Inorganic Lab Manual
Inorganic Lab Manual
Inorganic Lab Manual
Lab Manual
Michael J. Prushan
a. The preparation of [Ni(en)3]Cl2 . 2H2O. Dissolve 6.0g of NiCl2 . 6H2O in
3mL of H2O. A little warming improves the rate of dissolution. Cool the
solution in ice while adding 5.0g (5.6 mL) of ethylenediamine. Add the
ethylenediamine slowly because the reaction is quite exothermic. Cool. Add
15 mL of cold ethanol to initiate crystallization. Keep cold for 10 min. The
collect the product on a Büchner funnel and wash with two 5 mL portions of
ethanol. Dry in air. Record the yield.
b. The preparation of [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2. Dissolve 3.0g of NiCl2 . 6H2O in 5 mL
of warm H2O in a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask and add 5.8mL of concentrated
NH4OH. Cool with an ice bath and observe the precipitation of large violet
crystals. Add 15 mL of cold ethanol to complete the precipitation. Collect the
crystals on a Büchner funnel and wash with two 5 mL portions of ethanol.
Dry in air. Record the yield.
the coordination sphere. Show how the magnetic data might permit you to
eliminate some of the structural possibilities. Is the structure uniquely defined
by the magnetic moment in this case? Why or why not?
Figgis, et al., Prog. Inorg. Chem. (1964).
Evans, J. Chem. Soc., 2003 (1959). [Evan’s Method reference]
To include in report (besides for the obvious): Visible Spectra (save Data in Excel and
paste the graphs into your Word document) with molar absorptivities and the energies of
each transition (there may be more than on observed for some of the complexes, Why?).
Magnetic Susceptibilities (include example calculations, values of the gram, molar and
corrected molar susceptibilities, the magnetic moment and the calculated number of
unpaired electrons). Proposed structures of the complexes including nickel(II) chloride
hexahydrate as well as crystal field diagrams with electrons for each complex.
In general, the only complexes of the early transition metals (Sc, Ti, V) that are stable to
oxygen and water are those with the metals in the highest oxidation states. These
transition metals have a high affinity for oxygen. For example, the most common and air-
stable complexes of vanadium incorporate the vanadyl ion, VO2+. The most common
titanium material is titanium dioxide, which is used as a whitener in paints.
However, lower-valent complexes of these transition metals are interesting as well. Care
must be taken to exclude oxygen and water in the synthesis of the complexes because the
starting materials and products will react with oxygen and/or water to give unwanted
oxidized products. The complex [Ti(urea)6]I3 is unique in that it is reasonably air stable if
kept dry. [It is believed to be stabilized by hydrogen bonding between adjacent urea
molecules. This stability is kinetic rather than thermodynamic (Why?)]
Synthesis of [Ti(urea)6]I3
Prepare the two solutions needed on the day of the synthesis. Warming of the mixtures to
40-50 degrees C may be necessary. Quickly weigh out 4.00g TiCl3 into a tared vial,
tightly cap the vial.
Add the TiCl3 to the solution of urea in a beaker quickly and carefully with stirring.
Anhydrous TiCl3 fumes in moist air. The reaction of TiCl3 with water is very exothermic,
and the resulting warm mixture (about 45-50 degrees C) should be filtered to remove any
TiO2 solid. Add the solution of KI with stirring. Cool the reaction mixture in an ice bath
and collect the deep blue crystals of [Ti(urea)6]I3 by filtration. Dry the crystals by
continuous suction and transfer them to a beaker. Store the beaker overnight in a
dessicator filled with fresh dessicant, then transfer the crystals to a vial. The vial should
be filled completely with tightly packed product and capped to exclude oxygen. There is
a pronounced color change upon decomposition.
Characterization of[Ti(urea)6]I3
3. Determine the weight percent of titanium in the product. Heat a weighed amount
of the product in a dry, weighed crucible to red heat in the fume hood. All
components except titanium are decomposed to volatile products, and titanium is
left behind as TiO2. Decomposition proceeds with the evolution of a very
unpleasant smoke. Weigh the residue.
4. Determine the magnetic moment of the complex using the Gouy balance.
Computational Chemistry
Pickering, Miles. Magnetic and spectral properties of an airstable d1 titanium complex. J.
Chem. Educ. 1985 62 442.
Wasson, John R.; Stoklosa, Henry J. Electronic spectra of low-symmetry d1 and d9 ion
complexes. J. Chem. Educ. 1973 50 186.
Principles of Photochemistry
− d[ A* ]
v= = k [ A * ] = Aul [ A * ]
d[ A* ] [ A* ]
= − A dt ⇒ ln = − Aul t
[ A* ] ul
[ A * ]o
[ A * ] = [ A * ]o e − A t
το −−> Lifetime of the excited state. Time it takes to go from [A* ] / e.
or cut concentration of [A ] by 1/ e.
[ A* ] o 1
= [ A* ] o e − A τ → = e − A τ
ul o ul o
e e
ln( 1e ) = − Aul τ o → −1 = − Aul τ o
τo =
EXAMPLE: Cr(urea)33+
16,300 cm-1
∫ εd ν = 9x10 4
m −1cm−2 s −1
f = 4.33x10 −9 ∫ εd ν = 39
. x10 −4
8πhν ul3
Aul = Bul
2303c 2 ~
Bul =
hN a ν o
∫ εd ν
~2 ~
ν ∫ εd ν
Aul = 8 = 6.9 x10 s
4 −1
3.47 x10
τo = . x10 −5 sec ⇒ 14.5µ sec
= 145
. x10 4 s −1
The experimental value of the lifetime is 2 µsec. Indicating other methods of
deactivation of the excited state besides emission via fluorescence.
10 −4
τo ≈ Approximate intrinsic lifetime.
ε max
Large molar absorptivity yields shorter lifetimes
π → π* 20,000 for molar absor. therefore the lifetimes are very short.
What is occurring to make the actual lifetime of Cr(urea)3 equal to 2 µsec.
A + heat
each deactivation process
has its own rate constant kemiss
via collision and
Bk or vibrational
product A + hν
1 1 1
τo = ⇒ ⇒
k[ Aul ] kf ∑ ki
Kasha’s Rule: All emission takes place from the lowest excited state.
S1 kisc (kst)
Quantum Yield, φ can be defined for any process one is interested in.
rate_ of _ process
rate_ of _ absorption_ of _ photons
moles_ of _ process
moles_ of _ photons
k f [S1 ] k f [S1 ] kf
φf = = =
I ( k f + kic + k isc )[S1 ] ∑ k
τf actual lifetime
φf =
1 1 1
φf = ⇒τ =
∑ k τ o ∑ ki
real lifetime
Quenching of Fluorescence
D → D *
D * → D + hν ' ke
D * → D + heat k2
bimolecular step D* + Q → Q* + D kq
ke [D * ] ke
φe = * ⇒
( k e + k 2 + k q [ Q ])[ D ] k e + k 2 + k q [Q ]
φo =
ke + k2
without quencher
Stern-Volmer Method:
φ o ( ke + k 2 ) + k q [Q ] k q [Q ]
= = 1+
φe (ke + k 2 ) ( ke + k 2 )
kq φo
kSV = ⇒ − 1 = kSV [Q]
( ke + k 2 ) φe
φe kSV
kq 1 Lifetime
kSV = ⇒ kq = k qτ
ke + k 2 ke + k 2 without
quenching rate
Quenching Mechanisms:
D* + Q →
D+ + Q− electron transfer (photoreduction of Q)
D* + Q →
D− + Q+ electron transfer (photooxidation of Q)
Both reactions have D* and Q as reactants, but the products are quite different.
The Stern-Volmer equation doe not differentiate between the two schemes. Therefore,
determining kq does not give any insight into the mechanism of quenching. For a given
system, kq may reflect a combination of energy and electron transfer processes. There as
some criteria, however, that govern the relative efficiencies of energy transfer and
electron transfer. When applied to simple systems, these criteria help determine the
predominant mechanism of quenching.
According to Förster, efficient energy transfer depends on a number of factors.
Some of these are geometrical in nature; for example, the efficiency of energy transfer
increases with decreasing distance between the donor and the acceptor. For a given
distance, energy transfer will depend strongly on the relative energies of the excited states
of the donor and acceptor. Efficient energy transfer is expected to occur if the excited
state of the donor is higher in energy that the excited state of the acceptor, on which the
excitation energy will reside ultimately.
acceptor donor acceptor
In thermodynamic terms, this means that energy transfer is most effective when it
is downhill energetically. This makes good chemical sense! In spectroscopic terms, this
means that the emission spectrum of the donor molecule must be blue-shifted
(shorter wavelengths) relative to the absorption spectrum of the acceptor molecule.
λems λabs
spectrum of Absorption
the donor spectrum of the
wavelength (nm)
where n is the number of transferred electrons, F is Faraday’s constant, and ∆Eo is the
standard change in reduction potentials.
The considerations above provide a basis for the design of an experiment on the
photochemistry of [Ru(bpy)3]2+. Using a fluorimeter, we obtain intensity data for the
complex as a function of concentration of a quencher, such as aquated Fe3+, [Fe(H2O)6]3+.
By obtaining the emission spectrum of the complex and the absorption spectrum of the
quencher, the relevance of energy transfer processes in the quenching mechanism may be
evaluated. Likewise, the importance of electron transfer may be estimated by considering
the reduction potentials of donor and acceptor.
Photochemistry of [Ru(bpy)3]2+:
[Ru(bpy)3]2+ is highly luminescent. The emission, a “mixture” of fluorescence
and phosphorescence, may be quenched by transfer of excitation energy or by electron
transfer to several inorganic and organic species in solution.
Energy transfer: [Ru(bpy)3]2+ + Q Æ [Ru(bpy)3]2+ + *Q
Electron transfer: [Ru(bpy)3]2+ + Q Æ [Ru(bpy)3]3+ + Q-
Because the reaction is catalytic in [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and Q, and also regenerates H2O,
the chemical source of fuel, this technology is potentially clean. It is also independent of
fossil fuels, since solar energy is the only source of free energy in the entire process.
Experimental:Synthesis of [Ru(bpy)3](BF4)2
Place 1 mmol (ca. 275 mg) of RuCl3 in a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask with 10 mL
1,5-pentanediol, 1 mL of H2O and a stir bar. Heat and stir until the metal salt
dissolves, then add 3.5 mmol of 2,2’-bipyridine (C10H8N2) and 0.5-1.0 mmol
ascorbic acid and heat to boiling for 15 min. Allow the reaction mixture to cool,
dilute it to about 40 mL with H2O, and adjust the pH of this solution to about 8
using dilute sodium hydroxide. If necessary, filter the solution to clarify it, then
precipitate the product by adding an excess (~5g) of NaBF4. The orange solid
recovered is [Ru(bpy)3](BF4)2. This should be divided roughly into halves. One
half can be recrystallized from water (with ethanol added if necessary), while the
other half may converted into its hexafluorphosphate salt by metathesis with KPF6
in water. The hexafluorphosphate salt will be used for the electrochemistry and
electrogenerated chemiluminescence experiments.
c. From the stock solutions and additional 0.5 M HCl, make at least six
solutions (4-5mL each), each having the same concentration of
complex (about 8 µM) and a known concentration of quencher (a
range of 0 to 3 mM is appropriate). The concentration of complex in
the “quenched” solutions should not be less than 4.5 µM.
2. Absorption Spectra
Obtain the absorption spectrum (between 300-700 nm) of the quencher
solution, [Fe(H2O)6]3+. Dilute some of the FeCl3 stock in 0.5 M HCl. If the
solution is too concentrated (A>>1), dilute with 0.5 M HCl and try again. The
spectral information will be useful in an evaluation of the quenching
3. Emission Measurements
Immediately prior to the emission measurement, transfer enough solution
to a 1 cm fluorescence cell, purge the solution in the cell for 30-40 sec. And cap
immediately. The excitation wavelength should be set to the 452 nm absorption
band of [Ru(bpy)3]2+. The emission spectrum should be collected between 400-
700 nm. With the instrument set, obtain data for all six purged solutions
(solutions c).
Data Analysis
Using the Stern-Volmer equation and your data, calculate the Ksv for the
[Ru(bpy)3]2+/Fe3+ system. From this and the accepted value of τ = 600 ns, calculate kq
for the reaction.
Next, determine the mechanism of the reaction. Recall that one cannot
distinguish between energy and electron transfer processes by simply looking at the kq
value. Some of the questions that need to be answered in order to propose a mechanism
a. Is the emission spectrum of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ blue or red shifted relative to the
absorption spectrum of [Fe(H2O)6]3+?
b. Is transfer of an electron from the excited state of the Ru complex to
[Fe(H2O)6]3+energetically feasible at least in the standard state?
To answer this last question, we need to know the redox potential of [Fe(H2O)6]3+
and the redox potential of the excited state of [Ru(bpy)3]2+, E*. The former
quantity can be obtained from any handbook or textbook as the reduction
potential of Fe3+ ion. The latter quantity has been determined by Lin et al. to be –
0.84 volts.
From a consideration of these energetic constraints, you will be able to
propose a mechanism for the quenching reaction. For example, if the
absorption of [Fe(H2O)6]3+ shows no feactures in or immediately beyond the
600-650 nm region, where the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex emits, then energy
transfer may be ruled out as a predominant source of quenching. On the other
hand, if the free energy change for the redox reaction involving oxidation of
the of the excited state of the Ru(II) complex by [Fe(H2O)6]3+ is very large
and positive, then electron transfer is not expected to be very efficient.
From the cyclic voltammogram determine the E1/2 values for the Ru(III)/(Ru(II)
and the [Ru(bpy)3]2+/+ processes.
Determine the free energy change for the above redox reaction. Then calculate
the percentage of the reductive free energy that is carried off by the photon in the case
where the photon is produced.
Atkins, P.W; Physical Chemistry 5th edition , W.H. Freeman and Co. N.Y.,1994
Bolton, E., Richter, M. M.; Eierman, R. J. Chem. Ed., 2001, 78, 641.
Lin, C. –T., Böttcher, M.; Chou, M.; Creutz, C.; Sutin N. J. Am.
Bard, A.; Becker, W.; Ege, D. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, 2413.
Ni I2
Firstly, the macrocyclic ligand is prepared by the Schiff's Base condensation of one
mole of ethylenediamine monohydroiodide with two moles of acetone after the manner of
Curtis and Hay (1). This experiment can be carried out easily in a three-hour lab period.
The second step involves the reaction of the macrocyclic ligand dihydroiodide with
nickel (II) acetate forming the nickel iodide complex. This complex is well known and
well characterized in the literature (2).
Macrocyclic metal complexes have been studied extensively (3,4) because of their
similarity to the macrocyclic metal complexes found in biological systems. The metal
complexes of the porphin and corrin macrocycles provide a variety of compounds with
manifold biological functions; this has stimulated the design of synthetic macrocycles
with other functional capabilities.
+ N O
O + - H
+ H+
O N H+
Figure 1
The order of the three steps has not been confirmed experimentally, but it is
apparent that this mechanism or one similar to this forms the product as shown. The
reaction takes place equally as well beginning with mesityl oxide (a) which would
indicate that the first step is indeed likely the one shown here (1).
The formation of the nickel (II) complex with this protonated ligand depends upon
the fact that the acetate ion is the conjugate base of a weak acid and thus deprotonates the
macrocyclic ligand allowing the metal complex to form. The remaining iodide in the
solution acts as the counter ion, so that the final product formed is the [Ni([14]-7,11-
diene N4])I2.
The complex will be characterized by conductivity and infrared, uv-visible, and
mass spectroscopies and the results compared to those in the literature.
Transition metal complexes usually show three types of electronic bands: d-d
(crystal-field) transitions (300 - 1,500 nm) with 10–2 < ε < 103 M–1 cm–1; charge-transfer
transitions (200 - 500 nm) with 103 < ε < 105 and transitions localized on the ligands.
The last are n––>π* or π––>π*, with 103 < ε < 105 and usually occur in the ultraviolet
region (unless the ligand itself is colored, of course). These are affected by coordination,
the usual consequence being that the wavelengths shift slightly and the ε's are altered
Experimental Procedure:
Preparation of 5,7,7,12,14,14-Hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradeca4,11-diene
dihydrogen iodide ([14] 4,11-diene N4 2HI)
The ligand, 4,11-Diene N4.2HI, is prepared using a method similar to that reported
by Curtis and Hay (1). A 0.2 mol sample of ethylenediamine (13.2 mL) is put into 10 mL
EtOH and cooled in an ice bath. A 0.20 mol (36.2 mL of 47%) sample of colorless
hydroiodic acid is slowly added to the cool ethylenediamine solution being careful not to
let the solution boil over, as this strong acid-strong base reaction is quite exothermic.
Note that the diamine:HI ratio is 1:1; enH22+ is unproductive in the subsequent steps !
After the HI is added, 30 mL of acetone is added (0.4 mol) and the solution is allowed to
stand for several hours (overnight). The white crystalline product is filtered off (Büchner
funnel) and dried crudely by pulling air through it for 20 min. while it is on the filter
paper. The yield is typically about 20%. Your lab instructor may ask you to reserve a
portion of this for recrystallization, determination of the melting-point, infrared and mass
Preparation of 5,7,7,l2,l4,14-hexamethyl-1,48,11-tetraazacyclotetradeca4,11-
dienatonickel(II)iodide, Ni([14]4,1, diene-N4)I2
During the 20-min drying period, a 50 mL round bottom flask with a reflux
condenser and a magnetic stir bar is set up in a heating mantel and on a stir plate. (A less
complex set-up using a beaker on a hot plate or steam bath and a glass rod as a stirrer also
works well.). The crude ligand is weighed, and an equimolar amount of Ni(OAc)2.4H2O
is dissolved in 40 mL MeOH. The ligand is then added to this, and the solution is
refluxed for about 1 hr. After the heating period is over, the solution is filtered, and the
volume reduced on a steam bath or at rotary evaporator until crystals begin to form.
Then either: (1) stopper the flask and cool for an hour or more in an ice-bath, or (2) allow
the solution to stand until the next lab period.
The yellow crystalline product is filtered off from the solution (Büchner funnel) and
recrystallized from aqueous ethanol. (If the filtration is difficult, filter just a little at a
time or fish the crystals out of solution and air dry them). The recrystallization should be
done fairly rapidly using a rotary evaporator to reduce the volume of EtOH if necessary.
The recrystallized product is then dried and stored in a desiccator until the physical
measurements are to be made.
Conductivity. The molar conductivity is measured using the calibrated cell supplied.
For this purpose, make up a 10–3M acetonitrile solution (10 – 25 mL) of precisely known
actual concentration of the nickel complex. Compare the measured value for this with a
pair of "standard" electrolytes (e.g., tetrabutylammonium iodide and methyldabconium
iodide) in the same solvent.
Infrared Spectra.
Obtain the IR spectra of the ligand-precursor and of the nickel macrocycle, pressed
as KBr pellets.
A characteristic feature of the ligand-precursor spectrum is the quaternary amine
bands that caused the sloping baseline in the 2000 2800 cm-1 region. This is typical of all
quaternary amines and should be totally absent in the spectrum of the nickel complex.
Another characteristic band to look for in both spectra is the imine stretch at 1665 cm-1.
It is important to note that there are no bands in the 1700-1800 cm-1 region which would
indicate the presence of the acetate ion. If a band should appear in this region,
recrystallization of the complex is necessary.
KBr pellet IR spectra show strong bands centered around 3500 cm-1 which are due
to moisture that is picked up during the grinding of the compound with KBr. The band
that should be present (in the dry compound) at 3180 cm- 1 due to N-H stretch is
consequently shifted because of the resulting hydrogen bonding (1) and is not observed.
This phenomenon is well known and cannot be prevented easily in the lab.
UV-Visible Spectrum
As ever, the initial goal is to obtain absorption bands which are within a sensibly
readable range on the spectrophotometer (say 0.3 < A < 2.0). This suggests that for
solutions in a 1.0 cm cell, the concentration should be of the order of 10–2 M for testing
suitability in the d-d band region, and about 10–4 M for the CT/π–π* region. The
absorption spectrum of the nickel complex should be run in a solvent which is transparent
throughout the region of interest: 220 – 600 nm, a criterion which is met by CH3CN, the
solvent also used for the conductance measurements. Submit the absorption spectra,
together with the associated values of λ and ε. Is the d-d transition near 450 nm
characteristic of high- or low-spin nickel(II) ? How does this result relate to the
conductivity measurements ?
Mass spectra:
What mode of mass spectrometry was used for the ligand-precursor ? What does it
suggest for the composition ? What mode of mass spectrometry was used for the mass
spectrum of the complex, and what were the major ions obtained ? Note these on the MS
charts you submit.
6) Skoog, D. A., and West, D. M., "Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry," 2nd Ed.,
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., New York NY, 1969, p. 195.
7) Ref. (6) pp. 438-441.
8) Wheatland, D. A., J. Chem. Educ., 50, 854 (1973).
9) Warner, L. G., Rose, N. J., and Busch, D. H., J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 90, 6938
10) Curtis, N. F., Curtis, Y. M., and Powell, H. K. J., J. Chem. Soc. A, l015 (1966).
Pauson while attempting to synthesis fulvalene.1 Sir. Geoffrey Wilkinson latter correctly
Preparation of Ferrocene2: 60 g of KOH (pellets) are quickly ground with a mortar and
pestle until the largest particles are less than 0.5 mm in diameter. Because it is very
the exposure of the KOH powder to the atmosphere; therefore, it is stored in a tightly
KOH are placed in a three-necked flask. One side neck is stoppered and the other in
connected to the T-tube bubbler and the nitrogen cylinder (see figure 1). While the
mixture is slowly stirred and the flask is being flushed with a stream of nitrogen, 10.0 mL
of cyclopentadiene* is added. The main neck is then fitted with the dropping funnel with
its stopcock open. Flush the flask with nitrogen for 10 min, and close the stopcock. A
funnel. The mixture is stirred vigorously. After 10 min., the nitrogen flow is lowered to
a slow purge, and drop-by-drop addition of the iron(II) chloride solution is begun. The
rate of addition is adjusted so that the entire solution is added in 45 min. Then the
dropping funnel stopcock is closed and vigorous stirring is continued for a further 30
min. Finally, the nitrogen flow is stopped, and the mixture is added to a
mixture of 6M HCl and about 200 g of crushed ice. Some of the resulting slurry may be
used to rinse the reaction flask. The slurry is stirred for about 15 min., and the precipitate
The moist solid is spread on a large watch glass and dried in air overnight. The yield
inverted cover of a Petri dish so that none of the material is within 2 mm of the side wall
of the cover. The Petri dish itself ( the smaller of the pair) is inverted and placed in the
cover, and the apparatus is then placed on a hot plate, shown in figure 2. The hot plate is
gradually warmed up until the top surface of the apparatus is almost too hot to touch
(setting 2 on the hot plate). The ferrocene will sublime onto the upper part of the dish.
Include percent yield, melting point, and molar absorptivities (for UV-visible spectra)
4. Obtain the cyclic voltammogram in acetonitrile (scan from 0.0 to 1.0 V vs.
1951, numerous investigators have examined the reactions of this compound to determine
wheather the cyclopentadienyl rings are similar to benzene in their chemical reactivity.
In fact, many substitution reactions on the cyclopentadienyl rings do occur, and ferrocene
usually undergoes these reactions more readily than does benzene. These observations
have been interpreted in indicate that the cyclopentadienyl rings in ferrocene are “more
Whether the mono- or diacetyl product is obtained is determined by the amounts of the
There are lots of other reactions, besides for acetylation, which are observed with
The cyclopentadiene is prepared by the thermal cracking of dicyclopentadiene.
Dicyclopentadiene is slowly distilled through a fractionating column, collecting only the material
which refluxes below 44oC (cyclopentadiene boils at 42.5oC, and dicyclopentadiene at 170oC).
74, 2125 (1952); L. Kaplan, W. L. Kester, and J. J. Katz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 5531
H Pd H H H
H Pd H
When the allyl group is π bound, the complex is stereochemically rigid. There are
three types of nonequivalent hydrogen atoms, shown below. Hydrogen c is clearly
unique, being part of the only CH group. The b hydrogen atoms are syn to hydrogen c,
and the a hydrogen atoms are anti to hydrogen c. The 1H NMR spectrum would
therefore show three signals. When the allyl group is σ bound, there is free rotation
about the C-C single bond, thus rendering the a and b hydrogen atoms equivalent. The
H NMR spectrum would therefore show only two signals. Molecules showing this kind
of motion are said to be fluxional.
Hb Hb
Ha Ha
Nonequivalent protons in the allyl group.
NMR Spectra Dissolve one half of the product (~20 mg) in a minimum amount of
CDCl3 and obtain the 1H NMR spectrum. Dissolve the other half of the product in a
minimum amount of DMSO-d6 and obtain the room temperature 1H NMR spectrum.
Obtain the DMSO-d6 spectrum at 0, 40, and 60 oC in addition to that at room
Questions 1. Account for the multiplicities in the 1H NMR spectra of both products.
† This experiment was adapted from: Szafran, Z.; Pike, R. A.; Singh, M. M.,
Microscale Inorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.:New York 1991 pg. 298.
1. Maitlis, P. M. ; Espinet, P ; Russell, M. J. H., “Allylic Complexes of
Pd(II)” in Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, G. Wilkinson, Ed. Pergamon:
Oxford, 1982, Vol. 6, Chapter 38.7, p. 385.
2. Lindley, J. J. Chem. Ed. 1980, 57, 671.
3. Bailey, C. T; Lisensky, G. C. J. Chem. Ed. 1985, 62, 896.
Bioinorganic Experiments
In this experiment we shall determine the equilibrium constant for the binding of
thiocyanate and azide to horse heart myoglobin.
Proteins are capable of binding various small molecules by a variety of
interactions. It is often the case that a given protein (e.g. human serum albumin) is
cabalbe of binding several small molecules, with different affinities at different
binding sites on the macromolecule. This binding is often reflective of the protein’s
native function. For example, myoglobin, a hem protein of mammalian physiology,
reversibly binds dioxygen when in its iron(II) form:
Mb + O2 ¾ MbO2
as the essential step of its function of intramuscular oxygen storage. Various heme
proteins in their iron(III) (“ferric”, 3d5-Fe(III) oxidation state) can no longer bind O2,
but will bind other, anionic molecules. This iron(III) form, aquametmyoglobin, thus
binds one anion per molecule and (as in the case of the bound O2) the anionic ligand
is coordinated to the heme iron. This binding of the iron(III) hemes is one reason
why azide and cyanide are so toxic. The picture below shows part of the myoglobin
active-site architecture, with the macrocyclic heme iron coordinated below by a
histidine imidazole nitrogen: the sixth coordination site is occupied by an H2O, of
which just the O-atom is shown.
Furthermore, this structure indicates why the binding interaction occurs with 1:1
stoichiometry. This simple binding also serves as a simple model for more complex
protein/solute multiple binding phenomena.
The equilibrium for 1:1 stoichiometry is written as:
P + L ¾ PL (1)
[ PL]
K= (2)
[ P][ L]
where, P is the protein, L is the ligand, and PL is the protein-ligand complex, the
quantities bracketed above being their standing concentrations at equilibrium.
Such equilibria may be studied spectrohotometrically if some of the components
absorb at convenient wavelengths, so that the concentrations of the species of interest
may be obtained from optical absorbance measurements. This is indeed the case for
myoglobins, hemoglobins and other heme proteins: the aromatic iron porphyrin
(heme) prosthetic group has strong absorption bands in the visible region. There are
normally in the 500-600 nm interval (α- and β-bands, ε =5,000-20,000 M-1cm-1) and
at 380-435 nm (γ- or Soret band, ε= 80,000-200,000 M-1cm-1).
Consider the following hypothetical absorbance plot. A∞ is the optical absorbance
for the totally bound protein, in the presence of a saturating high concentration of
ligand. A is the observed protein absorbance at any lesser, non-saturating
concentration of ligand, and Ao is the absorbance of the protein in absence of any
added ligand.
The absorbance step (A-Ao) reflects the fraction of the protein which is ligated,
while (A∞ -A) represents the fraction which is “free”.
[ PL] ( A − Ao )
= (5)
[ P] ( A∞ − A)
( A − Ao ) 1
K= ⋅ (6)
A∞ − A) [ L]
The total concentration of the ligand added, CL, is partitioned by the reaction into
bound and free ligand:
CL = [L] + [PL]
[L] = CL – [PL]
so that
( A − Ao ) 1
Therefore: K= ⋅ (7)
A∞ − A) [C L ]
The Mb(III) solutiuon will have been prepared for you prior to the lab period, by
oxidizing a solution of horse heart Mb overnight with [Fe(CN)6]3-.
1. Chromatograph the oxidized solution to separate the myoglobin from the
oxidizing agent. Using 0.1 M pH 7 phosphate buffer. On a Sephadex-G25 or
BioGel-P4/P6 mini-column.
2. Prepare the spectrophotometer and obtain a spectrum (between 300-500 nm)
to determine the concentration of the myoglobin solution. [Use the 0.1 M
buffer as the blank]
3. The concentration of the myoglobin will be adjusted to ensure that the
concentration of ligand is at least 10x that of the protein. (The molar
extintion coefficient of aquametmyoglobin is 188,000 M-1cm-1). The stock
anion ligand solution is about 0.045 M (45 mM).
4. Add 3.0 mL of myoglobin to the UV cell. Run its spectrum vs. buffer blank.
It’s important to have precise and accurate absorption spectra. The myoglobin
concentration should be about 3-5 µM.
5. 0.02 mL aliquots of ligand will be added and the spectrum run until at least
seven spectra are obtained. The fourth spectrum should correspond to about
200 µM ligand. The arithmetic of these equilibria is such, that the more
protein is ligated, the slower the rate of spectrum changing with respect to
added ligand.
6. A∞ will be obtained by finally adding several mg of the solid ligand to the
Treatment of Data:
1. Select a wavelength at which you will collect absorbance data.
2. Adjust the absorbance readings for the dilution of the myoglobin solution
caused by the additon of the ligand solution, so as to normalize them toward
the nondiluted A-value.
3. Treat the data in the fashion described in the background section.
4. What is your value of K? Report the value also as log10K. How does it
compare to the literature value?
5. If [L] is not considerably greater than [p], the data is not amenable to
treatment in the above way. Why not?
Above table from: Anonini, Eraldo and Brunori, Maurizio Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in
their Reactions with Ligands. Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Co., 1971, p. 230.
B. Electrochemistry of Cytochrome c.
Your will use absorption spectrophotometry to measure the reduction potential of
another heme-containing protein, cytochrome c.
Heme protein are very versitle. They act as carriers of oxygen in mammals
(hemoglobin and myoglobin), studied in part A., carriers of electrons in photosynthesis
and reperation (e.g., cytochromes b, c, and f), and as catalyst for a variety of biochemical
reactions involving O2 (e.g., cytochrome P450, catalase, cytochrome c oxidase).
Cytochrome c delivers electrons one at a time to cytochrome c oxidase, the
enzyme responsible for the final step in respiration: the four-electron reduction of O2 to
H2O. The redox-active part of cytochrome c is heme c (shown below), which is
covalently linked to the protein via thioether bonds to cysteine residues. In the protein,
the central iron atom is also ligated by one histidine nitrogen and one methionine sulfur.
It is the iron atom that carries electrons, interconverting between the +3 and +2 oxidation
Cytochrome c is brightly colored because the heme absorbs strongly in the visible
range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Also, the reduced and oxidized forms of
cytochrome c have different absorption spectra. Consequently, the reduction
potentials of cytochrome c and indeed cytochromes in general are often determined
via spectrophotometric methods.
We will use the so-called equilibration method for the determination of redox
potentials. Consider the following reaction, where electrons are transferred between a
cytochrome and a mediator compound D:
Cytox + Dred ¾ Cytred + Dox (1)
RT 1 [cyt red ] 1 [D ]
∆E = ∆E o − ln + ln ox (2)
F n
cyt [cyt ox ] n D [ Dred ]
∆E o = E cyt
− E Do (3)
In this experiment, the standard electrode potentials will be given by using the
biochemist’s standard state, which is 1 atm and pH 7.
At equilibrium,
RT 1 [cyt red ] 1 [D ]
∆E o = ln + ln ox (4)
F n
cyt [cyt ox ] n D [ Dred ]
If we know the standard potential for species D, the standard reduction potential
of cytochrome c may be measured from the equilibrium concentrations of cytred, cytox,
Dred, and Dox. In order to use a spectrophotometer for these measurements, it is
necessary that not only the cytochrome but also D have an absorption spectrum that
depends on oxidation state. Ctyochrome c has a sharp absorption band at 550 nm in
the reduced state. Upon oxidation, this band becomes weaker and broader. It is
typical to determine the extent of reduction of cytochrome c by measuring the
difference in absorbance at 550 nm and 570 nm. In this experiment, we will use the
dye 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) as mediator. DCIP has a strong absorption band
around 600 nm in the oxidized state and is transparent in this region in the reduced
DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol)
In a typical experiment, the first step consists of measuring the absorption
spectrum of the system where both cyt c and DCIP are oxidized. The difference in
absorbance between 550 nm and 570 nm is then denoted A(cytox). The absorbacne at
600 nm is denoted A(Dox). Then a reductant, such as sodium ascorbate, is titrated
into the sample. After each addition of ascorbate, the absorbances A(cyt) and A(D)
are measured as before. Finally, a small amount of a powerful reductant, such as
sodium dithionite, is added to reduce the system fully. The absorbance A(cytred) and
A(Dred) are measured as before.
The concentration ratios are given by:
[cyt ox ] A(cyt red ) − A(cyt )
= (5)
[cyt red ] A(cyt ) − A(cyt ox )
[ Dox ] A( D) − A( Dred )
= (6)
[ Dred ] A( Dox ) − A( D)
[ Dox ] [cyt ox ]
Rearrangement of Equation (4) shows that a plot of ln vs. ln is a
[ Dred ] [cyt red ]
nD n F
straight line with slope and an intercept of c ∆E o . Given that, in our case, nD
ncyt RT
= ncyt = 1, and the standard reduction potential of DCIP is 0.237 V at pH 6.5, the
standard reduction potential of cytochrome c may be calculated easily.
Preparation of solutions: The class will require the followinf solutions. The
workload will be distributed among the groups in the laboratory.
- 2.0 mg/ mL cytochrome c in deionized water (10 mL total)
- 1.0 mM potassium ferricyanide in deionized water ( 25 mL total)
- 50 mM citrate buffer , pH 6.5 (100 mL)
- 1.0 mM DCIP in deionized water (25 mL total)
- 10 mM ascorbic acid
The experiment: Please follow these procedures:
Put into a cuvette:
- 1 mL of the cytochrome c solution;
- 25 µL of the potassium ferricyanide solution (to oxidize any reduced
cyrochrome c);
- 0.1 mL of the DCIP solution
- Mix well and measure the absorbance at 550, 570, and 600 nm. These readings
correspond to fully oxidized cytochrome c and DCIP. Record the difference in
absorbance between 550 and 570 nm, which we will call A(cytox), and the absorbance at
600 nm, which we will call A(Dox).
- Add 3 µL of the 10 mM ascorbate and mix. Allow one minute for the equilibration,
then read the absorbace values A(cyt) and A(D) as before.
- Continue additions of ascorbate and absorbance readings until the absorbance at 600 nm
is low and the readings are constant.
- Add a few crystals of sodium dithionite and take a final reading, corresponding to the
fully reduced states A(cytred) and A(Dred).
Data Analysis:
From your absorbance readings and Equations (4)-(6), please determine the
standard reduction potential of cytochrome c. Please take note of the electron
stoichiometry of the reaction between cytochrome c and DCIP, so , nD = ncyt = 1.
Therefore, the predicted value of the slope is 1; any significant deviations from this value
result in lower accuracy in the final determination of the standard reduction potential of
cytochrome c. Be sure to report values with the correct number of significant figures.
Also, propagate the errors as needed. Compare your value of the standard reduction
potential of cytochrome c with the literature value of +0.254 V at pH 7.0.
The experiment is derived from:
Cammack, R. Redox States and Potentials In “Bioenergetics-A Practical
Approach” (G. C. Brown, and C. E. Cooper, eds.) IRL Press, Oxford, 1995, pp. 93-95.
Appendix 1
Magnetic Susceptibility
µeff = 8 χ corr T
And it follows that in the absence of spin-orbit coupling the number of unpaired electrons
can be determined by:
µeff = n(n + 2)
Pascal’s Constants
Evan’s Method
∆H 2π
= ∆κ
H 3
3 ∆H (d − d s ) χ o
χ= ⋅ + χo + o
2πC H C
where C is the solute concentration in grams per milliliter of solution, χo is the gram
susceptibility of the solvent (-0.72 x 10-6 for dilute aqueous t-butanol solutions), do is the
density of the solvent, and ds the density of the solution. For highly paramagnetic
substances, the last term can often be neglected.
Appendix 2
The Literature of Inorganic Chemistry
The following list includes books, monographs and journals which you may find useful in
Advanced Inorganic. Many of these sources will be especially useful in selecting an
appropriate independent project for the last part of the course.
A. Basic
a. Inorganic Chemistry, second edition, D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins, and C.
H. Langford; W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1994. 913 pp.
b. Inorganic Chemistry, J. R. Bowser; Brooks-Cole Publishing Co., Pacific
Grove, CA, 1993. 805 pp.
c. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, second edition,W. L. Jolly; McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 1991. 655 pp.
d. Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, third edition, K. M. Mackay
and R. A. Mackay; International Textbook Company, London, 1981. 349
e. An Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, K. F. Purcell and J. C. Kotz;
Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1980. 637 pp.
f. The Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, W. L. Jolly; McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
New York, 1976. 376 pp.
B. Advanced
a. Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry, third edition, B. E.
Douglas, D. H. McDaniel and J. J. Alexander; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1994. 993 pp.
b. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, fourth
edition, J. E. Huheey, E. A. Kelter and R. L. Kelter; Harper Collins
College Publisher, New York, 1993. 1052 pp.
c. Inorganic Chemistry, A Unified Approach, second edition, W. W.
Porterfield; Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1993. 921 pp.
d. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, fifth edition, F. A. Cotton and G.
Wilkinson; Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1988. 1455 pp.
e. Chemistry of the Elements, N. N. Greenwoo and A. Earnshaw; Pergamon
Press, New York, 1984. 1542 pp.
f. Inorganic Chemistry, A Modern Introduction, T. Moeller; John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1982. 846 pp.
g. Inorganic Chemistry, A. G. Sharpe; Longman, London, 1981. 682 pp.
h. Inorganic Chemistry, K. F. Purcell and J. C. Kotz; W. B. Saunders,
Philadelphia, 1977. 1116 pp.
C. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
a. Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, G. Wulfsberg; University
Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1991. 461 pp. This is an optional text for
CHE 514.
b. Simple Inorganic Substances, R. T. Sanderson; R. E. Krieger Publishing
Co., Malabar, FL, 1989. 500 pp.
c. Chemistry of the Non-Metals, R. Steudel, English edition by F. C. Nachod
and J. J. Zuckerman; Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1977. 402 pp.
A. Multidisciplinary Journals
1. Journal of the American Chemical Society
2. Journal of Chemical Education
3. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English
4. Chemische Berichte
5. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications
B. Inorganic Chemistry
1. Inorganic Chemistry
2. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry
3. Polyhedron
4. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
5. Inorganica Chimica Acta
C. Organometallic chemistry
1. Organometallics
2. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
D. Metals and complexes
1. Journal of Coordination Chemistry
E. Solid state chemistry
1. Journal of Solid State Chemistry
2. Chemistry of Materials