Human Resource Management: Personnel, People at Work, Manpower, Staff, Employees
Human Resource Management: Personnel, People at Work, Manpower, Staff, Employees
Human Resource Management: Personnel, People at Work, Manpower, Staff, Employees
Boyet M. Sabando
4. People oriented-HRM is all about people at work. Assign jobs, produce results,
reward, motivate them towards improvements in productivity
10. Based on human relation: Every person has different need, perception and
expectations. The manager should give due attention to these factors.
Scope(capacity) of HRM
Importance of HRM
1. Attract & retain talent
2. Train people for challenging roles
3. Develop skills & competencies
4. Promote team spirit
GOOD HR 5. Develop loyalty & commitment
6. Increase productivity & profits
PRACTICES HELPS 7. Improve job satisfaction
8. Enhance standard of living
9. Generate employment opportunity
10. Greater trust & respect
Qualities of HR Manager
Alert mentally, competent to take quick
decision, honesty & integrity, patience,
good leader, socially responsible, good
communicator, courteous (well mannered)
Emerging issues in HRM Future of HRM: influencing factors
1. Increase in size of workforce-additional demands for better pay, benefits &
working conditions.
2. Composition of workforce- The raising percentage of women in workforce,
demand for equal pay, gender inequality
3. Employees expectations-as workers are better educated, more demanding,
voice strong- financial & non-financial demands is ever growing & expanding.
4. Changes in technology- increase in automation, modernization &
computerization. Employees must update their knowledge & skills constantly.
This will necessitate constant training at all levels.
5. Life style changes- people are ready to change jobs, shift locations, startup
companies & even experiment with untested ideas.
6. Environmental challenges- Privatization efforts in India will gather momentum.
Burden of training & retraining falls on the shoulder of HR manager. Reserved
categories, minorities will lose importance during selection of employees.
7. Personnel Function- Job redesign, career opportunity, Productivity, reward, safety
and welfare, Talent hunting, developing & retaining, Lean & mean management
(good bye to old employees), labor relation, Health care benefits
Focus on strategic HR issues: Issues have to be identified & dealt with adequately. It
will act as an in-build advantage
Proactive action: not on reactive basis. Putting action in practice before an issue
Working as Change agent: must perceive need for change and initiate it. HR
professionals must play an active role.