EE GATE Book - 2020
EE GATE Book - 2020
EE GATE Book - 2020
Electrical Engineering
GATE - 2020 : Electrical Engineering Topicwise Previous GATE Solved Papers (1991-2019)
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Over the period of time the GATE examination has become
more challenging due to increasing number of candidates.
Though every candidate has ability to succeed but competitive
environment, in-depth knowledge, quality guidance and good
source of study is required to achieve high level goals.
The new edition of GATE 2020 Solved Papers : Electrical Engineering has been fully revised, updated
and edited. The whole book has been divided into topicwise sections.
At the beginning of each subject, analysis of previous papers are given to improve the
understanding of subject.
I have true desire to serve student community by way of providing good source of study and
quality guidance. I hope this book will be proved an important tool to succeed in GATE examination.
Any suggestions from the readers for the improvement of this book are most welcome.
1. Electric Circuits..................................................................................................................................1-79
3. Electrical Machines....................................................................................................................126-218
5. Control Systems.........................................................................................................................307-377
7. Analog Electronics.....................................................................................................................423-473
8. Digital Electronics......................................................................................................................474-506
9. Power Electronics......................................................................................................................507-572