Apollo Soyuz Nasa Facts
Apollo Soyuz Nasa Facts
Apollo Soyuz Nasa Facts
An Educational Publication
of the
Soyuz Apollo
A. Launch. 1. Launch.
B. Soyuz—launch vehicle separation. 2. Separation of Saturn IB first stage.
3. Second-stage separation.
C. Solar panels, that generate electricity
from sunlight, unfold. 4. Apollo turnaround.
5. Apollo extracts Docking Module from
D. Soyuz turnaround.
second stage.
E. Soyuz continues to final orbit. 6. Apollo turnaround.
F. (8) Rendezvous. 7. Apollo orbit circularization.
G.(9) Joint activities. 8. (F) Rendezvous.
H. Deorbit. 9. (G ) Joint activities.
10. Apollo jettisons Docking Module.
I. Separations of Orbital, Descent, and
Instrument Modules. 11. Turnaround and rocket firing for deorbit.
J. Descent and landing of Descent Module 12. Service Module jettison.
in Kazakhstan. U.S.S.R. 13. Descent and landing near Hawaii.
Command Module is readied lor flight. American part of docking system (foreground) and cylindrically
shaped Docking Module (background) during check-out.
also for what peoples working together may achieve • Instrument, at rear, with subsystems required for
on Earth. power, communications, propulsion, and other
Existing Spacecraft Used Among the major modifications of Soyuz for the
Apollo-Soyuz is named for two tried and tested joint program are a new type of docking mechan-
spacecraft—the American Apollo and Russian ism, additional communications equipment to ac-
Soyuz—that have been adapted for the mission. commodate the United States ultra-high frequency
Apollo is fundamentally the same craft that waited of 296 MHz, a transponder (a combined receiver-
in lunar orbit during the Apollo lunar landings and transmitter that beams a signal when triggered by
that later carried astronauts between Earth and another radio signal) for Apollo use in ranging (dis-
the Skylab experimental manned space station. tance calculation) during rendezvous, and align-
Apollo consists of the cone-shaped Command ment aids to aid Apollo in docking.
Module in which the men live, eat, and work; and Soyuz's internal atmosphere consists of nitrogen
the cylindrical Service Module with its rocket en- and oxygen at an Earth sea level pressure of 760
gines, propellant, oxygen, and electrical power mHg (millimeters of mercury), or 14.7 pounds per
supplies. As in the Apollo and Skylab programs, the square inch. Apollo's atmosphere is pure oxygen at
Service Module will be jettisoned when Apollo about 260 mHg (5 pounds per square inch). To
begins the atmosphere-entry portion of its descent facilitate crew transfer, Soyuz pressure will be re-
to Earth. The astronauts will return in the Com- duced to about 520 mHg (10 pounds per square
mand Module. inch) during docking and re-pressurized to sea level
Among major modifications to the Command/ before atmosphere entry. Equipment to reduce and
Service Module for Apollo-Soyuz are an increased increase pressure has been added to Soyuz. The
number of propellant tanks for the reaction control lowered air pressure in Soyuz enables the men to
(orientation and stabilization) system, added equip- transfer from Soyuz to Apollo without a lengthy
ment required to operate the new Docking Module period in the airlock to breathe pure oxygen and
and the American-Russian rendezvous and docking wash nitrogen from their bodies. Otherwise, the
systems, and provisions for scientific and technical men would be subject to the bends, a painful con-
experiments. dition caused by nitrogen gas bubbles in the body
The Soyuz has been the primary Soviet manned tissues.
spacecraft since its introduction in 1967. It consists
of three basic modules:
Docking Module Is New
NASA developed and constructed a Docking
• Orbital, located at the forward end, used by the Module that will also serve astronauts and cosmo-
crew for work and rest in orbit. nauts as an airlock and transfer corridor between
• Descent, with main controls and crew couches, Apollo and Soyuz. It holds two suited crewmen and
used by crew during launch and return to Earth. is attached to the forward end of Apollo.
The Docking Module and Soyuz use a com-
patible docking system designed by NASA and
Soviet engineers. Such a system will later be em-
ployed on the United States Space Shuttle, on
Soviet manned spacecraft, and possibly future
spacecraft of other nations, providing international
space rescue capabilities as well as facilitating fu-
ture international manned space flights requiring
docking of two or more vehicles.
Proven Launch Vehicles Used
Saturn IB launches Apollo into Earth orbit.
Saturn IB was employed for the Earth-orbital
Apollo test flights prior to the Moon launches and
for Skylab, the first American Earth-orbital space
station program. Saturn IB has a first-stage thrust
of 720,000 kilograms (1.6 million pounds).
Soyuz is launched by the Raketa Nosityel
Soyuz, or Soyuz Rocket Booster. The Soviet Union
has used this rocket vehicle in all Soyuz missions,
including Soyuz 4 and 5 which achieved the first
manned transfer between spacecraft on July 16,
Mission Highlights
The mission plan calls for the Soviet Union to
rocket Soyuz from the Baikonur launch complex
near the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan. Initially, Soyuz's
orbit will be elliptical. However, the Soyuz will exe-
cute one or two maneuvers to circularize its orbit
at an altitude of 225 kilometers (140 miles).
About 7 l /2 hours after the Soyuz launch, Apollo
will be rocketed into orbit from the John F. Ken-
nedy Space Center in Florida. After separating from
Saturn, Apollo will turn about, maneuver to the
forward end of Saturn, and dock with and extract
the Docking Module housed there.
Apollo will then execute a series of maneuvers
that will result in rendezvous and docking with
Soyuz. The docking will occur about 52 hours after
the Soyuz launch. The spacecraft will remain
docked for approximately two days as exchange
visits and joint experiments are conducted. Then,
they will be separated.
The Soyuz is expected to remain in orbit for an
additional 43 hours before returning to Earth. It
will land in Kazakhstan. Apollo will operate in space
for approximately six days after separation. It will
land in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.
Experimental Activities
Twenty-seven experiments planned for Apollo-
Soyuz involve space science, space processing and
manufacturing, Earth surveys, and life sciences. A
few examples:
• The stable and relatively prolonged mission will
be employed to gain more data on a compara-
Astronauts Stafford (light coat, black cap) and Cernan (on his
left) on Moscow tour with other members of Soviet and
American Apollo-Soyuz technical teams. Cernan is Special
Assistant to Dr. Glynn S. Lunney, the U. S. Technical Director
of Apollo-Soyuz. The American team was in Star City near
Moscow for Soyuz familiarization training. In background is
Cathedral of the Intercession (St. Basil's) Museum. Kremlin is
at right.
Astronauts Slayton (foreground) and Stafford in back-up Dock-
ing Module. made of lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear
leukocytes in blood samples taken from the astro-
tively low-energy, X-ray background in the sky nauts before and after their mission. Leukocytes
detected by sounding rocket studies. Little is are the white cells that attack infectious bacteria.
known about this phenomenon. The aim is to Lymphocytes either manufacture antibodies that
ascertain both the source of the radiation and the battle viruses and other infectious agents or
process by which it is derived. Just as studies of transmit information to other cells on how to
solar emission processes contributed to develop- repel disease. The studies will add to knowledge
ment of atomic power plants, understanding of about the body's defense mechanisms.
these X-ray sources may lead to development of
improved techniques for generating energy. Satellite To Play Important Role
• Mixtures of living cells will be separated by elec- Communications from the docked Apollo and
trophoresis into groups, each having a different Soyuz spacecraft will be relayed to Earth through
function. Electrophoresis refers to the movement NASA's Applications Technology Satellite-6, a ver-
of particles suspended in a fluid under the influ- satile spacecraft being used for experiments on the
ence of an electric field. The weightless spacecraft frontiers of communications, meteorology, and
environment may permit better separation than space science.
can be obtained on Earth. If so, electrophoretic If Apollo-Soyuz were transmitting directly to
separation on future space missions such as those ground stations, as has been the practice in past
of the Space Shuttle could be a valuable tool for manned flights, its comparatively low orbit and
biological research and lead to useful applica- the limited number of stations would restrict com-
tions in preparation of cell transplants and prod- munications between the astronauts and Mission
ucts that can be obtained from cell cultures, such Control to an average of only about 15 minutes out
as enzymes and antibodies. of each approximately 90-minute orbit.
• Observations will be made of Earth features, Applications Technology Satellite-6, however, is
processes, and phenomena in many scientific dis- in constant communications view of nearly half the
ciplines. Among these are surveying the Hima- globe from its vantage point about 35,680 kilo-
layan snow fields and drainage patterns as an aid meters (22,300 miles) above Earth and, with sup-
to irrigation and flood control on the Indan Sub- porting ground stations, Apollo and the ground-
continent and mapping extensions of the San based flight controllers will be able to communicate
Andreas Fault and related fracture systems in for about 50 minutes out of each orbit.
the United States for oil and mineral exploration
and earthquake studies. Training Grounds Include Both Nations
• Among the life sciences experiments are studies Astronauts, cosmonauts, and Russian and Ameri-
of how weightlessness may affect the body's re- can technical support staffs for Apollo-Soyuz have
sponse or resistance to infection. Studies will be made numerous visits to each other's facilities for
training and for working group meetings. Joint tests
have been made of such components as the docking
Representatives of each country will be in the
other's mission control center during the mission.
Americans also will check out Apollo communica-
tions equipment that will be carried aboard Soyuz
prior to the Soyuz launch.
Each country's team is being intensively trained
in the other's language. Flight documents and pri-
mary ground and space controls will be labeled in
both Russian and English.
Medal, the Collier Trophy of the National Aero-
nautic Association, and the Society of Experimental
Test Pilots' Iven C. Kinchloe Award and J. H.
Doolittle Award.
Mr. Slayton was chosen as one of the original
seven Mercury astronauts in April 1959 but a heart
condition, discovered in August 1959, precluded his
making any space flights. He subsequently served
as Coordinator of Astronaut Activities and later as
Director of Flight Crew Operations. In March 1972,
following a comprehensive medical review by
NASA's Director of Life Sciences and by the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration, Mr. Slayton was re-
stored to full flight status.
Mr. Slayton and his wife, Marjory, have one Flight Engineer Kubasov is a Hero of the Soviet
child. Union and a Pilot-Cosmonaut of the U.S.S.R.
Kubasov was enlisted in the Soviet cosmonaut
unit in 1966. As flight engineer of Soyuz 6, he took
Cosmonauts part in the group flight with Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8
in October 1969. During this mission, he conducted
the first experimental welding in space.
Valeriy Kubasov and his wife, Lyudmila, have
two children.