Pros and Cons of Globalization

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Pros And Cons Of Globalization

Globalization is a new term that has found a significant place in the lives of the people.
By globalization, we mean shedding down the walls of distrust and the barriers of
suspicion in between countries, to make a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the
borders. Though globalization today primarily covers the economical side, the impact is
not limited to the economy only. It actually affects every aspect of life, like cultural,
social, psychological and of course, political. While globalization is seen as a sign of a
hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause tremendous
disaster for the world economy. Read on to find the pros and cons of globalization.

Pros Of Globalization

• With globalization, there is a global market for companies to trade their products
and a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of
different nations.
• Developing countries benefit a lot from globalization, as there is a sound flow of
money and thus, a decrease in the currency difference.
• To meet the increasing demands that follow globalization, there is an increase in
the production sector. This gives loads of options to the manufacturers as well.
• Competition keeps prices relatively low, and as a result, inflation is less likely to
• The focus is diverted and segregated among all the nations. No country remains
the single power head; instead there are compartmentalized power sectors. The
decisions at higher levels are meant for the people at large.
• Communication among the countries is on the rise, which allows for better
understanding and broader vision.
• As communication increases amongst two countries, there is interchange of
cultures as well. We get to know more about the other's cultural preferences.
• As we feed to each other's financial needs, the ecological imbalance is also
meted out. Governments of countries show concern about each other.

Cons Of Globalization

• Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being outsourced

to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries is low as
compared to other countries.
• The high rate of profit for the companies, in Asia, has resulted in a pressure on
the employed Europeans, who are always under the threat of the business being
• Companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries. This results in
transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the
chances of depreciation in terms of quality.
• There are experts who believe that globalization is the cause for the invasion of
communicable diseases and social degeneration in countries.
• The threat that the corporates would rule the world is on high, as there is a lot of
money invested by them.
• It is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where
the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are implemented.


Globalization refers to the absence of the walls of matchboxes that every country had, between
themselves based on suspicion, mutual distrust and ambition. We were different countries, in fact divided
into worlds, and therefore could never manage to deal with natural holocausts and deadly epidemics,
which time and again challenged us. Globalization has strengthened the nexus and has helped us to
know each other’s need in a better way. It has helped to demolish those walls that separated us and
curbed our natural identity of being fellow human beings. Globalization has primarily become a fiscal term
but its impact is not limited to the economy of the countries only, the term globalization actually refers to
every aspect of life like cultural, social, psychological and of course, political.

It is true that the impact of globalization is visible and affects largely the politics and the economy of the
country but its effect on the mindset and the culture is noticeable gradually in the way people think and
react. It’s like the Iceberg theory wherein what we do and say are at the tip and what we think and believe
is at the base. The base is not visible but manifestations at the top are conspicuous. It applies here as
well where people do not change abruptly but may be after a decade the change starts showing and
seems radical.


Globalization is not a new phenomena, the base was laid long back when the Dutch East India Company
and the British East India Company started trading with India. In history there were trade relations
between different countries like Arab and Egypt and now in modern times that has translated into
Globalization or Free Trade. It’s true that ultimately all the free trade resulted in the white man taking the
burden proactively but then globalization leads to more employment and higher standard of living,
especially among the developing countries. Theories suggest that globalization leads to efficient use of
resources and benefits all who are involved.

According to libertarians, globalization will help the whole world to deal with crises like unemployment and
poverty. It will help us to raise the global economy only when the involved power blocks have mutual trust
and respect for each other’s opinion. Globalization and democracy should go hand in hand. It should be
pure business with no colonialist designs. The way we have developed in the last 10 years, globalization
seems to have given us good returns. Globalization has made the life of the third world citizen completely
a different story. There are so many foreign companies that have made way to Orient and have made
India a brand name all over the world.

Pros and Cons of Globalization

The pros of Globalization are many and they are as follows:

• Now there is a worldwide market for the companies and for the people there is more access to
products of different countries.
• There is a steady cash flow into the developing countries, which gradually decrease the dollar
• Due to the presence of a worldwide market, there is an increase in the production sector and
there are lots of options for the companies now.
• Gradually there is a world power that is being created instead of compartmentalized power
sectors. Politics is merging and decisions that are being taken, are actually beneficial for people
allover the world.
• There is more influx of information between two countries, which do not have anything in common
between them.
• There is cultural intermingling and each other is trying to know about the other’s cultural
preferences and in the process of doing so, we are actually coming across things that we like and
in the course of time adopt it.
• Since we share financial interests, corporate and governments are trying to sort out ecological
problems for each other.
• Socially we have become more open and tolerant towards each other and they who live in the
other part of the world are not aliens as we always thought. There are examples like now Indian
girls work in call centers and work nights, which was a taboo even two years back. We are
celebrating Valentine’s Day, scraping on Orkut, watching the Idol series, Fear factor, the Indian
version Big Brother.
• There is a lot of technological development that we have undergone over the years. There are
fewer brain drains since Asians are working in their own country though for a foreign company but
are earning foreign exchange for their country.

There are cons as many as pros, which are as follows:

• It is true that Europeans are losing jobs and that is posing a problem for them since the
companies are outsourcing work to the Asian countries since the cost of labor is low and profits
the company considerably.
• There is immense pressure on the employed Europeans who are always under the threat of the
business being outsourced.
• Corporates are building up units in other countries equally well equipped as they have done at
their own country, thus transferring the quality to other countries.
• There are some experts who think that globalization; along with the positive aspects is also
leading to the incursion of negatives like communicable diseases and social degeneration.
• There is also a threat of corporates ruling the world because there is a lot of power, which is
invested in them due to globalization.
• For nations that are at the receiver’s end are also giving up the reins in the ends of a foreign
company which might again lead to a sophisticated form of colonization.

Impact of Globalization
Globalization has made way for free trade and business and has communication between various parts of
the globe. It has potential to make this world a better place to live in. It is changing the political scenario
thus deep-seated problems like unemployment; poverty and shift in power are coming to the picture. The
marginal are getting a chance a to exhibit in the world market. The term "brand" is catching up in the
Asian countries.

It, however, is not only modernizing but also westernizing and to an extent also sinicizing the native
cultures. The power play is leading to the linguicide or linguistic, cultural and traditional genocide. That is
probably where we need to keep a check and not let diffusion go wild. There has been significant de-
localization that needs individuals to be more tolerant since face-to-face interaction is no more the order
of the day. One American is trying to sort out his billing issue of his mobile phone with an Indian who is
not a direct employee of the service provider. Now that sounds complicated and is complicated and has to
be dealt carefully.

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