Atc - 32 PDF
Atc - 32 PDF
Atc - 32 PDF
PB96-194162 Information .
30 JUN 96
ca 'nformat"Ion Service
PB 96 - 194162
Funded by
The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation established in 1971 through the
efforts of the Structural Engineers Association of California. ATC is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of
representatives appointed by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Structural Engineers Association of
California, the Western States Council of Structural Engineers Associations, and four at-large representatives
concerned with the practice of structural engineering. Each director serves a three-year term.
The purpose of ATC is to assist the design practitioner in structural engineering (and related design specialty
fields such as soils, wind, and earthquake) in the task of keeping abreast of and effectively using technological
developments. ATC also identifies and encourages needed research and develops consensus opinions on structural
engineering issues in a nonproprietary format. ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded information transfer.
Project management and administration are carried out by a full-time Executive Director and support staff.
Project work is conducted by a wide range of highly qualified consulting professionals, thus incorporating the
experience of many individuals from academia, research, and professional practice who would not be available
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While the information presented in this report is believed to be correct, ATC and the sponsoring agency assume
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The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the
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California or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or
Cover Illustration:
New Pescadero Creek Bridge
Photo by Bob Colin, California Department of Transportation
Report Nos: ATC-32
Title: Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional
Date: 30 Jun 96
Performing Organization: Applied Technology Council, Redwood City. CA.
S~onSOring Organization: *California State Dept. of Transportation, Sacramento. Div.
o Structures.
Contract Nos: CALTRANS-59N203
Type of Report and Period Covered: Final rept. 1 May 91-31 Oct 95.
NTIS Field/Group Codes: 50A (Highway Engineering), 500 (Soil &Rock Mechanics), 50C
(Constructlon Equlpment, Materials, &Supplies)
Price: PC A11/MF A03
Availability: Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
VA. 22161
Number of Pages: 225p
Ke words: *Highway bridges. *Earthquake engineering. *Seismic design. *Structural
re laDl lity. Earthquakes, Seismic effects. Structural response, Damage assessment.
Earthquake damage, Soil-structure interactions. Reinforced concretes. Steel
structures, Foundations(Structures). Load bearing capacity. Load distribution.
Stiffness, Performance evaluation.
Abstract: The ATC-32 report recommends revisions to the California Department of
Iransportation (Caltrans) seismic design standards, performance criteria.
specifications and practices. It is based on recent research in the field of bridge
seismic design and the performance of Caltrans-designed bridges in the 1989 Loma
Prieta and other recent California earthquakes. Specifically, the report provides
recommended revisions to Caltrans current Bridge Deisgn Specifications (BDS)
pertaining to seismic loading, structural response analysis, and component design.
Special attention is given to design issues related to reinforced concrete components,
steel components, foundations, and conventional bearings.
Funded by
P.O. Box 942874
Sacrall1ento,CA 94274-0001
Mohsen Sultan, Contract Manager
Richard V. Nutt
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No 2. Recipient's Catalog No.
ATC-32 '111Il\ I' 111111'III I11111l\' II'
PB96 -194162
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Improved Seismic Design Criteria for Califomia Bridges June 30, 1996
6. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Applied Technology Council
555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550
Redwood City, Califomia 94065 11. Contract or Grant No.
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
16. Abstract
19. Security Classif. (of this report 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 214
In May 1991, the California Department of Transporta- crete design. They were assisted by Gregory Fenves ofthe
tion (Caltrans) awarded Applied Technology Council University of California, Berkeley. John Kulicki and his
(ATe) a contract to conduct a critical review of the Cal- staff at Modjeski and Masters developed new design cri-
trans Bridge Design Specifications (BDS) related to seis- teria for steel structures and conventional bridge bear-
mic design and to recommend changes where needed. ings.
This contract resulted in the development of the revised Trial designs using the draft BDS were performed by
BDS presented in this ATC-32 report, which provides a two bridge design consultants. John Quincy directed the
number of recommended improvements to bridge efforts of Quincy Engineering and Kosal Krishnan
design practice. A companion document, ATC-32-1, directed those of Kercheval Engineers. Nonlinear
includes additional detailed discussion of these recom- dynamic analysis studies to evaluate near-fault effects
mendations. The recommendations apply to the seismic were performed by Computech Engineering Services
design ofbridges throughout California. under the direction of Ron Mayes. An independent
Because of the broad range of expertise required to external review of the recommendations for structural
develop comprehensive BDS, a 13-member advisory steel was conducted by Ahmad Itani of the University of
Project Engineering Panel (PEP) was assembled to Nevada at Reno.
review recommended changes as they were developed Technical editing and formatting of this report were
and to provide guidance where needed. This panel was performed by Nancy and Rodney Sauer ofRDD Con-
composed ofIan Buckle (Chair), Robert Cassano, Allen sultants and the ATC staff. Their efforts are gratefully
Ely, Nicholas Forell, James Gates, 1. M. Idriss, Roy Imb- acknowledged.
sen, James Jirsa, James Libby, Joseph Nicoletti, Joseph The efforts of several Caltrans personnel are also
Penzien, Maurice Power, and James Roberts. The affilia- gratefully acknowledged. Mohsen Sultan was the Con-
tions of these individuals are provided in the Project Par- tract Manager and coordinated the technical participa-
ticipants list. tion of other Caltrans engineers. Dan Kirkland and Tim
The detailed technical work required for the devel- Leahy served as Contract Administrators. They and their
opment of recommendations was performed primarily staffprovided ATC with invaluable assistance in comply-
by four specialty subcontractors. J.P. Singh and his staff ing with Caltrans requirements. Finally, ATC wishes to
at Kleinfelder/Geospectra were responsible for develop- thank the many Caltrans engineers who have shown an
ing new ARS spectra and other recommendations interest in this project by commenting on draft recom-
related to seismic loading. Po Lam and his staff at Earth mendations and attending PEP and other meetings.
Mechanics, working with Geoff Martin of the University
of Southern California, were responsible for developing Christopher Rojahn,
the foundation design guidelines. Nigel Priestley of the ATC Executive Director
University of California, San Diego and Jack Moehle of
the University of California, Berkeley developed the rec-
ommendations on response analysis and reinforced con-
ATC-32 Preface v
Preface v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Introduction 1
Summary of Recommendations 5
Section 4: Foundations 83
References 191
Table RC3-2 Values of Site-Amplification Factor Fa as a Function of Soil Profile Types and
Shaking Intensity 45
Table RC3-3 Values of Site-Amplification Factor Fvas a Function of Soil Profile Types and
Shaking Intensity 45
Table RC4-1 Relationship of Geologic and Water Table Criteria and Liquefaction Susceptibility
(Modified from Tinsley et al., 1985) 90
Table RC4-3 Presumptive Pile Stiffness Values (as Derived From Caltrans BDS 104
Table R10-2 Minimum Material Properties for Pins, Rollers, and Rockers 167
Geospectra: R3-1 through R3-12 Nishimura, Hwang, and Fukumoto, 1992: RClO-l,
Tsuchida, 1970: RC4-l
MacRae and Kawashima, 1992: RClO-3, RCI0-4
Bartlett and Youd, 1992: RC4-2 and RC4-3
Unknown: 1, RC3-1 through RC3-15, R3-13, RC8-3
Earth Mechanics, Inc.: RC4-4 through RC4-12 through RC8-5, R8-1
ATC-32 Introduction 1
performance criteria was a factor in the development of b. To develop a design methodology for consider-
the ATC-32 recommendations. ing vertical ground motion.
3. During and following this trial application period, 6. Caltrans should continue to consider and/or
Caltrans should assess the cost impact, design effort, develop new and innovative design strategies to
constructability, and expected performance of meet its challenging seismic design problems.
bridges designed by the ATC-32 recommended
Bridge Design Specifications. TRIAL APPLICATIONS
4. Caltrans should begin developing statewide seismic The recommended Bridge Design Specifications in this
hazard maps for functional evaluation. In addition, document have been reviewed by the ATC-32 Project
existing statewide hazard maps for safety evaluation Engineering Panel (PEP). In addition, bridge design sub-
should be updated to consider the probability of contractors were retained to perform trial designs using
seismic loading in conjunction with the current the draft design specifications. Additionally, experts not
deterministic approach. directly associated with the project were asked to review
portions of these specifications. As with any project of
5. Further development of the bridge design specifica- this type, however, it is not possible to completely evalu-
tions would benefit from additional research. Spe- ate the practical impact of each and every recommenda-
cifically, research should be conducted for the tion in all possible situations. This is why projects of this
following purposes: type and size are traditionally followed by a period in
which the recommendations are applied on a trial basis
a. To develop a design methodology that more to a large number of actual cases. This project is no
accurately reflects the significant characteristics exception, and in some ways such a trial application
of near-fault ground motion and its effect on period is particularly important in this case.
bridge structures.
2 Introduction ATC-32
The principal factor contributing to the increased 3. The state-of-knowledge of seismic design is contin-
need for a trial application period is the time frame in uallyadvancing, and further improvements to the
which these recommendations were developed. The Bridge Design Specifications may become necessary
most critical elements of the recommended design speci- in the future. Nevertheless, the framework of the
fications (e.g., Z factors and rock spectra) were devel- recommended Bridge Design Specifications should
oped first and were subjected to a more thorough readily allow the inclusion of such improvements as
evaluation by trial applications than were the elements they become available.
developed in the second phase of the project (e.g., spec-
tra for soil sites and joint shear requirements). In addi- 4. Some of the safety factors implicit in the current
tion, ongoing laboratory research and the experience of BDS have been replaced with a more direct treat-
the 1994 Northridge earthquake contributed substan- ment of safety margin.
tially to the advancement of knowledge during the
course of this project, resulting in some modification REPORT ORGANIZATION AND COMPANION REPORT
and enhancement of the recommendations. Finally, the
trial applications themselves led to additional modifica- The ATC-32 report includes a summary of the recom-
tions. Some of the modified provisions have not been mended changes to the Caltrans BDS related to seismic
thoroughly tested in trial bridge designs. design, followed by the detailed specifications recom-
It is not unrealistic to expect that future trial appli- mended by the ATC-32 PEP. An article-by-article listing
cations may point out the need for further modification of the entire Caltrans BDS is provided in Appendix A,
of these recommended specifications or associated Cal- followed by a list of project participants and information
trans design procedures. on other ATC projects and reports.
At the request of Caltrans, the detailed recom-
OTHER COMMENTS, FINDINGS, AND CAUTIONS mended specifications have been written in specification
language consistent with the format of the current Cal-
1. Although a critical review of the current Caltrans trans BDS and Commentary. This was done to facilitate
Bridge Design Specifications found numerous evaluation and implementation of these recommenda-
opportunities for improvement, the general concept tions by Caltrans. Although the recommendations are
and format used in these specifications are reason- similar in form to the current Caltrans BDS and retain
able and suitable for further enhancement and many of the same procedures, they differ fundamentally
refinement. Some recommendations of the ATC-32 from the current specifications in that they were devel-
project have already been adopted by Caltrans. oped primarily with displacement response in mind.
Therefore, individual recommendations should not be
2. The recommended changes to the Bridge Design interpreted out of context of the entire document.
Specifications were developed as an integrated pack- The companion document, ATC-32-1 (ATC, 1996),
age. It is the intent that these recommendations, includes additional detailed discussion of the recom-
when properly applied, may result in structures that mendations. It also discusses alternative design methods
satisfy the performance criteria established by Cal- and areas of current research.
trans. If not adopted in their entirety, care should be
exercised when applying any of the recommended
provisions in a piecemeal fashion.
ATC-32 Introduction 3
Summary of Recommendations
Introduction Seismic Performance Criteria
The current California Department of Transportation Recently, Caltrans, with the support of an external Seis-
(Caltrans) Bridge Design Specifications (BDS)(Caltrans, mic Advisory Board and the ATC-32 project team, has
1986) are comprehensive provisions covering all aspects developed a set of seismic performance criteria for new
of bridge design. They are based on the 1983 American bridges. These criteria, which are the basis for the recom-
Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi- mended revisions to the BDS, are summarized in Table
cials (AASHTO) Bridge Specifications (AASHTO, 1983) 1.
and subsequent interim modifications. Caltrans has fur- In these criteria, both safety-evaluation and func-
ther modified these AASHTO specifications to suit its tional-evaluation design earthquakes are defined. The
specific needs, particularly in the area of seismic design. safety-evaluation earthquake, which Caltrans currently
This includes the use of elastic design spectra (ie., ARS defines deterministically as the Maximum Credible
curves) and the introduction of period-dependent Z fac- Earthquake (MCE), has only a small probability of
tors to account for ductility and risk in individual struc- occurring during the useful life of the bridge. A statewide
tural components. The basic earthquake design force is hazard map given in terms of the peak bedrock accelera-
therefore given by tion generated by this level of earthquake has been avail-
able for some time (CDMG, 1992). In the newly defined
EQ = mgARS (1) performance criteria, the safety-evaluation earthquake
may alternately be defined probabilistically as an earth-
where m is the participating mass of the bridge, and g is quake with a 1000- to 2000-year return period. The
the acceleration of gravity. probabilistic safety-evaluation ground motion must be
The recommended changes to the Caltrans Bridge determined on a site-specific basis.
Design Specifications that were developed as part of the The functional-evaluation earthquake is intended to
ATC-32 project deal only with those portions of the cur- represent an event that has a reasonable probability of
rent BDS that are related to seismic design. This involved not being exceeded (approximately 60%) during the life
a complete revision of Article 3.21 dealing with seismic of the bridge. Because no statewide hazard map for these
loads; the addition of Article 4.5, which covers the seis- earthquakes has been developed at this time, the func-
mic design of bridge foundations; and the modification tional-evaluation ground motion must also be deter-
and/or addition of several articles in Sections 8 and 10 mined on a case by case basis through site-specific
that deal respectively with the seismic design of rein- studies.
forced concrete and steel bridge components. Appendix Performance is defined in terms of two criteria: the
A is an article-by article listing ofthe entire Caltrans BDS service level of the structure immediately following the
with those Sections and Articles that were modified as earthquake and the extent (or repairability) of physical
part of the ATC-32 project shown in bold type. This out- damage. Although performance is defined qualitatively,
line is intended to provide a road map to the BDS the recommended revisions to the BDS are based on a
changes described later in this report. The following more quantitative definition established by the ATC-32
paragraphs summarize the recommended changes to the project. Required performance varies for each of the two
current Caltrans BDS. earthquake loadings defined above. Required perfor-
mance also depends on whether a bridge is classified as
Important or Ordinary.
Recent studies of strong motion instrumentation results Although the ATC-32 recommendations retain a force-
have yielded information that makes it possible to refine based design approach, some of the inherent shortcom-
the current Caltrans design spectra. Therefore, new ings of this approach have been overcome. This is done
design spectra for three earthquake magnitude ranges through the use of new response modification factors
were developed as part of the ATC-32 project. Because and modeling techniques for analysis that more accu-
some California sites can be adversely affected by Maxi- rately consider seismic displacement. The ATC-32 pro-
mum Credible Earthquakes on a number of different cedures also provide specific means for directly
faults, it may be necessary to design for multiple spectra considering geometric and material nonlinearity in spe-
in some cases. cial cases.
The proposed family of site-dependent design spec- As shown in Table 3, the ATC-32 project has devel-
tra, which vary from the current Caltrans curves, are oped recommended requirements for the minimum
based on four of the six standard sites defined in a
ground motion workshop sponsored by the National Table 3 Minimum Required Analysis
Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER)
(Martin and Dobry, 1994). These standard sites are pri- Functional Safety
marily characterized by the typical shear wave velocity of Evaluation Evaluation
the upper 100 feet of the soil profile, as shown in Table
2. Spectra for type A (hard rock) and F (poor soils) sites Ordinary Bridge None Required AorB
Type I
as well as type E sites with peak rock accelerations over
0.4 g must be determined on a site-specific basis. Ordinary Bridge None Required B
Type II
Table 2 Site Characteristics for Standard Design Important Bridge AorB AorB
Type I
Important Bridge B BandC
Site Shear Wave Type II
Designation Site Description Velocity Range
A = Equivalent Static Analysis
B Medium rock 2500 to 5000 ft/sec
C Soft rock/Dense soil 1200 to 2500 ft/sec B = Elastic Dynamic Analysis
D Stiff soil 600 to 1200 ft/sec
E Soft soil < 600 ft/sec C = Inelastic Static Analysis (Substitution of Inelastic
Dynamic Analysis is Acceptable)
Umited Ductility Structures
A great deal of recent research has focused on the design
Well conliJed concrete lOlumns, _
( steel COluins and pile rafts ofvarious structural components. Much of this research
has been aimed at assuring the ductile behavior of these
§ 3 \ components during large earthquakes. This usually
Transversely loaded piers;
g /'( abutment walls and wing walls requires careful attention to detail in the affected mem-
a: bers. When ductile response is not possible, or when it is
~ 1 undesirable to incur the damage that inelastic response
o "- Brittle elements not designed by capacity design implies, capacity design principles are applied to assure a
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 failure mechanism that protects critical components
Period Ratio, TIT* from inelastic behavior. The ATC-32 recommendations
contain several provisions that address these design
Figure 1 Response modification factor Z issues for reinforced concrete and structural steel com-
ponents. These requirements are discussed briefly in the
The ATC-32 project also reviewed simplified design following paragraphs.
procedures for restrainer cables. Although the current
Caltrans approach is not technically correct, no other Reinforced Concrete
simplified method seems to give better results. Because
of this, and the general feeling that restrainers are sec- Modifications to several aspects of reinforced concrete
ondary to the practice of providing adequate seat widths design have been proposed by the ATC-32 project. These
at expansion joints, no change in the current Caltrans include the design of ductile elements, the design of
method is recommended. nonductile elements and actions using capacity design,
The ATC-32 recommendations provide that, when- and detailing of reinforced concrete for seismic resis-
ever feasible, nonductile components and actions are to tance.
be designed using capacity design principles that con- As with current Caltrans procedures, flexural design
sider the possibility of overstrength in ductile compo- of ductile reinforced concrete columns is based on elas-
Ps = O.16f ce [ O.5+TA
1.25PJ +O.13[p[-O.Ol] (4)
Tye ce g (8)
for spirally reinforced circular sections. In these equa-
fee = expected concrete strength tions, A v is the total area of shear reinforcement parallel
Ire= expected yield strength of the reinforcement to the applied shear force, A h is the area of a single hoop,
P= column axial load Irhis the yield stress of horizontal reinforcement, D' is
Ag = gross column area the diameter of a circular hoop, and 5 is the spacing of
PI = longitudinal reinforcement ratio horizontal reinforcement along the axis of the member.
Shear demands in ductile columns are higher than
An additional requirement, which is designed to prevent those required by the current Caltrans specifications.
inelastic buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing requires The recommendations call for determining plastic
a volumetric ratio for spirals that is linearly related to the moments using capacity design principles in a manner
number oflongitudinal reinforcing bars. Improved pro- similar to current practice. They differ, though, in that
visions for transverse reinforcement of tied columns and plastic moments are based on expected rather than
piers have also been included. A provision that allows nominal material strengths and a higher overstrength
spirals and hoops to be designed directly using plastic factor of 1.4. Alternate methods are recommended for
moment-curvature analysis considering the required calculating plastic moments, but these also result in high
plastic hinge rotation has also been added to the recom- shear demands. The net result of the recommended
mended design specifications. ATC-32 shear provisions is an increase in the require-
Revised column shear design criteria are recom- ments for column shear reinforcement, although the
mended, which are consistent with the format of current previously defined confinement requirements will usu-
American Concrete Institute (ACI) provisions. Column
The current California Department of Transportation by-article listing of the entire BDS is included in Appen-
(Caltrans) Bridge Design Specifications (BDS) are a dixA.
modified version of the 1983 American Association of The recommended changes are presented in a two-
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) column format with specifications in the left column and
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges with commentary in the right. Article numbering is consistent
Interim Specifications for 1984, 1985, and 1986. Caltrans with the current BDS, but equation, figure, and table
uses these specifications for seismic design in lieu of the numbers are given consecutively as they appear in the
current AASHTO Division I-A seismic design specifica- recommended revisions. Separate consecutive equation,
tions and the current AASHTO LRFD bridge design figure and table numbering schemes are presented for
specifications. both the specifications and the commentary. This was
The following pages contain the recommended done because, as ofthis writing, Caltrans has not decided
changes and additions to the current Caltrans BDS. Arti- which of the recommendations will be implemented.
cles that are unchanged have not been repeated in order When articles are not modified or when it is recom-
to save space. Because the current Caltrans BDS is a mended that they be deleted, a note indicating this
comprehensive document covering many aspects of action is provided at the location where the article would
bridge design in addition to seismic design, only a rela- normally appear. In addition, the ATC-32 Project Engi-
tively small portion has been revised as a part of the neering Panel (PEP) made several comments regarding
ATC-32 project. To help the reader put these recom- various recommendations, which appear as footnotes
mended changes and additions in perspective, an article- throughout the revised BDS.
Bridge structures shall be designed according to the Article 3.21 describes design requirements for earth-
provisions of Article 3.21 to resist earthquake motions, quake resistance. The requirements are based on two-
considering the relationship of the site to potentially level performance criteria, intended to preserve func-
active seismic sources, the seismic response of soils at tionality after earthquakes having a reasonable probabil-
the site, and the dynamic response characteristics of the ity of occurring once or more during the design life of
total bridge. the bridge and safety after earthquakes having very low
probability of occurring during the design life of the
bridge. Different requirements exist for Important and
Ordinary Bridges.
The specifications contained in Article 3.21 are con-
sidered to represent minimum requirements for produc-
ing a structure with adequate proportions and details to
enable the structure to resist earthquake effects without
critical loss in strength. The specifications are based on
the assumption that the structure resists the maximum
specified earthquake effects by virtue of the stiffness
reduction and energy dissipation that result from non-
linear response. It is important that the structure be laid
out and proportioned so that a viable load path exists to
transmit inertial loads to the foundation. It is equally
important that structural elements be provided with
details that enable the bridge to respond in a ductile
1. These recommended revisions to the Bridge Design Specifications manner.
are intended to reflect a more realistic assessment ofthe behavior of a
The specifications have been written with the expec-
bridge in a large earthquake. They include significant changes to both
seismic design demands and capacities. Although the net effect of these tation that nonlinear action during a design earthquake
changes does not appear to result in designs that are radically different will be restricted to zones that have been selected and
from current bridge designs in most cases, there may be some bridge specially detailed for ductility by the designer. The
configurations that are significantly affected. Although trial designs and design process is intended to result in inelastic action
other analytical evaluations of these specifications have been per-
restricted to these locations, with other locations pro-
formed, they have been limited in scope and cannot fully evaluate the
impact of these specifications in all cases. Therefore, it is recommended tected from inelastic action. In most cases, inelastic
that further trial applications be conducted to assess the full impact of action should be designed to occur in flexure in support-
implementing these provisions. ing columns and pier walls. The reasons are: (1) cross
3.21.1 Notation
T = 0.32JWIF
All bridges shall be designed to meet the seismic perfor- Table R3-1 presents a matrix: of seismic performance
mance criteria given in Table R3-1. Definitions of the objectives defined as a function of ground motion at the
terms in Table R3-1 are given in Articles site and the criticality/importance of the bridge
through structure.
Each bridge shall be classified as either Important or Two bridge categories are defined. A bridge providing
Ordinary, as follows: access to an emergency facility is an example of a bridge
that might be required to provide secondary life safety. A
(a) Important Bridge: Any bridge satisfying one or bridge that serves as a major link in the transportation
more of the following: system is an example of one whose loss (even tempo-
rary) might create a major economic impact. Normally,
.... required to provide secondary life safety it will be the responsibility of the owner to select the
appropriate bridge category.
.... time for restoration of functionality after closure
would create a major economic impact
(a) Safety-Evaluation Ground Motion: This ground In writing this specification, it has been assumed that
motion may be assessed either deterministically or Ordinary Bridges will automatically meet the perfor-
probabilistically. The deterministic assessment cor- mance criteria for the functional-evaluation ground
responds to the maximum credible earthquake motion if they are designed to meet the performance cri-
(MCE), as defined by the Division of Mines and teria for the safety-evaluation ground motion following
Geology Open File Report 92-1 (CDMG, 1992). A the specifications in Sections 3, 4, 8, and 9. Therefore, an
probabilistically assessed ground motion is one explicit functional evaluation is not required for Ordi-
with a long return period (approximately nary Bridges. Both the functional evaluation and the
1000-2000 years). safety evaluation are required for Important Bridges.
The definition of ground motions for design earth-
For Important Bridges both methods shall be given quakes and the role of probabilistic and deterministic
consideration; however, the probabilistic evaluation methods are subjects of continuing study. Revisions to
shall be reviewed by a Caltrans-approved consensus the definition of ground motion levels, including updat-
group. For Ordinary Bridges, the motions shall be based ing or revision of the Division of Mines and Geology
only on the deterministic evaluation.
(b) Functional-Evaluation Ground Motion: This is a Open File Report 92-1 (CDMG, 1992), maybe incorpo-
probabilistically assessed ground motion that has a rated in subsequently revised specifications.
60 percent probability of not being exceeded dur- Depending on the seismic activity of a given region,
ing the useful life of the bridge. The determination the deterministic and probabilistic assessments may be
of this event is to be reviewed by a Caltrans- different. For example, the deterministic ground motion
approved consensus group. assessments using the mean ARS spectra for the MCE in
the San Francisco Bay region correspond to return peri-
ods of about 300 to 400 years.
In the future, the role of the two methods in the
design of Ordinary Bridges will be reviewed by a Cal-
trans-approved consensus group. Service Levels and Damage Levels C3.21.2.3 Service Levels and Damage Levels
The following performance levels, expressed in terms of These specifications are intended to produce bridge
service levels and damage levels are defined as follows: designs consistent with these performance levels. How-
ever, the state-of-the-art in seismic design and the gen-
(a) Service Levels eral nature ofthis document are such that it is difficult to
guarantee that the performance levels will be achieved in
.... Immediate: Full access to normal traffic is avail- all cases. Designers should review the specific character-
able almost immediately following the earth- istics of their projects and make a judgment as to
quake. whether additional design features are necessary to
achieve the required performance.
.... Limited: Limited access (e.g., reduced lanes, light With respect to damage levels, the following behav-
emergency traffic) is possible within days of the ior of concrete structures is intended.
earthquake. Full service is restorable within
months. • Minimal Damage: Although minor inelastic
response may occur, postearthquake damage is lim-
(b) Damage Levels ited to narrow cracking in concrete. Permanent
deformations are not apparent.
.... Minimal Damage: Essentially elastic performance.
• Repairable Damage: Inelastic response may occur,
.... Repairable Damage: Damage that can be repaired resulting in concrete cracking, reinforcement yield,
with a minimum risk oHosing functionality.l and minor spalling of cover concrete. The extent of
damage should be sufficiently limited that the struc-
.... Significant Damage: A minimum risk of collapse, ture can be restored essentially to its pre-earthquake
but damage that would require closure to repair. condition without replacement of reinforcement or
replacement of structural members. Repair should
not require closure. Permanent offsets should be
For design purposes, each structure shall be categorized It is intended that the design engineer make explicit
according to its intended structural action under hori- selections regarding the intended structural perfor-
zontal seismic loading. Categories are defined in (a) mance, including locations of inelastic action that might
through (d) below. Important Bridges shall not be be implicit in the design. Furthermore, it is desirable
designed as Full-Ductility Structures. that Important Bridges and bridges having inelastic
action in locations where inspection is difficult be
(a) Full-Ductility Structure designed for limited ductility so that expected damage is
reduced in comparison with Ordinary Bridges in which
Under horizontal loading, a plastic mechanism is full inspection is feasible. It may also be desirable in
intended to develop. The plastic mechanism shall be some exceptional cases to design for elastic response or
defined clearly as part of the design. Intended yielding to use protective systems. Therefore, each structure
shall be restricted to locations that are readily accessible should be categorized according to the classifications (a)
for inspection following a design earthquake. Inelastic through (d) of Article 3.21.3.
action is intended to be restricted to flexural plastic Design force levels for Full-Ductility Structures,
hinges in columns and pier walls and inelastic soil Limited-Ductility Structures, and Elastic Structures are
deformation behind abutment walls and wingwalls. different in this specification (Article 3.21.11). The force
Details and proportions shall ensure large ductility reduction coefficients, Z, are smaller for Limited-Ductil-
capacity under load reversals without significant ity Structures than for Full-Ductility Structures. The
strength loss. force reduction coefficients for Elastic Structures should
be taken equal to unity.
(b) Limited-Ductility Structure Illustrations of Full-Ductility Structures and
Limited-Ductility Structures are given in Figure RC3-1.
Under horizontal loading, a plastic mechanism as
described for Full-Ductility Structures is intended to
(a) Full-Ductility Structure:
develop, but with reduced ductility demands. Yielding
- Ordinary bridge
may occur in areas that are not readily accessible for - Accessible plastic hinge location
inspection. Inelastic action is intended to be restricted
to flexural plastic hinges in columns and pier walls, and
inelastic soil deformation behind abutment walls and
wingwalls. Detailing and proportioning requirements
are the same as those required for Full-Ductility Struc-
(b) Limited-Ductility Structure:
tures. - Important bridge
- Accessible plastic hinge location
(c) Elastic Structure
-800 L-.l..-.l..-.L-.L-...l--'--'---L---L-L-L-L----'---l.---L--l---JI....-I.-L.-.I..-..l----'--_..J._~
I i
120 ".r . -128.9 l
MAX • ~32.5
-30 L-L.-.l...-.L-..llJ--..l--'--'---L---L-L-L-L----'---l.---L--l---JI.-I.-l...-.::':-.L--'---'--'-.:!c!--l.--L--L--L-::J
o 15 20 25 30
Table R3-2 Minimum Required Analysis Bridges and Important Bridges, as described in Article
3.21.2. Configuration Type I is intended to include
Functional Safety bridges with simple response characteristics, including
Evaluation Evaluation bridges with continuous superstructure, well-balanced
spans, supporting bents with approximately equal stiff-
Ordinary Bridge None Required AorB ness, and insignificant vertical response. Configuration
Type I Type II is intended to include bridges with more com-
Ordinary Bridge None Required B plex response characteristics that are unlikely to be rep-
Type II resented well by Equivalent Static Analysis, including
Important Bridge AorB AorB bridges with intermediate superstructure hinges, irregu-
Type I lar configuration, bents of nonuniform stiffness, signifi-
Important Bridge B BandC cant skew, or spans likely to be excited by vertical input
Type II motion. Bridges with such irregularities may also be
more vulnerable to near-fault motions.
Analysis method "A" is Equivalent Static Analysis (Arti- According to Table R3-2, the design of a bridge is to
cle 3.21.5); analysis method "B" is Elastic Dynamic be based on either Equivalent Static Analysis or Elastic
Analysis (Article 3.21.6); and analysis method "c" is Dynamic Analysis procedures, depending on the config-
Inelastic Static Analysis (Article 3.21.7) or Inelastic uration type and importance. According to these proce-
Dynamic Analysis (Article 3.21.8)1 dures, a linear elastic model of the bridge is analyzed for
the ARS or site-specific spectra to determine forces and
displacements. Design forces in plastic hinge regions are
taken equal to forces obtained from the elastic analysis
divided by the force reduction coefficient Z obtained
from Article 3.21.11. Forces outside plastic hinge regions,
and shears in plastic hinges, are determined using the
capacity design approach, as specified in Article 3.21.14.
Design displacements are taken as equal to the displace-
ments obtained from the elastic analysis factored by Rd,
as specified in Article 3.21.10.
For Important Bridges, Inelastic Static Analysis or
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis is required to verify the
deformation capacity of the structure for the safety-eval-
uation earthquake. In most cases, Inelastic Static Analy-
sis will be used. Where Inelastic Static Analysis or
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis indicate that the deformation
capacity is inadequate, the structure is to be modified (by
changing stiffness, strength, details, configuration, or
some other parameters) until all deficiencies are elimi-
nated. Where Inelastic Dynamic Analysis shows that the
bridge is overdesigned, design quantities may be reduced
by up to 20 percent, provided that the revised design is
adequate according to the Inelastic Dynamic Analysis.
Inelastic Static Analysis may not be used as the sole basis
for reducing design quantities.
Although inelastic analysis is required only for
Important Bridges, Inelastic Static Analysis is encour-
1. Caltrans has indicated its intent to use nonlinear static analysis in
conjunction with elastic dynamic analysis as a routine design proce- aged for all bridges because of the insight that it may
dure. The PEP endorses this approach since it gives the designer provide into the behavior of the structure and its design
greater insight into the potential seismic behavior of the bridge being requirements.
designed. Also, adopting a two-step design approach at this time will
make it easier to implement a true two-level design approach in the
future. A true two-level design approach, which many PEP members
feel is a worthwhile goal for Caltrans, would involve force design at the
functional-evaluation level and a displacement design check at the
safety-evaluation level. Application of Lateral Loads The specification permits use of Equivalent Static Analy-
sis for one- and two-span continuous structures with
Seismic load shall be assumed as an equivalent static small skew, even though it is recognized that dynamic
horizontal force applied to individual frames. The total response will occur during an earthquake. The rationale
applied force shall be equal to the product of ARS and is that, in most cases, moderately sophisticated dynamic
lv, but not less than 0.4W. The lateral force may be analysis will not provide significant additional insight
applied at the vertical center of mass, and shall be dis- into behavior, and will not in general result in additional
tributed in the horizontal plane in proportion either safety. The engineer should recognize that the Equiva-
with the mass distribution or with the product of the lent Static Analysis method is best suited for structures
mass distribution and displaced shape. with well-balanced spans and supporting elements of
approximately equal stiffness. For these structures,
response is primarily in a single mode and the lateral
force distribution is simply defined. For unbalanced sys-
tems, or systems in which vertical accelerations may be
significant, the Elastic Dynamic Analysis method of Arti-
cle 3.21.6 should be used.
Two options in applying Equivalent Static Analysis
are allowed. In the first option, lateral load is distributed
to the superstructure in proportion with the mass distri-
bution. This distribution is consistent with the assump-
Five-percent-damped elastic ARS response curves from Some aspects of the ground motion representation are
Figures R3-1 through R3-12, or from equivalent site- presented below.
specific elastic response spectra, shall be used as the
static loading. Standard soil profiles in Figures R3-1 Ground Motion Representation
through R3-12 shall be as defined in Table R3-3.
The new procedure for developing seismic loading
maintains the deterministic ARS approach.
A: Peak Rock Acceleration. This procedure still uses
the deterministic A values obtained from the CDMG
Open File Report 92-1 entitled "Peak Acceleration from
Maximum Credible Earthquakes in California Rock and
Stiff Soil Sites." The peak acceleration values reported in
these maps are mean values obtained using the CDMG
(1992) attenuation relationships. It is understood that
Caltrans is in the process of updating the acceleration
attenuation relationships in order to produce a new map
of peak acceleration values.
R: Rock Spectra. The existing Caltrans R curve for
rock (depth of alluvium 0-10 feet) are magnitude-inde-
pendent. The new rock spectra R have been modified to
become magnitude- and distance-dependent. The spec-
tral shapes for acceleration values between 0.1 and O.7g
(in 0.1 g increments) for three magnitude groups
(6.5±0.25, 7.25±0.25, and 8.0±0.25) are shown in Fig-
ures R3-1 through R3-3. These spectra are for Califor-
nia-type rock and correspond to NEHRP Soil Profile
Type B. These curves are a reasonable upper bound of
MAGNITUDE: 6.5± 0.25
-< 1.2
;i 0.8
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 I I I I I I I I I
f- -
40 I-- -
f- -
30 I-- -
f- -
-< 20 I-- -
f- -
10 I--
0.50 -
o 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
« 1.2
~ 0.8
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 ....---..,..--....,--""'"T""---.-----,--,..--..,---.--......,....-----r-----,--,....--....,--""'"T""---,----,
w 30
Q. 0.79
« 20
e::: 0.69
10 0.49
0 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
<: 1.2
<i 0.8
o 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 .---.,...--.,...--..,..--..,..---r---..,..--..,..--.,...--.,...---,----,----,----,---..,--..,--..,
z 0.79
w 30
<: 20
o 2 4
PERIOD (sec)
0 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 I I I I
f- -
40 I-- -
f- -
30 - -
- -
« 20
-l - -
- 0.6g (0.6g) -
0.5g (0.5g)
10 -
0.3g (0.33g)
- I I
0.2g (0.24g)
0.10 (0.120)
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-4 Proposed ARS curves for soil type C (M = 6.50 ± 0.25)
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 .----.,..--...,..----r--,.---.,..--.....,....----r--,.---.,..--......,...--,....--.,..--.....,....----r--,.---.,
z 0.7g (0.7g)
::2 30
0 0.6g (0.6g)
--l 20
u 0.5g (0.5g)
0.4g (O.4g)
10 0.3g (0.33g)
0.2g (0.24g)
0.1g (0.12g)
0 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-5 Proposed ARS curves for soil type C (M = 7.25 ± 0.25)
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 .----,........-,........-..,.--,--,.--.....,.--,---,----,---,;---,........-,........-..,.--..,---.---,
~ 30
;i 20
0.29 (0.249)
0.19 (0.129)
o 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-6 Proposed ARS curves for soil type C (M = 8.0 ± 0.25)
0 2 3
PERIOD (sec)
50 ,...--...,......--,-----,---r---r----,-----,r---..,..---r----r--,..----r---,-----r--,..--,
w 30
« 20
f- 0.6g
w 0.5g
10 0.3
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-7 Proposed ARS curves for soil type D (M = 6.50 ± 0.25)
2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 r----r--...,....----,.--,..---r---,-----,.--,---..,.----,-----..,--,....---,....---,-----..,---,
0.79 (0.79)
w 30
0... 0.69 (0.69)
<t 20
0:: 0.59 (0.59)
w 0.49 (0.449)
0.39 (0. 369)
0.29 (0. 28 9)
0 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-8 Proposed ARS curves for soil type 0 (M = 7.25 ± 0.25)
0.0 2 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 ,..---r---r---r---r-----r-----r-----r-----r-----r----.,.--.,.--.,.--.,.--.,...--.,...----,
::;; 30
« 20
o 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-9 Proposed ARS curves for soil type D (M = 8.0 ± 0.25)
MAGNITUDE: 6.5± 0.25
Note: Peak ground acceleration values
not in parentheses are for rock (Soil
1.2 Profile Type B) and peak ground
acceleration values in parentheses
...J are for Soil Profile Type E.
w 0.39 & 0.49 (0.369)
0.0 ot_.L_-L_-l__L====::::~==2C=~~~~S~~f3~SE~E~~~a4
PERIOD (sec)
20 0.49 (0.369)
u 0.39 (0.369)
10 0.29 (0.349)
0.19 (0.259)
00 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
Figure R3-10 Proposed ARS curves for soil type E (M = 6.5 ± 0.25)
o 2 3 4
PERIOD (sec)
50 r--,---.,--.,...-..,.---,--,---,--,----;--r--,--...,.--....---,--...,...---,
w 30
--' 20
O.4g (0.36g)
t- 0.3g (0.36g)
V1 0.2g (0.34g)
0.' (0.25g)
3 4
Figure R3-11 Proposed ARS curves for soil type E (M = 7.25 ± 0.25)
50 ...--...,......-"""T'"----.,.---r---...,------r-----,..--...,..--...,----r--,..--...,..---,----r--,..----,
w 0.49 (0.369)
w 30
0... 0.39 (0.369)
0.29 (0.349)
« 20
0.19(0. 259)
Figure R3-12 Proposed ARS curves for soil type E (M = 8.0 ± 0.25)
E A soil profile with shear wave velocity Vs < 600 and plasticity index PI > 20. If this criterion is satis-
ftl s (180ml s) or any profile with more than 10 fied, classify the site as a type E profile.
ft (3 m) of soft clay, defined as soil with plas-
ticity index PI > 20, water content w ~ 40 per- 3. If the site cannot be classified as soil profile type E
cent, and undrained shear strength Su < 500 or F by steps 1 and 2, categorize the site by perform-
psf(25 kPa) ing one or more of the following three calculations
F Soils requiring site-specific evaluation: and using the results to select the appropriate soil
profile type from Table RC3-1 (see the definitions
1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or that follow for details):
collapse under seismic loading; ie., lique-
fiable soils, quick and highly sensitive a. calculate vfor the top 100 feet (30 meters)
clays, collapsible weakly-cemented soils
2. Peat andlor highly organic clay layers b. calculate N for the top 100 feet (30 meters)
more than 10 ft (3 m) thick
c. calculate Nch for cohesionless soil layers
3. Very high-plasticity clay (PI> 75) layers (PI < 20) and Su for cohesive soil layers
more than 25 ft (8 m) thick (PI ~ 20) in the top 100 feet (30 meters)
4. Soft-to-medium clay layers more than
120 ft (36 m) thick Definitions
a. The soil profile types shall be established through The defmitions given below apply to the upper 100 feet
properly substantiated geotechnical data.
(30 meters) of the site profile. Profiles containing dis-
tinctly different soil layers shall be subdivided into lay-
ers, each designated by a number that ranges from 1 (at
the top) to n (at the bottom), where there are a total of n
layers in the upper 100 feet (30 meters). The symbol i in
the following expressions refers to anyone of the layers
between 1 and n.
s is the generalized shear wave velocity for the
upper 100 feet of the soil profile defined as
E < 600 ftis « 180 m/s) < 15 < 1,000 psf ( < 50 kPa)
D 600-1,200 ft/s 15-50 1,000-1,999 psf
(180-360 m/s) (50-99 kPa)
C 1,200-2,500 ft/s >50 L2,OOO psf
(360-760 m/s) (100 kPa)
d. ~
if'I 1
vs =n- -d.
i = 1 vsi
where.r d i is equal to 100 feet (30 meters)
1 = 1
- ~ d.1
N - 1
- --;;cr.
i= IN i
where.r d i is equal to 100 feet (30 meters)
1= 1
i = 1 Sui
n d.
I, --.: includes cohesive soil layers only
i = 1 Sui
Table RC3-2 Values of Site-Amplification Factor Fa as a Function of Soil Profile Types and Shaking Intensity
Shaking Levels"
Table RC3-3 Values of Site-Amplification Factor Fv as a Function of Soil Profile Types and Shaking Intensity
Shaking Levels"
Soil Profile Type A v ::; O.lg A v =O.2g A v =O.3g A v =OAg A v ;;:: O.5g
Seismic response shall be determined as structure Seismic design ofmost bridge structures will normally be
displacements and individual member forces using carried out using linear Elastic Dynamic Analysis. For
dynamic analysis techniques considering stiffness, safety evaluation, linear analysis of response will usually
damping, and mass of the structure and soil. indicate stress above the limits oflinear behavior in some
elements. The presence of such stress in the linear elastic
model signals that nonlinear response is likely to occur.
As a structure responds in the nonlinear range, effective
member stiffness values change, internal forces redis-
tribute, energy dissipation characteristics vary, and over-
all response amplitudes deviate from those indicated by
an elastic analysis. When nonlinear response is indicated
by a linear response analysis, the engineer should recog-
nize that the results of linear response analysis are not
wholly correct and must be interpreted to achieve useful
and reliable conclusions for design.
Sources of nonlinear response include: the soil, the
behavior of which is strongly dependent on the strain
level; cyclic yielding of structural components; opening
and closing (pounding) of decks at expansion joints;
engagement, yielding, and'release of restrainers; and the
complex behavior of abutments. The extent of the non-
A modal spectral analysis based on the application of a The bridge analysis is normally carried out using modal
response spectrum of ground acceleration to a lumped- spectral analysis of a linear model of the bridge. If
mass space frame model of the structure is recom- response history analysis is used, it is recommended that
mended. The number of degrees of freedom and the several ground motions are used. Specific recommenda-
number of modes considered in the analysis shall be tions for response-history analysis are given in Section
sufficient to include all critical response modes.
A linear model of a bridge is constructed using the
finite element method, in which the assemblage of the
elements represents the characteristics of the system.
Most earthquake analyses ofbridges can be performed
using models consisting of three-dimensional frame ele-
ments, or so-called "stick" models. Columns and bent
caps usually can be adequately modeled by frame ele-
ments; there may be significant approximations in mod-
eling ofbridge decks or pier walls by equivalent frame
elements. l
The analysis model must adequately represent the
mass of the bridge. The decks and supporting girders are
usually the largest mass in a typical bridge. The mass of
other structural components such as bents, piers, and
footings should be included in the model, but they are
usually a small percentage of the total mass. Nonstruc-
tural mass, including pavement topping, railings, side-
walks, catwalks, and signage, should be included. It is
not necessary to include the mass oflive loads. Studies of
short bridge overcrossing response during recent earth-
quakes indicate that response may be driven largely by
movement at the abutment; the analysis model must
attempt to represent not only the abutment stiffness but
the abutment mass (Werner, 1993).
The structural model shall include the effects of crack- Representing the linearized structural stiffness of a com-
ing on stiffness of reinforced concrete members and plex bridge system responding nonlinearly involves sig-
shall include the restraint of the surrounding soil. nificant approximations. Two general approaches are
recognized here. The first approach is to construct a lin-
earized model whose stiffness approximates the stiffness
of the bridge as it approaches the displacement at which
significant yielding occurs. The second approach is to
construct a linearized model with stiffness that approxi-
mates the secant stiffness of the bridge at the maximum
anticipated displacement level. Conventional Caltrans
practice is to use a combination ofthese two approaches,
with framing member stiffness taken equal to the stiff-
ness near yield and abutment stiffness taken equal to a
secant value. Only this approach is described here.
Where seismic isolation or other protective systems are
used, the effective stiffness values should be derived con-
sidering the characteristics of the system, and the results
should be reviewed independently.
Gross-Section Effective
Stiffness Stiffness
Figure RC3-3 Effective stiffness of reinforced concrete structure.
Jii 0.70 _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ast/A g = .04
a: _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A s t / A g =.03
- _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - Ast/A g =.02
u. ~_-------Ast/Ag =.01
en 0.-'0
..J 0.30
Soil Stiffness
Five-percent-damped elasticARS response curves from Modal spectral analysis of a bridge structure normally
Figures R3-1 to R3-12 or from equivalent site-specific uses ARS response curves for five percent of critical
elastic response spectra shall be used as the horizontal damping.
response-spectrum loading. Where applicable, vertical Vertical response may be significant for certain
response-spectrum loading shall be taken as two-thirds bridge structures, especially those having long spans,
of the horizontal spectrum curves, except where site- outriggers, cantilevers, or C-bents. In these cases, the
specific evaluation is used to define vertical response- effects of vertical ground motion input should be consid-
spectrum loading. Standard soil profiles in Figures R3-1 ered. The relationship between horizontal and vertical
through R3-12 shall be as defined in Table R3-3. In input ground motion characteristics is a complex one
cases where soil andlor special mechanical devices influ- depending on rupture mechanism, rupture proximity,
ence energy dissipation appreciably, and where justified local soil conditions, and other factors. In general, both
by experimental evidence and analysis, damping the spectral ordinates and the spectral shapes vary for
exceeding five percent ofthe critical value is allowed. vertical and horizontal motions at a given site. The sim-
plistic specification ofArticle regarding vertical
response spectrum loading should be replaced by a more
appropriate representation whenever better information
is available.
See commentary Article for a discussion of
ground-motion representation.
Seismic response shall be determined as local displace- Inelastic Static Analysis is a procedure to check inelastic
ments, individual member deformations, and individ- behavior of a bridge when subjected to lateral displace-
ual member forces using Inelastic Static Analysis ment amplitudes consistent with those expected during
techniques, considering nonlinear stiffness properties the design earthquake. The analytical model represents
of the structure and soil. the nonlinear load-deformation behavior of the compo-
nents, including the soil. Because the analytical model
accounts for the redistribution of internal actions as
components including the soil respond inelastically,
Inelastic Static Analysis is expected to provide a more
realistic measure of behavior than can be obtained from
elastic analysis procedures. Inelastic Static Analysis (or
alternately Inelastic Dynamic Analysis) is required for
the safety evaluation of Important Bridges. Use of
Inelastic Static Analysis for Ordinary Bridges and for the
functional evaluation is optional. As noted in Section
3.21.4(c), Inelastic Static Analysis may not be used to
reduce the requirements indicated by the Equivalent
Static Analysis or Elastic Dynamic Analysis methods.
A step-by-step lateral-displacement response analysis of The analysis model should in general be a three-dimen-
a space-frame model of the structure is recommended. sional space-frame model of the bridge, including the
The number of degrees of freedom considered in the soil-foundation system. In most cases, it will be suffi-
analysis shall be sufficient to represent all critical cient to model individual frames between in-span super-
response modes. Gravity loads shall include dead loads. structure hinges; in many cases it will be sufficient to
Live loads shall also be considered where their effects model individual bents. Frame or individual bent mod-
are significant. Seismic loads may be assumed to act in els often are preferred because greater detail in analytical
one horizontal direction only. Nonlinear effects of grav- modeling and interpretation of results is possible. When
ity loads acting through lateral displacements shall be individual frame or bent models are used, care must be
included where significant. taken to represent the interaction effects among adjacent
frames and bents.
The analytical model should be developed to ade-
quately represent important flexural, shearing, torsional,
and axial force deformabilities and strengths. Columns
(including extended pier shafts), bent caps, and outrig-
gers can commonly be represented using line elements
with nonlinear response represented by concentrated
plastic hinges at critical locations. Fiber models are also
suitable. Pier walls can be modeled using line elements,
truss elements, or planar finite elements. The super-
structure, if included in the model, can be represented
by line elements. Where the analysis results indicate that
superstructure strength is approached under the design
loading, the model of the superstructure should be suffi-
The structural model shall include the effects of con- Framing member models should include at least a bilin-
crete cracking and other material nonlinearities on ear load-deformation relation to represent response of
stiffness of members, and shall include the restraint of the member both before and after yielding, although
superstructure twist
due to varying pier rotation
The center of mass of the superstructure shall be dis- The analysis may be carried out under either displace-
placed in steps to displacement amplitudes derived from ment control or force control. The displacement or force
dynamic response analyses according to Section increments should be sufficiently small that the develop- In multi-level structures supported by com- ment of inelastic response, including force redistribu-
mon elements, except where otherwise justified, lateral tion, can be correctly represented. Some computer
forces shall be applied to the center of mass of the major analysis packages will produce erroneous results if large
elements of the superstructure in proportion with the increments are used. The user should verify that the
product of their mass and centroidal height above the increments are adequate to correctly model the
base, and the upper level shall be displaced in steps to dis- behavior.
placement amplitudes indicated by dynamic response Although it is necessary to carry out the analysis
analyses. Local displacements and individual member only to the target displacement level, useful information
deformations and forces shall be monitored at each step. about ultimate behavior, including margins against col-
lapse, can be obtained by carrying out the analysis to
larger lateral displacements.
Member forces and flexural plastic hinge rotations Member forces and flexural plastic hinge rotations
obtained from Article shall not exceed capaci- obtained from the Inelastic Static Analysis are to be
ties calculated according to Sections 8 and 10. checked against available capacities. The analysis should
include checks of actions (forces, moments, deforma-
tions, etc.) in plastic regions as well as forces outside the
plastic regions to verify that the inelastic action does not
occur in unintended locations. The evaluation shall
include framing members and their connections, rein-
forcement anchorage, foundations, and all other vulner-
able components.
Seismic response shall be determined as structure dis- Inelastic Dynamic Analysis is a procedure to check
placement and individual member forces using inelastic behavior of a bridge when subjected to input
dynamic analysis techniques that consider nonlinear ground motions consistent with those expected during
stiffness, damping, and mass properties of the structure the design earthquake. The analytical model represents
and soil. the nonlinear load-deformation behavior of the compo-
nents, including the soil. Because the analytical model
accounts for the redistribution of internal actions as
components including the soil respond inelastically,
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis is expected to provide a more
realistic measure of behavior than can be obtained from
elastic analysis procedures. Inelastic Dynamic Analysis
(or alternately Inelastic Static Analysis) can be used to
satisfy the required analysis for the safety evaluation of
Rigid Bar
Vertical Spring.
Figure RC3-6 Model for skewed expansion joint.
Wall stiffness spring
The structural model shall include the effects of con- The linear and nonlinear properties of the components
crete cracking and other material nonlinearities on the of the bridge should be adequately represented in the
stiffness of members, and shall include the restraint of analysis model. For nonlinear elements, hysteresis rela-
the surrounding soil. Inelastic response characteristics tions under reversed cyclic loading should be consistent
of the analysis model shall be justified by experimental with observations from experiments. Where simplified
evidence. Viscous damping equal to five percent of the strain-hardening models are used, results should be
critical value or less shall be assumed for all critical checked to ensure that calculated actions do not exceed
response modes in addition to inelastic energy dissipa- strength values. Additional details of the nonlinear mod-
tion, except that higher viscous damping values are els are provided below.
allowed where justified by experimental evidence and Superstructure and Bent Caps--In most cases the
analysis. design should avoid nonlinear response in these compo-
nents. Therefore, it is appropriate to model these with
linear elastic elements. Stiffness assumptions for the lin-
ear elastic models should be consistent with the stress
levels and anticipated cracking, as described in the com-
mentary to Article
Columns--Usually columns will be designed to
develop flexural plastic hinges at one or both ends.
Therefore, it is necessary to model the column elements
using inelastic models that properly represent load-
deformation behavior under inelastic, cyclic deforma-
tion and force reversals. Figure RC3-8 plots the load-dis-
placement response measured in a laboratory test on a
0 0.0
Il. -50.0
-8.0 -4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0
Figure RC3-8 Load-dispLacement relationship for circuLar cross-section, cantilever-reinforced, concrete column
representative of modern Caltrans bridge designs. Column is subjected to uniaxial lateraL load and constant
axial load.
80 1--,----,--,---,----r---,---.-----,,--~--_r356
60 -j---t------i---t---t---+---t---f---J---+---l-267
40 -t---t-----j---t---+--+-;;~~"rl~+-++---;f_---+---+ 178
~ 20 -t----j----i---t---+----r-=:JI 89 .--,
'-' ~
~ 0 0
~ ~
00. -20 -t---+----if---t7L----h#HI-i. -89 00.
Figure RC3-9 Load-dispLacement relationship for circuLar cross-section, cantilever-reinforced, concrete coLumn
representative of modern CaLtrans bridge designs. CoLumn is subjected to biaxiaL LateraL Load and constant axial
The behaviors described in Figure RC3-9 can be
approximated using either fiber models or concentrated
plastic hinge models with stiffness and strength values
calculated according to conventional procedures. Fiber
models subdivide the column cross-section into steel,
plain concrete, and confined concrete fibers, each having
representative hysteretic material properties, which are
subsequently integrated to compose the section load-
deformation behavior. Concentrated plastic hinge mod-
els represent the yielding region with a concentrated
plastic hinge having appropriate hysteretic properties.
Fiber models tend to be better able to represent triaxial
behavior of the column under the relatively random
load histories to which the column is subjected, but are
relatively computationally inefficient. Concentrated
plastic hinge models may not be able to adequately
model triaxial interaction effects, but are more computa-
tionally efficient. Whatever model is used, the analyst
, •• a
.. .. , .. ,
~ 100
~ 50
~ Rexural Crack
.... -50
.... ,.,
.. , .... .. , •
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Lateral Deflect/on at Load PoInt, In.
Figure RC3-l0 Load displacement relationship for relatively low-aspect-ratio pier waLL loaded in its plane.
in a laboratory test on a wall having aspect ratio near
unity, for which shear cracking preceded flexural yield-
ing (Sozen, 1993). Axial load was constant, and lateral
load was applied in the plane of the wall only. Character-
istics of the behavior are similar to those identified for
columns, although there is a tendency for greater stiff-
ness degradation at higher shear stress levels. Although
not clear in the figure, studies indicate that slip of rein-
forcement from the foundation may cause displace-
ments equal to those caused by conventional flexure
before yielding (Sozen, 1993). Interactions between
biaxial lateral loads have not been investigated in this
The behavior of a pier wall subjected to out-of-
plane lateral loading can be modeled using the proce-
dures described for reinforced concrete columns under
o 25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4 1n.8 203.2 228.6 254.0 304.8
200 889
I V4-' btlr ASTM A -722 'willi su."p'."""'tlr, '.f1ui,."",n,':h.
r y Y
r .".- ~
-r I
125 556
~IOO 445 z
c o
3 75 I I . I 334 ~
I ....-~ -6XJ9 C'tlb1fFed.Spec·tH-w-4IOC) ..J
I ~
50 222
~ ~ V
/} I
f4 II I V
, .
, I itlg• '·jg'1 S i 1/4·
2 3 4 567 8 9 10 II
(Caltrans Memo to Designers 20-3, May 1994)
fye-----/i -
gc gt
gc = Impact gap
gt = restrainer gap
dy = restrainer yield
(Compression) fy = restrainer yield
Figure RC3-12 Measured and idealized load-displacement relationship for restrainer with gap.
Where Inelastic Dynamic Analysis is used to reduce There is no unique ground motion for a given site. For
design requirements as allowed in Section 3.21.4(b), or safety or functional evaluation, the possible ground
to satisfy the analysis requirements for Important motions can vary widely depending on rupture mecha-
Bridges as allowed in Section 3.21.4(c), the following nism, location, propagation path, and geologic condi-
requirements shall be satisfied. The bridge shall be ana- tions. Bridge response may vary widely to these possible
lyzed for an ensemble of ground motions along each ground motions. Therefore, it is preferable to evaluate
principal direction whose characteristics bound the the bridge response for several (rather than a single)
expected design ground-motion parameters. Ampli- ground motions that are comparable with the smooth
tude, frequency content, long-period wave forms design spectra. Maximum design response for three
(velocity and displacement time histories), and duration spectra-compatible ground motions or the mean
of each motion shall be consistent with the site condi- response for seven such motions is a standard criterion
tions and evaluation type (functional evaluation or in structural design practice. The specific requirement of
safety evaluation). Vertical ground motion should be this section is that this is the minimum number of
considered where important. Design actions shall be ground motions to consider when Inelastic Dynamic
taken to be equal to either the maximum values calcu- Analysis is used to satisfy requirements for Important
lated for three ground motions in each principal direc- Bridges or to reduce design requirements for any bridge
tion, or the mean values calculated for seven ground below the standard requirements. When Inelastic
motions in each principal direction. Dynamic Analysis is used only to gain improved per-
spective on response, and not to satisfy specific require-
ments of this document, fewer than the minimum
number of ground motions may be considered. How-
ever, the analyst should recognize the limitations of
Responses in multiple directions shall be determined Except in unusual cases, ground motions will be input
according to Article 3.21.9. simultaneously in either two horizontal directions or
two horizontal directions plus the vertical direction.
This being the case, it is not necessary to use the combi-
nation rules of Article Instead, the design
response quantities will be governed by Article; that is, the design ground motion is taken to
be equal to the maximum results obtained for three
ground motions or the mean for seven ground motions
(see Section
Earthquake actions shall be determined for seismic Design should consider the effects of ground motions in
input in at least two orthogonal directions (usually the two orthogonal horizontal directions in all cases. Verti-
horizontal longitudinal and transverse axes of the cal input should be considered for unusually long spans,
bridge). The longitudinal axis of a curved bridge may for outriggers, for "c" bents, and for cantilevers.
be represented by a chord connecting the two abut- For modal spectral analysis, as commonly used with
ments. Seismic input along the vertical axis is to be con- Elastic Dynamic Analysis, the structural model should
sidered where its effects are significant. be analyzed for the spectra applied separately along the
orthogonal axes. The results are combined according to
Section, which is intended to provide a rea-
sonable estimate of the multiaxial actions to be used for
For response-history analysis, as commonly used
for Inelastic Dynamic Analysis, the structural model
should be analyzed for simultaneous ground motions in
the two horizontal (or two horizontal plus one vertical)
directions. By applying the motions simultaneously, a
range of simultaneous design actions can be obtained
for comparison with an interaction surface. An example
is a reinforced concrete bridge column, for which it is
necessary to determine biaxial bending moments and
axial load at discrete times for comparison with the P-
Mx-Myinteraction surface. This is the approach of Arti-
Common practice is to apply one of the horizontal
ground motions in the longitudinal direction, defined
parallel to a chord connecting the ends of the bridge,
and to apply the other horizontal ground motion in the
transverse direction. Studies have shown that this is not
necessarily the most critical set of directions along which
to apply the ground motion representation. However,
within the overall uncertainty of the design problem,
this design simplification is considered adequate.
Earthquake actions determined according to Article There are two ways of considering the combination rules shall be combined as follows: for design. If the objective is to find the maximum
response to multi-component ground motions for a sin-
(a) For structures designed using Equivalent Static gle response quantity, a preferred approach is to use the
Analysis or modal spectral dynamic analysis, seis- square root of the sum of squares (SRSS) combination
mic effects shall be determined for the following rule (Note that the complete quadratic combination, or
three load cases, except that Seismic Load Case 3 CQC, does not apply). On the other hand, if the objec-
may be ignored where vertical seismic effects are tive is to locate the response to multi-component
not significant: ground motion on a failure surface (such as a P-MrMy
interaction diagram for a column), alternate approaches
Seismic Load Case 1: Combine the actions resulting may be preferred. Considering the latter to be the objec-
from the transverse loading with 40 percent of the cor- tive, one approach based on minimizing the worst error
responding actions from the longitudinal and vertical for an elliptic failure surface is to use the combination
loadings. rule identified in Article
Seismic Load Case 2: Combine the actions resulting To clarify the intention of the combination rule of
from the longitudinal loading with 40 percent of the Article, consider an example of a reinforced
corresponding actions from the transverse and vertical concrete bridge column design. Under longitudinal
loadings. loading, denote axial load, moment about x axis, and
Seismic Load Case 3: Combine the actions resulting moment about y axis as pL, MxL, and M/, respectively.
from the vertical loading with 40 percent of the corre- Under transverse loading, similarly use pT, M x T, and
sponding actions from the transverse and longitudinal My T, and under vertical loading use pV, M x v, Myv. Then
loadings. for Seismic Load Case 1, the simultaneous design actions
are axial load, P, moment about x axis M", and moment
(b) For structures designed using response-time-his- about y axis, My, where P = pT + O.4(pL + pV), M x = Mx T
tory analysis, the input motions in orthogonal + Oo4(MxL + M xv), and My = M/ + Oo4(M/ + M/).
directions shall be applied simultaneously, and These design actions are compared with the biaxial
individual responses shall be monitored directly. bending and axial load interaction diagram for the col-
Where this is not feasible, analysis may be for indi- umn. Similar results and comparisons are obtained for
vidual input motions, and responses may be com- Seismic Load Cases 2 and 3, and the worst case is used
bined according to paragraph (a) of this article. for design.
The coefficient of 0.4 for horizontal ground motion
loading (that is, the specification to use 40 percent of the
response due to loading in the orthogonal directions)
differs from the current Caltrans specification, which
uses a coefficient of 0.3 (or 30 percent). The coefficient
0.3 was derived assuming that the response-spectrum
loading represented the maximum principal direction,
with the orthogonal ground motion intensity being 85
percent of this value. For the case where the response
spectrum represents the average ground motion inten-
sity, as is the case in this specification, the correct coeffi-
cient is 004.
The current Caltrans specification considers only
combination of actions due to horizontal input motions.
The extension to include vertical input motions was
done without extensive study. The coefficient 0.4 applied
to load combinations involving three components of
motion is done on an interim basis. In the interim, it
provides a simple approach to a very complicated non-
linear interaction surface. This rule is the subject of con-
tinuing study.
Horizontal displacements calculated from Elastic A common approximation for design purposes, known
Dynamic Analysis shall be multiplied by the factor Rd as the equal-displacement rule, is that the peak displace-
to obtain design displacements. ment amplitude for a structure responding inelastically
is equal to the peak displacement amplitude calculated
R d =(1- ~) ~ + ~ ~ 1 R3-1 for the same structure (same initial period and viscous
damping ratio) responding elastically. It should be noted
The value of Z used shall be taken equal to the max- that the equal-displacement rule is not theoretically
imum value of Z used in the design of that frame. Values based; rather, it is an observation made from experimen-
of y* are given in Table R3-4. tal and analytical studies. The equal-displacement rule
g B C D E B C D E B C D E
--- --- ---
0.1 0.32 0.45 0.46 0.44 0.41 0.53 0.56 0.56 0.51 0.69 0.71 0.71
0.2 0.37 0.44 0.49 0.64 0.42 0.53 0.55 0.74 0.47 0.61 0.65 0.85
0.3 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.73 0.38 0.51 0.55 0.76 0.48 0.64 0.65 0.98
0.4 0.39 0.47 0.50 0.87 0.42 0.56 0.59 0.93 0.46 0.62 0.66 1.04
0.5 0.37 0.46 0.50 0.42 0.53 0.62 0.45 0.59 0.70
0.6 0.35 0.44 0.50 0.43 0.54 0.64 0.46 0.60 0.76
0.7 0.50 0.66 0.76 0.54 0.71 0.80
8.0 ROCK
....... " ..
........ Statistical study [21]
- - Miranda (Eqs. 38 & 39)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
PERIOD [sec]
(b) .'
..... -_ .....
....... -_ - ..
•••••••. Statistical study [21]
- - Miranda (Eqs. 38 & 40)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
PERIOD [sec]
Displacements calculated from Inelastic Dynamic Anal- Inelastic Dynamic Analysis, as specified in Article 3.21.8,
ysis may be used directly in design, but shall not be less takes nonlinear response characteristics into account
than 80 percent of the values determined from Article directly, so results do not need to be modified according to the requirements of Article Because of sig-
nificant uncertainties in ground motion definition and
structural modeling, it is recommended that no less than
80 percent of the standard requirements be used even if
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis indicates less than that level
is acceptable.
11.. /1';.0.2 ~~0.*?1= 0.5 C"O.6
., 'I
/ / I I
I i I / 1/ 1/ / II I
I ·1 I If IJ
r - -~
,.....- -; V- -V I/ -/-ij ~+ bl- - II ,- -~-
! !I V 71-
l4 ~l
,- l-
I - 1-
~ --{-
8 / / ./
I I I 1.- ,..-- II
I V ./1 /
1/ :I / V /
V I I 1/ 0.9-l--
I Iii v v
J 1/ ~ I j :J I
~;+-/ -f l-) k':V
P\t ......... v ,....- ,-
~ --,-
t/j/ v!/
')'/ V
~ ~r- ~V 1--- -i-
~ v-- vI--'
' - 1-
1.0 /
/ 0/
/ ./
J l./
V ......
"- r-
[Vyr\ / r\ 1/1\
f"\ I.OC-r-
0.8 t.20+--
./ ./ / /./ r-....
/y A ./ .- ~ "./ '\./" 1.60~
0.5 V /
V /t/
V/V ~ I "l I
V;(- ~..l.
I t
VI I ~ r.-j r,l till.
~-+- ~+ Resistance Displacement ~-
I I Triongulor pulse
tunct>()tl function I
I I ; lo~d I I . I I I I I I I I I
0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 2 5 8 10 20
Figure RC3-14 Shock spectra for a trianguLar pulse acting on an elastic-perfectly-plastic, singLe-degree-of-
freedom osciLLator.
The target displacements for Inelastic Static Analysis The Inelastic Static Analysis procedure of Section 3.21.7
shall be 1.5 times the displacements obtained from is required to be used to check deformation capacities
Article for the safety-evaluation earthquake. versus deformation demands for the safety evaluation of
Important Bridges. In establishing the criteria for its use,
the variabilities associated with Inelastic Static Analysis
need to be considered. Data available at the present time,
combined with the crudity of the basic analytical model,
do not justify a detailed probabilistic analysis. Rather,
engineering judgment has been applied, considering
known variabilities, to establish the requirement of this
section. The following aspects were considered:
Analyses of available test data for columns satisfying
the recommended criteria indicate that the ratio
between available displacement ductility capacity and
capacity calculated according to the procedures of Sec-
The following requirements apply depending on the The requirements are organized according to whether
intended structural action, as defined in Article 3.21.3. they apply to ductile structures, elastic structures, or
protected structures. FuLL-Ductility Structures and Limited- C3.21.11.1 FuLL-Ductility Structures and Limited-
Ductility Structures. Ductility Structures
For functional evaluation of Important Bridges, mem- Direct design for the functional-evaluation earthquake
ber forces and moments calculated from Articles 3.21.5 is required only for Important Bridges (Table R3-2). Full
or 3.21.6 shall not exceed member design strengths, service access for Important Bridges is required almost
except that larger calculated actions are permitted if immediately after this event. In addition, minimal struc-
analysis demonstrates that the functionality require- tural damage should be experienced. On the basis of
ments are satisfied. required performance, there should be no crushing of
For safety evaluation, locations of inelastic action the concrete, and residual crack widths should be
are to be identified clearly. Design forces and moments acceptably small so that remedial action is not required.
associated with those actions shall be at least equal to Calculations based on an acceptable crack width of one
the forces and moments obtained from Articles 3.21.5 millimeter at rest after the earthquake suggest that at the
or 3.21.6 divided by the force reduction coefficient, Z, maximum response, the tensile steel strains should not
which is interpolated from Figure R3-13. Full-Ductility exceed about 0.01. To avoid concrete crushing, concrete
values apply only to Ordinary Bridges and only when strain at the maximum response should not exceed
intended inelastic action forms in accessible locations. about 0.004. A direct evaluation of whether a structure
Otherwise, Limited-Ductility values shall be used. satisfies the functionality criteria is possible using either
Design forces and moments associated with loca- (a) Inelastic Dynamic Analysis or (b) Inelastic Static
tions of inelastic action shall be increased to include the Analysis, where the structural model is displaced to
effects of gravity loads acting through the lateral dis- amplitudes expected for the functional-evaluation
placements (P-L1 effects), as required by Article 3.21.15. earthquake. It is appropriate to assume that the displace-
Plastic hinge design shear strength and design ment amplitude for the functional-evaluation earth-
strengths of members resisting the plastic hinge quake is equal to the displacement calculated using
moments shall be determined from the capacity design elastic analysis, without modification.
procedures of Article 3.21.14. For superstructure ele- For Important Bridges, Inelastic Static Analysis is
ments, the design forces shall also include forces from required for safety evaluation. Therefore, for these
vertical seismic input motions where they are impor- bridges, a direct check of functionality by nonlinear
tant. Design forces in restraining elements shall be analysis does not require a significant amount of effort
determined according to Article 3.21.12. beyond that required for safety evaluation. However, if
the functionality check reveals inadequacies in the struc-
Full Ductility Structures tural system, the entire system must be reproportioned,
5.-------.------,----,------,.---..., and a significant amount of design effort may be lost. For
N this reason, and in the interest of simplicity, Article
;i41----t---f-----:..r----t----t-----f permits the functionality check to be carried
8 out using elastic analysis. Although some nonlinear
§ 3 1----t--7'f<..---t-::----I---:----:--+----f
:g response is permissible, it is difficult, in simple terms, to
~ 2 1---r--t--\-:::;;;;;ooI----I----+----f express the permissible amount in relation to the elastic
Gl analysis. For this reason, when elastic analysis is used as
If~ 1 I-~=.=*===I===*===*====l the sole means of checking functionality, Article
o L -_ _---I...B_ritt
_·_le_e_le_m~e_nts_n_ot_d_es_'ig~n_ed_by:..capa_.:.~c_ity:.._de_s...::ig:....n..J requires that the structure remain fully elastic.
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
A rational analysis, involving Inelastic Static Analysis or
Period Ratio, TfT*
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis is permitted and may result
in considerable economy in some structures.
Umited Ductility Structures For the safety-evaluation earthquake, it will usually
not be practical to design the structure to remain elastic.
Well COnfi~ed
concrete Llumns, _ In a structure designed according to these recommenda-
§ 3
( steel cOluins and pile rafts
tions, inelastic action can be expected to be predomi-
\ Transversely loaded piers; nantly in the form of flexural plastic hinge rotations
~( abutment walls and wing walls occurring in preselected locations. In most structures, it
~ ~ will be most practical to select plastic hinges to form in
~ 1 the columns. Using the standard design procedures of
o "- Brittle elements not designed by capacity design Article 3.21.4, design moments at plastic hinges will be
equal to moments calculated from the Equivalent Static
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Period Ratio, T/T* Analysis or Elastic Dynamic Analysis divided by the
force-reduction coefficient, Z, interpolated from Figure
Figure R3-13 Force-reduction coefficient, Z. RC3-13. Note that different coefficients apply to Full-
Ductility and Limited-Ductility Structures.
For periods T greater than r (see discussion in the
commentary to Article 3.21.lO.1), the values ofZ for
Full-Ductility Structures are approximately equal to cal-
culated displacement ductility capacities, with some
allowance for judgment considering redundancy and
conservatism in the predictive equations. For Limited-
Ductility Structures, values were reduced to provide for
increased serviceability and a greater margin of safety
against collapse. Values of Z decrease linearly from the
maximum values to unity as period decreases to zero.
This decrease has been shown to be necessary to main-
tain approximately constant displacement ductility
demands that are equal to the value ofZ at periods
Gravity loads acting through lateral displacements
affect the distribution of moments in a structure. For a
bridge column, the effect is illustrated in Figure RC3-15.
There is an increase in the base moment relative to the
value due to lateral load alone, and the moment distri-
bution is changed slightly. For practical cases, the shift in
the moment distribution in a column is not important
and can be ignored. Where a column responds inelasti-
cally, the P-A effect does not add to the base moment,
because the moment is limited by the moment capacity.
Instead, the presence of P-A moment reduces the lateral-
load resistance. The reduction increases with increasing
lateral displacement, which may in some cases result in
'{, +---
-- ---- --- -- --
v =Yield Shear (P- Ll not considered)
Design strength values shall be at least equal to the In designing an Elastic Structure, it may be anticipated
forces and moments obtained from Articles 3.21.5 or that elastic or nearly elastic response will result. How-
3.21.6. Where inelastic response is likely to occur at ever, it must be realized that a great deal of uncertainty
greater than the design loading, the capacity design exists in the definition of the design ground motions and
approach of Article 3.21.14 will be applied to avoid analytical models. For this reason, it is prudent to
nonductile response modes if possible. Design forces in assume the possibility of some inelastic response.
restraining elements shall be determined according to Aspects of capacity design may be appropriate, and
Article 3.21.12. moderate levels of ductility should be provided by
proper detailing and proportioning.
Positive longitudinal restraint shall be provided Procedures for the design of restraining features are the
between adjacent sections of superstructure at all inter- subject of current research. At the time of this writing,
mediate expansion joints. Restraint shall be provided no consensus on design approach has been reached. The
by hinge restrainers or other flexible, single-direction proposal is to retain the current Caltrans procedure,
restraining devices that limit superstructure displace- pending future research findings and consensus-build-
ment. ing efforts.
Additionally, designs that rely on restrainers only as
a secondary system are encouraged. These include
superstructures capable of cantilevering from support-
ing piers rather than relying on support at the seat and
superstructures with conservatively long seats that rely
on seat length rather than restrainer resistance as the
primary means of avoiding unseating.
3.21.13 Seismic Design of Bent and Pier C3.21.13 Seismic Design of Bent and Pier
Foundations Foundations
Bent and pier foundations shall be designed for the Design should account for at least the minimum of (1)
lesser of forces resulting from seismic plastic hinging the actions associated with plastic hinging in the fram-
(Article 3.21.14) or dead loads plus the elastic ARS ing members and (2) the elastic forces calculated for the
forces. design loading. Where elastic forces are used, the
designer is cautioned that actions larger than design Pile Deformations actions are possible if ground motions exceed the design
ground motion or if the analysis model is in error. The
Pile design shall consider the consequences of deforma- ARS spectra represent mean response quantities, so
tions due to seismic ground distortions. larger values should be anticipated. Approximations
required in modeling bridge structures do not necessar- Other Design Requirements ily produce conservative results. Some judgment in
deciding foundation design actions is necessary. It is
The requirements of Section 4 shall be satisfied. generally preferable to design for the plastic hinging
forces, except in unusual cases.
Article specifies that the relevant specifica-
tions of Section 4, Foundations, shall be satisfied in
addition to the specific requirements of Article 3.21.13.
Whenever feasible, structural elements and actions Capacity design is a procedure to control the locations of
shall be designed to remain in the nearly elastic range inelastic action in a structure. The procedure involves
under extreme loading conditions by considering the several steps, as follows:
inelastic force and moment capacity of the ductile ele-
ments in the structural system. 1. Locations where inelastic response is intended to
occur are identified. These locations are commonly
plastic hinges in columns. This step is required by
Article 3.21.3.
Capacity design shall be applied to Full-Ductility Struc- Full-Ductility Structures and Limited-Ductility Struc-
tures and Limited-Ductility Structures. Capacity design tures are expected to develop lateral load strengths in
shall be considered for Elastic Structures in which load- plastic hinge regions and to require ductile response.
ings greater than the design loading are likely to result Capacity design is required for these structures to pro-
in inelastic action. vide reasonable assurance that a predictable and ductile
response mechanism will develop in the design event.
Given uncertainties in definition of the ground motion
and analysis model, it is possible that structures
designed for elastic response will be loaded beyond their
strength and require ductile response. Therefore, capac-
ity design should be considered for these structures as
The structure shall be analyzed under lateral forces that The analysis associated with capacity design should con-
produce likely plastic mechanisms of the structure. sider all reasonable load combinations. For single-level
Gravity loads shall include dead loads. Live loads shall structures, the lateral force distribution usually can be
also be considered where their effects are significant. assumed to be a simple pattern of loads applied at the
Locations of plastic hinges shall be clearly identified superstructure level. Gravity loads should be in place for
and shall be consistent with the intended structural the analysis. The analysis should consider the likelihood
action, as defined in Article 3.21.3. Probable plastic that biaxial lateral loading is present. In general, it is
moment strength values in columns, pile shafts, and acceptable to assume that while the structure is displaced
pier walls shall be defined according to Article in one direction to the maximum displacement it is dis-
Inelastic Static Analysis, as described in Article 3.21.7, placed to about 60 percent of the maximum value in the
can be used to satisfy the requirements of this orthogonal direction. The extent to which biaxial lateral
paragraph. action should be considered will depend on the unique
characteristics of the bridge.
Design strength values of members and their connec- It is common to make simplifying assumptions when
tions outside plastic hinges, and design shear forces in analyzing a structure for the plastic mechanism. For
plastic hinges, shall be equal to the forces and moments example, it is common to assume that columns in sin-
obtained from the analysis described in Article gle-column bents respond as ideal cantilevers under transverse loading. As shown in Figure RC3-5, the actual
conditions may be different, and they may pose a more
Dynamic effects of gravity loads acting through lateral Tendencies toward tall bridge structures supported on
displacements shall be included in the design by use of relatively slender columns have led to concerns about
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis as described in Article dynamic stability because ofthe so-called P-f). effect. Tall
3.21.8, except the effects may be ignored where the fol- structures have relatively long periods, and therefore
lowing relation is satisfied. tend to have relatively low lateral-load strengths and rel-
Vo au atively large lateral displacements under earthquake
w ~4 H R3-2 loading. Because the lateral load strength is low and the
lateral displacements are high, these structures are
in which Vo = base shear strength of the frame obtained thought to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of
from the plastic analysis of Article 3.21.14, W = dead gravity loads acting through lateral displacements; that
load ofthe frame, au =maximum design displacement is, the P-f). effect.
of the frame from Article, andH= the maxi- Figure R3-15 defines the static aspects of the P-f).
mum height of the frame. effect. For P > 0, the axial load P acting through the lat-
eral displacement produces a moment at the base of
the cantilever equal to the product pa. For a column
with base moment strength equal to Mp, the lateral load
strength in the presence of gravity load P is given by
M p pa
Vp = - - -
It is seen from this expression that the lateral load
strength is decreased by the P-f). effect. It may also be
seen that P-f). effects are greatest for structures with
small base-shear strength (MpIL) and structures with
large lateral-drift ratios (aiL).
The P-f). effect tends to weaken a structure as dis-
placements increase. Thus, there is a tendency, once a
structure yields in one direction, for it to continue to
yield in that direction, leading to progressively worsen-
ing damage. Near-fault, pulse-type or long-duration
ground motions can be particularly damaging because
both conditions can accumulate inelastic deformations
in one direction.
Studies demonstrate that P-f). effects are strongly
dependent on the hysteretic model (Mahin, 1991; Priest-
ley, 1993). These studies conclude that steel structures,
which tend to have bilinear response characteristics, are
more susceptible to P-f). effects than are reinforced con-
crete structures with stiffness-degrading characteristics.
Structures with inherent material strain-hardening tend
to be less susceptible to P-f). effects than structures with
non-strain-hardening behavior.
It may be shown that P-f). effects are worse for struc-
tures supported on flexible foundations. Therefore, it is
important to include soil/foundation flexibility in the
P-f). evaluation.
Equation R3-2 presents a simple procedure for
checking if P-f). effects are likely to be significant. It is
based on results of numerical studies (Mahin, 1991;
4.0 APPLICATION Friction piles may be considered to resist an In the design of pile footings, the possibility of uplift on
intermittent but not sustained uplift. Resistance for any pile should be investigated.
standard piles may be equivalent to 40 percent of both End bearing piles should not be considered to resist
the allowable and the ultimate compressive load capac- an uplift force in excess of their weight unless special
ity, except that for seismic loads, 50 percent of the ulti- provisions are incorporated at the pile tip or along the
mate compressive load capacity may be considered. length of the pile, such as belling or socketing the end of
Design uplift capacities exceeding those above the pile or installing shear lugs along the length of the
must be demonstrated by a comprehensive site-specific pile. The uplift capacity of any such special provisions
analysis that considers the structural capacity of the should be verified by an uplift pile-load test.
piles and anchorage as well as the soil capacity (espe- Friction piles derive a major portion of their axial
cially uplift capacity based on skin friction). The maxi- load resistance incrementally along the length of the pile
mum uplift capacity for design shall be the lower of the by friction. Uplift capacity of a pile shall be determined
structural and the soil capacities. by a geotechnical engineer using site-specific soil and
pile data. The capacity value should be checked against
the structural capacity of the pile as well as the capacity
Articles through 4.4.9 not modified. of the connection detail. The details of Caltrans standard
Class 45 and 45C piles, Class 70 and 70C piles, and 16-
inch cast-in-drilled-hole piles are adequate for an uplift
force equal to 50 percent of the ultimate compressive
axial load capacity for earthquake loads. When the 50-
percent value is exceeded, the structural capacity of the
pile and the connection details must be designed on a
project-specific basis. If necessary, an uplift pile-load test
can be conducted to determine the capacity.
The details for Caltrans standard Class 45 and 45C
piles, Class 70 and 70C piles, and 16-inch cast-in-
drilled-hole piles are adequate for an uplift force of 40
percent of the ultimate compressive axial load capacity
for sustained loading and 50 percent for short duration
earthquake loading. When this uplift force is exceeded,
these piles must be specially designed, including the
design of the connection to the footing.
Eccentric load tests on groups of piles capped with a
rigid footing have indicated that the exterior piles have
higher reactions than do the interior piles and that cor- .
ner piles have the highest reactions. Because it is not
practical to control the maximum uplift resistance pro-
vided by soil friction (i.e., build in a load fuse), it is
important that in the design of a pile footing, the
demand for uplift resistance at any pile be limited to the
structural capacity of the pile and its connection.
Because of various uncertainties including the magni-
tude of earthquake load and actual soil capacities, a
The effect of foundation and abutment stiffness and The basic process in foundation design involves first esti-
capacity, based on the best estimate of site conditions mating the forces and displacements on a specific foun-
and soil parameters, shall be considered in analyzing dation component, then ensuring that the component
overall bridge response and the relative distribution of has the capacity to accomodate the forces and displace-
earthquake effects to various bridge components. ments. In the case of earthquakes, the most difficult
The unreduced ultimate capacity of foundations aspect relates to determining the appropriate level of the
and abutments, consistent with the performance crite- resulting forces and displacements. Unlike static loads,
ria described in Article 3.21.2, may be used to resist where forces and displacements are readily determined,
safety-level earthquake loading. response to earthquake loads depends on the dynamic
Seismic design requirements for typical short-span response characteristics of the overall bridge, which in
bridge foundations are described in Sections 4.5.4 turn is affected by the foundation stiffness.
through 4.5.6. For unstable soil sites (as defined in In many cases, the seismic demand of the founda-
4.5.3) or for unusual or major bridges, special studies tion obtained from an analysis is an artifact of the
and a more detailed site investigation program are dynamic model. For example, as is the case in structural
required. These studies shall include an evaluation of design, a linear response spectrum analysis using initial
seismic hazards and potential site instabilities, as well as foundation stiffness often predicts unrealistically high
soil-structure interaction studies to evaluate foundation foundation forces. Response analysis for foundation
kinematic interaction, differential ground motion, and design should include sensitivity analyses to evaluate the
cyclic degradation effects. potential variations in soil behavior that can occur dur-
ing the duration of an earthquake.
Another aspect ofthe current design process is that it
does not consider some important loading mechanisms,
namely those associated with ground movements rather
than inertial loading of the structure. Review of perfor-
mance of foundation systems in past earthquakes (Lam,
1994) suggests that bridge foundations have performed
well during moderate (up to magnitude 7) earthquakes,
with relatively few cases ofbridge collapse due to failure
of foundations. However, past performance records also
indicate that foundation failures were the main causes of
bridge failure for very large earthquakes (Magnitude
above 7), as evident from the 1964 Alaskan earthquake,
the 1964 Niigata earthquake, the 1990 Philippines earth-
quake, and the 1991 Costa Rica earthquake. In all these
earthquakes, foundation failure related to lateral spread-
ing and loss of foundation bearing capacity associated
with soil liquefaction were the principal cause of bridge
collapse. Such a load case is not accounted for in present
design practice.
A discussion is presented in the ATC-32-1 docu-
ment (ATC, 1996) on an alternate foundation design
philosophy that emphasizes designing the foundation to
ensure a preferred mode of failure in case of overload
and the need to evaluate displacement aspects rather
than the magnitude of force. This approach is basically
A site investigation program shall be conducted to pro- Present Caltrans practice involves site-specific investiga-
vide adequate information for proper foundation tions for every bridge project. Some general information
design. on the basic requirements of geotechnical programs can
be found inAASHTO (1978) and FHWA (1982).
The importance of the site investigation program
becomes more critical when seismic considerations are
included in the foundation design. The following com-
ments discuss the elements of a thorough site investiga-
tion, with special reference to current Caltrans practice.
Presenting an accurate, standardized description of
the site soil conditions on the log-of-test-boring (LOTB)
is the first step in proper foundation design. The LOTB
should describe soils according to the Unified Soil Clas-
sification System presented in ASTM D-2487. The first is
a field visual inspection, which is followed by conduct-
ing index tests (i.e., grain size and Atterberg limits) in
the laboratory. Data from these tests are used to correct
the soil description on the field boring log. Such a labo-
ratory index test program should be conducted to
ensure proper classification of the soil type on the LOTE.
LOTBs for older bridges designed by Caltrans very
often provide only a generic description of the soil type
without blowcount data. The LOTBs for bridges built in
recent years most often have adopted the Unified Soil
Classification. However, it sometimes appears that the
LOTBs are based on visual inspection and lack a parallel
laboratory program to verify the soil type description.
At liquefiable and soft-soil sites (see Commentary
to 4.5.3), extra effort is required to ensure that the data
obtained from the site investigation program are mean-
ingful. The following recommendations cover the spe-
cial considerations for such sites.
• For loose silts and soft clay sites, the use of a thin-
wall, selby-tube push sampler can enhance the
chance of recovering more undisturbed samples for
laboratory testing.
• Slope stability
Bridge sites shall be evaluated for potential instabilities There are four categories of sites that warrant additional
related to (l) soil liquefaction, (2) the presence of soft efforts to address earthquake-hazard issues. The follow-
clays, (3) slope hazards, and (4) fault crossing. When ing definitions apply to both the specifications and the
such potential instability exists, special studies shall be commentary:
conducted and structural and/or site-enhancement
measures shall be implemented to mitigate the effect of • Liquefiable sites-sites that contain one or more
these instabilities to the extent that the performance identifiable layers of potentially liquefiable deposits
criteria of Article 3.21.2 will be satisfied.
• Soft clay sites-sites that contain sensitive, organic,
very high plasticity, or soft/medium-stiff clays
Liquefiable Sites
Table RC4-1 Relationship of Geologic and Water Table Criteria and Liquefaction Susceptibility (Modified from
Tinsleyet al., 1985)
Late ........................ Low Low Very low Very low
Middle and early ........................ Very low Very low Very low Very low
Tertiary and pre-Tertiary ............... Very low Very low Very low Very-low
1 Areas are mapped as having very high susceptibility if fluvial channel and levee deposits are known to
be present; sediment deposited in other sedimentary environments is considered to have high susceptibility.
2 fluvial deposits having high suceptibility occur rarely and are not widely distributed; other sediments
are moderately susceptible to liquefaction.
• geologic information
: Sands :
Clays and Silts ~-------------------,-----------------r--------~ Gravels
: Fine : Medium: Coarse:
O.075mm 0.425mm 2mm 4.75mm
/- r
/ ' ,
1 '
/ : / : X
" /' I , , / ' ,
/ I ' ': I:,,' : I I
··· ······ ·· . f I
· . · · · · · · · . · ····:·1..· · · · . · . · · · . · . · · . · ;· · · ·
' " ,
· ···;········.. ··/· · :· ·
I '.
'I' I ,
I ,
' V I
::c: : ," I l ::
: ,: Boundaries: /'[ : /
I ' for most: : : I
~ 0 I , . liquefiable sc}il ' I I
, -:
.. ..I• L
: /...
I 1
II '
, ' II II '
....Z : I " I
I ',
II , ,I
, " I
··· --;··.. ······ · · . ····.. ·········f··f ····l·····..····..··..······..·········· ·· ·····-[···..····.. ·j ········l·· ········/··!··.. ············.. ······· [
' I'
J:a B d' ,
p.. 'i:
oun ane~
for potentially
./.. : liquefiable soil!
/... : .1..
I ,
/ '
~ ,II
,,' / , /:1, I II
/ V :
;, I
. I
10- 1
Figure RC4-1 Limits in the gradation curves separating liquefiable and unliquefiable soils.
Figure RC4-2 Definition of free face factors, Land H, and ground slope,S, for free-face ground-spread displace-
. ~-,+--"""'-;:~
Y1 CRE&f y :~
TOE '--- x -J i~
I llXl"'Yl 031'!
~: ~1 ~ I
~i TOE~ y
Ii:'"----~L:;;~=DlSPLNElENT==-- x~ TOE
Figure RC4-3 Definition of ground slope, S, for long, uniform slope ground spread displacement.
M R(km)
6.5 0.25
7.0 1
7.5 5
8.0 10
8.5 25
9.0 50
The participation of abutment walls in the overall Prior to an earthquake, abutments and wingwalls
dynamic response of bridge systems to earthquake function as fill-retaining systems. Therefore, they are
loading and in providing resistance to seismically generally designed as retaining walls, based on the
requirements set forth in the Caltrans Bridge Design Aid
induced inertial loads shall be considered in the seismic Articles 1.1 through 1.6 and the earth-pressure load as
design of bridges. defined in Article 3.20 of the Caltrans Bridge Design
Damage to abutment walls that is allowed to occur Specifications. Although retaining walls are designed for
during earthquakes shall be consistent with the perfor- relatively small active earth pressures (say a static lateral
mance criteria described in Section 3.21.2. earth-pressure coefficient of 0.3), most free-standing
Abutment participation in the overall dynamic retaining walls not associated with other structures have
response of bridge systems shall reflect the structural performed well during past earthquakes (see further dis-
configuration, the load-transfer mechanism from cussion in 4.5.8). On the other hand, certain bridge
bridge to abutment system, the effective stiffness and abutments, especially skewed abutments, have been
force capacity of wall-soil systems, and the level of known to be highly prone to damage during earth-
expected abutment damage. quakes. The drastic difference in performance between
The capacity of abutments to resist the bridge iner- retaining and abutment walls can be attributed to the
tialload shall be compatible with the structural design fact that free-standing retaining walls are not prevented
of the abutment wall (i.e., whether part of the wall will from moving in ways that relieve the earthquake-
be damaged by the design earthquake) as well as the soil induced soil pressure, whereas abutment movements are
resistance that can be reliably mobilized. The soil capac- typically restricted to some degree by the bridge struc-
ity shall be evaluated based on an applicable passive ture. In addition, the inertial load of the bridge forces
earth-pressure theory. the wall to move into the backfill soil, creating a passive
earth-pressure loading condition on the abutment walls.
The magnitude of the passive earth pressure is generally
extremely high as compared to the active pressure (pas-
sive-pressure coefficient is generally over 30 times that of
the active-pressure coefficient). If a wall is designed for
the lower active pressure only, it would be highly vulner-
able to damage when subjected to the passive pressure
loading condition. Caltrans has adopted a design philos-
ophy that controlled abutment damage is acceptable.
Experience from past earthquakes indicates that follow-
ing such damage, emergency repairs are effective in
restoring the bridge to a usable condition within a short
Given that it is impractical to design abutments for
no damage in an earthquake, the most immediate need
regarding abutment design is to characterize the abut-
ment stiffness for dynamic response analysis of the
bridge, in order to capture the overall bridge displace-
ment amplitude and the load distribution to columns or
piers so that the integrity of the overall bridge can be
evaluated. The following aspects should be considered in
characterizing the abutment stiffness in the overall
bridge model.
The following design requirements shall apply to Cyclic Degradation on Bearing Capacity. Adequate bear-
bridges on deep foundations including large diameter ing capacity must be ensured to prevent bearing capacity
drilled shafts, driven concrete and steel piles, driven failure of the pile foundation. The traditional safety fac-
steel shells filled with concrete, and cast-in-drilled-hole tor of two for service-level loads appears to be adequate
piles: for most sites without poor soil. There have been many
case histories of bearing capacity or excessive settlement
(a) Lateral foundation design forces associated with failure from past earthquakes at poor soil sites. This
Group VII Loading shall be based on either (i) plas- indicates that the traditional static factor of safety of two
tic hinging of the bridge column, (ii) linear may not be adequate to allow for cyclic degradation
dynamic response analyses using the appropriate effects. Therefore cyclic degradation effects should be
elastic response spectrum (e.g., ARS), or (iii) more explicitly taken into account in pile capacity evaluations
advanced nonlinear or linear dynamic response at poor soil sites. The Caltrans BDS pile design criterion
analyses. The governing foundation design forces should be interpreted that "after allowance for cyclic
shall be based on the maximum forces that can be degradation effects, the ultimate pile capacity should be
two times that of the compressive load required to resist
transmitted to the foundation (See Commentary the demand for service-level load cases (ie., dead weight
3.21.7). plus live load)". Experience suggests that explicit cyclic
degradation evaluations should be carried out for the
(b) The capacity of pile foundations and their individ- following soil/pile conditions
ual components to resist seismic loading shall be
based on ultimate structural and soil capacities, • At river crossings or foundations in open water
consistent with the safety-evaluation earthquake
performance criteria described in Article 3.21.2. • At liquefiable sites
(c) Effects of loading from earth pressure generated by • At soft clay sites (sensitivity of the clay is four or
lateral ground displacements and dynamic settle- greater).
ment associated with liquefaction or soft-soil
response shall be accounted for at poor soil sites. • For friction piles where the pile tip is not embedded
in bedrock, or where a high proportion (over 50
(d) Stronger connection details and the choice of more percent) of the ultimate capacity would come from
compliant pile types, and detailing of piles for skin friction rather than from end-bearing.
potential in-ground hinges (e.g., at boundaries of
liquefied or soft soil layers) shall be evaluated at • For long and slender piles (pile length over 50 feet)
such poor soil sites. where the cyclic pile top displacement amplitude is
sufficiently large to initiate cyclic degradation ofskin
(e) The use of batter pile groups shall be based on friction (i.e., zero-to-peak cyclic pile top displace-
load-deformation analysis of the pile group config- ment in excess ofO.s inch). Past cyclic loading pile
uration. test data suggest that the mechanism of shear stress
reversal (or plastic slippage) at the soil-pile inter-
(f) Foundation stiffness shall be accounted for in the face, induced by rocking motion of the superstruc-
dynamic response analysis of the overall bridge ture is the key mechanism of cyclic degradation of
(See Commentary 4.5.5). the skin-friction component of pile capacity.
(g) Rotational and lateral displacements at founda- Lam (1994) presented some procedures for soil-pile
tions shall be consistent with the performance cri- interaction analysis, including aspects for rate and cyclic
teria described in Article 3.21.2 (See Commentary degradation effects that can be used in a comprehensive
4.5.1). soil-pile interaction analysis. However, such analyses
might not be practical for common usage. In lieu of soil-
pile interaction analysis, the factor of safety can be
increased to three to arrive at the allowable compressive
pile load from the ultimate pile capacity as determined
from conventional pile capacity procedures. Some infor-
mation soil-pile analysis is included in ATC-32-1 (ATC,
Uplift Capacity. While the presumptive values on
uplift pile capacities (based on structural capacity) typi-
cally assumed by Caltrans (ie., 50 percent ofthe ultimate
compressive capacity, as stated in Caltrans BDS Com-
mentary, Article is reasonable, the uplift capacity
of a pile can vary significantly. Therefore, site-specific
evaluation must be conducted to determine the uplift
pile capacity. The uplift soil capacity must then be
checked against the capacity of the pile connection
details and the structural capacity of the pile.
Connection Details. As stated in Caltrans BDS Com-
mentary, the details for the standard Class-45 and 45C
piles, Class-70 and 70C piles, and 16-inch cast-in-
drilled-hole standard Caltrans piles are adequate for an
uplift force equal to 50 percent of the ultimate compres-
16" CIDH 13 52
IS" driven concrete 13 52
12" driven concrete 5 20
12" or 10" steel flange 5 20
8" steel flange 4 16
Timber 5 20
-f---------i-------if--~,;£--- ""L------+-----i
a 4------+----~~---_+----...;..----...,
o 20 YO 60 80 100
0 2 4 8 15 30
Cl \Q
II: 2
III ////
Z ,./
0 Q
i= ,,"'bOW
II: /""..~~;9
« ~~
U. Q
o 1 2 3 4 5
Figure RC4-5 Recommendations for coefficient of variation in subgrade modulus with depth for clay.
I.' ...-:
j..- ~ r..,....-
Z v I---' ::,....-" V
::::::: b;:::j;.o
co ~ ~ V I--'"
..........-:: ~ l--:
~ ~ l\J,..
~J,.. V
V I---'
----- ~ ~ .....
~ .....
.,..- ~
.,..- .....
V" ...-":r\
~ '"\ \ 1\[\
\\' ~\ 1\/\ ~
.....-V ......
.,..- ~
I--' V
~ ....... j..-
a: f 200
0 f 150
u. ...... 1./ I,..- ....... I" \
zu. ...-
.,..- !-'" -- .....
........... 1\ \ \
f = 100
f = 80
f =60
i-"'" f =40
C"l ........- V
u. .............. ............... f =20
C/) ~ f = 10
...J f =5
<{ f =1
a: l..-""'" \
f =0.5
f= 0.1
N Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
Q Modulus with Depth, f (LB/IN 3)
'" I
10 10 1011 1012
=KIi - ~
,I Ka
= 0.41
I ~1\1/5
T= \T7
0 f = 60 "- "
~ ~ ...... V v .,.,... ....
w V ~ i::=-I,.o v V
~ I,.o~
L,......-:: t::::: l...-
~ t:::: i--'"
......~ ."
f-'f-' t>< vf"-, ~
...... ~
u. .,......
i= ~
L...- ~
.,.... K" p..: D
.,....K f"-,i" .....
i"-~ V
."V ~
V .....
« I-"'" j;'
i--'" I" = 40
z V
0 ~ V V i--'"
I..-' J>" f = 20
f = 10
f = 5
-I ~ f = 1
"" "
CJ) ~ J..-"
Z .,.... f = 0.5
" f = 0.1
V Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
t') V
V .
Modulus with Depth, f (LB/IN3 )
, •• I .
10 10 1011 10 13
Pt =KS'5+ Kss·e
, /
Mt = K 5+ se Ke' e
K =1.0765·E·1
T =\ f I
Figure RC4-7 Coefficient for lateral pile head stiffness (fixed head pile lateral stiffness).
"l~ '"
~ ~~ ..-
~ I
~~ "'->' ~
f 200
z~ r/ "- f 100
~ 'l "'- "- "'- f'f = 60
Cf) 'l ""
:;-' ~ ~ f'f = 10
...J V.h :;-' ,/ ~ f'f = 5
« =
~ ~
V f'-f 1
z I"~~ =
H 0.5
0 ~
- f = 0.1
O i'7/ VV
a: ' / p /'
/' Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
Modulus with Depth, f (LB/IN 3)
10 10 1011 10 12
Pt =K6-0+ KIl9-a
Mt =KooO+ Ke-a
K =1.499- E·I
I T3
I ~1/5
T =\ f I
~ [...01..-
co .-I
..... /'
w ~A ~ 1./ ......
Z v KP. ...... V .;-
~ ~ ~~
fQ$ ~ Kt'-- k" .;- .....
::J 7 ~ V.) '.:::: f 100
D. ~ ~~ V/, ...... 1A" V f = 80
k:%:; f¢ r;:; 'i ..... [...0 )
~'"i"- "'"
~" f = 60
I..-'" [...oJ.-
= ~ r::
V V f = 40
/ . r:::
CI) \C 1/ [...oJ.- i"- f = 20
.-I f = 10
a: f = 5
() =
/' 1/ 1"-. "-. f 1
f = 0.5
./ ./
v./ [...0
f = 0.1
10 10 1011 10 12
Pt = Ko 5+ Koeoe
Mt =K065+ Keoe
l.lli1/ 5
T =\ f J
-- -- -- ----
"--" I,{) -- .- .-- ~
;:; -::::
---- --
i.-' .-
-- V
'" I,....-,
l- t...--
L-- . .-1- f'-, k::::'";: vI-'
.- ~ -- vl--"
.:::,~ ~
« 0 l--- I-
-i f = 10 f-
« ..- I-"
f =1
" "- f = 0.1
:z: ,.-1-
« ,.,., .-
------ vI-" Coeff. of Variation of Soil Refction
I- a
V "'adulus wifh Depth, f (LB/IN )
10 10 1011 10 12
PI = K& . 0 + K 6 .·8 u ·& +K.·8
Figure RC4-10 Comparison of fixed head pile head stiffness at various embedments (0, 5, and 10 feet).
:z: - - - - 5' -6 !.t
---10' ~p ~~ ~
Cl 0
~V ~ V v
<! -<
~ 0
ro .......
:z: .~v ~, /' "
/ / / Ih
v J? i'-~
::::" "'~r-..
V') (])
:z: ......
L.... -'/ f 100
l.L.. '/.~/ "- "-
V/ #/
.,... ~ "'-- 'f = 10
~ '/.fJ .L. ~
« ~. 'f = 1
.,,:, l% ~~ ~ ~
f = 0.1 r:-
<X: v'/ ih'.
I- ./
0 V
a::: 1/// h- I--
l'- ~ Coeff. of Variation of Soil Refclion
0 l..Iodulus with Depth, f (LB!IN )
....... , 'I
10 10 10 11 10 12
PI = Ki · 8 + KH·e
~= Ki, ·8 + K.·e
Figure RC4-11 Comparison of the rotational stiffness coefficient at various embedments (0, 5, and 10 feet).
I-- .......
/ "-
......- --;;; -- 1/..- / ~
f = 100
z /' 1..- / .... ~
-l ..-[7 L....- v . ..-: I"..... v 4) ~ r--.
=> co
v- /'
),,-- b V , - ~
~ f = 10 -
v..-- /
'/ "-
f =1
..... / "-...
U ./ ..... ~,-/ f = 0.1
ID :/" Coeff. of Variation of Soil Refclion
a Modulus with Depth, f (lB/IN )
....... I I I
10 10 10 11 10 12
~ = K,.' 8 + K. ,e
C- pt .&
Figure RC4-12 Comparison of the cross-coupling stiffness coefficient at various embedments (O, 5, and 10 feet).
Ultimate able
Capacity Displ. Stiffness
Pile Type Soil Type (KlPile) (inch) (klin)
Pile extensions and column shafts, where piles are This type of bridge structure includes bridges in which
extended above ground to directly support the super- the bridge column is extended into the ground as a
structure without a pile cap, shall be detailed in accor- large-diameter drilled shaft (typically several feet in
dance with the requirements for ductile columns. diameter) and bridges in which conventional smaller-
diameter driven piles (say 16-inch piles) are extended
above ground to support the bridge deck. As discussed
in the specification, the overall dynamic response of this
type of bridge structure is very sensitive to the stiffness
characteristics of the pile foundations, especially rota-
tion of the pile.
Past earthquake performance indicates that whereas
large-diameter drilled shafts appear to have performed
adequately, pile-extension bridges (e.g., the Struve
Slough bridge, which collapsed during the Lorna Prieta
earthquake) appear to be more vulnerable to earthquake
damage. It appears that the reinforcing details for many
existing pile extensions (even the unsupported portion)
resemble those for piles. Therefore, they contain less
transverse reinforcement than typical reinforced con-
crete columns. This reduced transverse reinforcement
may have contributed to the relatively poor performance
of pile-extension bridges. However, it should be pointed
out that this design deficiency exists only in older Cal-
trans standards. Current practice and standards require
ductile detailing of the unsupported portion of the pile
extension. Therefore, pile-extension structures built
using the new seismic design criteria would probably
perform substantially better.
Proper modeling of pile-shaft foundations is
required to capture the overall response of pile-shaft
structures. Caltrans procedures for pile-shaft design as
outlined in Bridge Design Aids 12-30 through 12-49
(Caltrans, 1986) provide a good framework for the
design of drilled shafts. The following sections provide
some specific comments in relation to the design proce-
from pile load tests, only because most pile load tests are
free-head load tests.
pIe, for the same soil condition and the same lateral load
demand, the stability ratio concept requires a larger pile
length for a larger diameter pile, even though the larger
pile would have a higher lateral soil capacity and there-
fore a higher factor of safety in relation to lateral load
A more rational approach would be to ensure that
the pile length is adequate to provide stable load-deflec-
tion characteristics (e.g., meet an absolute deflection
limit or a deflection limit that is a proportion of pile
diameter) for an overload condition (e.g., a factored
load of two times the demand level). The approach
could further require that P-L1 effects be incorporated in
the pile solutions. Such an approach, which recognizes
the safety margin in relation to the loading condition,
are better than the stability-ratio concept, which overly
penalizes large-diameter shafts with respect to the pile
length requirement. This penalty is unreasonable and
often leads to complexities in construction (e.g., the tip
of the shaft needs to be extended below the ground water
table to meet the stability-ratio criteria). The stability-
ratio criteria are also unreasonable for many retrofit sit-
uations in which large-diameter drilled shafts are used at
abutments, primarily to provide additional lateral stiff-
ness, not to support the weight of the bridge structure.
Pile footings shall be designed to resist shear and So far as resistance of pile footings is concerned, the
moment from Group VII loads. At normal soil sites, the overturning moment is resisted primarily by axial pile
ultimate lateral resistance of pile caps acting against soil capacity, whereas the lateral shear load is resisted prima-
may be included in the forces resisting the relative hori- rily by the lateral force capacity of piles. Since the axial
zontal movement of the foundation. At liquefiable and pile capacity is largely provided by soil resistance at
soft clay sites, the pile-cap resistance shall be neglected. depth and lateral capacity by soil resistance at very shal-
When yielding of piles will occur below the pile low depth, there is very little cross-coupling between the
footing, pile/footing connection details shall be suffi- moment and the lateral load capacities for pile footings.
cient to prevent pile pull-out, and transverse reinforce- Therefore, soil-pile interaction can be evaluated inde-
ment in concrete piles at the pile head shall be in pendently with respect to the two modes ofloading. The
accordance with Section following comments are provided regarding design
When reliable uplift pile capacity from skin-fric- aspects for overturning moment and lateral load at pile
tion is present, and when the pile/footing connection footings.
detail and structural capacity of the pile are adequate,
uplifting of a pile footing is acceptable, provided that Rotational Stiffness and Capacity
the magnitude of footing rotation will not result in
unacceptable performance. There is ample evidence to suggest that the rotational
stiffness of a pile footing has more significant influence
on the overall bridge response than does the lateral stiff-
ness. The rotational stiffness and moment capacity of
pile footings are largely related to the axial pile stiffness
and the ultimate compressive and uplift pile capacities.
The axial stiffness of a pile-soil system can be developed
by computer beam-column analyses (Lam and Martin,
1986) or by simplified graphical methods (Lam and
Martin, 1984). The ultimate and allowable compressive
Batter Piles
Group Effects
Spread footings shall be designed to resist shear and The traditional procedure to determine the size of
moment from Group VII loads. The seismic design spread footings is based on the use of s~rvice-Ievelloads
requirements for spread footing foundations are essen- along with allowable bearing pressures for specific soil or
tially similar to the requirements for pile footings with rock types. The allowable bearing pressure is most often
respect to stiffness modeling and the guidelines for tol- based on presumptive values specified in design codes
erable foundation displacements. Additional require- rather than on fundamental soil mechanics bearing
ments for the design of spread footings are as follows: capacity theories and soil strength parameters. After ini-
tially sizing the footing, current Caltrans design practice
(a) Spread footing foundations shall be designed for requires a check of the footing for the seismic (Group
proper performance under earthquake group loads VII) loading. This involves conducting a statically deter-
(Group VII Load). The design capacity shall reflect minant analysis (using the combination of axial load and
the capacity of the foundation soil, the structural moment associated with the Group VII loads) of a rigid
capacity of the footing, and the connection details footing model to determine the maximum soil pressure
between the column and the footing. Ultimate at the edge of the footing and the proportion of the foot-
bearing capacity may be used for seismic design. ing uplifted from the soil surface. The maximum soil
pressure demand is then compared against a maximum
(b) The effect of overturning moment (eccentricity ultimate bearing pressure recommended by the geotech-
loading) and lateral loading (inclined loading) on nical engineer. A factor of safety of three is commonly
bearing capacity shall be considered in the seismic used in relating the allowable bearing pressure to the
design of spread footings (See Commentary 4.5.6). ultimate bearing pressure. As discussed above, the allow-
able bearing pressure is generally based on rather con-
(c) Total foundation settlement and differential settle- servative presumptive values in design codes, rather than
ments between adjacent bents shall not result in more basic bearing capacity theories.The geotechnical
unacceptable performance of the bridge (See Com- report and the design plan for the safety-evaluation
mentary 4.5.1). earthquake shall document both the allowable capacities
for service-level loads and the ultimate capacities for
(d) The area of uplift of spread footings due to over- both compressive and uplift loading conditions for
turning moment for single-column bents shall not earthquake loads.
exceed 0.25 of the width of the footing. The eccen- Although there is little evidence to suggest that the
tricity shall not exceed 0.33 of the width of the foot- above practice has led to poor performance of spread
ing for multiple-column bents. footings in past earthquakes, there are some develop-
ments in the AASHTO code that could lead to adopting
more basic bearing capacity theories in the design of
future bridges. In the interest of a simple design proce-
dure, the service-load design method relies heavily on
the presumptive allowable bearing pressure rather than
on the more basic bearing capacity theories that are the
cornerstones of soil mechanics theories. The effects of
the lateral shear load are ignored in the traditional
design procedure. Unlike pile foundations for which the
moment-plus-dead load can be uncoupled from the
shear load in soil capacity determinations, dead weight,
moment, and shear on a spread footing will be resisted
by the same soils atshallow depths. Therefore, it is
invalid to assume that the soil capacities are independent
of the various modes of loading.
Theoretically, the dead load, moment, and lateral
shear need to be simultaneously considered in bearing
capacity evaluations for spread footings. The classic
bearing capacity theory can be used to determine the
ultimate bearing capacity for such a combined loading
condition, with the moment and shear load on the foot-
ing represented by a statically equivalent eccentric and
inclined load. There are relative merits in both
approaches. The traditional allowable pressure approach
is more simple and practical, whereas the classical bear-
ing capacity theory is more rigorous and represents the
future trend for spread footing design, as evident in the
recently adopted load-factor design procedure (NCHRP
Report 343).
Unlike a pile footing, where the uplifted pile would
provide a restoring force on the footing, the portion of
the uplifted spread footing area would lead to significant
geometric nonlinearity and can alter drastically the rota-
tional stiffness of the footing. Therefore, there is an
added incentive to provide an additional conservatism
in limiting the uplift area in the design of spread foot-
It is recommended that the traditional service-load
design approach be used for service-load design to deter-
mine the footing size initially. However, in the course of
checking the design for Group VII loads, the classic bear-
ing capacity theory should be used for checking the ade-
quacy of the footing, with due consideration of the
combined effects of dead, moment, and lateral loads. A
factor of safety of 1.0 is adequate for this analysis.
Detailed procedures are included in NCHRP Report 343.
Lateral and rotational movement of earth retaining There are two basic tasks in designing retaining struc-
structures during an earthquake shall be limited to val- tures:
ues that satisfy the requirements of the performance
criteria described in Section 3.21.2. In addition, retain- 1. Determining the overall size and configuration.
ing walls shall be structurally capable of withstanding This is generally controlled by the overall stability
the static and dynamic earth pressures generated dur- (referred as external stability) of the retaining sys-
ing the design earthquake. tem.
Type-selection studies for earth retaining systems
shall consider the historic performance of these systems 2. Structural design of the retaining system to with-
in seismically active regions and at poor soil sites. stand a given earth pressure on the retaining wall.
Design earth pressures (static and dynamic) shall
consider the effect of restrained movement on the earth Overall Stability
retaining system.
Review of past practice suggests that most conventional
retaining structures are designed for service level (non-
earthquake) loads in conjunction with an adopted factor
of safety. In the overall stability evaluation, the factor of
safety generally varies from 1.5 to 2. In general, service-
level loads are based on static, active earth-pressure con-
ditions (e.g., the lateral earth-pressure coefficient of 0.3
in Caltrans practice for retaining walls).
Dynamic, active earth-pressure requirements have
been introduced into the AASHTO Bridge Design Speci-
fications in the context of requirements for estimating
potential movement of the retaining wall in seismic
design. However, many designers consider the require-
ment too complex. In manycases, the designer assumes
that the inherent reserve in the static design (static factor
of safety) would be adequate to limit the displacement to
an acceptable level for earthquake loading. In past earth-
quakes, free-standing retaining walls (not associated
with other structures) appear to have performed well,
even though most retaining walls have been designed
only for the relatively low static, active earth-pressure
Although there are some case histories of earth-
quake damage to certain type of retaining walls (e.g.,
crib walls) in past earthquakes, the good performance of
retaining walls probably indicates that when allowed to
yield, excessive soil pressure on the wall is relieved, and a
small amount of movement is of little consequence.
Most of the case histories of retaining wall failure
(mostly unrelated to earthquakes) appear to be associ-
ated with clay soils, either as retained fill or as founda-
tion soils.
From past performance histories, it is suggested that
typical retaining walls (typically less than 30 feet high
and not associated with adjacent structures) should be
designed using static earth-pressure theories without
considering earthquake loads. However, it is suggested
that the adopted factor of safety should be 1.5 for sandy
soils (both backfill and foundation soils are cohesion-
Structural Design
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Notation
Except for Group VII loads, the required strength is the It is emphasized that all forces acting on a structure must
strength necessary to resist the factored loads and forces be in equilibrium at all times. This also applies to the
applied to the structure in the combinations stipulated determination of appropriate forces for design under
in Article 3.22. Group VII loads. Thus, in the preliminary design of duc-
For Group VII loads, the required strength of plas- tile columns, where required strength is calculated by
tic hinges is the strength necessary to resist the factored reducing the results from a dynamic elastic analysis by a
loads and forces applied to the structure in the combi- force-reduction factor Z, this factor Z must initially be
nations stipulated in Article 3.22. Additionally, the applied to both seismic moments and seismic axial force.
required strength of members outside the plastic hinges The final design will be based on axial forces in equilib-
is the strength necessary to equilibrate the forces associ- rium with gravity loads and the nominal flexural
ated with development of maximum plastic moment in strength of the plastic hinges.
potential plastic hinges, in accordance with Article 'When determining response under overstrength conditions, where the plastic regions develop plastic
All sections of structures and structural members moment capacity (see Article, the column axial
shall have design strengths at least equal to the required force resulting from seismic response will need to be
strength. increased by the overstrength factor, and all elements of
the structure that are to be protected against inelastic
action must be designed for required strength. The
strength is calculated by combining actions due to grav-
ity loads and the column overstrength forces, now con-
sidered as actions applied at plastic hinge locations. In
this analysis, gravity loads do not induce additional
moments at the plastic hinges, which can thus be con-
sidered as perfect hinges for the gravity load analysis. The design strength provided by a member The coefficient l/J provides for the possibility that where
or cross section in terms of load, moment, shear, or strength is the prime concern, imperfections in the
stress shall be the nominal strength calculated in accor- equations for nominal strength or small adverse varia-
dance with the requirements and assumptions of the tions in material strength, workmanship, and dimen-
strength design method, multiplied by a strength- sions, while individually within acceptable tolerances
reduction factor l/J. and limits of good practice, may combine to result in
understrength. The strength-reduction factors l/J shall be as A strength-reduction factor l/J = 1.0 is applied to the
follows: flexural design of ductile columns for Group VII loads.
This is because the actual flexural strength is expected to
(a) Flexure, or axial tension and flexure be developed in the design earthquake. Design using a
(except for Group VII column design) l/J = 0.90 strength-reduction factor l/J < 1.0 is not specified because
flexural understrength only marginally increases the
(b) Shear l/J=0.85 ductility demand on the column. On the other hand, use
of a flexural strength-reduction factor will result in a
(c) Axial compression and flexure proportionate increase [i.e., l/l/J] in the required
(except Group VII columns): strength of all capacity-protected actions and members,
including the foundations, with a significant increase in
members confined by spirals or structural cost.
circular ties l/J=0.75
members confined by
rectangular hoops l/J = 0.70 AppLication Axial forces acting on the section must be C8. Article simply requires that the
in equilibrium with forces inducing the design flexural axial forces and biaxial moments assumed to be acting at
strength. a section must be in equilibrium with the external loads
assumed to be acting on the structure. Additional Assumptions for Ductile Columns C8.16.2.4 Additional Assumptions for Ductile Columns Design flexural strength is attained when C8. The provisions of this section are intended
the extreme-fiber compression strain is equal to 0.004, to provide a more realistic estimate for design strength
and shall be computed based on expected concrete com- of ductile columns for Group VII loads. An ultimate
pression strength f~e and expected yield strength /ye extreme-fiber, concrete compression strain of 0.004 is
where adopted. This is less than the strain at onset of cover
spalling for most columns (Mander, Priestley, and Park,
1988b) and considerably less than the expected strain at
f:e =1.3f:
R8-2 maximum response to the design earthquake.
fye =1.1fy An expected concrete compressive strength
of f:e = 1.3f: recognizes the typically conservative
nature of concrete batch design, and the expected
strength gain with age beyond the 28-day datum used
for assessment of f:. Tests on cores taken from older
California bridges have consistently yielded compression
strengths exceeding 1.5 f: .
An expected reinforcement yield stress of Ire = 1.1 Ir
implies design to Ire = 66 ksi for grade-60 reinforcement.
The actual yield stress may be anywhere in the range 60
- 78 ksi, and the value of 66 ksi may be considered a
"characteristic" strength, as is commonly used in design
in other countries, rather than an absolute guaranteed
minimum Cfr = 60 ksi). The comparatively small but real
possibility that yield stress may be less than Ire will result
in a reduced ratio of actual plastic moment strength to
design strength, thus conservatively impacting capacity
protected members and actions. As an alternative to the assumptions of C8. Design flexural strength will normally be
Articles and, design flexural assessed using traditional, conservative section design
strength of ductile columns may be assessed by procedures using equivalent compression stress-block
moment-curvature analysis, where effects of confine- assumptions and simplified representations of reinforce-
ment on the concrete compression stress-strain rela- ment stress-strain characteristics. However, it is now
tionships and of reinforcement strain-hardening are becoming comparatively routine to carry out more real-
considered. istic analyses of the full force-deformation characteris-
tics of ductile columns using moment-curvature
analyses. Article permits design flexural
strength to be assessed from such an analysis. Because
excessive strain hardening of the steel will result in The maximum plastic moment is defined as Actual moment capacity developed in the plastic hinge
the maximum moment that is expected to develop in of a column may still considerably exceed the design
the plastic hinge region of a ductile column, at peak strength, despite the less conservative estimates of design
plastic rotation, considering maximum feasible mate- strength adopted for ductile columns in Article
rial strengths, effects of confinement of concrete, and This is because the concrete compression strength will
strain-hardening oflongitudinal reinforcement. probably exceed t:e t:
= 1.3 at the time of the earth-
quake, and strength will be further enhanced by the Where design flexural strength is based on effects of lateral confinement provided by spirals, hoops
the assumptions of Article, the maximum· or ties. Typically this additional strength will not have
plastic moment shall be assumed to be 1.4 times the been considered in the estimate of design flexural
design flexural strength. strength.
More important is the influence of reinforcement Where design flexural strength is based on stress. It is not uncommon to find grade-60 reinforce-
moment-curvature analysis in accordance with Article ment with yield stress in the range 75-80 ksi. At maxi-, the maximum plastic moment may be taken mum displacement response, maximum steel strains will
as either 1.4 times the design flexural strength, or 1.15 generally be much larger than that corresponding to
times the moment developed in the hinge at the design onset of strain-hardening. As a consequence, the actual
displacement response. Alternately, plastic moments steel stress of reinforcement located with maximum dis-
may be found directly from the moment-curvature tance from the neutral axis may be as high as 20 to 30
analysis at the curvature corresponding to peak dis- percent above actual yield stress, particularly for col-
placement response, where maximum feasible material umns with low longitudinal reinforcement ratios, and
strengths feo = 1.7 fe and fro = 1.25 fr are assumed. In low axial load ratios.
both alternatives considered in this Article, inelastic The consequence is that the column moment capac-
static analysis as provided in Article 3.21.7 or inelastic ity may greatly exceed the design strength This phenom-
dynamic analysis as provided in Article 3.21.8 shall be enon is illustrated in Figure RC8-1, where the ordinate is
used to determine plastic hinge curvature at peak dis- the overstrength ratio, «Po' which is defined as the ratio of
placement. plastic moment strength to design strength based on
Article This figure indicates that a ratio of 1.4 is
appropriate. It should be noted that the value of 1.3 used
in previous versions of the BDS may not be sufficiently
conservative in some cases, particularly considering the
lower estimate of design strength used.
Article allows a relaxation ofthe 1.4 factor
when the overstrength is estimated from a moment-cur-
vature analysis. Design efficiencies will often be available
when this option is taken.
1.0 +-,,-r-'-":"l':""""'''''''"""T'"",-r-....,....,....,.....,....,r-r--'-r-r-r-,....,.....j
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Anal Load Ratio PIt'...
circular column. D=60 in (1524 mm)
1.0 -t-.......-.-..-,-.--r-..-....,..........,....,.-.-,.......,-...........,....,.-.-,.......,--.--l
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
A%ia1 Load Ratio PIt'...
square column 48%48 in (1219:1:1219 mm)
2. The PEP opted not to include the shear capacity model recom-
mended by the subcontractor due to a lack of consensus among project
participants. Many project participants felt that because of the amount
of change being proposed and the fact that these changes may yield less
conservative results than current ACI provisions, a more traditional
peer review similar to that received by American Concrete Institute
CACI) code provisions would be required before adopting these
changes. The decision not to use the proposed shear capacity equations
was made even though some of the trial designs and applications indi-
cated there was a potential for congestion of transverse column rein-
forcement in some cases. Obviously, this is a potential problem that
Caltrans needs to be aware of during the trial application period.
1t A
hb yh f D'
Vs = -2--~-
s R8-11 Nominal shear strength provided by inter- C8. Theoretical considerations and experimen-
locking spirals in noncircular sections shall be taken as tal evidence [MacLean et al., 1993; Benzoni & Priestley,
the sum of all individual spiral strengths calculated in 1996] indicate that the shear strength imparted by inter-
accordance with Equation R8-11. locking spirals should be equal to the sum of the individ-
ual spiral strengths. Where more than one type ofshear rein-
forcement is used to reinforce the same portion of the
member, shear strength Vs shall be computed as the
sum of the V s values computed for the various types.
8.18.1 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal C8.18.1 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal
Reinforcement Reinforcement
The area oflongitudinal reinforcement for compression The upper limit for columns has been reduced from 0.08
members shall not exceed 0.04 times the gross areaAg of to 0.04. For longitudinal steel ratios exceeding 0.04, con-
the section except at lap splices. gestion is excessive, ductility capacity is reduced, and
shear stresses in monolithic connections between col- Minimum LongitudinaL Reinforcement umns and cap beams or columns and footings exceed
allowable limits. Thus, dependable ductile response can-
The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement shall not be assured from more heavily reinforced members.
not be less than 0.01 times the gross area Ag ofthe sec-
tion. 3
The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement in a The minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio for piers
pier shall conform to has been increased to conform with the above require-
ments for columns. Lateral reinforcement for compression Lateral reinforcement is required in columns to provide
members shall consist of either spiral reinforcement, confinement to the concrete, to restrain compression
hoops, or a combination oflateral ties and cross ties. bars against buckling, and to enhance shear strength,
Ties shall only be used when it is not practical to pro- which is covered by Article 8.16.6. Under ductile
vide spiral or hoop reinforcement. Where longitudinal response to the design-level earthquake, extreme-fiber
bars are required outside the spiral or hoop reinforce- compression strain must be expected to exceed the
ment, they shall have lateral support provided by bars crushing strain, rendering the cover concrete ineffective.
spaced and hooked as required for cross-ties. The If adequate, well-detailed, transverse reinforcement is
hooked bars shall extend into the core of the spiral or provided to confine the core, the maximum usable com-
hoop a full development length. pression strain in the core concrete is greatly enhanced,
and strain levels as high as five percent are not uncom-
mon in column tests.
Spiral or circular hoop reinforcement is usually
considered more effective in confining concrete. There-
3. The PEP did not adopt the subcontractor's recommendation to fore, it is recommended in preference to rectilinear ties.
reduce the lower limit for reinforcing steel to 0.007 times the gross area An exception is for pier walls where numerous overlap-
of the section. The principal reason for this was concern over recent
ping circular hoops are impractical.
research that indicates low-cycle fatigue of the main reinforcing steel
may be a problem. Because columns with lower levels of reinforcing
steel are subjected to higher steel strains, the current lower limit of 0.0 1
was left unchanged. Spirals and CircuLar Hoops C8.18.2.2 Spirals and CircuLar Hoops Within plastic end regions of ductile col- C8. The levels oflateral reinforcement for con-
umns, as defined by Article, the volumetric finement required by Equations R8-12 and R8-13 have
ratio P5 of spiral or circular hoop reinforcement shall been set to ensure that the dependable section curvature
not be less than ductility capacity will be at least Jl'l' = 'I'z/'lIy = 13.
Expected (ie., mean) curvature ductility capacity will be
about 50% larger; ie., Jlw =20. A value of flw = 13 is suffi-
fce[ 0.5 + IT
Ps = 0.16
r ye ce g
+ 0. 13(P r 0.01) R8-12 cient for the levels of displacement ductility implied by
the force-reduction factors Z of Article 3.21.11.
Because of the high levels of strain within the plastic
nor less than end region, column longitudinal reinforcement can be
subjected to alternate tensile and compressive yield. This
Ps = 0.0002 nb creates a potential for lateral buckling of the bars. Two
modes ofbuckling need to be considered. The first
where nb is the number oflongitudinal bars contained involves buckling over a length equal to the vertical
by the spiral or circular hoop and that are subject to spacing of the transverse reinforcement. The require-
inelastic buckling when cover concrete spalls. Equation ment (in Article that the transverse reinforce-
R8-13 need not be satisfied for columns with aspect ment not be spaced wider apart than six times the
ratios MIVD < 4. longitudinal reinforcing bar diameter, will restrain the
longitudinal bar against this form of buckling for effec-
tive compression strains of at least four percent.
The second form of buckling involves a buckling
length greater than the spacing of the transverse rein-
forcement, and occurs when the spacing is small, but the
= EdsE
nib RC8-1
su4E E j
Eds = ----~ RC8-2
is the double modulus of the longitudinal reinforcement
at Isb' the axial stress in the bar at inelastic buckling; Et is
the modulus of elasticity of the transverse reinforce-
ment; Ej is the elastic modulus of the longitudinal rein-
forcement; and Esu is the secant modulus from Isb to fu'
the ultimate stress. The double modulus is used because
when the bar is on the strain-hardening part of the
stress-strain curve, buckling induces reduced compres-
sion strain on the outside of the bar, for which the
unloading modulus of Ej is appropriate; while on the
inside of the bar, compression strains increase rapidly,
for which a modulus of Esu is appropriate.
For grade-60 reinforcement, and a compression
strain of four percent, it can be shown that Equation
RC8-1 reduces to
Ps = O.00013nb RC8-3
P 0.45[~: -1J~:J
s =
R8-14 Ties
R8-15 Spirals and Hoops Designed by Plastic C8.18.2.4 Spirals and Hoops Designed by Plastic
Analysis Analysis
f;" 1.50
1.25 The plastic hinge length £p in Equation R8- C8. Article defines the plastic hinge
17 shall be taken as length, £p- This is the equivalent length of column over
which the plastic curvature is assumed constant in order
R8-19 to obtain the correct plastic rotation. That is,
8.25.1 Development Length Article 8.25 reflects the requirements of the 1989 ACI
Building Code but in the more "user friendly" format
Development length Rd, in terms of diameter db for presented in the 1995 ACI Building Code. Refer to the
deformed bars and deformed wire in tension, shall be Commentary in the appropriate ACI Building Code for
determined from either Article 8.25.2 or 8.25.3, but Rd further discussion.
shall not be less than 12 inches.
Clear spacing of bars being developed or spliced not less than db'
clear cover not less than db ' and stirrups or ties throughout Rd
not less than the code minimum
Rd fP~A Rd fy<X~A
db = 25Jic db - 20Jic
Clear spacing ofbars being developed or spliced not less than 2db
and clear cover not less than db'
Rd 3fy<X~A
Other cases
db = 50Jic
6.7 ~J;;
8.26.1 Development Length The weakening effect of flexural tension cracks is not
present for bars in compression and usually end bearing
Development length .ed' in inches, for deformed bars in of the bars on the concrete is beneficial. Therefore,
compression shall be computed as the product of the shorter basic development lengths .edh are specified for
basic development length .edb ofArticle 8.26.2 and appli- compression than for tension. The basic development
cable modification factors of Article 8.26.3, but.ed shall length may be reduced 25 percent in Article
not be less than eight inches. when the reinforcement is enclosed within a column-
type spiral or an individual spiral around each bar or
8.26.2 Basic Development Length group of bars.
The development length of individual bars within a An increased development length for individual bars is
bundle in tension or compression shall be that for the required when three or four bars are bundled together.
individual bar, increased 20 percent for a three-bar bun- The extra extension is needed because the grouping
dle, and 33 percent for a four-bar bundle. makes it more difficult to mobilize bond resistance from
the "core" between the bars.
The designer should also note Article 8.21.5 relating
to the cutoff points of individual bars within a bundle
and Article relating to splices of bundled bars.
The increases in development length specified in Article
8.28 do apply when computing splice lengths ofbundled
bars in accordance with Article The develop-
ment of bundled bars by a standard hook of the bundle
is not covered by the provisions ofArticle 8.29.
For detennining the appropriate factors in Article 8.25, Although splice and development lengths of bundled
a unit of bundled bars shall be treated as a single bar of bars are based on the diameter of individual bars
a diameter derived from the equivalent total area. increased by 20 percent or 33 percent as appropriate, it is
necessary to use an equivalent diameter of the entire
bundle derived from the equivalent total area ofbars
when determining factors in Article 8.25, which consid-
ers cover and clear spacing and represents the tendency
of concrete to split.
Except where confined by prestress, or solid adjacent The amount of confinement required by Equation R8-25
members, the column reinforcement within the anchor- to clamp the anchorage region in the joint particularly
age zone shall be confined by transverse hoops or spi- relates to knee joints where the cap beam does not
rals with volumetric ratio not less than extend significantly past the outer face of the column.
For a more thorough discussion of the role of confine-
ment in developing longitudinal column steel refer to
R8-25 Priestley, Seible, and Calvi (1996).
In regions where splicing is not prohibited by Article Outside the no-splice region, splicing may be effected by, longitudinal reinforcement may be spliced by welding, approved mechanical couplers, or by lap splic-
lap splicing, welding, or approved mechanical coupling ing. Although experiments involving columns with lap
systems. Lap splicing of #14 and #18 bars should be spliced #14 and #18 bars have not revealed any concep-
avoided. tual difference in response from columns with smaller
diameter bars (Priestley et al., 1992), their use is not Splice Length encouraged at this time due to current ACI require-
ments. Note that Equation R8-26 requires a lap length of
No more than 50 percent of column bars shall be lap- approximate 40 dbR for is = 60 ks~ and normal concrete
spliced at any section, and the splice length shall not be strength.
less than that determined by the following expression:
O.04db £ is
fs = Jlc R8-26 Confinement
8.33.3 Flexural Bond Requirements for Columns C8.33.3 Flexural Bond Requirements for Columns
Principal stresses in any vertical plane within a connec- The stresses fh andfvin Equations R8-29 and R8-30 are
tion shall be calculated in accordance with Equations nominal compression stresses in the horizontal and ver-
R8-29 and R8-30. tical directions, respectively. In a typical joint, fv is pro-
vided by the column axial force Peo An average stress at
Principal tension stress is given by: midheight of the cap beam, or mid-depth of the footing
should be used, assuming a 45-degree spread away from
Pt -
_(fh +2 Iv) - J(fh-2-
-Iv)2 + 2 Vhv R8-29 the boundaries of the column in all directions. The hori-
zontal axial stress fh is based on the mean axial force at
the center of the joint, including effects of cap beam pre-
stress, if present.
Principal compression stress is given by:
The joint shear stress vhv can be estimated with ade-
Pc -
_(fh +2 Iv) + J(fh -2 Iv)2 + 2
v hv R8-30
quate accuracy from the expression
where fh and Iv are the average axial stresses in the hori-
zontal and vertical directions within the plane of the
connection under consideration (compression stress where M p is the maximum plastic moment as defined by
positive) and Vhv is the average shear stress within that Article, hb is the cap beam or footing depth, he is
plane. the column lateral dimension in the direction considered
(ie., he = D for a circular column) and bje is the effective
joint width, found using a 45-degree spread from the
column boundaries. Figure RC8-3 (Priestley, Seible, and
Bridge Axis
Cap Beam
I - - bje =J2D --.f
Bridge Axis
.b =b
je b
I-- b je =
he + be --l
(b) Rectangular Column
When the principal tension stress is less than The need to include spiral reinforcement to aid in joint
Pt = 3.5.flc psi, the minimum amount of horizontal force transfer has become obvious as a result of the poor
joint shear reinforcement to be provided shall be capa- performance of moment-resisting connections in recent
ble of transferring 50 percent of the cracking stress earthquakes and in large-scale tests. Theoretical consid-
resolved to the horizontal direction. For circular col- eration (Priestley, Seible, and Calvi, 1996), and experi-
umns, or columns with intersecting spirals, the volu- mental observation (Sritharan and Priestley, 1994a;
metric ratio of transverse reinforcement in the form of Sritharan and Priestley, 1994b; Priestley et aI., 1992),
spirals or circular hoops to be continued into the cap or indicate that unless the nominal principal tension stress
footing as required by Article shall not be less in the connection (joint region) exceeds 3.5.flc psi,
than diagonal cracking in the connection will be minimal.
Equation R8-31 requires placement of sufficient hoop
3.5 .flc reinforcement to carry 50 percent of the tensile force at
p =-- R8-31 3.5.flc nominal tensile stress, resolved into the hori-
S f yh
zontal plane. This is a minimum level of reinforcement. Maximum Allowable Compression Stresses C8.34.3.3 Maximum Allowable Compression Stresses
Principal compression stress in a connection, calculated Article limits principal compression stress in a
in accordance with Equation R8-30 shall not exceed connection to O.25fc. In effect, this limits the shear
Pc = O.25fc . stress to less than O.25fc . It is felt that the level of
nominal principal compression stress is a better indica-
tor of propensity for joint crushing than is the joint shear
8.34.4 Reinforcement for Joint Force Transfer6 (8.34.4 Reinforcement for Joint Force Transfer
Where the magnitude of principal tension stress values, Article 8.34 requires a "rational" design for joint rein-
calculated in accordance with Equation R8-29, exceed forcement when principal tension stress levels exceed
Pt = 3.5.flc psi, vertical and horizontal joint rein- 3.5.flc psi A "means of compliance" is provided in
forcement, placed in accordance with Articles, Article 8.34.4. The amounts of reinforcement required, and, shall be deemed to satisfy Articles are based on the mechanism shown in Figure RC8-4,
8.34.1 and 8.34.2. which primarily uses external reinforcement for joint
resistance to reduce joint congestion. On each side of the column or pier wall, the The intent ofArticle is clarified in Figure RC8-S.
superstructure or footing that is subject to bending A ST is the total area of column reinforcement anchored
in the joint.
Reinforcement Ajv is required to provide the tie
6. These joint reinforcement requirements are based on recent force Ts resisting the vertical component of strut D2 in
research at the University of California at San Diego and have not
Figure RC8-4. This reinforcement should be placed close
undergone a complete peer review process typical ofACI code provi-
sions. They are nevertheless included in these Bridge Design Specifica- to the column cage for maximum efficiency. In addition,
tions because ofthe lack of any other joint reinforcement requirements it will be recognized that the cap beam top reinforce-
in the current design specifications. ment or footing bottom reinforcement may have severe
forces shall have vertical stirrups, with a total area Diagonal Strut D3
A jv=0.16 A ST located within a distance O.5D or O.Sh /
from the column or pier wall face. These vertical stir- / "-
rups shall be distributed over a width not exceeding 2D. ~ I ~r f-
l~~~ Ts
/ , "
, D1 ~l
~~ ~ ~~ T
Figure RC8-4 External vertical joint reinforcement for
joint force transfer.
AJ., in adl of I~ II
CD ® ® @ Hi/2-1
(a) Internal Column: Kulticolumn Bent
Brid,e Axis
Bridge Axill
(c) Single Column Bent
Additional longitudinal reinforcement in the cap beam, Additional cap-beam bottom reinforcement of area
superstructure, and footing of total amount 0.08 A ST 0.08A sT is required to provide the horizontal resistance
over and above that required for flexural strength, shall of the strut D2 in Figure RC8-4.
be placed in the face adjacent to the column (ie., bot- Special care is needed for knee joints as represented
tom of cap beam or superstructure; top of footing), by Figure RC8-Sb. For moment tending to close the
extending through the joint and for a sufficient distance joint, force transfer must be provided between the top
to develop its yield strength at a distance of O.5D from cap beam reinforcement and the column outer rein-
the column face, as shown in Figure R8-1. forcement. When the cap beam does not extend signifi-
cantly past the column, this is best effected by making
the cap beam top and bottom reinforcement into a con-
>0/2+ld f--
.- ! I-
c ~ within 0/2
(See Figure RC8-5) 7
>0/2+ ld i
tinuous loop outside the column cage, as shown in Fig-
If a cap-beam cantilever is provided, with cap-beam
reinforcement passing beyond the joint, additional verti-
cal shear reinforcement outside the joint, as for Figure
' - Additional beam steel RC8-S, will be required.
required both trensve rsely
and longitudinally Moment-resisting connections designed according
= O.08A,;t
to these requirements have performed well in experi-
Note: I(j = development length
ments (Seible et al., 1994; Sritharan and Priestley, 1994aj
Sritharan and Priestley, 1994b).
-- This reinforcement may be omitted in prestressed
or partially prestressed cap beams if the prestressed
Figure R8-1 Additional cap beam bottom reinforce- design force is increased by the amount needed to pro-
ment for joint force transfer. vide an equivalent increase in cap-beam moment capac-
ity to that provided by this reinforcement.
The volumetric ration of column joint hoop or spiral The hoop or spiral reinforcement of Equation 8-33 is
reinforcement to be carried into the cap or footing as required to provide adequate confinement of the joint,
required by Article shall not be less than and to resist the net outward thrust of struts D 1 and D2
in Figure RC8-4.
8.35.1 Flexural Strength for Group VII Loads (8.35.1 Flexural Strength for Group VII Loads
In determining the flexural strength of footings resist- Under Group VII loads, it is common for the footing to
ing Group VII loads, with monolithic column/footing be subjected to positive moments on one side of the col-
connections, the effective width of the footing shall not umn and negative moments on the other. In this case,
be taken to be greater than the width of the column plus shear lag considerations show that it is unrealistic to
expect footing reinforcement at lateral distances greater
a tributory footing width, equal to the effective depth of than the footing effective depth to effectively participate
the footing, on either side of the column. in footing flexural strength. Tests on footings (Xiao et al;
1994) have shown that a footing effective width comply-
ing with Article 8.35.1 will produce a good prediction of
maximum footing reinforcement stress. If a larger effec-
tive width is adopted in design, shear lag effects will
result in large inelastic strains developing in the footing
reinforcement adjacent to the column. This may reduce
the shear strength of the footing and jeopardize the foot-
ing joint force transfer mechanisms. Since the reinforce-
ment outside the effective width is considered ineffective
for flexural resistance, it is permissible to reduce the
reinforcement ratio in such regions to 50 percent of that
within the effective width unless more reinforcement is
required to transfer pile reactions to the effective
8.35.2 Shear Strength for Group VII Loads C8.35.2 Shear Strength for Group VII Loads
The effective width for determining the shear strength Arguments similar to those for moment apply to the
of footings for Group VII loads shall be as for flexural effective width for shear strength estimation.
strength, as given in Article 8.35.1.
In all parts of the footing, a minimum amount of trans- The minimum vertical steel requirement of Article
verse reinforcement in the form ofvertical stirrups or will provide a truss mechanism shear resistance
ties shall be placed, satisfying the expression of at least 50 psi, and is equivalent to current Caltrans
requirements for footing design.
Pv =f - R8-33
The effective superstructure width on either side of a The intent of Article 8.36 is clarified in Figure RC8-6.
column for resisting longitudinal seismic moments The effective width defined in this article applies imme-
induced by column actions shall not be taken as larger diately adjacent to the bridge bent. As the distance from
than the superstructure depth hs•
__----D+28, "I
\ /LH.-l
\ ( ~ flared column
a = lateral stiffener spacing (Article, These notations should be added to those in the current BDS Section 10.
A = area of cross section (Articles
A e = effective net area (Article 10.62.3)
Ag = gross area (Article 10.61.3, 10.61.4, and 10.62.3)
AI = cross sectional area of longitudinal box stiffener
As = shear area (Article
b = width of box flange (Article
bf = width of flange (Articles 10.62.2, and 10.62.3)
bbf = width of beam flange (Article
db = beam depth (Article, and 10.61.4)
de = column depth (Article
dl = longitudinal box stiffener area ratio (Article, and
dz = panel zone depth between beam flanges (Article
D = section depth (Article
Db = beam depth (Article 10.63.2)
De = column depth (Article 10.63.2)
E = modulus of elasticity of steel, psi (Articles
1. These provisions for the seismic design of steel bridges are entirely
new to the Bridge Design Specifications. It should be noted that no
trial designs have been performed and the impact of these design
requirements is not totally clear. A trial application period is recom-
mended before they are adopted for widespread use.
10.2.1 General
Structural steels shall conform to the material designated Review of experimental studies and the American
in Table RIO-I. The modulus of elasticity of all grades of Institue of Steel Construction Load and Resistance Fac-
structural steel shall be assumed to be 29,000,000 psi and tor Design seismic design provisions indicates that it
the coefficient of linear expansion to be 0.0000065 per may be necessary to restrict seismic design provisions to
degree Fahrenheit. structures having a minimum yield strength of not
Except as specified herein, members subject to cyclic much greater than 50,000 psi. The reason for this restric-
inelasticity under seismic loading shall be constructed of tion is that some of the provisions for permissible shear
materials conforming to the material properties for in a stiffened panel have been developed based on an
AASHTO M183, M222 or M223 steel, as specified in assumed relationship between the yield point and the
Table RIO-I. Structural steel not conforming to these tensile strength of the material. It is assumed that the
material standards may be considered for use, provided panel zone will reach strain hardening and that this phe-
that it exhibits similar stress-strain properties to those nomenon permits shear capacity greater than what
that have been approved for this application and pro- would be indicated by applying the VonMises criteria to
vided that the cyclic ductility of the steel has been veri- the yield strength. A material such as AASHTO M244
fied through testing. steel, which has a relatively small difference between ten-
AASHTO M244 steel shall not be used in members sile and yield strength, will not necessarily produce the
that are expected to resist significant seismic loads. desired effect.
Table RI0-2 Minimum Material Properties for Pins, Rollers,a and Rockers
AASHTO Designation with MI02 to 20 in. in diameter MI02 to 20 in. in diameter M102 b to 20 in. in diameter
Size Limitation
ASTM Designation A668 A668 A668
Grade or Class Class D Class F Class G
Minimum Yield Point, ps~ Fy 37,500 50,000 50,000
a. Expansion rollers shall not be less than four inches in diameter
b. May substitute rolled material of the same properties.
The required flexural strength, Mu, of each beam-to- At this writing, the use ofsome welded beam-to-column
column joint shall be the lesser of either the plastic joint details have been called into question as a result of
bending moment, M p' of the column or the moment experience during the Northridge earthquake. It is antic-
resulting from the panel zone nominal shear strength, ipated that future research will resolve this issue result-
Vn , as determined using the seismic load combination ing in approved details. At the current time, details that
and the seismic reduction factor, Z, taken as unity. have plates continuing past the plastic hinge into the
Where capacity design is used, the beam column joint and a welded or mechanically fastened beam-to-
joint shall be designed for the lesser of 125% of the plas- column connection of such size as to remain elastic
tic bending moment, M p ' of the column or 125% of the while being protected by the hinge may serve as a start-
panel zone nominal shear strength, Vu ' ing point for such details.
The required shear strength V u ofbeam-to-column
joints shall be taken as the lesser of that determined
using the load combination 1.2 times the permanent
load plus the shear resulting from M u at the end of the
column or the shear resulting from the governing seis-
mic load combination.
The design strength of a beam-to-column joint may
be considered adequate to develop the required flexural
strength, M u' of the column designed under the weak
column-strong beam philosophy, if the column flanges
are made continuous or are welded to the beam flange
using approved welded or mechanical joints.
The column web joint shall have a design shear
strength, iflvVn ' greater than the required shear
strength, v,;, where iflv is taken as 0.90. Where the nom-
inal flexural strength of the column, M n, considering
only the flanges, is greater than 70 percent of the nomi-
nal flexural strength of the entire beam section, the web
joint may be made by means of welding or slip-critical,
high-strength bolting.
Joint configurations using welds or high-strength
bolts, but not conforming to the requirement above,
may be permitted if proven to be adequate by test or
calculation. Where conformance is shown by calcula-
tion, the design strength ofthe joint shall be 125 percent
of the design strength of the connecting elements.
¢vVn --0.6¢vFydbtp ( 1 + - - RI0-1
dbdet p
10.20.1 General General Applicability
The Engineer shall demonstrate that a clear, straight- Diaphragms, cross-frames, lateral bracing, bearings, and
forward load path to the substructure exits and that all substructure elements are part ofa load-resisting system,
components and connections are capable of resisting in which the seismic loading and performance of each
the imposed load effects consistent with the chosen load element is affected by the strength and stiffness charac-
path. teristics of the other elements. Past earthquakes have
shown that when one of these elements responded in a
The flow of forces in the assumed load path must ductile manner or allowed some movement, damage
be accommodated through all affected components and was limited. In the strategy taken herein, it is assumed
details including, but not limited to, flanges and webs of that ductile plastic hinging in the substructure is the pri-
main beams or girders, cross-frames, steel-to-steel con- mary source of energy dissipation. Alternative design
nections, slab-to-steel interfaces, and all components of strategies are permitted under Article for bear-
the bearing assembly from bottom flange interface ing design.
through the confinement of anchor bolts or similar
devices in the substructure. The substructure shall also
be designed to transmit the imposed force effects into
the ground.
The design of end diaphragms and cross-frames
shall include analysis cases with horizontal supports at
an appropriate number of bearings, consistent with
Article Slenderness and connection require-
ments of bracing members that are part of the seismic
force-resisting system shall follow those specified for
main member design.
Diaphragms and cross frames and their connec-
tions that are identified by the designer as part of the
load path carrying seismic forces from the superstruc-
ture to the bearings shall be designed and detailed to
remain elastic under all design earthquakes, regardless
of the type of bearings used. The applicable provisions
for the design of main members shall apply.
A viable load path shall be established to transmit the A continuous path is necessary for the transmission of
inertial loads to the foundation based on the stiffness the superstructure inertial forces to the foundation.
characteristics of the deck, diaphragms, cross-frames, Concrete decks have significant rigidity in their horizon-
and lateral bracing. Unless a more refined analysis is tal plane, and in short-to-medium slab-on-girder spans,
made, an approximate load path shall be assumed as their response approaches a rigid body motion. There-
follows: fore, the seismic loading of the intermediate diaphragms
The following requirements apply to bridges with and cross frames is minimal.
either: Design and Detail Requirements Cl0.20.4.5 Design and Detail Requirements
For bridges with significant skew, as defined in Section Bearings do not usually resist load simultaneously, and
3, the load distribution shall be based on the analysis damage to only some of the bearings at one end of a
requirements ofSection 3. span is not uncommon. When this occurs, high load
concentrations can result at the location of the other
bearings, which needs to be taken into account in the
design of the end cross frames. Also, a significant change
in the load distribution among the end cross frame
members may occur. The number ofbearings engaged
should be consistent with Article While studies
of the cyclic load behavior of bracing systems (Astaneh-
AsI, Goel, and Hanson, 1985; Astaneh-Asl and Goel,
1984; Goel and EI-Tayem, 1986; and Harown and Shep-
erd, 1986) have shown that with adequate details, brac-
ing systems can allow for ductile behavior; these design
provisions require elastic behavior in end diaphragms.
10.21.1 General
Special consideration shall be given to slip-critical On the basis of oral discussions with researchers, there
bolted connections that may be subjected to cyclic appears to be reasonable concern about the state of a
loads. Such consideration shall include an investigation slip-critical bolted connection after it undergoes several
of the potential loss of clamping action on faying sur- cycles of inelastic response. The issue here is not the abil-
faces due to the Poisson effect. ity of well-detailed joints to respond inelastically, but
rather the possible reduction in live load fatigue strength
after the seismic event. If the material inside the joint
undergoes enough inelastic strain that the Poisson effect
causes the plate to have a significant reduction in thick-
ness, there will be a loss of clamping action on the faying
surface. This clamping action, necessary for adequate
fatigue resistance under live load, can be restored only
by retightening the bolts and/or replacing them. The
prospect of retightening bolts in even a medium-span
steel structure seems relatively impractical. Several
options do seem feasible: Scope ApplicabilityZ General
The selection and seismic design of bearings shall be Bearings have a significant effect on the overall seismic
related to the strength and stiffness characteristics of response of a bridge. They provide the link that transfers
both the superstructure and the substructure. seismic load between a stiff and massive superstructure
Bearing design shall be consistent with the intended and a stiff and massive substructure. As a result, very
seismic response of the whole bridge system. high (and difficult to predict) load concentrations can
Rigid-type bearings are assumed not to move in occur in the bearing components. The primary functions
restrained directions, and therefore the seismic forces of the bearings are to resist the vertical loads due to dead
from the superstructure shall be assumed to be trans- load and live load and to allow for superstructure move-
mitted through diaphragms or cross frames and their ments due to live load and temperature changes. Allow-
ance for translation is made by means of rollers, rockers,
2. When selecting a fixed or expansion bearing for a bridge, the use shear deformation of an elastomer, or through the pro-
of certain bearing types that have performed poorly in past earth- vision of a sliding surface of bronze, copper alloy, or
quakes should be avoided. Some members of the PEP were also PTFE. Allowance for rotation is made by hinges, con-
uncomfortable with the current Caltrans practice of using transverse fined or unconfined elastomers, or spherical sliding sur-
abutment shear keys as fuses which are intended to fail during a strong
faces. Resistance to translation is provided by bearing
earthquake. The unpredictable sequence of shear key failure may
result in undesirable seismic behavior particularly for some bridge con- components or additional restraining elements.
figurations prone to torsional response in the horizontal plane (e.g. Historically, bearings have been very susceptible to
highly skewed supports, unbalanced spans). seismic loads. Unequal loading during seismic events
connections to the bearings, and then to the substruc- and much higher loads than anticipated have caused var-
ture without reduction due to local inelastic action ious types and levels of bearing damage. Because of the
along that load path. requirement for allowing movement, bearings often
Deformable-type bearings having less than full contain elements vulnerable to high loads and impacts.
rigidity in the restrained directions, but not designed The performance of bearings during past earth-
explicitly as base isolators or fuses have demonstrated a quakes needs to be evaluated in context with the overall
reduction in force transmission to the substructure, and performance of the bridge and the performance of the
may be used under any circumstance. If used, they shall superstructure and substructure elements connected to
be designed to accommodate imposed seismic loads. the bearings. Rigid bearings have been associated with
damage to the end cross-frames and the supporting pier
or abutment concrete. In some cases, bearing damage
and slippage has prevented more extensive damage.
The criteria for seismic design ofbearings should
consider the strength and stiffness characteristics of the
superstructure and substructure. To minimize damage,
the seismic load-resisting system made of the end cross-
frame, bearings, and substructure should allow a certain
degree of energy dissipation, movement, or plastic defor-
mation, even if those effects are not quantified as they
would be for base isolation bearings or structural fuses.
Based on their horizontal stiffness, bearings may be
divided into four categories:
The loading ofbearings at the ends of spans shall be Often, bearings do not resist load simultaneously, and
based on the provisions of Section 3. damage to only some of the bearings at one end of a
The Engineer shall determine the number of bear- span is not uncommon. When this occurs, high load
ings needed to resist the loads specified in Section 3, concentrations can result at the location of the undam-
with consideration of the potential for unequal partici- aged bearings, which should be taken into account. The
pation due to tolerances, unintended misalignments, number ofbearings engaged should be based on type,
the capacity of the individual bearings, and the skew. design, and detailing of the bearings used and the bridge
Consideration should be given to the use of field- skew. Skew angles under 15 degrees are usually ignored.
adjustable elements to provide near-simultaneous Skew angles over 30 degrees are usually considered sig-
engagement of the intended number of bearings. nificant and need to be considered in analysis. Skewed
bridges have a tendency to rotate under seismic loading,
and bearings should be designed and detailed to accom-
modate this effect. Design and Detail Requirements Cl0.29.8.6 Design and Detail Requirements
Roller bearings shall not be used in new bridge con- Expansion bearings should allow sufficient movement in
stmction. their unrestrained direction to prevent premature failure
Rocker bearings shall be avoided wherever practi- due to seismic displacements.
cal, and when used, their movements and tendency to Past earthquakes have shown that guide and keeper
tip under seismic actions shall be considered in the bars, keeper rings or nuts at the ends of pins, and other
design and details. guiding devices have failed, even under moderate seismic
Expansion bearings and their supports shall be loads. In an experimental investigation of the strength
designed in such a manner that the stmcture can and deformation characteristics of rocker bearings
undergo movements in the unrestrained direction not (Mander, Kim, and Chen, 1993), it was found that ade-
less than the seismic displacements determined using quately sized pintles are sometimes capable of providing
the provisions of Section 3 without collapse. Adequate the necessary resistance to seismic loads.
seat width shall also be provided for fixed bearings. Bronze or copper-alloy sliding expansion bearings
In their restrained directions, bearings shall be should be evaluated for stability. The sliding plates inset
designed and detailed to engage at essentially the same into the metal of the pedestals or sole plates may lift dur-
movement. ing high horizontal loading. Guidelines for bearing sta-
Rigid-type bearings and their components shall be bility evaluations may be found in Gilstad (1990). The
designed to remain elastic during the safety-evaluation shear capacity and stability may be increased by adding
earthquake. Deformable-type bearings and their com- anchor bolts inserted through a wider sole plate and set
ponents shall be designed to remain elastic during the in concrete.
functional-evaluation earthquake, but selected ductile During seismic loading, the vertical reaction at the
components may be allowed to yield during the safety- bearings may be significantly reduced. As a result, the
evaluation earthquake. magnitude of the friction forces is uncertain, and the
The design and detailing of bearing components performance of high-load multi-rotational bearings is
resisting earthquake loads shall provide adequate limited.
strength and ductility. Guide and keeper bars, keeper The seismic demands on elastomeric bearings
rings or nuts at the ends of pins, and similar devices exceed their design limits. Therefore, positive connec-
shall either be designed to resist all imposed loads or an tion between the girder and the substructure concrete is
alternative load path shall be provided that engages needed when these bearings are used.
before the relative movement of the substmcture and Spherical bearings can provide a certain degree of
superstmcture is excessive. horizontal load resistance by limiting the radius of the
The frictional resistance of bearing sliding surfaces spherical surface. However, the ability to resist horizon-
shall be neglected where it contributes to resisting seis- tal loads is a function of the vertical reaction on the bear-
mic loads, and shall be conservatively estimated (ie., ing, which could drop during earthquakes. Bearing
overestimated) where friction results in the application stability may be evaluated based on Gilstad (1990),
of force effects to structural components as a result of among others. In general, spherical bearings are not rec-
seismic movements. ommended for horizontal-to-verticalload ratios of over
Bronze or copper-alloy sliding expansion bearings 0.40.
shall be evaluated for shear capacity and stability. Pot bearings are not adequate to resist high hori-
Sole plate and base plate connections shall be ade- zontalloads. Disc bearings are equipped with a shear
quate to resist the seismic loads determined as per Arti- restriction mechanism that needs to be evaluated for
cle Sole plates shall be extended to allow for seismic loading, but are quite susceptible to damage with
anchor bolt inserts, when required. even low vertical loads.
Elastomeric expansion bearings shall be provided
with adequate seismically resistant anchorage to resist
horizontal forces in excess of those accommodated by
shear in the pad. The sole plate and base plate shall be
made wider to accommodate the anchor bolts. Inserts
through the elastomer shall not be allowed. The anchor
bolts shall be designed for the combined effect of bend-
ing and shear for seismic loads determined as per Arti-
cle Elastomeric fixed bearings shall be
provided with horizontal restraint adequate for the full
horizontal load.
Spherical bearings shall be evaluated for compo-
nent and connection strength and bearing stability.
Pot and disc bearings shall not be used for seismic
applications where significant vertical acceleration
must be considered and, where their use is unavoidable,
they shall be provided with independent seismically
resistant anchorage systems.
Anchor bolts used to resist seismic loads shall be upset, Anchor bolts are very susceptible to brittle failure during
as per Article 10.26, and designed for ductile behavior. earthquakes. To increase ductility, Astaneh-Asl et al.
Sufficient reinforcement shall be provided around (1994) have recommended the use of upset anchor bolts
the anchor bolts to develop the horizontal forces and placed inside hollow sleeve pipes and oversized holes in
anchor them into the mass of the substructure unit. the masonry plate. Thus, deformable bearing types may
Potential concrete crack surfaces next to the bearing use the anchor bolts as the ductile element (see also
anchorage shall have sufficient shear friction capacity to Cook and Klinger, 1992).
prevent failure. Bearings designed for rigid load transfer should not
be seated on grout pads or other bedding materials that
can create a sliding surface and reduce the horizontal
Article 10.30 not modified. resistance.
Seismic loading of the anchor bolts has often
resulted in concrete damage, especially when they were
too close to the edge of the bearing seat. Guidelines for
evaluating edge distance effects and concrete strength
requirements may be found in Veda et al. (1990) and
other publications.
10.31 SCOPE
Hollow tubes
Circular tubes d
d t
Unstiffened rectangular tubes b 3480
b t
a. h' taken as the width of projecting flange element, not the entire flange width.
'" Z (F b
k.. e ye
> 1.0
10.62.1 General
The design strength of a bracing member in axial com- Bracing members are apt to buckle inelastically during
pression should be taken as 0.8¢ePn ,where ¢cis taken as the compressive part of a load cycle and not totally
0.85 and Pn is the nominal axial strength of a column recover their undeformed shape after the compression is
(kips). removed or even during the tensile part of a load cycle.
Bracing members may be either compact or non- When the cycle becomes compressive again, they deform
compact and shall satisfy: even more because of their own P-Ll moment and they
do not provide their undeformed capacity for later
cycles of seismic load.
!.L< 4460
2tf - ~Fy-lO,OOO
hf < 3350
2tf - ~ Fyw -16,500
In the absence of more refined information, unstiffened No fully developed specification for this type of con-
box sections shall comply with Articles 10.61.3 and struction has been identified. Some design guidance can
10.63.2. Stiffened box sections shall comply with the be deduced based on tests of columns and knee joints
provisions of Article 10.63.3. conducted primarily in Japan (Fukumoto & Lee, 1992;
Kawashima, et. al., 1992). These tests did not include a
wide range of bit values, so the results should not be
extended far from the range tested.
10.63.2 Unstiffened Box Knee Joints C10.63.2 Unstiffened Box Knee Joints
The shear strength of an unstiffened box corner connec- Nishimura, Hwang, and Fukumoto (1992) have pub-
tion shall be taken as: lished experimental studies dealing with a corner con-
nection of the steel pier, as shown in Figure RC1O-1.
2.29F/ w DiPc
V = ~_!'-c'c'---='---7 RlO-9
y L(I- D b2:D c J
:-:.-.r-: . .
..~.Tt:~.-:-='. -,. - . - . - - - - - - -....
. ...
.. ~
~0.9 i- • ",
., , , ........
gO.S ....
'. .... ..... -....
o ,, •
uI •
~O.7 ...
% .:Bl-11C
~0.6 i- ..... : BlR-50
0.5 I I , , I I
o 10 ~u 30 40
cal compression
1.0r---;;o:;;a~' oll":••
r :'.-.::v;;.::-.----------,
• 0
.. .....
• 0
O· • • 0 0
• 0
~O.9- 0 "'....... DaDa
'- ... Goo
z· 0
0 0
.... . . . . . .,
. D DO
. .
0. 0
. o
~0.7"i o
Iiz D:BL-l1C
~0.6- • T: BlR- 50
0; BL - 12 C
0.5O»........ '_J.-'~Iin-_...l.-
' ---t:;- '_~ ' -..J'L--l
10 NUMBER O?~eveRS-'lS 30 40
(bl tension
10.63.3 Seismic Ductility of Stiffened Box C10.63.3 Seismic Ductility of Stiffened Box
Columns Columns
4:[ P=0.50 Py=1323KN
lJ.p= 2.70mm
Hu= 241KN Hmin =-218KN
200 Hp=149KN
3 -IOOt_.-€::s~~~~~~~
-200 -"- FIRST CYCLE
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The minimum plate thickness for full load-carrying Values of panel slenderness; i.e.,
capacity shall be taken as:
for M222 & M223 Steel: of no more than 3160 have been recommended based on
b an original set of tests in which panel slenderness did not
t =-- RIO-II exceed this value. The value of 3160 is less than that per-
o 24n p
mitted by the Japan Roadway Association code (the lim-
The slenderness of the plate shall be limited by the iting value may change to 39S0, based on more recent
following parameters: test results).
If the critical slenderness ratios are not satisfied, or
--LL > 1.0 RIO-12 the strength of the pier, stiffness of the pier, the bl t ratio
YI,req. for the buckling of a panel, or the dd d1,req ratio are not
satisfied, or if the minimum transverse stiffener and
~>1.0 RIO-13 aspect ratio requirements are not met, the geometry of
the column must be adjusted.
1 lll
bt 3
If the panel aspect ratio and transverse stiffeners
satisfy the following conditions:
< o an dI t >(bt3J(1+npYI,reqJ
a_a - RIO-I6
Il 4a 3
if t< to
2 (a 2 +1)2
Yl,req=4a np(l+npdl )- n RIO-I8
if t~ to
d = Al
I bt RIO-21
b RlO-22
for which:
Q e =~2Ile-l RIO-27
3y = 3EI + GA R10-32
Hy = ~ = ~(Fy-~Zc R10-33
As = 2Dt w R10-34
The overstrength factor, asp, shall be taken as
M/My,req' In the absence of better information, asp
may be taken as lAO and the critical deformation factor
1; may be taken as 0.006.
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Mr. Mohsen Sultan
Division of Structures
P.O. Box 942874
Sacramento, CA 94274
One of the primary purposes of Applied Technol- NTIS report No. COM-73-50188.
ogy Council is to develop resource documents that
ATC-2: The report, An Evaluation ofa Response
translate and summarize useful information to
practicing engineers. This includes the develop- Spectrum Approach to Seismic Design ofBuildings,
ment of guidelines and manuals, as well as the was funded by NSF and NBS and was conducted as
development of research recommendations for spe- part of the Cooperative Federal Program in Build-
cific areas determined by the profession. ATC is ing Practices for Disaster Mitigation. Available
not a code development organization, although through the ATC office. (Published 1974,270
several of the ATC project reports serve as resource
documents for the development of codes, stan- Abstract: This study evaluated the applicability
dards and specifications. and cost of the response spectrum approach to
seismic analysis and design that was proposed
Applied Technology Council conducts projects that
by various segments of the engineering profes-
meet the following criteria:
sion. Specific building designs, design proce-
dures and parameter values were evaluated for
1. The primary audience or benefactor is the
design practitioner in structural engineering. future application. Eleven existing buildings of
varying dimensions were redesigned according
to the procedures.
2. A cross section or consensus of engineering
opinion is required to be obtained and pre- ATC-3: The report, Tentative Provisions for the
sented by a neutral source. Development ofSeismic Regulations for Buildings
(ATC-3-06), was funded by NSF and NBS. The
3. The project fosters the advancement of struc- second printing of this report, which includes pro-
tural engineering practice. posed amendments, is available through the ATC
office. (Published 1978, amended 1982,505 pages
A brief description of several major completed
projects and reports is given in the following sec- plus proposed amendments)
tion. Funding for projects is obtained from govern- Abstract: The tentative provisions in this docu-
ment agencies and tax-deductible contributions ment represent the results of a concerted effort
from the private sector. by a multi-disciplinary team of 85 nationally
recognized experts in earthquake engineering.
ATC-I: This project resulted in five papers that
The provisions serve as the basis for the seismic
were published as part of Building Practices for
Disaster Mitigation, Building Science Series 46, pro- provisions of the 1988 Uniform Building Code
and the 1988 and subsequent issues of the
ceedings of a workshop sponsored by the National
Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Bureau
NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Devel-
of Standards (NBS). Available through the opment ofSeismic Regulation for New Build-
National Technical Information Service (NTIS), ings. The second printing of this document
contains proposed amendments prepared by a
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22151, as
ATC-23B: The report, General Acute Care Hospital Abstract: This report contains a practical meth-
Earthquake Survivability Inventory for California, odology for the detailed assessment of seismic
Part B: Raw Data, is a companion document to the vulnerability and impact of disruption of water
ATC-23A Report and was developed under the supply systems. The methodology has been
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