Ps - Utilities
Ps - Utilities
Ps - Utilities
PS 6/60.1 The following Particular Specification is for Water Works Division. It shall
be read in conjunction with the Section 6/12 of the General Specification.
In case of conflict between these Particular Specifications and Ministry of
Infrastructure Development (MOID) / Sharjah Roads and Transport
Authority (SRTA) General Specifications that may form part of the
construction contract documentation. The more restricted of the
applicable requirements shall control.
Generally Bulk excavation in cut or fill and necessary access road work
shall be carried out prior to trench or structure excavation and bulk
excavated or filled up level shall form the commencement level of trench
Trial excavations to be carried out along the route of pipeline for location
of all existing services and findings to be presented on drawings with
location, type and levels. All services to be included in final drawings. The
excavations shall not be backfilled without approval.
Where pipelines are to be laid in agricultural land the surface and subsoil
drainage shall be maintained whether natural or artificial. Before
commencing work the Contractor shall ascertain from the owner or
occupier of the land the location of any existing land drains or mole
All excavated material will remain the property of the Employer unless
designated as surplus to the Contract requirements in which case it will
be removed from site immediately. The Contractor shall dispose of such
surplus or unsuitable material and his proposed tips shall be subject to
the approval of the MOID / SRTA / respective Municipality.
For the purpose of this Contract rock and hard material shall mean those
natural or artificial materials which are so hard that they require
specialized "rock splitting" techniques in order to break them down to
such a size that they can be removed by conventional excavating plant.
Use of pneumatic tools or rippers will not in itself justify rock or hard
material classification. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer as soon
as he encounters rock or hard material for which he intends to claim
payment to permit an assessment to be made as excavation proceeds.
Hard subkha and cemented sand materials shall not qualify for any extra
over payment applicable for the above mentioned materials such as
Hard/rock category
Notices setting out the procedure shall be posted round the site, together
with any other safety requirements. Sufficient watchmen at each end of
the excavation or where directed shall be provided, together with fencing
and other measures for the protection of persons, vehicles and property.
Adequate screens, shields, matting or other measures to intercept
material liable to be blown outside the excavations shall also be provided.
1. The Contractor shall include for clearing the route of the pipeline of
all surface obstructions, grading the route to provide access for his
equipment and personnel, executing all cutting to remove high
points of rises in terrain and in all respects prepare the route for pipe
laying operations, all in accordance with the requirements of good
pipeline construction practice.
All trial holes must be backfilled by same evening, and no trial pit will
remain open overnight. Reinstatement of trial holes also must be
carried out as per the approved procedure, at no extra cost.
The width of the trench shall be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid and
jointed properly, and the backfill to be placed and compacted as
Trenches shall be of such extra width, when required, as will permit the
convenient placing of timber supports, sheeting and bracing and handling
of specials. Extra widths and support wherever necessary shall not be
paid separately but deemed to be included in rates elsewhere.
The Contractor shall remove pavement and road surfaces as a part of the
trench excavation, and the amount removed shall depend upon the width
of trench specified for the installation of the pipe and the width and length
of the pavement area required to be removed for the installation of valves,
fittings, valve chambers, thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures.
The width of pavement removed along the normal trench for the
installation of the pipe shall not exceed the width of the trench specified
by more than 150 mm on each side of the trench. The width and lengths
of the area of pavement removed for the installation of valves, meters,
fittings, valve chambers, thrust blocks, manholes, or other structures shall
not exceed the maximum linear dimensions of such structures by more
than 500 mm on each side. Wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer,
existing conditions make it necessary or advisable to remove additional
pavement, the Contractor shall remove it as directed by the Engineer but
shall receive no extra compensation therefore.
The Contractor shall prior to excavation in roads and paved areas mark
out the limit of excavation and saw cut the pavement to produce a vertical
face through bound materials and suitable for the subsequent tieing in of
subsequent reinstatement works. The remaining excavation shall be
maintained as a vertical face and shall be supported where appropriate or
as directed by the Engineer to ensure that no undermining of the
remaining road surface takes place. Where in the opinion of the Engineer
or MOID/SRTA representatives undermining has taken place then a new
edge shall be defined and the surface saw cut and excavated back to this
face for reinstatement purposes and shall be done at Contractor's
expense. All works shall be in accordance with respective Municipality
Should the Contractor fail to erect any barrier, safety guards, signs, lights
or any other warning signal for protection after being requested to do so
by any authorized person or body, the Employer shall erect such signs
and barriers, etc., which he considers necessary for the safety of the
works and the public, at the Contractor's expense.
If the Engineer considers that the Contractor is not complying with any of
the foregoing requirements he may prohibit further trench excavation until
he is satisfied with the progress of laying and testing of pipes and refilling
The Contractor shall carry on the work in a manner that will cause the
least interruption to traffic and he shall not close, or partly close, any road
or street without the written consent of the respective
municipalities/authorities, related Emirate’s Traffic Police and the
After such consent, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide
means of access to all buildings, rights of way, etc., warning signs, lights,
barricades and diversion notices.
All road crossings in open cut shall be adequately shored and timbered,
with arrangements to maintain the flow of traffic as directed by the
Engineer and subject to the approval of respective Municipalities, the
Services Authorities and the related Emirate’s Traffic Police.
The Contractor shall in all respects comply with the requirements of the
Authorities, the Police, the Engineer and in accordance with respective
Municipalities Local Orders and as amended and subject to respective
Municipalities NOC. The Contractor shall at all times maintain free
passage over all roads for all traffic except as provided above.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the care and protection of all
existing utilities such as Electricity cable, ETC, DU cables, sewer pipes,
water pipes, culverts, or other facilities and structures which may be
encountered in or near the area of his work. Temporary support,
adequate protection, and maintenance of all underground and surface
structures, drains, sewers, and other obstructions encountered in the
progress of the work shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense
and under the direction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall submit methods statements for prior approval of the
Engineer. Method Statements shall include proposals for disposal of the
water arising from dewatering systems.
All temporary Works for control of water shall be sited clear of the Works,
except where temporary sub-drains under the Works are approved in
which case the pipes shall be laid covered with tarred felt cloth or other
approve material.
PS 6/60.2.19 Ventilation
PS 6/60.2.20 Backfilling
Material for backfilling may be selected from any part of the site and
methods of selection may include sieving to remove large particles or
methods of hand or machine sorting.
For free draining granular soils that have no clearly defined optimum
moisture content, compaction shall be carried out to achieve a
relative density of not less than 95% of the MDD for the soil. During
compaction the soil shall be made as wet as practicable.
b) One test per backfill layer for every 60 linear metres of pipeline
Where a land drain passes through an excavation the backfill shall first be
taken up to form a bed for replacement pipes. The severed drains shall
then be exposed at each side of the trench excavation. This new drain
shall be of similar pipes of the same diameter as those in the existing
drain. Before any further backfilling is done the Contractor shall notify the
owner or occupier to enable him to see the reinstated land drain. The
replacement drain shall be surrounded with pipe bedding material to a
minimum thickness of 150mm before further backfilling.
The material shall have a smooth grading curve within the sensibly
parallel to the grading envelope below:
75 mm 100
37.5 mm 85 - 100
10 mm 45 - 100
5 mm 25 - 85
600 m 8 - 45
75 m 0 - 10
The material shall be laid and compacted to layers not greater than
150 mm thick (compacted thickness) to achieve a dry density of not
less than 95% of the maximum dry density, determined in the
modified vibrating hammer compaction test. The placement moisture
content shall be adjusted to fall within the ± 2% of the optimum
percentage determined in the modified vibrating hammer
compaction test as per the relevant BS specification.
The pitching shall be hand placed, roughly square on all faces, and the
upper (water) face shall be roughly dressed and laid to break joints.
Pitching shall be firmly bedded and jointed in 75 mm thick cement mortar.
Areas where grass is to be sown shall be worked with fine tilth, leveled,
graded and rolled with a light roller. The seed shall be sown evenly at the
specified rate of application in the proper season and in suitable weather
conditions, and the areas again rolled. Restoration and re-seeding of any
areas where the new grass is inadequate.
The grass shall be well watered four times a day and the Contractor will
be required to keep the grass cut short until the Maintenance Certificate
has been issued.
There shall be only "one time" reinstatement for asphalted roads and
paved areas and these shall be reinstated strictly in adherence to Local
Orders and regularities and is further clarified as follows:
After installation and backfilling of the pipeline and also after restoration of
surfaces, the Contractor shall clean the site and the surrounding ground
and he shall dispose of all waste material, debris, and rock resulting from
his operations. The Contractor shall restore the site and the surrounding
ground to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
PS 6/60.3.1 General
CLASS - 18
75 93 110 104
80 106 110 104
100 126 125 120
150 178 125 120
200 234 155 150
225 255 155 150
300 344 155 150
450 508 210 200
500 560 210 200
550 616 210 200
600 668 250 240
700 780 250 240
900 1000 280 270
1200 1320 310 300
CLASS - 24
Up To 225 5
250 - 350 4
400 - 550 3
600 - 1000 2
1100 - 1500 1
1. Manufacturing standard
2. Manufacturer's name or trade mark.
3. Manufacturing date
4. Home line positions at pipe ends [pipe only].
5. Nominal Diameter (ND) in mm
6. Pressure rating in Bars (Class)
7. Inspection mark.
8. Respective authority – water division
75 96 104
80 109 104
100 129 120
150 181 120
200 238 150
225 258 150
300 347 150
500 565 200
550 622 200
600 674 240
700 786 240
900 1006 270
1200 1327 300
PS 6/ Pipe Data Sheets - Supplier shall fill the Pipe Data
Sheets in section 3 Schedule D of this specification for
each pipe size and class in the contract. The data
sheets shall be submitted with the tender
Storing height h
All fittings (including bends, tees, reducers and flanges) used with AC
water pipelines shall be GRP (Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic) fittings
complying with the following specifications:
Reference Description
PS 6/ Dimensions
80 - 300 5.0
350-500 6.5
550 7.5
600 8.0
700 9.5
900 12.0
1200 16.0
Property Test Method
per table 10 of
Hoop Tensile Stress for
1. ASTM D2290 AWWA C950 for
GRP pipe
class 150 psi
Per table 11 of
Axial Tensile Stress for
2. ASTM D 638 AWWAC950 for
GRP pipe
150 psi.
Axial Tensile Stress for
3. ASTM D 638 70 MPa
flange/flange. fittings
Initial Hoop Stress failure 3.5 x rated
4. ASTM D1599
for molded fittings working pressure
Dia. 300mm
10000 pa
5. Initial PipeStiffness ASTM D2412
Dia.> 300mm
5000 pa
PS 6/ Testing
consignment delivered.
Test Frequency
c. Hydraulic pressure
@ 20 bars Once per 10
Flg x Flg Items
i) Hydraulic pressure
@ 20 bars Once per 20
spigot items
for dia.
e. Barcol hardness
(resin cure) Every Item
Colour Black
Hardness Sha 70
Tensile Strength Mpa 13
Elongation at break % 300
Density g/cm3 1.12
Range or temperatures in dry C -4 to 120
atmospheric air
Compression set, DIN 53517, 10
24 hours/ 70o C: %
500-600 9 MM
700-900 12 MM
1000-1200 18 MM
Air valves of two types are called for: [a] Double Orifice
Air valve [b] Single Orifice Air valve.
1. Material of Construction
PS 6/ Installation
In general, all covers and frames used in the Works shall be class D 400
unless otherwise detailed and or directed by the Engineer.
The covers are to clearly have the BS no./ class / manufacturer’s name
and concerned authority logo cast thereon.
Covers and frames shall be grit blasted and coated with suitable heavy
duty abrasion resistant epoxy paint to a minimum Dry Film Thickness
(DFT) of 400 microns in black colour.
The tape shall be Blue in colour and printed with minimum 50mm high
black lettering alternatively in Arabic and English. The tape shall be
imprinted with respective Emirate’s “ELECTRITY AND WATER
AUTHORITY - WATER MAINS BELOW” in Arabic and English. The
complete wording shall be accommodated in 1m length of tape in English,
and the next 1m in Arabic. This will continue for the complete length.
The colours shall be vivid, glossy and permanent with a life expectancy of
50 years. The aluminum foil shall be incorporated so that it can be
detected from ground surface using a buried cable locator such as RD
400 locator manufactured by Radio Detection Corporation.
* 1 meter long sample piece of detectable tape shall be submitted with the
* The Tenderer shall mention the length of each roll.
Nut and bolts shall be of grade AISI 316 Stainless Steel or equivalent.
The grade shall be embossed on bolts. They shall be supplied with two
stainless steel grade 316 standard washers. The bolts shall be full length
1. Manufacturer’s Name
2. Year of Manufacture
3. Concerned Authority/CW/005/97
For 450 mm dia, full face insertion rubber shall be provided and flange
drilling shall be as per DIN2501/PN16.
e = P.d
Table 1
- Manufacturer’s name
- concerned authority –water division
- The nominal size and class as shown in Table 1.
Manufactured from Acetal or Gunmetal. Body with internal taper, grip ring
for end loading resistance. “O” ring for water tight seal. All components
shall have an accredited laboratory certification. The seal of the pushfit
joint is obtained using water pressure as a thrust medium and hence, no
tool is used to obtain a water tight joint. Supplier to be approved to BS
EN ISO 9001-2000 for supplier quality management systems. Fittings to
be compatible with concerned authority, metric 32mm and normal 1”
Materials Specifications
The fittings shall be designed for use underground and to handle potable
water at temperatures upto 600C. They shall be capable of test operation
at a pressure of 25 bars without leaking. All fittings shall be manufactured
in Western Europe or North America.
Adapters for connecting polyethylene and G.I. pipe shall be designed with
an inlet for metric size PE pipe and a female threaded outlet to BS
21:1985 or ISO 7/1 for Galvanized Iron (G.I.) pipe to BS 1387.
PS 6/60.3.15 Stopcocks
The brass nozzle with nut and washer shall be suitable for 1/2” (15 mm)
dia Kent meter model no. PSM 15-134 with BSP threaded. The item shall
be as per sample which can be collected from concerned authority. The
proposed sample by tenderer shall be submitted along with the tender.
For transport A.C. pipes and joints, refer 3.02.15 of this specification. Pipe
fittings and specials shall be supported by sandbags or other padding and
lashed down as described above so that they are not damaged during
The suppliers shall properly unload and stack the pipes in the storage
area and stacks shall be laid out a regular pattern as described by
concerned authority at no extra cost.
be supplied under the contract, and if part of the materials are being
manufactured on other factory the supplier shall obtain for the Engineer
permission to inspect, examine and test as if the said materials /
equipments were being manufactured on the supplier’s premises. Such
inspection, examination or testing if made shall not release the supplier
from any obligation under the contract. Facilities shall also be afforded to
the Engineer to carry out inspection of materials and equipments prior to
dispatch to establish the suitability of packing methods and materials.
The supplier shall give the engineer notice in writing of the date on and
the place at which any material / equipment will be ready for testing as
provided in the contract and unless the Engineer shall attend at the place
so named within 14 days of the date which the supplier has stated in his
notice the supplier may proceed with the tests which shall be deemed to
have been made in the Engineer/s presence and shall forthwith forward to
the engineer duly certified copies of the test readings. The Engineer shall
give the supplier 48 hours notice in writing of his intention to attend the
Where the supplier provides for tests on the factory the supplier shall
provide such assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel, stores,
apparatus and instruments as may be requisite and as may be
reasonably demanded to carry out such tests efficiently.
As and when any material / equipment shall have passed the tests
referred to in this clause the Engineer shall furnish to the supplier a
certificate in writing to that effect. The supplier shall furnish to the
engineer for his approval two copies of the relevant test data in respect of
the tests carried out.
Small sized meters (15mm & 25mm) shall be volumetric rotary piston type
meters complying with the requirements of BS 5728/1 or ISO 4064/1,
Class C suitable for water temperatures up to 50o C, a working pressure
of 10 bar and an exposed outdoor locations.
Large sized meters (50 mm to 150 mm) shall be of the helical vane
combination type having a volumetric rotary piston type by-pass meter
and gallon registration. Strainers shall be installed up-stream of meters 50
mm and above having stainless steel element which allows for
replacement without disturbing the flange joints. Flange drilling shall be
suitable for BS 4504 NP 10. These meters will be Kent 3000 or equal.
PS 6/60.5.1 General
PS 6/ Materials
Practice 102.
Cranes and other appliances approved for use by the Engineer shall
be provided wherever it is necessary to lift or lower pipes, valves,
meters and fittings. Such articles shall not be dropped and the
Contractor shall provide the facilities and supervision necessary to
ensure that the ends of pipes prepared for jointing and coating of
fittings are not damaged or distorted in transit or in storage.
2. A.C pipe and joints shall be properly and securely transported from
the place of manufacture to the job site.
However Contractor has to note that the use of long boom cranes
shall not be permitted near the Electricity overhead Transmission
lines for safety reasons unless approved by the Engineer.
1. The Contractor shall properly stack the pipes in his storage area and
the stacks shall be laid out in a regular pattern and the limits of each
stack marked so that the movement of cranes and vehicles is
restricted to access tracks between stacks and the control of
delivery and removal of pipes is facilitated.
5. Joint rubber rings and lubricants shall be stored in a closed and cool
storage area shielded from direct sunlight and heat.
1. In the event that pipes and ancillary fittings, specials, valves and
meters shall be supplied by the Employer, these shall be supplied to
the Contractor at respective authority's storage yard. The Contractor
shall load, transport and unload the materials so supplied at his own
storage area and/or the site of works and shall be responsible for
proper unloading, stacking and storing.
4. The finished pipeline shall run straight between bends or fittings and
a uniform gradient shall be accurately maintained between changes
of gradient shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.
a firm and uniform bearing throughout the entire length of the pipe. A
soft sand bedding of 15 cm. depth is to be provided from selected
excavated material or brought from outside.
8. The Contractor shall keep the interior of pipes clean and free from
water, dirt, stones or other foreign matter as installation proceeds,
and at the end of the day's work or at other times when installation
work is not proceeding the open ends of pipes shall be sealed-off by
a wooden plug or other approved stopper in order to exclude all
foreign materials.
The Contractor shall determine the length of each closing piece and
the required angle and shape of the cut. The cut shall be neatly
performed and the end of the pipe shaped up and trimmed so as to
ensure an accurate joint or termination as the case may be.
All cutting and machining of A.C pipes shall be done at the place of
manufacturer only.
The unused part of any cut pipe shall become the property of
concerned authority and shall be returned to concerned authority
stores unless, subject to the Engineer's approval, it can be used
elsewhere in the works.
10. Where flexible couplings for asbestos cement pipes are required to
be other than the standard Reka joint, they shall be Viking-Johnson
flexible couplings or equal. The Contractor shall follow the
manufacturer's recommendations as to the methods and equipment
to be used in assembling the joints. In particular, the Contractor
shall ensure that rubber rings are correctly positioned and free of
twists. The rubber rings and any recommended lubricants shall be
obtained only from the coupling manufacturer.
11. The Contractor shall provide and install detectable warning tape
above all pipelines laid 600 mm below ground level / finished level.
12. The minimum cover to pipe from the finished level / ground level
shall be as follows:
b) 1.2 M for pipes above 300 mm and upto and including 700 mm
dia. pipes.
The pipes shall generally be laid with min. cover except in areas of
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for ensuring that flotation of the
pipe work does not occur during construction. The extent of the backfill
placed over each pipe after laying and before testing shall be such as will
prevent flotation.
Should any section of the pipe work float out of line or level, the section of
pipe work so affected shall be removed and re-laid by replacing all the
rubber rings, damaged pipes and sockets in accordance with the
Specification and to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's
own expense.
PS 6/60.6.8 Valves
Thrust and anchor blocks in accordance with the typical details shown on
the Drawings shall be constructed at stop-ends, bends, tees, pipelines
laid to slopes greater than 1 in 6, and reducers, where directed by the
Concrete used in thrust and anchor blocks shall be Class 30/20 and shall
comply with the requirements of Section 4 of the Specification.
Thrust blocks for GRP fittings shall completely encase the fittings except
for the joint area. For fittings up to 300mm diameter an 10mm thick and
100mm wide, 150mm wide for larger than 300 mm diameter, rubber wrap
shall be provided on the ends of the GRP fitting , such that the rubber
protrudes slightly from the encasing concrete.
Cutting into the existing main or service pipe and installation of the
interconnecting pipe work shall be carried out efficiently and rapidly so as
to reduce to a minimum the interruption of the public water supply. It may
be necessary to undertake such work at night, when water demands are
reduced and/or to schedule such work to be performed during the winter.
Existing mains and service pipes shall only be cut using special
equipment approved by the Engineer. The cut shall be perpendicular to
the centerline of the pipe and special care shall be taken with respect to
the location of the cut to ensure that the new pipe work shown on the
Drawings may be installed. The Contractor shall agree with the Engineer
the length of existing pipe work to be removed.
The Contractor shall take every care to avoid any dirt or extraneous
material entering the existing main or service pipe.
efficient dewatering pump before commencing any cut into the existing
main or service pipe in order that the excavation remains dry at all times
and to reduce the risk of dirty or contaminated water entering the existing
distribution system. The work shall be carried out in a clean and efficient
manner. The Contractor shall provide at the site of the connection
sufficient quantities of clean water containing 10 ppm chlorine in solution.
Every item of new pipe work to be installed shall be submerged in the
chlorine solution for at least 15 minutes immediately before being
installed in the permanent works.
The Employer may put the interconnection into use as soon as possible
after its installation and will carry out an inspection to detect any evidence
of leakage; any remedial work necessary to eliminate leakage shall be
carried out by the Contractor. No pipe work shall be covered or backfilled
until the Engineer is totally satisfied that the interconnection is free of all
The Contractor shall provide suitable means for disposal of water used for
testing, disinfection and flushing such that no damage results to facilities;
structures or property. These means shall be subject to the approval of
the Engineer and local Authorities. Details shall be submitted to the
Engineer upon request. The Contractor shall be responsible for any
damage caused by his filling, testing, disinfecting, flushing and waste
water disposal operations.
When ladder is specified on the drawing the Contractor shall prepare and
submit for the Engineer’s approval shop drawings for the installation and
fabrication of ladder as specified herein. Stringers shall be flats minimum
size 50mm by 16mm and solid rungs minimum 20mm diameter. Rungs
shall be at 250mm centers, minimum 400mm wide between stringers and
minimum 200mm from adjacent walls. Fixing brackets shall be at
maximum 2000mm centers. Each rung shall be capable of withstanding
a point load of 5000N applied at the center of the rung and close to one
When supported horizontally over a span of 1.0 meter with the climbing
face uppermost and with a load of 1000N applied at the center of the
span, the ladder shall not deflect more than 15mm at the point of
application of the load and shall show no permanent deflection after
removal of the load. Each ladder fixing shall be capable of withstanding
shear and pull-out loads of 5000N.
All welds shall be ground flush and smoothed and ladders hot-tip
galvanized after fabrication. Connections to concrete or masonry walls
shall be secure with accurately positioned stainless steel anchor bolts.
Ladders shall be mounted to produce a finished appearance that is
plumb, straight and true to dimensions.
Granular material for pipe bedding shall be free draining, hard, clean,
chemically stable gravel or crushed stone to BS 882 and shall be graded
in accordance with BS 882: Part 2 as shown in the following table:-
The bedding material shall extend to the full width of the trench and shall
be compacted in layers not exceeding 200mm. The bedding material
shall carefully compacted using a plate vibrator or other approved
equivalent mechanical method. Sufficient passes of a plate vibrator or
other approved mechanical method are required to achieve positive
deflection of flexible pipes to ensure that final deflections are within the
Where the formation of the trench is of silt or soft clay and is below the
natural water table, a 75mm blinding layer of sand shall be substituted for
the specified bedding material directly above formation and carefully
compacted if directed on site.
Filter fabric used for subsurface drainage works shall consist of long-
chain synthetic polymer fibers composed of at least 85 percent by mass
polyolefins, polyesters or ployamids. They shall be formed into a network
that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability relative to each
other including selvedges.
Property Test Method
Grab Strength (N) ASTM D 4632 800
Puncture Strength (N) ASTM D 4833 355
Burst Strength (kPo) ASTM D 3788 2000
Trapezoid Tear (N) ASTM D 4533 220
Permeability (m/s) ASTM D 4491 10
Apparent Opening Size (mm) ASTM D 4751 0.6
Ultraviolet Degradation ASTM D 4355 70 to 150 h
(Percent Relined Strength)
Where filter fabric is used to enclose granular or slone pipe surrounds the
fabric will be placed on the prepared trench formation and carefully
supported during pipe has been laid complete with surround to the correct
level the filter fabric shall be closed over the top of the surround by
forming a lap minimum width 500mm. All membrane joints shall be
overlapped a minimum of 500mm.
Care shall be taken not to puncture or damage the membrane in any way
during installation or during backfilling of the trench. Fabric damaged or
displaced before or during installation or during placement of over-laying
PS 6/60.10 Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Epozy Resin, Pipes & Fittings for
Potable Water
PS 6/60.10.1 General
Design Pressure
Design Temperature
PS 6/ General
All structural materials shall be new, fresh and free from all detrimental
defects and imperfections and only be used for production. Testing and
controlling shall be done according to the relevant methods. The basic
materials shall be combined into pipes and fittings meeting the
performance requirements of this specification.
PS 6/ Resin
PS 6/ Reinforcement
Liner Reinforcement
Structural Reinforcement
PS 6/ Adhesive
For all adhesive bonded joints a two component epoxy resin mixture
shall be used, depending on the application different types of adhesive
are available. The adhesive should be delivered as a kit, containing
pre-measured quantities of resin and curing agent and written
instructions covering preparation of surfaces, mixing. Joining, safety,
potlife and curing. The adhesive has to be used before the latest work
up date, indicated on the packing.
The GRP piping shall not impart any taste, odor or colour to drinking
water. Pipes and fittings shall be approved and listed for potable water
use in accordance with concerned authority regulations and tested and
certified at accredited lab. The said certificate shall be submitted along
with the detailed report given by the agency. The test carried out by
agency shall be on a sample cut from a GRP pipe/ fitting itself GRP
pipes above ground to be painted to prevent sunlight from penetrating
the pipe wall. Painting procedure should follow manufacturer’s
recommendations and be approved by the engineer.
PS 6/ Fabrication
PS 6/ Pipes
PS 6/ Fittings
GRP pipes and fittings shall have a resin rich liner reinforced with C-
glass with a low alkali content or linear non-woven polyester. The resin
content shall be at least 70% by weight and the minimum thickness of
the liner shall be 0.5 mm. The resin used for the liner shall be
exempted of pigments.
Reinforced Wall
GRP pipe and fittings (except on joint sealing areas) shall have a resin-
rich exterior surface having a minimum thickness of 0.3 mm.
PS 6/ Joints
The pipe jointing system shall be a flexible tensile resistant joint with a
O-ring seal and /or a locking device, of the type known as Rubber Seal
Lock Joint upto dia. 600mm as per requirement on site. Special pipe
sections, with one end configured to suit concerned authority fiber
cement couplers, have to be provided wherever a GRP line connects
to a fiber cement line.
Pipe and fitting shall show no porosity when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2444 or BS 5480.
PS 6/ Stiffness
The axial tensile stress for pipes when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 2105, shall not be less than 75 N/mm2.
PS 6/ Hardness
The glass content of the reinforced wall of pipes and fittings, shall be
determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. The glass content for
pipes shall be at least 65% by weight. The glass content for fittings
shall be at least 60% by weight.
The hydrostatic design stress for pipes and fittings shall be obtained
from the extrapolated long term hydrostatic tests in accordance with
ASTM D 2992 for a life-time of 50 years. The minimum service
(design) factor for the determination of the hydrostatic design stress
shall be 0.5.
1. Manufacturer’s name.
2. Nominal diameter.
3. Pressure rating
4. Product Classification.
5. Product Unique number.
6. Date of Manufacturing.
All fittings (including bends; tees, treducers and flanges) used with AC
water pipelines shall be GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) fittings
complying with the following specifications.
Reference Description
PS 6/60.11.1 Markings
PS 6/60.11.2 Construction
For PNI6 and above, manufacturer shall submit design data as above.
The pressure rating for GRP pipe and fittings shall be based on the
long-term hydrostatic design pressure established in accordance with
AWWA C950 and design factor of 2.0. Laminated or adhesive Joints
used in the fabrication of fittings shall be equal or superior in strength
to the sections they join. The thickness of laminated joints shall not be
less than the wall thickness of the adjoining pipe section. All hand
1arnination or windings shall utilize only one type of resin throughout.
GRP pipes/fittings shall not impart any taste, odor or colour to drinking
water. GRP pipe/fittings shall be approved and listed for potable water
use in accordance with concerned authority regulations and tested and
certified at accredited lab. The certificate shall be submitted for
pipes/fittings made from epoxy resin and fit for cold and hot water upto
50 degree C. The said certificate shall be submitted along with the
detail report given by the WRAS/ NSF. If requested by concerned
authority, testing to comply with BS 6920 at local laboratory shall be
carried on sample submitted to concerned authority, at no extra cost.
PS 6/60.11.5 Dimensions
3. The actual fitting inside diameter shall not be less than that shown
in the table below:
5. The thickness of GRP flanges for PN12 shall not be less than
shown in the table below:
GRP fittings and pipes for PN 12 used for fabrication shall meet the
following minimum strength requirements.
No. Method
1 Hoop Tensile Stress ASTM As per table 10 of
for GRP pipe D2290 AWWA C95 for class
150 psi
2 Axial Tensile pipe ASTM D 638 Per table 11 of for
GRP AWWAC950 for
150 psi
3 Axial Tensile Stress ASTM D 638 70 MPa
for flange/flange
4 Initial Hoop Stress ASTM 3.5 x rated working
failure for molded D1599 pressure
5 Initial Pipe Stiffness ASTM Dia 300mm 10000 pa
Dia >300mm 5000 pa
PS 6/60.11.8 Testing
1) Routine Tests
Test Frequency
1 Visual inspection Every Item
2 Dimensions Every Item
3 Hydraulic pressure One per 10 Flg x Flg
3a Hydraulic pressure upto 600mm One per 20 spigot
dia items
4 Pipe Stiffness for dia. > 300mm One per 100 items
mitered items
(a) Long term hydrostatic design pressure of the GRP pipes and
molded fittings shall be established on test data extrapolated to 50
years in accordance with AWWA C950 Section 2.4.2. and ASTM
D2992 Procedure B
- Moulded Fittings
- Pipe Designs to resist thrust in flange/flange fittings and branch
flanged Tees. The long term testing of such pipes shall be done
- Pipe with spigot ends to suit AC couplers may be tested Uni-
(b) 10% of total quantity shall be inspected and tested in the presence
of concerned authority’s representative / consultant for the tests
mentioned under serial no.1,2 and 5 of routine test. The quantity
for testing for serial no. 3,3a,4,6,7 shall be as mentioned in the
column of frequency under routine tests. 10% of total quantity of
pipes used for fittings shall be inspected and tested in the
presence of concerned authority’s representative! consultant for
the tests mentioned under serial no.8 of routine test
(c) 10% of total quantity for G.R.P. pipes required in construction for
(d) All tests and related matter shall be carried out without extra
PS 6/60.11.9 Samples
PS 6/60.11.10 Submittals/Drawings
For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit before delivery, the
recommended gasket details, the bolt torqueing sequence and
maximum recommended torque for each flange size supplied.
PS 6/60.11.11 Marking
PS 6/60.11.12 Submission
PS 6/60.12.1 General
All valves supplied shall be suitable for use with water temperatures up
to 500 C and in climatic and soil conditions encountered in the
respective Emirate area. The nominal working pressure shall be 10 bar
or as mentioned in the tender. On class 24 pipeline, all valves shall be
PN16 even if it mentioned PN1O in B.O.Q./nothing mentioned in
The flange valves shall be supplied complete with flange gaskets and
stainless steel nuts, bolts and washers of grade 316. Bolts and nuts
shall be supplied with 2 washers per bolt. The bolt length shall be such
that after the joints are made- up, the bolt protrudes through the nut,
but not more than 12 mm. It shall fit to G.R.P. flange. Face to face
dimensions for flange valves shall be as per BS 5163.
The dimensions of stem cap of all valves and square nut operator in
case of extension spindles or without extension spindle shall be in
accordance with BS 5163. All valves shall be supplied with stem
(spindle) cap made from ductile iron. The spindle cap shall be fixed
with spindle by a nut bolt passing through it so that spindle cap is tied
with spindle. The manufacturer shall fix spindle cap to spindle by a nut
bolt before dispatching (not acceptable as loose items).
Unless otherwise specified here in, all attaching hardware of all valves
and appurtenances including the nuts, bolts and washers for flanged
valves shall be stainless steel comply with DIN 17440 or approved
PS 6/61.1.1 Specifications
PS 6/61.1.2 Concrete
The contractor must use ready mixed concrete for any specified grade of
concrete, subject to approval of the concrete supplier and mix design, etc.,
by the Civil Work Supervisor. All ready mixed concrete shall conform to BS
5238, batches at the concrete plant, to be used to approval and shall
comply with all the requirements of the concrete.
Grade of Concrete A B C D
Characteristic strength 40 35 25 15
28 days in N/mm2
Individual Test Results 32 28 20 12
To be more than (N/mm2)
Mixes to be designed for mean 48 44 32 20
strength (N/mm2)
Slump Max (with plasticizer) 70 70 100 120
Max. water cement ratio 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.65
Minimum Cement (kg/m ) 400 370 300 250
Total aggregate Ikg/m ) % age of 1650 1700 1750 1800
find aggregate to total dry Kg/m3
Zone (Coarse) 40-45 40-45 35-50 35-50
Zone (Medium) 35-40 35-40 35-50 -
Zone (Fine) 30-35 30-35 35-50 -
Nominal maximum size of 20mm 20mm 20mm 10mm
Method of compaction All (A – B – C – D) Vibrated
Cement: BS EN 197-1
Water: BS EN 1008 (Also as specified for concrete works)
Aggregates: BS 882
Admixtures: BS EN 480
PS 6/61.1.3 Quality
PS 6/61.1.4 Mixing
PS 6/61.1.5 Water
The standard cleanliness of water for mixing is that it shall be free from
impurities. The quantity used shall be sufficient, but not more than
sufficient, to secure a plastic mixture and shall not exceed that necessary
to provide the maximum specified slump. The Civil Works Supervisor may
reject concrete which, in his opinion, is over watered to the extent that its
strength will be impaired.
Chloride = 600mg/litre
Sulphate = 500gms/litre
PS 6/61.1.7 Cement
PS 6/61.1.8 Additives
PS 6/61.1.9 Samples
Where required Civil Works Supervisor shall direct the contractor to provide
the required certificate of test report for the cement from any Accredited
Laboratory by MOID/SRTA or related departments in Sharjah Municipality.
All sand shall be in accordance with BS 882, part 2 grading of sand shall be
within the limits of class C or M table 5 of BS 882. The percentage by
weight passing BS 410 test sieve 300mm shall not exceed 30%.
Clay lumps and flyable particles (to ASTM C142) – Max 1% by weight.
Coal, Lignite and shells (to ASTM C123) – max 1% by weight.
Acid soluble Chloride – Less than 0.03% by weight.
Acid soluble Sulphates – Less than 0.3% by weight.
Sodium Sulphate soundness test (ASTM C88-5 cycles) – loss less than
10% by weight.
Sand equivalent (ASTM D-2419) – Minimum 70%
Water absorption (ASTM C128/127) – Maximum 2%
A – 20mm
B – 20mm
(a) The Cement Mortar shall consist of: One measurement of cement
confirming to the relevant BS. Three measures of sand conforming to
BS 1200.
(b) The materials after being gauged shall be thoroughly mixed in a dry
state on mixing boards (Clause PS 6/65.1.4 refers), and then
thoroughly mixed with sufficient water to form a stiff mortar.
(c) On no account shall water be added after mortar has once been
mixed and mortar, after it has once begun to set, shall not be used or
mixed with other cement and sand.
(d) An excess of water shall in no case be used for mixing, and if more
water than is necessary be used, such mortar after it has begun to set
shall not be mixed with further quantity of sand and cement, but the
whole shall be condemned.
All reinforcing bars shall be hot rolled high yield strength bars from an
approved manufacturer complying with BS 4449 or similar approved
standard Cold twisted bars shall be to BS 4482 or equal approved
standard. Steel Fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483 or equal
approved standard. All steel received at site shall have necessary mill
certificate and shall be subject to confirmation tests from an approved
independent test for which samples shall be drawn from actual batch of
steel employed for the works
Stabilized Backfill shall consist of excavated soil mixed with cement. The
ratio of excavated soil to cement shall be 10 to 1, or as otherwise specified,
for the backfilling of trenches. Mixing may be carried out by hand or
machine in either case the mixing shall be sufficient to give an even color
PS 6/61.1.16 Waterproofing
All concrete works below ground and in contact with soil shall be water
proofed in the following manner.
Externally all concrete surfaces shall be applied with a suitable primer and
then with a self adhesive membrane equivalent to Bituthene 1000 XHc or
equal approved. The membrane shall be protected by 3mm thick protection
board. The protection board shall be properly wrapped and secured in
place before any backfilling works.
All such structures shall have heavy duty water stop min 250mm wide
(centre fix or rearguard type depending on the situation at site).
PS 6/61.2.2 Subsoil
PS 6/61.2.5 Objection
PS 6/61.2.7 Silencers
Where pneumatic drills or other power driven road breaking Appliances ore
used, they shall be fitted with efficient silencing devices.; The compressor
and other power driven machines used for the work shall be maintained in
an efficient condition so as to avoid undue noise.
Where deemed necessary by the Civil Works Supervisor, Side Shafts shall
be excavated alongside the trench, as required, to negotiate obstructions.
PS 6/61.2.11 Supports
mm mm
PS 6/61.2.16 Tunneling
1. Where site conditions are such that water could be removed from the
area by suction pumps working from sumps into which the water
drains, the Contractor may, for his own convenience and with the Civil
Works Supervisor’s consent, use a dewatering system. The Civil
Works Supervisor’s consent to use in the vicinity of an excavation of
dewatering system involving riser pipes which draw water from the
ground through fixed filters attached to the riser pipes will be subject
2. Where site condition are such that the use of dewatering equipment is
1. Public and Private property, above and below ground, are in no way
2. ETISALAT is satisfied as to the competence of the shot firers ability,
which may require a trial demonstration.
3. The contractor takes all necessary precautions for the safety of
members of the public, ETISALAT and Contractors own staff.
4. The cost to ETISALAT is no greater, in respect of trench width than
would be the cost if the rock were removed without the aid of
5. The Contractor has obtained all necessary permits from Government
PS 6/61.2.19 Bunds
Shall be constructed in such a manner that they can contain water with a
depth not exceeding 750 mm. The overall size will depend upon the
volume of water to be contained and/or conditions imposed on ETISALAT
by the Highway Authority (see Section PS 6/61.6.57).
PS 6/61.3.1 Drawing
The duct formation shall be either specified for the type of duct concerned
or as detailed on the Schedule of Work but subject to the discretion of the
Civil Works Supervisor.
Duct laying shall be done only in accordance with this Specification and
such directions and instructions of the Engineer or Civil Works Supervisor,
which shall be closely followed. Duct laying may only be done in the
absence of ETISALAT representative when prior permission has been
All types of ducts and cables laid direct in the ground shall be kept well
clear of gas or water mains and service pipes, sewers and subways,
manholes and joint boxes belonging to other undertakers. In order to admit
the use of "Tapping" machines on gas and water mains, at least I50 mm
clearance shelf be given, if practicable, to the other classes of plant
mentioned above. In no case shall the clearance be less than 25mm and,
where two sets of plant cross each other, the minimum vertical clearance
shall he 50mm.
3. High voltage multi-core for the same systems referred to in (2) above
and EXCEEDING 650 VOLTS, shall have a standard minimum
clearance of 300 mm. In difficult cases a reduced separation will be
permitted provided that where a separation of more than 150 mm is
impracticable, a layer of concrete Quality “B” shall be inserted
between the two sets of plant whether they cross each other or not.
the concrete shall not be less than 50 mm thick, and of such width
and length that at every point the shortest path round the concrete
shall exceed 200 mm.
4. Medium and low voltage cables for supply NOT EXCEEDING 650
VOLTS, shall have a standard minimum clearance of 50 mm. Where
the two sets of plant cross each other NO exception to this
requirement will be permitted. At other points, where difficulties arise,
In any case in which the Civil Works Supervisor so directs, the type of duct
may be varied for the good and sufficient execution of the work.
The Contractor shall do ally necessary cutting of duct and bending of steel
or wrought iron duct according to the requirements of the work. Only
purpose designed equipment capable of providing a gradual curve shall be
used for the bending of steel duct which shall be continuously mandreled
during the bending operation, exceptionally, apparatus of the "Jim Crow"
type may be employed subject to the apparatus being repositioned
frequently to produce a smooth curve. The inside edges of all cut ducts
shall be thoroughly rounded off or so dressed that there can be no
possibility of damages to cables.
All duct not laid in concrete, shall be covered by a layer of earth, free from
stones, and hand punned to al thickness of not less than 75 mm, unless
otherwise specified.
In rocky or stony soils, earth free from stones shall be spread over the
trench bottom and rammed to afford a bedding approximately 75 mm thick
on which to lay the duct, as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. In such
cases 75 mm of extra excavation of the trench will be necessary to achieve
the required depth of cover.
2. For details of the additional test required for ducts when the building
of a jointing chamber is deferred until after the completion of a section
of duct see paragraph 415 of this Specification.
3. The Contractor shall supply the labor needed for the testing
4. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the civil Works
Supervisor, and if any obstruction of other defect be discovered it
shall be rectified forthwith to his satisfaction.
PS 6/61.3.16 Plugs
PS 6/61.3.27 Trench
The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth; the trench
bottom shall be free from stones, level and well punned. The duct shall be
laid at standard depths (Section PS 6/61.3.13 refers) unless otherwise
PS 6/61.3.28 Formations
1. Singleway
a) The open starting end of the trench shall be blanked off with a
board or boards, to act as an anvil against which the duct can
be driven home. The duct shall be recessed into the wall of
jointing chambers 10 mm from the inside surface. the surface of
the duct shall be roughened with glass paper or sand paper for
its length in the jointing chamber wall.
b) The duct shall be laid on the trench bottom with the socket
towards the duct layer; the spigot end and inside of the socket
of the ducts to be jointed shall be thoroughly cleaned with a dry
c) The spigot end of the duct shall be offered to the socket initially
pushed in by hand and then to achieve proper engagement a
suitable wooden batten is placed across the remote socket and
they are vertically above and touching the ducts in the layer
below. The joints shall be staggered so that no joint touches
any other joint. On completion of the assembly of the duct nest,
6 mm diameter mild steel bars shall be horizontally across the
uppermost layer of ducts and tied to the vertical bars.
Provided space permits. Duct No. 54D may be jointed above ground and
fed into the trench from one end. The leading end of each duct way being
guided into position using a suitable hooked tool made from 6 mm diameter
mild steel reinforcing bar.
PS 6/61.3.31 Bends
Normally bends are not supplied since the duct is sufficiently flexible to
provide a minimum bending radius of 5 meters. Tighter bends should not
be attempted otherwise kinking of the duct may result.
PS 6/61.3.32 Variations
Any variation of duct formation and/or depth shall only be carried out with
the prior agreement of the Civil Works Supervisor.
PS 6/61.3.33 Backfill
1. Backfilling of trenches where Duct No. 54D has been laid to Section
PS 6/61.3.29(1) and (2) shall be carried out in accordance with the
Filling-in and Restoration of Pavings Section of this Specification.
2.Where Duct No. 54 D has been laid to Section 6/61.3.29(3) the end
shuttering and trench supporting timber, if used, shall be removed not
less than 12 hours after the concrete has been placed. Backfilling of
the trench, in accordance with the Filling-in and Restoration of
Pavings section of this Specification, shall not be carried out until a
further 48 hours have elapsed.
PS 6/61.3.34 Cleaning and Testing
The iron test mandrel to be used for testing Duct No. 54D shall be 240mm
long 83mm in diameter. The cylindrical cleaning brush shall be 95mm in
diameter. (see also Section PS 6/61.3.14).
PS 6/61.3.35 Leads-In
1. General
a) Normally, the duct seal and first 1.5 meter of Duct No. 54D
leading into a new building will be included to the construction of
the building. The remaining lead-in duct shall then be
connected to the “starter” duct and laid to the exchange jointing
chamber in accordance with Section Ps 6/61.3.37 and Drawing
CN 10836.
2. The spigot end of 1.5 meter lengths of Duct No. 54D shall be
thoroughly cleaned with methylated spirits applied with a clean cotton
rag. Jointing adhesive (PVC Cement) shall be applied liberally to the
full circumference of the outside end 100mm of the spigot with a
clean rag. The spigot end shall then be pushed into the back of a
Gland, Caulking No. 2. Surplus adhesive shall be wiped around the
gland end to form a sealing fillet of adhesive shall be wiped around
the gland end to form a sealing fillet of adhesive; additional adhesive
shall be applied, if necessary to form this sealing fillet (see also
Section PS
3. The external surface of the assembled duct and gland shall then be
cleaned with methylated spirits and coated with Compound No. 21
onto which being treated at a time because of the speed with which
Compound No. 21 dries out. These applications shall continue until a
50 mm length of the gland and a 250mm length of the duct adjacent
to the joint have been completely coated.
5. The jointed glands shall be fitted to the template and secured, each
with two Collars, Gland, Caulking, with their chamfered ends facing
each other, and a lock nut (Drawing CN 10836 refers). Where the
lead-in is angled, the Contractor will be supplied with the appropriate
angled collars information of which is given in the following table:
8. When at least 2 days have elapsed after placing the concrete, the
templates shall be removed and the concrete examined. Small voids
shall be filled and rendered flush with the existing face providing they
do not extend beyond two adjacent ducts or do not exceed 50 mm in
depth. If larger voids than this exist, the concrete will be regarded as
substandard and must be completely removed and replaced.
1. Duct 54D shall be used for all lead-in sections between the building
and the exchange jointing chamber. The duct shall be gastight and
watertight, and, irrespective of the number of ways, shall be laid in
accordance with Sections PS 6/61.3.29(3) to Ps 6/61.3.34,
terminating with duct sockets recessed 10mm from the inside face of
the jointing chamber wall. Additionally prior to jointing, the spigot and
socket of each duct shall be thoroughly cleaned with methylated
spirits applied with a clean cotton rag. The full circumference of the
outside end 100mm of the spigot shall then be liberally coated with
jointing adhesive (PVC Cement) using a clean cotton rag and the duct
joint shall be made as quickly as possible (Section PS 6/61.3.29 (1)
(c) refers). Finally, the surplus and, if necessary, additional adhesive
shall be wiped around the end of the socket and adjacent surface of
the duct with a clean cotton rag to form a continuous sealing fillet.
PS 6/61.3.39 Caulking
On completion of the cleaning and testing of the lead-in duct route and
acceptance by the Civil Works Supervisor, each ductway shall be caulked
in the following manner.
1. Drill two 6 mm diameter holes, 12mm from the edges, and on the
same diameter line, of a Disc Gland Caulking.
2. Tie a know approximately 200mm from the end of the draw rope (a
draw rope is left in each “way” following completion of the duct route
Section PS 6/61.3.17 refers), pass the end of the draw rope through
one hole and back through the other hole and tie a further know; thus
leaving a loop which can be used to remove the inner disc.
3. Push any surplus draw rope into the duct and place the disc in the
gland against the internal shoulder.
4. Tightly pack the gland with thoroughly worked Compound No. 16, or
approved alternative, and slightly overfill.
5. Place a second disc into the recess of the end cop and screw onto
the gland so compressing the compound. Additional compound may
be required after the original has been compressed to ensure that
there are no voids in the compound between the discs.
Small conduits and pipes into Subscriber’s premises, call office, kiosks,
posts etc., shall be sealed by pressing a clean rag into the operature and
facing off with a layer of synthetic rubber. A 25mm depth of rag and a
10mm depth of rubber shall be used. (Silicone Sealant A, or an equivalent
material, shall be used for this purpose).
PS 6/61.3.42 Trench
The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth and the
bottom shall be free from tones, level and punned. The duct shall be laid at
standard depths (Section PS 6/61.2.13 refers) otherwise specified.
1. The duct shall be laid on the trench bottom with the socket towards
the ductlayer; the spigot and the inside of the socket of the ducts to
be jointed shall first be thoroughly cleaned with a dry rag.
2. The spigot end of the duct shall be offered to the socket, initially
pushed in by hand, and then to achieve proper engagement a
suitable wooden batten is placed across the remote socket and
tapped with a hammer. Full engagement should be ensured.
Occasionally, due to variations in size, this cannot be achieved, in
which case, excessive force must not be exerted after a tight joint has
been affected.
3. Alternatively, the duct may be jointed above ground and lowered into
position on the trench bottom where this is more convenient.
4. All spaces alongside the duct shall be filled with earth, free from
stones and hand punned to a compacted thickness of not less than
75mm above the top of the duct barrel.
PS 6/61.3.44 Bends
PS 6/61.3.45 Variations
Any variation of duct formation and/or depth shall only be carried out with
the prior agreement of the Civil Works Supervisor.
PS 6/61.3.46 Backfill
Backfilling of the trench shall be carried out in accordance with the Filling-in
and Restoration of Paving section of this Specification.
The iron test to be used for testing Duct No. 56 shall be 216mm long and
43mm in diameter; the cylindrical cleaning brush shall be 57mm in diameter
(see also Section PS 6/61.3.14).
PS 6/61.3.63 Trench
The trench shall be excavated to the required width and depth and shall be
as level and straight as possible; the trench bottom shall be free from
tones. The duct shall be laid at standard depths (Section PS 6/61.2.13)
unless otherwise specified.
PS 6/61.3.65 Bends
The duct is flexible but, to avoid cabling difficulties bends in the line of route
shall be as agreed by the Civil Works Supervisor. Where it is necessary to
lead the duct up a pole or wall, the bending radius shall not be less than
PS 6/61.3.66 Backfill
1. All spaces around and above the duct shall be filled and well
compacted with earth, free from stones, to a thickness of not less
than 75mm above the duct, unless otherwise specified.
Duct No. 100 is laid without joints and therefore cleaning and testing to
obtain a clear bore is not normally required.
1. Polyethylene Cable
b) The drum shall be set up at static positions and the cable drawn
off and laid into the trench. Alternatively, the drum may be set
up on a mobile vehicle and the cable paid off along the trench.
the method employed independent upon the circumstances,
obstructions and access to the trench.
PS 6/61.3.69 Moleploughing
PS 6/61.3.70 Crossings
A sufficient length of cable for terminating purposes will be coiled, and the
coil shall either be buried in the ground or fastened to a pole or wall, as
directed by the Civil Works Supervisor. In the latter case, the cable coil
shall be fastened at a point above a length of steel or PVC Capping or WI
or Polyethylene Duct. Where Capping, W or Polyethylene Duct or cable is
fixed to a wall, the wall shall be plugged to take the fixings (Section PS
6/61.3.73 refers).
Steel or PVC capping will be supplied together with Nails, Bonding and
washers, No. 19, and will be fitted by the Contractor in positions
determined by Civil Works Supervisor.
All cable cutting, temporary sealing of cut ends and jointing will be carried
out by ETISALAT. Where two or more cables are to e jointed, a short
length of cable will normally be overlapped and laid along the line of trench.
1. The size of the excavation for slewing and/or raising a duct line shall
be as directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.
3. With the exception of making slight adjustments to the duct line after
slewing and dowering, the duct line shall not be moved in any way
without adequate reinforcement in the form of a strongback being
firmly lashed to it.
PS 6/61.3.76 Strongback
1. The strongback shall be ashed to the duct line, with both ends of
each duct firmly held, using separate lashing or a continuous rope.
the lashings shall be tightened, to the satisfaction of the Civil Works
PS 6/61.3.77 Suspension
2. The strongback shall be firmly lashed to the side of the duct line.
PS 6/61.3.79 Movement
The slewing and/or lowering of the duct line shall be carried out by making
a succession of very small movements of the duct line, each made
progressively along the affected length. The curvature of the duct line at
any intermediate stage between the initial and final positions shall not
exceed the deviation limits laid down for laying new duct of the same type.
Prior to finally placing the duct the trench bottom shall be prepared in the
same way as is specified for duct laying.
PS 6/61.3.81 Irregularities
After the duct line has been finally lowered into its required position and the
strongback has been removed, any slight irregularities in the general line of
the ducts shall be corrected at the direction of the Civil Works Supervisor.
PS 6/61.3.85 Inspection
After all operations are completed, the joints of all ducts shall be inspected
to ensure that they are forming an effective seal, any defects shall be made
good to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor.
PS 6/61.3.86 Testing
All spare bores of the duct line shall be rodded and roped and/or cleaned
and tested as specified for the particular duct concerned.
PS 6/61.4.1 General
2. The standard types of joint boxes with the code references employed,
are as follows:
No. 4 JRC 4 CN 18/5z - -
No.11 JRC 11 CN 1278z - -
No.12 JRC 12 CN 1690z - -
No. 14 JRC 14 CN 1709z - -
No.14 JRC 14 AP CN 1690z AP - -
No. 2 -
No. 6 - - CN 1135z
No.10 - CN 1210z - -
PS 6/61.4.3 Drawings
PS 6/61.4.4 Variations
1. All movement of cables shall be carried out under the direction of the
Civil Works Supervisor.
2. A ladder shall be provided by the Contractor for access into and out
of manhole excavations. Under no circumstances may cables, joint
and associated equipment be used for climbing, standing, or sitting
c) When the manhole roof and walls have been demolished down
to the level of the timber decking and all debris removed, the
cables and any other, equipment shall be suspended from the
surface to the satisfaction of the Civil Works Supervisor.
positioned at least 300mm from any existing Anchor Iron. Where this
clearance cannot be obtained, the anchor iron concerned shall be
sown off. Gas cutting equipment must not be used.
The concrete or brickwork around all ducts where they enter jointing
chambers shall be carefully flushed up and rendered in cement mortar,
Anchor Irons and other fittings shall be fixed as and where shown on the
relevant drawing, or in such other position as the Civil Works Supervisor
may direct.
3. All reinforcement in the floor, walls, roof and shaft shall be secured
together by means of approved wire ties sufficient to prevent
displacement of the reinforcement during the placing and compaction
of the concrete.
PS 6/61.4.12 Sump
Where sump is provided the floor shell have a slight fall thereto.
PS 6/61.4.13 Concreting
Concrete, when placed and if subject to rapid drying out by sun and/or
wind, shall be protected to prevent it becoming dry during the seven days
following placing.
The equipment necessary for the making of the test cubes shall be
provided by the Contractor. The cubes shall be tested by a Testing
Laboratory approved by Etisalat and the Contractor shall supply c&
copy of the test report to the Civil. Works Supervisor within 14 days
of the cubes being tested.
Work will not normally be delayed for the result of any test to be
ascertained. The making, curing and testing of all cubes of concrete
for compressive strength tests shall be in accordance with BS 1881,
Parts 3 and 4, and the results shell satisfy the following table:
3. Whether test cubes have been taken or not, the Engineer may as a
result of, Inspection, rebound hammer tests or the cube tests,
condemn the jointing chamber. Alternatively test cores shall be taken
and tested in accordance with BS 1881, Part 4. The cores shall be
examined and tested, and the estimated cube strength ascertained by
DCL or by any accredited laboratory. The Contractor shall be
provided with a copy of the test report as soon as it is available and, if
this indicates that the quality of the concrete in the structure is,
unsatisfactory, the jointing chamber shall not be accepted.
In wet situations the Civil Works Supervisor may direct the Contractor to
implement such methods as are deemed necessary to Prevent damage to
freshly placed concrete or mortar and to ensure a waterproof jointing
chamber. These methods may include an independent sump, or the use of
heavy duty polyethylene sheet or other suitable, material, or drainage
beneath the concrete floor.
PS 6/61.4. 20 Shuttering
2. Installation, the joint box shell be constructed with the top of the joint
box 90mm for Type C end 85mm for Type B below the carriageway
surface. The top of the joint box shell be moistened with water and a
15mm layer of cement mortar troweled over the entire surface.
Additional mortar shall be placed so that it conforms approximately to
the contour of the frame section which shall then be placed on top
and lightly tapped with the piece of wood to force out excess mortar
until the frame projects approximately 5mm above the surrounding
carriageway surface. The excess mortar shall be neatly .struck off
inside the joint box. Using two joint box keys the cover shall be
carefully placed in the frame and the whole assembly lightly topped
downwards until the cover is level with the surrounding carriageway
surface. If rocking occurs, packing of hard material shall be placed
under the low corner of the frame until the cover seats satisfactorily.
The mortar shall be neatly troweled off round the outside of the frame.
In an unmade surface or grass the frame shall be surrounded with a
100mm wide strip of R/F Con, Quality "F" finished level with the top
edge of the frame and the outside edge finished straight and parallel
to the frame. Alternatively the frame may be cast into the concrete
structure of the joint box providing correct finished levels can be
2. Half Pack Mixing - The resin from one large oblong tin shall be
poured into the bucket end the white powder hardener gradually
added from one plastic bag, stirring continuously with the clean dry
stick to give smooth syrup, free from lumps. As soon as all the
hardener has been added and well mixed, the heat absorbing filler
from one plastic bag shelf be added and well mixed in.
Note: Once the hardener has been added, the bedding will have a
working life of about 20 minutes and the initial set will take place after
about 30 minutes.
2. Halt Pack Mixing - From one plastic bag, stirring continuously with
the clean dry stick to give a smooth syrup, free from lumps. The
liquid shall then be added immediately to the sand tiller and
thoroughly mixed with a clean dry trowel or shovel,
Note: Once the hardener has been added the mortar will have a
working life of about 20 minutes and the initial set will take place after
about 30 minutes.
Carriageway Frames and Covers Nos.1, 2 and 3 are supplied for the
following Pointing chambers.
PS 6/61.4.35 Weights
Site handling of these frames and covers involves lifting the following
approximate weights.
4. Setting of Frame
PS 6/61.4.38 Concrete
Surround any jointing chamber fitted with a Carriageway frame and cover
shall have a concrete surround of concrete Quality "A" to the depth of the
frame and cover, The width of this concrete surround shall extend to the
outside of the structure wall or 150mm whichever is the less. Opening to
traffic shall be subject to Section PS 6/61.4.21.
After installation of the box the backfill soil, free from stones, should
lie well completed all around the box.
OR Any other concrete structure which are in contact with earth around.
PS 6/61.5.1 General
PS 6/61.5.2 Ramming
3. All ducts not laid in concrete shall be covered by a layer of earth, free
from stones, and hand punned to a thickness of not less than 75mm,
or as otherwise directed by the Civil Works Supervisor.
PS 6/61.5.4 Sealing
2. The Civil Works Supervisor will not allow the inclusion of an interim
sealing coat as part of the permanent reinstatement unless:
PS 6/61.6.1 General
1. Ducts, pipes and cables existing in the ground shall not be diverted
wither by levering or otherwise; they shall not be allowed to rest upon
(other than as a temporary means of support) or to be incorporated
into any part of Etisalat structures or duct. This shall apply unless the
Civil Works Supervisor otherwise directs, in which case the civil
Works Supervisor will be responsible for obtaining the agreement of
the owner of the existing apparatus to the arrangements to be
3. After use, all soiled containers waste and gloves should be disposed
of in a refuse bin.
When mixing and/or using Resin Bedding or Resin Mortar, the precautions
listed for Resin Pack No. 6A should be taken. Additionally, mixing should
be carried out in a situation shielded against any wind; a dust mask should
be worn, and eyeshields to protect the eyes against the white powder
hardener which contains peroxide.
If the highway authority shall have given notice or shall give notice to
Etisalat or election to do the permanent reinstatement and making good of
the street or controlled part thereof at upper levels broken up by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall pay to the street authority any sum
payable. In default of any such payment by the Contractor, Etisalat may
pay the sum to the authority and deduct the amount so paid from any sums
payable to the Contractor under this or any other contract entered into by
the Contractor with Etisalat.
PS 6/61.7.3 Duct
“Earth, Free from Stones” means either (a) loose earth, all of which will
pass through a 15 mm mesh sieve, or (b) clay having approximately the
same moisture content as when excavated. Materials (a) and (b) shall be
capable of being thoroughly compacted around, and material (a) between,
ducts of any type, in either case, the material shall not cause damage to
the ducts during backfilling and shall not leave voids to form a water
course. Clay prior to backfilling shall be reduced in size if necessary to
prevent voids in the backfill.
PS 6/62.1 General
The Contractor shall prepare all necessary detailed shop drawings for
these works comprising plans, lateral and longitudinal sections, profiles
and details. The longitudinal sections shall include details of all crossing
services which shall be located and surveyed by the Contractor. Position
and elevation of pipes and manholes may be adjusted by the Engineer
according to exact site conditions and finish levels.
pipe and fittings shall effectively resist the corrosive effects final
effluent of temperatures upto 50 degree C.
4. All pipes and fittings shall have an initial stiffness of not less than
10,000 N/M and satisfy the requirements of ASTM D-3262-06.
Pipes of upto 700 mm diameters shall withstand longitudinal
tensile force of 100 N/mm of circumference. Pipes for use in
microtunnelling or similar jacking operations, the stiffness shall be
minimum 50,000 N/M unless enclosed in concrete.
9. For cutting and sealing of the GRP laminate with a suitable resin
the manufacturer’s representative shall demonstrate and train the
Contractor’s staff in presence of the Engineer’s representative.
10. Allowable tolerance for pipes resting freely on the ground at site
shall be as follows:
12. All pipes shall be visually inspected at site before installation for
defects such as delamination, exposed or protruding fibre, cracks,
scratches, air voids, pitting and wrinkles, etc. any repair at site if
approved by the Engineer shall be carried out by qualified and
skilled staff of the manufacturer.
13. The Contractor shall design the pipes for a life of not less than 60
years and submit calculations for initial and long term deflection
under live load, buckling and strain etc. in accordance with AWWA
C-950-81. In addition the design shall take into account additional
superimposed load from future road laying and filling of low areas
over the route.
15. The design of pipe bedding and backfilling method shall be such
that the initial and long term deflection does not exceed the
following values:
18. Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes and fittings shall conform to
BS 5480 and AWWA C 950-81 to be approved by the Engineer.
Pipe shall have a 50 year strain corrosion value of 1.0% per ASTM
D3262-06. Complete design calculations per AWWA C950
Appendix ‘A’ shall be submitted for Engineer’s approval.
PS 6/62.3 Asbestos Cement Pipes and Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Fittings
for Underground Pipelines and Valve Chambers
1. Scope of Works:
BS 5750 1987
BS EN 512 1995
BS 2494 1990
BS 4027 1996
2.3 Class: AC pipes shall meet the requirements for Class 18,
suitable for an operating of 9 bars up to and including 1000
mm and 10 bars above 1000 mm dia. Pipe wall thickness
shall meet all the design requirements for class 18 pipe as
mm mm
80 106
100 126
150 178
200 234
225 255
250 288
300 344
350 402
400 456
450 508
500 560
550 616
600 668
700 780
800 888
900 1000
1000 1110
1200 1320
up to 225 5
250 – 350 4
400 – 550 3
600 – 1000 2
1200 1
75 104
80 104
100 120
150 120
200 150
225 150
300 150
350-500 200
550 240
600 240
700 240
800 – 1100 270
1200 300
2.10 Markings: Each pipe and joint shall be legibly and inlegibly
marked with the following:
i. Manufacturing standard
ii. Manufacturer’s name or trade mark
iii. Manufacturing date (pipe only)
iv. Home line positions at pipe ends (pipe only)
v. Nominal Diameter (ND) in mm (inside and outside)
vi. Pressure rating in bars (Class) (inside and outside)
vii. Inspection mark
viii. Coupling ‘homeline” position on spigot ends.
80 – 100 38
150 – 200 44
225 46
250 – 350 54
400 58
450 64
500 – 600 68
700 72
800 78
900 85
1000 88
1200 108
80 – 300 5.5
350-500 6.5
550 7.5
600 8.0
700 9.5
900 12.0
1200 16.0
Property Test Method Value per
1. Hoop Tensile ASTM D2290 Portable 10
Strength of AWWA C950
For class 250 psi
3.8 Testing:
Test Frequency
PS 6/62.4 Valves
PS 6/62.4.1 All valves and flanges shall have minimum pressure rating of 16 bars
manufactured to British Standards. The flange to flange length of the
valve shall conform to ISO 5752 Series 3, 14 or 15 as specified below with
various valve types. All construction bolts shall be of SS Grade 316.
Valves shall be non-rising stem types and the stem shall be SS Grade
316 TI/1.4571 or cast aluminum bronze with gun metal or Bronze stem
nut. Valves shall have vitreous enamel internal coating where possible
and shall be suitable for sewage final effluent.
Gate Valves shall comply with BS 5163. Gate Valves which are hand-
wheel operated shall have anti-clockwise opening. Maximum force
required at the circumference of the hand-wheel to open the valve against
unbalance pressure should not exceed 500N. All valves shall include a
double ‘O’ Ring releasing system which complies with Clause 9 of BS
5163./1986. Hand-wheel shall have marked words ‘open’ and ‘close’ in
English with rotation direction arrows. Hand-wheel shall be protected with
epoxy coating.
Valve body to have epoxy resin coating of 300 microns (dft) inside and
outside. Valve stem seals shall be of the stuffing box and gland form for
valves above DN 400 and of the double ‘O’ ring system enclosed in
stainless steel PN material for size upto DN 400.
Butterfly valves shall comply in all respects with BS 5155 : 1984. Body
with all flanges faced and drilled for PN 16 and the disk shall be made of
Ductile cast iron corresponding to BS EN 1563:97 Grade 500/7. Disk
shall be mounted on stainless steel shafts located in PTFE lined self
lubricating bearings with synthetic nitrile rubber shaft seal.
The valve disc shall be the double offset eccentric type – single offset for
DN 1000 and larger – fitted with a non-ageing sealing element of NBR
(nitrile Rubber Profile Seal) or similar approved material held in place by
an adjustable one-piece clamping ring secured with Stainless Steel
adjusting set screws mechanically locked in place (not resin bonded).
The profile seal shall provide a bi-directional tight shut off, against a solid
rolled in body seat ring of Stainless Steel.
The disk stub shafts shall be manufactured from Stainless Steel, and
positively keyed to the valve disk and incorporate a key securing device
(valve disks pinned to stub shafts are not acceptable).
The epoxy coated valve gearbox shall be fitted with a sealed for life
maintenance-free travelling fork and nut gearbox, suitable for buried
service duty and capable of easy operation at full pressure differential
equal to nominal pressure, enclosed in cast iron casing, grease packed,
with ball thrust bearings coupled with handwheel and position indicator.
Travelling fork and nut gearboxes shall be used for small and medium
sizes, slider-rank gearbox for bigger ones, according to the pressure
Non-return valves shall be of the single door swing check type including
hydraulic damper lever arm and balancing weights. The disk shall be
resilient seated. Valves shall be provided with removable covers on top of
the body to enable hinges and disk to be inspected and removed. Spindle
should be made of stainless steel.
Valves shall be provided with air release lock on the removable cover.
Face to face length of non-return valves shall be either two times nominal
dia plus 100 mm or to ISO 5752 series 10. All construction bolts and
valve spindle shall be stainless steel grade ASTM 316 L. If application
allows short body type check valves to ISO 5752 series 14 with hydraulic
damping device will also be acceptable.
This short body tilting disk check valves must meet following
The check valves shall be the double flanged type of short body (face-to-
face dimension to ISO 5752 Series 14) drilled to BS 4504 PN 16. The
body shall be of ductile cast iron to BS EN1563:97, grade 500/7 or better.
The valve disk shall be of the same material as the body and be as
streamlined as possible to ensure low head losses.
Shafts will be of high-tensile ferric chrome-nickel steel and disk seat ring
of stainless chrome-nickel steel.
Precise seal of the valve disk inserted in ring of stainless steel. This seal
provides tight sealing of the valve at pressure below 2 bars.
The check valves shall be equipped with lever and counter weight and if
necessary according to application with Hydraulic damping device for
setting the closing time.
The hydraulic damping device shall be used to damp closing and opening
shocks of the valve and shall act in both limit positioning (damped opening
range 10 degrees and damped closing range 15 degrees).
Surge anticipator relief valves shall be fluid actuated and have a single
moving assembly. A flexible, non-wicking, FDA approved, nylon fabric
reinforced synthetic elastomer diaphragm shall be integral with this
assembly to form a sealed chamber, operating free of drag or wear. The
diaphragm shall not be used as a seating surface. This assembly shall
have a stem which is fully guided by separate upper and lower bearings to
preclude binding or deflection. When the valve is in the closed position
sealing at the seat shall be accomplished by the contact and a smooth
seat surface. The seat design shall be removable and not have edges
that will induce seal cutting, or wear at low flows. Progressive throttling of
flow shall be accomplished by a characterized profile quad ring retainer
washer. The valve body and cover shall be of cast iron. An FDA
approved fused epoxy coating shall be applied to the internal and external
exposed surfaces of these components after cleaning and degassing.
This coating shall be standard on all basic valves 2-16. All internal valve
components shall be removable and repairable while the valve body
remains in the line. Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes are not
permitted and there shall be no pistons operating the valve or controls.
Valve sizes 2-3” shall be standard equipped with a flow-clean strainer
mounted in the inlet supply port of the main valve. Valve sizes 4” and
larger shall be standard with an externally mounted y-strainer for
protection of the control circuit and WATTS ball valves to isolate the pilot
system from the main valve.
The valves shall open on a low or high pressure wave. The high pressure
relief pilot shall be set to open at any pressure above the normal operating
pressure of the system. The high pressure control shall be adjustable,
spring loaded, normally closed, direct acting, diaphragm valve designed to
permit flow when controlled pressure exceeds the spring setting. The low
pressure pilot shall be set to open the main valve at any pressure below
normal system operating pressure.
The valve body shall be of ductile iron GGG 40/50. The valves shall be
arranged for automatic operation and shall be manually adjustable.
All valves shall have a drain plug at the bottom of the body.
All materials and equipment shall be new, of first class quality and
supplied by reputable manufacturers.
The Contractor shall provide all the necessary labour, tools, test,
instruments, and temporary materials for carrying out the
necessary test.
The Contractor shall arrange with the Client before any Site
Testing are to be conducted. The test will be carried out by the
Contractor. All measuring instruments and special apparatus
required for carrying out the site test shall be provided by the
All actuators shall be tested. Test shall be, but not necessarily be
limited to the following:
In the event that the electrical actuators are assembled not by the
original manufacturer, the Contractor and or supplier shall provide
a Certificate of Acceptance from International Testing Authorities
for the Engineer approval. The Contractor shall refer to the
requirements of Clause 3.4, Part 3, Section 6 of this Specification
for additional requirement.
1. Provide automatic double orifice air valves at all high points on the
pressure mains. Air valves and other similar items shall conform
to BS 2591. Automatic air valves shall have non-corrosive floats in
chamber with clear space ensuring blockage free operation. All
components for the air valve actuating mechanism including the
actuating lever shall be stainless steel.
The float should activate the valve, which shall not be in contact
with sewage. Nozzles with seals and actuating mechanism to be
located in the removable upper plate connected to the valve body
using stainless steel bolts. The valve body to be of bronze or cast
iron with modular graphite and shall be flanged inlet connection.
Incorporated with each automatic air valve an isolating valve shall
be fitted to the inlet connection. Pressure rating shall be 16 bars.
Material for bolts and nuts shall be SS Grade 316.
1. The valve body shall be of cast iron with flanges to ISO 5752
series 16. The valve shall be extra heavy construction with bronze
seats, SS 304 stem, nitrile seals and membrane, bronze and
ductile iron closing system, bronze pilot and strainer, brass
accessories, internal and eternal epoxy paint coating.
PS 6/62.9 Flowmeter
15. Have a Cable Junction Box and up to 500 ft. (152m) extra
transducer cable that shall be dual coaxial RG174U for installation
in metal conduit.
16. Have a dual head sensor; one head transmitting and the other
4. The base transmitter shall drive the probe with pulsed DC coil
excitation to ensure stability at zero flow condition. The unit’s zero
fluctuation shall not be greater than .002% of full scale. The blind
transmitter will utilize digital processing of the flow signal and
provide an isolated 4-20 mA signal into 600 Ohms and allow for
field adjustments to the full scale range and a calibration test
function via a bank of DIP switches.
12. The flowmeter shall have a 4.5 digit, LCD display, 0-5 vdc reading
directly in metres/sec or cubic metres/sec or any other specified
engineering units.
13. The optional totalizer shall be 10 digit electronic LCD types that
will have the reset circuit enabled per customer specification. The
user replaceable alkaline batteries will provide a standard life of 4
Instantaneous indication of flow rate and total flow shall read in 1/s
via a backlit, dual line LCD display with 20 characters .25” high
and a resolution of .01 engineering unit.
The test unit shall also include LED diagnostic indicators for:
a) Power on
b) Flow/Velocity
c) Level
d) Fault
e) Velocity
f) Signal strength
1. Dismantling Joint
This shall be used on GRP, AC, cast and ductile iron and steel
pipes and joints between each of the materials as shown on the
drawings. This shall provide flexibility at installation stage of
flanged pipework systems.
2. Flange Adaptor
This shall be used on GRP, AC, cast and ductile iron and steel
pipes to enable plain-ended pipe to be connected either to flanged
pipe or flanged valves or other fittings. Flange adaptor to be
provided with flat mating faces, suitable for bolting to rised faces.
For < 150 mm dia.body – ductile iron, end flange –
malleable cast iron.
For > 150 mm dia body – ductile iron
For < 300 mm dia. end flange – rolled steel.
For > 300 mm dia. body – fabricated rolled steel, end
flange – rolled steel.
Material Specification
Rolled steel section, mild steel plate – BS 4360: 1990
Grade 43A
Blackheart malleable cast iron – BS EN 1562:1997 Grade
Whiteheart malleable cast iron – BS EN 1562:1997 Grade
1. Ductile Iron Fittings shall comply with ISO 2531 PN10 and made of
ductile iron according to ISO 1083 a grade 500 having min. tensile
strength of 500 N/ Fittings to have surfaced prepared by
sand blasting to equivalent BS standard and have fusion bonded
epoxy coating of minimum 300 microns dry film thickness inside
and outside.
2. Body tests shall be applied with the fitting in the open position and
each side opened to atmosphere alternatively where appropriate.
Pipe bedding material should comply with requirements set in the Table
1. Excavated Material:
2. Borrow Material:
The grading shall fall within the following limits and shall comply to
BS 1377 Part 2 Method 9.2 (Grading Zone 3):
PS 6/62.22 Execution
1. Width of Trenches:
2. Length of Trench:
PS 6/62.22.5 Drainage
PS 6/62.22.7 Shoring
1. Where required for the safety of life, property or the work, the
sides of trenches and excavations shall be supported with suitable
shoring. Any cave-ins, with or without shoring and any damage to
life and property resulting therefore shall be the sole responsibility
of the Contractor.
PS 6/62.22.9 Stockpiling
4. Rest of the bedding shall then be built up first to the center of the
pipeline then upto the required level above the crown of the pipe in
layers not exceeding 150 mm. in thickness. Placement of the
bedding material and compaction by hand tools only shall be
carried out simultaneously on both sides of the pipe.
7 The geotextile material shall be used for any part of the work in
wet trenches of this Contract where deemed necessary by the
The tapes shall be flexible and shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval.
Text in Arabic and English indicating the protected services lying below
the tape shall be permanent ink bonded to resist prolonged chemical
attack by corrosive acids and alkalis with the message repeated at a
maximum interval of two meters. Tapes shall be colour coded as follows
with black text as indicated.
Sewers : Yellow
CAUTION : Sewer Below
Drains : Yellow
CAUTION : Drain below
For pipelines with the top of the pipe barrel more than 900 mm below
finished surface level the tape shall be placed over the centerline of the
pipeline at 600 mm below finished surface level during backfilling and
compaction operations. For pipelines with less than 900 mm cover to the
top of the pipe barrel. The tape shall be placed over the centerline of the
pipe at 300 mm above the top of the pipe barrel during backfilling,
compaction and reinstatement operation.
The tape shall be continuous over pipelines and at joints between tapes
from separate rolls the joint shall be lapped a minimum of one meter.
1. General
(i) No backfilling shall be carried out until all debris and other
objectionable materials have been removed from the
trench and until the Engineer has inspected and approved
the pipe installations and bedding.
2. Placing of Backfill
(i) After the pipes and bedding have been installed and
approved, bedding material or the initial backfill material
shall be placed 150 mm in thickness to a depth of 300 mm
above the top of the pipe. Each layer shall be compacted
with hand tools to a density of not less than 95% of max.
dry density as determined by BS Compaction Test
specified in BS 1377 Part 4:90.
PS 6/62.22.17 Shortages
1. If, after the use of all suitable, approved, excavated materials from
the various locations on the Site, there is a shortage of material to
fill the excavations to the required levels, suitable borrow material
as directed by the Engineer shall be brought to the Site and used
to complete the backfill. No separate payment shall be made for
this extra material.
1. As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall maintain one set of contract drawings for the
sole purpose of recording accurate changes made, as the work
progresses (“As-Built” conditions) of the irrigation system. All
changes previously approved and all competed work shall be
recorded on these drawings.
The Contractor must submit As-Built drawings for all the electro-
mechanical installations. All the details of the installed equipments
regarding Manufacturer and Model No., type, size, etc., shall be
provided in the legend of the drawings.
a. Description of equipment.
b. Operation of equipment.
c. Maintenance of equipment and lubrication schedule.
d. Servicing of equipment.
e. Control Diagrams.
f. Irrigation Valve Operation Schedule c/w Controller
Station No., Valve No., size, flows, operating time, etc.
g. Diagrams of the systems.
h. Logic of Operation of the Systems.
i. Valve Charts.
j. Performance Characteristics: curves and charts for
equipment (data shall refer to, and identify specific
model in service and shall not be general advertising
k. Spare parts list.
l. Names, Contact Numbers and Addresses of spare
part suppliers.
m. Test reports.
n. Certificates.
o. Bill of Quantities of material used in the Contract.
p. Letter of Satisfaction.
q. Guarantees.
2.3 Submit one copy of the manual to the Engineer for review
and three final copies to the Client after the final approval
of the Engineer. Provisional acceptance will not be
considered unless Contractor submits complete Operation
& Maintenance manuals and As-Built drawings.