Human Resource Management: Personnel, People at Work, Manpower, Staff, Employees

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Personnel, People at work,

Manpower, Staff, employees

Boyet M. Sabando

• Human resource management can be defined as

– “employing people, developing their resource, utilizing maintaining and compensating

their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements”
Nature of HRM

1. Inherent part of management- selecting people, training, motivating, appraising

their performance for improving their quality.

2. Pervasive function-present in all levels of management in an organization

3. Action oriented-solve problem through rational(balanced) policies rather than

record keeping

4. People oriented-HRM is all about people at work. Assign jobs, produce results,
reward, motivate them towards improvements in productivity

5. Future oriented- Effective HRM helps organization meet its goals

6. Development oriented-HRM develops full potential of employees through

reward, training, job rotation.

7. Integrating mechanism: HRM maintains cordial relationship between people

working at various levels in organization.

8. Comprehensive function: Workforce signifies people working at all levels, HRM

differs with form & shape but the basic objective of effective utilization of human
resource remains the same.

9. Continuous function: HRM is not a one shot deal it requires constant

awareness and alertness of human relations in every day operation.

10. Based on human relation: Every person has different need, perception and
expectations. The manager should give due attention to these factors.
Scope(capacity) of HRM

1. Human resource planning-fill various position

2. Recruitment & Selection- develop a pool(team) of candidates

3. Job Design: define task, assign authority & responsibility

4. Training & Development- helps in developing key competencies

5. Appraisal of performance-systematic assessment & evaluation of workforce

6. Motivation of workforce- develop enthusiastic workforce

7. Remuneration of employees-focuses on fair, consistent & equitable


8. Social security & Welfare of employees-working conditions, transport,

medical assistance etc.

9. Review & audit of personnel policies- ensures reliable HR policies

10. Industrial labor relation- ensures healthy union mg

relationship e.g.: settlement of dispute
Objectives of HRM
1. To help the organization reach its goal
2. To employ the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently
3. To provide the organization with well trained & well motivated
4. To increase employees job satisfaction and self
-actualization (stimulate employees to realize their potential)
5. To develop & maintain a quality of work life.
6. To communicate HR policies to all employees.
7. To be ethically & socially responsive to the needs of the
society (ensuring compliance with legal & ethical standards)
8. To provide an opportunity for expression & voice in
9. To provide fair, acceptable & efficient leadership
10. To establish sound organizational structure & desirable
working relationships.

Importance of HRM
1. Attract & retain talent
2. Train people for challenging roles
3. Develop skills & competencies
4. Promote team spirit
GOOD HR 5. Develop loyalty & commitment
6. Increase productivity & profits
PRACTICES HELPS 7. Improve job satisfaction
8. Enhance standard of living
9. Generate employment opportunity
10. Greater trust & respect
Qualities of HR Manager

Henry fayol categorized as

a) Physical- health, vigor (energy, strength), address
b) Mental- ability to understand, learn, judge & adaptable

c) Moral – firmness, responsible, initiative, loyal, dignity (self-respect)

d) Educational- subject knowledge about function performed
e) Technical- peculiar knowledge on function
f) Experience – arising from work proper.

Alert mentally, competent to take quick
decision, honesty & integrity, patience,
good leader, socially responsible, good
communicator, courteous (well mannered)
Emerging issues in HRM Future of HRM: influencing factors
1. Increase in size of workforce-additional demands for better pay, benefits &
working conditions.
2. Composition of workforce- The raising percentage of women in workforce,
demand for equal pay, gender inequality
3. Employees expectations-as workers are better educated, more demanding,
voice strong- financial & non-financial demands is ever growing & expanding.
4. Changes in technology- increase in automation, modernization &
computerization. Employees must update their knowledge & skills constantly.
This will necessitate constant training at all levels.
5. Life style changes- people are ready to change jobs, shift locations, startup
companies & even experiment with untested ideas.
6. Environmental challenges- Privatization efforts in India will gather momentum.
Burden of training & retraining falls on the shoulder of HR manager. Reserved
categories, minorities will lose importance during selection of employees.
7. Personnel Function- Job redesign, career opportunity, Productivity, reward, safety
and welfare, Talent hunting, developing & retaining, Lean & mean management
(good bye to old employees), labor relation, Health care benefits

Role & Responsibility of HR professionals in changing Environment

Focus on strategic HR issues: Issues have to be identified & dealt with adequately. It
will act as an in-build advantage

Proactive action: not on reactive basis. Putting action in practice before an issue

Developing integrated HR system: Well-balanced system without lack of coherence

(unity) in function

Working as Change agent: must perceive need for change and initiate it. HR
professionals must play an active role.

Marketing HR potential: must have ability to prove their contribution to enterprise

Outsourcing HR functions: business instructs an external supplier to take

responsibility (and risk) for HR functions.
• According to Geisler-
“ Man power planning is the process which includes
forecasting, developing implementing, and controlling by
which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people
and the right kind of people at the right place, at the right
time doing work for which they are economically most

Objectives of Human resource planning

1. Forecast personnel requirement

2. To ensure optimum utilization of resource

3. Use of existing manpower productively

4. Cope with changes (training about technological changes)

5. To provide control measures (ensure resource availability

when required)

6. Promote employees in systematic manner (promotions, pay scale)

7. To provide a basis for Management Development Programmers.

8. To assist productivity bargaining (good deal)

9. To assess the cost of man power

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