronze or acetyl.

The banjo washer and the top cap washer shall be

manufactured in nitrile rubber to BS 2494 and shall
provide the sealing between the outer body and ferrule
stem. A sample shall be submitted with tender.

PS 6/ Saddles - Saddles for installation on asbestos cement

pipes shall be of cast gunmetal to BS EN 1982:1999
supplied with aluminium bronze or stainless steel bolts
and nuts and synthetic nitrile rubber gaskets and shall
have an untapped boss on the top surface suitable for
installation of the approved ferrule. All saddles shall
accept ferrules up to 50mm diameter and all strap bolts
shall be fully threaded. A sample shall be submitted
with tender.

PS 6/60.3.15 Stopcocks

Stopcocks shall be gunmetal BS1010 stop valves supplied with double

female threaded ends. The valves shall be provided with a detachable
key operator, with the spindle shielded so as to prevent unauthorized
operation with a wrench. The shield will be of sufficient depth so that
when the valve is fully open the spindle remains recessed in the shield to
a depth of 5 mm. The shield shall have two holes drilled opposite to each
other at its open end to allow insertion of a sealing wire. A sample shall
be submitted with tender.

PS 6/60.3.16 Pushfit Connector

Connectors shall be of the mechanical “Push-Fit” type with the body

manufactured from Hoechst Hostaform T1020 black acetal terpolymer.
The grip ring will be manufactured from Hoechst Hostaform C13031
acetal copolymer and the sealing ring from EPDM rubber. The connectors
will be designed to work to a pressure of 21 bar without leaking and at
temperatures up to 70C. A sample shall be submitted with tender.

PS 6/60.3.17 Gunmetal Pushfit Adaptor

Gunmetal adaptors for polyethylene pipe shall be of the mechanical

“Push-Fit” type having a gunmetal body to BS EN 1982:1999, EPDM
rubber ring, ‘O’ ring and a grip ring of Hoechst Hostaform C13031 acetal
copolymer. The adaptor will be designed to work to a pressure of 21 bar
without leaking and at temperatures up to 70 C. A sample shall be
submitted with tender.

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PS 6/60.3.18 Warning Tape

Warning tape for house connection shall be manufactured from high

grade polythene pigmented in bright blue, having a thickness not less
than 0.1 mm gauge and a width not less than 150 mm in 250 meter long
rolls. The following warning massage in Arabic and English shall be
printed continuously and longitudinally in a contrasting black colour in
characters not less than 20 mm high specially protected against
deterioration and fading in coordination with respective Emirate:



* The tape shall be supplied on stout reels suitably crated

* Sample piece of warning tape shall be submitted with the Tender for

PS 6/60.3.19 Brass Nozzle with Nut and Washer

The brass nozzle with nut and washer shall be suitable for 1/2” (15 mm)
dia Kent meter model no. PSM 15-134 with BSP threaded. The item shall
be as per sample which can be collected from concerned authority. The
proposed sample by tenderer shall be submitted along with the tender.

PS 6/60.3.20 Handling and Transport of Pipeline Materials

The supplier’s arrangement for handling, lifting, transporting and stacking

pipes, fittings and valves shall ensure that these articles are delivered at
store in undamaged and good condition.

Crane and other appliances approved for use by concerned authority

shall be provided wherever it is necessary to lift or lower pipes, fittings
and valves. Such articles shall not be dropped and the suppliers shall
provide the facilities and supervision necessary to ensure that the ends of
pipes prepared for jointing and coating of valves are not damaged or
distorted in transit or storage.

For transport A.C. pipes and joints, refer 3.02.15 of this specification. Pipe
fittings and specials shall be supported by sandbags or other padding and
lashed down as described above so that they are not damaged during

PS 6/60.3.21 Storage of Pipes and Appurtenances

The suppliers shall properly unload and stack the pipes in the storage
area and stacks shall be laid out a regular pattern as described by
concerned authority at no extra cost.

PS 6/60.3.22 Inspection and Testing During Manufacturing

The Engineer shall be entitled during manufacturing to inspect, examine

and test on the factory the materials and workmanship of all materials to

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be supplied under the contract, and if part of the materials are being
manufactured on other factory the supplier shall obtain for the Engineer
permission to inspect, examine and test as if the said materials /
equipments were being manufactured on the supplier’s premises. Such
inspection, examination or testing if made shall not release the supplier
from any obligation under the contract. Facilities shall also be afforded to
the Engineer to carry out inspection of materials and equipments prior to
dispatch to establish the suitability of packing methods and materials.

The supplier shall give the engineer notice in writing of the date on and
the place at which any material / equipment will be ready for testing as
provided in the contract and unless the Engineer shall attend at the place
so named within 14 days of the date which the supplier has stated in his
notice the supplier may proceed with the tests which shall be deemed to
have been made in the Engineer/s presence and shall forthwith forward to
the engineer duly certified copies of the test readings. The Engineer shall
give the supplier 48 hours notice in writing of his intention to attend the

Where the supplier provides for tests on the factory the supplier shall
provide such assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel, stores,
apparatus and instruments as may be requisite and as may be
reasonably demanded to carry out such tests efficiently.

As and when any material / equipment shall have passed the tests
referred to in this clause the Engineer shall furnish to the supplier a
certificate in writing to that effect. The supplier shall furnish to the
engineer for his approval two copies of the relevant test data in respect of
the tests carried out.

PS 6/60.3.23 Consumer Meters

Small sized meters (15mm & 25mm) shall be volumetric rotary piston type
meters complying with the requirements of BS 5728/1 or ISO 4064/1,
Class C suitable for water temperatures up to 50o C, a working pressure
of 10 bar and an exposed outdoor locations.

The meter shall indicate water consumption by means of a counter

resetting to zero at 10,000,000 gal. Or 100,000,000 gal. for small meters
and 100,000,000 gal. or 1,000,000,000 gal. for larger size meters. The
meters shall indicate to 0.02 gal. Consumption for small meters and 0.2
gal. for large meters. Small meters shall be supplied with brass bodies
having a length of 134 mm & 198 mm with B.S. male threads. Meters
shall be tested / calibrated and supplied with BSP thread connectors and
washers. Meters shall be Kent PSM meters or equal. Meters shall be
fitted with return flow restrictors.

Large sized meters (50 mm to 150 mm) shall be of the helical vane
combination type having a volumetric rotary piston type by-pass meter
and gallon registration. Strainers shall be installed up-stream of meters 50
mm and above having stainless steel element which allows for
replacement without disturbing the flange joints. Flange drilling shall be
suitable for BS 4504 NP 10. These meters will be Kent 3000 or equal.

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Meters of 200 mm to 500 mm will be Kent Helix 2000 or equal. The

gallons mentioned here refer to Imperial Gallons.

PS 6/60.5 Lining and Protective Coatings for Concrete

PS 6/60.5.1 General

PS 6/ Scope - This Section deals with waterproofing

protective membranes for cast-in-situ concrete. Other
relevant Sections of the Specifications shall form part of
this Section where the context so requires.

PS 6/ Work Included - The work of this Section shall include

the supply and installation of protective coatings on
specified surfaces of concrete and concrete block
structures to effectively protect the concrete surface
from corrosion resulting from contact with aggressive

PS 6/ Requirements - The Contractor shall furnish all tools,

construction equipment, materials, labour and
supervision to provide an effective lining or coating as
specified herein.

PS 6/ Product Delivery, Storage and Handling - The

Contractor shall deliver products to the job site in their
original unopened containers clearly labeled with the
manufacturer's name, brand designation, type and
class as applicable.

The Contractor shall store products in an approved dry

area with roll goods laid flat, one pallet high, and shall
protect them from contact with soil and from exposure
to the elements. Products shall be kept dry at all times.

Products shall be handled in a manner that will prevent

breakage of containers and damage to products.

PS 6/60.5.2 Waterproofing to Cast-In-Situ Concrete, Precast Concrete

and Blockwork

PS 6/ Materials

1. Waterproof Membrane - Waterproof membrane

shall be self-adhering sheet membrane consisting
of a rubber modified asphalt compound, such as
Bituthene 1000 manufactured by Servicised
Corporation or equal coated to one side of a
polyethylene film. The membrane shall have a
minimum overall thickness of 1.5 millimeters and
a tensile strength of 140 kilograms per square
centimeter and shall in all respects comply with
the requirements of British Standard Code of

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Practice 102.

2. Rubberised Mastic Special compound provided

by the self-adhering membrane manufacturer,
formulated for its intended use.

3. Primer Special compound provided by the self-

adhering membrane manufacturer, formulated for
its intended use.

4. Protection Board shall be applied in single or two

layers with a total installation thickness of 12 mm;
it shall be bitumen impregnated fiberboard with
treatment to resist fungi and insects, bitumen
coated both sides; or alternatively prefabricated
composite board consisting of felt and woven
glass fabric saturated with bitumen coating both
sides for a thickness not less than 3.5 mm, and
approved by the membrane manufacturer, subject
to approval of the Engineer.

5. Samples - The Contractor shall submit to the

Engineer three samples of each type of the
following materials in accordance with the special
conditions of the contract.

- Self-adhering waterproofing membrane

- 300 mm square.
- Bituminous mastic: half liter container.
- Primer: half liter container.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer

certificates that the materials to be furnished
comply with specification requirements.

PS 6/ Installation - The Contractor shall coordinate the self-

adhering waterproofing membrane work so that the
placement of the concrete protection board will follow
the waterproofing membrane application by not more
than five days.

All faces of concrete or concrete blockwork below, and

in contact with, ground shall be protected with the
waterproofing specified herein.

Surfaces to which the waterproofing materials will be

applied shall be surface dry, smooth and free of dirt,
grease or oil and shall be free from holes,
honeycombing, loose aggregate which prevent
satisfactory application of waterproofing materials. All
surfaces to be waterproofed shall meet the approval of
the Engineer before application of waterproofing

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The Contractor shall apply the membrane sheet with

120 mm overlaps at edges and ends, rolled down firmly
and completely.

The Contractor shall follow the self-adhering membrane

manufacturer's approved written recommendations for
specific procedures, details and materials not specified

If the work must be left partially complete, the exposed

edges of outside strips of membrane shall be finished
with a trowelled bead of mastic.

The waterproofing membrane system shall not be

applied to vertical surfaces when the outdoor
temperature is less than 10 degrees C or more than 35
degrees C. If a system has been approved and if the
outdoor temperature at the proposed time of application
is not within these limits, application must be delayed
until the permissible temperature range prevails or
another system must be submitted for approval
complying with these Specifications.

1. Application of Membrane - When the concrete

curing is completed to Concrete, over the cleaned
concrete surface the Contractor shall apply primer
in manner and using quantities in accordance
with the membrane manufacturer's printed
instructions. It shall be allowed to dry before
proceeding, but re-primed if not covered with
membrane within 36 hours.

After the primer has dried, the Contractor shall

apply the self-adhering membrane to the concrete
without stretching, with the polyethylene face out.
It shall be smoothed down with heavy hand
pressure or a small roller. Edges and ends shall
be lapped as specified.

The Contractor shall double inside and outside

corners by using an initial strip of 300 mm width
membrane, centered along the axis of the corner.

This strip shall be covered by the regular

application of self-adhering membrane and the
exposed edges of the membrane shall have a
trowelled bead of mastic over these edges.

The membrane shall be applied in two layers over

blinding concrete beneath structures and laps
shall be staggered from one layer to the next.

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Prior to reinforcement being placed, the

membrane shall be covered with two layers of
protection board to protect the membrane from
damage during construction. Protection board
shall terminate flush with the edges of the
concrete base slab and edges shall be covered
by overlapping with membrane material. Sidewall
membrane shall extend down and out to the edge
of the previously applied horizontal slab
membrane. Where top of membrane terminates
at a reglet, the membrane shall be extended
therein and the reglet filled with rubberised

Areas around piping and protrusions shall be

double covered with an additional layer of self-
adhering membrane for a minimum of 300 mm in
each direction. The membrane edges shall be
coated and the gap between the membrane and
protrusions filled with mastic.

2. Installation of Asphalt Protection Board

Courses - Within five days after membrane
application, the Contractor shall install asphalt
protection board to vertical and horizontal
membrane-on-concrete surfaces. The Contractor
shall install board with polyethylene face out, in
two layers and with butted edges and ends,
adhered to the membrane by means of mastic or
other approved compound. Joints in second layer
shall be staggered in relation to the joints in the
first layer. Point up with mastic the exposed
edges and gaps between penetrations and edges
of the protection board. Protection board on
horizontal slabs shall terminate at the outer
corner of the concrete structure above. Sidewall
protection board shall extend down and out to
cover the horizontal slab membrane. Use of tie
wires or holing the board shall not be approved
for securing the board. The board has to be glued
using approved materials only.

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PS 6/60.6 Transportation, Storage, Installation of Pipes, Testing

and Commissioning

PS 6/60.6.1 Handling and Transport of Pipeline Materials

1. The Contractor's arrangements for handling, lifting, transporting and

stacking pipes, valves, meters and fittings, shall ensure that these
articles are installed in the works undamaged and in good order.

Cranes and other appliances approved for use by the Engineer shall
be provided wherever it is necessary to lift or lower pipes, valves,
meters and fittings. Such articles shall not be dropped and the
Contractor shall provide the facilities and supervision necessary to
ensure that the ends of pipes prepared for jointing and coating of
fittings are not damaged or distorted in transit or in storage.

2. A.C pipe and joints shall be properly and securely transported from
the place of manufacture to the job site.

Where pipes are transported by truck, the pipes shall be transported

on wooden cradles or skids and shall be properly protected from
contact with metal surfaces by rubber or wooden spacers or
wedges. No nesting shall be allowed. No stacking shall be allowed
for pipe larger there 900 mm in diameter.

3. Where any part of the transport is done by ocean freight or barge,

the A.C pipe and joint shall be transported in full wooden crates.
Pipe may be bundled and strapped together inside the crates for
diameter below 300 mm. For pipes of 300 mm dia. and larger, each
pipe shall be individually crated. Crates shall be provided with skids
to allow lifting by forklift. Pipes inside the crates shall be provided
with rubber or equivalent and protectors around the spigot surface of
the pipe. Crates shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, the
contract number and details of contents.

4. Pipe fittings and specials shall be supported by sandbags or other

padding and lashed down as described above so that they are not
damaged during transport.

However Contractor has to note that the use of long boom cranes
shall not be permitted near the Electricity overhead Transmission
lines for safety reasons unless approved by the Engineer.

PS 6/60.6.2 Storage of Pipes and Appurtenances

1. The Contractor shall properly stack the pipes in his storage area and
the stacks shall be laid out in a regular pattern and the limits of each
stack marked so that the movement of cranes and vehicles is
restricted to access tracks between stacks and the control of
delivery and removal of pipes is facilitated.

2. The number of tiers of asbestos cement pipe stacks shall be as per

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the Manufacturer's instructions and approval of the Engineer. Each

pipe, including those in the bottom course, shall bear evenly upon
not less than three timbers with an aggregate width not less than
300 mm. The pipes shall be stacked parallel to each other. Pipes
less than 1000 mm dia. may be stacked on site such that stacking
heights do not exceed the manufacturer's recommendations.

The timbers supporting each course of pipes in a stack shall be of

uniform thickness and stiff enough for the pipes to be rolled across
the stack and shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own

The outermost pipes in each course shall be secured against rolling

by sandbags or by wedges.

3. Where the pipes are to be delivered and stacked by the Contractor

on designated sites lying on the pipeline route, unless it is otherwise
specified elsewhere, the areas where the pipes are to be stacked
shall, if required, be graded flat by the Contractor at his own
expense to provide a firm even surface, and kept free from loose
stones, rubble or waste liable to damage the pipes.

4. Jointing materials, valves, glass reinforced plastic fitting and

specials, meters, gauges and polyethylene pipe shall be stored in
purpose built covered storage areas until required for installation.

5. Joint rubber rings and lubricants shall be stored in a closed and cool
storage area shielded from direct sunlight and heat.

PS 6/60.6.3 Materials Supplied by the Employer

1. In the event that pipes and ancillary fittings, specials, valves and
meters shall be supplied by the Employer, these shall be supplied to
the Contractor at respective authority's storage yard. The Contractor
shall load, transport and unload the materials so supplied at his own
storage area and/or the site of works and shall be responsible for
proper unloading, stacking and storing.

2. The pipes shall be unloaded from the trucks in an approved manner

and the Contractor shall take utmost care\ not to damage pipes or
any of the materials so supplied. Any materials damaged in loading,
transport and unloading at the site of works shall be repaired or
replaced by the Contractor at his own expense in accordance with
the Engineer's instructions and to his satisfaction.

3. The Contractor will be required to sign vouchers for any materials

supplied to him, and shall keep a proper stores record book to show
at any time the quantity of materials received and those which have
taken from the stores for use in the works. The Engineer shall have
the right to inspect at any time the store record books, and to check
the materials in the stores and on the site of the works to satisfy
himself that everything is in order. The Contractor will be required to
account for any discrepancy found.

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4. The Contractor shall at his own expense provide and constantly

maintain day and night watching and shall be responsible for the
theft or loss of any materials supplied to him by the Employer
whether theft occurred from the stores or from the site of works.
Any materials so found missing shall be immediately replaced by the
Contractor at his own expense.

5. On completion of works, the materials used in the works shall be

counted and/or measured and the balance shall be handed over by
the Contractor to the Employer at his indicated storage yard. The
loading, transport, unloading and proper stacking of materials shall
be carried out in accordance with the relative clauses of the
Specifications and shall be at the Contractor's expense.

Any materials not accounted for shall be replaced by the Contractor

at his own expense or alternatively, at the Employer's discretion,
shall be charged to the Contractor's account on the basis of current
C.I.F. price for delivery to the Employer's storage yard, plus 20%
handling fee.

PS 6/60.6.4 Installation of Pipework

1. The pipe work route shall be determined by the Engineer. The

Engineer reserves the right to vary or abandon any part or parts of
the routes of pipe work indicated on Drawings and the Contractor
shall lay the pipe work in accordance with any such variations which
the Engineer may direct, without any extra cost. .

2. The Contract Drawings show the approximate lines and levels to

which the pipe work is to be built and are subject to amendment by
the Engineer. Before setting out any section of the works, the
Contractor or his representative shall make an inspection of the site
together with the Engineer and obtain from him his instructions in
this respect.

All pipes, bends, fittings, specials, valves and meters shall be

installed accurately in accordance with the alignment, levels and
gradients so determined, so that the top of the pipe is not less than
the minimum specified depth below the finished ground level.

3. The Contractor shall provide the surveying instruments, surveyors,

skilled staff and everything necessary for setting out the works to
line and level and for checking the accuracy of pipe laying and
jointing, and of the installation of valves and meters. He shall
provide attendance upon the Engineer and provide him with such
assistance as may be necessary to enable him to check the setting
out of the works.

4. The finished pipeline shall run straight between bends or fittings and
a uniform gradient shall be accurately maintained between changes
of gradient shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.

5. The bottom of the trenches shall be graded and prepared to provide

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a firm and uniform bearing throughout the entire length of the pipe. A
soft sand bedding of 15 cm. depth is to be provided from selected
excavated material or brought from outside.

The Contractor shall inform the Engineer sufficiently in advance

when the formation levels of the trenches are ready for inspection.
No installation work will be allowed until the bottom of trenches have
been inspected and approved by the Engineer and the depths of the
trenches and the kind of excavation have been recorded and agreed
upon by both the Contractor and the Engineer. While excavating,
soft sand / subkha / rock shall be placed separately on the side of

6. In addition to any inspection and test made when delivery is taken,

pipes and valves shall be inspected by the Contractor immediately
before and after installation and any damage shall be repaired by
the Contractor as directed by the Engineer before the pipe or valve
is installed or jointed as the case may be.

The Engineer may, and without thereby relieving the Contractor of

any of his obligations, inspect and test the pipes and valves by any
means he considers appropriate and any damage discovered by
such inspection shall be repaired by the Contractor as aforesaid.

7. The pipe shall be positioned and bedded in the trenches in an

approved manner and properly aligned. Before being positioned,
each pipe shall be thoroughly examined to ensure that it is free from
defects and shall have all dirt removed from the inside thereof. The
Contractor shall cut the pipes if and where needed to the required
length and shall thread, chamfer or bevel the cut ends of pipes as
the case may be and shall install all fittings, specials and adapters
as may be necessary for the proper execution of the works and shall
joint the pipes in accordance with the Specifications, the
manufacturer's recommendations and to the Engineer's satisfaction.

8. The Contractor shall keep the interior of pipes clean and free from
water, dirt, stones or other foreign matter as installation proceeds,
and at the end of the day's work or at other times when installation
work is not proceeding the open ends of pipes shall be sealed-off by
a wooden plug or other approved stopper in order to exclude all
foreign materials.

9. Pipes which are required to be cut to form closing pieces in any

portion of the pipeline or to terminate in valve chambers or other
parts of the works shall not be cut until after all adjacent pipes have
been installed and jointed.

The Contractor shall determine the length of each closing piece and
the required angle and shape of the cut. The cut shall be neatly
performed and the end of the pipe shaped up and trimmed so as to
ensure an accurate joint or termination as the case may be.

All cutting and machining of A.C pipes shall be done at the place of

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manufacturer only.

Pipes terminating in headwalls and the like shall, except where

otherwise specified, be cut so that the end of the pipe is flush with
the face of the structure into which it is built.

The unused part of any cut pipe shall become the property of
concerned authority and shall be returned to concerned authority
stores unless, subject to the Engineer's approval, it can be used
elsewhere in the works.

10. Where flexible couplings for asbestos cement pipes are required to
be other than the standard Reka joint, they shall be Viking-Johnson
flexible couplings or equal. The Contractor shall follow the
manufacturer's recommendations as to the methods and equipment
to be used in assembling the joints. In particular, the Contractor
shall ensure that rubber rings are correctly positioned and free of
twists. The rubber rings and any recommended lubricants shall be
obtained only from the coupling manufacturer.

Viking-Johnson couplings shall be capable of withstanding the test

pressure appropriate to the pipes for which they are supplied.
Details of such flexible couplings for incorporation in the works shall
be submitted to the Engineer for approval before ordering. Rubber
rings incorporated in flexible coupling shall comply with BS 2494.

11. The Contractor shall provide and install detectable warning tape
above all pipelines laid 600 mm below ground level / finished level.

12. The minimum cover to pipe from the finished level / ground level
shall be as follows:

a) 1.00 M for 300 mm dia. or smaller pipes.

b) 1.2 M for pipes above 300 mm and upto and including 700 mm
dia. pipes.

c) 1.5 M for pipes above 700 mm dia.

The pipes shall generally be laid with min. cover except in areas of

PS 6/60.6.5 Connections to Existing Mains

Where connections are to be made to existing mains, the Contractor must

make all necessary arrangements with the Engineer and the Employer
and have all necessary material, plant and labour in readiness on the site
and shall complete the work as rapidly as possible with the minimum of
inconvenience to consumers. The actual connection to an existing main
will be made by the Contractor under the close supervision of the
Employer and the Engineer.

PS 6/60.6.6 Jointing of Pipes

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PS 6/ General - The requirements of this clause shall be read

in conjunction with the particular requirements specified
elsewhere for joints of particular kinds.

Before making any joint the Contractor shall ensure

that the interior of each pipe or valve is clean and that it
remains clean. Immediately before starting a joint the
Contractor shall clean the end of each pipe to be
jointed and shall otherwise specially prepare the ends
for jointing as may be necessary for the particular kind
of joint. All mechanical joints shall be cleaned and have
their paintwork or coating made good before assembly.

The Contractor shall use only the proper jointing parts

as specified and obtained through the suppliers of
pipes, couplings or valves. All joints shall be accurately
made and shall be capable of passing tests for
individual joints and for the completed pipeline as may
be specified.

After completing a joint any protective paint or coating

shall be made good, and any metal joint which is not
already coated shall be cleaned and painted with two
coats of bituminous paint. The additional external
protection of joints where ordered by the Engineer shall
be carried out as specified.

PS 6/ Deflection at Certain Joints - Where the Engineer

orders, or allows, a change of direction to be achieved
by the deflection of a flexible joint of any kind the
deflection shall not exceed the maximum value for the
size and type of joint as specified in this Section or in
the relevant schedules or by the manufacturer.

PS 6/ Asbestos Cement Collars - Joints between asbestos

cement pipes shall be made with flexible joints
comprising an asbestos cement collar and rubber
sealing rings.

In making these joints the Contractor shall take account

of the manufacturer's recommendations as to the
methods and equipment to be used in assembling the
joints. In particular the Contractor shall ensure that
rubber rings are correctly positioned and free from
twists. The rubber rings and any recommended
lubricants shall be obtained only through the pipe
supplier. The bucket or any other part of a mechanical
excavator shall not be used to apply thrust directly to
pipes or collars in order to make joints. The excavator
bucket may, however, be used in a stationary position
as a backstop for a manually-operated hydraulic jack
(to be approved by the Engineer) which is used to

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apply a thrust to pipes or collars.

The pipe shall be marked before pushing into the collar

so that a 10 mm gap is left between it and the
preceding pipe. The rubber ring location shall be
checked to ensure they are correct relative to the pipe

PS 6/ Flexible Couplings and Flange Adapters - In jointing

asbestos cement pipes with flexible couplings and
flanged adapters of the Viking Johnson type, the
Contractor shall take account of the manufacturer's
recommendations as to the methods and equipment to
be used in assembling the joint. In particular, the
Contractor shall render the end of each pipe perfectly
smooth so as to allow the joint sleeve to slide freely
and where necessary shall recoat the pipe ends with
two coats of quick-drying bituminous solution.

PS 6/ Flanged Joints - Flanged joints shall be made with

rubber joint gaskets and steel bolts and nuts which
shall include two washers per bolts. Joint gaskets shall
be provided by the pipe or valve supplier and shall be
of such physical properties as to be capable of forming
permanent watertight joints against pressures up to the
maximum test pressure. The use of jointing paste or
grease will not be permitted. The gasket may be
fastened to the bolts with cotton thread. The bores of
abutting pipes or fittings shall be concentric and no
jointing material is to be left protruding into the bore.
All nuts shall first be tightened by hand and nuts on
opposite sides of the joint circumference shall then be
alternately and progressively tightened with a spanner
so as to ensure even pressure all around the joint. BS
4504, BS 3063 and BS 1787 shall apply to flanged
joints and flanges shall be PN 10 unless otherwise

PS 6/ Screwed Joints - Screwed joints on galvanized steel

piping and elsewhere shall be made using PTFE tape.

PS 6/60.6.7 Flotation of Pipework

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for ensuring that flotation of the
pipe work does not occur during construction. The extent of the backfill
placed over each pipe after laying and before testing shall be such as will
prevent flotation.

Should any section of the pipe work float out of line or level, the section of
pipe work so affected shall be removed and re-laid by replacing all the
rubber rings, damaged pipes and sockets in accordance with the
Specification and to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's
own expense.

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PS 6/60.6.8 Valves

PS 6/ General - Gate valves, check valves, air valves,

washout valves, fire hydrants etc. shall be in
accordance with the Specifications and shall be
installed on the pipelines in the positions and in
accordance with the details shown on the Drawings or
as directed by the Engineer.

PS 6/ Installation - The Contractor shall obtains the

necessary installation drawings from the manufacturer
and shall store, transport, handle and install the valves
in strict accord with the manufacturer’s drawings and

PS 6/ In-place Testing - Valves and all pipeline

appurtenances shall be hydraulically tested on site as
specified in Clause 6.14 for the pipeline in which they
are installed.

Valves shall be tested for operation and adjusted so

that they operate smoothly, seat properly, and are
installed to the tolerances recommended by the

PS. 6/60.6.9 External Protection of Joints

Metallic mechanical joints, flanged joints and ferrule straps shall be

protected by a surround of bitumen compound poured hot into a special
mould temporarily fixed round the joint. The Contractor shall take account
of the pipe supplier's recommendations as to the procedure for forming
the moulded surround. The Contractor shall provide sufficient mould
boxes and bitumen compound.

PS 6/60.6.10 Thrust and Anchor Blocks

Thrust and anchor blocks in accordance with the typical details shown on
the Drawings shall be constructed at stop-ends, bends, tees, pipelines
laid to slopes greater than 1 in 6, and reducers, where directed by the

Concrete used in thrust and anchor blocks shall be Class 30/20 and shall
comply with the requirements of Section 4 of the Specification.

The workmanship shall be in accordance with the specifications and good

practice and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the dimensions and steel
reinforcement shall be in accordance with the typical details shown on the
Drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.

The blocks shall, unless otherwise shown or directed by the Engineer, be

so placed that the pipe and fitting joints will be accessible for repair.

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Before internal pressure is applied to a pipeline, all concrete thrust blocks

shall have been constructed and cured for a minimum of 7 days.

Thrust blocks for GRP fittings shall completely encase the fittings except
for the joint area. For fittings up to 300mm diameter an 10mm thick and
100mm wide, 150mm wide for larger than 300 mm diameter, rubber wrap
shall be provided on the ends of the GRP fitting , such that the rubber
protrudes slightly from the encasing concrete.

PS 6/60.6.11 Valve Chambers and Flowmeter Chambers

1. Where shown on Drawings, valves and flowmeters shall be located

in chambers. The particular types of chambers are indicated on the
Drawings which also show the construction details of each type of

2. Valve chambers and chambers for flowmeters shall be constructed of

Class 30/20/s concrete with the dimensions shown on the Drawings or
as instructed by the Engineer to suit the valves, flowmeters and
relevant pipe connections on site.

PS 6/60.6.12 Other Works

Works included in the Contract and which do not have specifications

herein shall be carried out in accordance with the Engineer's written
instructions and Specifications or as specified in the Schedule of Rates
(Bill of Quantities).
PS 6/60.6.13 Connections to Existing Mains and Service Pipes
The Engineer will issue to the Contractor detailed instructions regarding
each interconnection that has to be made to the existing mains and
service pipes. Cutting into an existing main or service pipe and effecting
the interconnection shall only be made in the presence of a
representative from the Employer's Maintenance Section at the time
specified by the Employer. (See also Clause 6.15).

Cutting into the existing main or service pipe and installation of the
interconnecting pipe work shall be carried out efficiently and rapidly so as
to reduce to a minimum the interruption of the public water supply. It may
be necessary to undertake such work at night, when water demands are
reduced and/or to schedule such work to be performed during the winter.

Existing mains and service pipes shall only be cut using special
equipment approved by the Engineer. The cut shall be perpendicular to
the centerline of the pipe and special care shall be taken with respect to
the location of the cut to ensure that the new pipe work shown on the
Drawings may be installed. The Contractor shall agree with the Engineer
the length of existing pipe work to be removed.

The Contractor shall take every care to avoid any dirt or extraneous
material entering the existing main or service pipe.

The Contractor shall have available at the site of the connection an

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efficient dewatering pump before commencing any cut into the existing
main or service pipe in order that the excavation remains dry at all times
and to reduce the risk of dirty or contaminated water entering the existing
distribution system. The work shall be carried out in a clean and efficient
manner. The Contractor shall provide at the site of the connection
sufficient quantities of clean water containing 10 ppm chlorine in solution.
Every item of new pipe work to be installed shall be submerged in the
chlorine solution for at least 15 minutes immediately before being
installed in the permanent works.

The Employer may put the interconnection into use as soon as possible
after its installation and will carry out an inspection to detect any evidence
of leakage; any remedial work necessary to eliminate leakage shall be
carried out by the Contractor. No pipe work shall be covered or backfilled
until the Engineer is totally satisfied that the interconnection is free of all

PS. 6/60.6.14 Testing, Disinfection and Cleaning Pipelines

PS 6/ General - It shall be a condition precedent to the issue

of a Certificate of Completion according to the
Conditions of Contract that all parts of the pipe work
shall be subjected to a successful hydraulic pressure
test and finally disinfected and cleaned out as specified

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval

details of his proposed methods and programme for
testing (including details of test equipment) and shall
arrange for all tests to be witnessed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide all things necessary for

carrying out testing, disinfection and cleaning including
pumps, gauges, pipes, connections, stop-ends, and all
other temporary works.

The Contractor shall remain responsible for the care of

the works during testing of the pipe work. The
contractor shall replace at his cost any ruptured pipe in
the event of test failure if it is proved as improper
handling/poor workmanship.

All the existing pipelines/existing crossings forming part

of the pipelines laid under this contract shall be
pressure tested, disinfected and commissioned by the
contractor at his cost, including removal and replacing
of any damaged pipes, reinstating the surface etc.
Length of pipeline laid for such rectification will only be
measured for payment under the relevant items in
schedule of prices.

PS 6/ Testing of Pipelines - After completing the installation

of a section of the line, as directed by the Engineer and

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before the joints are covered for buried pipes, a

hydrostatic test of the line shall be made by the

Concrete for thrust blocks shall be allowed to reach

design strength before testing. Backfilling and
compaction shall be completed to the pipe centerline
and around all thrust blocks as required to assure
restraint to the pipeline.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer detailed

procedures for performing hydrostatic pressure tests of
installed piping, fittings, valves, meters and
appurtenances for approval. Procedures for performing
hydrostatic pressure tests shall indicate the location
and capacity of the test pump for each test section, test
pressure at the pump and procedure for venting the air
from the pipeline.

Before applying the test pressure, all air shall be

expelled from the pipe. If permanent air vents are not
located at all high points, the Contractor shall install
suitable cocks at such points so the air can be expelled
as the line is filled with water. After all the air has been
expelled, all cocks shall be closed and the test
pressure applied. The line shall be filled slowly to
prevent possible water hammer.

For hydrostatic testing of pipelines, potable water shall

be introduced to the pipeline and the pressure slowly
raised to the pressure of 3 bar. This pressure shall be
applied for a period of 24 hours before the test begins,
to allow for a soaking period. After the soaking period,
all joints shall be carefully inspected for evidence of

Pumping shall then be resumed to the specified test

pressure of 10 bars.

The pipeline shall be deemed to have passed the

pressure test if no appreciable drop in pressure is
noted over a period of 30 minutes.

After performing the specified pressure test, the

pipeline shall be subjected to a leakage test. The
pressure shall be reduced to the normal working
pressure of 9 bars in the pipeline and maintained for a
period of 2 hours. Make-up water shall be added by
pumping to maintain the working pressure. The
pipeline shall be deemed to have passed the test if:

1. no water is visible coming out of the pipe or joints

at any point;

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2. the amount of make-up water required during the

last one hour of the test period does not exceed
the rate of 0.1 liter per millimeter of pipe diameter
per kilometer of pipeline per 24 hours for each 30
metres head of pressure applied at the lowest

3. the maximum drop in pressure (during the last

half hour of the test period, when no further
make-up water may be pumped in) shall not
exceed 10% of the maximum test pressure.

During all testing, the trench generally and the joint

pockets in particular shall be kept clear of water and
should the trench become unstable due to work or
leaking on testing or re-testing it shall be excavated to
solid ground and made up with lean mix concrete or
such other material as the Engineer may direct, all at
the Contractor's expense. Should a test fail, the
Contractor shall at his own expense replace defective
pipes or fittings or make good leaking joints or
otherwise rectify defective work; cleaning, inspection
and testing shall then be repeated, until the work is to
the Engineer's satisfaction.

The length of the section of pipeline to be tested shall

not exceed 500 m. If a line is tested in sections and
valves do not close the ends, the line must be provided
with secured blind flanges or stop ends.

A simple stop end consists of a section of steel pipe

about 0.5-1.0 m long onto which a closing plate has
been welded, containing the necessary opening for
accommodating in going water and out coming air. The
stop end may also include an opening through which
the test water may be pumped from the line, if
necessary. The stop end may be jointed to the pipe to
be tested by means of a standard coupling or other
method approved by the Engineer. Thrust blocks or
temporary anchorages must be provided to hold the
stop end in place against the test pressure.

PS 6/ Disinfection of Pipelines - All potable water pipe,

fittings, valves, meters and appurtenances shall be
disinfected by the Contractor as specified herein,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

All water and chlorine required for disinfection of

pipelines shall be provided by the Contractor at his own
expense. Bacteriological testing will be performed by
the Employer.

The attention of the Contractor is directed to the

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requirements of these specifications whereby he is

responsible for preventing the entry of foreign material
of any kind into the pipe work. The Contractor shall
take extreme care to keep the interior of the pipe work
free of direct and other foreign material. If in the opinion
of the Engineer, dirt or other foreign material enters the
pipe work, which will not be removed by flushing, then
the Contractor shall clean and swab the interior of the
pipe work with a five percent hypochlorite disinfecting
solution to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

After testing and immediately before commissioning, all

pipelines shall be washed out and disinfected as

1. All mains shall be flushed out with clean water

until there is no evidence of foreign matter or
color in the waste flushing water.

2. A stock disinfecting solution shall be prepared by

mixing for not less than 5 minutes, in a clean
container, Sodium Hypochlorite (12 percent
available free chlorine) and distilled water in the
proportion of 0.80 litter per cubic meter of water
by volume. After mixing, the solution shall stand
for a further 5 minutes after which the clear
supernatant liquid shall be decanted into another
clean container. Stock solutions shall be made up
fresh daily.

3. The main to be disinfected shall be filled with

potable water at the same time as the stock
solution is added through a convenient air valve
in such quantities (to be determined by the
Contractor and approved by the Engineer) as will
result in a final solution containing 50 ppm free
chlorine. Care shall be taken to ensure that the
stock solution is added at a constant rate,
commencing when water is fed into the main and
ending as soon as the main is full. Flow meters
required for this operation shall be arranged by
the contractor.

4. Every main charged with disinfecting solution

shall stand for 24 hours, after which a sample
shall be taken at a washout valve by the
Contractor in the presence of the Engineer, from
whom the sampling bottle shall be obtained. If the
sample does not show at least 2 ppm free
chlorine, disinfection shall be repeated. If the
sample is satisfactory the main shall be emptied,
flushed out and filled with treated water and
allowed to stand for 1 hour.

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5. Two further samples shall then be taken as

before, one for a further determination of free
chlorine and the other, in a sterilized bottle, for
bacteriological analysis. If the free chlorine
determination shows more than 0.4 ppm free
chlorine the main shall be flushed out again. If
the bacteriological analysis is unsatisfactory
disinfection and sampling shall be repeated until
satisfactory results are obtained before the main
is commissioned.

6. The Contractor shall provide all equipment,

materials and testing apparatus, etc., as may be
necessary for the effective disinfection of all

PS. 6/ Cleaning of Pipe Work - All pipework shall be cleaned

by the Contractor after all pressure tests and
disinfection operations have been performed and
accepted by the Engineer. However, it is the
responsibility of the Contractor to prevent all dirt and
foreign matter from entering the paperwork and for
cleaning each length of pipe and all fittings, valves,
meters and appurtenances, of sand, dirt and foreign
matter during the installation. Cleaning of chlorinated
lines shall conform to the recommendations of the
Chlorine Institute. Flushing shall be carried out in parts
and as per the site conditions and as directed by

The Contractor will make his own arrangements for

water required for testing, disinfection, cleaning and

Arrangements for disposing of water into lagoon or

approved location including providing of required plant,
equipment and material shall be at contractor's own
PS. 6/60.6.15 Disposal of Water Used for Testing, Disinfection and Cleaning

The Contractor shall provide suitable means for disposal of water used for
testing, disinfection and flushing such that no damage results to facilities;
structures or property. These means shall be subject to the approval of
the Engineer and local Authorities. Details shall be submitted to the
Engineer upon request. The Contractor shall be responsible for any
damage caused by his filling, testing, disinfecting, flushing and waste
water disposal operations.

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PS 6/60.7 Steel Ladders

When ladder is specified on the drawing the Contractor shall prepare and
submit for the Engineer’s approval shop drawings for the installation and
fabrication of ladder as specified herein. Stringers shall be flats minimum
size 50mm by 16mm and solid rungs minimum 20mm diameter. Rungs
shall be at 250mm centers, minimum 400mm wide between stringers and
minimum 200mm from adjacent walls. Fixing brackets shall be at
maximum 2000mm centers. Each rung shall be capable of withstanding
a point load of 5000N applied at the center of the rung and close to one

When supported horizontally over a span of 1.0 meter with the climbing
face uppermost and with a load of 1000N applied at the center of the
span, the ladder shall not deflect more than 15mm at the point of
application of the load and shall show no permanent deflection after
removal of the load. Each ladder fixing shall be capable of withstanding
shear and pull-out loads of 5000N.

Safety cages shall be provided where the distance between landing

exceeds 3500mm. These shall be constructed of three vertical flats,
minimum size 50mm by 8mm supported by flat hoops with a diameter of
750mm. The hoops shall be at a maximum of 900mm center and the first
hoop shall be 2400mm above lowest platform level. No single hoops
shall be used.

All welds shall be ground flush and smoothed and ladders hot-tip
galvanized after fabrication. Connections to concrete or masonry walls
shall be secure with accurately positioned stainless steel anchor bolts.
Ladders shall be mounted to produce a finished appearance that is
plumb, straight and true to dimensions.

Each ladder shall be coated with two coats of polyurethane painting

system compatible with the galvanized surface strictly in accordance with
the paint manufacturer’s instructions and as directed by the Engineer.

PS 6/60.8 Granular Material for Pipe Bed and Surrounds

Granular material for pipe bedding shall be free draining, hard, clean,
chemically stable gravel or crushed stone to BS 882 and shall be graded
in accordance with BS 882: Part 2 as shown in the following table:-

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Table 2: Granular Material for Pipe Bedding

Percentage by Weight Passing Sieve

Test Sieve
For Pipe Diameters For Pipe Diameters
up to 1200mm 1200mm and above
63 - -
37.5 - -
20 - 100
14 100 85 – 100
10 85 - 100 50 – 85
5 0 - 25 10 – 50
2.36 0-5 0 - 10


1. For pipes 400mm to 800mm diameter, either grading is acceptable.

2. Refer clause 3/6.2 of General Specifications for the test method of
acid soluble sulphate content and for other chemical requirements.
3. Total acid soluble content of the material when tested in accordance
with BS1377 shall not exceed 0.3 percent by weight of sulphate
expressed as SO 3 (Sulphur Trioxide).
4. The material shall have a compaction fraction value not exceeding
5. For uPVC pipes only rounded aggregates will be permitted but for all
other pipe materials crushed aggregate may also be used.

Pipelines on Granular Beds

Where granular beddings to pipelines are detailed the minimum thickness

of bedding material beneath the pipe shall be:-

 150mm (minimum 100mm under sockets) for pipes not exceeding

300mm internal diameter.
 200mm (minimum 100mm under sockets) for pipes exceeding 300mm
internal diameter.
 The time internal between placing bedding material on the trench
formation and commencing pipe laying shall be as short as is

The bedding material shall extend to the full width of the trench and shall
be compacted in layers not exceeding 200mm. The bedding material
shall carefully compacted using a plate vibrator or other approved
equivalent mechanical method. Sufficient passes of a plate vibrator or
other approved mechanical method are required to achieve positive
deflection of flexible pipes to ensure that final deflections are within the

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specified limits. Hand tamping or punning will only be permitted where

insufficient space is available to allow the use of mechanical plant.

Recesses shall be formed in the bedding to accommodate pipe joints

while ensuring continuous even support along the pipe length. Bedding
material shall be prevented from entering pipe joints. After the joint has
been made bedding material shall be carefully placed and hand
compacted beneath the joint barrel to close any void left by the recess.

Where the formation of the trench is of silt or soft clay and is below the
natural water table, a 75mm blinding layer of sand shall be substituted for
the specified bedding material directly above formation and carefully
compacted if directed on site.

PS 6/60.9 Geotextile Filter Fabric

Filter fabric used for subsurface drainage works shall consist of long-
chain synthetic polymer fibers composed of at least 85 percent by mass
polyolefins, polyesters or ployamids. They shall be formed into a network
that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability relative to each
other including selvedges.

The fabric shall be stabilshed against ultra-violet light, inert to commonly

uncounted chemicals and chemical properties of the in-situ soil and water
and it shall conform to the following minimum requirements.

Table 3: Requirements for Geotextile Fabric for Subsurface Drainage

Property Test Method
Grab Strength (N) ASTM D 4632 800
Puncture Strength (N) ASTM D 4833 355
Burst Strength (kPo) ASTM D 3788 2000
Trapezoid Tear (N) ASTM D 4533 220
Permeability (m/s) ASTM D 4491 10
Apparent Opening Size (mm) ASTM D 4751 0.6
Ultraviolet Degradation ASTM D 4355 70 to 150 h
(Percent Relined Strength)

Where filter fabric is used to enclose granular or slone pipe surrounds the
fabric will be placed on the prepared trench formation and carefully
supported during pipe has been laid complete with surround to the correct
level the filter fabric shall be closed over the top of the surround by
forming a lap minimum width 500mm. All membrane joints shall be
overlapped a minimum of 500mm.

Care shall be taken not to puncture or damage the membrane in any way
during installation or during backfilling of the trench. Fabric damaged or
displaced before or during installation or during placement of over-laying

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aggregate material shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the

engineer at the contractor’s expense.

During periods of shipment and storage, the fabric shall be maintained

wrapped in a heavy duty protective covering and protected from direct
sunlight, ultra – violet rays and temperatures greater than 80o C.

PS 6/60.10 Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Epozy Resin, Pipes & Fittings for
Potable Water

PS 6/60.10.1 General

This specification covers the requirements for the design, material,

method of manufacturing and testing of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)
Epoxy resin pressure pipe, fittings and flanges.

PS 6/60.10.2 Specification Reference

The material, subject of this specification shall be fabricated and tested in

accordance with the latest edition, revision or addendum of the
referenced codes, specifications or standards.


ASTM D 2310 Machine made reinforced thermosetting resin pipe.

ASTM D 570 standard test methods for water absorption of
ASTM D 1598 Standard test method for time to failure of Plastic
pipe under constant internal pressure.
ASTM D 1599 Standard test method for short-time hydraulic
failure pressure of plastic pipe, tubing and fittings.
ASTM ID 2105 Standard test method for longitudinal tensile
properties of reinforced thermosetting resin pipe
and tube.
ASTM ID 2290 Standard test method for apparent tensile strength
of ing or tubular plastics and reinforced plastics by
split disk method.
ASTM D 2412 Standard test method for external loading
characteristics of plastic pipe by parallel-plate
ASTM D 2444 Standard test method for impact resistance of
thennoplastic pipe and fittings by means of a tup
(falling weight).
ASTM ID 2563 Standard practice for classifying visual defects in
glass-reinforced plastic laminate parts.
ASTM ID 2583 Standard test method for indentation hardness of
plastics by means of a Barcol impresser.

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ASTM D 2584 Standard test method for ignition loss of cured

reinforced resins. ASTM ID 2925 Standard test
method for beam deflection of reinforced thermo
setting plastic under full bore flow.
ASTM I) 2992 Standard practice for obtaining hydi6static or
pressure design basis for “fiberglass” (glassfibre-
reinforced thermosettingresin) pipe and fittings.
ASTM ID 3567 Standard practice for determining dimensions of
reinforced therinosetting resin pipe (RTRP) and
ASTMD 3418 Standard Test Method for Transition Temperature
of Polymer by Thermal Analysis.

PS 6/60.10.3 Pipeline Design

PS 6/ Design Conditions

Design Pressure

GRP epoxy resin pipe/fittings shall be designed in accordance of 12

bars maximum sustained working pressure (PN12), 16 bar maximum
sustained working pressure (PN16) and 25 bar maximum sustained
working pressure (PN25) as per B.O.Q. item to severe internal
operating pressure that the system shall be subjected to under all
modes of operation, including starts-up, shut downs, etc., throughout
the entire life time of the system.

For PNI 6 or higher, the manufacturer shall submit details upon


Design Temperature

The design temperature should be the most severe temperature that

the system will be subjected to under all modes of operation,
throughout the entire life time of the system. The high design
temperature should be the highest temperature that the piping system
will be subjected to i.e. 50 degree C, the cold design temperature
should be the lowest temperature that the piping will be subjected to
under all modes of operation i.e. 5 degree C. The installation
temperature shall be the expected ambient temperature at the location
during the time of the year in which the piping shall actually be

PS 6/ Hydrostatic Design Stress

The hydrostatic design stress (HDS) is the estimated maximum tensile

stress in the pipe wall in circumferential direction due to internal
hyrdrostatic pressure that can be applied continuously with a high
degree of certainly that failure will not occur.

The hydrostatic design stress shall be obtained by multiplying the

hydrostatic design basis (HDB) by the service (design) factor. The

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hydrostatic design basis shall be the extrapolated value of the long

term hydrostatic strength (LTHS) to 50 years and shall be determined
in accordance with ASTM D 2992.

The hydrostatic design stress implies a minimum safety factor of 3,

based on the short-time hydraulic test method as described in ASTM D

PS 6/ Mechanical Design

The Contractor shall be responsible for conducting (by a specialized

engineering office), a computer based flexibility and stress analysis of
the piping system based on static (normal) operating conditions in
addition to dynamic (surge / trip) conditions, as per the manufacturer
specifications. The engineering office shall hold a valid certificate to the
approval of the Engineer. A suitable piping support system shall be
designed such that all stresses in the pipe, fittings and flanges are
within the allowable limit set by the manufacturer. The engineering
office scope to include generating isometric drawings showing
supports location, loads, types, functions and support detailed design.

The contractor shall be responsible for fabrication and installation of

the aforementioned piping support system. The contractor shall also be
responsible for supply and installation of any additional auxiliary
equipment deemed necessary in the Design Report.

PS 6/ Basic Materials

PS 6/ General

All structural materials shall be new, fresh and free from all detrimental
defects and imperfections and only be used for production. Testing and
controlling shall be done according to the relevant methods. The basic
materials shall be combined into pipes and fittings meeting the
performance requirements of this specification.

PS 6/ Resin

The resin to be used shall be epoxy resin. The resin-curing agent

mixture shall have sufficient chemical and mechanical resistance to
meet the imposed requirements. The resin shall be stored in adequate
tanks for a period of maximum 6 months, on suppliers prescribed

PS 6/ Curing Agent

The curing agent shall be an aromatic or cyclo-alipthalic amine type.

The choice of the curing agent type depends on the application of the
RTRP-system and/or the fabrication method. The curing agent shall be
stored in adequate tanks for a period of at maximum 6 months, on
suppliers prescribed conditions.

PS 6/ Reinforcement

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As reinforcement of the therrnosetting resin, two types of glass with a

low alkali content shall be used. The glass reinforcement materials
shall be stored dry and protected against dust or other negative

Liner Reinforcement

C-glass or polyester non-woven shall be used as reinforcing material

for the chemically resistant inner layer (liner).

Structural Reinforcement

E-glass shall be used as reinforcing material for the structural wall.

This type of glass appears in the form of continuous roving or woven
cloth. Rovings are used in the filament winding process for the
production of pipes. Woven glass fabrics are used for the production of
fittings and as local reinforcement for all products. The reinforcing
material shall be provided with a special finish to assure a good
adhesion with the matrix.

PS 6/ Adhesive

For all adhesive bonded joints a two component epoxy resin mixture
shall be used, depending on the application different types of adhesive
are available. The adhesive should be delivered as a kit, containing
pre-measured quantities of resin and curing agent and written
instructions covering preparation of surfaces, mixing. Joining, safety,
potlife and curing. The adhesive has to be used before the latest work
up date, indicated on the packing.

PS 6/ O-Ring Seal

Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) or EPOM may be supplied depending

on the type of fluid that shall be transported.

PS 6/ Locking Strip

A thermoplastic locking strip may be supplied for the locking joints.

PS 6/ Potable Water Approval

The GRP piping shall not impart any taste, odor or colour to drinking
water. Pipes and fittings shall be approved and listed for potable water
use in accordance with concerned authority regulations and tested and
certified at accredited lab. The said certificate shall be submitted along
with the detailed report given by the agency. The test carried out by
agency shall be on a sample cut from a GRP pipe/ fitting itself GRP
pipes above ground to be painted to prevent sunlight from penetrating
the pipe wall. Painting procedure should follow manufacturer’s
recommendations and be approved by the engineer.

PS 6/ Fabrication

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PS 6/ Pipes

Pipes are manufactured by the filament winding process, in which

glass reinforcement impregnated with Epoxy resin and wound onto the
outside of a mandrel in predetermined pattern under controlled tension.
The rovings are saturated with the resin/curing agent mixture and
helically wound under a calculated winding angle.

PS 6/ Fittings

All GRP standard fittings up to 400 mm shall be filament wound on

precision steel moulds. Standard 45 and 90 degrees elbows shall be of
the smooth radius type having a turning radius of 1.5 x DN, and shall
be filament wound on precision steel moulds for dia. 600mm or below.
All GRP flanges shall be filament wound. Hand lay up flanges shall not
be permitted.

PS 6/ Wall Structure


GRP pipes and fittings shall have a resin rich liner reinforced with C-
glass with a low alkali content or linear non-woven polyester. The resin
content shall be at least 70% by weight and the minimum thickness of
the liner shall be 0.5 mm. The resin used for the liner shall be
exempted of pigments.

Reinforced Wall

GRP pipe structural wall shall be filament wound using continuous

fibrous glass strand rovings of F-glass, with a low alkali content
impregnated with epoxy resin. For fittings woven glass fabrics made of
F-glass are used. The resin used for the reinforced wall shall be the
same as used for the liner in order to assure an optimal adhesion
between those two layers. The winding angle of the continuous glass
strand rovings of pipes shall be 55-65 degrees. Dark pigments
hindering visual inspection shall not be used.


GRP pipe and fittings (except on joint sealing areas) shall have a resin-
rich exterior surface having a minimum thickness of 0.3 mm.

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PS 6/ Joints

The pipe jointing system shall be a flexible tensile resistant joint with a
O-ring seal and /or a locking device, of the type known as Rubber Seal
Lock Joint upto dia. 600mm as per requirement on site. Special pipe
sections, with one end configured to suit concerned authority fiber
cement couplers, have to be provided wherever a GRP line connects
to a fiber cement line.

Reinforced Concrete Thrust Blocks shall be used at all changes in

direction, size reduction or expansion, and other thrust locations
underground for unrestrained systems. Thrust Blocks shall encase the
entire GRP Fittings at the directional change and should be
constructed to fully absorb all thrust loads.

Thrust Blocks can be avoided by providing restrained fittings (i.e.

changes in direction, size reduction or expansion) and by providing self
restrained pipes and joints immediately before and after the fittings.
This hybrid pipe system shall be Engineered and designed by the

PS 6/ Performance Requirements

PS 6/ Impact Resistance

Pipe and fitting shall show no porosity when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2444 or BS 5480.

PS 6/ Impact Resistance

Samples made from pipe or fitting laminates shall show no evidence of

delamination or other impairment when tested accordance with ASTM
D 570.

PS 6/ Beam Strength

The axial modulus of elasticity of pipes, when tested in accordance

with ASTM I) 2925, shall have a minimum value of 11500 N/mm2.

PS 6/ Stiffness

GRP pipe shall exhibit without structural damage a minimum stiffness

(EIID3) at 5% deflection required by AWWA C 950.

PS 6/ Ultimate Hoop Stress

The short-time hydraulic failure strength of pipe and fittings, when

tested in accordance with ASTM D 1599, shall not be less than three
times the rated pressure.

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PS 6/ Axial Tensile Stress

The axial tensile stress for pipes when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2105, shall not be less than 75 N/mm2.

PS 6/ Hoop Tensile Strength

The hoop tensile strength of pipes, when tested in accordance with

ASTM D 2290, shall not be less than 210 N/mm2.

PS 6/ Hardness

The indentation hardness of pipes and fittings, when tested in

accordance with ASTM D 2583 shall be at least 30 Barcol.

PS 6/ Glass Content

The glass content of the reinforced wall of pipes and fittings, shall be
determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. The glass content for
pipes shall be at least 65% by weight. The glass content for fittings
shall be at least 60% by weight.

PS 6/ Hydrostatic Design Stress

The hydrostatic design stress for pipes and fittings shall be obtained
from the extrapolated long term hydrostatic tests in accordance with
ASTM D 2992 for a life-time of 50 years. The minimum service
(design) factor for the determination of the hydrostatic design stress
shall be 0.5.

PS 6/ Inspection of Testing

The pipe manufacturer must demonstrate the capability to produce

pipe meeting the requirements of these specifications and of consistent
properties and quality. A detailed quality control/quality assurance
program must be implemented at the manufacturing facilities and all
necessary test equipment to be operating by skilled technicians. The
manufacturer’s Quality Control scheme shall be certified by a
recognized independent authority to meet the requirements of ISO

PS 6/ Markings and Identification

Each pipe section shall be marked with the following information.

1. Manufacturer’s name.
2. Nominal diameter.
3. Pressure rating
4. Product Classification.
5. Product Unique number.
6. Date of Manufacturing.

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PS 6/60.11 Glass Reinforcement Plastic (GRP), Pipes? Fittings Specifications

for Potable Water

All fittings (including bends; tees, treducers and flanges) used with AC
water pipelines shall be GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) fittings
complying with the following specifications.

The following specifications are referenced as applicable:

Reference Description

AWWA C 950-88 AWWA Standard for Fiberglass Pressure Pipes

ASTM D3517-91 Standard Specification for “Fiberglass

(Glass-Fibber-Reinforced-Resin) Pressure Pipes

BS 5480:1990 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Pipes and

Fittings for use for Water Supply or Sewerage.
Parts I & 2

PS 6/60.11.1 Markings

This specification covers the design, manufacture and testing of

glassfibre reinforced plastic (GRP) pressure pipes / fittings for use with
Asbestos Cement pressure Pipe in nominal sizes 50 mm and larger.
ORP fittings and pipe shall be designed and manufactured in
accordance with AWWA C950 and the requirements herein. One
manufacturer shall produce all components of GRP pipes/fittings

The manufacturer must demonstrate the experience and capability to

produce fittings of the same diameter and pressure range as those
required. The manufacturer shall be certified to ISO 9000 series for
quality system management.

A detailed check list (for each clause) shall be submitted by the

tenderer along with the tender documents to confirm his compliance to
the specifications. Detail of technical Collaborator Company with the
manufacturer, if any, shall be furnished along with the tender.

PS 6/60.11.2 Construction

GRP fittings shall have the following principal construction:

i. Corrosion resistant, resin rich liner having a minimum thickness of

0.5mm.The liner surface in contact with water shall be reinforced
with “C” glass veil or mat impregnated with Epoxy Resin. The liner
shall be continuous along the circumference of the pipe and shall be
of uniform thickness and composition.
ii. A structural wall consisting of continuous glass filament windings
and/or woven rovings and chopped glass reinforcement, and may
include fine fillers, all impregnated with Epoxy resin as required.

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iii. A resin-rich exterior surface having a minimum thickness of 0.25


No dark pigments shall be allowed in the GRP fittings. Flanged joints,

where specified, shall be GRP filament wound flanges, manufactured
from epoxy resin or Vinylester resin and glass reinforcements.

All G. R. P. products shall be hot cured. Glass transition temperature

shall be at least 125 degree Centigrade for epoxy resin products.

PS 6/60.11.3 Design Requirements

GRP epoxy resin pipe/fittings shall be designed in accordance of 12

bars maximum sustained working pressure (PN12), 16 bar maximum
sustained working pressure (PNI6) and 25 bar maximum sustained
working pressure (PN25) as per BOQ item to severe internal operating
pressure that the system shall be subjected to under all modes of
operation, including starts-up, shut downs, etc., throughout the entire
life time of the system.

For PNI 6 or higher, the manufacturer shall submit details upon


Hydrulic test pressure at the factory shall be 1.5 x maximum sustained

working pressure (PN). This shall be applied similarly for other
pressure. If is not mentioned in Bill of Quantity, pipes/fittings shall be
supplied with PN1 2. Pipe/fittings wall thickness shall meet all design
requirements. Spigot fittings ends shall be plain with bevelled edge.

GRP pipes/fittings and flanges shall be designed in accordance with

AWWA C950 for service at the following conditions for PNI2:

Maximum operating pressures 12.0 Bars

Maximum site test pressure 15.0 Bars
Maximum test pressure at factory 18.0 Bars
Maximum allowable vacuum 1.0 Bar
Minimum depth of cover 1.0 Metre
Maximum depth of cover 4.0 Metre
Truck loading (Wheel Load) 90.0 KN
Service temperature (Maximum) 50.0 Deg. C.

For PNI6 and above, manufacturer shall submit design data as above.

Flange / Flange fittings shall be designed for installation above ground

(in Chambers) without thrust blocks. Flanged branches on Spigot Tees
shall be designed to resist end thrust from closed valves.

The pressure rating for GRP pipe and fittings shall be based on the
long-term hydrostatic design pressure established in accordance with
AWWA C950 and design factor of 2.0. Laminated or adhesive Joints
used in the fabrication of fittings shall be equal or superior in strength
to the sections they join. The thickness of laminated joints shall not be

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less than the wall thickness of the adjoining pipe section. All hand
1arnination or windings shall utilize only one type of resin throughout.

PS 6/60.11.4 Chemical Requirements

GRP pipes/fittings shall not impart any taste, odor or colour to drinking
water. GRP pipe/fittings shall be approved and listed for potable water
use in accordance with concerned authority regulations and tested and
certified at accredited lab. The certificate shall be submitted for
pipes/fittings made from epoxy resin and fit for cold and hot water upto
50 degree C. The said certificate shall be submitted along with the
detail report given by the WRAS/ NSF. If requested by concerned
authority, testing to comply with BS 6920 at local laboratory shall be
carried on sample submitted to concerned authority, at no extra cost.

PS 6/60.11.5 Dimensions

GRP fittings shall be produced in Metric sizes and shall be classified

by their nominal inside diameter (ND). All standard fittings up to and
including diameter 600 mm used in the water system shall be filament
wound on precision steel moulds(except mentioned in the concerned
authority standard sketches which shall be provided after award of
tender). The fittings manufactured on steel moulds shall be in one
piece. The two pieces joined together, is not acceptable. Standard 90
and 45 degree bends of nominal diameter 600mm and smaller shall be
of the smooth radius type, having a turning radius of 1.5 times nominal
diameter. Fittings diameter larger than 600 mm may be of the moulded
or mitered (manufactured from GRP pipe sections) construction and
internal surfaces shall be finished smooth. Tangential (invert)
spigot/spigot/flanged Tee shall be used in washout chambers and shall
have a bottom tangential flanged outlet with main spigot ends. The
overall dimensions and other details of standard fittings shall be as per
the concerned authority standard shop drawings which shall be
supplied during evaluation after award of tender and shall be complied

1. The tolerance in length shall be ±/- 5 mm for 400 mm dia. and

below and +/- 10 mm for dia. 450 - 1200mm.

2. Spigot Joints, where specified, shall have the same Outside

Diameter (O.D.) as concerned authority Asbestos cement (AC)
pipe class 18 or 24 or 40 to which it is to be jointed. Tolerances on
the O. D. of the spigot of the GRP fittings shall be same as
tolerance to external diameter of A.C. pipes at calibrated ends
mentioned in A.C. pipe specifications such that the joint remains
watertight under all normal operating and surge conditions. The
spigot ends shall be clearly marked with a “homeline” indicating the
proper insertion limit for the AC couplings. The spigot width (length)
shall not be less than half the AC coupling joint width except in
flange / spigot adaptor. In flange/spigot adaptor, the spigot width
(length) shall be equal to width (length) of Asbestos Cement
coupler + 20mm. Spigot ends shall be with beveled edges.

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3. The actual fitting inside diameter shall not be less than that shown
in the table below:

Nominal Diameter (ND) (mm) Minimum Inside Diameter

50 48
80 78
100 98
150 148
225 223
300 298
400 398
450 448
500 497
550 547
600 594
700 695
900 890
1200 1190

4. G.R.P. Flanges shall be flat faced and drilled to BS 4504 PN 10

drilling pattern for PN 12 pipes/fittings and for 225 mm and 550 mm
dia for which ISO 7005 / PN 10 for PNI2 pipes/fittings shall be
applied. Similarly BS 4504 PNI 6 pattern for PN1 6 pipes/fittings
and BS 4504 PN 25 pattern for PN25 pipes/fittings shall be applied.
GRP Flange gasket (full face) design and thickness shall be as
recommended by the GRP fitting manufacturer. Hand lay-up
flanges shall not be acceptable.

5. The thickness of GRP flanges for PN12 shall not be less than
shown in the table below:

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

Nominal Diameter (ND) (mm) Minimum GRP Flange

Thickness (mm)
50 35
80-100 38
150-200 44
225 45
300 54
400 60
450 64
500 64
550 68
600 72
700 78
900 93
1200 108

For other pressures, detail shall be submitted by the manufacturer to

meet the design requirement

6. The wall thickness of GRP fittings shall be determined by the

manufacturer to meet the design requirements of this specification
but shall in no case be less than the minimum thickness for PN12
as shown in the table below:

Nominal Diameter (ND) (mm) Minimum GRP Fittings / Pipe

Thickness (mm)
80-300 5.0
350-500 6.5
550 7.5
600 8.0
700 9.5
900 12.0
1200 16.0

PS 6/60.11.6 Mechanical Properties

GRP fittings and pipes for PN 12 used for fabrication shall meet the
following minimum strength requirements.

Sr. Property Test Minimum Value

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No. Method
1 Hoop Tensile Stress ASTM As per table 10 of
for GRP pipe D2290 AWWA C95 for class
150 psi
2 Axial Tensile pipe ASTM D 638 Per table 11 of for
GRP AWWAC950 for
150 psi
3 Axial Tensile Stress ASTM D 638 70 MPa
for flange/flange
4 Initial Hoop Stress ASTM 3.5 x rated working
failure for molded D1599 pressure
5 Initial Pipe Stiffness ASTM Dia 300mm 10000 pa
Dia >300mm 5000 pa

For other pressures, detail shall be submitted by the manufacturer to

meet the design requirement

PS 6/60.11.7 Visual Requirements

GRP fittings shall be free from delamination, crazing, dry areas or

cracks. Spigot ends shall be free from end delamination, torn edges
and gouges and shall be finished smooth to ensure water tightness. All
laminates shall be fully cured with a minimum Barcol hardness of 33
when tested in accordance with ASTM 2583. The inside liner of the
G.R.P. fittings shall be free of cracks, voids and air inclusions.

PS 6/60.11.8 Testing

1) Routine Tests

G.R.P. pipes and fittings shall be factory tested by the manufacturer in

accordance with AWWA C950 or BS 5480 at the frequency specified
below. Test results and certificates shall be submitted to the Engineer
for each consignment delivered if requested by concerned authority.

Test Frequency
1 Visual inspection Every Item
2 Dimensions Every Item
3 Hydraulic pressure One per 10 Flg x Flg
3a Hydraulic pressure upto 600mm One per 20 spigot
dia items
4 Pipe Stiffness for dia. > 300mm One per 100 items
mitered items

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5 Barcol hardness (resin cured) Every Item

6 Pipe Axial and Hoop tensile stress One per 100 Items
for dia. >300mm
7 Initial hoop failure stress for Once per order on
molded fittings (ASTM D1599) largest size
8 GRP pipe used for fitting Every pipe
fabrication shall be factory
pressure tested at 18 bars

2) Qualification (Type) Tests

The following tests shall be can-led out on actual pipe/fittings produced

by the manufacturer to establish and accept the design basis for the
products. These tests are not routine quality control tests.

(a) Long term hydrostatic design pressure of the GRP pipes and
molded fittings shall be established on test data extrapolated to 50
years in accordance with AWWA C950 Section 2.4.2. and ASTM
D2992 Procedure B

The long- term data shall be submitted for:

- Moulded Fittings
- Pipe Designs to resist thrust in flange/flange fittings and branch
flanged Tees. The long term testing of such pipes shall be done
- Pipe with spigot ends to suit AC couplers may be tested Uni-

(b) Short-terra hoop tensile strength shall be within the ultimate

strength of the pipe, fittings, laminated joints and flanged joints to
withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 3.5 times the rated working
pressure with no signs of leakage or weep. For flanged joints, the
flanges shall be blinded and the ends unrestrained during the test.

Testing To Be Witnessed By Concerned Authority /Consultant

(a) The tenderer/contractor shall intimate when pipes to be used in

construction of fittings and full consignment of finished product, is
ready for inspection and testing.

(b) 10% of total quantity shall be inspected and tested in the presence
of concerned authority’s representative / consultant for the tests
mentioned under serial no.1,2 and 5 of routine test. The quantity
for testing for serial no. 3,3a,4,6,7 shall be as mentioned in the
column of frequency under routine tests. 10% of total quantity of
pipes used for fittings shall be inspected and tested in the
presence of concerned authority’s representative! consultant for
the tests mentioned under serial no.8 of routine test

(c) 10% of total quantity for G.R.P. pipes required in construction for

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fittings:- Pressure test shall be witnessed by concerned authority’s

representative / consultant, necessary intimation shall be given to
concerned authority /consultant to witness the test.

(d) All tests and related matter shall be carried out without extra

PS 6/60.11.9 Samples

The following samples are to be submitted by the G.R.P. fittings

supplier / tenderer if requested by concerned authority:

1. 225x225x 150 mm G.R.P. Tee spigot/spigot/spigot- no.

2. 150mm G.R.P. bend 900 double flange - 1 no.
Other sizes, if requested by concerned authority, shall be submitted.

PS 6/60.11.10 Submittals/Drawings

Prior to start of production, the fittings manufacturer shall submit to the

Engineer dimensional drawings of each fitting required for approval.
The Engineer may also require design calculations, samples and
sample testing for approval at no extra cost to the client.

For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit before delivery, the
recommended gasket details, the bolt torqueing sequence and
maximum recommended torque for each flange size supplied.

PS 6/60.11.11 Marking

Each fitting shall be indelibly marked with the following:

- Manufacture’s Name or Trade mark

- Nominal Diameter (N.D.) in mm Pressure Rating in Bars
- Manufacturing Date, Month and Year.
- Inspection Mark.
- Concerned authority /JCW/Contract no.
- Coupling “home line” position on spigot ends.

Note: The marking label shall be prepared on computer sheet and

shall be placed on the fittings/ pipes just before last top layer of
glass reinforcements is applied and shall be readable.

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PS 6/60.11.12 Submission

Following are to be submitted along with tender I for approval of


(I) Original catalogue and product technical data

(2) Manufacturer’s quality assurance certificate to ISO 9000 series.
(3) Sample as mentioned above.
(4) Check-list paragraph by paragraph showing compliance and
(5) In addition to Certificate from Water Regulations Advisory Scheme
(WRAS), U.K., /NSF,USA a certificate from ACCREDITED LAB,
showing fitness to use with hot and cold potable water in
accordance with BS6920 for pipes/fittings made from only epoxy
(6) Detail report of testing carried out for fitness to use with potable
water for submission no. (5)
(7) Certified agreement copy between manufacturer and technical
(8) Past four years supply record of supplier
(9) Past four years supply record of manufacturer
(10) Past four years supply record of technical collaborator
(11) Result and detail report of long term hydrostatic desigii pressure
(12) Result and detail report of short term hoop tensile strength
(13) Copy of routine tests

PS 6/60.12 Valves and Appurtenance

PS 6/60.12.1 General

All valves supplied shall be suitable for use with water temperatures up
to 500 C and in climatic and soil conditions encountered in the
respective Emirate area. The nominal working pressure shall be 10 bar
or as mentioned in the tender. On class 24 pipeline, all valves shall be
PN16 even if it mentioned PN1O in B.O.Q./nothing mentioned in

Unless otherwise specified, all valves and appurtenance shall be

externally and internally fusion bonded epoxy coated using
electrostatic/fluidized bed process conforming to DIN 30677 or
approved equivalent, with a thickness of 300 micron (except wherever
specified with different coating/lining) holiday free non-toxic and colour
code RAL 5015. Before application of epoxy coating the surface shall
be sand blasted to a minimum SA 2.5 and air blown to ensure good
bond. A certificate verifying the suitability of the epoxy coating for use
with drinking water is required from the manufacturer endorsed by

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accredited independent laboratory acceptable to concerned authority.

The flange valves shall be supplied complete with flange gaskets and
stainless steel nuts, bolts and washers of grade 316. Bolts and nuts
shall be supplied with 2 washers per bolt. The bolt length shall be such
that after the joints are made- up, the bolt protrudes through the nut,
but not more than 12 mm. It shall fit to G.R.P. flange. Face to face
dimensions for flange valves shall be as per BS 5163.

Unless otherwise detail or specified here-in, gate and butterfly valves

shall be supplied complete with extension spindles and appurtenances
such that the square nut operation is within 500 mm of the top of the
chamber cover slab. Where required, special couplings shall be
incorporated to absorb the weight of the extension spindle at no extra
cost to concerned authority.

The dimensions of stem cap of all valves and square nut operator in
case of extension spindles or without extension spindle shall be in
accordance with BS 5163. All valves shall be supplied with stem
(spindle) cap made from ductile iron. The spindle cap shall be fixed
with spindle by a nut bolt passing through it so that spindle cap is tied
with spindle. The manufacturer shall fix spindle cap to spindle by a nut
bolt before dispatching (not acceptable as loose items).

Unless otherwise specified here in, all attaching hardware of all valves
and appurtenances including the nuts, bolts and washers for flanged
valves shall be stainless steel comply with DIN 17440 or approved


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The following particular specifications and drawings are for ETISALAT

works. It shall be read in conjunction with Section 6/27 to 6/29 of the
General Specification and contract drawings. In case of conflict between
these particular specifications and other MOID/SRTA General
Specifications that may part of the construction contract documents, the
more restrictive of the applicable requirements shall control.

PS 6/61.1 Quality of Materials

PS 6/61.1.1 Specifications

All materials not otherwise specified are to be in accordance with the

Specification of the British Standards Institution, in so far as those
Specifications apply. All material needs to be submitted to Etisalat for

PS 6/61.1.2 Concrete

Concrete shall be of the quality required by this Specification or as directed

by the Civil Works Supervisor.

The contractor must use ready mixed concrete for any specified grade of
concrete, subject to approval of the concrete supplier and mix design, etc.,
by the Civil Work Supervisor. All ready mixed concrete shall conform to BS
5238, batches at the concrete plant, to be used to approval and shall
comply with all the requirements of the concrete.

The concrete shall be carried out in purpose made agitators operating

continuously, or transit mixers specially designed to carry the product. The
concrete shall be compacted in its final position within a maximum period of
two hours of its batching time at the plant unless a longer period is agreed
by the Civil Works Supervisor under special circumstances. The time of
batching concrete shall be recorded on the delivery note along with the
details of the constituents of each batch of mix.

When truck mixed concrete is used water is to be added at the central

batching plant of quality and in quantity as specified or approved. With
trucks mounted with proper water dispensers the possibility of adding
water, to dry mixed batch at site can be decided by the Works Supervisor.
Under no circumstances water shall be allowed to be added either during
the transit or at site to the ready mixed concrete. The transit mixers and
their mixing and discharge requirements shall comply with the requirements
BS 4251.

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

Concrete Mix Design

Grade of Concrete A B C D

Characteristic strength 40 35 25 15
28 days in N/mm2
Individual Test Results 32 28 20 12
To be more than (N/mm2)
Mixes to be designed for mean 48 44 32 20
strength (N/mm2)
Slump Max (with plasticizer) 70 70 100 120
Max. water cement ratio 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.65
Minimum Cement (kg/m ) 400 370 300 250
Total aggregate Ikg/m ) % age of 1650 1700 1750 1800
find aggregate to total dry Kg/m3
Zone (Coarse) 40-45 40-45 35-50 35-50
Zone (Medium) 35-40 35-40 35-50 -
Zone (Fine) 30-35 30-35 35-50 -
Nominal maximum size of 20mm 20mm 20mm 10mm
Method of compaction All (A – B – C – D) Vibrated

For pumpable concrete, admixture may be used to increase the workability.

As there is likelihood of higher strengths due to their use, the requirements
of average of four cubes and that of an individual test result have to be
correspondingly increased and those figures shall be agreed upon at the
trial mix stage.

7 - days strength is 0.8 of 28 days strength.

All Materials are to generally conform to following standards:

Cement: BS EN 197-1
Water: BS EN 1008 (Also as specified for concrete works)
Aggregates: BS 882
Admixtures: BS EN 480

All concrete mixers are to be designed according to requirements of the

above table.

As directed by Etisalat Representative.

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PS 6/61.1.3 Quality

(a) Where necessary, details of the concrete to be employed for Jointing

Chamber construction will be included on the construction drawing. In
all other cases, Concrete Quality “A” shall be used for the
construction of jointing Chambers and for other operations as
(b) Concrete Quality “D” shall be used for concrete blocks in which ducts
are laid and for filling Frames and Covers unless otherwise specified;
also for duct concrete surround.
(c) Where a coarse concrete is required for supporting or protecting
buried plant, Concrete Quality “C” shall be used, unless otherwise
(d) Concrete Quality “B” shall be used for insertion between electricity
supplies and plant where normal separation cannot be obtained,
unless otherwise specified.

PS 6/61.1.4 Mixing

(a) Concrete Mixing will be done by machine, hand mixing of concrete is

not allowed for any concrete work. Site mixing of concrete with
machine will only be allowed if no source of ready mix concrete is
available, subject to prior approval of mix design, etc., by the
(b) When mixed by machine the ingredients shall be put into the machine
dry without prior mixing. The water may be inserted either first or last.
Such machines shall, however, be used only so long as they ensure
thorough mixing and are maintained in clean condition. They shall be
of the “batch” type.
(c) Sand and aggregate, other than all-in aggregate shall be stored
separately on site.

PS 6/61.1.5 Water

The standard cleanliness of water for mixing is that it shall be free from
impurities. The quantity used shall be sufficient, but not more than
sufficient, to secure a plastic mixture and shall not exceed that necessary
to provide the maximum specified slump. The Civil Works Supervisor may
reject concrete which, in his opinion, is over watered to the extent that its
strength will be impaired.

Further, the quality of water shall conform to BS EN 1008

The inorganic impurities or water shall not exceed the following:

 Chloride = 600mg/litre
 Sulphate = 500gms/litre

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 Total dissolves solid = 2000mg/litre

 Alkali carbonate and Bicarbonate = 1000mg/litre

PS 6/61.1.6 Placing and Cleanliness

(a) The concrete shall be deposited in its intended position as quickly as

possible after being mixed within the specified time period and all
concrete footings and foundations shall be tamped and carefully
(b) Concrete which has become hard, dry or dirty after being mixed shall
not be used. If any earth falls on the top of any concrete after laying
and before the work is completed it shall be carefully removed.
(c) Cleanliness shall be observed in all operations and in relation to all

PS 6/61.1.7 Cement

(a) All cement shall be fresh and of approved manufacturer. Wherever so

specified ordinary Portland cement shall be locally manufactured
complying with BS EN 197-1 or ASTM 150 type 1 Sulphate resisting
cement to be used for all underground structure. Unless specifically
any other type of cement is recommended to be used shall be to BS
4027 or ASTM C150 type 5. The soil conditions may require the
cement to be type MSRPC which will take preference on any other
type of cement.
(b) Cement brought to the site shall have prior approval and the
contractor shall submit at all times the manufacturers test certificate
and proof that required specification has been complied with together
with a note of the date manufacture certificate by an independent
approved lab. The cement shall be rejected in case considered as
unsuitable for the works.
(c) The cement shall be properly stored under cover and clear ground to
wall protect against the effect of weather and contamination. Bags of
the cement once opened shall be completely consumed.

PS 6/61.1.8 Additives

No additives of any type shall normally be allowed unless approved by Civil

Works Supervisor. Wherever fair surfaced concrete is specified or for ready
mixed concrete the contractor shall use approved plasticisers to improve
the workability of concrete. All plasticizers shall be strictly used to the
recommendations of the manufacturer.

The concrete for all below ground structures has to be necessarily

watertight. For this purpose a suitable approved integral waterproofing
compound described as a blend of inorganic plasticizer shall be used.

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PS 6/61.1.9 Samples

Where required Civil Works Supervisor shall direct the contractor to provide
the required certificate of test report for the cement from any Accredited
Laboratory by MOID/SRTA or related departments in Sharjah Municipality.

PS 6/61.1.10 Sand (Fine Aggregate)

All sand shall be in accordance with BS 882, part 2 grading of sand shall be
within the limits of class C or M table 5 of BS 882. The percentage by
weight passing BS 410 test sieve 300mm shall not exceed 30%.

Fine aggregates shall comply with the following specifications:

 Clay lumps and flyable particles (to ASTM C142) – Max 1% by weight.
 Coal, Lignite and shells (to ASTM C123) – max 1% by weight.
 Acid soluble Chloride – Less than 0.03% by weight.
 Acid soluble Sulphates – Less than 0.3% by weight.
 Sodium Sulphate soundness test (ASTM C88-5 cycles) – loss less than
10% by weight.
 Sand equivalent (ASTM D-2419) – Minimum 70%
 Water absorption (ASTM C128/127) – Maximum 2%

PS 6/61.1.11 Coarse Aggregate

The coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with BS 882, part 2 Grading

or coarse aggregate shall be with Table 1 of BS 882 for nominal size of
graded aggregate 20mm to 5mm.

Coarse aggregates shall nominally comply with the following


 Clay lumps&Friable particles (to ASTM 142) – max 1.0% by weight.

 Organic material of any nature – Not allowed.
 Acid soluble Chlorides (BS 812) – less than 0.03% by weight.
 Acid soluble Sulphate (BS EN 1744-1) – Less than 0.3% be weight.
 Magnesium Sulphate soundness test (ASTM C88) – Loss less than
10% by weight.
 10%Fine value (BS 812 part 111) – More than 100kn.
 Flakiness & Elongation Index (BS 812) – Less than 25%.
 Abrasion loss (ASTM C131) – Less than 25%.
 Water absorption (ASTM C128/127) – Maximum 2.3%

PS 6/61.1.12 Size of Aggregate

Aggregate for each of the qualities of mix included in Clause PS 6/65.1.2

shall be graded up to and including:

A – 20mm
B – 20mm

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C – any size suitable for work

D – 10mm

PS 6/61.1.13 Cement Mortar

(a) The Cement Mortar shall consist of: One measurement of cement
confirming to the relevant BS. Three measures of sand conforming to
BS 1200.
(b) The materials after being gauged shall be thoroughly mixed in a dry
state on mixing boards (Clause PS 6/65.1.4 refers), and then
thoroughly mixed with sufficient water to form a stiff mortar.
(c) On no account shall water be added after mortar has once been
mixed and mortar, after it has once begun to set, shall not be used or
mixed with other cement and sand.
(d) An excess of water shall in no case be used for mixing, and if more
water than is necessary be used, such mortar after it has begun to set
shall not be mixed with further quantity of sand and cement, but the
whole shall be condemned.

PS 6/61.1.14 Iron and Steel Work

All reinforcing bars shall be hot rolled high yield strength bars from an
approved manufacturer complying with BS 4449 or similar approved
standard Cold twisted bars shall be to BS 4482 or equal approved
standard. Steel Fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483 or equal
approved standard. All steel received at site shall have necessary mill
certificate and shall be subject to confirmation tests from an approved
independent test for which samples shall be drawn from actual batch of
steel employed for the works

PS 6/61.1.15 Stabilized Backfill

Stabilized Backfill shall consist of excavated soil mixed with cement. The
ratio of excavated soil to cement shall be 10 to 1, or as otherwise specified,
for the backfilling of trenches. Mixing may be carried out by hand or
machine in either case the mixing shall be sufficient to give an even color

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PS 6/61.1.16 Waterproofing

All concrete works below ground and in contact with soil shall be water
proofed in the following manner.

Externally all concrete surfaces shall be applied with a suitable primer and
then with a self adhesive membrane equivalent to Bituthene 1000 XHc or
equal approved. The membrane shall be protected by 3mm thick protection
board. The protection board shall be properly wrapped and secured in
place before any backfilling works.

All such structures shall have heavy duty water stop min 250mm wide
(centre fix or rearguard type depending on the situation at site).

All application shall be strictly to the Manufacturer’s recommendations.

PS 6/61.2 Excavation Section

PS 6/61.2.1 General - The Contractor shall excavate in the Carriageway or Footway, in

positions as he may be directed by the Civil Works Supervisor, carefully
segregating the surface and foundation materials from other excavated
materials in order that, unless otherwise directed by the Civil Works
Supervisor, they may be replaced, as nearly as possible in their original

PS 6/61.2.2 Subsoil

1. Excavated subsoil shall be protected from weathering action which

would cause a damaging increase or decrease in the natural moisture
content of the soil, leading to the formation of voids and/or settlement
after backfilling.
2. The amount of excavated soil left exposed above ground overnight
shall be kept to a minimum.
3. Normally a certain amount of subsoil, roughly equivalent to the
volume of duct being laid is surplus and carted to tip. Subsoil which
is damaged or unsuitable shall be selected for cartage to tip and, if
required, suitable undamaged subsoil shall be brought from a newly
excavated length, or imported to site to replace the subsoil carted

PS 6/61.2.3. Protection of Excavated Material

The type of protection to be undertaken is as follows:

1. Wet weather-excavated material shall be stacked in a ridged heap

and protected against rain by covering with polyethylene or other
waterproof sheeting. Where excavated materials cover a channel,
boards, or alternatively a length of duct, shall be laid beneath the
excavated material to maintain the water channel. Some of the
excavated material shall be placed to acts as a dam to turn water
away from any open excavation.

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2. Dry weather-Subsoil being excavated and backfilled during the same

day needs no special protection unless it is in the form of large pieces
of clay which may become baked hard, in which case they should be
covered with smaller granular material from the subsoil or with
polyethylene or other waterproof sheeting. Any subsoil left exposed
above ground overnight or for longer periods should be protected with
polyethylene or other water proof sheeting in order that the natural
water content is maintained.

PS 6/61.2.4 Timbering, etc.

Except where otherwise provided, the excavation shall include all

necessary timbering, sheet piling and shoring to maintain stability of the

PS 6/61.2.5 Objection

If the Contractor shall object, in writing, to any position selected as being

likely to cause damage to adjoining property, the Civil Works Supervisor
shall give such modified directions as shall remove the objection or shall
submit the matter to the Engineer, and, if he deem the objection to be
reasonable the Contractor shall be relieved of liability for damage that may
result from due and proper execution of the work in the position so objected
to. In this event the Engineer or Civil Works Supervisor will specify the
precautions that the Contractor must take to safeguard the property which
gives rise to the objection.

PS 6/61.2.6 Mechanical Excavators

Any mechanical excavator must be capable of allowing for, and should be

used in such a manner as to fulfill the requirements of Section PS 6/61.2.1
and PS 6/61.2.12 of this Specification in respect of segregation of materials
and width of trench obtainable by using manual excavations.

PS 6/61.2.7 Silencers

Where pneumatic drills or other power driven road breaking Appliances ore
used, they shall be fitted with efficient silencing devices.; The compressor
and other power driven machines used for the work shall be maintained in
an efficient condition so as to avoid undue noise.

PS 6/61.2.8 Protection of Pavings

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to prevent damage to

pavings by his plant, and, to protect pavings from contamination by fuel
and/or oil from his equipment.

PS 6/61.2.9 Pilot Holes and Trial Excavations

The Contractor shall excavate in the Carriageway or footway in positions as

he may be directed by the Civil Works Supervisor, such pilot holes or trial
excavations as are necessary to meet the requirements defined in the
Definition Section of this Specification.

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PS 6/61.2.10 Side Shafts

Where deemed necessary by the Civil Works Supervisor, Side Shafts shall
be excavated alongside the trench, as required, to negotiate obstructions.

PS 6/61.2.11 Supports

1. The supports of an excavation shall be so designed and placed to

prevent loss of ground from beneath adjacent paved surfaces and to
permit, wherever possible, withdrawal of such supports and
consolidation of the space occupied. The prior agreement of the Civil
Works Supervisor withdrawal of supports is considered to constitute a
greater danger to the surrounding property than the subsequent void
produced by rotting timber.

2. Existing mains and services shall be adequately supported by

temporary slinging or strutting or, where required by the Civil Works
Supervisor, by brick or concrete piers. At the discretion of the Civil
Works Supervisor, where existing mains or services render
compaction of the backfill beneath them difficult, the backfill shall be
stabilized by mixing it with cement in the ratio of 10 parts soil to 1 part
cement by volume.

PS 6/61.2.12 Width of Trench

In no case shall the width of trench excavated be greater than is

reasonably necessary for satisfactory execution of work. In unmade
however, this requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Civil
Works Supervisor, if the Contractor desires to use a wide excavator in such
a position where a wide trench would not be detrimental to property or
carriageway haunches. Diary entries shall show the agreed necessary
width, the actual width being recorded as a Note. The Civil Works
Supervisor may not, however, waive the requirements of the Section PS
6/61.2.1 and PS 6/61.2.6 and the Filing-in and Restoration of Pavings
Section of this Specification.

PS 6/61.2.13 Standard Depths

Standard Depth of Cover to top of

Uppermost Barrel or, for Ducts laid in
Concrete, to top of Uppermost Barrel
or, for Ducts laid in Concrete, to top
Type of Duct
of Concrete Surround.
Footway Carriageway

mm mm

PVC Singleway and 2 ways 600 * 600 *

Duct No. 54D
Duct No. 54D

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PVC Multiway 600 * 600 *

Duct No. 54D (Over 2 and upto and
include. 20 ways)

PVC Multiway 600 * 600 *

Duct No. 54D (Leads-in to buildings
and over 20 ways
for street tracks)

Polyethylene 450 * 600 *

Duct No. 100

All other types As specified

Polyethylene Cable 450 600 or laid

a) laid direct in ground .......) in duct
b) vehicular crossings over as above
c) customer’s gardens or
cultivated ground)

* Denotes minimum cover from formation level.

PS 6/61.2.14 Change of Level

In passing from footway to carriageway and vice-versa, or where ducts

enter jointing chambers below standard depth in any other circumstances
where it is necessary to change the level, the bottom of the trench shell rise
or fall gradually as the Civil Works Supervisor may direct.

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PS 6/61.2.15 Trenches for Polyethylene Cable

1. Excavation for the laying of polyethylene cables direct in the ground

shall be carried out by the Contractor at such positions as may be
directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

2. The general conditions detailed in Section PS 6/61.2.1-PS 6/61.2.3 of

this Specification shall apply.

3. The trench may be “V” shaped provided that:

a) The base of the trench is of sufficient width to accommodate the

cable or cables, laid adjacent with minimum separation, and
b) It is of the required depth.

4. At points, detailed on the schedule of work, or by the Civil Works

Supervisor, where a cable has to cross a boundary wall from a
Footway to a customer’s garden or curtilage and it is not possible to
lay under the boundary wall, the Contractor shall break through the
wall and insert a short length of Duct No. 100 or other suitable duct.
Any void around the duct shall be packed with concrete and the ends
of the duct well rounded to prevent the possibility of damage to the

PS 6/61.2.16 Tunneling

In no case shall the width or height of any tunnel be greater than is

necessary for the satisfactory execution of the work.

PS 6/61.2.17 Ground Water Lowering

1. Where site conditions are such that water could be removed from the
area by suction pumps working from sumps into which the water
drains, the Contractor may, for his own convenience and with the Civil
Works Supervisor’s consent, use a dewatering system. The Civil
Works Supervisor’s consent to use in the vicinity of an excavation of
dewatering system involving riser pipes which draw water from the
ground through fixed filters attached to the riser pipes will be subject

a) the provision, where necessary, of sand filters in the ground

around the riser pipes.

b) the absence of fine particles in the discharge after the first 20

minutes of pumping if, after this period of time, fines are still
being extracted with water, the riser pipes shall be individually
withdrawn to facilitate a check of the ball valve and gauze
screens in each Wellpoint head. The consent of the Civil Works
Supervisor may be withdrawn at any time, if the dewatering
operation appears to be causing subsidence due to soil
migration or shrinkage.

2. Where site condition are such that the use of dewatering equipment is

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agreed by the Engineer to be the only practical method of carrying out

the work, then ETISALAT will nominate a specialist firm having the
knowledge and facilities to carry out dewatering operations in the
area without liability to the Contractor.

PS 6/61.2.18 Blasting of Rock

Excavation of rock encountered below ground during duct laying operations

maybe be assisted by the use of explosives.

The use of explosives will be allowed provided that:

1. Public and Private property, above and below ground, are in no way
2. ETISALAT is satisfied as to the competence of the shot firers ability,
which may require a trial demonstration.
3. The contractor takes all necessary precautions for the safety of
members of the public, ETISALAT and Contractors own staff.
4. The cost to ETISALAT is no greater, in respect of trench width than
would be the cost if the rock were removed without the aid of
5. The Contractor has obtained all necessary permits from Government

PS 6/61.2.19 Bunds

Shall be constructed in such a manner that they can contain water with a
depth not exceeding 750 mm. The overall size will depend upon the
volume of water to be contained and/or conditions imposed on ETISALAT
by the Highway Authority (see Section PS 6/61.6.57).

PS 6/61.3 Duct and Cable Laying Section

PS 6/61.3.1 Drawing

Drawings Nos. CN 1065Z, 1317, 1875,1889, 1932, 10617, 106861, 10836

and 13207 refer.

PS 6/61.3.2 Line of Duct

The line of duct shall be kept as straight as possible.

PS 6/61.3.3 Duct Formations

The duct formation shall be either specified for the type of duct concerned
or as detailed on the Schedule of Work but subject to the discretion of the
Civil Works Supervisor.

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PS 6/61.3.4 Laying of Duct

Duct laying shall be done only in accordance with this Specification and
such directions and instructions of the Engineer or Civil Works Supervisor,
which shall be closely followed. Duct laying may only be done in the
absence of ETISALAT representative when prior permission has been

PS 6/61.3.5 Ducts Leading into ETISALAT Buildings



PS 6/61.3.6 Clearances from Other Services

All types of ducts and cables laid direct in the ground shall be kept well
clear of gas or water mains and service pipes, sewers and subways,
manholes and joint boxes belonging to other undertakers. In order to admit
the use of "Tapping" machines on gas and water mains, at least I50 mm
clearance shelf be given, if practicable, to the other classes of plant
mentioned above. In no case shall the clearance be less than 25mm and,
where two sets of plant cross each other, the minimum vertical clearance
shall he 50mm.

PS 6/61.3.7 Clearances from Electrical Supplies

Clearances of ETISALAT plant from electricity supplies shall be as follows:

1. As much clearance as is practicable shall be given to the bases of

trolley wire standards, electric lamp standards, traffic signal posts and
other similar plant. Where it is impossible to provide a clearance of
150 mm or more, a layer of concrete Quality “B” not less than 50 mm
thick, shall be placed between the two sets of plant.

2. High voltage single-core cables for electricity supply, electric tramway

or electric railway systems, EXCEEDING 650 VOLTS, shall have a
standard minimum clearance of 450 mm. No exception to this
requirement is permitted.

3. High voltage multi-core for the same systems referred to in (2) above
and EXCEEDING 650 VOLTS, shall have a standard minimum
clearance of 300 mm. In difficult cases a reduced separation will be
permitted provided that where a separation of more than 150 mm is
impracticable, a layer of concrete Quality “B” shall be inserted
between the two sets of plant whether they cross each other or not.
the concrete shall not be less than 50 mm thick, and of such width
and length that at every point the shortest path round the concrete
shall exceed 200 mm.

4. Medium and low voltage cables for supply NOT EXCEEDING 650
VOLTS, shall have a standard minimum clearance of 50 mm. Where
the two sets of plant cross each other NO exception to this
requirement will be permitted. At other points, where difficulties arise,

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a reduced clearance down to 25 mm will be permitted in which case

the space between the two sets of plant shall be filled with a layer of
concrete Quality “B” The concrete shall not be less than 25 mm thick
and of such width and length that at every point the shortest path
between the two sets of plant, round the concrete, shall exceed 75

PS 6/61.3.8 Variation of Duct

In any case in which the Civil Works Supervisor so directs, the type of duct
may be varied for the good and sufficient execution of the work.

PS 6/61.3.10 Duct in Tunnel

Where duct is laid in tunnel and Specification LN293 (The Contraction of

Timber lined Tunnels for Underground Duct Works) does not apply, the
heading and all spaces around the duct shall be completely filled with a
well compacted damp mix concrete Quality “C” unless otherwise specified.

PS 6/61.3.11 Cutting and Bending of Duct

The Contractor shall do ally necessary cutting of duct and bending of steel
or wrought iron duct according to the requirements of the work. Only
purpose designed equipment capable of providing a gradual curve shall be
used for the bending of steel duct which shall be continuously mandreled
during the bending operation, exceptionally, apparatus of the "Jim Crow"
type may be employed subject to the apparatus being repositioned
frequently to produce a smooth curve. The inside edges of all cut ducts
shall be thoroughly rounded off or so dressed that there can be no
possibility of damages to cables.

PS 6/61.3.12 Covering of Duct

All duct not laid in concrete, shall be covered by a layer of earth, free from
stones, and hand punned to al thickness of not less than 75 mm, unless
otherwise specified.

PS 6/61.3.13 Rocky Soils

In rocky or stony soils, earth free from stones shall be spread over the
trench bottom and rammed to afford a bedding approximately 75 mm thick
on which to lay the duct, as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. In such
cases 75 mm of extra excavation of the trench will be necessary to achieve
the required depth of cover.

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PS 6/61.3.14 Cleaning and Testing

1. On completion of the duct line (including compaction of the backfield)

between any two jointing chambers, or sites thereof, a cylindrical
brush and an Iron Test Mandrel shall be passed once through each
“way” to test the duct and to remove any foreign matter which may
have entered. The size of the test mandrel and brush shall be as
specified for the particular duct. The test mandrel and brush will be
supplied by ETISALAT. The mandrel shall follow the brush to
minimize possible scoring or breaking of the duct.

2. For details of the additional test required for ducts when the building
of a jointing chamber is deferred until after the completion of a section
of duct see paragraph 415 of this Specification.

3. The Contractor shall supply the labor needed for the testing

4. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the civil Works
Supervisor, and if any obstruction of other defect be discovered it
shall be rectified forthwith to his satisfaction.

PS 6/61.3.15 Deferred Jointing Chamber

When the building of a jointing chamber is deferred until after the

completion of a section of duct included in the work the last 2 meters of
each “way” shall be tested, on completion of the jointing chamber, by
means of the mandrel and brush specified for the particular duct. A visual
check shall first be made by the Civil Works Supervisor, with the aid of a
torch or similar means of illumination, that no foreign matter or materials
are likely to be illumination, that no foreign matter or materials are likely to
be pushed up the duct. All such test shall be at the contractors expense.

PS 6/61.3.16 Plugs

A suitable plug, supplied by ETISALAT, shall be inserted in the end of each

“way” of a duct route to prevent the ingress of water and/or other foreign
matter, until all work has been completed on that section and the length
tested and accepted by ETISALAT.

PS 6/61.3.17 Draw Rope

A draw rope, supplied by ETISALAT, shall be threaded through and left in

every “way” following duct laying operations and satisfactory tests. Jointing
together lengths of draw rope to make up the necessary length between
jointing chambers shall be carried out as directed by the Civil Works
Supervisor and in accordance with Drawing CN 13207. Draw rope shall
not be joined for the purpose of conserving lengths shorter than 50 meters.

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PS 6/61.3.18 Alignment Test of Disturbed Duct

When jointing chambers are provided on an existing route or when any

disturbance takes place which may affect the alignment of duct, and the
Civil Works Supervisor so direct, a test mandrel and brush of the
appropriate dimensions shall be drawn through each of the spare “ways”.

PS 6/61.3.26 PVC Duct - Duct No. 54D

1. General - Duct No. 54D is manufactured from polyvinyl - chloride

(PVC). It is supplied in 6.0 meter effective lengths, has an internal
diameter of 90 mm and a nominal wall thickness of 3.25 mm. Each
duct length has a tapered socket at one end which will accept the
barrel of the duct. Couplings, Duct, 54A, 300 mm in length are also
available for use with short lengths of duct which have no socket.
Couplings Duct, 54A shall not be used for duct leading into buildings.

PS 6/61.3.27 Trench

The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth; the trench
bottom shall be free from stones, level and well punned. The duct shall be
laid at standard depths (Section PS 6/61.3.13 refers) unless otherwise

PS 6/61.3.28 Formations

Duct No. 54D may be laid as a single duct or in multiway formation as


1. Up to and including 9 ways in rectangular formation

2. Over 9 ways rectangular formation with concrete surround.

PS 6/61.3.29 Laying and Jointing

1. Singleway

a) The open starting end of the trench shall be blanked off with a
board or boards, to act as an anvil against which the duct can
be driven home. The duct shall be recessed into the wall of
jointing chambers 10 mm from the inside surface. the surface of
the duct shall be roughened with glass paper or sand paper for
its length in the jointing chamber wall.

b) The duct shall be laid on the trench bottom with the socket
towards the duct layer; the spigot end and inside of the socket
of the ducts to be jointed shall be thoroughly cleaned with a dry

c) The spigot end of the duct shall be offered to the socket initially
pushed in by hand and then to achieve proper engagement a
suitable wooden batten is placed across the remote socket and

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tapped with a hammer. Full engagement should be ensured.

Occasionally, due to variations in size, this cannot be achieved,
in which case, excessive force must not be exerted after a tight
joint has been effected.

d) When jointing short lengths of duct together with a coupling,

Duct No. 54A, BOTH SPIGOT ends and the inside of the
Coupling shall be thoroughly cleaned with methylated spirits
applied with a clean rag. The spigot ends should be given a
liberal coating of PVC Cement and then fitted into the Coupling.
This operation involves using toxic and inflammable materials
(see Section PS 6/61.6.2).

2. Multiway up to and including 9 ways -

a) The preparatory work and jointing shall be as outlined in Section

PS 6/61.3.29(1) of this Specification.

b) The first layer of ducts shall be laid on the prepared trench

bottom so that their outer surfaces touch each other and
minimum gap of 75 mm remains between the outside ducts and
the sides of the trench timbering where used. Wooden stakes
or an approved alternative shall be driven into the ground at 3
meter intervals along the trench to keep the ducts in the correct
position. Earth, free from stones (see Section PS 6/61.7.4) shall
be placed to fill the spaces between the ducts and the next layer
of duct when the latter is bedded down. the second and
subsequent layers of duct shall be laid between the wooden
stakes so that they are vertically above and then bedded down
to touch the ducts in the layer below, the spaces between the
ducts being filled in the same way with earth, free from stones,
(see Section PS 6/61.7.4). The joints shall be staggered so that
no joint touches any other point.

c) At approximately 5 meters from the jointing chamber at each

end of the track, the duct formation shall open out to provide a
gap between each duct, both vertically and horizontally, of 25
mm using, Spacers, Duct no. 2. Over this 5 meters section all
spaces between the ducts and the trench wall shall be filled with
well compacted earth, free from stones (see Section
PS 6/61.7.4), as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

3. Multiway over 9 ways, Drawing CN 10686 refers:-

a) The preparatory work and jointing shall be as outlined in Section

PS 6/61.3.29(1) of this Specification.

b) The first layer of duct shall be laid on the prepared trench

bottom so that their outer surfaces touch each other and a
minimum gap of 75 mm remains between the outside ducts and
the sides of the trench, or trench timbering where used. Mild
steel, bars, 12 mm diameter and of the required length shall be
driven into the ground at 1.5 meter intervals along the trench to
keep of duct shall be laid between the mild steel bars so that

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they are vertically above and touching the ducts in the layer
below. The joints shall be staggered so that no joint touches
any other joint. On completion of the assembly of the duct nest,
6 mm diameter mild steel bars shall be horizontally across the
uppermost layer of ducts and tied to the vertical bars.

Add: Warning Tape (Provided) shall be placed at 300 mm from

the top of upper most duct.

c) Where the total number of layers of duct in any one formation

exceeds 8 and the number of ducts in each layer exceeds 2 the
following shall apply. Between the two layers of duct midway, or
approximately midway, from the top and bottom of the duct nest
and intermediate layer of reinforced bars conforming to the
layout of reinforcing in the top cover detailed in Drawing CN
10686, shall be placed across the duct nest, the additional
reinforcing required by this sub-paragraph shall not be required
in the 5 meter sections detailed in subparagraphs (d) and (e)

d) At approximately 5 meters from the jointing chambers at each

end of the track, the duct formation shall open out to provide a
gap between each duct, both vertically and horizontally of 25
mm. Banks of Spacers, Duct No. 2 shall be placed at 325 mm
and 1325 mm from the jointing chamber wall t provide this
spacing. Each spacer banks shall enclose all the ducts except
those in the bottom layer on which the spacer bank shall rest.
Where sub-paragraph (c) applies, the 75 mm intermediate layer
shall be reduced over the 5 meter sections to provide the
required 25 mm spacing at the jointing chambers.

e) Where the total number of layers of duct exceeds three,

concreting of spaced formations shall be in stages such that the
number of layers of duct laid and concreted at each stage shall
not exceed three. The concrete shall be brought to a level
which shall not interfere with laying of subsequent layer of duct
and spacers.

f) Concrete Quality “F” made with Sulfate Resisting cement shall

be used throughout and shall have slump of 50 mm. The
concrete shall be evenly placed around the duct to give a
finished minimum thickness of 75 mm on both sides and to a
depth of 130 mm above the top layer of ducts. Care must be
taken to ensure that each batch, as it is placed, is properly
compacted without creating unbalanced side thrust against the
ducts. Each batch shall be vibrated using a vibrator having a
maximum diameter of 51 mm, the poker shall be lowered into
the concrete between the wall of the trench and the outside of
the duct nest and shall not touch the duct. In spaced formation
sections care must be taken to ensure that the gaps between
the ducts are properly filled with concrete, the final layer of
concrete shall be thoroughly troweled. The Contractor may use
ready mixed concrete for construction of the duct surround.

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g) With formations of four or more ducts wide, mild steel

reinforcing bars conforming to Drawing CN 10686 shall be
placed and wired in position before placing concrete overt he
uppermost ducts of the completed nest.

h) In the case of column entry manholes, the duct formation shall

open out to enter the manhole as shown on the appropriate
manhole drawing and at right angles to the entry wall. The
distance over which the transformation is made shall be no
greater than is necessary to satisfy the 5 meters minimum
bending radius for Duct No. 54D. The ducts shall be secured in
position during concreting either with Spacers, Duct, Nos. 2 and
3 built up to the required centers or by reinforcing rods which
may be encased in the concrete, the volume between the
separated duct formations shall be excavated and filled with
concrete of the same quality as that surrounding the duct

PS 6/61.3.30 Alternative Method of Jointing and Laying

Provided space permits. Duct No. 54D may be jointed above ground and
fed into the trench from one end. The leading end of each duct way being
guided into position using a suitable hooked tool made from 6 mm diameter
mild steel reinforcing bar.

PS 6/61.3.31 Bends

Normally bends are not supplied since the duct is sufficiently flexible to
provide a minimum bending radius of 5 meters. Tighter bends should not
be attempted otherwise kinking of the duct may result.

PS 6/61.3.32 Variations

Any variation of duct formation and/or depth shall only be carried out with
the prior agreement of the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.33 Backfill

1. Backfilling of trenches where Duct No. 54D has been laid to Section
PS 6/61.3.29(1) and (2) shall be carried out in accordance with the
Filling-in and Restoration of Pavings Section of this Specification.

2.Where Duct No. 54 D has been laid to Section 6/61.3.29(3) the end
shuttering and trench supporting timber, if used, shall be removed not
less than 12 hours after the concrete has been placed. Backfilling of
the trench, in accordance with the Filling-in and Restoration of
Pavings section of this Specification, shall not be carried out until a
further 48 hours have elapsed.
PS 6/61.3.34 Cleaning and Testing

The iron test mandrel to be used for testing Duct No. 54D shall be 240mm
long 83mm in diameter. The cylindrical cleaning brush shall be 95mm in
diameter. (see also Section PS 6/61.3.14).

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PS 6/61.3.35 Leads-In

1. General

a) Normally, the duct seal and first 1.5 meter of Duct No. 54D
leading into a new building will be included to the construction of
the building. The remaining lead-in duct shall then be
connected to the “starter” duct and laid to the exchange jointing
chamber in accordance with Section Ps 6/61.3.37 and Drawing
CN 10836.

b) In the case of existing buildings, and occasionally new buildings,

an opening will be provided into which a duct seal shall be
constructed in accordance with Section PS 6/61.3.36 prior to the
laying of the remaining lead-in duct which shall be in
accordance with Section Ps 6/61.2.37 and Drawing CN 10836.
Alternatively, where specified, individual holes 125mm dia, shall
be diamond drilled in the wall at 150mm centers. Each gland
and appropriate length of duct shall be assembled in
accordance with Section PS 6/61.2.36(2) and grouted into the
holes, using Resin Mortar to within 25mm of the wall surfaces
as shown on Drawing CN 10836. The remaining recesses shall
be filled with synthetic rubber sealant (Section PS 6/61.3.40

PS 6/61.3.36 Duct Seal

1. A duct seal, complete with glands, shall be constructed in accordance
with Drawing CN 10836 and the following sub-Section graphs prior to
any duct laying operations.

2. The spigot end of 1.5 meter lengths of Duct No. 54D shall be
thoroughly cleaned with methylated spirits applied with a clean cotton
rag. Jointing adhesive (PVC Cement) shall be applied liberally to the
full circumference of the outside end 100mm of the spigot with a
clean rag. The spigot end shall then be pushed into the back of a
Gland, Caulking No. 2. Surplus adhesive shall be wiped around the
gland end to form a sealing fillet of adhesive shall be wiped around
the gland end to form a sealing fillet of adhesive; additional adhesive
shall be applied, if necessary to form this sealing fillet (see also
Section PS

3. The external surface of the assembled duct and gland shall then be
cleaned with methylated spirits and coated with Compound No. 21
onto which being treated at a time because of the speed with which
Compound No. 21 dries out. These applications shall continue until a
50 mm length of the gland and a 250mm length of the duct adjacent
to the joint have been completely coated.

4. Two plywood templates, each a minimum of 25mm thick and at least

150 mm larger all round than the duct opening, shall be drilled with
106mm diameter holes at 130 mm centers to match the number of
ducts forming the lead-in. The template for the gland end shall be
positioned on the inner wall of the cable chamber/trench, reinforced
and braced as necessary to ensure that it will remain flat and in

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position during the subsequent operations.

NOTE: Where the lead-in is angled, the spacings of the centers of

the holes in the templates must be adjusted to provide a separation of
approximately 35mm between ducts.

5. The jointed glands shall be fitted to the template and secured, each
with two Collars, Gland, Caulking, with their chamfered ends facing
each other, and a lock nut (Drawing CN 10836 refers). Where the
lead-in is angled, the Contractor will be supplied with the appropriate
angled collars information of which is given in the following table:

Collar Gland Angle Number required

Caulking No. per Gland
2 5º 2
3 10º 2
4 15º 2
5 Straight 2

6. As the ducts are fixed to the template they shall be temporarily

supported so that no strain is placed on the gland/duct joint. When all
the ducts have been secured in position, the second (outer) template
shall be positioned 50mm along the socket, reinforced and braced.
The Contractor shall ensure that all ducts are parallel and except for
angled leads-in, at right angles to the templates and so maintained
during the subsequent concreting operations.

7. Concrete Quality “F”, having a slump of 50mm, shall then be carefully

placed to completely fill the interstices of the duct nest and to provide
a minimum cover of 150mm on the top and sides of the duct nest.
The concrete shall be placed in ‘lifts’ no greater than 2 ducts high and
each ‘lift’ shall be well compacted by using a vibratory poker
(maximum diameter of 50mm) on each side of the duct nest.

8. When at least 2 days have elapsed after placing the concrete, the
templates shall be removed and the concrete examined. Small voids
shall be filled and rendered flush with the existing face providing they
do not extend beyond two adjacent ducts or do not exceed 50 mm in
depth. If larger voids than this exist, the concrete will be regarded as
substandard and must be completely removed and replaced.

PS 6/61.3.37 Lead-in Track

1. Duct 54D shall be used for all lead-in sections between the building
and the exchange jointing chamber. The duct shall be gastight and
watertight, and, irrespective of the number of ways, shall be laid in
accordance with Sections PS 6/61.3.29(3) to Ps 6/61.3.34,
terminating with duct sockets recessed 10mm from the inside face of
the jointing chamber wall. Additionally prior to jointing, the spigot and
socket of each duct shall be thoroughly cleaned with methylated
spirits applied with a clean cotton rag. The full circumference of the

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outside end 100mm of the spigot shall then be liberally coated with
jointing adhesive (PVC Cement) using a clean cotton rag and the duct
joint shall be made as quickly as possible (Section PS 6/61.3.29 (1)
(c) refers). Finally, the surplus and, if necessary, additional adhesive
shall be wiped around the end of the socket and adjacent surface of
the duct with a clean cotton rag to form a continuous sealing fillet.

2. Plentiful supplies of clean, dry cotton rags shall be available and, in

inclement weather protection for the jointing operations shall be
provided, e.g. a temporary awning.

PS 6/61.3.38 Pressure Testing

Pressure testing for the ductways into ETISALAT buildings, and elsewhere,
if called for, shall be carried out in the following manner prior to concreting.
After the last joint has been completed in each way, pressure plugs shall be
inserted at each end and tightened, care being taken to avoid over
tightening the pressure plug which could overstress the end of the duct.
Not less than 10 minutes after making any joint on a ductway to be placed
under test, an air pressure of 275 millibars (4 p.s.i.) shall then be applied to
each duct under test. If, after 30 minutes a loss in pressure is recorded,
the fault shall be located and any remaining pressure released from the
duct. The area around the leak shall be thoroughly cleaned with
methylated spirits and PVC Cement applied, confining it to the area of the
leak. After a further 10 minutes the pressure shall be re-applied to check
that a satisfactory repair has been effected. Once it has been confirmed
that the ductway is free from leaks, the pressure may be released and the
pressure plugs removed. It should be noted that under no circumstances
should any attempt be made to remove pressure plugs from a ductway
which is under pressure.

NOTE: The requirements of Section PS 6/61.3.38 do not apply to duct in

tunnel laid in accordance with Specification LN 293 (The Construction of
Timber lined Tunnels for Underground Duct Works).

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PS 6/61.3.39 Caulking

On completion of the cleaning and testing of the lead-in duct route and
acceptance by the Civil Works Supervisor, each ductway shall be caulked
in the following manner.
1. Drill two 6 mm diameter holes, 12mm from the edges, and on the
same diameter line, of a Disc Gland Caulking.

2. Tie a know approximately 200mm from the end of the draw rope (a
draw rope is left in each “way” following completion of the duct route
Section PS 6/61.3.17 refers), pass the end of the draw rope through
one hole and back through the other hole and tie a further know; thus
leaving a loop which can be used to remove the inner disc.

3. Push any surplus draw rope into the duct and place the disc in the
gland against the internal shoulder.

4. Tightly pack the gland with thoroughly worked Compound No. 16, or
approved alternative, and slightly overfill.

5. Place a second disc into the recess of the end cop and screw onto
the gland so compressing the compound. Additional compound may
be required after the original has been compressed to ensure that
there are no voids in the compound between the discs.

6. At the exchange jointing chamber, the Contractor shall repeat the

procedure in (1)-(3) above, and tightly pack the socket with
thoroughly worked Compound No. 16, or approved alternative. The
compound shall be compressed with a second disc until this disc is
released approximately 3 mm into the socket.

PS 6/61.3.40 Sealing of Conduits and Pipes

Small conduits and pipes into Subscriber’s premises, call office, kiosks,
posts etc., shall be sealed by pressing a clean rag into the operature and
facing off with a layer of synthetic rubber. A 25mm depth of rag and a
10mm depth of rubber shall be used. (Silicone Sealant A, or an equivalent
material, shall be used for this purpose).

PS 6/61.3.41 PVC Duct - Duct No. 56

1. General - Duct No. 56 is manufactured from polyvinyl-Chloride

(PVC). It is supplied in 6.0 meter effective lengths, has an internal
diameter of 61mm and a nominal wall thickness of 1.55mm. Each
duct length has a tapered socket formed at one end which will accept
the normal barrel of the duct.

PS 6/61.3.42 Trench

The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth and the
bottom shall be free from tones, level and punned. The duct shall be laid at
standard depths (Section PS 6/61.2.13 refers) otherwise specified.

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PS 6/61.3.43 Laying and Jointing

1. The duct shall be laid on the trench bottom with the socket towards
the ductlayer; the spigot and the inside of the socket of the ducts to
be jointed shall first be thoroughly cleaned with a dry rag.

2. The spigot end of the duct shall be offered to the socket, initially
pushed in by hand, and then to achieve proper engagement a
suitable wooden batten is placed across the remote socket and
tapped with a hammer. Full engagement should be ensured.
Occasionally, due to variations in size, this cannot be achieved, in
which case, excessive force must not be exerted after a tight joint has
been affected.

3. Alternatively, the duct may be jointed above ground and lowered into
position on the trench bottom where this is more convenient.

4. All spaces alongside the duct shall be filled with earth, free from
stones and hand punned to a compacted thickness of not less than
75mm above the top of the duct barrel.

PS 6/61.3.44 Bends

The duct is sufficiently flexible to provide a minimum bending radius of 9.5

meters. Tighter bends should not be attempted otherwise kinking of the
duct may result. Bends, Duct No. 56 (90º-229mm radius) and Bends Duct
No. 56A (90º-622mm radius) are supplied only for termination purposes at
poles and small buildings respectively.

PS 6/61.3.45 Variations

Any variation of duct formation and/or depth shall only be carried out with
the prior agreement of the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.46 Backfill

Backfilling of the trench shall be carried out in accordance with the Filling-in
and Restoration of Paving section of this Specification.

PS 6/61.3.47 Cleaning and Testing

The iron test to be used for testing Duct No. 56 shall be 216mm long and
43mm in diameter; the cylindrical cleaning brush shall be 57mm in diameter
(see also Section PS 6/61.3.14).

PS 6/61.3.62 Polyethylene Duct - Duct No. 100

1. General - Duct No. 100 is a Class B polyethylene duct conforming to

BS 1972. It is supplied in 100 meter coils and has a nominal
subscriber’s premises, under pavements, gardens and parks, and, in
certain circumstances as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor for
leading up to Distribution Points.

PS 6/61.3.63 Trench

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The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth and shall be
as level and straight as possible; the trench bottom shall be free from
tones. The duct shall be laid at standard depths (Section PS 6/61.2.13)
unless otherwise specified.

PS 6/61.3.64 Laying and Jointing

As the ducts is laid in the trench is shall be kept straight by placing a

quantity of earth, free from stones, on the duct at regular intervals. The
duct shall be laid without joints and ends sealed as specified by the Civil
Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.65 Bends

The duct is flexible but, to avoid cabling difficulties bends in the line of route
shall be as agreed by the Civil Works Supervisor. Where it is necessary to
lead the duct up a pole or wall, the bending radius shall not be less than

PS 6/61.3.66 Backfill

1. All spaces around and above the duct shall be filled and well
compacted with earth, free from stones, to a thickness of not less
than 75mm above the duct, unless otherwise specified.

2. Backfilling shall be carried out in accordance with the Filling-in and

Restoration of paving Section of this Specification.

PS 6/61.3.67 Cleaning and Testing

Duct No. 100 is laid without joints and therefore cleaning and testing to
obtain a clear bore is not normally required.

PS 6/61.3.68 Polyethylene Cable Laying

1. Polyethylene Cable

a) The cable will be supplied by ETISALAT on drums (which are

returnable to ETISALAT stores) together with drum spindles and
lighting jacks.

b) The drum shall be set up at static positions and the cable drawn
off and laid into the trench. Alternatively, the drum may be set
up on a mobile vehicle and the cable paid off along the trench.
the method employed independent upon the circumstances,
obstructions and access to the trench.

c) In rocky or stone soils, earth, free from stones, rammed to form

a 50mm layer both below and above the cable shall be provided
as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

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PS 6/61.3.69 Moleploughing

The Contractor may use moleploughing techniques in grass or unmade

ground, dependent upon the nature of the sub-soil position of other
services, access to line of route, the depth at which the cable is laid, the
use of approved equipment and the Civil Works Supervisor’s agreement.
The Civil Works Supervisor’s agreement will not unreasonable be withheld.

PS 6/61.3.70 Crossings

At carriageway crossings and vehicular crossings of the footway,

polyethylene cable shall be laid directly in the ground or drawn into duct, as
directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. The Contractor may be requested
to draw ETISALAT distribution cable into duct already in use.

PS 6/61.3.71 Terminating Points

A sufficient length of cable for terminating purposes will be coiled, and the
coil shall either be buried in the ground or fastened to a pole or wall, as
directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. In the latter case, the cable coil
shall be fastened at a point above a length of steel or PVC Capping or WI
or Polyethylene Duct. Where Capping, W or Polyethylene Duct or cable is
fixed to a wall, the wall shall be plugged to take the fixings (Section PS
6/61.3.73 refers).

PS 6/61.3.72 Joint Marker

A joint marker will be installed by the Contractor at each buried joint or

terminating point as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.73 Capping, Steel or PVC

Steel or PVC capping will be supplied together with Nails, Bonding and
washers, No. 19, and will be fitted by the Contractor in positions
determined by Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.74 Cutting and Sealing

All cable cutting, temporary sealing of cut ends and jointing will be carried
out by ETISALAT. Where two or more cables are to e jointed, a short
length of cable will normally be overlapped and laid along the line of trench.

PS 6/61.3.75 Slewing and/or Lowering or Raising of Duct


1. The size of the excavation for slewing and/or raising a duct line shall
be as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

2. Where lowering only is necessary the duct line shall be suspended

and the required excavation taken out down the side and under the
duct line. When this method is impracticable the duct line shall be
slewed and raised or lowered temporarily as required by the Civil

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Works Supervisor for a distance which is just sufficient to allow

access for carrying out the excavation.

3. With the exception of making slight adjustments to the duct line after
slewing and dowering, the duct line shall not be moved in any way
without adequate reinforcement in the form of a strongback being
firmly lashed to it.

PS 6/61.3.76 Strongback

1. The strongback shall be ashed to the duct line, with both ends of
each duct firmly held, using separate lashing or a continuous rope.
the lashings shall be tightened, to the satisfaction of the Civil Works

2. Any forces which it is necessary to apply to the duct line t move it in

any way shall be applied not directly to duct line but to the strongback
lashed to it. Such forces shall be applied at points whose spacing is
sufficiently close to keep the bending of the duct line and strongback
between the points to a negligible amount.

PS 6/61.3.77 Suspension

When the duct line is to be lowered, the complete length shall be

suspended from suitable beams or tripods and/or approved wincing
devices spanning the excavation. When the duct line is to be slewed whilst
suspended in this way, the suspending ropes shall be fastened to sling
poles resting on the supporting beams and the beams. All suspending
ropes shall be so arranged that the duct line can be raised or lowered as
required, smoothly and continuously, and can be tied off firmly at any

PS 6/61.3.78 Slewing Only

When the duct line is to be slewed only, it may be moved without

suspending it, provided that:

1. The surface across which the duct line is to be slid shall be

reasonably level and regular, made so if necessary by setting boards
in the surface.

2. The strongback shall be firmly lashed to the side of the duct line.

3. The moving force shall be applied to the strongback by rope, jack or

other method to allow the duct line to be moved smoothly and without

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PS 6/61.3.79 Movement

The slewing and/or lowering of the duct line shall be carried out by making
a succession of very small movements of the duct line, each made
progressively along the affected length. The curvature of the duct line at
any intermediate stage between the initial and final positions shall not
exceed the deviation limits laid down for laying new duct of the same type.

PS 6/61.3.80 Trench Bottom

Prior to finally placing the duct the trench bottom shall be prepared in the
same way as is specified for duct laying.

PS 6/61.3.81 Irregularities

After the duct line has been finally lowered into its required position and the
strongback has been removed, any slight irregularities in the general line of
the ducts shall be corrected at the direction of the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.84 Pulled Joints

Where, following slewing and/or lowering or raising operations, a duct joint

or joints have pulled apart, short lengths of ordinary or split duct may be
inserted in the duct line and satisfactory joints effected as directed by the
Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.85 Inspection

After all operations are completed, the joints of all ducts shall be inspected
to ensure that they are forming an effective seal, any defects shall be made
good to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.3.86 Testing

All spare bores of the duct line shall be rodded and roped and/or cleaned
and tested as specified for the particular duct concerned.

PS 6/61.4 Jointing Chambers Section

PS 6/61.4.1 General

Jointing chambers shell conform to the standard drawing/s and/or other

drawing/s, as specified unless Section PS 6/61.3.4 applies.

PS 6/61.4.2 Types of Jointing Chambers

1. The standard types of manholes with the code references employed,

are as follows:

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Code Drawing No. Code Drawing No.

MR 2* CN 1938 MRT 7 CN 1955

MR 4 CN 1953 MRT 8* CN 1956
MR 11 CN 1954 MRT 9 CN 1957

* These manholes have a range of internal heights.

2. The standard types of joint boxes with the code references employed,
are as follows:

Reinforced Concrete Unreinforced Concrete

Item Code Drawing No. Code Drawing No.

No. 4 JRC 4 CN 18/5z - -
No.11 JRC 11 CN 1278z - -
No.12 JRC 12 CN 1690z - -
No. 14 JRC 14 CN 1709z - -
No.14 JRC 14 AP CN 1690z AP - -
No. 2 -
No. 6 - - CN 1135z
No.10 - CN 1210z - -

PS 6/61.4.3 Drawings

In addition to the drawings listed above, the following CN Drawing Nos.

also refer; 1059,1153,1161,1162,1464, 1465, 1750, 1814, 1917, 1941,
1950, 1961, 10504 and 13152.

PS 6/61.4.4 Variations

The presence of unforeseen obstructions in the ground, or adverse ground

conditions, may necessitate the construction of a type other than that
specified, or a modification of one or more of the dimensions stipulated on
the relevant drawing. The Contractor shall be advised of any modifications
to the drawings and/or Schedule of Work by the Civil Works Supervisor and
such modifications will be confirmed by Etisalat in writing. The Contractor
shall not carry out, modifications without the approval of the Civil Works

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PS 6/61.4.5 Clearance of Ducts

Ducts shell enter manholes as shown on the relevant drawings or as

directed by the Civil Works Supervisor Unless otherwise required by the
drawings or the Civil Works Supervisor, the ducts shall enter the manholes
at such depths as will ensure a minimum clearance of 450mm above and
below the duct to the roof and floor respectively.

PS 6/61.4.6 Protection of Cables and Associated Equipment

During the cutting of duct entries into existing structures, irrespective of

whether vibration-free methods are used, or during the demolition and
rebuilding of jointing chambers, the Contractor shall take such measures as
the Civil Works Supervisor may direct to protect cables and associated
equipment. Such measures may include any or all of the following

1. All movement of cables shall be carried out under the direction of the
Civil Works Supervisor.

2. A ladder shall be provided by the Contractor for access into and out
of manhole excavations. Under no circumstances may cables, joint
and associated equipment be used for climbing, standing, or sitting

3. Sufficient pumping capacity shall be made available and operated to

ensure that when cables are removed from their bearers they shall
not be immersed in water at any time. The responsibility of keeping
cables and joints dry will pass to Etisalat when Etisalat commences
checking and/or testing the cables.

4. All Cables shall be protected at duct entries by shielding as

necessary against mechanical damage and by packing with foam
rubber to act as a cushion when any movement occurs.

5. During demolition of the roof of a manhole, the Contractor shall erect

a deck of timber between the cables and the roof of the manhole to
protect Etisalat plant from falling debris in the following manner:

a) A minimum of four screw jacks shall be evenly spaced and

placed horizontally between the uppermost cables and the
underside of the roof. A 25mm recess in each wall is necessary
for the screw jack plate; UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall
friction joints be used between the screw plate and wall.
Lengths of poling boards or other placed over the screw jacks to
similar timber shall then be completely protect cables and/or
other equipment from falling debris.

b) Alternatively, the Contractor may use vertical and horizontal

timber supports as follows: a minimum of three 225mm x 75mm
timber uprights shall be evenly spaced against each long wall of
the manhole with 225mm x 75mm timber shall be placed
horizontally on top of the uprights and secured, and between the

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uprights at the bottom; all positions to be wedged and blocked

to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor. Lengths of
poling boards or other similar timber shall then be placed on top
of the horizontal supports.

c) When the manhole roof and walls have been demolished down
to the level of the timber decking and all debris removed, the
cables and any other, equipment shall be suspended from the
surface to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor.

d) Cables and joints and other equipment shall be, protected by

draping (not tying) with several layers of sacking while the
timber decking is being erected and dismantled, and during the
demolition of the remainder of the walls.

e) During rebuilding operations cables shall be supported on

wooden benches with cushion of socking or similar material
once the floor has boon laid and the concrete allowed to set.

PS 6/61.4.7 Duct Entries Into Existing Structures

1. General - structures such as jointing chambers, Telephone

Exchanges, Repeater Stations and other similar buildings, which
contain cables and/or equipment liable to damage by vibration, shell
have all new duct entries cut with substantially vibration free cutting

2. Approved Methods - Where vibration-free cutting equipment is

necessary as specified on the Schedule of Work or, as directed by
the Civil Works Supervisor the Contractor shall only employ Diamond
Impregnated or Rotary-Percussion drilling methods, PNEUMATIC

Any alternate method by the Contractor will be employed ONLY after

approval by the Engineer.

Note: The Contractor may use the services of a firm specializing in

diamond drilling on a sub-contract basis.

3. Position of Entry - This will be as specified in the Schedule 'of Work

or as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. Any departure from this
position must be agreed with the Civil Works Supervisor prior to the
commencement of work.

4. Protection - The Contractor shall carry out such protection of cables

and/or equipment, prior to drilling operations, as directed by the Civil
Works Supervisor.

5. Reinforcement - Where the method used requires that, reinforcing

bars are cut as a separate operation bar-croppers or hacksaws only
shall be used. Gas cutting equipment must not be used.

6. Anchor Irons - Where possible new duct entries should be

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positioned at least 300mm from any existing Anchor Iron. Where this
clearance cannot be obtained, the anchor iron concerned shall be
sown off. Gas cutting equipment must not be used.

PS 6/61.4.8 Duct Entries

The concrete or brickwork around all ducts where they enter jointing
chambers shall be carefully flushed up and rendered in cement mortar,

PS 6/61.4.9 Jointing Chamber Fittings

Anchor Irons and other fittings shall be fixed as and where shown on the
relevant drawing, or in such other position as the Civil Works Supervisor
may direct.

PS 6/61.4.10 Iron and Steelwork

1. All iron and steelwork, except as in Section. PS 6/61.4.10(2) below

Supplied by the Contractor and which has not been galvanized by an
approved method, shall be free from mill scale and given one coat of
red lead and oil after delivery, and two coats of an approved
bituminous paint after fixing.

2. Any ungalvanized iron or Steel. which is to be embedded in concrete

shall be free from mud, oil, loose rust, loose mill scale, grease or any
other substance which can be shown to affect adversely the steel or
concrete chemically, or reduce the bond. Normal handling prior to
embedment in the concrete is usually sufficient for the removal of
loose rust and scale from reinforcement.

3. All reinforcement in the floor, walls, roof and shaft shall be secured
together by means of approved wire ties sufficient to prevent
displacement of the reinforcement during the placing and compaction
of the concrete.

PS 6/61.4.11 Recovered Material

After the demolition or alteration of existing jointing chambers, any

recovered serviceable material shall be delivered to a nominated Etisalat
site, or disposed of as instructed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.4.12 Sump

Where sump is provided the floor shell have a slight fall thereto.

PS 6/61.4.13 Concreting

Concrete, when placed and if subject to rapid drying out by sun and/or
wind, shall be protected to prevent it becoming dry during the seven days
following placing.

PS 6/61.4.14 Joints in Concrete

1. Construction joints shall be provided where shown on, the relative

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construction drawing. A minimum of 12 hours shall elapse between the

construction stages thus indicated, the construction joint shall be
effected by cleaning the existing concrete, wetting it and rendering with
a 5mm layer of well troweled cement mortar before the new concrete is
pieced in position.

2. Whenever possible, concrete walls shall be completed in one

operation. Where this is not practicable, construction joints shell be
made after the existing concrete has set but not hardened, the joint
being cleaned with a stiff brush to remove the mortar skin and to
expose, but not disturb, the larger aggregate. The new concrete shall
be well compacted (Section. PS 6/61.4.16 refers) but care shall be
taken during its placing close to the joint. Such construction joints
shall be sited at least 150mm from any anchor iron position.

PS 6/61.4.15 Concrete Quality and Finish

1. Except where the quality of concrete is detailed on the construction

drawing, all concrete used for the construction of jointing chambers
shall be Quality “A" as specified in the Quality of Materials Section of
this Specification.
2. At his discretion, the Civil Works Supervisor may require test cubes to
be taken of any batch of site mixed concrete used for jointing
chamber construction. Where ready mixed concrete is used, the Civil
Works Supervisor will require test cubes to be taken on the following

Joint Boxes A minimum of three test cubes from any

one batch of concrete.

Manholes A minimum of three test cubes from

each batch of concrete.

The equipment necessary for the making of the test cubes shall be
provided by the Contractor. The cubes shall be tested by a Testing
Laboratory approved by Etisalat and the Contractor shall supply c&
copy of the test report to the Civil. Works Supervisor within 14 days
of the cubes being tested.

Work will not normally be delayed for the result of any test to be
ascertained. The making, curing and testing of all cubes of concrete
for compressive strength tests shall be in accordance with BS 1881,
Parts 3 and 4, and the results shell satisfy the following table:

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Age of Type of Concrete used

Concrete Sulphate Resisting

7 days Over 14 MN/m2

28 days Over 21 MN/m2

Notes: 7MN/m2 = 1000 lbsf/in2 (approx.)

3. Whether test cubes have been taken or not, the Engineer may as a
result of, Inspection, rebound hammer tests or the cube tests,
condemn the jointing chamber. Alternatively test cores shall be taken
and tested in accordance with BS 1881, Part 4. The cores shall be
examined and tested, and the estimated cube strength ascertained by
DCL or by any accredited laboratory. The Contractor shall be
provided with a copy of the test report as soon as it is available and, if
this indicates that the quality of the concrete in the structure is,
unsatisfactory, the jointing chamber shall not be accepted.

4. On completion of a jointing chamber the floor shall be rendered with

cement mortar in accordance with the relevant drawing (Section
PS 6/61.4.12 refers), The walls of concrete jointing chambers shall
have a smooth finish; any: plight cavities exposed when the
shuttering is removed shall be mode good with cement starter, and
any projections removed, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL

PS 6/61.4.16 Compaction and Tamping of Concrete

In construction of concrete or reinforced concrete jointing chambers, the

concrete shall be thoroughly worked and tamped into all ports of the molds
or forbids and around the reinforcement. All concrete shall be compacted
by the use of a poker type vibrator until a dense solid mass without voids is
obtained, exceptionally, handtamping may be employed for unreinforced
concrete Footway joint boxes. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN NOT TO TOUCH

PS 6/61.4.19 Wet Situations

In wet situations the Civil Works Supervisor may direct the Contractor to
implement such methods as are deemed necessary to Prevent damage to
freshly placed concrete or mortar and to ensure a waterproof jointing
chamber. These methods may include an independent sump, or the use of
heavy duty polyethylene sheet or other suitable, material, or drainage
beneath the concrete floor.

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PS 6/61.4. 20 Shuttering

1. Subject to compliance with the drawings as regards dimensions, the

Contractor shall be at liberty to adopt any arrangement he may think
fit for the make-up of shuttering. The shuttering shall be oiled or Iime-
washed prior to concreting.

2. In all cases the shuttering used shall be of such dimensions, and so

constructed, as to remain rigid and unyielding to weight and vibration
during the laying and tamping of the concrete. No shaking or jarring
shall be permitted during setting.

PS 6/61.4.21 Concrete Curing Times

The minimum periods after completion of any concrete and/or blockwork

which must elapse before

1. Tile shuttering of jointing chambers is removed.

2. The restoration of pavings or surfaces may be commenced.

3. Traffic is allowed to pass, are as follows:


Type of Cement (a) to removal of (b) before (c) before allowing
Used shuttering commencing the passage of traffic

Sulphate Resisting 5 days 7 days 7 days


Sulphate Resisting 5 days 5 days 7 days


Sulphate Resisting Shuttering shall be struck in not less than 24 hours.

PS 6/61.4.22 Frames and Covers Footway

1. The frame shall be bedded on cement mortar at as near the correct

levels as possible. The cross piece(s), where required, shall then be
fitted and the cover(s) placed in the frame. The cover(s) shall be
tested for rocking; if rocking occurs packing of tile hard material shall
be placed beneath the lowest Part of the from until rocking ceases
and the cover(s) lie firm and level. All voids below the frame shall
then be completely filled with cement mortar to the same level ass the
packing, in an unmade surface or grass the frame shall be
surrounded with a 50mm wide strip of cement mortar finished level
with the top edge of the frame and the outside edge finished straight
and parallel to the frame.

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2. Covers shall be supplied without concrete fill. The jointbox nameplate

supplied by Etisalat shall be installed on the cover by the Contractor
during filling in of concrete (Quality “C”) as specified by the Civil
Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.4.23 Frames and Covers Carriageway No.4

1. The cover shall be supplied without concrete fill. The jointbox

nameplate shall be installed as: in Section. PS 6/61.4.22(2).

2. Installation, the joint box shell be constructed with the top of the joint
box 90mm for Type C end 85mm for Type B below the carriageway
surface. The top of the joint box shell be moistened with water and a
15mm layer of cement mortar troweled over the entire surface.
Additional mortar shall be placed so that it conforms approximately to
the contour of the frame section which shall then be placed on top
and lightly tapped with the piece of wood to force out excess mortar
until the frame projects approximately 5mm above the surrounding
carriageway surface. The excess mortar shall be neatly .struck off
inside the joint box. Using two joint box keys the cover shall be
carefully placed in the frame and the whole assembly lightly topped
downwards until the cover is level with the surrounding carriageway
surface. If rocking occurs, packing of hard material shall be placed
under the low corner of the frame until the cover seats satisfactorily.
The mortar shall be neatly troweled off round the outside of the frame.
In an unmade surface or grass the frame shall be surrounded with a
100mm wide strip of R/F Con, Quality "F" finished level with the top
edge of the frame and the outside edge finished straight and parallel
to the frame. Alternatively the frame may be cast into the concrete
structure of the joint box providing correct finished levels can be

PS 6/61.4.32 Resin Bedding

1. Resin Bedding (see also Section PS 6/61.6.4) - This is a three

component, quick setting, resin compound comprising a translucent
liquid resin, a white powder hardener and heat absorbing filler. The
complete pack is readily divisible into two half packs. The Contractor
shall provide a clean 9-liter rubber or polyethylene bucket and a clean
dry stick.

2. Half Pack Mixing - The resin from one large oblong tin shall be
poured into the bucket end the white powder hardener gradually
added from one plastic bag, stirring continuously with the clean dry
stick to give smooth syrup, free from lumps. As soon as all the
hardener has been added and well mixed, the heat absorbing filler
from one plastic bag shelf be added and well mixed in.

Note: Once the hardener has been added, the bedding will have a
working life of about 20 minutes and the initial set will take place after
about 30 minutes.

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PS 6/61.4.33 Resin Mortar

1. Resin Mortar - (see else Section PS 6/61.6.4) This is a Liter

component, quick setting, resin compound comprising a translucent
liquid resin, a white powder hardener and a sand filler. The complete
pack is readily divisible into two half packs. The Contractor shall
provide a clean 9-liter rubber or polyethylene bucket, a clean dry
stick, a clean dry trowel and a clean dry mixing board.

2. Halt Pack Mixing - From one plastic bag, stirring continuously with
the clean dry stick to give a smooth syrup, free from lumps. The
liquid shall then be added immediately to the sand tiller and
thoroughly mixed with a clean dry trowel or shovel,

Note: Once the hardener has been added the mortar will have a
working life of about 20 minutes and the initial set will take place after
about 30 minutes.

3. Placing - All surfaces to which resin mortar is applied must be clean

and, if wet, shall be dried with a clean cotton rag. Normally, resin
mortar shall be towelled on the prepared base surface to give a
finished layer approximately 5mm thick. For thickness exceeding
20mm, the resin mortar shall be mixed with pea aggregate, dry, upto
a volume equal, to the volume of the resin mortar after mixing. Sand
shall riot be added in lieu of pea aggregate.



PS 6/61.4.34 Frames and Covers

Carriageway Frames and Covers Nos.1, 2 and 3 are supplied for the
following Pointing chambers.

Type of Frame Used for Dimensions of

No. of Covers
and cover Jointing Chamber Opening

No. 1 All Carriageway 610mm x 610mm 2


No. 2 JRC 12 11200mm x 685mm 4

No. 3 JRC 11 1830mm x 685mm 6

JRC 14

PS 6/61.4.35 Weights

Site handling of these frames and covers involves lifting the following
approximate weights.

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Type of Frame Weights

Each Cover Frame Total
and Cover Cover Total

No. 1 64 Kg 128 Kg 89 Kg 217 Kg

No. 2 89 Kg 356 Kg 178 Kg 534 Kg

No. 3 89 Kg 534 Kg 254 Kg 788 Kg

PS 6/61.4.36 Installation and Renewal and/or Changing Level using Cement or

Resin Mortar or Resin Bedding.

1. Preparation of New Jointing Chambers - the jointing chamber walls

or shaft shall be terminated .to and leveled off at a depth of 175 mm
below the carriageway surface. Where the joint box walls or manhole
shaft is constructed of concrete and the frame and cover is to be set on
resin mortar or resin bedding, the walls or shaft shall terminate at this
level with a course of suitable thickness quarry tiles on cement mortar.
Installation of the frame and cover must not be commenced until the
concrete has been allowed to set for at least 12 hours.

2. Preparation of Existing Jointing Chambers - the existing frame

and cover shall be removed and the top of the jointing chamber walls
or shaft cut back or built up, as the case may be, and leveled off to
approximately 175 mm below the carriageway surface. Where
building up is necessary bricks or quarry tiles of suitable thickness
shall be used and set on cement or resin mortar for cement mortar or
resin installations respectively.

3. Preparations of Frames and Covers - prior to installation remove

the triangular covers and, where provided, the safety grid(s), and
ensure that the frame is clean, dry and free from grease, Remove any
loose rust or scale with a wire brush.

4. Setting of Frame

a) Using Cement Mortar (Frames and Covers, Carriageway No. 1

Only). The top surfaces of the manhole shaft shall be brushed
clean, moistened with water and a 20mm layer of cement mortar
troweled over the entire surface to be covered by the frame.
The frame, with covers removed, shall be lowered carefully onto
the cement mortar and gently topped with a wooden punner
until the top edge, is level with the carriageway surface. Any
surplus mortar shall be struck off flush with the inside walls and,
in the case of a new manhole, haunched around and over the
lower flange of the frame, For at least 2 hours after the frame
has been set on the cement mortar, care must be taken not to
disturb or walk on the frame. The covers shall then be replaced
undo in the case of an existing manhole, the sides of the
excavation end frame shall be primed with bitumen emulsion
and the space around the frame shall be reinstated with coated
macadam (Sections. PS 6/61.4.37 and PS 6/61.4.38 refer), The

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coated macadam shall be well compacted in two layers with a

suitable power rammer to finish level with the top of the frame
and the surrounding surface.

b) Using resin mortar (Frames and Covers, Carriageway No.l

Only). The top surfaces of the manhole shaft shall be cleaned
and dried with a clean cotton rag, and a 20mm layer of resin
mortar shall be troweled over the entire surface to be covered
by the frame. The frame, with covers removed, shelf be
lowered carefully onto the resin mortar and gently topped with a
wooden punner until the top edge is level with the carriageway
surface. Pieces of broken tile or other suitable material shall be
struck off flush with the inside walls end, in the case of a new
manhole, Launched around and over the lower flange of the
frame. For at least 2 hours after mixing the resin mortar, or four
times the initial setting time, whichever is the greater, care must
be taken not to disturb or walk on the frame, the covers shell
then be replaced and, in the case of an existing manhole, the
sides of the excavation and frame shall be primed with bitumen
emulsion and the space around the frame shall be reinstated
with coated macadam (Section. PS 6/61.4.37 and PS 6/61.4.38
refer). The coated macadam shall be well compacted in two
layers with a suitable power rammer to finish level with the top
of tile frame and the surrounding surface.

c) Using resin bedding (Frames and Covers, Carriageway, 1, 2

and 3), The top surfaces of the manhole shaft or joint box wells
shall be cleared and dried with a clean cotton rag. The frame,
with covers removed, shall be lowered into position using
suitable lifting equipment end the lifting holes provided in the
frame webs. Pieces of broken tile or other suitable material
shall be placed under the corners of the frame until its top edge
is level with the carriageway surface. Shuttering to retain the
bedding shall be positioned to leave a gap of approximately
50mm all round the frame and shall extend to within 125mm of
the carriageway level. The gap under the frame on the inside of
the shaft or joint box walls shall be sealed with a stiff cement
mortar or resin mortar, taking care not to force mortar under the
frame. The mixed resin bedding shall then be poured around
the frame so that it flows under the frame and until the level of
resin bedding is just above the lower flange of the frame. At
least 2 hours after mixing the last batch of resin bedding, or four
times the initial setting time, whichever is the greater, the
shuttering for the resin shall be removed. Until this time has
elapsed, core shall be taken not to disturb or walk on the frame.

The covers shall then be replaced and in the case of an existing

joining chamber, the sides of the excavation and frame shall be
primed with bitumen emulsion and the space around the frame
shall be reinstated with, coated macadam (Sections PS
6/61.4.37 and PS 6/61.4.38 refer). The coated macadam shell
be well compacted in 2 layers with a suitable power rammer to
finish level with the top of the frame and the surrounding

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NOTE : Sections PS 6/61.4.32 and PS 6/61.4.33 of this

Specification detail the description, mixing and placing, etc., of
Resin Mortar and Resin Bedding.
5. Opening to Traffic - Before opening to traffic, it must be established
that the covers do not foul the safety grids or the sides of the shaft or
joint box walls. If there is evidence of fouling, it shall be obviated in a
manner acceptable to the Civil Works Supervisor.
a) Cement Mortar - The minimum period after installation of the
frame which must elapse before commencing reinstatement and
opening to traffic shall be in accordance with Section
PS 6/61.4.21, of this Specification in respect of the jointing
chamber and bedding under the frame.
b) Resin Mortar and Resin Bedding - The installation may be
opened to traffic on completion of the reinstatements subject to
the minimum periods quoted in Section PS 6/61.4.21 of this
Specification being met in respect of the jointing chamber and

PS 6/61.4.37 Coated Macadam

For the purposes of this Specification, the coated macadam referred to in

Section. PS 6/61.3.36 shall conform to BS 4987:05 Sections. 1, 4, 2, 4 and
Tables 41 and 42 for traffic category A, or shall be a material approved by

PS 6/61.4.38 Concrete

Surround any jointing chamber fitted with a Carriageway frame and cover
shall have a concrete surround of concrete Quality "A" to the depth of the
frame and cover, The width of this concrete surround shall extend to the
outside of the structure wall or 150mm whichever is the less. Opening to
traffic shall be subject to Section PS 6/61.4.21.

PS 6/61.4.39 Joint Box No. 23

1. General - Joint Box No. 23 is a molded fiber glass jointing chamber

used for accommodating distribution cable joints. Its normal use will
be limited to installation on Duct 56 routes or on direct buried (direct
in ground) cables. It can accommodate one Sleeve 31A and is
therefore ideal for underground distribution point position.

2. Drawing - Details of measurement of JB 23 are given in Drawing CN

13152 and the item may be supplied with a metal (cast iron) cover or
molded Frame and Cover which require concrete infill.

3. Installation - The excavation for installing a JB 23 should be such

that any surrounding compacted soil or paving is disturbed as little or
possible to ensure that the box is well supported. Excavation should
approximately ensure 400mm wide by 700mm long by 490mm deep.
The base of the excavation which will support the box should be
compacted and if necessary imported material free from large stones

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shall be used to provide a base.

After installation of the box the backfill soil, free from stones, should
lie well completed all around the box.

4. Concrete Surround - Where installed in loose surface conditions, it

may be necessary for a concrete surround to be cast at the box
position as per the Schedule of Work or as per instruction by the Civil
Works Supervisor. The surround shall be 150mm wide to a depth of
75mm concrete Quality "A" with one 10mm diameter by 225mm long
right angled reinforcing bar centrally located in concrete mass at each

PS 6/61.4.41 A Joint Markers and Marking Posts

The position of each buried jointing point shall be indicated by means of a

Joint Marker placed flush with the surface immediately over the center of
the object, or a Marking Post positioned as directed by the Civil Works

PS 6/61.4. 42 Cabinet Cross-Connection

1. Excavation for Base

a) Excavations of the sizes shown on drawing CN 1464z sheet 4

shall be made in the positions indicated by the Civil Works
b) The bottom of each excavation shall be well rammed.

PS 6/61.4.43 Provision of Base

1. Template - A template shell be provided by the Contractor and used

to register accurately the positions of the Beads Duct No. 54D and
Bolts Foundation Indented No. l and their, position relative to the
footway surface the bends shall be so placed to give the required
depth of cover on the duct leaving the Cabinet (Section PS 6/61.2.13
refers) and to project 30mm above the proposed base. Any surplus
duct shall be cut off and removed (Section PS 6/61.3.11 refers) after
the base has been placed and the periods given in Section PS
6/61.4.43(2) have elapsed. The foundation bolts and the earth
rod/spike shall be fixed in the template so that they are set vertically
in the base and to project 40mm and 100 mm respectively above the
proposed base. Where cabinets are installed on slopping ground, it
may be necessary for part of the base to be above ground in order to
open fully the cabinet doors. The height of the base is determined by
the Civil Works Supervisor for sites that are liable to flooding and the
base should be raised accordingly.

b) Concreting - Prior to concreting the ends of the PVC duct bends

shall be sealed with plugs (Duct end Cable Laying Section refers).
Concrete Quality "A" shall be used for the base end shell be placed
round the PVC duct bends and carefully levelled at a depth of 75mm
below the surface of the ground or paving, as measured at the center
of the base. The minimum period, after the completion of concreting,

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which must elapse before the cabinet is erected, shall be 48 hours.

PS 6/61.4.44 Erection of Cabinet

1. The surface of the concrete must be thoroughly cleaned and bedding

of cement mortar laid to a depth of 13mm over that part of the surface
on which the plinth will seat. Before drying, the plinth should be
placed in position and secured by the foundation bolts at the four
corners. The cement mortar should then be struck off in line with the
inside of the plinth and on the outside troweled to form a fillet around
the flange to assist in drainage of water. With the cabinet door
removed access to sealing putty, cabinet securing bolts and washers
is obtained. Positioned 20mm away from the central cut out of the
plinth lay and press out a 3 mm thick x 13 mm wide single continuous
strip of sealing putty onto the plinth. Position the cabinet body onto
the plinth and bolt down with the supplied washers and hexagon bolts
so as to spread the putty and seal. Scrape off with a blunt tool any
excess putty which protrudes beyond the cabinet exterior. Finally the
inside of the cabinet base should be sealed using Resin Pack 6A.

2. Backfilling of the excavations shall proceed in accordance with the

Filling,-in and Restoration of Paving’s Section of this Specification.
PS 6/61.4.46 Key
Key obtainable from the Civil Works Supervisor is required to open
Cabinets Cross-Connection.

Notes for Protection of Underground Concrete

It is mandatory to protect all underground concrete structures, which

includes the following, with Bitumastic paint (2 coats) / impregnated sheets.

1. Outer surface of walls of all Joint Boxes and Manholes.

2. Outer surface of bases of all Joint Boxes / Manholes.
3. Outer surrounding surfaces of all Cabinet/Kiosk bases including
4. Outer surfaces of shafts and upper surface of roof of all Manholes.

OR Any other concrete structure which are in contact with earth around.

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PS 6/61.5 Filling-In and Restoration of Paving’s Section

PS 6/61.5.1 General

1. The Contractor shall execute interim restoration and permanent

reinstatement, except as in Section PS 6/61.6.86 of Standard
Conditions to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor.

2. The operation of filling-in a trench shall not normally be commenced

until the work to be covered thereby has been approved by the Civil
Works Supervisor. Filling-in may only commence before such
approval is given, provided that, prior permission has been received
from the Civil Works Supervisor, end the Contractor agrees to
excavate fill and reinstate such tests holes as may be requested later
by the Civil Works Supervisor.

PS 6/61.5.2 Ramming

1. The periods of time between the placing of concrete end the

commencement of backfilling shall be in accordance with the
requirements of the Duct and Cable Laying Section and the Jointing
Chambers Section of this Specification, and must be strictly followed.
2. All spaces outside the walls of jointing chambers, duct laid in concrete
in a trench and all other duct laid in trench shall be carefully filled in
with granular material or concrete as directed by the Civil Works
Supervisor and rammed, care being taken to ensure that the ramming
does not disturb any recently completed work.

3. All ducts not laid in concrete shall be covered by a layer of earth, free
from stones, and hand punned to a thickness of not less than 75mm,
or as otherwise directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.

4. Except where otherwise directed by the Civil Works Supervisor, all

materials shall be replaced in 150 to 230mm layers, in the reverse
order to which they were excavated and thoroughly compacted.
Mechanical punners shall normally be used. If this impracticable and
hand punning is employed, there shall be at least three punners to
one filler.

5. Where directed by the Civil Works Supervisor as being necessary in

order to make excavated road pavement suitable for use as a sub-
base material, the pavement shall be broken, either during excavation
or otherwise, so that it is graded up to and including a size
approximately 70mm.

PS 6/61.5.3 Compaction Test

1. Backfilled excavation shall be tested at various levels by applying and

continuously operating either. an explosive type rammer weighing
approximately 102 Kg. over an area of one half square meter for a
period of three minutes, or a vibration rammer weighing not less than
50 kg. Over a similar area for three minutes or least if the behavior of

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the machine indicates maximum compaction. Rammers used for the

compaction, tests must be in efficient working order. At least one
test, in a position selected by, end in the presence of the Civil Works
Supervisor, shall be carried out during backfilling as follows.

a) Carriageway trench excavations - within a 50 meters length of

trench or between jointing chambers and/or jointing chamber
positions,, whichever is the shorter, and

b) In all other carriageway excavations.

2. Further tests shall be carried out in the carriageway or footway, at

such times and locations as the Civil Works Supervisor considers

3. The compaction will be considered satisfactory providing the tests

show no measurable change in level. A measurable change in level
is c depression which cannot be rectified by reshaping the tested
area, end consequently requires additional material, which when
compaction will restore the surface of the test area to the original
level should any measurable change in level occur, then the area of
faulty compaction as defined by the results of this and further check
tests shall be rectified as required by the Civil Works Supervisor,
under the terms of Section PS 6/61.6.24 of the Standard Conditions.

PS 6/61.5.4 Sealing

1. A sealing coat capable of preventing the ingress of water shall, unless

otherwise specified, be provided before opening to traffic any
backfilled excavation in carriageways or footways which have sealed
pavings that cannot be relaid as an interim measure. Tar or Bitumen
Macadam sufficiently well graded to be an effective seal or other
similar approved material shall be used. Before the sealing coat is
inserted the cut edges of the existing paving must be brushed clean
and coated with an approved emulsion. Pavings of Flags and other
similar types, that can be re-laid as an interim measure, will require
the sealing coat where spaces are left unpaved, at the interim stage.
The sealing coat shall be not less than 40 mm in thickness on
carriageways and not less than 25mm in thickness on footways.

2. The Civil Works Supervisor will not allow the inclusion of an interim
sealing coat as part of the permanent reinstatement unless:

a) Prior approval of the Street Authority's Surveyor is obtained via

the Civil Works Supervisor.

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PS 6/61.6 Safety Precautions Section

PS 6/61.6.1 General

1. Ducts, pipes and cables existing in the ground shall not be diverted
wither by levering or otherwise; they shall not be allowed to rest upon
(other than as a temporary means of support) or to be incorporated
into any part of Etisalat structures or duct. This shall apply unless the
Civil Works Supervisor otherwise directs, in which case the civil
Works Supervisor will be responsible for obtaining the agreement of
the owner of the existing apparatus to the arrangements to be

2. Where it is proposed that LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated

Emission of Radiation)equipment is to be used in connection with any
work to this Specification, details shall be supplied in advance to
ETISALAT for approval. Any safety precautions required by the Civil
Works Supervisor for the operation of Laser equipment shall be

3. When using certain materials referred to in this Specification, the

safety precautions contained in the following paragraphs should be

PS 6/61.6.2 PVC Cement and Methylated Spirits

When P.V.C. Cement and/or methylated spirits, care should be taken to

ensure that working areas are adequately ventilated. Naked flames should
not be used under any circumstances and smoking should not be

PS 6/61.6.3 Resin Pack No. 6A

When mixing and/or using Resin Pack No. 6A:-

1. Barrier cream should be applied to the hands, and forearms if

exposed, before handling the resin.
2. Disposable gloves should be worn.

3. After use, all soiled containers waste and gloves should be disposed
of in a refuse bin.

4. The resin should always be mixed in a well ventilated place.

PS 6/61.6.4 Resin Bedding and Resin Mortar

When mixing and/or using Resin Bedding or Resin Mortar, the precautions
listed for Resin Pack No. 6A should be taken. Additionally, mixing should
be carried out in a situation shielded against any wind; a dust mask should
be worn, and eyeshields to protect the eyes against the white powder
hardener which contains peroxide.

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ETISALAT’s Standard Conditions Pertaining to the

Works Stipulated in their Specifications

PS 6/61.6.24 Imperfect Work

PS 6/ The Civil Works Supervisor may condemn any work

which may be damaged by water, subsidence, or any
other cause, or which in his opinion has not been
performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract,
and the contractor shall (subject as provided in Condition
PS 6/61.6.25 and reform or reconstruct the same wholly
or partially as may be required. The Contractor shall
(subject as aforesaid) also take back any materials or
articles which may be considered by the Civil Works
Supervisor to be unsound or otherwise not in conformity
with the Specification, and he shall not again attempt to
use on any work of Etisalat any such materials. All
materials or articles which are condemned shall be
removed from the work within 24 hours or, if re-
examination is required in accordance with Condition PS
6/61.6.25 hereof, within 24 hours of final condemnation.

PS 6/ If the Contractor shall neglect to rectify, reform or

reconstruct any work as aforesaid within a period to be
specified by the Civil Works Supervisor, or shall omit to
take back any materials or articles which may be
considered by the Civil Works Supervisor to be unsound
or otherwise not in conformity with the Specification, or
shall fail to provide immediately suitable materials or
articles in lieu of those condemned, then the Contractor
shall at once cause the work to be stopped if so
instructed by the Civil Works Supervisor, and ETISALAT
shall be at liberty forthwith to employ some other person
or persons to perform the work, and to cause the
required materials or articles to be purchased.

PS 6/ Any defect in, arising out of, or consequent on the

execution of the work performed under this Contract; or
due to any act, neglect, omission or failure on the part of
the Contractor that shall appear within six months after
the date of completion of the work, shall be at once
made good by the contractor at his own expense,
notwithstanding any payment that may have been made
to the Contractor in respect of the work; and in default of
such making good by the Contractor, may cause such
defect to be remedied by some other person at the
expense of the Contractor.
PS 6/ For the purposes of the Conditions the work shall not be
deemed to have been completed until the Contractor has
performed and fulfilled the obligations imposed on
ETISALAT by the Highway Authority.

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PS 6/61.6.25 Re-examination of Condemned Work

If any performed or article or material provided by the Contractor be

condemned as aforesaid by the Civil Works Supervisor during the progress
of the work and the Contractor considers himself aggrieved, a re-
examination of such work or article or material by an independent person,
to be mutually agreed upon by ETISALAT and the Contractor, shall take
place if the Contractor shall, by notice in writing delivered to the Engineer
within three days of such condemnation, so required and until such person
gives his decision the powers conferred on the Civil Works Supervisor and
ETISALAT PS 6/ shall not be exercised. The decision of such
person shall be final and the party against whom the decision is given shall
pay the entire expenses of the re-examination.

PS 6/61.6.57 Bunds and Discharge Hoses

If the Engineer agrees that a Bund is necessary, the Contractor shall be

responsible for obtaining permission from the Highway Authority for the
size and location. The height of embankment shall be 100 cm minimum
and the total surface area occupied shall be measured from the centers of
embankment construction. The rates payable under Schedule of Rates
Section 3 shall include all operations necessary for the construction and
demolition together with associated reinstatement charges.

The provision of additional discharge hoses will be paid for at the

appropriate rates for Discharge Hose in the Schedule of Rates,
Section 3.

PS 6/61.6.86 Reinstatement by Highway Authority

If the highway authority shall have given notice or shall give notice to
Etisalat or election to do the permanent reinstatement and making good of
the street or controlled part thereof at upper levels broken up by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall pay to the street authority any sum
payable. In default of any such payment by the Contractor, Etisalat may
pay the sum to the authority and deduct the amount so paid from any sums
payable to the Contractor under this or any other contract entered into by
the Contractor with Etisalat.

PS 6/61.7.1 Abandoned Work

“Abandoned Work” means a trench or excavation which, due to

obstructions or other unforeseen difficulties, cannot be wholly utilized, but
which is required to be filled in, rammed and the surface restored, and is
not proper to be measured in with the work charged for at inclusive rates.

PS 6/61.7.2 Damp Mix (Concrete)

“Damp Mix” means a mixture of concrete of the quality specified but

containing no more water than is sufficient for hydration of the cement and
coagulation of the ingredients; the concrete shall have no measurable
slump. As a guide, the consistency may be checked be squeezing
between the hands a small quantity of the freshly mixed concrete which
should hold the shape formed and not exclude excess water.

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PS 6/61.7.3 Duct

“Duct” means a single or multiway duct formation using duct of PVC,

polyethylene, or other material.

PS 6/61.7.4 Earth, Free from Stones

“Earth, Free from Stones” means either (a) loose earth, all of which will
pass through a 15 mm mesh sieve, or (b) clay having approximately the
same moisture content as when excavated. Materials (a) and (b) shall be
capable of being thoroughly compacted around, and material (a) between,
ducts of any type, in either case, the material shall not cause damage to
the ducts during backfilling and shall not leave voids to form a water
course. Clay prior to backfilling shall be reduced in size if necessary to
prevent voids in the backfill.


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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I



Refer to Volume 3.1 – General Specification, Volume 3.3 Part I –

Sewerage and Drainage Masterplan Standard Specifications and Volume
3.3 Part II – Appendix to Sewerage and Drainage Masterplan Standard
Specifications for items not covered in this section.

PS 6/62.1 General

These works comprise the complete installation and commissioning of the

irrigation network lines for Concerned Authority, as shown on the Contract

The Contractor shall be experience in, and be previously approved by

Concerned Authority for similar large diameter sewerage projects,
including temporary diversion works. Should the Contractor fail to meet
this criteria, the works shall be undertaken by an experienced specialist
sub-contractor nominated by the Contractor, and approved by Concerned
Authority, at no additional costs.

The Contractor shall prepare all necessary detailed shop drawings for
these works comprising plans, lateral and longitudinal sections, profiles
and details. The longitudinal sections shall include details of all crossing
services which shall be located and surveyed by the Contractor. Position
and elevation of pipes and manholes may be adjusted by the Engineer
according to exact site conditions and finish levels.

Note: All materials are to be approved by the Concerned Authority.

Where a BS is quoted the equivalent International Standard is

PS 6/62.2 GRP Pipes and Joints

1. The design of GRP pipes or fittings manufactured from

thermosetting resins reinforced by glass fibers shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. The design shall, however,
incorporate all the requirements of the specifications and the
manufacturers recommendation. All pipes and fittings shall have a
resin rich inner layer, having minimum thickness of 1.0 mm and a
resin rich outer layer having a minimum thickness of 0.25 mm
incorporating one layer of ‘C’ glass. The remainder of the liner
shall consist of at least one layer of 450 g/m powder bound acid
resistant chipped glass strand mat having a glass content between
25 and 30% by weight.

2. The resin to be used for the internal face shall be of Vinylester or

Bisphenol type. For the remainder of the pipe isopthalic polyester
type of resin shall be used. No coloured pigments shall be used in
the pipe or fittings. Fine silica sand containing no impurities and
complying with requirements of BS 5480 Part-1 can be added to
the outer layer to achieve the thickness for required stiffness. The

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pipe and fittings shall effectively resist the corrosive effects final
effluent of temperatures upto 50 degree C.

3. All glasses reinforcement shall be of the ‘ECR’ type.

4. All pipes and fittings shall have an initial stiffness of not less than
10,000 N/M and satisfy the requirements of ASTM D-3262-06.
Pipes of upto 700 mm diameters shall withstand longitudinal
tensile force of 100 N/mm of circumference. Pipes for use in
microtunnelling or similar jacking operations, the stiffness shall be
minimum 50,000 N/M unless enclosed in concrete.

5. No crazing or cracking shall be evident under parallel plate load

test upto deflection of 15% and no structural failure shall occur
upto deflection of 25%.

6. Representative samples shall pass the “strain corrosion test

according to ASTM D-3681” and D-3262-06 for the 100 and 1000
hair test.

7. GRP pipes shall be joined by Reka type (double socket coupling).

The rubber rings shall be resistant to chemical effects of sewage
and shall be of the ‘BPDM’ type rubber.

8. The resin shall be cured to achieve minimum 90% of the hardness

recommended by the resin manufacturer and tested in accordance
with BS 4549, Part 1 Appendix- ‘A’. Internal face of the laminate
shall also withstand the commercial acetone test.

9. For cutting and sealing of the GRP laminate with a suitable resin
the manufacturer’s representative shall demonstrate and train the
Contractor’s staff in presence of the Engineer’s representative.

10. Allowable tolerance for pipes resting freely on the ground at site
shall be as follows:

Internal diameter +/- 0.5%

Wall thickness average + 15%

11. Deviation in straightness of bore – 0.3% of effective length or 15

mm whichever is less.

12. All pipes shall be visually inspected at site before installation for
defects such as delamination, exposed or protruding fibre, cracks,
scratches, air voids, pitting and wrinkles, etc. any repair at site if
approved by the Engineer shall be carried out by qualified and
skilled staff of the manufacturer.

13. The Contractor shall design the pipes for a life of not less than 60
years and submit calculations for initial and long term deflection
under live load, buckling and strain etc. in accordance with AWWA
C-950-81. In addition the design shall take into account additional

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superimposed load from future road laying and filling of low areas
over the route.

14. The Contractor shall be responsible for the choice of wide or

narrow trench formation, pipe bedding material, the method of
bedding pipe laying and backfilling based on the native soil
condition and strength of the proposed pipe. The choice of design
parameters, however will be subject to the approval of the

15. The design of pipe bedding and backfilling method shall be such
that the initial and long term deflection does not exceed the
following values:

Initial – after backfilling : 2% of internal diameter

6 months after installation : 4% of internal diameter.

16. Method of handling, installation, backfilling, etc. shall be as per

manufacturer’s recommendations. If the Engineer consider that
the soil condition, bedding material or workmanship is not
satisfactory he shall have the right to order wide trench formation
(upto 5 times the pipe dia.), change in bedding material bedding
foundations or improved class of bedding all at no extra cost to the

17. Manufacturer’s Certificate of quality control test as required by

ASTM and BS Standards sha1ll be required for approval of the
supplier of the pipes or fittings.

18. Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes and fittings shall conform to
BS 5480 and AWWA C 950-81 to be approved by the Engineer.
Pipe shall have a 50 year strain corrosion value of 1.0% per ASTM
D3262-06. Complete design calculations per AWWA C950
Appendix ‘A’ shall be submitted for Engineer’s approval.

19. Couplings shall be Reka double socket type, allowing 2 degrees


Stainless steel coupling shall be used at change of pipe material.

After installation and before backfilling the stainless steel coupling

shall be wrapped with Denso tape. Bonded joints shall be made in
accordance with manufacturers instructions.

20. Following tests shall be carried out on the manufactured pipes.

Witnessing of all factory tests by Engineer’s Representative may
be required prior to delivery.

Chemical Control Tests: In accordance with the requirements of

ASTM D-3262-06 with Test Method as described in D-3681 on
samples of manufactured pipe.

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Hydraulic Tests: The manufacturer shall carry out internal

hydraulic pressure test on all pipes. The pipes shall be subjected
to a pressure as follows:

Pressure pipes - 16 bars

Gravity pipes - 2 bas

There shall be no leakage after application of the test pressure of

a minimum period of 5 minutes.

Stiffness: Pipe stiffness at 5% deflection shall be determined as

per procedure of ASTM Test Method D-2412 and the requirements
of ASTM D-3262.

Wall Thickness: Wall thickness to be measured for each pipe shall

be in no case be less than the nominal design thickness nor 15%
more than the design thickness.

Internal Diameter: Every pipe shall be checked for accuracy of

internal diameter. Tolerances shall be +/- 0.5% whichever is

Hardness: Every pipe shall be subjected to a Barcol hardness test

in accordance with BS 4549, Part 1 Appendix A to ensure that the
resin has been cured to achieve the required hardness.

Loss of Ignition: Minimum one pipe of every 30 pipes

manufactured to be tested as per ASTM D2484 Standard Method
of Test for Ignition loss of cured Reinforced Resin.

Hoop Tensile Strength: Minimum pressure pipe for every 30 pipes

manufactured to be tested for Hoop Tensile Strength in
accordance with the requirement of ASTM D-3517 for the pressure

Longitudinal Tensile Strength: Minimum one pipe for every 30

pipes manufactured shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D-
3262 for gravity pipe and ASTM 3517 for pressure pipe.

21. Copies of the pipe manufacture test reports shall be submitted to

the Engineer for each consignment of pipes delivered to the site.

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PS 6/62.3 Asbestos Cement Pipes and Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Fittings
for Underground Pipelines and Valve Chambers

1. Scope of Works:

All pipes, fittings and specials shall be supplied by the Contractor,

unless otherwise indicated in these documents or instructed by the

All materials and equipment supplied shall be suitable for use in

Sharjah and under conditions prevailing at the site of the works.

All materials shall be reviewed and approved by the concerned

authority and or the Engineer prior to the ordering of the materials.

Where no year is shown against the standard specifications of BS,

ISO etc. the latest published edition shall be deemed applicable.

2. Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe for Irrigation Lines

2.1 General: Asbestos Cement (AC) pressure pipe shall

conform to the requirements of BS EN 512. All pipes and
joints shall be manufactured by an approved by the
Concerned Authority. AC pipe manufacturer having
successful similar experience in the manufacture and
supply of high pressure AC pipe. Evidence of such
experience shall be included in the tender submission. The
manufacturer shall be certified to ISO 9002 OR BS 5720
Part 2.

2.2 References: The latest issue of the following standards are

applicable where referenced in the following specifications:

BS 5750 1987
BS EN 512 1995
BS 2494 1990
BS 4027 1996

ISO 2785 1986

ISO 9002 1987

Full range of AC pipe diameters used for the entire project

(150 to 1200 mm dia.) must be U.A.E manufactured and
delivered by the same manufacturer.

2.3 Class: AC pipes shall meet the requirements for Class 18,
suitable for an operating of 9 bars up to and including 1000
mm and 10 bars above 1000 mm dia. Pipe wall thickness
shall meet all the design requirements for class 18 pipe as

Nominal Diameter Outside Diameter at

The pipe end

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Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

mm mm

80 106
100 126
150 178
200 234
225 255
250 288
300 344
350 402
400 456
450 508
500 560
550 616
600 668
700 780
800 888
900 1000
1000 1110
1200 1320

All pipes shall withstand full vacuum (-1 bar).

2.4 Cement: The cement in the manufacture of asbestos

cement pipes and joints shall be of high sulphate resisting
cement conforming to BS 4027:1996. Copies of cement
mill certificate shall be submitted with each consignment of
pipe delivered to the site.

2.5 Joints: Asbestos cement pipes shall be provided with

spigot ends to be joined with ‘Reka’ type couplings using
two rubber rings. Rubber rings shall conform to the
requirements of BS 2494. The Joints shall be capable of
withstanding a test pressure of 18 bars without any leaks
when deflected to the angle specified below:

Nominal Diameter Max. Joint Deflection Angle

mm Degrees

up to 225 5
250 – 350 4
400 – 550 3
600 – 1000 2
1200 1

AC pipes joints to be designed to provide sealing in

negative pressure surge: -1 bar (full vacuum) against
internal and external pressures.

2.6 Length: Asbestos Cement pipes shall be manufactured in 5

metre nominal length for all range of diameters.

2.7 Width of AC Reka Joints

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Nominal Dia. Width of AC Joint

mm mm

75 104
80 104
100 120
150 120
200 150
225 150
300 150
350-500 200
550 240
600 240
700 240
800 – 1100 270
1200 300

2.8 Design Calculations: Structural pipe design calculation as

per ISO 2795-1991 shall be submitted to the Engineer, if
requested, for review and approval.

2.9 Testing: Asbestos Cement pipes shall be factory tested in

accordance with BS EN 512. Copies of test certificates
shall be submitted for each consignment manufactured and
delivered to site, and all compulsory and optional tests
shall be carried out by the manufacture. The Engineer may
instruct the return of up to 2 percent of pipes and joints
delivered to site for factory testing. The cost of returning
the pipes and joints to the factory, and for testing shall be
borne by the Contractor.

The pipes which are damaged in testing shall be replaced

with new pipes at no additional cost by the Contractor.

2.10 Markings: Each pipe and joint shall be legibly and inlegibly
marked with the following:

i. Manufacturing standard
ii. Manufacturer’s name or trade mark
iii. Manufacturing date (pipe only)
iv. Home line positions at pipe ends (pipe only)
v. Nominal Diameter (ND) in mm (inside and outside)
vi. Pressure rating in bars (Class) (inside and outside)
vii. Inspection mark
viii. Coupling ‘homeline” position on spigot ends.

2.11 External Coating: The bitumen coating shall comply with

the requirement of BS 3416, 1991 Type 1 and II for back
shinning coating.

The painting shall be applied as per manufacturer’s

recommendation and shall be applied on clean dry surface
by using hand wire brush.

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Pipe and joints shall be coated for differentiation with

uncoated AC water pipeline.

2.12 AC Pipe Joint Lubricant: Soft soap as recommended by the

pipe manufacturer shall be supplied and applied for pipe
joint lubricant. The soap shall be odourless and paste like
consistency. The soap should be washable with water. It
shall be vegetable-based and shall be free from fish,
whale, or other animal oils and fats, free from resins and
any poisonous material. It shall be supplied in packing of
20-25 kgs. Net. Soft soap shall be supplied by the pipe

3. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Fittings

All fittings (including bends, tees, reducers and flanges)

used with AC pipelines shall be GRP (Glassfibre reinforced
plastic) fittings and shall comply with the following

AWWA C-950-88 AWWA Standard for ‘Fibreglass”

(Glass Fibre Reinforced Resin)
Pressure Pipe

BS 5480 : 1990 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics

(GRP) Pipes and Fittings for use for
Water Supply or Sewerage; Parts

3.1 General: This specification covers the design, manufacture

and testing of glassfibre reinforced plastic (GRP) pressure
fittings for use with Asbestos Cement pressure pipe in
nominal sizes 80 mm and larger. GRP fittings and pipe
shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with
AWWA C950-88 and the requirements herein. All
components shall be produced by one manufacturer.

The manufacturer shall be approved by concerned

authority and must demonstrate the experience and
capability to produce fittings of the same diameter and
pressure range as those required. The manufacturer shall
be certified to ISO 9002 or BS 5750 Part: 2. Full range of
fittings diameters used for the project must be
manufactured and delivered by the same manufacturer.

3.2 Construction: GRP fittings shall have the following

principal construction:

i. A corrosion resistant, resin rich having a minimum

thickness of 0.5 mm. The liner surface in contact
with water shall be reinforced with ‘C’ glass veil or
mat impregnated with Vinylester or Epoxy Resin.
The liner shall be continuous along the

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circumference of the pipe and shall be of uniform

thickness and composition.

ii. A structural wall consisting of continuous glass

filament findings and/or woven roving and chopped
glass reinforcement, and may include fine fillers, all
impregnated with Isophthalic, Vinylester or Epoxy
resin as required.

iii. A resin-rich exterior surface having a minimum

thickness of 0.25 mm.

iv. No dark pigments shall be allowed in the GRP


3.3 GRP fittings and flanges shall be designed in accordance

with AWWA C950 for service at the following conditions:

Maximum operating pressure 16 Bar

Maximum allowable vacuum -1 Bar
Minimum depth of water 1.0 meter
Maximum depth of cover 3.0 meter
Truck loading (wheel load) 90 KN
Service temperature (Maximum) 40 deg.C

Flange x flange fittings shall be designed for installation

above ground (in chambers) without thrust blocks. Flanged
branches on spigot tees shall be designed to resist end
thrust from closed valves.

The pressure rating for GRP pipe or fittings shall be based

on the long term hydrostatic design pressure established
as per Section (a) of this Specification with a
design factor of 2.0.

Spigot joints, where specified shall have the same outside

diameter (OD) as approved by concerned authority for
Asbestos Cement (AC) pipe to which it is to be joined. The
joint dimensions and tolerances shall be equal to AC pipe
spigots such that joint remains watertight under all normal
operating and surge conditions. The spigot ends shall be
clearly marked with a ‘homeline’ indicating the proper
insertion limit for the AC couplings. The spigot width shall
not be less than half the AC coupling joint width.

Flanged joints, where specified shall be GRP filament

wound flanges manufactured from Epoxy or Vinylester
resin and glass reinforcements. Flanges shall be flat faced
and drilled to BS 4504 PN 16 drilling pattern. GRP flange
gasket (full face) design and thickness shall be as
recommended by the GRP fitting manufacturer. Hand lay-
up flanges shall not be acceptable.

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Laminated or Adhesive joints used in the fabrication of

fittings shall be equal or superior in strength to the sections
they join. The thickness of laminated joints shall not be
less than the wall thickness of the adjoining pipe section.
All hand laminations or windings shall utilize only one type
of resin throughout.

3.4 Chemical Requirements: GRP fittings shall be not impart

any taste, odour or colour to drinking water. GRP
pipe/fittings shall be certified by any accredited

3.5 Dimensions – GRP fittings shall be produced in Metric

sizes and shall be classified by their nominal inside
diameter (ND). The actual fittings inside diameter shall not
be less than that shown in the table below:
Nominal Diameter (ND) Minimum Inside Diameter
(mm) (mm)
80 78
100 98
150 148
200 198
225 223
250 245
300 298
350 348
400 397
450 447
500 497
550 547
600 597
700 696
800 795
900 895
1000 995
1200 1195

All standard fittings up to and including diameter 300 mm

used in the distribution system shall be filament wound on
precision steel moulds. Standard 90 and 45 degree bends
of nominal diameter 300 mm and smaller shall be of the
smooth radius type, having a turning radius of 1.5 times the
bend nominal diameter. Fittings diameter 350 mm and
larger may be of the moulded or miltered (manufactured
from GRP pipe sections) construction and internal surfaces
shall be finished smooth.

The thickness of GRP flanges shall not be less than shown

in the table below:

Nominal Diameter (ND) Minimum GRP Flange

(mm) Thickness

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Nominal Diameter (ND) Minimum GRP Flange

(mm) Thickness

80 – 100 38
150 – 200 44
225 46
250 – 350 54
400 58
450 64
500 – 600 68
700 72
800 78
900 85
1000 88
1200 108

The wall thickness of GRP fittings shall be determined by

the manufacturer to meet the design requirements of this
specification but shall in no case be less than the minimum
thickness shown in the table below:

Nominal Diameter ND Minimum GRP fittings/

(mm) Pipe thickness(mm)

80 – 300 5.5
350-500 6.5
550 7.5
600 8.0
700 9.5
900 12.0
1200 16.0

Flange drilling shall be as per BS 4504 PN 16.

3.6 Mechanical Properties: GRP fittings shall meet the

following minimum strength requirements:

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Property Test Method Value per
1. Hoop Tensile ASTM D2290 Portable 10
Strength of AWWA C950
For class 250 psi

2. Axial Tensile ASTM D638 Per table 11 of

Stress BS 5480 AWWA C950 For
class 250 psi

3. Axial Tensile ASTM D638 70 Mpa

Stress for Flg.x BS 5480

4. Stiffness ASTM D2412

(E1/D3) BS 5480

Dia < = 300 10,000 Pa

Dia > 300 10,000 Pa

3.7 Visual Requirements: GRP fittings shall be free from

delamination, crazing, dry areas or cracks. Spigot ends
shall be free from end delamination, torn edges and
gauges and shall be finished smooth to ensure
watertightness. All laminates shall be fully cured with a
minimum Barcol hardness of 33 when tested in accordance
with ASTM D2583.

3.8 Testing:

(1) Routine Tests: The following test shall be carried

out by the GRP pipe/fitting manufacturer at the
frequency specified. Test results and certificates
shall be submitted to the Engineer for each
consignment delivered. Witnessing of factory
testing by the Engineer may be required. The
concerned authority and the Engineer shall have
the right to return up to 2% of the material delivered
back to the factory for inspection and/or testing by
its Representative at no additional cost. Test
methods shall be in accordance with AWWA C950

Test Frequency

i) Visual Inspection Every item

ii) Dimensions Every time
iii) Hydraulic Pressure Once per
at 24 bars for 30 seconds 10 Flg. X Flg.
iv) Stiffness Once per 100

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v) Barcol hardness every item

(Resin cure)
vi) Axial & Hoop Tensile Once per 100
Stress items
vii) All GRP pipe used for fittings fabrication
shall be factory pressure tested at 24 bars
for 60 seconds.

(2) Qualifications (type) Tests: The following tests shall

be carried out on actual pipe/fittings produced by
the manufacturer to establish and accept the design
basis for the products. These tests are not routine
quality control tests.

a) Long term hydrostatic design pressure of

the GRP pipe or fitting shall be established
in accordance with AWWA C950 Section

b) Short term hoop tensile strength shall be

within the ultimate strength of the pipe
fittings. Laminated joints and flanged joints
shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of
3.5 times the rated working pressure with no
signs of leakage or weep. For flanged
joints, the flanges shall be blinded and the
ends unrestrained during the test.

3.9 Submittals/Drawings: Prior to start of production, the fittings

manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer detailed
drawings of each fitting required for approval. Design
calculations, samples and sample testing may also be
required by the Engineer for approval at no extra cost to
the Client.

For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit before

delivery, the recommended gasket details, the bolt torquing
sequence and maximum recommended torque for each
flange size supplied.

3.10 Markings: Each fitting shall be indelibly marked with the


- Manufacturer’s name or trade mark

- Nominal diameter (ND) in mm (inside and outside)
- Pressure rating in bars
- Manufacturing date, month & year
- Inspection mark
- Coupling “homeline”, ‘position’ position on spigot

3.11 Tangential Flanged Tee: This shall be used as washout tee

which shall have a bottom tangential flanged outlet. Tee
shall be spigot x spigot x branch flange. The size and the

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configuration of the Tee shall be as detailed on the

drawings. The detail of product and engineering data shall
be submitted. Spigot ends of tee shall be compatible with
AC joint used for this project/contract.

PS 6/62.4 Valves

PS 6/62.4.1 All valves and flanges shall have minimum pressure rating of 16 bars
manufactured to British Standards. The flange to flange length of the
valve shall conform to ISO 5752 Series 3, 14 or 15 as specified below with
various valve types. All construction bolts shall be of SS Grade 316.
Valves shall be non-rising stem types and the stem shall be SS Grade
316 TI/1.4571 or cast aluminum bronze with gun metal or Bronze stem
nut. Valves shall have vitreous enamel internal coating where possible
and shall be suitable for sewage final effluent.

PS 6/62.4.2 Gate Valves

Gate Valves shall comply with BS 5163. Gate Valves which are hand-
wheel operated shall have anti-clockwise opening. Maximum force
required at the circumference of the hand-wheel to open the valve against
unbalance pressure should not exceed 500N. All valves shall include a
double ‘O’ Ring releasing system which complies with Clause 9 of BS
5163./1986. Hand-wheel shall have marked words ‘open’ and ‘close’ in
English with rotation direction arrows. Hand-wheel shall be protected with
epoxy coating.

Stem of the valve to be of stainless steel. Seats on body and wedge to be

made from stainless steel for sizes above DN 400. Upto size DN 400
Resilient seated gate valves are preferred with ductile iron wedge fully
covered with rubber on all sides and with replaceable stem nut.

Valve body to have epoxy resin coating of 300 microns (dft) inside and
outside. Valve stem seals shall be of the stuffing box and gland form for
valves above DN 400 and of the double ‘O’ ring system enclosed in
stainless steel PN material for size upto DN 400.

Flanges shall be of faced and drilled to PN 16 unless to suit already

existing pipework and approved by the Engineer.

PS 6/62.4.3 Butterfly Valves

Butterfly valves shall comply in all respects with BS 5155 : 1984. Body
with all flanges faced and drilled for PN 16 and the disk shall be made of
Ductile cast iron corresponding to BS EN 1563:97 Grade 500/7. Disk
shall be mounted on stainless steel shafts located in PTFE lined self
lubricating bearings with synthetic nitrile rubber shaft seal.

The valve disc shall be the double offset eccentric type – single offset for
DN 1000 and larger – fitted with a non-ageing sealing element of NBR
(nitrile Rubber Profile Seal) or similar approved material held in place by
an adjustable one-piece clamping ring secured with Stainless Steel
adjusting set screws mechanically locked in place (not resin bonded).

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The profile seal shall provide a bi-directional tight shut off, against a solid
rolled in body seat ring of Stainless Steel.

The valve disk shall be as streamlined as possible to ensure low head

losses and secure movement without disk flutter.

The disk stub shafts shall be manufactured from Stainless Steel, and
positively keyed to the valve disk and incorporate a key securing device
(valve disks pinned to stub shafts are not acceptable).

The stub shaft bearings shall be of maintenance-free self-lubricating

PTFE lined bushes, and shaft seals of NBR or equivalent.

The epoxy coated valve gearbox shall be fitted with a sealed for life
maintenance-free travelling fork and nut gearbox, suitable for buried
service duty and capable of easy operation at full pressure differential
equal to nominal pressure, enclosed in cast iron casing, grease packed,
with ball thrust bearings coupled with handwheel and position indicator.

Travelling fork and nut gearboxes shall be used for small and medium
sizes, slider-rank gearbox for bigger ones, according to the pressure

PS 6/62.4.4 Non-return Valves

Non-return valves shall be of the single door swing check type including
hydraulic damper lever arm and balancing weights. The disk shall be
resilient seated. Valves shall be provided with removable covers on top of
the body to enable hinges and disk to be inspected and removed. Spindle
should be made of stainless steel.

Valves shall be provided with air release lock on the removable cover.
Face to face length of non-return valves shall be either two times nominal
dia plus 100 mm or to ISO 5752 series 10. All construction bolts and
valve spindle shall be stainless steel grade ASTM 316 L. If application
allows short body type check valves to ISO 5752 series 14 with hydraulic
damping device will also be acceptable.

This short body tilting disk check valves must meet following

The check valves shall be the double flanged type of short body (face-to-
face dimension to ISO 5752 Series 14) drilled to BS 4504 PN 16. The
body shall be of ductile cast iron to BS EN1563:97, grade 500/7 or better.

The valve disk shall be of the same material as the body and be as
streamlined as possible to ensure low head losses.

Shafts will be of high-tensile ferric chrome-nickel steel and disk seat ring
of stainless chrome-nickel steel.

Precise seal of the valve disk inserted in ring of stainless steel. This seal
provides tight sealing of the valve at pressure below 2 bars.

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Bearing bushes shall be self-lubricating/PTFE lined and maintenance free.

The check valves shall be equipped with lever and counter weight and if
necessary according to application with Hydraulic damping device for
setting the closing time.

The hydraulic damping device shall be used to damp closing and opening
shocks of the valve and shall act in both limit positioning (damped opening
range 10 degrees and damped closing range 15 degrees).

PS 6/62.4.5 Surge Anticipator Relief Valves

Surge anticipator relief valves shall be fluid actuated and have a single
moving assembly. A flexible, non-wicking, FDA approved, nylon fabric
reinforced synthetic elastomer diaphragm shall be integral with this
assembly to form a sealed chamber, operating free of drag or wear. The
diaphragm shall not be used as a seating surface. This assembly shall
have a stem which is fully guided by separate upper and lower bearings to
preclude binding or deflection. When the valve is in the closed position
sealing at the seat shall be accomplished by the contact and a smooth
seat surface. The seat design shall be removable and not have edges
that will induce seal cutting, or wear at low flows. Progressive throttling of
flow shall be accomplished by a characterized profile quad ring retainer
washer. The valve body and cover shall be of cast iron. An FDA
approved fused epoxy coating shall be applied to the internal and external
exposed surfaces of these components after cleaning and degassing.
This coating shall be standard on all basic valves 2-16. All internal valve
components shall be removable and repairable while the valve body
remains in the line. Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes are not
permitted and there shall be no pistons operating the valve or controls.
Valve sizes 2-3” shall be standard equipped with a flow-clean strainer
mounted in the inlet supply port of the main valve. Valve sizes 4” and
larger shall be standard with an externally mounted y-strainer for
protection of the control circuit and WATTS ball valves to isolate the pilot
system from the main valve.

The valves shall open on a low or high pressure wave. The high pressure
relief pilot shall be set to open at any pressure above the normal operating
pressure of the system. The high pressure control shall be adjustable,
spring loaded, normally closed, direct acting, diaphragm valve designed to
permit flow when controlled pressure exceeds the spring setting. The low
pressure pilot shall be set to open the main valve at any pressure below
normal system operating pressure.

PS6/62.4.6 Pressure Reducing Valves

Pressure reducing valves shall be capable of maintaining a constant

downstream pressure from higher constant or variable upstream pressure
and shall be drop tight under no flow conditions.

The valve operation shall be achieved by the interaction of the inlet

pressure, outlet pressure and an intermediate pressure produced by a
pilot valve or relay system acting on the upstream side of the main valve.

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The pilot or relay system shall be operated by a diaphragm connected to

the outlet pressure.

The valve body shall be of ductile iron GGG 40/50. The valves shall be
arranged for automatic operation and shall be manually adjustable.

The valves shall be capable of operating on the required pressure and

shall be designed to provide the necessary loss of head and operate
without hunting. They shall be of the globe valve type with the main body
of ductile iron GGG 40/50 and with bronze and gunmetal trims. The valve
mechanism shall be diaphragm operated, controlled from a servo
diaphragm actuated by an adjustable spring balance relay comparing
pressure generated across an integral orifice plate.

Each valve shall be fitted with a pressure gauge to facilitate checking of

operation, each shall have the body rated to PN 16. Each valve shall be
installed complete with all accessories to form a complete system.

All valves shall have a drain plug at the bottom of the body.

PS6/62.5 Valve Actuators

1. The manufacturer shall be approved by concerned authority and

must demonstrate the experience and capability to produce
electrical actuator as specified below and indicated in item 3.4 of
this Section.

The Contractor shall procure and supply all materials as identified

in the scope of work, specifications and drawings to complete the

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all other

materials which are not identified in these documents in order to
complete the job e.g. cable glands, cable lugs, wires connectors,

It is the Contractor’s obligation to evaluate the materials

requirements and supply of sufficient quantities in order to achieve
final completion of the described works.

All materials and equipment shall be new, of first class quality and
supplied by reputable manufacturers.

2. Each actuator is to be tested in the factory before shipping.

Standard manufacturer testing procedures are acceptable.
Original Test Certificates are to be supplied with the actuators.

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary labour, tools, test,
instruments, and temporary materials for carrying out the
necessary test.

Inspection and testing are to be carried out in accordance with the

approved inspection sheets. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to
prepare the test sheets and submit them to the client.

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The Contractor shall arrange with the Client before any Site
Testing are to be conducted. The test will be carried out by the
Contractor. All measuring instruments and special apparatus
required for carrying out the site test shall be provided by the

All test and checks shall be recorded on previously approved

check, functional test and energized system test sheets. The
Contractor is to provide a complete set of these sheets duly signed
with the final dossier and ‘as-built drawings’.

All actuators shall be tested. Test shall be, but not necessarily be
limited to the following:

- manual drive engagement

- Valve Closing
- Valve Opening
- Automatic disengagement of handwheel.

In the event that the electrical actuators are assembled not by the
original manufacturer, the Contractor and or supplier shall provide
a Certificate of Acceptance from International Testing Authorities
for the Engineer approval. The Contractor shall refer to the
requirements of Clause 3.4, Part 3, Section 6 of this Specification
for additional requirement.

PS 6/62.6 Automatic Air Valves

1. Provide automatic double orifice air valves at all high points on the
pressure mains. Air valves and other similar items shall conform
to BS 2591. Automatic air valves shall have non-corrosive floats in
chamber with clear space ensuring blockage free operation. All
components for the air valve actuating mechanism including the
actuating lever shall be stainless steel.

The float should activate the valve, which shall not be in contact
with sewage. Nozzles with seals and actuating mechanism to be
located in the removable upper plate connected to the valve body
using stainless steel bolts. The valve body to be of bronze or cast
iron with modular graphite and shall be flanged inlet connection.
Incorporated with each automatic air valve an isolating valve shall
be fitted to the inlet connection. Pressure rating shall be 16 bars.
Material for bolts and nuts shall be SS Grade 316.

PS 6/62.7 Back Pressure Valves

1. The valve body shall be of cast iron with flanges to ISO 5752
series 16. The valve shall be extra heavy construction with bronze
seats, SS 304 stem, nitrile seals and membrane, bronze and
ductile iron closing system, bronze pilot and strainer, brass
accessories, internal and eternal epoxy paint coating.

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2. The valve controls and maintains a minimum preset upstream

pressure regardless of various in downstream demand and the
throttling of the main valve closing system is controlled by an
adjustable pilot valve operating in conjunction with a needle valve.
The valve is to be provided with a setting range of 1.37 bars to 8.6

PS 6/62.8 Magnetic Inductive Flow Meters

1. Pulsed DC field magnetic flow meter with body fabricated in steel

with measuring section liner of neoprene and electrodes of
Hastelloy B2+C4 epoxy coated externally to IP 65 (DIN 40050)
environmental Class HUD (DIN 40040), with two stainless steel
earthing ring one on each side connected with separate earth
conductor to FEWA/SEWA standards.

2. Signal converter for microprocessors signal processing, all

functions/data to be programmable suitable for pulsed DC field, to
be magnet programmable without opening the housing –
Protection IP 65 with the environment Class HUD.

3. Magnetic Flowmeter for the continuous measuring of treated

effluent – Automatic zero point correction, measuring range freely
adjustable (smallest range 0…..0, 5 M/s, biggest range 0..10M/S)

- Accuracy +/-0.2% of reading

- Auto setup for self configuration
- Self monitoring fail safe function (alarm and error outputs)
- Data storage for all relevant process data, in the
- Two line, lightened LC-disply (1 for flowrate, 1 for totalizer)
- Multi lingual, display in plain text
- Coloured led bar graph
- Led-indication of the included limit switch
- Galvanic isolation of all outputs
- Housing in aluminum, average power consumption 25VA,
ambient temperature –25.+600C.

PS 6/62.9 Flowmeter

PS 6/62.9.1 Flowmeter (Sensor) – Ultrasonic

1. The flowmeter shall operate with a single-head flow sensor

mounted externally on carbon steel, stainless steel, ductile iron,
copper, FRP, PVC, GRP, ABS or cement lined pipe.

2. Measure and indicate flow rates between 0.06 to 2.5 m/sec. in

pipes from 150 – 1650 mm.

3. Shall respond to flow rates as low as 0.06 m/sec. on liquids with

entrained particles or gases of 100 microns or larger and minimum
concentrations of 75 rpm.

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4. The flow sensor shall be single-head, ultrasonic in stainless steel

housing. It shall be installed on the outside of a pipe without
interrupting flow. The sensor shall be capable of continuous
operation at temperatures to 93 deg. C, and to withstand
accidental submersion pressures to 10 psi. Manufacturer’s
recommended coupling compound shall be included.

5. Shall include 6 m coaxial cable in a weatherproof and flexible

armoured conduit.

6. Shall be capable of extending sensor cable up to 152 m, without

adjustment, and with no reduction in performance original strength.

7. Shall be transformer isolated and designed to meet intristic-safe

requirements. Shall be designed for maximum RFI rejection, and
include automatic high voltage bleeds for nearby lightning strikes.

8. The transmitter-indicator shall be housed in a watertight and dust

tight NEMA4X fiberglass enclosure with a gasketted shatter proof
window, and suitable for wall mounting.

9. Flowmeter electronics shall be designed to operate at

temperatures to60 deg. C Electronic circuits are interchangeable
with other flowmeters having the same model number. The
transmitter circuit and calibration frequency standard shall be
crystal controlled. The transmitter shall be powered by 100-160
VC 50/60 Hz requiring less than 5 Watts.

10. The transmitter shall include a built-in 3-key calibration system

with operator selection of parameters through visual prompts from
a Menu calibration system.

11. The 4-20mA shall be flow proportional and isolated, with

programmable zero and full scale offsets. Maximum resistive load
shall be 1000 ohms. It shall include automatic high voltage bleeds
for nearby lightning strikes.

12. Have a continuous 4-digit LCD display indicating flow in user-

selected engineering units. Have a 16-digit alphanumeric display
indicating totalized flow, units of calibration, and/or signal strength.

13. The transmitter shall contain electronic means to prevent cross

talk from other in-service flow meters from the same manufacturer.

14. Have 3-control relays rated 5 ampere SPDT. Relays shall be

programmable for flow proportional pulse output, or as flow rate
alarms with separate ON/OFF set points.

15. Have a Cable Junction Box and up to 500 ft. (152m) extra
transducer cable that shall be dual coaxial RG174U for installation
in metal conduit.

16. Have a dual head sensor; one head transmitting and the other

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17. Have manufacturer’s recommended adjustable, stainless steel

pipe clamps for sensor mounting on specified pipe diameter.

18. Have power input of 180-260VAC 50/60 Hz, or 24VDC, or 12 VDC

battery power.

19. Have a built-in 30 day strip chart recorder.

20. Have a built-in programmable data logger with RS-232C output.

Have serial cable for data transfer to a PC computer, and PC
software for data analysis and reporting.

PS 6/62.9.2 Insertion Magnetic Flowmeter

1. The existing AC pipes, which cannot be fitted with Ultrasonic type

flowmeter, due to poor acoustic conductivity, shall be fitted with
insertion type magnetic flowmeter.

2. The magnetic probe flowmeter shall operate on the principle of

Faraday’s Law, generating a precise magnetic field in the tip of the
probe to induce voltages into the liquid.

3. The flowmeter shall be magnetic and provide for

transmitting/totalizing /indicating flow rate in full pipes.

4. The base transmitter shall drive the probe with pulsed DC coil
excitation to ensure stability at zero flow condition. The unit’s zero
fluctuation shall not be greater than .002% of full scale. The blind
transmitter will utilize digital processing of the flow signal and
provide an isolated 4-20 mA signal into 600 Ohms and allow for
field adjustments to the full scale range and a calibration test
function via a bank of DIP switches.

5. The transmitter/indicator shall be housed in a NEMA 4X weather-

tight enclosure with LCD, digital indication and totalization and
microprocessor keypad entry on enclosure cover. Enclosure shall
remain closed while entering data into the microprocessor. A front
enclosure lock by key or keypad code will lock out additional data
entry. The housing front shall be hinged to provide easy access to
all controls and be suitable for wall or pipe stand mounting.

Keypad functions must include:

Pipe I.D - 150 mm to 800 mm

Full Scale - Up to 6 m/sec
Total Flow - Factor 0 to 100,000/CT
Units - Cubic Metres/Sec
Calibration - Optional adjustment for field conditions
Damp - Optional response adjustment
Reset - Optional cycle for totalizer batching
Run/Ent - Run or entry mode

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6. The sensing element circuitry shall be solid-state and transformer

isolated. The transmit circuit shall be cable length adjustable to
permit matching of sensor cables for up to 30 m in length.

7. The flowmeter electronics shall be designed to operate at

temperatures between 00C to 500C. All electronic circuits are to be
mil-spec coated with an anti-fungus compound. The transmitter
shall be powered by 220 VAC at 50/60 Hz requiring less than 10
Watts. All field connections are via screw-type terminals only.

8. For ease of maintenance by plant personnel, an integral flow

simulator for calibration and test functions shall be provided via
keypad entry on front cover.

9. A LED indicator on the front cover shall be provided to indicate

abnormal back-flow conditions or when the probe electrodes are

10. An automatic, adjustable integrating circuit shall be provided to

provide fast-tracking with large flow changes and damping with
small changes to ensure steady readings.

11. A transformer isolated analog output, proportional to the rate of

flow, shall be provided in terms of 4-20 mA DC with a maximum
resistive load of 1000 Ohms. The electronics shall permit
selection of signal in 0-5 V DC span or 4-20 mA as desired.
Diagnostic L.E.D. indicator for fault, reverse flow, compensation,
overrange and transducer signal condition shall be provided. The
circuit shall permit signal dampening.

The transmit and receive circuitry shall be protected against

transient voltages generated due to spikes in voltage or by
proximity to lightning strikes. The A.C line shall be fuse protected
using transient suppressing diodes rated at a minimum of 160
volts. The 4-20 mA circuit shall be protected by transient diodes at
a minimum of 80 Volts.

12. The flowmeter shall have a 4.5 digit, LCD display, 0-5 vdc reading
directly in metres/sec or cubic metres/sec or any other specified
engineering units.

13. The optional totalizer shall be 10 digit electronic LCD types that
will have the reset circuit enabled per customer specification. The
user replaceable alkaline batteries will provide a standard life of 4

PS 6/62.9.3 Flow-Meter – Partially Filled Pipes

1. The system shall be designed to monitor liquid flow in partially full,

closed pipe that is suitable for the transmission of an ultrasonic
signal. The system shall fully integrate ultrasonic flow and level
technology, and be packaged in a single transmitter with the flow
and level components produced by a single manufacturer. The
system will operate on all unpressurized, water based liquids or

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pressurized liquids with a minimum level of 100 ppm of suspended



2. The transmitter enclosure shall be NEMA 4X weather-tight, to be

suitable for wall or pipe stand mounting in general purpose areas,
and must include a hinge and transparent window to allow for
viewing the display. The maximum dimension of the enclosure is
12” H x 10” W x 4” D.

The system shall be powered by 115 VAC +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz

requiring less than 15 watts. All field connections are via screw
type terminals only.

The system shall be powered by 12 or 24 VDC requiring 307 A/Hr.

all field connections are via screw type terminals only.

Instantaneous indication of flow rate and total flow shall read in 1/s
via a backlit, dual line LCD display with 20 characters .25” high
and a resolution of .01 engineering unit.

The transmitter shall provide an output, optically isolated 4-20 mA

DC signal into 600 ohms maximum.

The Flow meter electronics shall be designed to operate at

ambient temperatures between 40 to 50 deg. C when equipped
with enclosure heater. All electronic circuits will be mill-spec
coated with an anti-fungus compound and are to be
interchangeable with other units having the same model
interchangeable with other units having the same model number.
The transmit and receive circuitry shall have high voltage transient
protection for proximity lightning strikes. The power supply shall
be fuse protected and use transient suppressing diodes rated at a
minimum of 160 volts. The 4-20 mA circuit shall be protected by
transient suppressing diodes rated at a minimum of 80 volts.

Flow calculations are performed by a microprocessor which

reviews the flow and level data stream, calculates the instaneous
volumetric flow, the total volumetric flow, and drives the 4-20 mA
DC output. The microprocessor shall enable the following 8
functions to be performed in the field via keypad entry.

A) Selection of pipe size from 100 to 1500 mm

B) Select totalizer multiplier – XI, X10, X100, X1000, and
C) Reset totalizer
D) Adjust dampening
E) Adjust calibration
F) Adjust full scale output
G) Select to read out GPS/Sec,GPM/M,GPM/day
H) Test

The test unit shall also include LED diagnostic indicators for:

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a) Power on
b) Flow/Velocity
c) Level
d) Fault
e) Velocity
f) Signal strength

The sensing element circuitry shall be solid state and transformer

isolated. The receiver circuit shall be multiple high-Q staged for
maximum RFI rejection. The transmit circuit shall be cable length
adjustable to permit maximum transmit power to sensor cable up
to 15 m in length.

The system performance shall be as follows:

Flow Accuracy - +/- 3.0% Full Scale

Level Accuracy - better than +/- 1.%
Rangeability - 10:1 or greater
Repeatability - better than +/- 0.5% under flow
Linearity - better than +/- 0.5% under flow

The sensors shall provide for non-invasive measurement of both

liquid flow and level in closed conduits. Installation must be
achieved without interrupting flow in the line. Wetted sensors in
contact with the liquid will not be accepted. The PFP system shall
be designed to operate on pipe materials that allow for efficient
transmission of ultrasonic signals which would include most metal
and plastic piping.

The sensors shall be epoxy encapsulated with a metal housing

and include 6.0 m of RG62 cable in non-metallic conduit and
fittings suitable for accidental or incidental submersion to depths
not to exceed 3.5 m. Sensing elements shall be interchangeable
without recuperation of the measuring circuit.

The sensors must be secured to the bottom of a horizontal pipe

utilizing a stainless steel strap and a RTV silicone for acoustic
coupling. The sensor profile shall not exceed 5 cm from the pipe
wall to facilitate installation.

The velocity measurement shall be made utilizing the Doppler

effect and the sensitivity of the system shall be able to detect flow
velocities from 0.3 to 3 m/s.

The level measurement shall be made utilizing a ultrasonic pulsed

echo from the liquid interface and the sensitivity of the system
shall be able to detect liquid levels as low as 1 cm to a full pipe

The sensors shall be designed to operate continuously over a

temperature range of 0 to 82.2 deg. C.

PS 6/62.10 Pressure Sensors

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1. For remote continuous measurement of pressures in the pipeline

containing treated sewage effluent, a pressure transmitter unit
shall be used.

2. The transmitter shall operate by impulse line with uPVC, GRP or

AC pipes, and measure and indicate pressure rate between 0.5
and 8.0 bars in pipes from 150 to 1650 mm dia.

3. Provide accurate measurement using the variable capacitance

principle, virtually unaffected by changes in temperature, static
pressure, vibration and power supply voltage.

4. An isolating valve shall be provided between the pipeline and

transmitter to enable the easy removal of the unit without the
necessity of draining the effluent from the pipework.

5. Connection between pipeline and the transmitter shall be in non-

corrodible flexible metal conduit suitably protected against
mechanical damage.

6. Signal wiring should not be run in conduit or in open trays with

power wiring, and should not be run near heavy electrical

7. Conduit connections on the transmitter housing should be scaled

or plugged (using a sealing compound) to avoid accumulation of
moisture in the housing. If the connections are not sealed, the
transmitter should be mounted with the electrical housing
downward for draining.

8. Signal wiring may be ungrounded (floating) or grounded at any

place in the signal loop. The transmitter case shall be
ungrounded. Power supply regulation shall not be critical, even
with a power supply ripple of 1 volt peak to peak, the ripple in the
output signal would be negligible.

9. The transmitters shall be of a completely solid state electronic type

giving an output of 4 to 20 milli-amps. When the equipment is
used in association with indicators or recorders etc. the
conditioning cards required to give a linear output shall be
provided. When the output is being used in conjunction with a
computer installation conditioning shall either be carried out before
it enters the computer system or any conditioning required can be
carried out as a function of the computer. The output from the
transmitter shall be 4 to 20 milli-amps and the transmitter shall
contain an indicator showing the output from it. The accuracy of
the equipment shall be within the limits of +/- 0.5% of the full scale
deflection. The transmitter shall be compatible with SM’s Maxicom
telemetry system.

PS 6/62.11 Dismantling Joint and Flange Adaptor

1. Dismantling Joint

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This shall be used on GRP, AC, cast and ductile iron and steel
pipes and joints between each of the materials as shown on the
drawings. This shall provide flexibility at installation stage of
flanged pipework systems.

The dismantling joint to comprise a flange adaptor, flange spigot

piece and tie bars, in a complete package and to allow a greater
adjustment length allowance at the installation stage. Adjustability
to be provided by the combination of a flange adaptor and flanged
spigot. Up to 50 mm of longitudinal adjustment (dependent upon
diameter) to be available due to telescopic action of the spigot
within the flange adaptor. Once the final installation position is
achieved bolt up procedures for the flange adaptor and tie bars to
be applied.

The dismantling joint shall be fitted in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendation. Flanges shall be NP 16 rating.

Steel for spigot and flange adaptor body in accordance with BS EN

10025:1990 Grade Fe 430 A.
Rubber gasket to BS 2494:1990 or to suit service.
Steel for studs to BS 970: Part 1:1996 Grade 070 M20.
Steel for tie bolts to BS 1506:1990: Table 1: Type 630-860

2. Flange Adaptor

This shall be used on GRP, AC, cast and ductile iron and steel
pipes to enable plain-ended pipe to be connected either to flanged
pipe or flanged valves or other fittings. Flange adaptor to be
provided with flat mating faces, suitable for bolting to rised faces.

Flange adaptors to suit pressure rating of the flange PN16.

The overall pressure rating of the assembled adaptor to be equal

to that of the lower rated component, either pipe or flange.

Form of adaptor (straight sleeve, expanded sleeve or tapped

flange) to be chosen as per site requirements.

 For < 150 mm dia.body – ductile iron, end flange –
malleable cast iron.
 For > 150 mm dia body – ductile iron
 For < 300 mm dia. end flange – rolled steel.
 For > 300 mm dia. body – fabricated rolled steel, end
flange – rolled steel.

Material Specification
 Rolled steel section, mild steel plate – BS 4360: 1990
Grade 43A
 Blackheart malleable cast iron – BS EN 1562:1997 Grade
 Whiteheart malleable cast iron – BS EN 1562:1997 Grade

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 Ductile iron – BS EN 1563:1997 Grade 420/12

 Studs and nuts to be SS Grade 316 to BS 970: Part 1:1996
Grade 070 IG20.

PS 6/62.12 Ductile Iron Fittings

1. Ductile Iron Fittings shall comply with ISO 2531 PN10 and made of
ductile iron according to ISO 1083 a grade 500 having min. tensile
strength of 500 N/ Fittings to have surfaced prepared by
sand blasting to equivalent BS standard and have fusion bonded
epoxy coating of minimum 300 microns dry film thickness inside
and outside.

2. Bolts, nuts and washers to be in stainless steel type 316. Flanges

for all pipes and fittings to be faced and drilled for 10 m bars
3. Flange gaskets to be 3 mm thickness made of rubber (GU G7-

PS 6/62.13 Hydraulic Test

1. The types and grades of valves etc. shall be subject to hydraulic

tests at manufacturer’s works in accordance with the requirements
of the respective British Standards. Valves and fittings unless
specified otherwise shall be suitable for working pressure of 16
bars minimum.

2. Body tests shall be applied with the fitting in the open position and
each side opened to atmosphere alternatively where appropriate.

PS 6/62.14 Dielectric Couplings

Where pipes of dissimilar metals are joined, provide dielectric (insulating)

couplings, fittings, unions or flanges.

PS 6/62.15 Bolts, Pipe Hangers and Supports

1. All bolts for couplings, covers, flanged joints, etc. to be of SS 316

stainless steel.

2. Piping hangers, supports and anchor points shall be fabricated to

British or approved equal standards. The hangers, rods, supports
and other supporting devices and accessories shall be capable of
supporting at least twice the line load of the products being
supported. Pipe hangers and supports and all bolts, nuts,
washers, etc. shall be of good quality stainless steel.

3. Brackets for guide rails/ropes shall be of stainless steel.

4. Fixing to concrete to be done using chemical anchor of approved

by the Engineer manufacturer.

PS 6/62.16 Pipe Lengths

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1. Length of pipe elements in the pumping stations shall conform to

the standardized pipe lengths of Concerned Authority and to be
approved by the Engineer.

PS 6/62.17 Flow Monitoring and Remote Control

1. All actuators, flow Sensors and Pressure Sensors are to be

connected via the telephone network to “MAXICOM” system
through a series of decoders that are to be located adjacent to
each item through a system of cluster control units that may serve
one or more of such items. The following schematic diagram
attached shows a typical arrangement for connection of the
decoders and control units

2. Flow and pressure conditions are to be operated and readable at

site and at the Central Computer Control Room located at
concerned authority connected through the MAXICOM system.
The actuators shall be operable at site location as well as remotely
operable at Concerned Authority’s Central Computer Control
Room through MAXICOM system.

3. Pulse Decoders (Model F69300), Output Decoders (Model

F69199), Sensor Decoders (Model F69200), Cluster Control Units
(Model CCU-J or as required) and all other related equipment shall
be manufactured by M/s. Rain Bird Mfg. Corp., Glendora,
California or equal approved.

4. Products must be manufactured from materials that are compatible

with longevity of service in the prevailing environment including
stainless steel where appropriate with cabling/wiring to the
requirements of concerned authority and/or ETISALAT.

5. Installation, including independent grounding and surge protection,

shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions which shall be coordinated with concerned authority
and ETISALAT accordingly.

6. The Contractor is to arrange for installation and connection of all

equipment from concerned authority and ETISALAT.

7. The Contractor shall be responsible for any expenses and

payment up to the end of Maintenance Period.

PS 6/62.18 Chamber Identification Plate

Chamber identification plate is to be made to sizes shown on drawing and

shall be of “Admiralty Brass” BS Code No.CZ III BS 2871. The plate to be
5 mm thick with two lags 150 mm long 20mm wide by 5 mm thick welded
at the back. The plate is to have engraving 2 mm deep as shown on the
drawings for each relevant chamber.

PS 6/62.19 Pipe Bedding Material

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Pipe bedding material should comply with requirements set in the Table

B.S. Sieve Percentage by weight passing

Size mm Pipe dia Pipe dia Pipe dia
150 – 300 300 – 500 500 – 1200
37.5 - - 100
20.0 - 100 85 – 100
14.0 100 85 – 100 -
10.0 85 – 100 0 – 50 0 – 25
5.0 0 – 25 0 – 10 0–5
2.36 0–5 - -

Aggregate to comply with the requirements of BS 882 Part 2 Table 1.

PS 6/62.20 Backfill Material

1. Excavated Material:

Excavated material used for backfilling, shall be free from debris or

other contamination, shall be suitably graded to obtain the required
compaction and shall not contain stones, rock or concrete
fragments larger than 30 mm in the largest dimension. Two-thirds
of the excavated material used for backfilling shall consist of fines
not exceeding 30 mm dia in the largest dimension.

2. Borrow Material:

Borrow material used for backfilling shall be sound, clean,

uncontaminated granular material with max. 2% organic and
deleterious material and shall not contain more than 10 percent by
weight of clay or silt, individually or in combination.

3. Material for Initial Backfilling:

Initial backfilling material shall be sound, clean, uncontaminated

granular material, uniformly graded at 5 mm maximum size, free
from deleterious matter and shall not contain more than 10 percent
by weight of clay or silt, individually or in combination, the depth of
the initial backfilling to be not less than 300 mm above the crown
of the pipe.

The grading shall fall within the following limits and shall comply to
BS 1377 Part 2 Method 9.2 (Grading Zone 3):

BS 410 Sieve % Passing

10.00 100
5.00 90 – 100
2.36 85 – 100
1.18 75 – 100
600 um 60 – 79
300 um 12 – 40
150 um 0 - 10

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The test procedure for organic matter content shall be as specified

by BS 1377 Part 3 Method 3 latest Edition containing maximum
2% by weight.

PS 6/62.21 Testing of Fill Material

1. For each class of backfill material to be used, representative

samples, selected by the Engineer, shall be provided for testing
purposes. Particle size shall be determined by BS 1377.

2. All tests specified shall be repeated each time the source of

material changes, if there is an apparent change in the
characteristics of the material or at such other times as the
Engineer may require.

3. Backfilling shall not be commenced until tests of the proposed

backfill material indicate that it is in accordance with the
requirements of the Specification.

PS 6/62.22 Execution

PS 6/62.22.1 Limit of Trenches

1. Width of Trenches:

The width of trenches up to 300 mm above the crown of the pipe

from the bottom of the trench shall be limited to the following
minimum and maximum values.

a. Minimum trench width – outside diameter + 400 mm. for

pipes equal or smaller than 400 mm, for larger than 400
mm equals outside diam. + 600 mm.

b. Maximum Trench Width:

Pipe dia 400 outside dia + 500

400 outside dia + 800

If the trench width exceeds these maximum limits, the Contractor

will be required to provide additional protection as required by the
Engineer. This shall be provided at the Contractor’s expense.

2. Length of Trench:

The trench length shall be decided by the Engineer but at no

circumstances shall exceed 200 m at any time and location.

PS 6/62.22.2 Rock Excavation

1. For the purpose of this Contract excavation and trenching in rock

shall include the excavation and removal of all solid rock and
boulders which may be adequately removed only by the use of
explosives or by any other quarrying method approved by the

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Engineer. Any hard matter, boulders and concrete which can be

removed with normal excavating equipment, whatever the size of
fragments, shall not be considered as rock.

PS 6/62.22.3 Earth Excavation

1. For the purpose of this Contract, excavation and trenching in earth

shall include the excavation of all materials other than rock.

PS 6/62.22.4 Excess Excavation

1. Excess excavation below or beyond the required lines and levels

shall be backfilled to the proper lines and levels with concrete,
compacted sand, coarse sand, borrow, gravel or a sand cement
mixture, as directed by the Engineer. This shall be done at the
Contractor’s expense.

PS 6/62.22.5 Drainage

1. The Contractor shall maintain all excavations or trenches free from

water, including groundwater, at his own expense while the
excavation or construction is in progress. The Contractor shall not
stop the dewatering system without the approval of the Engineer.

PS 6/62.22.6 Existing Drainage Course

1. Where the excavation interferes with existing drainage courses,

the Contractor shall be responsible for re-routing or pumping or
otherwise preserving the flow and such work shall be done at the
Contractor’s expense.

PS 6/62.22.7 Shoring

1. Where required for the safety of life, property or the work, the
sides of trenches and excavations shall be supported with suitable
shoring. Any cave-ins, with or without shoring and any damage to
life and property resulting therefore shall be the sole responsibility
of the Contractor.

PS 6/62.22.8 Special Precaution

1. In the event that the Contractor encounters quicksand, sub-surface

streams, or other such dangerous situations, or where structures
for any reason may bring excessive pressures upon trenches, he
shall take all necessary precautions to prevent cave-ins, and
damage to life and property. Any damage to life and property
resulting from such situations shall be the sole responsibility of the

PS 6/62.22.9 Stockpiling

1. All materials to be used for backfilling shall be piled neatly along

the sides of excavations or trenches provided they do not unduly
interfere with access to buildings or other properties, otherwise the

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Engineer may order that these stockpiles be removed, and such

removal shall be done immediately and at the Contractor’s

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PS 6/62.22.10 Surplus Material

1. Surplus excavated materials shall be disposed off, at the

Contractor’s expenses, in areas approved by the Engineer or at
locations on the site as directed by the Engineer. After deposit,
the material shall be leveled to uniform surface and to the grade
designated by the Engineer.

2. Excavated material shall be tested for suitability. Both Suitable and

Unsuitable materials shall be as stated in General Specifications.
Suitable material only shall be used for backfilling. Surplus
unsuitable material only shall be disposed off.

PS 6/62.22.11 Unstable Material

1. Any unstable material below the bottom of the pipe, channel or

structure which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is incapable of
supporting the loads intended shall be removed and disposed of
as surplus material. Such unstable material shall be replaced with
material approved by the Engineer.

PS 6/62.22.12 Bedding and Pipe Laying

1. Method of placement and compaction of the bedding material shall

comply with requirements of the specifications and manufacturers
recommendations for uPVC, AC and GRP pipe as applicable.

2. After completion of excavation to the required depth and

placement of the geo-fabric material in trenches which have to be
dewatered or as shown on drawings. First layer of bedding
material shall be placed and compacted to the correct level to
provide continuous support to the pipe for its full length. At the
coupling or spigot the bedding shall be scrapped away to the
required depth so that firm contact of the bedding with the full
length of the pipe is not lost.

3. Pipe shall then be placed in the trench starting from the

downstream side joined and aligned. Temporary supports under
the pipe such as pieces of stone or block shall not be used to
adjust the level of the pipe. For bell and spigot type of pipe joint
the spigot shall be joint upstream.

4. Rest of the bedding shall then be built up first to the center of the
pipeline then upto the required level above the crown of the pipe in
layers not exceeding 150 mm. in thickness. Placement of the
bedding material and compaction by hand tools only shall be
carried out simultaneously on both sides of the pipe.

5. Other types of bedding such as concrete surround or cradle shall

be as shown on the drawing.

6. Flexible joints in the pipeline as shown in the drawings at

manholes and other locations as required shall extend to the full
depth of the concrete. The compressible fibre board, expanded

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polystyrene or similar approved shall be fitted tightly to the outside

surface of the pipe extending upto the collar of the proceeding
pipe. The compressible material shall be 12 mm for concrete
surround and 24 mm for concrete cradle.

PS 6/62.22.13 Geotextile Filter Fabric

1 Geotextile filter fabric is to be installed in trenches with gravel

envelope around pipe as directed by the Engineer.

2 Geotextile filter fabric shall be resistant to all naturally occurring

soil acids and alkalis and be non degradable.

3 Fabric membrane shall be manufactured from bonded non-woven

or woven continuous filament synthetic fibres.

4 The fabric shall be pliable and strong enough not to be damaged

during placement and subsequent backfilling yet permeable
without clogging to prevent ingress of fine particles and sand into
granular bedding.

5 Geotextile filter fabric to be approved by the Engineer.

6 The fabric shall be placed on the prepared trench formation,

carefully supported on sides when placing of bedding and pipe
laying operations take place. The fabric shall not be punctured,
torn or otherwise damaged in any way during these operations.
When pipe and bedding are complete to the correct level the fabric
shall be folded over forming lap equal to the trench width.

7 The geotextile material shall be used for any part of the work in
wet trenches of this Contract where deemed necessary by the

PS 6/62.22.14 Underground Services Warning Tapes

Tapes shall be durable and detectable by electro-magnetic means using

low output generator equipment. They shall remain legible and colour-fast
in all soil conditions at pH values of 2.5 to 11.0 inclusive.

The tapes shall be flexible and shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval.

Text in Arabic and English indicating the protected services lying below
the tape shall be permanent ink bonded to resist prolonged chemical
attack by corrosive acids and alkalis with the message repeated at a
maximum interval of two meters. Tapes shall be colour coded as follows
with black text as indicated.

Sewers : Yellow
CAUTION : Sewer Below

Sewage Pressure Mains : Yellow

CAUTION : Sewage Pressure Main below

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Drains : Yellow
CAUTION : Drain below

Drainage Pressure Main : Yellow

CAUTION : Drainage Pressure Main below

Irrigation Pressure Mains : Orange

CAUTION : Irrigation Pressure Main below

Services protection tapes, of 150 mm width, shall be installed above all

sewage, drainage and irrigation pipelines and pressure mains constructed
or exposed under this Contract excluding individual service connections.

For pipelines with the top of the pipe barrel more than 900 mm below
finished surface level the tape shall be placed over the centerline of the
pipeline at 600 mm below finished surface level during backfilling and
compaction operations. For pipelines with less than 900 mm cover to the
top of the pipe barrel. The tape shall be placed over the centerline of the
pipe at 300 mm above the top of the pipe barrel during backfilling,
compaction and reinstatement operation.

The tape shall be continuous over pipelines and at joints between tapes
from separate rolls the joint shall be lapped a minimum of one meter.

PS 6/62.22.15 Backfilling of Trenches

1. General

(i) No backfilling shall be carried out until all debris and other
objectionable materials have been removed from the
trench and until the Engineer has inspected and approved
the pipe installations and bedding.

(ii) Backfilling shall be carried out in layers as defined below

and in such a way that it does not disturb alignments,
grades or stability of pipes. Backfilling shall only be carried
out with approved materials.

2. Placing of Backfill

(i) After the pipes and bedding have been installed and
approved, bedding material or the initial backfill material
shall be placed 150 mm in thickness to a depth of 300 mm
above the top of the pipe. Each layer shall be compacted
with hand tools to a density of not less than 95% of max.
dry density as determined by BS Compaction Test
specified in BS 1377 Part 4:90.

(ii) For the next 600 mm in depth, backfill consisting of suitable

excavated or borrow material shall be spread by hand in
layers not exceeding 150 mm in depth and shall be
compacted by tamper or methods approved by the
Engineer to a density not less than 95% of max. dry density

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as determined by BS Compaction Test specified in BS

1377 Part 4:90.

(iii) The remainder of trench backfilling shall be done with

approved excavated or borrow material in 300 mm layer
compacted to a density not less than 90% of max. dry
density as determined by BS Compaction Test specified in
BS 1377 Part 4.

(iv) This material may be placed by machine and compaction

must be carried out with approved mechanical equipment.

(v) For uPVC flexible pipe installation, it is essential to properly

compact the backfill around the sides of the pipe to provide
adequate lateral support and thus prevent excessive pipe
deformation. All backfilling of trenches within buildings
shall be 95%of max. dry density as obtained by BS
Compaction Test specified in BS 1377 Part 4.

PS 6/62.22.16 Testing of Compaction

1. Representative samples of each class of backfill material to be

used, selected by the Engineer, shall be taken for testing to
determine the optimum moisture content and optimum density.

2. These tests shall be repeated each time the source of material

changes, if there is an apparent change in the characteristics of
the material, or at such other times as the Engineer may require.

3. During backfilling operations, tests shall be taken as required by

the Engineer to determine the density of the compacted backfill. If
density of the compacted backfill is less than the specified density,
additional compaction shall be provided and no further backfill
material shall be placed until satisfactory compaction of the
material previously placed is achieved. If unsuccessful, the
backfilled material shall be removed to within 300 mm of the level
of the last successful compaction test and additional compaction
shall be carried out until a successful test is achieved. Only then
may additional backfill material be placed. Density shall be made
as directed by the Engineer.

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PS 6/62.22.17 Shortages

1. If, after the use of all suitable, approved, excavated materials from
the various locations on the Site, there is a shortage of material to
fill the excavations to the required levels, suitable borrow material
as directed by the Engineer shall be brought to the Site and used
to complete the backfill. No separate payment shall be made for
this extra material.

PS 6/62.22.18 Maintenance of Backfilled Surface

1. The Contractor shall maintain the backfill at the specified levels

and ensure that the surfaces after backfilling are kept in a
satisfactory condition during the Period of Maintenance. Any
normal settlement after backfilling shall be topped with the same
class of material and kept to the required level for the duration of
the Contract. Where such settlement shall constitute a hazard to
life, property, or traffic, the work shall be carried out on the same
day that the settlement is noticed by or reported to the Contractor.
If such settlements are substantial and indicate poor backfilling,
the Contractor shall re-excavate to the required depth and backfill
the excavation of trench again to the required standards. All such
work shall be done at the Contractor’s expense.

PS 6/62.23 As-Built Drawings and Operation & Maintenance Manual

1. As-Built Drawings

The Contractor shall maintain one set of contract drawings for the
sole purpose of recording accurate changes made, as the work
progresses (“As-Built” conditions) of the irrigation system. All
changes previously approved and all competed work shall be
recorded on these drawings.

The Contractor shall prepare As-Built drawings clearly showing all

location, depths, slopes, heights, shapes and dimensions of all the
works as executed. All valve locations and piping shall be
dimensioned and recorded (except that wire locations, common to
pipe ditches, need not to be dimensioned). The Contractor should
clearly mention location of lines, chambers, etc. in reference to
building line and centerline of the roads. The Contractor must
submit As-Built drawings for all electrical installations.

Sizes of all the As-Built drawings should be the same as that of

Concerned Authority (approx. 120cm x 60cm) size.

All As-Built drawings should be prepared using Micro-station

Program (latest version for Windows). Mainline layouts to be
on SM survey sheets (scale 1:1000) as per Concerned Authority’s
requirements and approval. As-Built drawings of mainline layouts
of Automatic Irrigation System Main and Irrigation Network Mains
should be on separate drawings for each.
Contractor should prepare and submit As-Built drawings for the
pipeline profiles of the Mainlines which are of size 6” and above.

November 2019 Tender Documents PS 6/172

Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

Pipeline profile drawings should be in Horizontal scale of 1:1000

and vertical Scale of 1:100. Pipeline profiles to be submitted on
separate drawings with clear references to mainline layout
drawings marked on the same.

The Contractor to follow the Standards (regarding legend, line

styles, colours, levels, size of drawings, etc). of Concerned
Authority’s while preparing As-Built drawings.

Chambers schedule are to be prepared indicating all relevant

construction items and giving coordinates for each manhole in
compliance with Sharjah Municipality/Concerned Authority’s Grid

The Contractor must submit As-Built drawings for all the electro-
mechanical installations. All the details of the installed equipments
regarding Manufacturer and Model No., type, size, etc., shall be
provided in the legend of the drawings.

Pipeline profile drawings should be in Horizontal scale of 1:1000

and Vertical scale of 1:100.

Lateral line layouts for Sprinklers/Sprayers, Drip and Bubblers

shall be in Scale 1:500.

All the layout drawings should be shown on background of light

coloured Landscape As-Builts, for easy reference.

After Final approval to the As-Built drawings Contractor to submit

the following before the Final Taking-Over of the project.

1.1 Three complete sets of “As-Built Drawings” folded properly

and provided in plastic folders as a part of Operation &
Maintenance Manual;

1.2 A set of Mother Prints (on Heavy Grade Polyster) and

1.3 A copy of Computer Discs / CD’s (with proper titles and

plastic enclosure box) please note that zip files will not be

Provisional acceptance will not be considered unless Contractor

submits all the above said As-Built drawings.


1. Contractor to check all existing irrigation system within the

Contract area (along with existing filtration chambers) and
shall record those details in the As-Built drawings of the
2. Contractor to prepare and submit the detailed record
results of trial pits and trenches. All such information shall
be submitted to Concerned Authority in digital format and
hard copies.

November 2019 Tender Documents PS 6/173

Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

3. Contractor to prepare and submit the detailed results of

trial pits and trenches for records. Record of all trial holes
executed under this Contract shall be made available in the
form of drawings (Scale 1:1000 for Plans and 1:100 for
Sections) to be the part of As-Built set of drawings. These
drawings shall be made available to Concerned Authority.
All such information shall be submitted to Concerned
Authority in digital format and hard copies.

2. Operation and Maintenance Manuals

2.1 Assemble three (3) copies of manuals containing Operating

& Maintenance instructions for each piece of equipment
and systems requiring service and prints of As-Built
drawings as described above. Operation & Maintenance
manuals shall be bound in a hard cover 3-ring binder of
suitable size and properly indexed. Cover and Manual
shall be as per Sharjah Municipality standards and to be
approved by Concerned Authority.

2.2 Operation & Maintenance manuals shall include the

following information:

a. Description of equipment.
b. Operation of equipment.
c. Maintenance of equipment and lubrication schedule.
d. Servicing of equipment.
e. Control Diagrams.
f. Irrigation Valve Operation Schedule c/w Controller
Station No., Valve No., size, flows, operating time, etc.
g. Diagrams of the systems.
h. Logic of Operation of the Systems.
i. Valve Charts.
j. Performance Characteristics: curves and charts for
equipment (data shall refer to, and identify specific
model in service and shall not be general advertising
k. Spare parts list.
l. Names, Contact Numbers and Addresses of spare
part suppliers.
m. Test reports.
n. Certificates.
o. Bill of Quantities of material used in the Contract.
p. Letter of Satisfaction.
q. Guarantees.

November 2019 Tender Documents PS 6/174

Project 83/2019: Improving and Upgrading Maliha Road – Phase 1
Particular Specifications Volume 3.2 Part I

A digital copy of Operation & Maintenance Manual

complete with valve operation schedule, circuit and control
diagrams shall be submitted to Concerned Authority along
with As-Built drawings.

2.3 Submit one copy of the manual to the Engineer for review
and three final copies to the Client after the final approval
of the Engineer. Provisional acceptance will not be
considered unless Contractor submits complete Operation
& Maintenance manuals and As-Built drawings.


November 2019 Tender Documents PS 6/175

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