Online Med Ed Notes
Online Med Ed Notes
Online Med Ed Notes
Physiology of Pregnancy
Kidneys Weight GI
Increase in GFR due to Weight gain is GERD due to relaxation of
increased blood flow dependent on the LES
Decrease in creatinine weight before Nausea due to increased
As gravid uterus grows pregnancy levels of B-hcG in first
can get a obstructive “Quarter System” trimester
uropathy most <18.5 BMI 1/wk Constipation due to
commonly at the pelvic 18.5-25 0.75.wk progesterone relaxing
brim 25-30 0.5/wk effects on smooth muscle
>30 0.25 lb/wk due motility agents and
stool softners
Gallbladder disease
Iron deficiency
Focus on pts SAFETY
- Genetics, Age pregnancy
- DV, Abuse, social support
Prenatal Vitamins folic acid prevent NT defects
Vaccines pt should be up to date with influenza, hep B, MMRV
Lifestyle smoking illicit drugs and alcohol cessation
Optimization of disease DM, HTN, Hypothyroidism/ achieving adequate
Ask pt if the pregnancy is desired or not?
Offer options such as termination, family planning and adoption
Assess any barriers to care ensure access to health care
Tracking vital signs and weight gain
Gravida # of times a pregnancy has occurred
Para # of births
-T, P, A, L
Get information regarding SH, PMH, Surg Hx, FH, and medications
Dx and Screening
First test is usually a urine pregnancy test
Best test is an US confirms if there is a intrauterine pregnancy , determines
gestational age and assesses for multiple gestations
Can also use a serum B-hcG
Blood test for ABO, Rh-Ag status, baseline Hgb/Hct, HIV, Hep B Ag status,
RPR, Titers for Varicella and Rubella
Urine screening U/A and culture, baseline proteinuria, screen for G/C
CytologyPap smear
Genetic screens CF for Caucasians, Sickle Cell trait in African americans
Follow up
q 4 weeks for first two trimesters/ week 28
q 2 weeks till 36 weeks
q 1 week till birth
Genetic Screening
Medical Disease
Screen for asymptomatic bacteriuria via URINALYSIS
Assess for urgency, frequency, dysuria cystitis
- + fever, chills, n/v, CVA tenderness pyelonephritis
DO NOT treat asymptomatic bacteriuria
- symptomatic is tx with AMOXICILLIN or nitrofurantoin
- can NOT use bactrim or cipro because they are TERATOGENIC
Treat pyelonephritis with admittance and CEFTRIAXONE
- if does NOT improve; consider an ABSCESS use US and tx for 14 days
After tx repeat UA
Hyperthyroidism Fetal demise
Hypothyroidism Cretinism
Dx with TSH levels
- LOW TSH Hyper
Tx PTU used in first trimester, Methimazole in rest for HYPER
- HYPO Levothyroxine ensure to adjust dosage
Increase in TBG increase in Levo
All anti-epileptic drugs are TERATOGENS
Differentiate between dx of epilepsy and pre-eclampsia seizures
L drugs are SAFE Leviteracetam and Lamotragine
Valproic acid, Phenytoin and Carbamazepine NO NO
Assess the balance between risks of drugs and seizure meds
- baby are more susceptible to drugs early on in pregnancy
- if seizures are controlled then may consider halting drugs
Should be on Folic acid to prevent NT defects
BP goal should be < 140/80
SAFE medications alpha-methyl dopa, Labetolol, Hydralzine
DO NOT USE ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCBs, Diuretics
Requires TIGHTER screening for Pre-eclampsia
Test UA every time
Before Pregnancy
- A1c<7%/90 day avg. with diet and exercise
- change orals to insulin
During Pregnancy
- increased insulin requirement
- due to hormone increasing insulin demand
- BASAL BOLUS strategy long acting at night, short acting at meals
- Target POST prandial sugar
AFTER delivery
- decrease/tone down insulin
Uncontrolled sugar BEFORE development can cause cardiac malformations
Uncontrolled sugar DURING pregnancy macrosomia and shoulder dystocia,
need for C/S
Normal Labour
Point at which ACTIVE labor begins6 cm dilated
Cervical Change
Breakage of DISULPHIDE bonds allows the cervix to go from stiff to loose;
allowing baby to pass through and for progression of labor to occur
Allows for Softening, Effacement, Dilation, Position Fetal head engagement
Can stimulate this process with balloon, prostaglandins, and OXYTOCIN
Fetal Station
Ischial spine= position 0
Anything ABOVE negative/”-“
Fetal Position
OPTIMAL position longitudinal CEPHALIC
- baby axis is aligned with mom, presents at VERTEX
Longitudinal BREECH birth baby comes out feet first
- most common reason for C/S
- can try external version
Transverse baby lies horizontal
Best way to assess is LEOPOLD position
Abnormal Labor
If Labor is taking too long to progress; options include:
amniotomy rupture of membranes to allow the fetal head to push on
cervix by removing the cushion
Oxytocin increase frequency and strength of contractions
- treats arrest or prolonged ACTIVE phase; if FAILS c/s
If stage 2 is PROLONGED
- baby position; NEGATIVE c/s
- baby position; POSITIVE Forceps, vacuum
If stage 3 is PROLONGED
- baby has been delivered placenta is waiting to come out
- start with UTERINE MASSAGE to help contract down
- administer OXYTOCIN
- manual extraction*** last resort
3 P’s
Passenger size of the fetus
- if too big resort to c/s
Pelvis size of the outlet
- if too small c/s
Power strength of the contraction
- can be modified with use of OXYTOCIN
- use MONTEVIDEO units 200 mvu in 10 mins with use of IUPC
L and D Pathology
< 24 weeks gestation Abortion
24-37 weeks Pre term birth
37-42 Term birth
42 + Post term
ROM is only normal when the fetus is at TERM and is associated with
PrematureROM at TERM but NO contractions
PretermPrematureROM at PRETERM
Duration of Labor SHOULD NOT >18 hrs
- if >, is called prolonged rupture of membranes
Premature rupture of membranes
Usually occur at TERM, but is associated with NO contractions
Most often cause of INFECTION; GBS
Dx: clinical, assess GBS status
Tx: Deliver
- if GBS + or unknown administer AMPICILLIN
- if GBS - ; wait
Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes
Most commonly due to infection
Dx: clinical presentation
Tx: >34 weeks Delivery
- <24 abortion
- 24-37 give steroids for fetal LUNG MATURATION and Tocolytics to help
relax uterine contractions if present if >34 weeks
Prolonged ROM
Worried about infection ENTERING
Labor >18 hours
Tx: Deliver based on severity and GBS status
Should be concerned about endometritis or chorioamnionitis
- sx of fever
All about vasoconstriction increased SVR increase in BP
Dx BP Timing U/A Sx Tx F/u
Transient >140/>80 Non-sustained - - - Keep a log to
HTN BP monitor BP
Magnesium Checks
Look for DECREASED Deep Tendon Reflexes/DTR
If this is the case can cut off the respiratory drive of the diaphragm and can
lead to death
1. Analyze Gender
- Different genders Di zygotic, Di Chorionic, Diamniotic
– Same gender potential for Monozygotic with dichoronic, diamniotic (Split
between day 0-3)
- If there is only ONE placenta with septal sac Monochorionic, diamniotic
(split between day 4-8) RISK OF TWIN TWIN TRANSFUSION
- If there is only ONE placenta, ONE amnion Mono mono (split day 9-12)
2. DI DI
- risk of preterm labor for every 1 extra gestation you are likely to deliver 4
weeks EARLY
- risks of mal-presentation due to limited space
- increased risk of C/S
- increased risk for PPH
- Increased risk of conjoined twins split occurred >12 days gestation
- Increased risk of cord entanglement
- better to deliver via C -SECTION
Post Partum Hemorrhage/ PPH
Can be defined as a loss of blood >500cc vaginal delivery
>1000cc blood loss in C/S
Can be defined based on the status of the UTERUS
If bleeding is unexplained or unable to follow a cause tx the same as a large
GI bleed to help keep patient hemo stable
- insertion of 2 LARGE BORE IV (16 or 18 gauge) bolus IV fluids
- intervene surgically with either
Uterine artery LIGATION via OB: most commonly done when pt is already
in a C/S
Uterine artery EMBOLIZATION via Interventional Radiologist
TOTAL abdominal hysterectomy via OB
Uterus Status
- uterine INVERSION
- tx: manually, may need tocolytics to help relax muscle at first followed by
uterine tonics to help hold in place
- Uterine ATONY
- tx with fundal massage and use medications ex. Oxytocin to help contract
- RETAINED placenta
- tx: with D&C, possible hysterectomy
- can be result of a vaginal LACERATION
- rare causes: DIC, bleeding disorder
Uterine Atony
Usually a result of prolonged labor, cessation of oxytocin, use of tocolytics
Leads to PPH and Boggy uterus
Tx: first intercention is UTERINE MASSAGE
Can then use Oxytocin, Methergine, Hemabate
If meds fail surgery
Uterine Inversion
Uterus contracts so hard it falls through
May occur during delivery with Oxytocin or due to placental cord traction
Dx is based on a clinical presentation; w or wo speculum
Tx: MANUAL placement
- may need tocoyltics to calm uterine muscle tp put into place followed by
oxytocin to keep in place
Vaginal Lacerations
Laceration most often in cervix and vagina macrosomic babies or
precipitous labor
PPH with NORMAL uterus
Tx: first hold tight and admin PRESSURE
- if does not work admin anesthetics and then use sutures
Retained Placenta
Placenta is buried a little deeper into the ENDOMETRIUM ACCRETA
Placenta has extended into MYOMETRUM INCRETA
Placenta has extended through uterus and possible to other organs
If part of the placenta tears away blood vessels still attached to uterine
lining will continue to bleed and result in PPH
- Tx: with D&C if does not improve hysterectomy
- Want to keep track of B-HcG levels after this occurrence possibility of
Due to production of Fibrin clots
Platelets get CONSUMED DECREASED levels of PLTs
RBC are sheered as they circulate through clots DECREASE Hgb and
Fibrinogen is being consumed DECREASED Fibrinogen
Factors are being consumed DECREASED INR
Antenatal Testing