Hres311 Prelimrev

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Human Resources Management (HRES 311) 1.

Help company achieve company objectives in the

Prelim Reviewer management of human resources.
2. Assist top management in formulating sound policies,
Chapter 1: The development of human resources program and rules;
Growth and development of human resources in the Philippines: 3. Assist line supervisors and managers in providing
 1950 – It gained recognition and acceptance in the employees with a satisfactory work environment and
Philippines in private business and industry. promoting harmonious relationship with employees and
Three Conditions: unions;
a. Top Management must be convinced that personnel 4. Make managers and supervisors aware of their full
management is needed in the business operations. responsibilities in the management of human resources;
b. Qualified administrators must be available. 5. Help train and develop the human resources of the
c. Personnel administrators must demonstrate their capacity company in order to equip them with the skills and
to contribute to the company’s objectives or goals. knowledge required in their jobs;
6. Help promote understanding and good relationships by
Organization of Human Resources opening the lines of communication between
 Organization must deal with many diverse changes. management and employee to make them happy;
 Human resources are crucial to the long-term survival of 7. Identify management problems that can be resolved
the organization. through improvement of personnel management;
 The organization is made up of people. The main goal of 8. Assist managements and supervisors in handling labor
the organization is to provide goals and services relations pertinent with labor laws, government
effectively. regulations and court decisions on labor laws.
 People are vital to an effective personnel management 9. Assist the company in promoting good morale and
program. motivation among its human resources.
 For an effective organization, proper selection, 10. Assist in crisis management and organizational
development, utilization, rewarding, and maintaining development.
capable people are necessary.
Problems and difficulties:
Challenges of human resources: 1. Common misconception about his role and functions –
1. The Challenge of the global community - need to compete “nothing more than a simple cleck”.
and defend local markets as well as need to encompass 2. Inadequate recognition by management of the proper role
global markets. of the personnel manager in the organization – due to
2. The Stockholders challenge – companies are challenged inadequate recognition, some personnel managers
through meeting customer’s and employee’s needs. develop some feeling of inferiority.
Stakeholders are customers, employees and community. 3. In the area of labor relations – some employers expect the
3. The Challenge for productivity – motivate and reward personnel manager to keep the labor unions out.
employees that provide high quality product resources. 4. Jealousy of the other executives regarding the personnel
Links to productivity are: manager’s duty and authority.
a. Human resources and capabilities
b. New technology and resources The changing image of the Human Resource Functions:
c. Efficient work structure and company policies allow employees  With the advancement in technology and higher
and technology to interact qualifications of employment – it got the boast of higher
recognition and importance.
Contributing growth factors:  Companies look at the human resource as a means of
1. Increasing complexity of business operations. profitability, quality and other business goals through
2. Government regulations and labor laws promulgated in enhancing and supporting business operations.
recent years.
 Women and child labor law, minimum wage law, Eight- The role of HR in the new millennium:
hour labor law, Industrial peace act of 1953. 1. Recruitment and employment.
3. Growth of Labor Unions. 2. Interviewing, testing, recruiting and temporary
 Industrial Peace Act of 1953- Magna Carta of Labor – employment.
Organization of Labor Unions. 3. Labor coordination
4. Influx of new concepts in management. – employees 4. Training and Development
benefits have become varied and raging.  Orientation of new employees
 Performance management training
Personnel/Human Resources Management  Productivity enhancement
- function of management, concerned with promoting and 5. Wage and Salary management
enhancing the development of work effectiveness and  Job evaluation
advancement of the human resources in the organization.  Wage and salary survey
Personnel and human resources manager  Executive compensation
- member of the top management or executive group, 6. Benefits Administration
responsible for the formulation of personnel policies and  Vacation and sick leaves
programs which will serve as the foundation for an  Insurance
efficient personnel administration which allows employees  Stock plans
to develop their individual career goals.  Pension plans
Companies hire a Human Resources Manager because he can:
 Retirement plan assistance program
7. Employee service and recreations 1. Entrance level – A new college graduate.
 Bus service a. Assisting in interviewing applicants.
 Canteens b. Giving tests and scoring test results in personality
 Athletics inventory.
 Housing and Relocation c. Assisting in employee orientation and training program.
8. Community relations d. Record keeping.
9. Record Management 2. Supervisory level
 Employment record a. Skills in writing job descriptions, job analysis, and job
10. Strategic Management evaluations.
 Collaborative planning b. Knowledge of employee benefit programs –vacation
 Out-sourcing manpower research leaves, sick leaves and mutual benefits.
 Organizational planning c. Skills in interviewing applicants and counseling employees.
d. Skills in testing and interpreting test results and making
Roles of the Personnel/Human Resource Manager: recommendations as to fitness of applicants
1. Supervisor – plans, directs, organizes, controls and e. Job evaluation and wage administration skills relating to
coordinates the activities of his departments. pay differences.
2. Administrative Official – see to it that labor laws and f. Skills in determining training needs and develop training
governmental regulations are properly complied with. modules.
3. Adviser – serves as counselor, guide confidante to g. Skills in basic research related to manpower planning.
management supervisors and employees.
4. Coordinator 3. Managerial Level
5. Negotiator – representative of the management in a. Leadership in conceptual ideas visioning – he is part of the
negotiating labor contracts and with the unions. strategic management team.
6. Educator – conducts or administers company’s training b. Analytical of the facts as basis for decision making – how
program. human resource assets could be turned into productive
7. Provider of services – SSS, Medicare, Philhealth. investments through a proper compensation and benefits
8. Employee Counselor program.
9. Promoter of community relations c. Compliance Administration and Control - includes labor
10. Public relations man laws, environmental regulations, safety and security
employee services.
Personal Qualities: d. Interpersonal Team work – introduction of new
1. Can communicate effectively technology in the work place
2. Above-average intelligence  An employee has to undergo training and development of
3. Enjoys working with people new skills and work values
4. Understands individual attitudes and problems of  Teamwork can be developed through teambuilding.
5. Aggressive, mature and capable of giving sound advice. The changing landscape in HR management:
6. Possesses integrity, industry and courage to earn respect  Companies to gain competitive advantage both in
to employees. domestic and foreign market is through productive and
7. Possesses a pleasing personality and should be committed personnel.
approachable.  To compete in the global economic arena, companies need
to put greater effort towards accelerating and retaining
Skill needed by today’s HR Professionals: talented personnel.
1. A higher degree of knowledge on management practices  Theory Y and Z in the management of human resources
and processes. should be encouraged.
2. Service provider to other line managers.  The politics of divisiveness in the work environment must
3. A great knowledge of human psychology and social be replaced with cooperative undertakings that will
relations. contribute to work efficiency.
4. He is a consultant on labor relations.
5. As a management practitioner Chapter 2: Strategic Human Resource Planning
6. A community relations officer. Strategic Human Resource Planning
 Process of systematically reviewing human resource
Some benefits offered to Personnel Managers: requirements to ensure that the number of employees
1. Car plan or free use of company transportation. matches the required skills.
2. Unlimited/limited use of gasoline and free maintenance  Process of matching the internal and external supplies of
check up. people with job openings anticipated in the organizations
3. Company cellular phone. over a specific period of time.
4. Representative allowance/meal allowance
5. Education scholarship/attending convention and seminars. Strategic Planning
 Determination of the overall organizational purpose and
Career path to HR Management goals and how they are to be achieved.
1st: Entry Level (Personnel Assistant)  HR is he integral component of a strategic plan, greatly
2nd: Supervisory Level affects productivity and organization performance.
3rd: Managerial Level
 After the strategic plans have been formulated, HR  Cascade Approach –the setting of objectives flows from
strategic planning is to be undertaken. the top to bottom in the organization so that everyone
gets a chance to make his contribution.
Two Important Components of the Human Resource Planning  Replacement Approach –HRP is done to have a body of
1. Requirement manpower in the organization that is ready to take over
 Forecasting human requirements involves determining existing jobs on a one to one basis within the organization.
the number and types of employees needed.  Commitment Planning Approach –involves the
 Level of skills has to be determined and matched with the supervisors and personnel in every component of the
plan operations. organization on the identification of manpower needs in
 Analysis will reflect various factors such as production terms, skills, replacements, policy, working conditions and
plans, and changes in productivity together with the promotion
introduction of new technology if there is any.  Successor Planning Approach –takes into consideration
 In order to forecast availability must look to both internal the different components of the old plan and increase
and external sources. them.
 Internal - existing manpower that could be re-assigned or
be promoted. Common Weaknesses in Human Resource Planning
 External - positions that are not available inside the  Over Planning –plan is likely to fail through an inherent
organization and need to be sourced out. weakness of having covered too many aspects of
personnel management at the very early stage of HRP in
2. Availability the firm or government office.
 When employee requirement have been analyzed, the  Technique Overload –use of many techniques sometimes
firm determines whether there is a surplus or shortage of leads to the gathering of so much information.
manpower  Bias for the Quantitative – there are planners in HRP who
 If there is surplus, ways must be instituted to reduced sometimes make the mistake of being drawn towards
numbers of employees includes restricted hiring, reduced emphasizing the quantitative aspects of personnel
work hours, early retirement and the worst is to lay off management to the neglect of qualitative side
some employees.  Isolation of the Planners – when the top management has
 Reveals shortage, must obtain the proper quantity and a low regard for human resource activities and for the HR
quality of workers. staff, they give little encouragement to HRP activities,
 HR planning must be continuous, as changing condition ignore the plan and withdrawn support for plan
could affect the entire organization. implementation
 Isolation from Organizational Objectives – when HRP is
Aspects of Human Resource Planning
 pursued for its own sake or for narrow viewpoint of
Advantages in using the elements of HR planning: concentrating on HRD, the effort leads to the formulation
1. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs of a plan that does not interphase with organizational
- through a systematic planning of human resource, a development
company can be better assisted in attaining its goals and  Lack of Line Supervisor's’ Inputs – any plan to develop the
objectives personnel and to improve the conditions of work must use
2. Performance management the feedbacks from the line supervisors, since they are the
- it helps the company determine its manpower needs and ones who are handling the personnel in the organization
provides a method of meeting them
3. Career management Four Basic Terms of Manpower Forecasting
- it can be an effective means of planning the development 1. Long term trend
and growth of the employees 2. Cyclical variations
4. Management development 3. Seasonal variations
- it can assist the company to attract and retain better 4. Random variations
qualified employees
Human Resource Forecasting Techniques
Five Steps to Human Resource Planning 1. Intended Strategy
1. Determining the workload inputs based on the corporate  The zero-based approach
goals and objectives  The bottom up
2. Studying the jobs in the company and writing the job  Use of predictable variables
description and job specifications  Simulation
3. Forecasting manpower needs 2. Emergent Strategies and Intended Strategies
4. Inventory of manpower  Organizational goals
5. Improvement plans  Human resource forecast
 Employee information
Planning Techniques in HR Management  Human resource availability
 Skills Inventory –involves the listing of all the skills  Analyzing and evaluating human resource gap
possessed by the workforce and they are made to relate to
the requirements of the organization Human Resource Information System
 Ratio Analysis –technique wherein the personnel who are
promotable to the higher positions are identified together
with their backup or understudy
- usually Sunday is a good day for all positions.
 Job Fair and Open House
- organizational representatives of the company gather and
interview several applicants over a period of one to two
days in some specified fields.
- brief interviews are conducted.
 The Internet
- could become another source of employment
- letters or resumes could be easily sent to the company.
- immediate answers can be given.
SOFTWARE APPLICATION FOR HRM - less costly and get immediate response.
The major human resource functions are:  Job Posting
Staffing Applications Human Resource Applications - process by which internal recruitment is accomplished.
(future employee) - qualified employees are given preference for promotion.
 Walk Ins and Unsolicited Applicants
Applicant recruiting and tracking Work-Force Profile Analysis - unsolicited applicants could be a possible source of
outstanding employees.
DOLE reporting requirements Work-Force Dynamic Analysis  Government Agencies
- Some local government units have their placement offices
Developing a master employee Human Resource Planning for look for possible employments for their constituents.
data base Decision-Making

Staffing applications for Performance Management Chapter 4: Selection of Human Resources

decision-making Applications Selection
- process of determining from among the applicants who
can meet the job requirements and can be offered the
Training and Development
vacant position in the organization.
 Personnel Requirement Form (PRF)
- Positions and number required
- Job specifications (qualifications)
- Qualities
Chapter 3 : Human Resource Recruitment
Meeting Needs of Human Resources
Selection Procedures
 Recruitment
Step 1: Establishing selection procedures
- process of attracting the best individuals to join the
Step 2: Identify and choose selection criteria,
company on a timely basis in sufficient numbers and
predictors and instruments to be used
meeting the qualification requirements, thereby
Step 3: Gathering and evaluating info about applicant
encouraging them to apply for the jobs in the
Stage 4: Decisions - whether to select or reject
Two Major Sources of Candidates to Fill the Vacant Positions:
The selection process
 The internal source
1. Preliminary screening (structured, unstructured, panel)
- qualified candidates from the company and within the
- Structured interview: follows sets of procedures
ranks of its present employees
- Unstructured interview: applicant takes the lead
 The external source
- Panel or round table interview: managerial employees
- hiring from the outside source is a management option
2. Application form
3. Testing and evaluation form
Different Methods of Human Resource Recruitment
- Intelligence, aptitude, interest, personality test,
 The Word-of-Mouth System proficiency test
- found to be effective in local situations. It is one of the 4. In-depth interview
least expensive recruitment systems. - Applicant formally enter into selection process
 Campus or University Recruitment 5. Evaluating references (academic - TOR character
- colleges are undisputable sources of talent for an reference, experience reference)
organization to tap. Recent graduates are considered 6. Physical examination
highly desirable for companies to select. 7. Placements
 Radio and Televisions - Orientation, training
- used as mediums for manpower recruitment. Since the
coverage of the advertisements is of great magnitude, Three important characteristics of an interviewer:
more qualified applicants can be reached and could even 1. Knowledge
tempt other applicants who are not actually looking for a - better understanding to the psychology of a person
jobs. - must know the behavior of the person
 Advertising Media 2. Empathy
- one popular and often effective means soliciting applicants - must be able to know the inner behavior of the individual
is advertising it through the media, like newspaper, by understanding his own personality
magazines, radio or television. 3. Communication skills
- use of language, gestures and voice inflection
- words must be carefully chosen

Types of Employees
 Probationary
- period of six months
 Regular or permanent employee
- employee who passed the probationary period and
performing regular activity in the business
 Contractual employee
- employee is hire for a fixed period or a project
 Casual or seasonal employee
- seasonal in nature
 Apprenticeship
- development of the required skills for a particular type of

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