Measurement of Pressure Basics

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The Pressure Measurement Bench is designed to assist engineering students to

understand the fundamentals of pressure measurement. Exposure to different types of
measurement method is provided. In addition, students will also be trained on pressure
calibration procedure. With the experience gained, students will be better equipped in
their future engineering endeavors.

Pressure is one of the fundamentals in process control. In modern process control

application, various methods are employed to measure pressure. The method of
measurement is dependent upon the nature of the process.

In industrial process, measurement errors are often encountered. The question of how
much error can be tolerated again depends on the nature of the process. Identifying and
rectifying the measurement error is a routine procedure performed by a technician or
engineer in an industry.

2.1 Unit Assembly: 6 5



1. Pressure Controller 5. Bourdon tube Pressure Gauge 1

2. Inclined Tube Manometer 6. Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge 2

3. Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor 7. U-tube Manometer

4. Digital Pressure Sensor Output 8. Compressor


3.1 U-tube Manometer:

The U-tube manometer is somewhat self-descriptive. In its basic form it consists

of a clear glass or plastic tube shaped into the form of a 'U'. The tube is partially
filled with a liquid, such as water, alcohol, or mercury (although for safety
reasons mercury is no longer commonly used). The lower the density of the
liquid, the higher the sensitivity of the manometer.

The diagram bellow shows a basic U-tube manometer. Both ends of the tube are
open, and atmospheric pressure acts equally on the liquid through each end.
Therefore the height of the liquid on each side of the U (in each limb) is equal.

Now we show the U-tube manometer with an unknown pressure Punknown applied
to one limb. The other limb of the tube is left as it was, that is, atmospheric
pressure Patm is maintained at its open end. The unknown pressure acts on the
liquid in the tube, forcing it down the limb it is applied to. Because the liquid is
incompressible, it rises up the other limb. Hence the height of the liquid on either
side of the tube is no longer equal. The difference between the heights of the
liquid in each limb, h, is proportional to the difference between the unknown
pressure and atmospheric pressure.

In a U-tube manometer, the difference between the unknown pressure and
atmospheric pressure is the gauge pressure. In a U-tube manometer,

Pgauge = Punknown - Patm = ρgh

ρ is the density of the liquid in the tube, in kg/m3
g is the acceleration due to gravity, that is, 9.81 m/s2
h is difference between the heights of the liquid in each limb, in m

The accuracy of U-tube manometers is largely dependent on the skill of the reader
in judging the difference in height of the liquids in each limb. So that this can be
made easier and the height difference h can be read from one limb, a half-scale is
sometimes used. Because the increase in the fluid level in one limb is directly
proportional to the decrease in level in the other limb, every 1 mm change in level
in one limb represents a change in h of 2 mm. A half-scale will have, say, every 5
mm labeled on one limb as 10 mm, representing the change in h.

The U-tube manometer is not in wide use in industry, although it is sometimes

used to calibrate other instruments. It is mainly used in laboratories for
experimental work and demonstration purposes. It can be used to measure the
pressure of flowing liquids as well as gases, but cannot be used remotely. If
pressures fluctuate rapidly its response may be poor and reading difficult.

3.2 Inclined tube Manometer:

The inclined tube manometer is a differential pressure sensor more sensitive than
the U-tube manometer. Hence it is more suitable for use with smaller pressure
measurements or where greater accuracy is required. This diagram shows its basic

One limb of the inclined tube manometer forms into a reservoir. The other limb of
the manometer is inclined at a known angle θ. In our case θ= 60o. The inclined
limb is made from a transparent material such as glass or plastic. The reservoir is
usually made of plastic, but does not need to be transparent.

The surface area of the fluid in the reservoir A1 is much larger than the surface
area of the fluid in the inclined limb A2. But in our case A1 and A2 are same .Both
limbs are open ended and so subject to atmospheric pressure. If an unknown
pressure Punknown is applied to the reservoir limb, the change in height h1 will be
relatively small compared to the change in height in the inclined limb h2.

The gauge pressure is given by the equation

Pgauge = Punknown - Patm = ρgd(A2/A1+sinθ)

ρ is the density of the liquid in the tube, in kg/m3
g is the acceleration due to gravity, that is, 9.81 m/s2
d is the distance the liquid has moved along the inclined limb, in m
A2 is the cross-sectional area of the reservoir, in m²
A1 is the cross-sectional area of the liquid in the inclined limb
θ is the angle of the inclined limb from the horizontal.

Because A1 =A2, the ratio A1/A2 = 1. Therefore

Pgauge = Punknown - Patm = ρgd (1+sinθ)

The accuracy of inclined tube manometers relies less on the skill of the reader
than U-tube manometers. They are more sensitive, but unless the inclined limb is
relatively long they cannot be used over as wide a range of pressures.

Inclined tube manometers are used where higher sensitivity than a U-tube
manometer is required. It cannot be read remotely, and it is usually used with

3.3 Bourdon tube Pressure Gauge:

The Bourdon tube pressure gauge, named after Eugène Bourdon, is probably the
most popular pressure sensor.

Basic Bourdon tubes are made from metal alloys such as stainless steel or brass.
They consist of a tube of elliptical or oval cross-section, sealed at one end. There
are various shapes of Bourdon tube, including helical, spiral and twisted. A
common design is the C-shape, as shown to the right. Here the tube is at
atmospheric pressure. When increased pressure is applied to the open end, it
deflects outwards (tries to straighten) in proportion to the pressure inside the tube
(the outside of the tube remains at atmospheric pressure).

As the pressure is decreased, the tube starts to return to its atmospheric pressure
position. The amount by which the tube moves in relation to the pressure applied
to it depends on factors including its material, shape, thickness, and length.
Compared to other elastic pressure sensors the deflection produced by Bourdon
tubes is large.

The Bourdon tube pressure gauge, shown here, consists of a Bourdon tube
connected to a pointer. The pointer moves over a calibrated scale. When pressure
is applied, the movement of the tube is fairly small, so to increase the movement
of the pointer it is mechanically amplified. This is usually by a connecting
mechanism consisting of a lever, quadrant and pinion arrangement. Bourdon tubes
need some form of compensation for temperature, as temperature changes affect
their accuracy. For remote sensing, the displacement of the Bourdon tube caused
by pressure changes can be detected by a suitable displacement sensor.

Here we show an LVDT connected to a Bourdon tube. This converts the

displacement at the end of the tube into an electrical signal. This signal can then
be displayed or recorded on an electrical device calibrated in terms of pressure.

Some designs of Bourdon tube pressure gauge tend to be fairly inexpensive

because they are mass produced (which reduces costs). They are suitable for use
with both liquids and gases, are used in a wide variety of applications, both
industrial and domestic. Applications range from tyre pressure gauges, measuring
the pressure in pneumatically controlled tools and machines, to pipeline pressure
in chemical plants.

3.4 Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor:

This diagram shows the principle of a piezoelectric pressure sensor. These sensors
are similar to capacitive pressure sensors in that they detect pressure changes by
the displacement of a thin metal or semiconductor diaphragm. In a pressure sensor
using the piezoelectric effect, the diaphragm causes a strain on the piezoelectric
crystal when flexing due to pressure changes. The electric charges of opposite
polarity appearing on the faces of the crystal are proportional to this strain.

The piezoelectric crystal is usually quartz. This type of pressure sensor often
incorporates signal conditioning circuitry in a sealed unit, using integrated circuit

Piezoelectric pressure sensors operate at high temperatures and can be made small
in size. Their main advantage is that they have a fast response and fairly wide
operating range.

Hence they can be used in applications such as measuring the pressure in a gun
barrel when it is fired. They have very high sensitivity and also good accuracy,
repeatability and low hysteresis.


4.1 Objective:

To determine the pressure measured with different pressure measuring devices

and to compare the measured values.

4.2 Procedure:

1. Attach compressor with pressure regulator and from regulator output to the
desired gauge.
2. Fill up the U-Tube manometer and inclined tube manometer with water upto
half of tube height.
3. For comparison a three way valve is used. One side of the valve is attached to
pressure regulator output and other two to the desired gauges.

Note: The transducer shows pressure values in bar. So all values of pressure
should be converted to same unit for comparison.

4.3 Observations:

Bourdon tube Piezoelectric Inclined tube U-tube

Sr #
Pressure Gauge Pressure Sensor Manometer Manometer

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