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Rajani, Singhania & Partners

Advocates & Solicitors

INDIA INDIA LEGAL UPDATE is a journal of Rajani, Singhania & Partners which offers a legal
LEGAL perspective on the new business climate and opportunities in India in keeping with the
existing laws, current happenings and events in Corporate India.

Dear Readers,
In this Issue
Welcome to the September 2015 issue of India Legal Update!
Seat Of Arbitration

Contributed by: In this issue, we have presented an overview on the concept of "
Devesh Juvekar Seat of Arbitration" in International Commercial Arbitration.
Dikshat Mehra We have made an attempt to analyse , the law of Contract, law
Prem Rajani
governing Arbitration, Procedural Law, difference between Seat
and Venue of Arbitration and various other such issues involved in International
This update only contains a
summary/ limited description Commercial Arbitration.
of the topic dealt with
hereinabove for general We hope you find this issue interesting and informative.
information purposes and
should not be construed as a We look forward to your suggestions and feedback at info@rsplaw.in
legal opinion or be relied upon
in absence of specific legal
advice. Best Regards,

For further information or

legal advice please feel free to
contact us.

Prem Rajani
Managing Partner


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RSP September 2015

Devesh Juvekar

Dikshat Mehra
In case of an International Commercial Arbitration, at more
than a few times, question arises as to what is the law governing
the substance of dispute between the parties, the law
governing arbitration which includes construction and validity
of the Arbitration agreement and the procedure of Arbitration ?

The law of a particular country or some other considerations
agreed between the parties may govern the rights and
obligations arising out of the contract between the parties. If a
local law is selected, it is referred to as the governing or proper
law of contract. The proper law is determined in accordance
with the general principles of the conflict of laws, namely the
law chosen by the parties, or in the absence of such choice, the
law of the country with which the agreement is most closely
connected as inferred from the intention of the parties to the
contract depending upon surrounding factors.
arbitration like SIAC etc and follow the procedure prescribed by
such institution which is different from the law governing the
L AW G OV E R N I N G A R B I T R AT I O N A N D arbitration and procedural law of arbitration).
The law governing the Arbitration has importance because it
determines the validity, effect and interpretation of the
Arbitration agreement and such law is relied upon by the
Ÿ The Seat of Arbitration determines the applicable law
arbitrator to determine the scope of his powers and the
governing the Arbitration including the procedural aspects.
procedure to be followed by the arbitral tribunal (unless the
When the parties specify an applicable law for the
parties expressly agree to submit themselves to an institutional
Arbitration agreement, that law governs the Arbitration

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India Legal Update Rajani, Singhania & Partners
Advocates & Solicitors

inserted to mean the juridical Seat of

the Arbitration.


Ÿ The Seat of Arbitration may well be
quite independent of the place or the
venue where the hearings or other
parts of the arbitral process occur or
take place. The Seat of Arbitration it is
of vital importance, for it is the courts of
the Seat that have the supervisory
jurisdiction over the arbitral process.
agreement including the procedural aspects of Arbitration. Identification of the Seat of Arbitration post Balco has
However, if the parties have not specifically chosen the law become one of the most important features of an
governing the conduct and procedure of Arbitration, arbitration clause. The selection of the Seat determines the
expressly or by necessary implication, the conduct of the law governing the Arbitration procedure and often, more
Arbitration will be determined by the law of the place of the importantly, the process and rights relating to enforcement
Seat of Arbitration. The regulation of conduct of Arbitration of the arbitration award.
and challenge to an award would have to be done by the Ÿ It is not necessary for the Seat of Arbitration and the venue
courts of the country in which the Seat of Arbitration is of the Arbitration to be the same. Location and even when
located as such Court would be the supervisory court hearings take place during the course of the Arbitration in
possessed with the power to annul the award. several different countries, the chosen Seat of Arbitration
Ÿ The Supreme Court in its decision given in the case of Bharat will remain unaffected independent of the geographical
Aluminium Company Ltd v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical place where the hearings take place.
Service Inc ("Balco") held that the choice of another Ÿ In the case of Enercon (India) Ltd and Ors v Enercon Gmbh
country as the Seat of Arbitration inevitably imports an and Anr before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India a
acceptance that the law of that country relating to the dispute arose for non-delivery of supplies under an
conduct and supervision of Arbitrations will apply to the Intellectual Property License Agreement (“IPLA”)
proceedings. containing an arbitration clause. The relevant aspects of the
Ÿ If the Arbitration agreement is found or held to provide for a arbitration clause in dispute were as under:
Seat / place of Arbitration outside India, then even if the Ÿ The governing law of the IPLA was Indian law; the venue
contract specifies that the Indian Arbitration Act shall of the arbitration was London; and the provisions of the
govern the arbitration proceedings, Indian courts cannot Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were to
exercise supervisory jurisdiction over the Arbitration or the apply.
award. Ÿ There was a sequence of proceedings initiated both in India
Ÿ However, in the new proposed amendments to the and in England seeking declarations on the validity of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 ("Act"), the Law arbitration clause and asking for anti-suit injunctions. When
Commission Report ("Report") has recommended that Part the matter was before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court it
I of the Act, such as Section 9 (interim relief), Section 27 had concluded that though London was not the Seat of
(court assistance for evidence), Section 37(1)(a) (appeal Arbitration, the English Courts would have concurrent
able orders), will remain available to parties in a foreign jurisdiction since, venue of arbitration was London. The
Seated Arbitration which now has been accepted by the matter then went before the Hon’ble Supreme Court where
Union Cabinet. Further, in one of the other amendments the main issue was that assuming that the Seat of
suggested in the Report, the definition of Seat would be Arbitration was India, whether the English Courts would
have concurrent jurisdiction as the venue of arbitration is in
1 (2012) 9 SCC 552
2 246 Law Commission Report
3 SLP (C) No. 10924 of 2013

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RSP September 2015

Ÿ The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India held that "the express Ÿ The Hon'ble Bombay High Court relying upon the
mention in the arbitration clause that London was the judgement passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of
venue of the arbitration could not lead to the inference that TDM Infrastructure Private Limited v UE Development India
London was to be the Seat because although London was Private Limited has held that the intention of the
termed as the venue, the law governing the substantive legislature would be clear that Indian parties and
contract, the law governing the arbitration agreement and Companies incorporated in India should not be permitted
the law governing the conduct of the arbitration were to derogate from Indian law which being part of the public
chosen to be Indian law and the closest and most real policy of the country and hence cannot chose a foreign Seat
connection was with India. Once the Seat was in India, of Arbitration and therefore relying upon the same went
Indian Courts would have exclusive supervisory jurisdiction ahead to appoint an Arbitrator in the aforesaid case.
and English Courts cannot have concurrent jurisdiction". However, there is also a judgment of Reliance Industries
Limited & Anr v Union of India which talks about two indian
Two Indian parties whether can choose a parties having a foreign Seated Arbitration. However, the
Foreign Seated Arbitration? said judgement finally does not address the said issue.
Ÿ The Bombay High Court in the recent case of M/s Addhar There seems to be some uncertainty with respect to the
Mercantile Private Limited vs Shree Jagdamba Agrico aforesaid issue as on date. A conclusive finding on the same
Exports Pvt Ltd in a section 11 Application under the Act from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India would be
had considered the important issue as to whether two welcome.
Indian parties can chose a Foreign Seat of Arbitration?

4 Arbitration Application No. 197/2014 along with Arbitration Petition No. 910/2013.
5 2008 (14) SCC 271
6 (2014) 7 SCC 603


In our view, while drafting an arbitration clause in a particular contract, especially in case of
International Commercial Arbitration; one should keep in mind the following points:-
a) Arbitration clause shall clearly provide the composition of the arbitral tribunal, time for
appointment and the language of the proceedings;

b) Parties must decide on law governing the arbitration agreement;

c) The procedure rules for conducting Arbitration like SIAC, LCIA etc should be expressly
stated ;

d) Parties must expressly agree upon the Seat of the Arbitration and not to use any other
words like venue or place interchangeably and

e) In case, the arbitral hearings are to be held at locations other than the Seat of
Arbitration, then expressly mention in the contract that the Seat of Arbitration would be
the governing law of arbitration and the same will remain impervious even if the
hearings happen at various places/locations.

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