6 Percent Change: The percent change formula is used very often in Excel. For example, to calculate the Monthly Change and Total
7 Pareto Chart: A Pareto chart combines a column chart and a line graph. The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly
80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
8 Loan Amortization Schedule: This example teaches you how to create a loan amortization schedule in Excel.
9 Random Numbers: Excel has two useful functions when it comes to generating random numbers. The RAND and
10 Remove Duplicates: This example teaches you how to remove duplicates in Excel.
11 Countif: The powerful COUNTIF function in Excel counts cells based on one criteria. This page contains many easy to follow
COUNTIF examples.
12 Lock Cells: You can lock cells in Excel if you want to protect cells from being edited.
13 Standard Deviation: This page explains how to calculate the standard deviation based on the entire population using the
STDEV.P function in Excel and how to estimate the standard deviation based on a sample using the STDEV.S function in Excel.
14 Count Unique Values: This example shows you how to create an array formula that counts unique values.
15 Gantt Chart: Excel does not offer Gantt as chart type, but it's easy to create a Gantt chart by customizing the stacked bar chart
17 Line Chart: Line charts are used to display trends over time. Use a line chart if you have text labels, dates or a few numeric
labels on the horizontal axis.
18 Transpose: Use the 'Paste Special Transpose' option to switch rows to columns or columns to rows in Excel. You can also use
the TRANSPOSE function.
19 Correlation: We can use the CORREL function or the Analysis Toolpak add-in in Excel to find the correlation coefficient between
two variables.
20 Time Sheet: This example teaches you how to create a simple timesheet calculator in Excel.
21 Offset: The OFFSET function in Excel returns a cell or range of cells that is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell
or range of cells.
22 Pie Chart: Pie charts are used to display the contribution of each value (slice) to a total (pie). Pie charts always use one data
23 If: The IF function is one of the most used functions in Excel. This page contains many easy to follow IF examples.
24 Data Tables: Instead of creating different scenarios, you can create a data table to quickly try out different values for formulas.
You can create a one variable data table or a two variable data table.
25 t-Test: This example teaches you how to perform a t-Test in Excel. The t-Test is used to test the null hypothesis that the means of
two populations are equal.