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Lesson 1 Early India: From the Beginnings to the Indus Civilisation

பாடம்-1 பண்டட஬ இந்தி஬ா: ததாடக்கம் முதல் சிந்து நாகாிகம் லட஭
1. The period before the development of script is called ______________.
(a) Pre-historic (b) Historic (C) palaeolithic (d) Neolithic
vOj;Jf;fs; mwpKfkhtjw;F Ke;ija fhyfl;lk; ------------- vdg;gLfpwJ. Page | 1
a)tuyhw;Wf;F Ke;ija fhyk; b) tuyhw;Wf;fhyk;
c) goq;fw;fhyk; d) Gjpa fw;fhyk;

2. The earliest age in history is called ______________.

(a) Old Stone Age (b) New Stone Age (c) Copper Age (d) Iron Age
tuyhw;wpd; goikahd fhyk; ------------- MFk;.
a)goq;fw;fhyk; b) Gjpa fw;fhyk; c) nrk;Gf;fhyk; d) ,Uk;Gf;fhyk;

3. The first Palaeolithic tools were identified in ______________.

(a) 1860 (b) 1863 (c) 1873 (d) 1883
goq; fw;fhyf; fUtpfs; Kjd;Kjypy; -----------------y; milahsk; fhzg;gl;ld.
a)1860 b)1863 c)1873 d)1883

4. Baghor I and Baghor III of Son Valley in Madhya Pradesh are some of ______________ sites in India.
(a) Lower Palaeolithic (b) Middle Palaeolithic
(c) Upper Palaeolithic (d) Neolithic
kj;jpagpuNjrj;jpy; cs;s rd; gs;sj;jhf;fpy; cs;s ghNfhh;-1> ghNfhh;-3 Mfpait -------------
ehfhpfk; epytpl ,lq;fs;.
a)fPo;g;goq;fw;fhyk; b) ,ilg;goq;fw;fhyk;
c) Nky;goq;fw;fhyk; d) Gjpa fw;fhyk;

5. The site of Mehrgarh has been associated with ______________ culture.

(a) Palaeolithic (b) Neolithic (c) Mesolithic (d) Chalcolithic
nk`h;fhh; ------------ gz;ghl;Lld; njhlh;GilaJ.
a)gioa fw;fhyk; b) Gjpafw;fhyk; c) ,ilf;fw;fhyk; d) nrk;Gf;fhyk;

6. The ______________ inscriptions mention the trade contacts between Mesopotamia and
(a) Cuneiform (b) Heiroglyphics (c) Devanagiri (d) Kharoshti
------------ fy;ntl;Lf;Fwpg;Gfs; nkrgNlhkpahTf;Fk;> `ug;ghTf;Fk; ,ilNaahd tzpfj;
njhlh;Gfisf; Fwpg;gpLfpd;wd.
a)f;A+dpghh;k; b) i`Nuhf;isgpf;]; c) Njtehfhp d) fNuh~;b

7. Burzahom is an important site of ______________.

(a) Neolithic culture of Kashmir
(b) Neolithic culture of Ganga Valley
(c) Neolithic culture of Eastern India
(d) Neolithic culture of South India
gh;tN`hk; --------------- epytpa ,lkhFk;.
a)fh~;kPpd; Gjpa fw;fhyg; gz;ghL
b) fq;ifr; rkntspapd; Gjpa fw;fhyg;gz;ghL
c) fpof;fpe;jpahtpd; Gjpa fw;fhyg;gz;ghL
d) njd;dpe;jpahtpd; Gjpa fw;fhyg; gz;ghL

8. Early Harappan period was ______________.

(a) 3000–2600 BCE (b) 2600–1900 BCE
(c) 1900–1700 BCE (d) 1700–1500 BCE
njhlf;f `ug;gh fhyfl;lk; vd;gJ ----------- MFk;. Page | 2
a)ngh.M.K. 3000-2600 b) ngh.M.K.2600-1900
c)ngh.M.K. 1900-1700 d) ngh.M.K. 1700-1500

9. _____________ was an important source of subsistence for the Harappans.

(a) Agriculture (b) Pottery
(c) Craft production (d) Fishing
`ug;gh kf;fSf;F Kf;fpakhd tho;thjhu topKiwahf ------------ ,Ue;jJ.
a)Ntshz;ik b) kl;ghz;lk; nra;jy;
c) iftpidj; njhopy;fs; d) kPdg ; pbj;jy;

10. The Indus civilization declined from about ______________.

(a) 1800 BCE (b) 1900 BCE
(c) 1950 BCE (d) 1955
rpe;J ehfhpfk; Vwj;jho ------------- ,ypUe;J tPo;r;rp mile;jJ.
a)ngh.M.K. 1800 b) ngh.M.K. 1900
c) ngh.M.K. 1950 d)ngh.M.K. 1955
Lesson 2 Early India: The Chalcolithic, Megalithic,Iron Age and Vedic Cultures
Ln-2 பண்டட஬ இந்தி஬ா : தசம்புகாய, தபருங்கற்காய, இரும்புக்காய,
வலதகாயப் பண்பாடுகள்
1. The main collection of vedic hymns are called Page | 3
a) Brahmanas b) Samhita c) Aranyakas d) Upanishads
Ntjg;ghly;fspd; Kf;fpa njhFg;gpd; ngah;
a)gpuhkzq;fs; b) rq;fpijfs; c) Muz;afq;fs; d)cgepljq;fs;

2. The land of Upper Ganga Doab region was described as

a) Kuru-panchalas b) Ganga valley c) Indus valley d) Videha
Nky; fq;ifr; rkntspg;gFjp vt;thW miof;fg;gLfpwJ?
a)FUghQ;rhyk; b) fq;ifr;rkntsp c) rpe;J ntsp d) tpNjfh

3. Adichanallur is situated in _______ district

a) Coimbatore b) Tirunelveli c) Thothukudi d) Vellore
Mjpr;rey;Y}h; ------------- khtl;lj;jpy; mike;Js;sJ
a)Nfhak;Gj;J}h; b) jpUney;Ntyp c) J}j;Jf;Fb d) NtY}h;

4. Consider the following:

i) Senani - chief of the army ii) Gramani - village head
iii) Bali - voluntary contribution iv) Purohita - governor
Which one of the pair is incorrect?
a) i b) ii c) iii d) iv
fPo;fhZk; ,izfis ftdpf;fTk;.
1)Nrdhdp - gilj;jsgjp 2) fpuhkzp - fpuhkj;jiyth;
3) ghyp - jd;dhh;tj;jhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;lJ 4) GNuhfpuh; - MSeh;
Nkw;fz;ltw;wpy; ve;j ,iz jtwhdJ?
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

5. Assertion (A) : There is no evidence of child marriage in Early Vedic period

Reason (R) : Women had been excluded from rituals in the later Vedic period
a) A and R are correct and R explains A
b) A and R are correct but R doesn’t explain A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) Both A and R are correct
$w;W ($): Kw;fhy Ntjfhyj;jpy; Foe;ijj; jpUkzk; ,Ue;jjw;fhd rhd;Wfs; ,y;iy.
fhuzk; (fh): gpd; Ntjfhyj;jpy; ngz;fs; rlq;FfspypUe;J tpyf;fp itf;fg;gl;ldh;.
a)$w;Wk; fhuzKk; rhpahdit. fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;FfpwJ.
b) $w;Wk; fhuzKk; rhpahdit. Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;ftpy;iy
c) $w;W rhpahdJ. fhuzk; jtwhdJ d) $w;W> fhuzk; ,uz;Lk; rhpahdit
Lesson 3 Rise of Territorial Kingdoms and New Religious Sects
Ln-3 பி஭வதச முடி஬஭சுகரின் வதாற்மமும் புதி஬ ஫தப்பிாிவுகள்
1. Buddha delivered his first sermon in ----------------- Page | 4
(a) Sanchi (b) Benaras (c) Saranath (d) Lumbini
Gj;jh; jdJ Kjy; Nghjidia --------------- ,y; epfo;j;jpdhh;.
a)rhQ;rp b) thuzhrp c) rhuehj; d) Yk;gpdp

2. --------------------- is the Buddhist text that makes a reference to Ajatashatru’s meeting of Buddha
(a) Jivakasinthamani (b) Acharrangasutra
(c) Kalpasutra (d) SamannaphaSutta
m[hjrj;UTf;Fk;> Gj;jUf;FkpilNaahd re;jpg;igf; Fwpg;gpLk; ngsj;j E}y; --------- MFk;.
a)rPtfrpe;jhkzp b) mr;ruq;f #j;jpuk;
c) fy;g#j;jpuk; d) rkz;zg Rj;jk;

3. Bhagavatisutra is a --------------------text
(a) Buddhist (b) Jain (c) Ajivika (d) Vedic
gftjp #j;jpuk; ------------- E}yhFk;.
a)ngsj;jk; b) rkzk; c) MrPtfk; d) Ntjk;

4. ______ played an important role in improving the method of cultivation.

(a) Iron (b) Bronze (c) Copper (d) Brass
------------- Ntshz;ik Kiwia Nkk;gLj;jpajpy; Kf;fpag; gq;fhw;wpaJ.
a) ,Uk;G b) ntz;fyk; c) nrk;G d) gpj;jis

5. Among the 16 mahajanapadas, ______ emerged as the most powerful in northern India.
(a) Kosala (b) Avanti (c) Magadha (d) Kuru
tl ,e;jpahtpy; 16 kfh[dgjq;fspy; typik gilj;jjhf tsh;e;j muR ------- MFk;.
a)Nfhryk; b) mte;jp c) kfjk; d) FU

Lesson 4 Emergence of State and Empire

Ln-4 அ஭சு ஫ற்றும் வப஭஭சு உருலாக்கம்
1. Brahmi script in Ashoka’s pillar inscription was deciphered by _____. Page | 5
(a) Thomas Saunders (b) James Prinsep
(c) Sir John Marshal (d) William Jones
mNrhfuJ J}z;fspd; cs;s gpuhkp vOj;JfSf;F nghUs; fz;Lgpbj;jth;
a)jhk]; rhz;lh;]; b) N[k;]; gphpd;nrg;
c) rh; [hd; khh;~y; d) tpy;ypak; N[hd;];

2. The first known ruler of Magadha was ______ of the Haryanka dynasty.
(a) Bimbisara (b) Ajatashatru (c) Ashoka (d) Mahapadma Nanda
kfjj;jpd; Kjy; muruhf mwpag;gLgth;> `h;aq;fh tk;rj;ij Nrh;e;j ---------
a)gpk;gprhuh; b) m[hjrj;U c) mNrhfh; d) kfhgj;k ee;jh;

3. ____________ was the ruler of Magadha during the invasion of Alexander in India.
(a) Mahapadma Nanda (b) Dhana Nanda (c) Bindhusara (d) Bimbisara
mnyf;rhz;lh; ,e;jpah kPJ gilnaLj;J te;jNghJ kfjj;jpd; muruhf ,Ue;jth; ahh;?
a)kfhgj;k ee;jh; b) jd ee;jh; c) gpe;Jrhuh; d) gpk;gprhuh;

4. A comprehensive historical chronicle in Pali from Sri Lanka serving as an important source for the
Mauryan Period is ______.
(a) Mahavamsa (b) Deepavamsa (c) Brahmanas (d) Mudrarakshasa
-------------- vd;w ,yq;ifapy; fpilj;j> ghypapy; vOjg;gl;l tphpthd tuyhw;W E}y; nkshpag;
NguuR gw;wp mwpe;J nfhs;s cjTk; Kf;fpakhd rhd;whFk;.
a)kfhtk;rk; b) jPgtk;rk; c) gpukhzk; d) Kj;uhuhl;rrk;

5. The play ______ by Visakadatha describes Chandragupta and his accession to the throne of the
Magadha Empire.
(a) Mudrarakshasa (b) Rajatharangini (c) Arthasastra (d) Indica
--------------- vd;w tprhfj;jhpd; ehlfk; re;jpuFg;jh; gw;wpAk;> mth; kfjg; Nguurpd; mhpaiz
VwpaJ gw;wpAk; $WfpwJ.
a)Kj;uhuhl;rrk; b) uh[juq;fpzp c) mh;j;jrh];jpuk; d) ,z;bfh

6. Megasthenes’work ______describes the court of Chandragupta and his administration.

(a) Indica (b) Mudrarakshasa (c) Ashtadhyayi (d) Arthasastra
nkf];jdp]; vOjpa ---------------- re;jpuFg;jhpd; muritAk;> mtuJ eph;thfj;ijAk;
a),z;bfh b) Kj;uhuhl;rrk; c) m~;lj;ahap d) mh;j;jrh];jpuk;

7. The ______ was a prescriptive text for good administration.

(a) Arthasastra (b) Indica (c) Rajatharangini (d) Mudrarakshasa
------------- ey;y eph;thfk; gw;wpa topfhl;Lk; E}yhFk;.
a)mh;j;j rh];jpuk; b) ,z;bNfh c) uh[juq;fpzp d) Kj;uuhl;rrk;
Lesson 5 Evolution of Society in South India
Ln-5 ததன்னிந்தி஬ாலில் சமுதா஬ உருலாக்கம்.
1. Karikala was the son of _________
(a) Sengannan (b) Kadungo (c) Ilanjetchenni (d) Athiyaman
fhpfhyd; --------------- kfdhthh;. Page | 6
a)nrq;fz;zd; b) fLq;Nfh c) ,sQ;Nrl; nrd;dp d)mjpakhd;

2. Which of the following pairs is not correct?

(i) Talayalanganam – Nedunchezhiyan (ii) Pattinapalai – Uruttirankannanar
(iii) Gajabahu – Ceylon (iv) Tiruvanchikulam - Cholas
(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv)
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; ve;j ,iz jtwhdJ?
1)jiyahyq;fhdk; - neLq;nropad; 2) gl;bdg;ghiy - cUj;jpuq;fz;zdhh;
3) f[ghF -,yq;if 4) jpUtQ;rpf;fsk; - Nrhoh;
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

3. _________ performed Rajasuya sacrifice

(a) Perunarkilli (b)MudukudumiPeruvazhuthi
(c) Simuka (d) Athiyaman
-------------- uh[#a ahfj;ij elj;jpdhh;.
a)ngUew;fps;sp b) KJFLkpg;ngUtOjp
c) rpKfh d) mjpakhd;

4. Indravihara is mentioned in _________ .

(a) Manimegalai (b) Silappathikaram (c) Ashoka inscription (d) Chera coin
,e;jputpfhuk; gw;wp -------------- Fwpg;gpLfpwJ.
a)kzpNkfiy b) rpyg;gjpfhuk; c) mNrhfh; fy;ntl;L d) Nruh; ehzak;

5. Ikshavakus wielded power in _________.

(a) Andhra-Karnataka region (b) Odisha (c) Deccan region (d) Banavasi
,f;rthFfs; ------------------- gFjpapy; typik ngw;wpUe;jdh;.
a)Me;jpuh - fh;ehlfk; b) xhprh c) jf;fhzg;gFjp d) gdthrp

6. Read the following and pick out the wrong statement

(i) Kalabhras are referred to as Kaliyarasars
(ii) Kalabhras were Saivites
(iii) Kalabhras defeated Pallavas and Pandyas
(iv) Ikshavakus supported vedic sacrifices
(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv)
fPo;f;fhZk; $w;Wf;fis thrpj;J jtwhd $w;iw ntspf; nfhzh;f.
1)fsg;gpuh;fs; fypaurh;fs; vdf; Fwpg;gplg;gLfpd;wdh;.
2) fsg;gpuh;fs; irtj;ij Mjhpj;jdh;.
3) gy;ytiuAk; ghz;baiuAk; fsg;gpuh; Njhw;fbj;jdh;.
4) ,f;rthFfs; NtjNts;tpfis Mjhpj;jdh;.
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
Lesson 6 Polity and Society in Post-Mauryan Period
Ln-6 த஫ௌாி஬ருக்குப் பிந்டத஬ அ஭சி஬ல் அட஫ப்பும் சமூகமும்
1. ______________ was one of the most capable generals of Alexander.
(a) SeleucusNicator (b) Antigonus (c) Antiochus (d) Demetrius Page | 7
mnyf;]hz;lhpd; jpwd;kpf;f jsgjpfSs; xUth;
a)nrypAf]; epNflh; b) md;bNfhd]; c) mz;bNahf]; d) nlnkl;hpa];

2. Megasthenes was sent by SeleucusNicator to the capital Pataliputra as the ______________

(a) Roman (b) Greek (c) Chinese (d) British
nrypAf]; epNfluhy; jiyefuk; ghlypg;Gj;jpuj;Jf;F ----------- J}juhf nkf];jdp];
a)Nuhkhdpa b) fpNuf;f c) rPd d) gphpl;b~;

3. The regular interchange of ambassadors and correspondence______________.

(a) affected the regular trade from India to the West
(b) facilitated regular trade from India to the West
(c) facilitated regular trade from India to the East
(d) none of the above
tof;fkhd J}jh;fs; kw;Wk; fbjg;ghpkhw;wk;
a),e;jpahtpypUe;J Nkw;Ff;fhd tof;fkhd tzpfj;ijg; ghjpj;jJ .
b) ,e;jpahtpypUe;J Nkw;Ff;F tof;fkhd tzpfj;jpw;F cjtpaJ.
c) ,e;jpahtpypUe;J fpof;Ff;F tof;fkhd tzpfj;jpw;F cjtpaJ.
d) Nkw;$wpa vJTkpy;iy

4. ______________ was the best known of the Indo-Greek kings.

(a) Euthydemus (b) Demetrius (c) Menander (d) Antialcidas
,e;Njh - fpNuf;f murh;fspy; ed;fwpag;gl;lth; -------------
a)Ajpnlk]; b) nlnkl;hpa]; c) kpdhz;lh; d) Md;bahy;i]l];

5. Kushana coins were of higher quality than that of ______________ coins.

(a) Roman (b) Greek (c) Gupta (d) Satavahana
F~hz ehzaq;fs; -------------- ehzaq;fistpl cah;e;j juj;jpy; ,Ue;jd.
a)Nuhkhdpa b) fpNuf;f c) Fg;j d) rhjthfd

6. Indo-Greek style of art and sculpture is referred to as ______________.

(a) Mathura art (b) Gandhara art (c) Bagh art (d) Pala art
,e;Njh - fpNuf;ff; fiy kw;Wk; rpw;gg; ghzp -------------- vd;W Fwpg;gplg;gl;lJ.
a)kJuh fiy b) fhe;jhuf;fiy c) ghf;fiy d) ghyh fiy

7. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Buddhacharita - Asvagosha (b) The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea - Megasthenes
(c) Arthasastra – Kautilya (d) Kamasutra - Vatsyayana
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; nghUj;jkw;wJ vJ?
a)Gj;jrhpjk; - mRtNfh~h; b) vhpj;hpaf; flypd; nghpg;s]; - nkf];jdp];
c) mh;j;jrh];jpuk; - nfsby;ah; d) fhk#j;jpuk; - thj;rhadh;.
8. The most famous Sakakshatrap was ______________.
(a) Moga (b) Rudradaman (c) Azes (d) Yesovarman
rf rj;ug;fspy; kpfTk; Gfo; ngw;wth; --------------
a)nkhf b) Uj;ujhkd; c) m]p]; d) aNrhth;kd;

9. The contours of trade between Europe and India was changed towards the beginning of the Page | 8
Common Era because
(i) Rome emerged as the super power of the Mediterranean world by the end of the last centuryBCE.
(ii) The discovery of the pattern of the monsoon winds in the Arabian Sea by Hippalus was in thefirst
century CE.
(a) (i) is correct (b) (ii) is correct
(c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct (d) Both (i) and (ii) are wrong
INuhg;ghTf;Fk; ,e;jpahTf;Fk; ,ilapyhd tzpfj;jpd; jd;ikfs; nghJ Mz;bd;
njhlf;fj;jpy; khwpajw;Ff; fhuzk;.
1) ngh.M.K. filrp E}w;whz;bd; Kbtpy; kj;jpa jiuf;fly; cyfpd; ngUQ;rf;jpahf Nuhk;
2)mNugpaf; flypy; tPRk; gUf; fhw;Wfspd; fhyKiw ,ay;Gfs; ngh.M. Kjy; E}w;whz;by;
`pg;ghy]hy; fz;Lgpbf;fg;gl;lJ.
a)1 rhp b) 2 rhp c) 1>2 ,uz;Lk;rhp d) 1>2 ,uz;Lk; jtW

10. Roman coins have been excavated at ______________.

(a) Arikamedu (b) Adhichanallur (c) Puhar (d) Pallavaram
--------------- gFjpapy; Nuhkhdpa ehzaq;fs; mfo;e;njLf;fg;gl;ld.
a)mhpf;fNkL b) Mjpr;rey;Y}h; c) Gfhh; d) gy;yhtuk;
Lesson 7 The Guptas
Ln-7 குப்தர்
1. Which is the least reliable of the sources for the study of Gupta period?
(a) Literary sources (b) Epigraphical sources Page | 9
(c) Numismatic sources (d) Myths and legends
Fg;jh; fhyk; Fwpj;j fPo;f;fz;l rhd;Wfspy; vJ ek;g KbahjJ vd;W ePq;fs; fUJfpwPh;fs;?
a),yf;fpar; rhd;Wfs; b) fy;ntl;L rhd;Wfs;
c) ehzar; rhd;Wfs; d) fijfs;> Guhzq;fs;

2. Choose and match:

Literary Works Author
1. Dhanvantri - Suryasiddantha
2. Varahamihira - Amarakosha
3. Harisena - Brihadsamhita
4. Amarasimha - Ayurveda
(a) 4,3,1,2 (b) 4,1,2,3 (c) 4,2,1,3 (d) 4,3,2,1
,yf;fpagilg;G vOjpath;
a)#hpa rpj;jhe;jh - jd;te;jphp
b) mkuNfh~h - tuh`kpfpuh
c) gpU`j;rk;`pjh - `hpNrdh (Mupagl;lu;)
d) MAh;Ntjh - mkurpk;kh
(a) 4,3,1,2 (b) 4,1,2,3 (c) 4,2,1,3 (d) 4,3,2,1

3. __________ was given the title “Kaviraja”.

(a) Chandragupta I (b) Samudragupta (c) Chandragupta II (d) Srigupta
-------------------f;Ff; ftpuh[h vd;w gl;lk; mspf;fg;gl;lJ?
a)Kjyhk; re;jpuFg;jh; b) rKj;jpuFg;jh; c) ,uz;lhk; re;jpuFg;jh; d) =Fg;jh;

4. __________, a Chinese traveller, presented an idyllic picture of Indian society in the fifth century CE.
(a) Itsing (b) Hieun-Tsang (c) Fahien (d) Wang-Hieun-Tse
--------------------- vd;w rPdg; gazp ngh.M. Ie;jhk; E}w;whz;bd; ,e;jpa r%fj;ijf; Fwpj;J
tphpthf vOjpAs;shh;.
a),l;rpq; b) Athd;- Rthq; c) gh`pahd; d) thq;- Athd;- rP

5. Which one of the following is the wrong option for the rock-cut cave temple of
Gupta Period?
(i) Udayagiri cave (Odisha) (ii) Ajanta and Ellora caves (Maharashtra)
(iii) Elephanta cave (Maharashtra) (iv) Bagh (Madhya Pradesh)
(a) i (b) ii (c) iii (d) iv
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ Fg;jh; fhyj;Jf; Filtiuf; Fiff;Nfhapy; ,y;iy?
a)cjafphp Fif (xbrh) b) m[e;jh - vy;Nyhuh Fif (kfhu~;buh)
c) vypgz;lh Fif ( kfhuh~;buh) d) ghf; (kj;jpagpuNjrk;)
6. The first regular Buddhist work on logic was written by __________.
(a) Dignaga (b) Vasubandhu (c) Chandrogamia (d) Varahamihira
jh;f;fk; Fwpj;j Kjy; KOikahd ngsj;j E}iy vOjpath;
a)jpf;ehfh; b) tRge;J c) re;jpufhkpah d) tuhfkpfpuh;

7. _________ is the notable lyric of Kalidasa. Page |

(a) Sankunthalam (b) Raghuvamsa (c) Kumarasambhava (d) Megaduta 10
----------------- fhspjhrhpd; Kf;fpakhd ftpijg; gilg;ghFk;.
a)rhFe;jyk; b) uFtk;rk; c)Fkhurk;gtk; d) NkfJ}jk;
Lesson 8 Harsha and Rise of Regional Kingdoms
Ln-8 ஹர்ளர் ஫ற்றும் பி஭வதச முடி஬஭சுகரின் எழுச்சி
1. Prabakaravardhanagave his daughter Rajyasri in marriage to____________.
(a) Grahavarman (b) Deva Gupta (c) Sasanka (d) Pushyaputi Page |
gpughfu th;j;jdh; jdJ kfs; uh[;a=ia ------------- vd;gtUf;Fj; jpUkzk; nra;J nfhLj;jhh;. 11
a)fpufth;kd; b) NjtFg;jh; c) rhrq;fd; d) G~;aGj;jpuh;

2. Harsha accepted the throne of Kanauj on the advice of______________.

(a) Grahavarman (b) AvalokitesvaraBodisatva
(c) Prabakaravardhana (d) Poni.
`h;~h; fd;Ndhrpapd; mhpaizia -------------- ,d; mwpTiuapd; gb Vw;Wf; nfhz;lhh;.
a)fpufth;kd; b) mtNyhfpNj~;tu Nghjprj;th;
c) gpughfuth;j;jdh; d) Nghdp

3. ________was the minister for Foreign Relations and War.

(a) Kuntala (b) Banu (c) Avanti (d) Sarvagata
-------------- vd;gth; maYwT kw;Wk; Nghh;fs; njhlh;ghd mikr;rh; Mthh;.
a)rFe;jyh b) ghD c) mte;jp d) rh;thfjh

4. Which of the following was written by Harsha?

(a) HarshaCharitha (b) Priyadharsika
(c) Arthasastra (d) Vikramorvasiyam
fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; `h;~uhy; vOjg;gl;l E}y; vJ?
a)`h;~rhpjk; b) gphpajh;~pfh c) mh;j;j rh];jpuh d) tpf;uk Ch;trpak;

5. Which one of the following statements is wrong?

a. Dharmapala established SomapuraMahavihara.
b. Ramapala wrote Ramacharitam.
c. Mahipala Songs are still popular in rural parts of Bengal.
d. Agama Shastra was written by Gaudapada.
fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; jtwhdJ vJ?
a)jh;kghyh; NrhkGhpapy; nghpanjhU ngsj;j tpfhiuiaf; fl;bdhh;.
b) ,uhkghyh; ,uhkrhpjj;ij vOjpdhh;.
c) kfpghyh; fPjq;fs; tq;fhsj;jpd; fpuhkg;gFjpfspy; ,g;NghJk; ghlg;gLfpd;wd.
d) nfslghlh; Mfk rhj;jpuj;ij ,aw;wpdhh;.

Lesson 9 Cultural Development in South India

Ln-9 ததன்னிந்தி஬ாலில் பண்பாட்டு லரர்ச்சி
1. Which one of the following is not properly paired? Page |
(a) Govinda III – Vatabi (b) Ravikriti – Pulikesin II 12
(c) Vishayam- Rashtrakutas (d) Nammalvar-Kurugur
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ rhpahf ,izf;fg;gltpy;iy.
a)%d;whk; Nfhtpe;jd; - thjhgp b) utpfPh;j;jp - ,uz;lhk; GypNfrp
c) tp~ak; - uh~;lb ; u$lh; d) ek;kho;thh; - FU$h;

2. Choose and match

1. Simhavishnu - Chalukya
2. Jayasimhan I - Rashtrakuta
3. Aditya I - Dockyard
4. Mamallapuram - Chola king
(a) 4, 3, 1, 2 (b) 4, 1, 2, 3 (c) 2, 1, 4, 3 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1
a)rpk;ktp~;Z 1) rhSf;fpah
b) Kjyhk; n[arpk;kd; 2) uh~;bl$lh;
c) Kjyhk; Mjpj;jd; 3) fg;gy; jsk;
d) khky;yGuk; 4) Nrhomurd;
a) 4 3 1 2 b) 4 1 2 3
c) 2 1 4 3 d) 4 3 2 1

3. Kambuja is modern__________.
fhk;Ngh[k; vd;gJ etPd ---------------
(a) Assam (b) Sumatra (c) Annam (d) Cambodia

4. __________ is a religious centre established by Jains

------------- rkzh;fshy; epWtg;gl;l xU kj ikak;
(a) Saravanabelgola (b) Madurai (c) Kanchi (d) Kalugumalai

5. Where was temple built for performing royal rituals by Chalukyas

mur FLk;gk; njhlh;ghd rlq;Ffis elj;Jtjw;fhfr; rhSf;fpauhy; fl;lg;gl;l Nfhapy;fs;
vq;F cs;sJ?
(a) Aihole (b) Badami (c) Megudi (d) Pattadakkal

6. Foreign merchants were known as __________.

(a) Pattanswamy (b) Nanadesi (c) Videshi (d) Desi
may;ehl;L tzpfh;fs; ----------------- vd;W mwpag;gl;ldh;.
a)gl;lzrhkp b) ehdhNjrp c) tpNjrp d) Njrp
7. _________ is the doctrine propounded by AdiSankara
(a) Monism (b) Visistatvaita (c) SaivaSiddhantha (d) Vedanata
Mjprq;fuuhy; vLj;Jiuf;fg;gl;l Nfhl;ghL --------------
a)mj;itjk; b) tprp~;lhj;itjk; c) irtrpj;jhe;jk; d) Ntjhe;jk;
Lesson 10 Advent of Arabs and Turks
Ln-10 அ஭பி஬ர், துருக்கி஬ாின் லருடக
1. _________ was the ruler of Sind when the Arabs invaded it in the 8th century.
(a) Hajjaj (b) Muhammad-Bin-Qasim (c) Jaya Simha (d) Dahar Page |
8k; E}w;whz;by; mugpah; gilnaLg;gpd; NghJ rpe;J murh; -------------- Mth;. 13
a)`[;[[; b) KfkJ -gpd; - fhrpk; c) n[arpk;`h d) jhfph;

2. Mahmud of Ghazni conducted as many as__________ military campaigns into India.

f[pdp khKJ> ,e;jpahTf;Fs; -------------- Kiw ,uhZtj; jhf;Fjy;fs; elj;jpdhh;.
a)15 b)17 c)18 d)19

3. The PalamBaoli inscription is in __________ language

ghyk; gNthyp fy;ntl;L -------------- nkhopapy; ,Uf;fpwJ.
(a) Sanskrit (b) Persian (c) Arabic (d) Urdu

4. The world famous Khajuraho temple was built by __________.

cyfg;Gfo;ngw;w f[PuhN`h Nfhapiyf; fl;bath;fs;
(a) Rashtrakutas (b) Tomaras (c) Chandelas (d) Paramaras

5. Mamluk is the term for the Arabic designation of a __________.

(a) Slave (b) King (c) Queen (d) Soldier
kk;Yf; vd;w ngah; xU ---------------f;fhd muGj; jFjpr;Rl;lhFk;.
a)mbik b) murh; c) ,uzp d) giltPuh;

6. IbnBatuta was a traveller from __________.

,gd;gJ}jh xU -------------- ehl;Lg; gazp
(a) Morocco (b) Persia (c) Turkey (d) China

7. __________ was the only Sultan who resigned kingship and lived away from Delhi for threedecades in
(a) Mubarak Shah (b) Alam Khan (c) Kizr Khan (d) Tugril Khan
murg; gjtpia tpLj;J> jpy;ypapypUe;J tpyfp Kg;gjhz;Lfs; mikjpapy; tho;e;j xNu
Ry;jhd; ----------------
a)Kghuf; ~h b) Myk;fhd; c) fprh; fhd; d) Jf;hpy; fhd;

8. Match and choose the correct answer

1. Ramachandra Kakatiya
2. Khan-i-Jahan Padmavat
3. Malik MuhamadJaisi Man Singh
4. Man Mandir Devagiri
(a) 2, 1, 4, 3 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4 (c) 4, 1, 2, 3 (d) 3, 1, 2, 4
a)uhkr;re;jpu 1)fhfjPa
b) fhd;-,-[`hd; 2) gj;khtj;
c) khypf; Kfkj; n[a;rp 3) khd;rpq;
d) kd;ke;jph; 4) Njtfphp
a) 2 1 4 3 b) 1 2 3 4
c) 4 1 2 3 d) 3 1 2 4
Lesson 11 Later Cholas and Pandyas
Ln-11 பிற்காய வசாறரும் பாண்டி஬ரும்
1. Naval expeditions of _______ extended as far as Sri Vijaya Kingdom.
(a) Kulothunga III (b) Rajendra I (c) Rajaraja I (d) Paranthaka Page |
-------------------- fly;topg; gilnaLg;Gfs; =tp[ah muR tiu tphptile;jpUe;jd. 14
a)%d;whk; FNyhj;Jq;fd; b) Kjyhk; ,uhN[e;jpud;
c) Kjyhk; ,uh[uh[d; d) guhe;jfd;

2. The core of the Chola kingdom lay in _______________ delta called Cholamandalam.
(a) Vaigai (b) Kaveri (c) Krishna (d) Godavari
--------------- gLifapy; ,Ue;j Nrho murpd; ikag;gFjp Nrho kz;lyk; vdg;gLfpwJ.
a)itif b) fhtphp c) fpU~;zh d) Nfhjhthp

3. Rajaraja I and Rajendra I jointly ruled the Chola kingdom for _______ years.
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 4
Kjyhk; ,uh[uh[Dk; Kjyk; ,uhN[e;jpuDk; ,ize;J -------------- Mz;Lfs; Nrho muir
Ml;rp nra;jhh;fs;
a)3 b)2 c)5 d)4

4. ________ makes one kalam

(a) 28 kg (b) 27 kg (c) 32 kg (d) 72 kg
------------------ xU fyj;Jf;Fr; rkk; MFk;.
a)28.fp.fp b)27 fp.fp c)32 fp.fp d) 72 fp.fp

5. “Kedah” is in _______
(a) Malaysia (b) Singapore (c) Thailand (d ) Cambodia
nflh ----------- y; cs;sJ.
a)kNyrpah b) rpq;fg;g+h; c) jha;yhe;J d) fk;Nghbah

6. In the reign of Rajaraja I, Mammallapuram was administered by a body called ______.

(a) Nattar (b) Maanagaram (c) Nagarattar (d) Urar
Kjyhk; ,uh[uh[dpd; Ml;rpapy; khky;yGuk; ----------------- vd;W miof;fg;gl;l xU FOthy;
a)ehl;lhh; b) khefuk; c) efuj;jhh; d) Cuhh;

7. Match the Following:

1. Cantonments - Padaividu
2. Military outposts - Dandanayagam
3. Captain - Nilaipadai
4. Commander-in-chief - Padaimudali
(a) 1, 3, 4, 2 (b) 4, 2, 1, 3 (c) 2, 1, 3, 4 (d) 1,4,2,3
a)gilKfhk; - giltPL
b) Gwf;fhty; gilfs; - jz;lehafk;
c) jiyth; - epiyg;gil
d) gilj;jsgjp - gilKjyp
a) 1 3 4 2
b) 4 2 1 3
c) 2 1 3 4
d) 1 4 2 3

8. In commemoration of his victory in__________, Rajendra I built GangaikondaChozhapuram.

(a) Sri Lanka (b) North India (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka Page |
---------------y; ngw;w ntw;wpapd; epidthf Kjyk; ,uhN[e;jpud; fq;ifnfhz;l NrhoGuj;ijf; 15
a),yq;if b) tl ,e;jpah c) Nfusk; d) fh;ehlfk;

9. _________was the first capital of Pandyas.

(a) Madurai (b) Kayalpattinam (c) Korkai (d) Puhar
--------------------- ghz;bah;fspd; Kjy; jiyefukhFk;.
a)kJiu b) fhay;gl;bdk; c) nfhw;if d) Gfhh;

10. Manur inscription dating to 800 CE provides an account of ________ administration.

(a) central (b) village (c) military (d) provincial
ngh.M. 800Ir; Nrh;e;j khD}h; fy;ntl;L --------------- eph;thfk; Fwpj;j nra;jpfisj; jUfpd;wJ.
a)kj;jpamuR b) fpuhkk; c) gil d) khfhzk;

11. In dry-zone Ramanathapuram, _______ were created by Pandya kings.

(a) moats (b) sluices (c) dams (d) tanks
twl;rpg;gFjpahd ,uhkehjGuj;jpy; ghz;ba murh;fs; -------------- If; fl;bdhh;fs;.
a)mfopfs; b) kjFfs; c) mizfs; d) Vhpfs;
Chapter 12 Bahmani and Vijayanagar Kingdoms
Ln-12 பா஫ினி-லிச஬நக஭ அ஭சுகள்
1. Harihara and Bukka were in the services of ______________ before they foundedVijayanagar
a) Kakatiyas b) Hoysalas c) Bijapur Sultan (d) Yadavas Page |
`hp`uh; kw;Wk; Gf;fh; tp[aefug; Nguuir Vw;gLj;Jk; Kd;ghf ------------ ,lk; gzp nra;jdh;. 16
a)fhfjpah; b) n`ha;rhsh; c) gP[g;G+h; Ry;jhd; d) ahjth;

2. IbnBattutah was a _____ traveller

a) Moroccan b) Venetian c) Portuguese d) Chinese
,gd; gJ}jh ----------- ehl;Lg; gazp.
a)nkhuhf;Nfh b) ntdp~pa c) Nghh;j;Jfy; d) rPdh

3. Arrange the following chronologically:

a) The Sangama dynasty, the Aravidu dynasty. The Saluva dynasty, the Tuluva dynasty.
b) The Sangama dynasty, the Saluva dynasty, the Tuluva dynasty, the Aravidu dynasty.
c) The Saluva dynasty. theSangama dynasty, the Tuluva dynasty, the Aravidu dynasty.
d) The Sangama dynasty, the Tuluva dynasty, the Saluva dynasty, the Aravidu dynasty.
fPo;f;fz;ltw;iw fhythpirg;gLj;Jf:
a)rq;fk tk;rk;> MutPL tk;rk;> rhSttk;rk;> JSt tk;rk;
b) rq;fk tk;rk;> rhSt tk;rk;> JSt tk;rk;> MutPL tk;rk;
c) rhSt tk;rk;> rq;fk tk;rk;> JSt tk;rk;> MutPL tk;rk;
d) rq;fk tk;rk;> JSt tk;rk;> rhSt tk;rk;> MutPL tk;rk;

4. The emblem of the Vijayanagar Kingdom was _____

a) Varaha b) Tiger c) Fish d) Bow
tp[aefu murpd; mur Kj;jpiu -------------------
a)gd;wp b) Gyp c) kPd; d) tpy;

5. _____ poem was composed by Gangadevi

a) Manucharitram b) Amuktamalyada
c) PandurangaMahatiyam d) Madura Vijayam
-------------- vd;w E}iy fq;fhNjtp vOjpdhh;.
a)kDrhpj;uh b) MKf;j khy;ajh
c) ghz;Luq;f kfhj;kpak; d) kJuh tp[ak;

6. _____ was the greatest ruler of the Sangama dynasty.

a) Devaraya I b) Devaraya II c) Krishnadevaraya d) VeeraNarsasimha
------------------ rq;fk tk;rj;jpd; rpwe;j Ml;rpahsuhff; fUjg;gl;lhh;.
a)Kjyhk; Njtuhah; b) ,uz;lhk; Njtuhah;
c) fpU~;z Njtuhah; d) tPu eurpk;kh;

7. Krishnadevaraya planted the pillar of victory at _______.

a) Belgaum b) Cuttack c) Simhachalam d) Rajamahendravaram
fpU~;zNjtuhah; jd; ntw;wpfspd; epidthf ntw;wpj; J}iz vOg;gpa ,lk; -------------
a)ngy;fhk; b)fl;lhf; c) rpk;khr;ryk; d) ,uh[kNfe;jputuk;
8. Pudukkottai, a small principality, was a buffer between _______
a) Chola and Vijayanagar Kingdoms b) Chola and Pandya Kingdoms
c) Chera and PandyaKingdodms d) Chola and Chera Kingdoms
ve;j ,U gFjpfspilNa ,ilg;gL ehlhfg; GJf;Nfhl;il ,Ue;jJ --------
a)Nrho kw;Wk; tp[aefu muRfs; b) Nrho kw;Wk; ghz;ba muRfs
;c) Nru kw;Wk; ghz;ba muRfs; d) Nrho kw;Wk; Nru muRfs; Page |
9. Shah Nama was written by ______
a) Firdausi b) IbnBattutah c) Nicolo de conti d) Domingo peas
~h ehkhit vOjpath; -----------------
a)gph;njsrp b) ,gpd;gJ}jh
c) epf;NfhNyh b Nfhd;b d) Nlhkpq;Nfh ga];

10. Mohammed Gawan Madrasa is a large library containing a collection of 3000 manuscripts
Situated at _______ _______
a) Berar b) Bijapur c) Bidar d) Anmadnagar
Kfk;kJ fthd; xU kjurhit epWtp mjpy; 3000 ifnaOj;J E}y;fis itj;jpUe;j ,lk; --
a)nguhh; b) gP[g;G+h; c) gPlhh; d) mfkJ efh;

11. ____________ constructed the Golkonda Fort.

a) Raja Krishna Dev b) Sultan Kali Kutub Khan
c) Mohammed Gawan d) Bahman Shah
--------------- Nfhy;nfhz;lh Nfhl;iliaf; fl;bdhh;?
a),uh[fpU~;z Njt; b) Ry;jhd; FypFJg;ghd;
c) KfkJ fthd; d) ghkd;~h
Chapter 13 Cultural Syncretism: Bhakti Movement in India
Ln-13 பண்பாட்டு ஒருட஫ப்பாடு : இந்தி஬ாலில் பக்தி இ஬க்கம்
1. ________ provided Hinduism with a philosophic doctrine of Advaita.
a) AdiSankara b) Ramanuja c) Ramananda d) Chaitanya
mj;itjk; vd;Dk; jj;Jtj;ij ,e;J kjj;jpw;F toq;fpath;
a)Mjprq;fuh; b) ,uhkhD[h; c) ,uhkhde;jh; d) irjd;ah; Page |
2. _______ refers to the conflict between the orthodox Vedic sects and Shramanic sects.
a) Ramayana b) Bagavathapurana c) Hagiographies d) Ballila
itjPf Ntjg;gphpTfSf;Fk;> rpukzg; gphpTfSf;Fk; ,ilNa Vw;gl;l Nkhjy;fisg; gw;wpf;
a) ,uhkhazk; b) ghftj Guhzk;
c) jpUj;njhz;lh;fspd; Gfo;ghLk; njhFg;Gfs; d) ghyyPyh
3. _______ was known as Koon Pandyan.
a) Mahendravarman I b) MaravarmanArikesari
c) Narasimhavarman d) SundaraPandyan
$d; ghz;bad; vd;W miof;fg;gl;lth; ----------------
a)Kjyhk; kNfe;jputh;kd; b) khwth;kd; mhpNfrhp
c) eurpk;kth;kd; d) Re;jughz;bad;
4. Appar as a Jaina was known as _________
a) Harisena b) Theerthankara c) SivagnanaSithiyar d) Dharmasena
rkz kjj;jpypUe;jNghJ mg;gh ,t;thW mwpag;gl;lhh;?
a)mhpNrdh b) jPh;j;jq;fuh; c) rptQhd rpj;jpahh; d) jh;kNrdh;
5. Fakir is the term used for----------------
a) Muslim saint b) Buddhist c) Hindu ascetic d) Sikh guru
gf;fPh; vdf; Fwpg;gplg;gLgth; ahh;?
a),];yhkpa Qhdp b) ngsj;jj; Jwtp c) ,e;Jj; Jwtp d) rPf;fpa FU
6. Madhavacharya belonged to the philosophical school of ______________
a) Dwaita b) Advaita c) Visistadvaita d) Pushtimarga
khjthr;rhhpahh; ------------------ jj;Jtg; gs;spiar; rhh;e;jth;
a)Jitjk; b) mj;itjk; c) tprp~;lhj;itjk; d) G~;b khh;f;fk;
7. _______ was one of the disciples of the Bhakti saint-poet Ramananda.
,uhkhde;jhpd; rPlh; --------------
a) Chaitanya b) Ravidas c) Guru Nanak d) Kabir
8. _______ was the first to preach his doctrine of devotion in Hindi.
a) Ravidas b) Ramananda c) Kabir d) Namadev
Kjd;Kjyhf ,e;jpnkhopapy; jdJ kjj; jj;Jtg; gpur;rhuj;ij Nkw;nfhz;lth; ahh;?
a)utpjh]; b) ,uhkhde;jh; c) fgPh; d) ehkNjth;
9. _______ was known as ‘the blind bard of Agra’ at the court of Akbar.
a) Surdas b) Tukaram c) Ramananda d) Mirabai
mf;ghpd; muritapy; “Mf;uhtpd; ghh;itj; jpwdw;w ghlfh;” vd;W mwpag;gl;lth; ---------------
a)#h;jh]; b) Jf;fuhk; c) ,uhkhde;jh; d) kPuhgha;
10. _______ was the contemporary of the Maratha ruler Shivaji.
kuhj;jpa kd;dh; rpth[papd; rkfhyj;jth; ------------------- Mthh;.
a) Ramananda b) Mirabai c) Surdas d) Tukaram
Chapter 14 The Mughal Empire
Ln-14 முகயா஬ப் வப஭஭சு
1. Babur won the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 with the effective use of _____________
a) Infantry b) Cavalry c) Artillery d) Elephant corps
1526k; Mz;L eilngw;w Kjyhk; ghdpg;gl; Nghhpy;> ghgh; --------------- ia jpwk;gl Page |
gad;gLj;jajpd; %yk; ntw;wp ngw;whh;.
a)fhyhl;gil b) Fjpiug;gil c) gPuq;fpg;gil d) ahidg;gil

2. Battle of Ghagra was the last battle fought by Babur against_____________

a) Afghans b) Rajputs c) Turks d) Marathas
filrpg;Nghuhd fhf;uh Nghhpy; ghgh; -------------------- vjpuhfg; Nghhpl;lhh;.
a)Mg;fhdpah;fSf;F b) uh[Gj;jpuh;fSf;F
c) JUf;fpah;fSf;F d) kuhl;bah;fSf;F

3. _____________won the Battle of Chausa due to his superior political and military skills.
a) Babur b) Humayun c) Sher khan d) Akbar
------------------- jdJ cahpa murpay; kw;Wk; ,uhZtj; jpwikapdhy; nrsrhg; Nghhpy; ntw;wpg;
a)ghgh; b) `PkhA+d; c) n~h;fhd; d) mf;gh;

4. _____________is a land tenure system in which the collection of the revenue of an estate and the
power of governing it were bestowed upon on official of the state.
a) Jagirdari b) Mahalwari c) Zamindari d) Mansabdari
----------------- epy cilik chpik Kiwapy;> epyj;jpw;fhd thpia t#ypf;Fk; nghWg;Gk;>
me;epyj;ij eph;tfpf;Fk; nghWg;Gk; muR mjpfhhpfsplk; xg;gilf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ.
a)[hfPh;jhhp b) kfy;thhp c) [kPdj ; hhp d) kd;rg;jhhp

5. The fiscal administration of Akbar was largely based on the methods of ----------
a) Babur b) Humayun c) Sher Shah d) Ibrahim Lodi
mf;guJ epjp eph;thfk; ---------------------- eph;thf Kiwiag; gpd;gw;wp mikf;fg;gl;lJ.
a)ghgh; b) `PkhA+d; c) n~h;~h d) ,g;uhfpk; Nyhb

6. _____________was executed by Jahangir for instigating prince Khusrau to rebel.

a) Guru ArjanDev b) Guru HarGobind c) Guru TeghBahadur d) Guru HarRai
,sturh; F];UTld; ,ize;J fyfj;ij J}z;btpl;ljw;fhf [`hq;fPuhy; kuz jz;lid
tpjpf;fg;gl;lth; ahh;?
a)FU mh;[Pd; Njt; b) FU `h; Nfhgpe;j
c) FU Nj[; gfJ}h; d) FU `h; uha;

7. _____________ was the contemporary of Louis XIV of France.

a) Akbar b) Jahangir c) Shah Jahan d) Aurangzeb
----------------- gpuhd;]; ehl;ilr; rhh;e;j gjpdhd;fhk; Y}ap MfpNahh; rkfhyj;jth;fs;.
a)mf;gh; b) [`hq;fPh; c) ~h[fhd; d) xsuq;frPg;

8. _____________reimposedJizya in his rule.

a) Akbar b) Jahangir c) Shah Jahan d) Aurangzeb
------------- jdJ Ml;rpapd;NghJ [p]pah thpia kPz;Lk; tpjpj;jhh;.
a)mf;gh; b) [`hq;fPh; c) ~h[fhd; d) xsuq;frPg;
9. _____________ is the first known person in the world to have devised the ‘ship’s camel’, a barge on
which a ship is built.
a) Akbar b) Shah Jahan c) Sher Shah d) Babur
fg;gypd; xl;lfk; vdr; nrhy;yg;gLk; njhopy;El;gj;ij cyfj;jpNyNa fz;lwpe;j Kjy; murh;
------------- Mthh;.
a)mf;gh; b) ~h[fhd; c) n~h;~h d) ghgh; Page |
10. The Shalimar Gardens of Jahangir and _____________ are watersheds in Indianhorticulture.
a) Akbar b) Shah Jahan c) Humayun d) Aurangzeb
[`hq;fPh; kw;Wk; --------------- mikj;j ~hypkhh; Njhl;lq;fs;> ,e;jpa Njhl;lf; fiyapy;
a)mf;gh; b) ~h[fhd; c) `PkhAd; d) xsuq;frPg;

11. Tansen of _____________ was patronized by Akbar.

a) Agra b) Gwalior c) Delhi d) Mathura
--------------- Nrh;e;j jhd;Nrid mf;gh; Mjhpj;jhh;.
a)Mf;uhit b) Fthypaiu c) jpy;ypia d) kJuhit

12. PadshahNamah was a biography of _____________

a) Babur b) Humayun c) Shah Jahan d) Akbar
ghJ~h ehkh vd;gJ ---------------d; tho;f;if tuyhwhFk;.
a)ghgh; b) `PkhA+d; c) ~h[fhd; d) mf;gh;

13. _____________ was an astrological treatise.

a) Tajikanilakanthi b) Rasagangadhara c) Manucharita d) Rajavalipataka
-------------- xU N[hjpl Ma;T E}yhFk;.
a)j[pfepyfe;jp b) urfq;fhjuh c) kDrhpjk; d) uh[htypgjfh

14. MeenakshiammaiPillai Tamil was composed by _____________.

a) Thayumanavar b) Kumaraguruparar c) RamalingaAdigal d) Sivappirakasar
kPdhl;rpak;ik gps;isj; jkpio ,aw;wpath;
a)jhAkhdth; b) FkuFUguh; c) ,uhkypq;f mbfs; d) rptg;gpufhrh;

15. Which of the following rulers was not a contemporary of Akbar.

a) Elizabeth of England b) Shakespeare
c) Henry IV of France d) Queen Victoria of England
fPo; cs;s Ml;rpahsh;fSs; ahh; mf;ghpd; rkfhyj;jth; ,y;iy?
a),q;fpyhe;jpd; vyprngj; b) N~f;];gpah;
c) gpuhd;rpd; ehd;fhk; n`d;wp d) ,q;fpyhe;jpd; tpf;Nlhhpah kfhuhzp
Chapter 15 The Marathas
Ln-15 ஫஭ாத்தி஬ர்கள்
1. Guerilla warfare was the strength of ____________ army.
a) Maratha b) Mughal c) British d) Nayaks
typik kpf;f nfhhpy;yg; Nghh; Kiwiag; gpd;gw;wpNahh; -------------- Page |
a)kuhj;jpah; b) Kfyhah; c) Mq;fpNyah; d) ehaf;fh; 21
2. ____________ was the Guru of Shivaji.
a) DadajiKondadev b) Ramdas c) Tukaram d) ShajiBhonsale
rpth[papd; FU ---------------- Mthh;.
a)jhjh[p nfhz;lNjt b) uhk;jh]; c) Jf;fhuhk; d) ~h[p Nghd;];Ny

3. Treaty of Purandar was signed between Shivaji and ____________.

a) Afzalkhan b) Shayistakhan c) Jai Singh d) Aurangazeb
Gue;jh; cld;gbf;if rpth[pf;Fk; ----------------f;Fk; ,ilNa ifnaOj;jhdJ.
a)mg;ry;fhd; b) nrap~;lfhd; c) n[a;rpq; d) xsuq;frPg;

4. The Council of Ministers of Shivaji was known as ____________.

a) AshtaPradhan b) Astadiggajas c) Navarathnas d) Panchapandavas
rpth[papd; MNyhrid rig -------------- vd;W miof;fg;gl;lJ.
a)m~;lgpujhdk; b) m~;lj;jpf;f[q;fs; c) etuj;jpdq;fs; d) gQ;rghz;lth;fs;

5. Chaudh was ____________ of the revenue collected from the district conquered by the
a) 1/3 b) 1/4 c) 1/6 d) 1/10
kuhj;jpah; ifg;gw;wpa khtl;lj;jpd; tUthapy; --------------- nrsj; vd t#ypf;fg;gl;lJ?
a)1/3 b)1/4 c)1/6 d)1/10

6. In the Military organization of Shivaji, the smallest unit was headed by a ____________.
a) Naik b) Havildars c) Bargirs d) Shiledars
rpth[papd; ,uhZt mikg;gpy; kpfr;rpwpa gil myfpd; jiytuhf ,Ue;jhh;?
a)ehaf; b) `tpy;jhh; c)gh;fph; d) i~Nyjhh;

7. ____________ was the Peshwa who enhanced the power of the Maratha Empire.
a) BajiRao I b) BalajiViswanath c) BalajiBajiRao d) BajiRao II
kuhj;jpa rhk;uh[;aj;jpd; mjpfhuj;ij Nkk;gLj;jpa Ng~;th ------------ Mthh;.
a)Kjyhk; gh[puht; b) ghyh[p tp~;tehj;
c) ghyh[p gh[puht; d) ,uz;lhk; gh[puht;

8. The Kohinoor diamond was taken away by ____________.

a) Ahmad Shah Abdali b) Nadir Shah c) Shuja-ud-Daulah d) Najib-ud-Daulah
-------------- NfhfpD}h; ituj;ij vLj;Jr; nrd;whh;?
a)mfkJ ~h mg;jyp b) ehjph;~h
c) ~P[h -cj; - njsyh d) e[Pg; -cj;- njsyh

9. ____________ treaty brought the first Anglo-Maratha War to an end.

a) Treaty of Madras b) Treaty of Pune
c) Treaty of Salbai d) Treaty of Bassein
--------------- cld;gbf;if Kjyhk; Mq;fpNyh - kuhj;jpag; Nghiu KbTf;Ff; nfhz;L te;jJ.
a)kjuh]; cld;gbf;if b) G+dh cld;gbf;if
c) rhy;ig cld;gbf;if d) Ngrpd; cld;gbf;if

10. ____________ was the British Governor-General on the eve of the Second Anglo-Maratha War.
a) Lord Cornwallis b) Lord Wellesley c) Lord Hastings d) Lord Dalhousie Page |
,uz;lhtJ Mq;fpNyh - kuhj;jpag; Nghhpd;NghJ Mq;fpNya fth;dh; - n[duyhf ,Ue;jth;
ahh;? 22
a)fhud;thyp]; gpuG b) nty;ny];yp gpuG
c) N`];bq;]; gpuG d) ly;n`srp gpuG

11. At the village level ____________ was responsible for the remission of the revenue
Collections to the centre.
a) Deshmukhs b) Kulkarni c) Kotwal d) Patel
fpuhk mstpy; tUtha; t#iy kj;jpa muRf;F mDg;Gk; nghWg;ig ---------- Vw;wpUe;jdh;.
a)Nj~;Kf;F b) Fy;fh;dp c) nfhj;thy; d) gl;Nly;

12. ____________ built naval bases at Konkan, Khanderi and Vijayadurg.

a) BalajiBajiRao b) Nana Sahib c) BajiRao II d) BalajiVishwanath
nfhq;fzk;> fz;Nlhp> tp[aJh;f; Mfpa ,lq;fspy; flw;gilj; jsq;fis fl;bath; ahh;?
a)ghyh[p gh[p uht; b) ehdh rhfpg;
c) ,uz;lhk; gh[p uht; d) ghyh[p tp];tehj;

13. ____________ developed the Nayankara System.

a) Serfoji II b) Raja Desinghu c) Krishnadeva Raya d) Pratap Singh
eaq;fhuh mikg;ig Nkk;gLj;jpath; ahh;?
a) ,uz;lhk; ruNgh[p b) ,uh[h Njrpq;F c) fpU~;z Njtuhah; d) gpujhg; rpq;

14. Serfoji II established ____________ that produced herbal medicine for humans and animals.
a) SaraswathiMahal b) MuktambalChattram
c) Navavidya d) DhanvantariMahal
kdpjh;fSf;fhfTk; kw;Wk; tpyq;FfSf;fhfTk; %ypif kUe;Jfisj; jahhpf;f ------------------
,uz;lhk; ruNgh[pahy; epWtg;gl;lJ.
a)ru];tjp kfhy; b) Kf;jhk;ghs; rj;jpuk;
c) et tpj;ah d) jd;te;jphp kfhy;

15. Name the book which was not written by Serfoji II.
a) KumarasambhavaChampu b) DevendraKuravanji
c) Mudrarakshaschaya d) Kumarasambhavam
fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; ,uz;lhk; ruNgh[p vOjhj Gj;jfk; vd;d?
a)Fkhurk;gt rk;G b) NjtNte;jpu FwtQ;rp
c) Kj;uhuh~;];rhah d) Fkhurk;gtk;
Chapter 16 The Coming of the Europeans
Ln-16 ஐவ஭ாப்பி஬ாின் லருடக
1. ______________ became the political headquarters for the Portuguese in India.
a) Goa b) Diu c) Daman d) Surat
,e;jpahtpy; Nghh;j;Jf;fPrphpahpd; murpay; jiyikaplk; -------------- MFk;. Page |
a)Nfhth b) ilA+ c) lhkd; d) #uj; 23
2. ______________ was the gateway to west Asia and Europe.
a) Diu b) Calcutta c) Bombay d) Surat
Nkw;F Mrpahtpw;Fk;> INuhg;ghtpw;Fk; Eiothapyhf ,Ue;j JiwKfk; ------- MFk;.
a)ilA+ b) fy;fj;jh c) gk;gha; d) #uj;

3. The English got a piece of land from the local chief on which they built ______________ in 1639.
a) Fort St. George b) Fort St. Williams c) Vellore Fort d) Golconda Fort
Mq;fpNyah; 1639k; Mz;L cs;@h; Ml;rpahshplkpUe;J ngw;w epyj;jpy; ----- Nfhl;iliaf;
a) Gdpj [hh;[; Nfhl;il b) Gdpj tpy;ypak; Nfhl;il
c) NtY}h; Nfhl;il d) Nfhy;nfhz;l Nfhl;il

4. ______________ region was famous for its painted (Kalamkari) fabrics which had designs drawn on
the clothes and then dyed.
a) Kanara b) Malabar c) Konkan d) Coromandel
tz;zk; G+rg;gl;l “fyk;fhhp” vdg;gLk; JzptiffSf;Fg; ngah; ngw;w gFjp -------------- MFk;.
a)tlrh;f;fhh; b) kyghh; c) nfhq;fzk; d) Nrhokz;lyk;

5. ______________ is associated with “Blue Water Policy”.

a) Francisco d’ Almeida b) Albuquerque c) Nino da cunha d) Antonio de Noronha
ePyePh;f; nfhs;ifAld; njhlh;Gilath; --------------
a) gpuhd;]p];Nfh b my;nka;lh b) my;Nghd;]h b my;Gfh;f;
c) ePNdh lh Fd;fh d) Md;Nlhdpah b ehuhd;fh

6. ______________ is called the “Father of Printing Press”.

a) Fr. Roberto de Nobile b) Albuquerque c) Fr. Henriques d) Francisco d’ Almeida
“jkpo; mr;Rg;gjpg;gpd; je;ij” vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwhh;.
a)mUl; je;ij ,uhgh;l; b nehgpyp b) my;Nghd;rh b my;Gfh;f;
c) mUl; je;ij n`d;hpf;]; d) gpuhd;rp];Nfh b my;nka;lh

7. ______________ was the Portuguese Black Town.

a) Mylapore b) Santhome c) St. Thomas Mount d) Pulicat
----------------Nghh;j;JfPrpahpd; fUg;gh; efukhFk;.
a)kapyhg;G+h; b) rhe;Njhk; c) guq;fpkiy d) goNtw;fhL

8. ______________ were responsible for “The Amboyna Massacre”.

a) English East India Company b) Dutch East India Company
c) Portuguese East India Company d) French East India Company
mk;gha;dh gLnfhiyf;Ff; fhuzkhdth;fs; ---------------
a)Mq;fpNya fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdp b) lr;R fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdp
c) Nghh;j;JfPR fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdp d) gpuQ;R fpof;F ,e;jpaf; fk;ngdp
9. ______________ served as the Coromandel headquarters of the Dutch East India Company.
a) Karaikal b) Pulicat c) Masulipatnam d) Madras
lr;Rf; fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdpapd; Nrhokz;lyg; gFjpapd; jiyikaplk; ------- MFk;.
a)fhiuf;fhy; b) Gypfhl; c) k#ypgl;bdk; d) kjuh];
Page |
10. Francis Martin made ______________ the strategic centre of French settlements in India.
a) Masulipatnam b) Nagapattinam c) Goa d) Pondicherry
gpuhd;rp]; khh;l;bd; vd;gth; ------------------I gpuQ;Rf; FbNaw;wq;fspd; Nfe;jpu ikakhf
a)k#ypg;gl;bdk; b) ehfg;gl;bdk; c) Nfhth d) GJr;Nrhp

11. ______________ was inherited by Charles II as dowry, which he transferred to the English
East India Company.
a) Madras b) Calcutta c) Bombay d) Delhi
,uz;lhk; rhh;y]; tujl;rizahfg; ngw;w ----------------- Mq;fpNya fpof;fpe;jpaf; fk;ngdpf;F
khw;wk; nra;ag;gl;lJ?
a)kjuh]; b) fy;fj;jh c) gk;gha; d) jpy;yp

12. During the First Carnatic War, ______________ was the Governor of Pondicherry.
a) Peyton b) La Bourdonnais c) Dupleix d) Morse
Kjyhk; fh;ehlfg; Nghhpd;NghJ ---------------------- GJr;Nrhpapd; MSeuhf ,Ue;jhh;.
; d; b) yh Nghh;Nlhdha;];
c) Ja;g;Ns d) Nkhh;];

13. Robert Clive consolidated the British rule in India by winning the ______________
a) Carnatic wars b) Seven Years’ Wars c) Battle of Buxar d) Battle of Plassey
uhgh;l; fpist; ----------------- y; ntw;wpngw;W tq;fhsj;jpy; Mq;fpNyah; Ml;rpia typik ngwr;
a)fh;ehlfg; Nghh;fs; b) Vohz;Lg; Nghh; c) gf;rhh; Nghh; d) gpshrpg;Nghh;

14. Battle of Wandiwash was fought between ______________

a) Eyre Coote and Lally b) Robert Clive are Lally
c) Eyre Coote and Bussy d) Robert Clive and Bussy
te;jthrpg; Nghh; -------------------f;fpilNa eilngw;wJ.
a)mah;$l; kw;Wk; yhyp b)uhgh;l; fpist; kw;Wk; yhyp
c) mah;$l; kw;Wk; G];yp d) uhgh;l; fpist; kw;Wk; G];yp

15. ______________ concluded the Seven Years War.

a) Treaty of Pondicherry b) Treaty of Allahabad
c) Treaty of Paris d) Treaty of Srirangapatnam
Vohz;Lg;Nghh; ---------------- Ald; KbTf;F te;jJ.
a)GJr;Nrhp cld;gbf;if b) myfhghj; cld;gbf;if
c) ghhp]; cld;gbf;if d) =uq;fg;gl;bdk; cld;gbf;if
Chapter 17 Effects of British Rule
Ln-17 ஆங்கிவய஬ர் ஆட்சி஬ின் லிடரவுகள்
1. __________ was the real foundation battle for British dominion in India.
a) Plassey b) First Carnatic War c) Buxar d) Wandiwash
---------------- ,e;jpahtpy; Mq;fpNyahpd; Mjpf;fk; cz;ikapy; epWtg;glf; fhuzkhd NghuhFk;. Page |
a) gpshrpg;Nghh; b) Kjyhk; fh;ehlfg; Nghh; 25
c) gf;rhh; Nghh; d) te;jthrpg;Nghh;

2. According to the __________ treaty, Shah Alam II granted the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to
the company.
a) Allahabad b) Madras c) Poona d) Pondicherry
------------ cld;gbf;ifapdhy; ,uz;lhk; ~h Myk; tq;fhsk;> gPfhh; kw;Wk; xhprhtpd; jpthdp
chpikia Mq;fpNyaUf;F toq;f Nehpl;lJ.
a)myfghj; b) kjuh]; c) G+dh d) GJr;Nrhp

3. __________ introduced the Dual system in Bengal.

a) Warren Hastings b) Dupleix c) Cornwallis d) Robert Clive
------------- tq;fhsj;jpy; ,ul;il Ml;rpia mwpKfg;gLj;jpdhh;.
a)thud;N`];bq;]; b) bA+g;Ns c) fhud;thyp]; d) uhgh;l; fpist;

4. __________ was passed to regulate the Company affairs in India.

a) Regulating Act (1773) b) The Pitt India Act (1784)
c) Charter Act (1813) d) Charter Act (1833)
--------------- rl;lk; ,e;jpahtpy; Mq;fpNya tzpff; FO Ml;rpia Kiwg;gLj;jpaJ.
a)xOq;F Kiwr;rl;lk; (1773) b) gpl; ,e;jpar; rl;lk; (1784)
c) gl;lar; rl;lk; (1813) d) gl;lar;rl;lk; (1833)

5. __________ was the first Viceroy and Governor General of India accountable to the British
a) Cornwallis b) Canning c) Wellesley d) Hastings
,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; Mq;fpNya MSeuhf ,q;fpyhe;J ehlhSkd;wj;jhy; mwptpf;fg;gl;lth;
a)fhud;thyp]; b) fhdpq; c) nty;ny];yp d) thud; N`];bq;];

6. Cornwallis made the Permanent Settlement with the Zamindars of __________.

a) Mysore b) Bombay c) Bengal d) Madras
------------ [kPd;jhh;fNshL fhud;thyp]; epiyahd epiythpj; jpl;lj;ij Nkw;nfhz;lhh;.
a)ik#h; b) gk;gha; c) tq;fhsk; d) nrd;id

7. __________ introduced the ryotwari System.

a) Cornwallis b) Thomas Munro c) Robert Clive d) Warren Hastings
,uaj;Jthhp Kiwia mwpKfg;gLj;jpath; -------------
a)fhud;thyp]; b) jhk]; kd;Nwh c) uhgh;l; fpist; d) thud; N`];bq;];

8. The British officer who ended the menace of Thuggee was __________
a) William Adam b) William Sleeman
c) James Holland d) John Nicholson
jf;fh;fis mlf;fpa Mq;fpNya mjpfhhp --------------
a)tpy;ypak; Mjk; b) tpy;ypak; ];yPNkd;
c) N[k;]; `hye;J d) [hd; epf;fy;rd;

9. __________ was the first state to fall under the policy of Doctrine of Lapse.
a) Nagpur b) Oudh c) Jhansi d) Satara
thhpR chpik ,og;Gf; nfhs;ifapd;gb Mq;fpNya muRld; ,izf;fg;gl;l Kjy; khfhzk; ---
Page |
a)ehf;G+h; b) mtj; c) [hd;rp d) rjhuh
10. __________ justified forcible collection of land revenue.
a) ryotwari Act b) Pitt India Act
c) Permanent Settlement Act d) Torture Act
eph;ge;jg;gLj;jp tYf;fl;lhakhf thp t#ypg;gij --------------- epahag;gLj;jpaJ.
a),uaj;Jthhp rl;lk; b) gpl; ,e;jpar; rl;lk;
c) epiyahd epythpj; jpl;lk; d) rpj;jputijr; rl;lk;

11. __________ introduced English as the literary and official language of India.
a) Cornwallis b) William Bentinck c) Macaulay d) Thomas Munroe
--------------- ,e;jpahtpy; Mq;fpy nkhopia mYty; nkhopahfTk;> gapw;W nkhopahfTk;
a)fhud;thyp]; b) tpy;ypak; ngz;bq;
c) jhk]; nkf;fhNy d) jhk]; kd;Nwh

12. Madras University was established in __________.

a) 1837 b) 1861 c) 1844 d) 1857
nrd;idg; gy;fiyf;fofk; epWtg;gl;l Mz;L ---------------
a)1837 b)1861 c)1844 d)1857

13. The efforts of __________ played a decisive part in getting the practice of sati abolished.
a) Warren Hastings b) William Jones
c) Raja Rammohan Roy d) DayanandSaraswati
-------------- vd;gthpd; Kaw;rpahy; ,e;jpahtpy; rjp vDk; cld;fl;il VWk; Kiw xopf;fg;gl;lJ.
a)thud; N`];bq;]; b) tpy;ypak; N[hd;];
c) uh[h uhk;Nkhfd; uha; d) jahde;j ru];tjp

14. The first railway line in south India ran from Madras to __________ in 1856.
a) Vaniampadi b) Katpadi c) Villupuram d) Arakonam
njd; ,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; ,Ug;Gg; ghij Nghf;Ftuj;J 1856y; nrd;idapypUe;J --------------- tiu
a)thzpak;ghb b) fhl;ghb c) tpOg;Guk; d) muf;Nfhzk;

15. With the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the journey between India and Europe was
reduced by __________ miles.
a) 400 b) 3000 c) 4000 d) 8000
1869y; #a]; fhy;tha; jpwf;fg;gl;ljd; tpisthf ,e;jpah - INuhg;ghtpw;fpilNa gaz J}uk;
------------- iky;fshff; Fiwf;fg;gl;lJ?
a)400 b)3000 c)4000 d)8000
Chapter 18 Early Resistance to British Rule
Ln-18 ஆங்கிவய஬ ஆட்சிக்கு ததாடக்ககாய எதிர்ப்புகள்
1. _________ became the de facto ruler of Mysore against the Wodeyar kings after successfully
handling the Marathas.
(a) Haider Ali (b) Nanjaraja (c) NagamaNayak (d) Tipu Sultan Page |
cilahh; murh;fSf;F vjpuhf kuhj;jpah;fis ntw;wpfukhf ifahz;l gpd; ------- 27
cz;ikahd murh; Mdhh;?
a)i`jh; myp b) eQ;ruh[h c)ehfk ehaf;fh; d) jpg;G Ry;jhd;

2. Tipu Sultan’s capture of _______ led to the third Anglo-Mysore War.

(a) Calicut (b) Coorg (c) Cranganore (d) Dindigul
jpg;G Ry;jhd; -------------- gFjpiaf; ifg;gw;wpajhy; %d;whk; Mq;fpNya ik#h; Nghh;
a)fs;spf;Nfhl;il b) FlF c) nfhLq;f@h; d) jpz;Lf;fy;

3. The Palayakkarar system was originally practised in _____ Kingdom.

(a) Vijayanagar (b) Bahmani (c) Kakatiya (d) Hoysala
ghisaf;fhuh; Kiw Kjd;Kjypy; ---------------- Nguurhy; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.
a)tp[aefu b) ghkpdp c) fhfjpa d) n`ha;rs

4. ______ brought PuliThevar’s three major forts, Nerkattumseval, VasudevanalluramdPanayur under

his control.
(a) Mafus Khan (b) Yusuf Khan (c) Colonel Heron (d) NabikhanKattak
new;fl;Lk;nrty;> thRNjtey;Y}h;> gidA+h; Mfpa Gypj;Njthpd; %d;W Kf;fpakhd
Nfhl;ilfis --------------- jd;Dila fl;Lg;ghl;by; nfhz;L te;jhh;.
a)khG];fhd; b) A+Rg; fhd; c) fh;dy; n`uhd; d) egpfhd; fl;lf;

5. VeluNachiyar was the daughter of Raja of _____.

(a) Sivagangai (b) Pudhukkotai (c) Ramanathapuram (d) Palavanatham
NtYehr;rpahh; ------------------ murUila kfs;
a)rptfq;if b) GJf;Nfhl;il c) ,uhkehjGuk; d) gotej;jk;

6. _______ was the collector who was dismissed from service for mishandling the affairs of
(a) W.C. Jackson (b) A. Bannerman (c) S.R. Lushington (d) P.A. Agnew
tPughz;ba fl;lnghk;kd; njhlh;ghd gpur;ridfis jtwhff; ifahz;ljhy; gzpePf;fk;
nra;ag;gl;l Mq;fpNya Ml;rpah; ------------- Mthh;.
a) W.C. [hf;rd; b) A. ghdh;Nkd; c) S.R. Y}`pq;ld; d) P.A. Mf;dpA+

7. The immediate cause for the Vellore Revolt was the introduction of ______.
(a) Enfield Rifle (b) Dress code (c) New turban (d) Greased Cartridges
NtY}h; Gul;rpf;F cldbf; fhuzkhf mike;j epfo;T -------------- MFk;.
a)vd;/gPy;L uf Jg;ghf;fpj; Njhl;lhf;fs; b) etPd rPUil khw;wk;
c) Gjpa jiyg;ghif d) nfhOg;G jltg;gl;l Njhl;lhf;fs;

8. ________ inspired Kol uprising of Santhals.

(a) BhindraiManki (b) Sido (c) Buddha Bagat (d) Kanoo
Nfhy; vOr;rpf;Ff; fhuzkhdth; ----------- Mthh;.
a)gpd;j;uha; kd;fp b) rpNlh c) Gj;jgfj; d) fhD}
9. _____ was the Governor-General of India when the great Rebellian of 1857 broke out.
(a) Dalhonsie (b) Canning (c) Minto (d) James Andrew Ramsay
1857k; Mz;L Gul;rpapd; NghJ ,e;jpahtpd; fth;dh; - n[duyhf ,Ue;jth; -------- Mthh;.
a)ly;n`srp b) fhdpq;
c) kpd;Nlh d) N[k;]; md;lh; pA+ uhk;Nr Page |
10. _________ defeated Nana Sahib’s forus during the 1857 Rebelliion.
(a) Henry Lawrence (b) Major General Havelock
(c) Sir Hugh Wheeler (d) General Neill
1857k; Mz;L Gul;rpapd; NghJ ehdh rhNfg;gpd; gilfisj; Njhw;fbj;jth;
a)n`d;wp yhud;]; b) Nk[h; n[duy; N`ht;yf;
c) rh; `PA+f; tPyh; d) n[duy; ePy;
Chapter 19 Towards Modernity
Ln-19 நவீனத்டத வநாக்கி
1. ____________ was the first province, where several ideas of reforms originated.
a) Punjab b) Bengal c) Bombay d) Madras
,e;jpahtpy; rPh;jpUj;jq;fs; gw;wpa gy fUj;Jf;fs; Njhd;wpa Kjy; khfhzk; ---------- MFk;? Page |
a)gQ;rhg; b)tq;fhsk; c) gk;gha; d) nrd;id 29
2. “The Father of Indian Renaissance” was ____________.
a) Swami Vivekananda b) DayanandaSaraswathi
c) Raja Rammohan Roy d) AtmaramPandurang
“,e;jpa kWkyh;r;rpapd; je;ij” ------------- Mthh;.
a)Rthkp tpNtfhde;jh; b) jahde;j ru];tjp
c) ,uh[h uhk;Nkhfd;uha; d) Mj;kuhk; ghz;Luq;
3. The National Social Conference was organized at the initiative of ____________.
a) M. G. Ranade b) Devendranath Tagore
c) Keshab Chandra Sen d) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Njrpa r%f khehL ----------- Kaw;rpahy; xUq;fpizf;fg;gl;lJ.
a)uhdNl b) NjNte;jpuehj; jh$h;
c) Nfrt re;jpu nrd; d) ,uhkfpU~;z guk`k;rh;
4. “Back to the Vedas” was the motto of ____________.
a) Raja Rammohan Roy b) DayanandaSaraswathi
c) Vivekananda d) RamakrishinaParamahamsa
“Ntjq;fis Nehf;fp jpUk;Gf” - vd;w Kof;fkpl;lth; --------- Mthh;.
a),uh[h uhk;Nkhfd;uha; b) jahde;j ru];tjp
c) tpNtfhde;jh; d) ,uhkfpU~;z guk`k;rh;
5. ____________ expounded his views in short stories and admirable parables.
a) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa b) Devendranath Tagore
c) Vivekananda d) JyotibaPhule
tpijfs; kw;Wk; tpaf;fj;jf;f ctikfspd; %yk; --------- jdJ fUj;Jf;fis tpsf;fpdhh;.
a),uhkfpU~;z guk`k;rh; b) NjNte;jpu ehj; jh$h;
c) Nfrt re;jpu nrd; d) N[hjpgh g+Ny
6. The Weekly Journal "Oru Paisa" Tamilan was run by ____________.
a) Swami Vivekananda b) DayanandaSaraswathi
c) VaikundaSwamigal d) IyotheethossPandithar
“xU igrh jkpod;” vd;w thug; gj;jphpifia elj;jpah; ----------- Mthh;?
a)Rthkp tpNtfhde;jh; b) jahde;j ru];tjp
c) itFz;l rhkpfs; d) mNahj;jpjhr gz;bjh;
7. The Theosophical Society was founded in ____________.
a) India b) United States of America
c) France d) England
gpuk;k Qhd rig --------------y; epWtg;gl;lJ.
a),e;jpah b) mnkhpf;f If;fpa ehLfs;
c) gpuhd;R d) ,q;fpyhe;J
8. ------------------- was the adherent of BrahmoSamaj in Tamilnadu.
a) RamalingaAdigal b) KasiViswanathaMudaliar
c) IyotheethossPandithar d) PanditaRamabai
jkpo;ehl;by; gpuk;k rkh[j;jpd; Mjthsuhfj; jpfo;e;jth; ------------ Mthh;.
a),uhkypq;f mbfshh; b) fhrp tpRtehj Kjypahh;
c) mNahj;jpjhr gz;bjh; d) NjNte;jpuehj; jh$h; Page |
9. Syed Ahmad Khan founded a ____________ for the introduction of Western Sciences.
a) SatyaShodakSamaj b) Singh Sabha Movement
c) Scientific Society d) Theosophical Society
Nkw;fj;jpa mwptpaiy mwpKfg;gLj;j iraJ mfkJfhd; epWtpa mikg;G ------- MFk;.
a)rj;a Nrhjf; rkh[k; b) rpq; rgh ,af;fk;
c) mwptpay; fofk; d) gpuk;k Qhd rig

10. The aim of the ____________ was the religious regeneration of the Muslim community.
a) Deoband Movement b) Ahmadiya Movement
c) Aligarh Movement d) Wahhabi Movement
,];yhkpa r%fj;jpdhpd; rka kPSUthf;fj;ij Nehf;fkhff; nfhz;bUe;j ,af;fk; ------------
a)jpNahge;j; ,af;fk; b) mfkjpah ,af;fk;
c) mypfh; ,af;fk; d) th`hgp ,af;fk;

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